Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 07, 1862, Image 1
BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1862. VOL. 8.AT0. 36. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. H B. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Pa profe-wiunal business prompt! attendee to. D y. CKOrCII, PnrsrriAM, Curwenrville, Clear . ficll county, l'onn'a. May 14. I- j. CKAXS. Attorney at Law and Ileal Estate J. .agent, Clearfield, Pa. OfBee adjoining his Tsidenee, on Second str6et. May 1G. tir M. MCL'LLOUGH, Attorney at Lnw, Clear ly, field, I'a. Cffloc, with L. J. Crans, Esq., 'on Second Street. July 3, 1861. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa. Office, adjoining his rcsi 'denco on Second street. Sept. 1. ROBEl'.T J . WALLACE. Attorney at La wTciar field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row, Market afreet, opposite Naugle's jewelry store. May 20.. HF.NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, lo. Koom in Ornham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear . field. Pa. ;fF.ct In Graham's Row, fourdoo s west of Orahani A I'oyn'.on's store. Nov. 10. TP. KKAT7.ER Merchant, and dealer in . Boards and Shingles, Urnin and Produce front St, above tho Academy, Clearfield, Pa. jl2 4 J. PATTERSON', Attorne at Law. Cnrwens- X vine, l'a.. will attend to ail business en- irnsiea to nis care. Methodist Church. Oilice opposite Jan. 1 tho New i, 18G2. ylLLIAM F.IUWIN.Marketstreet.ClearCeld, TT Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Pornestto Mer chandise, Hardware, Queenswarc, Groceries, and .family articles generally. .Nov. 10. DR. WM. CAMPP.ELL, offers his professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. 1. Denning in KyUrtown. Clearfield county. May 1 1, IS'j'J. T IJ M f) . Pa. M'ENALLV, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Oihcc in new brick addition, adjoining .the rfidancu of James B. (Irabnui. Nov. 10. TOHN tit'F.LICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of I Cabinet-ware. Market street, Clearfield, Ta He also makes to order Collins, on short notice, and .attends funerals with a hearso. Aprl0,'59. "II ICIIARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do- W tneatic lrv Ooods, Oroeries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Ao. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of JottrvilOJice, Clearfield, Pa. AprJ7. f ARHIMKK TEST, Attorneys at Law, Clear A J field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1835. JAH. B. LAKKIMEK. ISUAKL TEST. I R. M. WOODS, tenderr his professional servi J cs to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office of l. J. v. rans, hsq. Ufhoe, the eauie that was recent ly occupied by Hon. (1 11 Barrett, where he can be found unless absenton ptofessional business. f MHOMAS J. M'CULLOLUH, Attorney at Law, I. Clearfield, Pa. Office, over the '-Clearfield co Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. n . w;jh. :::::::: T.J.u'ccM.oraii IiLTS J f A M CULLOINJH'.S CoiLrcTio.N I'rri' K. Clkafififip. Pf.vi'a. VALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti J clo of ground alum salt, put up in patent tacKs. at 53.25 per sacK, at the cheap cash store of NWmber 27. It. M'l.SSUP. i iWK.vrv.Fivi-: !ir.Nimi;i) aches tu th'i niouth of tlm Moshannon. An eligible property; ou reasonable terms. Iti'iniro of II. Dl CHER .SV,'iKPE. I'cl3-tf. Attorney at Law: Clearfield, P IJKOPOSAKS, Proposals for the building of aPrirey at the new Court House in tho bor cu;b of Cb'srCcld , will bo received at the com missioners' office, until the 27th day of May next, l'lsni and specifications can be seen at the com missioners' ofliue. Bv order of tho board of Com Jiiis'ioners. W M S. BRADLEY, Clerk. pHIIHJ K STOCK FO It S A L K.--T he Com- J missioners of Clearfield county, will offer at Public St'f. at the court house, ou Tuesday tho 2"th dny of May next, at 2 o'clock, p. rn., one hun dred and thirty ( I .'50) shares of stock in the bridge a'riiss the Susouehanna at Clearfield. Dy order "i1 ""l. SKADLEY, Clctk. DR. lJTCli 'S M k7)ICIiN KS. A frtnh sup ply of these inraluablo Family Medicines r fur sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting 'f Vain Cuter ; lifstnrativf,B great euro for colds and cough ; and Anti-Uihoiit Phytic. They have ben thoroughly tested in this community, and f highly approved. TnrTHEM. VO TICK Daniel Faust of Curwensville has li charge of mv bulucss In my absence. He is ulborited to receive and receipt for money duo and U thu otily putsou authorlxod to do so, '(rsotis baring business with m will plcnua call " hn- JOHN PATTON. Curwensville, j 2. 1862. MOKKIiSHAJji: HOl'NK.Tbe undersign fd having tBi... the Morrlslalo House, sit uate In the t'jin of Morrisdalo, Clearfield county, respectfully solicits a share of the publlo patron No pains or expense will be sparod to ren der gusts comfortable. Charges moderate , AptiU '53 OFDRtJE RICHaRDS. I JI.ASTKKIMJ. The subscriber having lo ' catf-d himself in the Jlorougli of Clearliold, ul I Inform th pnblicthat he la prepared to do w"fk In the above line, from plain to ornamental f any description, In a workmanlike style. Also fthtfewAshing and repairing done in a neat man nr. and on reasonable Uruia. Jtr 7. 1H5H. KUVl2L C0()j2:R- pKOVIMO.N AM) UROCKRV SIORK. y The undersigned keeps ounstanll on hand Jl til stofj room in Phillpsburg, Centreyooiinly, a fill! stock or Flour, llama, Hhouldcrs, Fides, Cof , Tea, Hugar, Jllce, Molasses, Ac. Also, LI lion of all kinds. Tobacco. Hegars, Snuff, Ac; all ."which he oflers to purchaser on the most ad n'aL'eou8 terms (live him a call, and try his "IjelM. Imar211 RORKRT LLOYD. VUICAN1TJ3 15 ASK FOIt ARTIFICIAL TEETH. attsnti ubetitut for gold n inserting teeth. Many jer fD who have tr rd all kinds of raetalio bases pre r this, and in those eases whore it is applicable, " ill in a great measure become a substitute for silver or platina. Its chief advantages are, oaapness, lightness and perfect adoption to the J?0o; it bavin? soft fieshy feel to the parts of "'mouth with whioh it comes in contact. A-M. Hills is prepared to put up teeth on the "Ignite Rase, with Ooodyear's Patent dura, hich is the oniy reliable preperation, andean B7 bat through their regular agents. Tr- Hill will always be found in his offioe on niay and Saturday, unless notice appears to the " rary.inthe town papers, the previous week. MY REQUIREMENT. I long for one congenial heart, My thoughts to always cheer ; A faithful breast to lean upon, When overcome with care. A heart that I can call my own Amid earth's busy throng ; One that will never fear to chide Me when I'm in tho wrong O. with a fond and faithful heart, One full of sympathy, A paradise below 1 ween. This earth to mo would be. And when I tire of worldly joys, And seek a purer rest, I'd love to lay my weary head Upon that faithful breast. O. is there mt a heart to speak Tome in love's own tone ; Or am I doomed to tread thirf life ' Cheerless, unloved, alono ?" THE RAGGED SOLDIER. A TRUE STORY OF TUB REVOLUTION. Just at the close of the Revolutionary war, there was seen somewhere in one of the small towns of central Massachusetts, a ragged and forlorn looking soldier corning up thy dusty street. He looked about on the corn -fields tasseling for the harvest, on the rich, bright patches of wheat lor the sickle, and on the green potatoe field, with curious eyes, so at least thought Mr. Towne, who was walking leisurely behind him, going home from tho reaping to his supper. The hitter was a stout fanner, d;. fsed in home-made brown linrien Jrowsors, without suspenders, ve&t or coat. The lugged soldier stopped under the shade of a great sugar maple, and Mr. Towne oveitak him, stopped also. "Home from the wars ?" he asked. "Just out of the British clutches " replied the man. "I have been a prisoner for years." He rejoined suddenly , ;Can you tell mo who lives in the next house ? Is it yours " "No," replied Towne, "Tompkins lives there. That house and farm used to belong to a comrade of yours, I suppose ; his name was Jones, but he was shot at Bunker IIill,and ma widow mirrieu agiiu. ' The soldisr leaned against the tree. "What kind of a man is he I mean what kind of people are they there ? Would they bejikely to iJi a poor soiaie r Lave something to eat '" "If Tompkins is out, you'd be treated first rate there. Mrs. Tompkins is a nice woman but he is tho snarliest cur that e7er gnawed i bone. lie is a tenible surley neighbor, and tie leuus tier a uog s life, bhe missed it mar ryiug the fellow, but you see she had a hard time of it with the iarm. Jones went of!" sol diering, and when my son came back and said he was dead he saw him bleading to death on the battle-field the broke right down, and this Tompkins came along and got into woi k for her, and he laid himself out to do first-rate lie somehow got on the blind side of all of us, and when he oflered himself to her, I advised her to have him, and I am sorry I did it. You hud better come home with me. 1 always have a bite for any poor fellow that's fought for ins country. " "Thank you," kindly returned the soldier, "but Mi s. lompkins is a distant a sort of old acipuamtance. ihe fact is, I used to know her first husband, and I guess I will call there." Mr. Jowii'i watched him as lie went up to the uoor ami knocked, aim saw that he was admit cd ly Mrs. Tompkins. "Some old swectheai t of hers, may be,' said Mr. Towne, nodding to himself, "lie comes too late ; poor woman, she has a hard row to hoe now." 1 hen Mr. Towno went home lo supper and we go in with tho soldier. "Could you give a poor soldier a mouthful to eat " lit; asked of the pale, nervous woman who opened tho door. My husband does not allow tne to give any thing to travelers," she snid, "but I always feel for tho soldiers coming back, and I'll give you some supper If you won't bo Ing eating it, "and she wiped her eyes with her white and blue checked apron, and set with alacrity about providing refreshments for the poor man, who had thrown himself in tho nearest chair, and with his head leaning on his breast, seemed too tired even to remove bis hat from his face. "I am glad to hare you eat, and I would not hurry you up for anything," she said in a frightened way, "but you will eat quick, won't you f fori expect every moment he will be in " The tit u ii drew hfs chair to tho table, keep ing his hat ou his head as though he belonged to the society of Friends, but that could not be, for tho "Friends" do not go to the wars. He at heartily of the bread and butter and cold incut, aid how long ho was about it 1 Mrs. Tompkins fidgeted. "Dear me," she said to hetself, "if ho only knew, he wouldn't lie so erne! ns to I'd Tompkins come in and catch him here." Sho went and looked from the window uneasily j but tho soldier gave no token of bis meal coming to an end. ".Now lie is pouring vinegar on the cold cabbage and potatoes. I can't ask him to take those away in his hand. Oh dear, how slow he is! hasn't the man any teeth." At last she said mildly, "I am very sorry to hurry you, sir, but could you not let mo spread some bread and butler, and cut you snmo slices of meat to take away with you. My husband will use abusive lan guage to you If he finds you hero." Before the soldier could reply, footsteps were heard on the door-stouo at the back door and a man entered. He slopped short, and looked at the soldier as a savage dog might look. Then ho broke out in a tone between a growl and a roar. "Hey-day, Molly, a pretty ploco of business I What havo Hlold you tiiuo and again, madam 7 You'll find yon bad better mind your master. And you, you lazy, thieving vagabond , let mo see you clear out of my house and otl'of my land a goo 1 deal quicker than you came on the, pi eu.ises I" "Four linns ! and your land I" exclaimed the soldier, starting suddenly up, erect and tall, and dashing oH his hat with a quick, fiery gestnre. His eyes flashed like lightening,and his lips quivered with indignation aa ho con fronted the astonished Tompkins. The litter was afraid of him, and bis wife had fclveu a sudden, nervous shriek wheu the soldier first started to his feet and flung efl bis bat, and had sunk trembling and half-fainting in a chair for she recognized him. , "You hain't any business to interfere be tween me and niy.wife," said Tompkins, sulk ily, cowed by the attitude of the soldier. " Your wile !" e xclaimed the soldier, with ho very concentration of contempt expressed n his voice, and pointing at him with an in dignant finger. "Who are you. " asked Tompkins, with an air of effrontery. "I am Harry Jones, since you ask," replied the soldier, "the owner of this house, and this land, which you will leave this very hour ! As for Molly," softening his tone as he turned to the woman, now sobbing hysterically, "she shall choose between us." "O Harry !" sobbed she, while Tompkins stood dumb with astonishment, "take me, save me I" With one step he was at her side, holding her in his arms. "What did you mean, by treating this poor child so ? Did you think because she 'had uo earthly protector that there was not a God in heaven against you ?" -'o man wno is cruel to a woman is ever truly brave; and Tompkins slunk away like a beaten spaniel. y The next day had not passed away before everybody in the town knew that Harry Jones had come home alive and well to rescue his much-enduring, patient wife from a worse con straint than that of a British prison ; but what they all said, and what Ilany said, and what Molly felt, I must leave you to imagine, lor here the legend ends. Mionoxltte as a Tree. Buy a pot of ordi nary mignonette. This pot will probably con tain a tuft composed of many plants, produ c d fioin seeds. Full up all but one; and, as the mignonette is one of the most rustic of plants, which may be treated without delica cy, the single plant that is kd't in the middle or the pot may be rigorously trimmed, leaving only one shoot. This shoot you must at tach to a slender stick of white osier. The extrem ity of this shoot will put forth a bunch of flow er buds, which must bo cut otf entirely, leav ing not a single bud. The stalk, in conse quence of this treatment, will put on a multi tude of young shoots, that must be allowed to devllop freely until they are about three inches and a half long. Then select out of these, four, six, or eight, according to the strength of the plant, with equal spaces bet ween them. Now, with a slender rod of white osier, or betfer.with a piece of'wlialebono, make a hoop, and attach your shoot to it, supported at the proper height. When they have grown two or three inches longer, and are going to bloom, support them by it second hoop like the first. Let them bloom; but take of!' the seed pods be fore they have time to form, or the plant may perish. It will not be long before new shoots will appear just below the places where the flowers were. From among these new shoots, choose tho one on each branch which is in the best situation to replace what you have nipped off. Little by little, the principal stalk, and also the branches will become woody, and your mignonette will no longer be an herbaceous plant, except at its upper extremities, which will bloom all the year without interruption. It will be truly a tree mignonette, living for an indefinite period; for, with proper treat merit a tree mignonette will live from twelve to fifteen years. I have seen them in Hollad double this age. Parlor Gardener. Detth or Planting Corn. A communica tion which we find in the Germantown Tele graph gives the following suggestions and facts respecting tho proper depth for planting corn ; "Cover the corn carefully, and never more than from one and a hall to two inches deep. If planted deeper than this, it will be longer coming up, and uf'ter it comes up it will grow very well until it is three or four inches high, when it will remain stationary for 10 days or two weeks. By examining wo will find the first joint is below the surface of the soil, also that the roots are decaying, while new ones are being thrown out from the joint 5 these new roots require some ten or fifteen days lor their complete formation, and during this time the plant is stationary as far as growth is concerned. As soon as tho new roots are fully formed the old ones will entire ly disappear, and the growth will proceed as usual. From the actual experiments with grains taken from the same ear and same itart 0 tne ear, I have arrived at the following re sult ; Corn planted one inch deep came up in eight days ; that planted one ami a half inches deep required nine and a half days ; that two inches deep, ten days 5 two and a half inches deep, eleven and a quarter days j three inches deep, twelve days 5 three and a half inches deep, thirteen days; five and a half inches deep, eighteen daysj six inches deep, twenty- one days. T he last lot came up and grew up until about three inches high, when it remain ed stationary for a long time and finally died." How Sub Likco It. A very worthy and pi ous old dame, who could not road, bad sever al books loaned to her, which she got a little girl to read to her. The deacon of her church loaned her "Pilgrim's Frogress," and a neph ew a copy of "Jtobison Crusoe". Hearing them read alternatively, the damn got tho text little mixed up; and when the deacon called upon her and asked her how she liked the al legory, Pilgrim's Progress," he was some what surprised when'she replied: "It's a mar velous book, Iftilyi why, what big troubles him Htid bis man Friday undergoed. Now lot mo tell you a secret worth bearing. This looking always forward for enjoyment don't pay. For what I know of it I would as soon chase huttvrflics for a living, or bottle up moonshine for cloudy nights. Tim only true bippiness is to take the drops of happpss as God gives thorn every day of their lives ; tho boy must learn to bo happy when he is plod ding over his lessons the apprentice when ho is learning bis trade j the merchant when he is making his fortune. If be fails to learn this art be will bo suro to miss bis enjoyment when be gnius what be sighs for. Life. The longer v,o live, the nearer New Year days appear together. When we were boys, tho period between ono New Year's day and another appeared to bo a century. At the present time they appear to be separated not by years, but months. The fewer years we have to livethe shorter tiiose years ap pear to bo. When wo recollect the quantity of rheumatism and slight tbat old people have to put up with, the apparent shortness of the years to them seems like a special provi dence. A wounded Irishman wrote home from the hospital, and finished np by saying, "I'm for this couutry, I've bled for it, and 1 shall soon be able to say I've died for it." THE NEGROES AND NORTHERN STATES. Many persons entertain the opinion that if any considerable number of the Southern slaves obtain their freedom they will necessa rily emigrate to the Northern States, and that thus a large proportion of our white laborers will bo thrown out of employment, and heavy taxes or other expenditures caused by the ne cessity of providing for indolent refugees. It requires, however but a slight examination of the subject to see that this conjecture is not well founded. There has been, in all our past history, but very little voluntary emigra tion northward of colored men. The Africans, like all other races, prefer congenial climes, and they will pot ve'ntuie from tbem unless they are compelled t.i do so by very powerful motives, it has been a rare occurrence for any of the large body of free negroes who re side in the States south of Mason and Dixon's line tojourney northward. As a general rule, only flying fugitive slaves, or those whose freedom was imperilled by the system of bos tile State legislation that has of late years been commencea in the bouth, havo ventured on mis experiment. A striking proof of this fact is furnished by the census of 18G0. Gf the 53,000 free blacks of Pennsylvania only 15,000 were not born on our soil. Of tho 54, 333 free blacks of Virginia ouly 533 were im- misrants; ot the in Maryland only i,du ; ot the l,u3 in Delaware only 1,111 t 1. .1 i 1 1 ..... " 1 . i is inns cieariy suown in n iney are not a migratory race, and that there was verv Utile disposition to emigrate even to Pennsylvania, notwithstanding her contiguity to the homes of a large body of free blacks. The causes Tor this are numerous. The Southern States comprise one of the largest agricultural dis tricts in the world, and nearly all the labor that tiaa heretofore been performed thec has been done by the Africans. Their labor will be as niuch needed hereafter as heretofore, ana no cnango that may be made in the con onions upon which it is to bo performed will dispense with the power and present necessity 01 us employment. Practically, in the South ...... .. .1.. .. . em oiiiiKs uie negroes nnu a climate atrieca ble and healthy, and a demand for their labor, in me mortiiern States an uncongenial cli mate, and little, if any, demand for their ser vices. JNo largo body ol men have ever emi grated for thu sake of emigration and par ticularity when they could derive no absolute benefit from the change, and when they had 110 strong love for novelty nor spirit ot enter prise to impel them. There are otherconsiderations, also connect ,1 .t.:.. 1 - .. . ... . cu Minimis suujeci. wnicn lean lot Do same general conclusion. Even if it were ar:emon strated fact that the negroes could not, in con sequence ol any political changes that have been or may bo made, remain in or near their old places of residence, and that an absolute necessity for their emigration to sonvj point existed, there are fields open to them much more inviting than the present free States V arious colonization projects aro agitated Liiberia has been a reluge for a portion of their race tor many years; Hay t i now cordial ly invites them. Central America is also pro posed as a suitable spot for African coloniza tion. An unceasing demand exists for the tropical productions, which negro labor alone has successfully produced, and there is an a bundancy of tropical land now unproductive ana useless. AH the great requisites for ue gro prosperity exist capacity to labor in trou ical climes; land capable of yielding tobacco, cotton, sugar, and rice ; and a willingness to pay liberal prices for those great staples. If but a small modicum of tho intelligence, en ergy, and industry that characterize the An glo-saxons were infused into the Africans, they would soon become one of tho most wealthy and prosperous races on the elobe, Those who charge upon the administration a aisire to Africanize the free States grossly misrepresent 11. 1 he policy it pursues neith er proposes nor tends to produce that result. me rresmeni anuded, In his late message lo Congress in relation to the abolition of slavery 111 me uisinci 01 uoiuinma, to his strong de sire 10 secure itie adoption of an appropriate system of colonization. Hon. Win. D. Kelley, in a speech ne delivered in the House of Kep loft-mawves some weens ago, answered some of the prevalent misrepresentations in the fol lowing eloquent language : sir, tiriet time is lelt me, and I hasten to the point of the Africanization of American society and American labor. I have said that the membeis of the dominant party on this floor are not advocates of the reopening of the siare iraae; that we do not advocate the ex tension of tbe colored institution through the wholo free Territories of the country : and that wo are tn favor of opening means bv which color ed men can leave our country and find a happier nome. sir, mature works by invariable laws. It is by no freak of hers that tho light of day paints the likeness of our loved ones. It is by no such freak that tho wire bears the message of joy or woe ovr land and under water. Ho who traverses our continent finds on the Pacific slope of (lie Rocky Mountains tho grandest arboriferous vegetation of the world. On tho eastern slcpe, divided thence by a narrow strip, which produces its ellects on the clouds, you lose all arboriferous ven-e- t it ion . You find onlv the red siiroi von find nothing larger growing there. Tho same skies are over ; the same God watches 1 but He works through wise and inflexible laws, and thus teaches men to look to Ilirn through Nature for guidance. On tho Puciflo slope tho earth is refreshed by ninety inches of rain each year, while 011 tho eastern slope but five fall. 1 he negro is the creature of the tronics. Submit him to tho guidance of his own in stincts and volition, and ho will find his wav to the tropics, or lands lying near them. Na ture's unerring law will lead him there. Tho crudest monument of 'man's inbumauitv to to man' that I can point to to-day is that "col ony of fifty thousand American negroes living 111 1110 cold wiidsoi uanmla. As well might you expect tbe tree of the Pacific slope to thrive in the region of the sage, or the sago to thrive under its broad shadow, and with ninety Inches of rain falling in th year. The negroes will wilt and dwindle and nrematurolv die there. "We all know that the President and his real friends on this floor are in favor of the re cognition of the republic oj Liberia, of txtendinq to Hayti commercial relations, of procuring with' in the American tropic lands where tht negro, made free by the crimes of his master, may go and dwell as Nature intended him to. This the President recommends, and all this the majority on this'.floor intend to consumate. "We sre for retaininc for tbe Saxon, the Colt the Caucasian family tbat portion of this continent which was intended for them. They wno misrepresent us are infusing black blood into me veins of ine country." tr , .-. a iii.ru in TiiK tight. Among the manv good things told of Secretary Stanton's off band way of doing business, is tbe following interesting incident: Judge Kelly came in with a youthful look ing oflicer, whose empty coat sleeve bung from his left shoulder. He was introduced to the Secretary as Brevet Lieut. Harry Kockafellow, of Philadelphia. "My friend" continued tbe Judge, "left a situation worth $S00 pf-r year, three days after the Piesident's proclamation r.. . . .i... . .. i"i iiuups, 10 c;rry a mussel at n dollars a month, with his regiment, the New York 71st "After the term of enlistment bad exuired. ne marched with his regimeut to Bull Run fcarly in the day he received that ugly rifle ball in his mouth (pointing to a Minnie ball that was hung on his watch guard,) and for two hours and a half he carried it in his jaw bone, fighting like a true hero, until a cannon ball took off his arm und rendered him power less. He was captured and lor three months lay in a mangled condition in a tobacco ware house in Richmond, without proper surgical treatment. "He was breveted a Lieutenant by his Col onel for his bravery and is filling a small clerk ship. I beg of you to appoint him in the reg ular service." "But where could I put him if I did V said Mr. Stanton. The Judge was about to reply, w hen he said with an imploring look : "See, I have a right arm still, and General Kearney has only his left; send ine into the line where there is fighting to be done I" "I have letters from," he tried to draw a bundle of letters from his pocket. Mr. Stan ton stopped him "Put up your letters, sir, you have spoken for yourself! your wish shall be granted! the country caunot afford to neglect sucn men as you !" Fie the soldier could thank him for the kindness, his case was noted. He turned to leave, and remarked to the Judge : "I shall be proud of my commission, Tor I feel that I have earned it ! This day is the proudest of my life." Amusing Incihent. An amusing dialogue lately occurcd in one of the American camps between a private, who was acting as sentinel near, a hospital and a General. On the ap proach of the latter, the former neglected to give the accustomed salute. The General then sharply ed : "Who stands guard here ?" "A chap about my size," answered the pri vate. ,.;"u. General "What are your diitiotjre ?" "To alloiv the sick to come out and to keep the well in." Call your Corporal." "You won't catch me doing that. I dont intend to stand here two hours longer than usual to please you." rThe sentinel alluded to a rule which gives corporals the power when they are unnecessarily called by sentinels, to punisii them two hours extra duty.) 1110 Ueneral, indignant at these renlios hunted up the lieutenant of the uard. and lacing ine sentinel, said : . II' I . 2 . i nui instructions ao von give vour men in saluting your superior otficeis ?" I he lieutenant said to the sentinel : "Have I not told you to salute your superior officers do you not know that this is your uenerai 1 The sentinel with a look of amazement, re pli-s ! "If the Almighty is not better acquainted with him as a General than I am. be is a lost man, sure." Anderson the wizard, and a verv poor wiz ard he was. met a lankee who stole a inarch on him. after tho following fashi on ; Fnfer lankee, "1 say ! you, Professor Anderson ?" "Yes, sir, at your.servico." "Wa'al you're a tarnation smart man. and l 111 somethln' at a trick, teu, kinder cute leu you know." "Ah, indeed, and what tricks are yon up to. feir," usked the Professor, amused at the sim ple fellow. "Wa'al, I can take a red cent and change it into a ten-dollar gold-piece." "Oh, that is a mere slight-of-band trick. I can no that too." "No you can't. I'd like to see you trv." "Well, bold out your hand with a cent in.it." lankee stretched out bis paw with a red lv ing upon it. "Ibis is your cent, is it, sure ?" "It's nothin' else." "Hold on to it tight Presto! change. Now- open your band." lankee opened bis fist: and there was a gold eagle shining ou his palm. " n a al, you did it. 1 declare : much obleeir- ed tew yeou," and Jonathan turned to go out. "Stay, you may leave me my ten dollars." aid the Professor. " Yourn 1 wasn't it mu cent ; and didn't you turn it into this ere yaller thing, eh ? Good bye 1" And as he left the room be was heard to say, "I guess thero ain't anrthiuir ereen about this child." A Mooel Certificate." Sir : I were af flicted with a wery wiolentpane in my lower stummick by Reeson of induring too mutch Llcker in my sistem. It remained with me for some time until my precious inside was materially lessened in its parts. Driven orl- most to madness, by one of the company's omnibuses, I alited at your Repository, in dredful agonl, and found your man just help ing himself to sum Bitters, for to give him a appetite for his Pills after dinner, lie advissd me to taik sum which I did, and found Re lief before I'd finished takin it. It warmed my intestines, and other things, and corsed the preperislium to exclude from my skin, and tho Kyenne Pepper to rise in my stumaclc so that I hollered right out no more for the Present, from yours trooly." "Count the Cost." It coats something to be u true Christian. Let tbat never be forgot ten. To be a mere nominal Christian, and go to church, is cheap and easv work. Hut 10 hear Christ's voice, and follow Christ, and be lieve in Christ, and confess Christ, requires much self-denial. It will cost us our sins, and our self righteousness, and our ease, and onr worldlmess. All all must be given up. Wo must fight sn eneniv. who comes asainst us with twenty thousand followers. THE LATEST YANKEE WAR NOTION. We find the following paragraph in an ex change paper ; "A contract has been made ly gore mmeTit with certain parties in Boston, to build an troa gunboat of between 600 and 700 tons, to b lurnished with Woodbury's submarine buttery. Tbe vessel will be 136 feet long and SO feet beam, and will be built throughout of iron lo the most substantial manner. See will carry one gun on dock and a large gun for subma rine firing at the low. She is to be built at the Atlantic Works, Ea.t Boston, and is to be ready for service in Horn four to five months." Tiio period staled tor the completion of this vessel would put hor in commission in Sep tember next. The tern ti:bmanne battery conveys no adequate idea of this extraordina ry invention, and hence e copy from the Boston Transcript tho subjoined account ot tb design, and ol a successful experiment mad with it in Boston harbor a few dsya since . The idea of the inventor is to build an iron clad bomb-proof vessel of sufficient tonnage to carry a gun at the bow, one at the stern, and as many as desirable amidship. The vessel in action will lie alongside of her adversary, and discbarge her guns at as near range as possi ble to obtain. The cannon are to be of the usual shape, but longer than common, and can be cast to discharge anv ureiectile now in use. The eun. when ready lof action, has a tin cylindrical case htted closely at the muzzle, rendering the chamber air-tight, and prevent the en trance of water. When the piece is fired, tbe charge attains its full velocity before reaching the tin canister previously mentioned, and ati effective shot mav be made at a distance of two or three hundred feet. The ciunon is fitted into a stuffing-1hx. similar to that of the piston ofa steam engine, and an automatic. porthole opens and shuts as the piece is rnu out or withdrawn. The re coil on the gun is so strong, and the action of the port so sudden, that it is expected very little water will be shipped as the cannon is awn in. "A twelve-pounder was fired under water at target made of spruce plank, crossed at right angles, and heavily bolted and braced, and placed at a distance of ten or twelve feet. Ihe target was pierced in such a manner as to show that the invention is oue ol the most im portant which has been made in naval war fare." Tbe inventor is Mr. Joseph P. Woodbunr. We have not yet heard of any English claim ant to this device, but doubtless some such will turn up as soon as the vessel shall go into successful operation. It was so with Captain Ericsson's battery, and with nearly everything elseAmtrican of great utility. Our readers need not bo told that if this invention should do what it promises it will be one of tbe most formidable engines of naval waifare ever con structed. It is peculiarly adapted to lighting' against armor-clad vessels, which, while they are amazingly strong above the water, have no armor below, and arc there perfectly vulner able. HoIJins' submerged ram was designed to combat such vessels, as well as the ordinary war vessels, and it appears from the partial de scription of the Menimao which has just been published by the rebel authorities at Rich mond, that she has both ends submerged, though we bad not ascertained the fact, be sides the visible ram, therefore, she mnst have formidable battering power under water. If this new battery of Mr. Woodbury can Are a twenty-inch gun under water, a single shot from it at point blank range would sint any vessel in existence. Nay, a fifteen-inch gun, or even an eleven-inch, would do such awful damage to an antagonist as can only be ' conceived by referring to the slaughter on th Cumberland and Congress. Captain Coles may build as many of his vessels at he chooses on Ericssons' plans ; and their being sunk to the water level, while it would piot-ct them against any other antagonist, would be f no avail against this Woodbury battery. Above the surface every shot fired is seen, and the open port affords an aperture into which the enemy pour their destructive mi&iles. Bat' under water, where this new engine of death ' is worked, the terrible messenger wings its way unseen, the port-hole presents no mark to fire at, and the" devoted vessel is powerless to resist. The President in signing the bill for the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Colum bia, sets forth his reasons therefor in the fol lowing brief Message to both Houses of Con gress : ielloic citizens of the Senate and House or Representatives Tho act entitled an act for tho ' release of certain persons held to service or labor in the District of Columbi 1, has this day been approved-and signed. I have never doubted the constitutional authority of Con gress to abolish slavery in this District, and I have ever desired to see the National Capital freed from the institution in some satisfactory way ; hence thero has never been in my mind any question upon the subject, except the one of expediency, arising in view of all the cir cumstances. If there be matters within and about this act which might have taken a course ' or shape more satisfactory to my judgement, I do not attempt to specif) them. I am grat ified that the two principles of compensation ' and colonization are both recoguized and prac tically applied in the act. In the matter of compensation it is provided that claims may be presented within ninety days from the pas sage of the act, but not thereafter, and thera is no saving for minors, femmes covert, in-- sane, or absent persons, I presume that this is an omission by mere oversight, and I recom mend that it bo supplied by nn amendatory er supplemental act. Abraham Lincoln. Rebels Outwitted bt Yankees. When our troops captured Cockpit ana snipping Point, on the Potomac Kiver, some Massa chusetts soldiers uotlced that the place of burial there was unusually nice, and that a large number of graves were labled in a very pathetic manner, cautioning the traveler to tread lightly over the ashea.and not to violate the !P.nctity of tbe tomb, &c. These verv cautions raised a suspicion in !ho minis of tho Yankees." spades and shovels were accord ingly brought into requisition, and speedily wore exhumed not the bodies of departed Confederates, but numbers of nice, new tents, packages of clothii g, mess chests furnishtd with all the appliances or modern coojierv. trunks of various articles, tooN, he. Tbe grave-diggers were complimented for tbe suc cess of their first sacrilegious experiment and recomoieDded to try again.