Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 29, 1862, Image 1

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    BY S. J. ROW.
YOL. 8.-NO.
O Brothers and sisters, growing old,
Do you all remember yet ...,.
That home, in the shade of the rusthng trees,
Where once our household met .
Do you know how wo used to come from school.
Through the summer a pleasant heat ;
With the jellow fennels golden dust
On our tired little feet?
And how sometimes iii an idle mood
We loitered by tho way ;
And stopped in the woods to gather flowers,
And in the fields to play ;
Till warned by the deep'ning shadows fall,
That told of the coming night.
We eliinbed to the top of the last, long hill,
And saw our home in sight !
And brothers and sisters, older now
Than she whose life is o'er.
Do you think of the mother's loving face,
That looked from the open xloor
Alas, for the changing things of time ;
That home in the dust is low ;
And that loving smile was hid from us,
In tho darkness long ago !
And we have come to life's last hill,
From which our weary eyes
Can almost look on that home that shines
Eternal in the skies.
o, brothers and sisters, as we go,
' .Still let us uiovo as one,
Always together keeping step.
Till the march of life is done :
For that mother who waited for us here,
.Wearing a smile so sweet,
Xow waits on the hills of paradise
For her children's coming feet !
Not long since I had occasion to visit one of
our courts and whili conversing with a legal
friend, I beard the name of John Anderson
There is a hard case," remarked my friend.
1 looked upon the man in the prisoners dock,
lie was standing up and pleaded guilty to the
crime of theft. Ho was a tall man, bent and
infirm, though not old. His garb was torn,
sparse and filthy ; his faco was all blooted and
bloodshot; hair matted with dirt, and his
bowed form quiTering with delirium. Cer
tainly I never saw a more pitiable object.
Surely that man was not born a villian.
I moved my placo so as to obtain a fairer
view of bis face. He gazed upon me a single
Instant, and then covering big lace with his
band?, be sank powerless Into bis seat.
'Good God!,' I involuntarily ejaculated
starting forward, " Wil "
I had half spoken his name, when bo quick
ly raised bis bead, and cast at me such a look
of agony, that my tongue was tied at once.
Then he covered his face again.
J asked my legal companion if the prisoner
bad counsel. I then told him to do all in bis
powor for the poor fellows benefit and I would
pay him. lie promised and I left. I could
not ifiuam and see the man tried ; tears came
into my eyes as I gazed upon him, and it was
not ni til I gained the street and walked some
distance, that I could breathe freely.
Jobr Anderson ! Alas ! he was ashamed to
be known as bis mother's son. That was not
bis real name, but you shall know him by no
other. I will call him by the name that stands
Dpon thi record of the court.
John Anderson was my school mate, and it
was not many years ago not over 20 that we
left our Academy together; he to return to
the home f bis wealthy parents, I to sit down
lor a few j ears in a diugy sanctum of a news
paper cfli -e, and then wander off across the
ocean. I '.as gone some four years, and when
1 returned 1 found John was a married man.
His father was dead and left John a princely
"And C ," he said to me as we met at a
railroad station," you shall see what a bird I
hare caged. My Ellen is a lark, a robin, a
very princess of ail birds that ever looked
beautiful or sang sweetly."
He was enthusiastic, but not mistaken ; for
I found bis wife all that ho had said, simply
omitting, th poetry. She was one of the
most beautiful women I ever saw. And so
good, too, to loving, so kind. Aye she so
loved John that she really loved all bis friends.
What a lucky woman to Hod such a husband.
John Anderson was as handsome as she
tall, straight, manly, high browed, with ches
nut curls, and a face as faultlessly noble and
beautiful as art ever copied. And be was
good, too, kind, generous and true.
I spent a week with them and I was happy
all the while. John's mother lived with them,
aflne old ldy as ever breathed and making
herself constantly joyful bj doting on her dar
ling boy, a.i she always called him. I gave
her an account of my adventures by land and
1-y sea in foreign countries, and she kissed me
1 ecause I loved her darling.
I did not see John again for four years. In
Ihe evening i reached his house. Ho was not
in but his wife and mother were there to re
ceive n!, and two curly-headed buys were at
play alout Ellen's chair. J knew at once they
w.-re ny friends children. Everything seem
ed pleasant until the little ones were abed and
asleep and then I could see that Ellen was
troubled. She tried to hide it, but a face so
ne! to a sunshine of smiles could not conceal
At length John came. His fase was flushed
nd his eyes looked inflamed. He grasped
.'y hand with a happy laugh, calling me "old
fellow," old dog," said I must come and
liTewith them, and many other extravagant
things. His wife tried to hide her tears, while
las mother shook her bead and said :
"He'll sow tbese wild oats soon. My dar
ling could never be a bad man."
'God grant it," I thought to myself, and I
knew that the same was upon Ellen's lips.
It was late when we retired and we might
.sot have done so even then, had no John fallen
'eep on his chair.
On the following morning I walked ont with
ft? friend. I told him I was sorry to see him
I saw him the night before.
''Oh," he said with a laugh, "oh, that was
nothing, only a little wine party. We had a
Slorioua time. I wish yon had been there."
At first I thought I would cay no more but
s it not my duty ? I knew bis nature better
loan he did himself. His appetites and pleas
tire bounded bia own vision I knew how kind
nd generous be was alas too kind, too gen
erous. "John, could you have seen Ellen's face last
gnt you would have trembled. Can you
me her unhappy ?" - ,
He stopped me with "Don't be a fool
Why should she be unhappy?"
"Because she fears you are going down hill,"
I replied.
"Did she say so," be asked with a flushed
"No; but I read it in her looks,"! replied.
"Perhaps a reflection of your own thoughts,"
ho sugges'ed.
'Surely I thought so when you came home."
Never can I forget the look he gave, so full
of reproof, of surprise and of pain.
"C , I forgive you, for I know you to bo
my friend, but never speak to mo like that.
I going down hill ? You know better. That
can never be. I know my own power, and I
know my wants. My mother knows mo better
than Ellen does.
Ah ! had that mother been as wise as sho
was loving, she would have seen that tho wild
oats which her son was sowing would grow up
and ripen only to furnish seed for re-sowing.
But she loved him loved him almost too well,
or, I should say too blindly.
But I could say no more. I only prayed
that God would guard him, and then we con
versed 011 other subjects. I could spend but
a day with him but promised to correspond
Three years more had passed, during which
John Anderson wrote to me at least ouce a
month, and ol'tener sometimes ; but at the end
of that lime bis letters ceased coming, when I
received no more for two years, when I again
found myself in his native town, it was early
in the afternoon when I arrived, and I took
dinner at the hotel.
I had finished my meal, and was lounging
in front of the hotel, when I saw a funeral
procession wind into a distant church-yard, I
asked tho landlord whose funeral it was.
"Mrs. Anderson," he said, and as he spoke
I noticed a slight dropping of the head as if it
cut him to say so.
"What? John Anderson's wife?" I ven
tured. "No," be said, "it is his mother," and as he
told me this he turned away. But a gentleman
near by, who had overheard tho conversation,
at once took up the theme.
"Our host don't seem inclined to converse
on that subject," he remarked, with a shrug,
inquiring, "Did you know John Anderson t"
"Ho was my schoolmate in boyhood, and
my bosom friend in youth," I told him.
Ho then led me aside and spoke as follows:
"Poor John! He was the pride of the town
six years ago. This man opened his hotel at
the time and sought custom by giving wine
suppers. John was present at many of them,
the gayest of the gay, and most generous of
tho party. In fact he paid for nearly all of
them. Then he began to go down hill ever
since. At times true friends haveprevailed
upon him to stop but the stops were of short
duration. A short season of sunshine would
glance upon his home and then the night came
more dark and dreary than before.
"He said be never could get drunk again
but still be would take a glass of wine with a
friend! That glass of wino wa3 but the gate
that let in the flood.
Six years ago he was worth sixty thousand
dollars. Yesterday he borrowed fifty dollars
to pay his mother's funeral expenses. That
poor mother bore up as long as sho could.
She saw her son her "darling boy" as she
always called him brought home many times
drunk. And even she bore blows from him !
But now sho is at rest. "Her "darling boy"
wore her life away, brought her grey hairs
with sorrow down to then grave.
"Oh ! I hopo this may reform him."
"But his wife ?" I asked.
"Jler heavenly love has hold her up thus far,
but she is only the shadow of the wiic she was
six years ago," he returned.
My informant was deeply afleetod, and so
was I; I consequently asked no more.
During tho remainder of tho afternoon I de
bated with myself whether to cull on John at
all. But finally I resolved to go thoSh I
waited until alter tea. I found John and lui
wife alone. They had both been weeping,
though I could see at a glance that Ellen's face
was beaming with hope and love. But oh!
sho was changed sadly ? painfully so. They
wero glad to see me, and my hand was shaken
"Dear C , don't say a word Of the past,"
John urged, shaking my hand a second time.
"I know you spoke the truth five years ago.
I was going down hill. But I have gone as
far as I can, horo I stop at the foot. Every
thing is gone but my wife, I have sworn and
my oath shall be kept Elleu and I are going
to be happy now."
The poor fellow burst into tears. Ellen
followed suit, and I kept them company, I
could not help crying like a child. My God
what a sight ! The once noble, true man so
fallen become a mere broken glass the last
fragment only reflecting the imago it once
bore; a supplient at tho fpot of hope, begging
a grain of warmth for himself and wife ? rfnd
how I had honored and loved him still ! Oh !
bow I hoped aye, more than hoped I believ
ed be would be saved. And as I gazed upon
that wife so trusting, so loving, so true and
so hopeful, even in tho midst ot living death
I prayed more fervently than I ever prayed
before, that God would hold him up, lead him
back to the top of the hill. In the morning I
saw the two children grown to two intelligent
boys; and though they looked pale, yet they
smiled and seemed happy when their father
kissed them. When I went away, John took
me by the baud, and the last words be said,
were : . .
"Trust me, believe in me now ; I will be a
man henceforth while life lasts."
A little over two years had passed when I
read in the newspaper the death of Ellen An
derson. I started for the town where they
lived as soon as possible, thinking I might
help some one. A fearful presentment pos
sessed my mind.
"Where is John Anderson ?" I asked.
"Don't know, I'm. sure. He's been gone
these last three months. Ills wife died in the
mad house last week."
"And the children 1"
"Ob, they both died before she died !"
I staggered back and hurried from the place.
I hardly knew which way I went but instinct
led me to the churchyard. I found four
graves which had been made in three years.
The mother, wife and two children slept in
"And wbat has done this?" I asked my
self. And a voice answered from the low
sleeping place :
"The demon of the wino table."
Bnt this was not all tho work. No, no !
The next day 1 saw what Oh, God ! was faT
more terrible ! I saw it in the city court
room. But this was not the last.
I saw my legal friend the day following the
trial. He said John Anderson was in prison.
I hastened to see him. The turnkey conduct
ed me to his cell the key turned iu a largo
lock ; and a ponderous door with a sharp creak
swung upon his hinges, and I saw a dead body
suspended by the neck from a grated window !
1 looked at the horrible face ; could see noth
ing of the face of John Anderson there, but
the face I had seen in the court room was suf
ficient to connect tho two ; and I knew that
this was all that remained of him that 1 loved
so well.
And this was the last of the demon's work ;
the last act in the terrible drama. And from
the first sparkle of the red wine it had been
down, down, down ! until the foot of tho hill
had been reached !
When I turned away from the cell and once
more walked amid the flashing saloons and
revel halls, I wished that my voice had power
to thunder the life story of which I have been
a witness, into the ears of still living men.
Death of a Venerable Ladt. Says tho
Doyleston (Pa.) Democrat .- Under the obtuary
head will be found a notice of the death of
Jane Richardson, who had almost reached her
9Gth year. She resided at the house of her
nephew, Joshua Richardson, in Attleborough.
Her death occurred on Sunday, and until the
Friday previous she exhibited no signs of fail
ing health, which had been remarkably good.
It is not many months since wo visited this old
lady, and had a pleasant interview. She was
blessed with an excellent memory ,and retained
many incidents of her early life connected
with the stirring times of the revolutionary
war, and being in full possession of all her
faculties, she related thorn with much enthusi
asm and great pleasure. Sho had a vivid re
collection of many incidents that occurred
the winter the Hessians were captured in
Trenton, by General Washington. Sho told
us that on Christmas evening, 177G, after the
battle of Trenton, the soldiers came straggling
in, but indifferently clad, and some with but
parts of shoes to their feet, leaving bloody
foot-prints upon the frozen snow and upon the
floors. Two poor fellows, cold and weary,
crept into the bake-oven, which is still stand
ing,and which was still warm from recent use,
and passed the night there without molesta
tion ; others laid down upon the hearth and
floors and slept. In the sitting room stands a
clock that has occupied the same corner,
numbering the seconds, for more than a hun
dred years, around which tho soldiers stacked
their guns. She told us of the visit of Lafay
ette to tho house. At the battle of Brandy
wine, Chester county, September 11, 1777,
Lafayette was wounded and carried to Old
Chester, and conveyed from thence to Phila
delphia that night, by water; from Philadel
phia he was taken to Bethlehem, via Attle
borough, where he spent a few days. A table
remains in the bouse upon which Lafayette
sat while his wounded limb was dressed, and
accidentally sitting upon tho leaf it was bro
ken. "Aunt Jane," as she was familiarly
called, will be greatly misseil. Sho was an
object of much solicitude in the neighborhood
everybody knew her and loved her. Peace
to ber ashes.
Railroad Accident. An accident occurred
at a crossing near the Green Tree, on the
Pennsylvania road, on Tuesday the 14th, Mr.
David C. Lee, accompanied by bis daughter,
nas crossing th"o track near the Green Tree,
when, just as the horse had passed over, the
engine struck the carriage, crushing it into
fragments. Mr. Lee was thrown on the cow
catcher with the door of tho carriage, where,
in a state of insensibility, be was carried a
bout four hundred yards. The engineer did
not even know his whereabouts. The cars
were stopped and Mr. Lee was taken ofF and
carried to the Green Tree, where he remained
insensible for some time. His chief injuries
seemed to be about the throat and jaws, but
no Loncs were broken. The daughter was
thrown oif the track, but so close that the
wheels passed over a portion of her clothes
and mutf. She supposed herself under the
cars and lay with her face close to the ground
till they had passed along. She had a severe
flesh wound on her arm and was badly bruised
about the face. TMs is one of the most singu
lar accidents and wonderful escapes ever
chronicled in the history of railroad casualties.
A Yankee Trice in MissocRr. The follow
ing is told of Major Ilovey, of the 21th Indiana
regiment, in connection with Gen. Pope's re
cent exploit in Missouri : Whilo at some point
near Clinton, Major Uovey, took 100 men, put
them in wagons, so as to hide them from view,
and he putting a few stragglers to walk, as if
guarding the train, he started out. Secession,
shot-guns in hand, hiding in the brush, saw
the cortege, and supposing it a Federal wagon
train, poorly guarded, and hence an easy as
well a? a legitimate prize- Reasoning thus,
Secession walked from the brush, presented
its shot gun and demanded a surrender which
demand was instantly met by fifty men rising
from the wagons,prosenting a row of glittering
muskets, and requesting a similar favor of
astonished and now mortified Secession. Se
cession generally complied, and worked ofF
its ill-humor by cursing such "mean Yaukee"
tricks, unknown to all chivalrous hearts. In
this way many a petulent rebel was confounded,
and in two cases, where fight was preferred
rather than surrender, the sons of chivalry
were made to bite the dust.
An Honest Life. The poor pittance of
seventy years is not worth being a villian for.
What matter is it if your neighbor lies in a
splendid tomb? Sleep you with innocence.
Look behind you through the track of time !
A vast desert lies open in retrospect ; wearied
with years and sorrow, they sink from the
walks of man. You must leave them where
they fall ; and you are to go a little further,
and you will find eternal rest. Whatever you
may have to encounter between the cradle and
the grave, every moment is big with events,
which come not in succession, but bursting
forcibly from a revolving and unknown cause,
fly over this orb with diversified influence.
Gilded Pews. The pews of Rev. narry
Ward Beecher's church, Brooklyn, N.Y.,were
sold at auction last week and brought $12,000,
and 40 remained unsold. The highest premi
um paid was $100. Times must be good in
Gotham. We can get good preaching in this
part of the country for much less money.
Chronology of the Rebellion, &c.
The great Rebellion of the Slaveholders,
foreshadowed and threatened by the South,
came into active existence immediately npon
the announcement that Abraham Lincoln had
been elected. President of the United Stats.
November 10th, 1800 Bill introduced in
South Carolina Legislature to raise and equip
10,000 volunteers James Chestnut, Senator
from South Carolina, resigned South Caro
lina Legislature ordered the election of a con
vention to consider the question of Secession.
11th Senator Hammond, of South Caroli
na, resigned.
14th Alex. II. Stephens spoke at Milledg
ville in opposition to Secession, but favored
a State Convention.
15th Senator Toombs spoke for Secession
at Milledgville, Georgia Gov. Letcher, of
Virginia, called an extra session of the Legis
lature Senator Toombs spoke in opposition
to Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Stephens in a few
days after gave in his adhesion to rebellion
Great public meeting at Mobile, and adoption
of the famous Declaration of Causes for Se
cession. 17th Great Secession meeting in Charles
ton, S. C
18th Georgia Legislature voted $1,000,000
to arm the State, and ordered tho election uf
a convention Major Anderson ordered to
Fort Moultrie, to relievo Col Gardiner, order
ed to Texas.
19th Gov. Moore ordered an extra session
of the Louisiana Legislature.
20th, 22d, 23d General Bank suspensions
in Richmond, Baltimore, Washington, Phila
delphia, Trenton, and the Southern States.
24th Vigilance Associations organized by
citizens of Lexington district, S. G. This
movement extended all over the South, and
thousands of northern men and women were
driven out of the country with threats, and
often with personal violence.
20th Vermont Legislature refuses, 125 to
58, to repeal the Personal Liberty Bill Mis
sissippi Legislature voted to send commission
ers to confer with the authorities of the other
slaveholding States.
December 1st Florida Legislature voted
to elect a convention Great Secession meet
ing at Memphis.
3d A John Brown aniversary meeting in
Boston broked up Meeting ot Congress ;
President Buchanan's message denied tho
right of Secession ; it was fiercely attacked by
Senator Clingman of N. C, and defended by
Crittenden of Kentucky.
4th The President sent Mr. Trescott, of
South Carolina to ask a postponement of ac
tion until Congress could decide npon reme
dies Mr. Iverson of Georgia, made a dis
union speech in the Senate, predicting the
Secession of five if not eight States before the
4th of March. Senator Saulsbury of Delaware,
spoke for tho Union, and reproved Iverson.
5th Election for delegates in South Caro
lina. AH the candidates wero immediate se
cessionists. 6th John Bell of Tenn., published a letter
in favor of the Union Democratic State Con
vention in Maryland. Resolutions passed de
ploring tho hasty action of South Carolina
The committee of 33 announced by the Speak
er ; it was 1G Republicans, and 17 opposition.
10th Howell Cobb Secretary of the Treas
ury, resigned Louisiana Legislature met in
extra session, voted to elect a convention, and
appropriated $500,000 to arm the State Gen
eral debate begun in Congress on the state of
the nation. It very soon became apparont
from speeches by Iverson, Wigfall, and other
Southerners, that the secessionists did not
want and would not have any compromise
Senator Clay, of Alabama,tendered his resig
nation. 13th Great Union demonstration in Phila
delphia Extra session of the Cabinet on the
question of reinforcing Fort Moultrie; the
Presideut opposed it, and carried his point.
I4th Lewis Cass, Secretary of State re
signed because the President would not send
reinforcements South.
17th South Carolina convention assembled.
Gov. Pickens took ground for immediate Se
cession Speech of Senator 7ade,loreshadow
ing tho policy of tho new administration.
ISth The famous Crittenden Compromise
introduced. It was this : To renew the Mis
souri line of 3G 30 ; prohibit slavery North and
permit it south of that line; admit new States
with or without slavery, as their constitutions
provide ; prohibit Congress from abolishing
slavery in States, and in the District of Co
lumbia so long as it exists in Virginia or Mary
land ; permit free transmission of slaves by
land or by water in any State ; pay for fugi
tive slaves rescued after arrest ; repeal the
inequality of commissioner's fees in Fugitive
Slave act, and to ask the repeal of Personal
Liberty bills in the Northern States. These
concessions to be submitted to the people as
amendments to tho Constitution, and if adop
ted never to be changed Jacob Thompson,
Secretary of the Interior, went to Raleigh to
persuade the North Carolina Legislature to
vote for Secession.
19th Senator Johnson of Tenn., made a
strong Union speech on Crittenden's bill
Gov. Hicks, of Md., refused to receive the
Mississippi commissioner; tho commissioner
addressed a Secession meeting in Baltimore.
20th South Carolina Convention unani
mously adopted a Secession ordinance, the
news of which was hailed with enthusiasm
throughout the Southern States The commit
tee of 13 appointed in the Senate Caleb
Cushing reached Charleston with a message
from President Buchanan, guaranteeing that
Maj. Anderson should not be reinforced, and
asking the Convention to respect the Federal
laws. The Convention refused to make any
promises, and Mr. G- returned after a stay of
5 hours.
22d North Carolina Legislature adjourned.
A bill to arm the State failed to pass the House
The Crittenden propositions voted down in
the committee of 13.
23d Tbe robbery of the Indian Trust Fund
discovered at Washington.
24th Withdrawal ot the South Carolina del
egates from Congress.
26th Evacuation of Fort Moultrio by Major
Anderson. .
27th The Palmetto flag raised in Charles
ton Forts Pinckney and Moultrie occupied
by State troops.
29th Mr. Floyd tenders his resignation as
Secretary of War President Buchanan ac
cepts it.
30th Arsenals in South Carolina seized by
State troops.
Slst Exciting session of the Senate Mr
Benjamin, of Louisiana, delivers a violent se
cession speech.
Januart 1st, 1861 First symptoms of life
in tho Buchanan Administration The frigate
Brooklyn and another, war vessol ordered to
2d The Legislature of Little Delaware
passed a joint resolution in opposition to Se
cession Act of Secession passed by Missis
sippi. 3d Fort Macon, North Carolina, Fort Wil
mington and the United Statt-s Arsenal at
Fayetteville seized by order of Gov. Ellis, of
North Carolina United States forts and prop
erty seized in Mississippi Forts Pulaski and
Jackson, near Savannah, seized by order of
Gov. Brown of Georgia ; fort Pulaski cost
$923,000, and mounts 150 guns ; fort Jackson
cost $80,000, and mounts 14 guns The Com
missioners of South Carolina left Washington
on their return home ; the cause of this move
ment was that the President returned to them
a communication which he deemed to be
couched in such terms as would not warrant
its retention.
4th This day was devoted to hmniliation,
fasting and prayer for our national transgres
sions, in accordance with the recommendation
of President Buchanan ; business was almost
suspended, and the churches were crowded
with worshipers ic all parts of the country
Fort Morgan, in tho harbor of Mobile was takon
possession of by State troops ; This fortifica
tion cost the Government $1,212,000, and
mounts 132 guns The United States Arsenal
at Mobile was taken by the Alabama State
troops ; it contained a few arms, 1500 barrels
of powder, 300,000 rounds of musket cartridg
es, andfother munitions of war.
5th Tbe South Carolina Secession State
Convention adjourned subject to the call of the
President The Star ot the West lea ves New
York with reinforcements for Fort Sumter.
Gth Extra session of the Legislature of
Virginia convened at Richmond The State
Convention of Alabama met at Montgomery
State Convention of Mississippi met at Jack
son Legislature of Tennessee met at Nash
ville. 8th Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, re
signed his position as Secretary of tho Interi
or in President Buchanan's Cabinet Forts
Johnson and Caswell were taken by the State
troops of North Carolina.
9th The steamship Marion, belonging to the
line of New York and Charleston steamers,
was seized at Charleston by the State author
ities The steamship Star of the West, Capt.
McGowan, which had been chartered in New
York to convey troops and supplies to Major
Anderson at Fort Sumter, was fired into by
batteries erected by the State of South Ciro
lina at the entrance of Charleston harbor; the
Star of the West was struck twice, and being
an unarmed vessel was forced to retire The
State Convention of Mississippi passed an or
dinance for immediate secession, by a vote of
84 to 15
10th Forts St. Philip and Jackson, on tbe
Mississippi river, and Fort Pike on Lake Pon
chartrain, together with tho United States
Arsenal at Baton Rouge, were seized by tho
State troops of Louisiana Tho President
transmitted a special message to Congress on
tho affairs of the country.
11th Tho ordinance of secession passed tho
State Convention of Alabama, by a vote ef 61
to 39 The Florida State Convention passed
the ordinance of secession by a vote of G2 to
7 Philip F. Thomas, of Maryland, who was
appointed Secretary of the Treasury on the
11th of December, I860, iu placo of Howell
Cobb, resigned his position, and the President
appointed John A. Dix, of New lork, in his
place The steamship Marion, which had been
seized at Charleston, by order of the State au
thorities, was released.
12th The steamship Star of tho Wset re
turned to New York, having two shot holes iu
her hull, which she received by being fired
into in Charleston harbor Fort Barancas and
the United States Navy Yard at Pensacola,
Florida, were seized by Alabnma and Florida
troops Otha R. Singleton, Wm. Barksdalc,
Reuben Davis, John McRea and Lecius Q. C.
Lamar, the five members of the House of Rep
resentatives from Mississippi, formally with
drew from the Congress of the United States.
15th The bill for calling a State Conven
tion in Virginia passed the Senate by a vote
of 45 to 1, and the House unanimously U. S
Coast Survey schooner Dana soized by the
State of Florida.
17th Hon. J. Holt nominated Secretary of
19th The State Convention of Georgia a
dopted tbe secession ordinance, by ayes 208,
nays 89.
21st Jeflerson Davis, of Mississippi, Benj.
Fitzpatrick and Clement C. Clay, Jr., of Ala
bama ; David L. Yuleo and Stephen R. Mal
lory, 01 Florida, formally withdrew from tho
Senato of tbe United States The Post Office
Department discontinued the Post Office at
Pensacola, Florida George L. Houston, Sy
denham Moore, David Clapton, Jas. L. Pugh,
S. L. M. Curry and James A. Slallworth,
members of Congress from Alabama, with
drew from tbe House of Representatives.
23d Peter D. Love, Martin J. Crawford,
Thomas Hardeman, Jr., Lucius J. Gartrcll,
John W. Underwood, James Jackson, John J.
Jones, members of Congress from Georgia,
left the House of Representatives. Joshua
Hill, also one of the members from Georgia,
refused to go with the others, but formally
tendered his resignation The Louisiana State
Convention met at Baton Rouge.
24th The United States Arsenal at Augus
ta, Ga., was surrendered to tbe State author
ities. 25th The personal Liberty bill of Rhodo
Island was repealed.
26tb The secession ordinance of Louisiana
passed tbe State Convention by a vote of 113
27th The Grand Jury of the District of
Columbia presented charges against John B.
Floyd, of Virginia, Secretary of War in Pres
ident Buchanan's Cabinet, lor mal -administration
in office and conspiring against tho
29th Tbe revenue cutter McClellan sur
rendered at New Orleans, by Capt. Under
woodThe Pacific Railroad bill was passed by
30th The President signed the bill for tbe'
admission of Kansas into the Union, and bho
became the thirty-fonrth State.
Slst The United States Mint and Custom
nouse at New Orleans were seized by State
authorities, and the officials took the oath un
der the ordinance of tbe Secession Conven-
tion. In the mint there was over $889,000 of
Government money, and in the Sub-Treasury
nearly $122,000.
February 1st The Texas convention pass
ed the ordinance of secession, by a vote of
1G6 yeas to 7 nays.
2d Surrender of the United States revenue
cutter Mobile by Capt. Morrison.
4th A Peace Conference, consisting of del
egates from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky,
Tennessee. North Carolina, New York, Ohio,
Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana,
Illinois, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Ver
mont, Delaware, Rhode Island and Massachu
setts, convened at Washington, and elected
ex-President Join .Tyler, of Virginia, Presi
dent. Tho conference resolved to sit with
closed doors A convention of the Seceeded
StateB convened at Montgomery, Ala., and
elected Howell Cob President Election "held
in Virginia for delegates to the State Conven
tion. A large majority of the delegates cho
sen were known as Union men, that is men
opposed to immediate Secession. The vote
on tho question of referring the action of tho
Convention back to the people resulted in a
majority of 56.000 in favor of reference.'
5th John Slidell and Judah P. Benjamin,
United States Senators from Louisiana, with
drew from the Senate Miles Taylor,' Thomas
G. Davidson and J. M. Landrum, member of
Congress from Louisiana, withdrew from the
Houso of Representatives under instructions
from the Secession Cenvention. J.E.Boa
ligny, the member from the first district (New
Orleans) announced that he would not obey,
the instructions of the Convention.
7th Tbe city of New Orleans was illuminat
ed in honor of Secession, The people were
out in great crowds, aud there was general re
joicing. 8th The barques Adjuster and Dl Coldeo
Murray, brigs W. R. Kiiby and Golden Lead,
and the schooner Julia A.IIallock.all belong
ing to New York, were seized at Savannah by
order of the authorities of the Stato of Geergia.
The seizure was a retalitory measure arising
out of the taking of arms in New York, bo
longing to citizens of Georgia, by the Metros
politan Police The Little Rock (Ark. Ar
senal, containing nine thousand stand of arms,
a large amount of ammunition and forty can
non, including Capt. Bragg's battery, were
surrendered to tho Stato authorities of Ar
kansas. 9th Tha Southern Congress, at Montgom
ery, Ala., elected Jefferson Davis, of' Missis
sippi, President, and Alexander II. Stephens,
of Georgia, Vice President of the Southern
Confederacy for one year. The Constitution
cf tho United States, with amendments, was
adopted The vessels seized at Savannah, Ga.,
were released by order of the Governor,' on
receipt of intelligence that the arms seized in
New York had been given up The President
approved and signed the twenty-five million
loan bill.
11th Mr. Lincoln, President elect, leaves
Springfield, Illinois, and commences his jour
ney to Washington.
13th The Congress of the United States
counted the votes for President and Vi
President. The following was tho result :
President Lincoln, ISO; Breckimidgo. 72;
Bell, 39; Douglas, 12. Vice President Ham
lin, 1801, Lane, 72; Everett, 39 ; Johnson, 12
The Virginia State Convention met in Rich
mond. John Janney was chosen President.
18th Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, was
inaugurated at Montgomery, Alabama, as tho
President of the Southern Confederacy.
21st Three more New York vessels, viz :
ship Martha J. Ward, barques Adjustor and
Harold, were seized at Savannah, by order of
the Governor of Georgia.
to be continued.-
LAccniNa Philosopher. The author of a
work called - notes of an Army Surgeon," re
cords the following incident as having occur
red during the siege of Fort Eriey in the war
of 1812 : "I remember one day; -in' making
my. hospital rounds, a patient just arrived, pre
sented an amputated fore-arm, and, in doing
so could hardly restrain a broad langh ; the
titter was constantly on his faco. "What is
the matter? This does not strike me as a
subject for laughter." "It is not doctor; but
excuse me I lost my arm in so funny away
that I still laugh when I look at it." "What
way ?" "Our first sergeant wanted 'shaving
and got me to attend to it, as I am corporal.
We went together in front of the tent. I had
lathered him, took him by the nose, and was
just applying the razor when a cannon ball
came, and that was the last I saw of his bead
and my arm. Excuse mo doctorfor laughing,
but I never saw such a thing before."
The North Carolina prisoners, released at
Fort Warren, were drawn by lot. Some dozen
declined going, and gave up their places to
others. Most of them gave as a main reason
that they had no wish to go back to their regi
ment, which they would have to do if they
were exchanged, and saying, as it was winter,
they could get nothing to do at homo, and
their living hero was much better than they
expected. I assure you they will go home
with much better feelings towards the people
of Boston than when they came hero, having
had opportunities of associating somewhat
with the soldiers and workmen here.
The Captain's Idea or an Encore. A sea
captain, who was staying at a point In Europe,
was presented with a ticket to - the opera.
When the performance was over, he was asked
by his friend 'how he liked it. "Well,"
answered tbe captain, I know very little a
bout mnsic, and can't pretend to be a judge.
I liked some things pretty well, but I rather
think that some of them didn't know their
business. There was one woman who screeched,
and tore round, I thought, in an abominable
way ; and tbe folks around me thought so,
too, I guess, for they made her do- it over a
second time !"
Time. Time wears slippers of list; and Lis
tread is noiseless. The days come softly daw
ning, one after another ; they creep in at the
window; their fresh morning air is grateful
to the lips as they pant for it ; their mnsic is
sweet to the ears that listen' to it ; nntil, be
fore we know it, a whole life of days has pos
session ot the citadel, and Time has taken as
for bis own.
An Accident. Mrs. Sweeney and another
lady, who were proceeding up Pennsylvania
avenue, Washington, in a market wagon, came
in contact with a runaway four-horse ambu
lance, Mrs. Sweeney was thrown out of the
wagon, and had her neck broken. The other
lady escaped with but slight injuries.