Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 14, 1862, Image 3
THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, FA., MAY li, 18C2. House Bukned. We learn that on Wednes day last, the 7th instant, the house of Jacob Knntz, jr., of Brady township, ivas burnt to the ground. The fire originated from a stove .pipe. Mrs. K. was the only persons about the house at the time. A neighbor, however, soon -arrived, with whose assistance Mrs. K. suc ceeded in saving most of their household ef fects. All the clothing and a watch belonging named Freeze were burned to a young man ;in the house. Tbe rjunaing was a goua and Mr. Knbn's loss is estinia'ed at from four to five hundred dollar'. Hocse ajjd Barn Dsteoyed by Fire. We have been informed that, some ten days since the woods in the neighborboed of New Castle iu Eeccaria township, was set on fire by some unknown person, which spread very rapidly and soon communicated to the fences on the farais of W. Broonbaugb and Jacob Kephart, -and from thence to some dead trees in the fields. Whist Mr. Kephart and others were engaged in arresting the progress of the de vouring element in the woods, fire was com municated to the roofs of his house and barn, both ul which, with all their contents, were burned to the ground. Our informant also says, that it was reported that two of Mr. K's small children had been left in bed in the house, and but for the timely arrival of their .father would have perished in the flames one -of them having most of its clothing burnt oir . before it was rescued. The 113th IUgimint Fa. Vol., (12 Cav :alry,) left Philadelphia a few days since for the seat of war. This regiment was recruited in the northern counties of this State, and is -composed of large, strong and active men. It is commanded by Col. L. B. Fierce, who has been connected with the service since the commencement of the war. The field and staff officers are, Colonel Lewis B. Pierce, Bradford county. Lieut. Col. Jacob Kohler, Fhladelphia. Fiist Major Darius Titus, Warren CDunty. Second Major James A. Congdon, Lancas ter.county. Third Major William Ball, Juniata county. Keguneutal Adjutant George W. Ilenrie, Tamaqua. First Battalion Adjutant II. C. Fulte,Fhil .adelphia. Second Battalion Adjutant G. B. Hammer, W arren county Third Battalion Adjutant Michael M.My ers, Philadelphia. Kegimental Quartermaster Harvey R. Iiea- kirt, Philadelphia county. Surgeon Jos. D. Schoales. Philadelphia. Assistant Surgeon II. B. Cruice, Phila. co. Chaplain Geo. II. Hammer, Warren co. Sergeanl-Major -Tracy O. Ilollis, Brad ford county. Regiment Quartermaster Sergeant Parley -Coburn, Bradford county. Hoxpital Steward Geo. W. Seibert, Phila delphia counfy. KIGOEE-LOTERS AND ABOLITIONISTS. Col. L eo.m das Metcalf, of Kentucky, late ly made a speech to t!io Union men of Carlisle, Nicholas County, in that State, in which he paid bis respect to those negro-loving seces bjoni.sts, who, when hard run for nn argument, will cry "Abolitionist," Abolitionist,", as if it 'was only necessary to fix the stigma of abolitionism upon a man to ruin him forever. This " out fpokeu Kentuckian draws the por traits of these cringing dastards with tho pen cil of a Limrier. We take an extract for the e Itficatiqn of these puuy-souled creatures: I had aturted to pay my respects to the nigger-lo era of the ftotitli. There bus been jio election idiice I can remember but tho cry of nigger was raised. A constable, coroner, judge or president could hot bo nominated lint the same old tune was ground. L iwhI Ur law wu passed to tighten the tenure by which wo held them. Statu laws, fugitiv'u laws, territorial legislatures miht legislate a man to the devil if they chose, l( ho had n iiiciltr i but laws Mere passed to prevent them Jfwiu legislating on the subject of niggers. A Ilepiiblicuti Congress passed laws to prevent themselves from legislating ott lii-giucs In the .U'liilories, Milt the- cry Was luoio security, tnoru voucub: iri, until they requiru u 1 to liiieel to (iosb i s Cap, or elso they aro Hot tho Kimou lJucktiwr putt.'. They swear that it is Oud'a liiHtitlitloii. nnd that In hi mi till too wisdom ho hislljitlu'J tho trader lo tliu pbiis culling of catching and chaining the Mild Al ti' nn lu ihu hold of tunn filooiuv ehUi i t r.t n t hini ft "in his ti,ifv Mlli ttht fo hi i"'til H ill danger, to Iho rotloti floldn of Amur lot, Nil for the glory of find and tho ifiautim "I bis kingdom I that their pursuit and plena tin! in All U'.k i kMtlmoimi to (Jod i hut when Hipyuni tiaiKpoited to tho dltoii fjo. It'nt iim1 to ntistj nix tilled to tlm hiid, t'l"ut In till rewind, for h'Miow plaN"i tlio ,oid mid shall hnvw It mul III lemli whlhi li.iiiois whnlmtu loiijj t,,,!!! (nol.HjIeil In tuakliiK black rniaelK, iptielly jun ket Iho pro t.Uti Iho e. iiiiin, T hII (In yn i,,,!,) mi'tnly pioiulxii Hioj wi'r oryim urn n AbnlitlonUi, And niine of Iheni (mIIlim iiiu helping in pop. Mhitt Jlc,ivti dlli imgeN only M ,.n;, fhU U no J'diei nil Ihii h,m boon pfu, hel nun lint puliil by Jhu Muhl ooly.wln(.;e. nl. i'i f midline. 'J i, y do not ktup Ht Omultlng nniii, 1ml blimphiiiini (Jml with t lu 1 r ohe'ul mi ihliyln .m l piinilerlnjf to u nl of cuiiMpt 'yhlon J lekiunei, who e.iniiot nh. any n(hnr miiii or object on tmilh Ihiomjli which pleat mo or li:iiilni'Hi can ho neeuie'l but liljffcerj '' otln r i,tij (o Keureit but on a iilguvt'u ' 'o k. They tmikl h ive (hu M In , ij r I comiiio. JiiNe, or Uit-y will hri-tik Up the pnvei imieiit, 'liM tlm lll.si'.uil CoijipMHiilfo Unlit bo co I'ah'J, If iilfi't fall, or Choy will nock all t'i" tiieli r pliitilnjcN khii tifidijf I'lirhf Samuel. Cry of AbolltioiilNtls Iho whip Hint It c,,'i'l(iii!iy held np to seiiid the IgimMfit lnt ItetiiocCnl lc, Slid limy (luj sc(-i-nlot ratikH. 'I $'n look nt tlthif with common sensu, Ji'U re an AbolltlofHut. J you am for conn. 'ff 'n tut (iinji-tlty f illing, yon atis uti A'K'tiflotiM. H It tiliiM wn mt a sl'op bt thes'j hi:lti. (hey citihol listen Id fenson. tUi Hilitttt'ni ctri tiP.ii t.nwunti scuta InUi ,!l'('n with (4 4 irren sj-ftmoto tilth tli.it will '"'t bonfire' ir i halhW. A few nliolptouni tuny a UUi-t bul huf M tti-h-ii line. '' HvinuHtiti iilii'tf L'umtiinti fli.il fh UbiiU IU(if4 t,,il. 1... ..in... M J i,.ll lt. Il.iH. 1 "7 thvvv oi l Uhki U H bt&iHwi , id i leati 1 . .ti.ii 1 11 nun. JH'BI Lt' II IIFU II 11111 i ' '' ' 1 f 1 1 1 h t tf tic !i 'f ft It h 8 S ti t! I It if (i I K H i;'JU,r" "ifoueri'itit trie 1 ''"Info Ifff btjiirfoh H iivl k-jj IhisiiMitk-ji Mifvf. H of ft r.t.i tali f-m kiln i'i- ery traitor in the land as plainly as yon can your hogs, bv the ear marks. They have a pass word, by which you can know them at well in the night as in the day timo-thas word is, "Abolitionist." That is the sura total of all their arguments. ....... v Glorious News !! JTOKFOLX & PORTSMOUTH SURRENDERED. "WOOL COMMANDS OUR TROOPS. President LInsoln Superintends, in person, the Embarkation and Debarkation of our Troops He is First to Step on the "Sacred Soil." THE REBELS LEAVE WITHOUT A BATTLE. THE MERRUIAC BLOWN Ur. The Yorktown and Jame:town Captured TFJ-rtress MosaoE, May 9, 9 P. M, Old Foiut tnis evening presents a most starring spectacle ubout a dozen steamer transports are loading troops. They will land on the shore opposite the Rip Itaps, and march direct on Norfolk. 4 The President has declared that Norfolk must fall, the Merrimac must succumb to the Naval power of tho Union, aud that the Gov ernment property at Norfolk must bo re-possessed at whatever cost it may require. What is more, he has determined to remaiu here un til it is accomplished. The Hip Raps are pouring shot and shell into Sewell's Point, and a bright light in the direction of Norfolk leads to the supposition that the work of destruction has already com menced. The transports are gathering in tho stream, and have on board artillery, cavalry and in fantry and will soon be prepared to start. President Lincoln, as Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, is superintending the expedition himself. About 6 o'clock he went across to the place selected lor landing which is about a mile below the Uip liips. It is said the President was first to sfp on shore, and after examining for himself the facilities of landing returned to the Point w here he was received with enthusiastic cheer ,ing by the troops who were embarked. The batteries at the Kip Haps h-ive stopped throwing shells and all is quiet. The fltiet are floating quietly at anchorage, ready at any moment for activity. -r Porthess Monroe, May 10. The troops left during the night and at daylight could be seen from the wharf landing a short distance from the Kip Raps. Tho point at which they have landed is known us Point Pleasant, one ' ot the favorite drives from Norfolk. Gea. Wool and staff remained to superintend the landing of tho balance of our force, all of whom were landed and otf b fore noon. The President accompanied by Secretary Stanton, acccmpunied General Wool and stall to the wharf and then took a tug and proceed ed to the Minnesota where the President was received with a national salute. It is generally admitted that tho President and Secretary Stanton have infused new vigor tnto both naval and military operations here, anu that the country will have no cause for further complaint as to the insulting course of thi; reliels in thisquaiter. The following despatch was received at the War Department : Foutress Monroe, May 10th, I 12 o'clock, P. M. Norfolk is ours and also Portsmouth and the Navy Yard. Gen. Wool having completed the landing of his forces at Willoughby Point about nine o'clock this morning, completed his march'on Norfolk with 5,000 men. Sec retary Chase accompanied theGeueral. About five milos from the landing place a rebel bat tery was found on the opposite side of the bridge over Tanner's creek. After a few dis charges of companies of infantry the rebels burned the bridge ; this compelled our forces to march around five miles fuither. At five o'clock In the afternoon our forces were with in a short distance of Norfolk, and were met by a delegation of citizens and the city was formally surrendered. Our troops inarched in aud wo now have possession. Fortress Moxroe, May 11 Tho Merrimac was blown up by the rebels -it two minutes be foie 5 o'cloek this morning. She was set on fire at about 3 o'clock, and the explohion took place at the time Mated. It was said to have been a grand sight by those who saw it. The Monitor, Nau.iluck an J gun boats have gone up toward Norfolk. rROM OEN. MeCLELLAN'S COLUMff. Sttecrful Advanco 3ttle at Williamsburg. Tho battle before Williamsburg on Monday the olh, was a most warmly contented engage ment. Owing to tho roiiahrieM ol tho coun try and bad condition of the roads, but a small portion of our troops could bo brought Into action, (ten. Sickles' KxoeMor J5i icadu. of Gen. Hooker's division, boiu the grout brunt of tho buttle and fought most valorously though greatly 1 'eipowered by tin 111 bum and the siip'ii lor position eurthwoiks 0 llio ene my. Tho ppio.uhen fo their works wero a mull' of ravine mid swamp while tin.' lain fell In toneiitH throughout tho day. The men had nlf hei'ti l) lii( 011 their iinns all the pre Vl"UM till? lit III tin mid. Snaked w ith l ain and chilled with cold. Tho Intth' raed from ear ly lu tho lnoi fillip lililil.'i 1. elude In (ho alh'i'. noon, ben (i'Mivral M'Clullao iin lvrd wjlli frouli fiotppn mid lulloved the division of C ! n . Honker, who weiu imurlr ronf rato wlih f.. tlii'f uii'l ('.xpoKiiie, whlUl the .".'I I!ctNlor loyluif fit (f Hi" bi'ladn had IU I'.inkn tiillibly thinned hy Urn I1.1IU of Urn oiieiuy, They HID iKplUKi'llfl'd MX lHV ill il'ht Willi Nlll'll Impudent biavury that lint m than two hun dred of tli'Mil Wi'in lilllixl und WOUIidnd. Al (yr Iho nil Ivul of (Jen. M'Clgll.iu ti.o , nmiiy worn lli'icely f'hrti yr'l upon by Huiicock 'n hi I (f i'i i, t ii I wero ililvi u wllhiu their wotU, lioforo nijjthtf all, with In-uvy Nfaily ')0 i( Ihnlr ili'.ol weiu lell 011 the- fleh1( with many wounded, thiiiijjh iiioni o the latti'r worn cur. lied lul Wllllaiimbiii, NIrIiI Imvliiff foinu on v.j oceiijded tho bittlo Held, thu enemy hiivltiff hien dilven within hif work. A laiK'i fiuiuhxr of wagoiH and iiiiiultlon of war and a pnsldnr iblii Morn of provlmuiH woro lound lu town. 'Iho i ni-iuy hud forty thou sand In'iii under Johnson. fjouHheet and Eur ly. Their I mop worn pilneipally frwi.i tlm uln iiie South. Our killed and wound. m will (each f'lpht IniiMlled. Tho enemy In ft live liun lreil In W llll inisburg, find retreated bo Jond (he Milekahofnlny. A ri't'onnolsatico ty our cavalry (o (hat stream found no foi tific 1 tkiMi,nn'l captured J'ifolper and itriiiff. Bat'.lo H mlr bynn'l Vnii-itnibur? 'I'hn sff-.'tiuef' fioul I'm kfo vii, f ej "Hi n b.i( J i fulled beyond Willlams'nig en Wed tiesJif (ho 1Hif Iff wee ti (ho (roop ol ( i crier al ff-afiltliit und fjetietiil M'-d.vie!t, nnd (ho fi'liels" tifidi-r (J'lri'.-r il I;C'j who wero cudeaor ftilF (0 m:iko (fflr war in f! kb'nond. ( N said in hare heetj (ho fc(-cst bilflo bii ih'i jiehlfis'iit. 'fi'j febclft wefu (f.iflly fou(d iffld (1 iiik'-tii irtfa dflvftf I'tek nwiitM (Ini I lifideMJ''ii. ,6'rnl'ifi ftf '((pi Olffc'c- h'VlWHi: th "jtoiti hiifn her bt fcd"f.tl iltllf '."I w bhzhif wfjri tUHtii iiit-k dv' htii tiihhntii wHIi Mil kiiiihlii: :tvi lH-1 ivA tlnH Mflt iihiiiiM ItthH rffjf hhih Mbli hi UiH llhiti bit holbihf titbit U:hhtih1i bbU that number having landed. Tlad it not been for the guuboats our troops would have ' been defeated. . . Tight at Slater's Mills. An engagement took place on Saturday the 10th, between our advance and the enemy's rear at Slater's Mills three miles from New Kent Court House which resulted in fourteen of the enemy's cavalry being killed,and sever al taken prisoners. They secured their wound ed. The sixth cavalry, which made a most brilliant charge, bad three men killed, three missing and thirteen wounded. The Latest News.. Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail- Gen. Pope in a dispatch to Gen. Ilalleck, dated near Farm ington, May 9, says : The en emy, 20,000 strong, drove in our pickets be yond Farmington, and advanced against the brigade, occupying the farther side of the creek in front of my camp. The brigade held on for five hours, until it was heavily pressed in front and the flank, and that I could not sustain them without passing the creek with my whole force, which was contrary to your orders, and would have brought on a general engagement, I withdraw to this side in good order. The conduct of the troops was excel lent, and were reluctant to withdrew. The en emy made a demonstration to cross but aban doned the movement. Our loss was consider able, though I cannot tell how great. The enemy being much exposed suffered severely, one of his batteries was completely disabled and his infantry driven back several times. My command is eager to advance. A K.iltimore correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazelle, under date of the, 11th 3ays: The nows from Richmond, to-day, is too good to be kept back an hour, if it can bo avoided. Gen. Franklin is in Richmond. The Gosport Navy yard was completely des troyed by the rebels, together with a large number of steamboats and othei vessels. The rebels left forty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition in the fortifications on Crany Island, which areadmiiably constructed. Latest advices from Gen. M'Clellan state that ho is-within 20 miles of Richmond. . MARRIED: On Wednesday April 30th, 18G2, bv Kev C. Jeffries, Mr. Samuel Kirk to Miss Kkbecca Biers, all of this county. On the 4th inst by James II. Caldwell Esq., Mr. Fredrick S. Bloom to Miss L'lvina Bloom, both of rike township this county. On the 4th. by Kev. S. Creighton Mr. M. Maiter to Miss Clara Jones, all of 1'hilips burg, Centre county, Fa. DIED: On April 2fth, in Fox tp-, El!i Co. Fa., Sa- R au A. wife of John Whaien, and daughter of John and Mary Owens, in the 27th year of her age. 1 he deceased was a conssitent member of the M. E. church. Her end was peaceful and serene, and she died in a, lively hope of a btisilul immortality. i . Hewitt. NEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY IN CLEAKtTELD, i'A. Tho undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that ho has commenced the in anu fuefure of iHone-Wnro in tho Borough of Clear field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks. Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be oougnt elsewhere. Jle solicits a share of patron age. FKEDEKICK LE1XZIXGEK. Clearfield, Pa., May 2j, lSi'J-ly. VEW BREWERY. MOHE LAGER. ll The subscribers .wculil roocctfully inform the Tavur ke per; a .d others that they have re cently started a new Brewery in the Borough of Clearfield, and that they arc now prepared to fur nih Beer on the most accommodating terms. They have employed an experienced Brewer, from tho cast, and they feel confident that they cau supply a superior urtiele of beer. (Jive them it trial aud judc for yourselves. JunojJO'lW) CHARLES IIAUT A CO. !STf W V rm"B' MALONEY & Co, X Xlllll piflMPSBUKG, P.., M'ould respectfully inform the citizens ot Centre und Clearfield counties, that have jut received and opened a new and very extensive stocK of TIN & COFFER-WARE, SIT K K T I It O N-W-A II K, A VAKIETV OF fjTOVKS, and a general nsfortnient ot tir Moles usually kept in 1111 eftubliihliierit of the kind, which they oiler chop lor cash. Approved product) taken inpay ment at mantel prieo. .Inn. !". IS . J. ttl.E VRI JELI) MUSIC MIIOOJ,r..rin f pli fi'il ion upon tho J'iano, Melodeon and Out tar, aiiii In Ilnt'iiiiuiy and Singing. Term Tor pupils under els years old, ?.'i,0(), fir tievetily two Jdhkoiim tif one Imlf linur each ; for nil pupil over lx year old, Iflil.dii. forieveu ty-two I"iiiii of one hour each; upon riuim, Me-lo'l'-un. (iiiltar or in llanuouy, J'liyiibln, line fourlli nt lln) beginning flint tho hiilain'o nt tlm end of llin iiinirii r, Viu'iil inuxlii fieo to nil 1 tmliuiiieiital lupll. .wtuilit l iihoie, $,'I,(M) Jinr tellil, ItiiouH in Mr. Alnxiuuler Irwin', Oct.. I . iHilll, li, A. I'. ItVM'lilt. Tenehf-r. S j) ring ()j)on rug at 1 l. Y. SM VV I & CO S, Of (Jio latest nnd mont fu.-ihionablo (I O O J) S. I MUST QUA MTV Ol' I'll f NTH, Wurninti'd (tood ' e lot h it nd f i'i eolm , fur wt I lit mir fiuiiier price to wit : ii ei iil per yard. Ainu, a htr'i ioek of I'niulint'M and ,y(rln, t!m now rnglnrf iiifli lnl for Inivelllng ooiiunnt find prui.o fiiido drntue ; Willi a oolilpli'to UHorli,i;lf of f.iidlen' Ilref 1 1" I III - lolngi, fluttoiiH, Tu-fcl-i, Cord, F k 1 1 1 Unti l, (!or lln Zephyr WorNtud, FIihiI.uhI Wool, Einhroi dery, Bilk, etn. A ehoicti lot of IrluiniiiitM for Zouavti'M, eoiislMlliig of (llinp, Silk, WhltoHule, f'teel Jingle, OlltZou nvi'H, lihirk Zouiivi'H, etc, t ie,, ele. With f-'upurlor Flock of t'urotfc, Cord" A I nn t-ni. I'rlut", Collonale, ('Miiihrl Iieiiim. Jii-lnuf Shnirl, Vutu. t.'lieck. tlfl! Shawl, lllekory glripo, t'liiini fif-ii t. Ttveiil. llrilliiiti'fl, fn wri rohe, lln nclkorchlef, f rN!i Lltitieii, (lent' fiupprfor Olnv'lwtin, t'ord, Jirill, 'e(: tie. I.mriiB. luti Mo f.nine. lMnck Silk Meilltiref, fifilxirltir, t (in n'l hrr; b lefp, K -ri t v .ffMfi", Morittutdipii.-, (loop skirl. I;ai. (.'iiliiif re,f .rt'ic MIM. Motile, Chltd. tfon'i lue Iht bppottuhiif id Eeornrn''1) (in i-i ii W. P. i f.'o'ii, n!i.r vod will tecelro ii f c'fM'ir ur th-l" ni a infill fatiHti :n fn eol. Art kit bil iilh'l ihf'i- f Diit ' itWlth TrltrV iif (J-'ifig i'i il Vt. f?. i! if e. teif t-aii f' i H fH'' Ri . , fitUrffi of if (lp jV.f fof :lHi.. ('all fifi( f-f-ri ft' Mif hii'-i biiiH MfH'y , , . I' i'i fig H $bi. . .1 IfrriH Hi- i !,j Hid if til-'- - WANTED. All -finds of grain will be taen in payinentof deots due me, for. which the highest market prices will be given. Iec.ll. 1301. JAMKS li OR AHA M. CAUTION,- All persona are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property-i viz : one yoke of red or brin dle oxen, now in possession of Joseph 11. MeCol ley, as the same belongs to me, and having ojily been leased to him by me. April 9 'C2-pd S. M. DICEECMAX. 1QJO EYRE & LAXDELL, iQiQ 100.4 Fourth Cr Arch Streets. Phila- I 0 )6 delphia. are now offering their usual a-sortiuent of l'ry Goods, adapted to Spring sales. -1 ashionable Dress Silk, fashionable Sprincr Shawl, new as sortment of Dress Goods, Spring Prints, DeLaiues. and Uinghams, Muslins and Linens of first quality, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. Table Linens, Towlings and Napkins. X. B. Clack Silks, be low regular prices. March 12,'62.3m. TO THE riJRLIC. The undersigned hav ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm of -Vioore & Etzweiler, and having made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronago heretofore extended to tho firm, he hopes by strict personal attention to busines.1 to merit a continnenee of the same. March 26, '02 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILEK. Flour! Flour!!-SSr?M and for sale, good family flour, at cash price, by Jan. 13. lrft2. ME II It ELL & B1ULEK. T inn Ai'C ! A lot of choice Liquors, such -Llv J llJI o as Brandies of various kinds, Whiskey, Gin, etc., Just re:eid and for sale by Jan. 15. 1S(52 MEKItELL y B1ULEU. I Vj I Just received and opened the VjOclllJlli the be?t article of PURNIXG AND LULK1CATINO OILS. Also Benzine, an articb: that supplants turpentine in many uses, all whieh will be sold cheap fcr cash by MEKKELL & KKILEK. TTn Vf AVO Vn f-TLi5 undersigned have re iLilIU tlll i cently added a very ex tensive assortment to their farmer large stocs of II A R D W A RE, AVhich they are prepared to dispose of for cash at prices to suit rue times. i'er.-?on desirous ot buy ing hardware, should remember that wo can sell cheaper than tho cheapest on account of the heavy stocK wo have on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of us. Give us a trial. Jan. 15, ISA2. MERKELL & BIGLER. Lamps ! Lamps !! thane The undersigned have just received from the east an extensive and varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LAMPS, ever brought into the county, which they offer at prices, che:i r.er than the cheapest. Unc advant age in buying from us is. if Ihe burners become loose we fasten them without charge Now is the time to buy. We also repair lamps aud put new burners on when desired. Jan. 15. 1361. ME RRELL fc RIO L E R . rjp Y R O N E C I T Y II O T EL, TYRONE, ULAIR COUNTY, PA. A P. OWENS, Proprietor. Also Oysters, Wholesale and Retail. -Idecl9 JLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; Tobacco, Segars, Ac, FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basoment of Merrell t Bigler'a building by Feb. 27, ISCl-tf. O. B. MERRELL. A New Lot of Goods. rilllE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocK A of merchandize of the late firm of Pattou. Hippie & Co.. have just added afresh supply of .SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drus. Quecnware, Roots and Siloes, Clothing, Muslins, Do Laincs, 1'rinU, Sattincta, Flannels, etc,, which they ofl'er at low jirioes FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, taKj!n in ex change for goods. We respectful iy usk a share of patronage. Call and e.iainine our stoeK. Curwensvillc. Dee. 11. I11PPLE ,t FAUST. N B. The account. of Patton, Hippie .t Co , are in our bauds, aud wo hereby notify persons hav ing uiiHott'ed iieeOutit. to call nnd cttlo thesamo us wo desire to have the booK tdosed . December 11, 18CI. II TITLE A FAUST. THE ir.MON .NOW AND I OR EVER! READ ! READ!! READ !',! A New Attraction iu theso Diggings ! NEW AND CHEAP Clothing- Store, In the ".Miitifion Iloue," oppnsiln tho Clciirfitdd Co. Bank, (Mr, Shaw' old nfutid,) Cb-iirfield, It ninth of Jlri irnilrl ii Hut's 1 2'i Xoi tlf Ti hit Ktnrt, Vlnlitihtyld't, P,t. The undnr.dncd r"riiitfiilly hihkhuu'o to tho inhabitant of Cloarfleld county, and the publio in general, tbnt they have opi-in-d at tho iibovn n lined plneo tho nioxt extonnivo and bl rclociud stuck of JIEAMV-MAI'IJ CLOTHING ami Geniloincn' riii nidilng Good, that hn ever been exhihiteil lu thl borough, and which they will n 2' fitr mil. itiLiu r ili ui rliithnu nn ti'tr hrt a koIiI iii ('. p.nl nf Hit c'liniii i. Gnr ldck einbriieii a full and complete unhurt- merit of all j:iiriuiit gi-nenilly wnrn. nindo up of od niiitiirl.il nnd In tlm hm tyg un.l woiKinun- ulilj). A jjniieral iijuorttueiit ol' i:o"s ani vornrs clothing, furnishing good, luit und imp, friivellng bagi, trluic 1 flu mud nnd m h lie hhlrl ; In tdmrt every thing gmierally found lu u m II nnortod Mure-of thl Kind. W'u nf.io kecri a fine n-oi tnn nt of FANCV (iODMS AN It NATION'S, ilt)h n pocket honk, fmrf finnile, poehof . kniv", eonili, hru.die, wnlidi chain and guard-, violin find guitar utringf, plslol.i, revolver, gnu cap, fpeiif( le and a great many other fuii'iy nnd uxo ful rtif le too numerou to inentioti, ull of which they will nc II nt well n tho clothing At the Lowcl fJah Prljr. W i) Invito ftvery pcraon In ticod of i-Mb Ing tr of any of tlio nhovo merit lone I urtiele. (o fuvoru with a call ari'l view our good nrel prlo-, and we mo Coiifidoiit (hat wo can giro natlufaetioii. no thai every fifrori shall foci Jnplified in fell hi ftieti'l where goo.l nn I ehcnp elotlilng can be gof. AVe nl-o tfon'.itifly reeett tug (i .(e-'Wor fo our f;(o'-k from Ortf o it tf fritifiufaelurlfig (bililliiiifi in FMNiir-liiliLi, fin'l IkiII iiltv:r lie fciit'illed wll.'i -t goo'i taflely fit fill Hi fl-le-l u fmr ilr'i". Khh'fi pftnN -irpM l-i filyle, H', werltHn-i lilp. iirrl f-'hefi i'i if" fion ff ifir fitf,f.f loi!ltf f-!;ifi- i ffi ft nf iH iht4 tnil bt ifirj Miih, fr U tnif hh-i hobl ti-iiUi'ti, f fioff? Id if It HHiini ilifffj i f pi'tM'c' ( hiioas f.ffll !i IHtP.?ttli I V.I - Dried Apples pies on hand and for sain by Jan. lrt. 1S02. ME It KELT. IUilLER. Bargains ! "Bargains ! ! mcriAiio mossop has Driel Apples at 5cts per lb , Peaches 10 ct,. SrCAR CtRED Fl A M S 10 CT3, BEST SMOKED SlIOULDEES 8 CT3 PER TOCNP, Rafting-stoves, bast quality $3,50, ALL KINns of TIX- WARE VERT LOW, REST CALICO 12 CENTS PER YARD, Good Calico. by the web, at 10 cents, All Kinds of Glass-Ware at Ha'f Price, COAL OIL LAMPS AT HALF PRICE. Now is the time to buy. N EW ITR3I AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEERED F. IRVIN. The undersigned give notice that on the I2;h A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the nnrae and firm of John & J F. Irvin. - They inform their customers and the public in generid that they have received from the East anil opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WAKE, HARDWARE, AC, & C, specially adapted to the wants of the community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Hoots, ijhoea. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates: Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable n E A D Y. M A I ) E C LO T 1 1 r N O , at prices to suit the t'nies. Now is the time to purchase. Call in anu examine our stock boforu yon purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply yon with all kinds of goods, at ns low prices and on as reasonable terms asyou cau procure them el3owhere. Givo 113 a trial- JOIIX 1RV1N. May r.O, 13)50. . JERKED F IKVIN. N. B. Persona indebted to tho old firm are re quested to call ap.d settle. may 30. NEW- GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring&SummerGoods ' AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received and opening, a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods, of almost ev ery description. Staple and Fancy. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, 0 li o i c c Groceries. HARD-WARE AND QUEENSWARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Maekerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUTE rior quality. All of which will bo sold ou the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. June 2(5, I Sol. WM. F. KiWIN. Furniture ! Furniture !! JOHN GUELICH, Desire to inform his old friends and customer that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in g'iod style and at cheap i -ites for cash. He mostly has on hand at his - i'ui niture Rooms." a varied assortment of furniture, among which fs, IJ UREA US AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobe and Book-eases; Centre, ofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining o. tension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jcn-ny-Liind nnd other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF Abb KINDS. WOHK-S TANDS, HAT RACKS, WA.SII-tf TANDS, vc. Itocking-andArinCliairs, Spring-scat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ,' And common und other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for old (nimes. which will tie put in on very rcasonaiilo terms, on short notice lie also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair. Corn-huxk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COl'I'INS, OF EVERY KIM), Mado to order, and fuueraht attended with a H'-nrso. whenever desirable. AImo, IIoiim) painting done to order. Thciihove, and tunny other article are furnished to eunl omcra cheap for Cash or exchanged larup P roved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, I. ln-w;od and other Lumber suitable tor tho busi iu'h.h, t:.keii In e.xehang'i for furniture. Iteitieiuber Ihe nhop is on M.nKet MtrocL Clenr fiebl, and nearly opposite the "Old .lew Ntor.'' December t, H;U JOHN GUIM.ICH. New Spring 0 oods. .7. J. KILVVyAllU Has juft received u general assorluiout of r-'prinj; DHV-G'')DS, ' Deluinii, cuMbnierH, repi, valciiC'iMti, moilnos, al paeeai. prints, eohurs, giiigluinn, du'-als, chintz, io I In, ioiihIIiih, i-loUii, CM-iiioer.M, twee Is, satli tietts, llaniiels, linen, dehiiges, nhaw ls and dusteri. CL'HIIINti. Over-coats, dre.-i coat, business eoiit, panls, vests, shaw f, nnder-slilits, drawers, iiecklies. duo linen shirt, By ron collars, ehonkers. cravats, 'hats, cups, lino eulffkin bool.l. heavy kii boot! and flioes. .GKOUEK1LS. cofTe", tea, molasses, sugar, salt, cnndlen, rice, Hdeen, flour, tobacco, ryrup, candies, es.n tiro of coffee, pulverl.ed fuar, cracker", etandi, P:id.i, Fpeimend tnllow eandler. black lea, .salcratui. HAitDWAiu: & qui:i;nsw.ai;i:. Nails, npiknn. forks, fpa b-n, fhorels. springy mw, filnii'-K, hw. lingers, Riivmlhiiig-lron. p-issor. meat eulteM, knivoM and itki, pleelynrds. pen knire, plofie tea setts, ttirecn", dishes, ftlmi'ware. Iiibla. hiodi gfovea, hoplery.collHrf. jioefi-pk ir(. balniortil skif-H, hontie's, ilbtionn, flower", pIoumm, i fi u f if- frame. fueliM, lar-e, ,r;ti 1 bin dln, r.'-(di tr, yiiftt, frlfg't, htiHot!", Diiiiinifig of all klti'J-, ti. .Mt. t'r:f,UNF.tifP. ''if "(flh", Iru'-he?. p-hfioj bookt, wall fiiifief, lirlii'i Inf'liifl fof'f, eo.'icH trtfni'h. fntiM, tut fad hair f-o.T-li if fdioiifif, iljrt-', eotfert tuf tj. bl.iffllfih'l bii. IphfffJ fill; Ttlfl -in if (jN fclfi. ... AH ht trftl If ft 111 lHn. firttttJHfbM ft?rJ.-ri-ihM lrh if f.f if pf-ftf.'l f-Mfi'f ff'.'f -t LI M E; I I M E ! lFurmtrs Lime r lanJ.i. The gubscriber would iiifoiru tbi farmers of Clearfield countv, that he keeps o atantly on band at tb .lone Kiln at Tyn r. large stock of lime, and will furnish on cntrjT any quantity at th terminus tLc Tyrvi-e aud Thilipsburg Rai'iroaJ. March ly, 12. W:i. II. rCPniVTSN. New Goods. Tust received at the' Corr.fr St.irev" C-iw e:.i-ville-. a new and Aeaft-r.atdc fctck tf gu :.i. which will be sold upon reasons ' terms W. IRVIN Clover and timothy seel f a gnod qva'itv. tVr sale low, by - U M. IRVIN. Grain of all kin ls, bacon and lard. f-r si'.o a: the "corner store" by WM. IKVIN One new tw o-horse wagon for aTe. iria'T at Curwensville, of WM. llA IN Onrair of good beavv oea for .ib 1 r March V2:c,2, " WM. I'.tVlX. 4 TTEXTION, I'.EE KEEPERS." A J, aius A Co., having purchased tho R;ht of Clearfield Co. for -.1.. ll.,ihon d Tateta Im proved movable comb Beo Hive." would respect tally direct the attontion of li.e kecj eri to :b." many advantages it pussei ovrrauy o'-ier out. WUh this Hive you cui: b.ive ciaipUt c jii trol over3-our Decs cau at :i:.y tir.-.t- leiuove v. ..a surplus honey without k:!!::.g Lea .-.,r. m.tKe artificial swarm? when desired can revei.r y -cr liecs from being destrove 1 m-.rh and i"!ir advantages it possesses wLieh will rfier!unei,Jrft it io all interested in loe keeping For Ilivs-. Individual or 'i'gwu.-fhip l'ight. address. i:. ADAMS i CO.. I'eb. 19. 1S..2. C. -.4 spurt. Iu.iiaua c .. i'.i JVO. 2. WAKE VI' t-Tl.een lerirr.e ! wo.G ! respectfully inform the citizen of C'-Hrf;eid and vicinity, that he continues to do all kindd of" Dlacksmithing on sdiort li- ti :e and in the ver best style, at liie Old .vbr.p alougfivlv ot tne Town Halt. Kdge tool;!'!' a!l kin. is uia.ie aud Jrtwfi in the best manner, and warimuod to jrive enii;e satisfaction. The pitelic will remt-iuber. tii.tt I am not in the habit of tumieg v-X jobs.-..;, a:.- ui t of not being able to i!o tb.!-,.' I H-k i a ttint. and then the public may judge uf th work f r themselves. . llcmemlei iho --tild hop" t ti.e Town Hall. JAMLs HA Kir'. Clearfield Pa , August 11. 1-01. N. U. Any jobs that Mr. I'.issiuore caniv.d n cute, will be done ou very thort iioa.-e. NEW T) RUG STORE The subscriber ha opened a fvill a j I eoa: plete assortment of D li. I' ti in j.ew bti.k building which he reeeutly er-.-;...J i U corr.. . of Locust and Cherry .'treete. the I.'c-ruugh of Clearfield, where he ill t a!! tiiats be harpy ?.t accommodate any personu ho in.ty desire articl' in his line. The business will he couCued strict! v to a DUCG AND I'Kh.-CUIl'II'.'N bL.SINl-S.5. and no pains will he spared to render sat i.-f.iotion lr. Woods, may always bo fjuud and coi.sultei in the "DrugStore,'' when not a'l.'vnt on profes sional business. A separate room for eoi;3uiu tion is attached to the Store, where patients ixav be examined jirivatclv. Every urtiele usually f.tund in su.-h an rst.Hb lioLmcnt will be kept en band, and Sold at greatly reduced prices. Tt rntsUimr strirtly Vu Ji ill en able them to ofi'er inducements in the .iy of pi ices. Physicians will b suj. p!:e! at a sin a. 11 pvrcer.t ago over cost and carriagrt. Xutir orders art s i ted. Every article sjld will bo pure and of the best quality. M. WOOD. Clearfield. Pa . Februarv-1". l?ol-tf. 3 MPOK T A N T ANNOr'NCE.MENT I ! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and tho public generally that he has just leceivei and u poued, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED .STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Oueer.sware Groceries, and all other articles uua!ly kept ia a country store, which ho will dispo.-o if at as Iw rates as they can be purchased in the county, ar.d of as good quality, if not better, lie respectfully Koli.'ifs a!l to give him a call and exi.rjji.it Lis stock before ptnehasing elsewhere, mil LefteU certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW ''OK CLE. fMIE LADY'S FRIEND GODEY-SLADVS A IJ JOIC FOll Uf2 'I he wm-M"s favorite. For 23 Yearn the S'.aiidard MigHzine. Pronounced by the Press of the United .-tales, tie be?t Lady j M'iga.ine in the World aud the Cheaj . cj . 'i'iic Literature is of that kir. J tLat i.ia le read aloud iu tho family circle, und iLe c't.rgy in im mense i'i umbers are subscribers for tLo Look. The left Lady WriUr-t in Ainerije contribute to its pages, and w e have seme tLat wrile for r.o cli.cr Ma gazine. Tun Mn. iif is all original, and woul 1 ect 2: seiits(the price of the Look in the musi; riores ; Hut most of it is copyrighted, and cannot to ob tained except in "Go-icy " Dtir Stril Lugraii u;:. Ail Q". rls to rival t in this have eeajei, and e imvv niu.l t.ione ia this department, giving. as wo do. tnai.y mcie u: 1 infinitely better engravings than are pubiLLt 1 iu any other work. rdirt',t linmcnxr Don '.'e .v l'jh i'W'Pi'it'. Containing from fivetoseven lull length f olorel Fiifbions on each plate. Other magazines givo onlv two. iiir Ahcn.l of any Fmhion in L'ttroror Am'ri t:. Goiey's is the only work in toe world that (.lives tbe.vj immense pla'es, and they ore u -!i m to have evcite i the wonder of pu'di-hers nr th public. The j ublifition of tlie-; plate: r--t 510 -(100 tnoio than l'nhion-p!at. of the o! 1 Hfyie.und ijothing but mtr wonderfully l.-irifn eirculafion enables us to give them other mag a si ne cannot a (lord it We never f :i rn money wli.-n tho jiiit. I ie can bo l.eneli led . i hee fash ion min vlie re! ie I en. Drcxses may bo iui Ij alter them, and tho w carer will Dot culjeet herself to ridicubi.ai would be tho c:lo if flic vi itel tho l irgt: cities dre-e i after tho elylo 'if tho plates given in sorec of o:;r nt culled fashion lniic.:i .it)e Our Wuoil ;'.:.. 1; ;'. of w'n teh wp givet-vico or thieo Omen it s many as any other magaz'ne, aru often mistaken for st -el. 'I h.-y aro so far superior to auy others. J iiii! iliiiim. Pcware of tl.etu. Lemeniber fh.'i.. tho Laily'n Dock Ii thn origin il j. ii ! ition ai. 1 the cheapest If you tiiko Go ley. you mit i;m' other iniigii.iiui. Everything th.it is in'-ful or ornuliieunil lu a houst eau b found in God-.y. Jlru irim? Itfu.tmi.i. No other muguiino give lliem, and wo havo given enough to li;i lievcml large volume. U.ir lirrripts nrofueh us can be found n.-i'Tieri else. Cooking In I II i'va'iefy Confetionerv " tho N urKHry the 1 oilet- the ban n'lry -t!ie K i' ,h i'ti. JtiH'oipti upon all giibjiM-t nio to bo f inn I in tho pag'tfi of tho Lady's Hook. Wo originally started th is depart men l, and have p'-mrliar facili ties for makii'g it most perf-.-t. This Jop.irtmei.t alone is wr.rth l!i prico f, f the P iok. '.tV' M'tf' Tii'ir. '1 Li department eorrpri ss ' iigravini and de;iiptious fif every article thi' In Ir w-ar'. ihi ti'l Cultiim. No other rnttgatin han tli d' p-uliiu nt. J'eii'ti. (Jah in A'fvnnrr tine eor-y or.e y.er, 't. Two cofd one ear. . Three copies . year,'!. I our copies one yenn Jiveroj.ie onn tear, and an ettra copy t i (lie j er-vm "ending the club, ? I If 1 ighf eopji s ceo yea r. p an ax trrt ropy tf the person pendieg the eliib.fl". Elerfll Copies nr" fV:it. nirl o e'rf Copy t tin poison Heii liog t!;e rltt1'. A fid the oht mu'if Mia thu cm b-f ie' t" I ne"d ief t i he nh .r-i Clt't ii fif the Lady's l'ook it Arthurs Ifotn i M-ig-if iue Hiurl.lt I ii i lift n'h-r p.f if, ft Unit f lindy'n Pee ft nod Arthur's Jlome.M tjtnt.in bo'li i-t e yi-'ir f.r l 'iti (,dy Ladr'i'fbfolr pfof If -if fr' M'-ir'rlro b i'Ii tt.nr f,.r tf !. Il'i let, thti "t A. rf !! ll itlf tire.. be n fif i ou I r"c.ry Nl'" find N'l' nf tl'l ilt I ( hifil f iberi if j it. rtf--'el ft l pn ib" p"te' oe f'nfjftrf h ) )"-i' L A. G'if;i;-, t : f v,;i i.i; '- 1 1! ir tr ii