Tit iiFriH4 wmmL THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 7, 1862. Time of Car having Tyrone Station. CO!S EAST. - - ... .. m 1 r - I If Fast Lino, .Ixpr!w,. 9.17 P.M. J. Mail lrain, ii.ma.iu. GOINU WEST. 6.40 A. M. Mail train, 540 P. M Kad II. W. Smith & Co's advertisement in another column of to-day ?s 'Journal.' By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that C. B. Sandford will open the -next session of his school on Monday, May H- Dedication The Method iat Ep. Church at Centre will bo dedicated on Sunday May 11th. Rev. J. S. Lee, is expected to bo present on the occasion. Services to commence at half past ten in themorning. Architect. 1' refereuce to the new adver tisements, persons who contemplate erectiug buildings, wi find that Augustus Weitraan has located in this place, aud is prepared to execute drawings, etc., on short notice. rrori.c's SrATt: Convention. The People's State Cenlral Committee met in Philadelphia on the 1st of May, and issued a call for a Peo ple's State Convention, to bo hell at Ilarris burg on the 17th day of July next. All the supporters of the National Administration, and of a vigorous war policy, are invited to send representatives. iMPORTAxr. Mossop has requested us to In form the "gentltman" who broke into his store last week, that he is just receiving and opening large stock of goods, which ho will sell very low for cash not having, as yet, a dopted th "give away" system. All persons vlcsirous of buying goods cheap, should call at Mosscrs, for it is generally conceded that he j-cllstho cheapest goods in the county. Meteotolouical Observation. tor April 1SG2. Mean temperature in the morning, SoJ degs ; .at noon, .', ; in evening, 13 ; full mean ot the nioiun, 11. inu inorun came in witn n large quantity of snow and ice In t'lo woods which, with light rain on the Hi, 5ih, loth 18th, 22d and 28;h, and heavy rain on the 21st with snow and hail on the 8th, and near one foot ot suow on the 0th and 10th, kept the tiuall streams pretty well up, and the river in good running order the greater part of the time. Small quantities of snow and ieo still remain in the woods at the close of the month Vegetation is verv backward, no pasture fur cattle in the woods ad but little in the fields Tho maples coming in blossom. Apple and peach buds swelling, but no flowers visible The willow and a lew other early trees begin Tiing to show leaf. Wheat mostly looks well and the prospect for fruit, as yet, is very fair The operations of tho farmer is mostly very backward ; fhe ground having generally been .o wet for plowing. Hoping May will be more favorable. Pen.n. Keep out of la! company, for the chance is Iiat when the dcv.i fires into a flock be will Jiit somebody. f'orvn The body of Governor Harvey, of vViscJh.wii, who was recfiitly drowned, at Sa vannah, Tennessee, has been found 40 miles iiclow on V.vi banks of the river. v) th t.h i i'rentice says : "it you Hear a tV.llow spe:ik of Union men as abolitionists, you may set him down as a Knight of the Gol leu Circle." 2i emembor this. ill the Bracken ridgers in Congress voted -cgiiimt faying a tax of one dollar on the rich l.iveholder' negro, but voted to put a tax of oi.e lAiar on the poor man's dog. Major Gen. C P. Smith died at Savannah, Tennessee, on tlie 2-3tli tilt., of dysentary Jle displayed .great brarery at the battle of Hi'm t IHmeUon, liaving led. Hie I'orlorn hope .pmon.iJly in thai .engagement. Eleven hundred dollars, collected in New Y'ik,weie tiiit on. Monday last to John Davis --'Aiv man who sat on he powder" when a shell i'iirt in (he magazine of one of the gunboats, during the engagement at Kmnoke Island. Covernor Curtta haswrrlered.th.it "Shilnh" be inscrittt-d on the banner of the seventy seventh Pviiiisy Ivauiu .regiment, and "Fal mouth, -Va." ou that of the 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, in acknowledgment of their gallantry at the battles ct those place. A Western editor .lately called his "devil" do him, and told him .he.ooakl not aflord fo liir". !iis services any longer unices he would ugree to take iiiuepcnce a week or share the iprofits of th! paper. The boy concluded to stay, but unhesitatingly chotio tha niuecnce 'for his wages. Tut:"CoNFBiERATB Aujianvj" for 18C2 pub lished by Hev. Dr. Stumpers, of the Southern Methodist publishing house, announce an ''eclipse nlfi.- nun, risible ever the Confederate States" To this the Nashville Union adds, that about the name time "there will be a total .lipo of the Confederate States, visible over all creation." The great rush of volunteers to Bwanregard's army is now explained. Tho report was pub lished all over the south that Buell's and Grant's armies were destroyed, and all that licauicga:d had to do was to march forward without resistance. That's the way tho rebels wrk. They are bully in a fight with a help less negro, or a non-resisting northern man Huzza lor the chivalry. Nkw-Yobk Custom House Keceipts The receipts at the New York Custom House, for the quarter ending April 1, were over $11, 6oO,H)0, and tho receipts for the same period of time, at three other principal porta, were ? 14, 000,000. This gives a grand total of $25,--('0,000, a very encouraging state of affairs for the treasury, and one which shows that there Ha great business going on Hie war. notwithstanding A Pair of Amazons. Two young girl-,in-fluenced by love and a desire for udventure, dressed themselves In masculine habiliments tne day last week, and visiting Kittanning.de "red to enlist in the gallant 78th, In which their '!ovyers" are doing duty. The officer "i whom they waited, "smelling a mice" re fused to enrol them, declaring that tho au 'horities wanted no more recruits, whereupon he twain expressed themselves greatly disap pointed, and after a brief stay in the town re fired quietly to their homes. There are a treat many yonng ladles who manifest a very 'ft,ulable desire to rush to arms just now, and !')re should be some provision made for theni. Comparisons. It is useless icaeny mat me masses of the people have a deep-seated and settled confidence in "Sarsaparilla," as an alterative remedy. Notwlihatanding this con fidence has of lato years been abused by many preparations claiming to possess its virtues but really with none at all, still tho people believe in its intrinsic value as a remedy, because they have known of its cures. The rage for large bottles at low prices, has called intomarket many compounds of Sarsaparilla which con tain scarcely any of it, or even any medical virtues whatever. Yet everbody knows that sarsaparilla is the great staple antidote for Scrofula, Eruption and cutaneous diseases, and for the purification or tho blood, when they can get the real articletor an actual exti.ict of it. Such we are now able to inform t'.iem they can obtain. Dr. J. C.Ayer & Co, the cel ebrated chemists of the East, whoso reputation assures us they do well whatever they under take, are selling a Compound Extract of Sar saparilla, which, although the bottles do not contain quarts,-for a dollar, do contain more of actual curative power than whole gallons of the stuffs which have been in ns?. It is as serted that one bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more than double the amount of me dicinal virtue, which is afforded by an other. This fact is not only apparent to tho taste, but its effects and cures allord incontestible proot that it is true. Such a remedy has been long sought for, and is everywhere needed by all classes of our community. "Age", Cynthi ana, Ky. Horsk Beds. A hardworking horse requires a good bed, in order that he may rest and re cruit for his next day's labor. Few owners, or rather those who have the care of horsej, give as much attention to this as it deserves. Straw broken in a threshing machine, is the beat bedding that can be used ; and tho next be3t is sawdust. A good bed for a horse should cover the entire floor of his stall; shou Id be a little the highest at the side and at the head. Some permit their animals to rest on the bare floor. Such persons bhould be com pelled, some cold night, to use a similar bed. as a just penalty. Ever afterwards, our word for it, their horses would get good beds." Ellis B. Sclinablo, the somewhat notorious Peiinsy Ivanian politician and lecturer at Con necticut peace meetings, has turned up, since, his liberation from Fort Lafayette, at Yells villo, Arkansas, as a colonel, at the head of l.l'OO rebels. Had ho 1101 better bring an ac tion against Ex-Secretary Cameron for his in carceration in Fort Lafayette ? MARRIED: On May 1st, by Kev. Gotwalt, Dr. Jeffer son Litz, of Grahamton, to Miss Sallie J. McEnally of this borough. DIED: On April 30th, at the resilience of his father in I enn township, Joseth Spencer, Jr., aged about 20 years. FLOCK A goo I nrticlo fr sale at tho store of (janU WM. F. IK V1X. Clearfield. KJ A LT-11 rood article anil very cheap fit the 3 st store of WM. F. IK WIN, Clearfield. nLEAI'. FIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, V PA. fhe subscriber having purchased tho furniture and interest from 11. if. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran ient-and permanent boarders. Kvcry depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully solicits a share of public patronage. July 11, latlO.-y. UFO. N. COLUUKN. h. i.auculin. :::::: rH.iti.KS holes. N JEW WATCH & JEWELRY STORi:. The undersigned havintr located in the Lor- ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by K Welch ns a jewelry .shop.) are prepared to do work of all kinds on the uist reasonable terms. The cash will positivoly be expected when the work is delivered. We are confident that wo can not be excelled by any workmen in town orcounty. Vonm one ! rniui: all tothr t?i;rn of'tlf finr Wnii'i. April J,'S2-ly-pd. LAU'CIILIN V HOLES. B ANKINt; AND COLLECTION OFFICE OF LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Tiills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in tho rom lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd. JAMBS T. LEOVAKII. X : T. A. FINM5Y. wm a. wai.lace. :::::::::: a. c. finney. W MITTEN'S (iOLDEN SALVE. Th lirrat 1'rngrrssivt an-l llniliii!( Remedy. An article that proscntj a challenge to the world to produce in uny remedy yet invented, ah equal for the painless and rapid cure of external in tiamntory calamities, or diseases. It is good for Painful .Swelling, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds, Rheumatism, Sore throat. Uruises, Sprains. Cuts. Tumors, Erysipelas, Warts. Soro e3-es. Roils. 'happed hands, Frosted feet. etc . etc. tiito it-a trial. Price 2ij cents a box. For salo ly JACOB (JU?!, in Woodward township. March 19. 'f2. "NTowli'rm-11- MALONEY& Co, y s y x xl 111 pjiiuphp,ur(1,pa., "Would respectfully inform tho citizens of Ccntro aiid Clearfield counties. . that have just received aiid opened a new and very extensive stocic of TIN & COPPER-WAKE, S II E K T T II O N-W A II E, A VARIETY OF STOVErf, and a general assortment ot articles usually kept in an establishment ot I no Kind, which tbev oner ehap for cash. Approved produce taken in pay. meiir atinarKet price. Jan. 15. 1 8rt2. CLEARFIELD MUSIC SCHOOL For in etruction upoi the Piuo, AIololeon and Gui tar, and in llurai uny and .Singing. leMis 1-orpupi.d under six years old, 5o,00, for Feventy two Jes.wns ot one half hour each ; for all pupils over aix years old, 10, 00. for seven ty-two lessons ot one iiour each : upon 1'iano, Mo- luJeon. (iuitar or in Uu rniony. I'ayable, one-rourth ut tho beginning ami the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music frco to nil Instrumental pupils. iStudicH alono. ?.'i.(J0 per term. iCooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. J. l.-ttiO. E. A. P. KYNDER. Teacher. K r OLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. This preparation, made f join the best Java Cott'ee, is recommended by physicians ns a supo- xior nutritious beverage lor ucncrai weoimy, Dyspepsia and all billions disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the use ot .colTeo will ugo this without injurions effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds ot ordin ary coffee. Price J23 cents. JIollock's Levaiv. The purest and bct baking powder known for making light, sweet and nu tritious liread and cakes. 1'rice ia cents. Manufactured by M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist, corner of Rroad and Chestnut Sts, Phil'a. and sold by all Druggists and Urooers. Eeb. 26. JS62y. 171 ARM FOR S A LE.--The following described " farin, situated in Decatur township. Clearfield Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of Philipshurg. on the Glen llopo road, containing on kiutdrtd and twenty-one arrts and allowance. There are about eighty-five acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation ; with a large, well finished, frame 6ank barn, a coinfoitablo hewod log bouse, and a well finished frame dwelling house and other out buildings erected thereon, never failing springs of water at tho btyldings, and a largo and well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees. The wood laud being well timbered and under laid with a four and a half loot vein of stone coal. The above farm affords rare induoemonts to pur chasers. -For further information enquire of R. 1). fc110 WALTER, Philipsburg. Oct. 23, 1861. rtm. Centy Co. Pa. WANTED. All Z inds of grain will be tacn in payment of debts due me, for which the highest mar et prices will be given. Dec. 11, 1861. JAMES D GRAHAM. pi ACTION, All pe rsons are hereby caution W ed against purchasing or moddling with the lonowing property, viz : one yoke of red or bnn die oxen, now in possession of Josenh II. McCol ley, as the same belongs to me, and having only oeen leased to him Dy me. April 9 '62-pd S. M. DICKEBMAN. IQO -LiRE & LANDELL, 1Q0 10l)-i Fourth .V Arch Streets, Phila- Ol),i delphia, are now offering their usual assortment of Dry Goods, adapted to Spring Sales. Fashionable Dress Silks, fashionable Spring Shawls, new a3 eortment of Dress Goods, Spring Prints. DeLaines and Ginghams, Muslins and Linensof first quality Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestinjrs. Table Linens Towlings and Napkins. N. I?. Black: Silks, b low regular prices. March 12, (52.Sm. rjAO THE PU1ILIC The undersi-ned hav A ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm of .Moore A Etzweilcr, and having made large ad dit;on3 thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers. Thnnkful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by strict personal attenfion to business to morit a continucncc of tho same. March 26, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILER Flour! FlourH-SS and for sale, good family flour, at cash price, by Jan. 15. 18(52. MERRELL. & BUiLbK T iVniAvc f A lot of choice Liquors, such XJIA I UVJl o i as Brandies of various kinds Whiskev, Gin. etc.. just received and for sale by Jan. I'd. 18(52 MERRELL BIG LER. 1 "1 "!1 I Just received and opened the OOtll Vll . the best article of BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. Also Benzine, an article that supplants turpentine in many uses, all whish will be sold cheap fcr cash by MERRELL ,t BIG LER TT . I 'The undersigned have re XJLtllinV 1ILL1 I cently aided a very ox tensive assortment to their former larire stocK of II A R D W A R E , AVLich they are prepared to dispose of for cash at prices to suit the tunes. J'erson desirous ot buy ing hardware, should remember that we can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy stocK we have on hand, and thcretoro to their ad vantage to purchase of us. G i ve us a trial. Jan. 15, 18(12. "MERRELL fc BEGLF.R. Lamps ! Lamps ! ! tS?n beiS lhe undersigned .have just received from the ea an extensive and varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LAMPS, ever brought into tho county, which they offer at prices, cheaper than tho cheapest. Une advant age in buying from us is, if the burners becomo loose we fasten them without charge Now is tho time to buy. We also repair lamps and put new burners on when desired. Jan. 1 5. 1801 . MERRELL & BIG LER T Y RONE CI T Y HOTEL TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. A. P. OWENS, Proprietor. Also Ovstehs, Wholesale and Retail. Idecl9 JjlLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS'; LIQUOR OF VARIOUS KINDS, Tobacco, Segars, &o., FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Mcrrcll Bigler's building by Feb. 27, 11-tf. O. B. MERRELL. A. New Lot of Goods. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocK -i. of merchandize of tho late firm of Patton. Hippie A Co., havo just added a fresh supply of SEASO N A RLE 1 1 0 0 1 ) S , comprising Groceries, Drugs. Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Lainer, 1 rints, bauinets, flannels, etc., which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR JCEADY PAY. t i r 1 vrain, rorK, ."MiingifS and uoarus, taKcn in ex change for goods. Wo respectfuliy asK a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensville. Dec. 1 1. IlIPPLE A FAUST TI fri . . n T . . ... . x. ine accounts 01 ra;ton, liinpic x, Co.. are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same as we desire to havo the booKs closed. December 11, 18131. IlIPPLE fc FAUST. THE CNION NOW AND FOREVER! READ! READ!! READ !!l A New Attraction in thase Diggings 1 XEAV AND CHEAP Clothing Store, In tho "Mansion House," opposite the Clearfield Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield, branch of Hftzenstsin Via s 12d North-Third S?;---f, rititatltlphia, Pa. The undorsignod respectfully announce to the inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in general, that they have opened at the above named place tho most extensive and best selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that hns ever been exhibited in this borough, and which they will sell 25 per cent, cheaper than clothing has ever been fold in this part of the. country. Our stock embraces a full and completo assort ment of all garments generally worn, made up of good material and in the best stylo and workman ship. A general assortment of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING, furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags, trimed flannel and whito shirts ; in short every thing gonorally found in a well assorted store of this kind. We also keep a lino assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as pooket books, portmqnies, pocKet knives, combs, brushes, watch chains and guards, violin and guitar strings, pistol3, revolvers, gun caps, spectacles and a great many other fancy and use ful articles too numerous to mention, all of which they will sell ai well as the clothing At tho Loweit Cash Prices. We invite evory person in need of clothing or of any of the above mentioned articles, to favor ns with a call and view our goods and prices, and we aro confident that wo can give satisfaction, so that every person shall feel Inclined to tell his friends where good and cheap clothing can bo got. We aro constantly receiving nccossions to our stock from our own manufacturing establishment in Philadelphia, and shall always be supplied with a good variety of all articles in our line, . which jiball surpass in style, cut, workmanship, and cheapness those of any other similar estab lishment in this part of the State, and by fair and bopest doalings, we hope to merit a liberal share of public patronage. April 9, '6-. . REIZENSTEIN BRO"S t CO. TVTEVV STONE WARE MANUFACTORY - 1 IN CLEARFIELD. PA: The undersigned takes this method of inform ing th public that he has commenced the manu facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear neid, and thst he i3 now prepared to supply all "uo may want mem with iUiiK and Uream Crocas, Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be "uugm cisewnero. . lie solieiU a share of patron Clearfield, Pa., May 25, 1859-ly. rvrmw BREWERY. MORE LAGER J-1 1 he subscribers would respectfully inform the Taven. ke per: a d others that thev have re cently started a new Brewery in the Borough of viearneia, and that they are now prepared to fur nisu Leer on the most accommodatine terms. Thev have employed an experienced Brewer, from the east, and they feel confident that they can supply a superior article 01 Deer. Uive them a trial an: judge for yourselves. June 20. :bl) CHARLES HALT A CO ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEBY FOR RHEUMATISM, A Ifc.W KJSMhllV I A CERTAIN REMEDY! I ron ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM RHEUMATISM OF EVERY KIND O iUATTpK IlOW S5TUBOKS. IlOW LONG STANDING Pboptlamine I WlLL C"?gUE" J WlI.L ClRE IT. IVhat it has done. It trill do asrain. Doctors head, Doctors examine, Doctors try it Hie oeit testimony, best MedtcU Authority. Doctors Inoic it, Paticntsbelieve it, Tried iV iVuc. Pennsylvania Hoapital. (From Offici al Hospital Rm-orts ) -May 19, ltbi). I-.llen S.. ret. 2S. single, never was very strong, iwo years ago she had an at lacK ot acute rheumatism, from which she was con fined to her bed for two weeks, and subsequently from a relapse for four more. She has been well since then till last Saturday; while en "aired in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain iu her back lelt cold, but had no decided chill. Two days liiier uer ansios oegan to swell wnicn was follow, ed by swelling of the knee joints and of the bauds ene has dull pain in her shoulders, und herknuck les are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are aiiocted, but the rijrut is the most so. This then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as it is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It is a well marked typical cane. We w ill carefully watch the case,and from time to time call your attention to the various symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now is to call your attention to a remedy which has re cently been recommended in the treatment of rheu matism. 1 maun propylamine. Dr. A wenarius of St. I etersburg. recommends it in tha highest terms having derived great benefit from its use in 2.)0 cases which camo under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appear ed in our journals, and I propose giving it another trial. 1 must confoss 1 am alwavs incredulous to the worth of new remedies, which arc vaunted as specifics ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER '. May 2-i, I860. I n i l now exhibit to you the pa tient for wboui I preshribed I'ropy lamino, and who was then laboring under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it in doses of threo grains, every two hours, (intermitting it atrngntj. 1 ne day alter you saw her, L loundher much more comfortable, belter than she exDected to be for a week or more, judging from hsr other attacK. (Ibe patient now walked into the room.) Tho improvement has steadily prore.-sed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change in tho appearance ol her joints; which aro now ncarlycf their natural size. Thus far our experiment would have seemed very successful ; but gentlemen we must wait a little while before we can give a dc. cided opinion as to what is to be the result. THREE DAYS LATER!! May 26,lSl)ft. This is the ease of acute rhenma tisin treated with propylamine, the first of those to which l called your attention at our last clinic She is still vory comfortable, and is now taking .1 . .1-1 , inree grains inrice uauy. In this ease it has seemed to be followed by very satistactory results. The second case to which your attention was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do well. I will now bring 'J - lore you a very characteristic- case of acute a matisin, and if tho result b esatisfactory, as good jurymen, we shall justly reiulerottr vetu. in. 1'u.voi of propylamine. lie is a seaman, set. 20. who wa3 admitted a few days ago. Has had occasional rheumatic pains. Dut not so as to Keep hi3 bed, until eiirht days asro The pains began in his right kuec, subsequently affected the left knee, and later tho joints of the upper extremities. 1 heso joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tonjrue is furred: his skin at present, dry, though there has been much sweat iug. His pulso is full and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylamine tweuty-four hours. ihis gentlemen is what may be called a strictly typical cane 01 acuie rucumaiisin. mere was ex posure to cold ami wet. and this exposure is fol lowed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower joints 1 here is lever and the profuse sweatiug sogenerallyattendant on acuto rheumatism. 1 did not bring this patient before vou with the intention of giving you a lecture on all the points connected wun rueumatisin, Dut to again give a trial to tho ntw remedy we arc testing, and to ex hibit to you this typical case, as I have called it, man wnicn mereeouid not be a lairer opportunity for testing tho medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding tho use ol all other medicines even anodynes, that thcro may be no misgivings as 10 which was the etticient remedy, lou shall sco the case in a future clinio. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT. Jc.XE 9, 1860. The next of our canvalcsecnts is the case or. acute rheumatism be-fore vou at oar clin ic of May 20th, which I then called atypical case, and wnicn it was remarked wasa fairopportunity lor testing mo worth ot our new reined v. It was therefore steadily given in threegrain doses every. two hours lor lour days, jl he patient has got along very niceiy, and is nowTible to walk about as you see. 1 do not hesitate to say that 1 have never seen. severe a caseof nctue rhe.it matisin so soon restor ed to health as this man has been, and without be ing prepared to decide positively as to the value of the remedy we have, used. I feel bound to stale that in the cases in. vhieh rve have tried the chloride of Propylamine., the patientshnce gained their health much earlier than under tin treatment ordinandi pursued. I wish, gentlemen, you would your selves try it, ami report the results. or a lull report of which the above is a cen- lensed extract, sco tho Philadelphia Medicaland Surgical Reporter. It is a report after a fair trial Dy the best medical authority in this countrv. and makes it unnecessary tolgivo numerous certificates from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A Si-eepy CciiE. An Effectual Ci-re. The Same Resuxt is every Case. When ever TuiEn. Where ver 'Tried. What it has done, It Will Do Agaim. Bullock- fc Cr'enshaw a firm well nown to most medical men, by whom tho Elixir Propylamine has been introduced, have sold to us the exclusive right to manufacture it according to the original recipe, aud wo havo made arrangements of such magnitude ns to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form, wo invito your attention to the Pi;re Crys- talizf.d Propylamine, Pcre Propylamine Ligrin, It RE fKOPYLAMINB CONCENTRATED, fURE lOOrPB Propylamine, of which we aro the sole manufac turers. rj?We claim no other virtue for tho Elixir Propylamine than is contained in Pure Crystal ized Chloride of Propylamine. The Elixir is more convenient, and always ready fok immediate use, and may bh taken ACC0RDIN8 to directions, bt any one, by every one. Tvno has rqeciiatism of any kind. SOLD AT 75 CTS. A BOTTLE. . Orders may be addressed to" Promlamine Man ufacturing Co., Office, Room No. 4, S. W Corner I'ourth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, . ur to either of the tollowing VY bolesale Aeonts : Bullock & Crenshaw : French, Richards L Co John M. Mris A Co., Geo. 1). Wetherell A t). . 'eter T. Wright A Co.', Zoigler A Smith. T Mor ris Perot A Co.,- Philadelphia, f Deo. 4. 1361. iy rjlLOUR. A lot of good flour on band and for ' sal at . MERRELL A BIGLER'S. -Several barrels of excellent dried ap- pies on hand and for sale by Jan. Ib, 1SG2. MERRELL A BIGLER. Bargains! Bargains!! RICHARD MOSSOP HAS Dried Apples at 5 cts per lb., Peaches 10 cts, Sugar Cured Hams 10 crs, Best Smoked Shoulders 8 cts per I'Ocnd, Rafting-stoves, best quality $3,50, ALL KINDS OF TIN WARE VERY tOW, REST CALICO 121 CENTS PER VAUD, Good Calico, by the web, at 10 cents, All Kinds of Glass-Ware at Ha'f Price, COAL OIL LAMPS AT HALF PRICL Now is the time to buy. IN JEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEERED P. IRViy. The undersigned give notice that on the I3th A pril they euterod into p&rtnership in tha mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm of John A J P. Irvin. They inform their customers an.d the public in general that they have received from the Mast and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER -DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to the wsnts of tho community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the t'aies. Now is the tinfe to purchase. Call in anC examine our stock before you purchaso your goods, and wo feci confident that wo can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and 011 ns reasonable terms asyou can procure thcin elsewhere. Oive us a. trial- JUUM lliVlIN. May 30, 1 SCO. J ERRED F IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call apd settle. may ."0. NEW GOODS!" A FRESH ARRIVAL OF ring & Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Sp Just received and openiner, a carefully selected stock of Spriug and Siynraer goods, of almost ev ery aescription. Maple and l'ancy. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Choice Groceries. HARD-AVARE AND QUEENSWARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Mackerel in half. quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUPE rior quality. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. June 2(5, IS6I. WM. F. IRWIN. Furniture ! Furniture !! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He mostly has on hand at his -Fui riturc Rooms,'" a varied ns?ortnient of furniture, among which i3, II UR EA US AND SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, ircu.Ktast ana Joining extension lables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen ny- j-iina ana otner iseasteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT T y ( ru it' 1 or? m 1 ?tn RockingandArmChairs, tpring-seat, Cain-hottom, and Parlor Chairs; Aud common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for 01a rrames, wniou win be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notico." He also keeps on hand, or furnishes lo order, Hair, Corn-husK, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hoarse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles aro furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged fer ap- proven ccniry produce. i;nerry. Maple. 1 oplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember tho shop is on Marxet street Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." uecember 4. Ibfil JUIIN GUEHCII. New Spring Goods. J. P. KRATZER, Has just received a general assortment of Spring DRY'-GOODS. - Delains, cashmers, reps, vulenceas, morinos, al paccas, prists, coburgs, ginghams, dueals, chintz, silks, muslins, cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, satti netts, flannels, linen, debages, shawls and dusters. CLOTHING. Over-coats, dress-coats, busincs3-coats, pants, vests, shaw:s, under-shirts, drawers, neckties, fine linen shirts, Byron collars, choakers. cravats, hats, caps, fine calf-skin boots, heavy kip boots and shoes. GROCERIES. coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice, epiecg, flour, tobacco, Fyrup, candies, essenee of coffee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, soda, eperm and tallow candlos, black tea, .saleratus. HARDWARE A QUEENSWARE. Nails, spikes, forks, spades, shovels, springs, saws, planes, axes, augers, snioothing-irons, scissors. meat cutters, knives and forks, steelyards, pen knives, stono tea setts, tureens, dishes, glassware. NOTIONS. Nubias, hoods, gloves, hosiery, collars. hoop-skirt3, balmoral-skirts, bonnets, tibbons, flowers, plumes, bonnet frames, ruches, lace, braid bindings zephyr, yarn, fringe, buttons, trimmings of all kinds, etc. MISCELLANEOUS. Oil clotba, buckets, school books, wall paper, twine rafting rope, coach varnish, moss, -onrled hair coach trimmings, velvet," plush, cotton tape, ooal oil, linseed oil, sperm oil. window glass, etc, etc. AH of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved country produce. Clearfield, April 9, 1382. Dried Apples ! f lI E,! L I M E ! ! Farmers Ltme rer Xi Lands. The subscriber would inform the farmers of Clearfield county, that b keeps con stantly on hand at the Jones KilD at Tyron a large stock of lime, and will furnish on contrast any quantity at the terminus of . the Tyrone and Philipsburg Railroad. March 19, 1SG2. WM. II. ROBERTSON. New Goods. . Just received at the "Corner Store.'' Curwers-' ville, a new and seasonable stook of goods, which will be sold upon reasonable terms. WM. IRVIN. Clover and tiiuo'.hy seed of a good qualitv. for sale low, by WM. IRVlN. drained ell kinds, bacon and IsrJ, fcr sale at the "corner store" by WM. IK YIN. One new two-horse wagon for sl inquire at CurftenaviHe, of WM.'IKMN. One pair of good heavy oxen for sale bv March 12, Cl', WM. IR.VlN. 4 TTENTION, DEL KEEPERS. R. Ad- 2m. ams It Co., haviDg purchased the Right tt" Clearfield Co . for .I,S. llatbison'a Patent Im proved movable comb Bee Hive." would respect fully direct the af.sction of r? keeper? to the many a 4 vanf ies it poswMP! over any other Hive out. V. i'h thi Hive you can hv compter con tral overyonr Pecs -an at any time remove your surplus honey without kiiiic 1W cm . mrnce artificial swarms when desired una prevent your Bees from being destroyed by moth and other advantages it possesses which will recommended it to all interested in Ecc keopin For Hive. Individual or Toivnehip Rights, nidress. R. ADAMS CO , Feb. 10. 1 So J. Cooksnort. Indian o , Pa. jVO. 2. WAKE UP 1 The undersigned would 11 respectfully inform the i-itizeus of Clearfield and vicinity, that ho continues to do all kinds of Blacksuiithing on short notice and in the very hest style, at the Old Shop alongside of the Town Hall. Edrre fools of all kinds made and drewed in the best manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The puolio will remeaibur, that I am not in the habit of turning otT jos on isooeunf of not being able to do them. All I atk is a trial, and then the public may judge of the work for themselves. Remember the ""Ui I Shop'' at the Town Hall. JAMES HAFF. Clearfield Pa , August 13. lGd. N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmore cannot exe cute, will be done on very short notice. NEW DRUG STORK The subscriber has oppned a full and com plete, assortment of i R V U S in the new brick building which he recently erected on the corner of Locust and Cherry 'treets. iu the Borough of Clearfield, whore he will at.all times be happy to accommodate any person who may desire arlieies in his line. The busine's wi!I be confined strictl v to a DKl'G AND PRESCRIPTION Rl'SINESS. and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. Woods, may always be found and consulted in the "Drug Ptore.," when not absent on profes sional business. A separate room for consulta tion is attached to the Store, where, patieuts may be examined privately. Every article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced piices. Term bring strictly Cash will en able them to offer inducements in the way of price. Physicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcostand carriage. Theirorders aresolwi ted. Every article sold will be pure and of tho best quality. M. WWDj. Clearfield, Pa.. February 13, 101 -tf. I MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.! ! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that be has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can bo purchased in the county, and of a3 good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to j;:vo L;; - c..ll examine hiz stock before purchasing elsewhere, and be feels certain that they will buy from hitn. jyll , MATTHEW FORCEE. riMlE LADY'S FRIEND GODET'SLADYS JL EUOKTOR IS62. The world s favorite. Tor 23 Y'ears the Standard Magazine. Pronounced br the Press of the United States, the te.t Lady's Magazine in the World and the Cheapett. Tin- Literature is of that kind that can be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy in im mense numbers are subscribers for the Book. The best lyidy Writers in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write for no other Magazine. Tke Music is all original, and would cost 2r Fents(the price of the Hook) in the mnsio stores ; But most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be ob tained except in '-(iodey '' Our Steel Engravings. All : efforts to rival m in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving, as we do. inny more aud infinitely better engravings thaa-are published in any other work. Godey's Immense Double Sheet Fashion-Plate s. Ci r.taining from five to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate. - Other magazines g:ve only twc. Par Ahead of any Fashtovstn Europe or Amen ea. Godey's is the enly work in the world that gives these immense plates,-aud thoy are each as to have cxeited th wonder cf publishers and the public. The publication of thes-3 plates cost $10. 000 more than Fashion-plates of the old style. and nothing but tur wonderfully large circulation enables ns to give tbem- Othermagazines cannoi afford it We never spare money' when the pub liccan be benefited. These fash ions may be relied on. Dresses may be made aftr them, and the wearer will not subject herself to ridicule. as weald be the ease if she visited the largo citie3 dressed after the style of the plates, given in some of our so called fashion magazines Our llod Engravings, of which we give twioo or three times as many as any other magazine, are often inistakeu for steel.- They ara so far superior to any others. Imitations. Beware of them. Remember that, the Lady's Book is the original publication and the cheapest. If vou take" (iodey. you want no other magazine: Everything that is useful or nrnamental in a house can be found in (iodey. Drawing Lessons. 20 other magazine gives them, and we have given enough to. fill several large volumes. Our Receipts are such as can be found nowhere else. Cooking in all its variety Confectionery the Nursery the Toilet the Laundry -the Kitch en. Receipts- upon alleubjects are to be foend in the pages ef the- Lady's Book.- We orizinaHT started this department, and have peculiar facili ties lor making it most perfect.- I his department alone is worth the price of th Book. Ladies Wvri Table. This department compri ses engravings and descriptions of every article that a lady wears. Model Cottages. No other magazine has tun department. lervis. Cash in Advance. One copy one year. S3. Two copies one vear, 53. Three eppies one year, ?i5. Four copies one year, 7 Five copies one year, and an itracopy to the person sending the club, $10 Eight copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the person sending the club, 15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra cojiy to the person sending the club. 520. And the only magazine that can be introduced icio the abov clubs in place of the Lady's Book i Arthur' " lb. me Magazine. . j Special Clubbing with iAr Mieazinns. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's IIomeMagaaine both one year for S3 SO. (iodey 's Lady' Book and Harper' Magazine both one year for $1 it). Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be.?ent one ' year,' on receipt of Si 00. Treasury Nptei acd-Notesof all solvent banks taken at par. Ea careful and pay the pottage en your lettwr. Adiresj L. A. GODET.' - . 323 CSerf vr Sire, ?h:!:4tjk. fs; '