Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 26, 1862, Image 2

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CLEARFIELD, PA., FED. 26, 1862.
Telegraph around the Globe. Senator
Lane's proposition to the Senate is one to
make a man take his breath and stare. It has
tbe sanction of the Military Committee, and
is nothing less than a telegraph from Paris to
San Francisco, passing through St. Petersburg
and Moscow, across the European boundary
into tho cold countries of Siberia, running in
to Tartarr, and passing tbe northern boundary
of tbe great Chinese empire, joins tbe Amoor
river, and keeps along the shores of the Ok
hotsk sea, and through the wild province of
Tckutcb, until it passes from Asia into the
narrow waters of Behring's Strait, embraces
tbe Western Continent, on the bleak shores of
.Northern Russian America, crosses, the penin
sular territory abore Prince William's Sound,
pauses in Sitka, tbe capital of the Russian
province, runs along tbe coast to Vancouver's
Island, from thence to Oregon, and over, the
golden shores of our Pacific States until it
rests at San Francisco, and uniting with our
great Pacific line, brings London within a day
of New York. It cannot but startle the pro
gressive people of this ambitious and daiing
age. Success to tbe enterprise.
The Disloyal States. Several bills for tbe
government of tbe disloyal States are now be
fore the committees of both houses of Con
gress. Mr. Ilutcbins' bill, finds favor, as it is
understood. In reference to the question ot
slavery in the District of Columbia, Mr. Hutch
ins takes the position that slavery has no legal
existence in tbe District, for tbe reason, first,
that Congress has no constitutional power to
adopt or enact a law establishing slavery ; sec
ond, that the laws of Maryland in force on tbe
"7th of February, 1801, which Congress on
on that day adopted for tlm District, did not
provide for perpetual slavery, but confined it to
the natural Uvea of the children then born, or
thereafter to be born of slaves then imported
or thereafter to be imported. This law point
was made in the Senate some weeks since by
Senator Pomeroy of Kansas. These measures
touching the institution of slavery in the dis
loyal States, as well as in the District ot Co
lumbia, will receive a careful consideration
in Congress after the financial bills shall have
been disposed of.
The Battle of Mill Spring. General
Thomas has published his ofiicial report of Ibe
battlo of Mill Spring. It does not ditler in
its details of tbe contest from tbe reports al
ready published. It appears from this tbat
our loss in the battle was thirty-nine killed
and two hundred and eight wounded ; tbe reb
el loss, one hundred and ninety-two killed, and
one hundred and fifty-seven prisoners, of whom
eighty-six are wounded. Iu this account the
wounded carried off by the retreating rebels
are, of course, not reckoned. Besides this,
our forces captured fourteen pieces of artillery,
fifteen hundred horsss and mules, tbe entire
camp eqnipage of Zollicoiler's army, and a
large quantity of stores. The public will be
pleased to know that the name of this famous
battle is at last settled; Gen. Thomas, in his
ofiicial report, calls it tbe battle of Mill Spring,
and by this name it will, therefore, be entered
in tbe log of history.
The Lebanon Courier says truly tbat it docs
not believe that any party existing in this
country has shown a more fixed determination
to pnt an end to corruption by ferreting out
and punishing offenders, than the one now in
power. We have, it says, the encouraging
spectacle before as of leading Republicans
carefully investigating all matters pertaining
to public contractors and officials of doubtful
integrity, and fearlessly exposing them, no
matter whether tbe exposure strikes friend or
enemy. There is no disposition to follow tbe
example of the party formerly in tho ascend
ant to cover up theso corruptions until they
break out in running sores, making the body
politic as rotten as a leper. We hail this new
condition of things with pleasure and welcome
tbe disposition shown to compel integrity, as
the barbenger of better days for the Republic.
Br Whom Avthorized. We see it stated
tbat Gen. Hallack suggested the plan of tbe
operations, in Kentucky and Tennessee, which
wero crowned with such signal victory.
"Formed in the West, and on the ground, the
plan was submitted , by Gen. Ilallack to the
President, and was approved and authorized
by the President. To Mr. Lincoln who took
the responsibility of ordering the movements
which crushed rebellion in the West, (and to
Secretary Stanton), the honor and credit
An Admission. A Iato able military review
er at Richmond writes : "McClellan holds our
great army at Manassas in a vice." Thus by
the enemy's admission oar Potomac army has
net been useless. It has paralyzed tbe largest,
bravest and the most ablo-commanded army
that tbe Confederate States ever gathered.
Assiosedto Stone's Division. Brig. Gen.
Sedgwick, of Gen. HeinUelman's Division,
has bee a assigned to the command of Gen.
Stone's Division, and will enter upon bis du
ties immediately. Gen. Sedgwick's'poiition
in the regular army was that of 21 a; or of the
Toartb United States Cvairy,
L. W.. Hall, Esq. A special correspondent
of the Philadelphia .Evening Journal, is a letter
dated Ilarrisburg, February 18th, 1862, makes
the following allusion to L. W. Hall, Esq.,
tbe Senator from this district; which shows
tbe high estimation in which he is regarded
by men in other sections of the State :
This is private calendar day, and although
I Blight find material for a letter among such a
mass of rubbage, yet I prefer to be engaged
in other business. I went over to the Senate,
and the doorkeeper, with an alacrity truly as
tonishing, opened the door, and in tbe bland
est manner possible invited me to come in.
The manner in which the invitation was given
precluded me from refusing. It is astonish
ing how polite men become when they become
the attaches of such a quiet body as the Sen
ate. I went in, and the first person my eye lit
npon was lion. Lewis W. Hall, the Speaker.
He was standing erect, and with that gravity
tor which Senators are peculiar, he seemed to
be scanning with all imaginable scrutiny the
thoughts and opinions of his peers. The si
lence which prevailed was so ominoa,v death
like, that I imagined they were engaged in
settling some grave question of constitutional
law, by which the "life, liberty and pursuit of
happiness" ot some poor fellow mortal was to
be sacrificed.
The Speaker's eye rested upon me as I en
tered. For a moment, his sterness relapsed
into that composure and giaccful characteris
tic which talent and politeness ever foresha
dow, and t really thought he was going to in
vite me to take a seat along side of him. I
have no doubt tbe promptings of his heart
were in this direction, but tbe solemn dignity,
tbe great responsibility which the position do
mands at his hands, prevented him. I was
content, but a number of Senators, who, ob
serving something peculiar in the Speaker,
looked about for the cause, and when they saw
the great "Unknown," they immediately left
their seats, and vied with each other In their
expressions of profound regard for my talent
and ability. The Speaker seemed satisfied
with this manifestation, and proceeded to the
discharge of his duties.
Mr. Hall is a most excellent presiding officer
and as I observed bim carefully, I can say that
be is not only correct in his decisions, kind
and affable in his intercourse with Senators,
but impartial, prompt and determined. He
has a good voice, and can be heard in every
part of the chamber. His words are uttered
with a distinctness, which relieves a listener
from that fretfulness arising from a desire to
understand, without the possibility of doing
so. He is yet a young man, but be has thus
fir given untuistakeablo evidence of talent
and ability.
How to Test Ihpcre Oil. Much of the re
fined oil now in the market is of an inferior
quality, aud some of it is said to contain- por
tions of benzole, which consumes rapidly, and
increases th danger and expense from the
use of oil as a burning fluid. Tbe following
is a simple test : "Pour out into a saucer a
portion of the oil ; then approach the surface
with a lighted match ; if the oil is defective
little sparkles of blue flame will arise from it,
and it may even take fire over the whole sur
face, while a good and safe oil will not take
fire until it has had time to become considera
bly heated, but will not burn around tbe wood
of the match where it is immersed in it, with
out spreading over the saucer. Another rule
is to regard all cheap oils with suspicion, as
experiment with the writer has demonstrated
their deficiency of quality. It may also be
added that tho cheap oils, while apparently
somewhat more economical in the purchase,
will be found, being more light and volatile,
to be consumed in much less time than the
denser oils."
Our State Qcota. The act providing for
the assumption of that portion of the direct
tax which has been apportioned to the State
of Pennsylvania, passed both branches of the
Legislature and has been signed by the Gov
ernor. Official notice of the fact has been
communicated to tbe Secretary of the Treas
ury, and there only remains the passage of the
receipt for the full amount of the tax, between
the Treasurer of tho United States and the
Governor, to show that tbe States' indebted
ness baa been fully liquidated. Thus the
people of the Commonwealth are relieved
from taxation on this account for tne ensuing
year, a condition which the people of no other
State can boast of. Pennsylvania has not only
furnished the largest number of men for the
war, but she is the first by her example to re
lieve the necessary burdens pressing upon the
National treasury.
A BaiEr Reply. Burnside is one of the
Generals "that do not issne proclamations."
Ho is a roan of action not of words. This
was shown by his "speech" on the reception
of a flag presented to him at Washington, at
an early period of the war. After the spokesman-of
the donors had delivered a flattering
speech and had presented tho flag, Burnside
received it with au expression of satisfaction
on his countenance, made a courteous bow and
said : "Very much obliged to you I very much
obliged to you! Move on, men!" That is it.
No words to spare. "Move on men."
A Noble Move. There has been a meet
ing of Philadelphia merchants, for the pur
pose of raising funds for a most laudable ob
ject. Several gentlemen have subscribed
one thousand dollars each. The intention is
to raise two hundred thousand dollars for the
maintenance aud education of tho children of
Philadelphia soldiers, who fall in battle, de
fending tbe Union. All honor to the noble
men who have projected so excellent an enter
prise. Such men are really patriots, and en
titled to the warmest gratitude of all Union
Died. The Presidents son, William, ten
years of ago, was relieved of his painful illness
altera delirium f 90 hours, by death, at 5
o'clock on Friday afternoon, the 21st inst. It
is said that Mr. Lincoln feels bis loss very
deeply ; and the grief of the family la in
creased by the fact that other of its young
members are lying dangerously ill.
Roanoke Island. The official report of the
battle of Roanoke Island has been published,
from which we learn that our loss in killed is
60, and wounded 222. The number of rebel
prisoners taken, 2,627, and 3,500 arms. A
bout 76 tons of ammunition was also taken at
tbe different fortifications. Tbe rebel loss in
killed was 13 snd 39 wounded, so far as could
be ascertained.
IIarrisburg, Feb. 24. 1862.
Dear Journal Thure is an absolute dearth
of news here, nnd I am at a total loss what to
make up to be of any interest to your readers
Tbe general news certainly possesses little
or no interest any where just at this time when
all eyes are turned toward the South, and when
each successive mail must bring you fresh
news of the triumph of our arms. The war,
sir, is the Aaron's rod of tb day in the way ot
There is nothing, I protest, in legialation,
so tar, worthy or special attention.
A few bills have beeu passed lately, but not
one of them can I find possessing any local
Tbe investigating Committees are at work,
but whether their labors are likely to result in
any thing, is a mere matter of surmise. Tbe
Committee selected to ferret out the alleged
corruptions of last session, it is confidentially
whispered hve not discovered a single in
stance wherein they can charge home on any
one, so that it is quite likely that, becoming
disgusted with their mission, they will report
at an early day.
The Committee appointed to investigate the
alleged frauds in tbe disbursement of the Ar
my appropriation are going over percisely the
same ground alieady traveled by a commission
appointed by the Governor, and they too must
necessarily soon end their labors.
A bill ot some importance to every section
of the State where men were recruited, fas
tnere is a consiaeruie amount ot money due
for debts incurred, of a nature which the gen
eral Government refuses to recognize or liqui
date, on tho principal that it only can pay
men from the time they were mustered into
service, and consequently no expenses incur
red previous to tbat time,) is pending in the
Senate, and will no doubt he acted upon at an
early day.
Hopkins' proposition to repeal the law
commuting the Tonnage Tax, is made the
special order for Wednesday. Of course there
will be some debate, but Mr. Hopkins' bill
can not pass.
There is a proposition now pending in tho
Senate to adjourn from tho 21st of March till
the Cth of June. The object is not for the
pay of members to run on during the interim,
neither is it intended to change tbe State
mileage or payment for an extra session. By
tbe 21st there will be nothing to do but pass
a general appropriation bill. By the 6th ol
June Congress will have decided upon the
mode of levying the direct tax, and it will le
quire but a few days for the Legislature then
to transact all the necessary business.
I almost forgot to mention another investi
gating Committee appointed s;nce my last.
It is one got up at the instance of Set ator
Lowry to investigate alleged frauds in the
winding up of tbe affairs of tho bank of Com
merce at Erie. Some rich developments are
There are few acts of incorporation asked
tor this session. The reason is obvious. The
state of the country does not justify men go
ing into doubtful enterprizes. There are still
a lew, however, but they are not gigantic in
their proportions.
Both Houses adjourned over on Friday, and
went to Philadelphia for the purpose of spend
ing the 22d, and for the first time in forty
years Washington's Farewell Address was not
read in the Hall of the House.
Excuse brevity, and especially the dryness
of my epistle. Yours, Specks.
New Made Patriots. It is wonderful what
a difference a Union victory makes in the way
that some people regard tho rebellion. There
are fellows around who have for months been
decrying tbe war, who have persistently argued
that the government could never "conquer
the south ;" that the longer tbe war continued
the stronger and more determined the rebels
would become, and that the only true policy
was to recognize the independence of the
southern confederacy. The Union army has
been the constant butt of their remarks, and
Bull Run and Big Bethel were standing jokes
with them. They secretly applauded at every
reverse and sneered at and depreciated every
victory of tho government arms. Bnt now
when Gen. Scott's "big snake" begins to con
tract in earnest, when the rebels find them
selves flanked in all directions; when tho
eastern coast is at last opened to our advance,
and we have effected an opening through the
very heart of rebeldom, indicating and prom
ising a speedy wiping out of the traitors from
the face of the earth, these fellows begin to
sing a different tune and to talk in the most
patriotic manner of the cause of tho Union
and tbe villainy of the rebels, and are even
ready to "pledge their lives, their fortunes
and sacred honor for the support of the gov
ernment." The north just now is full of theso
newlymade patriots. It is astonishing to see
their zeal now-a-days for the war ! We would
suggest, however, that the government owes
them small thanks for their sudden ardor in
its cause. When tbe nation was in gloom and
dismay when treason was jubilant and auda
cious when the three months recruits de
manded lo be discharged these now noisy
friends of the government, were then the
equally noisy detainers of what they termed
its imbecilities &Dd failures. It is well to
mark such men. They are known for their
vituperation of Republicanism, and their sick
ly adulation of the rebel leaders. We venture
the assertion that there is not a man who reads
this paragraph but knows men such as thoso
to whom we now refer, and who could, if ne
cessary, point to these individuals daily in
tbe streets,
To tht Editor of the New York Tribune :
Sir I cannot suffer undue meiit to be a
scribed to my official action. The glory of
our recent victories belongs to the gallant offi
cers and soldiers that fought the battles. No
share of it belongs to me. Much has been
said of millitary combinations and organizing
victory. I hear such phrases with apprehen
sion. They commmenced in infidel Franco
with the Italian campaign, and resulted in
Warterloo. Who can organize victory ? Who
can combine tho elements of success on the
battle-field 1 Wo owe our recent rictories to
tho Spirit ot the Lord, that moved our soldiers
to rush into battle, and filled the hearts of our
enemies with terror and dismay. ' The inspi
ration tbat conquered in battle was in the
hearts of tbe soldiers and from on high ; and
wherever there is tho same Inspiration there
will be the same results. Patriotic spirit,
with resolute courage in officers and men, is a
millitary combination that never failed. Wo
may well rejoice at the recent victories, for
they teach us that battles are to be won now
and by us in the same and only manner that
they were ever won by any people, or in any
age, since the days of Joshua, by boldly pur
suing snd striking the foe. What, under the
blessings of Providence, I conceive to be the
true organization of victory and military com
bination to end this war, was declared in a few
words by Gen. Grant's message to Gen. Bnck
ner "J propose lo more immediately on your
workt!" Tours, truly, E.M.Stanton.
A Fact. The happiest demonstration of
patriotism d urine the v.ar. wan tho
shipment or relief for tbe wounded at Fort
uoneisoo. jo sooner were tbe fact known
than immense medical supplies, and sick room
comforts. SCCOmDanied bv Volunteer mirronnf
sad nurses, were started from Ciucinnati, Chi
cago, at. ijouis, Indianapolis, Hamsburg, and
otbsr points.
Cinton Cocntt. On Friday morning Feb
ruary 14th, at about 1 o'clock, the usual quie
tude of Lock Haven, was interupted by the
cry ot fire! It was soon found that tbe drug
store and dwelling bouse ot Mr. E. L. Shultz,
on Water street, together with the barber shop
occupied by Julius Lindig, were in flames.
These buildings burned to tbe ground and it
was with great difficulty that the adjoining
buildings were saved. It is not certainly
known how the fire originated. Mr. Shultz's
loss was near $10,000 of which $6,000 was
covered by insurance. Mr. Lindig lost the
whole contents of bis shop, including furni
ture, shaving utensils and perfumery to a large
amount. . . On Friday the 14th, after the
disastrous fire which consumed the buildings
of Mr. Shultz, and while a number of young
boys were seeking for nails nnd other little
articles among the ruins, Albert Hunt, son of
Dr. Hunt, an old and highly respected citizen
of Lock Haven, sudden fell into a well which
had been under the building and was con
cealed by tbe rubbish and the firebrands, bot
stones and coals falling upon him burned him
so severely that he died the next evening. . . .
Ou Monday afternoon, the 17th, while a ped
dler was driving along below Dunnsburg, his
wagon slipped over the bank into tbe caual,
drawing the horses along, and throwing the
man upon the ground with such violence as
to fi act ore his leg. Dr. Armstrong, who was
returning that way, from a visit into the coun
try, took tho man to Lock Haven and set his
l:g, and be is now doing as well as could be
Schuylkill County. On Monday morning,
February 10th, between 12 and 1 o'clock, a
frame one-and-a-half story building, located
on the Coal Castle tract, near Heckscherville,
and occupied as a dwelling by a miner named
Thomas Connel, was debtr6yed by fire, and
himself, his wife, four of their children, a
male boarder and a servant girl, eight persons,
peiished in the flames. The names of tbe
children are James, John, Bennis and Georgo ;
the name of tbe boarder, Michael Hollaban ;
and the servant's Bridget Condon. Not a
person who was in the house at the time es
caped. From Havana, etc. The Mexicans insists
on the re-embarkation of the Spanish troops
before they will enter into negotiations, but
consent that 200 allied troops shall attend the j
negotiations at Orizaba. The allies state that
they shall advance during February to Oriza
ba, and give battle at Ceno Gordo, if they are
opposed. The Mexican papers express the
greatest hatred for the Spaniards. Miramon
arrived at Havana and it was stated he would
sail on the 15th for Cadiz, but he will doubt
less make his way to Mexico. Vera Cruz
dates to the 8th state that no advance of the
allied forces had yet been made. There were
over 1,000 sick soldiers at Vera Crnz, besides
hundreds that were at Zerefera. The vellow
and typhoid fevers had broken out among thorn.
rho war in Venzueia continues. The gov
ernment had notified the editors of the jour
nals of that country that Ihvy must affix -their
names to tbe articles they may publish here
after, as they would be held personally respon
sible for the sentiments they expressed. fcev
eral prominent persons had been arrested.
A frightful revolution raged in Honduras
President Guard iola had been assassinated at
his door. The troops had joined the insur
gents and the greatest excesses were being
committed in Truxillo.
Dates from St. Thomas, West Indies, to
the second says tbat a British commander at
tempted to take a seaman from an American
vessel by force but the United States gunboit
protected the man. The governor of, St.
Thomas notified ttie British officer that the
guns of the fort Mould aid the Iroquois iu
this resistance. The British admiral, who ar
rived subsequently, reprimanded the comman
der, and duly apologized to tbe American
consul for the indignity.
Accident at Fort Donelson. Cairo, Feb
19. The 2'ribune'a correspondent, in giving a
description of the battle at Fort Donelson, says
that when Colonel Craft's brigade, which had
been ordered to reinforce General McClernand,
came up in the rear ot the Thirtieth and Thir
ty-first Illinois and Twenty-fifth Kentucky,
these regiments were lying down and firing
over the crest of a hill. On the approach of
the reiniorcttments thoy rose, not knowing
whether the force in their rear was lriend or
foe, and the Twenty-filth Kentucky, supposing
them to be rebels, poured in a raking volley
on them which did terrible execution, and
was sufficient to throw the entire brigade into
disorder at once. Almost a panic ensued,
many throwing down their guns and equip
ments and fleeing. The woods were filled with
stragglers, aud some even fled to Fort Henry.
The enemy improved the opportunity, and ad
vanced upon Schwartz's and Dressdcr's bat
teries, capturing five guns and taking posses
sion of McLlernand's head-quarters, driving
our forces nearly a mile and a half. Tho reb
els seemed resolved to follow up their advan
tage. At this juncture, General Wallace's
Division was thrown in front, and took a po
sition on a ridge, with Taylor's Battery in the
centre of the road. The rebels formed on the
ridge which General McClernand had occupied,
and, flushed with success, moved forward. As
soon as tney came in range, Taylors Battery
opened on them with grape, canister and shell.
causing the rebels to quail and come to a halt,
and as our infantry advanced they . began to
fall back, and we recovered the ground pre
viously lost.
The Blockade. Concerning the blockade
of the southern ports, an officer of our fleet
writes that only three steamers have got ont
of Charleston in ninety days, and only two out
of Savannah. In the rigid blockade of the
French ports by Great Britain, during the last
great European war, there was nothing that
was as complete and effective as Is our pres
ent blockade. Our blockade against vessels
going in is equally effective, which is proved
by tbe exorbitant prices for all foreign com
modities throughout tbe southern States.
From Fort Donelson. According to last
advices the gunboat St. Louis had gone up the
river to Clarkesville and found the enemy a
bandoniug tbe place. It was subsequently oc
cupied by our troops. Two large flat-boats
laden with munitions of war were captured
just below ClarksviUe. The actual number of
prisoners taken at Fort Donelson was 13,300,
among them Gen. West not before mentioned.
Two rebel regiments have since come in and
delivered themselves up ; and one other regi
ment, which had come to reinforce the rebels
was captured, not having beard of the surren
der of the fort.
Strange Punishment. A singular punish
ment of public degradation was inflicted a few
weeks ago at St. Petersburg, on Michael Mik
hailoS, guilty of propagating seditious wri
tings. A sword was formally broken over his
back, and he was sent for six years to work in
the Siberian mines. " A subscription has boon
made amoDgst literary people of St. Peters
burg on behalf of the condemned, and tho sum
of four thousand eight hundred crowns has
been raised to enable bim to rjde the journey
to Siberia.
Advertisements set t n large type, cuts, or out ofuswii
style trill be charged double price for space occupied.
To insure attention, the CASH must accomoa
ny notices, as follows : All Cautions with $1,
Strays, $1; Auditors' notices, 81,50; Adminis
trators' and Executors' notices, Si, 50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the same rates
NOTICE. A large square pine timber stick,
manced J. P., was caught during the January
flood, and tied up on the premises of the under
signed. Theowner can hare the same, by calling
and paying charges before taking it away other
wise it will be sold. J. B. HEISEY.
February 26, 1862.
CAUTION. -AH persons are herfeby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with a
certain Brown Mare, now in possession of Jona
than .Mays, as the tame belongs tome and ia sub
ject to my orders. PETER SUMMERS.
Ansonville February 26, 1862-3 tp.
This preparation, made iiom tbe best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a supe
rior nutritious beverage for General Debility,
Dyspepsia and all bilhous disorders Thousands
who have been compelled to abandon the use of
coffee will use this without injurious effects. One
can contains the strength of two pounds of ordin
ary ooffee. Price 25 cents.
Kollock's Levai.n. The purest and best baking
powder known for making light. swet and nu
tritious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cent.
Manufactured by M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemist,
corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadel
phia. and sold by all Druggists and Oroeer3.
LICENSE NOTICE. The following named
persona have filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county,
their Petitions for License at the March Session
next, agreeably to the act of Assembly of March
28th, 1856, entitled "An Act to regulate the sale
of Intoxicating Liquors," Ac :
Beni'n. Snvder,
Leopold Broenel,
Covinirton town'n
Henry Post, Tavern,
John Sheeser, Tavern,
Eli Fy, Tavern,
Edward Albert, Tavern,
Andrew Cross. Tavern,
Margaret Lanich, Tavern,
David Johnson, Tavern.
Isaac Bloom, Tavern,
Wm. Mason, Tavern,
Geo. Albert, Tavern,
R. W. Moore, Tavern,
HcnryGoodlandcr, Tavern,
Adam Knarr. Tavern,
Valentine Hoffman, Tavern,
David Smith, Tavern,
H. J. JIaynes, Tavern,
John .Sulfridge, Tavern.
Wm. Woodward, Tavern,
Decatur township.
Union township.
Erady township.
Eoggs township.
Roggs townRhip.
Clearfield Roro
Clearfield iiorn.
Curwenavillo Bor.
Curwonsville Bor.
Bradford towirp
Rrady township.
Brady township
Rrady township.
Covington town'p.
Knox township.
Karthaus town'p.
(Joihen township.
Huston township.
Lawrence town'p.
Penn township.
Morris toxvnship
Lumber City.
Beccaria township
Boggs township.
Morris tiwns'nii
A. L. Ogdcn,
W. W. Anderson,
Jacob Mock,
Wm. Reed,
James ltainet,
Aaron iiartman.
Georgo Riohards,
lauaiusuarmoy, riercjcnie, uomgton town p.
Richard Mosaop, Mercantile. Clearfield Boro.
Clearfield. February, 26, 1862.
SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry
writs of Venditioni lZxponas, issued out of tbe
Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield countv. and
to me directed, there will be exposed to Pubtic
Sale, at the Court Housa, in the borough of Clear
field, on Monday the 17th day of March, next.
A. I. 1862, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the following de
scribed Real Estate, vii :
A certain tract of land situate in Gira.pl town
ship, Clearfield county. Pa., containing eighteen
hundred acres of land, hounded north by lands
of Phelps, Dodge & Company, east by the same,
south by Inds of Francis Coudriet and othere.and
west by lands of Phelps. Dodge k Co., reserving
about 350 acres sold to John Martele, L. M. Cou
drietand Jacob Shawmey, except .he timber, the
said 1800 acres being known as the property
known as the Steam Mill property, having about
50 acres of cleared land thereon, a large, com
plete and perfect steam sawmill, capable of cut
ting 2,000,000 feet of lumber per annum, with en
gine and fixtures, railroad for hauling log to mill
and plank road for hauling lumber away, with
nine dwelling houses, store house, blacksmith
shop, three barns, wagon shed, wheelwright shop,
a school house and other improvements thereon
erected, being the same premises bought from
Humphrey, Hale &. Co., from Smith t King, also
lease of 300 feet of river baak on the West Branch,
at and above mouth of Deer Creek, leased by de
fendants from Peter Lamm. Seized, taken in exe
cution and to be sold as tbe property of James C.
Williams and Abraham Humphrey, trading as
Williams & Humphrey.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Jordan
township, Clearfield county Pa., beginning at a
birch thence by land of Peter Boynton south 50
dcg. west 230 perches to a birch, thence by lands
of Frederick Bates north 40 deg. west 320 perches
to beech, thence by land of John Dunwnodie N 40
deg. 230 to birch, thence by land of John S
40 deg. E 340 perches to beginning, containing
433 acres 153 perches and allowance; with about
25 acres cleared, one large dwelling house, one
tenant house, and large bank barn erected there
on. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Be
caria township, Clearfield county. Pa., and ad
joining the above; beginning at a post corner,
thence N57 deg E 46 perches to stones. thence S 44
deg. E 41 perches to hemlocK, S 67 deg. W 43
perches to ironwood, and north 44 deg. w 44 perch
es to beginning ; bounded on the rorth by other
lands of Wm. Pusey, on tbe south by George
Groom, on the cast by D. G. Nevling. containing
12 acres and 104 perches, being part of large sur
vey warranted in name of E. Brown and Peter
Boynton, with a sawmill erected thereon. Seiz
ed, taken, in execution, and to be sold as the
property of William Pusey.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Coving
ton township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded ou
the east by lands of Jacob Fret-Ian. on tbe south
by lands of John Hugnot, on the west by lands of
Hugnot, and ou tha north by F. F. Hugnot,
containing 50 acres, about CO acres cleared, smalt
log house and stable erected thereon. Seized,
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of Patrick Curby, adm'r of John Curby deceased
Also all the defendant's interest in accrtain lot
of ground situate in Huoton tp.. Clearfield oo , Pa.,
bounded by lands of Dubois and Lowe ; Patterson
and Sinnaraahoning creek, cqntaining 3i acres,
with a large two story frame hpuga, partly finish
ed, erected thereon. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be gold a the prcperty of David Davis.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Morris
township, Clearfield county, Pa., commencing at
a corner on the main road near the upper corner
of Thomas Kyler.s Iandv thence along said main
street one hundred feet to a lot or piece of land in
possession of David Frazer (nor Hunter),
thenoe at right angles with said main street two
hundred and eighteen feet to a corner, thence by
a line parallel with said main street to a corner.
thence by a straight line along line of land now
belonging to John B. Kyler to place of beginning,
having a frame dwelling house, stone house and
stable ereetod thereon, situate in Kylertown in
said township of Morris. Seized, taken in exe
cution and to be sold as the property of Gibbony
F. Hoop.
Also a certain tract of land situated in Law
rence township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., containing
about two acres of land, fronting on the turnpike
leading from Clearfield to Curwens ville. bounded
north bv road leadinz from turnpike to Wm.
MoCulIough, west by property now of Isaao
owailes, south by Jacob Hoover, and School house
lot, having a one and half story frame house e
rected thereon, and ail the land beinz cleared.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of George W. Logan.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Brady
township, Clearfield county Pa., containing one
hundred acres, with a loz house and barn thereon.
with fortv acres cleared, bounded bv lands of
Jesse Lines, Elias Long and Robert Smiley. Seiz
ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prop
erty of Alexander Dunlap.
AIjSU Bv virtue of eundrv writa of Fiera
Facias, the following desoribed real estate. to wit:
A certain piece or tract ot land situate in Brad,
ford township, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning
at a black oak on the bank of the river. thnc
south sixty eight degrees, west two hundred and
ciguij iwo percnes to a wfcije oaE. thence fiuta
sixty four pnrchesto a pine, thence ntht,B.T
two degrees, East 6fty perches to a t-ice
west eleven perches to a Urge black oak m ""
down the west branch of the Sosauehan;i "t"
the several course, five hundred VizH;'Tfr
en perches to place of beginning, conta'':
hundred and fourteen acres and allow.nce . '
ed on waxrantto John Wilson, dated. Mtv iV.'
1773, with about one hundred acres ca-i 1 ' '
pne two story frame house and log barn
thereon, with bearing orchard. Seitei. taker"4
eieoution and to be sold as the propertv of 1 n
uel Graham and John Smith, " "
Also all the interest of Williera Pa 0f ;
and to all those certain premiies situate inJo-' ?
township, Clearfield county, beginning at'u'e-V
down, corner of l.Wampole, F.baMs, p Ku' bVV
Jno. Dun woody, survey, thence north j, , "t
145 and five tenths perches, to post, thor.ee l--40
deg. west 33S.perches to post on iinP 0f j' a
Danwoody, thence S 50 dg. V 1j3 &Ej ',,"''
tenth perches to post, thence by resi lu- "02- 'J
Kuhn S40 deg. 33.S ( erches to post on l,0 tV t
Beates.thence X 50 deg. E4) nnj two tcnttj .t.,
es to beech, down, and beginning, cor-tgiV-tV"
bout 372 acres and 32 perches, and beir g pi- r
two surveys one of th?ia in name of Ivter K-V
and one ot them in name of Jno DonirvV- b"-t
unimproved and wild land. Seized, takt-Vir " '?
ecution and to Le sold as the ptoj.frrT cf v,'."
Also by virtua of a certain writ, I hiv !t-,. i
on the following property, to wit; "
A certain tract of laud, called Plaitfyj .
situate in Beccaria township, ClearteM c,VR.T
bounded ajfollows : Pegir.niug at a pot
by lands of Thomas Billingum south Su ofr
west 200 perchss to a pot. thence bv lai;.t r f i
man Witmore south 89 deg. we?t 43 t rcL'- l-'"
pot. tbence by land cl 1 nomas r.iliingjvu it,.r
40 degrees wtMt perches to a pcv. theno t.'r
40 degrees west 207 perches to'a dopwii ni IV .'
thence by land of Adam Kuhn. calid
south 41 degree east i perche ta nlie n. h - ."
ning, coaUiui 429 neres 16 j-VreLt 3 atj . .
AI34) a eertain tract of lan l in siru- t jw-ih.-.
and county atWeravl, t-pginning .t tht? j't.r-j Ui
dogwood and extending by tUc ttata aU.r j...
scribed Foutb 50 degrees npi 2J7 pcrcLc t. . p, .;
thencpjby land of IbemM -Martin orth 4 'l. r-. j
west perches to a f oet. tnenoe n jr'h -V (vr-.
east 184 perches t a pust.thtfuot by J.is. 1 ,
thaniel ltichiirrtaon south 41 ittgre- e.-ut lri'j-r.
ches to place of beginning, conHitfug 2i9 atrt
and 136 perches aid aMowaarr. busg p:irt ui'tr 1
called -Greenland."
Also a certaiu tract if l.t sitaatv.i ,.a v,e
waters of Clearfield creek. tx Jordan n p
Clearfield oounty, called Fmiejh.-j," h.n:ni(-J
follows, to wit : beginning at a kiai!(. li.ruca I t
land of Thomas Biiiingtoit -uih 50 ilegrej ..'t
210 perches to hemlock, thence r Li : lllv
Wampole north 40 degrees west t.'i jrrrchcj t j
post, thence north 50 degrees e.it prrche
a beech, thence by land of Ih.src V:i'tpcu- -u.V
40 degrees east 313 perches to tbe place ol
ning, containing 4Hj acres (t perches.
Alio a certain tract situatej ia Jordan ton
ship, county aforesaid, b .riniihi at a v-yii. iL-t.x
south 50 degrees we-it 215 au l i ,-rit-tnth pruhf-t
to a post, thence by lands of E. Breiibai.1 twrth l
degrees 33S perches to a pot or sughr tree, then
by land ot Jocn Mnger noria SO d-'grecs ea 2j
and cigiit-UTtb perches to a po?t, thence south
degree? east 26 perches to p! !.- of begini.ii.;,
containing 430 asres au l lining part of lrt r
tra3t called "Lex. ngt survey t i.i fU-j inm
of Peter Kuhn.
Also ail that piece of groun-1, i'n ra :h
north side of the public road frv'fi MetanJiT
fording to the village of U'.eu Hope, in the town
ship of Beccaria. cnniiueoe.iug .it a ;oinl -I'J fvi
from a stone on the west bank of t'li'.irf.i 1 cr-tk.
thence south Otf degrees west I:.') I'ueU thn'tj
north 22 degrees wrst 371 let. th iic Auth .:
degrees ea.t I0S feet, t!inee north 5S degre-j m;;
50 feet, thence south 2.' east 2-0 feet, to the pIa-
of beginning, bounded east by property of J.u,e
Hegarty. south by the paid public road. wet l?
a 32 feet street, and north by other property v'Ji
by said Hegarty to said I'uaevs.
Also a tract of land in the same towr.sL: j.,
commencing at a maple on the wot bank of Clear
field creek, thence north 54 degrees ! V per
ches to stones on west bank of said cre k. tLi
i ne is bouuded by land of Wm. Alexander),
thence south 63 degrees west 8 perches to jtDLr
thence south 58 degrees ea?t 40 perches to ctoLe-i.
and thence north OH degrees eu-t S perch- t
place of beginning containing 2 acres, and bound
ed on the souih by the I us", described premises.
Also the right as conveyed by deed of Jame
Hegarty and wife, recorded in Book S. pg titji.
to raise the water on all his land by a mill-dam
Also all that piece of land situate iu 'i,o -ward
township, and described a-i followj wz
commencing at a stone on the eastern h..U- (
Clearfield creek 58 feet therefrom. thnee mrh
46 degrees east 105 feet to a stone, thence
It degrees east 105 feet to a stont. thence siu'ii
46 degrees west 105 feet to a stone, thence north H
degrees west to the place of beginning containir.;r
i acre, bouuded north, east and south by lan h ot"
Wm. B. Alexander.
Also a tract of land lying on the ba:ik :'
Clearfield creek between the said creek and tlm
above montioned road leading from Alexander's
fording to Bcllcina. extending SO feet alon th
bank of said creek 40 feet down the said bank
from the combaf the dam now erected by C'hsrl-'
J. ,t Joseph Pusey and 40 feet np therefrom.
Also the right as conveyed by deed of Win. B.
Alexancdr and wife, recorded in Book S. pa?
603, to raise water on all of bis land by acn.l
dam. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Charles J. IWey
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield. Feb 25, lfi2.
The undersigned keeps constantl on hand
at his store room in PhilipsbnrK CentreycouLty.
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, tof
fee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Ac. A1m. Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, .tc; a!!
of which he offers to purchaser on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give hhn a call, and trr hi
articles. hnar21 J ROBERT LIJV1'.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchaii.g or meddling with the f
lowing property.no w in the hands of Luther Har
rett of Ferguson township, to wit, 1 bay horse, t
sorrel horse-. 1 wagon, 1 yoke 3-year old steers. 1
yoke 2-ycar old steers, I 2-year old steer, 2 cows.
2d sheep, as the above property belong to us and
hag only been left with said Luther Barrett on lean,
subject to our order.
Jvov. 13, 1661. PATT0X, HIPFLE A CO.
lia vendue or outcry, at Grab air. ton, in Bradfert
township, county aforesaid, on Saturdav, the Is
day of March, A. D lsG2, at 2 o'clock. P. il tb
Real Estate of Cassar Potter, late tf Bradford
township, deceased, being the fame pren.J
where said Potter was living at the time ot i-
death, containing about sixty acres more or I1-,
bounded by lands of Harner on the North, b"
lands of James Graham on the West, and bv la 1
of John Porter nn thn Kasr nnd South. TerK.
one third down in cash at the time of ssle.
ballance in two equal annual payments with in
terest from the time cf sale, to be secured by I'-tt"
and mortgage upon the premises
February 5th. 1SG2.
The subscriber has opened a full and ror
plet assortment of DRUGS in the new br
building which he recently erected on thecc"'
of Locust and Cherry streets, in the Borough o.
Clearfield, whero he will at all times be happy to.
accommodate any person who may desire articles in
hialipe. The business will be confined strictly tJ
and no pains will be spared to recder tif"; -
in the ' Drug Store," when not absent en rr-
sional business. A separate room for cji "
tion is attached to the otoie, where pais ins"
be examined privstelv.
Every article usually fotnd in sv?h an es'-a-luhmeut
will Le Vpt oa hand, end to'sd M Z--J
reduced prices. Terms beir g sturdy Can vu. en
able them tooffer inducements in tbe way of j-r.c-s-
Physicians will be fcppliJ at a spall Fe"
age overcoat and carriage. Their orders re"1.
ted. Every article sold will be FnrcJof
best quality.
ClearCeld, Pa . February M, l2-t!.
POTTER. Notice is hereby given, that t;
virtue of an order of the Orphan Court t,f Cezr
field county, Pa., granted at January Term. A. I'
1862. the undersigned will eiroioto sa!e. at rub-