Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 21, 1861, Image 2

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Raftsman's journal
2 -TCctSJMJaE!2r
CLEARFIELD, PA., AUG. 21, 1861.
JOSEPH B. M'ENALLY, of Clearfield Borough.
Subject to the action of the Conferees.
DANIEL LIVINGSTON, of Curwensville.
SAMUEL SEBRING, of New Washington.
DAVID ADAMS, Sr., of Boggs.
G. HUDSON LYTLE, of Lumber-Oity.
JACOB MOCK, of Kylertown.
. Let us give somo testimony and extracts
that we have at hand. In the Clearfield Re
publican of August Hth, (a sheet, full of the
spirit of treason and secession,) we find the
prospectus of the Day-Booh. What does that
Prospectus ask f Hark !
All friends of the cause will do much to
advance true principles, by sending us the
names of all good Democrats."
The Huntingdon Globe, the Democratic or
gan of that county, (but a true Union paper,)
says that a Democrat thcro
"Pronounced it the best Democratic paper
" published."
lhe Globe, however, says: "We pronounce
" it as strong a secession paper as ft possibly
could be if printed in South barohna by
Jeff. Davis himself."
. "The Venango Spectator, tho Democratic or
gan of that county, (but a Union paper,) says :
"It is a pimp and pander to traitors and
" should bo kicked out of every honest man's
In the Day-Book of July 20th, 18G1, will be
found the following sentences :
' God Almighty Himself, cannot abolish
" American Slavery." . . . "We are twenty
" rive millions of white men in juxtaposition
" with some four millions of negroes." . .
" We reverei'tly repeat our assertion, that
" even heaven itself cannot abolish slavery."
What then is the Day-Book I We answer,
It Is a sheet earnestly devoted to the cause of
slavery, secession, treason, and infidelity, un
der the name of Democracy. Those Democrats
who are true to their country repudiate and de
nounce it, whilst those who are in sympathy
with the traitors, and anxious to yield to their
unholy and treasonable designs by some sort
of compromise, circulate and encourage it.
It is humiliating to human nature, to find
men in our midst who manifest by all their
words and conduct, that they sympathize with
the most guilty band of traitors that ever dis
graced the earth traitors, who. are now in
arms against that glorious Union bequeathed
to us by our revolutionary fathers traitors,
that are continually guilty of the most horrid
deeds of barbarity against their brethren of
tho north, sometimes whipping defenceless
women sometimes shooting down peaceable
citizens, in cold blood, simply because they
are from a free State, or because they love
their country and tho Stars and Stripe
sometimes stabbing and killing our wounded
soldiers as they lay blooding and exhausted
on the battle-field.
Yet, the admirers and readers of such pa
pers as tho Day-Book and Clearfield Republican,
appear to bavo tho closest sympathy for these
villians who would murder their brethren and
destroy the Union. All that class of unfortu
nate people, who have no political Informa
tion except what they derive from those two
papers, seem to be ready to fake up arms a
gainst their country. Some of them in attcn
diog the (ate Democratic Primary Election
showed their feelings by lustily crying out
'Hurrah for Jeff. Davis ! " And the other day
in Bradford township, a number of them al
roost raised a riot, simply because the speaker,
II. B. Swoope, Esq., contended warmly that
it was now the duty of every man to sustain
the government.
But, we find, that the Day-Book, and a nnm
ber of othertreasonable journals in New York
city, have been presented by the Grand Jury
of the U.S. Circuit Conrt for the Southern
district of New York. This is a step in tho
right direction
To the Compromisers. Those who are in
favor (of hatching up a peace with the rebels,
may profitably ponder the following extract
from the Mobile Mercury, showing the terms
which we bavo to expect from the South :
"We must dictate the terms of peace, the
first article of which shall be an acknowledg
ment of the right of secession. This is a fun
- damental principle. The next article should
be that she (the North) pay, to tho uttermost
farthing, the expenses of this war. The third
is that she pay for the destruction of all prop
erty, both public and private, which she may
appropriate xo ner own use. xne tourtn is
that, as an evidence of her sincerity, she im
' peach and remove from office Abe Lincoln,
' indict mm, and hang him lor treason and oth
er crimes.". -
Hoji. Horace Matkard. This gentleman
. has reached Washlngton,having been returned
. to Congress from one of the East Tennessee
districts, having been more fortunate than T
A. R. Nelson, who was arrested and imprison
ed at Richmond. Mr. Maynard represents
, East Tennessee as strong for the Union, and
every man striving to stay the tide of Seces
ion . which now tnreatens that part of our
country. ; Tho people are all ready to take up
arms, and ask Government for a supply, with
a few leading spirits to direct their energies
ja organizing a strong military lorce.
It is with much regret we learn, that af
ter the most strenuous exertions, the project
of raising this company had to be abandoned.
During the past week it was taken in hand by
three or four of our citizens, who made an ar
rangement with an officer named Charles Volk
to furnish 50 men from St. Mary's. Relying
upon this arrangement they immediately went
to work to raise the necessary number of men ;
in doing which, they inform us, they met
with all sorts of obstacles and opposition.
They found most of the young men in the
county formed into small companies, just
large enough to keep them from going and
it seems that no offer or arrangement could
induce the officers to come to such terms as
would effect a union and send one full com
pany. As an examplo of the means used to
prevent the raising of a company, read the
following affidavit t
Clearfield County, ss : Personally came be
fore me, an Associate Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas of said County, William George
and Robert Derrick, who being duly sworn ac
cording to law, do depose and say that Wil
liam F. Johnston, of Penn township in said
County, on Monday the 19th of August 1861,
offered them severally five dollars if they
would not go to the rendezvous, after they
had enlisted in the service of their country.
William George
Robert B. Derrick.
Sworn and Subscribed, this 2Cth August, 1861,
before me, Wm. L. Moore, Asso. Judge.
Notwithstanding such efforts,the persons en
gaged in this enterprise succeeded in raising a
sufficient number of men to fill the company,
with the fifty men from St. Marys, all of whom
were ordered to rendezvous at this place on
last Monday. Accordingly, between 20 and
30 noble young men were here, ready to start ;
but instead of Capt. Volk and his men came a
letter, apologizing for his inability to raise a
company. The reason of his failure is, per
haps, best known to himself, and certain indi
viduals not a thousand miles away, who have
from the first continued to throw cold water
on the movement. Under the circumstances,
those interested were compelled to abandon
tho project.
The following young men were here, ready
and anxious to go ; others wero coming but
were stopped on their way : L. R. Merrell, C.
n. Powers, Alfred Shirk, Ellis Hoover, Wm.
O'Harra, Alvm Ross, Wm. L. Keatin, Wm.
Mcnce Charles Hunt, John Richards, James
M.Adams, G. W. Shirey, Robert Derrick,
Matthias Stugart, nenry Stugart, Wm. George,
Joseph Raiguel, and Jacob Birge. A number
of these brave young men, determined not to
return home, were sent to Harrisburg this
morning to enlist in other companies.
We regret to learn that there are really
somo persons in this county, who havo so
little senste of right as to array their sympathy
with those who are in arms against the Gov
ernment. We call the attention of our read
ers to the following note, which speaks for
itself :
Clearfield, August 20th, 1861.
S. J. Row Esq. Dear Sir : In reply to
your inquiry of this date in relation to what
occured at the Celebration in Bradford town
ship on Friday last, I have to say, that I was
invited to address a "Patriotic Sabath School
Harvest Home," and accordingly attended at
the place appointed for the purpose. I found
a large and respectable audience, and after the
organization of the meeting by the election
of the usual officers, I proceeded with mv
speech ; in the course of which I alluded to
our National troubles, and expressed the fol
lowing sentiment "The man who would refuse
to respond to his country's call in the hour of
danger, and be unwilling to maintain his Gov
ernment and defend the honor of his flag,
is a traitor and a coward a disgrace to the
soil that gave him birth and unworthy the
countenance I Honorable men." JNo sooner
had I uttered this than Vincent Holt, who
was acting as one of the Vice Presidents of
the meeting, left the stand, which was the sig
nal for three or four fellows named Lounsbcry,
to attempt to interrupt the meeting. I pro
cceded, however, with what I had to say, but
after I had concluded, they refused to permit
any more speaking to be done, (they were, I
believe, the owners of the ground on which
the jnecting was held) and threatened to whip
the Rev. Mr. Rankin and Rev. Mr. Nnner,
the Luthern Minister, an aged and venerable
man, if they again went on the stand. They
loudly denounced the Government and the
war for the Union, in most profane and out
rageous terms, expressing themselves as op
posed to the Government and in sympathy
with the rebellion. Alter partaking of an ex
cellent dinner, I left the ground. Trusting
the above information will answer your pur
pose, I remain
Yours truly, H. B. Swoope.
we were iota to believe that there were
persons in our county, so lost to honor and
every sense of patriotism, as thus to identify
themselves with those who are in open rebel
lion against our National Government. They
certainly deserve to be held up to the scorn
and contempt of all honoi able citizens. There
are very few localities, we presume, where
such conduct would not be visited with imme
diate and condign punisment. If this is the
fruit of the teachings of such papers as the
Day -Book and Clearfield Republican, in the
name of Heaven what are we coming to ?
Arrest of a Secessionist. Thomas S. Ser
rill, a violent secessionist, was arrested on the
arrival of the Persia at New York, on Friday
last, with forty-five thousand pounds sterling
cn Bank of England notes in his possession,
being the proceeds of a loan for the Confeder
ate States. Serrill is a New Orleans man, of
about fifty years of age and very wealthy. A
number of letters and important papers were
also found in his possession.
The Right Spirit. On the morning of the
late battle in Missouri, the time of the Iowa
regiment bad expired, and was entitled to be
dismissed; the men, however, voted enthusi
astically to "hold on, so long as there was any
fighting to be done." They have the thanks
of a grateful country.
The Blockade. At the Cabinet meeting
to-day it was formally resolved to make the
blockade of the rebel States effectual, provi
ding for closing every Inlet, and that vessels
enough should be procured to make it certain
that the work is thoroughly done. - v '
The following from the Philadelphia Press
sets forth most truthfully the position of the
Breckinridge leaders in the loyal States, who
are: trying to control the Democratic party
and comfort the rebels. If it had been written
especially for the Breckinridge leaders in
Clearfield county, it could not have described
them any better :
Gradually, the leaders of the Breckinridge
movement in the free States, in 1860, have
abandoned opposition to the Southern conspi
rators, and are now busily engaged in giving
them aid and comfort. When Andrew John
son of Tennessee, who supported Breckinridge
ast year, stw that the latter was a willing tool
in the hands of the enemies of the country,
he manfully confessed the mortification of his
disappointment, and planted himself boldly on
the side of lhe Constitution, resolved to stand
or fall with it. Not so with the Breckinridge
leaders in this and other States. In propor
tion as the Southern traitors have increased
in their outrages upon the flag ; in proportion
as they have heaped new insults upon the Gov.
ernment ; in proportion as they have exhibited
their determination to excel m every manner
of barbarity upon our people these leaders
seem to have renewed their hostility to the
war, and their determination to disgrace the
cause in which the whole civilized world is so
profoundly interested. They forget how the
people of the loyal States sunk all party con
siderations in the dread hour when Sumter
fell. During that memorable crisis the Ameri
can masses did not think of Mr. Lincoln as a
Republican President. -Thev looked upon
him as the embodiment of the national senti
ment, and demanded that he should at once
proceed, without waiting for Congress to as
semble, to put the army and the navy on such
footing as would avenge and wipe out the
ignominy heaped upon our sacred cause. In
fact, it was the feeling that grew up when Sum
ter fell that inspired Mr. Lincoln to that vigor
ous policy which has called so splendid an army
into the field, and which has only recently been
almost unanimously sustained by the representa
tives of all parlies in the Congress of the United
We have only to examine a few of the pre
texts of the Disunionists in our midst to ex
pose their culpable designs. They denounce
the President as conducting a war of subjuga
tion upon the South in the face of the unani
mous declaration to the contrary of all his
friends in both branches of Congress., They
declare that the irrepressible conflict led to
hostilities, when history, with her inexorable
pen, has already affixed that stigma upon the
rebels themselves. They labor to bring the
country into discredit and to embarrass the
operations of the army, on the plea that the
Democrats have no sympathy in that cause ;
when they know that many of the soldiers un
der our flag are Democratic citizens. They
declaim against the suspension of the writ of
habeas corpus, after having justified martial law
in the case of Gen. Jackson at New Orleans
a precedent which Mr. Lincoln and his Admin
istration have wisely and faithfully followed
They falsely denounce corruption in the army
contracts, after having sustained corruptions,
frauds, and peculation under Mr. Buchanan's
Administration such as have had no parallel
in any Government on tho face of the earth
Is it possible that men so debased, so abandon
ed and so treasonable, can bo sustained by any
portion of the American people ?
In the State of Maine so infamous has the
language of the Breckinridge organs become
that the populace have gutted the printing
office of one of their leading papers following
the example set by the returned soldiers who
visited the same vengeance upon a similar
journal at Concord, New Hampshire. In New
York, the Brooklyn Eagle, the Day-Book, the
News, and the Albany drgus $ Mla& unblush
ingly insist that peace shall be made with the
men who are destroying our commerce, and
are arresting and maltreating unoffending
Northern men and women. At the late
meeting of the Breckinridge men in Berks
county, in this State, the vote of their Repre
sentative, Ancona,for Vallandigham lor Speak
er of the House of Representatives of the
Ufiited States, was unanimously endorsed, and
we perceive that industrious preparations are
being made to drive the organization of tho
Democratic party in this State upon the plat
form of peace with the rebels, or a recognition
of the Southern Confederacy.
In no single instance has any newspaper that
supported Stephen A. Douglas for the Presi
dency in 1860, been found in co-operation with
these internal traitors, and we think it may be
triumphantly asserted that the great bulk of
the voters who sustained Breckinridge in the
free States last year, will, when the fitting
opportunity comes, be found ardently on the
side of the Government. The Breckinridge
leaders alone aspire to the disgrace of compli
city with treason.
True Democrats, in such an exigency, can
take but one course. To uso the language of
Douglas, in his last speech at Chicago : "The
conspiracy to break up the Union is a fact now
known to all. Armies are being raised and
war levied to accomplish it. There can be but
two sides to the controversy. Every man must
be on the side of the United Slates or against it.
There can be no neutrals in this war. There
can be none but patriots and traitors."
Newspapers Indicted. The grand jury of
the U. S. Circuit Court of New York have
presented tho Journal of Commerce, News, Day
Book, Freeman's Journal and the Brooklyn Ea
gle for expressing sympathy with tho rebels
and ask the advice of the Court in the matter,
saying that they will be glad to learn that the
condnctors of these papers aro subject to in
dictment and condign punishment. ,
GrNs for East Tennessee. The Louisville
Courier learns that 6,000 stand of arms passed
over the Covington & Lexington Railroad,
August oth, intended lor tne iast Tennessee
ans who adhere to the Federal Government.
We hope this is so, and that they will safely
reach them; " " -
August 13. Gen. Lyon, in three columns,
under command of himself, Siegle and Stur
gess attacked the rebel force under command
of Price, Kaines.r arsons ana uen .u uuuougii,
about four miles southwest of Springfield, Mis
souri. It appears that on Saturday morning
Gen. Lyon marched out of Springfield, and
came up with the enemy at Davis' creek , on
Green's prairies when they had taken a strong
General juyon nrea tne nrst gnn ai twenty
minutes past six o'clock, when the battle im
mediately commenced. A severe cannon
ading was kept up for two or three hours,
when the fire of Totten's artillery proving iootse
vere for the enemy, they gradually fell back
towards their emcarupment on Wilson's creek.
Lyon's cavalry on the the left flank, and Sie
gel's artillery on the right, then began a ter
rific assault, and spread slaughter and dismay
in the ranks of the rebels, pursuing them to
the camp. The shell from Totton's artillery
set fira to their tents and baggage wagons,
which wero all destroyed. A Louisiana and a
Mississippi regiment seemed to suffer most,
and wero almost annihilated. Some time in
the afternoon, while General Lyon was leading
his column, his horse was shot from under
him. He immediately mounted another, ana
as he turned round to his men, waving his bat,
and cheering them on to victory, he was struck
in the left breast and Tell dead on the ground.
The command then devolved on Gen. Siegel,
and the pursuit was continued until nightfall,
when our little army rested for the night in
the enemy's encampment. On Sunday morn
ing General Siegel, fearing that the enemy
might recover, and attempt to cut his command
from Springfield, fell back on that city, where
tho Home Gurads were stationed. Then fear
ing that the great numbers of the enemy might
induce them to get between him and Rolla,
General Siegel concluded to fall back on Rolla
with his prisoners and baggage trains, and
meet reinforcements. Ninety rebels were
captured, including a Colonel of distinction;
and about one hundred horses. Lyon's force
numbered about 8,000, including the Homo
Guard of 2,500 which were atSpringfield.so that
he had but 5,500 men in the engagement.
The rebel forces, according to a muster roll
taken from them, numbered 23,000, including
regiments from Louisiana, Tennessee and
Mississippi, with the Texan Rangers and Chero
kee halt-breeds.
August 14. A severe skirmish took place
within a few miles of Grafton yesterday, on
tho Fairmount and Webster road. Informa
tion having been received that a secretly
organized body of rebels living in this county
were lodged within a few miles of Webster,
General Kelley despatched Captain Dayton, of
Company A Fourth Virginia regiment, with
fifty men, from Webster, to disarm them. Af
ter scouting for twenty-four hours, he came
suddenly orrthem at noon yesterday, and after
an hour's severe fighting, succeeded in killing
twenty-one, and putting the others to flight,
without any loss to his command. The rebels
numbered two hundred, composed of some of
the worst characters of this county, led on by
Zach Cochran, the sheriff of this county under
the Letcher rule.
Robert Mure, of Charleston, brother of the
British consul at New Orleans, was arrested
to-day on board the steamer Africa at New
York, just as she was leaving, on the charge
of being a bearer of dispatches from Jeff Da
vis to the Southern Commissioners.
Five hundred unprepiid letters from Feder
al prisoners at Richmond to their northern
friends, left on the Baltimore boat by the re
leased surgeon?, were to-day generously for
warded by Gen. Butler.
Twenty-five rebels approached the river at
Berlin, near Point of Rocks, and fired at our
pickets. .No one was killed or seriously
wounded on our side.
Several rebel scouts attempted to cross
Hampton creek last night, but were fired up
on by our pickets and they quickly retired.
Major-General Fremont has proclaimed
martial law at St. Louis, Missouri.
August 15. Passengers from Nashville re
port the military authorities of Tennessee are
about to prohibit the entrance of any kind of
goods into that State over the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad, and this is seemingly cor
roborated by the Memphis advices to their a
gentsto purchase no more goods in Louisville
at present. For two or three night past, wag
ons supposed to contain munitions of war, in
cluding powder, have gone in the direction of
Tennessee. For two nights the surveyor's
possee were overpowered. Last night the
posse was increased, but the wagons were at
tended by cavalry and got away. Measures
are taken to prevent similar occurrences in
It is stated that Gen. Pillow broke up his
camp at New Madrid on Friday last precipi
tately, and moved back to Randolph. Seven
steamers were seized at Memphis on Thurs
day, and went to New Madrid, bringing Pil
low's command bacK, arriving at Memphis on
Friday noon. During the intermediate time
the passengers that were previously on board
the steamers were detained at Memphis, and
suffered severely, numbers of sick women and
children being left subject to the Insults of
the mob. The movement is supposed to have
been made on account of the active prepara
tions of General Fremont at Cairo.
Information, thought to be reliable, has
been received here that rebel batteries are be
ing erected at White House Point, and also at
Quantico, ten miles this side of Acquia creek.
The steamer Pawnee suddenly steamed up last
night, and went down the river to make a thor
ongh reconnoissance.
It is reported that the small pox is raging
to a fearful extent at Manassas Junction.
August 16. Yesterday afternoon about
half-past one o'clock the steamer Resolute
was ordered from Acquia Creek to Mathias
Point, "for the purpose of reconnoitering.
Seeing a battery filled with barrels on shore
just below the point, a boat was sent from the
Resolute with six men to bring off the batteau.
No sooner had the boat reached tho beach
than a volley of musket balls was opened upon
them from a secession force concealed in the
woods, killing three men instantly, namely
John James Fuller, of Brooklyn, master's
mate, who, it was subsequently ascertained,
was pierced by ten balls, George Seymour,
captain of tho gun, of New York, by seven
balls ; and Thomas Dully, of Boston, by two
balls. Earnest Walters, a native of England,
is wounded on the head it is feared fatally.
Another volly was fired by the enemy as they
moved their position or as soon as they had
time to reload. The Resolute was about sev
en hundred yards from the shore and fired in
the midst of the rebels one shot of canister
and nine of scrapnell, with, it is thought, ex
tensive havoc, while other reports are positive
to . this effect. . The scene aboard the small
boat is described as heart sickening. The
dead lying stretched out in it covered with
their own blood. The boat was towed a short
distance from the shore by one of the crew
named Sanderson, who quietly slipped into
the water for that purpose, and thus conceal
ed himself from the enemy. The other unin
jured man it is said lay in the boat stupified
by the scene through which he had just pass
ed, while the wounded man helped Sanderson
to row the boat toward the Resolute, from
which assistance was immediately rendered.
The enemy congratulated themselves that
they had killed the entire boat's crew.
There is information through more than ono
reliable source, that Jefferson Davis strongly
contemplates the invasion of Washington, not
to hold the city, but to destroy it. . He hesi
tates not an inability to do it, but on the loy
alty of Maryland. Strenuous exertions are in
progress to secure a change of sentiment in
favor of secession. That accomplished, the
first movement, of his army would be upon
the capital, with the desperate determination
to mete out to it the fate of Hampton.
About forty of the New York Highlanders,
regarded as the principals in the insubordina
tion, are still in irons at the watch house, and
charges are being formally made out against
The sixty-six mutineers of the second Maine
regiment will, it is said, be sent to the Tortu
gas where they will serve the remaiader of
their term.
St. Louis, August 17. A messenger from
Gen. Siegel, who arrived early this morning,
reports that officer 15 miles this side of Leb
anon, expecting to reach Rolla to day. He
had not been molested cm route. Gen. Lyon
was buried on Col. Phelps's farm, near Spring
field. It is reported that the rebels had en
tered SringfieW and were encamped in and a
round there. It is also stated that the whole
number killed, wounded and missing on the
Federal side do not exceed 400, and that Ben.
McCulloch and a number of Rebel officers
were killed. Mr. Ingraham, a Union clerk in
a secession store in Springfield, arrived here
this morning. He reports that four regiments
of rebel cavalry, under Gen. Rains, entered
Springfield Sunday "noon, and hoisted a se
cession flag on the Court House amid the noisy
demonstrations of the troops and a few resi
dent sympatisers. Our wounded soldiers in
the hospital had not been molested. It was
announced that only the Home Guards would
be the subjects of resentment.. The rebels
purchased everything in the stores, paying
any price demanded in Confederate scrip.
They were particularly anxious to get shoes,
some of their regiments being entirely bare
footed. Capt.-Jones, one of Gen. Siegel's
skirmishers, who was wounded in the battle,
reports that Gen. Siegel's attack on the rear
of the rebel camp was a complete surprise to
them ; that they weie driven back toward Gen.
Lyon's command in front with great slaught
er, their dead lying in heaps on tha field, and
that for the first halt hour Gen. Siegel did net
lose a man. Subsequently our troops were
subjected to a murderous cross fire from a
number of the enemy's cannon, throwing a
perfect shower of grape and shells into our
ranks. After driving the rebels back about a
mile and a half, Gen. Siegel drew off his forces
and fell back on Springfield. Wagons con
taining the families of Union men continue to
arrive. More than one-half of the population
of Springfield have left, and the farmers along
the route to this place are abandoning their
homes. It is reported that Gen. Siegel's com
mand is about fifteen miles from here. His
arrival may be expected to-day or to-morrow.
Advertisements set i ?i large type, ruts, or out of usual
style wit I be ch a rged do utile price j'o r spa ce o ecu pied.
To insure attention, the CASH must accompa
ny notices, as follows: All Cautions with $1;
Strays, $1; Auditors' notices, $1,50; Adminis
trators' and Executors' notices, $1,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the same rates.
DISSOLUTION The firm of Swan and
Hartshorn, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent The books of the late firm are left in the
hands of II. Swan for collection, and all having
unsettled accounts are requested to call and set
tie immediately, if they wish to save costs. The
books must be settled. If. SWAN.
Ansonville. Aug. 1, IStil-a 21-3t.
STRAYED Some two weeks since, a Red
Cow, with brown head, white spot in the face,
and one glass eye, strayed away from the subscri
ber in Clearfu-ld Borough. Any information as
to her whereabouts will be thankfully received.
August 13, IStil. . CASPER LEYPOLDT, Brewer.
V aro hereby ordered to meet at Mount Joy
School house, on Saturday the 24th day of Au
gust, at 10 o'clock in Summer uniform, with arms
and equipments in good order. By order of the
Captain. JOHN F. BOTE. O. S.
August 14, 1861.
STRAY SHEEP. Came to the premises of
the subscriber in Chest township, in May last,
some 20 small poor sheep ; the owner is requested
to come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take them away or they will bo disposed of accord
ing to law. JOSHUA FELT WELL.
Chest township, July 31, 1861.
of Administration on the estate of Austin
Brown, late of Huston township, Clearfield county,
Pa , having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
ngainst the same will present them dulr authen
ticated for settlement. JOHN M. MACUMBER,
August 7,1S01.-Ct. Administrator.
CAUTION. All personsare cautioned against
purchasing or meddling with the following
property, now in possession of Wm. B. Thompson
of Chest township: One yoke of oxen, one cow,
one heiffer, nine hogs, a quantity of hay and grain,
his entire household furniture, one log sled, two
chains and two plows, as tho said property belongs
to me and is only in his care. A. 11. PIERCE
Chest township, August 7, lS6l-3tp.
NOTICE. We have placed our books in the
hands of Will iam Feath, Esq., in the Borough
of New Washington, for settlement, where all
those having unsettled accounts are earnestly re
quested to call and settle before the 10th day of
September next, otherwise cost will be added.
Our notes are in the hands of the same for collec
tion, of which those owing will also take notice
and attend to the same at once.
Burnside township, August 7th, 1S61.
TJO. 2, WAKE UP ! The undersigned would
1 1 respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield
and vicinity, that he continues to do all kinds of
Blacksmithing on short notice and in the very
best style, at the Old Shop alongside of the Town
Hal). Edge tools of all kinds made nod dressed
in the best manner, and warranted to give entire
satisfaction. The puolio will remember, that I
am not in the habit of turning off jobs on account
of not being able to do them. All I ask is a trial,
and then the public may judge of tho work for
themselves. Remember the '-Old Shop" at the
Clearfield Ta, August 13, 1S61.
N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmorc cannot exe
cute, will be done on very short notioe.
REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice is here
by given, that tho following accounts have
been examined and passed by me, and remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
intorcstcd, and will be presented to the next Or
phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on theFourth Monday of September,
1SCI, for confirmation and allowance :
The account of Matthew Tate and William Pow
ell, Administrators of all and singular, the goods
and chattels, rights and credits, which were of
Samuel Tate, late of Lawrence township, Clear
field county, deceased. . t
The final account of Will iam Eeath Esq., one
of the Executors of the last will and Testament of
Thomas Wilson, late of Chest township, in the
county of Clearfield, deceased.
The final accountof William Rex, surviving Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Richard Curry, Sr.,
late of Pike township, Clearfield county, Penn'a,
Ueceised. JAMES WRIGLEY, Register.
Clearfield. Pa., August 12, 1S61.
CAUTION. The public are hereby cautio
against purchasing or lntermedMn" with
yoke red oxen in the possession of Mat (hew 0&4
Levi L. Tate of Lawrence township, as thei
are left to them on loan and subject to m . aj"
Lawrence Township. July 17, lSCl-t.
NOTICE. All persons having unsettled J
counts on the books of the late firm of
Hippie & Co , will call and settle the awe & it
important that the books be closed with as
delay as possible.
E. A. HIPpjjj
DAN X FA I jf.
July 3, lrtol
OTICE. Dr. R. T. Hubbs, of Frerr-,
having relinquished the practice of V,j '
would nerety respectfully rcauet !i .
sons indebted to him. to come forward and tvt'
without delay, as bis accounts will have tu h
closed. Frenchville. June 12 lsfii
to the mouth of tne Aloshannon. An
i L 1 A V
property; on reasonaoie terms, inquire of
Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. P
Tho partnership of Patton Hippie & Co 73
dissolved on the 13th of June, 1861. by the with
drawal of II. D- Patton. The books f the late
firm are in the hands of Hippie and Faust who u
authoriied to settle and collect all debts due W'i
firm. ii. d patton
K. A. Him.E '
July 3.1S61. PAN L FAlST.
field county Agricultural Society, ' will hold
its Second annual Fair, upon the Fair ground
near the Borough of Clearfield, on the 15th, ICili
17th and ISth days of October next. The ground
are now being put in good order, and the accua
modations enlarged for the convenience of eibil.
itors and visitors. A premium list will shortly
bo published. RICHARD SHAW 3
Clearfield. June 26, 1861. Ex. Committee.
JL opened for the reception of pupils (male and
female) on Monday. September 2d Trims, perses.
sion of eleven weeks :
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Trimary Arith
metic aud Geography, 3,
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and History. 3.U0
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and
Book Keeping. 5100
Latin and Greek languages,
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify then
selves for teachers, this institution offers dcjirnble
advantages. No pupil receivod fur less than halt
a session and no deduction except for protracted
sickness. Tuition to be paid at the ciutof the
term. fmay30l C. B. SANDFORD. Principal.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wiitu
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making bnaintri.
on '"his own hook," at his old shop ou Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every deicription of Cabinet-Ware, that
maybe wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges. Mahogony and 0nim"n
Bureau?, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre. Iin
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Coin
mon Bedsteads ; Sewing Stands, Ac., Ac. He wit'
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice. and easy terms Now is the timG to Luy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sen every thicg
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rate.
Walk in and examine the articles wn Land, attfi
judge for yourselves, of the ualfry and finish.
Country produce received in pavicent.
- April 13, 183 JOHN tiV.El.ICIl.
N B Coffins made to order on short novice, ari
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and r
priate accomponyments. when desired. J-
TOTICE to School Directors and Tnifhrs o
ll Cteajirld comity. Public examination o:"
Teachers will be held this year Rsfin.ws :
Bloom. Ferguson. Lumber City and Tenn town
ship ; September 4th and 5th. at Lumber City
Curwensville, Knox and Pike; September fth
and 7th. at Curwensville.
Clearfield, and Lawrence; September 9:h ar.J
10th. at Clearfield.
Girard, and Goshen ; September llth anjj 13th.
at Goshen School House.
Covingtor. and Karthaus ; September 13th and
14th, near John Riders.
Bradford, Graham, and Morris; September 15'.b,
and 17th, at (Jrahamton.
Boggs Decatur, and Woodward; September
18th and 19th, at Centre in Decatur.
Bell, Burnside, Chest, and New Washington
September 23d and 24th, at New Washington.
Beccaria. Guclich, and Jordan ; Hojitcmker
2Cth and 27th, at cross road3 in Beccaria.
Huston, and Fox ; October 1st, at no. 1 House in
Brady, and Union ; October Sd and 4th, at Lu
thersburg. At 9 o'clock A. M.
Jkssk Bhoom all. Co Sup't.
Curwensvillo, 7th mo. 24th, lfl.-pd.
Grand Opening!
Great Inducemets to Purshasers at
A splendid assortment of Goods selling at pri?
to suit the times, consisting in part of
Prints, Lawns, Organdies, "Poplins,
Bareges. Ginghams, Mu3lins. Check.
Balmorals, Trimmings, Dress Girde, B.ilianae
French Silk Mantillas, French Silk Mantilla
Traveling Dusters, Crepe de Paris,
Zephyrs, Zephyrs, Zephyrs, Zephyrs,
Shakers, Shakers, Shakers, Shakers,
Fine ElacK Broadcloth, Cassimeres, etc.. etc
Sugars. Coffee, Teas, Spices, Salts. SoJas. Kice.
Brooms. Mackerel, also Queensware, Boots Shoes.
Wall Paper, Carpeting, Flags, Stationary &c , .c-
All articles usually kept in a country Store will
be found here ; as also many not usually 'cePt
much needed, at greatly reduced prices- We feel
confident that all who will make a trial purchase,
will find it to their advantage to continue as cus
tomers. Also, a limited amount of county OrJr
wanted in exchange for goods.
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a line assortment
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac-, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced ci'
. to be had at NAlTbt
The American Lever of different qualirte- eaa
be had at NAtt a-
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral I ua
Ta, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett,0pal, Florentine A"
saio, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain painting e-
or single pieces at NAl'GLt s-
Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear Tin.
children's eardropsand rihgsat NAUGLL J-
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens una
ver noiuers ai " ' , ,v
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt stoaf
ickles and guard slides at N Al GLt
. guard
A fine assortment of cold finger rings or
ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral
ccs, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch grJ
all articles in his line, on hand at NAL OLt a
Just received, a fine assortment of tancy
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces;frorn i -to
15 dollars at N ALU -
Old Gold and Silrer will bo taken in
lorguixia u - - . .uanio-
All gooda warranted as represented, or in?
ney refunded, at . ALU, ,prvr
If you wish your watches put id good rer
and warranted, take them to N jL!f--r-,
r i i