Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 09, 1862, Image 2

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    Tan wrsEMtro MtraRAL
ffiaftsimm's limtnal.
1 SSgSSsaf- VfiB
Tbc DEMocaiCT and Pasktk iBrownlow.
The Democrats in the Ohio X,egklaturaf 'last
'week, refused to sllow'theoso of the 'Legisla-
'tire Hall of that State to "Parson tBrowrilow of
"Tennessoe,kfor'ttie.purpofle of delivering a lec
tare oe thesubject-ofthe rebellion. TheDcm
'mucratic leaders everywhere aeeni determined
'to choke off all-speakera, of force and courage
who propose' (o discuss the present rebellion,
(the amej,.aof.partizana having refused the
Hall of the House ofRepriwentativesof Penn'a
'to Wendell Philips), nd7t,lbut a few brief
months since, the watchword wf'thep;political
leaders was, "Free Speech and a Free iPres,"
'for the reason, as the said, that "Error may be
"preached with impunity, if truth is left free
- to combat It," however, when Brownlow
wishes to "preach" Union " truth" in opposi
tion to Secession "error," these sympathisers,
by their votes, manliest an .unwillingness that
tho trnth" should be heard. But, it appears
that the Democratic politicians aro determin
ed to preserve their friendly relations with the
'leading rebels in the South, and tbey seem to
look forward to the time when they may pos
sibly bavo the power to compromise with, In--stead
of requiring the unconditional aubmis
sion of the traitors to the -law and the author
ity of the Nation! Government. These dead-
ers no doubt hope by such acts .(as the snub
bing of Parson Brownlow) to be abln to prove
-that they nver forgot their dear "misled bro
thers of the South," and 'therefore tho South
should be once more willing t-enter into that
political alliance by which the -slave-oligarchy j
.and northern dough-faces so long deluded the
-;bonest laboring masses of the north. View
ing the action of these Democratic legislators
in this 'light, we should regard the secret com
binations of .politicians now forming at the
-north 'for the purpose. of bringing abeut a
-compromise, as far more dangerous to the fu
ture permanency of the Union than the open
organization of the slaveholding rebels of the
South. (This denial of free speech to Parson
iBrow-ttlow 'by the Democratic legislators of
Ohio has its counterpart in the despotism that
prevails with their rebel friends in the South,
and is only consonant with other acts of the
Democratic leaders in the great struggle for
fiee government in our country.
A Good One. The Bedford Jnqnlrer tells a
good story as to bow the Breckinridge Democ
tacy in that region conducted the late spring
election. "The; made the issue and charged
that the -Republican party was responsible
" for tbe-ocircity of coffee, and that Mr. Lin
"coin was to blame because the substitution
Mt of ryo was made necessary on account of the
high price of coffee." But how did Lincoln
mauago to do all this mischief 1 By 'blockad
ing the .coast of the Southern State, in which
there is no cofiee grown 7 Certainly, grand
old arguments, these, for a party that claims
to be unequalled in every attribute of fairness
and justice. This reminds us of the "jug law"
argument used several years since-; but now,
It uses "old rye" outright. Verily, "democ
racy" is great on stimulants, and ia becoming
a most contemptible feature In politics, if we
aro to judge it by the arguments put forth by
tbe party 'wire-pullers."
Emancipation Tbe United States Senate
on Wednesday tho 2d of April adopted the res
olution recommended by Piesident -Lincoln,
in iavor of .compensating -tho States for the
slaves that maybe emancipated .understate
laws. Tbe vote -was 32 in favor to 10 against
tbe resolution, tbe opposition being from tbe
Senators from tbe 3 order and Pacido States.
As this resolution bad previously passed the
House by a large majority, it Is to be under
stood now as representing -the avowed poli
cy of the legislative as well as of the execu
tive branch of the Rational Government-
The Nomination or Carl Schdrs. In ex
ecutlve session, on Monday the 31st March,
tbe Pro-slavery Senators demanded that tbe
Domination of Carl Schurs as rigadier-Gn-eral
should be rejected, "because .he was a
" German revolutionist, aud made a apeeeh in
New York, and was reported In the Tribune
" of Mareb 7th." Wonder If some of these
.aims "Democrats" did not make a great fuss
about "Knownotblngs" opposing foreigners a
few years since 7 Sorely, nothing debases and
demoralizes a man's Intellect, or changes bis
mind mo much as pro-slavery sentiments.
Oaoia ar Gov. Ccrti. Governor Curtin
lias directed that "Wraebeatcr, 23d March,
1862." be inscribed oc tbe flags of tbe 84th
and 110th regimeats, a ae acknowledgement
of their gallant coodoct-iatbe conflict at Win
chester, and that the order bo read at the bead
. of all tbe regiments of Pen "a volunteers.
Two bnndred and twenty-six-deatht from all
' causes, (wonnds, accidents, and diseases,)
have occurred In tbe force under Gen. Sher
man, in tbe period of four months and a half
sinco It left Annapolis for Port Royal.
- JohnJaneny, says the Washington Republic,
who wss President of the Virginia Convention
when It passed tbe ordinance of secession, has
taken tbe oath of allegiance to the U. States.
AwocaxmxT. The Legislature of Penn
Ivan's w'U a-enrja Fr!isj nezt.
Abolition of Slavirt in tor District or
Colombia. The Senate has passed finally the
bill for the abolition of slavery In the District
of Columbia, with an arnendmc'tTt appropriating
$100,000 for emigration, and it wilt be sent to
the House again for ita concurrence. Below
we present tbe proceedings on tbis important
subject i
Mr. Doolittle, Rep., of Wisconsin, offered
an amendment, appropriating $100,000 to aid
in tbe voluntury emigration of the persons
liberated by tbe bill, and other persons of
color in tho District, to Haytl, Liberia, or
some other country.
. The amendment .was agreed to yeas 27,
nays 10, as 'follows i
Twas Anthony, Rep., 'Brownlng,:R..-Colla-mer.
R.,iDvis. Union, Dixon, R., Dot-little,
U., Foot. IK., Harlin, R., Harris, R., Hender
son, tU., 'Howe, R., King, R., Lane, R., of In
diana,Lanet R., of Kansas. Latham, Dent.,
UoDougal, D., Nesmith, ., Sherman, R.,
Stark, D.,Trn Eyck, R., Trumbull, R., Wade,
Willry, U.. Wilmot, R. Wilson, R., of
Mass., Wilson U., of Mo., Wright, U.
Nays Chandler. R., Clark, II., Fersenden,
R., Foster, K., Grimes, R., Jlulc. K., 'Howard,
R., Morrill, R., Pomeroy, It., Suinuer,R.
Mr. Powell. Dem., ot .Kentucky, spoke
against the bill as being an unconstitutional
measure as well as impolitic, and an unjust
act to the people of the .District anil the ipeople
of the States.
Mr. Bayard, Dem., of Del., conceded the
right of Congress to legislate for the District
of Columbia. He admitted the constitution
ality of the tneasuie, but objected to this par
ticular bill as being unconstitutional and un
wise. The bill takea away the property of
citteensdnviolation of the Constitution, and
also mixes np'fho question of loyalty and con
fiscation with the question of taking property.
The question was 'thcn'Ukeu on the passage
of the bill, resulting in its favor by the follow
ing vote :
Yeas Anthony, K., Browning, R., Chan
dler, K., Clark, R., Collamer, R., Dixon, R.,
Doolittle, R.,'Fes8enden, it.. Foot, It., Foster,
R., Grimes, R., Ilale.R., Harlan, R.. Harris,
dt., tHoward, K., Howe, R., King. R., Lane,
R., Inti'rar.a, Lane, R., Kansas, Morrill, ;R.,
rom -roy, K., therman,'K., Sumner, R., Ten
Eyck. R. Tmmtuill.R., Wade. R., Wilkinson,
R., W'ilruot,R.. Wilson, R., Mass 29.
Nays Bayard D., Caritle, U., Davis, U-,
Henderson, U-, Kennedy, U., Latham, TJ.,
McDougaI, D..Nesnith,.D., Powell, D., Sauls
bury, D., tark, D-, Willey, U-, Wilson, U.,
ot Mo, Wright, U. 14.
The announcement of the result by the
Chair called forth much applause from the
galleries. The Senate then adjourned.
England and thk Socth. If England de
sires one thing more than another, says the
Ilarrisburg Ttlegraph, it is. tho breaking up of
the cotton trade and production of the South
ern cotton States. -She kreserves her neutral
ity for tbis purpose, an wbtm the news of the
resolve of the cotton planters to grow no more
cotton is fully confirmed, England will have
half realized her desire. If the American
planter neglects his crops for a few years, it
will have the e fleet of stimulating tho people
of other countries in efforts of producing oot
ton, so that the same result which attends the
sttempts of tho American tobacco growers to
monopolize tbe trade in that article, will over
take the American grower of cotton. The
owners of the tobacco plantations of Maryland,
Virginia, Delaware and Kentucky at one time
sought to control the world, just aa a few rag
amuffins in the cotton States are now attempt
ing to dictate alliancea and command treaties
of comity with all nations. But tobacco could
not rule. Jt was not able to wield a sceptre
as a king, and toon became the moat serTile
subject of a kingly sceptre in other hands
The nations of Europe despising the attempts
of the slave holders of America to iufluenco
their actions with a chew of tobacco or a pinch
of snuff, began to cultivate the weed in oppo
sition to tho American monopolists, until the
result ended with the complete destruction of
that trade so far as its exclusive monopolies
were concerned. The experience of the to
bacco growers seems to have no influence on
the actions of the cotton cultivators. Tbey
are following directly in the same path
Their rashness in resolving to destroy their
crops will constitute the first stimulous to the
foreign producer, and the result in a few
years will be tbe complete dethronement of
cotton as king.
Signs or the Times. Among tbe cheering
aigos of the times, says tbe Philadelphia Press,
is tbe announcement that more than two mil
lions of dollars were received from customs
week .before last. Thus, in the midst of war,
commerce remains not only in an uninterrup
ted but ia a flourishing condition. The ex
porta during the last year were, as is well
known, unusually large ; and now the influx
of foreign commodities ia sufficient to yield a
very handsome revenue. It was one of the
favorite fallacies of the Southern statesmen
that nearly the whole foreign trade of tbe
country was founded on the prodactions and
-consumption of the South an idea very com
pletely exploded by the receipts referred to a
bove at a time when trade with most of the
-slave States is suspended, and by the enor
mous ;Hst of weekly exports from New York
and other Northern ports. It would be curi
ous to see a statement of the receipts of the
"Southern Confederacy" from tbe Secession
tariff that was ostentatiously established some
months ago. It is doubtful whether a single
rebel oustom-house has collected enough to
pay the expenses of sustaining It, which were
authorised wb!e the authority ot tbe Union
was acknowledged, notwithstanding the asser
tion of Mason., Slidell, Yancy Se Co., that our
blockade is ineffective, and tho shallow pro-
tence that the South formerly used the cbfef
portion of the foreign exports of the country.
Ax Item Some of .the Breckinridge edi
tors have recently quoted some things said by
Senator Cowan with great guato and satisfac
tion. We Invite their particular attention to
tbe following remarks by Mr. Cewan :
"Thousands of Southern ieorle had han
duped into rebellion by beinz told thst the
Northern people were all Abortionists. If
ever there was a foul slander it was the allega
tion made by the .slaveholders of the South
and aheir Northern allies, that tbe sole object
of the Republican party was the abolition of
slavery. Thst slander enabled traitors to con
solidate rebellion. He had more respect for the
meanest soldier la tbe Southern army than for
tbe editors and orators in tbe Nortb.arho.know-
ing it to te fslie, ssat Seutb jjigsntlc Ji?."
The following article Is from tho editorial
columns of theSunbury Gazette, (a Democrat
ic paper), which contains so much truth and
so much good sense, and so Just!) rebukes a
certain class of rebel sympathisers and dis
honest politicians, that we transfer it to our
columns and commend it to the especial atten
tion of the honest masses of the Democratic
party. Coming as it does from tbe pen of a
life long Democrat, it should bave double
weight and influence with all thinking readers.
But read the article t
"Had it not beea for the frauds oonwuitted
in the army contracts, by speculators who
'ftrshvd to the fleecing of the government from
all quarters and 'from all parties, our Breckin
ridge cotemporaries would have very little to
put in their columns. They will publish no
articles supporting the government ; they will
insert nothing that may encourage the Presi
dent iu the performance of bis duty ; they can
flud no room fur anything that looks like a de
nunciation of the rebellion they have too
great a regard tor Fiord to pitch into him;
too much respect lor Davis, an old party lend
er, to,give him his deserts ; and too tender a
feeling for JSreck in ridge, their late standard
bearer, to publish bis proper pedigree; the
Union victories appear to be. distasteful, so
they say as little about them as possible ; but
the army frauds, the army frauds ! what
-would they do without them It seems to be
the special business of these newspapers now
to prove-that the. present Administration is as
rascally as was tho last, and by proving that
they think they can establish their claim to a
reinstatement in. power. But they appear not
to comprehend the fact that the reputation, of
an Administration is not materially damaged
by the misconduct of those under it. It is
the encouragement -or concealment of such mis
conduct, as was the case in the Buchanan Ad
ministration, that produces the damaging etlect.
Any .principal juajr be unfortunate enough to
employ a dishonest agent ; but the principal
cau be considered as bad as the agent only
when bc-conceals or approves of hi.sdishonesty.
In thepresent war a most extraordinary op
portunity was presented lor tho comthission of
fraud. A great army and navy had to be
.created, equipped and supplied, in a bnrry,
to meet the emergency. Tho necessity of the
government compelled it to, employ untried
men of whose character they had uo means of
judging, and of whose politics no questions
were aaked, as men ot all puliiical parties were
allowed Jo participate in furnishing supplies.
Frauds were th result. But what then !
Why if then the government had concealed
these Irauds, through tear that it might bo
aamagea Dy their development, or throuzl
dishonest collusion between the heads of the
Administration and the delinquents, it would
now bt s culpable as its dishonest agents.
But we see that this was not the case. The
frauds vere brought to litrhl bu the Republican
Congressmen, with the aid and countenance of
the Republican President. The party in pow
er might have acted differently it might have
toilowed the exampH of tho Buchanan Admin
iatration, and used its influence to keep th
frauds from public view, leaving the drain on
the Treasury continuo unchecked, until tho
country was brought to bankruptcy and'rnin.
Under the Buch tnan Administration the fact of
immense f rauds and other reprehensible prac
tices, in the passage of the Lecompton Biil,
in the army in btah, in array and navy con
tracts, and in influencing elections and Mem
bers by money, was dragged to light by the
uypjnuon, wuii mose in power naaKtng me
most determined and malignant resistance
against investigation. This i not the caso
now, yet the Breckinridge press can give no
credit to a party which does not wait for an
opposition to expose the dishonesty of its
agenis, but make the exposition its If. This
venal press sues a chance of making votes by
crying "frauds, frauds!" and with that cry, iu
connection with "taxes !" they hope to carry
the next election."
A Chapter in the Early History or the
Golden Circle. That infamous gang knowu
as the K. G. C. bave of late attracted much of
tho attention of the press of the countrv, while
a New York cotempirary traces tho history of
L' -I. . . ,.. .1... 1-..U r- . . ..
mo auig.li ui ma uuiueu iircie uacK as lar as
the attempts ot Loptz to take possession of
the island of Cuba. At that time the agent of
the revolutionists in Cuba aud of the Golden
Circle in the United States, was engaged in
getting up an expedition from th's country,
which it was hoped would bo powerful enough
to wrest the island from the Spanish dominion,
with a view of making it an iutregal part of
our republic. Four persona were engaged to
command me expedition, among whom were
G. W. Smith, his associate Lovell, and Gen.
Johnson, all three now holding important posta
in the rebel service.. Tbey were to receive
ten thousand dollars each, as an earnest ot the
liberal rewards which they might expect if the
expedition was successful. To two ot these
men that sum was paid by tbe agent.
Th? disastrous failure of the piratical expe
dition of Lopez put an end to the hopes ot tbc
revolutionists of Cuba. The four loaders had
an understanding with the agent already re
ferred .to, and the agreement between them
was dissolved. The attempt of these men to
seize upon Cuba and enrich themselves nd
their followers by the spoils of tbe island, was
given up for the time. Mr. Stidll afterward,
thinking to attain tbe same object in another
manner, equally disgraceful, brought .forward
in Congress a proposition to appropriate thirty
willious of dollars to corrupt the Spanish min
istry and induce them to cede Cuba to our
government. The scheme failed almost as ig
nomioiously as the project of seizing on the
island by force.
It is not surprising that tbe three men whose
names we have giyen as leaders in tho expidi
tion planned lor tbe seizure, of Cuba should
have connnected themselves with tho rebel ar
my now on foot. The Golden-Circlo, from
being at first aa association of freebooters, has
become an association of rebels, but neither
its objects nor its practices are essentially
changed. They look for plunder in another
quarter, and expect to obtain it by the same
means lawless violence. One of tbe great
objects of the rebellion was to erect a power
iul.slaveholding community at the South, with
which the island of Cuba and province of Mex
ico bordering opoa Texas might be incorpor
ated. Thus the early history of the Golden Circle
is of a piece with ita later. It began with pi
racy, it has proceeded to treason. It began
in a secret combination to violate the laws of
our own country and the rights of a foreign
SoTClumeni; it enos witn a desperate attempt
to pull down that very government, the inex
cusable forebearance of whose administrations
aved the rasmbers ofthe league from Dunish-
ment in their piratical enterprise.
Fort Craic Is still Defeatured. Th w:
fighting force.now there is HOOnfBcient tode
fend tbe post against any force tbe rebels can
bring against it. It is the strongest fort on the
frontier, is 760 feet square with parapets 7 ft.
high, and a ditcb 7 feet deet rnd 1ft winn. Tt
contains wells, stock and magazines, and 2
months provisions: Tbe rebel force is repor
ted to be 2400 strong, aud being reinforced.
The rebels have abandoned the RannAharn."
rock, sccordfnf to 1st? infc-rrnst'.c-n.
A asocial dispatch to the Chlcags Times,
dart-d New MadrM, 5ih Inst., says that the
gunboat Carondolet arrived there on the night
before, baring run the rebel blockndeat Inland
No. 10, without damage. Sh had in tow. on
the side exposed to the batteries, a barge load
ed with bay, to protect her. The night was
intensely dark and stormy. She passed tho
first battery beforo being discovered. Tbe
other four batteries, successively fired on her
aa soon as their guns could bo brought to bear
on her. Fifty-three shois were fired at her,
but not a single one struck her. Three miles
below the Island the relel floating battry
opetcd upon her, and continued firing rtntil
she was out of range. All through the passage
a continuous Ore ot musketry was kept up from
the shore, and many bullets struck ti e boats,
but all hands being below, nobody was hurt.
The Caiondolct did not fire a gtui during the
passage. She passed tho last battery within
an hour after leaving the fleet. Tbe excuse
of the Carondolet from Injury, in running the
DiocKaue, is attributed to tho fact that she
hugged the shore of the Island so closely that
it was nearly impossible tor the rebels to de
press their guns sufhciently to hit her. There
isgreat rejoicing throughout the fleet at this
signal success.
A Heroic Achievement. A correspondent
oi tne Missouri Democrat, writing from Island
No. 10, gives the following account of a gal
lant acnievement ty Lieutenant Allen, of th
Twenty-seventb Illinois Regiment: In
former letter, I wrote of a contemplated at
tempt on the part of Lieutenant Ailen, ol
Company C, of tho Twenty-seventh ltlinow
to spiKe the guns of the upper rebel fort at
this place, christened, we have been informed
Fort Polk. This bold task was undertaken on
Friday night last, when the Lieutenant, in
company with four other men drooped down
in a skih and discovered a large body of reb
els at work constructing platforms for support
ing their cannon. The Lieutenant resolved
not to be totally disappointed, and, landing,
very coolly approached a sentinel, who- was
pacing-a parapet at the lower extremity of the
tort, and, representing himself as a brother
rebel, remarked, "I will relieve you from duty
now, sir." The rebel gnard, wearied and
thankful, moved off to his quarters, when the
lientenant spiked the 64 pounder at the lower
part of the fort, which was served with uch
accuracy against us on last Monday. The
proximity of the laboring rebels would not
suffer him to prosecute anv further a woric
which had already proven him a daring officer.'
Another. OnApril 1st, an armed boat expe
dition was titled out from the squanroa and
tho land forces nearlslaud No.10 under the com
mand of Colonel Roberts, ot the 42d Illinois
regiment. Tho five boats compromising the
expedition were in charge of first master J. V
Johnson, of tho St. Louis, assisted by Fourth
Master G. P. Lord, of the Benton, Fourth
Master Pierce, of the Cincinnati, Fourth Mas
ter Morgan, of the Pittsburg, and master's
mate Scoodle, of tho Mound Citv, each with
a boat's crew of ten men trom their respec
live vessels, carrying in all one hundred men,
exclusive of oQicerr. under command of Col
Roberts . At midnight the boats reached the
upper or No. 1 fort, and pu'Iing directly in its
face, carried it, receiving only the hirtnle.s
fire of two sentinels, who ran on, discharging
their muskets, while tho rebel troops in the
vicinity rapidly retreated, whereupon Col.
Roberts spiked the six gnns mounted in the
fort, and retired wit h the boats uninjured.
The commanding officer represents all under
his command, frm their coolness and deter
mination, as being ready to perform more bar.
ardous service had it been required to tbe ful
fitment of the object of the expedition.
War Department. I
WAsaisoTON, D. C, April 4, 1862. t
Ordered First. That the portion of Virgin
ia and Maryland, lying between tho Mountain
Department and th'e Blue Ridge, sall consti
tute a military department, to be called the
Department ot the Sahnandoah, and be under
the command of Mnjor-Geiieral B inks.
Second. That the portion of Virginia east
of the Blue Ridge and west of the Potomac,
and the Fredericksburg and Richmond Rail
road, including the countrv between the Po
tomac and Patuxent, shall be a military dis
trict, to be called the Department of the Rap
pabatmock, and be under the command of
Major-General McDowell. By order of the
President. Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
Col. Bnford, with the 27th and 42d Illinois
and part of the 15th Wisconsin, and a detach
ment of cavalry and artillery, made a descent
on Union city, Missouri, on the 31st March,
and defeated the entire force under Clay and
King, both cavalry and Infantry. A number
of tho enemy were killed and taken prisoner.
A large amount of spoils were cipttired, in
cluding lou horses, commissary and quarter
master's stores, etc. Our loss was one killed
by accident. The rebel force numbered 700
infantry and between 700 and 800 cavalry.
From the Rappehannock, we learn, that Ma
jor Vansteiuhousen, and Capt's Belticker and
Camp, while out on duty, were taken prison
ers by the rebels. Lieut. Col. C la j fish and
Capt. Koenig, encountered a rebel scouting
force and killed two of the rebel officers, and
brought their horses to camp. -Captain New
stadter was also taaen prisoner by rebels. A
reconnoitering party brought thirty wsgon
loads ot forage into our cam.
On the 3d, tbe rebel Boating battery was
towed to a point at Island No. 10, where sho
could command our roorter fleet. A brisk Sre
was opened from the mortars,- and in the
course of half an hour tbe battery was struck
several times,plnters being thrown in all
directions, and several beams displaced. One
shell exploded directly in the battery, when i
was immediately submerged . to tho waters
edge, and towed out of range.
A reconnoisance was made from Newport
News to Watt's creek, a distance of 9 miles.
A rebel force of 3,000 strong appeared and o-
pened with cannon on our troops, but the balls
passed over them. Our batteries were got in
position and opened on the enemy, when their
entire force broke and fled, fording the creek
in great confusion.
information has been received that Gens.
Buel and Grant had outflanked Beauregard at
Corinth, Miss., and that a division had pene
trated the rebel lines near the river thereby
cutting oh! -communication between Memphis
and Corinth. Beauregard it Is said has fallen
back in consequence. . . .
Heavy firing was heard In the direction of
Yorktown on the 5th, and it was supposed
that a fight was taking place there. Later re
ports state that Gen. Heintxieman had attack
ed the place, and carried tbe rebel batteries
at the point of the' bayonet. The report needs
confirmation. ;
Col. Carlin had an engagement with the en
emy on the 1st, at Pitman Ferry, Arkansas,
and killed one Lieutenant, wounded several
others, and captured five prisoners; camp e-
qmpage, horse-, mules, a lot of forage, aud
a number of small arms. -.
TTvR. M. WOODS, tender his professional serri
IJ ees to the citisens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Seoond street, onnmiu th afficn nf
L.J. Crans.Esq. - Office, the same that wss recent
ly ocoapted by Hon. Q K Barrett, where be can
i a y . m
v iTnna nits aoeoxot) rrojeisiusi Mistoe3-
Ait xnrtstrmgnts srt i n larpf type, cuts, or out of usitf
tt iftwill bf charge! double pries for space ocrtcjfitd
To insure attention, the CASH must accompa
ny notloes, as follows: All Cautions w.th $1,
Strays, 81; Auditors' notiiss, $1,50; Adminis
trators' and Executor' notices, $1,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the uma ra'es
CAUTION, AH persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, vis : one yoke of red or brin
dlo oxen, now in possetsion of Joseph H. MoCol
ley, as the same belongs to mo, and having only
been leased to him by rue.
April 9 '62. pd. 6. M. PICKBRMAN.
s a. laocrlin. :::::: cnarlks holes
The undergignod haring loon tod in the bor
ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
by H Welch as a jewelry shop.) are prepared to
do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
Tba cash will positively be expected when the
work is delivered. We are confident that we can
not beeicelled byany workmen in townorcountv.
Come one! come all to the St Hyi oftlmBix Wat(.
April 9,'62-ly-pd. L.VUClILIXfr HOLES.
Estate of Jeremiah Flynn. deceased In the
Orph an'a court of Clearfield county, at
SB AH. iMarch term. A. D. 18C2. reneptinir th
i . r "
appraisement of 5300.00 for the widow.
via : personal propofty to the "mount of and
real estate containing about -li) acres, appraised at
$250, tbe court made the following order :
March 17, 1862. approved tti si. as to portion cf
eitate set apart for the widow under the 5300 law,
and publication is ordered to be made in one
newspaper published in ClearfUld county, for
three successive weeks, giving notice to All par
ties interested to come' into court on or before the
first day of next term and show cause why the ap
praisement should not bo approved absolutely
15y the Court, JAMES WRM LEY.
April 9, '62. Clerk O. C.
STATEMENT of the Clearfield Countr Bank
for the month ending March 31st, lSr32.
Bills discounted. : : : : S33.57S ftj
Pennsylvania Stte loans. 2S.495 h7
Specie, :::::::: 5.530 60
Due from other banks. : : 2.943 34
Notes of other banks, : : : 12.1X300
Checks, drafts. Ac. : : : 1.753 41
Over drafts, ::::::: 3S3 7
Furniture. ::::::: ?.W 71
Ezpenseof plateenjrraving.Ac 754 75
lax paid Commonwealth, : : 112.23
Loss and Expenro : : : : I.4iH OS
M,i27 75
Capital stock, paid in.
Notes in circulation,
: $2-J.0.r0 0-1
22.675 CO
Iue depositor. : : : : 30.907 77
Due individuals. : : : : 3.9,-i? 12
Interest and exchange, . : 4.817 S3
-S90.527 75
Clearfield. Pa., March 31, 1862.
New Spring Goods.
Ha just received a general assortment of Spring
Delains, cashmera, reps, ralenceae, morinos, al
paccas, prints, coburg., ginghams, ducalj, chintt.
silks, muslins, cloths, casimeres, tweeds, satti
netts, flannels, linen, debases, shawls and dusterf.
Over-coats, dress-coats, business-coats, pants, vects,
shaw s. under-shirts, drawers, neckties, fine linen
shirts. Byron collars, choakers. cravats, hats, caps,
fine calf-skin boots, heavy kip boots and thews.
coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, oandles, rice,
epiceg. flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence of
coffee, pulveriied sugar, crackers, starch, soda,
sperm and tallow candles, black tea, .saleratus.
Nails, spikes, forks, spades, shovels, spriegs. iaws.
planes, axes, augers, smoothing-irons, seizors,
meat cutters, knives and forks, steelyards, pen
knives, stone tea setts, tureens, dishes, glassware.
Nubias, hoods, gloves, hosiery, collars, hoop-skirts.
balmoral-aktrU. bonnets, ribbons, flowers, plnmes,
bonnet frames, ruches, lace, braid binding, tephyr,
yarn, fringe, buttons, trimmings of all kinds, etc.
Oil cloths, bucket, school books, wall paper, twine
rafting rope, coach varnish, moss, curled hair
'coach trimmings, velvet, plush, cotton tape, coal
oil, linseed oil, sperm oil. window glass, etc. tte.
All of which will be sold on the most reasonable
termfor cash or approved country produce.
Clearfield, April 9. 1SR2.
A New Attraction iu these Diggings I
Clothing Store,
In the "Mansion House,' opposite the Clearfield
Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield,
Branch of Reiztnstrin Bro's 120 North-Third
Street, rhiladtlphia, Pa.
The undersigned respectfully announce to the
inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in
general, that they have opened at the above named
place the- most extensive and best selected stock of
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that has ever
been exhibited in this borough, and which they
will sell 25 per cent, cheaper than clothing has
ever been sold in this part of the country.
Our stock embraces a full and complete a.vort-
mentof all garments generally worn, made up of
good material and in the best style and workman
ship. A general assortment -of
furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags,
trimed flannel and white shirts ; in short every
thing generally found in a well assorted store of
this kind. We also keep a fine assortment of
uoh as pocket books, portraonieg, poccet knives,
oombs, brushes, watch chains and guards, violin
and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gnn caps.
spectacles and a great many other fancy and use
ful articles too numerous to mention, all of which
they will sell as well as the clothing
At the Lowest Cash Priies.
We invite every person ia seed of clothing or
of any of the above mentioned articles, to favor as
with a call and view our goods and prices, and
we are confident that we can give satisfaction, so
that every person"shal feel inclined to tell his
friends where good and cheap clothing can be get.
We are constantly receiving accessions to our
stock from our own manufacturing establishment
in Philadelphia, and shall always be supplied
with a good variety of all articles In our line,
which shall surpass in style, cut, workmanship,
and cheapness those of any other similar estab.
I ishment in this psrt of the State, and by fair and
honest dealings, we hope to merit a liberal share
pf public patronage.
April 9. '2? PEIZENSTriy pr.O'g CO
OTIERIFF'S S ALE Ct vlnn, of ...T:
writ of Venditioni EPJ. u&tJLJl??'
Court of Common Pl.u. otClrs rts
to me directed. tW IZZL ?. "T. U
sale, at Ky"ertoWn. on the 34 JaT of .May'LV
isitirvuT-M tLo folIow,og' j'WMts
A certain tract of land lituata in Morris i
C esrfield co, Pa., beginning atan old Spruce ,
ner of a certain tract of fand of Joseph Po
thenoe. by land of Joseph Totter and Jam, ,V
Leonard, north 1 dsj K. 228 perches to .n jji
prtaee. tuence by land of A. K. Wright and I
y ngley. sad of E. 1). Rrisband. south f? j,,
east 326 per. to an old pice, thencs S, 1 dir w
2M perches to stones by a pin, thence noriL '
wit 326 perches to plc of beginning ana ea
taining 433 acre and 40 per. and allowance k'
the same moreorles Seised, taken in xr-ni'wa
aud to be sold as the propertv of Thomas VS iir
Sheriffs Office. April 9th, 1SC2.
v Grrat Prof?rrsxtve and Healing Rtrx
An article that prooents a challenge t the w.fr;j
to produce in any remedy yet invented, ta tlll,
for the painless and rapid" cure cf etertaijr.
flaruatory calamities, or diseases. Itise,odf"r
Painful Swellings, Sores, Ulcers, Purns. S-:js
Rheumatism. Sore throat. Rruises, Sprair-i. Cats'
Tumors. Erysipelas, Warts. iore ee. ivii.
Chapped hands, Frosted foet. t? . e!. J;Te if'
trial. Price 26 cents a box. For ssb hv JAW
GOSS, in Woodward township. (March K'.'f;
CAN. The Uest MecaisiCAL Paeri TH .
World. 5ev estesmii Year. Volcs VI .V
A new volume of this widely circulate! r ai- -commences
on the first of January, it U lC
lished weekly, and every number contains sis.,.
pages of useful information, and from five to
original engravings of new inventions nu'dj
coveries. a-llof nhicL r prepared fiprwilr f.r
its coli uins.
To the Mecai.otcs Ar Mavctactpbkrs. s
person engaged in any of the mechanical or mr..
ufacturinj pursuits sbculd think of doiiig nitl,
out" the scientific America. It costs but fiur
cents per week ; every number contains from t.i
to ten engravings of new machines and invei
tion;, which are not found in any other pub'ic
tion. It is an established role of the pnblisbsrs
to insert none but original engravings, and ibof
of tho first class in the art. drawn aad e.ifrsvej
by experienced persons under their ca snvr
Ti.ion. '
To the Ixventor The Scientific Am.mctn U
indispensiblo to every inventor, as it not onlvro&
t.tins illustrated descriptions of nearly ail tii'e tct
inventions as tiiey come out, but esc h number o.n
tains an Official List of the Claims of all tho Par
ents issued from tbe L'nitcd States Patent Office
during the previous week; thus giving a corroc:
history of the progress of inventions in this coon
try. We are also receiving every ween, the bj;
scientific journals .f Great Hiita'in, France an2
Uermany; thus placing ia our posessinn all th;
is transpiring in mechanical science and jart in
these old countries. Wo shU continue ta tiacs
fer to our columns copious extracts from the
journals of whatever wc tcay deem of iLtere.t
our reader.
Chemists, Architects. Wn.nrr.ir.nTS, and Tkz
MR3 The eier.tiSc American will be Tinni a
Biost usefnl journal to tbetn. All the new discor
eries in the science cf chemiilry are given in i
columns, and the interests cf the nrchhect ac t
carpenter are not overloosed ; all tbc new inven
tions and discoveries appertaining to the. pur
suits being published from weeK to weex. l.ofal
and practical irforina'-ioa pertaining to the iatr
es g of millwrights and mill owners will be founl
published in the Scientific American, which ia
f rroat:on they can not possibly obtain frvm any
other source. Subjects in which planters and far
mers are interested will be found discussed in the
t-'cicntific American ; most uf the improvemecu
in agricultural impliments being iliustraUd i&
its columus.
TERMS : To mail subscribers : 52 a year, t.r
S! for six months. SI pavsfor one complete vol
ume of 41C pages ; two volumes comprise one year.
The volumes commence on the 1st of January an4.
July, specimen copies will he sent gratis to a:.y
part of the country. Also a pamphlet of instruc
tion to inventors about obtaining patents sent frw.
Western and Canadian money or Pcst-oik-t
stamps tKen at par for subscriptions. CanaJUa
subscribers will please to remit twenty-five ccr.'j
extra on each vears" subscription to prepay post
a?o. Ml'SS CO.. Publishers.
I'ec. IS, 13CT. CT Pant 1U. N. X.
lQftO EYKH & LAXDKI.I.. 1 00
lOU4 Fourth & Arch Streets. Pbila- Jolv
deiphia. are now offering their usual a-sonmmtiv'
Dry lionds, adapted to Spring sales. Pajbionable
I'ress Silks, fashionable Spring Shswls r? as
sortment of Dress Goods. Spring Prints, bel.ainr
and Ginghams. Muslins and Linens of rft aaus.:::y,
Cloths, Cassimrts aad Vestings. Table Lict",
Towlings and Napkins. N. I!. Block SiU. t.
low regular prices. (March li.'C2 Ci.
CAUTION. All perscr.s ore hereby c-.vtior.-ed
against purchasing or meddling with lb
following property, now in possession of Job-.
Waggoner, to wit : 1 brindle cow. 1 black cw. 1
rd cow, 1 bay mare, 14 sheep, 3 heiffer ealvM 1
wagon, 1 plow, l corn plow, I harrow, I wjaJxiil,
I timber sld. 10 acrrs of crain in the eroor.l 2
oxen, and 1 stack cf hv. as the same hnts len
purchased by us at Sheriff's s-.l. snd fcftvef.r'v
been left with said Wacconer on loan and are i.-
jebt to our order. HIPPl.E i. PAL' ST.
March 0. 1S62.
Attention is especially called to this article, as
substitute for gold iu inserting teeth. Mar.y pr
sons who have tr rd all kinds of roetalio ba pre
fer this, and in those cases where it is applioaVie.
it will in a great measure become a subs tit : f''
gold, silver or platina. Its chief advantages r,
cheapness, lightness and perfect adoption to ti
moHth ; it having a soft fies.hy feel to the part if
the mouth with which it comes in contact.
A. M. Hills is prepared to put np teeth ca tb
Vulcanite P.ase. with Goodyear's Pp-tctt Gum,
which is the on.y reliable preperation. cd ess
only be had through their regular agents
Dr. Hills will always found in his cm oa
Friday and Saturday ue'ess notice appears t j tin
contrary, in the town papers, the previous week
Furniture ! Furniture !!
Dosires to inform Lis old friends and ccston-.f''
that, having enlarged his shop and increased t;i
facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared
to make o order such furniture as may be dtr-r-ed,
in good style and at cheap rates for cah. U
mostly has on hand at his -Fui ritore Kowis ."
a varied assortment of furniture, ajqong whiuk u
Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlo:.
Breakfast aud Dining extension Tables.
Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jtn-ny-Liad
and ether Bedsteads.
Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Cti:.
And common and other Chairs.
Of every description on hand, and new glaw Iu
old frames, which will be put in on verj
reasonable terms, on short notice.
lie also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hf.
Corn-hufk, Hair and Cotton top Mattre
Mado to order, and funerals attade4 wit
Hearse, whenever desirable.
Alio, House painting done to order.
Tho above, and manv other articles are f
to customers cheap for cash or exchanged tr ; r
proved country prodoco. Cherry. Maple. F'.'
Liu-wood and other Lumber suitable for tfce -cots,
taken ia exchange for furniture.
Remember the shop is oa Marxet treV
field, and oearly-oppo SXt'X-ni?
ISc(Scri,WI JJJ r5lEU