Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 26, 1862, Image 1

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    AfJitf ill
VOL. 8.--iST0. 30.
In days when old Democracy
Ruled in place of powers that Bo,
Tbere lived a Minuter ot War
Vhose fame dm been recorded far ,
A man f W, f ,
A fox at tome, a knave In Stats,
With ready hand to Operate,
And much from Httlft to Create,
And canning to canctal.
A man with weighty cares annoyd
V that great sohemer, John B. Floyd,
He fingered light at the public puree
And then went on from bad to worse :
Stole U. S. arms and many a keel :
Robbed the mints ofthe Commonweal ;
Robbed all with whom he had to deal,
And when ho had no more to steal,
lie stole himself awwy !
Then straight to Dixie's Land he went.
With wrathful mood and soul intent,
To bear Fecessia's battle brunt
Th' invader's onset to confront.
Itut war he found to be no sport
When death around him held iU court,
And cannon belched tbeir loud report
That Donrlson was not his forte,
And so he stole away.
Whither has fld the gallant (?) Floyd ?
la he by Holier spoils decoyed,
Or would he prove his instinct true,
And cheat the hangman of his due ?
Perchance he thinks, as well be may,
Perverting thus the minstrel lay,)
That he who teala h imself away
May live tonteal another day,
And thus his hand improve.
Cakp Bex-tot, Mo., Dec. 20 1861. A few
days before our regiment received orders to
join 4en. Lyon, on his march to Wilson's
Creek, he,i rummer of our company was taken
sick and conveyed to the hospital, and on the
evening preceeding the dy we were to march,
a negro was arretted within iho. limits ot the
crtnp, and brought before our captain, who
asked hha what business be had within the
lines V He repJied, "I know a drummer that
would like to eu list in your company, and 1
have come o t-U yu of it." Ha was immedi
ately requeted t inform the drummer that it
lie would -enlist for our short term ol service
he would be allowed extra par, unit to do this,
he must be on the ground early iu the morn
ing. The nero was then pawed bcyord the
On th-o following morning there appeared
before the Captain's quarters, during tte beat
ing of the reveille, a good looking , middle
aged woman, dressed in deep mourniug, lead
ing by the hand a h.irp, sprightly lookiog
boy, apparently about twelve or thirteen years
cf age. Her story wan soon told. She was
from Eat Tennessee, where her husband had
been killed by the rebels, and ali their prop
erty destroyed. She had come to St. Louis
in search ot her sLter, but not finding her, and
being destitute ot money, she thought that if
she could procure a situation for her boy as a
irtnutuer for the short term that we had to re
main in the service, she could find employ'
went for herself, and perhaps find her sister
by the time wo wero a it-charged.
D'Tii-g the rehersal of her story the little
follow kept his eyes intently fixed upon the
countenance of (he Captain, who was about to
express a determination not to take so small a
hoy, whet; he spoke out, "Don't be afraid
Cu'sin, I can drum." This was spoken with
much confidence that the Captain immedi
ately observed with a smile, "Well, well, Ser
geant, bring the drum, and order our filer to
oiiic forward." In a few moments the drum
was produced, and our flfer, a tall, round
shouldered good natured fellow from the Du
hupje mines, who stood when erect,sometbing
ver six feet in height.
L'pcn being introduced to his new comrade,
Jie Hooped down, with his bauds resting upon
his knees, that were thrown forward into an
acute angle, and after peering into the little
fellow's lace a moment, he observed, "My lit
tle man, can you drum J" "Yes, sir," he re
plied, "I drummed ibr Ciptain Hill in Ton-ni-ssee."'
Our liter immediately commenced
tfrjiguteniug himself upward until all the an
s'fs in his pel sou had disappeared, when he
pi ic-d his fifu in hi mouth and played the
' Fl-.-wcrs of Edctibnrg," one of the most dif
ficult t tinea to follow with the drum that could
have been selected, and nobly did the little
k-Iiow follow him, showing himself to be a
' aster cf the.drum. When the music ceased,
our Captain turned to the mother and observ
ed, Madau, I will take your boy. What is
''is name 1" "Edward Lee," she replied j
thct! j lacing her hand upon the Captain's arm,
M;e continued, "Captain if he Is not killed"
litre her maternal foi lings overcome her utter
ance, and she bent down over her bov and
Kissed him upon the lorbead. As she arose,
he observed, "Captain, you will i ring him
Wk with you, wou't you ?" "Tea, yes," bo
r-plied,we will be certain to bring him back
ith ui. We shall be discharged in six weeks.
In an hour after, our company led the Iowa
t out of camp, our drum and fife playing,
"The girl I left behind me." Eddie, as we
called him, soon became a great favorite with
the men iu the company. When any of
ihe boys had returned Irom a horticultural ex
enrson, Eddie's share ol the peaches and mel
ons was first apportioned out. During our
''eary a:.d fatiguing march from Rolla to
' pringfield, it was often amusing to see our
long-legged flfer wuding through the mud
"h our htfij drummer mounted upon his
hick nrA alwavn ii- that position when ford
'"? tr-aiis.
,)!'iin theifight At Wilson's Creek, I was
''"tiuuud wi;u h part of our company on the
glit of T, it ten's battery, while the balance of
"'t company, with a part of the Illinois regi
rafcDt, w is ordered down in a deep timbered
r"i;ie upon our left, in which it was known
('"Mini, of the enemy was concealed, with
"lion. u,ey were noon engaged. The contest
i"! lavine continuing for some time, Tot-
u!detily wheeled his batterjr upon the
-tiiy in that quarter. Mien Ihey soon retreat
1 'o the bigh ground behiud their lines. In
tban twenty minutes after Totton had
j"lTt:n the enemy from the ravine, the word
Pd from man to man throughout the army,
'Lyon is killed," and soon after, hostilities
flog ceased upon both sides, the order came
'ourraalo foroei to fall back to Spring
W. wliiUra part of the Iowa 1st and two
'topanks of the Missouri regiment were to-
ajP upon the ground and cover the retreat
morning. That night I was detailed for
-rt doty, my turn of guard closing witb the i
officer as- a relief, I l'ouud that my post was
upon a high eminence that overlooked the
deep ravine in which our men bad engaged the
enemy, until Totton's battery came to their
assistance. It was a dreary, lonesome beat.
The moon bad gone down in the early part of
the night, while the stars twinkled dimly
through a heavy atmosphere, lighting up im
perfectly the surrounding objects. Occasion
ally I would place my ear near the ground and
listen for the sound of footsteps, but all was
silent save the far off howling of the wolf, that
seemed to scent upon the night air the ban
quet that we had prepared for him. The hours
passed slowly away, when at length the morn
ing light began to streak along the eastern sky,
making surrounding objects more plaiuly vis
ible. Presently I beard a drum beat up tbe
morning call. At first Ithought it came from
tho camp of the enemy across the creek ; but
as I listened I found it came from the deep
ravine; for a few minutes it was silent, and
then as it became more light I beard it again.
I listened the sound of the drum was famil
iar to me and I knew that it was
Our drummer boy from Tennessee,
Beating for help the reveille.
1 was about to desert my past to go to bis
assistance, when I disco vored the officer com
ing with two men. Wo all listened to the
sound, and were satisfied that it was Eddie's
drum. I asked permission to go to his as
sistance. The officer hesitated, saying that
the orders were to march In twenty minutes.
I promised to be back in that tims, and be
consented. I immediately started down the
hill through the thick growth, and upon reach
ing the valley I followed the sound of the
drum, and soon found him seated upon the
ground, his back leaning against the trunk of
a fallen tree, while his drum hung upon a bush
in front of him, reaching neat ly to tho ground.
As soon as be discovered me, he dropped his
drumsticks and exclaimed, "O, corporal, I
am so glad to see you! Give me a drink,"
reaching out bis hand for my canteen, which
was empty. I immediately turned to bring
him some water from the brook that I could
bear rippling through tho bushes near br,
when thinking I wns about leaving him, he
commenced crying, saying, "Don't leave me,
corporal I can't walk!' I was soon back
with the water, when 1 discovered that both
oi nis ieei nan ueen snot away oy a cannon
ball. Alter satisfying his thirst, he looked
up into my face, and said, -You don't think I
will die corporal, do you? This man said I
would not ho said the surgeon could cure
my lee:." I now discovered a man lying in
tho grass near hira. By his dress I recognized
him as belonging to the enemy. It appeared
that he bad been shot through the bowds, and
had fallen near where Eddie lay. Knowing
that be could not live, and seeing the condi
tion of the boy, he had crawled to him, took
oil his buckskin suspenders, and corded the
little fellow's legs below the knees, and then
Jay down and died. While ho was telling me
these particulars, I heard tbe tramp of cavalry
coming down tbe ravine, and in a moment a
scout of tho enemy was upon us, and I was
taken prisoner. L requested the officer tf
take fcddie up id front of him, and he did so,
carrying him with great tenderness and care.
When we reached the camp of tbe enemy be
was dead.
it is now two weeks since I made my escape
from McCuIloch's grap. I have re-enlisted
tor the war, and as we are likely to be in'camp
for some time, I may write again of other
scene through which I have p issed.
Rebel Iktermekts. A special correspon
dent, writing from Manassas, says: "One
visitor made a thorough examination of head
boards which uniformly mark the graves of
the numerous rebel soldiers who died in camp.
Our Government is now for the first time ad
vertising for headboards. Each slab at Ma
nassas andCentreville tells the name of the de
ceased, his State, his regiment, and ti e day
of his death. But six States were represent
ed in these extensive cemeteries. The highest
numbered regiment from Virginia was the forty-seventh.
The highest from Georgia, which
came next, was the twenty-sixth. The other
Gulf and Atlantic states appeared to have no
regiment numbering above twenty. The
Western and South Western States, except
Mississippi, were not represented. On the
whole, according to the data of these grave
yards, there wero at no time ono hundred and
eighty regiments at Manassas and Centre ville."
English Barbakitt. A portion of the
London press are throwing up its hands In holy
horror over the "barbarity" of filling up
Charleston harbor with stone laden vessels,
and invokes the guardians of civilization." to
take the matter in band. If the "guardians
of civilization" are going to have a sitting on
the "barbarities" of war, I propose that they
turn theirattention to matters in regular order.
I venture, therefor, to dirhct their investiga
tions to the practice of lashing prisoners, ta
ken in battle, to the muzzles of cannon and
firing them off by platoons. This did England
do. The sickening details may be found in
the record of the rebellion in India about'four
years ago.
Consistinct. In the Senate of the United
States, on the 5th instant, Mr. Sherman, of
Ohio, from the Committee on Naval Affairs,
reported a bill to reduce the pay of officers and
attachees of the Navy Department. Ho re
marked in reporting that bill, that "it would
not be called up until after Congress had acted
on the bill regulating the pay of Congressmen.
He said he thought the bill should be passed,
but that Congress ought first to show some
willingness to reduce their own pay 7"
The bank of the Ohio, at Vanceburg, Ky.,
gave away, and witb it four houses fell into :
the water. The water now extends into the ;
land some three hundred feet, that much of,
the bank having "evacuated." The minature i
bay thus formed is about one hundred by
. i j i f .
luree uuuureu reel.
Ths Peach Crop. From present indica
tions, says the Velawarean, the largest peach
crop ever gathered In Delaware will reward!
the labors of the husbandmen this year. o j
far everything has been favorable, not a bud j
has been blasted or a tree killed by tbe frost.
The Charleston Mercury says that the Yan
kees talk of planting cotton and corn in South
Carolina and Georgia. For the preseat, they
will most likely direct tbeir chief attention to
Dtantiotr. mtuds. They tblnk that tbese will
beet totter than aettea ui oora bladet-
John Ericsson was born in 1803. in th Prov
ince of Vermeland, among tbe iron mountains
oi aweaen. ins father was a mining proprie
tor, so that in his youth be bad ample oppor
tunities to watch the operations of the various
engines and machinery connected with the
mines. At the age of ten years he construct-
ea witn tm own hands and after his own Diana,
a miniature sawmill, and also made numerous
drawings of complicated mechanical contri
vances, wun instruments of his own invention
and manufacture.
In 1814 he attracted the attention of the cel
ebrated Count Platen, who had heard of his
boyish efforts, and desired an interview with
him. After carefully examining the various
piansana arawings which this youth exhibited
on (his occasion, the Count handed them back
to him, simply observing, in an impressive
manner, "Continue as you have commenced,
and you will one day produce somethiag ex
traordinary." These few words of kind en-
Lcouragement from so distinguished a person
age sudk deeply into the mind of the voune
mechanican, and confirmed him in tbe career
on which be had entered.
Immediately after this interview young Er
icsson was appointed a cadet in the corps ot
engineers, and after six months' tutition, at
the age of twelve years, was appointed nivelleur
at tneurand boipCunal of Sweden, which con
nects the North Sea with the Baltic, under
Count Platen. In this capacity, in tbe year
loto, he was requned to set out the work for
more than six hundred men, and at that time he
was not tall enough to look through the level
ing instruments, and in using it he was oblisr
ed to mount a stool, carried by his attendants
for that purpose. As tho discipline in the
aweaisn army required that the soldiershould
always uncover bis head in speaking tohis sti
perior, gray-headed men came, cap in baud,
to reieiB meir instructions irom tins mere
child. There are now many important works
on the canal constructed after drawings made
iy Ericsson at this early age. At the age of
fifteen he was iu possesiou of accurate plans
oi me wnoio worn, arawu by tus own band
His associations with imiliiary men on the
canal had given hiru a tendency for military
life, and at the ago ol neventeen he entered
the Swedish army as an ensign, without the
knowedge of his friend and patron. Count Pla
ton. This step excited the indignation ot the
Count, who tried to prevail on him to change
his resolution ; but, finding all his arguments
useless, no terminated an angry interview by
bidding the young ensign to "Go to the devil."
The affectionate regard which he entertain
ed for the Count caused the ciicumstances of
this interview to make a deep impression upon
young Ericsson. Soon after the young ensign
Had eutered upon bis regimental duties a mat
ter occured which threatened to obscure bis
hitherto bright prospects. His Colonel Baron
Koskull.bad been disgraced by tbe King about
tbe time that he had recommended Ericsson
for promotion. This circumstances induced
the King to reject the recommendation. Prince
Oscar, however, interceded for the young
man witb tbe King, who yielded to tbe per
suasions oi tne l'rince and promoted Ericsson
to the lieutenancy for which be had been re
commended. About this time the government
bad ordered the northern part of Sweden to
be surveyed, and that officers in the army
should be employed In this service. Ericsson.
whose regiment was stationed in the Northern
highland, proceded to Stolkholm, for the pur
pose ot submitting himself to the severe exam
ination then requisite to precede the appoint
ment of government surveyor. The mathe
matical education which he bad received un
der Count Platen now proved very serviceable.
He passed the examination w ith great distinc
tion, and in the course of it, to the surprise of
the exauiiners, showed that he could repeat
Euclid verbatim ; not by the exercise of the
memory, but from his perfect mastery of ge
ometrical science There are yet in the
archieveiof Sweden detailed maps of upwards
of fifty square miles made by his band.
While thus variously occupied, being on a
visit to the bouse of his Colonel, Ericsson on
one occasion showed his host how readily and
by what simple means mechanical power may
be produced, independently of steam, b con
densing flame. On the 18th of May, 1826, he
obtained permission from tbe King to visit
England. He here proceded to construct a
number of engines of new inventions, which
were attended with no trifling expenditure,
and to meet the demands then made upon him,
the young adventurer was compelled to draw
on bis mechanical resources.
Invention now followed invention in rapid
succession, until the records of the Patent
Office, in London, were enriched by tbe draw
iugs of the remarkable steam boiler on the
principal of artificial draft. In bringing this
invention before the public, he thought it ad
visable to join some old and established me
chanical house in London, and, accordingly,
he associated himself with John Braithwaite.
In the fall of 1829 the Liverpool and Man
chester Railway Company offered a prize for
the best locomotive engine, to be tested on
the small portion of tbe railway then complet
ed. Ericsson, not willing to allow this occa
sion to escape him, immediately set to work,
planned the engine, executed tbe working
drawings, and caused the patterns to be made,
and the whole machine was completed within
seven weeks. Tbe day of trial arrived. The
competing engine; were on the ground, and
the novelty of the race bad attracted an im
mense concoutse of people. Both sides of
the railway, for, more than a mile in length,
were lined with thousands of spectators, and
to the surprise and admiration of the crowd,
the Novelty steam carriage started, guided by
its inventor, Ericsson, assisted by John Braith
waite, dsrted along the the track at the rate
of fifty miles an hour. In a short time after
wards he constructed a steam fire engine,
which excited much interest in London at tbe
time the Argyle Rooms were on fire. He sub
sequently constructed a similar engine for the
King of Prussia, which was mainly instrumen
tal in saving several valuable buildings at a
groat fire some years ago at Berlin. For this
invention Ericsson received, in 1813 the large
gold medal offered by tbe Mechanics' Institute
of Tew York, for the best plan of a steam fire
engine. Mr. Ericsson was the first to apply to
marine engines centrifugal blowers, now so
common in this country in all boilers using
anthartic coal. In the year 1831 he applied
aucn a blower, worked by a separate small
steam engine, to the steam packet Corsair of
one hundred and twenty horse power, plying
between Liverpool and B If ait.
lit. r!ioa Imffratei to tl!i cocc:ry !a
1839, then being thirty-six years old. His
first great achievement after his arrival, was
the building of the United States steam frigate
Princeton, the first vessel that steam was ever
introduced into with the works below the
water line. She proved a complete success.
About the same time be planned the French
frigate Pomone, fifty guns, which is at present
in our waters ; she also proving a great success.
Captain Ericsson after the completion of these
vessels, gave bis whole time to bis favorite
work, the completion of the caloric engine,
which he has since brought to great perfection
though on a small scale, nis next undertak
ing .was the planning and invention of the
steamer Ericsson, which is familiar to all our
readers. He did the whole work, from the
time her keel was laid to the moment that her
paddles were first turned, in the brief space of
seven months. Although not answering all
that was commercially expected of her, she
was an entire mechanical success, speaking
more than words of the great genius ot the in
ventor, and as a marine structure sbo has
never been equalled much less surpassed.
The name of Captain Ericsson has been com
paratively unheard f for some time past, un
til the commencement of another new idea of
bis, as illustrated so satisfactorily in the new
noble steam battery Monitor. He signed the
contract for ber construction on the 5th day
of last October, and on the 31st of December
being a period of I wo months and eight days
her steam machinery and propeller were put
into operation, and on the one hundreth and
first working day, she was launched. This is
a celerity which has never been equalled In
this country or in England.
Counterfeiting Rebel Notes. A few days
ago mo government detectives found that an
ingenious Yankee was printing a large amount
ot Kebel treasury notes, of different amounts,
mostly, however, of large denominations.
Tjiey arranged a time, and made a descent up
on the "Yank" when ho was surrounded by
all his Confederate papers, Ike. He seemed
surprised at the appearance of the officers, but
went quietly with them. He said h was en
gaged in cripplii'g the rebel treasury, and
thought it very strange be should be molested,
as he thought that was their weakest poiut.
"How is this ? askefl the astonished efficer.
"You see," said tbe "Yank," "these are bet
ter than tbe original article; the originals are
worthless ; they are unauthorized by law ; so
I am not counterfeiting. 1 have not attempt
ed to pass the money, and really cannot see
how I am doing wrong." "Ah!" said the de
tective, "of course you are not going to pass
tnem, but you are going to furnish them to the
enemy." The "Yank" then owned up that
he was sending them down to flood the South,
and destroy the confidence of the people, when
they suddenly found the whole country flood
ed witb a spurious issue, and their .only cir
culation rendered worthless. An investiga
tion showed that he had really sent several
hundred thousand dollars through the So'uth,
via Tennessee, and sold them at from thirty
to fifty cents on the dollar. The case was du
ly reported to Secretary Seward, the whole
apparatus seized, and the man allowed to go on
parole for tbefpresent. Tbe Secretary frankly
admitted that this is the toughest case he bad
met during tbe war, and be forthwith turned
it over to the Secretary of War, who has not
yet corcluded what to do with the case. Sam
ples of genuine and bogus are here, and it is
freely admitted that the "Yank" has got up a
superior ai ticle,which is very difficult to detect
Pcbscit of a Train of Cars. In one of
the published accounts of the results of Com.
Dupont's secret expedition to the Florida
coast, the following particulars of an exciting
chase occurs : As the fleet approached the
fort, a train of cars were seen leaving Fernan
dina, and as the track runs some miles along
the shore of the sound, Com. Dupont sent one
of tbe gunboats in pursuit of it. An exciting
race took place. The steamer tbrepr shells
at the flying train, and some of them falling in
such close proximity that some of the fleeing
rebels jumped from it and took to the bushes.
Among the latter is said to have been tbe late
Senator Yulee, of Florida, accompanied by
his servant. The train, of course, outrun tbe
gunboat and escaped.
Bad Place to Put Monet. The Easton
Express says that a few days ago a rich farmer
of Mount Bethel, had nine hundred In notes
that he did not know exactly where to nlace
for safety, but at last conclnded to put it in a
stove in)his house that was very seldom if ever
used. A short time after he bad deposited it
there, one of the females of the house made
fire in this samo stove, while the old man was
absent, when the money was burned up, tbe
girl not being aware of its having been bidden
there, and in a very few minutes the old man's
nine hundred dollars were in ashes. This is
said to be a fact. The name of the farmer
was given to us. lie will probably never put
money in a Ptove again for safe keeping.
Fire Arms. The total amount expend
ed by the Government in tbe purchase of fire
arms since the beginning of the rebellion is
twenty-two million dollars. Col. Schuyler,
who purchased arms in Europe for the Gov
ernment, has reported at Washington. The
entire purchase of arms abroad amounts to
near three thousand stand. The arms ought
to be good as the highest prices was paid
averaging, it is said, $16 a gun making about
five millions ot dollars' worth.
A New Cure. A singular addition to cbi-
ropodiac science has been made in the Guthrie
Gray Regiment, in fervice in Western Virgin
ia, where for weeks at a time with wet feet
bad been so throughly soaked that every corn
and bunion in the Regiment was killed. We
mention this curious fact for the benefit of
those troubled in this manner, and hope tbat
every man so afflicted will immediately enlist.
Focsd The body of the late Jesse Dress
was found on Sunday last in the Schnykill,
one mile from Schuylkill Haven. He has been
missing since the 9th of November, 1861. It
was at first supposed tbat he bad been murder
ed, but since, it is believed that he was Intox
icated, and falling in the water waa drowned.
His body was still in a good condition, and
money was found in his clothing.
The leading rebels ot tbe Sonth are now
urging the destruction of cotton and tobacco.
Why don't you defend them, rebels ? Haven't
yon heard that the cowardly Yankees won't
Among the documents found In the city of
Fernandina, Florida, lately taken possession of
by Com. Dnpont, is a letter dated Washington
Jan. 7, 1961, written by D. L. Yclee, the Uni
ted States Senator, addressed to "Joseph Fin
egan, Esq., Tallahassee, Florida." which gives
us a most interesting glimpse of tbe secret do
ings ol the chief secession conspirators at that
period. Curiously enough, the telegraphic
columns of the New York Times, of that day,
contained the following Washington dispatch :
"Tbe Southern Senator last night, Jan
uary 6tb, held a conference, and telegraph
ed to the Conventions of their respective
States to advise imraediato Secession."
Tho letter below, which has been furnished
to the Times, is a report by Yulee, who was.
present at the above noticed conference, at
which tbe resolutions appended to the letter
... i
ncio passeu. r inegan was a member ot a
"Sovereignty convention," so-called, then sit
tin in Tallahassee. The letter is as follows:
"Washixotos, Jan. 7, 1SG1.
'My Dear Sir On tho other side is a copy
of resolutions adopted at a consultation of tho
Senators from tho Seceding States in which
Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tex
as, Mississippi and Florida were represented.
"The idea of the meeting was that the States
should go out at once, and provide for the ear
ly organization of a Confederate Government,
not later than 15th February. This time Is al
lowed to enable Louisiana and Texas to parti
cipate. It seemed to be opinion sic tbat if
we left here, force. loan and volunteer bil's
might bo passed, which would put Mr. Lincoln
in immediate condition for bostilftes where
as if sic by remaining in our places until the
4th oi March, It is thought we can keep the
hands of Mr. Buchanan tied, and disable
tueRepcblicans from effectino an legis
The resolutions will be sent by-the delega
tion to tho President of the Convention. I
have not been able to find Mr. Mallory this
morning. Hawkins the member from Flori
da is in Connecticut. I have therefore thought
it best to send you this copy of the resolutions.
In haste, yours truly, D. L. Yclee.
Joseph Finegan, Esq., ("Sovereignty Confer
ence") Tallahassee, Florida."
The following is a copy of the resolutions
to which reference is made In the above :
"Resolved, 1. That in our opinion each of
the Southern States should as soon as may
be, aecede from the Union.
"Resolved, 2. That provision should be made
for a Convention to organize a Confederacy of
me oeceaing states, tne Convention to meet
not later thau the 15th Feb'y, at the City of
Montgomery, in the State of Alabama.
"Resolved, That in view of the hostile legis
lation that is threatened against the Seceding
States, and which may be consummated sic
in original, for it seems his secession mania ex
tended even into orthography before the 4th
of March,we ask instructions whether the dele
gations are to remain inCongress until tbat date
for the purpose of defeating such legislation.
"Resolved, That a Committee bo and are
hereby appointed, consisting of Messrs. Da
vis, Slidell, and Mallory, to carry out the ob
jects of this meeting."
How accurately was the plot of these traitors
carried out. They did tie old Buchanan's
hands most effectually. The letter is written
on the 7th cf January. Two weeks after, on
the 2l8t, Jeff. Davis withdrew from the Senate,
Mississippi having withdrawn on the 9tb. The
other conspirators staid until their States went
out. Florida and Alabama went on the 11th,
Louisiana on tbe 26th, and Texas on the 1st of
February ; while the "organization of the Con
federate Government" took place at the very
time appointed, Davis iieing inaugurated on
the 18th day of February. What stupendous
treason ! The like was hardly ever known.
If these men do not meet their well earned
punishment at the hangman's hands, bis office
should be abolished forever. The Times well
remarks, in closing its notice of this letter:
"But how has Time brought round his re
venges. A little more than a year after the
date of this epistle, Yulee, the writer of tbe
letter, and inegan, the correspondent to whom
it was addressed, were both at Fernandina, Fla.
Suddenly before their affrighted gaze the fleet
of the Union makes its appearance in tbe har-
oor. iney and the rebel soldiery are fain to
take to flight by the railroad, away irom the
wrath to come. And they are just in tlmn. for
one of Dupont's gunboats seut a shell into the
rear car, and Yulee bad but time to escape to
the lagoons where he will have ample opportu
nity to moditate on the sacredness of that oath
which he took to support the Constitution of
the United States. Moreover for this affair.
like the rest of tbe rebellion, is full of its dra
matic elements this same Florida railroad al
so plays a not unimportant part in the farce-
nasco ot miee, r londa and Secession. He
and Finegan Jew-and Irishman wero co
contractors on it, and tbe Senator was con
stantly chasing Government for fat mail con
tracts and subsidies. He succeeded better
than be deserved ; but it is. well known tbat it
was because bis Jew heart did not get all it
craved that he urged tbe secession of Florida
and, like tbe base Judean, threw away a
pearl richer than all his tribe."
Newborn, N. C, taken by Gea. Barnaida.
Tbe steamer Commodore arrived at Balti
more on the 18th direct from tbe Bnrnside ex.
pedltion, and reports tbe capture of Newbern,
and the defeat of tbe enemy, and the capture
of a large number of artillery. Our troopa
landed on Thursday evening tbe 18th neat the
mouth of Swan Creek, on tbe west Bide of the
Neuse river, 15 mile below Newbern. Ow
ing to tbe dense fogs, tbe naval vessels did
not participate in the fight. Our troopa ad
vanced along tbe country road running paral
lel with the Neuse river, but a mile or two la
the rear. Tbe road waa skirted on tbe west
aide by a railroad and a danse awamp. ' All a
long tbe river side were a aerie of batter4.,
which were taken by oar troops, oq after' as
other, alter lose bloody Land to Tiad'c;&-
tests. Our troops were divided into three llr
gades, under the command of Generals Renno,
Foster and Parks. We advanced gradually,
the enemy deserting their guns.nntil we reach
ed a line of eartb-woiks extending across the
road from the river to a swamp on the westland
about two miles long, behind which were sta
tioned formidable batteries and defended by a
force about 10,000 strong. Tbe fight was a
desperate one, as the earthworks were very
strong, and were located about two miles sonth
of Newbern, and between them and the city
ran the river Trent. The country road and
the-railroad passed tkrougb these works, and
crossed into the city by bridges. In front of
these works the rebels bad felled a large cum
ber of trees, forming an almost impenetrable
abattis. Here the flying rebels were rallied
and made for a while a desperate stand. Our
troops behaved with tbe steadinessand courage
of veteraus, and after nearly four hoars of
fighting,when their ammunition was all spent,
the order was given to charge aud they carried
the enemy's works at the point ofthe bayonet
the rebels flying in all directions, leaving
everything behind. We captured three light
batteries of field artillery, 46 heavy siege guns,
large stores of fixd ammunition. 8.000 small
arms and 200 prisoners, including one Colonel,
three Captains and four Lieutenants. The en
emy left a large number of dead on the field.
They escaped by cars to Goldsborough, burn
ing the bridges over the Trent and Clamont,
and set fire to the city of Newbern. No ex
tensive iamage was done to the place. Tfco
loss of the enemy is not known but must bav
been pretty severe. Before our troops reach
ed tbe last named work they encountered an
other which bad been deserted before they
came up. It was in front of the last fortifica
tion tbat the greatest loss was sustained. Our
entire loss Is estimated by Major Johnson at
91 killed, and about 466 wounded and mis
sing. Rev. Benton, Lt. Col. Merrett and Adj.
Stearns were killed, and Maj. Legendre mor
tally wounded. Among the captured prison
ers is Col. Avory, who cursed bis soldiers aa
cowards. Just as the battle terminated, tbe
fog lilted and enabled our gunboats, wb&b had
bean impatiently weiiir.g for an opportunity
to participate in the fight, to come up the riv
er, and our troops were furnished with means
of transportation across the Trent, river Jo
Newbern. The rebels attempted to fire tbe
town on the retreat, but were prevented by tbe
citizens, who extinguished the flames as fast
as tbey were started by the soldiers. None of
our generals, nor any of the staff officers, were
either killed or wounded. The officers of the.
rebels left all their-private traps behind in
their final retreat, and the men threw away
everything. Tbe rout was complete.
Finding out their Secrets. A correspon
dent of the New York Tribune, writing from
Roanoke Island, says: From papers found
on the rebel flag-ship we learn Hut they are
bnilding six gunboats at Norfolk ; also that a.
contract was signed In Charleston tbe day
that city was so nearly burned for the building
of ten gunboats tbere ; the machine shops
were all burned, which prevents the boats from
being built. We also learn from the same
source tbat everything is to be got in readi
ness by tbe rebels to burn Norfolk tbe mo
ment it becomes evident to them that they
cannot hold it. The letter from Presideut
Davis to the rebel flag officer goes on and ur
ges "the importance of suppressing the Union
.sentiment existing among the people on tbese
Sounds without a moment's delay ; a growing
danger springing up in the different sections
of the confederacy, which will soon, if not pot
down, give us more trouble than the North
ern foe."
Scenes on the Cumberland. There were
heart-breaking scenes on board tha frigate
Cumberland during her engagement with tbe
rebel monster Merrimac. Two of tho gunners
at tbe bow guns, when tbe ship was sinking,
clasped their guns in their aims, and would
not be removed, and went down embracing
them. One gunner bad both bis legs shot a
way, and his bowels opened and protruding,
but he made three steps on bis raw and bloody
thighs, seized tha lanyard and fired bis gun,
falling back dead ! Ansther lost both arms
and legs, yet lived, and when they would as
sist bim, cried out, "Back to your guns, boys
Give 'em thunder! Hurrah for the flag!"
He lived till she sunk.
Washington, March 18. Many exaggerated
statements having been made as to tb mor
tality in the army, it Is ascertained from offi
cial sources tbat the number of deaths among
the regulars stationed here for the quarter
ending with March, 1851, was 23-; for the
quarter ending with June, S3 regulars and 45
volunteers; for the quarter ending with Sep
tember, 56 regulars and 743 volunteers ; for
the quarter ending with December, 108 regu
lars and 2,970 volunteers making, 3,390, of
which 100 were from wounds. The above
deaths were iu 257 regiments, including those
of the army of the Potomac.
Rolla, March 18. A short time since, an
ticipating the rebel movements inTexan coun
ty, Mo., Gen. Halleck ordered five companies
of troops and two light steel six pounderi,
mounted on two wheels, and drawn by two
horses, under Col. Wood, to repair to that vi
cinity. FindiDg no enemy there Col. Wood
pushed on to Salem, Fulton county, Arkansas,
where he encountered a largely superior force
of rebels, and after a short fight routed them,
killing about 100 and taking many prisoners.
Among tbe latter are three Colonels. Oar
loss is about 50 killed and wounded.
Lieut. Wordon. This gallant officer, who
commanded tbe Monitor, and was tbe only one
wounded in tbe battle, was, at tbe commence
ment of the rebellion, captured by tbe rebels,
after having conveyed dispatches from the
Government to tbe National fleet off P6naaco
la, and imprisoned several months at Mont
gomery. He was exchanged a abort time ago,
and was immediately assigned to tbe Monitor.
It is to be hoped tbat he will experience bat
little inconvenience from bis wounds, tod
soon giro the Merrimac another trial.
Among the prizes captured by the Federal
soldiers at Fort Donelson waa a rl3e aaid to bo
worth one thousand dollars. Its breech la In
laid witb tbe ne6t gold. It belonged to a
hotel-keeper in Memphis, Taacessee, and wit
won by fcim at a horse-race.
The Kanawha river baa been spanned by a
military w!r.e-bridge, at Ganley, and ocr troopa
were, at hvat accounts, pressing southward to
wards tho railroad is Tennessee, driving th
rebels beforer them.
Four hundred and ni;ety-ona of tho rebel
prUoaora at Altos, Illinois, have takea tz
cath cf alleg '.tct W4- been raeasL