Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 30, 1862, Image 1

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    BI S. J. ROW.
VOL. a-NO. 35-
B. WOODS, Attorney tt Law, Indiana,, P
. Professional business promptly attended to.
Dd. CROTCH, rnvsrcuw, Curwensville, Clear
, county, Penn1- Ma? 14-
J j CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
1 jveent, Cl'oarBeld, Pa. Office adjoining his
r.iiienor, on Second street. May 16.
ITT M. M'CI'LLOUQH, Attorney at Law, Clear
W. '. P- Office, with L. J. Crana, Esq.,
on Second Street. July 3, 1861.
WILLI A M A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield, Pa. Office, adjoining his resi
denco on Second street. Sept. 1.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row, Market
street, opposite Nsugle's jewtlry store. May 26.
F. NAL'ULE, Wkh and Clock Maker, and
. daler in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Urabam's row, Market street. Nor. 10.
BUCIIER BWOOPE, Attorney at Law, Clear
. field, Pa. Offio in Graham's Row, four doo s
wast of Grab am 4 Boy n ton's store. Nov. 10.
TP. KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in
. Boards and Shingles, O rain and Produce
front St, above the Academy, Clarfild, Pa. j 1 2
A J. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law, Curwens-
vill, Pa , will attend to all busine.xs en
trusted to his care. Olice opposite the New
.Methodist Church. Jan. 15, 1862.
WILLIAM F.IRW IN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nor. 10.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers bis professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning io
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1, 1859.
B M'ENALLY, Attorney nt Law. Clearfield,
I'. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
couuties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
ithe rtai&tacc of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
JOHN GUELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
lie alsomakes to order Coffins, on short notioe. and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'9.
T ICUARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
JLv meetic Dry Qoods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. lUwwn, on Market street, a few doors
wst of Journal GJUe, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
JOHN RUSSEL A CO., Tanners aud Curriers,
PeanrilVe, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hand ao excellent assortment of leather, which
ithey efer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange. JuIyl5-54.
LARKTMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
TR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
j ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by lion. t R. Barrett, where he ean
be found unless absecton professional business.
.milOMA.S J. M'CULLOCGn, Attorney at Law,
JL Clearfield, Pa. Office, over the "Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
i. o. bcsh. :::::::: t.j.m'ccllougb
CoLLcrwjr Crnce. Clearfield, Pbx.v'a.
SALTJ SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti
eleof ground alnin salt, put up in patent
sacks, at S3. 25 per sacK", at tbo cheap cash store of
Kevember 27. R. MOSSOP.
TJROPOSALS, Proposals for the building of
- ftrrirey at the new Court Houee in the bor
tVdgh of Clearfield , will be received at the com
missioners' offico. until the 27th day of May next.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the com
missioners' office. By order of the board of Com
missioners. WM S. BRADLEY, Clerk.
missioners of Clearfield county, will offer at
Public Salx, at the court house, on Tuesday the
27th day of May next, at 2 o'clock, p. m., one hun
dred and thirty (130) shares of stock in the bridge
across the Susquehanna at Clearfield. By order
ot the board. WM. S. BRADLEY, Clerk.
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting
of Pain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds
and cough ; and Anti-Bilious 1'liysie. They have
been thoroughly tested in this community, and
are highly approved. Tky them .
TVOTICE Daniel Faust of Curwensvillo has
1 1 charge of my business in my absence. He is
authorized to receive and receipt for money due
roe. and is the only poison authorized to do so.
Persons having business with me will pleaso call
on him. JOHN PATTON. ,
Curwensvillo. April 2, 1862.
ed having taken the Morrisdale House, sit
uate in the town of Morrisdale, Clearfield county,
respectfully solicits a share of tho public patron
age. No pains or expense will be spared to ren
der guests comfortable. Charges moderate.
April 2, '62. GEORGE RICHaRDS.
PLASTERING The subscriber having lo
cated himself in the Borough of Cloarfield,
would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
iter, and on reasonable tarms.
April 7. 1858. EDWIN COOPER.
The undersigned keeps constantl on hand
at his store room in Philipsburg, Centreycounty, a
Ml stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, bides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; all
ff which he offers to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his
articles. Imar21 ROBERT LLOYD.
Attention is especially called to this article, as' a
substitute for gold in inserting teeth. Many per
sons who have tr rd all kinds of metalio bases pre
fer this, and in those, cases where it is applicable,
It will in a great measure beoome a substitute for
fold, silver or platina. Its ehief advantages are,
bsapnees, lightness and perfect adoption to the
month; it having a soft fieshy feel to the parts of
the mouth with which it oomes in contact.
A.M. Hills is prepared to put up teeth on the
'nlcanite Base, with Goodyear's Patent Gum,
hieh is the only reliable preperation, and ean
ecly be had through their regular agents.
Br. Hills will always be found in hit office on
rnUy and Saturday, unless notice appears to the
eoatmy, the town papers, the previous week.
A cottage in a peaceful vale;
A jassamine round the door;
A hill to shelter from the door;
A silver brook before.
Oh, sweet the jassamine's buds of snow,
In mornings soft with May,
And sweet in summer's silent glow,
The brooklet's merry play ;
But sweeter in that lonely place,
To God it must have been,
To see the maiden's happy face
Thus bless the bomb within.
Without the porch you heard at noon,
A voice that sang for glee;
Or mark'd the white neck glancing down,
The book upon her knee.
The whole city was wild with triumph at tho
victories of fort Donelson and Roanoke
Cheer after cheer went up from the Exchange,
and people were momently jostling each other
in the thronged streets, and Instead of begging
paraon would burst into a shotit for the old
flag. Woman that I am, as 1 hurried home in
the twilight of that glorious day, I had to hold
my mull' close to my mouth to prevent my
voice from swelling the great thanRsgiving.
Turning the comer of my own street I was
astonished to see that my parlor was brilliantly
lighted, ana through the thin curtains I like-
w ngures moovmg rapidly, i run up
me steps, ana sown discovered the reason, for
as l opened the door all my own children nnd
several of my neighbor's rushed with a great
sweep into the nail, and for a moment I was
nearly stunned with their cheers for tho fort,
mo soldiers, the Stars and Stripes, etc. At
last, at the volley lor the eunhoats. they ston
ped from sheer exhaustion, and I asked very
meeKiy, " liat in the world are you down in
the parlor for 7"
Well, mother," capped Will. "ww wanted
to play, we were gunboats, and the nursery
wasn i oig enougn. see me now ; l am going
to run up within lour hundred yaidsof tlie
guns of the fort," and with a yell like a wild
s J ; v . - .
miliaria ue oran-usneu a cane, and made a
charge at a book-case, coming within an inch
of smashing my Dante and Beatrice. I winc
ed, bHt did not scold them, only enticed them
into the less crowded dining-room, where we
played gunboats and cheered until their father,
coming dome to tea, rather shocked us by
saying gravely that he should have to send us
all to the watcbhouse. - Many incidents of the
battles he told the eager children as we took
our tea, and just before their bedtime, as
they stood around him for he customary
story, he told them one I shall try to tell you.
You all know, said their father, how last
April the Massachusetts troops were attacked
and murdered in the streets ot Baltimore, and
how the whole heart of New England thrifled
to avenge their death. There was a young
boy of Marblehead, only fifteen years old, Al
bert Mansur by name, who came borne from
school that day- wild with indignation, and
told bis mother that he was going to the war ;
he couldn't stay at home. "Why, Albert,"
laughed his happy mother, "they won't have
you ; you are too little, my boy." "I can
drum, can't I, mother t I guess those old
rebels will run when they hear me play the
Star Spangled Banner," and out he went, and
his mother heard him playing the good old
tunc as he matched down the street at the
head oi a tatterdemalion set el urchins, called
by him his regiment. He had a gilt for drum
ming, and thinking of his words that mother's
heart stood still with iear. He was her only
child, her handsome boy ; how could she let
him go 7 But she scolded herself for even
thinking of it. Of course bis father would
keep him at home. At dinner time Albert at
tacked his father on the subject, but bis father
peremptorily answered "no," and told bini
there must be no more talk on the matter.
Usually his father's decision settled things,
but this time Albeit argued manfully, lie
could do just as good service as anybody ; he
ought to go; he mnst go. But Mr. Mansur
was firm, and he had to yield, although the
struggle was so severe that be grew pale and
thin. At last, to divert his attention, they
sent him to his grandfather's in Augusta, and
fervently hoped he would forget his fancy.
But when he arrived there he found a regiment
all ready to go into camp a short way from the
city. He accompanied them as drummer.
His father and mother, as the weeks went by,
became impatient, and at last went for him.
As they rode through the streets, almost the
first person they saw was Albert, marching in
a fine new uniform, with this same company,
who were on their way to the station. . He had
kept his promise to them that is, be bad not
ei listed, but.they felt from that day that they
must let hitn'go. He went homo with them,
and after a few weeksjthey gavejhim up, and he
enlisted in the Massachusetts Twenty-third,
Colonel Kurtz, as drummer for one of the
companies, being the youngest in the regi
ment. Dear little ones I can never tell you
bow bis mother felt, how his father in his bit
ter grief prayed, how many hot tears stained
the few articles be could carry, and then al
most as sorrowfully as to bia burial, they
went to see him start. That day the poor pa
rents talked long together, then tho father
went out, and w hile he was gone the pale
mother knelt with her face hidden, asking for
strength and patience. When he came in,
Albert knew that be should not go alone ; bis
father bati enlisted as a private in the same
company, so as to take care of that Idolized
boy. They sailed in the Burnside Expedition
and on all that long, dreary passage, Albert
was the light and joy of bis regiment, and in
deed of all the regiments on the vessel. So
full of hope and enthusiasm was he, that his
father wrote to his mother, "all the petting he
got did not seem to hurt him a bit." Officers
and men delighted to do him favors, and bis
prompt, sauce)' drumming, won praise from
the gallant commsnder himself.
When the hazardous work ot landing began,
Albert managed to be In one of the first boats,
and was consequently among the first to Brand
on the enemy's inland of Koanoae theirs then,
ours now, thanks be to God. -In that march
through slimo and water, he did bis part well,
not allowing his father to touch his cherished
drum for an instant. At last they came in
sight of the enemy's battery. "Who will go
and take it 7" asked the general command
ing. "The Massachusetts Twentythird," was
the quick reply. "Forward, then, double
quick 1" and in the teeth of that galling firs
tbey rushed to their death as it bad been tbeir
bridaL Albert siting bis draa over bis ibod!-
der, and solzing a rifle from a wounded man
near, dealt true shots for his country. His
father fell wounded by his side, but he heeded
mm not, nis whole soul had lost itself in the
work before him. "Look at that child," said
ouo ouiccr io another ; "no wonder we con
quer when boys fight so." At last the posi
tion was ours : tbo rebel gunners turned and
fled, and for an instant the roar of the battle
ceased. So intent was Albert that he never
stopped, and was loading again, when the
Colonel touched his shoulder "Wait, rest a
minnie, my young hero don't you see they
are running ?" Oh, glory hallelujah !" sang
out the excited boy ; "didn't I say they should
run to the old tunes ?" and seizing a disabled
revolver for a drumstick, he struck up in the
"' i xaniiee uoouie. it was .a strange
sound as it rung out over that field of death,
ana Uint and weary as our brave fellows were
they gave it a rousing welcome. A flying
rebel heard it,and looking back took sure aim
at Albert. A man near the boy saw him, and
tried to pull him down, but he stood bis
ground, and the ball did not fail to do its dead
ly work.
"Oh, father 1" burst from the tearful chil
dren ; "not killed, was be V
Tbey thought him only stunned at first, and
bore him out of the crowd ; they bathed his
brow ; and you will love his knightly Colonel
none the less when 1 tell you that his strong
arms held the dying boy. His pale lips mov
ed at last, and they bunt eagerly to hear bis
words, borne inquiry for his missing lather,
somo last precious words for bis lonely moth
er 7 No ; only this, boylike, "Which beat,
quick, tell me 7" Tears ran like rain down
the blackened faces, and one in a voice husky
with sobs said, "We, Albert; the field is
ours." The ears, death bad already deafened,
caught no sound, and his slight band fluttered
impatiently as again he gasped, "What, tell
quick 7" "We beat 'em intirely, 'me boy,"
said a big Irish Sergeant, who was crying like
a baby. He heard then, and his voice was as
strong and as bright as ever, as he answared,
"Why don't you go after 'em 7 Don't mind
me, I'll catch up. I'm a little cold, but run
ning will warm me." He never spoke again,
the coldness of death stiffened his limbs, and
so he passed from the victory of earth to the
God who gave us the victory. They laid bira
down tenderly, with his head resting on a
smooth, green sod, and as his wounded father
crawled up to see him, they feared a wild
scene of lamentation, but be only said, "He
would rather die than to see us beaten." He
wastirged to go home with Albert to bis moth
er, but be would not. onlv savinsr to their so
licitations, "Albert would be ashamed it I
did, and I will fight as long as the war lasts."
I he children did not play gunboat anymore
but went quietly up to bed, and a-hen Nellie
said her prayers, she added in simple child
ish words, a hope that "God would make Al
bert's mother willing that he should be dead.
and that God would tell her how Nellie loved
her ;" and here the tender little heart broke
down but Will said, "God knew just as well
as if she said it all," and I think he did.
Last Hour or a General We can reflect,
without Badness, on the closing moments of
tho gallant Gen. Neil ! His life long dream
bad been to obtain the light baton and ribbon
of Marshal of France. He could not sleep
after seeing it conferred on McMahou, as a re
ward of valor in the battle of Magenta. Be
fore the next engagement, he told his friends
that this time he would win the prize he so
much coveted. The conflict was over, and
they sought him anxiously upon the gory
field. They found him almost crushed be
neath his dying war horse, and the practiced
eye of the surgeon told hiruj life would soon
be over. Word was sent to the Emperor, who
quickly arrived, and taking from his own
breast the badge of Marshal of France, he
placed it above the heart of his faithful fol
lower. The life-long dn am was realized, and
with a single throb of exultant joy and grati
tude, he threw his arms about the neck ot bis
sovereign the next instant he fell back in
the embrace of a stronger King.
A Washington letter to the Independent!
closes with the following paragraph :
As I close this letter, there are ominus ru
mors on the streets in the air. To use an
old phrase, now threadbare since the war be
gan, "e are on the eve of great events."
1 1 is true tlm time. . May-day should see us in
possession ot Richmond, and M tjlellan's
friends say that be will plant the Stars and
Staipes on the Richmond Statehouse before
long, ireraontis oil with bis esalf , and he
already has a division of troops in the field.
He is on excellent terms with Mr. Lincoln,
and his enemies in and out of the Cabinet are
much disturbed by the fact. Twenty-five
thousand men have been given him at the out
set, and he will have more when be needs
them. "That man,1' said a distinguished
Kentucky politician, pointing to Fremont, as
be stood in the rotunda of the Capitol a day
or two since, "That man can't be put down."
So bis enemies have always found.
Bore x Charmed Life. It is narrated as
one of the incidents of the Fort Donelson fight
that the youthful Capt. Henry Wilsen, of the
Illinois Eighteenth, was shot down three times
without receiving a scratch! First a ball
struck the pistol in his belt, prostrating bim.
He jumped up and rushed on, when be receiv
ed another diagonally across his breast, strik
ing a package of papers in bis breast pocket.
He was carried back from the stunning effect
of the blow, but speedily recovered, and was
again at the head of his company when an
other ball struck bim crosswise on his waist
plate, and be was again flattened out, and car
ried off, this time for dead ; but what was the
astonishment of bis comrades, a short while
afterwards, to see the little fellow rushing up
and "pitching in" again, and bravely doing
his duty to the end of the fight, coming on
without a bruise upon bim, but a little sore
about the ribs.
To Cure Bots. The following is from the
New York 'Spirit of the Times' : "When your
horse has the bots, first give him some sage
tea. Boil the sage in a quart of milk, and
sweeten with molasses. Half an hour after,
drench yonr horse well with laudanum; in
three quarters of an bour after drench with
three-fourths of a pound of salts, and your
horse will be well in three boura, or as soon as
the salts operates. The tea wil I make the bots
let loose, the laudanum will put them to sleep,
aodltbe salts will cause them to pass from the
horse. I warrant the care os a lair trial." ,
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
The confidence of the people in President
Lincoln is, we think, higher at this moment
man it ever has been, aud we are quite sure
that they would not be willing to exchange
him for any one of our prominent politicians
or generals. The peculiar power of the Pres
ident seems to consist in bis careful and com
prehensive view of everything ; in a peculiar
balance of his own intellect and his capability
of holding that of others in the same position ;
in his moderation of character and transparent
honesty of purpose. These are high qualities,
and they are such as the people appreciate.
In all the appalliug difhculties which beset
the President in his entering upon his office,
the same generic traits have been shown. ' He-
perceived at once what Mr. Buchanan seem
ed to be incapable of seeing that there must
be in every nation the power of self-preservation,
and that it was his plain duty to acquire
and hold all the possessions of the United
States. He perceived that if the war was to
be carried on at all, it must be waged with
vigor, and that its grand motive, the preserva
tion of the Union, must be clearly apparent.
Directly in the path of the President lay the
question of slavery, one on which almost
every individual of the thirty millions of peo
ple in America had opinions and could talk at
mil length, but in regard to which it was the
most ditlicult thing immaginahle to devise a
wise plan, and when devised, to persuade any
one to make it practical. The peculiar pow
ers of Mr. Lincoln's intellect were brought to
bear upon this question, and when his mind
was made up and the proper time had come,
he caraly took the responsibility of sending a
message to Congress embodying his views.
We all remember how astonished everyone
was at the boldness which thus confronted the
question of the age. But when the surprise
had passed away, the result was admiration as
well of the wisdom as the boldness of the
The first principle of the President's plan Is
emancipation of the slaves wilh compensation
to the loyal masters. He recommended that a
resolution conveying this idea, that Congress
would thus assist any State that was willing
to emancipate, should pass both houses, and
this was accordingly done. His second prin
ciple was Colonization, with tho consent of the
negroes, not only in Africa or Hayti ; but that,
in addition, a territory lying toward or in the
tropics should be set apart, which might be
settled exclusively by colored persons. The
popularity of these measures was truly remark
able. Almost tho entire North evinced at
once a willingness to assist the South in bear
ing this burden a willingness to tax them
selves to pay for the properly thus to be given
up by Southern men, so that the great boon of
freedom could be secured to tho blacks and,
at the same time, tho fruitful source of all
trouble to the country might be removed.
The exceptions are extremely raro to the dis
position to burden themselves fer a great na
tional and philanthropic. el'ject. The emanci
pation was to be conditioned npon the consent
of the slaveholdmg States, and thus it was
perfectly constitutional. Abroad, teo, where
there had been continual statements, in part
prompted by Southern emissaries, that there
was no real disposition in the Ameiican Gov
ernment to the abolition of slavery, this course
of the President at once silencced all such
The immediate result of the course pursued
by the President was to bring about the aboli
tion of slavery in the District t Columbia.
His principles led directly to this result.
They were z That it was eminently desirable
to abolish slavery ; that the principles of com
pensation and colonization should be kept in
view, and that it should be done with the con
sent of the governing authority. But in'the
District of Columbia, Congress is the local
egislature, and their consent settled the
whole matter. They passed such a bill by a
two-thirds vote in both houses, and it was
signed by the President. It is one of the
great events of this century ; it is hardly too
much to say that thus to tree the nation from
the shame ot slavery, in the National Capital,
is worth an the war has cost.
We learn from authentic information, that
a strong disposition exists in the State of Del
aware to avail themselves of the resolution of
Congress in relation to compensation for tbeir
slaves. A million, of dollars less than the
expense of one day of the war would pay for
the whole of the slaves in Delaware, in the
election which occur this year, we learn that
this question will enter as a main element.
Should emancipation be successful there, Mary
land could not retain her slaves, and must
necessarily follow.
We might illustrate the President's policy
by the view recently afforded us of the course
of events in Mexico. Suffice it to say, that it
is characterized by the same moderation and
comprehensiveness already indicated. The
course pursued in the case of Mason and Sli-
dell is another illustration of the same traits.
The people have reason to rejoice that at such
a time the Government is in the bands of epe
who seems raised up especially for the occasion.
The Cleveland 'Leader' tells a story of a
Northern Senator who was talked of for the
Presidency ; but who evidently aspiies to a
Judgeship. The Senator in question says that
there was lour years that he was praying long
and praying loud praying early and praying
late that Chief Justice Taney might live
through Buchanan's Administration. Now
be said the only anxiety be bad in the matter
is that be overdid the praying business to such
an extent that be will live even through Mr.
' The Augusta, Georgia, Chronicle says : Our
Confederate Legislature ts determined to take
care of No. 1. The bill fixing the pay of Sen
ators and Representatives in Congress pro
vides that each shall receive $3,000 a year,
and traveling expenses at the rate of 20 cents
per mile. It is a fatter thing to be a Con
gressman and talk "buncomb," than to be a
soldier atSll per month and fight the Yankees.
One asked bis friend why he, being s stout
man himself had married to small a wife.
"Why friend," said he, "I thongbt that you
bad known .that of all evils we choose the
A Sontb Carolina paper threatens that the
whole of the United States "shall be the seat
of war." Then the war will have a tremen
dous seat bigger even than Humphrey- Marshall's.
A Pretty Good Stort. A tolerable good
story is told of a couple of raftsmen, based
upon an occurance during the late big flood
and storm our western rivers, In which so
many raits were sunk and so many steamboats
lost their sky rigging. A raft was csught in
a dangerous place just as the squall came. In
an Instant the raft was pitcbing'and writhing
as if suddenly dropped into Charybdis, while
the waves broke over it with tremendous up
roar;, and expecting Instant destruction, the
raltsman dropped on his knees and commenc
ed praying with a vim equal to the emergen
cy. Happening to open his eyes an instant.,
he observed his companion not engaged in
prayer but pushing a pole into the water at
the side of the raft. "What's that yer doin'
Mike 7" said be ; "get down on your knees
now, for thete isn't a minit between us and
purgatory !" "Be aisy, now ; what's the use
in praying when a feller can tech bottom with a
pole f" Mike is a pretty good specimen of a
large class of christians, who prefer to omit
prayer as long as they can "tech the bottom."
"Ir too Please." When the Duke of Wel
lington was sick, the last he took was a little
tea. On his sorvant banding it to him in a
saucer, and asking him if he would have it,
he replied, "Yes it you please." These were
his last words. How much kindness and
courtesy are expressed by them. He who
commanded the greatest armies in Europe,
and was long accustomed to the tone of au
thority, did not despise or overlook the small
courtesies of life. Ah how many boys do.
What a rude tone of command they often use
to their little brothers and sisters and some
times to their mothers. They order so. This
ill-bred and unchristian, and shows a coarse
nature and hard heart. In all vonr home talk
remember, "if you please." Among jour
playmates don't forget, "If you please." To
all who wait upon or serve you believe that
"if yon please" will make you better served
than all the cross or ordering words in the
dictionary. Don't forget these little words.
"If you please."
A Hint to Yocnq Ladies. Loveliness ! It
is not your costly dress, ladies, your expensive
shawl, or gold-laden fingers. Men of good
sense look far beyond these. It is your char
acter they study your deportment. If you
are trifling and loose in your conversation, no
matter if you are as beautiful as an angel, you
have no attractions for them. It is the
loveliness of nature that attracts the first at
tention, it is the moral and mental excellence
and cultivation that wins and continues to
retain the affection of the heart. Young la
dies sadly miss it who labor to improve their
outward looks, while they bestow little or no
thought on their minds and hearts. Fools
may be won by gewgaws, and fashionable and
showy dresses, but the wise the prudent and
substantial, aregnever caught by such traps.
Let modesty and virtue be your dress. Use
pleasant and trnthlul language, study to do
good, and though yon may not be courted by
the fop, the truly great will love to linger in
your steps.
A Beactipcl Idea. In the mountains of
Tyrol it is the custom of the women and chil
dren to come out when it is bed time and sing
their national songs until they hear their hus
bands, fathers and brothers answer them ffcm
the hills on tbeir return horns. On the shores
of the Adriatic such a custom prevails. There
the wives of the fishermen come down about
sunset and sing a melody. After singing the
first stanza they listeued awhile for an answer
ing melody from ofl the water, and continue
to sing and listen till the well known voice
comes borne on the waters, telling that the
loved one is almost home. How sweet to the
weary fisherman, as the shadows gather around
him, must be the song of the loved ones at
home, that sing to cheer him; and how they
must strengthen and tighten the links that
bind together these humble dwellers by the
sea I Truly it is among the lowly in this life
that we find some of the most beautiful cus
toms in practice.
A Generous Man George Peabody, the
American banker in London, whose magnifi
cent gift of .150,000 to the poor of that city
has excited s.t much praise from the London
press, has, during his successful career, given
away to charitable objects no less than one
million eight hundred thousand dollars. He
is a native of Danvers, Massachusetts, and a
descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers, his ances
tors having emigrated from St. Albans to New
England in 1635. ne began life poor as an
ofllce boy, when eleven years old At fifteen
lie was a merchant ; and at twenty-seven part
ner in a Baltimore house, with branches both
at New York and Philadelphia. In 1837 be
went to England, and, entering the banking
business in London, has since then remained
People who go out of church before the
benediction ought to have the old Scotch
clergyman, of whom this story is told, speak
to them. The ancient reverend had just rais
ed his hands to give the parting blessing,
when the noise of the escaping multitude at
tracted bis attention and disturbed the quiet
of the church. Quietly opening his eyes, he
thus addressed the door keeper, and effectual
ly stopped the practice, for that dsy at any
rate : "And now, John, open the doors ; and
let all the cursed people who don't want the
blessing, retire.
The man that laughs is a doctor without a
diploma. His face does more good in a sick
room than a bushel of powders or a gallon of
bitter draughts. People are always glad to
see him. Their hands instinctively go half
way out to meet his grasp, while they turn In
voluntarily from the clamy touch of the dys
peptic, who speaks in the groaning way. He
laughs you out of your faults, while you never
know what a pleasant world you are living in
until he points out the sunny streaks on its
pathway., ',.
The world goes ever on. It is strange bow
oon, when a great man dies, his place is filled
and so completely, that he seems to be no
longer wanted.
A smile may be bright while the heart is sad
the rainbow is beautiful in the air while be
neath is the moaning of the sea.
Why should the male sex avoid the letter
A 7 Because it makes men mean.
In the tax bill before Congress dogs are
lazed $1 each.
From the Philadelphia Press
Washisfton, April 18, 1S62. From this
day forward we shall have a great national
party, based upon the two grand ideas of pro
tecting and preserving the Union, and of so
restoring it as forerer to prevent those who co'
tributed to the rebellion from re-assuming their
recent bad eminence. President Lincoln, in his
shoit message of Wednesday, anouncing that
he had signed the bill lor the abolition of
slavery in the District of Columbia, suggests,
in a single sentence, one great element ier the
uuity aud success of such a party. His words
are significant :
"I am gratified that the two principles ot
compensation and colonization are both recog
nized and practically applied in the act."
The exact significance and value of these
words is to be found in that they not only
mean that the President and his friends do not
intend that slavery shall be removed from
any State, unless with the consent and at tho
petition of the people thereof, but that the
owners must be compensated and the slaves
colonized- No violent or radical measures,
differing from this safe and sagacious policy,
will be sanctioned by the President or any
considerable number of his friends. It is In
this spirit that a great national party will be
organized and maintained.
The great ambition of the President is to
unite the loyal people of the United States
against all their enemies armed or unarmed,
open or concealed. He has done no single
act since his inauguration that has not been
the growth of this patriotic feeling. He e-
specially sympathizes with the true men of
the slave States. Born in Kentucky himself,
i . . - . . . . .
ne kiiows wnai iventucKy ana other adhering
Southern States have suffered; and, at th
risk of offending ultra men, he has repeatedly
manifested his anxiety to consult and concili
ate those upon whom the burdens of this war
have fallen so heavily. This emotion inspired
him when he proposed his plan of gradual
emancipation in the States' in' bis special mes
sage, and this it is that prompted bim to ex
press his gratification that "the two principles
of compensation and colonization are both re
cognized and applied" in the act of abolishing
slavery here.' lie well knows that any triumph
at the polls which des not recognize these
men, and hold out hopes of future protection
to them, is simply to help the traitors in the
field, to strengthen them in their persecutions
of the loyalists of the South, and to restore
James Buchanan and his parasites to power.
And, however the Border State Senators and
Representatives may have voted in Congress,
most of them'are this day the open and candid
supporters of Mr. Lincoln: As they have
most severely suffered In the conflict produc
ed by Breckinridge and his party, they can.
never unite with that party in any iutnre cam
paign. Substitutes: A correspondent of the New
Orleans Crescent, at Richmond, writes as fol
lows : Our chief article of commerce now-a-days
is a commodity known in the market as
"substitutes'." The article has risen from
$100 to $200, again to $500, and from that to
$1000 and $1500. The cheapest kind now
offering commands $5C0 icadiiy. A wretch
named Hill has been making enormons sums,
as much as from $3000 to $5000 per day, by
plundering substitutes, situe of whom are the
very scum of the earth, while others are pov
erty stricken Marylanders of high social po
sition at home, and men of real moral worth.
A friend of mine bought a substitute from Hill
for $500. He saw Hill give the poor devil
$100 and put the remaining $400 in bis pock
et. As my friend went out the door he met a
gentleman who told him he had just paid
$1500 for a substitute. Of this sum it is pos
sible the substitute received $200, and Hill
the other $1800. To-day he went up Main
street with at least fifty men at' his heels.
You may therefore infer that he Coins money
more rapidly than the Yankee distiller, Stearn,
now in jail with Botts. who used to make
$1600 a day by furnishing' his vile stuff to
Southern soldiers. The fact is, this buying
and selling substitutes isabomicableallaronnd;
The men who come here from the' country to
bny them run mad'until they get tbem they
are absolutely crazy with fear least they should
fail to obtain them and seem willing to spend
their last dollar in the effort. On the other
band, the exhibition of his person, to which
the substitute . is subjected, is rediculons and
disgusting- lie is stripped to the skin, per
cussed, ausculated, examined from top to toe,
like a horse showing off paces. A' lovely
business; truly !
The Knoxville 'Register,' of the 13th ult.,
says there is little prospect of the cultivation
of crops of any kind this year In Powell's
Valley, one of the most fertile valleys of East
Tennessee. The Union people are fleeing to
Kentucky, while those who adhere to the Con
federate Government are so harrassed by th
Federal cavalry from Kentucky that they can
not attend to the labors oi the firm:
Another cattle disease, of the most fearful
character, according to the Newville 'Valley
Star,' has appeared among the cattle in that
vicinity. It commences on the side of tho
head and nose, causing the animal to rub un
til the 6kin is rubbed off and the eye is rubbed
out. Some eight or ten hours' after the dis
ease appears, the head commences to swell,
and in two hours thereafter the animal is dead.
. " Well, John," said a doctor to a lad, whose
mother be had been attending daring her ill
ness, "how is your mother 7" She's dead,
I thank you, sir."
"Pooh I Pooh !" said a wife to ber expir
ing husband, as be strove to utter a few part
ing words, "don't stop to talk, bnt go on with
your dying."
A rebel prisoner was asked : "Ain't you
tired of fighting Uncle Sam 7" "Yes, sir.
Would'nt fight again if Uncle Sam should spit
in my face."
All fruit trees have ' military propensities.
When young they are well trained ; tbey pro
duce many kernels ; and their shoots are very '
straight. , ; ;-.
The Grave an ngly hole in tho gromid,
which lovers and poets wish they were in but
take uncommon pains to keep ont of.
The ladies who wear red, white and blue
rosettos, araresl patrio:s,aad therefore ready
for a Agtigemet.
i "