Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 03, 1861, Image 4

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Anyi(iavohAtl. Pnnnlar irovern
wvukui - r. " a r j
raent does, indeed, rest upon tne consent
thA o-nvernad. but it is UDon tbe consent, not
of all, but of a majority of the governed. Crim
inal are every day poaished and made to o
bey tbe laws, certainly against their will, and
no man supposes that the principle referred
to is thereby invaded. A bill passed by a
Legislature, by tbe majority of a single vote
only, though the constituents of all who voted
gainst it should be in tact, aa they are held
to be in theory, (opposed to its provisions,
still it is not the less operative as a law, and
no right of self-government is thereby tram
pled upon. The clamor alluded to assumes
tbat the States are separate and independent
governments, and tbat laws enacted under tbe
authority of all may be resisted and repealed
at tbe pleasure of each. The people of tbe
United States, so far as the powers of tbe Gen
eral Government are concerned, are a unit,
and laws passed by a majority ot all are bind
ing upon all. The laws and Constitution,
however, which the South now resists, have
been adopted by her sanction, and the right
be now claims is that of a feeble minority to
repeal what a majority has adopted. Nothing
could be more fallacious.
Civil war, under all circumstances, is a ter
rible calamity, and yet, from tbe selfish ambi
tion and wickedness of men, the best govern
ments have not been able to'escape it. In re
garding tbat which has been forced upon the
Government of the United States, Kentucky
sbonld not look so much at the means which
may be necessarily employed in its prosecu
tion as at tbe machinations by which this na
tional tragedy has been brought upon us.
When I look upon this bright land, a few
months since so prosperous, so tranquil, and
ao free, and now behold it desolated by war,
and tbe firesides of its thirty millions of peo
ple darkened, and their bosoms wrung with an
guish, and know, as I do, tbat all this is the
work of a score or two of men, who, over all
this national ruin and despair, are preparing
to carve with the sword their way to seats of
permanent power, I cannot but feel tbat they
are accumulating upon their souls an amount
of guilt hardly equalled in all the atrocities of
treason and homicide that bave degraded tne
annals of our race from tbe foundations of the
world. Kentucky may rest well assured that
this conflict, which is one of sclf-defence.will
be pursued on the part of the Government in
tbe paternal spirit in which a father seek3 to
reclaim bis erring offspring. JS"o conquest, no
effusion of blood is sought. In sorrow, not in
aogertho prayer of all is that the end may be
Reached ' without the loss of life or waste of
property. Among tbe most powerful instru
mentalities relied on for re-establishing the
authority of the Government, is that of tbe
Union sentiment of the South, sustained by a
liberated press. It is now trodden to the earth
under a reign of terrorism, which has no par
allel but in the worst days of the I rencb Kev
olntion. Tbe presence of the Government
will enable it to rebound, and look its oppres
sors in the faco. At present we are assured
tbat in the seceded States no man ezDresses an
opinion opposed to the revolution, but at the
hazard ot his life and property. The only light
which is admitted into political discussion, is
tbat which flashes from the sword, or gleams
from glistening bayonets. A few days since,
one of the United States Senators from Vir
ginia published a manifesto, in which be an
nounces, with oracular solemnity and severity,
that all citizens who would not vote for series
sion, but were in favor of the Union not
should or ought but "must leave the State."
These words bave in them decidedly the crack
of tbe overseer s whip. The Senator evident
ly treats Virginia as a great negro quarter, in
which the lash is the appropriate emblem of
authority, -and the only argument be will con
descend to use. However tbe freemen of oth
er parts of the State may abase themselves
under tbe exercise of this insolent and pro-
Bcriptlve tyranny, snouia tne senator, with
tyranny, should the Senator, with
this scourge of slaves, endeavor to drive tbe
people of Western Virginia from their homes,
r fit 1 - r i. 1 . . 1
x win ouiy ay in hid language ui mu narra
tive of Gilpin's nde :
May I be there to see."
It would certainly prove a deeply interesting
It is true, tbat before this deliverance of
tbe popular mind ot the South from the threat
ening! and alarms which have subdued it, can
be accomplished, tbe remorseless agitators
who bare made this revolution, and now hold
Its reins, must be discarded alike from the
public confidence and public service. The
country, in its agony, is feeling their power,
and we well understand how difficult will be
the task of overthrowing the ascendency thry
bave secured. But the Union men ot the
South believed to be in the majority in every
eeceded State except perhaps, South Carolina
aided by the presence of the government,
will be fully equal to the emergency. Let
these agitators perish, politically, if need be,
by scores :
'A breath can unmake them, as a breath has made,'
but destroy this Republic, and
"Where is tbat Promethean heat,
That can its lizht relume?"
. Once entombed, when will the Angel of the
Resurrection decend to the portals of its sep
ulchre? There is not a voice which comes
to ns from tbe cemetry ot nations tbat does
not answer : "Never, never I" Amid the tor
ments of our perturbed existence, we may
bave glimpses of freedom, as tbe maniac has
glimpses of reason between tbe paroxysms of
bis madness, but wo shall attain to neither na
tional dignity nor national repose. We shall
be a mass of jarring, warring, fragmentary
States, enfeebled and demoralized, without
power at borne, or respectability abroad, and
like tbe Republics of Mexico and South A
ro erica, wo will drift away on a shoreless and
ensanguined sea of civil commotion, from
which, if tbe teachings of history are to be
trusted, we shall be finally rescued by the iron
band of some military wrecker, who will coin
tbe shattered elements of our greatness and ot
onr strength into a diadem and a throne.
Said M. Fould, the great French Statesman,
to an American citizen, a few weeks since,
"Tour Republic is dead, and it is probably
the last the world will ever seo. You will
bave a reign of terrorism, and after that two
or three monarchies." All this may be veri
fled, should this revolution succeed.
Let os then twine each thread of the glori
ous tissue or our country's nag about our
heart strings, and looking upon our homes,
and catching tbe spirit that breathes upon us
from tbe battle fields of our fathers let us re
solve tbat come weal or woe, we will, in life
and in death, now and forever, stand by tbe
tars and stripes. Tbey have floated over our
cradles; let it be our prayer and our struggle
that tbey shall float over our graves. They
have been unfurled from tbe snows of Canada
to tbe plains of New Orleans, and to the balls
of tbe Montezumas, and amid tbe solitudes of
very sea. and everywhere, as the luminous
symbol of resistless and beneficient power:
tbey bave led the free to victory and to glory.
' It has been my fortune to look upon this flag
in foreign lands, and amid the gloom of an
Oriental despotism ; and right well do I know,
by contrast, bow bright are its stars and bow
sublime are its Inspirations. If this banner
tbe emblem for us of all tbat is transporting
in human hope, is to be sacrificed on the al
tars of a satsnic ambition, and thus disappear
forever amid toe nignt ana temper t of revolu
tion, then will I fell and n bo shall estimate
tba desolation of that feeling 7 tbat tbe sun
bas indeed boen stricken from tbe sky of oar
lives, and tbat henceforth we shall be but wan-
j . ...:.u v.... w A
ucremiuu " -i, uufc uiiwu
of sorrow and penury for our lips, and with
hands ever outstretched in feebleness and sup
plication, on which, in any hour, a military
tyrant may rivet the fetters of a despairing
bondage. May God in his infinite mercy save
you ana me, ana tne tana we so muca iuvc,
from tbe doom ot such a degradation !
N o contest so momentous as this has aris
en fn human history, for amid all the conflicts
of men and of nations, tbe life of no such gov
ernments as ours has ever been at stake. Our
fathers won our independence by the blood
and sacrifices of a seven year's war, and we
have maintained it against tbe assaults of tbe
greatest power upon the earth ; and the ques
tion now is, whether we are to perish by our
own hands, and bave the epitaph of the sui
cide written upon our tomb. The ordeal
through which we are passing must involve
immense fluttering and losses for us all, but
the expenditure of not merely hundreds of
million?, but of billions of treasurer will be
well made, if the result shall be the preserva
tion of our institutions.
Could my voice reach every dwelling in Ken
tucky, I would implore its inmates if they
would not bave the rivers of their prosperity
shrink away, as do unfed streams beneath the
summer beats to rouse themselves from tbeir
lethargy, and fly to the rescue of their coun
try before it is everlastingly too late. Man
should appeal to man, and neighborhood to
neighborhood, until the electric fires of patri
otism shall flash throughout the land. It is a
time in which tbe workship, the office, the
counting-house, and the field, may well be a-
bandoned tor tbe solemn duty tbat is upon us ;
for all these toils will bring but treasure, not
for ourselves, but for tbe spoiler, it this revo
lution is not arrested. We are all, with our
every earthly interest, embarked on mid-ocean
on the same common deck. The rrowl of the
storm is in our ears, and "tbe lightning's red
glare is painting bell on tbe sky," and while
the noble ship pitches and rolls under the
lashings of the waves, the cry is heard tbat
she has sprung a leak at many points, and that
the rushing waters are mounting rapidly in the
hold. The man who, in such an hour, will not
work at the pumps, is either a maniac or a
monster. Sincerely yours, J.Holt.
JL mencment of the Seventh Volume. The Pub'
Ushers of The Atlantic Monthly have pleasure in
announcing that the now volume, to commence
with the number for January, 1861. will contain
features of remarkable interest and attractive need.
Among these, may be named, a New Novel, by
Mrs. Harriet Beech er Stowe, author of "Lncle
Tom's Cabin," and "The Minister's Wooing."
A New Novel, by Chas. Keade, author of -Chris
tie Johnstone," "Peg Womngton," etc., etc.
New btones. by Miss Harriet rrescott. author of
'The Amber Gods," and "Sir Rohan's Ghost."
A new Romance, by the author of "Charles Au-
chestcr," and "Counterparts."
Also, contribution in rrose ana roetry, dt Hen
ry W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver
Wendell Holmes, James ltussell Lowell, Kalpn
Waldo Emerson, John G. Whittier, Bayard Tay
lor, Edwin P. Whipple, Henry Giles. Richard B.
Kimball, George a. Uillard, Kose Terry, Kev. lr.
Bellows, Mrs. Fannie Keinble, Charlet E. N'ortor,
Winthrop Sargent, T. W. Uigginson, J. T. Tow
bridge, and other distinguished writers.
Terms 5 i per annum, or 20 cents a number.
Upon tbe receipt of the subscription price, the
publishers will mail the work to any part of the
United States, prepaid. Subscriptions may begin
with either the first, or any subsequent number.
The pottage of the 'Atlantic1 Is Thirty-six cents a
year, if prepaid. lne pages ot tbe Atlantic are
stereotyped, and back numbers can be supplied.
iiuootng Arrangements. cuoacrioers 10 py
their own postage. Two copies for $5; Five cop
ies for 510 : eleven copies for 5-0. Address,
Nov. 23. 135 Washington Street. Boston
Txry -17 4 T T TTAT
Hi A JlU. XKl-JLIv tlliU. AJ U 1 VJT
Formerly Physician and Surgeon to the Bromp-
tonLung Hospital, of London. England, now of
PITTSBURG, Pa., begs to announce to all inva
lids, that owing to the many- solicitations of his
friends, be has concluded to pay professional vis-
Its to the following named places ; and by arri
ving at the day set forth, can be consulted by the
afflicted, both Male and Female, on Diseases 01
the Heart, Liver and Lungs; Cancer, Fits. Scrof
ula, and all Diseases of tbe Blood. Also, all Dis
eases appertaining to the EYE and EAR. PAR
TIAL DEAFNESS, Ringing Noises in the Head,
and Discharges from the Ear, can be speedily
cured by Dr. BORT'S Scientific Treatment ; and
many other diseases that have baffled the skill of
the so-called distinguished physicians.
Corsica. Whitmore's Hotel, Sept. 1st and 2nd.
Brookville, American House, Sept 3d, 4tb,5th.
Lnthersburg, Reed's Hotel. Sept. 10th and 11 th.
Clearfield, Johnson's Hotel, Sept. 12th, 13th.
Bellefonte, Morrison's Hotel, Sept 11th, 15th.
Tyrone City. Mrs. Thomas' Hotel, Sept. 17. 18.
The time has come that all who will can escape
the iron grasp of Mercury, by calling, without de
lay, to see the well known and justly celebrated
Eclectic European Physician, DR. BORT, who
will administer those only true and safe medi
cines, extracted from the most choice Roots and
Herbs, which are prepared under his own super
vision, and therefore avoiding the use of all Min
eral Poisons, which were never designed for the
system, to take wbich many thousand have fallen
victims and gone to early grares.
Remember that Dr. Bort wants no patients but
those fully capable of appreciating and distin
guishing the services of a regular thorough bred
physician, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling
Remember, Dr. Bort's remedies and treatment
are entirely unknown to all others in this coun
try ; prepared from a life spent in the great hos
pitals of Europe and tbe first in the country.
Remember, that Dr. Bort has a more extended
practice than any other physician in Western
Remember, that citizens of education and our
popular men are all well acquainted with, and
take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Bort to
the afflicted.
Remember, that Dr. Bort makes no false repre
sentations to gull the unfortunate, but all he says
will be faithfully carried out.
Remember, that Dr. Bort pays every attention
to diseases ot a chronio nature.
Certificates of Cures may be seen at his respec
tive rooms.
Dr. B. is furnished with over six thousand let
ters of recommendations from some of the moat
distinguished men living. Also has awarded to
him diplomas from some of the most celebrated
Hospitals and Infirmaties in Enropc, for his un
parallelled observations in Diagnosis, and obser
vations in discovering remedies for the cure of
diseases that have heretofore befallen the skill of
many of the medical profession.
An early oall from those wishing to consult the
Doctor, is earnestly requested, so as to reoeive full
benefit of treatment, and thus do justioo to him
self. Time limited.
Please bear in mind when Dr. B. will be In your
place. Persons desirous ot consulting him will
confer a great favor by calling on the first day of
bis arrival, as his Rooms are so often crowded, it.
is utterly impossible to attend to the anxious so
licitations of all. Dr Bort will arrive at each of
the above places on the first train or stage on the
day appointed.
Please extend the invitation to all invalid ac
quaintance and oblige yours, Ao.
All letters addressed to Box 1117, Pittsburg, will
be promptly answered- May 29,1851,.
11 The subscribers
would respectfully inform
the Tavern keepers and others that they have re
cently started a new Brewery in the Borough of
Clearfield, and tbat they are now prepared to fur
nish Beer on the most accommodating terms. They
have employed an experienced Brewer, from the
east, and they feel confident that they can supply
a superior article of beer. Give them a trial and
judge for yourselves.
The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaw's Row, in the room recently
occupied by H. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces tbat be is now ready ana willing to make
Coats, Ptrntalootis, Vests, ire., for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, if tbey prefer it. By
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, be ex
pects to secure a liberal share of patronage.
Jan. 18.1360. WM. RADEBAUGH.
BIBLES. Tbe Bible Society of Clearfield 00.
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fee of James Wrieley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a-
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had aa low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low aa fii cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
(Society. Signed Dy oraer 01 tne r-xecuuve torn
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. President.
aJ CARRIAGE TRIMMER, Located at, A. H.
Shaic's Mills, oiu mile East of Clearfield Boro"
Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and
adjoining counties, tbat be is at all times prepar
ed to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair
Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes,
one of which is a Folding Mattress, suitable for
Cabins on Kafts, which can be lolded in small
compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure;
and very cheap. He also trims Carriages, makes
repairs to all kinds of carriage trimming and Up
holstery, and makes cords or Masons tracing lines,
of any thickness or length. Country produce,
corn husks, or cash taken in exchange for work.
Orders left with any of the merchants of Clear
field Boro . will be promptly attended to. jana-b 1
V movals always cause excitement, and since
the great excitement about the removal of the
Court House has subsided, the community gener
ally have become somewhat excited upon hearing
that Charly Watson has determined to pull up
stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest
cause of excitement is the fact that I have lemov
ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite
the Court House to my new shop on Market street,
nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor
me with a call can be supplied with Saddles, Sin
gle Harness, Double Harness, Tug Harness, Bri
dles, Collars, Whips, Halters. Housings, Breech
bamls, Side Straps, and in fact every article in the
line of Saddling and Harness making. inanKiui
for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed
I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from
as many new customers as can make it suit.
M.JL A Benevolent Institution established by spe
cial endowment, for the relief of the sick and Dis
tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic dis
eases, and especially for tbe cure of diseases of tbe
Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by
the acting burgeon, to all who apply by letter.wita
a description of their condition, (age, occupation,
habits of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme pover
ty, medicines furnished free of charge. V aluable
reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of
the Sexual organ, and on tbe New Remedies em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in
sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or
three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad
Jress. Dr. J. Seillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon,
Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth St., Phil
adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors.
Geo. Fairchild, Sec. Oct 21, 1860-ly.
BITTER S. The proprietors and
Manufacturers of Hostctter,s Celebrated Stomach
Bitters can appeal with perfect confidence to phy
sicians and citizens generally of the United States
because the article bas attained a reputation here
tofore unknown. A few facts npon this point will
speak more powerfully than volumes of bare asser
tion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of
Uostetter's Stomach. Bitters for the last year a
mounted to over a half-million bottles, and from
its manifest steady increase in times past, it is ev
ident that during the coming year the consump
tion will reach near one million bottles. This im
mense amount could never have been sold but for
the rare medicinal properties contained in the pre
paration, and the sanction of the most prominent
physicians in those sections of tbe country wbere
the article is best known, who not only recommend
the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all
times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all ca
ses of stomacbicderangements and tbe diseases re
suiting therefrom. This is not a temporary popu
larity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way
of trumpeting tbe qualities of the .bitters, but
solid estimation of an invaluable medioine. which
is destined to be as enduring as time itself
Uostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a God
send to regions where fever and ague and various
other bilious complaints have oounted their vie
tinis by hundreds. To be able to state confident
ly that the 'Bitters' are a certain cure for the Dys
pepsia and like diseases, is to-the proprietors a
source ot unalloyed pleasure, it removes all mor
bid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood
and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys
tem, giving it that tone and energy indispensable
for tbe restoration or health, it operates upon
thestomacn, liver, and otber digestive organs.
mildly but poweriuiiy, and soon restores them
to a condition essential to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature.
Elderly persons may use tbe Bitters daily as per
directions on the bottle, and they wilt find it a
stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining
years, as it is pleasant to tne palate, invigorating
to the bowels, exoellent as a tonic, and rejuvena
ting generally, we bave evidenoe of thousands
of aged men and women who have experienced
the benefit of using this preparation while suffer
ing from stomaou derangements and general de
bility; acting under tbe advice of physioians
they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and
fairly tested the merits of this article. A few
words to the gentler sex. There are certain pe
riods when their cares are so barrassing tbat many
of them sink under the trial. The relation of mo
ther and child is so absorbingly tender, that the
mother, especially u she be young, is apt to for
get her own health in the extreme anxiety for her
infant. Should the period for maternity arrive
during tbe summer season, the wear of body and
mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a
necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the ener
gies of the system, and enable the mother to bear
up under ber exhausting trials and responstbili
ties. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bit
ters to all other invigorators that receive the en
dorsement of physicians, because it is agreeable
to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent
increase of bodily strength.
All those persons, to whom we have particular
ly referred above, to wit : sunerersfrom fever and
ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, in
digestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or de
rangements of the stomach, superanuated inval
ids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing
mothers, will consult their own physical welfare
by giving to Hostetter s Celebrated Stomach Bit
tera a trial.
Caution. -We caution the public against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ak
for Hostetter's Celebrated Stomaeh Bitters, and see
that eacn Dottie nas the words "ir. J. Hostetter's
Stomaou Hitters blown on the side of the bottle
and stamped on the metallio cap covering the cork
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. Br repar.ed and sold byUostetterSr Smith
Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers,
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada, south Amenoa, and Germ an v.
Agents Geo. W.Rheem and CD. Wat, n. Clear
field ; John Patton, Cnrwsnsville ; D. Tyler, Hos-
ton : r. K. AFBCid. ijntbersnarg. Oct 34, '60
flHEEKE ! A large lot of superior Cheese
J for sale by WM. IftWJJt Clearfisld, Ti
Irvin's Corner Store,
Just received at the "Cornar Store"
a complete stock of
Customers will find
The asssortment varied, and the prices reasonable.
Curwensville, April 10, 18C1.
for sale low for cash,
At the "corner store" in Curwensville.
At Irvin's "corner store," Curwensville.
For sale vert low, at Irvin's Corner Store.
A quantity at the Corner Store.
Jadies will find at the Corner Store a
complete assortment of Dress Goods of all
descriptions, such as Tartan Plaids, various
styles; Persian Twills, Printed Cashmeres,
AH Wool and Printed Delaines (in variety,)
Plain (all wool) Delaines and Merinos, all col
ors, Debege, Coburgs, &c, in variety.
An hand a large stock of Mens' and Boys'
Clothing, of all descriptions. Seal-skin, Bea
ver and Cass overcoats. Gents'Shawls. Fino
Dress cloth and Cassiinere business Coats
Pants, and Vests ; over shirts, over-alls, un
der clothing, &c, ttc, a complete stock.
proceries, a large stock on hand, (selling
low,) by the quantity or retail, call and see
them, and satisfy yourselves.
pents dress Hats, and staple llats and Caps
ot all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all descrip
tlons selling now lower than ever.
"Donnets of all descriptions and the
newest styles, at Irvln'a Corner Store.
Tadies' Gloves, Gauntlets, Nubias, and
new style Wool Hoods, in great variety.
11oth8t Doeskin Cassimeres, Faucy Cassi
meres and Vest ings, in great variety.
Juffalo Robes of all sizes and prices, and
Sleigh-bells, Whips, &c, at tho corner.
dlery, Sole and Upper Leather, at the corner.
j-Etr WORLD and Noble Cook-Stoves, and
Nine plato Stoves for sale, very cheap.
QRINDSTONES of the best quality, and fix
tuies, for sale at the "corner store."
JglGIIT-DAY and 24-honr Clocks, of all si
zes, styles, and prices, at the corner store.
QUM COATS, Pants and Boots, a large as
sortment, for sale at Irvin's corner store.
JAILS, Glass, Paints, Oils, &c, &c, for sale
very low by the quantity or at retail.
QUSTOMERS are invited to call and exam
ine our goods, as we are satisfied that an ex
amination of goods and prices will induce
persons to buy. E. A. IRVIN.
Curwensville, Pa., October 17, 1860.
SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue
to manufactara Wagons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also, Wheelharrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, Ao., made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms.
June 29. 1859. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
JJ amine and rednoe the large stock of Dress
Goods, just received at . MOSSOP'S.
ALT a good article, and very cheap at the
store of WM. F. IRWIN. ClarM
A PRIME LOT of fresh Drugs just received
and opened at HARTSWICK'S.
niTE 25INC, ground in Damar Varnish.
in z in cans, at HARTSWICK'S.
LOUR A good artiole lor ! at tha sloreof
Ijaaioj wac. r. WWII. Clearfield.
M. niLLS, DENTIST. Properattention te
to me teeio in SSVt?FTli-S3-
proper time, will bea
great asssstance to ev
ery one, in point of
health, camfort, and
Dr. Hills can always
be found at his office,
on the corner of Front
and Main sts, when no
notice to the contrary appears in the papers. All
operations in tbe line of his profession performed
in tbe latest ana most approved styles, and guar
anteed for one year against all natural failures.
Clearfield, Pa., October 10th, I80O.
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting
of Pain Cttrer; Restorati re, a great cure for colds
and cough ; vaaAnti-BUtou Physic. Tbey have
been thoroughly tested in this community, and
are highly approved. Try them.
-bTbLASTERING The subscriber having lo
MT cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield,
would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from nlain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner, and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1858. EDWIN COOPER.
undersigned having taken tho Luthersburg
Hotel, situate in tbe town of Luthersburg, Clear
field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat
ronage. The house has been re-fitted and newly
furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared
to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate.
- The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear
field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all
who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks,
Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be
bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron
Clearfield, Pa., Mvy 25, 1859-ly.
struction upon the Piano, Melodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Terms For pupils under six years old, $5,00,
for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old, $10,00. for seventy-two
lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at tbe beginning sad the
balance at the end of the quarter.
Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils.
Studied alone. $3.00 per term.
Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's.
Oct. 1,1860. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher.
containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26. plank house 16
by IS, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large springand spring-house con
venient to house. The land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
ores 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land bas a log house and stable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. L. J. CRANS. Clearfield.
IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscp's.
IK you want fine ground Zinc, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop's
IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Cloths, go t Mossop's
IF you want Fancy Cassimetes, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Black Cassimeres, goto Mossop's,
IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto Mossop's.
IF you want superior Cassi nets, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Sattinets, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Bonnets, go to Mossop's
IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mussvp's.
IF you want good French Chintt, go to Mossop's.
IF you want French Ginghams, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mossop's
IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to Mossop's.
IF you TVjul u. ooi Undershirt, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Coats, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Neck tie. go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's
IF you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Boots, go to Mossop'g.
IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossop's!
IF you want Boys' Coats & Pants, go to Mossop's!
IF you want Children's Shoes, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Msssop's.
IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good colored Muslins, go to Mossop's.
IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mosscp's.
IF you want fashionable Hand'ks, goto Mossop's.
IF you want cotton Uandkerchiefs.goto Mossop's,
IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mossop's.
IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossop's
IF you want UmbrellasAParasolg, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Table Oil Cloths, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Floor Oil Clxh, go to Mossop's.
IF you want new School Books, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Hardware of allkinds,go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Hay Fork, go to Mossop's
IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Willow Baskets, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Manilla hemp cords, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossop's.
IF you want excellent Dried Beef, go to Mossop's
IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superiorWhitebugar. go to Mossop's.
IF you want the best Rio Coffeo. go to Mossop's
IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossop's
IF you want good Young Hyton, go to Mossop's.
IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop's.
IF you want exoellent Rice, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's
IF you want good Tallow Candles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mos.sop-'a.
IF you want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop's
IF yon want superior White Fish, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossop's,
IF yea want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's.
IF you want old Monongahela, go to Mossop's
IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's.
IF you want " for Medical use, go to Mossop's.
IF you want " " Sacramental use.go to Mossop's.
IF yon want good Cherry Brandy goto Mossop's.
IF you want good Sweet Wine, go to Mossop's.
Clearfield. Pa., April 27, 1859. ' '
LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes Brandy,
Port and Sherry Wine, Nectar Whiskey and
Holland Gin at HARTSWICK'S.
BOOTS and Shoes of every kind, for Ladies,
Gentlemen and children, at
septia Reed, Weaver & Co's.
t. , lotah woe of N. T. Cb. ,
J sale at tha store of rM. F jSS?'
IUNGKR1CH & SMITn, WholesaleT"
No. 43 North Third SeeU PhilXphir"'
invite country merchants to their (itoti l, V
of goods in store, and solicit tbeir oustoa pf
ces moderate. September? ian ',
, .wwy-typ
RIttil 1,, BAlKDsCO., IMPORTER. .
Jobbers in Dry Goods. No. 47 North W
Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' Sept 25 '6?
jso. west, n. s. rutu
JOS1AH auo,,
PA. The subscriber baring purchased tK
furniture and interest from 11. II. Morrow, inilu
House, is now prepared for the reception of tit"
sient and permanent boarders Every deptr
ment connected with his etabliihmnt will b
conducted second to none In the county. JJ,
pectfully solicits a share of public patronaire
July 11, 1860.-y. GEO. N. COLbCRt
The undersigned adopts this method of i
torming tbe public, and the patrons of the lit,
firm of S. A.Gibson A Co.. thut be dei?ni .
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in
fonte, in all its various branches, aixi win boU
himself always in readiness to lurnish than j
call upon him. with all kinds of Cenufry IT,.
of the latest classical desigus, and superior work'
tnanship. such as JlTonummtts. Box Tomis, Cm
rile Tombs, Spires, Obrlisi. Grecian Tomlt, Ta
ble Tombs, Head Stones. Carved. Sculpturii f
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than tlsy otn
had at any other establishment in the countrr
Thankful for past favors, the undorgigned lie'u.
an increase of patronage. WM. GAIlAijAt
Bellefonte, Pa.. March 23. 1869-tf.
Are you ikk, tM,
complaining? Areyooooiof
ordt-r, uitli your mit-m 4
ranged, and jour fci-liugt un-coiuforUtl-U!
TUfse tTHip.
t-Miis ar often th prelude la
seriuus illnew. Sum (it of
sickrjt-i is cro-piug Bn rdu,
mid fihouM ! avcrtrd by a
timely use ut Ui rilit rem
edy. Tak Ajer's l'iU, w4
ck-nnee out tba disordered kn
uiurs purify tli Llood,ud
let tu 11 ui J muTe on nnoU
Btructed in lieKlt i-un.
They stiiniilnts 11m fnocuoen
of the body into rleorotu Ac
tivity, jiurify tin ayntcai froa
tlio obstruction! uliicu mult
dincnse. A cold ttlH soimpk ht-e lu the body, ud ut
tructs 1U natural functions. TUivte, if itut rvifcved.
react upuii themselves and the irr.Mindiiij orrru, pro
luring general acirravati.m, unlfriing. siud (Uum.
While hi thie condition, opprwwed ty tho det-suigenieet.,
take Ayer'a fills I'0 J'iectly they reetore tbe
natural action of the isyatin, and with It the Wjti.i
fettling of health again. What is true and so apparent la
IhU trivial nud common complaint, 1 alo true in mur
of the d-fv.-Rted and dangerous diierupr. TUe mum
purgative effect exMU tlieui. Cand by aiiutUr oUtrec
tioiu and deraiignninnts of the tuitnial function of tk
bodv, Iliey are rapidly, und niany of them surely, cured
!r t he same nieaui. None who know the virtue of the.
I'iiia. will Neglect to employ them wheu lulTerius tioti
the disorder they cure.
fctal.-m-nu from leading phyaKlaii In aoiue of tl$
principal cities, and from other well knuwu pulIk pit
on. Fi-mt a Forwarding 3ltilntt if St. J.ouit, fib. i, liV.
Pa. Arra: Your 1'IIla are the jiaragon of all that b
grwit in medicine. Thoy have cured my little dnusliKr
of ulcerous sore non linr hamU and fot that had proved
lururatile for year. Her nther koa been Ions x
oukIv afKirted with IdotcliM and pinipJ on her akin aM
in her hair. After our child was cured, alie al triv-l
your rills, and they hare cured bur.
Aa it Family Phyale.
From Dr. f. W. itrtvrright, -Vie Orlmmt.
Your I'lHe are the prlnre of purg.-. Their evcellei-l
qualith-e surpass any cathartic we iomom. Thoy are
mild, but very certain and effectual in tlieir ectl'.n on the
towels, which makes them InvaluabU to ut lu the dally
Iroatnitnt of duoase.
Headache, Sic kHendache, Foul Stomaeh.
JYmh Dr. Kdto-ird lliyd, liaUimn.
Dr vallHO. Atkb: I cannot answer you vihat compUluu
1 have CMre-l with your I'liU bttr limn to ay all Ikat
trtr treat with apuryitire medicine. I place great dp.
dtrnre on an effHctnul cathartic in my daily contet ifh
disease, aud believing a 1 do that yonr PHI afford w tie
beat we hare, I of counto value thetn highly.
Pjttsbcbo. Pa, May 1, 1W.
Pa. 3. C. Atkr. Fir: I bave been repeatedly cured of
the worst kradatjt any Iwdy can have by a doe er tee
of your Hlls. It seetns to arise from a fcttl (tutnach,
which they cleanse tit ouce.
Yours with great respect, EP. TV. PKEHtf,
Clerk nf Stejmer I'orvn.
Billons Disorders Liver Complaint.
Dr. Tlieoilore lk1l, JVVw York Ctf.
Not only are your Pill admirably adapted to their pur
Inwo an aperient, 1-nt T find tlwir twnollcial effect iiion
the IJvor very marked indeed. Thcf bnv in lny pi-tii-
proved umro effectual for tho crre of Miout v
plaints than any one remedy I can luenlioii. 1 liacerdT
rejoice Uiat w have at length a purgative which i ur
Uiy the confideuce of the prok-ku auJ tbe people.
DrPARTJitirr or Ti:t IxTiwoa, 1
Washington, V. C, Tth b 18M.
Six: I have used yonr Pills in uiy peueral aud hoaplul
practice ever since you made them, aud cauuot hesitate te
euy they are the best cathartic we em loy. Tbeir rrcu
laliug action on the liver Is quick and decided, cot
queutly they are an admirable remedy for derangement
Of thnt organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a case of
bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily y Wd k
tbeiu. fraternally Jours, AUl.Zv BALL, M. 1),
11ytteian nf tin JAina HVif.
Dysentery, Dlarrltoca, Relax, Worms.
'-o Dr. J. G. Oreen, f VSicox
Your Pills bave had a long trial in my practice, sd I
bold them in esU-em as one of the best aperients 1 !'
ever found. Their alterative effoct uiui the liver m!"
them au excellent remedy, when given In small dote
Villous it y tenter y and diarrhoea. Tbeir tigar-cnUJ
makes them very acceptable and convenient tor tlx M
of women and children.
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
Drum. Jiev. J. V. llimes, Iistiir Advent Church, lhs
Dr. Area: I bave used your Pills with txtrsyrdinr;
anccuss in my family and among those 1 am called to ''
in diMrees. To regulate the organs of digeti '''
purify the blood, they are the very Lett remedy 1 li'
ever known, aud I can confidently recommend tli
tny frbjuda. Yours, J. V. lllHtS
Warsaw, "Wyoming Co., N. Y.. Oct. 2L 1
Dia Sta: 1 am using yonr Cathartic Pill in uij I"'"
tie, and find them an excellent puriflillve to cleans
system and purify the fntmtains of Ott i-'ec'.
1 JOHN tl. MtACIIAM, M. D-
Constipation, Cottlrcn, Suppression.
Klietimatlsiit, Uont, A'euralgia Drop
ay, l'aralyala, Kits, etc.
From Dr. J. J'. Vaughn, Ju(m l Cjmi-?
Too much cannot be said of your Pills fc-r the "'r"f
cwtinrmw. I r oilier of our fraternity have found tli
as efficacious aa I have, they should join me in proflaiav
Ing it for tho benefit of the multitude who suffer fro"
that complaint, which, although bad enough In-iuell.
tho progenitor of others that are wor. I believP
tivmest to originate in the liver, but J our Pi!U affect
organ and cure the disease.
Fmm Mrs. F. Stuart, Vhytkian and Sl. Jxifr, Hott
I find one or two large doses i.ryonr Pills. Ufce n st !
proper Illue, r excellent prnnuaives of the mrMiw "7T"
lion when wholly or partially ioippre., and
effectual to ilninse tho s.'omncA aud xj tl v.i. l"'?
ure so much tho- lie-it physic we have that I rccouiu'"
no oilier to my patients,
F.otn Oic Ilfv. Or. lfiuJ.es, the Shthndist fit. rhmth.
Pri.ASKt IlorsF, Fav.intiiili.fi.i. Jan- f
H..oii: m : I should be uiitjrnt-fid f M
voir i-kill has brought me if I did not reort any r"
you. A odd settled in my limtaaixl hnmslit ""j.
riating tieura'aic paius, which ended in r'nahie rh""'.
sw. Notwithstanding 1 had the bi-t of r-T".H"fBj
disease grew W(re and work, until by tho ''v,t"J (
excellent nsent in l'altiuioro, !r. Mackenzie. 1 11 , ,
Pill. 1 1.Hr effects wne slow, but sure. By per' m.
lu tho use of them, I am now entirely well.
Sr.xiTE CmMia, ratn Rouge, Iji- 5 Per'''' J
Tin. Arm : I have bean entirely cured, by your '
I,hritmtic (uia. painful disea that bail n'.f.V,
lor year. YIXCKST vhLU
arS-M.wt of the Pills In market ront'
which, although a valualde remwly in skilful
dangerous in a public rill, from tho die""1 ,eft
ournres that frequently follow Its Incautious ro.
contain no mercury or mineral substance whatever.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for
Preparad by Sr. J. C AYES It, CO., Lowsli, K
Sold by C. D. Watson, Clearfield; E
Curwensville; Sam'l Arnold, lutiersburr. '
Cbase, AnsonvUle; J. C. Brenner, Morri.
R. Foster, Pbilipsbnrg, and daUrs UfBV-
Lowell. Ma?i . January 23, 1661-ly