Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 23, 1862, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW.
VOL. S.--AT0. 31
HJ1. WOODS. Attorney at Law Indiana. Pa
. Professional business promptly sttendei to.
O' CKOnClf, J'wvsicias, Curwensville, Clcar
, field county, Penn'a. May 14..
J j CRASS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
j, Atfoftt. Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
rm-iJence, en Second 6tr6et. May 16.
Uf M M'CTJLLOTKlll, Attorney at Law, Clear
f V field. Pa. Office, with L. J. Crana, Esq.,
n ?Pcon4 Street. July 3, 1861.
WILLIAM aTwaLLACE, Attorney at Law.
Ctcarfieii, Pa. Office, adjoining li is reel
donco on .Second street. Sept. 1.
ROHT.RT .1. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
fts'ld. Pa Office in Shaw's new row, Murket
Btreet, -opposite Nauglo's oowtdry store May 20.
F. NAUOLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and
dealer in Watches, Jewelry, io. Itooni in
'lirabatn 'a row, Market street. Nor. 10.
HBUClIEliTsWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear
, field. Pa. OfF.ci in llraham'a Uow, fonrdoo s
west of Graham .t 1'oynton's storo. for. 10.
fP KHATZF.lt Merchant, and dealer in
. , Hoards and Shingles, llrnin ond Produce
Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. J12
4 J. I'ATTEK.ON. Attorney at Law.Curwens
X ville. Pa ,' will atti'tid to all buitit?s en
trusted to his enre. Ulhce oppoaito the New
Methodist Church. Jan. 15, 18HJ.
fILLIAM tMHWrN.Markotstrcot, Clearfield,
VV Pa., Dealer in Foreign and louiestio Mar
ohnndiHC. Hardw.-uo, Quueusivaro, Groceries, and
family articles gereriilly. . Nor. 10.
DP.. WM. CAMPP.ELL. off his professional
service to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Kesidence with J. 1). Uonning In
Kylrtowti, Clearfield county. May 11,185V.
MENALLY, Attorney ut Law. Clearfield,
. rrncttcea m uienrneiu ana aajoiuing
ountt'S. Olfioo in new brick nd.lition, adjoining
the residence of James 1$. Graham. Nov. 10.
JOHN Gt'ELlCH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
ti Cabinet-wire, Market stroot, Clearfield, Pa.
JL aluo makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends fuuerals with a hearse. AprlO.'iU.
'Tia a soldier's rigid duty
Orders strictly to obey ;
Lrt not, then, the smile of beauty
Luro us from the camp away
In our country's cuuao united.
Gallantly we'll brave the field ;
But, the victory won, delighted
Singly to the fair we yield !
Soldiers who have no'er retreated,
Beauty's tear will sure beguile :
Hearts that armies ne'er defeated,
Love can conquer with a smile.
Who would strive to live in story,
lid not woman's hand prepare
Amaranthine wreaths of glory
Which the vnliant proudly wear?
Mr. Editor : Will you lie kind enough to
make room lor thu following Ini lliful article
from the Philadelphia Press, a genuine Dem
ocratic sheet. Similar arguments wero used
in our own town, and there are many who will
ciouiitiens recollect that thu lenders of tin
Democratic parly hero declared that in the
event of war Pennsylvania would b found
taking side with tho Southern chivalry."
Yours, &c, Clearfield.
RICIIAIU) MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Drv Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Markt ptret, a few doors
west of Journal UJfifii, Cleurlield, Pa. Apr27.
JOriN RUS?KL A CO.. Tnnners aud Curriers.
Ponnville. Clearfield Co , Pa. Keepconstnntly
ii u hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale ut the lowestcodh prices Hides
of all kinds takon in exchange Julyl5-54.
LAHUI.MKK A TKr. Attorreys at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
aud other business entrusted to their care in Cleir
field and adjoining oounties. August 6. 1866.
DR. M. WOODS, tenderr his profnssional sorvi
48S to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Jtesidenoe on Second street, opposite the office of
I.J Craas. Ltiif . CSoe, the sumo that was recent
'.y occupied by Eon. G K JJarrett, win r'J ho can
to fouud unless absent on fiofessional business.
fl'.ilvMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
i CVirliold. Pa. Office, over the "Clearfield
'.-. bunk. Deeds and othor iegHl instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
v. a, tr? ii. :::::::: T.j.M'cn.LOLC.u
Coi.lkctiox Office, Clkarfield. Pcn'a.
V ALT ! SALT!! S ALT !!!
J cleof cround alum salt, put
iok. at per sacK, ut tho cheap cash store of
November 27. R. M'KS.-yji'.
i PROPOSAL. Proposals for the building of
aPrivey at the new Court House in the bor
ough of Cle-irfield . will bo received at the coin
n iioner3' office, until the 27th day of May next.
Plans and aj eoificaMoiiS can be seen at tho com
miiioiiors' office By order of tho board of Com-
nii.r.nccrs. W.M . huawl.lv. uicik
,Vih. t :h' court house on
2"ti. i! iv of May n-'Xt, ut 2 o'cljck. p. m.. one hun-i.-'-t
u 1 thirty'ilO) share of stock in tho bridge
'-it"H tuJ fus'juch-iini at Clearfield. By ordtr j
vt :i- hoard. WM. S LiiADLLV, CIcik.
DH. LITC'ir.S MErClM:s. A f-"yh s-up j
p!y cf thes invtilu.-ihlc Fa.-nily Mcdicir.s I
trifur salo by M. A. Frank. Cloarlitfd, consisting j
if Pw.n Curcr ; liestorct tt t'r, a srtat cur for cold
ni cough ; tLVnAnti-!ii'iu-::i i'iiyr.ic. They have '
trvvn t'uorjughly itsixd in tins ucmuueity, and
sra highly approvod. I kvihcm.
pJOTICE Daniel Faust, uf Cumensvil'e has
chsrgo of my business in my absence. He is '
i'-U'crucd to receive ana receipt for money due
ni, n:id ii the o:iiy oison authorized to do so.
I ertions having husice.se with mo will please call
on him. JOHN PATTON.
Cuionsvilic. April 2. 1812.
MORMSDALF. HOUSE. The undersign
ed having taken tbe Morrisdale House, sit
uate in tie tow n of Morrisdale, Clearfield county,
pcc'fuily solicits a share of the public patron-
f. o pair. or expense will be spared to ren
tier guejta comfortable. Charges moderate.
"JlLASTEin.NC; The subscriber having lo-
cste-J himself in tbo P.orouch of Clearfield,
large release of slave, who Is ft that releases
them 1 Hot the Abolitionists, for they are
powerless and an unpopular minority every
where, Id Congress and in the countrr. Not
the Republicans, lor their platform and their
pieages are sternly set airainst abolition
Who, then, ate to be the authors of this new
exodus ? I answer, and defy contradiction
the same traitors who began this war, who
broke up the Democracy, who refused com
promise, and who sought for tho blood and
life of our best and bravest and men ready
riot only .to seize and despoil tho Federal Cap
ital but to deposo a duly-elected President of
tho United States. These are the vractical
Abolitionists of the day. They destroyed their
own Institution when they saught to destroy
l He union ; ami if the people, in a future tn
ruult, require victims and guilty men, let them
lay their bands on James Buchanan and his
satellites, and say uuto them as Nathan said
unto David, Thou art the man," and these
are thy instrument and slaves. Occasional
Washington, April 11, 1862.
Tho patience, forbearance, and self dental
of the people of the loyal Slates of this Union,
constitutes the best proof of their fitness for
their sphere, an tho custodians and defenders
of free government. These high attributes,
also, establish that tlioy art proud of their po
sition ami grateful that thoy are permitted to
occupy u. isothlng has surpiised tho Euro-
poaria tnoro than the temper of our people un
der manifold trials ami experiments. Even
the London Twits has been compelled to ex
press its surprise at this spectacle. But no
class has been more disappointed than the dis
loyal politicians of the loyal States. It will
not b- forgotten that when Mr. Lincoln was
elected these politicians were confident that
the masses of the free States would rise
againht tho Republicans. Blinded by disap
pointment, ami contMerit that, us their trans
gressions under Buchanan and their support
of Breckinridge had been largely supported
liy deiuded Democrats, tlmv leveled in the
anticipation tint they would b still further
sustained by popular tumults in Thihidf Iphia,
New York, and Boston. No idea entered
more thoroughly into the calculations of tbe
traitors themselves. They hud been so filled
with hope by tho Tylers, O Conors," W. B.
needs, and louac Touceys, thsl they did not
withhold the predictions that tho signal for
riot would tie sounded among the working,
classes of these great cities, the moment Mr.
Lincoln attempted to execute and enforce tho
laws. Tho attack upon Fort Sumter was a
rude awakening from this cherished dream.
The masses rose but not for them. The peo
ple spoke, but riot on their side. Hundreds
and tliou-ands of disenchanted Democrats
rushed to the battle-field, as if to prove their
fealty to the federal Constitution, and to dis
prove the hopes based upon a different course
of popular action. Every subsequent day has
added accumulated manifestations of the for
ImiirHiico and putriotiMn of the citizens of the
loyal btates. They have sustained every act
of Mr. LincoJ u and his friends. The' received
the surrender of Mason and Slidell in the spirit
that prompted it, and nobly sulxliied their
passions in the face of the prognostications ol
Dr. Utisselt of tho London Times. They ob-
i prime arti- served the lotnr delav ot our armv on the ro
up m patent j tomac, and credited it to the most patriotic
motives. They overlooked the operations of
speculurois as excesses forever incident to a
great war. They saw jhemselves deprived ol
work, property depreciated, commerce arrest
ed. a great debt incurred, aud still they niur
mured not. Enough for them that tho Strug
gio in which itieir country was involved was
w.t llwi u-..fL- M r f in,i..ln .....1 I, I .... u
that those who precipitated it did not deny,
IDt'JK STOCK FOK SALE. The Com- i but. instead of this, gloried in their shame;
rn:diot:ers or e o; uii-iu c.'uiity. win ouer ai ann mat ine preservaiion oi uie union was
Ju'.sauy the ' ivorthv of everv sacrifice and everv elfurt. no
. - -
matter how costly and how severe.
Unenlightened by these forcible teachings,
the politicians, so l.afflid and borne down by
former disappointments, ngain predict that
there will soon bo an uprising in the free
States. ".Mark my words," said one of this
school, a few djys ago, blood will presently
flow iu the crowdod cities of the North and
Northwest. Now will come the tin n of the
men who hunted us for supposed hostility to
thy war after Sumter fell," This fond hope is
inspired by the expected exodus of free ne.
grces liom tho South. The demagogues rely
upon the natural prejudices of caste between
the whites and the blacks to realize a wish that
is father to their thought. Take notice how
sedulously this game is being played. All
their papers and politicians, who were only
loyal when personal interests and personal
safety forced them to be loyal, are engaged in
it. II ow desperately these gamesters stake
their fortunes upon the suppossed ignorance
of the American people ! They read history
forever backwards. Because a thing has been,
they believe it must be. Inasmuch as they
have been successful deceivers of great bodies
of men, they hug the hope that they can re
new this system. Far better and more profit
able it would be if thoy would review the
"V'ild inform the pubticthst he is prepared to do
ork in the sbove line, from plain to ornamental
o. any d?riptios. is a workr.is.nlike style. Also j cvents and lessons of the year gone by.
uiiowafihin? a:i J rcnairinc doc? in a neat man
or, and on r'830Bs.ble terir?.
Avril 7. 1853. EDWIN' COOPER. j
The ucderiiprii keeps oonetaotl on hand j
his storo ruoa iu Philipobnr. Centreycounty, a ,
fnll stock cf t'lour. Hon. Shoulders, -Sides. Cof- ;
f-e, Tea.. .S-jgtr. Mice, J"I:la ss.-s. Ac. Also, Li- i
qaorrof all Kinds, Tobacco. Sogars. Fnuff. Ac; all i
i which he offers to pc-chaars on the most ad- j
r.tageou3 term.3 Give him a call, and try his
io!ea (mar21 ) KOHK11T LLOYD. i
Attention is especially called to this article, as a ,
Wbatitute for gold in inserting teotU- Many per
Joa who have tr rd all kinds of metalio bases pre
fr this, and in those cases where it is applicable, j
''ill in a great measure become a substitute for i
:lv-r or platina. Its chief advantages are, j
Jieapne8i. lizhtneaa and perfect adoption to the
"th ; it having a soft fieshy feel to the parts of
""mouth with which it comes in contact,
j. A.M. Hills is prepared to put up teeth on the
Jleanlte Base, with Ooodyear's Patent Uuu,
h,ich ia the on, y reliable prcperation, and can
y be haa through their rfju lar agents.
r4- Hills will always bo found in his office on
r:-&y sad Saturday, unlesa cotice appears to tho
ootrary.in the town papers, theprtvioui week.
this retrospect they would gather the great
fact that the American people, once deluded,
cannot soon again bo misled by tho same men
that falsified history and violated confidence.
Keason is ever vigilent and wake! ul alter a
great cttmo has been perpetrated. Mil-
lions who , would not believe that' these
leaders contemplated secession, or sym
pathy with ;secesjion, now they are con
vinced of both these things, will no longer
confide in such false and faithless cham
pions. But the people hare not read the won
derful exueriences of the last twelve months
for nothing. These experiences have been
seared into their memories. They have made
them eager for more light ; hungry for more
facts : instinct and alert to know their rights
and their nronzs. Can it be possible that
such a people, so patient under an accumula
tion of evils : so silent in the tempest of rais-
renresentaiion : so lavish rf their blood and
substance; so dignified in victory; so ancom
nlaininir in defeat and in death, will now al
low themselves to bo cheated and carried off
by a new clamor ot old and convicted betray
ers 7 And. above all other clamors, by that
which is based upon the increase ef the free
negro population in their great cities f Let
in fan thia last anneal. Should there be
Congress has finally passed fhe bill for tho
Abolition of Slavery in the District of Coluni
bia. The allirmative vote was more than two
thirds in cither branch z Senate Yeas, 29
Nays, 14. House leas, 93; Nays, 39. Tho
yeas and nays in the llouso wore as follows s
Aldrich, Rep.
Alley, Hep.
Arnold, Kep.
Ashley, Kep.
Babbitt, Kep.
Baker, Kep.
Baxter, Kep.
Beaman, Kep.
Bingham, Kep.
Blair, Rep., Mo.
Blair, Kep., Pa.
Blake, Kep.
Browne, Union, K. I
Buffinton, Rep.
Campbell. Kep.
Chamberlain, Rep.
Clark, Rep.
Colfax, Rep.
Conkling, F.A. Rep
Conkling, R. Rep.
Covodu. Rep.
Davis, Rep.
Dawos, Rep.
Delano, Kep
Diven, Rep.
Duel), Kep.
Dunn, Kep.
Edgerton, Rep.
Edwards, Rep. .
Eliott, Rep.
English, Dcru.
Fenton, Rep.
Fessendn, Rep.
Fisher, Union,
Franchot, Rep.
Frank, Rep.
Gooch, Rep.
Good ft in, Kep.
Granger, Kep.
Haight, Dcm.
Halo, Kep.
Ilanchott, Kep.
Harrison, Union,
Hickman, Rep.
Hooper, Rep.
Ilutchins, Kep
Allen, Dcm.
Bailey, Dem., Pa.
Biddle, Dem.
Blair, Union, Va.
Brown, Union, Va.
Crittenden, Union,
Delaplaine, Dem.
Dunlap, Union,
Grlder, Union,
Hfll, Union,
Harding, Union,
Ilolnian, Dem.
Johnson, Dem.
Knapp, Kep.
Law, Dem.
Lezear, Dem.
Mallory, Union,
May, Dem.
Julian, Rep.
Kelley, Rep.
Kellogg, Rep.
Killinger, Kep.
Lansing, Kep.
Loom is, Kep.
Lovejoy, Kep.
Id cK night, Kep.
McPherson, Kep.
Mitchell, Rep.
Moot head, Rep.
Morrill, Rep., Me
Morrill, Rep
Pi txon, Kep.
Odell, Dcm.
Olio, Rep.
l'atton, Kep.
Pike, Kep.
Porter, Kep.
Potter, Rep
Rice, Rep., Miss
Kice, Rep., Me.
Kiddle, Rep.
Rollins, Rep., N. II..
Sargeant, Rep.
Sedgwick, Rep.
Shanks, Rep.
Sheffield, Union,
Shcllaberger, Rep.
Sloan, Rep.
Spaulding, Rep.
Stevens, Rep.
Straton, Rep.
Thomas, Rep., Mass
Train, Rep.
Trowbridge, Rep.
Vanhnrn, Rep.
Van Valkenbaugh,K.
V erreo, Rep.
Wallace, Rep.
Walton, Kep., Vt.
Washburne, Rep.
Wheeler, Rep.
White, Rep., Ind.
Wilson, Rep.
Windoin, Rep.
Morris, Dem.
Noble, Dem.
Norton, Dem.
Nugen, Dem.'
Pendleton, Dem.
Perry, Dem.
Rollins, Union, Mo.
Shiel, Kep.
Steele, Dem.,N. Y.
Steele, Dcm., N. J.
Thomas, Union, Md.
Vallandigham, Dem.
Vorhees, Dem.
Wadsworth, Union,
Ward, Dem.
White, Dem., Ohio,
Wicklifle, Union,
Wright, Union.
Menzies, Union,
Of the 38 regular Democrats from the Free
States, but 21 said no to this bill. Three voted
for the bill on its passage, and Mr. Lehman of
Philadelphia, on leave, has since tocordad his
vote in its favor. Thus it would appear, that
13 Democrats from the Free States, dodged,
or refused to vote either way on this impor
tant bill.
Pbompt Justice. Charles Miller of the 27th
Massachusetts regiment has arrived at Spring
field from Newbern, and relates the following
apochryphal story : "While the troops were
on the march to Newbern, a man rode into
camp and offered his services as a guide, and
was accepted by Gen. Burnside. After pro
ceeding to within four miles of the batteries,
as the guide said, they halted at night, intend
ing to proceed in the morning ; but on march
ing a short distance, they suddenly came in
sight ot the batteries only three-fourths oi a
mile distant. Gen. Burnside, on seeing the
danger, immediately turned to the guide and
asked him what it meant, and the fellow not
replying readily he was immediately shot
dead by the General."
Herculean Labors or Our Troops. A
correspondent of the Indianapolis Journal
writing from Jones' Island, near Fort Pulaski,
on the 80th tilt., says that at the closing up of
the water approaches to the fort and to Savan
nah, was accomplished by the herculean la
bors of our troops. No less than thirty thou
sand trees were felled and carried by the sol
diers of the 48th New York regiment a dis
tance of two miles to the river, and then tow
ed by night in scows, five miles to Jones' Is
land, where they were used for tramways over
which to wheel the heavy cannon, which would
otherwise have stuck in the mud.
' An inscription, it is said, may be fonnd in an
Italian grave-yard : "Here lies Etella, who
transported a large fortune to heaven in acts of
charity, and has gone thither to enjoy it."
General Henry A.Wise Bays be has "more
sons to be sacrificed." But, it appears, they
have a father who takes very good care not
to be sacrificed himself.
Boy, what does h-a-i-r spell t Don't Jtnow.
What bare you on your head 7 I f ass It's a
'ikeeter Wte, it Itches like tfcufider.
The Views of a Loyal Journal of a EUvehold
ing State-
From the Frederick (Md.) Examiner of April 2nd.
The Rebellion and Slavery.
Quite a sensation was occasioned in thts
community last week, when the intelligence
reached here that a number of contraband
slaves, the property of Virginia rebels, had
passed through Maryland, under a military
escort on their way to Philadelphia. It was
looked upon as a practical illustration of the
effect of the Rebellion upon the institution of
Slavery. No one appeared to know what was
to bo dono with these coutrabands; but the
conviction was universal that they would nev
er again be reduced to the condition of Slaves.
The solution of the "contraband" problem be
came manifest in their transfer to a uon-slave-holding
Undoubtedly, the war for the Union is not
undertaken for the purpose of obolishing
slavery ; but who imagines that rebels in
arms against the government havo a right to
protection for their slave property, under the
laws or from the armies of that government 1
Loyal slave-holders have .a right to the pro
tection of the laws, and they will receive it;
but traitors forfeit the claim.
So far as we havo yet been able to discover,
(he whole scope of the clamor for "Southren
Rights," raised by the traitors who inaugurat
ed the rebellion under the pretext of defend
ing those rights, comprehended the extension
of Slavery to the Territories, and a geograph
ical discrimination of interests, in which the
Slave States should at least have an equality
of Representation in the federal Congress
with that of tho Free States, without relerence
fo nui"ber ot population. The policy of the
United States, domestic and foreign, hail been
so long dictated by the slave-hording States
under the wiles and influence of the corrupt
democracy, that ttiey could not see the seep
ter of power depart, without rebelling against
the equal laws and free institutions of the Re
public. Tho absurd and monstrous doctrine,
that in virtue of the federal Constitution
slavery is tho noimal law ot the Territories, is
exploded, notwithstanding the interpretation
placed upon the Died Scott decision by the
corrupt democracy ; while the theory, that the
majoiity should not rule, lest at any time it
might be tempted to invade the rights and
franchises of the minority is atiti-democra'ic
and subversive of the principles of popular
government. No change has boen made, or
proposed, in tho fundamental law of tho land,
te diminish or impair tho Constitutional guar
antecs, which were formerly held to bo suffi
cient for ever interest, includ ng Slavery in
States v here it exists ; and it follows, that tho
pretext of "Soutnern Rights" was no real or
ju&t cause tor tho present rebellion. Never
theless, this pretext was advanced by the rebel
politicians to cover their misguided followers.
until, in tho midst of the ruin and carnage
they wantonly brought about, it is at length
apparent that they have wrought tbe destine
tion of the "domestic institution" they propos
ed to defend by their uncalled for and baneful
Tho market value or slaves in Maryland has
depreciated soventy-five per cent since : the
breaking out of the Rebellion, and it is idle
to suppose, if the war could end this day,
with all tho legal rights ol slaveholders pre
served in their integrity, that the value of this
species of. property would be enhanced in the
present generation. On the contrary, there
is every reason to believe, that the detenora
tion in their value is permanent and that tbe
owners have been actually robbed of three-
fourths of their negro property by the Rebels.
Our correspondent, "Frederick," in another
column, well remarks that at the conclusion of
the war, the remaining slaves in this State
will speedily be disposed of, at sale or by
emancipation, and tbe institution practically
abolished.' What thinking man doubts that
this will bo the resnlt; or who, but a reckless
politician with no slave property at stake, can
hesitate to accept the compensation, recom
mended by the President.
The only objections, offered with a show of
reason or probability, to the President's poli
cy, are : Firbt ; the loss of Slave labor would
seriously derange the operations of agricul
ture, and impair that great interest. Second
ly ; that no proposition being made for the
removal or coloni.atiou of emancipated slaves,
they would become an intolerable burden on
the State. Let us consider these objections.
Tho proposition is for gradual emancipation,
not a sudden and complete abolition of slave
ry, l he distinction is wide and radical : and
it can not be denied, that upon the adoption
of such a policy by this State, the immigration
of white labor would more than compensate
for tho aggregate loss of slaves, and by its su
perior industry prove an economical advan
tage, as it has ever been elsewhere, to the
agricultural interest. Indeed, whether this
policy be adopted or not, the impression is
rapidly gaining ground, that upon tho cessa
tion of this war, the tide of immigration will
pour into the Border Slave-holding States.
and the irresistable competition of free labor
eventually supersede that of the slave ; while
as a political power, this new element of our
copulation will overthrow the institution of
slavery altogether. There is ne doubt that
the sudden abolition of slavery would materi
ally derange farming operations in Maryland ;
but this evil is only to be apprehended, from
the extensive stampede to Pennsylvania and
sale to the south of slaves, which will assured
ly take place when the war is ended, unless
some provision be made for tbe emergency
By the Eighth Census, taken in June 1860,
there were 87,183 slaves in this State. Since
our political troubles began, it is computed,
that the number has been reduced about ten
thousand. Of these a vast majority hare been
sold or sent south for safety ; or taken out of
the State by emigrating rebels ;while the resi
due have escaped into the free States and are
not considered worth the trouble and expense
of recovering-; so that tbe numoer of slave
holders in the State must be considerably di
miaished. .
Again : Of the 46,576 inhabitants of Freder
ick county at the recent census 4,972 wero
free colored, and 3.243 slaves. The assessed
value of the slaves did not exceed half a mil
lion of dollars; tbe county tax upon which
was less than fifteen hundred dollars, a reven
ue wholly inadequate to the expense of enfor
cing the laws for tbe protection of slave prop
erty ; so that It ia demonstrable, that Slavery
a positive burden upon the people of Fred
Ick county. -
As for the other objection, we can only say,
that as consistent friends of the Colonization
cause, we should advocate all measures to
promote that otiject ; but we do not fear, that
"gradual emancipation" will piecipltate a sen
sible increase of idle free negroes upon us.
The adoption of that policy would necessitate
the passage of laws for the better regulation
of the colored population, and to cultivate
and establish habits of industry among them,
or induce their voluntary emigration. In
either event their condition would be meliorat
ed and our interests enhanced.
The subject is one of momentous importance
to our fellow-citizens. We have arrived at a
crisis in our national affairs, upon which hang
the welfare and happiness ot unborn millions,
and it behooves us, eschewing prejudices, re
jecting unworthy consideration and learning
wisdom from sad experience, to reflect dispas
sionately upon the destiny refeired to our nr
bitrement. The decision we may come to will
be irrevocable as far as this generation is con
cerned ; and it involves, not only the hopes of
humanity, but our oivn return to stable peace
and prosperity, or a career ot border warfare,
ruinous complications and vain regrets. We
seek to dischargo our personal reoponsibilitr
by presenting to the reader such facts and
arguments as are material to the great issue.
Regarding the . annihilation of slavery in
Maryland, as a necessarv consequence of this
villiauous rebellion, we advocate the popular
endorsement of the President's policy as an
advantageous compensation for the inconven
iences incident to a change of system, and as
a means of lightening the burden of War Tax
ation for tho support of the Ireeat and best
government human ingenuity lias yet, under
Frovidetice, been able to devise.
Surprising as it may seem to intelligent
men, yet it is true that there are political
demagogues scattereel here and there over the
land, who still attempt to delude unsuspecting
peoplo with tho idea that one of t lie objects of
the Republican party is to elevate the negro
to a level with the white race. The argument
is so utterly absurd that we should not have
deemed it worthy of notice, had it not been
for the fact that the Rebel leaders. finding that
their old plea about "Southern rights" is be
coming powerless, are using this identical one
to keep up the spirits of the poor whites of the
South to the fighting standard, in the present
conflict. They maintain that the race of men
has degenerated at the North, whilst those of
the South have been advancing intellectually
and physically to such an extent that the
former are not fit companions for the latter in
any respect. They despise labor, and hold
that industry, by which men earn their bred
and clothe their bodies, is degrading and fit
only to be done by slaves. From this assump
tion they argue to their deluded; fellow-citizens
that the main object of the Republicans
is to wipo out the institution of slavery, and
elevate the freed slaves to an equality with
the poor white men of tlie South. The latler
taking it for granted that this is a correct ex
position ot policy, allow themselrps to be ar
rayed in hostility against the Federal Gov
ernment because it has at its head a Republi
can President. Could these poor people of
the South bo brought to proper reflection, they
would find how badly they are deceived they
would find that the Republicans have the etc
ration of the while race at heart that the so
called Democratic party are the advocates of
slavery, which degrades the labor of white
men and that the only prominent practical
amalgamationist that can be singled out was
Richard M. Johnson, who was elected Vice
President of the United States by this same
Democratic party, which, as persistantly as
falsely, charges others with being advocates
of "Negro Equality."
Ax Infamous Octragk on our National
Flag is thus indignantly described bv the
West Chester Village Record of the 16th :
"An act of infamy was perpetrated at
Waynesburg, Chester county, on Thursday
night last, which must excite the indignation
ote very loyal citizen. On Thursday afternoon
after the intelligence of the- Federal victory at
l itlshurg Ianaing was received, some of the
citizens unfurled the stars and stripes to the
bree ze in honor of that glorious event. Every
loyal heartbeat in exultation that our national
emblem floated in triumph. It was an elegant
Hag. and was stretched across the street from
McConnell's store to Pirn's hotel. What will
the country think when we tell them that men
were to be found in the community so despi
cable, so destitute of patriotism, as f seize
the first hour of darkness to cut the rope, and
trail tho emblem of our national glory in the
dust ! Ow Friday morning, the stars and
stripes, which bad floated in triumph on the
previous evening, had disappeared ! Such an
act of treason must excite the scorn of every
honest heart that is not lost to every sense of
shame. Let this be remembered !"
Foreign Intervention-. An important ru
mor comes fiom Washington, which, if lrne,
will cause unanimous rejoicing through all the
loyal portions of the land, and prove a new-
blight to the rebel prospects, which are dis
mal enough, for all purposes already." If the
on dit can be believed, the Emperor Napoleon
m view oi ine iaci mat the stars and stripes
float over the soil of every rebellious State,
will reconsider his recognition of the rebels
as belligerents, and perhaps extend to the
Federal Government such aid and comfort in
suppressing the rebellion os may be compati
ble with his position as tho representative of a
leading European Power. It is said that tho
State department at Washington has received
information to this affect, and that England
will follow the example of Napokoo in the
matter. It is not probable that offers of assis
tance from abroad, if extended would be ac
cepted by Congress.
Rebel prisoners state, that the Secessionists
are very bitter against Siegel, on "account of
his nativity, no less than his ability." They
attribute their defeat to him, and say "they
would not bare cared if they had been re
pulsed br an American, but to be overcome
by a d-d Dutchman is more than thve can
endure with patience."
An old lady being asked to subscribe to a
newspaper, declined on the ground that when
she wanted news she manufactured it.
Children always turn toward the light. O
that grown-up people in this vwrld would be
come like little children ! '
Maj.-Gcn. Halleck is a native ot Oneid Co.
N. V. Ho entered the Military Academy at
West Point as a cadet in 1S35, stood third in
tho class and was breveted Second Lieuten-.
ant cf Engineers in lf?39. In 1S15 be wae ap
pointed First Lieutenant. In 1847 ho was
promoted for his gullantrj- in California. In
1H'3 he was appointed Captain of Engineers.
He is the author of a book on "Bitumen and
its Uses," and a series of lectures on Militaiy
Science, delivered before the Lowell Institute,
in Boston. He w.u a member of the Commit
tee to draft the Constitution for the State of
California; had previously been Secretary f
State for the Territory of California. In the
naval and military operations on the Pacific
Coast he was Chief of Commodore Shobric'e
Staff. He is an astute lawyer a man of for
tune, and is now enmpartivcly a young man,
being only 43 years of age. ilis grandfather,
uow in his hundredth year, Is living in the vil
lage of Western near Utica.
Mnjor-Gen. Grant is a native of Ohio, and
is just 40 years of ago. He is a graduate of
West Point ; was attached to the 4th Regi
ment United States Infantrv eleven Tears.
Immediately after the outbreak of tbe Rebel
lion he ottered his services to Gov. Yates of
Illinois, and was appointed Colonel of tb
21st Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. He has
been active in South-Eastern Missouri. His
occupation of Paducab and stopping supplies
to the Rebels by the way of . Tennessee and
Cumberland Rivers, his plan of the battle ct
Belmont, bis skill and strategy anl courage at
the memorable capture of Fort Donelson, are
fresh in the memory of a greatful nstion. Ha
is a man ol few words and many deeds
modest, generous and humane. He has light
brown hair, fair complextion (now at.-.ined by
tho sun and the smoke cf battle), and electric
blue eyes. He was with Gen. Taylor in Mex
ico, and distinguished himself for his soldierly
attributes. At thi battle of Pittsburg Land
ing he headed his troops, and led thetn through
the terrible tempest of shot and-shell. and his
brave boys followed him as though tii?y were
guests hastening to a festival.
Gen. llnel is a native of Ohio, a graltiAto of
West Point, and now in the meridian of life.
He has been In the svire twenty years; was
in the Mexican war. When tho present war
broke out ho was in the teguUr service in Cal
ifornia., Congress made him a BrigadiT-Gen-eral,
and gave him command of a division of
the army of tha Potomac. When Gen. An
derson resigned his command, Gen. Bueil was
appointed to taKe his place in the department
of Ohio. It was under his supervision the
army that marched from Bowling Greer to
Nashville was raised and disciplined. On
the reconstruction of the Departments he was
created a, Major-General, lie is a man f
great phyisicul strength and powers of endu
rance ; has light hair, blue eyes, and wears a
full beard. He is 42 years of age. Though
slow to move, he is terrible in execution.
Gen. McClernand won hi spnrs during the
present war. He was a le.ider in the Douglas
wing of the Democratic party, and in 1GU oc
cupied a seat in the House of Representatives.
lie also figured conspicuously in the B altimoiti
and Charleston Conventions. He was opposed
to Breckcnridge in Congress, and be opposed
him again at Pittsburg. He left his srat in
Congress to take up arms in defence or lh?
Govci nincnt. As a soldier, he had bis first
trial at the battle of Bcitnr.nt, and came c-fT
with flying colors. His administration of af
fairs in Cairo was very satisfactory. At Fort
Henry an i Fort Donelson he won fresh laurels,
and for his bravery was created a Major-General.
He is about 45 years of aje, tall aud
graceful a true gentleman arjd a tine soldier.
Gen. W. II. Wallace who was reported killed
at the battle of Pittsburg Lauding, still livea
with faint hopes of his recovery May God
spare his life. He is a native ot Illinois and
a graduate of West Point. Prior to the pres
ent war he was captain of the Washington
Territory Mounted Volunteers, in which posi
tion he took part in the Indian War. At the
commencement of the rebellion he raised a
regiment of Volunteers in Illinois, and was
appointed its Colonel. With this rHe;mrit of
noble and daring fellows ho was at Fort Hen
ry and Fort Donelson, where he great! dis
tinguished himself.
Gen. Crittenden is a Kenttn.-kian. son of
the Hop. J. J. Crittenden, and a brother t.-
the Rebel General George B. CritterJeo.
When the Rebels first assumed awailike at
titude in Kentucky, be took command of
the Home Guard not the stay-at-home, and
checked the progress of the Rebels toward
Louisville. He comes of a good stock, and
gives a good account ot himself.
Gen. Snvth is a native of Pennfylvama, a
graduate of tLe Military Academy ; has been
teacher of infantry tactics. He wa at the
battle of Fort Donelson, and for his gallantry
was created a Major-General. He was severe
ly wounded at the battle of Pittsburg Landing.
His wounds are red stripes and bis deeds stare
upon his coat of arms.
Gen. Hurlburt is a Carolinian by birth, but
a citizen of State of Illinois. At the outbreak
of our troubles, he served is Missouri under
Gen. Fremont. lie now commands a part of
Gen. Grant's glorious army, lit has the
chivalry, the courage, and the msgnaniraitj
of the true soldi?r.
Ralph Waldo Emerson thinks that the
American Eagle will come out of tbe war
.much less of a peacock. This ishopelui, sure
ly. We shall be more natural, more simple
in our lives and habits ; truer, wiser, anl
therefore more soundly happy.
The Richmond Dipatcu' 4.ay that the reb
el soldiers "can never Ite overrun." Proba
bly be means they can't be oa-run. Prer.tiM
thinks that, although not able to out-run theca
in Kentucky, they had very little trouble in ,
running them out.
Girls, beware of transient young men. Nev.
er suffer the addresses of a stranger. Recol
lect that one good farmers boy, or iodnstrioua
mechanic, is worth all the floating fops in tb
world, whose aflections are lost in the wane of
tho honeymoon.
A North Carolinian, upon bearing thatgrasa
was growing in the streets of his native cliji
became frantic with joy. Th Idea that grass
would grow anywhere in Ncrtt Carolina n
perfectly delightful to him. .
Virtue forgives injury, er;i as the siaile-'
trf e pfcr:'S tbe -a'ciiet tbit