Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 11, 1861, Image 4

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    CliEAKFIELD, DEC. 11, 1861.
Men with their families, wiYes,sons and daugh
ters, work for themselves on their larm, in
their houses, and in their shops, taking the
whole product to themselves, and asking no
favors of capital on the one hand, nor of hired
laborers or slaves on the other. It is not for
gotten that a considerable number of persons
mingle their own labor with their capital
that is, they labor with their own hands, and
also buy or hire others to labor for them ; but
this is only a mixed, and not a distinct class.
No principle stated is disturbed by tbe exist
ence of this mixed class.
Again, as has already been said, there is not
of necessity any snch thing as the free hired
laborer being fixed to that condition lor lite.
Many independent men, everywhere in these
States, a few years back in their lives, were
hired laborers.
. The prudent, penniless beginner in this
world, labors for wages awhile, saves a surplus
with which to buy tools or land for himself,
then labors on his own account anotner wmie,
and at length hires another Dew beginner to
help him. .
This is the just, and generous, and prosper
ous system which opens the way to all, gives
hope to all, and consequent energy and pro
gress in the improvement ot their condition to
all. No men living are more worthy to he
trusted than those who toil up from poverty.
lione less inclined to take or touch aught
which they have not honestly earned. Let
them beware of surrendering a political power
which they already possess and which, if sur
rendered, will surely be used to close the door
of advancement against such as they, aud to
fix new disabilities and burdens upon them,
till all of liberty shall be lost.
From tbe first taking of our national census
to the last one, seventy years, and we find our
population at the end of the period eight times
as great as it was at tbe beginning. The in
crease ol those other things which men deem
desireable has been greater.
We thus have at one view what the popular
principle applied to the government th rough
tbe machinery of the States, and the Union
has produced in a given time, and also what,
if firmly maintained, it promises for the future.
There are already among us those who, if
the Union be prcseaved, will live to see it con
tain two hundred and fifty millions. The
struggle of to-day is not altogether for to-day;
it is for a vast future also.
With a reliance on Providence, all the more
firm and earnest for our present troubles, let
us proceed in the great task which events
have devolved upon us.
Abraham Lixcoln.
Wasdisgtos, December 3, 1861.
Albert Pike has been swindling among the
poor Indians by issuing bogus orders for pen
sions. Pike is ascending tbe ladder of crime,
and, if he sets bis deserts, we shall hear of
him on its last rang, swinging off into empty
Tho pirates of the buccaneer Beauregard
threw overboard four thousand dollars in spe
cie when they were captured by the United
States gunboat W. G. Anderson, to prevent
Us falling into tbe hands of Capt. Kodgers.
fcx-Uovernor Kitncr was in llarrisburg a
few days ago, looking hale and hearty. ll is
in the 82d year of his age, but still superin
tends the cultivation of bis farm in Cumber,
land county. .
It ia aald that average the number of battles !
a soldier goes through is about five. We
have an old maid who has withstood 14 en
gagements, and has power enough left for as
many more.
Twelve fine horses, purchased in this coun
try by Prince Napoleon for the Emperor of
France, will go over on the French transport
Orione, now lying in Boston harbor.
"A lady in Northwestern Missouri offers a
premium for enough Yankee scalps to make a
bed-quilt! Perhaps she would like to take a
whole Yankee as a "comfort."
It is stated that Jeff Davis is about to make
Senator Bright ot Indiana, a brigadier. There
is a bright prospect that the devil will gut his
tkie when tbe traitor is hung.
Tho secessionists made another dash the
other day at Billy Willsons' Zouaves. Ilav-
fng long ago got the "stealings" they now
want to get the Pickins.
If you wish to increase tho size and promi
nence of your eyes, just keep an account of
i the money you spend foolishly, and add it up
at the end of tbe year.
Com. Tatnall says the rebels must abandon
- their coast defenses, for nothing they have
erected will stand bombardament like that at
Hilton Head.
A Memphis editor says that he "wears no
collar." Now if tho poor fellow is actually
without a cellar, we wish some man would
cellar him.
Eleven Kentuckians recently released from
Fort Warren, being destitute of means, were
sent to their homes at tbe expense of the city
of boston.
An Irish stationer, after advertising a vari
ety of articles, gives the following noa bene
lo regular customers I sell wafers gratis."
A Jew girl was lately discharged in the in
solvent court upon sureties, who describes
herself as an "enamellcr of ladies' faces."
There are as good horses drawing In carts
as in coaches ; and as good men are engaged
In bumble employments as in tho highest.
A hemp crop has been raised in Kentucky,
ana it can't be wasted. It must be used eith
er in bailing cotton or hanging traitors. ,
The ladies propose to knit mittens for vol
unteers. Is it right that beauty should "give
tne mitten" to bravery ?
The busybody labors without thanks, talks
without credit, lives without love, and dies
without tears.
The rebel convention of Kentucky, In ses-
sioa at Kussellville, passed an ordinance of
secession. ' .
If yon are conscious of being green, and
don't want folks to see it, try to bo an invisi
ble green.
- Make yourself agood man and thenyou may
be sure that there is one rascal less in the
world. - , -
Can a General who has gained a victory in
tne nignt, do properly aa:d to have won the
Tbe "Movement cure" for Southern convul
sions. Doable qnick with tbe bayonet.
Why is a sailor's sword like a girl discarded
by her beau 1: Because it's a cut-lass.
A man's name passes around most freely
when it has a handle to it.
The Raftsman's Jouuhal is published on Wed
nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not
paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be
Advertisements will be inserted at $1,00 per
square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For
every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg
ed. A deduction will be made to -yearly adver
tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than
six months, and no paper will be discontinued un
til all arrearages are paid, except at the opu ot
2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday ia June,
3d " in March, j 4th ". in Sept m'r,
Of each year, and continue two week if necessary.
Pres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Eellefonte.
As te. Judges Hon. J. D. Thompson, Curwensvillo
Hon. James Bloom,
Sheriff. . . . Fred'k G. Miller,
Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle, .
Reg. & Rec. . James Wrigley, .
District Att'y, Robert J. Wallace,
Treasurer. . . Geo. B. Goodlander,
Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, .
Commiss'n'rs, VVm.Merrell, . .
S. C. Thompson,
Jacob Kuntz, .
Auditors. . . Isaac W.Graham,
J. B. Shaw, . .
B. C Bowman, . .
Coroner. . . . George Richards, .
ii '
Glen Hope.
. Clearfield.
, Clearfield
Townships. Names f P.O. Names of P.M.
Beccaria, - - Glen Hope,
G. W. Caldwell
Bell, - - - Bower, -
- Mary Elder.
- Thos.A. M'Ghcc,
- J. W Campbell.
- Lewis Smith.
James Bloom.
- - unest, - - -
- - Cush, - - -
" - - - - Ostend, - - -
Bloom, - - Forrest,
Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - P. B. Miller.
Bradford, - Williams' Grove,
Jas. E. Watson.
Brady, - - - Luthersburg, -
- R. II . Moore.
- Charles Sloppy.
. John Ilcberlin.
- Seb'n Snyder
- Jas McMurray.
Jack Patchin.
- M. A. Frank
- P. A. Gaulin.
- J. F.W. Schnarr
- Samuel Way.
Jefferson Line, -
Burnside, - NewWashington
Burnside, -
Patchinville, -
Clearfield, - Clearfield, - -Covington,
- Frenchville,
Kartnaus, - -
Curwensvillo Curwensvillo,
Decatur, -Ferguson,
rhilipsburg, Centre county. Pa.
Marron. - - - - Edra. Williams.
Hellon Post Office, Elk county, Pa.
Girard, - - - Lcconte's Mills,
C. Mignot.
- Bald Hills, - -
- Shawsville, - -
- Grahamton,- -
Smith's Mills, -
- Madera, - - --Tyler,
- - -
- Pennfield, - -
- Anaonville, - -
- Salt Lick, - -
- New Millport, -
- Breckenridge, -
- Kylertown, - -
- Morrisdale, - -
- William Carr.
- A. B. Shaw.
- Thos. II. Forces.
- A. G. Fox.
- Chas. J. Pusey.
- David Tyler.
- 11. Woodward
Eliza Chase.
- Geo. Heckadorn
- M. O. Stirk,
- J.W.Thompson.
- Jas. Thompson.
Jas. McClelland.
- II. W. Spencer.
- A. C. Mooro,
- Samuel Way.
- Bcnj. F. Dale.
- D. E. Brubaker.
- Thos Henderson
Goshen, -
Graham, -Guelich,
t - - -
Jordan, -
Knox, - -Lawrence,
Morris, - -
Penn, - - - Lumber City.t -
Grampian 11 Ula,
Curwensvillo, -
Union, - - - Hoc k ton,
4 This Post Officewi 11 do for Chest township
Will answer for Fergt. eon township.
Cl ALT ! SALT!! SALT !!! A primo arti
3 cle of trround alum salt, rut on in potent
sacKS. at S3. 25 per sacs, at the cheap cash storejof
i n-. l I(L'L'ftl
a cs t nemmn nonBOTPTnn
This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style,
has ample accommodations, and is in all respects
a first class bouse. February o, lbol.
Formerly Physician and Surgeon to tho Bromp
ton Lung Hospital, of London, England, now of
PITTSBURG, Pa., bes to announce to all inva
lids, that owing to the many solicitations of his
friends, be has concluded to.pay professional vis
its to the following named places ; and by arri
ving at tho day set forth, .can be consulted by the
afflicted, both Male and Female, on Diseases oi
the Heart, Liver and Lungs; Cancer, fits. Scrof
ula, and all Diseases of the Blood. Also, all Dis
eases appertaining to the EYE and EAR. PAR
TIAL DEAFNESS, Ringing Noises in the Head,
and Discharges from tbe Ear, can be speedily
cured by Dr. BORI S Scientific treatment; and
many other diseases that have battled the skill ol
the so-called distinguished physieians.
Corsica. Whitmore's Hotel, Sopt. 1st and 2nd.
Brookville, American House, Sept 3d, 4th, 5th.
Luthersburg, Reed's Hotel. Sept. 10th and 11 th.
Clearliold, Johnson's Hotel, Sept. 12th, 13th.
Bellcfonte, Morrison's Hotel, Sopt 1 1th, 15th.
Tyrono City, Mrs. Thomas' Hotel, Sept. 17, IS.
The time has conic that all who will oan escape
tho iron grasp of Mercury, by calling, without de
lay, to 8oo the well known and justly celebrated
Eclectic European Physician, DR. BORT, who
will administer those only true and safe medi
cines, extracted from tbe most choice Roots and
Herbs, which are prepared under his own super
vision, and therefore avoiding the use of all Mis
kral Poisoks, which were never designed for tho
system, to take which many thousand have fallen
victims and gone to early graves.
Romeniber that Dr. Bort wants no patients but
those tully capable of appreciating and distin
guishing the services of a regular thorough bred
physician, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling
Remember, Dr. Eort's remedies and treatment
are entirely unknown to all others in this coun
try ; prepared frm a life spent in tho groat hog
pitals of Europe and the first in the country.
Remember, that Dr. Bort has a more extended
practice than any other physician in Western
Remember, that citizens of education and our
popular men are all well acquainted with, and
take great pleasure in recommouding Dr. Bort to
the afflicted.
Remember, that Dr. Bort makes no false ropre
son tat ions to gull the unfortunate, but all he says
mi 1 - .Air-.il j . -
win oe iauuiuiij carrion out.
Remember, that Dr. jJort pays every attention
to disoascs ot a chronio nature.
uertmcates ot uures may De seen at his respec
tive rooms.
Dr. B. is furnished with over six thousand let
ters of recommendations from some of tho most
distinguished men living. Also has awarded to
him diplomas from some of the most celebrated
Hospitals and Infirmaties in Europe, for his un
parallelled observations in Diagnosis, and obser
vations in discovering remedies for the euro of
diseases that have heretofore befallen the skill of
many of the medical profession.
An early call from those wishing to consult th
Doctor, is earnestly requested, so as to receive full
oeneni or iroaiment, and thus do justice to him
ecu. aime nnuieu.
Please bear in mind when Dr. B. will be in your
place. Persons desirous of consulting him will
confer a great favor by calling on the first day of
ms arrival, as nis Kooms are so often crowded, it
. am ....... -
is uuny impossiDie to attend to the anxious so
Hoilations of all. Dr Bort will arrive at each of
the above places on the first train or stage on the
osav appomiea.
Please extend the invitation to all Invalid ao
qnamtances, and oblige yours, Ao.
All letters addressed to Box 1417, Pittsburg.will
bo promptly answered. May 2S, 1881
"C1LOUR A good'article for sale at the store of
J, ijaaiuj wai. t. iKWiri, Clearfield
struction upon the Piano, Melodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
lerms Jbor pupils under six years old, $a,00
for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old, 510,00, for seventy-two
lessons of one hour each ; upon Piano, Me
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the
alance at the end of the quarter.
Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils.
Studied alone. $3,00 per term. ,
Koonis at air. Alexander Irwin's.
Oct. 1,1860. K. A. P. KYJSDER, Teacher.
Spring & Summer Goods
: , AL illll.
Just received and opening, a carefully selected
stock of Spring and Summer goods-, of almost ev
ery description, btaple and J! ancy.
0 lio ice Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Stationary, Ccdar-waro. Now Mackerel In half,
quarter, and eighth barrels.
rior quality.
All of which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms for Cash or approved country produce.
June 26, 1851. WM. F. IRWIN.
opened for the rcccption.of pupils (male and
female) on Monday, September 2d Tei ms, per ses
sion of eleven weeks :
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arith
metic and Geography, $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and History. $3,00
Algebra, Geometry, Natural rniiosophy, and
Book Keeping. S4,00
Latin and Greek languages, $6,00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify them
selves for teachers, this institution oners desirable
advantages. No pupil receivod for less than half
a session and no deduction except for protracted
sicknoss. Tuition to be paid at the close of the
term. Imay301 C. B. SANDFORD, Principal.
Brilliant Opening
H. W. Smith & Co.
The attention of the Ladies is respectfully called
to the following notice. We have jut received
and opened the very latest and most fashionable
styles ot
Zephyr Wool Gauntlets, Berlin Wool
- Gloves with gauntlets, Wool Scarfs, Ze
phyr Wool Shawls, large and small ; heavy
double all wool Shawls, Chenile Shawls, Cloth
Cloaks, and every variety of Zephyr. A superior
article of gauntlet Kid Gloves, gauntlet Lisle
Gloves, gauntlet Buck Gloves, gauntlet Cash
' mere gloves, childrens' Cashmere Gloves,
childrens' Lisle gloves, and a good as- : -'
sortment of Ladies', Childrens',
and Infants' hosiery. Also
Elegant worked Collars, elegant worked Skirts
all wool Delaines, flannels, and a gteat variety of
Dress Goods. All of which will be sold cheap.
Addenda The Sontags will be opened for sale
in one week Irom this dato.
WINDOW SHADES. We have just received from
Howell & Brother of Chestnut street, two choice
styles of Paper. Also, window shading, plain and
figured. II. W. SMITH fc CO.
Clearfield. November 13. If 61.
af XX A li ULK s
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which wo in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
Tho American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Camoo, Coral, La
va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac.
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gold Breastpins, Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings,
children'seardropsandringsat NAUGLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at IS AUG LE'S
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs,' fob
buckles and guard slides at JM AUGLE S
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and aualitv. gold lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at JN AUG LE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will bo taken in exchange
lorgooasai AUUUi'B.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
ana warrantoa. take them to .NAUGLE'S
Tobacco, Segars, Ac,
In tho basement of Merrcll & Bigler's building by
Feb. 27, 1861-tf. O. B. MERRELL
REIRA, No. 718 Arch Street,
between 7th A 8th Streets,
Philadelphia, (late of 818
Market street,) Importer,
Manufacturer of, ana Deal
er in all kinds of FANCY
FURS, for Larlies1 Misses',
and Children's Wear.
Having now manufactur
ed and in store my usual
large and boautiful assort
ment of all the various
styles and qualitiesoi Furs.
adapted to the coming Fall
and v inter seasons. I
would respectfully invite
an examination of my stock and prices from those
intending to purchase, as I am enabled to offer
them very desirable inducements.
: All my Furs have been purchased for cash, and
mane oy expenenoea ana competent bands, and
as the present monetary troubles render it neces
sary that I should dispose of my goods at very
small advance oncost.
Iam satisfied that it will be to the interests cf
those who design-purchasing, to give me a call
tjr"Reco!loct, the name, number and street: John
it areira, ew j; ur etore,) 1 18 Arcn street, 1'hilad a.l
aept. ii. isowmo.
A good two-horse wagon with
7 A . 1 . I ' W
JL box, for sale very low
Rex, New. Millport Clearfield
I co.. Pa.
PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo
cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield,
would inform the public that he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1858. EDWI3 COOPEK.
PA. The subscriber having purchased the
furniture and interest from H. ii. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sicnt and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with his establishment will do
conducted second to none in the county. He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, lS60.-y. GtU. JN. UULCUlViN,
Shaw's Mills, one mil East of Clearfield Boro"
Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and
adjoining counties, that he is at all times prepar
ed to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair
Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes,
one of which is a Folding Mattress, suitable for
Cabins on Rafts, which can be folded in small
compass, and .emptied and refilled at pleasure;
and very cheap, lie also trims Carriages, makes
repairs to all kinds of carriage trimming and Up
holstery, and makes cords or Masons tracing lines,
ot any thickness or length. Country produce,
corn husks, or cask taken in exchange for work.
Orders left with any of tho merchants of Clear
field Boro'. will be promptly attended to., jan'J-01
A Benevolent Institution established by spe
cial endowment, for the relief of the sick and Dis
tressed, it dieted with lrulcnt and Epidemic dis
eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the
Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by
the acting burgeon, to all who apply by lcttcr.with
a description of their condition, (age, occupation,
habits of life, Ac.) and in cases of extreme pover
ty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable
reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of
the Sexual organ?, and on tho New Remedies em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in
scaled letter envelopes free of charge. Two or
three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad
dress. Dr. J. Seillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon,
Howard Association, JSo. '1 South ISinth St., Phil
adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
JriZKA D. llKAKl WliL.li, 1'rcsident.
Geo. Fairchild, Sec. Oct 21, 1300-ly.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on ''his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on band, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
m'ay be wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, W riting and Wash stands; Uentre, inn
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac He wil'
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice, and easy terms Now is the time te buy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates.
Walk in and examine the articles on hand, aa
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
country proauce receiveu in payment.
April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELTCH.
N. B Coffins made to order on short notice, anc
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate aceompanyments. when desired. J. G.
On the seventh of September, 1861, THK
twenty-first year of its existence; the THE DAI
LY TRIBUNE being some months older and THE
SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat youager.
For more than twenty years, this journal has la
bored in what its conductors have felt to bo tho
eause of Humanity, Justice and Freedom, endeav
oring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed
and unfortunate, to honor and encourage useful
exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by
all means tbe moral, intellectual and material ad
vancement of our country. It has aimed to be
right rather than popular, and to espouse and
commend to-day the truth that others may not be
willing to accept till to-morrow. In pursuing
this course, mistakes have doubtless beeirmade
and faults committed ; but, having in all things
incited our readers to think and judge for them
selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth
ers' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim
for this journal the credit of having qualified its
readers to detect and exposo even its own errors.
To develop the minds of tho young by the most
general, thorough and practical Education, and to
encourage and stimulate Productive Industry,
through free grants of Public Lands to actual set
tlers and cultivators, as also through the protec
tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branches
from too powerful foreign competition, are among
the aims to which this journal has adhered
through good and.evil report, and which it stead
fastly commends to American patriotism and
philanthropy. ' .
As to the Civil War now devastating our coun
try, we hold U to have originated in a Rebellion
more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, then was ev
er before known a Rebellion in the interest of
the few against the many a Rebellion designed
to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten the
chains of oppression. Having done all we could
without a surrender of vital principle to avoid
this War and witnessed tho forbearance, meek
ness, and long-sufi'cring with which the Federal
Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold
it our clear duty, with that of every other citizen
to stand by th nation and its fairly chosen ru
lers, and to second with all our energies their cf
forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and
the supremacy of the laws. And, though the Re
bellion has become, through usurpation, deoeption,
terroism, and spoliation, fearfully strong, we be
lieve the American Republic far stronger, and
that the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts
and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all
questions affecting the objects, tho scope, and du
ration of this most extraordinary contest, we de
fer to those whom the American People have
clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose
and of action indispensable in so grave an emer
gency ......
In a crisis like tbe present, our columns must
be largely engrossed with the current history of
the War for tho Union, and with elucidations of
its more striking incidents. We shall not, how
ever, remit that attention to Literature, to For
eign Affairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops,
Markets, Ac. which has already, we trust, won for
THE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its
ootemporarics. Our main object is and shall be
to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from
which a careful reader may glean a vivid and
faithful history of the times, not merely in the do
main of Action but in that of Opinion also. As
our facilities for acquiring information increase
with years, we trust that an improvement in tbe
contents ot our journal is perceptible, and that,
in the variety and fulness of intelligence afford
ed, wo may still hope to ' make each day a critic
on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continu
anoe of the generous measure of patronage hith
erto accorded to our journal.
DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) . . $6
SEMI-WEEKLY (164 issues per annum) .... S3
WEEKLY (52 issues per annum) ........ S2
To CvvBS--Semi-Weeilv : Two copies for $5 :
five for $11 25 ; ten copies to on address for $20 ;
and any larger number at the latter rate. For a
club of twenty, an extra copy will be gent. For a
club of forty we send The Daily Tribune gratis
one year.
Weekly : Three ooples for $5 ! eight oopies for
S10, any any larger number at the rate of $1 20
each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each
subscriber. To elubs of Twenty, we send an extra
Twenty oopies to one address for $20. with one
extra to him who sends us the club. For each
elub of One Hundred, The Daily Tbibcsk will be
sent gratis lor one year.
When drafts can be procured it is much safer
tnan to rerai; Jianfc unis. Xhe name of the Post-
Office and State ehould in all cases be plainly
written, rayment always in advance.. Address
THE TRIBUNE No. 154 Nassau-st., New-York
SALT--a good article, and very cheap at the
-Irvin's Corner Store,
Just received at the ''Corner Store?'
a complete stock of
Customors wrfl find
The as&sortnient varied, and the prices reasonable.
Curwensvillo, April 10, 1881.
for sale low for cash,
At the "corner store'' in CurwensviHe.
At Irvin's "corner store." Curwensvillo.
For sals thrt low, at Irvin's Corner Store.
A quantity at tbe Corner Store.
Jadies will find at the Corner Store a
complete assortment of Dress Goods of all
descriptions, such as Tartan Plaids, various
styles; Persian Twills, Printed Cash meres,
All Wool and Printed Delaines (in variety,)
Tlain (all wool) Delaines and Merinos, all col
ors, Debege, Coburgs, &c, in variety.
Qn hand a large stock of Mens' and Boys'
Clothing, of all descriptions. Scal-skin, Bea
ver and Cass overcoats. Gents' Shawls. Fine
Dress cloth and Cassimere business Coats,
Pants, and Vests ; over shirts, over-alls, un
der elothing, &c, &c, a complete stock.
groceries, a large stock on hand, (selling
low,) bythe quantity or retail, call and see
them, and satisfy yourselves.
Qents' dress Hats, and staple Ilata and Caps
ot all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all descrip-
" ' tlons selling now lower than ever. '
Jjonnets of all descriptions and the
newest styles, at Irvin's Corner Storo.
Toadies' Gloves, Gauntlets, Nubias, and
new style Wool Iloods, in great variety.
Qloths, Doeskin Cassimeres, Fancy Cassi-
meres and Vestiugs, in great variety.
jguffalo Hobes of all sizes and prices, and
Sleigh-bells, Whips, &c, at tho corner.
dlery, Sole and Upper Leather, at the corner.
J"EW WORLD and Noble Cook-Stoves, and
Nine plate Stoves for sale, very cheap.
QRINDSTONES of the best quality, and fix
tuies, for sale at tho "corner store."
glGHT-DAr and 24-bour Clocks, of all si-
zes, styles, and prices, at the corner store.
gUM COATS, Pants and Boots, a large as
sortment, for sale at Irvin's corner store.
j"AILS, Glass, Paints, Oils, &c, &c, for sale
very low by tbe quantity or at retail.
QUSTOMERS are invited "to call and exam
ine our goods, as we are satisfied that an ex
amination of goods and prices will induce
persons to buy. E. A. IRYIN.
CurwensviHe, Pa., October 17, 1800.
The subscriber has opened a full and com-
Dlcte assortment flf It K 11 ii S in thr, nnw hrirfc
building of lr. Woods, on the corner of Locust
and Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield,
where they will at all times be happy to accom
modate any person who may desire articles in their
line. The business will be oonfined strictly to a
and no pains will be snared to render satisfaction.
Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always be
found and consulted in tho "Drugstore," when
not absent on professional ' business. ' A separate
room for consultation is attached to the Store,
where patients way be examined privately.
Every article usually found in such an estab
lishmcnt will be kept pn hand, and sold at greatly
reduced prices. J. erms being strictly Cash will en
able them tooffer inducements in the way of prices.
Physicians will be supplied at a small percent
age overcoat and carriage. Their orders are solici
ted. Every article soid will be pure and of the
dcsi quality. . . n OUUS JJAflUfc.iT.
Clearfield, Ta.. February 13, 1861-tf.
rrn young ladies wanted, to e-
JJ amine and reduoe the large stock of Dress
Goods, just received at M'SKP'S.
Tbe subscribers won 1.1 v. VV-
the Tavern keepers and others that thev bl,.
cently started a new Brewry in the Kot'JX'.
Clearfield, and th.t it,. .o - " r."L8n of
nish Beer on the most accommodating trrnu Tk'"
have employed an experienced Brewer, frm u
east, and they feel confident that they can .bui
a superior articlo of beer. Give tbeia a tri 5
judge for yourselves. ' '
The undersigned takes thin mh.il .r-.-.
ing the public that he has commenced tfce '
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough nf r "
field, and thst ho is now prepared to tfn-ti t i
who may want them with Milk aud Cream' Crsvj
Jogs. oars. Ac, at lower prices, than tLcy Ma il
bought elsewhere. lie nolieits a ?har of t t.,,
Clearfield. Pa.. May Za.lbjQ-ly.
FARM FOR SALE. The following drwriw
farm, situated in Decatur township. Clearfieij
Co.. Pa. two miles and a half west of l'bilip.i,ar,
on.theUlen Hope road, containing owoi,,,,
and twenty-one acres and allowance. Tbere ir
about eighty-five acres cleared and under a K,.,i
state of cultivation ; with a large, well finis.iej
frame 6ank barn, a comfoitable hewed h.g hou'
and a well finished frame dwelling lioue
other out buildings erected thereon, never f.i';ft
springs of water at the buildings, and a l.i: eani
well selected assortment of bearing frniftrei-j
The wood land being well timbered aDlt,afr
laid with a four and a half foot vein of rtonefcal
The above farm affords rare inducements to pur
chasers. For further information enquire of
Oct. 23. lHf.l. Cm. Centre. Co Pi
And fur the speedy euro of tlte following r.H. ;:,Jt.:
Scrofnla antl Scrnfuloiu AfiVrt lu,, k
an T ii in o ru, Ulerra, !oic, KrMptiait
Pimples, IMiKtuIcs, Blotclirg. AIoiu
XUaiiis, and all Skin llUraui. '
Oakland. Ind., Cth J tin. v
3. C. ATrn Co. !mhi: I feel it my tj u M
knowledge what )mir itraiariila Uhm tUtr.Z tur
Having inherit..! a cr-fultu iufiftiun, I iiv nV ,j
from it in various w y f"r yearn. S'ln.'tinirj It Wa
out in Clcers on my liamU auid nuns ; ..ijioUun U
turned inwnrd and ditre-ed me at I tie sfoiuncli. T
year ago it broke out on my iiraJ and cox ml ui r tip
and ear with one sole, wliicli wax jHtiiiful ami luitii4iv
beyond Ut-tu-rirtiun. I tried many uii'ilit-iiie mul ml
physicians, but without much relief from diiy runrir. I
fact, the disorder grew wurte. Jit h-l;th 1 i.-j -i-cJ
to read iu the Uoxpe! Mcventf.T that yon hail .i..swl
au iilterative (Snniaiiarillit), for I knew Irum ymir tiwl
tlou that any tiling you made uitut be frood. 1 eut to
Cincinnati and got it, ami usud it till It rut ci um. 1 i. k
it, a yon ad vim, in amnll dose of a teasf-oonrni vo.-x a
mouth, and aned Aliiioet tltreu bolt I. w aud liolilir
akin soon began to ftrin under ttie itenb. winch aft r
while fell off. My akin is sow clear, and 1 know j r.j
feelinga that the ilifX-aKe hmi goix from my ay)Um. Vuu
can well believe that I feel w hid I nm any ing wti a I tea
you, that I hold you to lie oue of the apostle of ue ao,
aud remain ever gratefully. Your.
St. Anthony's Fire. Rose or Rryalnela-i,
Tetter and Salt Ithtnm, Mcaid lltad,
lting vroriu, Sort Eyes, Dropay.
Dr. Robert BI. Prel.Ia write from fWe.-u, Jf. T,
Sept., lS5d, that he liaa cured an inveterate cae f
Brapty, which threatened to terminate fatally, by th
persevering use of our Sarcapurilla, aud alfo a liaaeruw
Malignant Erytipelas by large dose of tbe ram ; bi
he cures the common Eruptions by It constantly.
Bronehoctlt, Goitre or Swelled Xecfe.
Zebnlon Sloan cf Proi-pect, Texan, write : TUre L 4
tie of your Sersaparilla cured me from a (ii-ll-eon
rwellinr on the neck, which I had autlcied ft.m
orer two year. . -: : . ,
Ieucorrhoca. or "White. Ovarian Tames.
Uterine Ulceration, Ftinale Dlioiti.
Dr. J. B. 8. Chinning, of New York CTty, ; -f
most cheerfully com.!y with the rau, ix.it ui jour k fa
saying I hare fbssd your SnrarrilU a smut entUut
Iterative in the nnnterons complaints ftir whirk w
emp.ey such s remedy, but eJeeUtly in FmhuIz iimatei
of til tfrroCulou dSathasi. I have cured inauy iavtw.
te cases of Leucorrkora l y It, snd sumo where the .-.-plaint
wax caused by uterration of the ulmit. TV? sir-
siion itself was soon enred. Neildujc wiUUt ray kii
edge equal it tor tbM fc-utale derauremenU."
- Edward 8. Marrow, of Newlmry, Ala-, write. " A das
reroua or art an tumor on one of the bunalet in isy likmOr,
which bad defied l the retnedie we could eiapUm. h.-j
at leneth been eomplerely cured by yonr Ex trait of rar
SRparida. Our pliynielHii tli-might nothing '-"t xurj-.-tiun
coul.l afford relief, but he died tle u --i of uur
ruiUa a the last report a-efuie rmtii. an! it
proved effectual. After taking your remedy el ,!.'.
no symptom of the di.temo remnina."
SrpHULs and Mercnrlal D!r;o.
Nr.W OBltaXX, 2.'.ti An-; vf. !.
Via. 3. C Atr: Sir, I cheerfnUy cemply wl'li ilw re
qneat of your agnnt, and report to you some of ile ef.rl
I have realised with yonr Saripj ila.
I bare cured with it, in my practice, meet .f tlie eoa
plnint for which it h recommended, aad la fa: ml H
effects truly wonderful in the cure of IVnei-wrf .l:1 JJ-r
ctirifil Dittate. One cf my patient had fyphittic- iJrr
in his throat, which were ennsuming his j trt;:t? ruj t!i
top of hi mouth. Your Fartwparilla. i-toOi.' uk",
cured him Id Ave week. Another was i4ti! . . i.
ondary symptoms in his nose, and th uhuJ 11
entea away a considerable jtu-t of it, o tlm' I In Um
disorder would soon rearli his brnin and kill V.n lut it
yielded to my administration of yonr Fiitmi r U: Um
ulcers healed, and he is well figain, not of cu.- without
some disfiguration to his face. A womuu who iaJ
treated for the saaie disorder by mcniu-y . atSt-iiuS
from thi peison in her bouns. They Lad lecome v mo
sitive te the weather thst on a dump day she sutfei -4
ci ut iiUinK pain in her joints and boues. Mie, tio.
cured entirely by your tarsaparilla in a few ks. '
knovftioiu its formula, which your ageut gave aw, tlut
this Preparation from your luborntory must I a it
remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable iu'u
with it have not surprised me.
Fraternally your, O. V. I.AItlMtR, II. D.
Rhenmatitm, Gont, Liver Complaint.
ISDlPEHDESCt, Preston Co., Vs., Cth July. IK'
Dr. J. C. Ateb: fir, I have been anlicted with a pan
ful chronic Rheumatism for a iosg time, which baflM "
Kkill of pbysicisns, sud stuck to nis in spite of all Uie
remedies I could find, until I tried your Sariparilla. On
bottle cured me in two weeks, and restoied wy foffi
health so much that 1 act fur better than brft-ir I
atttcked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. i KLAM
Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis, writes: I Lavs Wjj
afflicted for years with an affeciivm if the Ltctr.
destroyed my health. I tried every thing. nd every tUivt
failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-do
for some year from no other cause than drrenprm-vt
the iArtr, My beloved pastor, the Kev. Sir. F.hpy. kJ'!""
me to try your Sarsaparilla. because he said he kte ye,
and any thin' yon made was worth triug. By th hie
ing of Ood it has cured uie, and has so purified iuj
as to make a new man of me. I fel young aijaio. Tb
best that can be said of you is not half gobd eoeifc-h.
Srhlrrui.Canrrr Tnmort, EaUrprmesti
Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation
the Bones.
A great vnriety of case have been reported to ni k
rures of these formidable complaint have resulted m
tbe use of this -remedy, but our space here will u- j"
them. Ssme of them may be found in our A"
Almanac, which the agents lelow named r pie"
furnish gratis to all who call for Mieiu.
Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits. Epl,fP"
aw. Melsiieholv. Kenralffla
Many remarkable cure of these alTectious hT'
cessitie of the eole, and w are confidant that tin '
do for tiil-m all Uiat luedieine can 00. .
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Congha, Cold, Influenza, lloir
Croup, Bronckitis, Incipient .
sumption, and for tlte 1
of Consumptive Patlew's
In advanced Stag
of tlte Disease.
This b rewiedy so nniversaHy known to nr?
Other for the cure of throat and lnng Pu"j'JL p
is useless her to publish the evidence of its """J",;,
- unriva ld excellence for coaghs sd rolos, ano -.
wonderful cure of pulmonary disease,
known throughout tl.e cirilised ",t ,iw
Few are the communities, or even families. '''
Who have Bot some personal xperjeMc of a.
some living trophy in their midst of r,uJ
subtle and dangerou disorder of the "lrt ., ,
As all know th dreadful frtallty of -.f'-'Ji :
as they kaee, too. the eff-U of this remedy, we r.
do move thaa'to assure them thst it MJ
tne. that itdid have w hen msk ft the e"
won o strongly upon ihs xmtd- of
Prepared lj Dr. J. C. ATtB & CO, Lowell 1
Sold by C. D. Watsou, C:arieid; E A. If
CurwensviHe; Sm'l I Arnold, C
k Ansjnv lis: J. C. Ererner, A or
PR. Foster, Philipsbur;, Rnd dealer
Leweil, Jhs?., Janusry zs, io-i-
mads by the alterative power oi tnis memcine.
lata the vital fuuetious into Tigorous action, and
Crercoms disorder which would be supposed I "V.
. l, . MmsW lis Inn tr hen reimiren by V T.