X THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 19, 1862. Time of Can leaving Tyrone Station. GOISQ EAST. Fast Line, 9.17 P. M. Mail Train, 11.55 A. M. OOINO WEST. Express, 6.40 A. M. Mail train, 5.40 P. M Court. The March session of our Courts will commence on Monday the 17 th day of the month. " Lost by' a lady on Saturday a-weefe, half yard of black cotton velvet." The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at this office. - New Postoffice. A postoffice has been established at Ncwburg, Chest township fn this county, called IIurd," and G. Tozer, Jr., appointed Postmaster. EooM3.'-We have been informed that peti tions are circulating in this county for the e ; rect inc- of a boom at Jersey Shore. Persons interested will please note the fact. Godet's Lady's Book. We have received the March number of this much admired Book Godey furnishes more and better engravings than any other Magazine published. No ladv should be without it. Notice. All persons desirous of obtaining Tavern Licenses for" the ensningyear must ap- 'ply at the March Session, and are required by law to llle their petitions 20 days previous to the Court, so that the applications can be ad vertised in the papers 3 times. Noteworthy-. Maple Molasses, well made and put up in cans right from the kettle, and hermetically sealed, as you would can and seal fruits, will keep as when first boiled frein the sap; and this is decidedly the best plan for keeping, as when made in cakes, if exposed to the air, it will lose somewhat of the peculi arly delightful flavor for which it is so prized, and is often .injured By insects. All this is obviated by canning while hot. IIow is rr 1 During the last weeK or two the mails have reached this place rather more ir regular than usual, for which we cannot fully ac count. The Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad being completed one-third the distance, the mails should reach this place at least in the, same time as formerly, but this appears not to be the case. We hear many expressions of disapprobation to the present arrangement, and we hope the matter will be speedily remedied. The . Genesee Farmer. -Tho February number of this well known agricultural journal is received. As we have often said before, tho Farmer is the cheapest and one of the very best agricultural and horticultural papers pub lished. It costs only 50 cents a year, and we aee from this number that the publisher offers ometexceedingly liberal premiums to all who subscribe for tho puper at this time. Speci men copies of the paper are sent fret to all applicants. Address Joseph Harris, Roches tcr,-N. i . Home Made Coffee.- Coffee, of an excel lent quality (so it is said) can be made in tho following manner : TaKe one pint of corn meal, ono pint of wheat, half a teacup of mo lasses, a teaspoonf ul of salt, and add water to make it like dough. Then cut it out likeycast cakes. Put them in a pan and dry them in tho oven. When thoroughly dry, brown them in the oven to a dark brown, nearly black. To make the coffee, put two of these cakes and a teaspoonful of ground coffee in the coffee pot, and pouronhotwaterthesameas othercoflee." A Good One. We were told a rather good one in reference to the conductor of tho train on the Clearfield and Tyrone R.iilroad. Our informant says that, some days since when It was snowing, "the conductor (whom he repre sents as very accommodating) walked in front oi ti.e tram and shovelled the snow off the track whilst, at the same time, the p issengers were engaged in cutting wood alongside of tbe road to keep up the fires." We do not exactly credit the story, however, and as our iriend is somewhat of a wag. We give the story only as we received it. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE '"JOURNAL." Washington, D. C, Feb. 13, 1802. Friend Row : Alter a delay of several weeks, I thought I would giveyoti a few items in relation to a visit I made to the camp of tho Oth Regiment, wmcu i ronna in the wwods, upon a knon, naving iwo small streams of wa terand plenty of springs near it. The sol dicrs of the 5th have also superior advantages in regard to fuel, which is near ; in fact, at the time of my visit, a good deal was in camp, or as we wouiu ay at nome, at the door awaitin" the axes, winch (I hope the soldiers will nar don me for saying), wero very dull,but whether lor uie wani oi a grind stoue. or for some other less worthy reason. I am unable to sarl.nf. I certainly saw some axes usd, that I would nos iiKe to handle for ahy length of time. I found the "Cadets" in very cood SDirits. with butffew on the sick list : and those not old residents ot Clearfield county. -It is worthy of remarK, mat tew men stand the hardships of a uiuiers me as wen as tnose who have been raised in our county. ' The healthy mountain air, ana tne Kind of business so extensively ? .1 . . . . . - carriea on among us. in which almost evtrv one takes more or less Dart, mar have a irood deal to do in makine them liardv and robust. T - i am certain that I have not seen a better look ing body of men in the army, than those from Ivleai held county. Here, as with the "Rang ers," I was welcomed heartily. All seemed pleased to see a "Clearfield man," as they ex- piesseu it, ana numerous questions and en quiries were made about those at home. I iounu them pretty well posted in regard to general home allairs. They have comfortable quarters built however without much regard to uniformity. The reason they gave for this irregularity was, that they had no orders togo into winter quarters ; consequently each mess had hunt according to its own fancy, and where there are so many architects, there will be many different styles. The main object has, nowever, ueen obtained in almost every case, anu uiai is, commit combined with conveni ence. The soldiers ol the 5th are well drilled The 5th and the "Bucktails," were the first of tho Reserve Corps mustered into the United States service having been in the field since the 21st of June last.V At that time, you will remember, these two regiments left Harris burg for Western Virginia, where they passed part of the summer in protecting Cuniberland, and succeeded in driving the rebels from.New Creek, Piedmont, Westernport, and other points along the upper Potomac. Although they had little or no lighting- there, yet the men were almost constantly on severe duty. However, since their arrival in the vicinity of Washington, they have had their full share of lighting, and are proud to say that they have been able, under the instructions of their highly esteemed Colonel, to do it well ll ever a commanding officer was respected and loved by these under him, Col- Simmons is that man. Ihe men almost worship him, ana wen they may, lor being a graduate of n est i oint and having served his country eeijr-aii years in tne regular army, he is possessed of a large amount of military expe rience, and is free from any disposition to be tyrauical in bis Government. Ilo treats his officers and men with the greatest kindness At the same time, however, he is the terror of all evil doers, and does not fail to promptly punish all offences against good order and mil itary rules. In appearance the Colonel is the very personification of a warrior. His Ions flowing beard and heavy mustache are quite in keeping with his occupation. He is of average height, broad shouldered, and is slightly lame from the effect of a wound re ceived in one of the numerous battles he has been in. He is a pleasant talker, full of an necdote, and, having passed a life so full of tnterestingevents,never fails to be interesting. At times he can be very sarcastic, a:id offend ers are as much afraid of one of his sarcastic expressions as they are of the guard. house and some would prefer the latter. The Lieut. Colonel is a gentleman from Columbia a Lawyer, I understand, of some experience in his former profession. His name is Fisher. Major Dare is from Hunting don county, and is known to some of our citi zens at home. The company officers I found to be equal to any in their desire to distinguish themselves in the cause of their country , and anxious to have their men well drilled" so as to be ready for any emergency. Through the kindness of a friend, I am able to giveyou tho name of each captain in the oth, and the place from which his company hails : Comnanv A. Capt. Ullman, Jersey Shore; Co. B, Capt. Taggart,Northumberland ; Co. C, Capt. Smith, Clearfield ; Co. D, Capt. Chambei lin, Lewis hurg ; Co. E.Capt. Larrimer. Centre Co: Co. F, Capt. Trout, Towanda; Co. G, no Capt. Huntingdon co ; Co. II, Capt. McCleery. Mil ton; Co. I, Capt. Zentmyer, Huntingdon Co; Co. K, Capt. Collius, Columbia. The regi ment numbered, at the time ot my men of these commissioned Chaplains and Tha . . - "v, .wj age ry sea was a pleasant one, the sea j "wig lcmarKalilv calm nnr! th u..,th.- ...,,.. , - - V UkllLi UlA "u pieasant, but arriving at the mouth of the Jnlet in the evening, in attempting to run in the bbm cot on a lmr. uhnr. sh i.iv I'vimuiiig mo greater pait of the night ren dering our situation extremely perilous. There were thirteen hundred men aboard. The saiiors, nowever, managed to get the vessel off into deep water and anchored till m.imine-. ueu we steamed up into port, and nn iliH Kith Dec. we were landed at Bay Point, where the rebels had erected a lort which thev railed T J . xon, jjeauregaru, (now called Fort Seward), opposite and nearly east of the fort on Hilton Head. Here we remained, drilling with the big guns left by the rebels, until the 5th inst when wo left on a Steamer for Seabrooks Land ing, wnere our company was stationed. The other companies were distributed to other points one company mostly in a place. Alter remaining a few davs t ti, litter BLACKSMITH WANTED AT GRAHAM- TON. One who can come well recommended for industry and sobriety None other need, ap ply. A good shop with three fires and three set of smith's tools (if desired), and a house, garden and stable will all be leaded for one year from the 1st of April next, and for a longer time if sat- lsiaction is rendered to customers and to nivself. Address, JAS. B. GRAHAM. January 1. 1862. Clearfield, Pa. wjrilAY COW. Came trespassing on the -J premises of tho subscriber, in Burnside town ship, Clearfield county,-Pa.', about the 16th day of Jjecember, lsbl, a -white cow with black spots, middle sized, short crooked horns, and about 7 or 8 years old'' The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or she will bo disposed ot according to law Jan. 2'J. 1802 JOSEPH WALLS, Mil' lid I lCUKrUllAl lU.. -All per J sons interested are hereby notified than an an plication for a charter of Incorporation has been made, by the Gosben Methodist Episcopal church I w - j ...... - i ....... j j tuv jiucuu iuviuuulfVi10hVfai ,uuvu place, our company was divided, and the one- to the court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county nan 10 vwjicti i belons marched to this nlap. (Grahams plantation) whore we now are. We nave plenty of good ivinor and vnrv littla drill. W e have been in no hat t.1 n,i-n. ,n!ll r. . . T J m,. vi iesiues our regular stations, we have as many oysters as we want for the trouble ot picking them up along shore when the tide is out. mere are plenty of cattle on these Islands, and when we want fresh beef .ill we have to do is to go out and shoot one. The cattle are as wild as deer, and it takes a hunter to snoot one; but we have "them kind of boys in our company. These Islands are but little elevated above the level of the sea. and are separated by rivers, creeks and bayous, through which "the tide ebbs and flows twice in 21 hours." Large portions of the land is overflowed with . water when the tide is up; causing, in the summer, fevers and other epi demics. At this season of the vear.however.it is perfectly healthy, and the climate so mild thai many kinds of tropical trees and plants flourishing here in great perfection. The land is a sandy loam and very fertile : producing large crops of cotton, corn, sweet potatoes. &c large quantities of which are still re maining on the plantations. The white inhabitants all left on our ap proach, probably not w ishing to associate with mud sills" and "greasy mechanics." They left nearly all their property except a few ne groes whom they compelled to go with them. The negroes left on the plantations, are a quiet, orderly, civil people, and if they had the incentives of freedom and education would, no doubt, become very useful citizens, and could be employed to good advantage as la bourers to cultivate these Islands, to which they are by nature so well adapted and. at the same time, their improved condition would create an increased demand for .Northern productions. As my time is somewhat limited I must close this hastely written epistle. Yours, D.FfB. in accordance with the provisions of the Act of As sembly; and unless cause is shown for its refusal the same will he granted at the next term of said court. lSy order of the court. JOHN L. CUTTLE, January 2'J, 1S62. Prothonotary. rL'CEIPTS A.D EXPENDITURES OF JL CLEARFIELD COUNTY, F0K A. D. 1861. Geo. B. GooPLANDKit., Esq., Treasurer of Clear field county, in the State ot Pennsylvania, in ac count with said county, from the 6th day of Jan uary, AD. 1S61, to the 6th day of Jajc,, A. JJ.1SG2 - PEBTOH. To amount from Collectors for 1SG1, and previous years. lneliidmsr percentage, SjOIs .!i To amount from Unseated Lands for 1SC0 and 18ul. . 0. 73 To amount from Commissioners' book, 1 SI 1 72 CREDIT. I5y Election expenses. liy Common wealth costs, liy Jurors wages, I5y Assessors wages, y Court House contract, Cy Commissioners' wages, By Interest orders, By Anderson's Creek bridge, Ly Jrire proof vaults i r,-, a . jS10 9.t 6T1 12 515 64 283 93 412 05 418 75 291 40 250 00 221) 03 215 73 215 00 213 75 ISO 2i 180 57 159 17 131 51 91 50 65 00 84 00 57 43 35 0 MARRIED: On Thursday the 13th instant, bv D. Good- linder, Jsq., at the house of Hon. Jas. Bloom. Mr. R. li. Boxsall of Brady town'p, and Miss A.NN .tl ARIA CLEAVER. Of BloOIll township. On the 17th February, by the Iiev. J. M Galloway, . Mr. A. Hubforp of Ilaysville, Alle gheny county Pa., to Mrs. M. E. Leoxaed of this place. with the above we received a liberal share of the wedding cake. The happy couple will please accept our thanks for their kind re membrance ot the printers. May joy and hap piness accompany them through lif e's journey, is the prayer of our devils, who express the wish that many others may go and do likewise. By District Attorney's fees, iy Jail fees. By Printing. By Miscellaneous. By Prothonotary fees. ly Coin in i si rs clerk s wages liy Constables returns. By Fuel contract, By Boad views, By Auditors' wages, . Uy Western 1 cmteiitiary. By Tipstaves. By Tostage and stationary, 32 37 By Auditors' clerk.s wages. 40 00 By Foxes and wildcats, 102 9d By Court crier's wages, , 27 00 By Refunds, 19 51 By Justices costs, 14 7rt By Percentage to collectors, 450 53 By Exhonorations. 13n 30 . B3' bat. due Treasurer last sctl'mt 372 04 By Treasurer's p. et. paying out 92 71 By Treasurer's p. ct. receiving 103 95 Balance due Treasurer, 34 ?2 Total amount, S-tiOOl 63 ti9o4 69 Amonnt of County, itate, and Militia taxes duo from Collectors for IS6I . and previous years Tow'ps. Collectors names. County. State. Militia. for 1847. - 205.51 ISIS. Jordan, 92.14 "00.00 DIED: On Saturday the loth February, in Curwens- ville, Miss K ate Uoel, age about 20 years. SALT a good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. F. IRWTX, Clearfield. WANTED. Good eighteen inch Shingles in exchange for an excellent Riflo. and a splendid new Side-saddle. Enquire of Jan. H, 1882. 3t- A.M. HILLS. I2ROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps cowstantl on hand at his store room in rhilipsburjs Centreycounty, a full stock of Flour. Hams. Shoulders. Sides. CVif. fee, Tea, Surar. llice. Mo1.a.os. A-n Ai, i : fiuors ot all knxis, .tobacco. Scs-ara. Snuff. Azn nil of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms Give him a call, and trv hi uriiuies. mar-l liUlil- liT I . V ) 6.00 4.10 17,5 0 25,00 32,50 6.00 30,50 16.28 7,00 1,00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00,00 45.S5 00.00 2.02 18.17 4.72 52,20 1.42 00.00 00,00 16,94 63,S9 111,59 visit. 90 1 three were field officers, five staff oflicers, (including tho two Surgeons), four non-Coni- CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with the fol lowing property, now in the hands of Luther Il.ir- rett ot teruson township, to wit. 1 bav horso. 1 sorrel horse. 1 wagon, 1 yoke 3-year old steers,' 1 yoke 2-year old steers, I 2-year old steer, 2 cows, 28 sheep, as the above property belongs to us and has only been left with said Luther Barrett on loan, suojcci to onr oruer. "Ul. 1 All'J.V. Illl'Jfl.li it 111). Seeiocs AccibK.NT. On Monday afternoon ihomas McAdums, who is in the employ of r- Hill's, met with a serious accident, whilst ne was driving Mr. H's horse in a small sled "P Market street, in this place. Tomvny by ome means lost his foot-hold on the sled, nen the horse became unmanageable, ran avay and threw him out. In the fall, Tommy "melt a post, and broke his collar bone, and l - ... 3 wuisea his head and thigh, besides receiving "ther injuries. The fracture was reduced, and tommy is doing as well as could be expected. r ikoxoted We learn that Lieut. John liuloyof Capt. Cnrby'g company, 84th Penn'a e0fient, bating resigned on account of ill 'filth, Clarence L. Barrett of this place was mmoted to a 2d Lieutenancy. The appoint- r'""i was made on the recommendation of ."l. Murray, for meritorious conduct, as a "'unteer, in the fight at Bath and Hancock 0I the 4th and oth of January. It is gratif y laS to notice promotions from tho racks, as such a course cannot fail to incite the private Hiers tO feats of during and hravorv anrl missiona stair oiucers, oO musicians, pio neers, 10 ambulance corps. 10 teamsters, 9 captains, lb Lieutenants, (two absent on Sig nal corps,) 50 Sergeants, and 80 corporals leaving, 718 men as privates including the corporals who are placed in the ranks 70S men. This number drawn up in line of battle leoks, at first, like a largo body of men yet in a short time the eye becomes familliar with the sight and it soon looses its first importance. But. if you or 1 should undertake to collect the same number ot men for any particular purpose, and place them in a line, we would find that it would take a great deal of trouble t th il r c n ivhi lf" liara n f.tiu f ie tha 3 vn v V 0 v llllw II U l V U I V ia0 V A W1S lit Ulllj a few brief orders, a little marching, and the thing is done in a few minutes and all in order I found much pleasure in viewing dress pa rades. It is gratilying to see bOO or 1000 men going through the manual ot arms, at one time, as regularly as if done bv one man Every musket rising or falling at the same in stant, acd glistening iu the sunlight at every change of position. l ours for the present, Tbaveller. Jan. 27th 1862. Sin : I take this Port Royal, S. C Ma. S. J. Row : Dkar opportunity to inform vou that 1 am in the enjoyment of good health and spirits and like soldiering very well, we are right in tho middle of Dixie, on the sunny side of creation, with orange and fig trees around our camp, and roses in full bloom in the gardens. H e foduee an emulation on their part, that will ,e" n,P Curtin the 20th day of October K . ' 7 I ani vixteit W dthMirrrnn npvt n.ir .wont infA be of Morions incalculable benefit to the army and the cause for which they are fighting. ),,: patriotic rennsyivaman, should ever - "wed by a d d Dutchman 1" and reached Washington next day went into camp about li miles from the Capital subse quently removed and eucamped near Bladens- burg. Dunn? the memorable storm of the first November, (in pcrsuance of orders and at short notice), we started on a march through Maryland to a place called Prince Frederick, sixty-two miles from Bladensburg, where we remained one day to insure fair play at tho Election, and then marched back making the trip in seven days. The roads were very bad thf ?Utch caPtain the other day indulged in Vriv ,Sant recreatinof booting one of the ' atcs. There was no remedy, and as the "her leaned upon his musket, he thus solil "ized: "Idas it come to this? Did our mvmv fight for freedom in 7 la there Jibing lik .nnt;tnlinn!i1 frA-rlrtm lo ? b now comes it that T. John Jonas, nl t I oninir ti tho rain anI wa h-irl tn march ft irnnil ti nfD5vania-inety-seventb, who have enlist- part of the way In mud and sand over shoe iti'l. .fi.li iiiguLs u oivouaceu nuuuui icuio, sleeping on the ground beside, our arms. Shortly after our return we were ordered to Fortress Monroe, Va. We took tbo cars and went to Baltimore and from thence M THE Poionucoa A lvfA Um limalif from CoL Wi100, wht says that S.n other prisoners at Columbia, ' Ia good health, and that their con- Hie tlothinn- has been rendered qtfiW comfortable i-s authorities. ' by steam boat, reaching Fort Monroe Nov. 20th, where wa retrained until the oth Dec, when we were ordered aboard the transport Steam Ship Illinois and sailed for South Carolina, arriving ia Puit Royal Inlet on the evening of the 8th. SALE OF HEAL INSTATE OP CESAR POTTER. Notice is hereby sriven. that lv virtue of an order of the Orphan s Court of Clcar- nen county, I'a., granted at January Term. A. I. 1S(2, the unJersigued will expose to sale, at pub lic vendue or outcry, at Grahamton, in Bradford township, county aforesaid, on Saturday, the 1st day ot .March, A. 1) 1SB2, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. the Real Estate of C.-esar Potter, late of Bradford township, deceased, being the same promises where said Potter was living at the time of his death, containing about sixty acres wore or less, bounded by lands of Jiamer on the North, by lands of James Graham on the West, and by land of John Porter on the East and South. Terms, one third down in cash at the time of sale, and baltanee in two equal annual payments with in terest from the time of sale, to be secured by bonds au mortgage upon roe premises WILLIAM HOOVER, Adin'r. February 5th, 1802. F umiture ! Furniture !! . john gijeEich:,- ' Desiros to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased bis facilities for inanufactnring, ho is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cherip rates for ca.h. He mostly has on hand at his "Fui niture Booms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-case3; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, 11 t.r.i l t : : i - rr. 1 7 Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-iiina ana otner ueasteaas. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASII-STAJN'DS, Ac. EockingandArmOhairs, opring-seai, vain-nouom, ana rarior unairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair, Corn-busk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFI.S, OF EVERY RI.D, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting dono to order. Tho above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged far ap- L roved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, in-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember tne shop is on Mar set street Clear field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." xecemoer , loot juua uux.uuu. j James Rea, For Cell. R. Wetzel, 00.00 00.00 Jordan. 11. Swan, 00.00 00.00 Penn, A. Spencer, 00.00 00,00 For 1319. Jordan, William Wiley, 00,00 00.00 Penn, Thomas Feuton, 00:00 00.00 For lHi0. Rell, J. Sunderland, 00.00 00.00 Penn, J. lavis, 00.00 00,00 For 1S51. Burnside, J. Youns. 30.01 00.00 Jordan, 1. Williams, 3,15 8.29 For 1852. Fox, J. I. Eundy, For lS.r)3. Decatur, 1, Kepbart. Pike, J. Caldwell, - For 1S34. Chest. S. J. Torcr, Jordan, J. Patterson, Pike, X. K. JlcClurc, lor IHoa. Covington, J. Barmoy, For 1366. Decatur, G.Kcphart, For 1S57. Curwensv. Z. McNaul, Ferguson, J. Straw, Goshen, li. R. Livergood, Jordan, Wm. William.' For ISjS. Covington, J. Rcitcr, Clearfield, R, J. Wallace, Decatur, A. Baughman, Ferguson, G.Williams, Fox, 1. N. Heath, Lawrence, H. Orr, Penn, R. Danvers. For 1S69. Decatur, D. Goss. Fox, J. McCIcllan, Jordan, J. McNeal, Karthaus, 11. Yothers. For 1S59, WoodwardvS. Whiteside. Bcccaria. II Whiteside, 25,43 80,(53 Bell, J. Campbell, 00.00 1)053, Wm. Wilson, 33.93 5.13 Brady. F. Winger t, l'JS),73 10S.00 Burnside, J. Sunderland. 00.00 1VJM Chest, J. Thuinpson, Covington, J B. Ronaut, Clearfield, JI. E. Snyder, Curwensv. Josiah Evans, Ferguson, J. Straw, Fox, J. Mulkins, Goshen, J. SanKey, Graham, J. P. Nelson, Huston, Jeff. Bund v. Jordan, Peter Bloom, Knox, W. O. Stirk, L.awrcncc, M.JSiohols 00,00 33.00 12.81 U;4l 00.00 00.00 10,00 00,00 5,00 116.12 110.2'J 00.00 00,00 4.66" 00,00 ,4l 12,05 28,04 00.00 35.31 61,54 5.02 00,00 7,50 46.S3 0.41 00.00 815.41 19,50 7 54 15.50 9.83 17,85 19,03 20.62 14.38 00,00 4 35 00.00 10.00 00.00 OO.dO 00,00 00,00 00.00 21.00 00.00 4.30 5,15 11 26 Geo. B.Goodlondcr, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county, in account with different townships for lioadl uuds for 13u0 andlSiil. rr r. DEBTOR. . To Balance due townships from last settle ment. S17 8S To amount received from unseated lands I8t0 and 1801, CCEOIT. Am'tpdtps. Bal.duetp's. 51,53 Townships. Beccaria. 25.'J; Bell, 27.1 1 Bradford. 00,00 Bradv, 00,09 Chest, 5.24 Covington". 00.00 Clearfield, . ' 00.00 Decatur, 20.19 Ferguson, 2,07 Giiard, 57.65 Goshen, 13.0t Graham, 00.00 Huston, , 257.08 Jordan, 00.00 Karthaus, 45.00 Knox, 00.00 Lawrence, 00,00 Morris. 34.52 Penn, 18,00 Pike, . . 22,03 Union, 00.00 Bal. due townships, 334,83 lotal, 809,41 $859.41 $334.83. Received of George B. Goodlander late J rcasurer of Clearfield county. Three hun dred and thirty-four and eighty-three cunts in full, it being the balance due Road fund, as above January 22d, lSi.2. JOSEPH SHAW. Geo. B. Goodlander, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in account with different townships for cciiooi iunds lur isoo and lul. DEBTOR. To balance due from last settlement. $2 -171.00 To ain't ree'd from unseated lauds . for 1800 and 1801, 84,30 CRF.IUT. Am't pd tps. Bal due tp 00.00 00.00 12.03 0.77 57,39 00.64 3.41 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 18.1 I 00.01) 7.90 14.49 85.00 2.00 00,00 4,44 53.19 3.42 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARD3, HP- WOODS, Attornty at Law, Indiana, T . .Professional business promptly attended to. T O. CROUCH, Piivsicias, CurwcMViUe. Clear- ueld county, Penn a. May 14. Law and Real Estate Office adjoining : hi . . May 1. . WALLACE,' Attornev at" Law' Pa. Offil(V ! (t mi r i rt fiia dence on Second street. Spt. 1. ROBERTJ.WAuTAtorninClw field. Pa Office in SLw's now row. Market street, opposite Xaugle's aewolry store. May 2t. J. CRAXS, Attornev at i. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. residence, on Second street. "TILLIAM A. T Clearfield. Townships. Beccaria, Bell, Boggs. Bradford, Brady, Burnside, Chest, Covington, Clearfield, Decatur, Fox, Girard, Ferguson, Goshen, Graham, Huston, . Jordoii, " Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris. Penn, Pike, Union, ' Woodward, Bal due tps., Total. 402,32 176,48 52.00 31,01 26.64 107,10 81.01 88.95 00.00 75,72 00,00 5,52 00,00 27,15 1,81 339.32 - 4.37 250,00 -1 32.00 29,21 410.15 77.27 57 77 1 0'.OS 48.00 319,42 00.00 00.00 00,00 . 00,00 00.00 00,00 00.00 22.42 2.91 3,15 22 00.00 5.71 4,S0 1 ,S9 U7.97 00.00 10.54 50.75 3.30 00.00 00 .00 00.00 "51,70 5.0ft 52755,9(1 52755,90 5319.42. Received of George B. Goodlander, late Treasurer of Clearfield county. Three hun dred and nineteen dollars and forty-two cents, it being the bnlnnce due the SchnJ fund as above. January 22dL18J2. JOSEPH SHAW. Wc the Commissioners of Clearfield Countv. in tho State of Pennsylvania, havine examined the accounts of Geo. B. Goodlander,Esq.. late Treas- i-. i i frt, . . . i, . urcr oi me county oi uieaaneid, tor tfie year A.D 1861, do certify that we find the account of IJon B. Goodlander, as follows : The amount due frnm all sources to be fifteen thousand three hundred and forty dollars and scventv-four cents. Wo al. so find the amount of outstanding orders to h twent' thousand seven hundred andfiftv-tive dol lars jud fifty-five cents, of which Fourteen thou sand nine hundred and ten dollars aro on oourt- bouse contract The balance due Treasurer is thirty-four dollars and ciirhtv-two cents. Witness our hands, this 22d day of January, A. D.1S62. WM. MERRILL, i o SAM E C. THOMPSON, S 3 Attest, JACOB KUNTZ, j 2 Wu. S. Bradley, Clerk. " Wo the Auditors of Clearfield Cou ntv. having examined tho accounts of Geo. B.. Goodlandor.' n.. late Treasurer of the Countv of Clearfield. for the year A. D 18(51, do report that the ac counts are as above stated. The amount due the road fund, by tho Treasurer, is three hundred and thirty-four dollars and eixhty-threc cents. The amount due the School fund, istliree hundred and nineteen dollars and forty-two cunts. The a mount of outstanding orders is twenty thousand seven hundred and lifty-five dollars and fifty-five cents, of which fourteen thousand nine hundred and ten dollars is on the eourt-honse contract. Vs itncss our hands, this 22d day of Jannary, A D. Ia02. j. B.SHAW, B. C. BOWMAN. ? Attest ' C, S. WORRELL. I ? Wni. S. Bradley. Clerk. J ALT ! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cie ot ground alum salt, put up in patent sacKS, at S3.25 per sacK, at tho cheap cash store of November 27. ll. MOSSOP. r UVKAll-l'lVK HUNDRED ACRES A OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. extending HF. N'AUGLE. Watch aud Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room ia wrauaui 6 row, .Market street. w ? f !uil If. J. Nov. 10. M. MCULLOl 'fill. Attorney at Law. CIear held, Pa. Olfit-e. in Cnhon'. building, on Second floor. July 3, 1861. BUC1IER SWOOPE. Attornev at Law n-.r. field, Pa. Ofiict in Graham's Row. fourdoo a west of Graham A Boynton's store. . Xov.10. P. KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in Boards and Shingles. Grain and Produce. Front St, above tho Academy, Clearfield, Pa- Jjl2 VJ. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law, Curwen- ville, Pa., will attend to all business en trusted to his care. Oflice opposite the New Methodist Church. Jan-15. 1S.2. VyiLLIAMF. IRWIN, Marketstrcet, Clearfield, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware, Queenswaro, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. DR. WM. CAMPBELL, often, his professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with Kylertown. Clearfield county. J. D. I'ennini? in May II, 1869. JB M 'EN ALLY, Attorney nt Law. Clearfield, . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Oflicoiu new brick addition, adjoining tho residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. "TOIIN Gl-ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ot t) Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Ta. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals w ith a hearse. . Aprl0,'59. I ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Io j inestio Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of JounuJ OJjUe. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. rnilUMAS J. M'CULLOUGII, Attorney at La J Clearfield, Pa. Office, over the ' Clearfield to. JjaiiK. Deeds and other liu'.-il inslmmciilinrA. pared w ith promptness and accuracy. July 3. D. G. Bl'SH. :::::::: t.j u'm 1 ni-nti BUSH A M'CULLOUGII S Collection Office. Cleaukiei.o. Pknx'a. JOHN RUSSEL & CO., Tanners and Cnrfirr. Pennviile, Clearfield Co , Pa. Kevpeonstautly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which tbey offer for sale at the lowe.t cash nrice I!ilpa of all kinds taken in exchange. Julyl5-54. LARRIMER A TEaT, Attorneys at field, Pa. Will attend promptly Law,CIcar- pronintl v to all l-p-nl and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1856. JAS. H. LAlilUMKlt. ISKAEL TEST. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and virinilr. Residence on Second street, opposite the office of L. J. Crans. Eso. Office, the same that wai recpnt ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can be found unless absent on professional business. . VO. 2, WAKE UP ! The undersigned would 1 1 respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he continues to do all kinds of Blacksniilhimr on short notice and in the vrr best style, at the. Old Shop alongside of the Town Hall. Edge tools of all kinds made and dressed in the best manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The puolic will remember, that I am not in the habit of turning off jobson account of not being able to do them. All I ask is a trial, and then tho public may judge of the work for themselves. Remember the '-Old Shoo" at th Town Hall. JAMES HAFF. Clearfield Pa , August 13. 1861. Any jobs that Mr. Passmore cannot cute, will be done on very short notice. exe- 17,S0 00,00 00,00 to the mouth of the Moshannon. An disable property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of r 11. BUCIIER SWOOPE, Docl9-tf. Attorney at . Law. Clearfield, P Lumber C. John Ferguson, Morris, Penn, Pike,. J. T. II. 00,00 2,29 63.62 09,00 00.00 25,55 00.00 50,43 00,00 15.07 5.97 00,00 00,00 41 22 100".95 00,00 3,80 12.09 74.58 1.13 27.72 15,25 18,92 54.89 21,89 53,85 42.36 4,34 17,31 86.33 86,70 71.45 714.31 107,31 253,85 500.65 302.S6 125.95 oenning Wain, Jfilc. For 1861. Joseph Stewart, 38.3,57 Wm. T. Thorp, 335.2.5 L. M. Lumadue, 148.78 John Wooldridge, 250.85 ui. Schem J. W. Cleaver, J. McKee, Wm. Porter, J. Irwin, J. B. Hngcnot, Wm. McGarvey, 283,79 104,46 John Crane, 278,19 102,66 GreirBell, 227,84 29.36 Thomas Mulkins, 60,3S Zenas Leonard, 1 53.69 D. McDowell, 206,63 Mathew Tate, 106,37 A. Nevling. 166.89 F. E. Hewitt, , 177,15 John Thompson, 153.55 Wm.SIoss, 144.31 O. Emerick, 105,22 J.J.Reed, 390,93 244.31 James Ferjruson, 107.17 ' 6. 91 Jesse iieauts. N.Wash'gt. R. McMurry, Penn, M. S. Sponoer, Pike, R. S. Humphrey. 398,05 109.19 vnion,- u. li. Dressier, 114.99 52,74 Woodward, T. Henderson, 123,23 38,70 Total, Beccaria, Bell, Botrsrs. Bradford, ISrndy, Bloom, Burnside, Clearfield, Curwensv. Covington, Chest, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard. (graham, Goshen, Guelich, Huston. Jordan, Knox, Karthaus, Lawrence. Lumber C. Morris, ' 122.13 107,77 67,67 121,05 271.34 36.62 122,14 236.43 98.0S 53.89 19,47 28,33 67,32 35,S9 54,01 56,44 62.43 55,40 55,03 257.02 102.90 4,1 17.09 -250,91 82.53 26.7S 36,10 20.90 79,33 23,83 9,64 2o,12 21.48 2.60 10,32 . 8,55 8.07 14,25 19.00 21.37 14,74 20,82 7.60 39,42 17,57 15,42 46;07 22.80 21.70 32.30 82,65 16.15 52.72 31.82 23,27 .26,60 32.30 41.32 17.80 15,67 14.72 13,77 10.92 14.25 14,25 25 65 27,55 16,62 55,10 fi,45 18,52 7.45 19,00 46.55 20.90 00,00 CLEARFIELD KJ PA.- IIOUSE, CLEARFIELD. -The subscriber bavin? nurehased the iurnuure ana interest trora It. il. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. K very depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to none in the county. He rcs- licuuuiiy soiicus a snare ot puoiie patronage. July 11, 18b0.-y. GEO. N. CO LB URN. IIIAIKS !! CITAIKS!!! CHAIRS!!!!! HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!!!! J he undersigned has now on hand, at bis Furni ture Rooms on Market St.. Clearfield. Pa . a short distance west of Lita's foundry, a large slock of CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His loner experience in the bu siness make? him fed confident that his chairs are made in a substantial and woiknianlike uiinnor. and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should call at once andeet .1, .i -i , , , . . o iuciu uu iui-y can oe uaa at me lowest rates. ieb 27, 1861. JOHN TROUTMAN. I Mill LA DV'SFfll E N D G O D E Y 'S L A D YS BOOK FOR 1862. The world's favorite. For Years the Standard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United States, the host Lad Magazine in the World and the Cheapest. The Literature is of that kind that can be rmd aloud in the family circle, and the clergy in im mense numbers are subscribers for the Book. The hvi lytdi Writers in America contribute to its pages, and t bay? some that write for no other Magazine. T'tt Mnie is nil original, and would cost 25 scnts(the psicc of the Book) in the music stores ; But most of it is copyrighted, and cannoC be ob tained except in ''Godey " Our Stesl Eirmri)tg. All efforts to rival ui in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department, giving. as we do. many more and infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. f7oicif,s Immense Dot'hle Stcft Foih inn-Plate. Containing from five to seven full length Colored Fashions on each plate. Other magazines give only two. Far Ahead of any Fashions til F'tropeor Amen en. Godey's is the only work in this world that gives theso immense plates, aud they are such a to have excited tho wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of these plates cost $10. 000 111010 than Fashion-plates of the old style. and nothing but onr wonderfully large circulation enables ustogivetbem Other magazines cannot afford it We never snare money when' the pnb liccnn be benefited. These fashions may be relied on. Dresses maybe made alter them, and ih wearer will not subject herself to ridicule, as Would be the case if she visited the larco-citiea dratfled after the style of tho plates givey in some of our so culled fashion magazines Our Wood Eiigrarirtz. of which wc rriretnii-M or three times as many as any other magazine, are often mistaken for steel. They are so far superior to any others. imitations, lSeware of thcm.: Remember thai the Lady's Book is the original publication and the cheapest. If you take Godey. vou want no other magazine. Everything that is useful or ornamental in a house can bo found in Godey. urau'tH!? lstssonx. -o other mazarine cives them, and we have given enough to fill several A It 31 FOR SALE. The following described I lare volumes. 'ann- situated in Decatur township.CIcarfield Ottr Receipt are aneh as can be found looking in all it variety Confectionery . I r1' . : 1 . . i. 1 , . $8096 914190 34155082 Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of Philirsbnrs-. on the Glen Hope road, containing nr. 1, aiut iivnnu-oiie acjres and alluiv:i nr- Thpw r adout eiiruty-fivc acres cleared and iimkr a imod state ot cultivation; with a large, well finished. iraine oaDK oarn, a coinloitable hewed log house, and a well finished frame dwelling house and other out buildings erected thereon, never failinsr springs ot water at the buildings, and a large and well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees. The wood land being well timbered and under laid with a four and a half foot vein of stone coal. The above farm affords rare inducements to pur chasers. Jor further information ecouire of R. D. SUOWALTER, Philipsburg. Oct. 23, 1861. 6m. - . - , - Centre, Co. Pa. yULCANITE BASE FOR AKTH'ICIAL TEETH. Attention is especially called to this article, as" a ouravHuw iui gum iu inserting lee in. Many per sons who have tnrd all kinds of motnlir. h.-L, r.,. fcr this, and in those cases where it is applicable, it will in a great measure become a substitute for goia, silver or piatina. 'Its chief advantages arc. Aggregate am't due from Collectors, $8096.91 Aggregate am't due from unseated lands. 6l35i61 Aggregate am't of notes, judgments Ac, 1108,22 Outstanding county orders, $ 5S45.55 Court House ooniract. 14910.00 Due Treasurer, 34.82 laa-ebtedness of County. else . the Nursery the Toilet the Lanndrv the K itch. en. iteceipts upon all sul jcts are to be found in the pages of tbo Lady's Book. Wo orit'intll w started this department, and have pueuliarfacili- ttcs tor mailing it most perfect. This department aione is worm tne price of the Book. IV orfc I able,. 1 his department compri ses engravings and descriptions of every article that a lady wears. . jSIodid Cottages. No other magazine has thi department. lerms. Cash iu Advance. One conv one mir. 53- Two conies one vcar. ?5. Three cunics ona year, $6. Four copies ono year, $7. Five copie " one year, and an extra copy to the person Sehdihg" the club, $10- Eight copies one year, and an ex- ' tra copy to the person sending the club. SIS Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to I o person sending the club, S20. And the eiJi? magazine that can be introduced into the- abor clubs in.placeof the Lady's Book, is Axthur's Home Magazine. Special Clufthin irith other Manzinet Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's 11pMi;i1. I. ... 1. . . . - c o -i r. i ,t . , . . . cheapness, li-htncss and Mtf IaZZY t71 ZL ""l ' v 8 LttU7 8 P. mouth ithavin? & silt fi in a ..f j. . ... .."pr ,or ' J" ,i, . ' " , , ' ii.uii 1. 1 uouei, narper. ann Arinur Will all . "u,vu ""-"uiwiD coniaoi. one vear. on reooir.t a mi Total, 5419,63 $20799,37 $20790.37 A.M. Hills is nrenared t,i nut nn tnnih nr. Oin Vulcanite Base, with Goodyear's Patent Gum, which 13 the only reliable nreneration. and only be had through their regular agents. Dr. Hills will always be found in hia office on Friday and Saturday, unless notice appears to the contrary, in the town papers, the previous week. three be sent' and "otes of all solvent banks taken careful and pay the postage on your letter. Aoarcss 1j. a. GODEY, . 323 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Pa. " FLOUfU-A Sd arele for sale at the store 1 hanlo! WM. i IRWfX "' Cm V i . i V ; i i II