Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 02, 1861, Image 2

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the Mr?TO 'mmhal
Raftsman's f aral
CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 2, 1861.
JOSEPH B. M'EN ALLY, of Clearfield county.
ALONZO 1. WILCOX, of Elk coun ty.
DANIEL LIVINGSTON, of Cnrwensville.
SAMUEL SEBRINO, of New Washington.
DAVID ADAMS, Sr., of Boggs.
6. HUDSON LYTLE, of Lumber-City.
JACOB MOCK, of Kylertown.
The issue before the country is plain. A
band of traitors havo raised their hands against
the Government and seek to destroy it by
force. The single question is, Which shall
yield ? Shall it bo the Government or the
Traitors? If the Government has to yield,
the whole world will pronounce our govern
laent a failure that it is insufficient to put
down treason and maintain the supremacy of
tho 'laws. 'Upon this question, as Senator
Douglas said, there can be but two parties
patriots and traitors. It is the part of a patriot
to aid the Government in putting down the re
bellion by every influence at his command
And, accordingly, wo have seen the patriotic
portion of all parties uniting and acting togeth
er on the patriot's platform, of doing all they
can to aid in overcoming the rebellion.
We rejoice at the patriotism shown by the
Republican party. In States and counties
where they had an undoubted majority, they
have nobly disregarded partizan feeling, and
divided the nominations for office, with such
of their opponents as were making a common
effort with themselves to save the country. So
they did in the State of Ohio, where a Union
Convention nominated men of the different
parties to fill the State offices. So they did
in the State of New York, where a similar
Union ticket was formed ; and Daniel S. Dick
inson, the most prominent Democrat of that
State, was placed on the ticket as one of the
candidates--'So they have done 'in Lancaster,
Huntingdon, and other counties in this State,
which have reliable Republican majorities
and in nearly every instance they bave shown
a willingness to sustain any man who is heartily
on the side of his country. Equal praise is
due to a very large majority of the Douglas
Democrats throughout the free States. They
did not help to elect Mr. Lincoln, and yet
they generally sustain his efforts to preserve
tbo Union and put down rebellion, with as
much good will as the Republicans themselves.
There is a small portion of the Breckinridge
party, equally entitled to the highest praise.
In courageous and disinterested patriotism,
no men have surpassed Johnson of Tennessee,
and Holt of Kentucky. Butler of Massachu
setts, and Dickinson ofN.York,will not soon be
forgotten. But the bright example of these
men shines the brighter in contrast with the
conduct of the great majority of the leaders
of the Breckinridge party.
Eleven States went for Breckinridge and
Lane at the last Presidential election, to wit :
Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Caro
lina, South Carolina, and Texas ; and of these
eleven,all have joined the Secessionists except
Delaware and Maryland, and as to Maryland,
she is only prevented from doing so by the
power of the Federal Government. It is a
stubborn fact that nearly all the Breckinridge
.States are Secession States, and that the lead
crs who controlled the party are the chief
traitors who contrived this rebellion and are
sow carryinc it on. It is another fact, that
those in the Northern States who have shown
sympathy with the traitors, are almost invaria
bly Breckinridge men. As to their candidates,
Lane has joined the rebels long ago, and
Breckinridge has been aiding them to the ex
tent of hi) power ; and now, that Kentucky is
about taking up the sword in defence of the
Union,. be is reported to bave fled like a guilty
traitor, as ha is, to escape the officers of the
Federal Government. .
And what has been the course of that cliqne
of Breckinridge leaders who aim to control
the Democracy of Clearfield county ? Tbey
never denounce tbo rebels but their party
hatred is so great that tbey cannot find words
enough in their vocabulary to express their
petty malice against their political opponents.
A prominent characteristic of this class of
Breckfnridge politicians is their impudence
and falsehood. Tbey pass high sounding reso
lutions, amounting to a kind of enlogy upon
the Democratic party ; the substance of them
being, that the Democratic party is always
right that the Democratic party has always
supported the powers that be that the Demo
cratic party has ever held the Constitution and
laws and treaties made in pursuance thereof, to
be the Supreme law of the landand that the
Democratic party Is opposed to Secession. If
by the Democratic party is meant the Breck
inridge party to which the Clearfield clique
belongs, then the resolutions are a string of
the most bare-faced falsehoodand nonsense
ever presented to the public foc';lbis day a
majority of the Breckinridge party are trai
tors and rebels, or in sympathy with them.
Where are the States that were carried by
the Breckinridge party ? Nearly aU of tbem
bave repudiated the Constitution and the U
nion, and claim Jeff. Davis as their President.
And where are the States that cast their votes
for Lincoln ? All true to the Union, the Con
stitution and the Laws. If the preservation
of the Union depended on the Breckinridge
Democracy, it would be gone. If the Union
is saved, It must be by those who oppos
ed Breckinridge and Lane and that band
of Southern traitors who have ever controlled
the Breckinridge party.
We mentioned, in our issue of last week,
tho fact that a reform was much needed
in the manner of prosecuting criminals in
our county, and we think any one who was
present at the Court last week, will fully agree
with us. The whole week .was occupied with
criminal business, and the Traverse Jurors
were ready to be discharged, before the Grand
Jury was through with its business. And,
notwithstanding the great nnmber of cases,
we are informed, that but one offender was con
victed. The people were put to nearly two
thousand dollars expense, and the result is,
one man was sentenced to tho Penitentiary
for thirteen months.
Now, who is to blame, and how is it to be
remedied? Certainly, if the District Attor
ney is prompt and energetic in the discharge
of his duties, this state of things in a great
measure Kill not exist; and, perhaps to no
other cause can it be attributed, than to the
frequent inefficiency of that officer. If then,
the people want the criminal calender cleared
np, and the county released from this enor
mous expense, let them, now that they have
it in their power, elect a competent and active
District Attorney. In a county like this it is
one of the most important offices in their gift,
and all their interests should urge them to
see that an efficient officer is elected. When
we have a case in Court, we search out the
best lawyer we can find ; why then should we
be willing to entrust the public business in
the hands of young and inexperienced men ?
Certainally this is a great mistake. If then,
you want the public interests protected, and
offenders brought to justice, vote for Mr.
Swoope,who has had more than ten years expe
rience at the Bar, and who, it must be concee-
ded, is an energetic and able criminal lawyer.
As this is the last paper that will be issued
before the election, we would say to all the
friends of the Constitution and the Union, that
you bave an important duty to discbarge on
Tuesday next. Many of your neighbors have
gone forth to ffght the battles of the country.
Your duty is to give all the aid you can to
the Administration In its efforts to uphold our
Government against traitors. This can be
done most effectually by electing men of une
quivocal Union sentiments to the Legislature,
whose duty it will be to provide for the brave
men who bave been called into service from
Pennsylvania. Such men are presented to
you. A. I. Wilcox and J. B. McEnally the
Union candidates for Assembly, and the whole
Republican Union county ticket, are men
whose loyalty cannot be doubted by any one.
Tbey are true Union men, and honest and
competent. Go to the polls then, and cast
your votes for them. See that your neighbor
does the same. Let not one man stay at
home; but let all go and exercise the rights
of a free man, and consider it a duty, as well
as a privilege, to do so. Then, once more we
say, go to the polls on Tuesday next and cast
your ballots for the true Union candidates.
Pnrsnant to notice given, a large concourse
of peopl6 assembled in Clearfield, on Wednes
day evening of Court week. Although the
meeting was organized- at a late hour on ac
count of the Court not adjourning, we believe
it was one of the largest political gatherings
ever convened in the county.
The meeting was organized by appointing
Ellis Irwin, Esq., President. Thomas Gra
ham, Edw. McGarvey, Wm. McBride, Joseph
Westover, H. L. Henderson, John McQuilkin,
Wm. Albert, Henry Swan, Nathaniel Rishel,
Joab Rider, James Dowler, and B. Spackman,
Vice Presidents ; and J. H. Fulford and S. B.
Row, Secretaries.
On motion, the President appointed the fol
lowing committee, to draft resolutions expres
sive of the opinions of the meeting, to wit :
A. C. Finney, Joseph Bircbfield, James P.
Nelson, John Carlile, and Benj. B. Wright. "
During the absence of the Committee, J. B.
McEnally, Esq., being called on, addressed
the assembled multitude. His speech was el
oquent, and full of true patriotism ; and it was
evident from the earnest manner of the speak
er that what be said proceeded from an hon
est heart, with a full determination to do his
duty to the government in this hour of its se
verest trials. At the close of Mr. McEnally 's
remarks, the committee on resolutions offered
the following, which were unanimously a
dopted: Resolved, That in our opinion the National
Government should be sustained by every
patriot, without regard to party, until the su
premacy of the laws and Constitution of the
United States is acknowledged to the remot
est corner of the Union, and until every rebel
lays down bis arms and returns to bis alle
giance. Resolved, That any offer of compromise with
rebels in arms against the Government, is on
ly calculated to encourage rebellion, both in
the present and in the future, and inaugurate
a policy of national humiliation.
Resolved, That those who have so nobly vol
unteered to assist in maintaining the Union,
its institutions and laws, are entitled to the
warmest sympathy and gratitude of every lov
er of his country.
Resolved, That we will use every honorable
means to secure the election of the Union
Assembly ticket, and the County ticket put in
nomination by the Republican party.
Resolved, That in the Hon. John Patton the
people of the 24th Congressional District re
cognize a faithful Representative, a true pa
triot, and a firm friend of the t ederal Govern
Resolved, That Hon. L. W. Hall, our State
Senator, and Isaac G. Gordon and Samuel M.
Lawrence, our Representatives in the Legisla
ture last winter, merit the thanks of their
constituents for the able and faithful manner
in which they have discharged their duties.
II. B. Swoope, Esq., was then called on and
made an eloquent speech. His remarks held
the attention of tho large audience to the
close; and, it is generally admitted, that he
never made a political address that was more
patriotic and appropriate.
On motion, the meeting then adjourned,
and the people dispersed well pleased with
the proceedings.
It is the habit of certain small-fry Breckin
ridge Locofocos to resort to schemes and false
hood on the eve of n election relying for
their success upon the inability of the oppo
site party to counteract or correct them for
want of time. We caution our readers, there
fore, to disbelieve all stories, and disregard
all tricks, from this to the election. Let each
man go nobly forward and deposit his vote in
such a way as will most effectually support the
Government, the Administration, and the
Union that it may be known he is in favor of
prosecuting the war with vigor, until the trai
tors ground the weapons of their rebellion and
return to their allegiance to the best Govern
ment on the face of the earth.
"Still Recruiting. The Administration
is fulling up their Regiment at Fort Lafayette
A recruiting station has lately been opened
in Kentucky, a number of traitors have been
sent to the regiment from that State." Clear
field Republican, Sept. 2o.
A "recruiting station in Kentucky" and
"Regiment at Fort Lafayette !" Does that
sound like the sentiments of a loyal man ?
Pre-haps so. But, we opine, it is only surface
loyalty and not of much account as no true
Union man would be guilty of such expres
sions if, with all his heart, he desired the
preservation of the Union. "Straws show
which way the winds blow."
A Soldier's Opinion of the St. Marys Resolutions.
The following letter from Lieut. Col. Kane
to Col. A. 1. Wilcox, shows in what light the
St. Mary's resolutions are regarded by those
in the army. Col. Kane is a Democrat and a
soldier, and not disposed to cast his voto so
as to encourage Secession.
K. R. R., Bank's Div., in Camp near I
Darnstown, Md., Sept. 19, 1861. J
Col. A. I. Wilcox, of Bear Creek, Elk Co :
Dear Sir : You would like a word for my
friends with reference to the approaching e
lections. I think all soldiers volunteers as
well as others should keep themselves out of
politics where they can ; and 1 bave bad e
nough to do minding my now business and
learning it thoroughly, without informing my
self of what was going on at home. But I
was never non-committal in my life, and one
of the boys has handed me a copy of the res
olutions of our Democratic Representative
Conference at St. Mary's, thus compelling me
to notice them. They are very well written.
I am confident not one of my friends who vo
ted for them considered that tbey were of a
character to give aid and comfort to the enemy.
But I have been thrown too much among the
Secessionists of Western Virginia and Mary
land lately not to know belter ; and I feel res
ponsible to my conscience accordingly. I
shall mark my disapproval of the Resolutions
by supporting you who snapped your fingers
at tbem. Respectfully yours,
Thomas L. Kanb.
Am Acknowledgment. The editors of the
Breckinridge organ in this place, in their is
sue of week before last acknowledge that it
does them good to see us copy "so largely
from the great Union speeches of our Demo
cratic leaders." Our Democratic leaders 1
Thank you we did not know that your lead
ers made Union speeches, or that we had cop
ied any of them into the Journal. We thought
that Wise, Ben McCullocb, Johnson, Jeff Da
vis & Co., were at the head of an army in the
South and in open rebellion against the gov
ernment, and that they only made speeches
infavor of Secessia ; but, perhaps, that is the
reason why their speeches "sound so patriotic"
in the ears of the editors of Mr. Breckiniidge's
organ in this county. We hope, however,
that the speeches we bave published have
dono the editors some good, and that they
will re-read tbem and be profited still more by
tbo sound Union doctrine which they contain.
Let everv friend of his conntrv ho 1iw tn
the importance of the great question to be de- - " 8tatcd tb,at, ov" ,th?8.tl
cided on Tuesday, and be earnest and active J qo the 12th inst. there were ten tho Vdihre
.11 i I-." J 1 At I 1 -9 . i 1 - -T . ' . - .
iu gemug vut tu ivro ui tun uieuus ui un i uuuureu arret miny oaicsiu xxowuriesns.WuICu
uuiop. i m tne norm wouia ue worm i,isu.wv.
A Good SiGN.t-We see that the editors of
the Clearfield Republican are trying to give
tone and character to their paper by quoting
largely from some of our old numbers. We
regard this as a good sign, and if they will
only continue to copy a column or two every
week, their readers will doubtless be much
profited and the standing of the Republican
much improved. If it accomplishes this, we
can afford to forgive its editors for attempting
to pervert the meaning of our articles, and
endeavoring to mane our loyalty appear as
doubtful as their own.
Let every Union man see to it, that he is
early upon the ground, prepared to givo a day
to his country. By the votes of this election
will be determined tho great question of
whether or not the people are in favor or op
posed to the War for the Union. Are you
ready to answer ?
More Reports from the enemt. A New
Yorker, a deserting Lieutenant from the Reb
el army, escaped from Freestone Point, was
on me zm tanen to vvasnmgton. lie says
mo ueDeis nave iu,uuu men at f reestone
Point,. 30,000 between there and Manassas
and large numbers along the river to Matthias
and can entirely destroy navigation, while the
force on the Potomac is about 180,000, wel
provided with cannon and plenty of food. He
further savs, the Rebels intend to cross the
Potomac above and below Washington, and
simultaneously attack In front and rear.
,f ;-tsv,"m V-..
From the Hartford Courant.
Our National Constitution, Art. 2, Sec. 1,
mm A - . 1 1 1 1 A
Says: "ine JtiXecuilve power onait ue yesicu
in a President of the United States of Ameri-
j. , . l." n t. : i
ca. Alter snDaivisiona cuuiea ocu. a, wuitu
declares : "The President shall be Comman
der-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the
United States, and of the Militia of the sever
al States, when called into the actual service
of the United States." This last was a grant
of eeneral jurisdiction over the subject ot
military affairs, and of all things pertaining to
them. The Supreme Court ot the United
States have held that the President, by virtue
of this power, could supersede foreign law in
conquered countries, and govern by bis omcers,
administering a new and substituted form ot
government, founded on bis martial and naval
orders, and that the President and his officers
were not liable to an action for establishing
and carrying out such military government, as
such acts were official and constitutional, i ne
Court also has held, that where a discretionary
power, as in this case, is conferred on the
President, bis decision is nnai, ana no oouri,
by habeas corpus or otherwise, can review it
or interfere with it. This power includes a
right to arrest, try by court-martial, and punish
all who interfere with the safety of the army
or navy, by arms, or who imperil the success
of our arms, or give aid and comfort to armed
traitors, by newspaper publications or other
wise. The discretion ot the .President alone
must determine where and how be will exercise
this high authority, with a view to defend our
Republic from foreign and domestic foes.
The Constitution confers the power for the de
fense and safety of the nation.
An act passed at the extra session oi con
gress to punish, by fine and imprisonment, a
conspiracy to promote any act of treason.
This makes every editor who manages bis pa
per so as to aid the rebellion a criminal, it
the President shall judge this to be the aim of
any publication, he may by martial order sup
press it, and arrest the editor. This power
ought instantly to crush out traitor presses,
and to arrest, imprison, and punish by court
martial, every man or woman who shall in any
manner give aid and comfort to the Jeff. Da
vis rebellion.
The authorities sustaining these doctrines,
and showing this view of the President's mar
tial power, will be found in Howard's U. S.
Rep., 7th, 9th and 16th. and in Gardner's In
stitutes, Ch. 1, 3, 5 and 13.
John C. Breckinridge has suddenly disap
peared from Lexington,' Kentucky. On Fri
day morning at daylight, he was seen on the
direct road through Prestonsburg, Ky., to
the Confederate lines in Western Virginia.
He was going at a rapid rate, in a buggy drawn
by two fast trotters, with a white man for a
driver, and a small negro servant boy. What
a commentary on public life ! It seems but
yesterday he was the idol of his party in Ken
tucky, with the prestige of a rise in fame un
paralleled as to rapidity in the annals ot A
merican history. Now we hear of him as a
fugitive from justice, fleeing by night and in
a morning fog, through the defiles of a moun
tainous country, to throw himself into the
protecting arms of the enemies of the Consti
tution and the Union. The remarkable par
allel between Aaron Burr and John C. Breck
inridge is worthy of attention. They are
kinsmen. Both were of courtly manners and
scholarly appearance. - Both received a colle
giate education, practised law and became
politicians, and were omcers in the army.
The immediate relatives of both acquired
much fame in theological pursuits, and were
intimately connected with colleges. The
rise of both was early, and with a rapidity al
most unparalleled in American history. Both
were invaribly successful before the people,
not knowing what it was to suffer defeat.
Both became Vice presidents of the United
States, and their friends predicted that noth
ing could prevent tbem from becoinming Pres
idents. The fame and character of both cul
minated at their attaining the Vice Presiden
cy. At that point, the influence and charac
ter of both began to decline, and went down
ward at a fearful rate. One inaugurated the
secret caucus system with wheels within
wheels. The other inaugurated and reduced
to a system in Kentucky the invarible use of
money to carry elections, the philosopher's
stone that was to turn all doubts into certain
ty. Both seeing they could not become Pres
idents of the United States endeavored to dis
member the Republic, and to rise on its ruins.
Both were charged with treason. Both fled
by night. One was caught and tried. The
other was pursued, and has not yet been
The Union Men ok Texas. If any doubt
remains as to the terroism beneath which the
loyal sentiments of the South is smothered, it
may be cured by reference to late California
advices. From Texas, through wild tribes of
Indians and over deserts, the Unionists are
finding their way to the Pacific, telling tales,
as they arrive, of fierce persecution behind
them, and the tenacity with which their fel
lows, who still linger about their homes, cling
to their old tradition and. nag. This in Tex
as, the remotest of the revolted States. The
patriots who are clamoring for peace at the ex
pense of the Union may perhaps define the
right and equity by which tbey consign those
Southerners, whose loyalty so bitterly tried is
found perfect, to the tyrany of self-elected an
archs and traitors. It no other motive impel
led the Government to a relentless prosecu
tion of the war, its obligation to Southern
loyalists would be sufficient.
Robbert or Government goods for Indi
ans. Government, on the 25th, received from
W. A. Burleigh, Agent for Yanckton Sioux
Indians, information that the steamer J. G
Morrow, on her passage up the Missouri Riv
er, laden with supplies for Indians, after run
hing over a succession of sand-bars and snags,
sank near St. Mary's on Thursday, Aug. 29,
the passengers having barely time to escape
The pilot was drunk at the time. The Cap
tain claimed the Government goods as his
own, and the crew stole a large quantity, the
Captain encouraging them. Through the firm
ness of Mr. Burleigh, aided, on Saturday, by
a detachment of Home Guards of Yanckton,
the depredations of the Captain and crew were
checked, and, after great labor, considerable
property was saved irom tne wrecK. it is
hoped that much more will be rescued. The
Indians for whom the goods were intended are
in great need of tbem.
The Expedition to Charleston. Gen.
Sherman's expedition to the Southern Coast
will sail within three weeks at the furthest.
Fifteen or twenty ' regiments will bave the
privilege of going to Charleston, as the prin
cipal officers in command believe, or to Mo
bile, or New-Orleans, as others conjecture.
Gen. Vicle's brigade five regiments, now in
camp here will form a part of the force, and
will ' go to Fortress Monroe, to sail thence,
within a few days. Gen. Sherman, will not
strike the only blow on the seaboard. .
Counterfeiters seem to be particularly busy
of later and withal rather successful. The
number -of bank-note plates in use, with the
character of which it is impossible for the
great mass of the people to be acquainted,
furnishes great facilities for the success of
i r . j
muse irauus. .
We. the undersiened Democrats, believing
that the only way to gain an- honorable peace,
and to preserve the Union, i to utterly crush
this wicked rebellion by the military and mor
al powers of the government that it is tne
duty of all good citizens, without respect to
party, in this hour of peril, to rally to the sup
port of the government against the assaults of
traitors, whether armed, or in our midstgiving
aid and comfort, and that any half-way policy
or pretended scheme of compromise with the
rebels at this time is only- calculated to en
courage rebellion, divide the Union, and dis
grace us as a nation; And believing further,
that the patriotic course oi sucu Democrats as
Hon. Joseph Holt of Kentucky, Hon. Andrew
Johnson of Tennessee, Gen. Butler of Massa
chusetts, Gen. Dix and Daniel a. Dickinson
of New York, and the late Stephen A. Douglas
of Illinois, in giving their powerful aid to the
present Administration in suppressing treason
and rebellion, merits the approval and imita
tion of all true Democrats. We, therefore,
utterlv reoudiate and spit upon a great portion
of the platform laid down by the late Represen
tative Convention held iu the iiorougti ot sl.
Mary's, tlk county, by a few would be leaders
of our party who in their zeal to destroy the
Republican party would risk the destruction
of this glorious government, and call upon tne
Democrats of Clearfield county who would not
have fastened upon them and their parly the
odium of disloyalty and treason, and who
agree in sentiment with us, to unite in taking
measures to bave persons to ri -present us in
our Legislative assemblies who are iu favor ot
maintaining their government at.u the Union
(no matter what party or person lor the time
being administers mat government) at an
hazards and at every sacrifice, and who are
opposed to treating with armed rebels and
traitors on any terms
John M'Naul,
II. P. Thompson, .
Henry Hile,
Ross Bloom,
Wm. S. Horn,
David Horn,
Wm. Dale,
Henry Kerns,
A. T. Mason,
Jimes 11. Fleming,
John II . Hoover,
Jacob Bilger,
John G. Shubert,
R. C. Taylor,
Wm. Henry,
Reuben B. Bonsai,
S. W. Horn,
John W. Derrick,
Levi Spiece,
Wm. P. Beck,
Wm. M. Hoover,
Abraham Gates,
Christian Smith,
Samuel Arnold,
Levi Draucker,
Gainer S. Bloom,
Samuel Irvin,
Lewis M. Laporte,
John Guilra,
Solomon J. Gates,
Geo. Kittlebarger,
John II. Larimer,
Hugh W. Mullen,
Wm. M. Henry,
Wm. G. Johnson,
Joseph A. Sencer,
Edward M. Peters,
John Livingston,
Joseph R. Miller,
Hiram Passmore,
Moses R. Denning,
James F. Shoop,
Jeremiah Smcal,
B. B. McPberson,
John Huff,
Joseph A. Passmore,
J. D. Denning,
Joseph Potter,
Wm. B. Peters,
Joseph II. Dearing,
Stephen Graff,
and others.
Thomis Bloom,
R. W. M'Naul,
James Hile,
Jacob Konle,
John V. Hays,
John Brijre,
John V. Cleaver,
Ditniel Fatist,
R. J. Johnson,
Jacob Hoover,
George B. Dale,
Wm. R. Harriger,
John Ellinger,
John Smith,
Jackson Bonsall,
J. A. Murphy,
Jacob S. Cole,
Wm. A. Dale,
Samuel Way,
James L. Hoover,
A. Irvin Thompson,
David W. Chilson,
George Wilson,
John J. Beams,
George A. Bloom,
Samuel George,
Adam Musser,
Ed. Goodwin,
B. F. Sterling,
Wm. J. Hemphill,
Thomas Liddell,
Daniel Sloppy,
Jeremiah Kline,
Wm. Wright,
Jesse Goss,
John Kline,
Benj. Bloom,
James Arthurs,
John J. Miller,
O. P. Wilder,
George H. Hall,
James Richards,
Frederick Haney,
W. W. Kelly,
Joseph Dale,
James Thompson,
Andrew Baughman,
A. J. McClellau,
J. B. Caldwell, Sr.,
Thomas A. Hoover,
Loyal Men in the South. The
ton cot respondent of the IS. 1. fosl says:
The authorities here are constantly in receipt
of letters from wealthy and distinguished men
in the South, who assure them that as soon as
the United States troops appear in sufficient
force to give tbem adequate protection they
will break ground and rise in support of the
Union. At present they have no arms, no
private intercourse with each other, no nu
cleus. The reign of terror is supreme, and
they are afraid even of assassination. This
is the tenor ot numerous letters from Louisi
ana, Mississippi, Texas, North Carolina, Ala
bama and Georgia. The materials for a de
cided reaction are ready, and a real majority
of tho people South are sighing for the return
of the happy days of the republic.
The Order to Draft Troops in Iowa. A
dispatch went from Secretary Cameron to the
Governor of Iowa, forbidding the drafting of
troops, and expressing his unbounded confi
dence in the patriotism of the people, and in
timating that the policy of the War Depart
ment would be to rely wholly on the popular
love of Freedom and the military attachment
to the Union. These Mr. Cameron insists
will . ever be sufficient to carry the Govern
ment through any contest with the Rebels.
Pike's Peak Gold. The Pike's Peak gold
coinage has made its appearance in Washing
ton, in $20 pieces, 10s, and 2s. The eagle
side is precisely like ours, and can scarcely
be distinguished from it. On the reverse is a
representation of Pike's Peak. The coinage
is excellent, and the metal has a rich yellow
Adverttsementsset m large type, cuts, or out of usual
styltwill be charged double price forspaceoccupieel.
To insure attention, the CASH matt accompa
ny notices, as follows : All Cautions with $1 ;
Strays, $1; Auditors' notises, $1,50; Adminis
trators' and Executors' notices, $1,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the same rates.
LUMBER. Notice is hereby given to all In
terested that daring the late freshet a quan
tity of square timber, spars, boards and shingles,
lodged on the pier of the Curwensrille Bridge,
therefore all persons who may have lost timber
will come and remove it on or before the 14th of
October, 1361. as all that remains unclaimed and
not removed on that day will be sold to the highest
bidder. WM. IRVIN President
Oct. 2, 1861. Curwensville Bridge Co.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
Office at Clearfield on the 1st, of October 161.
Adams Geo. W.
Antes Mattie Mrs.
Boyce Samuel
Brenker F. W.
Bliss A.
Cathcart Sarah K. Miss
Elend Margaret Miss
Ellinger Jane Miss 3.
Fleming R-L-Gates
N. s v
Gearhaart Enoch Q.
Graham" Hamilton '
GeaLGeaCW.. ' .
Hnver Mrff '
Horn Elfitt Mis
Jlenshey Samuel
Johnson Thomas
Kerwln John
Kartbaus Jno. F.
Loom is O. S. 3.
M'Ginty Robert
Moore Nathan
Piles Samuel
Reefer Daniel
Robison Johp
Stambaugh Alex.
Smith Mary Ann Miss
Steiner Juender
Smell Barbry Mr.
of Administration on the estate of ,
Brown, late of Huston township. ClearcM- n
Pa., having been granted to tne un'Sl''
persons indebted to said estate ars rtou, Z'1
make immediate payment, and tho?e ' ,-
agamit the same will .resent them dulri..t1
ticated for settlement. JOHN M. M ACI'V . n"
August 7.1S61,fet. AdiJuSk
taining 45 acres of land. 1 2 of hich 1
and under good fence ; and having there .
house, stable, and other out builuincs ik
young orchard and a good spring of water'thtn. '
This property is situated in Guclich towujbj'. fc
two miles from Janesville, and within hslf .1'
on the shares, for terms apply to DAVID SC'T-r
Guelich towaship, Sept. 4,lS61-3tp. "
O. 2. WAKE UP ! Thewndcrsi.
Speaddv Wm
1 Sanner Thomas
; Persons calling for letters in the above list will
ya pieaae say tny are advertised.
' M. a. Frask, r. m.
respectfully inform. tko cititens of ri,.r
and vicinity, that he continues to do all ki j. V
Blackuniithing on short notice-and in tiie
best style, at the Old Shop alungKide of t.S T
Hall. Edge tools of all kinds matte a! dre""'
in the best manner, and warranted to g:;t
satisfaction. The puolio will remwuber" Uim
am not in the habit of turning off job? ori'acc u
of not being able to do them. All I usk U iv
and then the public luny judge of the w,rk t.i.
themselves. Remember the ' Old Shop" ,t .tur
Town Hall. JAMES HaIf"
Clearfield Pa , August 13, 1881.
N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmore can&ot Hf.
cute, will be done on very short notice.
TION Wh ereas, by nnnct of theilewrj
Assembly of the Commonwealth of l'eun.-virjrij
entitled ''An act to regulate the General le?i,.,s
within this Commonwealth," it is ei.joii.ol on-h't
Sheriffs of the several counties to give public n.
tice of such election, the places where to b hell
and the officers to be elwtt-d ; Thkrkpore.I Ykh
EltICK U. MILLER, High Sheriff ofClearflclJ V,
do li fffhif give public iioticr to the Klevtri)i 'h.
county of Clearfield, that a UEXKKALLbKCII'.'j
will be held on the SeronH Tufuluy of tvv",
Nfrt, (being the EIGHTH d ay of ibe mouth I
at theseveral election districts iu said euuuj. ;
which time and place the qualified voters will tutc
ForTwo persons to represent the counties of CIrar
field, Jeffer.on, Elk an.l McKcan in the I'.'.-,
of Representatives of this Coiiiinorwoalrb
For Two persons for the oOices of AcLtc Jul v
of Clearfield county ; .
For One person for the office of FheiiiTof Clear.
field county ;
For One person for the office of Treasurer of Clear
field county ;
For One person for the office of liVtrict Atfornc j
of Clearfield county ;
For One person for the office of Coroner of Clear
field coi nty ;
For One person for the office of Couimi'H.ntr of
Clearfield county ;
ForOna person for the office of Auditor of Clear
field county.
The electors of the county of ClearQcU will
take notice that the said General Elcctiuu will U
held at the following places:
At the house of Samuel M. Smith, for the towa
ship of Bcccarifl.
At the house of Ascph Ellis, for the towi.sbis
of Bell.
At the house of James Bloom, Sr., for the town
ship of Bloom.
At the house of Edward Albert, for the towa
ship of Boggs.
At the house of William Hoover, for the towa
ship of Bradford.
At the public house of R. W. Miore, fur traJy
At the house of John Young, for the township of
At the school bouse near Simon Rorabau;h'f.
for the township of Chest.
At the Court House, for the Borough of Clear
field. At the house of Jacob Maurer, for the towc.kip
of Covington.
At the bouse of Isaac Eloara. jr., for tho En
ough of Curwensville
At Centre school house, for the township of
At the hou.e of Thomas C. Davis, for the tows
ship of Ferguson.
At the house of John I. Bundy, for the towa
ship of Fox
At Congress Hill school houe. for thetowaLl
of Girard.
At the public school house, for the township
At the house of Jacob llublcr, for the township
of Graham.
At the school house in Janesville, for the town
ship of Guelich.
At the house of JeFse Wilson, for the town-hip of
At the school house in Ansonville, fir the town
ship of Jordan.
At the house of B. D. Hall A Co., for the town
ship of Kartbaus.
At the Turkey Hill school house, for the towa
ship of Knox.
At the Court House in the Borough of ClcarG-11.
for Lawrence township.
At the public school house, for the B.rou2h of
Lumber City.
At the house formerly occupied by Thos. Kir.
for Morris township.
At the public school house, for the Borough
New Washington.
At the houe of Samuel Smith, for the township
of Penn.
At the house of Isaac Bloom, jr., in the Euro' of
Curwensville, lor Pine township.
At the house of R. W Moore, for the township
of Union.
At the house of John Whiteside, for the town
ship of Woodward.
all persons, except Justices of the Peace. m
shall hold any ofiiee or appointment of trust, ua
der tho government of the United Statci J
this State, or of any incorporated district. he:!:
era commissioned officer or otherwise, a suU?r
dinato ofiicer or agent, who is or shail I tm
ployed under the Legislative. Executive or.'i
cial Eepartments of this State or the United !31C
or any city or incorporated district, and ateo iajt
every member of Congress and of the State Lfg
lature, or of the common or select council of -7
city, or commissioner of any ineorporateJ -
trict, are by law incapable of holding r tur
cising, at the same time, the office or appoint
ment of Judge, Inspector, or clerk of any ela
tion of this Commonwealth ; and that no ""'
tor, judge, or other officer of any sueh elects
shall be eligible to any office voted for.
And the Return Judges of the respective
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at tbeCour.
House, in tho Borough of Clearfield, on the f
Fnday next after the said Second Tuesday o.
tober.'then and there to do those things feqairw
of them by law. ,
GIVEN under my hand and seal, at Clearfi?"-
thii 29th day of August in the year of our
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.
of the Independence of the United ft"',
eighty-fifth. . F. G. MILLEUghef.
REIRA, No. 713 Arch Street,
between 7th & 8th Streets,
Philadelphia, (lato of 818
Market street,) Importer,
Manufacturer of, and Deal
er in all kinds of FANCY
FURS, for Ladies' Misses'
and Children's f-ar.
' Having now manufactur
ed and in store my usual
large and beautiful assort
ment of all the various,
styles and qualitiesof Furs,(
adapted to the coming Fall
and Winter reasons. 1
woum rcspectiuny invite .
an examination of my stoclc ana pru oga
intending to purcnase, as a am
them very desirable inducements. . sj
All mI Fu" bave been purcnasea wl
taado by experienced and competent nana
as the present monetary troubles render u
sary that I should dispose of my go13 '
small advance on cost of
I am satisfied that it will be to the
those who design purchasing, to giv in Job!)
BrRecoUoct, the name, number and K iw j
Fareira (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch S.trer
Sept-11, 1861-5mo. "