Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 25, 1861, Image 3
Til RAFTOffllAKITO THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., SEPT 25, 1861. Time of Cars leaving Tyrone Station. OOIXO EAST. fait Line, 9.17 P. M. Mail Trata, 11.55 A. M. . coivo west. "Express, 6.40 A. M. Mail train, 5.40 P. M . Admitted. John C. Hall, was admitted to Iho practice ot law iu the several Courts of ;iarfleli County, on Tuesday last- Mr. Hall, we are informed, passed a creditable exami nation, and we' wish him success in his new calling. '. A Labge Yield Mr. Jonathan Westover Xf Chest township, Informs us, that last spring lie obtained three Ca!:lornia" potatoes from Henry D. Rose which he planted, and upon digging them several days since, obtained xme bushel and seventeen potatoes. This will te iari to beat. Tae Notice. Persons having enrelopes with the old stamps are requested to call upon the Post 'Juster at New Washington and ex--change them for new ones within six days from "the publishing of this notice otherwise the -bolder will lose them. SSABASTIAN SSTDERf P. M. Map of tut SorTUEa.i States. We have been- favored with a map of the Southern States, by the. publishers. It is the best map over issued. - "It contains every Town, Moun tain, 'Jiidge,;R.oadIlaiIr6ad, Creek, Eiver, Tort, Battery, etc., in (he Southern States ; and, therefore, is a most valuable map of ref erence during the progress of the war. Price per copy, $1.00, or 10 copies for $5.00. Ad dress, J. T. Lloyd, Publisher, New. York. Blankets and Socks. 11. U. Hale, tho Quartermaster General, P. M., at Ilarrisbnrg, has issued a notice in regard to blankets and socks for the 30,000 bravo soldiers, in arms to isupport the Government. He says that con tracts will be given to every factory capable of making blankets, even to a single loom. The Blankets should be wool grey ; 7 feet long by 5 feet 6 inches wide, and weight full 5 pounds, with the letters P. V. in black,4 inch es long, in the centre of each blanket. Con tracts for socks can also be had at 25cts per pair. - Military Movements. The "Clearfield Guards,", which is being .raised in the upper end of the county, by Capt. Dowler, has been accepted by the Governor, and will start to camp on Wednesday tho 9th day of October next.. .Hero is a good chance to go into the service of the country, In a good company, and under one ot the best officers in the county. All desirous of going should apply Immediately to Capt; Dowler, at New Wash ington. Col. Murray and Maj. Walter Barrett, are now in our town recruiting men for Gen. J. Y. Jamas Brigade, which is encamped at Hun tingdon. ' AcciLEsr.On Monday evening last, Wil liam Irvin, Jr., sou of Win. Irvin, Esq., of Curwensville, met with an accident when he was returning home from tne "ttusn Meeting" on Addlenian's farm, with two of bis sisters in a buggy. At Logan's Mill a wagoa which preceded him turned aside, for the purpose of Jetting bini pass, in doing which ke made too short a turn, and upset the buggy, throwing him and sisteu out with much violence. The young mam was insensible and remained so until he was conveyed home, and at last ac counts was not much better. One of bis sis tojfl, Mergarel, waa injured some, but to what extent we have not learned ; it is to bo hoped not seilously. Tho horse ran only a short dis- but the buggy wns broken considerably. A CARD. Whereas, in accordance with a request from both houses of Congress, the President of tho United States has appointed the last Thursday of this month "as a day of humiliation, prayer and fasting, for all the people of the nation," to be observed, "in all humanity, and with all religious solemnity j to the end that the united prayer of the nation may ascend to ibe Throne of Grace, and bring down plentiful blessings on our country," the undersigned, without assuming to dictate to any one, do earnestly invito tho citizens of Clearfield, and tho viciuity,to unite in keeping this. day holy to God, by closing their places of busies, and abstaining from their usual Mjcuiar employments, and by engaging in such exercises of public and private worship as properly belong to a day ot national humili ation. . Feeling that a calamity, awful in its nature, End fearful in its ef'ects, is upon us, and that it bus been sent lj tke wise, holy and sovereign I.oid of ell, and as a chastisement for our sins ; and that he alone can remove this calamity, and bless our hind with the return of peace and prosperity, wo do most earnestly entreat you, our fellow citizens, among whom God has placed cs as his ministering servants, not to fail iu your duty on this occasion, but, as you love your country, come up to the Throne of Grace, and take hold of God in Christ and fch humble confession f sin, and earnest I'"ycr supplicate the divine mercy. To aid in carrying out the design of this ftllDOlntrilont a T7.iivm nriiiM mamtiitr wit! lin ..... , I. .V f f I Uyf ....'. ... W held in the Baptist Church, commencing at U.M.and also in the Presbyterian Church, commencing at 7 P. M. to which all are re Epcctrully invited. " . : . The lay brethcrn are invited, and expected h take an active part in the exercises of these A. McLeod, ' K. Focbt, J. M. Galloway. l.i. Gotwalt, Sept. 25. HDEMocttACT is Maine. The Democratic 'lrty in Maine split upon the question of the Sr"""De branch supporting the war and the wer opposing it.- By the returns of the late "etion it will bo seen that tho Totes for the br cntidates run about even the patriotic C?fh 'ng: a little ahead. But what a re- sa hi U U upoa the PartJ that ,n fair Usue Half of iu members should array them- "entj,a Dni,"SuUed hostilitj to the GoTern- JLETTER 'K03I AMOS KENDALL. From the Bridgeport, Conn., Standard. ' THE UNION MEETING. To the Editor of the Standard : I regretted my inability to respond to the call made upon 'me for a speech at the meeting on Monday evening ; for I desired to address a few words to my old political associates, the Democrats of Connecticut. With your permission I now present through your columns the substarce of what I desired to say. You will agree with me that our country is at war. Whether we consider the Southern States a foreign power or their people our own fellow-citizens in a state of'rebellion, still our country is at war with them. How is this war to be brought to a close ? By one ol two modes, either by a suppression of the rebellion or by a treaty acknowledging the indepen dence ot the Confederate States. Is there any Democrat who would not rejoice to see the armed resistance to tho Government suppress ed, peace restored, and business resuming its wonted channels ? Or, if there be any Demo crat who thinks it impossible to suppress the rebellion, still will he not stand by his own section and enable it to obtain the best terms M can on the final separation ? In whatever aspect the Democrats of the North may look at this subject, their duty and interests alike require them to support their Government in an -energetic prosecution of the war. How else can the rebellion be suppressed ? Or, it that be impracticable, how else can an honora ble and advantageous treaty of peace be ob tained. . But attempts are made to paralyze the Gov eminent by the cry of peace, and to get up a peace party under the name of Democracy I Peace on what terms ? Are the leaders of this movement in favor of peace on whatever terms our rebel enemies may prescribe ? Are they prepared to let the whiteslaves of "King Cotton" tread upon their necks, and bo con tent to live dishonored lives in the homes of their brave ancestors ? Why do not these men, while casting their peace flags to tho breeze, announce the terms on which they pro pose to make peace ? V by do they not tell us what reason they luve to believe that peace can be made on any terms, other than by cow ardly submission to rampant rebellion? This peace flag, if not the traitor's,, is the coward's flag. Whatever it designs it is traitorous in effect. It gives "aid and comfoit" to the enemy. ; Those who are attempting to aid the enemy by this and other devices, call themselves Democrats. I deny thi'ir right to tho name ! I have witnessed the mutations of parties, and been a Democrat myself for more than fifty years. There were no such Democrats in Jef ferson's days. There were none such during the war with Great Britain in 1312 to 1814. The peace party then was the Federal Party, which was so effectually disgraced by the peace policy ot its leaders, that its members ever alter found it necessary to rally under other names. There were no such Democrats in Jackson's day. "The Federal Union must be preserved," was then the Democratic motto, and "down with nullification and secession," was the Jackson battle cry. There was no such Democracy during the Mexican war. There is none such now in tho heads or the hearts of true Democrats; in my own heart, there is none and never was ; if there were, I would tear it out. The Democratic party has, for half a century, wituessed the rise and fall of many other par ties, always maintaining the honor of its name. Its vital principle has been devotion to the Constitution and the Union. But for the wanton rebellion of the Cotton States, it would now be the ruling party in Congress and the country.- You call the Southern conspirators our brothers. So was Cain Abel's brother. Shall we stop and cry peace while the club of the fratricide Is aimed at our heads, and his bowie knife at our throats? Shill our unre sisting blood cry from the ground for ven geance against murderers worse than Cain murderers who would kill a nation in the persons of their brothers traitors not only to their country but to the cause of liberty in all time and throughout the world 7 Democrats ! No, they are no Democrats. The shades of Jefferson and Jackson disown them. They mistake their proper name, and fheir true homes. They are white slaves of King Cotton, and their true borne is in his presence. Let them go to the Cotton States and flaunt their peace flags in the presence of their King. Let them get up a peace party there, who are willing to live in peace under our benign Constitution, and they will then be responded to by all true Democrats of the North. Some men in their zeal for party, seem to forget that they have a country, and that the President, to whatever party he may belong, is the representative of that country. What if you or I do not like some of the principles of Mr. Lincoln, or approve of the means by which he was elected Still, he is our coun try's President, and to sustain our country in its present conflict, we mu6t sustain him. What, if in discharge of the tremendous re sponsibilities which depends upon him, he sometimes exercises doubtful powers or vio lates tho letter of the law, shall we therefore abandon the cause of our country by with drawing from him the men and money neces sary for its defence ?. Shall we go further, e spouse the cause of the enemy and throw ev ery possible obstruction in the way of our own Government 1 If so, the traitor's doom and the hangman's halter would be our just re ward. Let us save our country first, and then call its ruleis to account for any unnecessary usurpation of power. It were madness in the the crew of a sinking ship to deprive their commander of the power to save it. It is madness to quarrel about the Administration of our Government until we make sure that we shall have a Government to administer. Does interest influence any man to "cry peace, peice, when there is no peace 1" It that interest be one of trade, it can only be promoted by suppression of the rebellion. If the armed resistance were put down in the South, trade would at once resume its former channels and the North would continue to profit by selling its manufactures to the peo ple of tho South. But should the rebellion succeed, Northern men may bid-farewell for ever to all profitable trade with the South. It is one of the avowed ol jects of the rebel lea ders to relieve themselves from all commer cial dependence on the North, and to that end they have already commenced to lay heavy duties on Northern products and manufac tures. To the end of reconciling their peo ple to giving a preference to Great Britain and France, or any other foreign power, they inculcate upon them a deadly hatred of "Yan kees" and of every thing Northern. Is it not passing strange that men of Northern blood are found to sympathize with those who have thus not only struck a blow at their business, but are daily heaping contumely and insult upon them and the land which gave them birth 7 Shame! Shame t The subject expands beneath my pen, but I have already said more than I intended. AM09 KENDALL. P. S. Since the above was written, I have met with an extract from a leading rebel paper in Georgia, which commences as follows, viz : "We claim to be the superiors of the North ern men in every respect, and we aro ; but we have got to prove it to their satisfaction be fore we can expect peace." . . . Yea. Northern men, you have got to be whipped Into the admission that the South erners are your "superiors io every respect.' It is only when you make this admission that you can have peace. Who so baae as ever to make it on such terms ? Who so craven as to raise the white flag of peace in response to pretensions so insulting ? No true'Jacksoni an Democrat, I am sure. The Rise or the Rothscuilds. When George III came to the throne there was a little boy at Frankfort who did not dream of ever having anything to do persoually, with the sovereigns of Europe. He was in the first stages of training for the Jewish priest hood. His name was Meyer Ansalm Roths child. For some reason oi other he was placed in a counting house at Hanover, and he soon discovered what he was fit for. He began humbly as an exchange-broker, and went on to the banker of Landgrave of Hesse, whoso private fortune he saved by his shrewd ness, when Napolean overran Germany, now he left a large fortuue and commercial charac ter of the highest order, and how his sons settled in five gral cities of Europe, and have bad mere authority over the war and peace and the destinies of nations than the Sovereigns themselves, the world pretty well knows. Despotic tuonarchs must be depend ant upon money lenders, unless they are free from debt, and can command unlimited rev enues for untold purposes which is never true of despotic Sovereigns. A Double Murder in Western Virginia. A gentleman from Uavenswood, Jackson coun ty, Va., informs the Wheeling Press that a guerrilla party on last Friday, eight miles iu the iuterior, shot a sergeant ot patroles named Hawk, in his own door yard and a young man by the name of Wood, in Hawk's employ. It appears Hawk went to the front door and was immediately fired upon, one ball penetrating the heart and another the groin. Wood rush ed to the door to see who had fired, when be was shot iu three places; in the bowels, in the right leg and right arm. Mr. Hawk's son, a bout twelve years of age, went to his father, and in the attempt to raise him was fired at five times, the balls perforating his clothes. The murderets then went into the house and demanded what money there was, threatening to kill Mrs. Hawk if she did not immediately deliver it to them. They commenced break ing open the bureau drawers and succeeded In finding $135 in specie, which Mr. II. had laid up. Mrs. Hawk was only able to identify one of the devils, a noted secessionist by the name of Carter. Col. Richardson and Peaches. A letter from a member of the Second regiment con tains the following : Soon after the regiment went into camp at their present post, near Arlington, a messenger from a rank secession ist asked of Colonel Richardson that a guard be placed around a very fine peach orchard on his place. This was done, and for several days the peaches were allowed to ripen undis turbed. Happening -there one day, the Col onel picked from the ground half a dozen peaches, when he was met by the owner, who, in a ery pompons manner, said, "Pay me for those peaches, sir." "Certainly," said the Colonel; "how much shall I pay 7" "Fifty cents," said the rebel. Handing him the money, the Colonel turned to the guard and said, "now go to your camp, boy a." "Hold on there," saidSecesh ; "Col. Richardson sent these men here." "To be sure he did," re plied the Colonel, "and he now sends them back." The wax to Do it. We like the way they conduct the recruiting business down in South ern Illinois. They call the people together in mass meeting, able speakers make short, pa triotic addresses, and ail who are ready and willing to enlist for the war to put down the rebellion against the Government and its laws, are invited to sign their names. In this way whole companies are sometimes enlisted in one evening, and a regiment is made up almost in no time. Why couldn't this plan be intro duced in other States ? The people need stir ring up. By calling public meetings and having good speakers address them eloquent ly and to the point, arousing them to a real izing sense of their duties in this crisis, we doubt not that the important work of enlist ment more important at this moment than ever before would be greatly expedited. Persons afflicted with the Fever and Ague should Dot spare either time trouble or expense, to procure Dr. Hostetter s Celebrated Bitters who.e beneficent effects upon the system has been clearly proved to those who have been stricken down in a short space of time by this dreadful curse, whose cheeks are wan & meagre, and wboso nights are sleepless and restless, and whose eyes are turn and sunken, with death staring them in the face, this compound must prove a blessing; snatching them, us it were, from the mouth of the grave. None can know its true value until they have tested it. When all others have failed, these Bitters have restored the sufferers to pristine health.. Their . popularity in nil the Western and Southern parts should introduco them to nil familicsr Sold by druggists and dealers generally everywhere, see advertisement in another column MARRIED: On the 12th. bv the Rev. S. Creiirhton Mr. John II. Steward toIiss Annie W. Dale, all of Bradfoid, Clearfield co, Pa. At Philipsburg on the 10th, by A. A. Bra- din, Esq., Mr.IlEXRY Faust to MissCatharine M Larxey, both of Philipsburg Centre co, l a At Philipsburg on the 22nd, by A. A. Bra- did, Esq., Mr. Oscar Rcnk to Miss Sarah Jacobs, both of Philipsburg, Centre co, Pa. A CARD. We the undersigned democrats of Morris township, having signed the call for a meeting at Curwensville, on the od of Sep tember 1SG1, wish to have it expressly under stood that we did so, supposing the object of the meeting was, to give an expression of its disapprobation of certain resolutions passed in Convention at St. Maty's, which resolutions we consider to be undemocratic, encouraging to Southern rebels, and opposed to the inter ests of our country. We expected the meet ing to be purely democratic, unmixed with Republicanism, Abolitionism, Spiritualism, or any other comglomerate isms of the day. We believe it to be the duty of every good and loyal citizen, to support, and uphold the gov ernment, in its efforts to put down rebellion, and maintain the glory and prosperity of this great nation- We therefore pledge ourselves to support the whole democratic ticket, pro vided the Candidates do not embrace the prin ciples, set forth in the St. Mary's resolutions. Otherwise we will withhold our votes. We desire the publication of this card in both Clearfield papers. "J. D. Denning, O. P. Wilder, M.R. Denning, . . . J. J. Miller, 1 Wm. G. Johnson, Joseph Potter, Joseph A. Senser, William Wright, James Thompson, Jeremiah Kline, of Bradford tp. A CARD. We having signed the call for a meet ing at Curwensville on Tuesday the 3d of Septem ber, 1861, hereby declare that we did so under a misapprehension of its objects ; that we only de sire the success of the Democracy and their prin ciples: that we are satisfied. with the action of the organization of the Democratio party, and that we are entirely satisfied with the platform adopt ed in Mass Convention at Clearfield on the 2d Sep tember, 1861, and'will support the entire Demo cratic ticket. We ask the publication qf this card in both papers at Clearfield, J as. Bloom, sr., Gainer if, Bloom, bam I Ueorge, .IT f T I T 1 1 1 T 1,. , W. Derrick, Levi Draucker, Jackson Bonsajl, . B. Bonsali; Christ'n Smith, Sam'l Irwin, Fred- Haney, 11. C. Taylor, J. B. Caldwell, sr. The Latest News. Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail, A dispatch received, says that the Federal troops under Mnlligan, at Lexington, surren dered on Friday afternoon for want of water. No information having reached the war de partment of the surrender, the report is not credited; y;t it may be so. Mulligan is en trenched on rising ground, and had repulsed the Rebels a number of times during the week with a heavy loss, the first attack on his po sition having been made on Monday previous Mulligan's force is said to be about 3,500, whilst that of the Rebels is variously reported at from 15,000 to C0.000. A fight took place at Marialstown, Mo., on Tuesday, between COO federal troops under Cols. Montgomery and Johnson and 400 rebels, the latter being routed, with a loss of 7 killed, and 100 horses and all their tents and supplies. Col. Johnson whilst riding at the head of bis command was pierced by 9 bullets. When dying be urged his men to fight for the Stars and Stripes. rr0 THE TRAVELING PUBLIC The X undersigned having taken the Luthersburg Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg, Clear field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat- 'I'l 1 V. 1 . . i i luuao. mc uuuse uaa ucvn rc-uiiea iuu newiy furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate. may23 "WILLIAM HEED. JJ1LOUR ! BACON ! GROCERIES !!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; LIQUOR OF VARIOUS KINDS, Tobacco, Segars, tcM FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Merrell t Bigler's building by Feb. 27, ISol-tf. 0. B. MERRELL. JMPORTAN T ANNO UNCE31EN T !,! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o- peued, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. . jyll MATTHEW FOItCEE. NEW-YOKK TRIBUNE NEW VOLUME. On the seventh of September, 1861, THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE commenced the twenty-first year of its existence; the THE DAI LY TRIBUNE being some months older andTHE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat younger. For more than twenty years, this journal has la bored in what its conductors have felt to be the cause of Humanity, Justice and Freedom, endeav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and encourage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by all means the moral, intellectual and material ad vancement of our country. It has aimed to be right rather than popular, and to espouse and commend to-day the truth that others may not be willing to accept till to-morrow. In pursuing this course, mistakes have doubtless been made and faults committed ; but, having in all things incited our readers to think and judge for them selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth ers' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal the credit of having qualified its readers to detect and expose even its own errors. To develop the minds of the young by the most general, thorough and practical Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry, through free grants of Public Lands to actual set tlersand cultivators, as also through the protec tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branches from too powerful foreign competition, are among the aims to which this journal has adhered through good and evil report, and which it stead fastly commends to American patriotism and philanthropy. As to the Civil War now devastating our coun try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, then waa ev er before known a Rebellion in the interest of tne tew against the many a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten the chains of oppression. Having done all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War and witnessed the forbearance, meek ness, and long-sufiering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear duty, with that of every other citizen, to stand by the nation and its fairly chosen ru lers, and to second with all our energies their ef forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and the supremacy of the laws. And, though tho Re bellion has become, through usurpation, deception, terroism, and spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all questions affecting the objects, the scope, and du ratitril of this most extraordinary contest, we de fer to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose and of action indispensable in so grave an emer gency. In a crisis like the present, "our columns must be largely engrossed with the current history of the War for the Union, and with elucidations of its more striking incidents. We shall not, how ever, remit that attention to Literature, to For eign Affairs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crops, Markets. Ac. which has already, we trust, won for IRE TRIBUNE an honorable position among its cotemporaries. Our main object is and shall be to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from which a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the do main of Action but in that of Opinion also. As our facilities for acquiring information increase with years, we trust that an improvement in the contents ot our journal is perceptible, and that, in the variety and fulness of intelligence afford ed, we may still hope to make each day a critio on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continu ance of the generous measure of patronage hith erto accorded to our journal. TERMS. DAILY TRIBUNE (311 issues per annum) . . $6 SEMI-WEEKLY (104 issues per annum) .... $3 uiikKLv (oz issues per annum) . . ...... $2 To Clebs Semt'WeeJklv : Two copies for $5 : five for $11 25 ; ten copies to one address for $20 ; and any lartrer number at the latter rate; - For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of forty we send The Dailt Tribune gratis one year. Weekly : Three copios for $5 ; eight copies for $10, any any larger number at the rate of SI 20 each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for $20. with one- extra to him who sends us the club. For each olub of One Hundred, The Dailt Tribune will be sent gratis for one year. wnen drafts can be procured tt is much safer than to rem U Bank Bills. The name of the Post- Office and State should in all oases be plainly written, rayment always in advance.. Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 .Nassaurst., .New-York.- SALT a good article, and very cheap at the etort of WM. 7. IRWIN, Cletrntld. SECOND ANNUAL fc'AlR of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society, to be held at the Borough of Clearfield, oh Teday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, tht Ibth, 16A, 17lA and ISih day of October, A. D. 1861. Ellis Irwis, President; 1). F. Etiweiler, Secre tary ; L. F. Irwin. Cor. Secretary ; James Wrig le3, Treas'r; J. F.Weaver, Librarian. Oen.A.M. Hills, Marshall. Wm. Ten Eyck. Chief of Police. Fee of Admission, Entry Fees, Ire. Single admissions, 15 cts children under 12 ys lOe Tickets for a single day, 25 cts. Tickets for a single person during fair 50 cts. Tickets for a family, to admit Gent and Lady, and children under 16 years of ago, - 1,00 For trotting premiums, each horse, 2.00 For pleasure, each horse, ' " 50 Class No. 1. Stceeprlaies Open to all breeds and competitors. Best bull, premium $10,00 2d best, S5.00 All breeds come together iu this slass and com pete with each other; to be judged by their good points, symetry of frame, ability to fatten, and the stock they will produce. Class A'o 2 Grade Cattle. Best cow. S10 00 2d best, S3 00 Best heiffer, 5 00 Best calf, under 3m 3 00 2d b, Dadds cattle doctor Class iVb 3 Oxen. Best yoke of oxen, $10 00 2d best, " Dadd's cattle doctor and 3 00 Class No 4 Fat Cattle. Best fat bullock, cow or heifler, over 2ys old $5 00 2d best, Dadd's cattle doctor and 1 00 Class JYo 5 Thorough bred horses open to all. Best stallion, $15 00 2d best, $5 00 Best mare and colt 10 00 2d best . 5 00 The premiums in this class are intended only for horses, wbo.se pedigree render them worthy. The society wish to encourage the rearing of high-blooded horses. Class No. 6 Ridi&g, Draft, and Farm horses. Best saddle horse. $3 00 Best matched carriage hcrscs, Youatt on the horse and 3 00 Best single family horse, in harness, You att on the horse and 2 00 Best span of draught horses or mars, You att on the horse aud 3 00 Best span of farm horses or marcs, You att on the horse and 3 00 Best gelding or mare for work bver 4 years old. Youatt on the horse and 3 00 Best colt under two years old, You- . att on the horse and 3 00 The horse that moves the heaviest load on a stone boat, without a whip, You att on the horse and 400 Class No 7 Trotting horses open to all.' Best time, 3 in 5 trotting in single harness, Youatt on tho horse, and $30 00, no prouiium will be paid unless five entries are made. Jbacn norse to trot against time. Class No 8 Horses owned in roitntv. Best 2 in 3, on time,. Citizens purse Best trotting horse or mare, under saddle, Youatt on the horse. Best trotting horse or mare in single harness, Youatt on the horse. Best pair of horses or mares in harness, Youatt on the horse Best pacing horse or mare, Youatt on the horse Best walking horse or mare, Youatt on the horse Class jYo 9 ShceiTand wool. Beat buck, any breed, Allen's Farm Book k $2 00 Best Ewe, any breed, Allen s Farm Book 4 2 00 Best 3 sheep, fattend for mutton, 2 00 Best two lambs, 2 00 Best fleece of wool, $1 Best specimen of wool, Dip Class No 10 Sirine oven to all. Best boar any breed, Young Farmers Manuel A$2 00 Best breeding fcow, farmer 4 Gardner and 2 00 Best Hog, Farmer & Gardner and 2 00 Best Pig under 6 months old I 00 Ct.ass No 11 Poultry. Best coop spring chickens not less than 6. $1 00 Heav'st turkey $1 00 Best display of chickensl 00 Class No 12 Plowing. Owner of team and plough, who plows green sward the best, Y oung Farmer's Manuel & $3 00 Owner of team and plow, who plows stubble the best, Allen's Farm Book and 3 00 Class No 13 Plows, Rollers and Drills, liar- rotes a ia V nllivators. Best Plow for stubble or sward, $2 00 Best sub-soil plow, Barry's Fruit Garden and I 00 Clod crusher and Roller combined, 1 00 Grain drill, Allen s Farm Book and 1 00 Best side hill plow $1 00 Best Cultivator. 1 00 Best Harrow, 1 00 Best Horse rake 1 00 Best Reaper & mower 3 00 Bost Corn shelter 1 00 Best Corn planter 100 Best Tanning mill 2 00 uesttnresnmgniacninJUO UestUxyk & bows 1 00 Best Hay pitching machine 1 00 Best Stalk and Straw cutter 2 00 Best Horse power for general purposes 2 00 Best Original invention of an Agricultural Implement 5 00 All articles enumerated in this Class not made in the county, but produced upon exhibition if worthy of it will be awarded a Diploma. Class No 14 Missellaneotcs farming implements. Best Bee hive 51 00 Best stump puller $3 00 Best Potato d igger 0 50 Best grain cradle 1 00 Best 6 hand-rnkes 1 00 Best lot gard'ngtoolsl 00 Best sett farming utensils, owned by farmer 3 00 Class No 15 Wheat, liarley. Com Src. Acre of winter wheat. Farmer nnd Gardner & $3 00 Acre of spring wheat, American Agricultu ralist, 1 year and 3 00 Field of Wheat 4 to 10 acres, American Ag. A 3 00 Acre of Corn, American Ag., 1 year and , 2 00 Field of Barley, not less than 3 acres, Amer ican Agriculturist 1 year and 2 00 Acre of oats, American As., I year and 2 00 Acre of Rye, American Ag., 1 year and ' 2 00 Bushel of corn ears, American Ag., 1 year - 3 acres of Buckwheat, American Ag..l y. and 1 00 iest ousuei winter wncat, American Ag. I y. Cr 1 00 Best bushel spring wheat, American As. 1 y. Best half acre of Potatoes, American Ag. 1 y . A 1 00 One fourth acre beans, American Ag 1 year & I 00 Acre of clover seed, American Air. 1 year & 2 00 One fourth acre broom corn, 2 00 One fourth acre of Sorghum, 2 00 nest one-fourth acre ot peas, 1 00 Best one-fourth acre of rutabagoes, 100 Dest one-half bushel Timothy seed. . 1 00 Best one-half acre of Carrots, 1 00 isest one-half acre ot lurnips, 100 Crops being equal , preference will be civen to those that yield the largest nett profit... State ments to be furnished by the exhibitors. They must be measured or weighed, and a sample fur nished at the Fair. . . , Applicants for premiums must furnish the com mittee with a statement signed by themselves un der a pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a premium, and must state correctly as he can the kind and con dition of the previous crops ; the kind and quan tity of seed used, and the time and mode of put ting it in the ground. Persons entering Field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so, may give notice to the Execu tive committee at any time, and have the field measured and examined by a committee while growing. ;.. C toss J o 16 Bread and Cereal food. Best 3 loaves of wheat bread, Diploma Best loaf corn bread, Dip. Best loaf rye bread Dip Best Pound cake. Sponge cake. Fruit cake. Din Best Jelly cake, Coffee cake, Lady, Dip Best cake and plain eake, each a Dip Best display of Preserves and Jelley Dip Best Pie of any kind Dip Best Preserves Dip Best Jelly Dip Best Ice cream Dip Ctas No 17 Butter and Cheese Best 10 lbs Butter. SI 00 Best cheese, $1 00 Best Firkin 25 lbs or more made in May or Junel 00 Class No IS Flour. Best barrel Flour $2 00 Best 50 l'a rye flour $1 00 Best 100 lbs flour spring wheat, 1 00 Best 50 lbs Buckwheat flour, 100 Best 50 lbs corn meal, 1 00 Class No 19 Domestic Articles. Best Box or jar of Honey SI 00 Best 10 lbs maple sugar " 50 Best peaches put up air-tight 50 Best Tomatoes pu, up air-tight, 50 Best Blackberries put ud air-tight 50 Best Currants put up air-tight. 50 T . r r, . . ucBk mucjr jmr oi 1'lCKies, OU Best 1 gallon of Syrup Maple or Sorghum each 50 Best cured ham (cooked) 100 Best dried Beef with mode of curing 100 - Class No 20 Domestic Manufactures. 1 Best 10 yds flannel SI 00 Best 10 yds cabinet SI 00 B6t pair woollen blankets. 1 0 Best 15 yards woollen carpet, 100 Best 15 yards rag carpet wool chain) ' ' 0tf Best woollen coverlet $1 00 Best 10 ydsclritJi 1 00 Best woollen fring'd mitU50-Best hearth Rug 50 Best pair of woollen knit Stockings 50 Best 1 lb Ji nen sewing .thread 50 Best specimen of knotting, knitting or ntoedld work, by Miss under It year of age 50 Best 1 lb stocking yearn$0 50 Best foot rhal 50 Best straw bonnett ; 50 Best tidy mat 60 Best pair cotton knit stockings . 50 Best straw hat, $0 50 Best 10 yards cloth 1 00 Class No 21 Needle, Schell, Waz-wriSre. Best specimen of needle work, ; $0 59 Best specimen of needle work on Machine 50 Be9t group of flowers in worsted, 5w Best specimen of embroidery in worsted, 50 specimen of embroidery in lace . 50 " specimen of embroidery in muslin, . . 50 " shirt made by Miss under 15 yoars, SO " patching and mending, 50 44 specimen of leather work 5J " specimen of wax fljwers 50 " specimen of feather work 50 " specimen of ornamented work, 5i) Class No 22 Millinery and Dressnuvttng. Best millinery, $1 00 Best dress-making, $1 00 CtaxsNoii. Artistic irori. Best painting in oil, Dip best cattle painting, Pip " portrait painting Dip "landscape " Dip painting in water colors. Dip " ornamental painting of any kind. Dip " daguerreotypes taken on the ground. Dip " ambrotypes taken on the ground. Dtp " photographs taken on the ground. Dip writing.Dip liestornaia tal penmanshipDlp " architectural drawing. Dip Class No 21. -Design. Best designs for farm house, barn, carriage house and stable $3 00 design for dairy house 100 " design for bridge, with plain ; span not less than 250 feet 3 00 Clgss No 25. Metallic Fairies and Machinrri. Best cooking stove, wood or coal, $3 00 2d best, 52" 00. 3d best, Dip. Best parlor st ove, wood or coal $ 2 00 2d best 1 00 Best cast iron fence, S3 00 2d best, Dip " specimen lot of Tinware $2 00 2d best lot of Tinware $1 00 and Dip ; specimen-Of blacksmithing, $2 00 " specimen of gunsmithing, 2 0D " specimen of iron tnrning 2 00 " plate castings $1 00 Best shower bafh 1 0U " original invention in the county, $5 00 The above premiums are oflVrcd for articles manufactured in the county, a Diploma may be awarded for any of the above articles OU exhibi tion, without regard to where it waa manufactured. Best display of table and pocket cutlery, of American Manufacture' Diploma. " display of edged tools Dip ' display of farming and field tools' Dip Class No 20 IV of all kinds. Best family carriage $5 00 Best buggy $3 00 " farm wagon . 4 00 44 sldgh 2 00 " timber8lod 2 00 : horse cart 1 09 " wheelbarrow ; ; . 1 Oil A diploma may bo awarded for articles in this class not manufactured in the county. . . Class No 27 Cahi net -mare in county. Best dressing bureau $3 00 Best sofa $2 00 " Lounge 100 " sett of chairs 2 00 " extension table 2 00 " variety do 2 00 " wash stand 1 00 centre table 2 00 u office chair 1 00 ' bedstead 2 00 " sett parlor furniture, 5 00 " looking glass frame 1 Ot) '.' display of cabinet ware ; Dip and 5 00 Class No 23 Coopering, Carpentering ire. Best specimen of Pine ware, $2 00 " specimen sash $1 00 Best Windowblindt 00 " lot of baskets 1 00 " lot of buckets 1 00 " sett grain measurl 00 " pane! door 1 00 Class No 29 Roots and Oardenf VegetalJes. Best i bush carrots$0 50 Best 6 head cabbageSO 5 44 i 44 rutabagos 50 44 bush table beets 50 41 4 stalks celery Dip 14 sweet potatoes. 50 44 2 beads ctUa flower K 5rt 44 t bushel table potatoes 50 44 qt Windsor beans $0 50 Best variety melons 50 44 Tomatoes J bush 50 44 44 squashes 50 All vegetables must have been raised by the ex hibitor. Class No 30 Curriers, Saddlers tr Shoemalrrt. Best gentlemens boots and shoes $2 00 44 ladies boots and shoes 2 00 44 display of boots and shoes 3 00 4 Travelling Trunk 2 00 44 tug harness $2 00 Best tingle harness 2 00 . 14 sole leather 1 00- 44 finished 44 1 00 44 carriage harness 3 00 44 Riding bridle and murtingal 1 00 44 gent, riding saddle 2 00 44 ladys riding saddle 2 00 44 display of saddlery 3 00 44 display of any kind of leather 100 44 Robe made by exhibitor 1 00 Class No 31 Tailors and Upholsters trori Best suit of clothes made by hand $2 00 - 4- coat made by a lady l 00 44 pants and vest made by a lady 1 00 44 husk matrass $2 00 Best hair matrass 2 00 44 straw matrass 1 00 Class No 32 Printing in-county. Beit hand bill Diploma Best blank Diploma 44 card Diploma 44 newspaper Diploma. 44 ornamental printing Diploma Class No 33 Stone Ware. Best drain tile $1 00 44 Fire brick $1 00 Best bricK 1 00 44 brackets 1 00 44 pottery 1 00 Class No 34 Chemicals fc Chemical action in co. Best available manure at moderate cost $1 00 44 available manure for farm produots 1 00 44 material for gluefl 00 Bestiinseed oil 1 00 44 tallow candies 1 00 44 specimen soapl 00 44 vinegar 1 00 44 writing ink 100 Class No So Wood and Stone. Best dressed stone $1 00 Best mill stone $1 00 44 grind stone 1 00 44 butter ladle 50 44 butter bowl 50 wash, machine 1 00 44 shingles 1 00 churn 50 44 floor boards worked' I 0(1 44 weather boards 1 00 44 turned article 1 Oil 41 split or shaved hoops 5ir Discretionary premiums will be recommended for all articles of merit exhibitod by mechanics in ail the various' branches and it is hoped a gener al exhibition will be made. For all improvements useful to the farmer, and having valuable properties, discretionary premi ums may be recommended by the Committee, and awarded by the board. Class No 36 Natural ATtnerals. Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield county including coal S3 00 44 cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and adjoin ing counties, to be the prop'y of the society 35 00 Best limestone 1 00 Best potters clay I 00 44 nre ciay I UO-- 44 collections of fossils I 00 44 suit crystalized minerals 100 Class No Zl Fruit. ' Best display and greatest variety of grafted ap ples, summer and winter fruit, named and ar ranged, S3 00 Best display and greatest variety of pears named and arranged : 2 00 44 display and greatest variety of peaches named and arranged, Barry's Fruit Garden 44 collection of plums, . Barry's Fruit Garden 44 collection of cherries Barry's FruitGarden 44 collection of quinces Barry's Fruit Garden 44 specimen of apples, 1 pk Barry's Fruit Garden 44 do foreign grapes Barry's Fruit Garden 44 do American grapes Barry's FruitGarden 44 currants $0 50 BesC gooseberries $9 50 44 blackberries 50" 44 domestic wine 1 00 44 seedling grapes raised in county and worthy of culture 50 Clats No 33 -Ilotsemaitsh'p, Src. ' To the lady who manages her horse best, and tits most gracefally Diploma To the gentleman who manages his horse best and sits most gracefully Diploma. Best display of horsemanship, not less than five couples uipioma 44 driving on the course by a lady Diploma 44 company of Cavalry Diploma 44 company of Infantry, Diploma 44 Band with brass instruments Diploma 44 Martial band Dip Best 10 Singers Diploma Class No 39 Nurseries. Best nursery containing the greatest varietr of fruits and shrubs, cultivated in the most approved manner, (the applicant to furnish written de scription, with variety, and mode of culture) $3 00 2d beet, iiarrv'ru uardea Class No 40 Geiieral hist. Best display and greatest variety of flowers,' Dip 44 display and greatest variety ol plants, Dip 44 display of floral oroaiaoDtf, Dip 44 basket boquet with handle, "" Pip 44 hind boquet, Pip V ii i