Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 07, 1861, Image 3

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Time of Cars leaving Tyrone Station.
Fast Line, 917 P. M. Mail Train, 11.55 A. M.
Express, 6.49 A. M. Mail train, 5.40 P. M.
The Republican County' Committee hereby
'calls a County Convention, to meet in tho
- Borough, of Clearfield on Friday the 16th day
of August, 1861, for tho purpose of nominating
candidates and transacting other business.
AH persons in favor of sustaining the Natioual
Administration in its efforts to put dowa tho
present rebellion, and to preserve the Union,
who will pledge themselves to support the
nominees of the Convention, are invited to
'attend. A C'-
Chairman of County Committee.
The Fair. W"e this week publish the pre
mium list and rules and regulations of the
'Clearfield County Agricultural Society.
'fali Session. By relerence to onr adver
tising columns, it will be seen that Mr. Sand
ford commences bis fall session on Monday
'the 2d day of September.
Tbk Weather has been exceedingly warm
in this section during the past week. We
have had several fine showers, bowever,which
-had the effect of lowering the temperature a
little, and of refreshing the growing crops.
Hoaxed. Several weeks since, we publish
ed the marriage notice of Abel II. Farwell to
.Miss Mary . llammond. It appears that we
were the subject of a "sell," no such marriage
having taken place. Further, we have been
informed that the young roan whose name
appears in the notice, has no knowledge of a
lady by the name of Mary E. Hammond. The
I person who can stoop to such a mean and das
tardly trick, deserves the contempt of all hon
est men; and should it be our good fortune
to ascertain his name, we will give him the
benefit of a notice, that he will remember as
: long as he lives.
. Tus "Army Worm." Much excitement has
prevailed in our town and neighborhood, du
ring the past weckf on account of the appear
ance of countless numbers of black worms,
which are doing much damage to the oats and
corn crops. In some instancas, they have cut
all the blades and heads off the growing oats,
leaving nothing but the stalk. The larger
worms are about one inch in length, are black,
and have a brown head. Many persons are of
the opinion that it is the 'army worm ;" but,
we believe it to lie the black cut worm, as it
-exists only in great numbers in fields, where
the sod had been plowed down. Be this as it
,may, one.thing is certain, that they are doing
much damage to the growing crops.
ET'Got the sweeny the Confederate Treas
D7Singnbr how slippery whiskey makes
the sidewalks.
C7"A legal wag calls his marriage certificate
a writ of attaiu'd her."
C7Men generally make way for him who is
determined to push boldly past them.
ETTolitician a fellow that gets all his
knowledge from borrowed newspapers.
7"QuiIp says that nearly all the cannon at
. tho South are rifled Ironi the U. States.
EJTimo progressing a pedler going
through the country with wooden clocks.
C7"Tn ono Ohio regiment sixteen brothers
named Fisch enlisted at the timo time. A
big haul f
57The man who ate his dinner with the
fork of a river, has been attempting to spin a
mountain top.
tjyThe report that breeches were made in
Fort Sumter is a mistake. They were fur
nished by the General Government.
rT"Love your enemies was the advice of
a clergyman to a old Indian. ! do," aaid
tho latter, for I love Rum and Cider."
Clt has been decided to authorize the
Secretary of tho Treasury to issue five and
ten dollat notes lor tho national circulation.
K7"Tlm gentleman so often spoken of in
novels, who rivited people with his gaze, has
obtained employment in a boiler manufactory.
C7""Rc8oIved the Rebel Government, to
icruit all duties on cargoes successfully laud
ed in the ports blockaded in the rebel states.
DThe Missouri and Ohio three months'
volunteers have all, or nearly all, relumed
home to be disbanded. This leaves Lvon
CyThat was a triumph question of a toper,
in a discussion with a temperance lecturer,
who asked. "If water rots your boots, what
effect must it have on the coats of your stom
ach V
tt7"Tho Boston Post asks: Who wants a
better National Ilim than Gen. Scott ?"
The Hartfort Courant answers : "Nobody,
Mr- Post. We can get along with that and
V ncle Psalm."
C7The war loan of the State of Maine was
all taken at a fraction less than a premium of
one per cent. There is no doubt of the con
fidence of the people of that State in the gov
ernment of the United States.
More Prizes. The Freeborn took four
prizes on the Lower Potomac on Friday.
Three of them are under the guns of Fort
Vastington, and tho "other one, the sloop
Leon, it t the Navy Yard. '
They mean to raise tail students in Wiscon
sin. An exchange says the Board of Educa
tion has resolved to erect a building large e
nougU to accomodate five hundred students
tnree stories high.
At a printers' festival the following toast
' given : "The Editor and the Lawyers
the devil is satisfied with the copy of the for
mer, but requires the original of the tatter.
An exchange gives the substance of the ver-
rece,t coroner's jury on a man who
wed in a state of inebriation: "Death by
"nginground a ram shop."
Fanny Fern says that it is just as sensible a
aoe to undertake to get married without
courting, as to attempt to succeed in business
without advertising. ::.
n'hto politeness is, in passing aronnd
'"the opposite of a lady to avoid stepping on
w shadow. . . -
- . Camp Ccetin, Aug. 5, 1861.
Fbiexd Row: No doubt you thought 1 had
neglected my promise, to write weekly. Want
of time is my excuse. On tho morning of
the 27th, whilst eating breakfast at Western
port, orders came to draw ono days rations,
pack things, and by noon to be ready to march
for Harper's Ferry. Soon all was bustle, and
each man began to pack his knapsack and
fill his haversaek. At noon wo crossed to
Piedmont on the Virginia side, and with the
other companies of the 5th, soon "piled in"
the can. Before. starling we gave three cheers
lor the Union ami the ladies of Piedmont ;
and the whole- regiment joined in six cheers
for our ring and the ladies of Clearfield ; and
1 can assure you that our flag will never be ta
ken by the enemy without a fight for it. We
rode in open cars, which are greatly preferred
by the soldiers. On reaching New Creek, we
found that Col. Biddle's regiment had started
a short time previous, and that his camp was
occupied by a regiment of Ohio boys and a
Battery of Regular horse Artillery. Here I
saw the 3rst lurnace for heating shot, and
other things peculiar to the artillery service,
with which 1 am not acquainted.
Alter a short stop, we started and crossed
New Creek, then the "Burnt bridge," now
rebuilt, and towards evening arrived at Cum
berland ; where, after some delay, we were
marched to the commons, stacked arms, cooked
supper, and took quarters lor the night. The
valley from the "Burnt bridge" to Cumber
land is leautifiil, soil good, crops heavy, and
fields large. One cornfield contains about 100
acres. The work is principally done by ne
groes, I presume slave?, who look fine and
heart' and display a large amount ot ivory,
which they seem to show with delight. As
the train passed alor.g we cheered (and I can
assure you we are a rather noisy set) and were
greeted by the waving of handkerchief's and
and hats, on both the Maryland and Virginia
side of the river. I found Cumberland a town
about the size of Ilarrisbnrg, the principle
streets paved with cobble stones, and quite
city-like in appearance.
At daybreak all were astir; and not having
room in our bagg.-ige wagon for the knapsacKs
we had to carry them. The morning was sultry
and after marching some 2 miles it commenced
to rain but did not cool the air much. We did
not stop until we reached "Mason and Dixon,"
our old camp, where we refreshed ourselves
with a drink out of the cool spring. Here we
remained for the day having traveled about
7 miles, and glad were we, for it soon rained
hard. The next day we marched 18 miles,
stoppingforthe night 5milessouth of Bedford.
On the morning of the third day at 5 o'
clock, no started for Bedford Spiings. On
arriving at the Springs, we were marched a
round the large circular walk, faced in, ground
arms, and broke ranks for half an hour. On
leaving, we saw standing at the gate a vener
able looking man, who, we were told, bcctip
ed tho White House previous to the advent of
Uncle Abe." We passed through Bedford
with mnsic, and colors flying ; the fair ones
greeting us on all sides. Half a mile north of
Bloody Run we stopped three hours to eat our
dinners, at one of the largest springs I ever
saw, and the best water I ever drank. The
stream is large enough to supply a good sized
town. Wo left this spring at 4 o'clock, and
traveled within 5 miles of Hopewell, having
made a march of 20 miles. Here we found
Mr. M'Plierson and J. McGaughey. The fol
lowing morning we soon made the 5 miles to
Hopewell wheie wo took tho cars for this
At Huntingdon we stopped half an hour to
bo "fed ;" and I am satisfied that I could not
do the ladies justice for their kindness, if I
were to write a week, and exhaust Webster's
unabridged; in fact, I do not know which to
praise most, their beauty or their benevolence.
This much I will say, however, that we were
"led" abundantly; and I can assure you,
that the capacity of a hungry regiment is not
Since our arrival at Camp Curtin, wo have
been busy. Yesterday we received our pay
from the State We are looking hourly for
marching orders, whither we don't know.
The men of our company are generally well,
and feel good over their pay and expect
more soon. Sheriff Reed visited us to-day.
It is very warm here, and the 'boys" are
wishing lor the mountains of Virginia. Ac
cept my thanks for several copies of the
"Jonrnal." Yonrs, M.
Onr friend "M" will please accept onr
thanks fortius letter. Hope to hear from you
soon again. Please write, so that your letter
will reach ono day earlier.
A Fema le Srv. The First Jventucky' Reg
iment, which is now on duty in Western Vir
ginia, arrested a female spy last week. She
says sho is from Georgia. She came to Cin
cinnati aud enlisted in the First Kentucky
Regiment, thinking she would get in General
McCIellan'8 army. She was caught writing
letters containing our army movements for
the enemy. She endured all the hardships of
camp lifo as bravely as any of the "boys,"
making at one time a forced march over a
rough, hilly country of CO miles with only
two scant meals. She refused to give her
Re-ejjlistmcnt for the War. A well
known gentleman who lias just returned from
an extended tour through New-England and
New-York says that not far from two-thirds
of the returned three-months militia will re
enlist for the war. The people have, in his
judgment, not only recovered from the de
pression caused by the disaster at Bull Run,
but are more ready than ever to respond to the
call of tho country, and to give money and
blood to its service.
The Federal Troops in Western Virginia
are occasionally compelled to eat paste instead
of bread. This is owing to the carelessness of
the Commissary, who neglects to supply his
department with bread, and then issues Hour
to the troops, who, having no means of baking
bread or biscuits, are forced to mix their flour
with water and eat paste or starve. Excellent
care and attention for men who are fighting
the battles of the Union.
Lost his Bacon. Hon. S. B. Clay, son of
nenry Clay, while endeavoring to smuggle
several wagon loads of bacon to West Tennes
see, for the use of the rebels in that quarter,
was intercepted by a company of Union troops,
who not only seized the merchandise as con
traband, but obliged Mr. Clay and his wagoner
to take the oath of allegiance to the National
Toe New Gun Boats. The new gun boats
being constructed by the Government, are to
be armed with heavy steel guns, the Navy De
partment having given an order for a number
to be manufactured after the pattern of those
made for the Sickles' Brigade, and which gave
such satisfaction at the tests lately made at
the Navy Yard, under the direction of Captain
"Brethren, let cs Drill."-When the news
of the repulse at Manassas reached Camp
Meeting at Desplaines, III., Rev. Henry Cox,
the large hearted pastor of Wabash Avenue
M. E. Church who was preaching at the time
intelligence was received remarked, on clo
sing hi sermon, "Brethren, we had better ad
journ this camp meeting and go home and
drill." . . .
Another Feat. The Clcaveland Plaindealer
says: "It was thought no possible feat of
physical endurance could equal that night
march to Phillippa.' ... We still think it unsur
passed. Col. Tyler thinks wbat man ba done
man can do.' He adds five miles to the march,
but has no rain. When it was found that there
was $30,000 in gold, in Weston, likely to be
taken by Wise, Gen. McClellan started for
Clarksburg, twenty-three miles from Weston,
to send Col. Tyler and his regiment to get the
money. , Tyler never sleeps, and seems full of
the idea that his office is to be do sinecure.
Ho anticipated tho order, and parading his
men on a highland near the depot at which
McClellan was to arrive, he told him to keep
an eye on him when the train arrived, and if,
the word from McClellan was march, he would
wave his handkerchief, and they could show
Clarkbburg their heels. The train arrived, und
Gen. McClellan rushed up to Col. Tyler as he
sat -n his horse, and asked, 'Col. Tyler, how
soon can you march for Weston V I'll show
you soon if you will look yonder,' and waving
his handkerchief, the whole regiment struck a
double quick and disappeared like the hosts
of Roderick Dim. Major Casement started
with two horses, but in a few hours was tug
ging -away on foot, both his horses loaded with
soldiers whose physical strength had given out,
and when they entered Weston, both 'Jack'
and his horses were loaded with muskets so as
to favor poor exhausted soldiers. We are
ready to go our pile on the gallant Seventh
"T7ie Life of the Flak is in the Blood," was
said by inspiration long beiore Harvey's dis
covery of its circulation had brought to light
its purposes and uses. Now we know not on
ly that "life is in the blood," but that disease
inhabits it also. Many ot the disorders that
pervade the human frame, have their home in
it, thrive and grow ia it. The celebrated Dr.
J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, lias had regard to this
important fact in making a Remedy to cure
these disorders. His Extract of Sarsaparilla
purges out the impurities of the blood and
induces a healthy action in it that expels dis
ease. This looks reasonable, and it is true,
for we know by our own experience. Seldom
as we take any medicine, we have neverthe
less several times been under obligations to
the skill of Dr. Ayer for the relief which his
remedies never fail to afford us when we are
obliged to have recourse to them. Catho
lic, Halifax, N. S.
Animals. The Richmond Examiner pays
this compliment to tho foreign born citizens
of this country, many pf whom at the South
are fighting the Examiner's battles s "These
emigrants (lrih, Scotch, German, &c,) do
not, like our ancesotrs. fly from religious and
political persecution. . They come merely as
animals in search of a richer and fresher pas
ture. They come to gratify physical want
for moral, intellectual and religious wants
they have not acquired. They will settle in
largo masses, and for ages to come, will prac
tice an impure materialism. The mass of
them are sensual, groveling, low minded a
gririans, and nine-tenths, of them would
join the Mormons or some such brutal level
ing sect, if the opportunity offered to do so."
Population of Ireland. The Freeman's
Journal publishes the returns of the Irish cen
sus for the year 1861. From the returns it
appears tint the population of Ireland on the
8th of April last, the day on which the census
was taken, was 5,701.543, which shows an abso
lute decrease ot population, compared with
the census of 1851, of 787,342, or about 12 per
cent. Compared with 1811, the decrease Is
2,-110,531, or 30 per cent. In the religious
tables, which are now published for the first
time, it appears that on the 18th of April the
Catholic population was 4,500,000, while other
persuasions number l,273,9t0.
It is established that f he Secessionists had
91,000 men within their lines at Bull Run on
the morning of the battle and that Jeff. Davis
in person brought up 17,000 more from Rich
mond, who reached them about noon. They
had therefore fully three times as many as
Gen. McDowell, and lour times as many as
were brought into action on our side. On the
other hand, it must be admitted that the pre
ponderance in spectators on our side was very
Col. Lander's Command. Col. Lander will
bo authorized to organize and summon hero
the men of the mountains and of the plains,
with whom he was associated and became very
popular when engaged in opening overland
mail routes to the pacific. Their skill with
the rifle and in woodcraft will be turned
against the sneaking chivalry that infest our
armies wherever they advance, and findyg!ory
in murdering solitary pichets.
Perfecting the Blockade. Tho Navy
Department has purchased twenty-five clipper
ships lor the blockade, and they are being
rapidly fitted for the service.. Four of them
will sail In the course of next week. All tho
rebel ports will soon bo effectively blockaded.
Rebel Ammunition. It is said that many
marbles, which had evidently been used for
bullets by the rebels, were found on the field
of battle, as well as cartridges composed of
powder and marbles and shells filled with bro
ken glass and pebbels.
Treason Active in the City. There is a
rumor that traitors have been trying to spike
tho cannon defending the capitol. The War
Department has had its attention called to the
Even those who are in the enjoyment of perfect
health frequently have need to recourso to tonics
as preventives of disease. We aro never too well
armored against the assaults of "tho ills that flesh
is heir to." ' Such an invigorator they may find in
llostetter's bitters a medicine that cannot bo ta
ken regularly without giving vitality and elas
ticity to the system. At this season, particular
ly, the strongest man is not proof against tho
malaria, in certain sections of tho country. In
all cases of fever and ague, the bitters is more po
tent than any amount of quinine, whilo tho most
dangerous cases of billioug fever yield to its won
derful properties. Those who have tried the med
icino will never use another, for any of the ail
ments which tho Ilostetter Bitters professes to sub
duo. To thoso who have not made the experi
ment, wo cordially recommend an early applica
tion to the Bitters, whenever they are stricken by
disease of tho digestive organs. Sold by drug
gists and dealers generally everywhere TJSee
advertisement in another column.
On the 30th ult., at the M. E. Parsonage in
Curwensville, by Rev. T. D. Gotwalt, Joseph
A. Antes to Miss Martha A. Addleman, both
of Lawrence township, Clearfield co., Pa.
On July 30th, at the residence of Mrs.
Thompson, by tho Rev. Dr. M'Lcod, Mr.
Robert Cvmmings of Centre county to Miss
Esther, daughter ef the late Ignatius Thomp
son, Esq.
On the 4th of August, by the Rev. John A.
Nuner, Mr. Frederick G.' Coffin to Mrs.
Susan Scunars, all of Clearfield co. Pa.
Tobacco, Segars, Ao.,
In the basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by
Feb. 27, ISol-tf. . . : 0. B. MERRELL;
: Premiums and diplomas will be paid on and
after the first Wednesday of November and until
the 1st day of January, 1861, after which time all
money premiums unclaimed will be considered a
donation to the Society. The officers of the Socie
ty and mcmbors of the Committee of arrangements
will wear a badge designating their office, and it
will be their duty as well as pleasure to attend to
the expressed wishes nd wants of exhibitors and
others, if it is in their power so to do. A select
police force will be in constant attendance for the
preservation of order and protection of property.
The trotting course is level, well graded, and
one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ments will be made for the convenience of specta
tors. . Children under ten years of age not admitted
unless accompanied by their parents or guardians.
Every person wishing to be enrolled as a mem
ber of this Society must apply on or beiore the
first day of the fair, and on the payment of one
dol'ar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate
of membership containing the name of the appli
cant and endorsed by the Secretary.
Every person becoming a member. as above shall
on the presentation of his certificate, receive a
ticket which will admit him, free during the fair.
Any person complying with the above regulations
and ptiying 510, shall become a life member and
shall be exempt from all contributions and shall
annually receive from the Secretary a free family
All persons must be provided with tickets which
can be had from the Executive Committee, Treasur
er or Secretary or at the door. Persons acting. as
judges aro expected to ' become members of tha
Society. Persons from other counties can become
members by complying with the above rules.
Ladies can become members by making applica
tion as above and paying into the Treasury fifty
cents when they will receive a ticket to admit
them free.
Exhibition of ladys and gentlemen's horseman
ship will take place ou Tuesday and Wednesday
eveuing at 3 o'clock, fast riding will rot be al
lowed.; those violating this rule will be excluded
from competition. Plowing match will lake place
on Wednesday at 10 o'clock A.M. The nddress
will be delivered at 2 o'clock on Friday the 18th
Oct. and immediately aftevthe adress the reports
of the judges will be read and the premiums awar
ded. All articles for which a premium of two dollars
and upwards is offered, shall pay fifty cents en
trance fee except horses for trotting which Khali
pay two dollars. All articles entered for a pre
mium under two dollars shall pay twenty five
cents. Jlorscs entered for amusement shall pay
twenty five cents. All articles, except horses, for
wbich no money premium is offered, no charge.
Exhibitors must become members of the Society
aud have their animals and articles entered on the
Secretary's books on or before the loth day of Oct. ;
and all animals and articles, except horses, must
be brought within tho enclosure as early as Wednes
day 10 o'clock A. M. ; and all persons entering
animals and articles for exhibition will procure
Cards from the Secretary with the class and num
ber of entry of said articles previous to placing
said articles on the ground, llay and straw will
bo furnished gratis for all animals enterod for pre
miums, and grain will be furnished at cost for
those whe desire to purchase.
Is'o horse shall bo entered or allowed a premium
unless he is free from disease. Uorses will be
received until Wednesday noon, but must be en
tered previously. All persons who intend to ex
hibit horses, cattle, sheep or swine, or who intend
to offer stock or any other article for sale, should
notify the Secretary of such intention on or before
the 10th of Oct. and have with him a list and full
description of the same
Tersons intending to exhibit blood stock must
produce authentic pedigrees, and are earnestly
requested to furnish the Secretary, by thelOth Oct.,
with a list of their stock and the pedigrees of each,
this will facilitate the preparations of entries aud
in case of deficient pedigrees will afford the owner
time to correct the same.
Instruction to Judges. Xo animal to receive an
award in more than one class.
Judges are expressly required not to award pre
miums to over fed animals. No premiums are to
bo awarded to bulls, cows or heifers, which shall
appear to have been fattened, only in the class of
tat cattle, the object or the society being to have
superior animals of this description for breeding.
.. rat Uattte. The judges on fat cattle will give
particular attention to the animals submitted for
examination. It is believed all other things being
equal those are the best cattle that have the
greatest weight over the smallestsuperficies. The
judges will requiro all in this class to be weighed,
and will take measures to give the superficies of
each, and publish the result with their reports.
They will also, before awarding any premiums,
require of the competitors full statements as to the
manner and cost of feeding as required by tho
regulations of the premium list.
When there is but one exhibitor, although he
may show several animals in ono class only one
premium will be awarded, that to the first, or oth
erwise as the merits of the animal may be judged.
The supcrintendant will take every precaution
in his power, for tho safety of stock and articles
on exhibition after their arrival, and arrangement
on the grounds, but will not be responsible for any
loss or damage that may occur. The society
desires exhibitors to give personal attention to
their animals and articles and at the close of tho
fair to attend to their removal as the society can
not take further care of them.
Rules of glowing. The name of tho plowman
must be gfVen as well as tho kind of plow to bo
used, at the time of entry.
The quantity of ground to be plowed by each
toam to be i acre.
Tho time allnwed to do the work will bo three
hours. -
The furrow slice in all cases to be lapped. The
teams to start at the same time and each plorman
to do his work without a drlrer or other assistance.
The premiums offered by the Society will be
awarded, to the individuals, who, in the judgment
ol tho committeo, shall do their work in the best
manner, providing tho work is done in tho time
allowed for its performance.
Each plowman to strike his own land, and plow
entirely indepenpant of tho adjoining land.
Within the one-fourth of an acre plowed, each
plowman will be required to strike two back fur
rowed lands, and finish with the dead furrow in
the Qiddle.
Any information desired in regard to matters of
the Society can bo gained by addressing the Exe
cutive Committee or the Secretary who will bo
pleased to give any information in their power at
any time.
Any article not enumerated in the above classes,
and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of notice
will be suitably rewarded.
The Executive Committeo reserve a discretion-,
ary power to award Diploma's in any caso for 2d
best articles, or for articles not entitled to premi
ums by the rules.
Three Judges for each class will bo appointed
and anouueed either before or on the first day of
tho Fair.
All articles may 6c entered free of charge, ex
cepting Horses for pleasure and for tho trotting
premiums. HICHAM) SHAW,
August 7, 1S61. Ex. Committee.
The undersigned has now on hand, at bis Furni
ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfiold, Ta., a short
distance west of Litz's foundry, a largo stock of
manufactured out of tho best materials, finished
in a very superior manner, and which he will sell
LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu
siness makes him feel confident that his chairs aro
made in a substantial and workmanlike manner,
and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing
to purchase chairs should call at once and get
them while they can be had at tho lowest rates.
Feb 27, 1861.- JOHN TROUTMAN.
OF ,
Rills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
room lately occupied by W. A Wallace, Esd. -
ja.hes t. Leonard. : : : c : :. : n, A. ri ET.
WM a. WALLACE. : T ; 1 : i. c'. X&str,
mav30. clearfielh, texs'a "1363.
CAUTION. The public are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or intermedling with one
yoke red oxen in tho possession of Matthew and
Levi L. Tate of Lawrence township, rs the same
aro left to them on loan and subject to tnv order
Lawrence Township. JuTy 17. 18tSl-3t.
"JVOTICE. All persons having unsettled nc
1 1 counts on the books of the late firm of Pafton
Hippie A Co., will call and settle the same as it is
important that the books be closed with as little
delay as possible. E. A. HIPPLE,
Julv 3, 1801.
TVOTICE.-I'r. R. T. Hubbs, of Frcnchville,
11 having relinquished the practice of Medi
cine would hereby respectfully request all per
sons indebted to him. to come forward and settle
without delay, as bis accounts will have to be
closed. ' Freiichville, June 12. 1801. ,
to the mouth of the Moshannon. An eligable
property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of
DecltMf. Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa
The partnership of Patton Hippie tf- Co., was
dissolved on the 13th of June, 1861. by the with
drawal of H. I). Fatton. Tho books of the late
firm are in the hands of Hippie and Faust who arc
authorized to settle and collect all debts due sail
firm. H. D PATTON,
July 3. 1S01 . DAN L FAUST.
field county Agricultural Society," will hold
its Second nnnual Fair, upon the Fair ground
near the Borough of Clearfield, on the loth, 10th.
17th and 18th days of October next. The grounds
are now being put in good order, and the accom
modations enlarged for the convenience of exhib
itors and visitors. A premium list will shortly
be published. RICHARD SHAW,
Clearfield. June 26, 1S6I. Ex. Committee.
opened for the reception of pupils (male and
female) on Monday. September 2d Tei ms, per ses
sion of eleven weeks:
Orthography, Reading. Writing, Trimary Arith
metic and Geography, $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and History. S3,O0
Algebra. Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and
Book Keeping. 81,00
Latin and Greek languages. S6,00 .
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to nnalffy them
selves for teachers, this institution oners desirable
advantages. No pupil received for less than half
a session and no deduction except ltr protracted
sicknoss. Tuition to be paid at the close of the
term. fmay30 C. B. SANDFOR D. Principal.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on ''his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
m'iy bo wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac., Ac. He wil"
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style
cheap for cash. House Painting done onshort no
ticc, and easy terms. Now is the time to buy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to eell every thinjf
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates.
Walk in and examine the articles on hand, ant
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
Country produce received in payment.
April 13, 1853 JOHN UUELICII.
N. B Cofhus made to order on short notice, anc
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate aceompanyments. when desired. J. G.
TVOTICE to School Directors and Teachers of
1 Cleafirld county. Public examination of
Teachers will be held this year as follows :
Bloom, Ferguson. Lumber City and Penn town
ship ; September 4th and 6th. at Lumber City.
Curwensville, Knox and Pike ; September 6th
and 7th. at Curwensville. '
Clearfield, and Lawrence ; September 9th and
10th. at Clearfield.
Girard, and Goshen ; September 11th and 12th.
at Goshen School House.
Covington, and Karthaus ; September 13th and
14th, near John Riders.
Bradford, Graham, and Morris ; September 16th;
and 17th, at Grahamton.
Boggs, Decatur, and Woodward; September
ISth and 19th, at Centre in Decatur.
Bell, Eurnsido, Chest, and New Washington
September 23d and 24th, at New Washington.
Beccaria, Guelich, and Jordan ; September
26th and 27th, at cross roads in Beccaria.
Huston, and Fox ; October 1st, at no. 1 House in
Brady, and Union ; October 3dasd 4th, atLu
thersburg. At 9 o'clock A. M.
Jesse Bkoomall, Co Sap't.
Curwensville, 7 th mo. 21th, lS61.-pd.
Grand Opening !
Great Inducemets to Purshascrs at
A splendid assortment of Goods selling at prices
to suit the times, consisting ia part of
Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Poplins,
Bareges. Ginghams, Muslins. Checks, :
Balmorals, Trimmings, Dress Girde, Baliorinc,
French Silk Mantillas, French Silk Mantillas
Travoling Dusters, Crepe de Paris;
Zephyrs, Zephyrs, Zephyrs, Zephyrs,
Shakors, Shakers. Shakers, Shakers,
Fino BlacK Broadcloth, Cassimeres, etc.. ctt.
Sugars. Coffee, Teas, Spices, Salts. Sodas. Rice,
Brooms. Mackerel, also Qucensware, Boots A Shoes,
Wall Paper, Carpeting, Flags, Stationary Ac, Ac.
All articles usually kept in a country Store will
be found here ; as also many not usually kept, but
much needed, at greatly reduced prices. We feel
confident that all who will niaKo a trial purchase,
will find it to thoir advantage to continue as cus
tomers. Also, a limited amount of county Orders
wanted in exchange for goods. July 10
Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va. Jctt, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelaiu paintings, Ac.
or single pieces at NAUGLE'S.
Plain gold Breast pins, Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings,
ohildren'seardropiandringsat NAUGLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gent breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard elides at NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
cnt styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla
oes, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in bis line, on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancv and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25
to 19 dollars at WAtiGLE S.
Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange
forgoodsat NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or tho mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. :
If you wish yor watches put in good repair
and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S.
(jALT a good, article, and verv cheap at the
O, store of WM F. IRWllJ, Clearfield. ;
JLi SHOP AHEAD!;'.! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this mbthtd of informiog
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly occupiod.by George W. Orr, onec
eod street, Clearfield. Pa., wbere iui win continue
to raaBufacture Wagons of every description: to
order, of goJi material and iu a workmanlike
manner. Also, Vh?ilbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, Ac. made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the besft stock': Repairing of every
kind done with dhpe-tch. and on reattonitble terws.
June 29. 1859. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
I'll I A ! TrrmrnJon Excitement amort: th
Musses EXCITING FOOT RACE lav-ten th
Philadelphia J'olice and a notorious Forger and
counterliter. .Taints 1 nchanan Cross 11'. '. Cro
Recaptured '.Ml'. It seems to be the general opin
ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of
Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he woeld
not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
put out at missing his custom; but would an
nounce to-all HrctLinridgr. Douglas, Uncut n and
Ufll nirn, and women and children in Clearfield,
and) Sittnemahoning in lenticular, that he is pre
pared to furnish them w ith By. Shoes and Gai
ters ot any style or pattern. stiche-X. sewed or 'peg
ged, (and as he is a short fellow) en. abort notfee.
AH kindrt of country rroduce taken in exchange,
and cash not refused Repai ring done in the neat
est aianncr and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed. Wea
ver A Ce-'s sflore. FRANK SHORT.
N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, IStlO.
A Fact Worth Knowing!
The undersigned informs Biscfd1 friends and the
public generally that be has just vect'tfved and o
peucJ, at his old stand in Bradford ' township, a
consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Qucensware
Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a
country store, which he will dispose of at as low
rates as they can be purchased iti the county, and
of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully
solicits all to give him a call arid ex amino hij
stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feel
certain that they will bay from him.
The undersigned give notice that on the-loth 'A
pril they enterod intd partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
the business will be conducted by tbeit j'MUly un
der the same and firm of Jehrl A J. F. Irvin.
They inform taeir customer and tho public in
general that they have received from the East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially adapted to the wants of the community,
and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices.
Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes. Hat.i
and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at priecs to suit the times. Now-is the time to.
purchase. Call in and examine our stock beforo
you purchase 3'our goods, and we feel confident
that we can supply you with all kinds cf goods,
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
can procure them clso where. Give us a trial.
May 30, I860. JERRED F. IRYIN.
N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re
quested to call and settle. may SO
Desire to inform the citizens of Clearfield and
vicinity, that they have removed their store tl the
recently erected by James B" Graham. Esq.. on
Market street, Clearfield, where-they will be pleas
ed to accommodate all who may ftior then with
a call. Their stock consists ot agBtl nesort
incnt of the very best Foreign and- Dbmeitio
Theirstoc'c of Dry Goods consists in part of such as
Cloths. Cassi meres, Satinet. 'Tweed.; Vrtingxt
Muslins, Ticking, Ch'ccl's. C'aJinus. Chint:r,
Ginghams, Canton and M'oot ElaiJtrls. De
Lai ties. Cashvitres.tzitL. Plaids, Shawls,
liril llintr.-Hosiery .Gioves, rtc. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters,
Misses and Children? Shoes; Mens, Roys', and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large
selection of useful notions, among which are
Perfumery, Cloth and Hair li'rusht, Fancy
Soaps, Pens aud Pen-holders; Combs; Ire,
together with many tiler useful notions, all of
which will be Eold low for Caib, or in exchange
for apprcrcd country produce. Ae their stock is
entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can c!I
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere. Remember the newstore is the place.
Mar. 27. 1361. GRAHAM. BOYNTON A CO.
Fresli Arrival of Goods,
At their Old Stand in Arisonvillo.
The subscribers havejust returned from the east
with a' large and well selected assortment of
G O o a s,
conshdfng of a general varfcty 61 the very best
and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boots- and Shoes,
for men and boy?, for winter wear.
Also, a variety of Boots and Shots fur Ladies and
children, together with a good stock of
Boriilets and Shawls.
They hare also a good assortment of Hardware,
Qucensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fish, Baoon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac
They also keep always on band a great variety of
such as are wanted ia every family. The above
named articles, and everything else ia their line,
will be eold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Give tbctfl a trial.
AcsonviUe, Pa.j October 21, 1S60. .
The undersigned keeps eonstactl on band
at bis store room in Philipsbar Centreyconnty, a
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. A le, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, 4c; all
of which he offers tor purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Giro him a call, and try his
articles, lmar21 ROBERT LLOYD
FLOUR AND BACON a prime lot. just re
ceived and for sale low for cash, at'
April 1. . "Grahix, Bths A Co.