Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 26, 1862, Image 1

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YOL. 8.---N0. 20.
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How sweetly ound those holy worj3,,
Those happy words "Ood bl& you .
With joyous thrill they ever fill
The hours that distress you.
You sadly press the hands of tho?e
Who loringly caress you ;
And soul response boat) i to soul,
In breatMnsout HJod bless you !"
ronrmofher, in tho days that were,
Would earnestly address you,
With many an admonition kind,
And breathe aloud, '"Ood bless you !''
"(Jo forth into the world, my boy,
And should its cares distress you,
.Remember that thy mother's prayer
Is ever this "12 od bless you !:'
"And when the sands of life are run,
And leath's cold hand doth press you
Remember, through his risen Son,
God evermore will bless you."
tthe New York Tribune says : Wo havo re
ceived a icngthy, elaborately-written and most
interesting manuscript lrom Mr. Samuel Tig
gott, late ol Virginia, giving: some phases of
- l I.:... 1 u:.. : i
ins jjci swuai umiuij, imu uis experiences lor
the past year in the loyal dominions of Jeff,
J)avia & ;o. That tho full force of the narra
tive may be understood, and the great enormi
ty of the outrages be comprehended at a glance,
it is necessary to premise lhat Mr. Piggott has
readied me ripe age ol bO years, and that his
wife, who shared with him his trials and pri
vations, has also passed threescore. The.sub
ttance ot Mr. Piggott's story is as follows :
Nine years ago he left tho city of New
York with his wife, who was all his family, and
went to a place called Mountain Cove, near
New-Haven, Fayette county, Virginia, where
lie purchased a Urge and beautiful farm, in
tending to make the place his home, and
hoping to end his full ripe life in quietness
and pleasant rest. Tho larm ho purchased
was one rather remarkable than otherwise for
iis many comforts and conveniences. The lo
cation was or of the best in the county, and
was, from its position, peculiarly well adapted
to minister to the wants of the traveling com
munity. There was upon the ground a tavern,
a grist mill, a "store," together with the usual
outhouses connected with a well-managed farm.
Mr. Piggott found the neighbors kind, well
disposed, and sociable. Many of them showed
a disposition to agree with him in the opinion
that tree labor, in preference to slave toil, was
infinitely preferable for Virginia; and that
the adoption of labor exclusively free would
tend to "raise Virginia to a first-class position
a n manufacturing, agricultural, and commer
cial State."
These sentiments," says Mr. Piggott,
were entertained by many in the State."
"But," continues Mr. P., "as soon as Seces
oionism was proclaimed, theso convictions
were brought against us. This, coupled with
the fact that wo were from the North, awaken
ed public clamor against us. Onr nearest and
mo.-t trustworthy neighbors became our most
Litter enemies. The most abstud charges were
brought against us. Our asseverations of in
nocence were entirely unavailing.
Our advanced age and my weakness of
body might have afTorded evidence that all wo
could desire was peace; that though we loved
the Government and institutions under which
we wire born, and had so far gone through
life's struggle, we were not in a position to
tight either for or against it with sufficient
force or activity to be regarded as of any con
sequence in the impending struggle; that
though we regarded tho Hag of our country
with deep veneration, and feared to see a star
stricken from its bosom, or a stripe tarnished
on its folds, yet age and infirmity disqualified
ns from doing anything except to look on, in
hope that the whirlwind of passion and folly
that was raging around might soon be stilled,
auj our country return to its wonted peace.
Notwithstanding our unfitness for such things,
Hie captain of the Home Guards, w ho became
an oracle of wisdom as soon as he received
his commission, publicly accused us of hold
ing secret meetings in the woods with the
Federals," and of plotting with them against
the '-Confederate Government." This hero
rudely assailed me on my own premises, and
threatened to knock me down (a feat which a
child could easily have accomplished). My
wife interposed, and said "will you use an
aged, lauie man so unkindly ?" He then
swore ho would shoot us both, and felt for his
pistol to carry his threat into execution. A
neighbor stopped up and prevented him from
doing so. He mounted his horse and rode off,
but before going swore he had us in his power.
and would sheot us yet. This captain sent his
company and quartered them and their horses
:pon us. We were compelled to board and
lodge the men, and stable and feed the horses,
without any compensation or even thanks.
"A company of Louisiana Rangers passing
through on their route to Scarry broke into
my store, and took away everything of value
tl'cy could find. They took several watches,
a fuinous rifle, and a large quantity of ammu
nition. They broke down all our fences, and
stole all the fruit. We had to look on without
complaint. Tho brutality of the Captain of
the Home Guard, who was always around, like
an evil spirit, was so disgusting that the officer
f the Louisiana Rangers reprimanded him for
it Very severelv. He renlied that we wirn
4 d Abolitionists, and entitled to no synipa-
i tie Lioumanians said it would never
answer to use peaccible citizens in so rude
3nd cruel a manner, and ordered him to leave
the premises, or ho would be taken care of.
This awful state of things rendered me com
pletely powerless, and my wife, being sixty
Jears of age and weak in body, was overpower
ejj by working and cooking for so many men,
1!ot them rude iu their manners, and indnlg
Ino in constant threats against our lives. No
0Ie can imagine or describe our mental suffer
ln?s during this reign of terror. "
"About this time the battle of Scarry took
j wee, in which tho Union troops were happi
successful. The rebels retreated back to
l'VlI;iVfn nnrl ariio In nrnn no onrnin (Z rV
' ise was among them. lie ordered us
among them. He ordered us to
Provisions for his troorjs. which we
ere compelled to do. They then took from
a beautiful horse, worth about $500.- As
him in tho soldiers' hands and heard
J?e'r expressions, wondering that a d d
okee should have so fine a horse I coniplain
to Gov. Wise of this act. IU informed
6 that I was a suspected person, and unless
pt very quiet worse would befall me. "!
have," said he, in a magisterial tone, "placed
your horse in tho Confederate army."
Soon after this occurrence the Union troops
came and encamped about a mile from Mr.
Piggott's house. They also visited the old
gentleman, but treated him and his family
with uniform courtesy. On their conduct Mr.
Piggott makes in his manuscript this com
ment ; "Their speech and tnauner are so dif
ferent from the others that they seemed like
gentlemen compared to a band of thieves."
Rebel re-enforcements speedily "arrived.
Our forces in that quarter were compelled to
retire to a better position. The whole neigh
borhood being thus left to the ravages of the
rebels, the most diabolical outrage soon be
came the order of the day. His former expe
rience had taught him that the rebels would
not, on account of his extreme age, save him
from outrage, and Mr. Piggott fled. His wife,
having so much trust in human nature as to
think that even Southern chivalry would ex
empt from insult a icoman sixty years old. re
mained for a short time in the home of her
childhood. Her new experience runs thus,
according to the manuscript in our possession.
"The next day, the rebel troops arrived 4,
000 strong, and halted before our door. Mis.
Piggott was informed by a neighbor that she
was unsafe, that he had heard threats against
her house and its inmates of the most desper
ate kind, on account of tho Union troops hav
been succored there. She had heard ttie same
thing, and also overheard the oflicer in com
mand giving orders to surround the Union
troops, and designating the routes the d lifer
ent divisions were to take to effectuate that
object. It wns raining dreadfully at the time.
She, however, deeming it absolutely necessary
to seek safety in flight, disguised herself as
well as she could and passed through tho pick
ets uuuiscoverea, men traveled six miles on
foot to the Union camp."
! roui information communicated by her,
the Union troops profited much ; they changed
their posit ion, thereby a voiding a contemplated
desent on them by the rebels, and winning tho
advantage in one or two skirmishes whero tin
rebels had counted on surprising them una
Ihe husband and wife soon found each oth
er; and, having been perfectly satisfied that
their small share of Southern hospitality was
but a fragment of tho great Southern court
eous plan of treatment of unoffending Strang
ers, tliey determined to come to tho North,
where people of every ago and color are treat
ed as human beings, and where lady of 00 and a
gentleman of even more years than that can
never fail of kind, respectful, manly treatment,
with no single thought being given to their
political opinions.
Before they reached New-York, they were
informed that their beautiful country-house
had been burned to tho ground.
lhe natural suspicion was that the premises
had been fired by an incendiary hand, and
Mr Piggott addressed to Gen, Cox, our Gen
eral Commanding in that Department, a let
ter on the subject.
Gen. Cox, in reply to Mr. Piggott's inqui
ries said "That the house was burned by ac
cident, by sparks from a lighted pipe falling
into some straw lying uear it expressed re
gret for tho accident and hoped that the
government would remunerate him for the
loss caused by the incidental passage of troops
near the house but did not know how he
would reach the destruction caused by the
Thii, in short, is the story of two Unionists
whose years and white hairs secured no re
spect from the "Southern chivalry," and
whoso aged sorrows are -now for the first time
made known to a Northern audience.
An Interesting Uelkj. Dr. Perkins exhibi
ted at tho missionary meeting at London, some
time ago, a copy of tho New Testament, which
he found in Persia, that was 700 years old.
It was written in the ancient Syria i language,
(the same spoken by Jesus Christ w hen on
earth,) upon parchment, with a reed for a pen.
Of course the volume was bulky, though not
as largo as we should suppose a Testameut
made in that way would be. It was not thicker
than a Webster's Unabiidged, and not more
than two-thirds as large. Dr. Perkins found
three or four copies of the Testament in this
form in that country, which were, if we under
stood him, the only written language that the
people had. By the aid of these he made a
language for the N"estorians and instructed
them in it lor nearly thirty years. Dr. Per
kins said, also, that this New Testament, which
had been transcribed in this rude manner sev
eral times, and handed down from the time of
Christ, was, in every important respect, the
same as the Word which we now have a re
markable proof of the authenticity of our Bi
ble. In 1812. During the war which commenced
in 1812, and continued three years, with Great
Britain, the number of armed vessels which
fell into our hands was G7, carrying 878 guns.
There were also captured 354 merchant ships,
010 brigs, 522 schooners, 133 sloops, together
with 750 of various classes recaptured, making
2,300 vessels, carrying 8.8G9 guns. To this is
added 20 vessels of war lost by wreck or
otherwise, carrying about 809 guns.
A young lady, weepiDg and waving her hand
kerchief with much assiduity on the occasion
uf the departure of a regiment of soldiers, was
asked . what relatives she had in the regiment,
and replied : "Cousins." "How many ?"
was solicitiously queried. Why, the Whole
regiment ! ar'nt they Uncle. Sam's boys V la
conically replied the lass. Bully for the gal.
Good Advice. The following was endorsed
on a letter dropped in a city post-office, and
addressed to a recently appointed Quarler
master in one of the N"ew England regiments :
Harry, I hear you are commissioned as a
Qaarermaster, and can save $ 1 ,000 a year.
Why didn't you go iu for a whole one, and
make $4,000 ?"
One of the New York
thirty schoolmasters, It
"lick" the southern boys
regiments contains
ought to be able to
Children always turn toward the light. Oh,
that grown-up people in this world would bo
come like little children.
A cotemporary has been studying phono
typhy. Here is a specimen "Wat kant b
qrd must b ndurd."
Cassitis M. Clay has' been appointed and con
firmed Major-Gencral,
Additional Particulars.
On Saturday morning the battle was resum
ed with unusual vigor and determination
The Eighth, Eighteenth, Twentieth and Thirty
first Illinois occupied a position above the fort
Ihey were about preparing a little food when
the rebels opened on th ni a Are of musketrv
The line of battle was at once formed, and ttie
siorm ot leaden hail returned, preccptibly
iiimning me rebel ranRs. The rebels from
their advantageous position, showered upon
ourranks most murderous volleys of musketry,
grape and canister, killing and wounding our
men almost by companies at every round ; yet
every man siooa nis ground bravely, deter
nnneuty ana without flinching.
lhese four regiments held their trronnd.
dealing death, dying and fighting against ap
palling oaas, ana in the face of every disad
vantage, i ne tigtiteenth regiment seems to
have resisted the severest storm. Against
their ranks the rebels directed their heaviest
fire, but instead of falling back they advanced
to the face ol the enemy, and there stood in
the very j iws of death, with scarcely a pros
pect that a single one would escape. For
three hours these regiments, numbering
scarcely two thousand men, held their ground
against tho whole rebel garrison.
At one time the Eighteenth, being partially
flanked, was exposed to a cross lire of both
musketry and artillery ; but our rights wing,
securing tne rebels' lett.at once relieved them.
At this critical moment Col. Lawler fe!l,Capt
Bush, Acting Lieut. Colonel, assumed com
manu, but -vas soon wounded. Capt. Crane
was snot aeaa, capt. ..Lawler was mortally
wounded, Lieuts. Mansford and Thompson
killed, Captains Dillon and Wilson and Lieuts.
Kelly and Scanlon wounded, so that the da
ring Egj'tian regiment stood before an over
whelming hre almost without officers. They
fell in Heaps, aeaa ana wounJcd. Companies
were bereft ol captains and lieutenants; cap
tains almost beroit of companies.
The other three regiments did their duty
noniy. uoioneis ugiesny, uarsn ana JLogan
dashed along the ranks, waving their hats and
cheering their meir to the conflict. "Suffer
death, men," cried Logan, "but disgrace nev
er. Stand firm." And well they heeded him.
Maiir fell dead and wounded. Among the
latter were Colonel Logan and Lieutenant Col
onel White.
Oglesby's and Marsh s regiments fought
desperately, losing, Jike other regiments, an
unaue proportion ol olhcers. Colonel Ogles
by displayed coolness and courage that have
elicited the highest praise, and served well in
stimulating his men.
Never, perhaps, on the American continent
has a more bloody battle been fought. An
oflicer who participated and was wounded in
the light says the scene beggars description
bo thickly was the battle field strewn with
dead and wounded lhat he could have travers
ed acres of it, stepping at most every step up
on a prostrate body.
lhe rebels fought with desperation, their
artillerists using their pieces with most fearful
On either side could be heard the voices ol
those iu command cheering on their men.
Tho four Illinois regiments held their ground
full three hours. Nearly one third had been
killed or wounded, yet the balance stood Orm.
Finally reinforcements arrived, and lor an
hour the slaughter continued.
About lour o'clock our right wing turned
their left, and the rebels fell back into the
fortifications, and our flag was planted upon
tho position occupied by their left wing, and
lor the time tho slaughter ceased.
Dresser's and Schwartz's batteries were cap
tured during the action, but the Eigb.teeu.th
Illinois, with clubbed muskets recovered
Dresser's while the 'Thirty-first recovered
Gen. Grant, having command of the divi
sion, drove the enemy back with the reinforce
ments, and gained tho lost ground at once or
deied an advance by Gen. Smith on the left.
Charging under a hot fire up a steep hill on
which was the outer redoubt,our troops gained
the high breastworks, and with hardly a pause
went over them, planting the Stars and Stripes
over the walls. tTnder a most galling fire,
they formed, charged and drove tho rebels
back until they fell into a new positiou behind
some batteries. When evening came the
Union troops had been victorious at every
point, having gained back the ground lost in
the morning, and got within one of the ene
my's works. Our troops held their position
during tho night; repelling the repeated as
saults. The scene within the captured fort, alter tho
surrender, showed how terribly the rebel gar
rison had suffered. Everywhere were 'lying
fragments of shell and round shot, half buried
in the earth ; tents were torn to pieces, gun
carriages broken, and blood scattered around.
In the left redoubt, w here the assault had ta
ken place, the dead bodies lay thickly, and
abundant evidence of stern resistance and gal
lant attack was visible. On tho extreme right
half a mile distant, where the desperate sortie
was made by the garrison, similar scenes were
The gallantry of the Union troops has been
well and severely tested, and they have prov
ed more than equal to the task before them.
As the fleet approached the fort this morning
a salute was fired, and three cbeers went up
where American flags were visible.
Cairo, Feb. 19. A large uumber of rebel
prisoners were broughtdown yesterday. They
belonged on the Cumberland river, and as they
passed their homes, they looked wishlully for
some lace of recognition. Many were under
the impression thai they would be paroled, but
when they found they were to be sent North,
they were ready to take any oath. Two-thirds
manifested a desire to return to allegiance."
Some acknowledged they had been humbugged
into their present unfortunate position. Six
thousand prisoners have already arrived here,
and others will be brought down as soon as
transportations will be procured.
Two more regiments were captured to the
east of tho intrenchments, and a number ol
troops have come in and delivered themselves
up. Abont 12,000 stand ol arms were cap
tured. Many of the rebel troops destroyed
their arms, and large numbers were thrown in
the river. There are two water batteries ; the
upper one with heavy rifled guns 32-pounJ
bore, and two 32-pounder caronades. The
lower battery contains eight 32-pouuders and
one 10-inch coIumbiad,mountedinembiasures.
i Two thousand barrels of flour, 12,000 boxes of
oeei and a large amount of other provisions
were captured. All of to-day has been occu
pied in embarking prisoners, gathering. up
!tores and munitions and burying the dead.
Capt. Lagone, aid to Gen. Grant, goes to
Clarksville under a flag of truce, with the
bodies of two colonels, and to effect in ex
change of the wounded prisoners who have
been sent to Nashville.
Taylor's battery was charaed on five times
on Saturday, each time repulsing the rebels
with great slaughter.
me great lire which was seen up the river
was the burning of the Tennessee rollinz mills
by our gunboats. Tho works had been used
by the rebels for the manufacture of shot, shell
ana otlier materials of war, acd was an exten
sive concern. Gen. Grant has promulgated
the most stringent order asainst plunderinc
from the inhabitants, and also against stealing
the property taken in battle. Before surren
dering, the rebels threw most of their late
mails into the river. Col. Markland. nostal
director, however, succeeded in seizing a num
ber ot mail bags and some outside letters, sup
posed to contain important information.
Floyd's brigade, fearing they might be taken,
threw all their arms, which were Minie rifles.
of the best kind, into the river. The crews
of our gunboats are now engaged fishing them
out. Capt. Dixon, the rebel chief of artillery
and engineer, who constructed the fortifica
tions, was killed in the bombardment of Fri
day, in one of his own batteries.
It is believed, if permitted to do so, many
of the rebel prisoners would gladly take up
arms on the side of the Union. Numbers of
privates declare to have seen enough of seces
sion. The officers, however, generally aro
very morose and bitter in their expressions a
gaiust the North.
Lander's March. What some men deem
impossible others proceed to execute. Gen
eral Hunter said it was impossible for Fremont
to carry his army from Tipton to Springfield,
but Fremont nevertheless did go from Tipton
to Springfield. Our Congressmen about
Washington said it was impossible for the ar
my of the Potomac to move, on account of i
the mud; but General Lander took two col
umns ot two thousand men each thirty-two
miles, and one column forty-three miles, in
twenty-eight bonis. He surprised and cut otf
a camp of the enemy, capturing many of their
officers, and possessing himself of its subsis
tence. The march of General Lander is one
of the most notewotthy. The usual march of
an army is about seventeen miles a day, but
in lorced marches the distance is commonly
doubled, or is made to reach under favorable
circumstances thirty miles a day. Napoleon,
during his campaign in Italy, made several
extraordinary movements, and there aro in
stances on record in which sixty-two inucs
have been accomplished in twenty-six hours.
Lander's forty-three miles in twenty-eight
hours is, therefore, among the best. His roads,
as we know, lay among the mountainous dis
tricts of Western Virginia, were probably
heaped with mud or snoV, and the season was
inclement. Tho country will regret -that so
brave and active an officer as General Lander
is obliged to resign his present command on
account ot ill health.
Thanks to tiie Soldiers. Washington,
rob. 10. lhe following order was issued to
day : The President, Commander-in-Chief of
tho Army and Navy, returns thanks to Brig
Gen. Burnside, Flag Oflicer Foote, and the
land and naval forces under their respective
commands.for their gallant achievement in tho
capture of Roanoke Island and Fort Henry.
While it will be no ordiuary pleasure for him
to acknowledge and reward iu a becoming
manner the valor of the living, he also recog"
nizos it as his duty to pav a fittini honor to
the memory ol the gallant dead. The charge
at Roanoke Island, like the bayonet charge at
Mill Springs, proves that the close grapple and
sharp steel of loyal and patriotic soldiers must
always pnt rebels and traitors to flight. The
late nchievments of the navy shows that the
flag of the Union, once borne in proud glory
around the world by naval heroes, will soou
again float over every rebel city and strong
hold, and that it shall forever bo honored and
respected as the emblem of liberty and union
on every land and sea. By order of the Presi
dent. Edwin M. Stanton. Sec'v of War.
Gideon Welles, Sec'y of Navy.
Presentation of Rerel Flags. The fol
lowing order was issued respecting the pre-
presentation of rebel flags, on the 221 :
War Department, Washington City, Feb.
18, 18ii2. Ordered by the President, Com
mander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, that
on the 22d day of February, inst., in tho Hall
of the House of Representatives, immediately
after the Farewell Address of George Wash
ington shall have been read, the rebel flags
lately captured by the Uflited States lorces,
shall be presented to Congress by the Adju
tant General, to be disposed of as Congress
may direct. By order of the President.
Edwin M. Stanton, Soc'y of War.
War Department, Washington, Feb. 17.
To Brig. Gen. F. W. Lander : The President
directs me to say that he has observed with
pleasure the activity and enterprise manifest
ed by yourself and the officers and soldiers of
your command.- You have shown how much
may be done, in the worst weather and worst
roads, by a spirited oflicer at the bead of a
small force of brave men, unwilling to waste
life in camp when the enemies of their country
are within reach. Your brilliant success is a
happy presage of what may be expected when
the army ol the Potomac shall be led to the
field by their gallant general.
Edwin M. Stanton, Sec'y of War.
Brave Officers. In the course of the ac
tion at Roanoke Island, a shell burst on the
U. S. gunboat Iletzell, and set her magazine
on fire. Lieut. Franklin, her executive offi
cer, ordered the men to the magazine to ex
tinguish the flames, but seeing that they hesi
tated, he took the hose in bis own hands and
jumped down and extinguigLed the fire before
it reached the powder. A similar occurrence
took place on the Ceres from the I ursting of
a gun. when acting-master Diarmid smun?
into the magazine and extinguished the fire.
Singular. It is related that Col. Russell
of the 18th Connecticut, fell dead from his
horse at the head of his regiment, while
marching against the enemy on Roanoke Is
land. Strange as it may appear not a scratch
was lound upon his body when examined, and
his death must have been from the wind ol a
cannon bailor from excitement.
Incidents of the battle between Col. Gar
field and Humphrey Marshall r Sherman
Leech, from llirani, was wounded, a ball going
in at the knee, and lodging in the calf of his
leg. Leech, alter he was wounded, saw a fel
low reach out and shoot lrom between a couple
of rocks. Next time Secesh peeped out
Leech drew a bead on him, and both fired at
the same time. As Leech was carried down
the hill, he quietly remarked, "Sh-sh-sh-shot
tho infernal cuss that hit me." Next morn
ing Secesh was found with the whole top of
his head blown ofl by Leech's rifle ball.
Sergeant Irish, ol Captain Bushnell's com
pany, was bringing his cartridge to his mouth,
when a ball cut away the powder and left the
lead in his fingers. Turning his body between
the gun and the enemy, as he put in the next
cartridge, he said, "There, see if you'll get
that." Another man took out a cracker,
which a ball shivered in bis fingers; be ate the
remnant, and fired away I
A man from Co. F thought his pants chafed
him, but when he came to sit down, found a
musket ball under his skin. He said he didn't
kuo v it he thought some one had thrown a
stone at him.
How tiie Secesh Feel. The secesh in Bal
timore are terribly down-hearted. They sneak
about as if the angel of wrath was after them.
Their friends in Congress aro not much better.
When the news of the Burnside victories was
read in the Senate, says an eye witness, the
cast-iron visage of Pearce, of Maryland, took
on a new scowl, and that the sinister expres
sion ol Mr. Benjamin Stark, of Oregon, grew
more illfavored. Sanlsbury, of Delaware, was
writing at his desk, and took no notice of the
dispatches. Powell, of Kentucky, listened
very attentively, but seemed to think it wasn't
much of a shower after all. The vacant chair
of Mr. Bright spoke volumes. Ir. the House,
the pleasure was almost universal. There was
one long face on tho floor that of Vallandiz-
ham, and it was a very solemn face, as if his
friends were in great trouble.
Bcckner. Simon Bolivar Buckner is a
Brigadier General in the rebel army. He is a
Keiituckian, and graduated at West Point in
1814, his age being about C8. He served with
distinction as an infantry oflicer in the war
with Mexico, and was wounded at Churubusco.
In 1847 he was transferred to the Quartermas
ter's Department, and in 1852 to the Subsis
tence Depaitment. In 1855 he resigned his
commission. Bucknerthen became somewhat
of a speculator, and acquired large property
in the free States, chiefly in Chicago. Last
Spring ho had command of the Kentucky
militia, and pretended to be loyal to the Union.
But he proved a traitor, and was rewarded by
the commission ol a Major General lrom Jeff.
Davis. He is now a prisoner of the Govern
ment he has betrayed.
Bravery ok our Men. To show the valor
ous daring of onr men, it is only necessary to
state, that in landing at Roanoke Island, they
waded in mud and water un to their middie.
and that too in the face ol two rebel regi
ments and three field-pieces. They also made
a dashing bayonet charge upon the battery
commanded by j-oung Wise, wading knee
deep through mud and water to get at the fort,
and yelling like so many Indians. The rebels
fled from their entrenchments before the array
of cold steel which was brought to bear against
M assachusetts and Maine Soldiers. -When
the news ol the victories in tho South-West
reached Washington, and it wa known that i
volunteers were wanted for sailors tipon the '
eight iron-clad gunboats waiting at Cairo, 0G0
men from the Massachusetts and Maine regi
ments hastened to oflcr themselves, and set
out at once en Monday. Thcs& noble volun
teers, who are probably seafaring men at
home, passed west on Tuesday evening ISth.
Pillow. Gideon J. Pillow acquired his
first distinction, such as it was, in tho war
with Mexico, where he served as a Major-Gen
erai. lie is a native ol l ennessee. ana was
born June 10th, 180G. Ho made some sad
blunders in Mexico, but his bravery has never
been impugned. In catchirg him, we obtain
in Johnson and Buckner.
Honor Well Bestowed. Gen. Grant has
been nominated to a Major-Generalship, as a
resvard for his vigor and gallantry. This is
well. We like to see men earn their epaulets.
We have had too many holiday generals, and
we arc glad now to have some lighting Gen
erals. Gen. Grant will be confirmed promptly.
Brutal Punishment. A Slave lately came
into the camp of the Iowa troops at Flurenco,
Mo., mounted upon a high spirited horse, on
which he had escaped lrom his master, who
lives near St. Louis. Around his neck was a
band of iron, half an inch thick, and nearly
one-and-a-half inches wide, not locked, but se
curely riveted. Three iron prongs, of light
ning rod size, were welded to this band at e
qual distances apart, and arose above his head
about nino inches, with an outward inclination.
The iron had larceraled his neck, and the
wounds had partially healed under the protec
tion ho had given thorn by holding up the
band with his hands, during the preceeding
days; that ho was concealed in a cornfield,
but while riding the horse he could not hold
it up, and it had opened the wounds fiom
which there was a bloody, mattery ooze, trick
ling down his broad shoulders. To the sol
diers who surrounded him, with pity and aston
ishment, the negro pleaded earnestly :
"Please, massa soger, take dis collar off my
neck. Use a good nigger; I'll do any ting
you want me. The Illinoy soger cut the col
lar off 'er Ben." After a labor of three hours
the collar was filed off. It appears that tho
negro bad carried this iron band upon his
neck about three months, as a punishment for
assisting his wife to escape into Illinois.
Prince Albert had some idea that women
know at least a little how to manage, from the
fact, that he appointed his wile executrix of
bis estate and trustee for his children.
On what gronnd may confectioners bo deem
ed very mercenary lovers ? Because they sell
their "kisses."
"I love to steal awhile away," as Floyd said
when be sneaked ont of Fort Donelson, be
tween two days. ' .
Wo are never satisfied that a lady under
stands a kiss unless we have it from ber own
mouth. ' - .
Those villages aro generally best oil" where
you can t and a single tayerp not a sign ot
AimiKF iiistouv or tih: tiii:s.
Chronology of the Rebellion, &c.
Nov. 19th Tho Missouri rebelState Legis
lature passed an ordinauco of secession The
gunboat Conestoga made a reconnoissance ffp
the Tennessee river and shelled ont two rebel
20th Grand review of 00,000 troops by
Gen. McClellan Rebels bum tho town of
Warssw Mo. The rebel Gen. Floyd suddenly
broke up his camp in tho vicinity of the Gau
ley river and made a hasty retreat Sailing of
the stone fleet from New Bedford, Mass., and
New London, Conn.
22d Fort Pickens opened fire on tho rebel
batteries at Pensaoola, w hich was answered by
Forts Bnrancas and McRea.
23d Tho firing between Fort Pickens aud
the rebel batteries at Fensacola was continued
for two days.' The rebel 1'ort McKca was ef
fectually silenced; Fort Baranca and tho
Navy Yard Ivero materially damaged, and th
town of Warrington was mostly burned. -
21th Mason and Slidell placed in Fort War
renCom. Dupout took possession of Tybec
Island, at the mouth of the Savannah river
A skirmish at Lancaster, Mo., tho rebels were
20th Reinforcements left New York lor'
Port Royal Siiarp'skirmlsh at Hunter's Hill
Ben. McCulloch with his rebel army again
occupied Springfield, Mo.
27th A part of Gen. Butler's expedition
left Hampton Roads.
29th News of the full occupation of Ship
Island by Union troops.'
December 2d, lCl Meeting of Congress
Meeting of the loyal Legislature of Virginia
at Wheeling Mary land legislature met Na
val skirmish at Newport News.
3d Henry C. Buruett, member of Congress
from Kentucky, and John W.Reed, from Mis
souri, were expelled from the House of Rep
resentativesThe U. S. frigate Santee de
stroyed a fortification, nearly completed, at
Bolivnr Point, Galveston harbor, Texas.
4th John C. Breckinridge expelled 'from
tho Senate by a unanimous vote Western
Missouri overrun by rebel marauding parties
Gen. Phelps, the advance of Gen. Butler's
expedition, landed on Shiplslaud with a strong
Union force.
5th Gen. Ilalleck orders tho arrest ai d
imprisonment of every man found in anus
against the Union in Missouri; those found
guilty ot aiding the rebels, to be shot The
reports of the Secretaries of War and the Navy
show that the Government had, at this time,
in service for tho war 082,971 men, not ono of
whom was a conscript, ail having volunteered.
Ctb A riot occurred at Nashville, Tenn.,
occasioned by the authorities resorting to
drafting lor soldiers to supply the rebel array.
7th Skirmishing at Dam No. 5 on the Po
tomac; rebels driven off, losing 12 men.
9th Congress takes measures to effect an
exchange of prisonere Gerret Davis elected
Senator from Kentucky in place ot the traitor
Breckinridge Shelling of Freestone Point by
Union gun boats Rebel Congress pass a bill
admitting Kentucky to the Confederate States
of America.
10th The work of cotton picking com
menced on the islands, in possession ol our
troops, at Port. Royl.
11th Another detachment of the stone fleet
sailed from Boston Great Cre at Charleston,
hall of the business portion of the city de
stroyed. 13th First Military execution in tho L'nion
army ; a deserter named Wra. II. Johnson
shot Battle at Camp Allegheny, Va., five
regiments under Gen. Milroy, attacked the
rebels under Col. Johnson ; Union loss, 21
killed3I07 wounded; rebel loss over 200 killed;
The battle was suspended at night, and the
rebels run away before morning.
15th News from England of the feeling
concerning the seizure of Mason and Slidell,
apprehensions ol a war with England Union
pickets were attacked, at Point of Rocks, and
were driven in.
lGth Platte City, Mo., was fired by . the
17th Battle at Muralordsville, on Green
river, Ky. ; rebels defeated with a loss ot S3
killed, 50 wounded ; Union loss 20 killed, 17
wounded God. Pope captured 300 rebels st
Osceola, Mo. Tho entrance to the harbor of
Savannah, Ga., was blockaded by Mnking 7
vessels loaded with stone.
18th Gen. Popo surprised a rebel camp
near Martinsburg,- and took 1,300 prisoners,
including 3 colonel, and 17 captains, and all
their camp stores and equipage ; Union loss 2
killed About 2,500 prisoners were taken in
Missouri in three days.
19th A special messenger from England
arrived in Washington with despatches to
Lord Lyons, the British Minister.
20th Battle of Dranesville, Va., in which
the Union troops under Gen. McCall signally
defeat the rebels ; 72 dead and 22 wounded
rebels left on the field ; Union loss 7 killed,
40 w ounded The rebels destroyed, at night,
about 100 miles of tho North Missouri Rail
road, commencing near Hudson and extend
ing to Warrentown.
21st The entrance to Charleston harbor
was effectually closed by sinking seventeen
old' whaling esseli loaded with stone across
the channels.
22d Two companies of the 20th N. Y. rcg'.
were surrounded, near New Maikct bridge, by
700 rebel cavalry and infantry, but succeeded
in cutting themselves out without loss.
21th Skirmish near Newport News Gen.
Pope's cavalry captured 2 rebel captains, 1
lieutenant and 4 men at Lexingtoni Mo.
25th Christmas day was duly observed by
the Union soldiers in all tho camps.
2Gth Gen. Scott arrived from Paris Hon.
Allred Ely returned to Washington frem
Richmond, where he had been confined as a
prisoner of war since the 21st of July. He
was exchanged for Charles J. l au'kner.
28th Diplomatic correspondence in rela
tion to the seizure of fonr American traitors
on board tho British steamer Trent, between
the official rcpresenfatines ol the American,
British governments, given to the public.
The American Government acceded to the
demand of England, and surrendered Masou
and Slidell with their Secretaries.
A wag says he knows only one thing better
than love, and that is to be thrown into a pond
of mush and milk, with the privelege of eat
ing your W3y asuore. ,
We' are prisoners as often as we bolt our
doors, exiles as often" as we travel, and deaJ
as often as w sleep. '