Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 07, 1861, Image 2
totem's. Iflitrual BY SAMCEL 4. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., AUO. 7, 1861. THE VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. - The returning home of the three months men, is a matter of some conjecture among the peop!. They cannot see the propriety of permitting the withdrawal of th!s efficient corps, at this time ; thereby endangering the safety of the capital. But when the cause and effect of this f reedom of the volunteers for the defence of the Union are considered, the sacrifice, temporarily, of so many efficient sol diers, will not be considered of doubtful pro priety. They volunteered to protect the Union II was a Ireo offering for a noble cause : not one man in the whole loyal army having been forced to take up arms, nor would his life been imperiled had he refused lo fight for his country. On the other hand, if Jeff. Davis or Beauregard had charge of these three months men, the probability is, that not one of them would have been permitted to go Dome in such an emergency ; at least, if they had oth er soldiers under their command who were a Lie and willing to force them to stay. What more striking contrast could be pre sented what one that would tell more favora bly for the Union, than this between the free dom of the Northern soldier and the enslave ment of the Southern 7 In the South we see men everywhere, not only drafted, but impres sed. In many sections the men think it as much as their life is worth to refuse to en list ; and therefore, join the army rather than be shot at home. Many persons begin to sigh when tbey consider bow the iron hands of the usurpers and despots nt Richmond soize and hold all the able-bodied men. ' With an infat uated mob to back him, Jeff. Davis can, even now,di?pose of the lives of all Southern men as easily as a Turkish Sultan ; indeed, to all in tents and purposes, he is a veritable dictator. A people who have enjoyed the highest form of government, and once become as debased as these slave-drivers have, they can no longer appreciate freedom. They Ioso all love for it and begin to feel their unfituess for liberty, and raise the clamor for a King to reign and to rule over them. They seem to expect only as much freedom, or rather license, as they can obtain by craft and violence. Tbey all ap pear to understand this well; and, therefore each is trying to outstrip the others in their efforts to excite the mob, and by a systematic oppression of their fellow men hope to sc complish their own 6elfish aspirations. If these desizninz knaves at the head of their oppressed and deluded followers should in the end, succeed in conquering the Union soldiers who have offered their lives a volun untarv sacrifice upon their country's altar then may the world be surprised, and the op pressed tremble for the fate of all constitu tional freedom in tho future. Missouri State Convention. Tho State Convention which assembled at Jefferson City several weeks since, by a vote of 56 to 23, on tho 30th of July declared vacant the offices o Governor. Lieut-Governor, and Secretary of State. The Convention, on the following day appointed Judge Gamble of St. Louis, I'rovi sional Governor; W. P. Hall, Lieut-Govcr nor, and Mr. Mordecai, Secretary of State.who were duly sworn in. After declaring the seats of the members of the legislature vacant, and transacting somo other business, the Conven tion adjoured until tho 3d Monday of Decern bcr. unless sooner called together. Success to the new government. Inhumanity. The refusal of the Rebel ar niv to receive our flag of truce to look after tho dead and wousded is almost without a par allel. The battle-field could bo approached and examined without oar. obtaining any knowledge of their batteries or other military operations. But the privilege was denied and those who attempted to recover a singles body have been arrested and held as prison ers. The orders of prohibition have no doubt come from Jeff. Davis, who was on the field on the day of "battle ; and though our officers will not retaliate, our men can never forget this' unprecedented exhibition of inhumanity. Col.Tiiomas A. Scott. The recent appoint ment of the efficient vice-president of the Penn'a Railroad company, as Assistant Secre tary of War, was a very judicious one. Few men in our country possess greater business qualifications, and since the commencement of hostilities he has devoted all bis energies to the superintendence of the railroad arrange ments connoctcd with the transportation of tbs aimy, and has rendered the nation service of the utmost importance. Politics in Ohio. The Republicans in Ohio have called tbeir State Convention, and in place of a strict party Convention they have taken advantage of the discontent that exists at the terms of the Democratic call, and invi ted a Convention of all loyal citizens who sup port the administration in its present war poli cy. The Democratic Convention meets early in August ; the other will assemble soon after, and of course nominate the successful ticket. Fire. The Duquesne depot of the Penn'a Railroad, and somo adjoining property, was destroyed by fire in Pittsburgh on Tuesday nreck. Loss, about $150,000. Gopowder for THE Rebels. The Confed erate government has been informed says the Charleston Mercury, that the Governor of Louisiana had taken possession of two hun dred tons of sulphur in his State, for the pur pose of making gunpowder for the army, it belonged to private individuals, and was ob tained by them for the purpose of being used m refining or manufacturing sugar. It is saia the sugar planters or refiners will suffer consid erable inconvenience in consequence of this seizure, but Governor Moore deemed the ne cessities of the State and Confederate &iaies of more importance than the convenience of individuals. This sulphur is surncieni to make fifteen hundred tons ot gunpowder. Sulphur is an article of importance, and con traband of war. It cannot be obtained in this country, except by making it from the sul pburets of iron, copper or other minerals, or from the sulpnur springs., ine process wouiu be exceedingly tedious, laborious and expen sive, for making sulphur from these substan ces, or from suipnur water, mere is not so much difficulty in obtaining saltpctra, lor there are caves of nitrous earth in most of the Confederate States. So that if we have sul phur enough there need be no fear of an a- bundant supply of gunpowder for the most ex tensive or prolonged war. A Secession Dagger. A member of the N. Y. 9th brought with him a weapon which he captured in Secessia, and which would do to put in some museum of curiosities along with the war tools of Isew Zealand savages, or the poisoned stilletoes of Italian or Spanish bravos. It was a dagger made by pointing a piece of a saw, and grinding down the back to a razor like sharpness. It was so made that, in enter ing the flesh, tho teeth of the saw would act as barbs, and cause a horrible wound m withdraw ing the instrument of butchery. It is about eighteen inches in length, and finished with a buck horn handle. Such an instrument of torture would delight the amiable ex-Governor Wise, who recommended the v irginians to convert their old hoops into dirks, and to grind down their wagon tires into Bowie knives to chop up northerners. We do not know, how ever, whether the weopoa we have described is not perfectly proper, and in keeping with the character of the cause in which it was em ployed. Men fighting to extend the era of barbarism may reasonably be expected to use barbarous weapons. J enferson Davis in 1858. In the summer 1858 Jefferson Davis in a speech at Faneuil Hall, Boston, uttered the following language : "Among culprits, there is none more odious to my mind than a public officer who takes an oath to support the Constitution the com pact between the States binding each other for the common defence and general welfare of the other yet retains to himself a mental reservation that ho will war upon the princi ples he has sworn to maintain, and upon the property rights, the protection of which are part of the compact of the Union. Applause. it is a crime too low to be named before this assembly. It is one which no man with self- respect would ever commit. To swear that be will support the Constitution to take an office which belongs in many of its relations to all the States, and to use it as a means of injuring a portion ot the States of which he is thus the representative, is treason to every thing honorable in man. It is the base and cowardly attack ot him who gains the confi dence of another, in order that he may wound him." . The CottoS Supply is England. We learn by a late number of the New York Economist that the stock of cotton in Liverpool at last accounts was 1,120.000 bates, with 160,000 bales in transitu, so that, it remarks, "if the blockade were raised in February next we are informed that no national inconvenience would be felt." This is an important fact, and must needs have considerable bearing upon matters in this country as connected with the Cotton States. Whether the Government is disposed to make the best nse of the margin thus ac corded to it will only be known by the renewed efforts it may make within the next few weeks to make quick work with the war. The fact is apparent, however, that the Cotton States can not suddenly "move tho lever that moves the world," with England so well preparod to sup ply her mills, and as only seven per cent, of her people are engaged in the manufacture of cotton, it is quite questionable whether she would not do better to help them past a single soason rather than enter on a war with this country in an attempt to break tho blockade. Rebels in Government Service. The reve lations which aro being made before Mr. Pot ter's special committee on the departments aro somewhat startling. Thus farjhe has evi dence that secessionists still continue to be employed in most every department under government. Some of the secretaries have discharged clerks against whom not a sus picion of disloyalty was ever entertained, and retained those who have openly boasted in the public offices this week that they rejoiced at the defeat of the federal troops in the late bat tle. These statistics will be published soon. It is also in evidence before the committee that the majority of employees in the arsenal hero are secessionists. Nine workmen were arrested at the Washington arsenal, on a charge of being secessionists. The evidence against them was laid before the special committee. It would be well for an investigation to bo made as to tbeir work among bomb shells, etc. America at the Next World's Fair. A resolution has passed tho Senate and Uousu of Representatives, appropriating $2,000 in order that the President may adopt measures to in sure a representation of the United States at the next World's Fair, to bo held in London in 1862. A representative should be appointed as soon as possible; in order that he may make arrangements for the space required by Ameri can exhibitors. Ws do not expect that there will bo many exhibitors from 'our country, but those who do go should be provided with good positions and the means to make a display creditable to our people. The building for the World's Fair is now in the course of erec tion, and it is going up with rapidity and sys tem which wero observed in the first Crystal Palace. It is expected that the exhibition will surpass all that has preceded it in the character of tho mechanism and articles entered for competition. A Long Line or Pickets. It is announced that Gen. McClellan has determined to extend the pickets all the way from the entrench ments opposite Washington to Harper's Ferry, a distance of over eighty miles. It is only by this means that communication between the secessionists in Maryland and the rebels in Virginia can be entirely cut off. Heretofore, everything transpiring in Washington has been immediately communicated to the rebel leaders ; but a different course will be pursued now, which will make the conveyance of in telligence exceedingly difficult and dangerous, and spies will have to incur greater risks to accomplish their work. ' - Havelocks. The name of the gallant Indi an General is almost universally applied to the sunshades of our troops. Anybody who will study Egyptian paintings will see that shades of the same cut were used in the same way by the Egyptian troops before Moses' time. The army which was lost in the Red Sa wore Havelocks. SUMMARY OF WAR NEWS. July 30. Gen. M'Clellan, it is sairt, has ex pressed tho opinion that this will he an artil lery war, and asks as many batteries as it is possible to procure. Regiments have been sent by him to extend the line of pickets a long the Potomac to Harpers Ferry. There are fresh indications of a more vigorous poli cy, aud Gen. M'Clellan inspires and supervi ses everything. Strict movements are now on foot to re move all the secession clerks from the de partments. This should have been done long ago. July 31. The whole army embraced in the command of Major General Banks save three, companies ot the Massachusetts Second, is lying on the Maryland side or the .Potomac, which is by far a more healthful region than Harper's Ferry. The column is now being rapidly reinforced by way of Ilagerstown and Baltimore, so that the three months' regi ments that have left are scarcely missed. Gen. Banks has his headquarters at a farm house about two miles below the Ferry. His disposition of the troops and general manage ment of the arm' has so far given general sat isfaction both to the officers and men. The batteries planted here are so stationed as to command all the crossings ot the Potomac for miles above and below this point. Gen. Banks and staff are busily occupied in forming the army into brigades. Their position was cho sen with a great deal ot engineering skill, by Captains Newton and Simpson. It commands Harper's Ferry, and is easily made almost im pregnable. Our batteries are in position. August 1. Last evening while the fifth New York regiment was passing through Bal timore, and when at the corner of Enson street, a party of Irish secessionists began chreering for Jet! Davis. Tho cheering was accompanied by a shower of stones that fell a mong the ranks of the volunteers. The latter not forgetting the murderous riot of the 19th of April, supposed that a repction of that bloody day was to be enacted. The soldiers acting from that impulse, immediately fixed their bayonets and charged upon the men who lined the sidewalks. Seveial shots were also fired, but we could here of no one being injur ed. During the riot a man named Win. El liot, one named Flaherty, and one other whose name wc could not learn, were arrested by the regiment aud marched to the depot the soldiers declaring that they intended to take them to New York as prisoners of war. We afterwards learned that the rioters were re leased from custody, upon their taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. While the riot was in progress, squads of sol diers chased the rioters in all directions at the point of the bayonet. We heard of sever al persons being injured in this manner, but wero unable to trace up the correctness of the report. The Conservative has advices from the Osage Indian region, Kansas, that Mr. Shoemaker, the chief missionary of that tribe, has been compelled to leave by the secessionist. A force of one hundred men uuder J udgc Brown, of Humbolt, has left Allen county for the O suge country, to disperse the rebels. The Times says a large body of Pawnees and Chey enncs are in the vicinity of Marysville, Mar shal county, Kansas, and it is thought they will inaugurate hostilities, having been tam pered with by the secessionists in that region. After the recent skirmish at Harnsville, Mo., and the dispersal of the rebel forces, Jennison and his men robbed some stores of clothing, &c., which he distributed among the troops. Jennison is not in the United States service, but ic this skirmish acted in concert with the Federal troops. The surveying schooner Vixen, arrived from the capes of Virginia, reports eleven vessels ashore betnreen Oapo lienry and a point ten miles south. Five of them wero ships, and all of them more or less stripped of their rigging. Ihey appear to have gone on recently, and can only be attributed to devas tating piratical cruisers. August 2. Tho execution of private Wm. Murry, of Company F. Second New Hampshire regiment, for the murder of Mary Butler, on Saturday last, took place at 4 o'clock this af ternoon. Iu order that his fate might be a warning to all evil disposed soldiers, the scat fold was erected upon the walls of Fort Ells worth, affording an unobstructed view to all The regiments encamped in tho vicinity of Alexandria were present, and notwithstanding 20,000 persons witnessed the execution, every thing passed otf without nnneccessary excite ment. The culprit ascended the scaffold with a steady gait. He made no allusion to his guilt, but called on his friends to sustain his fumily in this their hour of trial. Hundreds of people are coming into Mis souri almost daily, who have been driven out of Texas and Arkansas by the rebels. Thuy represent that if the United States Govern ment would send a force and arms to the peo pie, more than one-half in both States would fight for the Union. The strength of the Mis souri rebels south of us is stated to bo about 7,000, including 2,500 Arkansas troops. There are nearly 300 slaves doing military duty in one of Ben McCulloch's regiments'. Information has been received from Lieut. Crosby's expedition to the eastern shores of Virginia, which left Old Point three days ago. The Pocomoke and two small rivers were ex plored for a number of miles. Seveial parties of armed rebels were dispersed. One schoon er was burned and another has been brought on as a prize. An educated German private, belonging to tho New York regiment, was arrested yester day for correspondence with the enemy. A letter to General Lee was found on his person. Ambition for advancement is supposed to have been his principal motive. His letter contained no revelations of importance con cerning the fortress. August 3. The following is an extract from a letter dated July 23th aboard the U nited sloop of war Savannah, off capo Hatteras : "We made a sail to windward. It was blow ing a gale and tho sea was running high. Wc gave chase for three or four hours, when appa rently to avoid being captured, she ran over the shoals and went high and dry ou the beach. The sea running high mane a complete breach over. She was a full rigged brig of about 200 tons. Her conduct was most singular through out the chase. She was out of gun range or she might have got a ten inch shell into her. She showed no colors, which is still moie strange. We- attempted to get near enough to ascertain bcr true character, but a danger ous bar kept us away. The country around is uninhabitable?. Tho sand bank is 15 miles north of Hatteras, and so rough that it is im possible to land. We think she may be the privateer "Jeff Davf," or some vessel captur ed by her making for some Inlet on the coast of North Carolina. . ' The brig L. C. Watts arrived from Peram buco this morning, having successfully run a guantlet of pirates. She reports that when off Bermuda on the 25th she was informed by the schooner John Elliot that that vessel had been chased by a privateer brig. Tho brig L. C. Watts was chased by a bark on the 2Gth nit., again by a brig on the 27th, and a third time by a schooner on the 28th, but she outsailed them. ' She brought as passengers Capt. Gib blo, and tho crew of tho brig Caroline, of Bos ton, which struck a sunken rock off Cape St. Rogue on Jane 2nd and was condemned at Rio Grande. The Caroline was insured in Boston. : . t that Port Fillmorft. Texas, has been reinforced with ten companies; also that Cel. Couly has fitted out such expeditions against Fort Bliss, now held by tho Texans, as makes its capturo certain. X 4l"rt5 IJaVv UCVU AJLl li 0iivak4 .-v at Washington, and the traitors are being well stirred up. The Virginians complain bitterly of the out rages committed by the Louisiana Zouaves. I L NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements set w large tvve. cuts, or out of usual style icill be charged double price for spaceocenpied. To insure attention, the CASH must accompa. ny notices, as follows : All Cautions with $1 ; Strays, $1; Auditors' notices, $1,50; Adminis trators' and Executors' notices, $1,50, each ; and all other transient Notices at the sam9 rates. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Austin Brown, late of Huston township. Clearfield county. Pa., having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. JOHN M. MACUMBER, August 7,1861.-Ct. Administrator. CAUTION. AM persons are cautioned against purchasing or meddling with ' the following property, now in possession of Wm. B. Thompson of Chest township: One yoke of oxen, one cow, one heiffer, nine hogs, a quantity of hay and grain, his entire household furniture, ono log sled, two chains and two plows, as the said property belongs to me and is only in his care. A. H. PIERCE Chest township. August?, lSGl-3tp. NOTICE. We have placed our books in the hands of William Feath, Esq., in the Borough of New Washington, tor settlement, where all those having unsettled accounts are earnestly re quested to call and settle before the 10th day of September next, otherwise cost will be added. Our notes are in the hands of the same for collec tion, of which those owing will also take notice and attend to the same at once. JOHN L. ALLISON, JOHNS SNYDER. Burnside township, August 7th, 1S61. STATEMENT of the Clearfield County Bank for the month ending July 31th, 1801. ASSETS. Bills discounted, : : : : S23,50t 51 Pennsylvania State loans, 21,508 75 Specie, :::::::: 4.582 63 lue from other banks, : : 6.922 27 Notes of other banks, : : : 707 00 Checks, drafts, Ac. : : : 616 30 Furniture. ::::::: 263 45 Expense of plate engraving.tc. 761 75 Loss and Expense : : : : 747 43 S6I.619 20 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, paid in, : : S2S.050 00 Notes in circulation, : : 21.970 00 Due depositers, : : : : 9.811 64 Interest and exchange, : : 1.7S7 56 -S61.619 20 JAMES B. (ill AH AM, Cashier. Clearfield, Pa., July 31, 1361. Mr. Itow. Please announce the name of Isaac Gnse of Woodward township, as a suitable person for Commissioner, subject to the decision of the County Convention . Woodward. Mb. S. J. Row. I desire to announce the name of G. P. Guclich for Associate Judge, subject to the action of the Republican Bounty convention. K. Mr. Epitou. Pleaso announco Joab llidcr if Karthaus township, for Commissioner, subject to the decision of thecounty convention. Morkis. Editor Joursal. Please announce the name of William Williams of Jordan township for Treasur er, subject to tke nominating convention. J. EniTOR Ravtsmas : I desire to present the name of Wm. F. Irwin, of Clearfield Borough, as a suit able person for Associate Judge, subject to the ac tion of the nominating Convention. Monrtis. Mr. Row. Please announce the name of Jacob Mock of Kylertown. for Commissioner, subject to nomination by the County convention. U. Mr. S. J. Row. I desire to announce the name of J. B M'Enally, Esq.. of Clearfield Borough, for the Legislature, subject to the approval of the Republican county convention. Goshkv. Mr. Row. Please announce the name of J. W. Wright of Beccaria township as a suitable person to represent this district in the next Legislature, subject to the approval of the nominating conven tion. Many Fhie.vds. Mr. Row : Please announce the name of Dan iel Avers of Decatur township, as a suitable per eon to represent this county in the Legislature, subject to tho nomination of the Republican con vention R. Editor Journal : You will please announce John M. Chase, of Woodward township, as a Can didate for tho Legislature, subject to the Republi can County Convention. Tike. Mr. Editor: Allow me to prasent the name of Robert Graham of Guelich township, for Sheriff of Clearfield county, subject to the deci sion of tho county convention. M. Mr. S. J. Row : I beg leave to present the name of Theoi'hilas (3. Murk of Woodward township, to the people of this county for tho otSco of Sheriff, subjoot to tho Republican nominating convention. Mr. Row. Please announce Isaac Soo field of Brady township as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. U. Mr. Row. You will please announce John Carlisle of Brady township for the office of Sher iff, subject to the action of tho Republican coun ty Convention. B. Mr. S. J. Row. I beg leave to present tho name of Daniel Livingston of Curwensville, to the Coun ty Convention, for Sheriff, subject to the action of that body. JU. Mr. S J. Row. I desire to announce the name of William Caldwell of Pike township, as a candi date for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the County Convention. Q. Editor Journal: You. will please announce Wm. M'Cullough Sr , of Lawrence township as a Union candidate for Sheriff; subject, however, to the nominating Convention. - Uxiox Mr. Row : Allow me to present the name of Joshua J. Tate, of Lawrence township, to the nomi nating Convention, as a suitable person for Asso aiatc Judgo. Fen. Mr. Editor. You will please announce T. B. Davis of Ferguson township, for Associate Judge, subject to the Republican County Convention for nomination. L Mr. S. J. How. Please announce the name of Samuel Sobring of New Washington as a candi date for Associate Judge, subject to nomination by the Republican Convention. P. Editor Journal : Please announce the name of llos. Janes Ferguson of Ferguson township, for the office of Associate Judge, subject to the nomi nating convention. Pike. ' Mr. Row. Pleaso announce Andrew Pentz. Sr., of Brady township, as a suitable person to fill the office of County Commissioner, subject to the Republican nominating Convention. X. -Mr. Editor : The friends of the national and State administrations present the name of David C. Dale of Pike township, as a person well quali fied to represent our District in the next Legisla ture. Mr. Dale, as a private in the Curwensville company, and fighting the Rebels, will bo suppor ted for said office by his friends in the oounty. Many Friends of the National and State Administrations. STRAY SHEEP Camo to the premises of the subscriber in Chest township, in May last, some 20 small poor sheep; the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away orihey will be disposed of accord ing to law. JOSHUA FELTWELL, Cheat.township, July 31, 1861. - - SECOND ANNUAL FAIR of the Clearfield County Agricultural Society, to be held at the Borough of Clearfield, on Tuesday, We.dne.tday, Thursday and Friday, the 15A, I0tkt lth and lSt days of October, A. D. 1SG1. Ellis Irwin, President ; D. F. Etiweiler, Secre tary ; L. F. Irwin. Cor. Secretary ; James Wrig lej, Treas'r; J. F.Weaver, Librarian. Gen. A.M. Hills, Marshall. Wm. Ten Eyck, Chief of Police. " Fees of Admission, Kntry Fcts, J-c. Single admissions, 15 cts children under 1 2 ys 10c Tickets for a single day, ; 25 cts. Tickets for a single pcrson during fair 50 cts. Tickets for a family, to admit Gent and Lady, and 3 children under 15 years of age, 1.00 For trotting premiums, each horse, 2.00 For pleasure, -each hore, 50 Class No. 1. Siccfpvtales Open, to all breeds and competitors. Best bull, premium $10,00 2d best, S5,00 All breeds come together in this class and com pete with oach other; to be judged by their good points, symotry of frame, ability to fatten, and the stock they will produce. Class No 2 Grade Cattle. Best cow, 510 00 2d best, $5 00 Best heiffer, - 5 00 Best calf, under 3m 3 00 2d b, Dadds cattle doctor Class No Oxen. Best yoke of oxen, $10 00 2d best, " DaJJ'a cattle doctor and 3 00 Class No 4 Fat Cattle. Best fat bullock, cow or heiffer, over 2ys old $5 00. 2d beet, Dadd's cattle doctor and 1 00 Class No 5 Thorough bred horses open, to all. Best stallion, S15 00 2d best, 5 00 Best mare and colt 10 00 2d best 5 00 The premiums in this class are intended only for horses, whose pedigree render them worthy. The society wish to encourage the rearing of high-blooded horses. Class No. 6 Riding, Draft, and Farm horses. Best saddle horse, S3 00 Bent matched carriage hcrses, Youatt on the hone and .1 00 Best single family horse, in harness. You att on the horse and 2 00 Best span of draught horses or mares, You att on the horse and 3 00 Best epan of farm horses or mares, You att on the horse and 3 00 Best gelding or mare for work over 4 years old. Youatt on the horse and 3 00 Best colt under two years old, You att on the horse and 3 00 The horse that moves the heaviest load on a stone boat, without a whip, You att on the horse and 4. 00 Class No 7-Trotting horses open to all. Best time, 3 in 5, trotting in single harness. Youatt on the horse, and $30 00 No promium will be paid unless fire entries are made. Each horse to trot against time. Class No 8 Horses otened in rvitnty. Best 2 in 3, on time. Citizens purse Best trotting horse or mare, under saddle, Youatt on the horse. Best trotting horse or mare in single harness, Youatt on the horse. Best pair of horses or mares in harness, Youatt on the horse Best pacing horse or mare, Youatt on the horse. Best walking horse or mare, Youatt on the horse Class No 9 Sheep and wool. Best buck, any breed, Allen's Farm Book A $2 00 Best Ewe, any breed, Allen's Farm Book & 2 00 Best 3 sheep, fattend for mutton, 2 00 Best two lambs, 2 00 Best fleece of wool, SI Ecst specimen of wool, Dip Class No 10 Swine open to alt. Best boar any breed, Young Farmers Manuel aS2 00 Best breeuing Sow, Farmer & Gardner and 2 00 Best Hog, Farmer & Gardner and 2 00 Best Pig under 6 months old I 00 Cats No 11 Poultry. Best coop spring chickens not less than C, $1 00 HeavTst turkey $1 00 Best display of chickensl 00 Class No 12 Plowing. Owner of team nnd plough, who plows green swnrd the best, Young Farmer Manuel & S3 00 Owner of team and plow, who plows stubble the best, Allen's Farm Book and 3 00 Class No lZ-Plous, Rollers and Drills, Har rows and Cultivators. Best Plow for stubble or sward. S2 00 Best sub-soil plow. Barry's Fruit Garden and 1 00 Clod crusher and Roller combined, 1 00 Grain drill, Allen's Farm Book and 1 00 Best side hill plow $1 00 Best Cultivator. 1 60 Best Harrow. 100 Best Horse rake 100 Best Reaper A mower 3 00 Best Cornsheller 1 00 Best Corn planter 1 00 Best Tanning mill 2 00 Best threshing machinJ 00 Best Ox yk & bows 1 00 Best Hay pitching machine 1 00 Best Stalk and Ktraw cutter 2 00 Best Hor.se power for general purposes 2 00 Best Original invention of an Agricultural Implement 5 00 All articles enumerated in this Class not made in the county, but produced upon exhibition if worthy of it will be awarded a Diploma. Class No 14 Missellaucous farming implement. Best Bee hive 100 Best stump' puller S3 00 Best Potatodigger 0 50 Bet grain cradli 1 10 Best 6 hand-r?kea 1 00 Best lot gard'ng toolsl 00 Best sett farming utensils, owned by farmer 3 00 Class No 15 IVheat, Barley. Corn SfC Acre of winter wheat. Farmer and Gardner & 3 00 Acre of spring wheat, American Agricultu ralist, 1 year and 3 00 Field of Wheat 4 to 10 acres, American Ag. k 3 00 Acre of Corn, American Ag., 1 year and 2 00 Field of Barley, not less than 3 acres, Amer ican Agriculturist 1 year and 2 00 Acre of oats, American Ag., 1 year and 2 00 Acre of Rye, American Ag., 1 year and 2 00 Bushel of corn ear, American Ag., 1 year 3 acres of Buckwheat, American Ag.. 1 y. and I 00 Best bushel winter wheat, American Ag. I y. Jf 1 00 Best bushel spring wheat, American Ag. 1 y. Best half acre of Potatoes, American Ag. 1 y. k 1 00 One fourth cre beans. American Ag 1 year A I 00 Acre of clover seed, American Ag. 1 year & 2 00 One fourth acre broom corn, 2 00 One fourth acre of Sorghum, 2 00 Best one-fourth acre of peas, I 00 Best one-fourth acre of rutabagoes. 1 00 Best one-half bushel Timothy seed, 1 00 Best one-halfaere of Carrot, 1 00 Best one-half acre of Turnips, . 100 Crops being equal preference will be given to those that yield the largest nett profit. State ments to be furnished by the exhibitors. They must be measured or weighed, and a sample fur nished at the Fair. Applicants for premiums must furnish the com mittee with a statement signed by themselves un der a pledge of veracity, of the quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a premium, and must state correctly as he can the kind and con dition of the previous crops ; the kind and quan tity of seed used, and the time and mode of put ting it in the ground. Persons entering Field crops for exhibition, or intending to do so, may give notice to the Execu tive committee at any time, and have the field measured and examined by a committee while growing. Class No 16 Bread and Cereal food. Best 3 loaves of wheat bread, Diploma Best loaf corn bread, Dip. Best loaf rye bread Dip Best Pound cake. Sponge cake. Fruit cake, Dip Best Jelly cake, Coffee cake, Lady, Dip Best cake and plain cake, each a Dip Best display of Preserves and Jelley Dip Best Pie of any kind Dip Best Preserves Dip Best Jelly Dip Best Ice cream Dip Class No 17 Butter and Cheese Best 10 lbs Butter. SI 00 Beet cheese,. $1 00 Best Firkin 25 lbs or more made in May or Jnnel 00 Class No 18 Flour. Best barrel Flour $2 00 Best 50 1S rye flour SI 00 Best 100 lbs flour spring wheat, 1 00 Best 50 lbs Buckwheat flour, , 1 00 Best 50 lbs corn meal, 100 Class No 19 Domes tie Articles. Best Box or jar of Honey $100 Best 10 lbs maple sugar 59 Best poaches put up air-tight - 50 Best Tomatoes put up air-tight, 50 Best Blackberries put up air-tight ' 50 Best Currants put up air-tight, 60 Best fancy jar ofPicklos, 60 Bost 1 gallon of Syrup Maple or Sorghum each 50 Best cured ham (cooked) 1 00 Bjst dried Beef with mode of curing 100 ; Class No 20 Domestic Manufactures.' BestlOydsflannelJl 00 Best 10 yds satinet 51 00 Best pair woollen blankets. 1 00 Beet 15 yards woollen carpet, 1 00 Best 15 yards rag caVpet (wool chain) Best woollen coVerlet 51 00-BestlO yi 1 f,i Best hearth Ku 7 Best pair of woollen knit stockings Best 1 lb linen 8ewW thread Best specimen of Wling, knitting or nMdU i9 I .T""'1' "J ss unaer IZ year of Best 1 lb stocking yearnSO 50 Beat foot m. Best straw botmett 50-BeittidT Best pair cotton knit stockings Best straw hat, SO 50 Best lu yards . Class No nNeedlr,Srf.cl1, Waz-uZrl i Best specimen of needle work 'on M.v:.. Best group of flowers in worsted. Best specimen of embroidery in worsted specimen of embroidery in lace ' " specimen of embroidery in raushn, " shirt made by Miss under 15 yeari' " patching and mending. " specimen of leather work " Specimen of wax fljwers :t specimen of feather work " specimen of ornamcntod work, ClaTs No 22SlillineruaA 7)r...-. Best millinery, SI 00 Best dress-making Yl ClaitS No 23. Artistic Vnrl- Best painting ! oil, Dip best cattle paintin " portrait painting Dip " landscape paintlhg in ater colors, ornamental painting of any kind. dagurrreotjpe; taken on the ground, " atnbrotypes (aken on the ground P 1'ip I'lp 1:d photographs taken on the ground 'f writing. Dip-Best ornaw tal pcnmansLint, architectural drawing. p, '? Ctass No 21. Dcsirnt 9 Best designs for farm bouse, barn, carri a?. nouse ana stable design for dairy house design for bridge, with plain ; span not less than 250 feet , 1 W Class No 25. Metallic Fab, rirtrs nn.i V . -1 Best cooking stove, wood or coal, ,7 2d best. S2 nil v... . J Brst parlor stove, wood of coal S 2 00 2d b! xrai tits i jruu irucr, ui .a Orel 4i specimen lot of Tinware 2d best lot of Tinware ; specimen of blackstfflthinj, " specimen of gunsntf thing, " specimen of iron tnrnfnir hip 1 00 aclliip 3 Oo plate castings ?l 00 Best slower bath 1 Oo " original invention in the ce'dnty, $j The above premiums are offered fof ifticln manufactured in the county, a Diploma ma? h awarded for any of the above articles onuhibi tion, without regard to where it wag manufacture Best display of table and pocket cutlery, of 2 90 nuirncnu .luuuiaciure DinW. ' display of edged tools j hip I-ip " display of farming and field too'i Class No 26 l"rh teles of al Hindi Best family carriage $5 00 Best buggy $3 fa " farm wagon 4 00 " sleigh' j q0 " timber sled 2 00 ; hche cart 1 Ou " wheelbarrow q,j A diploma may be awarded for articln in tail clffss not manufactured in the county. Class No 27 Calinet-icare in county. Best dressing bureau S3 00 Beet sofa . f I fi) " Lounge 100 " sett of chain 1 lw " extension table 2 00 " variety do im " wash stsna 1 00 1 " office chair 1 00 ' " sett parlor furniture, " looking glass frame " display of cabinet ware ; centre table I W n i W 1 TO Dip and i . Class No 28 Coopering, Carpentering jji-m specimen 01 rme ware. specimen rash SI 00 Best window blindl 00 " lot of baskets 100 " lot of buck eU I ft' " sett grain measurl 00 " pane! door 1 tn1 Class No 29 Roots and Garden Yegetabla. Best i bush carrotsSO 50 Best 6 head cabbages 1 " i ' rutabagos 50 " bush table beets V) " 4 stalks celery Dip " sweet potatoes " 2 heads clla flower i " i bushel table potatoes io " qt Windsor beans ?0 60 Eet variety melons iff " Tomatoes i bush 60 " suuabi U) All vegetables must have been raised by the ex hibitor. Class No 30 Curriers. Saddlers If Shoemalrrt. Best gentletnens boots and shoes S- W " ladies boots and shoes 2 tJ " display of boots and shoes 3(N Travelling Trunk 2 Oo " tug harness S2 00 Best single harness 2 W " sole leather 1 00 ' finished " 1 W " carriage harness 3 VM " Riding bridle and martingal 1 W " gent, riding saddle 2W " Udys riding saddle 2 (hi " display of saddlery 3 M " display of any kind of leather 1 to " Robe made by exhibitor 1 (W Class No 31 Tailors and Upholsters tcorl Best suit of clothes made by hand $2W coat made by a lady 1 W " pants and vest made by a lady 1 W " husk matrass S2 00 Best hair matra 2(h) " straw matrass 1 Class No 32 Printing in county. Beit hand bill Diploma Best blank "Jn'plotn card Diploma newspaper Piplotn ; ornamental printing liiplom Class No 33 Stone Vare. Best drain tile SIW Fire brick SI 00 Best bricK 1 " brackets ,1 00 - pottery 1 W Class No 34 Chemicals Jt Chemical action in re. Best available manure at moderate cost ?1 V' 4i available manure for farm product 1 O'J " material forglueSl 00 Best linseed M H' " tallow candles 1 00 " specimen soapl W " vinegar 100 " writing ink 1 If Class No 35 Wood and Stone. Best dressed stone " grind stode " butter bowl " shingles SI 00 Best mill stone SI W J 00 butter ladle 60 " wash, machine 1W 1 00 churn floor boards worked " weatherboards 1 00 1M " turned trtklel W ' split or shaved hooDS Discretionary premiums will be recomirtLW for all articles of "merit cxhibitod by mechanics : all the various branches and it is hoped a gener al exhibition will be made. For all improvements useful to the farmer, and having valuable properties, discretionary premi ums may be recommended by the Committee, wl awarded by the board. Class No 36 Natural Minerals. Best suit of useful minerals of Clearfield coactj including coal $1 60 ' cabinet of minerals of Clearfield and adjui' ing counties, to be the prop'y of the society ?i 6 Best limestone SI 00 Best potters clay 1 " fire clay 1 00 " collections of fossils I 0 " suit crystalized minerals 1 os Class No 27 Fruit. Best display and greatest variety of grafted f pies, summer and winter fruit, named and f ranged, 3W Best display and greatest variety of pears named and arranged l " display and greatest variety of peaches named and arranged, Barry's Fruit ti&M" " collection of plums, Barry's Fruit Gardes " collection of cherries Barry's Fruit Garde " collection of quinces Barry's Frnit Grd " specimcn'of apples, 1 pk Barry's Frnit Gard " do foreign grapes Barry's Frnit Gardes " do American grapes Barry's Fruit Gard " currants SO 50 Best gooseberries i " " blackberries 50 " domestic wine I f " seedling grapes raised in county ana worthy of culture it Clats No 38 Horsemanship, e. To the ladv who manairea her horse best, nd "J r..n 1 union-. To the gentleman who manages his horse best " aits most gracefully Wf' Best display of horsemanship, not less " driving on the course by a lady i.Ip,' . I! of Cavalry gjg. " company of Infantry, ",nm " Band with brass instruments !P Martial band Dip Best 10 Singers Pip10iB Class No 39 Nurseries. of Best nursery containing the greatest variety fruits and shrubs, cultivated in the most appr manner, (the applicant to furnish writ , scription, with variety land mode of ""'""if.j.. 2d best, ' Barrv-.Frait Gwi Class No 40 General Ltst. . Best display and greatest variety of flowers, " display and greatest variety of rlci p;p " display of floral ornamnnt?, . pjj. " batket boquet with handle, pf ' band boquet, II