Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 14, 1862, Image 4
the wMivnm :$mm&. CLEAltriKLD, MAT H,U02. t-i.Tr::; ... ,zzr.;-..' WKITCAR COUttTIUir. ' Ad amualng(lncldnt, aejt f ha Vlr qua, (Wiaconaln,) Eipoaltor,' oc curred In thin locality thia woek i A young gentleman of th village, ho la considerably troubled with calico proclivities, concluded to pasa tb entire: evening with 009 of tbo fair aex In tha country. On arriving ha found tha family all aeated at th upper table and the old gentleman or the bouse, after hating finished till luppei , very politely Invited our young gallant to aup. Now to withhold the name of the Individual In question must cause no "acrnplea" aa to the truthfulness of the atory. He picked np an old fashioned Are ahovel and slipped a fnger in the "ring" or curl of the handle j and his finger having be come ao swollen that he could not extricate it, he ot courae was com pelled to decline the kind ofler. After discovering hie predicament, and not desiring to losvo bis floger with bis aweet heart or to carry away the ahovel, onr fast young man mus tered courago enough to draw forth hla finger from the viso, leaving qnlte a quantity of "bide' in the aforementioned cnrl of the shovel. Now our young gallant, although, a before stated, he had excused bim aelffrom participating In the even ing festival, was as the sequal will show, somewhat desirous of a little refreshment, for, after all bad retired except himself and the object of his Tisit, he . excused himself from her presence for a lew moments and re turned to the kitchen, fonud a pot of "roush and milk," and availing him self of the chance, picked up the pot there being no Spoon within his reach and commenced throwing himself outside oi tbo luxury as fast as possible, when the old gentleman, hearing tbo racket amongst the kitchen utensils, made straight for that apartment, expecting to find old Growler enjoying himself to his hearts satistuction. Our friend hav ing a delicacy about being caught with a big iron pot at his mouth, tried to make his disappearance from tho apartment "double quick" time; but the pot bail, unfortunate ly for our sprightly man, fell over bis head, tho "mush and milk" ooz ing all over his head and nhoulders, xnnch to the chagrin of the poor fellow l Alter being releasod by a kind and intended father-in-law, our yoang friend returned home with boiled bat and coat, determined never again to visit tbo scene of so much trouble In one nigbt. IIaed Sheu, Sermoh "My breth ren," said a bard shell preacher who was holding forth ono Sunday, "if a man's full of religion you can't hurt bim. Thero was three Arabian chil drenthey put 'em in a fiery furnace betted aeven times hotter than it could be net, and it didn't singe a hair on their heads. And there was John the Evangcler they put him and where do you think, brethren and sisters, they put him ? Why they put bim into a cbaldronic of bi lin' ile, and biled bim all nigbt, and it didn't faze bis shell. And there was Daniel they put him into a li on's den. And what, my fellow trav ellers and respected auditors, do you think be was put into tho lion's den for Why, for praying three times a day. Don't be alarmed, brethren and sisters; I don't think any ot you will ever get into a lion's den I" A Smart Yaskiee Girl. We re late a true story, which is a gratify ing instance ot successful Yankee enterprise. A young girl, belonging to a respectable family in reduced circumstances, four years ago learn ed to operate sewing machines, and then went to Peru to teach the art to Spanish girls, and to establish a bu siness in that country. She has since enjoyed uniform good health, and has realized between three and four thousand dollars a year beyond her expenses. About a year ago, she married a wealthy old Spaniard.who, dying, bequeathed to her a fortune of eighty thousand dollars, and thus placed her in comfortable and inde pendent circumstances. She now writes to her relatives to emigrate to Peru and share her good fortune. Pat was helping Mr. Blank to get a safe into bis office one day, and not being acquainted with the article, in quired what it was for. "To prevent papers and other ar ticles which are placed in it Irom be ing burnt in case of fire;" said Mr. Blank. "An' sure will nothing ever burn that is'putia that thing?" question ed Pat. "No." "Well, thin, your honor, ye'd bet ter be after getting into that same thing when ye die." Mr. Blank,."wilted." The Richmond Whig' intimates that some of the rebel leaders are "hanging back." - They ought not to bang back or to hang forward but to bang perpendicularly. The Scriptures speak of tnen!s ask ing for bread and receiving a stone. The rebels call for salt and get pep ered. They think-they get the wrong condiment. Why is the Southern Confederacy like a beautiful young lady ? . Be cause npon the whole it is a, per fect dam-til I It Is impossible to look at-the sleepers in church without being re minded that Sunday ia a day of rest. The Confederate coat tails at this time belong to the order of the "Straight-outs." ' An inebriated man can weigh noth ing correctly ; he Is always loosing . his balance. Some persons, shame the devil, not by speaking the truth, but by out lying him. Suspension bridges are said to an swer a good purpose , suspension banks don't. Difficulties are only occasions for tfee detclopment oi talent. miiKANCiiiun'ftHAi.r. op iin. JL Hi-Vi'i.l LANM for J aim for tba years JMflO sod JWll, , Norrca is hibesv uivbw, that In purso anon of an Aat of Assembly passed tbe 1 2lh day of June, A.D.1HI&, entitled "An Aot to amend an aot directing tba mod of sailing unseated lands, In Clear field aountjr," will La aipoaed to Publlo Bala or outory, for tha turns due and unpaid thereon, at tha Court lloase in tbs Borough of Clearfield, on tba Beo ond Monday in Jane, A. D. 1602t BECCABIA TOWNSHIP. Ao. Vet. Warrantless-Owners. Taxes Thomas Weston. 162 116 Michael Musser, $27 95 Same for '68 & '69, i'6 92 Geo. D. Morgan If Co. 68 Peter Mlllor, H 99 141 4 John Miller, 29 20 68 140 Fred. Hubley, 18 21 26 80 John Bausmun, 6 89 80 61 Frvd Howman, 6 80 169 96 John Beam, 35 00 126 40 Jacob Musaeramlth, 26 09 176 47 Jeremiah Moaher, 86 48 244 141 Thomas Billington, 50 60 25 Thomas Billington, 5 19 399 40 John Witmer, 82 CO 899 40 Henry Witmer, 82 60 231 112 Wm. Wilson, 47 82 165 40 Herman Witmer, 84 17 251 Wm. Brown, 61 96 C 70 Sarah Billington, 1 05 232 Philip WysiDcope, 48 03 150 60 John Wysincope, 31 06 G. L. Reed If Co. 420 66 William Miller, 88 19 Herman JIaupt If Co. 102 116 Jacob Krug, 1067 102 116 John Gibson, 19 67 91 94 Jeremiah Mosher, 11 39 162 116 Peter Getz, 19 67 830 153 Martin Fantz, 40 02 296 125 Jacob Fantz, jr., 35 65 328 153 George Musser, 89 61 215 73 Robert Wilson, 26 02 74 32 Thomas Wilson, 8 98 433 153 David Barton, 65 90 Josiah W. Smith.' 433 153 William Gray 59 89 4-. J. Shoff. 31 i 13 A. Mysincope, 111 David Yonnkin. 50 Campbell & Turner, 10 86 Samo for '56-7-8 & 9 14 40 SO Plunkett, 6 22 Abram Beyers. 247 146 Jacob Krug, 51 12 Samo for '56-7-8-9 . 82 49 433 153 John Miller, 69 89 20 K. B. Havmaker, 4 14 98 140 Michael Fantz, 20 29 BELL TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. For. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Janus V. Ihomvson. 4233 500 Henry Beck, $31 00 John P. Hoyt. 3658 161 118 Jphn Nicholson, 10 06 Wm.. Brady. 3G56 177 81 John Nicholson, 11 01 Arthur Bdl. 433 Benjamin Gibbo, 26 86 500 Jam ea McQheo, 31 00 439 135 Joseph Boon, 27 23 249 Frampton Bell, 15 43 100 Barnburt Henry, 9 41 75 Sherman Jonathan, 4 66 50 Sheosley Michael, 4 66 100 London Joseph, 11 47 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes James Dixon, jr. 89 John Thomas, $9 44 Lumadue and Turner. 208 Jchn Thomas, 22 15 Hunter and Brokenhooj. 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 19 66 . S. Wrian. 408 76 II. S. Drinker, 43 45 Fitch anS Bovnton. 413 Wm.M'Corruick, 43 94 440 Nancy Boggs, 46 86 Cram. Blake.lv and Perleu. 429 41 Malcora McDonald, 45 66 429 41 John Beyers, 45 66 Wm. Albert Bro's. 132 George Uootman, 14 07 G. W. Gearhart. 80 . Walter Stewart, 5 68 George D. Morgan & Co. 158 61 John Montgomery, 16 47 95 146 Richard Thomas 10 09 Josiah W. Smith. 205 Thomas Smith, 21 80 410 75 William Morris, 43 67 75 John E. Shaw, 5 33 63 Luko Kyler, 3 76 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Por. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Wm. Bigler. 98 133 Nicklin A Griffith, $8 34 A. IS. Krtd, Est. 129 Nicklin & Griffith, 25 50 John v . JSewpher. 86 Joseph Fcrron, 10 95 300 II. Leech A J. Patton 21 26 476 John Nicholson, 40 47 322 Josiah W.Smith, 27 40 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Porter. Blair&M'Laneban, $22 46 II m. Hitchens. 52 Francis West, 14 40 John Wooldridge. Aaron Levy, 10 81 Wm. Sanson, 3 24 Same for '58 & ;59, 3 51 Abraham Graham. Ill Isabella Jordan, 8 41 Thomas Waple. Jonathan Nesbit, 5 41 Hall & Buck, 11 41 Jos. & Wm. Sanson, 7 20 V. B.Holt, 9 15 Wm. Graham, jr. 4 60 Moses Boggs, (heirs) 3 33 George Barger, 3 61 Nehemiah Means, 5 41 No 5959 5925 5C82 5926 4020 Ac. 250 200 200 60 156- 100 159 100 127 85 46 100 100 No. 3574 5877 5879 5881 BRADY TOWNSHIP, Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Geo. iV Calvin Bailey. 102 34 Roberts A Fox, SS 70 lilton Reynolds. 900 Henry Wykoff, 140 43 5886 j Robert Ross. 195 77 Casper Stiver, 7 30 James Bloom. 5631 135 Joseph Perron, 12 59 David Whitmcr. 5681 135 Joseph Ferron, 12 59 Smith and Brother. 218 501 Christian Lower, 77 63 ill. Leys, heirs. 110 370 Christian Lower, 57 34 50 Samuel Ambrose, 4 66 25 Z. S. Welch, 3 11 BURNSIDE TOWNSniP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes A. K. Wright. 800 Jere. Williamson, $24 89 James Gallaher. 424 , Mary Crawford, 89 26 Sheplty Priestley. Ill Christian Stake, 10 86 810 Frederick Kuhn 35 24 150 Jacob Rowland, 14 63 150 John Ryan, 9 76 Same for '66-7-8-9 30 21 150 EbenMoMasters, 9 76 .Same for '66-7-8-9 80 21 Clir.RT TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per, Warrantee, eta. Taxes John I'atton, 433 168 John Hrenmmian, 137 83 Henry S. Ih inker, EstaU. 60 Charles Uobln, 4 29 200 Robert Fleming, 17 20 200 Jsiiao Richardson, 17 26 200 Jonathan Walker, 17 26 J. W. Smith. 876 Peter Horse 88 91 Ruth McConnell, Est. 357 C4 Hugh Hartley, 24 C2 120 Joseph Piker, 8 28 271 George Page, -18 71 411 Henry Pago, 28 37 234 James Noble, 16 15 James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, 20 70 30 Armstrong & Garnet, b v'J 140 Fultun, 6 22 Geddes, Marsh Sf Co. 433 153 John Musser, 38 33 aWW VUI1U & VII) 108 Jonathan Kephart, 22 35 50 Samuel Ilagy, 4 28 50 Nicholas Hagy, 4 28 114 Benj. Hartshorn, 9 79 200 MabaHey & Mitchell, 20 70 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, to. Taxes Iredericlc harlhau. 1898 578 Morris & Stewart, Sll 73 1899 890 Morris & Stewart, C4 09 1902 889 Morris A Stewart, 6103 1912 545 Morris A Stewart, 39 25 1'tter Lamm. 1892 200 Morris A Stewart, 1140 II. (f O.Stmth. 5307 2.50 George Mead, 18 01 IZldridee. Mcrrellie 'Ihompson 5370 1100 George Moad, 19 82 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Geo. D. Morgan If Co. 417 121 Thos. P. Cope, $59 41 241 47 John Drinker, 34 29 123 John Skrron, 24 30 408 137 Richard Thomas, 58 15 358 137 Jacob Downing, 61 05 203 151 Hugh Ely, 29 00 210 70 Henry Drinker, 29 90 49 Benjamin Wilson, 6 95 106 115 Joseph Hambleton, 15 17 49 41 John Skyron. 6 92 167 138 Thomas P. Cope, 23 78 46 Wm. Montgomery, 6 49 262 01 Joseph Sanson, 37 29 78 John Cannon, 11 06 97 T'ios. Edmondson, 13 75 67 107 George Graff, 9 56 208 64 William Sanson, 29 68 James M'Girk, Est. 391 159 Thomas Billington, 55 CO Peter Owens. 404 Chas. Risk, (Itax) 57 44 E. Wooldridge. 211 Pat. Moore, (i lax) 30 02 Bigler $ Wright. 433 John Anderson, 68 43 133 Gilbert Vaught, 68 43 Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 12 08 202 R. Coplin, 28 75 James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sanson, 5 30 76 99 William Sanson, 10 91 D. G. Primer $ Co. 290 Eliz.&J. Harrison, 4127 Same for '58-9 39 98 John McGirk. 241 22 William Evans, 34 29 Geo.Wihon,jr. 200 Edward Smith, 23 70 Henry Kephart. 400 SamM Hambleton, 56 88 Due for '58-9 1 66 90 Jacob Cox, 12 81 A. B. Long. 300 Casper Haines, 42 66 250 Casper Haines, 35 87 Same for '58-9 26 51 300 Joseph Harrison, 42 66 Same for '58-9 41 ; 150 Wm. Wooldridge, 21 34 Same for '56-7-8-9 48 28 100 Samuel Kay, 15 80 100 Jonathan Kephart, 14 22 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, $29 50 Jl. Moore. 108 Matthias Slough, 9 57 Charles Houston. 433 153 George Ross, 38 36 L. J. Crans. 150 S. Scott, 13 27 John P. Hoyt. 110 Adam Rigart, 3 41 74 Lewis Jordon, 6 56 50 Hiram Passmore, 4 4 100 Benj. Hartshorn, 8 86 FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantee , etc. Taxes iSillaman Harwood. 4200 330 Jas. Wilson, west , S9 07 JSathamel hailcii. 4188 200 Jas. Wilson, east i 13 76 fy in. bams. 4188 350 Jas. Wil3on, middle. 9 63 Z. Preston. 4271 495 James Wilson, 13 59 Jehu C. French. 4271 495 Jas.Wilson, E. part, 13 59 Spencer and t viler. 4399 372 James Wilson. 25 57 U. S. Land Company. 4241 937 James Wilson, 103 07 4238 947 James Wilson, 104 17 4242 298 James Wilson, 32 79 4090 923 James Wilson, 101 55 1534 20 James Wilson, 2 20 1535 600 James Wilson, C6 00 Moses Ktmpton. 5070 990 Wm. Powers, C8 03 Wm. II. Gordan. 4393 216 James Wilson, I4 86 Alex. Vial. 4340 183 James Wilson, 12 93 Randolph II. Evans. 4276 425 James Wilson, 1161 4275 990 James Wilson, 27 23 4183 990 James Wilson, 27 23 100 B. Davenport, 7 20 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Hood ir Co. 1923 508 108 Morris & Stewart, 316 26 A. tV W. Murray. 1931 549 116 Morris A Stewart, 35 13 1935 536 Morris A Stewart, 34 31 1936 103 Morris fc Stewart, 3 23 Francis Coudriet. 1890 254 12Q Morris & Stewart, 21 39 5365 50 ) II. Sf O. Smith. 5366 563 George Mead, 9 61 Peter Lamm. 3647 117 ' Morris A Stewart, 1 85 3648 47 Morris A Stewart, 70 1837 97 103 Morris & Stewart, 7 75 S. If M. Catherman. 1937 77 Morris Stewart, 2 50 J. P. Nelson. 18S6 50 Morris A Stewart, 77 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes KAmos B, Merrell. 5289 330 George Mead, $35 65 5290 488 George Mead, 52 71 5291 1100 George Mead, 113 82 1834 ) Thomas Graham. 1915 J 500 Morris A Stewart, 21 CO GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes TFm. Wooldridge. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $20 92 149 John Skyron, 11 16 John Flemming. 165 A. K. Wright, 18 64 Fitch and Baynlun, 207 , Jpr May Und, 103 Jamea Mulligan. Samuel Lanibeiru, 100 G sorgo Moor, John Cook. 8G6 Jacob Wotzoll, Hippie, French If Co. 882 Joseph Simmons, J, Cook. 22H Reuben Haloes 100 Reuben Haines Daniel W. Jlrudley. 436 114 Robert Shaw, 431 114 IJyman Gratz, Oeden. 100 William II. West, 145 T. Cope, 109 J. Graham, 274 John Thomas, 848 Joseph Henry, 187 Reuben Haines, jr. Due for '66-7.8 0 100 Charles Hall, 135 Thomas Duncan, 120 C. J. Allport, GUELICH TOWNSHIP Ac. Tcr. Warrantees, tW. Gto. D Morgan tf Co. 225 John Witmer, 31 Ct PigotShaw. 23tf 82 Benjamin Wilson. 305 48 Georgo Baker, 335 151 Beniumin Wilion. 100 Richard Atbcrton, Herman Haunt Co. 321 84 Matthias Barto, 433 153 Edward Hand. 356 09 ' Emanuel Ucigert, 103 Georgo Moore. James M'tiliee tV Co. 119 121 Christian Stake. 193 122 Matthias Younjr. 433 153 Christian Racer, 433 153 Georgo Mussor, 237 4S Thomas Yealer, 210 Daniel OQicy, 215 75 George Laker, jr 436 115 Timothy Paxtou, 433 153 John Burcc, 216 143 John Musser, jr 438 145 Joseph Albright. Titclahoe iV Mt. PI. P. R. 2t0 00 JohnMcCubnn, 98 John Lump black, 200 Daniel Fulker?on, Duo for '5G-7-8-9 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, eto. John H. Otto. 5073 1041 Moore A Delaney : W!74 1041 Moore A Dclancy 5075 1041 Mooro A Delaney 5066 9'.)0 Wm. Powers, 5007 877 Wm. Powers, Wm. Pa ler. 4257 83 15 James Wilson. U. S. Land Company. 4235 986 James Wilson, 4226 990 James Wilson, 4229 905 123 James Wilson. Samo for '58-9 4230 507 James Wilson, Fitch and Bovnton. 375 E. Shoemuker, II. Thnyer'tf 'Z . Lisson. Wilhelm Willink, Wm. Powers, TJ'. B. Gordan. James Wilson, James Wilson, Isaac Xcojir.ld. 5079 1041 80 Mooro t Delaney W. ti. Baker. Moore t Delaney J. G. Kidder, David Caldwell. Wilhelm Willink, James Wilson, James Wilson, 4902 100 5063 298 4225 2.'.0 4230 500 5677 400 200 195 4902 420 4235 490 4225 710 81 05 7 82 11 26 68 63 41 63 84 29 16 00 66 41 64 65 7 60 .15 87 12 22 67 00 61 47 15 37 76 62 11 6 20 26 18 00 Taxes f 50 63 2 92 22 13 28 58 31 42 9 37 42 54 66 85 40 72 14 16 11 09 18 08 40 72 40 72 22 21 19 64 20 46 40 97 40 C7 20 34 . 40 97 Co. 21 37 9 17 "1J 00 30 15 Taxes ?11 2 44 112 44 112 44 100 92 91 72 95 91 100 49 106 92 104 23 75 41 54 76 40 51 10 80 32 19 27 00 54 00 112 41 10 80 21 CO 5 27 45 36 )6 15 l:,si 433 153 433 153 433 153 433 153 274 325 103 150 29 200 161 200 300 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Cooper If Pusey. Richard Peters, 60 01 Peter Kuhn, 66 01 Frederick Beatcs, 60 01 John Dunwoodie, 66 01 John Cooper. Adam Kuhn, 45 76 Eb' nezarBrenbaru, I Adam Kuhn, J 66 01 Palchin & Swan, Benj. Young, 18 30 Samo for '56 7-8 9, 42 24 David McKeehan, David Brown, 4 58 John Palchin, Philip Loust, 12 20 Wm. Johnson, 9 82 Wm. Wilson, 30 50 Same lor '56-7-8 9, 61 00 John Patchin, 45 76 .Same for '55-7-8-9, 91 53 KARTIf AUS TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes bredcrxck Karthaus. 1900 fiOO Morris A Stewart, $38 50 1901 778 Morris t Stewart, 126 55 1943 507 Morris A Stewart, 74 76 1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 23 50 Devisees of J. II hite, Esq. 1093 79 22 Charles Willink, 4 72 1023 88 Charles Willink, 7 21 3403 ) 3475 ( 638 147 Charles Willink, 37 65 Henry Yothers. 1097 100 Charles Willink. 2 96 E. McGarvry. 856 Charles Willink, 12 69 59 Charles Willink. 89 1665 900 J.IIewes.Myers&Co 53 10 1655 957 132 do do 56 46 700 Willard, 41 30 5112 1 others 398ac. A. Custard, 23 49 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Benj. R. Morgan. 433 153 Wm. Hunter, 22 09 Fitch Sr Bovnton, 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 82 36 Daniel Bausman, 200 G. & M. McCormick,20 40 Same for '50-7-8-9, 42 30 I nomas McClure, 100 Jonathan Jones, 10 20 John M. Chase, 433 153 Caleb Foulke, 58 90 293 Geo. Wescott, 39 86 433 153 Robert Wharton, 58 90 433 153 Geo. Seaff, 58 90 300 John Bovd, 20 40 109 Susauna Ward, 12 04 255 G. & M. McCormick, 17 35 129 John Dorsny, 6 58 120 Wm. H. Robertson, 12 24 600 Isaac Thompson, sr., 61 20 200 Isaac Thompson, sr., 10 21 100 Isaac Thompson, sr., 5 11 90 Thompson&Egelman 16 32 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP, Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Fitch & Boynlon, 221 Hugh Jordan, 32 28 413 John Reed, 60 31 277 G. D. Goodfellow, 40 44 MORRIS TOWNSHIP, Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Ed. Perks $ Co., Jesse Yarnell, 35 04 George D. Morgan, Wm. Drinker, 23 31 II. S. Drinker, 33 67 Richard Thomas, 11 83 John Reed, 28 87 Michael Sonder, 21 40 Patrick Havs. 14 03 William II. Robertson, John Best, 1 10 E. C. Burton. 433 153 Robert Rainey, 35 82 Ac. 421 282 407 143 849 260 170 141 40 44 92 63 140 6 66 William Hoover. 100 163 I'ranela Johnson, Gtoret Slatt. 400 John Huston. 83 00 Jl. II. Long. Trustee. 433 16a Thomas Morris. 85 82 433 163 William Morris, 86 82 433 163 Samuel Meredith. 86 82 438 163 William Miller, 86 82 279 163 Hetty Morris, 23 08 433 lo3 Thos. Fltzslmmons, 35 82 433 153 Georgo Clymer, 86 82 488 lb3 Robert Gray, 2o HZ 33 153 Patrick Moore. 35 82 433 163 Mary Morris, 35 82 483 153 Magnus Miller, 35 82 433 163 Nalbio Frazey, 35 82 M. If J. Hujf. 170 Blair McLanahan, 6 60 Same for '68 9 14 13 J. A. Crawford. 223 Simon Gratz, 18 43 P. Kepple. 100 John Nicholson, 8 6 Robert Thomas. 231 Christian Baker, 18 97 Henry Creamond, 60 Casper Shatner, 2 76 Same for 1858-9, 4 68 Mary Jinn Berger, 269 91 Joseph Hublor, 14 88 210 143 Jacob Graff, 11 66 .'6 John Graff, 35 300 Teter YnrmdL "1 76 406 139 Richard R. Smith, 33 67 20 John.Barron, 16 77 Samo for '60-7-8-9 51 61 100 J. Farlow, 9 90 90 Jot-cpli Potter, 5 29 PENN TOWNSHIP, Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes 30 James Johnson, 3 46 PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes W. C. En os. 4252 959 85 James Wilson. (l 4258 hS4 15 James Wilson, 37 61 5778 200 John Nicholson, 9 76 4262 990 James Wilson, 35 76 5777 1020 21 John Nicholson, 45 50 2S John P. Hoyt. 3 20 344 K. A Z McNaul, 17 95 111 R. A Z. McNaul, 3 90 5779 400 John Nicholson, 24 90 450 Daniel Bailey. 13 00 UNION TOWNSHIP. No Ac. Per Warrantees, etc. Taxes G a rtl a ti d Ir wi n . 3567 350 Roberts 4 Vox, $25 72 50 Henrv Bailwy, 4 90 202 R. W. Moore, 32 10 196 Henry Whitehead, 4 81 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Biiflcr Sr Reed. 433 151 John A. Vaught, $35 24 456 159 John Walls, 37 13 John Patchin. 427 30 John Carmon, 34 71 Chas. S. Coxe. 433 153 John Roll, 35 24 Robert J. Wallace. 153 5 Peter Henry, 4 88 Same tor '58 9 4 46 140 Hugh Ralston, 6 50 Same for '58-9 7 00 Wright andMcnges. 443 77 Samuel Eralen, 32 50 Geo. D. Morgan $ Co. 336 145 John McCahen, 28 30 57 143 Mary Connelly, 4 08 Wm. B. Alexander $ Co. 100 Rowland Evtns, 8 12 ... . - James M' Ghee $ Co. 334 42 PigotShaw, 27 10 210 Sebastian Graff, 17 56 438 73 Thomas Edmondson, 35 56 Dr. D. Houlz. 433 153 Philip Loast, 35 17 433 153 Jacob R. Howell 35 17 433 153 William Johnson, 35 17 100 63 Geore Beckham, 8 12 Wm. Albert $ Bro. 121 . Eli Uootman, 9 83 215 5 Thomas Neil, 17 47 100 William Wilson, 8 12 JOSEPH SHAW,Treas'r Clearfield, April 2, 1802. CJ ALE OF SEATED LANDS FOR k3 TAXES. lu pursuance of the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed tho 29th day of April, A. D. 1844, to provide for the collection of Taxes on lands whereon no personol property can be found and where the owner neglects or refuses to pay the Taxes assessed, I will expose to sale at the Commissioners' office in Clear field, on tho second Monday in June, A. D. 1862, (being the 9th day,) the following pieces of land in Clearfield county, viz : List of Lands returned by Collectors BECCARIA TOWNSHIP, Acres, Owners, Taxes 216 James Robins, 11 66 Same for 1800-1 24 01 BELL TOWNSHIP, 300 J. & J. Thomas, '58-9 45 37 Sauie for 1860-1 51 15 BRADY TOWNSHIP, 20 Henry Radaker, '58-9 9 18 Same for '60-1 10 54 62o John Dubois, '58 9 75 60 Same for '60-1 80 80 CHEST TOWNSHir, 200 John Port, 1859 9 97 200 Mitchell & Mahafly,'59 8 55 114 Benj. Hartshorn, '59 4 05 50 Samuel Ilagy, '59 1 77 60 Nicholas Hagy, '59 1 77 228 John Taggert, '69 8 12 Same for '60-1 19 66 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP, 115 Valentine King, '59 4 02 Samo for '60-1 7 47 100 Alex. M'CulIough '59 4 37 Same for '60-1 - 8 12 100 P. & A. McCarl 59 - 5 25 Same for '60-1 9 75 BOGGS TOWNSHIP, 160 Anthony Brine '69 4 24 Same for 60-1 11 36 50 David Good '59 1 67 Samo lor '60-1 4 47 10 Enoch Gearhart '59 79 Same for 60-1 2 13 11 Enoch G. Gray '59 1 75 Same for '60 1 4 69 KNOX TOWNS HIP, 50 George Galer, '59 1 62 Same for '60-1 3 40 PIKE TOWNSHIP, 76 Joseph Bennett, '58-9 13P90 Same for '60-1 15"27 150 Wm. Craitr, '58-9 10 37 Same for '60-1 ' 13 34 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP, 100 - Abram Goss 10 32 .Same for '60-1 11 87 100 Mark Stott, 10 82 Same for '60-1 1137 JOSEPH SHAW, Treas'r. Clearfield March 2, '62. Look Here!! TISWAEE, AttrSPRECEDEXTED LOW RATES, jjamps, uneaper Tnan Ever, Bacon, Rye, Corn, and other grain, at reasonable prices for oaah, at March 6, 1863. R. M0SS0r'3, C 1IIA1KNI! CHAIN Ml CHAIRS t!!tt J SnW T TTlK TIME TO HOT !! !! Th undersigned has now on band, at hla Furni ture Rooms on Market ftt., Clearfield, I'a , a short dUlauoa west of Litt's foundry, a large stock of CIIAIR5 OP ALL KINDS, manufactured out of tba beet materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CA811. Hit long ear.erince In tha bu incit inakus him feel ooundnnt that hi chairs are made In a subNtautial ami wotktnanlike manner, nd will stand the text of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should call at ouce and get tbdiu while they can be had at the lowoxt rates. Feb 27, 1801. JOHN IKOUTMAN. JUST 11ECEIVRD AT If s.t N A 1! CLE'S iftJwS tvrl CHEAP JEWELRY BTOKE, Cfga Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment ot WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which wain vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be had at KAUULE'B. The Acericau Lever of di?erent qua.lit.ies, can be had at NAUOLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La v, Jott, Carbuncle, Uarnett, Opal, Florentine Mo aio, Ciold tStone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. to., or single pieces at N AUOLK'8. Plain gold Breast pins. Ear drops, Hoop Ear rings, children's ear drops and rings at NAL'ULE'S. Uold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUULL'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, rhirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLL'S. A fine assortment of gold finger tings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockots. coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacle, watch guards, and all articles in hisline, ou hand at NAUGLL'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange forgoodsat NAUGLK'jS. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLL'S. li you wisn your watciies put in eood ror air and warranted, take them to N A COLE'S. FURNITURE ROOMS!! Benner & Barrett, Respectfully announce to tbo public that they have completed and are now occupying their new FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, fronting on the Market lot and nearly opposite the Court liouso. Cabinet making will be carried on in the upper story of tho same building, in all its different branches. All kinds of furniture will be kept constantly on baud, and sold cheap for Cash, or exchanged for country produce or lum ber to suit the business Their stock will consist of PARLOR. ROCKIN'G AND ARM CHAIRS, KP11ING SEATS, CAIN 110TTOMS. Ao. Parlor, Sofa, Centre, Card, Dining, Extension and Ureakl'ast Tables Sofas of all Kinds, Varieties and Patterns. Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Wardrobm, Ac. Bedsteads Jenny Liud, High Poets, Cottago, French I'osts, Ac. Mattrasses Hair. Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn husk, of tbe best materials. Looking Glasses of all sorts and site. Also glas ses for old frames. Also, What-nots, Wash-standj, Work-stands; Hat-racks, Ac. COFFINS made to order on short notice, and Hearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, Maple and Lin wood Lninber taken in exchange for work. Oct. 23, 1801. NEW-YOKK T H II? IT N E N E W VOLUME On the seventh of Septembor, lbGl, THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE commenced tbe twenty-first year of its existence; the THE DAI LY TRIBUNE being tome months older andTUE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat younger. For more than twenty years, this journal has la bored in what its conductors have folt to bo tho cause of nu inanity, Justice and Freedom, endeav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and encourage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by all means tbe moral, intellectual and material ad vancement of our country. It has aimed to be right rather than popular, and to espouse and commend to-day the truth that others may not be willing to accept till to-morrow. In purging this course, mistakes have doubtless been made and faults committed ; but, having in all things incited our readers to think and judge for them selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth ers' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal tho credit of having qualified its readers to detect and expose even its own errors. To develop 'he minds of the young by the most general, thorough and practical Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry, through free grants of Public Lands to actual set tlersand cultivators, as also through the protec tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branches from too powerful foreign competition, are among the aims to which thia journal has adhered through good and evil report, and which it stead fastly commends to American patriotism and philanthropy. As to the Civil War now devastating our coun try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, then was ev er before known a Rebellion in the interest of tho few against the many a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten the chains of oppression. Having done all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War and witnessed the lorbearance, meek ness, and long-suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, wo hold it onr clear duty, with that of every other citizen to stand by the nation and its fairly chosen ru lers. and to second with all our energies their ef forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and the supremacy of the laws. And, though the Re bellion has become, through usurpation,deccptiou, torroism. and spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic tar stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts uf loval hearts and hands will insure its overthrow, but on all questions affecting the objects, the seope, and du ration of this most extraordinary contest, we de fer to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose and of action indispensable in so grave an emer gency In a crisis like tbe present, our columns must be largely engrossed with the current history of tho War for the Union, and with elucidations of its more striking incidents. We shall not, how ever, remit that attention to Literature, to For eign Affairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops. Markets. Ac which has already, we trust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its cotemporaries. Our main ebject is and shail be to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from which a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the do main of Action but in that of Opinion also. As our facilities for acquiring information increase with years, we trust that an improvement in the contents of our journal is perceptible, and that, in the variety and fulness of intelligence afford ed, we may still hope to 4 make each day a critic on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continu ance of tho generous measure of patronage hith erto accorded to our journal. TERMS DAILY TRIBUNE (311 is3uea per annum) . . $5 SEMI-WEEKLr (104 issues per annum) .... S3 WEEKLY (52 issues per annum) . . - $2 To Clcbs Semi-Weekly : Two copies for $5 ; five for $11 25 ; ton copies to on address for $20 ; and any larger number at the latter rate. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty we send The Daily Tribune gratis one year. II eekly : Three copies for 5S ; eight copies for 510, any any Iargr number at tbe rate of $1 20 each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to ont address for $20, with one extra to him who sends us the club. For each club of One Hundred, The Daily Triboe will be Bent gratis for one year. tvben drafts can be procured it is much safer than to rami; Bank Bills. The came of the Post Office and State thould in all cases bo plainly wrm-en. raymeni always in advance.. Address THE TRIBUNE, S6.l54NaBjau.-st., Sew-York. TERMS OF THE JOWISAL. The Rattim an's Jorajui, b published c W.4 ootday at fl.60 per annum In 4?t.0. If J. paid at tbe beginning cf tbe yti,r, 12,00 will hi charged. Al VEKTitt M cuts will be lnrtad at tl f0 r,, square of 12 lines for three or Its Insertions' J. very additional lnertion 21 otnu will beehti ed. A deduction will be made to yearly a4Tr titers. No subscription taken for a thorter time tb ix months, and uo paper will be discontinued na til all arrearages are paid, except at tbe option ef the publisher. . j. imye COUrs'TY DIRECTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in Jaoe 3d - In March. 1 4th in 8rtB, , Of each year, and continue two week j if neor Mir COUNTY AND DISTRCT OI'Firos Pres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Eellffir.t As'te. Judges Hon. J. I). Thompson, Curwer.Ti;; Hon. Janes Bloox, Forrei: Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks, . . Clearfiell. ProthonoUry, John L. Cuttlo, . . Reg. A Rec. . James Wrtgley, . . DUtrict Att'y, Israel Test, .... -Treasurer.. . Joseph Shaw, . . Co. Surveyor, U. B Wright, . . Olen IIop. Commiss'n'rs, Wm. Merrell, . . .Clearfield. B. C. Thompson. . MorrisdiU JaoobKuntr, . . . Lutheribnrj J. B. Shaw, . . . Clearfield. i. U Howman, Chas Worrell, J. W. Potter Auditors. Coroner. Co Superind't Jeesee Brootnall, N. Washington Lecontes Mill . Curwensville ti. W. Caldwell - W M'Craokon - Thos A. M'UW, - J. W Cmpb:i. - H. L. Hendernoa. James Bloom. LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townships. Names of P.O. NamesofP.M tseceana, - - ttlen Hope, Bell, - - - Bower, " --- - Chest, - -" - - - Cush, - - - .... Ostend, - -Bloom, - - Forrest. - . Boggs. - - - Clfiarfield Bridge. - P. B. Miller. Bradford, - Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Watson. Brady, ... Lutheraburg, - - R. II. Moor. " ... Troutvilie, - Charles Sloppj. - Jefferson Line, - . John lieberlio. Burnside, - New Washington James Ga!!hr. - - - P.urnsidb, - - W. C. Irvin. " - - Patchinville. - - Jack Patchin. C hest, - - - Hurd, - - Clearfield, Clearfield. - -Covington, Frenchville, " ... Karthaus, - - Curwensvilte Curwensville, - Decatur, - riiilipsburc. Centre county. Pa Ferguson, Marron. .... Edin. Williams Fox. - - - - Hellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. uirard, - - - Leconte s Mills, - C Mignot, " - - - Bald Hills, - Goshen, - Shawsville, - -Graham, - - Grahamton,. - - Smith's Mills, - - Maaera, - - - - Tyler, - - - Pennfield. - - Jordan, - Ansonville, - Karthaus. - Salt Lick, - -Knox, - New Millport, -Lawrence, - Breckenridge, -Morris, - - - Kylertowa, - ' ... Morrisdale. - - Penn, - - - Lumber City ,t - - H W. Spenoer " .... Grampian Hills, - A.C.Moore. Pike, .... Curwecsville, - T. W. Fleming. 4 - - - ltloomingville, - - l'enj. F Dale. Union, - . Rockton, - - - D. E. Brub&ker. Woodward, Jffries, .... Jos. Loskett. 4 This Post Office will do for Chest township. Will answer for Fergi son township. M YDE HOUSE, RIDtJWAY, PE.NN'A. S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in all retpectt February 6. iHfll. Guclich, . . Huston, G Toxer, jr. M. A. Frank P. A. (Jauiio. J F.W. Schnarr T. . Fleming. William C'arr. - A. B. Shaw. . Thos. II. Forest. - A. G. Fox. - Chas. J. Pusey. - David Tyler. . II. Woo (ward. - Eliza Chase. - Geo. Ileckadwrn - M. O. Stirk, - J W.Thompson - Jas. Thompson Jas McClellaad a first class house. JUST FROM THE EAST. R I C HARD MOSS O P, DEALER I.N FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Si C. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Read the following list of goolr- a'ld profit thsrthy . Cheap: j-gH TH SADIES. Goods Chejp ... ,.. , . , rr Good GoO:tt Cheap Alphas, De I.aines, uihghaua. GoitJj, Cheap Prints Lhintt, kerchiefs. N'u- ( . Dies, iionnew, uioves. etc. - Xfj. leap Cheap bies. lionnets, Gloves, etc. Cheap FOR GENTLEMEN, GooJs Cheap Always on hand lUaok, Hint. V,tovrnOoodt Cheap and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Cheapi tasimeres. battinets. Cassinets, Ckeapl Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest- Che ap ingsr Shirting, etc., etc. etc. Cheap READY-MADE. CV.WM Such as Coats. Pants. Yest3. Under-K?" Cheap ghirts, and other Flannel shirts. GoeJi Cheap Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck- Cheap ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Cheap a variety of other article. Ltheap unrcrnni r.iinnr.o Xvf'-Such as Unbleached and Bleached f.ooJ. "-"'"Vl M.iaU. IVI.,,.,1 r.i:. t: ,iroia .,71 .iuanu3, . . . lit- u and cotton table cloths. Oil cloth. Linen and hump ton Is. oar pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. Goods 'Goods Goods U roods f Good G'tods GooIn Goods Goods Cheap Ukeap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheav Xou wantNails or spikes. Manure Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap or other forks. Saw-mill or other saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU WANT CVfa?'Kuives and forks. Butcher Knives, CheapX Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Cheapx and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or Chcupl Pens. Powder, Shot or Lead, Chtap Cheap etc., buy them at Mossop's. IF YOU WANT Cheap shoe Last or P-;-s, Palm or Fanoy Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win dow bliaaes,. .Lamps, i.amp tubes or V icks. coal oil. eto , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. Chrap xr 1UU i Cheap ood extra family Flour, White or Cheap cr.own ugar, nams, saomuers or Cheap ses ooffee; Imporial. Young Cheap Ryson or blacK tea, buy them Cheap at Mossop's cheap for cash. Cheap Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, KJueap. oyrup or moiasses, cnees. ariea Cheap apples or peaches, water or so Cheap do CracKnrs, call at Mossop's Cheapl where you can buy cheap. Cheap IP YOU WANT ishcap Port wiue for Medical or Sacramen Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goodi Goods Goodt (roods Good Good' Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Good' Goods ( roods Goodt Goods Goods Good-' Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods tal uses, Swet wine, old Monon- Goods c-ahels. or rvn whlaKv. Cherrv irooa-. and Cognao brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap oaah store. y.Raisens, Figs. Prunes or dried Cnr-jgJi GJi Goods (roods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheuj-n Cheav) cheaper for cash than any oth Cheajy ' Proa in Clearfield county. -Goods Cheap November 27, 1351. ap27 59- Goods Approved country produce of every kind tali at the usual market prices in ircliane for goodt- rants; filberts, cream. pecn or q00js ground nuts, candies. Liquorice qoJs or Liquorice root, buy tbem Goods at Mossop's cheap and good. Goods IF YOU WANT Goods To buy any other article cheap, be 'Goods sure to go to Mossop, for he sellr Goods er Goods OGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. One containing VU acres ciearea good fence. A log bouse 1'Z by zo, plana uo by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-bandings thereon. Large sprin and gpring-bouie con venient to house. The land is well watered ana has sufficient wood and fencing timber. - There an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a cres 10 cleared and under fence balance weii timbered. This land has a log house and itacio thereon. For terms app'y .... , ... OctoherU. J. CRASS. C!earfie.i.