MM & fJ Hi IH if M !Mi Ml rf n )M IH N H M it ii ii, i ii vv y i. hi hi. ,ii II 1 - BY S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1862. VOL. 8.-N0. 24. THE WINTER OF UZ. The snow of Winter gently falls, And whitens o'er theground ; Thns, with the snowy wreaths of time The brow of age is bound. It never melts, but slowly falls, Silent mud scarcely seen. Vntil the heads of those we love U litter with silver sheen. . Time never heeds the pain or grief Which human nature feels ; No backward movement ever makes Cut onward rolls it wheels ; Regardless of the bitter wail Of hearts by anguish riven ; The songs of youth, the 'plaints of age, Unheeded, rise to Heaven. Oh, could we find the fabled spring Which would our youth restore ; "Or gaie, like travelers outward bound, tu the receding shore ; ' ' Cut all in vain the bounding wave Htill bears us from the strand ; The mystic water's power is naught But tale of fairy laud. Better to bear with cheerful heart The change that time may bring, And garner treasures for old age, Than sigh for endless Spring. Treasures of faith, and hope and love, Freely to mortals given ; Death will restore our youthful bloom There's no old age in Heaven. THE JOURXAL. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE "JOURNAL." Camp PiEnroNT, Va., Jan. 29, 1862. Dear Row : As we have become somewhat reconciled to camp lite, and have banished the idea of moving from hero from some time I thought I would try to find material for an other letter, yet it seems to be somewhat of task but as I have just spent 6ix or seven uavs in unit ueiectaoio institution Known as the "Division Hospital!" I adopt it as the subject. The Hospital, is a two story house about two hundred yards from camp, and was for nierly owned by a rebel named Cook. 1 will only speak of that part in which I was not leing in such health, neither had I the privi lege to visit the apartments. I occupied i place in the garret where the cots are struck back under the Rafters, and it requires some care 10 get out wunout uringing your neaa in contact with the roof. It appears to be most miserably conducted throughout." The sur geon does not appear to give that personal at' teution to cleanliness in the departments that the case demands. In the "room" I occupied there were two attendants, who also brought up the meals, water, washed the eating u I - . m . . leusns ,cui wooa, etc. zneso attendants are men who have become well, and are retained lor two or three days untill others are able to taktr ttwr places. This is all well enough, and I wish I could stop here. 13ut justice to my ieiiow soldiers forbids it. I noticed four or five who seemed to me to be playing the "old soldier," i. e. only pretending sick ncss. Either one of them could eat as much as two ordinary men, and of the strongest Kind or diet at that such as bread, butter, coiiee, cheese, sausage, mackerel, and a pound cf meat, to the raan furnishing all themselves except the coffee, bread and meat. Yet, for boom, mese are sick men. it strikes me very forcibly that men who can eat as hearty as tnese oo, are ut go to work. However, Hiis might be overlooked, if they did not mo nopolize all the chairs and fire to the cxclu sion of the really sick, who are thereby com pelied to lie in bed to keep warm. They, too, are all eneveAte tobacco cbewers, and the sa- iita flows into three or four spit-boxes, at the Hove, in a constant stream ; and the stove lw- icg Lot the spittle is kept at nearly a boil, winch causes the room to be infected w ith an almost intolerable stench to say nothing of other nuisances. In my humble opinion, when a man can eat and digest the strongest Kind ol food, and chew tobacco enough to kill a hog, he should be driven or kicked out, and set to work, for their presence in the hospital is a perfect nuisanse. And further, I think that the rules established by the Sanitary Commission in regard to cleanliness, pure air, etc., should be more rigidly enforced in our hospitals which, for the sake of our sick sol diers, should be done immediatly. The cook ing apartment is another part of the establish ment that needs some attention. The coffee is not fit to drink (being worse than that we get in camp,) the rice often burnt and fre quently neither milk nor sugar with it. I called for soup for my dinner one day ; not doubling it would be rice or something of that kind, but to my surprise they brought mc a little greasy water in which they had boiled their meat. This is the way the men are taken care of m the Division" Hospital, which is no better fare than in the camp. Unquestionably, men who are sick, should have such diet as suits their condition. But, instead of-this, the managers of the cooking department seem only to study their own conveniences, and hash up anything that is the easiest and quick est done. These reflections are not written with pleasure, but for the benefit of my fellow soldiers, who are often made to suffer unnecos "niy, because those who are princely paid by the government, neglect the important duties Joirusted to their care. You have my opinion 80 far as my observations extend. You can 'e'y on this statement, as I have no motive to jguise facts ; and if I have inadvertantly trod on anybody's corns, let them stand from nD(r. As ever yours. '.V. R. B. A Preacher's Advice. Lorenzo Dow once closed a discourse with the following language, ich is as singular for its quaintness as prac t'Citi ij. Its advice : "I want you my young ooers, to get married, and devote your time to morality and money making. Then let Jur home be provided with such necessaries comforts as piety, pickles, pots and ket 'cs, brushes, brooms, and benevolence, bread, 'ctue, wine and wisdom. Have these always a hand, and happiness will be with you. Do 01 drink anything intoxicating, eat moder le,J, go about your business alter breakfast, loQtige a little after dinner, chat after tea, and after quarrelling. Then all the joy, the Pce and bliss this earth can afford, shall bo JUQrg Until th a rrravA nlnaoa rw r vtrin anrf spirits are borne to a brighter and hap- l"r world." s In tha Pce ef forty years Mexico has had Wfr than fifty-flve different governments. SPEECH OF HON. DAVID WILMOT, OF PENNSYLVANIA, In the TJ. S. Senate, Thursday, Jan. 30, 1862. The'following resolution was under consid eration : Whereas, Hon. Jesse D. Bright, heretofore, on the 1st day of March, 1861, wrote a letter, of which the following is a copy : "Washington, March 1, 1801. "My Dear Sir: Allow me to introduce to your acquaintance my friend Thomas B. Lin coln, of Texas. He visits your capital mainly to dispose of what he regards a great improve ment in fire-arms. I recommend him to your favorable consideration as a gentleman of the first respectability, and reliable ic every re spect. . Jesse D. Bright. "To His Excellency, Jefferson Davis, "President of the Confederation of States. And Whereas, We believe the said letter is evidence of disloyalty to the United States, and is calculated to give aid and comfort to the public enemies : Theiefore Be it Resolced, That the sftiri Jesse D. Bright is expelled from his seat in the Senate of the United States. Mr. Wilmot. Mr. President, I shall be brief in what l Iiave to say on this case. To me i seems to lie in a very narrow compass. Before proceeding to speak of the case, desire to say that my relations with the Sena tor from Indiana are of such a character that shall with pain vote to expel him lroiu his sea ; k :.. i i .. . . in imo uuuj. oevenieen years ago we met in this Lapitol ; both young men, and both mem oeis oi trie tnen dominant party. Since then we have differed widely, touching public men una measures ; yet through all the heat and bitterness of political warfare for the past (if . 1 i . ... iccii i nave reuiemuered with pleasure our early acquaintance and intercourse. I sincerely regret the position in which the Sen aiui is piuceu. sense oi ptiDiic duly alone constrains me to vote for his expulsion lrom the Senate. What is the case presented against the Sen ator from Indiana ? It rests upon no disputed or doubtful facts. Every important fact in the case is admitted full conlession is mad a in open Cbcnata. I tie Senator from Indiana tells us that he would, under the same circumstan ces, do again the act complained of. Mr President, the Senator's views of duty and my own diner so widely, that what he regards as innocent and natural, as a proper courtesy to an oiu menu, to me has the features of dis'oy alty not to give it the harsher name of trea son. Hat, sir, are the facts and circumstances of this case ? The slaveholders of the nation, relying on Human slavery as the bond of their unity and strength, unwilling that the free men of the Kepublic should assume the manage ment of Government allairs, set on foot a re bellion in the southern and slaveholding States of the Union. When this letter was written, it naa ueen carried forward to the organization of an independent government : the machinery or mat government was in active operation Armies were being organized, disciplined, and equipped, to maintain the rebellion bv the powur of the sword. Every reasonable houe oi a settlement was past. I he Senator from Indiana knew all this; no man knew it better. It is true, from the timidity I might almost say complicity of the late Administration, no oiow naa ieen struck at this formidable re I -It: . i . uciiion; siwi uiose concerned in it were no less traitors for this cause. The cowardice or even treachery of Mr. Buchanan could in no degree excuse Davis and his co-workers in treason. The forbearance of the Government towards the traitors cannot be pleaded by thern in extenuation of their crime : nor can their ders and abettors shield themselves behind the weakness or treachery of those then in power, let here rests one of the strong grounds of defense taken by and for t ho Sena tor fiom Indiana. The Government had done nothing agaiust the rebellion ! It had brought no armies in the field ! had fought no battles! "A fear that betrayed like treason" had para lyzed the executive arm, and the Government was sinking into imbecility and contempt! How does all this change the character of the rebellion, or extenuate the crime of those in volved in it I The Senator from Indiana ad mits that he could not have written the letter with innocence after the proclamation of Pres ident Lincoln calling for seventy-five thousand men. Why not. if he could do so before ? Did the proclamation change the position of Davis towards this Government Did it in volve any one in guilt who, up to that time, was innocent ? Was it innocent for Lincoln to go upon his errand with an improved fire arm to the confederate government before the proclamation, and treasonable to go after wards ? It is Idle to look here for any exten uation of the case whatever. The proclama tion of the President in no way affects it. Jefferson Davis was the chosen chief of the rebel government. He was every inch a trai tor. The Senator from Indiana knew the damning treason of his friend and former as sociate. HIT crime was a wicked one the most so of any of which man can be guilty the deepest dyed aud blackest in the catalogue of crime. To me it seems that many gentlemen of the late Democratic party are afflicted with amor al obliquity in the view they take of this wick ed rebellion and its authors. The leading traitors so long dominated over the Democratic party that the fragment that now remains seem to connect the rebellion with a struggle for Democratic ascendency, and the leading traitors as friends haviDg strong claims on their sympathy. Evidently the Senator from In diana was strongly possessed of this view of the treason and the traitors. To judge rightly of tho act of the Senator, we must look at the rebellion and its chief as they truly are the one as a treasonable revolt against a just Government, and the other as the chief of traitors. He was no other than a rank traitor, a great State criminal, that the Senator addressed on the 1st of March as "his excellency, the president of the confederated States, "commending to his confidence as "re liable in every respect" one who sought the rebel government on a treasonable errand. What was the errand on which the Senator from Indiana commended his friend to the usurper and traitor at Montgomery ? It was no other than the sale of an alleged improved fire-arm. Have 1 stated the case too strongly against the Senator from Indiana 1 I would j not do so. To me, sir, it has the complexion of agreat crime. I will not call it treason, although it might be difficult to find a. more appropriate name for it. It was well said by the Senator from Nevr York, Mr. Harris, that if the letter had not been written, or if its essential part were taken away, it would be a very innocent thing, and no Senator would think of expelling the Sena tor from Indiana from his seat. Unfortunate ly, the letter was written. An indictment for murder, portnit me to say to the Senator from New York, with the homicide clause out, Would bo a very harmless piece of paper. Mr. President, I have briefly considered to whom this letter was addressed to a desper ate traitor. It commended to his fullest con fidence one who entertained a traitorous pur pose, and the matter of the letter was most treasonable. Here is the whole case, and it sounds of treason in every part. What was the position and relation to the Government of the Union of him who wrote the letter J lie was a Senator, one of the high officers of the Government a sworn. confidential adviser of the President. What was his plain and bounded duty ? To stand by the Government, with all his energies and power. To be vigilant, constant, and untiring in his efforts to crush the rebellion, and to bring to punishment its leading traitors. This u-as his duty. Can it be possible that a loyal Senator could so far forget this high duty as to hold communication with the rebellious government, touching tho purchase of an un proved fire-arm ? It cannot be possible. No loyal citizen would have done it, much less a loyal Senator. Forgetful of his duties, un faithful to his senatorial trust, lie is no lunger worthy of i seat in this Senate. With all respect for my colleague, and for the honorable Senator fiom .New l'ork, I must say that in my judgement they have taken a narrow and technical view of this case. They with the Senator from Indiana as one on his trial for treason, and themselves as judges or jurors sworn to try him under all the technical rules of presumptions and reasonable doubts, applicable in such cases. Herein they greatly err. We sit here in trial upon the Senator from Indiana, not to pronounce judgment a g.iinst him for the crime of treason, but to say by our votes, under the facts before us, if he ha a loyal and safe man to sit in this high council of State. Mr. Cowan. I desire to ask my honorable colleague, if Mr. Bright is not guilty or trea son, what is ho guilty of ? Mr. Wilmot. I will answer my colleague by saying that if I were called upon to-day to give any definition of his offense I should pronounce it treason ; but I am frank to admit that if I were sitting as a juror, there are those doubts hanging about the case that would make me hesitate to pronounce a verdict of guilty ; but as a Senator, I will not hesitate as to the vote I shall give here. The conduct of the Senator from Indiana, judged by the facts and circumstances surrounding the case, looks like treason j still I might not be pre pared so to pronounce, sitting as a juror on his trial. I know not under what circumstan ces of haste, or thoughtlessness, the letter was written. These, if they existed, were for the Senator from Indiana to show. There may not have existed, at tho time the letter was written, that deliberate and wicked purpose essential to the technical crime of treason. We know not. We have tho letter before up. It xcas written to a traitor, and for a traitor, and to further a treasonable end. What more does my colleague want I The Senator on trial has given us no facts or mitigating circumstances whatever. As a juror, I might even refuse on the case, as it stands, to pronounce the verdict of guilty of high treason. But when the case is presented to me as a Senator is the Sena tor from Indiana a safe man to sit here ? Is his loyalty and fidelity to the Government justly obnoxious to strong and well-grounded impeachment Can ho be trusted to advise the President, and to share in our delibera tions, in this crisis of public affairs ? To these inquiries! can have no doubt whatever. I shall vote to expel the Senator from Indiana from his seat in the Senate. What it is right to do in this case, the Sen ate should do promptly and fearlessly. A ti midity, bordering on cowardice, paralyzes the arm of the Government. Treason stalks - broad in open day. We must vindicate the character of the Senate, and our own self-respect ; we must give to the people an assur ance that here at least, infidelity and disloyal ty meet with a speedy and condign punishment. jnow, sir, it seems to me that I have stated the whole case. I put the case upon the re cord and upon nothing else. I placeit upon the Senator's letter of tho 1st of March. I take that letter and the circumstances of the country at the time, the position of the Sena tor, the position of the man to whom the letter was written, the position of the man for whom it was written, and the errand upon which he went, and I say the facts are conclusive and overwhelming against the Senator from Indi ana. There is no possible escape from the conclusion. It is a Iecal maxim that a man is responsible for the natural and necessary con sequences of his act. What did the Senator do He commended one traitor to another. and the errand upon which he commended him was by the admission of all a treasonable errand ; it was to give to him an improved fire-arm. Can it be possible, as I asked before, that a loyal Senator would do this? Sir, suppose your Commanding General had Ivritteu such a letter, would there have been any doubt as to lis complicity with the traitors ? The Senator rom Indiana occupies a position in this Gov ernment as high and responsible in many re spects as the Commauding General of youf Army. Nay, sir, in dignity of character he occupied a position second onlv to the Presi dent of tho nation. Suppose he had written uch a letter, would 3 0U have had any doubt as to his complicity with the traitors ? Would you have had any doubt that he had at least forgotten his duty to this Government ? Sir, an impeachment could have rested on the etter; and to-day I have serious doubts as to what would be the result of the tiial of the Senator from Indiana before an impartial jury. Fair Play. A son of Erin having hired his services to cut some ice, was asked if he could use the cross-cut saw. He replied that he "could surely." He was sent accordingly, n company with some of his co-laborers, to cut some ice, and on reaching the centre of the pond the saw was produced with both handles still in their place. The verdant son, looking at the saw, very cooly put his hand in his pocket and drawing from it a cent, said, '.Now, Jamie, fair play; head or tail, who goes below." It is only those who have done nothing that fancy they can do etery thing. A BttlEF HISTORY OF THE TIMES. Chronology of the Rebellion, &c. lath Ij. S. steamer attacked the rebel bat tery at Sewell's Point, 2 wounded on our side wo schooners with rebel troops taken in the Potomac Rebels at Harper's Ferry rein- iorcea. JOth Seizure of telegraphic dispatches throughout the North bv orders from m Wash- ington .North Carolina Secession ordinance adopted Interview between between Gen. Harney and Gen. Price about Missouri aflairs Gov. Magoffin issued his proclamation of the neutrality of Kentucky Mails having con nection with the rebel States, on the sea coast and rivers, cut off. 21st Confedernte Congress adjourned to meet at Richmond, Va., on the 20th of July The Confederates establish a hlorfendM nf tin. Mississippi river at Memphis, Tenn. 22d Ship Island fortifications destroved to keep them from the rebels Flag-raising at the Postoffice in Washington, speeches were mane oy the rresideut and Cabinet. 24th General movement of troops into Vir ginia ine rebels evacuate Alexandria Col iMsworh shot by the rebel Jackson, landlord of the Marshall House, Alexandria, from which ine ooionel had tak-en down a secession flag Jackson was instantly killed Arlington Heights occupied by our troops Virginia cavalry company captured 25th Our troops destroyed bridges on the Alexandria and Leesburg railroad Rebel at tack on the 12th New York regiment, nobody hurt Ellsworth's funeral at Washington. 2Gth Alexandria put under martial law- Western irginia voted strongly for the Union 27th Chief-Justice Taney's habeas corpus in me .nerryman case disregarded by General oauwanader isiockade of the Mississippi commenced by the sloop-of-war Brooklvn Brig-Gen. McDowell fakes command at Wash ington Mobile blockaded. oth Gen. Butler advanced his forces to Newport News Savannah blockaded About one hundred slaves escaped from their masters in Virginia, and took refuge in Fortress Mon roe, and General Butler declared them prizes ana reiusea to restore them. -Jtn Jetf Davis reached Richmond Our troops advanced towards Harper's Ferry, the reoeis retire towards Jlartinsburff. 30th Rebels fled from Grafton, Va., and Col. Kelly took possession with Union troops neueis ien oacK trom V illiamsport Md olst Gen. Lyon superceded Gen. Harney .uaj-uen s. uanks and Jt remont commissiou ed Gun-boat Freeborn engaged rebel batter ies at Acqnia Creek. june 1st, 1601 Eieut. Tompkins. U. S. regular cavalry, with 47 men charged through the rebels at Fairfax Court House, killing rebel Capt. Marr and several others, Tompkins had .s Kinea. 3d Rebels routed at Philippi, Va., by Col Kelly, with a loss of 16 killed and 10 prison ers ; 2 Lnion men were killed, and Col. Kelly was wounuea senator Douglas died Border state Convention met Privateer Savannah captuitd oft South Carolina coast by U. S.brig rerry. bth Tne Harriet Lane engaged the Pig Foint batteries Capt. Ball's rebel cavalry capturea ai Alexandria, sworn nnd let go. mi vjen. jratterson s army corps com menced its march toward Virginia, from Ohambersburg, Brig. Gen. Thomas leading the advance. 8th The bridges over the Potomacat Point 01 itocks and Berlin were burned by order of reoei uen. L,ee. 9th A. II. Stephens made his cotton loan speech at Miledgville. 10th Battle at Big Bethel : Union force under Gen. Pierce repulsed, 14 killed, and 45 wounded ; Lieut. Grebel and Major Winthrop 4inea ; reois say they had 17 killed. 11th Ool. Wallace surprised and routed oOO rebels at Romney, Va., killing 2, losing none v Heeling Convention met. 12th Gov. Jackson of. Missouri, issued a proclamation calling out oO.OOO men resist the Federal Government. 13th Fast-day in the rebel States. 14th Rebels evacuated and burned Har per's Ferry railroad bridge, and took the ar mory machinery to Richmond Maryland con gress election showed a Union victory. 15th Privateer Savannah arrived at New York as a prize Gen. Lyon occupied Jefler son City, Mo. Rebels under Price retreated to Booneville. I6th Skirmish at Seneca Mills, a secession captain and 2 men killed. 17th Western Virginia Convention unani mously voted its independence of fthe rebel section of the State The surprise at Vienna, rebels fire upon a railroad train, killing 8 U nion soldiers, Gs rebels killed Battle ol Boon ville, Mo., Gen. Lyon routed the rebels under Gen's Price and Jackson ; about 50 rebels killed. Lyons lost only 2 Gen. Patterson crossed the Potomac at Williamsport. 19th Rebels occupied Piedmont, Va. 35 rebels captured "at Liberty, Mo. Andrew Johnson spoke at Cincinnati The Wheeling Convention passed an ordinance re-organizing the State Government. 20th Maj. Gen. McCIellan took command in Western Virginia Wheeling Convention elected Frank II. Pierpoint Governor of Vir ginia, and Daniel Palsly Lieut. -Governor. 21st EastTennesseeUnion Convention met -dd Balloon reconnoissance commenced Forty-eight locomotives, valued at four hun dred thousand dollars, belonging to the Balti more and Ohio Railroad Company, were de stroyed at Martinsburg, Va., by the rebels. 24th Gov. Harris proclaimed Tennessee out of the Union, tho vote of the people be iug for secession Largo fire at Richmond Virginia. 25th Virginia Secession vote announced at 128,884 to 32,131 against Iowa voted a war loan of $600,000 2Gth The President acknowledged the Wheeling government as the government of Virginia Skirmish at Patterson's creek, Va., 17 rebels and 1 Union man killed. 27th Marshal Kane arrested In Baltimore J. C. Fremont arrived from Europe En gagement between gunboats Pawnee and Free born and rebel batteries at Mathias Point j Capt. Ward of the Navy killed. 28th Skirmish at Falls Church, Va., one Union and two rebel troops killed Skirmish at Shooter's Hill, Va., one Union and two reb els killed. " 29th General conncil of war at Washington Steamer St. Nicholas captured in tb Poto mac by the rebels, aided by Thomas, the 'French Lady." . . Jclt 1st, 1861 Privateer Sumter escaped from the Mississippi Privateer Petral escap ed from Charleston Fight at Buekhanoon,Ya. rebels routed, 23 killed and 200 prisoners Rebels routed at Falling Waters, Va. A n en gagement took place at Ilaynesville, Va. Skirmish at Farmington, Mo. -id Engagement near Marsinsbursr. Va.. reDe's routed, loss heavy, Union loss 3 killed v irginia legislature at heeling orga : organized. od Arkansas called out 10,000 men to re pel invasion Rebel company, 94 men, taken at Neosho, Mo. 4th Congress met in extra session New Hampshire voted a 1,000,000 loan for the war Rebels seized Louisville and Nashville railroad Great Union Meeting in San Fran cisco. 5th President's Message read : the Presi- called for 400.000 men. and $ 100.000.000 to aid 111 putting down the rebellion Battle at Carthage, Mo., between 1100 Union troops un der Ool. Sigel, and 5000 rebels under Gov Jackson, tebel om 330 killed and wounded Lnion loss 13 killed, 31 wounded. 6th Gallant ligrht of 45 men of 3d Ohio regi ment at Middle lork bridge, near Buckhan "on, cutting through an ambuscade of about 300 rebels. th Infernal machine found in the Poto mac Battle at Brier Forks, near Carthage Mo., drawn. bth Skirmish at Bird's Point, Mo., rebel lost 3 killed and 8 wounded Rebels routed at Bealington, Va. Attack on a rebel camp at t londa, Mo., which was broken up Col. Tay lor brought to th Piesident a message lrom Jeff Davis concerning prisoners captured as privateers liiomas the "French Lady, '"taken in .Baltimore. Oth Maj. Gen. Fremont put in command of the W estern Department Virginia Legis ture, at W heeling, elected John S. Carlile and Waitman T. Willey to the U. S. Senate, in place ot the rebels Hunter and Mason. 10th Battle at Laurel Hill, Va., rebel routed, loss unknown, Union loss 1 killed- Miarp skirmish at Monroe station, Mo., rebels driven off. 11th Battle at Rich Mountain, Va., Gen Kosencrantz defeated Col. Pecram. took all his camp equipage, killing CO and took a great many prisoners, six cannon and a large num ber of horses and wagons : Union loss 11 kill ed and 3-5 wounded 12th Col. Pegram surrendered to Gen. Mc Clellan his whole force of 600 men Union troops occupied Beverly Rebels routed a Barboursville, Va Skirmish at Newport i ews, iz U nion men taken prisoners 13th Battle of Carrick'srord,Va.,Gen.Gar- nctt, ot V a., commander of the rebels killed rebel loss 200 killed and wounded ; Union loss 13 killed, 40 wounded ; rebel power in Western Virginia broken Fairfax Court House occupied 15th Skirmish at Bunker Hill, Va., rebels routed reace meeting at Xyack, N. Y 16th Skirmish at Millville, Mo., rebels fire into a train of cars Tighlman, a negro, killed three or a prize crew on the schooner S. J. W aring and brought the vessel intoN. York The rebel scouts and pickets driven beyond fairtax Uourt House. 17th Skirmish at Fulton, Mo., rebels driv en back with loss. 18th First battle of Bull Run, at Black burn's Ford, Union troops under Gen. Tvler. rebels under Beauregard ; alter 3 hours fight ing, fGen. lyler ordered his men to fill back to Centreville; Unioa loss 19 killed, 38 wound ed, 2G missing; rebel loss (Beauregard's re port), 15 killed, 53 wounded. lytu Gen Banks supercedes Gen. Patter son in command ou the Potomac 20th The Union army moved to the vicin ity of Manassas Junction Rebel Congress met at Richmond The rebels under Henry A. w ise, fled from the V alley of tho Big Kana wha, ou the approach of the Union troops. zist liattle ot Bull Run; 18,000 Union men under Gen. McDowell attacked the rebel armv (27,000 in action according to Beauregard's report),and in a desperate conflict of 10 hours almost won the hotly contested ground, when an uuaccountablo panic seized upon the Union army, and nearly the whole force retreated in disorder toward Washington. Union loss. 4y killed, 1,011 wounded, l,o00 prisoners ; rebel loss (Beauregard's report), 393 killed 1200 wounded. 22d Gen. McCIellan placed in command of the Potomac army. 2od General disorganization of Gen. Mc Uowelrs army commences, and the 3-months men return home. 23th A slight skirmish took place at Ilar- rissonviile, Va., in which the rebels lost six killed. 29th The Southern Bank Convention, held its second session in Richmond, and adjourn ed alter advising the Rebel Government to is sue 100,000,000 Treasury Notes. 0th iho Missouri State Convention de clared vacant tho State of5ces, and the seats of the members ot the Legislature ; The State officers and a majority of the Legislature were secessionists. 31st The Missouri Convention elected n. R. Gamble Governor, W. P. Hall Lieut.Gov., and M. Oliver Secretary of State, all Union men. August 1st, 1861 Gen. McCIellan begins the reorganization of the army Rebels leave Harper's Ferry, fall back to Leesburg Priva teer retral sunk by the St. Lawrence ; crew taken. 2d War tax and tariS bill passed Congress; 500,000'men to bo raised Battle ol Dug Spring Mo , Lren. lA-on deieatea lien Mconlloctrs force; rebel loss 40 killed, 44 wounded; Union loss 8 killed, 30 wounded Fort Fil more, New Mexico, traitorously surrendered by Major Lynde, who had 750 men Rebel vessels and stores destroyed in Pokomoke sound. 3d Some of the vessels of the blockading fleet threw a few shells into Galveston A skirmish took place at Point of Rocks, Va. A battle was fought at Athens, Mo., the rebels were routed. 6th The special session of Congress ad journed, after sitting 33 days. 7th Village of Hampton burned by rebels under Gen. Magruder Privateer York burned by ganboat Union. 8th Skirmish at Lovettsville, Va., rebels routed. 9th An attack was made on tho rebels at Potosi, Mo. 10th Battle of Wilson's Creek rear Spring field, Mo. Gen. Lyon, with 5200 men attack ed 24,000 rebels under McCulloch,R4ins,Price and Jackson, and repulsed them, but afterward refreated to Rolla ; rebel loss 421 killed, 13 wounded ; Union loss 2G3 killed, 721 wounded Gen. Lyon was killed while heading a charge 11th Twenty-two Reb-. l prisouers were cap tured at Georgetown, Mo. 12th Ex-minister Faulkner arrested Ban gor Democrat office destroved bv a mob 13th Battle near Grafton, Va., 21 rebels killed ; no Union loss During a skirmish at Matthias Point, Va., the Unionists lost three killed and one wounded. 14th Mutiny in the 79th N. Y., regiment at Washington Fremont declared martial law in Missouri. 15th Davis ordered all northern men to leave the South in 40 days. 10th President proclaims non-intercourse with the rebel States Various newspapers in New York presented by the grand jury for hostility to the Government Gen. Wool took command at Fortress Monroe Passport sys tem established The Rebel camp at Fred ericktown, 31 o., was attacked and twelve of the enemy were, taken prisoners A boat's crew of the Union steamer Resolute was fired on by a Rebel battery at Aquia creek, Va. Three were killed and one wounded. 18th A fight took place at Charlestown, Missouri A slight skirmish occurred at Lady's Fork, Va. 19th Editor of Essex Co. Democrat, Mass., tarred aud feathered for rebel sentiments The Secretary of War issued an order -calling up on the Governors of the Northern States to send immediately to Washington all regiments and parts of regiments In their respective States The State Department in Washington issued a notice setting forth that no person would be allowed to go abroad from a port of the United States without apasppoit. 20th Mayor Berretl, of Washington arrest ed for declining to take the oath Col. McCunn dismissed for misconduct A skirmish took place at Hawk's Nest, in the Kanawha Valley, Virginia. Four thousand Rebels attacked the barricades of the Eleventh Ohio Regiment, and were driven back with the loss of fifty killed. Only two Union men were wounded The Wheeling Convention passed an ordi nance erecting a new State to be called Kana wha, by a vote of 50 to 28. 21st Bird's Point affair; 40 rebels killed and 17 taken ; Union loss 1 killed, G wounded A skirmish occurred at Cross Lanes, Va. 24th J.G.Berret, Mayor of Washington city, was arrested on a charge of treason, and conveyed a prisoner to Fort Lafayette, in New York harbor. 26th Seventh Ohio regiment surprised at Somerville, Va., while at breakfast, but fought their way out, losing 3 captains and 3 other officers. Floyd commanded the rebels Hat teras expedition sailed. 28th-29th Bombardment and taking of Forts Hatteras and Clark, rebel loss in prison ers 765, Commodore Barton, was taken, with a large amount of ammunition anl stores, and two vessels 2000 rebels attacked Lexington, Mo., having no artillery, they were repulsed, with a loss of GO killed 23 rebel prisoners were taken at Greytown, Mo. TO BE CONTINUED. Novel Mode of Caruso the Mail. The rebels in the lower counticn of Maryland are so closely watched by the Union troops, that they find it difficult to communicate with their friends in Virginia. Their last dodge is the most novel which has yet been put Into oper ation : A largo kite is made, covered with silk, so as to render it imprevious to water. The tail is formed by folding letters or news papers together, and tying them with a loop knot each letter, or perhaps two letters to gether, forming a bag. When the tail is as heavy as the kite can conveniently bear under. a cord long enough to reach about twe-thirds of the way across the river is attached, and the kite raised in the air. After fhe kite has exhausted the string, or has reached a suffi cient height, the cord is cut, and the concern, gradually descending, is borne by the breeze to the v irginia shore, where the tobs are tak en off ly those in waiting, and new ones for their sympathizing friends in Maryland tied on in their stead. With jth first favorable wind, back comes the kite to the Maryland shore, and vice versa. Although mishap sometimes occur to the tnail bv a sudden change of the wind wafting it into the river, as a general thing the dodge is successful. By this means, large numbers of letters and North ern newspapers find their way into Virginia. The Death of Children. There is some thing exceedingly mysterious in the early death of the finest children. Nevertheless, may we not charge God foolishly. Yon know well how, sometimes, you would take the lit tle object of its fondest regard out of the hand and eager grasp of your dear little child, not n sieru severity, out to anure its greater will ingness to come to yourself. God dealeth with us as with children ; he snatches from us, it may be in the bud, the finest specimens of our nature, around which the fondness and the hope of our hearts cling not because He would cast us off, but that He may the more effectually win our thoughts aud our hearts to himself here, and the more easily reconcile us hereafter to be likewise ever with the Lord. Of little human flowers, Death gathers many. He places them upon his bosom, and he is transformed into something less terrifllc than before. We learn to gaze and shudder not, for he carries in his arms the sweet blossoms of our earthly hopes. Deep Plowing A recent English writer makes the following sensible remarks on dep culture : "That land may be injured by deep culture is a common but a erroneous opinion. Plowing down good earth and up bad, and let- mg them remain in that position, must lessen fertility for a time, but that is not deep cul ture ; it is literary exchanging good earth for bad, and is the reason why individuals declare that they have injnred their land by deep plowing. Let the nature of the land be what may, it can be raised to its greatest fertility only by a sufficiently deep pulverization and mixture of the engredients. Where the sub soil is of good quality, and in many places it better than the soil, bring it up at once to the surface. W here deep culture is judicious ly executed, in no case does the new earth lesson or destroy the fertility of the Id ; n th-e contrary, they improve each other, and constitute a deeper and more productive soil." "Does the razor take hold well I" inquired barber, who was shaving a gentleman from the country. "Yes," reqlied the customer, with tears in his eyes, "it takes holt first-rate but dont let go worth a cent." 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