Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 07, 1861, Image 1
JLU BY S. J. KJW. CLEARFIELD, PA, AVEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1861: VOL. 7.-NO. 49. ;1 THE HAND UPON THE LATCH. My cottage hrstne is filled with light, , The long, long jammer day ; But, ah I dearer Jove the night, . And hail the singing my ; 'For Ve restores me one whose smile t)oth more than morning's match And life afresh seems dawning while His hand is on the latch ! When auturu fields are thick with sheaves, And shadows early fall, And grapes grow purple 'neath the eaves Along our trellia'd wall I dreaming sit the sleepy bird - Faint twittering in the thatch To wake to joy when soft is heard His hand upon the latch ! In the short winter afternoon, I threw my work aside, And through the lattice, while the moon Chines mistily and wide, 'On the dim upland paths I peer In vain his form to catch I startle with delight, and hear Ilis hand upon the latch. IDLE HANDS. Mr. Thornton came home at bin usual mid day hour, and as ho went by the parlor door lie saw his daughter, a young lady ot nineteen, lonnging on the sofa with a book in her bands. The whirl of bis wife's sewing machine struck on bis ear at the same moment. Without pausing at the parlor, he kept 'on to the room from whence came the sound of industry. Mrs. Thornton did not observe the entrance of her husband. Sho was bending closedown over her work, and the noise of the machine was louder than bis footsteps on the floor. Mr. Thornton stood looking at hef some mo ments without speaking. "Oh, dear!" exclaimed the tirod woman, letting her foot rest on the treadle and straight ening herself, "this pain In my side is almost beyond endurance." - "Then why do you sit, killing yourself?" .said Mr. Thornton. Mr. Thornton's aspect was unusually sober. "What's the matter ! Why do you look so serious ?" asked bis wife. Because I feel serious," be answered. "lias anything gone wrong ?" Mrs. Thorn ton's countenance grew slightly troubled. Things had gone wrong in her husband's busi ness more than once, and she bad learned to dread the occurrence of disaster. "Things are wrong all the time," was repli ed, with some impatience of manner. "In your business 7" Mrs. Thornton spoke a little faintly. f-So, nothing especially out of the way there, but it's all wrong at homo." "I don't understand you, Harvey. What is wrong at borne, pray J" "Wrong tor you to sit in pain and exhaus tion over that sewing machine, whilst an idle daughter lounges over a novel in the parlor. That's what I wished to say." "It isn't Elbe's fault. She often asks to help me; but I can't see the child put down to household drudgery. Her time will come boon enough. Let her have a little ease and comfort while she may." "If we said that of our sons," repliod Mr. Thornton, "and acted on the word, what effi cient men they would make for the world's work! How admirably furnished they would be for life's trials and duties ! It is a poor compliment to Effie'a moral sense to buppose that alio can be content to sit with idle bands, or to employ them in light f'rivolties, while her Mother is worn down with toil beyond her strength. Hester, it must not be I" "And it shall not be," said a quick and firm voice. Mr. Thornton and bis wife started, and turned to the sjeaker, who had entered the loom unobserved, and been a listener to all the conversation we havo recorded. "It shall not be, father !" And Effic came ami stood by Mr. Thornton. Her lace was crimson ; her eyes flooded with tears, through which light was flashing; her form drawn up erectly; hermanner resolute. "It isn't all my fault," she said, and she laid her band on her father s arm. "I've asked mother a great many times to let me help her, but she always puts me off, and says it is easier to do a thing herself than to show another. May be I am a little dull, tut every one has to learn, j-ou know. Mother did not get her band in fairly with thatsewing machine for two or three weeks, and I'm cer tain it would'nt take me any longer. If she'd only teach me how to use it, I could help her agreatdeal. And, indeed, father I'm willing !" "Spoken in the right spirit, my daughter," s lid Mr. Thornton, approvingly. "Gir Is should be usefully employed as well as boys, and in the very things most likely to be required of them when they become women in the most responsible position of wires and mothers. Depend upon it, Eflio, an idle girlhood is not the way to a cheerful womanhood. Learn and do now the very things that will be required of you in after years, and then you will have ac quired facility. Habit and skill make easy what might come hard, and be felt as very tmrthensome." "And would yon have ber abandon all self improvement" said Mrs. Thornton, "give up music, reading, society ?" "There are," replied Mr. Thornton, as bis Ue paused for another word, "some fifteen or ixteen hours of each day In which mind or hands should bo rightly employed. Now let us see how Effie is spending these long and ever recurring periods of time. Come, my daughter, sit down. We have this subject lirly before us. It Is one of life-long impor tance to you, and should be well considered. How is it in regard to the employment of your time? Take yesterday, for instance. The records ol a day will help ns to get towards the result after which we are now searching." . Effie sat down and Mr. Thornton drew a chair lront of his wife and daughter. "Take yesterday, for instance," said the lather. "How was it spent 7 You rose at even in the morning." "Yea, sir ; I came down just as the breakfast Wl was rung," said Effie. "And your mother waa up at half-past five, know, and feeling so weak that she could wrdly dress herself. But tor all this she was at work until breakfast time. Now, if you had risen at six, and .shared your mother's work until seven yon would have taken an hour from Ller day's burthens, and certainly lost nothing . m your music, self-improvement or social JMercourse. How was it after breakfast? Ho w the morning spent ?" Jt jj practised on the piano an hour after break- "So for to good. What then?" "I read 'The Cavalier' until eleven o'clock." Mr. Thornton shook bis head, and asked, "after eleven, how was the time spent ?" "I dressed myself and, wont out." "And what time did you go out 1" "A little after twelve o'clock." 'An hour was spent in dressing ?" "Yes, sir." "Where did you go ?" "I called for Ellen Boyd, and we took a walk down Broadway." "And came home just in time for dinner ? I think I met you at the door ?" "Ves, sir." "How was it after dinner ?" "1 slept from three until five, and then took a bath and dressed myself. From six until tea time, I sat at the parlor window." "And after tea 7" "Head 'Cavalier' until I went to bed." "At what hour ?" "flleven o'clock." "Now we can make up the account," said Mr. Thornton. "You arose at seven and retired at eleven. Sixteen hours. And from your account of the day, but a single hour was spent in anything useful that was the hour at your piano. Now, your mother was up at half-past five, and went to bed from sheer inability to sit at her work any longer, at half-past nine. Sixteen hours for her, also. Ilow much reading did you do in that time ?" And Mr. Thornton looked at his wife. "Reading ! Don't talk to me of reading ! I've no time to read," Mrs. Thornton answer ed a little impatiently. The contrast of her daughter's idle hours with her own life of ex hausting toil did not effect her very pleasantly. "And yet," said Mr. Thornton, "you were always very fond of reading, and I can remem ber when no day went by without an hour or two passed with your books. Did you lie down after dinner?" "Of course not !" "Nor take a pleasant walk on Broadway? Nor sit at the parlor window with Eflie ? Ilow about that ?" "Now, the case is a very plain one," continued Mr. Thornton. "In fact nothing could be plainer. You spend from fourteen to sixteen hours every day in hard work.whilo Effic, taking yesterday as a sample, spends about the same time in what is a little better than idleness. Suppose a new adjust ment were to take place, and Eflie were to be employed in helping yo.u for eight hours every day, she would still have eight hours left for self-improvement and recreation, and you, re lieved from your present overtasked condition, might get back a portion of the health and spirits, of which these too heavy household duties have robbed you." "Father !"said Effie, speaking through tears that were falling over her face, "I never saw things in this light. Why haven't vou talked to me before ? I've often felt as if I'd like to help mother. But she never gives me anything to do, and if I offer to help her she says You can't do it,'orI had rather do it myself.' Indeed, it isn't all my fault." "It may not have been in the past, Effie," replied Mr. Thornton ; "but it will certainly be In the f uture, unless there is a new arrange ment of things. It is a false social sentiment that lets daughters become idlers, while moth ers, fathers and sons take up the daily burden of work, and bear it through all the busy hours." Mrs. Thornton did not come gracefully into the new order of things proposed by her hus band and accep'ed by Eflie. False pride in her daughter, that future lady ideal, and an inclination to do all herself, rather than to take trouble to teach another, were all so many im pediments. But Effie and her father were both in earnest, and it was not long before the mother's face began to lose its look of weari ness, ar.d her languid frame to come up to an erect bearing. She could find time lor the old pleasure in books now and then, for a healthy walk in the street, and a call on some valued friend. And was Eflie the worse for this change 7 Did the burden she was sharing with her moth er depress her shoulders and take the lightness from her step ? JN ot so. The languidness en gendered by idleness, which had begun to show itself, disappeared in a few weeks; the color came warmer into ber cheeks, her eyes gained in brightness. She was growing, in fact, more beautiful, for a mind cheerf ully conscious of duty was moulding. every linea ment of her countenance into a new expres sion. Did self-improvement stop ? Oh, no. From one to two hours were given to close practice every day. Her mind becoming more vigor ous in tone, instead of enervated by idleness, chose a better, order of reading than had been indulged before, and she was growing towards a thoughtful, cultivated, intelligent woman hood. She also found time, amid her home duties, for an hour twice a week with a Ger man teacher, and she began, also, to cultivate a taste for drawing. Now that she was em ploying the time she found at her disposal, how cheerful and companionable she grew ! She did not seem like the Effie Thornton of a month before. In fact, the sphere of the whole household was changed. As an idler, Effie Thornton bad been to the rest, and the weight of that burden had been sufficient to depress, through weariness, the spirits of all. But now that she was standing up, self-abstained, but a sharer in the burden of each, all hearts came back to a lighter measure, beating rythroe tically and in conscious enjoyment. Decision and Destiny. Pizarro, the con qneror of Teru, in one of bis reverses, was cast on the Island of Gallo, with a few of his followers. When in a starving condition, two vessels arrived from Panama for his relief, and to indnce him to abandon his object. Now came the test of his decision of charac ter, and the determination of bis earthly des tiny. Drawing bis sword, be traced a lino with it on the sand from east to west. Then turning towards the south, "Friends and coni rads," be said, "on that side are toil, hunger, nakedness, the drenching storm, desolation and death ; on this side ease and pleasure. There lies Peru with its riches here Panama with its poverty. Choose, each man what be comes a brave Castilian. , Eor my part, 1 go to the south." So saying be stepped across the line. He was followed by eleven others, and Peru was conquered ! The blood of man should never be shed but to redeem the blood ot man. It is well shed for our family, for our friends, for our God, for our country, and for our kind. The rest is vanity ; the rest is crime. ANOTHER WORD FOB THE UNION. SPEECH OF HON. ASD'W JOHNSON. In the Senate of the United States, on Saturday, July zi, ibi,on the joint resolution approv ing the acts of the President coming up. Mr. Johnson (Tenn.) said he was unwilling to let the Senate adjourn without saying some thing of the present state of affairs. On our" return hero we find ourselves in the midst of a civil war, which seems to be progressive, with not much hope of a speedy termination. It seemed to him that the Government had reached one of three periods which all Gov ernments must pass through. First. They have to pass the ordeal to establish their inde pendence. This Government passed that in the war of the revolution ; next, after having obtained their independence and taken a po sitiou among Nations, then they must main- taiu themselves against foreign powers and foes. This Government passed that orieal in 1812. There is another ordeal, when the Government has to contend against internal foes. We are now in the midst of this third ordeal. The struggle now is whether the Government is capable of maintaining its ex istence against traitors to the Constitution of the country. This is the problem now before our people. lie trusted, and had a perfect confidence that the Government would sue cessfullv pass this ordeal ; but the time has ar rived when the energies of the people must be put forth, and there must be union and concert of action. It bad been argued that if we proceed we will be m great danger of a Dictatorship, acd that the character and geni us of our Government will be wholly changed. It is argued that this is an attempt to change the nature and institutions of the Government. He referred to Mr. Breckinridge's speech. We agree in an effort to change the Govern ment, but differ as to the parties trying to make the change. It is a struggle now wheth er the people shall rule and have a Govern ment based on intelligence, integrity and pu rity of the people. There is an effort being made, and it is the result of a long contem plated plan, to overthrow the institutions of this Government. He referred again to Mr. Breckinridge's speech, when he said that Washington carried the country through the Revolution without a suspension of the habeas corpus; but Presi dent Lincoln could not carry on the Govern ment three months without it. He cited a case during the war of the Revolution, when forty citizens were taken and imprisoned eight months, and the soldiers refused to de liver them up on a writ of habeas corpus, and the Legislature of Pennsylvania commended the officers for the suspension of the writ. lie referred to the case of GeneralJackson at New Orleans, as a precedent for establishing mar tial law in case of an emergency. Had Gen. Jackson refused to put the city under martial law and thus lost the Government, he ought to have lost his head. The President was obliged to act as he did to save the Govern ment, and this is a very unpropitious timo to assail the Government, when armed bands of traitors are actually in the field, trying to overthrow it. The increase of the array and navy was justified by the'great plea of neces sity. But how does the case stand now, when we are called on to support the Government? Who will find fault with the President for do ing just what Congress ought to do 7 Why not come forward and support the Govern ment ? No! The fact is too apparent that we had enemies to the Government here last winter, and in my opinion we have got ene mies of the Government here now that we have got those here who make long pathetic speeches in favorof compromise. But the Sen ator from California, Mr. Latham, showed con clusively that the thing the traitors most feared last year was compromise, and a great effort was made to get out of Congress before the compromise could bo made. ' The argument has been made that the Free States would get the power and then amend the Constitution so as to destroy the institu tion of slavery ; hence the South must not wait till tho fatal day came. Then eight States withdrew, and we reached a point when the Free States had a majority, and the pow er to amend tho Constitution so as to over throw the institutions of slavery. Now, what was done then ? Why, we passed an amend ment to the Constitution that no amendment should be made to the Constitution that would give any power to legislate on the subject of slavery. Talk about compromise ! How can we get any guaranty inoro binding than that? This was done when the Free States had the power, and it places slavery completely be yond tho control of Congress. What more can bo asked ? Why don't the States who talk of compromise come forward and accept this offer? But no! instead of it they pass ordinances to violate the Constitution and take the State out. What else did Congress do when the Freo States had the power 7 They came forward and passed three territorial bills, and none of them had any slavery prohibi tion, and declared that no law shall be passed by Territorial Legislatures impairing the rights of private properly. Can there be any thing more conclusive 7 Now, take this a mendment to the Constitution and the Terri torial bills, and what else is left ot the slavery question 7 Yet the Union must be broken up ! Some are sincere in the compromise, but oth ers como here simply to make it a pretext, in the hope that it will be refused; and then, on the refusal, these States will bo declared out of the Union. A Senator from Georgia once said, "When traitors become numerous o nough, treason would be respectable." Per haps it is so now ; but, God being willing, let them be as many as they please, be commen ded a war against traitors and treason against the Government framed by our fathers, and we intend to continue it to the end. Ap plause in tbo galleries. Now we are in the midst of civil war; blood has been spilled and life sacrificed. Who commenced it 7 Yet now we aro told that we roust come forward and seperate the Union, and make peace with traitors and rebels. Let them ground arms, obey the laws and acknowledge the Constitu tion. Then, perhaps, we will talk about com promise. The best compromise is the Con stitution of the United States. lie referred to Mr. Breckinridge's speech, that it is desired to change the Government, and quoted from Alabama papers that a mon archy was desirable; and from Mr. Russell's letter to the London Timet. lie also quoted the Richmond papers, that said, rather than submit to the United States they would go un der the rule of the amiable queen of Great Britain. He quoted from Memphis paper, which said, if it be necessary, let Ilarris be the King, and the Mayor of Memphis dicta tor, i hat state of things, under the law ot terror, now reigns. Isham G. Harris, King ! King over the State of Tennessee, where lie the bones of the immortal Jackson ! Isham G. Harris King ! J know the component parts oi mat form Isham G. Harris ; and he to be my King my master! Sir, he shall be my slave first. fApplause in the ealleries.1 The Chair stated that on any repetition of in is indecorum, the galleries should be in stantly cleared. Mr. Johnson continued, referring to tho po litical rights of the South. In South Carolina a man must have five hundred acres and ten negroes to be eligiblo to be sent to the lower nouse ol the State Legislature. That would be a poor place for him to get his rights. lie was free to say, if there, he would not be cli gible, and be doubted even it the Senator from Kentucky would be eligible. He quoted from various Southern documents, and con tended that it was plain that the design was to change tho character and nature of the Gov ernment, and erect a great slave empire. The issue is now fairly made up, and all those who favor a free government must stand by the constitution. " The Senator from Kentucky is exceedingly sensitive on the violation of the Constitution, till it seems that the violation of the Consti tution for the preservation of the Government ts more horrible than the violation for its de struction. In all his argument against viola tions of the Constitution, but one word has been said against those who trampled the Con stitution and law under foot. The Senator enumerates various violations of the Consti tution, and asks, why all this? The answer must be apparent to all. South Carolina Se ceded, and attacked our forts, and fired on Fort Sumter. This was a practical act of war, and it is the Constitutional duty of the Presi dent to resist it yet the Senator from Mis souri (Mr. Polk), contends that tho President made the war. Who struck the first blow ? After Fort Sumter had been surrendered, a serenade was given to Jeff. Davis at Montgomery, and his Secretary of State said that no one could tell when the war, this day commenced, wonld end. Then the so called President of the Southern Confederacy issued a proclamation for one hundred thousand men. And yet great com plaints are made here about the President of the United States issuing a proclamation for seventy-five thousand men, and also a great talk about a violation of law. Then this same Jefferson Davis issued letters of marque in vi olation even of the pseudo Government over which oe presided gave permission to free booters everywhere. Then was the President of the United States perfectly justified in issu ing his proclamation of blockado to protect the citizens of the United States. And this same Davis, who owed his education and eve rything to the Government of the United States who won all the honor be ever had un der the Government now, with unsheathed sword, is in arms against it. If he should seize the Capitol, he thought that he (Johnson) would not sleep quiet. hat few nights he had yet remaining would be better protected if he were located in some distant position. But he believed there were others who feel very comfortable. In the last Presidential contest he had supported one of the distinguished sons of Kentucky (Mr. Breckinridge), because he thought that he was a Union man. Where is his eloquent voice now for Union 7 Would to God he was as good a Union man to-day as he (Johnson) thought he was when bo supported him for the Presidency. He referred to the outrages committed on the Union men in East Tennessee, when the State was delivered over to Secession, in de- nance of the people. The State Constitution and law was violated at every step Secession took. He demanded that the Government should protect the loyal men in Tennessee, and give them arms. Tho rebels had even stopped the passes in the mountains, that he (Johnson) should not go back to carry arms to the people of the State. He wanted to carry deliverance to this bravo people who were down-trodden and oppressed. It may be too late ; we niaj' bo overcome ; they may trample us under loot and change our mountains to sepulchres; but they shall nev er drive us from the Union; no, never! The people of the villages and towns love the Gov ernment, but they have no arms. All they ask is that the Government will give them the means; then they will defend themselves. And if finally conquered, we intend to take the flag cf freedom and place it on the summit of the loftiest and most majestic mountain to mark a spot where the Goddess of Liberty lin gered and wept for the last time before she took leave of a people onco prosperous, free and happy. But tho cause of freedom must triumph. Can the American people give up tho graves of Washington and Jackson, and let the flag of disunion float over the graves of those pa triots 7 No ! The people , will riso in their might and grandeur and prosecute the war ; not for subjugation, nor against any of the in stitutions of tho South, but to maintain tho supremacy of tho Government and the Con stitution. This Government cannot, must not, fail. What though the flag was sullied the other , day ? If necessary, purify it. It will be bathed in a--nation's blood. The na tion must bo redeemed, and the cause must triumph on which rests the hope of freedom and a civilized. world. Sir. Johnson closed with an appeal to the Government to save them from the ruin of the most coirupt and direful conspiracy ever seen in the world. CoLtopiox. An exchango advocates its use as follows : Dissolve gun-cotton in ether, and it forms one of the most useful articles for wounds in trees. .With a brush, cover the end of a cutting, or the stump from which it was taken, and in less than a minute its forms an impenetrable skin, hermotioally sealing up the pores of the wound. Laid over wounds, or scalds of the body, it will stop pain, and rapidly aid a euro. It is known to medical men by the name of collodian. Whenever tho skin is removed, it is highly useful, as it forms an artificial skin, and excludes the air. There is no better definition of an enemy to his country than is found in the lollowing words of Daniel Webster : "Any man who hesitates in granting and securing to every part of the country its just ana constitutional rights is an enemy to tbo whole country." , A SOLDIER'S MOTHER TO HER SON. The following motherly letter was written by the wife of a mechanic in New York to her son, who is a worthy member of Col. Ells worth's .Fire Brigade." The many misrep resentations to which that regiment has been subjected touched the mother's heart and called forth the advice which the letter con tains : My Dear Son : I am in receipt of your welcome letter. To be in the irajoyment of good health, along with bard beds and still harder fare, is much better than to be laid up on a sick bed. Dear son, I will give you a little advice; will you bear, as it were my voice whispering to you, as it did when yon were a little child at my kBee, lisping your childish wants, or rubbing your little cheeks to mine, as if to steal the roses that I could a bundantly spare then ? Now listen. You have engaged in a struggle that may bo des perate on both sides. 1 know you are right in the path your treading, you are young, healihy and wilting to run every risk for your cause. You have proven yourself a gook fire man ; now, my dear son, prove yourself a true Cristian soldier. Never look at the quality of your victuals, nor complain of hard beds. The life ot a soldier is made up of privations. Remember the hard bed of your blessed Saviour on the Cross, suffering for your sins, and (redeeming you with his pre cious blood. lie that could command the u niverse, craving a drink of water, when in an swer they gave him vinegar and gall. Yon, my dear son, must season your food with these thoughts. Your country requires your aid ; and as my blessed Mother gave up her son for us, so I give you to sustain the good cause. You have sworn to defend the flag of our Union, and I trust yon will do so with honor, to the shedding of your last drop of blood. Do nothing that will bring a blush to my cheek or to your own, if it should be tho will of God to spare you to return. Obey your superiors with a willingness that may show a good effect upon your comrades. Good or bad examples have each their own effect on a large body of men, and I know you would like to hear your companions praised for their good conduct. Let every thing you do be to the honor and glory of God, to the aid of your country in her need, and for the salvation of your own soul. My dear son, if you could see the tears I shed at this moment as I write this letter, which may be the last I shall ever write or you receive, you would be everything a fond mother could wish to welcome home, should it be the will of God to send you back when the war is over. For want of time, I will conclude by giving you the consolation to know that I pray for you day and night ; your friend9 and neigh bors also pray tor you and the cause you are defending. May you and your comrades suc ceed, is the constant prayer of your fond Mother. The SrtTAN Dead. On the 23th of June died Abdul Medjid Khan, the Sultan of Tur key, after waisting away for some years in an increasing debility caused by sensual life. He was a son of Sultan Mahamond Khan, to whom ho succeded July 2d, 1839. He was born April 23d, 1823, so thaf he was only thirty eight years old, though he had the looks ot a man of fifty. He leaves fifteen living children by his various wives, but he is suc ceeded on the throne by his brother Abdul Aziz Khan, who was born February 9th, 1830, and is the thirty-second sovereign of the line of Osman, and the twenty eight since the cap ture of Constantinople. The late Sultan was an amiable but weak man. In his life and character he was a type of his nation so well described, in its present condition, by the late Czar Nicholas, as "a sick man." lie has main tained faithf ully the superstitions and tradi tions of his dynasty but so far as political and military administration went, he has been a mero instrument in the hands of the great Christian powers of Europe. Turkey, under Abdul Medjid, lias sunk many degrees in the scale of nationalities. England, 1 ranee and Russia have controlled her ; she has become over-bnrdened with a debt for which there seems to be no prospect of liquidation, and is frequently in the money markets of Western Europe seeking loans at a ruinous discount. The new Sultan, of whom little or nothing is known out of Constantinople, succeeds to a sovereignty that is not at all to be envied. Poking Fun at Him. A few of the Wilson Zouaves, tired of waiting orders, made their escape from the camp on Sunday. They went in different directions, and hid them elves in all manner of wavs. A search was im mediately instituted. One bad crawled into the remains of a haystack, and having arrang ed the hay with which he was covered so as not to excite suspicion, he lay entirely and ef- tually concealed, awaiting his chances. But he had been seen to do his work by some boys, who reported his whereabouts to his pursuers, and one of them went sothe haystack to dis cover him. He stamped on the looso hay, calling loudly, but failed to get an answer or to find any trace of the fugitive. Thinking the boys were mistaken, the pursuing soldier left; but taking a second thought he returned, and, after dueTvarning drovo his bayonet into the hay in every direction. After diligent work a noise was beard, and the Zouave crawl ed out. Though the bayouet had grazed him three or four times, piercing his clothing, yet he was uninjured. Ilis coat, directly under bis arm, had a bayonet stab, and there were two through his loose pantaloons. At Facto- ryville, whither he was taken, ho was exceed ingly jolly. "If I bad thought," said he "tho fellow wouldn't have punched at me more than thirty or forty times more, I would havo stood it ; but I thought be would never stop." What disposition was made or him was not as certained. - . - Some years ago, Mr. Kidwell was preaching to a large audience in a wild part of Illinois, and announced for his text "In my father's house there are many mansions.' He bad scarce ly read the words when an old coon stood up and .itii 'I teJt fou folks that is a lie ! I know. Ills, fatuef well: he lives fifteen .miles from.. Lexingtoa, in old Kentuck, in an old lott-eabm. an tne it. ain't but one room in tho house." .- , f4nrfman that everybody likes is generally a tooL -Tbe man who nobody likes if generally A knave. The man who has friends who would die for him, and foes who would love to see him boiled alivey iir Usually a tnaaof soma worthipiqrcg'. ' T FT K ,1 O XT 1? X A T,. SUMMARY OF WAR NEWS. The full Pennsylvania delegation In Con gress met yesterday afternoon, in accordance with the President's suggestion, and recom mended the following named gentlemen for the post of brigadier generals from your Slate : Col. Ileintzleman of Lancaster, f rom tho regular army ; Col. Andrew Porter, ot Lancaster, from the regular army; Colonel William B. Franklin, of York from the rcgu Isr army ; Colonel W. N. Montgomery, of Bucks; Colonel K. II. Rush, of Philadelphia, formerly of the regular army; Col. J. T. Reynolds, of Lancaster from the regular army ; Major Sturges, of Luzerne, and Colonel Mc Lean, of Erie. Every one of the gentlemen above named has had a regular military edu cation, and will reflect not only credit upon the gentlemen recommending them, but also on the Keystone State. This recommendation is not however conclusive evidence of appoiut ment. Justice has not been done in the reports sent hence, to the services of some of our Pennsylvanians in the big battle. Colonel Ileintzleman, Colonel Andrew Forter, and Colonel William B. Franklin, all behaved splendidlj. After Hunter was wounded, Col onel Porter took command of bis division, and did as much as any other man in the whole ar my to save our credit. Colonel Franklin dis tinguished himself also. Other Peisnsy Ivania officers, who acted most gallantly, have been passed over in the reports of the various cor respondents of the eastern papers. The of ficial reports will doubtless do them justice. The reports of prisoners escaped from tho rebel camp at Manassas represent great activ ity there, and evidently some movement is contemplated ; but General McClellan will be prepared for it. The alarm last week is over entirely. The army officers represent tho troops now here as far better fitted for a fight than those engaged at Bull Run last week. General Tyler is particularly sanguine abut his division. The Douglas democrats havo repeatedly mehtioned the fact that although their party has largely contributed volunteers for the war they have been neglected in the appointment of Generals. This complaint is likely to bo soon obviated in part bf the selection of Col onel M'Clerand, of Illinois, a member of the House, as Brigadier General. Gov. Stevens has been appointed Colonel of the Seventy-ninth (Highland) Regiment of New York, which Col. Cameron commanded. Gov. S. was a distinguished officer in the Mex ican war, and stands high as an efficient and thoroughly-trained soldier. His designation to this post is an important acquisition to tho personnel ol our army. Every Pennsylvanian will be glad to learn that General George A. McCall, of Chester county, and General George Cadwallader, ot Pi il'a.will be made major generals for the war. There are today 71 prisoners in the Capi tal jail, the largest portion of whom were ta ken at the battle of Bull Run. INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE. One of our riflemen had his piece carried away by a ball, which struck it out ot his bands, just as bis company was in the act of advancing to storm one of the smaller Rebel batteries. . Unarmed, he sprang forward and threw himself down on his face, under the en emy's guns. A Zouave lay there, wounded and bleeding, out of the way of the murder ous fire. "Lay close lay close, old boy," said the latter to the new comer. The boys'll take this ole fvrnace'nn minnit, and then we'll git up, an' give the Rebels fits again. Three minutes afterwards, the battery was carried, and the two soldiers were in the thick est of the fight again. A Rebel one of the Gcoigia regiment lay with a fearful shot-wound in bis side, which tore out several of his ribs. The life-blood of the poor fellow was fast oozing out, when ono ol our troops dashed forward from out of tho melee, and fell, sharply wounded, close beside him. The Georgian recognized his uniform, though he was fatally hurt, and feebly put out his hand. "We came into this battle," be said, "enemies. Let us die friends. Fare well !" Ho spoke no more ; but his compan ion in disaster took the extended baud, and escaped to relate this touching fact. Father O'Reilly, chaplain of the Sixfy-ninth regiment, states that at the battle of Bull Run, while in the act of administering the last con solations ol religion to a dying rebel soldier, and while clothed in his official robes, be was fired upon several times by the Secessionists One bullet went through his bat, two olhera struck his coat. A party of the Black Horse Cavalry then rode at him, to slay him just as be finished his sacred mission, and it was with the greatest difficulty that he escaped. .Nei ther ho nor Father Mooucy ever carried weapons. An unlucky private in one of the New York regimonts was wounded in this fight, and bis father arrived at the hospital just as the sur geon was removing tho ball from the back of bis shoulder. Tho boy lay with his face downward on the pallet. "Ah ! my poor son," said the father, mournfully, "I'm very sorry for you. But it it's a bad place to be bit in thus in the back." The sufferer turned over, bared his breast and pointed to tho opening above tho arm-pit, exclaiming, "Father, here's where tho ball went i " An artillery man lay on the ground, nearly exhausted from loss of blood, and too weak to get out of the way of the tramping troops and horses that flitted about him. A mounted horseman came toward him when he raised tho bleeding stumps of both bis arms, and cried out "don't tread on me, Capt'n ! See ! both hands aro gone." Tho trooper leaped over, him, a shell broke near by, and the crashing fragments put tho . sufferer quickly out ot bis misery. When Col. Slocnm, of the Second Rhode Island, was wounded, bis men, not supposing it to be moital, crowded around him for fur ther orders, but he died in a minute or two af ter being shot, bis last words being, "Don't wait for me ; avenge my death." And be wa3 avenged. From that instant the Rhode Islan ders made charge after charge, each timo bringing a host of rebels to the ground. One of tho Zouaves was struck by a cannon shot, which tore through his thigh close to his body, nearly severing the limb from the trunk . As be fell, ho drew bis photograph from hii breast, and said to his nearest comrade, "Take this to my wife. Tell ber I died like a sol dier, faithful to my country's cause, and the good old flag. Good bve !" and bodied where he tell." . -1 - i t 1 I s ' '