Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 21, 1861, Image 3

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Time of Cari laving Tyrone Station.
Fast Lino, 9.17 P. M. Mail Train, 11.55 A. M.
Express, 6.40A.M. Mail train, 5 40 P. M,
Naw PosTorncB. A new postofluce has
been established in Burnside township, Clear
field county, called "Patchinville," and Jack
Patchin appointed Postmaster.
Camp MsEtiso A Camp Meeting will bo
held at Toby creek, Elk county, on the farm
of Elias Meyers, commencing on Wednesday,
September 11th, and continue over Sabbath.
Bro's J.Litch, J. T. Lannin,?, M. L. Jackson,
D. Elwcir and T. Hallen, are expected to be
present. Committee of arrangement Elias
Moyer, R. M. Punk and J. S. Bluckman.
"Worth Lookixo I.nto." We have been
requested to state that the assertion in the
last Clearfield Republican, that the Postmaster
at Morrisdale sard 'hc had authority to refuse
to deliver secession papers, that the Day-Book
was a paper of this character, and he would de
liver no more of them," is false in every par
ticular. More Democratic Speeches. We this week
publish on our outside some remarks by W.
J. Hall, Esq., the Lieutenant Governor of the
Provisional Government of Missouri, which
are-worthy of attention ; also, several extracts
from a speech ot the ITon. Robert J. Walker
of Mississippi, delivered at .New York short
iy after the fall of Fort Sumter. Mr. W's
speech is clear and pointed, and expresses the
sentiments of every true patriot in the coun
try. Mr. Walker is a Mississippian, and has
held several important positions under the
National government a man who 'has never
scratched a Democratic ticket from Constable
up to President" and ono who has at all
times watched the interest of the South with
a jealous eye. In view of these facts, his
speech is worthy of some littlo attention by
the patriotic portion of the Democratic party ;
and, as their own papers do not publish the
speeches of the Union men of that party, we,
as a public journalist, have thought it our du
ty to do so. And, when such Southern Dem
ocrats as Robert J. Walker, Joseph llo'.t and
Andy Johnson, can support the Government
of the United States in opposition to treason
with a whole heart, it is time that something
nor than the empty mutterlngs of bar
" room politiciansand country editors" should
le heeded by the honest masses of the Dem
ocratic party.
Pursuant to pravious notice, a large con
course of persons assembled at the Town 1 1 .ill
in Clearfield, on Friday the lGth, for the pur
pose of nominating a county ticket, to be sup
ported by all patriotic citizens who are in fa
ror of tfnsaining the present National Admin
istration In its effort to put down treason.
The Convention was called to wder by lion.
T. B. Dvis, and upon motion of A. C. Fin
ney, .Kg., John Russell of Pennville, was
lecti.il President; who, upon taking his seat
thanked the Convention for the favor confer
red upn him. Arthur Bell, II. Swan, Geo.
Wilson, Jr., P. A. Gaulin and II. B. Bailey,
were then chosen Vice Presidents; and Geo.
W. Rhcem, C. II. Powers, and S. J. Row,
A list of tho delegates present, was then
made out, and upon calling the roll, 170 per
sons answered to their n.Jnies ; after which the
Joiivention proceeded to ballot for candidates,
when the following named persons ere nom
inated for the several offices, to wit :
For Sheriff, Daniel Livingstou, of Curwens-
ville ; Associate Judges, Samuel Sebring, of
New Washington, and David Adams, Sr., of
Boggs; Treasurer, G. II. Lytle, of Lumber
City; Commissioner, John Spackman, of Gi
rard; Auditor, Jacob Mock, of Kylcrtown ; J
B. McEnally, Esq., of Clearfield Borough, was
then named as the choice of this county for
the Legislature; and, on motion, he was re
quested to select his own Conferees. The
Conferees are";
After trannactiog some other business, the
Convention adjourned, tine die.
This Convention, is said to have been the
largest political gathering of tho kind that
ever assembled in the county. Harmony per
vaded the proceedings throughout ; and much
enthusiasm was manifested by the delegates
Geserai. Natuajjiei, Lyon. Brigadier
General Lyon, late commander of the Missou
ri volunteers, and slain at the late battle near"
Springfield, graduated at West Point in 1841,
and since continued ia tho army, holding the
commission of captain in the Second Infantry.
He was in the wars of Florida, Texas, Califor
nia, Oregon and Kansas. In Mexico he ac
companied Gen. Scott's division, and was
breveted in 1847 for gallant and meritorious
conduct in the battles of Contreras and Cher
ulmsco. He was wounded at the Belen Gate
of the city of Mexico, September 13, 1847.
His experience well fitted him for a campaign
ouctiuthat of Missouri, and he died at the
(?e of forty-two, a thorough and accomplish
ed soldier. General Lyon waa born in Ash
ford, Connecticut, tho son of a respectable
farmer, fllis mother was of the Knowlton fam
'y, to which one of the distinguished officers
f the Revolution belonged, Colonel Knowl
ton, commander of the Connecticut troops at
junker's Hill, afterward slain t the battle of
Harlem Heights, New York. The cause of
lh Union, in his death, has lost one of the
aolest defenders, and Missouri will find it hard
Wpply his place.
A Traitor's Promise. There is in Con
necticut a prominent Breckinridge politician
r'nwd w w Eatonj wh0j dnrins tIie Quber-
st"al and Presidential elections of 1860,
ePeatedly declared that in the event of dis
union any troops from his State that should
rch to put down insurrection in the slave
..ta,es, eould only do so over his dead body.
i(le ' now tumping that State, advocating
j,.aco propositions," and the expediency of
uing the South go on Ler own terms. If he
iavh-aDXious for "Peace" why does ne not
( 'blsdead carcas down and let the Union
Qoie for peace" in that way than any other.
Camp Ten ally, -Aug. IS, 1SG1.
Friend Row : Wc have moved since 1 last
wrote you. We are now at Tenallytown, 6
miles from the Capitol and 2 miles beyond
Georgetown. We left Harrisburg on tho 9th,
and after a ride of 12 hours arrived at Balti
more depot, at 2 o'clock in the morning. We
marched through that city without music. At
the second depot we were provided with ice
water ; and at daybreak, cofFee, cakes, excel
lent peaches and apples, &c, were on hand
for those who desired to purchase. We left
Baltimore at 5 a. m. and reached Washington
at 10 a. m., and took up quarters in a build
ing, expressly put up for newly arrived troops.
It will hold a regiment, aDd is provided with
gas, baths, &c. We ate our dinners shifted
baggage, and 5 p. m. started for this place,
which we reached after dark. We had a good
time hunting our baggage in the dark, and
company C, soon learned that their tents
"turned up missing," the teamster having
missed the road. The ground was damp, and
a fair prospect for rain, but there was no help
for it, we must lie down without them. . To
wards morning they came to hand, however,
and were soon "pitched." It has rained hard
ever since our arrival, and we h;d to trench
all our tents, or as one of our men said "dig or
The day was very hot when we passed through
Washington the hottest we had this season.
We had a poor chance to see the city only
getting a running look t it. Our Captain
saw his brother, and says his wound is doing
well and will soon be about again.
Letters directed to Washington will reach
us, I suppose ; no post office being nearer that
I know of now. Yours truly, M.
For the "Raftsman's Journal."
Editor Journal : Please grant me a small
space in your paper to propound a few ques
tions to the editors of the Clearfield Republican.
If the editors of the Republican are Union
men and favor the suppression of the rebellion,
(which would be hard to infer from their edi
torials,) why is it that they never published the
Hon. Joseph Holt's letter to the people ot
Kentucky, or either of his speeches? Why
do they not publish the speeches of Johnson
and Ethridge of Tennessee, or the speeches of
other Southern Democrats in favor of the
Union ? On the contrary, why are they ever
ready to quote Vallandighani, Burnett, and
other traitors ? I am a reader of the Repub
lican, and during the last year I have found
in it mostly such sentiments as would induce
the candid reader to believe that their feel
ings and prejudices are with the traitors and
in favor of the rebellion. Is such a paper, at
this time, fit to enter a family where boys are
growing up, whom we expect soon to take our
places as the loyal men of our country ? I
have known the editors of the Republican, I
may say, from their boyhood ; and although
neither of them appear to possess any extraor
dinary degree ot ability, yet, I cannot per
suade myself that their present course is
adoj.ted through ignorance. What then, can
bo their object? Is it party for the sake of
office? If so, have they not been pretty well
"ffd out of the public crib," since they set
out in public lite Perhaps, however, they
have only accidentally got on tho wrong side
ot tlie question. Uut, why this cry of party ?
Is it for the purpose of blindfolding a portion
of their readers, so that they may continue "to
live on the fat of the land 1"
Now, Messrs Editors of the Republican, 1f I
have arrived at wrong conclusions, please in
form the public what your motives arc. The
peopleshould know the principles ami objects
ot ttiose who woula be their leaders am! teach
ers. A Reader of tue Republican.
We commend the following article to the
atteution of the Democrats of this county. It
standsout in strong contrast against the fault
finding editorials of the Clearfield Republican ;
shows that nothing short of a cordial and heart
felt support of the war policy of the Adminis
tration will save tho Government, and points
out clearly the only course that patriots can
pursue. Tho Democrat is the organ of the
Democratic party in Bucks county, and its
orthodoxy has never been questioned. Read
the article.
From tho Doylestown Democrat.
In the war which the Government is now
waging for the integrity of the Constitution
and the preservation of the Union, the duty of
Democrats individually, and the party collec
tively, is so plain that none can mistake it.
They must support the Administration in eve
ry measure calculated to put down rebellion,
and conquer peace. In doing this they are
not committed to any of the political tenets
of Mr. Lincoln or bis party, nor can they be
charged with giving aid and comfort to their
political enomies Heretofore, Democrats have
always rallied to tho support of the country
when it was in danger. They fought tho bat
tles of the war of 1812, and defended the hon
or of our flag in Mexico ; and let it not be said
that they are any the less mindful of their du
ty in the present great national emergency.
This contest is one in which we are all equal
ly interested, and no man can stand aside with
folded arms and say, "The war is not mine ; I
have nothing at stake." In the contest there
is involved everything that man holds most
dear in Government and civil liberty, and. in
fact, the very fabric of society depends upon
the struggle ; for success to the rebels brings
anarchy to us. The stake is not for the pres
ent, but for all time to come, and our chil
dren, and our children's children, are deeply
interested. Our party has ever proclaimed
itself the especial champion of tho Union, and
branded the opposition as its enemy ; and
there never will again in our history occur
such an opportunity to vindicate our claim to
disinterested patriotism. Let us strive to ex
cel all other parties in our devotion to the
country, so that when the war shall bo over
we can point to our deeds with pride and
pleasure. The support, however, to be effi
cient, must be cordial and heartfelt, and it
will not do for a man to say in one breath that
he supports the Government, and in the next
denounce the "Lincoln war." This conduct
is but a tbin concealment of treason, which
would probably break out into overt acts but
for a little wholesome fear. In the same cat
egory may be placed those who continually
cry aloud for "peace," at the expense of hon
or and everything else, and beg that the South
may not be subjugated an act which no sane
man dreams ot. He who does this is not a
Democrat, but simply an encourager of rebel
lion and a traitor to his country. Future gen
erations will place a proper estimate upon all
such slippery patriots. In our nominations
this fall, the only qualification required, be
side competency,, should be that of devotion
to the Constitution and the Union, and an un
qualified support of the Government.' Tho
party that does not stand upon this platform
wnl go to the dogs, as it will deserve.
Gen. Anderson in the Field. Gen. An
derson, though advised by his physicians to
refrain from active duty, has nevertheless de
termined at once to take the field. hen
warned that he might break down, he answered
that theJUnion men of Kentucky were calling
him to lead tnem, and that be must and would
make the attempt, and if he failed be would
fail in a most glorious cause.
On the ICth quite a number of our surgeons
and soldiers, and one lady, who were taken
prisoners at Hull Run and conveved to Rich
mond, arrived here via Fortress Monroe and
Baltimore. They furnish many interesting
facts relating to their capture and residence
among tho rebels. The surgeons are here on
parole, and were allowed the liberty from the
tact that they remained on the field to take
care of our wounded and dtd not therefore
join in the retreat with other officers. For
this humane as well as brave act they were
complimented by Generals Beauregard aud
Johnston, and being non-combatants, have
been allowed great privileges. Dr. Stewart,
surgeon of the First Minnesota Regiment, who
was taken prisoner when the retreat commenc
ed, states that the surgeons were not allowed
to go on the held alter the battle had conclud
ed, but were permitted to enter the hospitals
and attend to tho wounded. The wounded
and their attendants were treated very kindly
by the people living in the vicinity ot Ma
nassas. No distinction was made between
friend and foe, and everything was done to
alleviate suffering. After a day or so, he and
his companions, together with other prison
ers, were taken to Richmond, where they
were confined in a prison formed out of a to
bacco ware-bouse. Here they were closely
guarded, but treated kindly, being furnished
with good food and as comfortable quarters as
circumstances would permit. ' The surgeons
solicited permission to visit the hospitals in
Richmond, and aid in attendance on the
wounded, but this request was peremptorily
refused by the surgeon-general of the rebel
my. The only unpleasant remarks which
they heard were the most bitter invec
tives from the women, who freely commented
on the Yankees. Richmod appeared very
lively to them. Provisions were cheap, and
much traffic was going on in country produce,
but there was a great want of surgical instru
ments, medicines, etc. The people acknowl
edged that they felt severely the injurious ef
fect of the blockade, and, in fact, speculation
was almost wholly directed to removal, though
not much stress was laid on foreign luterfer
ence. Hon. Mr. Ely, Col. Corcoran, and
others, were still iu prison at Richmond, but
wero well cared for. There was a universal
feeling in favor of hanging the most important
ones, should the crew of the Savannah suffer
death. With regard to the next battle or the
future movements of the rebels, but litfle was
said. The Southern soldiers were very much
wearied with their long campaign, and seem
ed inactive, manifesting little or no spirit for
a renewed conflict. At first there was a dis
position to move on Washington, but there
was an under current of feeling among the
more Southern regiments, which was averse
to crossing the Potomac river. The rebel of
fice! s and soldiers are of the opinion that our
soldiers fought like tigers at Bull Run, and
compliment them for their bravery, but they
are severe in denunciation of our officers, who
they saj' acted like cowards. They admit that wc
had won the field several times, and fully under
stood how the panic came to sieze upon our
troops, and caused us to loose it. These pris
oners, many of whom were in tho front ranks
of our troops, say that the officers of the rebel
forces flung themselves in front of their regi
ments, and urged them on, while many of ours
took to their heels. There are about five
hundred wounded and six hundred unwound
ed, ol our soldiers at Richmond. The spirit
of resistance is represented among the civil
ians at Richmond to be as strong as ever,
woman and children declaring that they will
join the army to defeat the federal troops.
Mrs Curtis, of Rochester, New York, who yras
taken to Richmond some time since, arrived
here with the other prisoners. The meetings
of some of the returned soldiers with their
friends here to-day have been affecting.
Many of t'jem were given up as dead. In one
instance an officer read his own obituaries in
the papers. The rebels all concur in praising
McClellan's abilities, and state that he is the
only man that they fear in the coming contest.
The object of the War. One of the Rich
1 T I
mond (Virginia) papers, in a recent number
published the following, which, we presume,
sets forth the true object of the rebel leaders
in their war upon the government :
"Luckily we cannot too often repeat or too
stronglv impress it upon our readers, we of
the Southern States are wholly independent
of all co-operation from foreign Powers. Wo
have our destinies in our own hands. We can
live and prosper without assistance from any
quarter. But not so with others. The most
civilized and powerful nations of the globe aro
directly dependent upon us for the subsistence
of their people. It is this consideration of
self-interest which will make them our friends.
As we hate the Yankees with a hate which
every day only serves to increase and inflame,
we rejoice at any circumstance which tends to
multiply their enemies and embarrass their
condition. Next to being able to exterminate
them ourselves, the greatest pleasure we can
enjoy .is to witness their extermination by
others, i or this reason, it is, we pray eter
nally that they may be involved in horrible
wars with all the powers of the earth be swept
from the ccean and be exterminated from the
land. Tho English, who have come to appre
ciate the lankee at his true value, and enter
tain a just contempt for him imagine, and
probably very correctly, that his doom is sealed,
without a blow from them. But if that blow
is necessary, it will not be withheld."
The reason then, for commencing the present
war is, because these traitors "hate the Yan
kees" and have determined on their "exter
mination." Their object is to be accomplished,
even if the Government be thereby "involved
in horrible wars with all the powers of tho
earth," and tho Nation "be swept from the
ocean and be exterminated from the land."
Tho above declarations must,indeed be refresh
ing to those who are continually harping about
"compromising" nith tiaitors, who have only
one fixed and determined object in view, and
that is, the destruction of the Government.
A Perfect Counterfeit The Boston Her
ald says: If there be such a thing as perfec
tion in counterfeiting, it is reached in an im
itation of the five and ten dollar notes of
the Prescott Bank of Lowell something over
$4,000 of which have been received by the
Sulfock Bank, and Bank of Mutual Redemp
of this city, from New York city and from Ro
chester, JN. Y. . We do not see how or where
the most accomplished expert can detect the
slightest shade of difference between the true
and false notes, except in one trifling particu
lar in which the false noto is the more perfect
of the two. By the suggestion of a bank offi
cer who had been informed of the fact, we
discovered that tho dot of the "i" in the name
Wright, (of the engravers) placed zt the bot
tom of the note in exceeding fine letters, is to
be found in the counterfeit, but is ommitted
in the real note. If such skillful work as this
Is to be applied extensively to spurious bank
bills, there must be an end to all piper curren
cy, payable to bearer, inevitably.
Jeff. Davis on the Union. "This great
country will continue united. Trifling politi
cians in the South, or in the North, or in the
West, may continue to talk otherwise, but it
will be of no avail. They arc like the mosqui
toes around the ox ; they annoy, but they can
not wound, and never kill." These wero tho
words of Jeff. Davis, in an address, July 4tb,
1818 and General Scott proposes to show liini
that ho was correct. i '-' - ' ' ' - (
The Latest News.
Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail.
ArocsT 19. The War department has issued
an order to the Governors of several of the
States, among them Pennsylvania, to forward
all volunteer regiments or parts of regiments,
or independent regiments, to Washington im
mediately, whether such volunteers are arm
ed, equipped or uniformed, or not.
Some excitement prevailed at Washington
on account of a reported attack on the city by
the rebels. No danger is apprehended by
those best able to judge of its safety. The
fears probably originated from the order sent
to the several States to forward all the availa
ble troops immediately.
The President has issued a proclamation de
claring the several Southern States in a state
of insurrection against the United States, and
gives notice that all commerce between them
and the loyal States, or between them and
foreign nations, is unlawful.
Gen. Siegel is now at Rolla with about ten
thousand men. His march from Springfield
was unmolested. The people along the route
apprehensive of the rebels, joined his forces
in great numbers.
The rebel loss in the battle near Sprinfield,
Missouri, is stated to be between 2,500 and
3,000 in killed and wounded.
The President will issue his proclamation in
a few days, specifying the Southern ports that
are in a state of blockade.
Forty-eight new regiments arc now forming
in the city of New York. : -
The pirate vessel Sumter has been captured.
Unless the active measures which the gov
ernment of North Carolina is taking for its
internal preservation shall avert the danger
betimes, the country may soon expect to hear
of formidable lave insurrections in the State.
The negroes are perfectly well-informyd upon
all passing events, and appear to be secretly
organized for any work which their leaders
may call upon them to perform. The indica
tions everywhere are that they are already ripe
for revolt, and only await the word to spring
into action.
Even those who are in the enjoyment of perfect
health frequently have need to rocourso to tonics
as preventives of disease. We are never too well
armored against the assaults of '-the ills that flesh
is heir to." Such an invigorator they may find in
Hostetter's bitters a medicine that cannot be ta
ken regularly without giving vitality and elas
ticity to the system. At this season, particular
ly, tho strongest man is not proof against tho
malaria, in certain sections of the country. In
all cases of fever and ague, the bitters is more po
tent than any amount of quinine, while the most
dangerous cases of billious fever yield to its won
derful properties. Those who have tried the med
icine will never use another, for any of the ail
ments which the llostetter Bitters professes to sub
due. To those who have not made the experi
ment, we cordially recommend an early applica
tion to the Bitters, whenever they are stricken by
disease of the digestive organs. Sold by drug
gists and dealers generally everywhere. See
advertisement in another column.
On the 13th instant, by Amos Krise, Esq.,
Mr. -Samuel C. Bradford, of Covington town
ship, to Miss Mary Ellen Krise of Girard tp.
On the 10th ult., of Diptheria, Ltpia S.
daughter of James and Mary Spencer of Piko
township, aged 10 yeys and 18 days.
Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd.
james t. leoxard. ::::::::: d. a. finney.
wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. finney.
struction upon tho Piano, Melodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Terms For pupils under six yers old, 55.00,
for .seventy two lessons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old, $10,00, for seventy-two
lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me
lodeon, Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the
balance at the end of the quarter.
Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils.
Studied alone. S3, 00 per term.
Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's.
Oct. 1, 1860. E. A. P. RYNDER, Teacher.
containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26, plank house 16
by 18, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large spring and spring-house con
venient to house. The land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. L. J. CRANS, Clearfield.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A. Gibson A Co., that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him, with all kinds of Cemetery Wori,
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as monuments. Box Tombs. Cra
dle Tombs, Swires, Obelisks. Grecian Tombs. Ta
ble, Tombs, Head Stones, Carved. Sculptured or
I'lain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in tho country.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase of patronage. WM. OAIIAGAN.
Uellelonte, l'a., March 23, 1859-tf.
The undersigned ha3 now on hand, at hi3 Furni
ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a short
distance west of Litz's foundry, a large slock of
manufactured out of the best materials, finished
in a very superior manner, and which he will sell
LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu
siness makes him feel confident that his chairs are
made in a substantial and workmanlike manner,
and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing
to purchase chairs should call at onoo and get
them while they can be had at the lowest rates.
Jbeb 27,1861. JUllol TlvUUTAlAiN.
SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the publio in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture Wagons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. -Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, Ac, made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
Kinu uono wnn aispaicn.- ami u i rauui n iua.
- -. . . .... . V a. n t T fMl' XT
June Z'j, lbo'j. wkLiUiAM iv. ijivu.
A Fact Worth Knowing!
The undersigned informs his old friends and the
public generally that he has just received and o
pcued, at his old stand in Bradford township, a
consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quecnswaro
Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a
country store, which he wii dispose of at as low
rates as they can bo purchased in the county, and
of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully
solicits all to give him a call and examine his
stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels
certain that they will buy from him.
The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A
pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
tho business will be conducted by them jointly un
der the name and firm of John & J F. Irvin.
They inform their customers and the public in
general that they have received from tho East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially ndapted to the wants of the community,
and will sell the same at the lowest cah prices.
AI30, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes. Hats
and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to suit the t!mes. Now is the time to
purchase. Call in ai.u examine our stock before
you purchase your goods, nnd we feel confident
that we can supply you with all kinds of goods,
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial.
May 30, 1860. JERKED F IRVIN.
N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm aro re
quested to call and settle. may 30
Spring& Summer Goods
Just received and opening, a carefully selected
stock of Spring and Summer goods, of almost ev
ery description. Staple and Fancy.
Choice Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Matkerel in half,
quarter, and eighth barrels.
rior quality.
All of which will be sold ou the most reasonable
terms for Cash or approved country produce.
June 26, 1SG1. WM. F. IRWIN.
B I T T E R S.-The proprietors and
Manufacturers of Hostettcs Celebrated Stonnck
Bitters can appeal with perfect confidence to phy
sicians and citizens generally of the United States,
because the article has attained a reputation here
tofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will
speak more powerfully than volumes of bare asser
tion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of
llostetter's Stomach Ditters for the last year a
mounted to over a half-million bottles, and from
its manifest steady increase in times past, it is ev
ident that during the coming year the consump
tion will reach near one million bottles. This im
mense amount could never have been sold but for
the rare medicinal properties contained in the pre
paration, and the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those sections of the country where
the article is best known, who not only recommend
the Litters to their patients, but are ready at all
times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all ca
ses of stomachic derangf ments and thediseascs re
sulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popu
larity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way
of trumpeting the qualities of tho Litters, but a
solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which
is destined to be as enduring as time itself
Uostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a God
send to regions where fever and ague and various
other bilious complaints have counted their vic
tims by hundreds. To be able to state confident
ly that the 'Litters' are a certain cure for the Dys
pepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a
source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all mor
bid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood,
and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys
tem, giving it that tone aud energy indispensable
for the restoration of health. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,
mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them
to a condition essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature.
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per
directions on the bottle, nnd they will find it a
stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining
years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating
to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvena
ting generally. We have evidence of thousands
of aged men and women who have experienced
the benefit of using this preparation while suffer
ing from stomach derangements and general de
bility; acting under the advice of physicians,
they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and
fairly tested the merits of this article. A few
words to the gentler sex. There are certain pe
riods when their cares are soharrassing that many
of them sink under the trial. The relation of mo
ther and child is so absorbingly tender, that the
mother, especially if she be young, is apt to for
get her own health in the extreme anxiety for her
infant. Should the period for maternity arrive
during the summer season, the wear of body and
mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a
necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the ener
gies of the system, and enable the mother to bear
up under her exhausting trials and responsibili
ties. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bit
ters to all other invigoratrs that receive the en
dorsement of physicians, because it is agreeable
to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent
increase of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we have particular
ly referred above, to wit :. sufferers from fever and
ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, in
digestion, loss of appetito, and all diseases or de
rangements of the stomach, superanuatcd inval
ids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing
mothers, will consult their own physical welfare
by giving to Uostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bit
tors a trial. .'
Caution. We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for Uostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle,
and stamped on the metallic capcovcring the cork,
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. "Prepared andsold bjllostetterfy Smith,
Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada, South America, and Germany.
Agents Gca.W.Rheem and CD.WaUx.ii, Clear
field ; John Patton, Curwensville ; D. Tyler. Hus
ton : F. K. Arccld. Luthersburg. Oct 24, '60.
II EESE ! A large lot of superior Chcesa,
for sale by WM. F. IRWIN Clearfield, Ta.
HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Ta.
. Professional business promptly attended to.
O. CROUCH, Fhysicias, Curwensville, Clcar
, field county, Penn'a. May 14.
TJ. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estata
J. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining hi
residence, on Second str6et. May lfi.
"1 yrILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law,
Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of tho
Post Office, on Second street. Sept. 1 .
ROBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. (and
District Attorney,) Clearfield," Pa. Office in
Shaw's new row, Market street. May 26.
l7ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear-
field, Pa. Office the sawe that was formerly
occupied by Hon. G. R Barrett. ecpto'60
HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney At Law,CJear
. field, l'a. Office in Graham's Row. one door
east of the 'Rafuman's Journal' offioc. Nv Itt.
T Tilt AN K SHORT. Boot aad Shoemaker. Shop
1 on Second street, (nearly opposite Keed and
Weaver's Store.) Clearfield, l'a. May 4, lSOS).
CKRATZER A SON, Merchants, and dealers
. in Boards and Shingles, Grain aud Produce.
Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. Jjl2
WM. M'CULLOUGH. Attorney atLaw.Clear
. field, Pa. Office, in Graham's new brick
building, on Second floor. July 3, 161.
CIHA'S II. TOVVERS, Attorney at Law, CleaT
j field. Pa. Offiee, up stairs in Graham's new
brick building. Business entrusted to him will
be punctually attended to. July 3, Ittfl.
milOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
JL Clearfield. Pa. Office, over the ' CleaTfieU
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instrument pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
ytriLLIAM F. IRAYIN,Maiketstrcet,CJcarncM,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Dmsestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queenswarc, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
JOHN GUELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street, ClcarfieVd, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. . Maylljltioy.
HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Shaw's new row, Market street, opnositethe Rafts
man's Journal effice, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10.
JB M'ENALLV, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
the residence of James li. Graham. Nov. 10.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer ia Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Jon mil Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law.CJear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Cle:ir
field and adjoining counties. Augu-st 0, 1S0G.
JOHN RUSSEL A CO., Tanners and Curriers,
Pennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange. Julyl5-5l.
DR. JEFFERSON L1TZ, having located ntGra
hamton. Clearfield county, Pa., will attend
promptly to all professional business entrusted to
his care. He may at all times he found at bis of
fice or at the resdence of J. B. Walters, when not
professionally engaged. March 13, 1S(!I.
TORN IIUIDKKOPLR. Civil Engineer and Land
J Surveyor, offers his professional services to tho
citizens of Clearfield county. All business en
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
ecuted. He can be found at the banking houo of
Leonard, Finney & Co. Sept. 21, lbo'J.
DR. M. WOODS, tender? his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the oflice of
L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where be cau
be found unless absenton piofessiotxa.1 business.
DENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers Lis pro
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness nnd despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
of Pain Carer; Rtatorative,n great cure for colds
nnd cough ; and Anli-Biltons Physic. They have
been thoroughly tested in this community, aal
are highly approved. Trv them.
JL undersigned having taken tho Luthersburg
Hotel, situate in the town of Lutherslmrg. Clear
field county, respectfully solioits a share of pat
ronage. The house has been ro-fitted and newly
furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared
to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate.
rj! Y 11 O JS E CI T Y II O T E L,
A. P. OWENS, Proprietor."
Also Ovbteks, Wholesale and Retail. dccl9
The undersigned keeps constantl on hand
at his store room in PhilipsburJ Centrcycounty, a
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. AI?e, Li
quors of all kinds. Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac.; all
of which he offers to purchaser! on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and trv his
articles. mar21 ROBERT LLOY D
Tobaoco, Segars. Ac,
In the basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by
Feb. 27, 1861-tf. O. E. MERRELL.
PHIA ! Tremendous Erciteyneut amoti" tbit
Me.s EXCITING FOOT RACE brttrreu th
Philadelphia Police and a notorious I'nrger and
counterfeiter. James Buchanan Cross Cro-n
Recaptured '.!!!! It seems to be the general opin
ion in Clearfield, that if Crosj had worn a pair of
Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he would
Dot be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
put out at missing his custom; but would an
nounce to all Breckinridge, Douglas, Lincoln and
Bell men, and women and children In ClearEeld,
and Sinnemahoning in particular, that he is pre
pared to furnish them with Boots. Shoes and Gai
ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, sewed or peg
ged, (and as he is a short fellow) on short notico.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange,
and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat
est manner and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reod. Wea
ver A Co'b store. FRANK SHORT.
N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, 1 gdt).
FOR SALE. A good two-horse wagon with
box, for sale very low. Apply to Georgo W.
Rex, New Millport, Cloarfield co., l'a. Mar20-p.
LOIIR. A lot of good flour on hand and for
EST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the
new store ot uraha. IjOyntov uo.
IJLOltR A good article for sale at the stored
Ijaniei WM. F. IRWIN. ClearfielJ.
-v 4
' i