JmTm"a'mm'mBms--- ' Ll.l-UJ.UI , , . THE JOUKML. CLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 23, 186S Time of Cars l-javin? Tyrone Station. 00150 K AST. r.r :n. o IT P. M. I Mail Train, 11.53 A. M. A PDI A . w , v - - ' I COINO WEST. 'Expres, 6.40 A. M. Mail train, L 540 P.M Died. Wc learn that Thomas Ravenhill, -member of the 84th Pcnn'a regiment, died in itio Hospital In Philadelphia, one day 11 week, from the effects of a wound in the thigh which he received in the battle at Winchester. The Weather, etc. Kain commenced fal 'Jing In this region on Sunday night, and did .not cease until Monday evening, and ' conse 'quencethu river was unusually high on Tue day. . Ho rafts are running now, and we pre sume there are but few on our sireatns which Are likely to be run the present season. 'Tat Lxdx's Boo- Godey for May is to band. It contains a beautiful double colored fashion plate, a steel plate illustrating the 'Merry month of May," a design tor a cottage, etc. in all, 74 engravings lo this number. Godey is always ahead of all other magazines .in the way of illustrations. No lady should im without it. Price, three dolUrs a year. The Wounded. Wm. H. Stott, who is in (bu St. Joseph's Hospital in Philadelphia, in- Tortus us, that he is in good health, and that liia woui-d Is healing us fast as conld be ex Jiccted. lie also says, that John R. Carr and William Lozier are on the mend ; but that . John Albert seems to be on a stand, and that his wound is very painful. It is to he hoped tht these bravo l oys may speedily recover? '"OS FcttLOicii. We stated In the Telegraph that our friend I). P. Bible of Philipsbnrg, Ad jutant ot the filst Penn'a rcgiment,was in Ilai risburg on Saturday last, en route for home, ere lie will spend a few daj's among his ."friends, having been furlonghed on account of sickness. The 61st has already distinguished" itself in battle, and its bayonet charge at Ncw beru, N. C, was one of the most brilliant per formances of the war. May its future oppers tions be crowned with still greater houors. Brady Towsbhip, April 19, Mr. Row: On Sunday night the 13th, sev eral penons went to the sugar camp of Mr Alex. Shea in this township, and bulled down two kettles of syrup (which had been ltd in the camp on Saturday evening by Mr. S.) and car ried oTlho product. was certainly a re . rr hold move, as the camp is In sight of Mr Shea's residence- Such scoundrels deserve to ibc severely punished lor their temerity. If successful in eluding detection, they are like tily to become as expert in acts ot rascality as the southern rebels, with whom it js supposed they sympathise. lours, Union How to Banish Kats. A correspondent ol Gardner's Monthly says, "1 tried the ufiect ot introducing into the entrance of their holes inns or hiding places, a small piece of chlo ride of lime or bleaching powder, wrapped in -calico, and thrown loosu by the spoonful into the drain from the honso. This drove them away for a twelve month, when they returned to it. They were again treated in the same manner, with a like effect. The cure was most complete. I resni!'. it was Hi chlorido gas which did not agree with their olfactories." A Liter art Curiosity. A friend sends ns the following copy of an advertisement, which he found sticking up in a blacksmith shop in an adjoining county. It is certainly a very rare specimen of orthography : Pintle- Sale will b solt at publec Vandne on Tusliiy 18 of march att the supcriper goge Township will lia soil as folia one hoses Too Too yearn Colts Etli hats of yong Cathels one milk cow Light shots one Drouth w ill wagin ana He i blows unci bans wintmill horse Gets porlatis and a varity of other Articles too numerous to mention Sale to Commence at at 1 o clock A M of said Day when dew Attendin and a good Credit will be Given. uom Marietta. The Mariettlan mys that on Friday afternoon, thj 18th, tho Susquehan na was unusually high and still rising, and tho water was "over the bank at -soany places along the town, and great danger is manifest from what, it is feared, will be the groatest freshet for a number of years. The shore is lined with timber and board rafts, and all the ropes that conld be obtained have been brought into use. The prices paid tor timber during tho past week have been very encouraging, rang ing from 8 to 11 cents lor pine, and 16 to 18 cents for oak. Our town is filled with mer chants awaiting the abatement of the Hood, when the lumber will soon change owners ; at present the buyers hold off," for a moro safo condition of the river." Local Items. On the subject of furnishing local items for the press the editor of an East ern paper makes the following sensible remark : "Almost every member of a community where a newspaper is established, can do much to make the local department what it should be, by contributions of fresh iteras,which may be gathered in each locality and commmicated with little trouble. They who neglect this duty, so useful to editors and desirable to the pub lic, are responsible, in part at least, for a niea .gre supply of domestic news in their journals.' We hope our friends throughout the county will profit by this remark, and furnish us with the local occurrences of their neighborhoods. Give the tacts time, place, name and circum stances and we will put the item in proper shape. The writers name niut accompany the communication as a guaratee of its correct ness leaving ns to judge of its merit. Not Beligercntb. It is stated that the Emperor Napoleon has resolved not to recog nize the bastard government of the southern 'veholders or in other words, be declines regard thorn as beligerents, and will treat tbera hereafter only as rebels and outlaws, or " pirates. England will probably pursue the ne course. Beauregard, it is said, is suffering from a rs throat. ITa isn't tbe only rebel that is ginning to feel bad about tbe neck. Query ?-Whn will Floyd understand his true position t When be gets the hang of it. Map of the Eastern MANSON LLrJfl?M.....- OXFORD Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail From Gen. Burnside's Department. Wo have Xewbern dates to the 18th. Fort Macon is thoroughly cut off, and it being as certained that the utpply of provisions is short, it was thought that no attaok would be made on the fort, but that the besieging party would wait to starve them out. Slight expec tations prevailed that the rebels would attack Newborn, and fortifications being built for its protection. A little skirmish took place a bout a week since near Beaufort. Capt. Scho- field of the 8th Connecticut regiment and four other oilioers were wounded. Gen. Burnside made a short visit to Beaufort. Com. Foote commenced the bombardment of Fort Wright, several days sinoe, and firing is kept up briskly on both sides. Deserters from the enemy say their batteries mount a bont 40 guns, and that CO more ure being put in position. Gen. Bragg is ia command. The rebel force i3 about G.000, and four gunboats in the river. The high water prevonts the co operation of our land forces wjth the fleet. A dispatch from Madison, Wisconsin, dated April 21, states that the executive Depart ment had received tha startling announcement of the death of Gov. Louis P. Harvey. He was drowned at Savannah, Tennessee, on Sat urday night, whilo stepping from ono boat to another. Tho body had not been recovered. Gen. Banks has informed the War Depart ment, of the flight of Jackson from the Shan nandoah Valley, by the way pf the mountains from Harrisonburg towards Stannardsvillo and Orange Court House on Gordonsville. Every housu in Columbus is surrounded by wafer. Mound City is entirely submerged, and the water is running into the lower sto ries of the hospitals and dwellings. MARRIED: On the 10th inst., by Amos II He, Esq., Mr. Robert II. Owens to Miss Sarah J. Moore, all of Ferguson township. On the 15th lust., by Rev. Uotwalt, Mr. Sr-ESCEtt Whipple, ol Curwensville, fto Miss Matilpa Spencer, of, Bridgeport, Clearfield county. Fa. On the loth inst., by Rev. J. M. (ialloway, I Mr, James II, Morgan, of Uenlich tp., to Mrs. Sarah Ddnlat, of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa. DIED: On the J9th of April, of measels and infla- mation of the lungs, Richard II., only son of Thomas and Marian J. Waple ot Boggs town ship, sged 1 year, 10 months and 7 days. WANTED. AlU inds of grain will be taC-en in payment of debts due mo, for which the hizhest niaret prices will be given. NOTICE- The undersigned, now located in Curwensvillc, this eonnty, gives notice that he Intends to remove to Clearpold on the 1st of April next. AH persons having watches. clocks. Ac. In jut shop for rapain, will please call and get the same on or before that date. S. II. LAUCIIIilN, March 5. tS62-3t-p. Watchmaker. T IT II CIIEAPER Tn AN EVER. The undersigned have jnst received from the east an extensive varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LAMPS, evsr brought into the county, which they offer at prices, cheaper tuan ine cneapesi. vno aa vant age jn baying from us is, if the burners become loose we fasten mem winout cnargo -uw ,a iuw time to buy. We also repair lamps and put new burners on wben desired. Jau. 15, 1861. MERUELTi & I5IQL.EK. 100 EYRE & LiAli U E I Ij, 1QQ I nl)Z Fourth Arch-Streets. Phila- lOUS delpbia, are now offering their usual assortment of Dry Goods, adapted to Spring Sales. Fashionable Dress Silks, fashionable Spring Shawls, new as sortment of Dress Goods, Spring Prints, DeLaines and Ginghams, Muslins and Linensof first quality, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Table Linens, Towiings and Napkins. ". B. Black Silks, b- 07f regular prices. ,.-iarca jj, N JrtisaNS HEWBeimpkj JM"- portion of North Carolina, the field of General THE I'SIO.N NOW AND FOREVER! REAP! READ!! READ!!! A New Attraction in these Diggings ! NEW AND CHEAP Clothing Store, In the "Mansion IIoue," opposite the Clearfield Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield, Branch of Reizensttin Bro 120 jVortA-Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The undersigned respectfully announce to 'the inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in general, that theyh.aro opened at the above named place the most extensive and host selected stock of READY-MADE OLOTIIINtt and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that hns ever been exhibited in this borough, and which they will sell 23 per- cent, cheaper than clothing hat ever been fold in this part of the country. Our stock embraces a full and complete assort ment of all garments generally worn, made up of good niatoriai and in the best style and workman ship. A general assortment of - ROY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING, furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags, triraed flannel and white shirts ; in short every thing generally found in a wcrl assorted store of this kind. We also keep a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such 43 pocket hooks, portmonios, pocnet knives, oamh, brushes, watch chains and guards, violin and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gun caps, speotacles and a great many other fancy and use ful articles too numerous to mention, all of which they will sell as well as Xhe clothing At the Lowest Cash Prices. We invito every person in need of clothing or of any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and view our goods and prices, and. we arc confident that we oan give satisfaction, so that every person shall feel inolined to tell his friends where good and cheap clothing can be got. We are constantly roceiving accessions to out stock from our own manufacturing establishment in Philadelphia, and shall always be supplied with a good variety of all articles in our line, which shall surpass in style, cut, workmanship, and cheapness those of any other similar estab lishment in this part of the State, and by fair and honest dealings, we hope to merit 4 liberal share of public patronage. April 9, '62. KEIZENSTEIN BRO S QO. Flour! Flourll-iSSySfJS and for sale, good family flour, at cash price, by Jan. 15. 1862. MERRELL A BIGLER. T immrQ ) A ,otof CDoiee Liquors, such lJlUUUio as Brandies of various kinds, Whiskey, Gin, etc., just received and for sale by Jan. 15. 1SC2 MERRELL BIGLER. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned hav ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm of jMoore t Etzweiler, and having made largo ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to vvait upon cus tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by strict personal attention to business to merit a eontinuence of the same. March 25, 62.-tf. D. F. ETZWEILER. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a certain writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to. public sale, at Kylertown, on the 3d day of May next, at I o'clock P. M., the following described Real Estate, -vis : A certain tract of land situate in Morris tp, Clearfield co, Pa., beginning at an old Spruce cor ner of a certain tract of land of Joseph Potter thence, by land of Joseph Potter and James M. Leonard, north 1 deg E. 22S perches to an old spruce, thence by land of A. R. Wright and R. Wrigley, and -of E. I). Brisband, south 87, dejj. east 326 per. to an old pine, thence S, 1 deg. A . 228 perches to stones by a pine, thence north 89. wekt 326 perches to place of beginning and con taining 438 acre and 40 per. and allowance, be the same more or less. Seised, taken in oxecution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Wilson. EDWARD PERKS, SnoriST. ChsrifTs Office, April 9th, 1302. FTl Y HONE CI T.Y II O T E L, -0- TYROXE, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. A P. OWENS, Proprietor. Also Ovsteks, Wholesale and Retail. decl9 TTo Vfl Yn rn ? The undersigned have re XlttlUM tllC ; eently added a very ex tensive assortment to their farmer largo stocK of IUHDWARE, Which they are prepared to dispose of for cash at prices to suit tlie times. J'erson desirous of buy ing hardware, should remember that no can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy stocK wo have on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of us. Give us a trial. Jan. 15, 1802. MERRELL BIGLER. KOLLOCK'SPANPELION COFFEE. This preparation, mudo from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a supe rior nutritious beverage for General Debility, Dyspepsia and all billions disorders Thousands who have been, compelled to abandon the use of coffee will use this without injurious effects. One can contaips the strength of two pounds of ordin ary cofrcc. Price 26 cents. Kollock's Levais. The puest and best bakinir powder known for making light, sweet and nu trlt ious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by M- H. KLLOCK, Chemist, corner of Broad and Chestnut Sts, PhU'a, and sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Ecb. 2il, lS62y. N EW F1IU1 AND NEW GOODS! JOHX & JERRED F. IRVIN. The nndersignod give Botico that on the 15th A pril they enterod into partnership in tba mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly qn? der the name and firm of John & J F. Irvin. They inform their customers and tho publio in generul that they have received from the East and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- AVARE, HARDWARE, AC., AC, specially adapted to the wants of tho community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a largo assortment of Bqqts, Snotts, Rats and Caps, cf the latest styles and best oualicy, all of which they int- 3d tq sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the tTnies. ' Now is the time to purchase Call in an., examine our stock before you purchase your goads, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms asjvou can procure them elsowhero. Give us & trial- JOHN IRVIN. May 30, 1860. JERRED F IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call ap.d settle. may 30. 'New-Spring Goods. J. IP. KKATZEIl, Has just received a general assortment of Spring DRY-GOODS. Detains, cashmcrs. reps, valence, morinos, al paccas, prists, coburgs, ginghams, ducals, chintz, silks, muslins cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, satti netts, flannels, linen, debagea, shawls aqd dusters, ' CLOTHING. Over-ooats, dresa-poats,bqsincss-eoaU, pants, vests, shawls, nnder-shirts, drawers, neckties, fine linen shirts, Byron collars, choakers, cravats, hats, caps, fine calf-skip boots, heavy kip boots and shoes. , GROCERIES, coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, oandles, rice, spices, flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence of coffee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, aoda, sperm and tallow candles, black tea, .saleratus. HARDWARE A QUEENSWARE. . Nails, spikes, forks, spades, shovels, springs, saws, planes, axes, augers, smoothing-irons, scissors, meat cutters, knives and forks, , steelyards, pen knives, stone tea setts, tureens, dishes, glassware. . , NOTIONS. Nubias, hoods, gloves, hogiery.collars, hoop-skirta, balmoral-skirts, bonnets, ribbons, flowers, plumes, bonnet frames, ruches, lace, braid binding, sephyr, yarn, fringo, buttons, trimmings of all kinds, etc. -MISCELLANEOUS. : Oil cloths, buckets, sohool books, wallpaper, twine rafting rope, coach Tarnish, moss, curled hair coach trimmings, velvet, plush, cotton tape, coal oil, linseed oil, sperm oil, window glass, etc, etc. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved oountry prodaw. - Clearfield, April 9. 1962. Burnside's operations. l-l iSKSfc T7JLOUR! JJACQN I! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS. OILS. DYE-STUFFS: LIQUOR OP VARIOUS KINDS, Tobaoco, ?egars, Ao , FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In tb basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by Feb. 27, IS61 -tf . O. B. MERRELL. A New Lot of Goods. rTUIE UNDERSIONKD having taken the stocK A of merchandize of th late firm of Patton. Hippie A Co.. have just added a fresh Supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drugs, Quoenrwarc. Bqots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Lainee, rrmts, battin6ts, flannels, etc,, which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, ForK, Shingles and Boards, taken in ex change for goods. We respeotfuliy asic a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensville. Dec. II. HIPPLE A FAUST. N B. The accounts of Patton. Hippie A Co., are in our nanas. ana we nereoy notijy pergons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settlo the same as wo qesire to have tho booKs closed. December 11, 1861. HIPPLE A PACHT. NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer G oods AT TUB CHEAP CASH STORE. . Just received aad opening, a carefully selected stocK or fcprmg and bummer goods, of almost ev ery description, staple and fancy. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, ( ) 1 O 1 O P It 1' O P O V 1 P " " HARD. WARE AND QUEENS WARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes,- HxVTS AND C A PS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. Kcw Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUFE riqr quality. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. Juue 26, 1SGI. WM. . IRWIN. Brilliant Opening- OF FALL FASHIONS ATTnE NEW CASH STORE OF H. W. Smith & Co. The attention of the Ladies is respectfully called to tbe following notice. We have just received and opened the very latest and most fashionable styles 01 NUBIAS, WOOL HOODS," Zephyr Wool Gauntlets, Berlin Wool Gloves with gauntlets, Wool Scarfs, Ze phyr Wool Shawls, largo and small ; heavy -double all wool Shawls, Chenile Shawls, Cloth . T' . ,V; w Gloves, gauntlet Buck Gloves, gauntlet Cash mere gloves, childrens' Cashmere Gloves, ;.. childrens' Lisle gloves, and a good asr sortraent of Ladies', Childrens', and Infants' hosiery. Also ELEGANT WORKED SETS., Elegant worked Collars, elegant worked Skirts, all wool Delaines, Flannels, and a great variety of Dress Goods. Ail of whioh will be sold cheap. cheap. Aodpxoa The Sontags will be opened for sal o in one week from this date. WALL PAPER AND WINDO W SHADES. We have just received from Howell A Brother of Chestnut street, two ohoiee styles of Taper. Also, window shading, plain and figure: -; . H. W. SMITH CO. Clearfield, November 13, "''"iSlSl!1"1"" Tho undersirnft! tak.s ipg tho public that bo Las commended tho faciare cf SvcP-SVar in t'ao Borough of Cosr field, andtbrth? is now ircpart i to supply U who wsy waut l&en with Milk antCrcsa Crock, Jug. Jar;. Ae. at lower prices, thah thoy can c bought elsewhere. He solicits a tbar cr'p'rn FREDERICK LEITZlNCiEB. Clearfield. Tn.. May 3:. IS.vj-ly. TWEW RREW ERY MORE LAGER. -JLl The snbscribers wouM epecM"nlly lulrta the Taer ke per a d others that thevhar r renlly parted n new Brewery in tho BWvMiifc i( Clearfield, and that they aif coir prepared to fer nish Ber on the nioHt acicPittO'latin terms. lb have employvd an experienced Liower. from t'a j east, and they f l confident tht they can supp a superior article of ber. Give them a trial sc't judge for vourselrej. JaneL'0.Jo0 Cn vRinS HALT A CO ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE. THE MIT REM LEY rOR RUE f 1 ATlS.M , ANEW REMEDY 1 A T.RTA1N KEMF.DY. l"r ACL" I E RHKl MATX.'Ju'. CIt RONIC K HK I'M ATI 5:t . RHEFMATISM 01' KVKKY KIND ; No Matter How Sir no is, How Loso MaM" PKorvi ixisr PVuL CfCKf, S tVlI.L ClRE IT What it nas done, h trill do aun. IWtors rtap, Ioi-trs rxAMir. JKT?rn tt-.t jt The best .tcsiimwy, Brst uVinlieal Ai.thoritv . Doctors inow it, PutientsUlinxit, Tried $ "ff. Pfylv6niaIIo6.pitaI. (From Orrn i.t. Hospital Km-of.ts ; Mat 19, ISot. KUen fc.. wt. 2S, single, ue-r was very FtroiiR. Two years agt.hf had an at tack of acute rheusaatism, fro.n which she was de fined to Ler bed lor two weeks aud subsequently from a relapse for four moro. She has h.ra wefl since then till I.-int Iratardar; nhU frs.tgJ ia house cleaning, she took cold! had ruin lit her ba k felt cold, but bird no decided chill. Tw o's-r later her ankles began toswelt which wss follow ed by swelling of tbe kuee joiuts and of (he htn-lt Jhe has dull pain in bcrshoultlers. a:;d hrr knuck les are very tender, i?d snd p.ili.fal ; haj-lf are affected, but the right !s the uiot I his. then, is a case of acute 1 heiunatinu, or it is n fashionably called, rheoun tic fever. It H n w marked tvpicalcase. tt"c n itJcarefufly watch th case.aatl from time to time call yoor attention t- tho various symptoms which present tbr.iusclrM. Mj- chief object in bringing Lc-r bfre u now i to call jour attention to a reiuodv which has x" crntly beenrec'-muien'ted in the treatment -A rheo matism. I mean pri?yl.t i : e Dr Awrn-irius "f ht. Petersburg, recomfcends it in tl.r highest '.ertn harinz derived ernat benefit from i'ivt in cases w hich cfiiue undor hi. ciro. "arioas ocm -1 meiidatory tt'stiwonials retiroctin it hare appH..r. eu 111 our journals, aan i propose giving it arothr trial. 1 must coi.fess 1 Ma always ircredu.'out to the worth of new remedies, which are vautte-1 ss specifics ; but this comes to us recominn le t highly, that wc arc bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER '. Mat 23, 1SC0. I w i l now exhibit to you the po tient for whom I preshrihed Propylamine, &n 1 who wan then laboring unIr an at'lack of aut rheumatism, hc has steadily taken it in dot- of three grains, every two hours, fintcrmittin it at night). The day after you saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than shoespecteJ to be for a week or more, jndiag from brrmther attack. (The patient now walked into the room 1 The improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a irnrsod change in th appearanca of her joints, which ere now uearlvcf their natural siio. Thus far our e.perimnt would have seemed very successful; bot goui.Vmen w must wait a little while before we can clv a de cided opinion as to what is to be tht result. THREE DAYS LATER! ! Mat ?6, I860. This is the case of acute rheuma tism treated with propylamine, the first of tbosa t which I called your attention at our last clinto. She is still very comfortable, and is cow taking three grates thrioo daily. In this case it has soeuied to be followed by Tery satisfactory results. The second case to which your attention was called at our last Uoture, ha also continued to do well. I will now bring -fore you a very characteristic case of aoatc a matism, and if the result b csatisfactory. a-t pood jurymen, ir shall iustlu raider our rrt. . in favor of propylamine. lie is a seaman, set. 2b. who was admitted a fo days ago. Has had occasional rheumati.j pains, but not so as to keep his bod. until eiirht dav a!?i The pains began iu his right knee, subsequent! affected the left knee, and later the joints of the upper extremities. Tbexe. joints arc all swollen, tenso and tender. His tongue is furrod; his skin at present, dry, though there has beenmurh swvat- az- Jlispulgeis lull and ctronz. and about Vo. He has now used propylamine tweuty-four hours. I his gentlemen is w uat may be called a strictiv typical case ot acute rheumatism. There waa ex posure to ct 'd and wet. and this exposure is fjl lowed by l i. linz Of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, hj it usuaMv does, in tho lowr joints J hern n fever and the profuso sweRtiug, sogenerallyattcuaant on acute rheumatism. I did not bring this patieut before voa with th intention of giving you a k-ctura on all the points oonnected with lheumatigm, but to ag.iin give a trial to the new remedy wo are testing, and to ex hibit to you this typical ease, as I have callod it. than which there could not be a fairer opportunity for testing tho medicine in quesliou. We arc. therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines. I even Rt,yn,,s tuat there may be no mi.ivinjf 1 nF io wnicn was ine enuieni rmeav. H'U snail see the case in a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Jok V, 1SG0. The next of our canvalcacents u the case oftaoutc rheumatism boforeyou at our clin ic of May 116th, which I then called a typical cae. and ahioh it was remarked wuga fuiropportnnity for testing th worth of our now remedy. It was therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for four days. The f atlert has got along very nicely, and is now ablo to walk about as you see. I do not hesitate to stu that I hava never seen. as severe a case of acute rheumatism so soon reztor. cd to htalth as this man Aa been, and wttioiit bc i'le? prepared to decide positively as to th value of the renudtt we have n&cd, I feel Louiui to state that in the cases in which ije have, tried the chloride ot Propylamine, the patients have pained their health much earlier than under thi treat nenf ordi'ianlr pursued. I with, gentlemen, you would your selves try tt, and report tno rosults. For a full report of which the above is a cen densed extract, soe the Philadelphia Mediealand Ziitrgtcal Kevortcr. It is a reportalter a fair tnsl by the best medical authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary tojgivc numerous certificate from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A Speeov Ccre. An Effectcal Ccre. Thst Sahb Resvlt is eveuv Case, Wbesevkr Tritr, wherever ikied. v hat it has ik-!e, It Will Do Again. B alloc f k Crenshaw a firm well Xnown to moat medical men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has been introduced, have sold to us the exclasiv right to manufacture it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements cf such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broecteaiX amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same remedy in anether form; we invite your attention to the Pcne Cuts TALIZEO ProPVLAMISE.IRE pROPTLAlf I5B LlQn, Pcre Propvlamine Coxcestratf.d, PcRr Iodide Propylamine, of which we are the scle manufa? turers. t"We claim no oilier virtue for the Elixir P-ropylaruine than is contained in Purs CrygiI- ized Chloride of Propylamine. The Elixir is vore and alwats read v ror iv..m kdiate cse, a5 0 mat 1ake3 accoroinu to direction"?. er ast oxe, br evert one. who has rberhattsm op a5t zxxd. SOLD AT T5 CTS- A BOTTLE. Orders mav be addressed iQuPropyLmin Mat ufaeturing Co., Office, Room No. 4. W Corar Fourth, and Chestnut Sta , Philadelphia. Or toeither of the following Wholesale AionU : Bullock A Crenshaw ; Trench, Richards t O. John M. Maris k Co., Geo. D. Wetherell AC-. Peter T.Wright A Co., Zeigler A Smith. T Mr lis Perot A Co., Philadelphia. Dec. 4, lMl.--ty TJILOITR A lot of good flour ea bsnJ ana fa? 1 ajsnp.KLi. i snuiK's