Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 25, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. 8.-N0. I
I love to court in winter
v Tho many girls I know,
nVhon all oataide is drear
And covered up withsnow;
I love to court in winter.
. Because the old folks dread
'The cold and stormr weather, ;
And hnrroff to bed. .
.I love to court in pring time,
When all is bright and gay,
. 'Whon Nature smiles so sweetly,
To chase the cold away ;
' I love to court in spring time, t
' . Because the girls, you know,
They look so awful pretty
In dress ia cut so low.
I love to court in summer
When all things are in bloom,
And yet I think that courting
V id ever be iny doom ;
For I have asked just twentyono
Of all the girls I know,
" To have me for their loving one.
And they have answered .No !
I was Invited by a soldier of the regiment
of the "Fire Zouaves" to accompany him in
one oi mose private auvumures wmcn were po
popular among the men of his corps, during
.ur recent movements upon the bunks of the
Tins kind of expedition alwaya carries with
it a charm which inflames tho imagination ol
the volunteer to a degree unknown in (he more
precise movements of a regular force. The
individual courage of tho man noems lost in
comparison among a concentrated mass which
depends for its success not so much upon per
sonal pcrwesa as upon a mechanical exactitude
in its evolutions.
Men of the description of my adventurous
friend are generally despisers of stiff collared
coats and close drill, and especial admirers of
a loose jacket and a "free fight." With them
a martinet, unless he prove a fighter, is simply
an abomination.
In a few words, accompanied by some mys
terious gestures, my friend II informed me
that, through tho disclosures of a deserter who
had just arrived from the rebel lines, he bad
learned that a quantity of ammunition, con
sisting of several thousand ball cartridges for
innsket use, Lad been concealed in an upper
room of a bouse belonging to a noted Seces
sionist and suspected spy. This house was
distant about three miles from our encamp
ment, and tho cartridges which were conceal
ed therein bad been packed in small canvas
bags; these bags the daring fellow proposed,
with the assistance of myself, to capture or
destroy. His plan was tin's : We were to ob
tain, by some means, a horso and wagon, to bo
ready at a certain point, a short distance from
the camp, at sunset, and each proceed thither
by different routes, in order the better to avoid
observation, and as darkness fell upon tho
scene, drivw cautiously to within a few hun
dred yards of the dwelling containing the con
templated plunder. Thn, biding the wagon
iu a neighboring chimp of trees, some distance
from the road, wo were to proceed In such a
manner as circumstances would pormit. In
answer to my inquiries aa to the feasibilityof
procuring the wagon, and tho possibility of
our ever being able to load it even if we suc
ceeded in couftng in contact with tho coveted
ammunition bags, I was greeted by a signifi
cant wink and two or threw slow successive
nod of the In: ad, which, if not productive of
much intelligence, were quite-judicative of tho
Zouave s determination to carry out his de
The sun was declining when I started on my
journey, taking a somewhat circuitous path to
the place of rendezvous, and walking in an
irregular strolling manner, the better to escape
the observation of tho comrades of my friend,
who were always on tho alert for any adven
ture. Behind a rising and well-wooden piece
of ground I soon discovered my friend II .
cooly seated in a one-horse wagon, smoking a
snert pipe, and, at intervals, philosophically
lecturing a ragged son of Africa upon the pro
priety of his meeting us at this same spot on
the following night, in order to receive his
horse and vehicle, aiid the desired remunera
tion for the uso of them. After many doubt
ful scratches of his woolly head and singular
expressions of dissatisfaction all of which
were met by great distrust and heavy threats
on the part of the Zouave of a marvellous
punishment to be dealt out to tho mutinous
darkey" if ho presumed to dog our path he
permitted us to depart, and we left him, evi
dently in a thick fog as to the fate of the prop
erty so inconsiderately entrusted to the safe
keeping of a stranger.
After a short drive, during which but few
words were spoken, we arrived at the spot
where we had agreed to conceal the horse and
wagon. This operation effected, we next pro
ceeded to calculate chances. After a tew part
ing puffs II-- shook the ashes from his pipe,
thrust It Into the pocket of his jacket, and
-drawing forth from the wagon a coil of fine
rope, which bo hung round his neck, gave tho
word to advance. It was now pitch dark ; the
distance from the place of our destination two
hundred yards, according to my comrade's
estimate. A solitary light, gleaming red amid
the darkness ahead of -us, betrayed the spot
where stood the building which contained the
object of our expedition. With this light for
our guide, we cautiously advanced in silence,
Unbroken save by tho occasional snapping of
orne dried twigs beneath our feet and the
buttered melediction bestowed upon it by my
toropanron. .
At length we came into close proximity to
jhe house. Everything seemed to be buried
n a deep stillness. Not sound could we
"ear. Not the warning growl of a dog gave
JJ'tice of our approach. - No light was visible
nt the one which had hitherto been our guide,
od this still shone from tho half closed case
ment of an apartment on the ground floor.
ne window-sill was about as high from the
ground as the ordinary height of a man, and
nuder this we crept and crouched to listen for
,nJ Sounds that micrht pansrtA Imm tho inin.
"r- Directly over this room, II told me, our
'mended prize was concealed. He was thor
ghly informed as to the relative positions
r the different passages necessary to pass
"rough in order to gain the desired treasure.
fi darkness of tho sight was so dense that
with difficulty we could discern the
Presence of each other as we lay and listened.
ddenly there was bustle within and the
d7f "ever al voices. The warning pro
ced by the low hissing "huafcV of mj com
a Prevented a half-uttered exclamation f
surprise from fully escaping my lips. This
noise of men and voices was evidently caused
by a large party now collected in the room in
which tho l.'ght was burning. They must have
entered the house from the other side, and
the clang of arms, as we distinctly heard the
men carelessly lay aside their weapons, as
sured us tbey wera no neutrals In tho strug
gle going on between our divided countrymen
From futigue, arising from the constrained
posture in which I lay, I made a sudden move
ment, which caused mu to fall against my com
panion, at tho same tinio making the grave
beneath my feet send forth the grating sound
peculiar to it when suddenly and violently dis
turbed. In an instaut the sounds within
ceased, silenced by tho suspicions caused by
my most unfoitunate stumbling, the casement
was dasued open and half a dozen beads were
thrust out into the gloom. A movement now,
if no louder than that the lizard makes among
the grass, or a single sigh forced from our
beating hearts and compressed breath, would
nave been tho lorerunner ol certain death
Nothing could have saved us from the fate of
tho spy. For several minutes we remained
motionless, ana heard rarious conjectures a-
mong mo men as to the causo ol their sudden
alarm. Little did they imagine that at that
moment, within a few feet of their knives,
which more than one grasped in his hand un
sheathed, lay, coucealed by the darkness, we
of the hated invaders. But we would have
been found no easy sacrifice. Each of us cov
ered with the muzzle of his revolver the breast
of a foe, and the first iutimation given of our
discovery would have cost them at least two
lives that night.
At length they withdrew their heads into
the apartment, half closed the casement as be
tore, and we were again alone. Whether they
retired periectiy satisfied as to the result of
their blind inspection or not, we could not tell
ii was a I mis moment that u .grasping me
by the arm, whispered me to follow him close
ly. In crouching attitudes wo crept round
the building; each Step taken with peculiar
care, lest any unlucky sound on our part should
again rouse suspicions, which, in all probabil
ity, were still uuallayed.
After many cautious pauses and auxious
straining of eye and ear, we reached the other
side of the bouse, where after proceeding
a few steps, my leader halted and began ex
ploring with his band, until it lighted upon
tho latch of a door in the wall. Placing his
moutn close to my ear, he again whispered
me that it was of vital importance wo should
cast oil our shoes and carry them in our hands,
as by leaving them behind they might be
found by the enemy, and thus become, the
means of betraying us. Accordingly, in a
few seconds, we stood in our stockings, ready
to pursue to tho last limit the windings of the
adventure. Noiselessly lifting the door latch,
II led the way into a passage, if possible
darker than the outside gloom from which we
Groping our way we carefully advanced,
and reached the foot of a flight of stairs,
which, at a sign from my companion, we as
cended as swiftly as the imperative necessity
for a )erfcct silence permitted? We reached
the landing whose extent was hidden in the
same impenetrable darkness, traversed it for
the distance of several feet, and at length ar
rived at a door, which II attempted to open,
but found it lotted. This he assured me was
the room which contained the cartridge-bags,
and not to gain an entrance into it would ren
der all the risk we had hitherto tun useless, as
all further attempts wo might make would
prove unavailing.
'At this crisis of our proceedings we discov
ered, within a few feet of us, a small window,
which, on gently opening, we found led out
upon the roof of the piazza that ran along all
sides of the house. To step out upon the
roof closing tho window after us as gently as
we had opened it, was the work of a few sec
onds. Here we lay down, at full length, for
several minutes, to listen; but no sound reach
ed us, excepting an indistinct clamor proceed
ing from tho room beneath, in which was as
sembled the party of rebels. Relinquishing
our recumbent posture, we crept on our hands
and knees until we reached the next window,
which belonged to the room we were so anx
ious to explore. To our great satisfaction,
we found it not only unfastened, but opened
wide, and one after the other, we passed
through into the interior. Again we paused
in motionless silenco, and again wo listened
intently, but nothing beyond the sounds al
ready mentioned met our ears, and wo proceed
ed to search in darkness for the bags of am
munition. We came upon them simultaneous
ly in one corner of the room, piled into a
heap. We commenced our workt a once by
passing them out two at a time, through the
window upon the piazza roof. Silently and
swiftly was the task accomplished, until not a
bag remained. We searched every toot of
the floor, traversing its length and breadth un
til we were thoroughly convinced ourselves
were the sole objects, auimato or inanimate,
It contained.
Passing out, our next movement was to
carry round the bags to the extreme end of
the piazza. This involved the necessity of
traversing the full length of one sido of tho
building. With much labor and anxiety, as
we had to proceed more warily than ever, at
each step, we at last accomplished it. And
now we held a consultation, whether it were
better to risk the attempt of carrying off our
prize by degrees to the spot where we had
concealed tho wagon, or destroy it at once by
lowering bag alter bag into a deep well, II
informed me was directly beneath us, as we
leaned over the balcony of the piazza. Wo
concluded the latter plan was the best, and
accordingly, my companion uncoiled the rope
he si ill carried round bis neck and fastening
one end of it to the balcony, rapidly descend
ed after telling me to haul up tho other end
again, attach it to the bags (three or four at a
time,) and lower them to him when bo would
drop them singly into the well.
We had nearly finished this part of our task,
when.rendered reckless by the apparent secu
rity with which it was continned the splash
ing of each bag into the well exciting no sus
picion on the part of our dangerous neighbors
at the other extremity of the dwelling II
flung down into its depths the last nine three
at once, instead of dropping them singly, as be
had hitherto done. At this moment, the closo
proximity of approaching footsteps along the
roof, made me turn in the direction whence
the sonnd they caused proceeded,and instantly
I was engaged in a deadly struggle with; an
antagonist. , - 7 .
The scene now became ono of wildes t con
fusion. . The rush of hostile feet along the
roof bespoke the rapid advance ol foes, whose
numbers it would be madness to contend with.
Beneath, a desperate encouuter was going on
beween my comrade and ono or more of the
rebels, as many a fierce oath testified. My
left hand firmly fastened on the throat of the
man with whom 1 was contending, yet be
clung to me with maddening tenacity. Re
flection and action were the twinborn of an ur
gent second. With my right hand I had man
aged to draw and cock my revolver. My life
and liberty were in the hands of a grasping foe.
There was no compromise here : my life or
his I Pressing tho muzzle of my pistol to his
head I fired, and ho fell with scattered brains
at my feet. The next instant I dropped from
the balcony to the ground whero II was
battling in elose quarters. Here I stumbled
over a fallen man. In tho act of regaining
my feet, my hand came in contact with his
breast or side and was instantly bathed in a
warm gush of streaming blood.
"Where are you, II 7" I Bhouted.
The response come from within a yard or
two of tho spot whero I stood. I found my
companion struggling on the ground, in sav
age lury, with a fellow evidently of much su
perior muscular power to himself. Quick as
thought my strength was united to his, and
with one concentrated, determination and des
perate effort wo flung our herculean foe head
long down the well.
Without waiting to draw a breath we started
and fled for life, baffling a host of enemies by
the suddenness of our plunge amidst tho thick
surrounding darkness.
"This way,' cried II , and keeping closo
together, we quickly reached our concealed
wagon. To spring inside was the work of a
second, and away we went for the camp. The
Zouave drove, and his driving was like the
driving of Jehu I
"I guess it. would have been all up with
me," he said at length, if you hadn't come
in as yon did. There were two of them on
mo before I. knew where I was, when I found
I had lost my Colt ; so I gave one a dig with
the full length of my bowie, and went in for
a wrestle with the fellow we treated to a drink."
We reached camp unpursucd. The wagon
was returned punctually next night, as prom
ised, to the astonished and grateful darker,
but whether or not he received any further re
muneration for the loan of his property than
the safe return of it I am unable to state.
TitE Ke.vtuckv Resolutions. Below wo
give the resolutions passed by the Kentucky
Legislature on the 12th. Gov. Magoffin had
vetoed them, but both Houses passed them af
terwards by the Constitutional vote.
Resolved, That Kentucky's peace and neu
trality have been wantonly violated, her soil
has been invaded, the rights of her citizens
have been grossly infringed by tho so-called
Southern Confederate forces. This has been
done without causo ; therefore be it
Resolved, By the General Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the Gov
ernor be requested to call out the military
force of the State to expel and drive out the
Resolved, That tho United States be invok
ed to give aid and assistance that protection
against invasion which is granted to each ono
of tho States by the fourth section of the
fourth article of tho Constitution of tho Unit
el States.
Resolved, That General Robert Anderson
be, and he is hereby requested to enter imme
diately upon the active discharge of his duties
in this military district.
Resolved, That we appeal to the people of
Kentucky by the ties of patriotism and honor,
by the ties of common interest and common
defence, by tho remembrances of the past and
by the hopes of future national existence, to
assist in repelling and driving out the wanton
violators of our peace and neutrality, tho law
less invaders of our soil.
Work for, tiik "Peace Party."
gitlmate field for the labors of the "Peace
party" is among the Indians on our frontier.
If tho rebels are anxious for a peace, why are
they enlisting the aid of those savage tribes
to practise their barbarities upon citizens of
the United States ? Intelligence that can bo
relied upon reaches us that John Ross, Chief
of the Cherokee Indians, has announced in
New Orleans that at a mass meeting on the
21st ultimo, his peoplo authorized their au
thorities to form an alliance with the Confed
erate Government, and that a mounted regi
ment under Col. Drew will be raised for the
Confederate service. It is also stated that the
have actually crossed the Arkansas river, en
route for Ben McCulloch's camp, to help him
carry on the war against the Union.
Terrible Accident is Philadelphia. A
dreadful affair occurred last Saturday night a
week, at Wheatley's Continental Theatre, on
Walnut street above Eighth. The perform
ance were a fairy scene, and whilst the ballet
girls were in the green room, the dress of one
of them caught fire, and the flames soon com
municated to the dresses of the rest. Fifteen
were more or less injured, some fatally. The
greatest alarm prevailed, but the flames did
not communicate to tho body of the theatre,
and the audience dispersed quietly. Among
tho ladies burnt were Zelia and Hannah Gale,
and Miss Forbes. Six had died up to mid
night on Sunday, and four others were lapidly
Anecdote of Vallandigham. Previous to
the attack on Sumter, the notorious dirt eater
of Ohio made a boast that the first regiment
that left Ohio to fight the South, would have
to march over his dead body. It so happened
that the Ohio regiment went from bis district,
and past his house. When close upon it the
regiment halted and the Colonel said : "lou
are now to pass the dead body of Vallandig-
ham : let every . man hold on to his nose,"
which they did till all had passed.
A quack doctor advertises to cure, among
ether incurable diseases, Marcobozzaris, Ab
delkader, Hippopotamus, Potato-Rot, Hydro
statics, Inflamation of the Abominable Re
gions, Ager-fits, Shakin-qnaker visits, and all
kinds of Anniversaries.
Passengers from Tennessee report that Rep
resentative Nelson has been released, and that
Brownlow is still unmolested.
Texas. It is reported that great distress
prevails throughout Texas. ;
The promise was made to Mr. Yancey, at
ine Breckinridge meeting in New York, held
at the Cooper Institute during the last Presi
dential canvass, that, should Lincoln be elec
ted, an army of fifty thousand men would rise
up in the city of New York alone to assist the
South in opposing hi inauguration. Similar
threats were uttered all over tho Northern
States. They were not only uttered in politi'
cal gatherings, but embodied in printed reso
lutions, and sent to the slaveholding States,
and thrown broadcast over the whole Union
The Southern party of disunion believed in
these promises, threats, and published state
ments ; they relied on them as indications of in
fallible success in their unholy enterprise ;
for they confidently believed that a united
South could readily prevail over a divided
North In overthrowing the lrce Constitution
of our fathers, and in reconstructing out of
the fragments of the old Union a new confed
eracy which should have slavery, and not free
dom, as Us basis.
This was the idea that made the disunion
party so implacable and determined at the
Charleston Convention. It was this that caused
them to resist and reject every overture from
the friends of Mr. Douglas. Mr. Douglas was
willing to give slavery an equal chance in the
government with freedom. According to his
interpretation the Constitution of the country
was neither to give aid nor to raise any obsta
cle to the spread of slavery over all the free
territory of the nation, but the people of every
State and section were to exercise their natural
right of receiving or rejecting the institution,
as they might themselves determine. This
concession was not enough for the pro-slavery
party of the North and South. They main
tained that the Constitution recognized slaves
as property ; that that recognition was as wide
as tho jurisdiction of the instrument ; and that
the people must acknowledge this recognition
by electing an administration having the na
tionality ot slavery as its basis, or tbey would
overturn the government and dissolve the U
nion. This was the theory of the pro-slavery
party, and it was as openly avowed at the North
as in the most rampant of tho cotton States.
Mr. Buchanan, an old politician, had listened
to such threats so frequently, and seen them
so often quieted by the concessions of the
North, that be honestly believed in their effi
cacy at the time of Mr. Lincoln's election. He
believed, I think, that the usual amount of
bluster would wring from the Republicans such
submission as had always been made under
similar circumstances by the older parties. He
therefore, without any doubt, encouraged the
pro-slavery party to repeat and even to aggra
vate thetr threats. Tbey took him at his word,
expecting to see an uprising of their pro-slavery
partisans of the North, and resolving
then to make the most of the impression thus
produced. But they were doomed to an im
mediate disappointment. SomeNorthern news
papers did echo the noise and menaces of the
South, but the people generally returned from
the canvass to their customary occupations.
Tbo newspapers and political leaders then told
the South that their Northern allies would not
rise till the matters between tho two sections
wore brought to a crisis. "Just show your
Northern friends that you are in earnest," said
the New York News, "and they will show you
where they stand." The advice was repeated
by about a score of Northern papers, and it
was finally taken at the South. Sumter was
cannonaded. The war was opened. But the
party of the South were destined to a second
disappointment. The people of the North
rose, it is true, but it was against, and not for
this bold enterprise of coeicing the Republi
cau administration to yield to the dictation of
this pro-slavery conspiracy. The masses of
every section of the country were astounded
and immediately united. There was a small
portion of the Northern people, it is true, who
still adhered to tho Southern party, though
now in open rebellion against the government
of their country ; and it is precisely this small
nart of our own nonulation of the North to
le-Jjwhich tho rebels yet look for a final reaction
in their favor, and which is doing more than
the armies of Beauregard and M'Culloch to
keep up the hope, spirit, and perseverance of
our enemies. Let it be once understood that
the North is a unit on the question of main
taining our national integrity; that twenty
four millions of people, including the yet loy
al slaveholding border, are determined that
the remaining six millions shall not subvert
the Constitution for the benefit of the three
hundred and fifty thousand slaveholders, and
the rebellion will as rapidly vanish as it rose.
Sermons in Stones." Tho following are
the mottoes on two highly finished blocks of
marble, ordered by the Legislatures of the
respective States, and now in Washington a
waiting their places in tho Washington Mon
ument :
"Ever Faithful to tho Constitution and the Union."
"The Federal Union It must be Preserved."
Could our Federal army desire any stronger
motived to duty than those suggested by those
who thus untrammelled expressed their senti
ments before tho arm of tyranny sealed their
Timing Each Otuer. They have a story in
Chicago about a drunken captain in camp who
met a private of his company in the same con
dition. The captain ordered him to "halt,"
and endeavoring in vain to assume a firm po
sition on his feet and to speak with dignified
severity, exclaimed: "Priv'te Jones I give
yout'l (hie) four clock to gissober in." Cap'n,"
replied the soldier, "as you'r (hie) d -n sight
drunkerniam I'll give you til (hie) five clock
to gissober in."
A proprietor of a cotton-mill, who is some
thing of a philosopher, posted upon his factory
gate the following notice : "No cigars or
good looking men admitted." When asked
for an explanation, be said, "the one will set a
flame agoing among my cottons, and the t'oth
er among the gals. I wont admit of such in
flammable and dangerous things into my e
stablishment at any risk."
The power of the press id beginning to be
felt in Constantinople. . Already 41 newspa
pers are printed there in different languages.
Only imagine the Turcoman, in wido trowsers
and turban, reading the "quarter betore six
edition" of the Constantinople Journal.. .:
Rifled cannon are now coming into. Wash
ington at the rate of ten a day.
The ex-Bell and Everett men of the North
are, we presume, by this time, heartily ashamed
of their former chier idol. Their candidates
were put upon the platform of the "Constitu
tion and the Union" without any declaration
of principles, and the people of the United
States were asked to take them upon trust,
under the suggestion that "John Bell is the
right sort of a man ; John Bell would not do
anything wrong ; John Bell can be trusted."
This confidence game did not please the peo
ple, and the candidate who was without princi
ples "to speak of" was ingloriously defeated.
Subsequent events show that the defeat of
Bell was a national blessing. If be had been
elected, he would either have been a superser
viceable tool of the Southern conspirators
against their country, or be would have been
a weaker imbecile than Buchanan. Bell had
not pluck enough to stand up in Tennessee for
the Union, in behalf of which he was so lately
a candidate. He is now a disunion man un
disguiscdly, a traitor even more infamous than
Breckinridge, whose party threatened rebel
lion ever since the Charleston Convention.
As time advances it becomes more and more
evident that the election of Lincoln was provi
dential. Breckinridge and Bell would have
betrayed tho republic if they had been placed
in power. Douglas had the seeds of death
within his body before the last canvass was over.
The Vice President upon tho same ticket,
Hcrschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, is now a
Secession leader, and would probably have
been false to the Union if he had become the
acting President of the United States. In
Lincoln and Hamlin alone, it must now be evi
dent, could the country have hoped for those
measures of vigor and prompitude necessary
to put down rebellion and restore the power
of the Government over every part of the re
public. This is already made plain by the
"logic of events." As time progresses there
will be further confirmation of this fact. Wo
can at least expect that those officers will be
faithful to the country. The very "black re
publicanism" which has been charged against
them, is the best guaranty that they will never
surrender to the traitors who are aiming at the
overthrow of free institutions, and the estab
lishment of an aristocratic, oligarchical des
potism. The band of Providence is apparent
in the events of the struggle, and great conse
quences are yet to result from the inexorable
decrees of a great Superintending Power.
Strenotii of a Kind Word. Some people
are very apt to use harsh, angry words, per
haps because they think they will be obeyed
more promptly. They talk loud, swear and
storm, though alter all they are only laughed
at ; their orders are forgot, and their ill tem
per is remembered. How strong is a kind
word ! It will do what the harsh word or even
blow cannot do; it will subdue the stubborn
will, relax the frown, and work wonders.
Even the dog, the cat, or the horse, though
they do not know what you say, can tell when
you speak a kind word to them. A man was
one day driving a cart along the street. The
horse was drawing a heavy load, and did not
turn as the man wished him. The man was in
ill temper, and beat the horse ; the horse reared
and plunged, but he either did not or would
not go in the right way. Another man who
was with the crrt, went up to the horse, and
patted him on tho neck, and called him kind
ly by bis name. The horse turned his head
and fixed his large eyes on the man as though
he would say, "I will do anything for you
because you are kind to me ;" and bending
bis broad chest against the load, turned the
cart dowu the narrow lane, aud trotted on
briskly as though tho load were a plaything.
Oh, how strong is a kind word !
Tub Killed and Wounded. A gentleman
in Lansing, Michigan, who has kept as accu
rate account as possible, estimates that, of
thirty-three battles and more important skir
mishes since the war began, the Union men
have been victorious in twenty-two, the rebels
in five, while in the remaining six, neither
party can claim a victory. The number of
prisoners taken by the Unionists, is about 3,
200 ; and by the rebels not quite half as many.
Of the killed, it is impossible to obtain any
thing like accurate knowledge of the losses
of the rebels. The Union loss is something
over one thousand ; and the rebel loss is believ
ed to be more than twice that number.
Sad Accident. A most sad and melancholly
accident occured cn Friday last, a-week in
Bedford county. A Mr. Robeit Hutchison,
son of Jas. Hutchison, Esq., of Logan town
ship, in Blaircounty, and a couple of others
were shooting mark, when by some accident
the gun of Mr. Hutchison prematurely dis
charged and shot him in the side, the ball
passing through his heart and killing him in
stantly. Ilia remains were brought to his
father's, and on Sunday interred, followed to
the grave by a very large concourse of friends
and acquaintances, who deeply mourned their
sudden and sad bereavement.
President Lincoln, in reply to Governor
Magoffin, concludes his letter with the follow
ing pointed remark : "I most cordially sym
pathize with your Excellency in, the wish to
preserve the peace of my own native State,
Kentucky ; but it is with regret I search, and
cannot find in your not very short letter any
declaration or intimation that you entertain
any desire for the preservation of the Federal
Union." -
The other day, says a correspondent, I saw
a little boy tryinz to persuade a diminutive
dog, tied to a string, to lollow him. Canine
objected whereupon the boy thus soliloquised :
Oh, you need'nt be afraid, I aint going to
make hash of you, and you are too small to
to cut up into sausages anyhow."
Major Jack Downing once said to General
Jackson : "Gin'ral, I have always observed
that those persons who have a great deal to say
about being ready to shed their last drop of
blood,are amazin' particular about the first drop.
. m i m t
The thousandth year of the existence of the
Rnssian Empire is to be celebrated next year.
In Novgorod a monument has already been
commenced to commemorate the occasion.
"Peace," in the mouths of the secessionists,
means the destruction of the Union and all the
horrible consequences that would ensue.
In cleaning a gun, cold water loosens the
dirt better than hot water. . ' .
Poisoned Minie Balls. There is the most
positive evidence that poisoned Minie balls
are used in the rebel army, and evidence is af
forded that tbey are manufactured in tho
North. Last week five members ot the Indi
ana regiment, northwest of the Chain Bridge,
were out scouting, and discovered a party of
about seventy-five rebel troops. Our men con
cealed themselves in the bushes, lay down,
and fired together. They killed ono of the
enemy ; tho others lied, leaving ono, who hung
over his dying comrade, probably a relative,
until he was captured. In bis possession wcro
discovered a number of Minie balls, each of
which had a deposit of arsenic in it, covered
with tallow, lie was asked what the object
was in using those balls. He explained that
the contents was a poison ; that tbey had not
many of them yet, and were only used by those
sent out on picket or scouting duty. He said
they came from the North that they had not
received many yet, but were promised a lar
ger supply. In connection with this, ray in
formant, a very reliable brigade surgeon, says
that a man was shot in the Fourteenth Massa
chusetts Regiment, by a rebel picket, whose
body, immediately after the ball entered his
flesh, swelled up, and the patient died. Tho
case was minutely described to him by Capt.
Bradly, of Methuen, who is in the Fourteenth
Regiment. The surgeon considers this a clear
case of poison, contained in the ball.
A Nodle Example. General Lyon, who
lost bis life in the battle near Springfield, had
previously willed bis whole property, valued
at $30,000, to the United States Government.
This sum was the pecuniary expression of all
bis self-denial, hard toil, and great military
talents. These be devoted to the Republic,
and having offered his life upon its altar,
crowned bis career by refunding to the samo
Great Master the moneys it bad given him.
Does not bis example exhibit more glaringly
the infamy of hundreds who, liko him, deriv
ed wealth and renown from the Government,
and who now lead the armies of its enemies to
menace the capital and overwhelm its defend
ers 1 Let the boasted "chivalry" of Virginia
learn a lesson from the noble soldier of Con
necticut I
Arrest of Spies. Several spies were ar
rested at Fort Tobacco, by. a detachment of
Col. Young's cavalry. While the guard were
attending to their horses, Mr Walker the cor
respondent ot the N. Y. Express was left in a
house with one of the spies, and while Mr.
Walker was taking notes of the conversation
with him, the spy suddenly drew his knife
and plunged it into Mr. W's body, and then
made good bis escape. Mr. Walker is
in a critical condition, but some hopes are en
tertained of his recovery. He had, it is said,
gathered much valuable information from the;
spy, who is still at large.
Singular Deatu. Through the humane in
terposition of Mrs. Smith, wife of the Secreta
ry of the Interior, a portion of one of the
wings of the Patent Building has been appro
priated for a hospital for the soldiers of tho
Indiana regiments. Yesterday there werellO
patients there, but a largo number have been
removed, well or nearly so. One young man
was up and doing well, when be received a let
ter from bis parents, who had heard of bis
sickness. Their expressions of fear for his
condition so worked upon bis mind that he al
most immediately fell into a relapse, and very
soon afterwards died.
Killing Pickets. Our advanced pickets
suffered severely last night by being fired up
on at several points along the lines, near Bai
ley's Cross Roads, and within a mile of Mun
fion's Hill. Eight pickets of the New York
Eighteenth were shot, and were brought in
this morning. The quartermaster of the abovo
regiment stated, in the Quartermaster Gener
al's office, to-day, that they have lost thirty
rqen in killed and wounded during the last
two weeks. The enemy is daily becoming
more bp Id in firing upon our pickets.
Contraband in a Corns. On Monday af
ternoon the sentinels of the Second Maryland
Regiment, on guard at the Long Bridge, on
the Anne Arundel shore of the Patapsco, had
their attention attracte'd to the approach of a
funeral procession, consisting of a sombre
hearse and attendants. The first sentinel al
lowed the hearse to pass, but the second stop
ped it, and an examination revealed a lot of
muskets and ammunition concealed in the cof
fin. The attendants escaped, but the hcarso
and horse were captured.
Condition of the Rebels. A private letter
recently received in this city, from Winches
ter, Va., says that terrible distress has exis
ted there for a long period, caused ntit only
by the generally distracted condition of affairs
in Virginia, but by the fact that more than
2,000 sick soldiers have been quartered in tho
town, converting nearly every bouse into a
hospital, and not only requiring great atten
tion from the inhabitants, but causing, in turn
much sickness among them.
Sentiment of the People op Missouri.
Howard Glyndon, of Missouri, is in Washing
ton. In a letter to the Intelligencer, he says
"Many a Missourian who until now, has re
mained cold and indifferent to the strife around
him will now feel the thrill of indignation at
his heart as he springs up to grasp the nearest
weapon in defence of the sanctity and pcaco
of bis own hearthstone and the honor of that
flag beneath which he alone can know safety
and security."
Lotal Southern Officers of the Navy.
There are now in tne United States Navy 9
captains, 14 commanders, and 37 lieutenants
from the seceded States. They are loyal to.
the core. Eleven captains, 30 commanders,
and 81 lieutenants have gone over to tho trai
tors since the rebellion began.
: Elkwater. Va.. Sept. 16. The body of
Col. John A. Washington was sent over to tho
enemy yesterday under a flag or truce, vt nne
on the way it waa met by a similar flag, com
ing from the enemy for the purpose of obtain
ing information as to hia condition.
John Brow's men. Among the killed by
the Little Platt-river bridge was Barclay Cop
pie, of the John Urown raid notoriety, togeth
er with five or six men with him, who were en
route to join Montgomery's Kansas regiment.
Gen. Butler- This gentlemen is now in
Massachusetts, for the purpose of recruiting
six New England regiments for special service.
Mors . Troops.1 The 46th regiment of
Penu'a volunteers left Hirrisburg on the 16th.
Ten additional regiments arc nearly ready.
5 r