Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 02, 1862, Image 3

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lixaa of Cars 1 aiaj Tyrone inoa.
ajis'u last. .
Fast Line,
fx press.
9.17 1. M. Mail Train, 11-55 A. M
6.40 A. M. Mail train, 5 40 T. M
la jail B. Stuniph. NodouU "Jake" will
mako an excellent j ii!or.
Tub 'weatber waa quite wiJiterish on o
urdar and Sunday. Several indies "I "u"
and sleet fell, but it has all disappeared.
Moved toMorrisdaU uur frienu Geo. Klc1"
nr-J. Head hi. advertisement in another col
un)ii. Wo would adv.se- our friends lo call
with George when they got i-w il "neck of
the wojd." .
' the Bitot Uue-ieJ Lmds, winch are to be
sold lr tu i" " "10 21 '",-y - 5
cuoaequeafV - ,jCli of uur "M,jl v'r"-0' '
reading matter. We wrl endeavor to tuaiie
amends ntit wet-It.
IltCss Ucknt. Wo learn l at tho house of
Jul) a GearBait of Bradford lot iioiiip, was bum
to ihe ground, w itli ueai ly all its contents, ou
Friday tliu ill .March. The tiro originated
iu the rcu), by sparks tailing on it innn the
cLiaim-y, iu wlnolr tho soot bad previoiisl.i
caught tire. Mr. Gcarliart'a toss la estimated
at from 1,5 JO to 2.UUU dollars.
Co.nrad Uousis, t'uiLii-a JoiiU. Ttiis house
1j now kep. by J. 11. Ga:.r and A.J. Gi'-st.
Jilu is one ol the cleverest ieliovta u Kil w
of, ai.d will, no doubt, keep a ino.-t excellent
house. 1'iisuiia tiuin this county ate request-t-d
to give tho house a call, when they visit
ftn'ipsuurg, us we feel peiuuaded that the
will propel ly cwed lor by Jnu.
NewStoee We observe that the Keizen
stein Bio's re opening u Ciotiiing Store in
the ix-on j formerly occupied by It. Sj'iaw, ad
Joining tne. Mansion Mouse." 'i'hov appear
Ij bu good biisiticss men, and, no doubt, will
keep it it hand all excellent .Mock of clothing,
ut-d thai Ihey will sell at prices lo suit tho
tunc. Gall and examine their slock.
Another Waii iU.u-. -This week wo publish,
on our lour It pagf, another war uiup, which
noduubi will b'j ol some interest to many ol
our readers, ou account of tho active opera
lions now heiug carried forward in tho West.
Island No. 10 is cot Q4tdd in the map. It is
situated in the short bend immediately below
where the Kentucky sd Tennessee line strikes
ihe Mississippi river.
"Torso Dead. A correspondent Informs ns,
a woman was found dead on the road, in Knox
township, twrar-rbe mouth of Foit's K an on
Cleatfleld Creek. on-Smiti evening the "od
A M'trcii. An inquest was summoned hy W.
MKee, Esq. Alter ascertaining the lac's,
' the' Jury returned that '-her death was caused
he some -disease Htiknown.' During the in
Y"figaioit it was ascertained that she was a
Mrs. 11 iley, -who-had been on a jir to J. M
Chase's, and that she had left Afr. C"s, some
three or four -hours previous to hef iieing dis
covered iu -the toad dead, in apparent good
health. Sli" wag ahout 52 ve-ars of age.
The Li:m3ek Tr. be. Tlie PhiTa Prew says.
Although the time In. .hardly w: arrived for
'::.e ;it-uitig tho Iu;;i!nt bnsine-i.s, t lu re uro
Ns -ills of revrviiig life on the wharves above
' tViliow f-treet. In several p ice railway tracks
h-tvu been laid from the i-crth 'Perinsviiv.itiia
Ki::i'idi; acafs I)e!;iivre av-fiiue to the eX-
ri-uio ends of ' tlie'piers, for t!ie shijiiKent o!
! t'high coal. These tracks being laid alright
angles with the avenue, do net interfere with
:!:e travel on it. The wliarf at'I.ohle street is
Umg widened about fifteen-feet. -The -stock
ot lumber on hand appear j-cniall at present
Siirue statt-mcr.ts hiving been lii ido that a
g'-.'ifs d the English Government were eig4g
cd in buying ip all -the white oak ,:mhe-r they
could find, .it fabulous prices,-we-tia!e 4nqii-r.-'
"ti the hi 'j.-ct anjmw;-.t the'Nimber dealers,
ie:ii found they k;iew -tiotfilTig of tlie matter.
A getii Ici.iati, who had recently retnrntd frotn
' Canada, int'ormi d iw tint a Urge quantify of
w'iite ok had been cut there for Jnglieh ac-
C'-mnt. Our lumber d-alers ;ave UkUs to do
ith white oak, tzcept in the fchajie of hhip
litu't. The best titiiher ciKnes from Pi nnsy!-
-mii and Delaware. Nest to the Fl rida livo
"Ik :nd teak wood it ij the best article for
ship building."
Wendell iliilips.wasto 1,-ctMe rti Cineiunati
nn Mnay evening the Ilh, and at So clock
heniade his appearance on tho si.iije "Pike's
lt"i,pe," amid liglu applae.se and some hiss
ng ; which became louder ami Ntittnger when
i-.u JTosh to speak. Ho n as eoioi interrupted.
!.'U vcr, by a big stone being burled from th
ttnrd tier, nhieh tell t liis leei ml w is f.l
l ;td b a number ot e'gs. "He stopped and
c.i.ly folded his arms when the audience
'' rfiid cried -put lhenio.it." Sileiiee liu.ng
tnrd he proceeded with ti L-ctare. but
'.! soon agin as-sti!ted by the mmi. when a
teller.!! uif-lt-ts took place between the moo
"tilttiu friends of P. drips the t cturer retired
"u': the stage during the confusion. The
Cincinnati Daily Times, gives a long account
l the utf,ir, from b;cli the following extracts
re t.;k u :
'dn th afternoon it Ivcmie evident tint
Mltiii disorder was inu-ndid. The price "f
''ckets Was twenty five cents, the proceeds
lr expenses to be donated to the Sanitary
V''Mu:ssi(,ii. Tickets had been porch ist-d iu
numbers b certain parties, and freely
'Mriiii.trd among tlle rowdt cl-iss f the pop.
:''i!o!i. ", wL-re left ju low drinking sa
, and dealt out with the whisky, and men
fcr.'.v n i.t ;,ijjvrs paraded tne streets with their
'riU lull ot ihetn. These f acts were report
' ' the Mayor and Chief of Police by the
''li'xtor ot Customs at this Port, and a re
Jlst nude that a sufficient lorce be sent to
Opera House to preserve order. These
"-cia!s sympathizing, it would seem, with the
"ubrrritli gQ (ijj.pojd 0r the police that
T were not within reach. There was but
p'dicenun at the Opera House, and be
4 without his uniform, in the midst of the
Th',.r"" PPrentlv ready to assist them.
e aicttioii3 abont town were such that we
expected a serious disturbance that might
probably mid iu bloodshed. We exported to
find the Op.r -i House crowded with rowdies,
and that the lecturer would tin I it convenient
not to attempt to speak. Our astonishment
was great, therefore, on entering Mr. Tike s
temple, to u ft "' "ouse nearly uiioa with an
intelligent, well behaved and respectable au
dience, about one fourth ot whom were Udies.
There was a premeditated de
sign to prevent Mr. Philips from lecturing.
It was participated in by many respectable cit
izens, hut the task was committed to degraded
hands, that many who were anxious to have
the lecture interfered with, became ashamed
cf the affair before the lecture was halt over.
The indecency ot th- mob destroyed the in
tended purpose. The lecture was delivered
and t.obod hurt. We make no report of Mr.
Philips' speech, and shall only add that his
calmness of manner and moderate opinions
surprised a great many who expected to hear
a raving f malic lie avowed himself no long
er a disiini..nit. satisfied that slavery has al
ready received its death-blow, and has only to
'turn over and die." Ilia efforts now. he
said, are directed to the prevention ot com
promises, which tn his opinion, would only
teml to prolong (he contest between the intel
lectual democracy of the North and the aris
tocracy of tho South. That is his lecture in
a nutshell."
The Cincinnati Enquirer, the Democratic
organ ot th it city, reports the principal por
tion of Mr. Philips' speeh, from which report
wo take the following extracts :
'Alter Mi. Philips had been speaking some
time, he said: 'We are entering upon the
gre,it struga le which no people have ever a
voirled a struggle b. tweeii the few and the
'many a struggle between aristocracy and de
mocney. 1 he North represents a democracy,
li'imded on industry, brams and money ; the
Soinh an nr;sti'Ci ,ic , founded on slave labor
an a ris toe racy whose light ham! is negio sla
very. and w lmse left is the ignorant lute man.'
'At this point a h-avy boulder was thrown
from the third tier of boxes. It struck a lew
feet Irom the speker. It came crashing a
iii ong the foot -lights like a c union shot. Sim
ultane. iiMly with the boulder came a couple of
ejrjis. that burst like bombs, dispensing a per
fume more pot. -nt than fragrant. One of the.-e
oderous missiles struck the speaker. The
ejurs were thrown tloni the left of the second
tier, and Were accompanied by a series of Jells,
like nothing unhss it be the war whoop of a
score of" infuriated lnll.tiis; Down with the
traitor." "lg the nigger Phillips." and a
1ozn either opprobrious epirhets. It is due
Mr. Philips to say that he stood calm a ml col
lected, without moving a miiselo or flinching
an inch- When the tumTilt li id some b.it sub
sided, the speaker lesumed his discourse :
'Allow me one word more. I do not know
what tint feliow-maii meiut who sent that
stone, but I meant no insult to the iiotisl.ive
bolding white m iti of the South. 1 s mpa-
th:ze with them, for they suffer from a des
pot ism whose l ight hand is power and whose
left hind is igni. ranee. If South Carolina
iivcr sees the utmost exaltation of her masses
it will bo when the Stars and Stripes tfiiaianty
freedom to uverv member of the f hirtv-fonr
States. There are many ihingt which Jimeri
can citizens cannot do, and cue thing ivhich .
know thry cannot do, and that is to prevent this
belt of the .imerican continent from bfii'g, in
seventy yean or less lim. one country, governed
by one scepter, inrfissoluablc as granite. "
On trie.2th inst. by J inies R. Caldwell Esq
Mr. John W. High to Miss Harriet F. Hcx-
TER. boih of Knox township, this county.
A. IvrrtixriitJiHt S' t in farg-f. ti;c, cittx.or out aftimtat
ityl will bf vltargctl Uoithe priri -tor spaceacciijited
Toinsire a'.teition, tho CASH rat-st aooompa
ny nijei, as .ollowa All Cau'ions vr t'a ol
Strtys, SI; Aaditors' noijes, $l,eiC; Adinin.'i.
ratora'und xoiitois1 no'ice.StCl.'O, each ; aid
ull other traisiaat Notices a the samj ra'.ei
7iTOTICE Daniel Faust of curweosville ha?
11 cb-trge of my business in my atsiuee. lie is
autl orized to receive and rucript for money duo
mo. and is tho only pei son authorized to do so.
Persons having business wuh me will please call
on turn. ,IU11 I'AllU.N,
Curwensville. April 2. 1512.
KISDAL E HOUSE. The unlorsijcn
i.TJL ed having taken the Morrisdale House, sit
ua;e in tbo town of Morrisda le, Clearfield counf3r.
respeettully solicits a sharo of the public patron-
agf. ,o pains or expense will be spared to rcn
dor gue.-ts comfortable. Charges moilerate.
B" 1ST OP LETTEUS remaining in the I'ot
IL4 uace at (Jlearueld, oi the nrst day of April
Allison. Siniuel
Hurg. Miss .Sebnniah
Dale. Davi i 2
Di.-hong. Miss Fanny
Dewey, ileorge 2
Di is worth. 11. Cs..
la.ih. John
Henry. Willitim
Potter. James
Head. John F.
Robberts. Henjinun
Rogers. Miss CelisU
Randal I. Wm. M 2
Seal, Uoorgo
Miaw, Allison
Tanner. IJ. Y.
Walice. Daniel
King. aniucl
Kephart.liss Catherine Wise. Miss Sarah E.
Martin. Wm. or David Wisnn. .Mrs. Mary Ann
Keteliff Wood. Wilson
Nei. Michael Ye-ig.o: John S,
Persons calling for !ett rs in the above list will
plensu s iy they are advertised.
April 1. 18)2. M. A. FBANK. P. M.
YrAN"TED. All inds of grain will betaken
T f in vaytnentof debts due me. fur which the
highest marvet prices will be given.
LIME! LI M I'. ! '.'--Farnfrs L me your
L'lu t.t. The subscriber would inform the
farmers of Clearfield c unty. that ho keeps con
standy on band at the Jones Kiln at Tyrouo a
large sto;k of luno and will furnish oi contract
any quantity at the terminus of the Tyrone and
l'hilipaburg Raiiroad.
March la. WM. II. ROBERTSON.
CAUTION. -All persons are hereby cnution
fd against purchasing or muddling with the
following property, to wit : ond dark bay mare,
one darn bav horse, one "2 year old colt, and one
wa 'on. now in the rosse.-sion of Peter liissin;Zr.
ii b thefamo belong lo me and have ooly been left
with him on loau. ANDiiLW PhMZ.br.
Feb. Vi, 132 3 tp.
JO TICE. -The undersigned, now located in
ll Cur ensvilie. this county, gives notice that
he intends to remove to Clcartield-on the 1st of
April next. All persons having watches, clocks.
Ac inun shop for rapairs. wt I please call and
cot the same ou or before that date.
S. II. LAUcnLrN,
March 5. IS52-'U-p Watchmaker.
k3 PJITElt. Notice is hereby given, that ny
virtue of nn order of the Orph-in's ('ourt of Clear
field eouuty. Pa.. granted it January Term. A. I).
too2, the undersigned will expose to sa'e. at pub
lie vendue or outcry, at Grahatnton in Bradford
township, coun'y aforesaid, on Saturday, the 1st
day of March, A. D 183 J. at 2 o'clock. P. M . tho
Real Estate of Ctesar Potter, late of Bradford
township, deceased, being the same premises
whero said Potter was living at tho time of his
death, containing about sixty acres more or less,
bounded by lands of ILirncr on the North, by
lands of James Graham on the West, and by land
of John Porter on tho East and South. Terms
ono third doWn fu cash at the time of sale, and '
bailance in two equal annual payments with in- can procure them elsewCere. Uive i:a a tnai
tereat from the tinid of sale to be secured by bonds r, tonrw
and mortgage upon the premises MT 30. 1800. JERKED F IRVIN.
W 1 1LI AM HOOVER. Adm'r. i N. B. Peraons indebted to the oi l firta are re-
February 5th, 182.
WAT M CLLLOLGD, Attorney at Law, Clear-
. field. Pa. Office, with L. J. Crans, Esq.,
on second Street. July 3. 1B61.
. i
-A lot of choice Liquors, such I
Liquors !"
as Brandies cf various kmdd,
Whiskey, Gin. etc., just received and for sale by
oan. u. .uttvubLL Cr UKiLbrv.
Dried Apples!
-Several barrels cf
excellent dried ap
ples on hand and for eale by
Jan- IS, 135.2. MKKRELL A ElfiLER.
rtrtn 1 nil I Just rrceived and opened tho
VJLftli JIL the best article of
Also benzine, an artiel that supplants turpentine
in many uaea, all whiih will he sold cheap fcr
cash by MERRELL fc BIULEU.
TTo V( WO Vr f Tno undersigned have re
llalUti cllL 1 contly added a very ex
tensive assortment to their former large stocs of
II A U D W A K E ,
Which they arc prepared to dispose of for cash at
prices to suit tho times Person desirous cf buy
ing hardware, should remember that we can sell
cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy
stocs: we have on hand, and thereforo to their ad
vantage to purchase of us. Give us a trial.
Jan- 15, 1832. " MERRELL A BIGLER.
Lamps ! Lamps ! ! tuaIeNS
The undersigned have just received from the east
an extensive and varied assortment of the best
ever brought into the county, whioh they offer at
prices, cheaper than the cheapest. Ono advant
age in buying from us is. if tho burners become
loose we fasten them without cbargo Now is the
time to buy. We alsa repair lamps and put new
burners on when desired.
"NTo r Firm-1- haloney&co,
J.1 O JL .11 111 I'lULIP.SBURG, PA.,
Would respectfully inform the cituen3 ot Centre
and Clearfield counties that have just received
and opened a new and very extensive stocK of
and a general assortment ot -articles usually ket
in an establishment of the kind, which they offer
onapioroasQ. .Approved produce taken in pay
ment at maricei prico. Jan. .". IH i
AltTIO.. All persons are hereby caution
ed agaiusf purchasing or meddling with a
certain brown .Iare, now in possession or Jona
than Maysuas the name belongs to mc and is sub
ject to my orders PETER SUMMELsS
Ansonville February 20. 1802-3 tp.
ROPOSALS, Proposals for the building of
a Privey at the new Court Hou.-o iu the bor
ough of Clearfield, will bo received at the com
missioners oifiun. until the 27fh day of May next.
Plans and specifications can be seen at the com
missioners office Ly order cf tho board of Com
missioned. WM S. BRADLEY', Clerk.
U niissioners of Clearfield county, will offer at
Public Sale, at the court house, ou Tuesday the
i iu uay ot -Uay next, at Z o clock, p. ui.. one hun
dred aud thirty (I. '10) shares of stock in tho briilgo
across the Susquehanna at Clearfield. Ev order
of the board. WM. S. BRADLEY, C!oi k
TO THE PUT. Lie The undersigned har-
X nig pnrchasod tho entire stock of the lato firm
of Jiooro A Etweilcr, and having made largo ad
ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus
tomers. lhankful for the very liberal patronage
heretofore extended to tho firm, he hopes by
strict personal .attunlio.i to business to merit a
continuence of tho tamo.
March 23, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILER.
ij COUNTY"! The Supeiinteudentcontemplates
opening an Institute for the improvement of
leactiers in tne nest methods ot giving instruc
tions in the branches of learning taught in our
cumin on schools If thirty teachers signify, by
leuer or oinerwi-c, on or betoro tho 10lh of May
next. tueir willingness to attend the said Institute,
thee the same will be opened in Curwensville on
tne 2d ot Juno following. and continue eight
weeks. To defray expenses, each teacher wrll be
charged four dollars in advance
March 2;.'t2. JESSE BROOM ALL. Co. Sup't.
HAIRS !! CIIAIUS!!! ClIAlllS !!!!!
A0W 13 THE TIME TO BUY !! !!
The undersigned has now on baud, at his Furni
ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield. Pa., a short
distance west of Lite's foundry, a large stock of
manufactured out of the best materials, finished
in a very superior manner, and which be will sell
l.OXV l'llB UAMl. Ills long experience in the bu
sincss makes him feel confident that his chairs arc
made in a substantial and woi kmanlike manner,
and will stand the test of trial I'ersons wishing
to purchaso chairs should call at once and get
tut in while tncy cau be had at the lowest rates.
Feb 27. lSlil. JOHN TR0UTMAN.
Bargains ! Bargains ! !
Dried Apples at 5 cts per lb., Peaches 10 cts,
Suouldehs 8 CTS TEE rocxD,
Rafting-stoves, b33t qxiality $3,50,
Good Calico, by the web, ot JO cents,
All Ziads of Glasa-'Waro at Ha'f Price,
Now is the time to buy.
The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A
pril they enterod into partnership in the merean
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
the business will be conducted by them jointly un
der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvin.
They inform their customers and the public in
general that they have received from the East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially adaptod to the wants of the community,
and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices.
Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes. Hats
and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to suit the t'rues. Now is the time to
purcnase tau in am. etnunuo our tiocn uciu'o
you purchase your goods, and we feed confident ,
that we can supply you with all kinds of goods
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
j quejtei to call aai settle.
may 30.
Q ALT a good article, and verv cheap at the
O store of W.M. F. IRWIN. Clearfield,
fA. The subscriber having purchased the
furniture and interest from II. 11. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
siont and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with his establishment will be
conducted second to none in the county, lie res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage,
duly 11, IsiO.-y. GEO. N. COLBL'KN.
TN. On who ean come well recommended
j lor industry and sobriety None other need an
P'J- A good shop with three fires and three set
of smith's tofds (if desired), and a hou.'e. garden
ana siame will all bo leased tor one year from
the 1st of April next, and for al.,nger time if sat
isfaction is rendered to customers and to mvself.
Address, JAS. B. GRAHAM.
January lso2. Clearfield. Pa.
Bills of Exchauge, Notes and Draft3 Discounted
Deposits received. Collections made, aud proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd.
Jamest. lkonaud. ::::::.:: d. a fin sky.
wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. kinney.
The undersigned keeps constautl on hand
at his store room in 1'hilipsburg, Ceutreycounty. a
fnll stock of Flour. Ham1!. Shou!dors Sides. Cof
fee, Tea, Suar. Pice, Mola,-ses. Ac. Also. Li
quors of all kinds. Tobacco. Segar3. Snuff, Ac ; all
of which ho offers to purchaser on the most ad
vantageous terms (live him a e.iil, and trv his
articles. Imar2t ROBERT LLOYTL
This preparation, made tiom the best Java
Ooli'ee, is recommended by physicians aa a supe
rior nutritious beverage for tieneral Debility,
Dyspepsia and all billious disorders 'J housands
who have been .compelled to abandon the use of
coffee will uue this without injurious effects. One
can contains the strength of two pounds of ordin
ary coffee. Price 2o cents.
Kollock's Levain.--1 Le purest and best baking
powacr Known tor making light, sweet and nu
tritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents.
Manufactured by M. II. K 'LLOCK, Chemist,
corner of Broad and Chestnut Sts, ThiTa. and sold
by aU Druggists aud Grocers. Et-b 25. IStiJv.
FA UMFO R S V L E.-Th e fol 1 o w i n g d esc ribed
farm, situated in Decatur township. Clearfield
Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of 1'hilipsburg.
on tho Glen Hope road, containing one liidi inU
and twenty-one. acres and allowance. There are
about eighty-live acres cleared and under a good
state of cultivation ; with a large, well finished,
frame bank barn, a comfei table hewed log house,
and a well finished frame dwelling house and
other out buildings erected thereon, never failing
springs of water at the buildings, and a lare and
well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees
The .vood land being w.dl timbered and under
laid with a four and a half foot-vein of stone coal
The above farm affords rare inducements to pur
chasers For further iaformation enquire of
R. D. SHOWALTEU, Philipsburg.
Oct. 23, IStil. Cm. Centre, Co. Pa.
TAL .MONTHLY There are periods
in the world's history marked by extraordinary
and violent crises, sudden as the" breaking forth
of a volcano, or the bursting of a storui on the
ocean. These crises. -weep away in a moment the
landmarks of generations. They call otit fresh
talent, and give to the old new direction. It is
then that new ideas arc born, new theories devel
oped. Such periods demand fresh exponents, and
new men for expounders.
This Continent ha3 lately been convulsed bv
an upheaving so sudden and terrible that the re
lations of alt men and all classes to each other are
violently disturbed, and people look about for the
elements with which to sway the storm and di
rect the whirhviud. Just at present, wa do not
know what all this is to bring forlh ; but we do
know that great results must "flow from such ex
traordinary commotions.
At a juncture so solemn and so important, there
13 a special need that ihe intellectual force of the
country should be active and efficient. It is a
time forgreat minds to speak their thoughts bold
ly. and lo t;ike position as tho advance guard. To
this end. there is a special want in, supplied. It is
that of an Independent Magazine, which shall be
open to tho first intellects of the land, and which
shall treat the issuo presented, and to be presented
10 me country, in a tone no way tempered by par
tizanship. or influenced by fear, favor or the hope
of reward , which shall seize and grapple with
the moinentoussubjects that the present disturbed
stte of affairs heave to the surface, aud which
can not be laid aside Or neglected.
To meet this want, the undersigned have com
menced, under the editorial charge of Charles ti.
Iceland, the publication of a new Marrazine. devot
ed to i.iieratnre and National Policy.
In fo.i us. it will advocate, with alt the force
at ilscommand. measures best adapted to preserve
the oneness and integrity of these United States.
It w ill never yield to the idea of anv disriimion
of this Republic, peaceably or otherwise; and it
:,tj: -., i - .. ...
wuiui&juss witn nonesty and impartiality what
must be. done to save it. in this deDiirtment. some
o: mc mosi eminent statesmen ol tui time will con
tribute regularly to its pages.
in Literature, it will be sustained by the beat
writers and ablest thinkers of this country.
Among its attractions will be presented, iu an
early number, a' New Serial of American Life."
by Biehard Kimball, Esq . the very popular author
ot "lho Revelations of u'all Street." -St. Leer."
Ac. A series of papers by lion Horace Greclv.
embodying the distinguished author's observations
on the growth and development of the Great
West. A series of articles by the author of
"Through the Cotton Slates," containing tho re
sult of an extended tour in the seashore Slave
States, just prior to the breaking out of the war.
and presenting astartling and truthful picture of
the real coudiiion of that region. No pains will
be spared to render the literary attractions of the
Continental both brilliant and substantial The
lyrical or descriptive talents of the most eminent
literati have been promised to its nazes : and
nothing wii be admitted which will not be dis
tinguished by marked enorsrv oricrinalitv, and
solid strength. Avoiding every intlueuce or as
sociation partaKing of clique or coterie, it will bo
open to all contributions of real merit, even from
writers differing materially iu their views : the
only limitations required being that of devotion
to tho Union, and the only standard of acceptanc3
that of intrinsic excellence.
luci.uiiunai iep.trtnieni n in cmoraco, in aa- i
ditionto yigorousind fearless eommenU on the
events of the times .,il rftsSn ,-iih the r.H. I
The Editorial Department will embrace, iu ad-
events of the times. 'renial gossip w ith the reader
on all current topics, and alo devote abundant
space to those racy specimens of American wit and
humor, without w hich there can be no perftct ex
position or our national character Among thosa
who will contribute regularly to this department
may be mentioned the name of Charles F. Brow ne
(Artemus Ward), from whom we shall present in
the March number, the first of an entirely new and
original scries of - Sketches of Western Life "
The Costinestel will be liberal and progres
sive, without yielding to chimeras and hopes be
Xond the grasp of the age ; and it will endeavor
lo reflect the feelings and interests of tho Ameri
can people, and to illustrate both their serious and
humorous peculiarities. In short, no pains will
be spared to make it the Representative Magarine
of the time.
TERMS: Three dollars per year, iu advance
(postage paid by the Publishers ;) Two copies for
? j ; Three copies for S6. (postage unpaid; Eleven
copies for 620. (postage unpaid). Single numbers
can be procured from any News-dealer in the
United States. The Knickerbocker Magazine and
the Continental Monthly will be furnished for one
year at St.
Appreciating the importance of literature to
the soldier on duty the publishers will send the
oontinemtal. gratis . to any regiment in actiye
service, on application neing made by its Colonel
c Chaplain : he will also receive subscriptions
from those desirlDg to furnish it to soldiers in the
ranas at nail the regular price: but in such cases
it must be mailed from the e.fce of publication.
J. R. OTLM0RE, HOTremontSt., Boston,
Charles T. Evans, at G. P. Putnam's 532 Broad
way, New York, ia authorized to receive pulxwrtp- I
tiooa in that city. Feb 12, '
V T Great Progressive an I HciHnz Krmeiv.
'An article that "' .i - 1 1
to r reduce in n r.m.,sv -t t .-.i -
f... tUa ,o;i...... i ,. ? .
ior tne painiss and rapid cur of external in
iWuV Sweni"ore,,UV; ! Burn .d
Rheumatism. Sore throat. Emi,P S.-r.nir., r.,t.
ti n ri ifiirv a i 1 tit j; . - s-
Tumors. Erysipelas. Warts. Sore eves Foils
Char.oel band FrnM f fi;.- s.
trial, l riee z cents tn.x.
I T , m
GOSS, in Woodward townihin.
March 19,'S:
a. CAN. T.'ie Best Mechasical f aperis the
World. Seventeenth Year. Ycixme VI New
Anew volume of thi wilely circulatel papr
commences oa the first of January, it is pub
lished weekly, aud every cumber contains sixteen
pajres of useful information, and from hvt? to tn
original engravings of new inveutiJus and dis
coveries, all of which are prepared express'y for
its cob illl:3.
person engaged in any of the mechaLical or man
ufacturing i-ursuits should think of d:i.g with
out" tho sciF.M-iric A m ericas . It cost but four
cent per week ; every number contains from six
to tea engravings of new machines and inven
tions, which are not found in tiny other public
tiou. It is an established rule of the publishers
to insert none but original engravings, and li c?
ot the hrst class in the srt, drawn atid engraved
by experienced j.visoi.1 under their ewn super
vision. To the IsrcvTort The Scientific American u
indispensible to every inventor, as it not only con
tains illustrated Hesjriptior.s of nearly ell the b st
invention? as they come out, but each number con
tains an Oflicial List of 'the Claims of all the Pat
ents issued from the United States Paient (.'iHje
during the previous week ; thus K'v'ng a correct
history of the progress of iiiVMhtions i:i this coun
try. VVe arc also receiving every wei-K. th- lo st
scientific journals of Great Britain. France and
ttermany ; thu placing in our poj-ssiun nil that
is transpiring iu mnjuani.-tl science and pirt in
these old countries. We shall continue to trans
fer to our columns copious extracts from these
journals of whatever w e may deem of interest to
our readers.
Ciicmists, Architects. Willwriijhts, and Far
mers The Scientific American will be found a
most useful journal to them. All the new discov
eries in the science of chemistry arc given in its
columns, and the interesis of the architect and
carpenterare not cverlooKed ; all the new inven
tions and discoveries appertaining to thes pur
suits being published fr-jm weeK to wern. Us-;ul
and practical information pertaining to the inter
e.s's of its iil'wrihis and mi.d owners will be found
published in the Scientific American, wnica iu
f irmatiou they can not possibly obtain from at r
other source. Subjccs in which planters and far
mers are interested will be found discussed in the
Scientific American ; mest of the ini pi ovoB;e:;M
in agricultural implimcits boisg i;;us:raied in
it3 r-o! UU1I:1
JLU.MS: To mail suH:riher3 : ?2
:- a yosr. or
91 tor tix mnnth?. S! rnvslur cue ec-rar
ifc'.C vol-
ume of 41 o puges : two wlumes complin one year.
I hrt volumes commence on th 1st of January and
July. Specimen copies will be s-ct gtaii? Ct r.ny
part of the country. Also a pamphlet of instruc
tion to inventors about obtaining pa !eut 5 sen t free.
M'estern and Canadian money or lV.-it-oili :
stump? taKcn at par fcr subscripi 'ior.g. Canadian
subscribers will pleaso lo remft twenty-five conts
extra ou each years' subcrij.tion ti prepay posl-ajt1-
MLNN A CO.. Publisher,
lec. 13. 19.CI. ".7 I'j-k Row. N. Y.
lOU.C Fourth -V Arch Streets. Phila- lo'J-
delphia, are noiv offering their usual assortment of
I'ry lioods. adapted to Spring Sales. Fashionable
1'ri-ss Silks, fashionable Spring Shawls, nr w as
sortment of Dre?s G erode. Spring Prims. DeLaincs
arid tingham3. Mu.siins and Lint-uscf !ir;t quality,
Cloths, Cass'tmeres and Vesting. Tahle imen's.
Towiins and Napkins. N. B. Blacij Silk, b.-
low regular prices.
March l.'. GJ.Um.
CAUTION. AH persons ore hereby cnuticn
ed against rurchasimr or mddlii."- wish the
following property, now iu pos.M-s.sion of John
Waggoner, to wit : 1 brindle cow. 1 black ow, 1
red cow, I hay mare, 14 sheep. 3 heiffer calves. 1
wagon. I plow. I corn plow. 1 harrow. I windmill,
I timber slid. 1 LI acres of grain in the grouna- 2
oxen, aud 1 stack of hay. as the same have been
purchased by us at Sheriff's salt;, and have- only
been left with said Wagor,er on loan and aie sui
jebi to our order. " 1IIPPl.E a FAUSf.
March 0. 1SI52.
Attention is especially cal led to tliii article, r.s a
substitute for gold ia inserting teeth. Many per
sons who have tr rd all kinds of met ilio b:,se pre
fer this, and in those cases w here it is applicable,
it will in a great measure become a substitute for
gold, silver or platina. Its chief advantages nro.
cheapness, lightness and perfect adoption to th.;
mouth ; it having a soft fieshy fuel to ihe parts of
the mouth with which it comes in contact.
A M. Hills is prepared to pnt up teeth on tho
Vulcanite Base, with Hoodyear's Patent Hum.
which is the on y reliable preperatioh, anl can
only be had through their regular Hgents.
Dr. Hiils will ulways be found in his ofiice en
Friday and Saturday, unices notice appeal t the
contrary, in tho town papers, the previous week.
The subscriber hns opened a fall ar.J com
plete assortment of D RUGS in the new brick
building which he recently erected on the corner
of Locust and Cherry streets, iu tho Borough cf
Clearfield, where he will at all times he happy to
accommodate any person-A bo may de.-ire articles in
his line. The business will be confine i strictly to a
and no pains will be spared to rander satisfaction.
Dr. Woods, may always be found and consulted
in the Drugstore.1' when not absent on profes
sional business A separate room for consul ta
tiou is attached to the Store, where patieuts may
be examined private!.
Every article usually found in such an estab
lishment will bo kept on hand, and sold at greatly
reduced pticcs. Trnns helm itn'rthf CisZ will en
able them to offer inducements in tho w ay of prices.
Physicians will be suppliel at a sm-ill percent
age overcoat and carriage. Their orders are solici
ted. Every article sold will be pure nnd of the
best quality. M. WOODS.
Clearfield. Pa.. February 13, TSJl-lf.
Furniture ! Furniture !!
1 . i;,n r :. j. j
i. 7 ' i'J J'u 'J' -d cus'omcrs
V1:."" enlarged hts shop and increased his
lacilitics for manufacturing, he is now prepared
to make to order such furniture as may be des'r-
cd, tn good stylo and at cheap rates for cash. IB
mostly has on hand at his -Fm riture Booms,''
a varied assortment of furnituie. among which is.
Ward lobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor,
Breakfast and Dining extension Tables.
Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-
Liind and other Bsdsteads.
t j
Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs;
And common and other Chairs.
Of every description ou hand, aud new glasses for
old frames, which will be put in on very
reasonable terms, on short notice.
He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair,
Corn-hutk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses.
Made to order, and funerals attended with a
Hearse, whecever'desirable.
Also, House painting done to order.
Tho above, and many other articles are furnished
to customers cheap for Cisa or exchanged fr ap
proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar.
Lin-wood and dther Lumber suitable fcr the busi
ness, taken in exchange fcr furniture.
Remember the ehep is cn Mar-ret street. Clear
field, and nearly oppo-r1,: the -Old Jew Stire."
December 4. 13U . JOHN GUELICIT. '
i ! I J" W0CP3. Attorney at Law. led las a. P
1 I I - 1 if.rei-iionnl business hiyiium -t.-v. I. ,
I Ti f"' ' '
! 1J' Ceid count-v' r
urwensvlUe. C:ar-
Mav I
i -r t ruv-j T. Tt T T-
T J-CKANS, AUcmev et Law and Ra! E?,s
I "
grct. LieartieiJ. i'a.
t-'Cics aJjoicicg tia
residence, on Seeoad Jtreet.
ay 16.
"riULlAM A. WALLACE, Attorter st La.
Clearte'.d. Pa. t dee, ajjoiidig' L'.i rt
dence on Second strtet. Sept. 1
P) 0BERT J .'WALLACE. AX'.oruv st Law. Clear
L Celd. Pa Oice ia Shaw's uJw rw. .Market
street, oppoaire Ningle's aewviry atjie. ilav 7 j.
F. NAUGLE. Watch snd Clook Msker. and
dealer in '.Vatche. Jewelry. Aj. K;n ia
GKiham s row, Market Sireft. Nov. 10.
eALT! SALTU S VLflll-A prixe artl-
elect ground alum salt, put up ia ntest
fftcKS. iu ,..2r pur sacs, t the cheap cauli 'jr.-f
Ncv.,m-er 27. M JSSt-l-
. field. Fa.
Oi'L. Atturtivv at Liit.liru.
in 'irahaiu'a lcw. fuurd'i a
wes: ol
Grahsta A Boynton's stit. yov. 3u.
KBAT7.ER Merchant, and d-aler io
oar.ls slJ h!i:es. G.-aia ard Preda.
Iroi.t St. ati-jve tne Academy, Clearfield. Pa. jii
t J FATTEfiSON.. Attomcj a'.Lair.Ctrx-ni-vilie.
Pa. will attend to til Luj:ne$a-
ttus'el to his
cere. OiSce orpc.ite the Nw
Methodist Churci
Jan. IS. 1302.
lTll-LIAM F. IKWIN..Marintstrett.Clear5e:j,
Fa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domesiii iier-
handise. Hardn sre. QaeeL:irc. Groceries, and
family articles generally
-Nut. 1J.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL. cSern his profession!
scrvicsto the ritizer.r of Morris and ad;oit.
iu tewnships Residence with J. D. Denning ia
Kyierlown. Clearfield ccur.ty. May ll.lSSv.
JB M'EN'ALLY. Attorrey a, inw. Cle-rflId,
, f'. Tract'icus in Clevrfieid and ajj.iL'.cg
counties. 02.ee in new brick addition. adj.inix. :
the residence of Jamej B. Graham. Nov. 10.
OflN GFELICil. :.in jfaotarvr of all kisda 4
He &3iank's to order Collns. on short notice, aiid
Ptteud3 funeral i with a hearse. AptlO.'j4.
L'ci'er ia Futign and
Groceries. Flour. Luon.
west of vi
ic. Room, en "-.larke'. s::et. tft S'vti
'I'OjIre, Cicaraeid, Pa. Apr'27.
I j'A. Attorney st Law.
nc.d i s. : -u,
C-vc-r the L.Oft.raelJ
!?ga; instruice'ita pr-
co. rtat.a. i'eejs and oti.
a With prcinptneys :
rcrn. : : : :
Ji.lv 5.
Collect:-: Ofti.e. Cl k a kt ie ld. l'fN'A.
JOHN KUSS11L i CO.. Tarrers and Currier.
9J P'-nnvi'le.Clf-rf oli Co , I'a. Keep cotstnMlr
on ha:1, au exc-'lU
:ru nt cf lsiitLer. whicL
t the lowest cash r rices Hide
of all kindi t tk- n in exchange
J Sei,
ARRIMER A TEs i. Af.eir.eys at Law. Clear-
1. Pa. Will nttend promptly to ail lezil
a:.d other busine?a ectiusted lo tneircareln Clear ¬
field and adjoi:.:r.g coactiej. Augu-t C. Ii8.
JA.S. H. LAltRlilL:.. lSitAtL TEST
R. M VvC-C'DS.. tpnierr :ris professional servl-
io th? or-.' i;s ci . Ic-i.-hvli and vi citify.
ti esider.ee or. St cor.d flre-n "pr-.lie the cIce of
L. J . Crur.s. E? -j. t-iT;. tiic same tLai wa3 recent
ly occupied by Hon. G K .''arrett. where he can
bo found unlrj absent on m ifcf.-ional business.
jl'O. 2. W Mil) UP !-TLeuadervgned wcuil
II rtipectfully intorm the citiztr.s of Clardjid
vj..?t;iry. thai h continu do all kiuda ci"
BI:tUsi!iitning on short roticc and iu the very
best s-yl". at l!: U ! J Shop nlrjgid" of the Tc"
H i.".:. Edge tools of all kind? mads anl t.;cs4l
in tho best manner, ai d warranted to give er.t:.--"
saiisfaction. The pr.eiic will retri-ra ler, that I
iti! not in the habit of tumii g ff johjon acoouct
of not being ae-lf to do r1?.. .Mi l' nsk ij a trial.
aud iLea tLe pubiic may
tbeinstd ves. iLemcmher t:l
lo.u Ilall.
t'ie.'n field Ft. Au 1;'.
f the -;'j!k for
.- -t-M M.or.' st the
! 3i.
N. i; Ar.v iohs that
c.ir.r.ot exe-
cute. iil !.e done ou vrrv short nc
A B J ,'iv r 1 ii I 2 T h e w o : 1 J s f.-. o r i i For 23
Y'e irs the St'ind.irJ M :rle. Pionouufted by
the !'is3 of the United .St-it-j?. 11. c test Lid v a
.uuifaziLe in t!e or.
'I'hf. Liti r.tt'tre is of
aloud in the fa'r.iivci
! r.r...i tne i: epe
that -:cd that can b;- real
rcl. . .t.l the clercT iu im-
nieiisn tit-rs-jcrs are
;H-,Tit-.Tj :
.r tl
1 ke h'M L' t'y if i.i A r.-.,-: icii cortributa t-3
i t pages, ittii we hav.- soui-j iL&l ..r:te k r no other
'i"-it Muxi- is all cr:g:i-.T. an I would tvi?t
sen's (the pri;e of th". Bwvki in 'toe musie it jrM .
But nio?t of it is cepyrig.-Mi-i, a i cuui.ot be oh-iaine-l
except in 'vioaey '
Our Engravi-. A'i t J.r's to livsl r
in this have oeaaed. f.n.i we i.ow eiuJ alooJ ia
this dep.'it iuieui, giving. a.? we do. in'.'iy rure and
inliniu-.iy OBtter c&giavi:jgs than aic j.Libiish'.! ia
any other work.
UtJ-if's l;iTir."',r Ds't'ji'e i'i'-rr ' ' -hiun-P'-it'.
olU LVe U. j;
. i i it
Ot:i.r :ii-
.h Cc !
" lines
I'a.-hior.s on
each plat-.
only two.
l'ur Jihe.fi of ar,i; .:z r;i K::.-
c.i, Godey's is the only wo;li I: th
gives th'.-e immen-e faf .-". aud ':;f
to have excited the " f.-jtif--.f r -ju'i.
-i ' or .l-5-"-i
: world t-st
are such js
1'trs a.id tte-.
res cot t !'!.-
piiC.IC. i iie puolIC -t: l ' ! It. - rpi.,
tio'J tr.ate tuiu I aliion-p!.,?i ci !:.o old
nothing but oar oudi-rfolty iiie c
t vie. sd
enaotes us to give tnets Other ma'iz Ices cannot,
afford it We never snare ui:i:kt when the rub
liccan be bench. ed '1 hvc. f .i-ji.ion- taiy be reiiej
on. Dresic-s may bo m:tie a.ter then, and th
wearer wiil not t. a hj t fa e rsal : i a ri -i ic a 1 -. as would
bo the e-ise if she vi-.:t"J the Urg-j etUos -iresu-i
ater the si vie of the p tales givtu in fccruo of our
socalh' l ftishir-n sr;i: tzinc3
O.-r Wood E
fS . of v. L
tc we .ve twic
other ma-jaziLe,
I'hcy are so fir
or three tiruts ra.,n- as a.ny
are ofie;i mirt-.kea L.r a:c-l.
superior to auv .hers
i rut t,it tin r, -I'ciarfi of 'heci.
F.cmrmber that
puliicati-in and
v. v oa v. r.t at
; tne Jaay s l. .l.u is ttie iTigitai
the cheapest If jos uka Uji
other magait::e. Everything t
ornamental ia a ho'jue cat. b - to.
tt ; uietul cr
Go ley.
Drau:-?!- Lt.'xons. "No ether r:.ag -i-tir.e
gi iW
them, and we have given enough to fill so.
lar e vol umes
Our lircn'fts art- tach S3 cm be You is d iiwhre
c'se. Cooking in all its variety Cor.fecticr.cry
the Nursery Ihe Toilet Pe Laundry -tL-eKBch-en.
Receipts upon all subjeet3 are to Le foup.i ia
the pagt:s of tho Ladv's Hock. V.'e nrii".lv
started this department, and have peculiar facili
ties for making it mist perfect. T his departfctt
alone is worth tits pric& of the Book.
L&ltti Wori T.i6'-. 1 his departiaect ccuprt
ses engravings and dcsariptioLi of every .iU:!-
th.'i a lady wears.
Mo lt.l Coiuzrjrs. No other majailstc hs '.fab
Tervts. C r
i i'" Aivr.n -0rfi espy rr.3 ye?.r.
i . i wo Copies one j tar. 5 j. iarei copies ere
year. 5. Four c;-.pi-.-s ono year. S7 I'iva e-nit
one year, and an cjt.-a copy :o :ha perjor. sesiiej
tho club. StO KIght copies o:ie year, aca aacz
tra copy ti tie person aecdirg tue cltib, SI5.
Eleven carie one year, and an extra, or-y to ti
person eeiiding the club. 5 JO. And tLo -j't'y
magazine that ci to isttoduced into the aheva
elubs in plare of the Lady's Beck u Arthur's
Home MHgaz'n?
Special Cl.c'-Mnr teiti c." Ilitzi:ei
Gtdey Lady's t-ck ar.d Arthur's lice Mag'. : la
both one year fcr S3 SO. Gadey's Lady's Be-'ii
and Harper's I-Iig.'ii tne Vc-h one yea Vcr $ 1 bH
Godey. Harper, and Arthur will ali" tjroe le sect
one year, em receipt of 3) Ctl. Treasury Kc-tfie
and N.iKa of all eol vent banks taksn at par. 2
carafa! and nay the pottage on tout lefrer
Address L A G0BEY,
3.3 Chsntt Strr:, PhUj-leJphi.fi. pj..
T71LOUR A gool article tor a- at taa ptc-rtc