Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 05, 1862, Image 3

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lime of Cars leaving Tyrone Station.
Fast Line, 9.17 P. M. Mail Train, 11.55 A. M.
Express, 6.40 A. M. I Mail train. 5.40 P. M
The Weather. During the past week the
weather ha,s been quite changeable. On Mon
day last it rained nearly all day, whilst on
Tuesday it was cold and freezing and snowing
a little most of the day.
Hocse BcRNT.-tYe learn that the house of
Robert Neeper of Tike township, con
aumed by fire on Friday night.February 23th.
We have not heard the full particulars but
we believe that Mr. X. also lost most of his
household effects.
The America Awic-Hr.-Tbe March
number ot this vauabte agricultural journal
has been received, and contains many good
aoggcutions. We recommend it to the favorable
consideration of our farmer friends. Price,
$1 a year. Address, O. Judd, 41 Park Row,
New York.
1 'Severely Injured. We have been informed
that Samuel Edmondson of Covington town
ship, had both his arms broken, in two places,
one day last week. It appears that Mr. Ed
mondson had a quarrel with another person,
who seized a handspike and struck Mr. E.
twice, inflicting the injuries above stated.
Fire. On Wednesday night, February 2Cth,
the house or John Troy of Morris township,
was destroyed by fire, during the absence of
the family. Mr. T. also lost nearly all his
household goods. Tho fire ii supposed to have
originated from a stovepipe. The house wai
an old log building, therefore tho loss is not
Very heavy probably about three hundred
Shanty Burned. We learn that.the shanty
belonging to Charles Macumber, on the Sin
ncmohoning creek was destroyed by fire on
Thursday, February 20th. There was a con
siderable quantity ol provisions, besides the
clothing of about twenty men, in the shanty
at the time of the accident ; which was all
consumed. The loss is over three hundred
dollars." .
-'The Timber Business. From inquiries
made during the last ten days, and the infor
mation obtained, wo incline to the opinion
that the quantity of timber taken out this
.season will fall considerable short of what it
lias been for several years past. However, as
there is still a flne chance" of snow on the
ground and the hauling tolerable good, the
quantity may be largely increased as j et.
An Appeal to the Clearfield Ladies.
CtEAaFiKLn, March 4th, 18G2.
An urgent appeal has been made to the sym
pathetic as well as patriotic feelings of the
Clearfield Ladies, by the suffering soldiers of
the4(h Keg. Penna. Vol. who are confined
bv illneis to tho Hospital at Cumberland Md.,
rand in Western Virginia. Companies "I and
K" are from our own county. It is the desire
of the Ladies to send them a box of Hospital
j-tores without delay and any contributions
iroin the citizens will be received at Judge
.Barrett's oilice. Articles such as old linen,
soft muslins, sheets for bandages, lint, stock
ings, slippers, pillows, shirts, handkerchiefs,
towels, &c, as well as wines, jellies, preserves
and pickles. They will be received and for
warded by the following committee:
Mrs. Wm. Biglcr, Miss IIeln Cuttle,
Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Sophie Barrett,
Mrs. G. 11. Barrett, Miss Bertha Wright,
ARY, 1802. Mean temperature of the month
for the whole day 2" degrees morning 21,
noon Zila, evening 2G degrees. The last half
of the month was about two degrees warmer
than the first. The-jeather mostly moderate ;
the mercury at no time as low as zero. The
ICth was the coldest morning, 5 deg. above.
On four mornings, it was below 10 deg. above
zero, viz : 5th, 10th, loth, and 25th. The
warmest day at noon was the 13th, 49 degrees
above. On five days it rose above 40 degrees
at noon, viz: Cth, 13th, 18th, 22d, and 23d.
Light snows, from three to six inches, on the
3d, 11th, and 14th. Rain on the Cth and 17th,
and rain, hail and sleet on the 10th. The roads
were generally good throughout the month ;
less snow than the average for February ;not
o slippery as January ; no high water or
2reak op ; the river only partially closed.
YoiiiB, Penn.
"To the Point. The Ohio Legislature on
he 17th February adjourned for tie purpose
of holding a mass meeting, to rejoice over the
recent victories. Speeches were made by
Governor Tod, Lieutenant Governor Stanton,
Hun. Thama Ewing, Colonel McCook, and
others. The following is Governor Tod's
"If tiwr is a man in all the country that
Ues not rejoice over the news ot to-day, frown
on him, brand him as a traitor. Is he in your
churches? turn him out. Is be in your As
sembly ?put him out. Is he in your family ?
s'uut the door in his face. Cheers. We
ant it understood, as tb,e voic? vf this meeting
fcat the Government is to hang all guilty
rucorsj and that it' England continues to
fh.rtaten, we will next pay ur respects to her."
A Command for FREMONT.-Qeneral Fre
mont jg Sure to have a command presently. It
"understood that the Potomac army is to be
ided into corps d' armee within a few days,"
nd if this is done it is not improbable that
General Fremont will be put m command of
fine of them.
Biils SiGKED. The President has approved
f the Treasury JJTote Bill, and of the bill au
thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to is
stI! certificates of indebtedness to government
editors whose accounts have been audited,
nd they are now laws. "
e are apt to be partial to our own obser
vations probably for the observor's sake.
l-'ioesnot -look well for people to be al
a?s talking ill ot heir neighbors.
If ARRisBt'Bfs, March 3, liG2.
Dear Journal: The Legislation of the
last week has been very little improvement on
the previous, so far a the interest ol your
readers is cencerned ; but there is other news
of a most startling nature, and which may
have treading upon its heels news of still
greater importance. We are on the eve of a
great battle, and one that is likely to termi
nate the rebellion. An impression has gone
abroad that the rebels will retreat toRichmond.
If, however, they make a stand this side of it
in force, we shall have one of the most san
guinary conflicts to chronicle that ever took
place in any age or country.
During the past week a regiment arrived
from Erie, and another from Kittanning
these, together with the regiments at Camp
Curtin, and in the different camps in Philadel
phia, are now being forwarded on to Wash
ington as fast as transportation can be secured,
and by the day this reaches your readers,
Pennsylvania will have twelve more regiments
in the field, and a great battle may have been
fought. We are looking for it every minute ;
and in order to prepare for it, a joint resolution
has been passed, placing means at the disposal
of the Governor to procure Hospitals, and re
move any Pennsylvanians who may be woun
ded to the State for medical attendance. To
carry out this measure, the Governor has
despatched Agents to the difierent towns along
tbe lines ol the Rail Roads to secure suitable
buildings for Hospitals, and a large number
ol Surgeons and nurses iu the cities and large
towns are holding themselves in readiness to
go forward at a moment's notice. Although
telegiaphic news is now contraband of war,
enough is known to justify the belief that a
few more days will tell the tale. The whole
army on the Potomac from Roinney to Wash
ington is moving southward!
A bill was passed this week taking from
the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, which was
formed in pursuance of an act ol Assembly in
May last, the right fo elect their own officers,
and vesting the appointments in the Governor.
There are said to be some seventy vacancies,
mostly caused by resignations, in the. fifteen
regiments, and the commanding officers would
not order . elections to fill them because the
men frequently elect unqualified officers, and
the regiments thereby become demoralized.
The investigating Committee has had the
Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Rail
Road company before it, and quite a number
of other persons, but up to this time not a
particle of evidence has been obtained to im
plicate the company in using corruption to
procure legislation. The whole thing must
culminate to the entire discomfiture ol those
who made such dire threats to invalidate the
commutation act by charging home bribery
and corruption upon the company.
The little bills now daily passed are of no
manner of importance, but among them I do
not see a single local measure from your
neighborhood. A happy people you miiht'be
if yo'ur want nothing. Yours, Sr-ECKS.
What Wk got at Bowlino Gkeen. Our
success at Bowling Green, writes a correspon
dent, is much more important than at first
supposed, viewing it merely in reference to
what property we have taken possession of.
The rebels did not destroy as much of their
stores as we imagine, but concealed them in
various places in the town and neighborhood,
hoping that they might escape the vigilant
eyes ot our quartermasters and commissaries.
But their hopes were vain. Such quanties of
provisions of all sorts, flour, pork, &c. have
been found, that we should have no difficulty
in subsisting our army for a considerable time,
even if we should receive no supplies whatever
from the north. In every imaginable place
these articles have been found up in garrets,
down In cellars, in wells, in cisterns, in houses
belongingto professed Union men, and, indeed,
in every situation which any individual wou'd
be apt to select as suitable for concealment.
This organized system of hiding was not con
fined to the town. . great many hundred
bags and b-trrels of corn were discovered con
cealed in tho woods iu the vicinity. It was
astonishing how speedily and surely these
were hunted up. No matter whether the
hiding place was one, two or a dozen miles off,
the hidden goods were smelled out, and a
party was soon on the way lor the purpose of
bringing them in. I shall not pretend to esti
mate the valu s of the property thus captured.
I have not seen the whole ol it, but have been
informed that little less than a hundred thou
sand dollars' worth have been found.
Re-Opening Trade. -It is regarded pi obablc
that as soon as the rebel armies are bejten out
of Tennessee, the order of Mr. Chase, preven
ting the exj,ortation of provisions, medicines
and the like into the South, will be rescinded,
so far as Tennessee is concerned, nnd that
that whole country will again be opened to
commercial transactions. As it is possible to
draw supplies of cotton and tobacco from 'at
least one-half of the South by way of Tennes
see, the opening of tradt in this quarter would
soon produce a marked effect upon the general
industry of tho country. A million of bales
of cotton could easily be gathered" by inland
commerce from the South, and this amount
furnished to our factories would again set tiieni
going, with a portion to spare for the English
market. With a blockade on the coast and an
active internal commerce, the North will bo
benefited in every way ; first, by the carriage
of cotton, tobacco, hemp, and other southern
products through the country, and their trans
portation to Europe ; and second, by th sale
of goods to such of tho Southern States as
are thus re-opened, which are now in great
need of them.
Slave-Catching in the Army. The Pitts
burg Gazette says : "The prompt passage
through the IIousu of Mr. Blair's bill to pro
vent slave-catching in the army is one of the
most cheering signs of the times. The oppo
nents of the bill were headed, as usual, 1 y the
inevitable Vallandigham, whose secession
proclivities are matters ot history. This sub
ject should have been attended to long ago,
but it comes in good time now, when our ar
mies are moving inio slavo territory. We
hope the Senate will put the bill through with
the praise-worthy promptness of the House.
We trust Congress will follow up this good
work by abolishing slavery in tbe District of
Columbia. Whatever reason pro-slavery men
many find for non-interference with slavery in
the States, they can find none worthy of atten
tion for keeping up such a barbarous and dis
graceful institution in tho Capital city of the
Ration, where it is a standing iosult to the
twenty millions ol citizens of the free States.
Away with it, ye trusted men of Congess
.Xever adjourn until that foul blot is wiped out.
That's so. The Difference between the Re
publican party and tbe few desperate men who
still have the audacity to claim tho title of
Democracy, is, that while the Republicans are
striving in the Cabinet, in Congress, and oo
the battle field, to crush out the rebellion, the
leaders ot the Democracy (?) are laboring,
with the aid of slander and misrepresentation,
to crush out the Republicans. While the Re
publican party is endeavoring to counteract
the influences and tbe cause of rebellion, the
Democratic party is struggling to shield it and
give it strength. What honest man can long
pause in his preferences and duty with such
evidences before bim.
"The Pope. A Turin correspondent of the
Paris Presse writing on the 1st ult. says. I
have seen a letter from Rome of the 28th Jan
nary, containing minute details respecting
the health of tho Pope. It states . that Pics
IX, has of late been subject to frequent at
tack of fever caused by chronic indigestion.
His physician recommended exercise In the
open air on foot, or at least in a carriage.
Unfortunately thePope's legs are greatly swol
len, aud he cannot go abroad. He has to be
rolled in a chair to pass from one room to an
other. It is not true that he has been bled, as
reported; such a thing was never proposed.
It has been remarked, not without uneasiness,
that for several days he Las been affected by
disposition to somnolency, and cannot by any
means be diverted from yielding to it. This,
I am told, is the most serious symptom of the
Holy Father's malady.
A New Letter Envelope. A new style'of
letter envelope has recently been invented,
and is being introduced. The envelope is
open at the end only ; and when the letter is
slipped in, the overlap is so contrived 4hat the
stamp is laid upon it", in the manner of a seal.
Thus the adhesiveness of the stamp is guaran
ty for the security of the envelope. But by
an aditional contrivance, the overlap is so ar
ranged that a portion of the stamp with which
it is scaled fastens to the letter beneath ; and
in opening the envelope, the stamp, on which
a postmark and date is impressed, remains,
not on the envelope, where it is useless, but
on the letter, where it is often of great impor- j
tance to business men, who need to prove the
date of mailing of a letter or remittance.
A Shrewd Dodge. We heard of a shrewd
dodge, says the New York Post, which has
been practiced upon the retail trade of this
city. Some knave cuts the coupons off "the
$50 seven-thirty treasury notes, and passes
the note as a demand note in trade, thus
pocketing soma $10.95, the amount of the
coupons, for three years, which he may collect
half yearly upon presenting them at the gov
ernment offices. Traders should bear in mind
tint there are no ?00 demand notes, only $5's,
$10's and $20's.
Dead Rebels Found with Their Hand? Cut
Otf. The following postscript (says the Cin
cinnati Commercial) was added to a business
letter written at Somerset, Kentucky, on the
21st inst. "Since the Cumberland river has
fallen, forty or fifty dead secesh soldiers have
been found with their hands cut off, supposed
to have been the act of fugitives in crossing
the river on their memorable retreat, to pre
vent them sinking the boats.
When was Napoleon most shabbily dressed 1
When he was out at Elba-(elbow) .
Hasty people drink the wine of life scald
ing hot.
On the 27th Feb. 1802 by P. Curley Esq.,
Mr- Jonathan C. Evans of Graham township,
to Miss Mary J. HtisE of Columbia,Lancaster
county Pa.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with a
certain Brown Mare, now in possession of Jona
than Maya, as the same belongs to me and id sub
ject to my orders. PET Kit SUMMERS.
Ansonville February 2G, 1802-3 tp. !
TVJOTICE. A large square pine timber stick,
1 1 marked J. P., was oaughtduring the January
flood, and tied up on the premises of the under
signed. The owner can have the same, by calling
and paying charges before taking it away other
wise it will be sold. J. B. HEISEY.
February 26. 1S('.2.
ams A Co., having purchased the Right of
Clearfield Co . for "J. a. Harbison's Patent Im
proved movable comb Bee Hive," would respect
fully direct the attantion of Bee keepers to the
many advantages it possesses over any other Hive
out. Wi'h this Jlive you can have completo con
trol over your Bees can at any time remove your
surplus honey without killing Bees can make
artificial swarms when desired--can prevent your
Bees from being destroyed by moth and other
advantages it possesses which will recommended
it to all interested in Dee keeping For Hives,
Individual or Township Rights, address,
Feb, 19, 1802. Cooksport, Indiana co., Pa.
REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby
given, that the following accounts have been
examined and passed by me, and remain filed of
record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, credit ors and all others iu any other way
interested, and will be presented to the next Or
phans court of Clearfield county, to be held. at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the Third Monday of March
1S02. for confirmation and allowance:
The account of Frederick Zigler, Guardian of
Catharine Korb, minor daughter of Godfried
Weaver of Brady township, Clearfield county, de
ceased. The account of Frederick Zigler. Guardian of
Godfried Weaver Minor son of Godfried Weaver
of Krady township Clearfield county ,deceascd.
The account of B. 1). Ila.Il, Administrator of all
and Singular, the goods and chattiest, rights and
credits which were of John Heiohcl, lato of tho
township of Karthaus, county of Clearfield, (labor
er) deceased.
The Final account of Josiah It. Read, Guardian
of Martha Jane Welch, a minor daughter of James
Welch, late of the township of Pike, county of
Clearfield, deceased
The partial Testamentary account of James B.
Graham and G. L. Keed , Executors of the Testa
ment and" last will of Henry Lorain, M. D. late of
the Borough of Clearfield, deceased.
February 19, 1862. Register.
LICENSE NOTICE. The following named
persons have filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county,
their Petitions for License at tbe March Session
next, agreeaMy to the act of Assembly of March
28th, 1856, entitled "An Act to regulate the sal
of Intoxicating Liquors," A :
Bcnj'n. Snyder, Tavern, Covington town'p.
Leopold BroencI, Tavern, Covington town'p
Henry Post, Tavern, Decatur township.
John Sheeser, Tavern, Union township.
Eli Fy, Tavern, . Brady township.
Edward Albert, Tavern, Boggs township.
Andrew Cross. Tavern, Boggs township.
Margaret Lanioh, Tavern, Clearfield Boro
David Johnson, Tavern. Clearfield Boro.
Isaac Bloom, Tavern, Curwensville Bor.
Wm. Mason, Tavern, Curwensville Bor.
Geo. Albert, Tavern, Bradford town'p
It. W. Moore, Tavern, Brady township.
HenryGoodlandcr, Tavern, Brady township.
Adam Knarr, Tavern, Brady township.
Valentine Hoffman, Tavern, Covington town'p.
David Smith, Tavern, Knox township.
It. J. Haynes, Tavern, Karthaus town'p.
John Sulfridgo, Tavern, Goshen township.
, Wm. Woodward, Tavern, Huston township.
A. L. Ogden, Tavern, Lawrence town'p.
W. W. Anderson, Tavern, Penn township.
Jacob Mock, Tavern, Morris township.
Wm. Pveed, Tavern, Lumber City.
James Haines, Tavern, Beccaria township.
Aaron Hartman, Tavern, Boggs township.
George Kichards, Tavern, Morris township.
Wm. W. Worrell, Tavern. Chest township.
Paal. M. Weaver, Tavern, Curwensville.
Nancy Bloom, Tavern, Curwensville.
James Haines, Tavern, Bcceariatownsbip.
John Jordan, Tavern, Guelich township.
Aaron Hartman, Tavern, Boggs township.
Franeis Roussillot, Tavern, Girard township.,
Wm. Conrad, Tavern, Guelich tawnship.
John S. Radebach, Tavern, Decatur township
John Robaou. Mercantile, Beccaria tp..
Claudius Barmoy, Mercantile, Covington town'p,
Richard Mofcsop. Mercantile, Clearfield Boro,
Clearfield, February, 26, 1S62. .
PA. The subscriber having purchased the
furniture and interest from II. H. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sient and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with his establishment will be
co.nducted second to none in the county! He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, ISCO.-y. GEO. N. COLBUKX.
TON. One who can come well reoommended
for industry and sobriety None other need ap
ply. A good shop with three fires and three set
of smith's tools (if desired), and a house, garden
and stable will all be leased for one year from
the 1st of April next, and for a linger time if sat
isfaction is rendered to customers and to myself.
Address, JAS. B. GRAHAM.
January 1, 1862. Clearfield. Pa.
sons interested are hereby notified than an ap
plication for a charter of Incorporation has been
made, by the Goshen Methodist Episcopal church,
to the court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county,
in accordance with the provisions of tho Act of As
sembly; and unless cause is shown for its refusal,
the same will be granted at the next term of said
court. By order of the court.
January 29, 1862. - Prothonotary.
Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted .
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Oflice, on Second street, in the
room lately occupiod by W. A. Wnllace,Esd.
jaucs t. Leonard, ::::::::: d. a. finney.
wm a. Wallace. ::::::: : : : a. c. finney.
ARM FOR SALE. The following described
farm, situated in Decatur township. Clearfield
Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of Philipsburg,
onthe Glen Hope road, containing on hundred
and t went y -one acres and allowance. There ore
about eighty-live acres cleared and under a good
state of cultivation ; with a large, well finished,
frame Dank barn, a coiufoi table hewed log house,
and a well finished frame dwelling houso and
other out buildings erected thereon, never failing
springs of water at the buildings, and a large and
well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees.
The wood land being well timbered and under
laid with a four and a half foot vein of stone coal.
The above farm affords rare inducements to pur
chasers For further information enquire of
II. D. SHOWALTER, Philipsburg.
Oct. 23, 1S01. 6m. Centre, Co. Pa.
Attention is especially called to this article, as a
substitute for gold iu inserting teeth. Many per
sons who have tr rd all kindsof metalic buses pre
fer this, and in those cases where it is applicable,
it will in a great measure become a substitute for
gold, silver or platina. Its chief advantages are,
cheapness, lightness and perfect adoption to the
mouth ; it having a soft fleshy feel to the parts of
the mouth with which it comes in contact.
A.M. Hills is prepared to put up teeth on the
Vulcanite Base, with Goodyear's Patent Gum,
which is the only reliable prepcration, and can
only be had through their regular agents.
Dr. Hills will always bo found in his office on
Friday and Saturday, unless notice appears to the
contrary, in the town papers, the previous week.
POTTER. Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Clear
field county. Pa., granted at January Term, A. D.
1862, the undersigned will expose to sa!e, at pub
lic vendue or outcry, at Grahamton, in Bradford
township, county aforesaid, on Saturday, the 1st
day of March, A. D 1862, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the
Real Estate of Cnasar Potter, late of Bradford
township, deceased, being the same premises
where said Potter was living at the time of his
death, containing about sixty acres more or less,
bounded by lands of llarner on the North, by
lands of James Graham on the West, and by land
of John Porter on the East and South. Terms
pne third down in cash, at tl time of sale, ana
ball.ance In two equal annual payments with in
terest from the time of salo. to be secured by bonds
and mortgage upon the premises
February 5th. 1862.
Furniture ! Furniture !!
JOHN guelich,
Desires to inform his old friends and customers
that, having enlarged his shop and increased his
facilities fo manufacturing, he is now prepared
to make to order such furniture as may be desir
ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. He
mostly has on hand at his -Fui nituro Rooms,"
a varied assortment offurniture, among which is,
Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor,
Breakfast and Dining extension Tables.
Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-
J-iind and other Bedsteads.
Rocking and ArmOhairs,
Spring-scat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ;
And common and other Chairs.
Of every description on hand, and new glasses for
old frames, which will bo put in on very
reasonable terms, on short notice.
He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair,
Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses.
Made to order, and funerals attended with a
Hearse, whenever desirable.
Also, House painting done to order.
The above, and many other articles are furnished
to customers cheap for cash or exchanged fr ap
proved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar,
Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi
ness, taken in exchange for furniture.
Remember the shop is on Market street Clear
field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Sture."
December 4, 18lU JOHN GUELICH.
der of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster and
Clearfield counties. Pennsylvania, there will bo
exposed to public sale, at the (Jourt House, in
Clearfield, on Monday the 17th day of March
1862, all of the following described ileal Estate
situated in Jordan township, Clearfield county,
Pa., late tho property of Iae Pusey, deo'd :
One piece, being that p Art called "Greenland,"
warranted to Richard Peers, beginning at a white
oak, down, corner of the tract, thence South 44
degrees East 141 perches to post, thence by pur
part A South 50 degrees West 1SS perches to post
on tract line, then.ee by said line, North 40 de
grees West 141 yerchas to pine on line of J. R.
Howell, thence ly said J. K. H,pwell North 50 de
grees East 174, perches to beginning, containing
150 acres and. 81 perches.
'The other piece, being part of tract sailed "Rich
Grove " surveyed on warrant to John Dunwoody,
beginning at post corner of William Hunter sur
vey and this tract, thence South 40 degrees East
2:8 parches to post, thence South 5u degrees
"West 95 and fivo-tenth perches to tract line, thence
by purpart D North 40 degrees West 33S perches
to post on tract lino, theneo by tract line North
5'J East 95 and five-tenth perohes to post and be
ginning, containing 190 acres and 4b perches.
The said two tracts being purpart C as described
and allotted in the parrition of the Pusey Lands,
as made in the Court of Common Pleas of Clear
field county.' -"- v '
-These Lots of . Lard are heavily timbered with
a fine growth of White Pine Timber quite a
quantity of Spars, and the whole being within
two miles of Clearfield Creek, is a desirable prop
erty for logging operations Title is indisputable.
TERMS OF SALE. One-fifth oash at striking
down the Property; one-fifth at confirmation of
the sale . and the balanoe in three equal annual
payments from date of sale, with interest, to be
secured by bond and mortgage upon the premis
es with a clause restricting tasiDg off timber ex
cept in proportion to payments made. By order
of ba Court, CHARLES J. PUSEY, Ada'j.
February 13.1353, -
SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti
cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent
sacKS. at S3.J5 per aacK, at the chep cash store of
November 27. R. MOSSOP.
X undersigned having taken tho Luthersburg
Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg, Clear
field county, respectfully solieits a share of pat
ronage. The house has been re-fitted and newly
furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared
to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate.
-iA. of Administration on the estate of Alex. Mc
Kay, late of Burnside township. Clearfield eounty
Pa., dee'd, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 12. !Sfi2-Ctp. Administrator.
This preparation, made t rom the best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a supe
rior nutritious beverage for General Debility,
Dyspepsia and all bilhous disorders. Thousands
who have been compelled to abandon the use of
coffee will use this without injurious effects. One
can contains the strength of two pounds of ordin
ary coffee. Price 25 cents.
Kollock's Levaix The purest and best baking
powder known for making light; sweet and nu
tritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cent?.
Manufactured by M. II. K.OLLOCK, Chemist,
corner of Broad and Chestnut Sts, Phil'a, and sold
by all Druggists and Grocers. Feb. 2tS. 18t"2y.
Osceola Steam Saw-Mill
f o IX SALE.'
fTlhc undersigned having other business in view,
X offer at private sale on reasonable terms,
their interest (one-half,) in the Osceola Steam Saw
Mill, and all other property belonging thereto,
and a store, a store-room, four dwelling-houses,
and two vacant lots The mill is situated in the
thriving villago of Osceola, Clearfield county, Pa. .
on tbe Moshannon creek and the Tyrone and
Clearfield Railroad, and alw the terminus of the
Glen Hope Flankroad. This place offers great
inducements to lumbermen and others who wish
to engage in the manufacture of lumber, as the fa
cilities for getting it to market, when manufac
tured, is unsurpassed.
The mill is large, substantially built, good ma
chinery, with an 80-horsepower engine and four
lfcrge boilers, one gang of 30 saws, two muleys or
single saws, edger and cross-cut gaws, and lath
and shingle machine, iS-c, The mill is capable of
sawing forty thousand (40.000) feet of lumber per
day, with power sufficient to drive other machin
ery if desired The present owners have secured
over one hundred millions (100,000,000) feet of
logs, to be sawed at this mill.
The above named mill and other property will
be sold on very reasonable terms, to an energetic
businessman or film. Persons desirous of going
into the lumbering business or mercantile trade,
should examine this property and the location. a3
we feel persuaded that it cannot be surpassed, in
all its advantages, in any portion of the lumber
region. Tenons desiring any further information
in regard to the property, can obtain the same by
addressing us at Philipsburg, Centre county, Pa.,
or by giving us a call at Osceola.
Feb 12, 13G2 St. A. B. LONG A SONS.
TAL MONTHLY There are periods
in the world's history marked by extraordinary
and violent crises, sudden as the breaking forth
of a volcano, or the bursting of a storm on the
ocean. These erisesweep away in a moment tbe
landmarks of generations. They call out fresh
talent, hnd give to the old new direction. It is
then that new ideas are horn, new theories devel
oped. Such periods demand fresh exponents, and
new men for expounders.
This Continent has lately boen convulsed by
an upheaving so sudden and terrible that tho re
lations of alt men and all classes to each other are
violently disturbed, and people look about for the
elements with which to sway the storm and di
rect the whirlwind. Just at present, we do not
know what. u this is to bring forth ; but we do
know that great results must flow from such ex
trari.l:u;jr commotions.
At a juncture so solemn and so important, there
is a special need that the intellectual force of the
country should be active and efficient. It is a
time for great minds to t-peak their thoughts bold
ly.'and to take position as the ad vance guard. To
this end, there is a special want unsupplied. It'is
that of an Independent Magazine, which shall be
open to the first intellects of the land, and which
shall treat the issuo presented, and to be presented
to the country, in atone no way tempered by par
tizanship, or influenced by fear, favor or the hope
of reward, which" shall seizo and grapple with
the momentous subjects that the present disturbed
state of affairs heave to the surface, and which
can not be laid uside or neglected.
To meet this want, the undersigned have com
menced, under the editorial charge of Charles G.
Leland, the publication of a new Magazine, devot
ed to Literatnre and National Policy.
In Politics, it will advocate, with all the force
at its command, measures best adapted to preserve
the oneness and integrity of these United States.
It will never yield to tbe idea of any disruption
of this Republic, peaceably or otherwise; and it
will discuss with honesty and impartiality what
must be done to save it. In this department, some
of tho most eminent statesmen of tho time will con
tribute regularly to its pages.
In Literature, it will be sustained by the best
writers and ablest thinkers of this country.
Among its attractions will be presented, in an
early number, a' New Serial of American Life,"
by Richard Kimball, Esq., the very popular author
of "The Revelations of Wall Street," -St. Leger,"
&c. A series of papers by Hon. Horace Greely,
embodying tho distinzuished author's observations
on the erowth and development of the Great
West. A series of articles by the author of
Through the Cotton States," containing the re
sult of on extended tour in the seashore Slave
States, just prior to the breaking out of the war.
and presenting astartling and truthful pioture of
the real condition of that region. No pains will
be spared to render the literary attractions of the
Continental both brilliant and substantial Tho
lyrical or doicriptivo talents of the most eminent
literati have been promised to its pages ; and
nothing will be admitted which will not be dis
tinguished by marked energy, originality, and
solid strength. Avoiding every influeuce or as
sociation partaking of clique or coterie, it will bo
open to all contributions of real merit, even from
writers differing materially in their views ; the
only limitations required being that of devotion
tojthe Union, and the only standard of acceptance
that of intrinsic excellence.
The Editorial Department will embrace, in ad
dition to vigorous and fearless comments on the
events of the times, genial gossip with the reader
on all current topics, and also devote abundant
space to those racy specimens of American wit and
humor, without which there can be no perfect ex
position of our national oharaoter Among those
who will contribute regularly to this department
may be mentioned the name of Charles F. Browne
(Artcmus Ward), from whom we shall present in
the March number, the firstof an entiroly new and
original scries of "Sketcheaof Western Life "
Tlje Continental will be liberal and progres
sive, without yielding to chimera and hopes be
yond the grasp of the age ; and it will endeavor
to reflect the feelings and interests of the Ameri
can people, aud to illustrato both their serious and
humorous peculiarities. In short, no pains will
be spared to make it the Representative Magazine
of the time.
TERMS : Three dollars per year, in advance
(postage paid by the Publishers ;) Two copies for
S5 ; Three copies for $6, (postage unpaid); Eleven
copies for S20, (postage unpaid). Single numbers
can be procured from any News-dealer in the
United States. The Knickerbocker Magazine and
the Continental Monthly will be furnished for one
year at $4.
Appreciating the importance of literature to
the soldier on duty, the publishers will send th
Co.vtinestal, gratis . to any regiment in active
service, on application being made by its Colonel
c Chaplain : he will also receive subscriptions
from those desiring to furnish it to soldiers in the
ranks at half the regular price: bat in such eases
it must be mailed from the office of publication.
J. R. GILMORE, HOTremontSt., Boston,
Charles T. Evans, at G. P. Putnam's. 532 Broad
way New York.isu.thorijd to r&aeiye eubserli
t;oos in that eirr, - 'Feb. 12, 188 J.
B. WOODS, Attorney at Law. Indiana. Tm.
. Professional business promptly attendei to.
O. CROUCH, PHYSiriAS, Curwensville, Cloar
. field county, Pcun'a. May 14.
I- J- CRANS. Attorney at Law and Kal EUt
J. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. OCco adjoining hit
residence, on Second street . . - May 1.
liriLLIAM As WALLACE Attorney at lTw.
Clearfield. Pa'.1 Gfik-c, adjoining his rcsi
dence on Second street."
?ept. 1.
ROBERT J. WALLACE; Attorney atLiw. Clear
field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Nauglo's jewelry store. My 21.
H. F. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, 4c. Room iu
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
ly M. M CULLO UG II , A ttorney a t La wTcicaT
11 . field. Pa. Oftieo, in Graham' new brick
building, on Second floor. July .1, 1S41.
, field. Pa. OfF.et in Graham's Row, fuurdoo
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Ner.-10.
TP. KRATZER Merchant, and dcW in
. Boards and Shingles, Grain an-t FrJduT.
Front St. abovo the Academy, Clearfield, Ta.' Ijl2
A J. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law. Curwon--
ville, Pa , will attend to all business en
trusted to his care. Office opposite tho Nw
Methodist Church. Jan. 15, l.-?f2.
VyiLLIAM F.IRWIN, Market street Clearfield,
V Pa., Dealer in Foreign nd )ome'sti Mer
chandise, Hardware, (jucensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offtr his profVssTonll
services to the citizens of -M-orris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning iu
Kylertown, Clearfield county.' Ma'y 1 1, 1S5'..
JB M ENALLY, Attorney at Law. ClearficlJ.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new briPk"adititIo"n, adjoining
the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
T0I1N GUELICH. Manufacturer of an kinds ot
fj Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on thcrt ndtice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,59.
I) IC1IARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
j mestic Dry Goods, "Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journil OJfice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
flUIOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
L Clearfield. Pa. Office, over the "Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy; July 3.
n. g. bcsh. :::::::: t.j.m'ci-lloi en
Collection Office. Cle arfifli),' Pevn'a.
JOHN RUSSEL 1 CO., Tanners and Curriers.
Pennville, Clearfield Co ,Ph. Kcepconstantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowesteajh price Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange. JuIvl5-54.
LAT.RIMER A TEST, Attorney at La w. Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly Id-all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear -field
and adjoining counties. August 6, 18?6.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional lervi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield und vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L. J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G K Barrett, where he can
be found unless absenton professional business.
NO. 2, WAKE UP 'The undersigned woul I
respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield
and vicinity, that he continues to- do all kinds of
Blacksmitbing on-short notice and in the very
best style, at the Old Shop alongside of the Town
Hall. Edge tools of all kinds made and drestei
in the best manner, aud warranted to give entire
satisfaction. The public will remember, that 1
ism not in the habit of turning off jobs on account
bf 'not being able to do them. All I ask is a trial,
and then the public mayjudge of the work for
themselves. Remember the "Old -Shop" at the
Town Hall. JAMES RAFF.
Clearfield Fa , August 13. 1S6L
N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmore cannot exe
cute, will be done on very short notice.
BOOK FOR 1S62. The world s favorite. For 23
Years tbe Standard' Magazine. Pronounced by
the Press of the United States, the best Lady's
Magazine in the World and the Cheapest,.
'lite literature i of thai kind that can b rend
aloud in tbe family circle, find the clergy in im
mense numbers are subscribers for the Book. -
The best Isidy Writers in America contribute to
its pages, and we have some that write for no other
Tht Music s all original; an' would' cot 2
eents(tho price of the Book) in the music stores ;
But most of it is copyrighted,- and cannot be ob
tained except in "Godey "
Our Steel lZn graving. All efforts to rival us
in this have ceased, and we now Bland alone in
this department, giving. as we do, many more and
infinitely better engravings than are published in
any other work.
(iodry's Immense Donhle. Sheet fashion-Platen .
Containing from five to seven full length Colored
Fashions on each' plate. Other magazines give
only two.
Par Ahead of any Fashions in Kuropeor A meri
ca. Godey 'b is the only work in the world that
gives these immense plates, aud they are such as
to have excited the wonder of publishers and (he
public. The publication of these plates cost 510.
000 mote than Fashion-plates of the old'style.and
nothing but our wonderfully large circulation
enables us to give tb em. Other magazinestsannot
afford it Wo never spare money when tbe pub
lic can be benefited. These fashions may be relied
on. Dresses may be made after them, and the
wearer will not subject herself to ridicule.as would
be the case if she visited the large cities dressed
after the stylo of the plates given in some of our
so called fashion magazines
Our Wood Engravings; df which We give twice
or three times as many as any other magazine,
are often mistaken for a'.eel- They are so far
superior to any others.
Imit'atmvs.- Beware of them. Remember that
the Lady's Book-is the original publication and
the cheapest. If-you take Gody. you want no
other magazine. Everything that is- useful or
ornamental in a houso can be found in Godey.
Drawing Lessons. No other magazine gives
them, and we have given enough to fill several
large volumes.
Our Receipts are such as can be found nowhero
else. Cooking in all its variety Confectionery
the Nursery the Toilet the Laundry -the Kitch
en. Receipts upon all subjects are to-be found in
the pages of the Lady's Book. We originally
started this department, and have peculiar facili
ties for making it most perfect. This department
alone is worth the. price of the Bock.
Ladies Work TalAr.. Tbrs departaifeot compri
ses engraving and descriptions of every article
that a lady wears'.
Model Cottages. "So Oter i&ag.nlne has thii
Terms. Cash in Advance One copy one year,
S3. Tjyt) copies one year, ?5. Tbree copies ono
yearSo. Four copies one year, ?7. Fire copies
one year, and an extra copy to tb person sending
the club, $10 Eight copies-one yoar, and an ex
tra copy to the person sending tbe club, $15.
Eleven copies one year., and aa extra copy to the
person sending the club, S20. And the o-nly
magazine that can be. iptroduced into the above
clubs in place f tho Lady's Book is Arthur s
Home Magazine.
Special Clubbing with other Magazine.
Godey 's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazin
both one year for S3 50. Godey's Lady's Book
and Harper's Magaaine both one year for $4 bO.
Godey, Harper, and Arthur will ail throe be sent
one year, on receipt of 6 00. Treasury Notes
and Notes of all solve at banks taken at par. Be
careful and pay the postage on your letter.
Address L. A. GODEY,
323 Chesnut Street. PJulaUlyhxa, P.
FLOUE A good ajric!e tor ra.!a at ti (K.r of
fjaniej fTA. T. IRH'IN. CUtrfitH.