Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 05, 1862, Image 1

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    BY S. J. KOW. CLEARFIELD, PA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 18B2. '' VOL. 8.-TO. 27.
Now "Abe" has got his tools to work,
Good wedges, nxe. and maul.
He'll make the rebels, like the trees,
Before his axe to fall .
A wedge, or two, already in,
He'll drive both hard and well.
And er'rr blow that Lincoln strikes
A loyal tale will tell
The tools ho uses are the men
Gone forth to battle bold ;
To cbase Rebellion from the land.
And still their birthright hold !
Yhich birth right from their Fathers came,
When struggling to repel
The tyrant's power, that once was sway'd
In vain, their hearts to quell !
TLosa Patriots fired with noble zeal,
Presa'd on through fire and blood !
And as the Victors of the field
At length they proudly stood !
'Twas Liberty they fought for then.
The eait.se is now the same ;
Then strike! bold freemen of the North,
Be worthy of your fame !
For you are like the forest trees,
You've lived amonj so long ;
The hardy pine, tha spreading oak.
The "hick'ry" tough and strong.
So if the rebels here and there
May fell a freeman bold,
He'll slay them in his fall, as much
As Sampson did of old.
For thousands more will onward press,
To follow where he fell !
And, like the falling Temple, crush
The rebels down to hell.
And thus their stars may soon be set,
Theirstripes upon them fall ;
And Union stars and stripes again
Be waveing o'er us all 1 Union.
Mrs. Tompkins'parlors were in apple-pie or
der nit a speck of dust on the shining piano
not a stray shred on the velvet carpet, not
ai atom ol of ashes under the well filled grate.
For Mrs. Tompkins was one of those thrifty
souls who keep up appearances in spite of
everything, and delight in handsomely lurnish
vd parlors, while the kitchen is stinted to the
closest degree of parsimony.
She was flying about, shaking out chair
covers and arranging the little china ornament
on the mantle, was Mrs. Tompkins, in a mans
ner that betokened a considerable amount of
inward disturbance. There was a jerk to her
elbow and a toss of her head, which foreboded
woe to somebody or other.
am clear out of patience!" ejaculated
Mrs. Tompkins at last. "1 don't believe there
ever was a poor mortal half so badgered as I
am with poor relations ! Why couldn't Harry
have married a rich wife, while he was about
it, instead of Mary Glen, who wasn't worth a
red cent only a governess at that 1 And
now the poor dear by is dead and gone, and
left his doll-baby of a wife on my hands. I
declare, its enough to make a woman crazy.
Don t seejvny i snouia be obliged to support
her just because she happened to be my son's
wife ! Why can't she eo to work and do some
thing? Too much of a fine lady, I s'pose,
with her white hands and long curls, and pink
and white cheeks. Never brought up to do
any chores about the house can't wash dish
onor make biscuit, nor do anything useful.
I um tired of this sort of business."
And just as Mrs. Tompkins made this em
phatic assertion, the door softly swung open,
and a delicate girl of scarcely more than
eighteen summers, glided in. Iler deep
mourning dress gave additional fairness to a
complexion that was like snowy wax, shadow
ed with the softest rose-tint on cheek and lips,
and the timid, fluttering glance of her dark
yes indicated her position dependant.
Can I assist you about arranging the par
lors, Mrs. Tompkins?" she faltered, as if un
certain how her offer might dunce to be re
ceived. "No Mrs. Tompkins, Junior, you can't!"
"id the old lady, with a toss of her cap-border,
couldn't thiuk of allowing such a fine
lady soil her white lingers about my work.
Then you needn't go to crying I don't be
lieve in people that have such very tender
feelings !"
"I did not intend to crv
murmured poor i
Mary, "but indeed I could not help it !
"I tell you what, Mrs. Tompkins, Junior,"
said the o!J lady wrathfully, "we may as well
come loan understanding first as last. Zeph
aniah and me aint rich and we've a big fami
ly of our own, and now that poor deer Harry,
our tlder boy has been dead and gone a year,"
here Mrs. Tompkins, Sr., mechanically pulled
out a red bordered pocket-handkerchief, and
made a random dab at her eyes, "I don't see
that you have any particular claim on us '. So
you'd better look out for a situation as govern
ess or to do some plain sewing, or something,
as soon as you can, for to speak my mind,
on it, you've been spongin'on us about long
enough I"
Mis. Tompkins stopped with her month shut
logether like a steel trap. Her daughter-in-law
had grown very pale.
''And while I am about it," continued the
old lady, I may as well say that Hetty don't
litip it because you insist on stayin' in the par
lor every time Colonel Redcliffe calls. He's
orth a cool half million, Zepbaluah says,
if our Hetty mattes a catch of him, why
the family fortune's as good as made. Of
course, when Hetty is Mrs. Col. Redcliffe, you
on't expect her to notice you much she may
give you some sewin' to do once in a while.
"D - My gracious ! there's his carriage at
ne door this minute ! And he was here only
yterday. Biddy ! run up and tell Miss Het
ty to put on her pink dress, and take her curls
ot of the papers Col. Redcliffe's at the door!
can sit in the kitchen while he's here,
fWy and pec! the potatoes for dinner, if it
" i loo common work for them lily fingers !
'Jetty don't want you pryin' round when her
here ! Run quick !"
And as Mrs. Tompkins, Jr., disappeared,
frs. Tompkins, Sr., opened the door with a
"topering smile.
Dear roe, Colonel Redcliffe, who'd have
"longht of seeing you ? Do walk in we're
"Wy honored. I'm sure !"
Colonel Redcliffe was a tall, elegant-looking
"D, whose wealth aDd station in society fully
granted the calm dignity, with which ho
acwedto Mrs. Tomklns' adulation.
"Take a seat on the sofa, Colonel !" chat
Mrs. Tomkins. , "Won't you sit a little
erer the fire ? Not cold, eh? Well it ain't
eezing-like as it was yesterday, to sure !
t-Re ,ou won,t Ket impatient," she giggled,
aej 11 be down In a minute "
" Who will be down ?" inciuired ColonelRed-
clifle, looking up from the book he was care
lessly turning over, with some astonishment
expressed in his fine features.
"Hetty my daughter 1"
"I beg your pardon," said the Colonel
quietly, "there is some mistake here. I cull
ed to see your daughter-in-law Mrs. Mary
"Harry's wife !" gasped out the raamma-in-law.
"And," added Col. Redcliffe. "as vou are
the nearest relative and guardian at present, it
may oe well tor me to mention to you that I
intend making her an offer of marriage. Her
beauty and grace render her a fit wile for any
man, and I am proud to think that I have won
her affections. Of course I may reckon upon
your sanction and approval "
" re-yes !" stuttered Mrs.'Tompkins, who
was completely taken aback by this sudden
overthrow of all her Aladdin visions concern
ing her red-haired daughter, Hetty. "However,
even if Colonel Redcliffe 's palatial establish
ment wasn't for "daughter Hetty," still it
was something to keep so much wealth in the
"I'll call her," she said, humidly slipping
out of the room, just in tim to arrest the tri
umphant entry of Miss Hetty, with her curls
all in a quiver of oil and cologne.
"Go back, Hetty!" she exclaimed in a stage
whisper, "you're not the one that's wanted !
it's Harry's wife !"
And she shot down stairs as fast as pos
sible. "Mary dear !" she said in the softest of
tones, "you're not peeliri' potatoes ! Well,
you always w,ere so obliging! Give me a kiss
love I always did say Harry's wife was just
like my own daughter! Now run up stairs
into the parlor and see what Col. Redcliffe has
to sav to you !"
Mrs. II arry Tompkins was uncertain at first
whether her respectable mother-in-law was not
a little demented. Never before had she
listened to such softly affectionate syllables
from the old lady, and she went up stairs like
one in a dream.
"And when may I call you mine, dearest !"
was the parting question of Col. Redcliffe, as
he held that f.n'r yountr widow to his hiart.
Poor Mary ! it was so long since she had
heard the accents of love and kindness, an !
now to be the chosen bride of one to whom
the world looked in admiration ah, it seemed
too much happiness !
"Remember, I shall not wait long!" he
added, caressingly smoothing down the jetty
tresses. "The sooner I take you away from
this vulgar and uncongenial atmosphere, the
better !"
"Vulgar and uncongnnial ! " gasped Mrs.
Tumpkins, who was listning at the keyhole.
"Well, I never !"
"Mary, dear," she said that evening, "I
shall be very sorry to lose you. You've always
neen just iiKe my own child, hav'nt you
Come and kissnie, there's a love and be sure
you don t forget your poor dear ma in-law.
when you're married to Col
Kedclitfe ! Het-
ty, come here congratulate your dear sister !
l woman t nave given you up to anvbodv
else, but Colonel Redcliffe is a man that de
serves you !"
Mary smiled quietly she wai of too gentle
and forgiving a nature to resent even the hy
pocracy of her mother-in-law and in the
bright future, opening before her, she had for
giveness for all.
"Harry's wife is going to be nnrried," said
Mrs. Tompkins, to one of her gossips soon
"What .' that lazy, indolent, good-for-noth
ing "
"Hush-sh-sh !" cried the old lady, clapping
her.hand over Mrs. Sykes' mouth, "that wasall
a mistake. She's a dear, sweet love I"
"Oh!" said Mrs. Sykes. "then I conclude
she's going to marry rich !"
"Yes," said Mrs. Tompkins complacently.
"It will be such a trial to part with her."
And such is the weakness of poor human na
ture that the good old lady had actually be
lieved what she said.
Ben. Wade. If there is a man in the loyal
states who really represents the true sentiment
of American independence, enterprise, industry
and progress, it is Ben Wade the U. b. Sena
tor from Ohio. He is a true specimen of an
American Democrat, none of your dough -face,
sycophantic, slavery adulating locofocos, who
have successfully appropriated the title of De
mocracy, until by its use and abuso the whole
nation has been brought to the verge of polit
ical, social, nnanciai ana commeiciai ruin
but a Democrat of the true Republican stamp,
who only suffers his country to bo made obe
dient to right, and who has-labored against
wrong until his zeal has become a virtue
worthy of the emulation of every honest man
in the land. Because Senator Wade has dared
to oppose the slave power when its majority in
the Senate walked the floors of that chamber,
as a pirate-chief treads the deck of his vessel,
he is to be sacrificed. To ensure this, the
united controllers of the old organs of that
same majority in the north, are howling in his
path, while tlui lesser lights lend their feeble
whine to swell the clamor of those who hate
Senator Wade because he hates slavery as tho
source of all our evil and the origin of the
present rebellion. With the preference of the
Legislature of Ohio, of course we have no
ngnt to interfere but in the reputation of an
honest, an upright puplic aervant and a stern
patriot, we havs an equal interest as we have
an interest in every good influence that can be
weilded lor the peace and prosperity of the
country. Therefore, we regard tbn re-election
of Beu. Wade to the U. S. Senate as a great
national necessity. His defeat is sought as
a tribute to the slave power. Let his triumph,
therefore, be made essential to the rebuke of
that power.
Iron-clad Gunboats. The Navy Depart
ment invites proposals for the construction
and equipage of a number of iron-clad steam
ers for river, harbor and coast defence.
Those needed for the Mississippi and its trib
utaries are to draw but six feet of water, and
have a speed of nine knots an hour; those for
harbor defense are to draw not more than
twelve feet, and be able to maintain a speed
of ten knots, those for coast defense are to
draw not more than twenty feet, and have a
speed of fifteen knots. The propositions will
be received nntil the 24th of March.
From the census recently taken in Canada,
nearly one-half of the population are Roman
Tl.. t . : -
iuc luiiuwinj uescription ot the scene in
f rankfort the capital of Kentucky, on the re
ceipt of the news of the occupation of Bowling
ureeu una r on uoneison by the U nion troops,
is jioiu a correspondent of the Cincinnati
Gazette, He says : The first intimation the
Senate had of the good news came from Mr.
Speaker Fisk. The despatch had been handed
to bim. With that shy manner and impertur-
oaoie iace which so eminently belongs to that
gentleman, he informed theSenate that he had
received a despatch, which, though not exactly
germaine to the subject under discussion, with
tho permission of the Senate he would read.
The proloundest silence pervaded the Senate
chamber and lobby while the speaker read the
despatch. Then, in a moment, a tumultuous
cheer broke out in the lobby, and was contin
ued throughout the Senate' chamber. The
Speaker, in the meantime, preserved the most
stolid gravity. Not a smile uor a frown ruffled
the surface of his marble features. He did
not call the Senate to order, but that body
immediately recollected what it was, and
where it was, and business was resumed with
the usual decorum. The joyful news soon
found its way into the House of Representa
tives. One member moved an adjournment.
"Oh, no ! no !" was the response from all sides,
when the mover said he had just heard that
General Mitchell had possession of Bowling
Green, whereupon the House adjourned in
stantcr, and a prolonged and heart-felt cheer
resounded through the hall. After the ad
journment of the Legislature the town waj, to
say ine least, lively, bumper upon bumper
of "pure old Bourbon" was swallowed -to the
toast, "Eres to Sheneral Mishel an 'is bray
and gallant army." in the midst of these fes
tivities a despatch was received annouueing
that Fort Donelson had surrendered. The
scene that took place then beggars description
the voices ot the Union citizens of the town
and those of the Legislature intermingled in
one continuous cheer. Even the Union ladies
assembled at the Capitol Hotel, the headquar
icis, ami wnn oeaming countenances ana wa
ving handkerchiefs, expressed their joy
"lleies to Abraham Link horn," "God bless
him," came from score of stentorian lungs.
owneu ny tncmost ultra proslavery men. A
uuiuci loasi : -jeu uavis ana ii'-ii, insepara
ble in life, in death may they not be divided."
"Up, my honest ole Dabe, God bless your rail
splitting soul," came from another quarter.
"Booleo for Edwil M. StantJe," could occa
sionally be heard through tho general din.
Ot:e hundred and fifty guns were fired in front
of the State Arsenal. Music paraded the
streets and patriotic speeches were made suita
ble for the occasion. In the Jheantime night
came on apace, and the sulky and sullen Se-
cesh began to emerge from their holes, look
ing as mean asSecussion really is. One by
one they dropped into Powell's saloon, "their
headquarters," and, after imbibing sundry
times, commenced feeling better. They did
not believe the new s ; it was "a dd Lincoln,"
&c. Alter a little they commenced shouting
for Jeff Davis. While engaged in this pastime
two Union members of the Legislature, both
disciples of Hippocrates, haupened to drop
into Powell's. They could not stand these
Jeff Davis shouts. One of them, assuming
command, formed his comrade in lino of battle,
drew a Gfteen-inch bowie, and thus addressed
the crowd : "Attention, rebels! Jell' Davis
is played out, and must not be cheered or
toasted in these United States. Hell is the
proper place for him to bc toasted in. About
face, file right (pointing to tho door), double
quick, forward march." A tew pistols were
heard to click, but not a shot was fired. The
Secesh embraced the better part of valor
discretion and evacuated, leaving our M.
D.'s master of the field.
An Interesting Incident. A released pris
oner who gives his experience in Secessia to
the Rochester Express, relates this incident :
Of the six or seven cars which started from
Manassas, there were but two remaining when
we reached the rebel capital, Richmond. We
arrived there about nine o'clock in the evening.
Alter the cars had halted, I heard a low voice
at my window, which was partly raised. It
was quite dark, and I could not distinguish
the speaker, who was an Irish woman.
'Whist," said she, "are you hungry V
I replied that I was not. but that some of
the boys probably were.
"Wait till I go to the house," she continued
and a moment afterwards 1 heard her aain
at tho window. She handed mo a loaf of bread,
some meat andjabont a dozen baker's cakes,
saying, "that was all I had in the house, but
had a shillin' and I bought the cakes wid it ;
and if I had more you should have it and wel
come ! T ake it and God bless ye."
I thanked her and said, "you are very kind
to enemies."
"Whist," said she, "and ain't I from New
York meself ?"
This was the first Union demonstration that
witnessed in Old Virginia. I thanked God
for the consolation which the reflection afford
ed me, as for the third night I lay. sleeplessly
in the cars, my clothing still saturated, and
my body thoroughly chilled from the effects of
the deluge at Manassas, I could have desired
no sweeter morsel than the good woman's
homely loaf, and proud of the loyal giver, I
rejoiced that "I was from New. York meself."
From Richmond. An interesting interview
was bad with one of the prisoners who has
been confined at Richmond for seven months.
He gives unmistakable evidences of the fact
that a strong Ucion organization of Richmoud
Union men who claim to be three thousand
strong and are eagerly waitingand'longing for
opportunity to fling out the Stars and Stripes.
Out of seventeen fortifications erected around
Richmond, only one was armed. The city
could be easily taken. Desperate efforts are
making to get recruits for the army. The
secessionists admit that, unless they can se
cure the services of every male in Virginia
between 18 and 60, they must yield Virginia
in thirty days. The Union men have leagues,
regularly organized, with signs and pass
words. Many acts of kindness were shown,
on every possible opportunity, to the prison
ers. Our informant has a handsome golp
guard chain, presented to him by the ladies,
accompanied by an anonymous note.expressing
the links on the chain of Union would soon
be more firmly united than ever. Union men
informed him that the army at Manassas was
falling back. That from three to five regi
ments were daily arriving at Richmond. Ten
fcessetran3 going to Teane3eei and CsrollQiass
ana others to their several States, It Is under
stood that only some thirty thousand men
would remain at Manassas. News of the Fort
Donelson surrender had a most disheartening
effect in Richmond, but it cheered the hopes
of the Unionists who say Ihey want it to be
known by the federal covernment that thev
are ready to welcome the old flag and fight
for it.
Rats Deserting theSixkisg Suip. A com
plimentary dinner was tendered to Hou.
Charles J.Faulkner, ex-Minister to France,
last week at Martinsburg. That gentleman
(who, it will be remembered, was exchanged
for Mr. Ely,) ia a speech on that occasion
said, iu effect, that the policy of secession , as
it had been cai ried out, had been a f ai lure. It
had been accompanied with an unnecessary
waste of life. The best blood of the South
and an immense amount of property had been
sacrificed. If this course was continued, it
would pile ruin on ruin. The public senti
ment of Western Virginia was oppo'sed to it.
He also intimated that he had no affilation
with those who wished the present war to con
tinue. His remarks were acquiesced in by
the large audience nrcsenl. and there is no
doubt but he reflected the true sentiment of
nine tenths of the people in the upper coun
ties oi me rotoiuac. Keports from unusually
renaoie sources say that between three hun
dred and four hundred of the Beikley county
militia have deserted in a bodv, and Intend to
cross tne fotomac and join our ranks.
TOREiax .News. The brizantine Fannv
jjewis, wnicn ran the Charleston blockade, ar
lived at Liverpool with six hundred bales of
cotton and three hundred barrels of rosin. At
the annual meeting of the Liverpool Chamber
of Commerce, the blockading of the Charles
ton Harbor was strongly denounced and the
efficiency of the blockade questioned, buteon
unuea non-intervention was irenerally ai
proved. A letter was read from Mr. Cobden
showing the permanent importance of settling
oei'geratit rights, and the necessity for En g-
iana agreeing to the American doctrine rela
tive to private property at sea. Mr. Bright,
in a speech at Birm inghain, denied that the
American blockade was ineffectual, lie ridi
culed the idea that America was in a position
to be trampled upon. He pointed out the
dangers of interference, and strongly urged a
strict neutrality. It is stmed that Mr. Adams,
the American Minister, does not conceal his
indignation at Earl Russell's late letter to the
admiralty, relative to the use of the British
ports. There is also considerable differences"
in political circles as to the policy and pro
priety of the act.
From Missouri. Gen. Ilalleck has issued
an order that in consideration of the recent
victories won by the federal forces, and of the
rapidly increasing loyalry ot the citizens of
Missouri, the sentences of tho eight bridge
burners, heretofore condemed to death, are
provisionally mitigated to close confinement
in the military prison at Alton. It, however,
rebel spies again destroy the railroads and
telegraph lines, and thus render It necessary
to make severe examples, tho original sen
tence against these men will be carried into
execution. No further assessment will be
levied or collected from any one who will now
take the prescribed oath of allegiance. Boards
of commissioners will be appointed to exam
ine the cases of prisoners of war who apply to
take the oath of allegiance, and, on their rec
ommendation, orders will be issued for their
Will they Come Back ? The Richmond pa
pers say that every train from Manassas is
crowded with soldiers who are on their return
home to visit their frichds but who have
promised to come back and re-enlist. Won
der how much, under the circumstances, this
promise is worth ? The succession of defeats
which the rebel cause is encountering at every
point must be a lively inducement to return.
Once at home, they will, we fancy, come to
the conclusion that patriotism imperatively
requires them to stay where they are, so as to
help drive away the "Hessian invaders" when
they go down that way. Besides, if they
spend a few weks at their firesides, it will
probably prove so difficult for them to find
their old comrades and commanders, unless
they seek them among the prisoners in tho
Union camps, that they will scarcely attempt
so desperate an undertaking.
Mrs. Lincoln's "Ball." -"It was got up
regardless of expenses, and proved altogether
a magnificent ailair. Why should it not be
splendid when the People Pay the Piper."
The person who penned the above must be
a knave and a fool, if he thinks he can gull
his readers with such stuff'. Mr. Lincoln like
all former Presidents, receives his salary ; and
has he not a right to spend that money, like
other people, in any mariner he pleases The
cry that the ''People Pay the Piper," is too
bare-faced a falsehood to need elucidation.
All honest thinking men will see at a glance,
that it is only a miserable attempt of some of
Breckinridge papers to make a little party
Again, many of this same class of papers
say, that "the ball was opened by the Presi
dent leading off with the accomplished daugh
ter of senator Browning of Illinois, f ollowed
by that Senator and Mrs. Lincoln." On this
point a correspondent of the New York Her
ald says : "When the dining room was thrown
open, the President led oft with the accom
plished daughter of Senator Browning, follow
ed by that Senator and Mrs. Lincoln. There
was no dancing up to one o'clock." From
this it would appear that the parties uamed,
led the way to the supper table instead of
"leading off in the dance," and that the pa
pers which are publishing this statement, are
guilty of a wilful preversion of the truth for
the purpose of misleading their readers. But
suppose the latter were the case ; whose busi
ness is it ? Certainly his own. Then, why
this prying into Mr. Lincoln's affairs ? Is it
for his good, or is it intended to create a dis
satisfaction that will accrue to the benefit of
the rebels ? The last proposition evidently
is the case ; for his decryers and(defamers are
those who have from the beginning been the
appologists of the rebellion, and who, even op
to the present time, sympathise with its lea
ders. Beware, then, of all such "clap-trap"
trash as that the "People Fay the Piper," tor
it is only intended for mischief and for the
benefit of the rebels. ...
Oliver Wendell Holmes calls a kiss a lim
pid consonant. He should have added that it
usually follows a-vowa), however consonant it
may be to tfce feelings.
ill you allow me a little space to record
my experience ? not because it contains any
wiing very reruaiKaDle, nor that I think it val
uaoie because it is mine, but that other. who
are situated as I was, perhaps, see the way to
realize what they have Jong been waiting to
secure, a home in the country. I was born
and reared in New York citv. and save an oc
casional visit to fi ieuds living in the country,
1 knew nothiag of farm life, until within tho
past tew years. I learned the cabinet maker's
trade, and worked at it steadily for twelve
years. During that time I found a use for ar
:..!..,. r i . .. ..
iitica oi my own maKe, to tue extent of six
cnairs with other things in proportion four
emiaren having fallen to our lot.
Having no capital, I was obliged to remain
a journeyman, or do piece work, and any one
knowing the active competition that has pre
vailed in this business, can readily believe
that after making both ends meet, at the
year's eud there was but little left to lap over
with. As my little ones grew up around me,
regard for their health and morals, and anxi
ety to meet increasing expenses, incited mo to
try and secure a home in tho country.
In the Spring of 1S54 I received an offer to
work in a village in this cauntv. which I
gladly accepted, as it brought me one step
nearer what 1 desired. I looked about for a
place a little out of the village where I could
have a piece of land to cultivate, believing
that if 1 could but make a beginning, I could
work out to the eud. I found a comfortable
house with two acres of ground attached, at a
moderate rent, and it would have done you
good to see the delight of the little ones when
we took possession. They had never conceiv
ed of such extensive playgrounds, having al
ways been confined to a narrow back yard,
and an occasional walk in the crowded city
I stipulated with my employer for time e
nougu to work my garden, and made a com
mencement. It was awkward business I as
sure you. My neighbors must have laughed
at my siinple questions; but they were very
kind and aiding to me; I had the'satisf action
of seeing my own vines and eating their fruit,
and the probability of some day sitting under
my own fig tree became quite inspiring. Be
ing entirely ignorant, I was trot afraid to try
what I saw recommended, and though I was
sometimes laughed at for following the book,
as they called it, I learned, in time, that print
ed experience was often as valuable as that
learned by word of mouth in fact, some of my
tcgciduies raisea in what they called "new
fashioned ways," were far superior to any
that my neighbors could show.
To be sure, I had many failures at first.
The bugs would destroy the vines, the hens
scratched out some of my finest seeds, and
some of my plantings turned out nothing be
cause of my ignorance, but at the end of the
first Summer, I found that by working morn
ing and evening, with an occasional day when
the weeds threatened to get the start of me.
and with only a litUe paid out for manuring,
plowing and preparing the ground. I had a
full supply of choice vegetables for the family,
had sold enough to help pay the store bills.
and had learned sufficient to try gardening on
a larger scale the next season.
I then ventured to hire two acres addition
al, in which, besides giving better pasture for
my cow, l could plant a patch of potatoes and
another of corn. It was a rrood year with me.
A large strawberry plot which I bad set out
the previous Spring, yielded finely. The fruit
sold at good prices, and brought me nearly
$40. Other products of my garden were even
beyond my expectations, and the corn and po
tatoes would have done honor to any farmer.
This was not all. The family was never so
healthy, arid my two boys were becoming quite
expert in the garden, to their advantage and
mine also. We worked hard, but we saw the
fruits of our labor and we were content.
I now felt safe to invest my little capital of
a few huudred dollars in buying a place which
I could call my own ; and the next Spring re
ceived a deed for ten acres of land, a little
more distant f rom the village, but yet near
enough to enable me to continue mv regular
business. 1 did not feel quite ready to give
up my trade, at which 1 could make a com
fortable living, though it was becoming more
and more irksome, and I longed for tho lime
when I could lay down the saw and the plane,
and take hold of the plow and the hoe. This
year I hired a young man to assist in working
my new tana.
It is not necessary to give further details.
I am now a farmer, and have arrived at my
dignity one step at a time. My place is not
large, only twenty-five acres, but six of those
are in fruit, and I count their produce equal
to all the rest. The great point I want to
make for the benefit of others, is, that a change
to farming, to be successful, must be made
gradually. There are thousands of discourag
ed mechanics that can do as I have done, if
they will but work patiently, and be content
to become farmers by inches. If I had bought
twenty-five acres of land the first season, and
depended upon cultivating it for a living, I am
convinced I should have failed, with the loss
of my c:2:tal and my courage, and gone
grumbling luck to the shop. Now, my wife
and 1 feel as happy as mortals can ordin
arily, and I am prepared to say to my brother
mechanics, "go and do likewise,"
Putnam Co., X. Y. Geo. Turret.
The Queen's Speech. At the opening of
the English Parliament, on the Gth of Feb
ruary, the Queens speech was read ; in which
occurs the following sentence in relation to
Amerioan affairs : "A question of great im
portance, which might have led to very serious
consequences, arose between her majesty and
the government of the United States of North
America, being the seizure and forcible re
moval of four passengers from on board a
British mail packet by the commander of a
ship of war of the United States. That ques
tion has been satisfactory settled by the res
toration of the passengers to British protection
and by the disavowal by the United States
Government of the act of violence committed
by their naval officer. The friendly relations
between her majesty and the President of the
United States are therefore unimpaired. Her
Majesty feelingly appreciated the loyalty and
patriotism nhich have been manifested on this
occasion by her Majesty' North American
" Beware how yon have dealings with a marl
taller tfcaa yourself ; be ean always over-reach
From the Harrisburg Telegraph.
The Democratic () Press of Pennsylvania
are engaged in a most delectable work. They
seem to act in concert, ard are undoubtedly
controlled by a full understanding of the ob
jects they have in view. Fcr instance, the
old Breckinridge'organ iu this locality, prints
some stale slander on Republicanism, or con
cocts a wholesale falsehood iu regard to the re
sults of the present strucgle, and immediately
the cry is reiterated at Erie, taken up at Pitts
burg, echoed along the shores of the Alle
gheny, until it is borne over tho hills and
mountains to the waters of the Susquehanna,
and thence it is circulated through, all the
country around. It is sent flying through
York, Lancaster, Berks, Lebanon, Lehigh,
Cumberland, Bradford, Susquehanna, the north
and the south, the east and the west, until the
people are unconscisusly deluded by such
bold fabrications. They change these false
hoods to influence localities. As prophets are
not respected in their own countries, so are
liars despis-d at home. Knowing this, these
Democratic organs copy each other's fabrica
tions, in order to give them force and effect.
Tuus, for instance, the Patr.ot copies the con
coctions of the Journal of Commerce, while
some lesser lights in locofocoisiu borrow the
scintillations of our neighbor, in the vain hope
that they will assist in misleading the people,
and thus promote the aim of the Democratic
party of the north to get possession of the pow
erofthe government. If this scheme suc
ceeds, the escape of those who are now en
gaged as the leaders of rebellion will b en
sured. This is the main o'ject of the Demo
cratic leaders of the north. Save the organi
sation of the Democratic party first, after which,
save the Union. When this is accomplished,
a re-organization of the influncf s which are
now at work to destroy the government, will
be effected, so that in ten or twenty years
hence rebellion can be precipitated again, with
more prospect of success.
Our Republican cotemporaries- throughout
Pennsylvania should narrowly watch and
promptly expose all these plans of the Democ
racy to procure power. They should warn the
people to be on their guard in the future as lo
any support they may contemplate bestowing
ou those who were the first to encourage the
spirit of rebellion in the south, and tho last to
render any aid for its suppression. While wa
are enga-cl in fighting the rebels of tne
south, there mtTst be no hesitation in accept
ing the issues which these sympathizers in the
north desire to create ; because there is no
difference in crushing out those w ho are armed
for the overthrow of the government, and
those who desire to aid that armed rebellion
through the force and influence of the ballot
box. Let the Republican press warn the peo
ple in time ; and let there be no hesitation in
denouncing and exposing these plans, as we
have described them, through the medium
of independent Republican journals of the
The Invaders Invaded: One year ago, the
traitors were bujly engaged in arranging their
plans for the invasion of the north. The
taking of Washington city was considered as
tho work only of a march across the Long
Bridge which spans the Potomac, while the
victorious hosts of the exulting chivalry,
would march through Maryland amid the plau
dits of their friends in that State, until they
reached the border of Pennsylvania, where
their real triumphs and rich conquests would
commence. Pizzaro, in his dreams, as be
slumbered after his intoxicating Peruvian
revels, never had pictured to his bloated and
distempered vision more gorgeous scenes of
vnluptuous splender and ill concealed lascivi
ousness, than those which fluttered through
the day-dreams ot the southern traitor, as be
contemplated the certainty of his invasion ot
the'north. The gold which Pizzaro treacher
ously recevied from the imprisoned Inca,
dwindled into insignificance when compared
to that which the wild mobs led on by the
slave drivers, were to wrest from the people
of the north." Philadelphia wasfirst tofall into
the hands of these ruthless invaders. Its
temples, its trcasures,its palaces and dwellings
were all to afford the richest booty. Ilarrni
burg wa3 also to feel the presence and the
tread of tho same mvider, and-then from this
point and from Philadelphia, the southern id
vadcrs were to reach on to the rich cities cf
the east, their presence ha:!ed and welcomed
by the dough faced Democracy, and their pro
gress but little impeded by any force which
the craven and cowardly north could' bring in
armies against them. But these anticipations
and dreams have been sadly frustrated and de
ceitful. is the invaders who have been invaded
Instead of southern armies marching across
the Susquehanna, the Hudson, and pursuing
their conquering steps until they reached the
Mcrrimac, they are falling down, downi down,
where their flying numbers have almost reached
the shores ot the Gulf of Mexico. They are
leaving their intrenohments and their camps
without firing guns or striking tents. They
are begging for quarters where escape is im
possible and battle unavoidable. They are
begging for terras of easy surrender when a
manly contest might give them a victory.
And what is far more gratifying, is the fact,
that the people claimed as beiDg" zealously de
voted to the confederate traitor cause, bail the
invading federal troops as the real deliverers
of the south, ond fall prostrate beneath the
stars and stripes, as the banner of their love
and the panoply of their protection. Surely
a peeple wb have thus failed to make rood
their boasting who have failed in their bras'.
gart claim as superior in arms who shrink
from battle and fly from the foe? they haughti
ly invited to the contest surely such a peo
ple must become hereafter the. mere depend
ents on the leniency and liberality of those
who conquer them without a blow and make
them prisoners by the mere crooking of a
finger. Old Virginia and Old Kentucky may
hereafter Jive In negro minstrelsy and rude
negro wit, but in the annals of true chivalry
and the recital of manly feasts cf daring and
indurance, they will find no mention, except
It is by such comparison as will perpetuate
their odium. Tho history of th? invasion of
the invaders will afford prolific themes for more
than one fertile pen.
Heavy Fracds It is reported that frauds
upon the Government in the articles of cloth
ing and military horse trappings, have been
discovered, amounting to over one million of
dollars. The names of the parties have not
yet been made public but it is indicated that
l thy se from .Ver Yirtr Pn"7lmnia.