JLU t N if 4 it 1 i THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 12, lbQl. "Raftsman's Journal Office," on Sec ond Floor of Graham's New Brick Building, on Market Street. "" "- -: " Appointed. James E. Watson, has been appointed Postmaster at Williams' Grove, in place ofE. Williams, resigned. Chaxged. Tbe Post office in this county, heretofore known as ''Woodland," is now -called "Williams' Grove." Correspondents And others, will please' make a note of this -change as it may save them and their friends ome annoyance, on account of delays in cor responding. : -' ' ' . Another Company. A company called tho "Pennvillo Union Guards" was organized by 31aJ. S. C. Patohin, on the 8th instant, in Penn township, Clearfield county. Tho following jiro tbe officers elected ; John II. Rowls, Cap tain ; D. S. Moore, 1st Lieut.; James Clark, .2d Lieutenant. . Dk. Bout. This celebrated Physician, has arrived and will remain for a few days only. See appointments. We cannot speak in too great a praise in reference to the skill of Dr. B., as hundreds of the most prominent persons hive beuu relieved, that have been abandoned .by others. Give him a call, and vou will be pleased with his manner of dealing. ''His (Toomsare at the Mansion House. . ". Boards Ris Orr. We have been informed that on tho night of the 5th and 6tli of June, :8ome unknown person or persons, floated off between 3000 and 4000 feet of pine boards be longing to John B. Hugueny of Covington town ship, which were lying at Deer Creek landing. On making search the boards were found ii charge of 'James Curley atKaithaus landiug, w ho was arrested and held to bail for his ap pearance at the next term of the Quarter Ses sion of Clearfield county. . Warn: to tub Soldiers. The following atom on the subject of writing letters to those who have gone to serve their country, is from the Harrisburg Telegraph, and worthy ot con sideration : We would urge the wives, moth ers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and even tho sweethearts of tho soldiers, to write to the boys. Wc knov from experience how sweet and pre cious is a good loving letter from home, breath ing affection and telling tho family and neigh ;borhood news. We, ono of us, no matter who, have served our country in war, and wo know that there is nothing a soldier prizes so highly .as a letter from home. It is a little thing to write a letter, and yet nothing gives more hap piness to the absent loved one. Militart Parade. In pursuance of notice .given, the several companies of this county .met at Clearfield Borough on Monday the 10th day of June, for inspection and drill. The following uamed companies were present; Susquehanna Hangers, Capt. J. M'Quilkin ; I'enn Guards, Capt. J. II. Rowls ; Washington Guards, Capt. J. "Rose ; Clearfield Rifles, Capt. M. Ogdon; Centre Hill Guards, Capt. J. Shope; llollin Infantry, Capt. T.J. M'Cul lough. In the afternoon an election for Brigade -officers was 'held, which resulted as follows: Brigadier General, M. Ogden ; Colonel, J. MeQuilkin ; Lieut. Colonel. L. J. Crans ; Maj. J. VT. Wallace. The following appointments were also made: Adjuteut, G. H. Lytlu ; Surgeon, Dr. FcUer ; Ast- Surgeon, Dr. Pot ter; QturtorMaster, D. T. Sharp. The parade passed off in good style, and all seemed well pleased. Vice la Mililaire. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE J0TJENAL. Philipsburo, June 18G1. Mr. Editor: Some twelve or fourteen years since, a company was formed for the purpose o! boaring a Salt well at tho Forks of the Clearfield Creek ; and which, under a skil i til and energetic contractor, Mr. S. G. Wilson, was carried to a successful termination, by finding Salt water at a depth of five hundred and forty eight feet passing through a vein of Kennel Coal of superior quality, at a depth of fifty three feet below tho surface, and va rious other stratas of valuable minerals. The means of thecoinpauy here became exhausted, and the hork has been abandoned, till the present time. As tho well was carefully plugged up, it can easily be reopened; which it i proposed to do at an early day. The same contractor, Mr. S. G. Wilson, is now actively engaged in sinking a well at Phil ipsburg, for a company of the citizens of that plaee, as there are very strong surface indi cations that oil may be found there ; but, on the failure of which, it is proposed to sink tiie well to the Salt measure, which is believed to bo at a depth of six hundred feet below the imrfacc. The numerous natural salt licks in the neighborhood, renders it entirely cer tain that Salt water will bo found, if the well is sunk to a sufficient depth. ilr. Wilson will keep an accurate table of lie difFerent stratas passed through, which my be of some Interest to the readers of tho Journal. His operations thus far have been through common earth for a depth of ten feet, 'hea a rock was struck similar in appearance to common grindstone, through which the au gur is now passing at the rate ot ono or two teet each day. Beneath this, it is believed, a vein of slate will Jbe struck, and then a vein of coal, which will correspond with the forma tions observed in sinking water wells in the vlUae. Keeosixe. I.or Tirpv ' A Aft A ft r all thn ooasting of he rebels, their 'Confederate Man" ha tu,t been taken. Witness the fol Jowing notice from Hie Jackson Mississippian : 'ttearo authorized by the Treasurer of the Confederate States to re-opea tiio books for -ubseripiion to the Confederate Loan. The Commissioners in the different counties ar requested to solicit additional subscrip ts. wre appeal to patriotic citizens to cotnj forw ard and invest in this most desirable stock. Coir.e one, eowe all." James D. ewart.M. B. Havocs, E. li. Burt, Central , 0n,m'ssioiier8." Those books will probably re-opened" frequently. ' It is understood that General Scott dieap rrovegof sending a force to land at Acquia t nt ' not eeming it a point of sufficient im i'ortanco to risk any number of men. e Government has sent a quantity of te is t?b Wiro acro" tha ri"er. Tbe intention rj ' nP communication with tha War Ttttmcntas the troops advance. HE XT. AT.L'SIDEl. . : : Below wc publish the views of the German town Telegraph, a neutral ami strictly inde pendent j-iuai!, on the subject of tho alleged frauda committed in the State military de partment: ' -T ' ' Sxeaki.scj Treason. Certain newspp'T n this State, whose sympathies are" all with the insurgents now striving to break r.p tho U nion, having been obliged by stern public seu timent to modify their hitherto rabid course, now resort to the pitiful business of attempt ing to weaken the government and array op position to it, by huuting up and printing every little occurrence which might seem to exhibit negligence or inattention to the com fort of the troops. These are magnified and commented on savagely, as showing crnelty toward the troops, of whose interests they as- some to take exclusive possession ! They will not consider how impossible it is that, say in Pennsylvania, where this most unnatural war was suddenly forced upon us while in a whol ly unprepared state, that we should, in the space of three or four weeks, accomplish mir acles. No doubt some of the rations of the troops havS not been as full and as good as they should have been and they are entitled to; and we are willing even to admit there may have been a few wretched" creatures who have speculated afad peculated upon the wants and comforts of the bravo men : neverthless we venture to say that in nearly every in stance of complaint on this head, their own of ficers were the blameworthy party. Many of the quarter masters of regiments and sergeants of companies have had no military experience, and some of them, m other respect mcompe tent for the posts they fill, have not devoted themselves to tho important duty of feeding their men in the manner and to the extent de manded by the regnlationsr. As to tho uni forms, only a comparatively small number of tho aggregate body of troops supplied, have just cause to complain. Some of tbem, we know, were not only badly made, but of very unsuitable material. But there is even some excuse for this, in the hurry they bad to be got up. There was not at all times sufficient material of the right quality and color attaina ble at the start, and upon some lots very young girls were set to making up, who knew very little about sewing. It seems that the Fourth and Fifth Pennsylvania Regiments were thus supplied, as has been reported by an agent sent by the Governor of the State to examine into the matter. But if Col. Harlrautt and Col. McDowell, who command these regiments, had refused this clothing, and not have march ed until other of good quality had been provi ded, this complaint would have had no founda tion. We have no doubt, however, that there will soon be an end put to this kind of wretch ed jobbery. As to rations, wo shall always hearcoaipUiiiU, for which thoro will, occasion ally be grounds, as there are plenty of Shy locks, who, like the thieves of the south on a larger scale, will not hesitate to plunder wherever they can lay their hands. Mud-Sills When tho Senator of South Carolina, striving to degrado the laborer of of the JS'orth to the level of the slave of the South, called him a mud-sill of society, ho did not consider that within forty-eight hours more than a million of " those against whom the degrading epithet was launched, many of them better educated and moro intelligent th;tn himself, would be reading and digesting the insult. It has produced its fruit. "I am a mud-sill" is now a common expression of thesoldiers who fight for Liberty. "Mud-sills" rankle In their bosoms, and in the hour of battle will strengthen their hearts and nerve their arms. The epithet was well chosen by Senator Hammond to express the contempt of the in-gio aristocracy for the laborers of the North. "Mud-sills" well indicates the degra ding position, socially and politically, in which they will bo placed if Southern ideas are to govern this country if the Rebel States are to prevail iu this contest. This the far mer aud the sailor, the blacksmith and the lumberman, the shoemaker, the hatter and tho weaver, know full well. It is these con victions aud tho insults which the aristocrats have heaped upon them, which have mad-' Ibis contest almost personal with them. 'Mud-sills !" The insolent taunt is worth ten thousand flr-hp" mn. Desperate Kentucky Scheme. Tho Lou isville "Journal," of tiie SOtli uit., published two letters disclosing a desperate -chemo to precipitate Kentucky into secession by tho aid of Tennessee. It appears that cannon, ri fles, muskets, and Kentucky soldiers have been sent to Union Cily from Paducali. U- nion City is in Tennessee, near tho Kentucky border; and according to the plot as develop ed in tho "Journal," it seems that the Con vention of the First Congressional district, to meet at Mayfield, is to hurry through a seces sion ordinance, when the disunionists of that District, with a strong military force at May- held backed by a far stronger lennessee mili tary force at Union City, w ill strike for dis union. The !Jo;uidl" says : "Here is a case that call loudly for the immediate and vigor ous interposition of the authorities of Ken tucky." Thatportiou of tho State-bordering on West Tennessee is the hot-bed of traitors in Kentucky, and a strong United States force thrown into Paducah would prove the best Union preservative, as well as tho advance guard of a much needed line of fixed bayo nets right straight down to rebellious Memphis. The Dying Worl3 of Senator Dougeas. Tho Chicago Tribune says: For, a long time previous to his death, Senator Douglas had been in a semi-conscious condition. During the morning of his death his mind and ener gies rallied somewhat. As his devoted and loving wile sat at his bedside, soothing and easing with those tender words aud ac tions which only a woman Ciin employ, she asked the dying statesman if he had any mes sages to send tp his boys, Stephen and Jlobert. He seemed at first not to hear tho question, and she repeated it. Kallying his strength, his eyes kindled up, and his wholo frame seemed to' dilate, as he answered: "Fc Tell them to obey the laws and support the Con stitution of the United States." A short time alter, he desired to be raised, and his w ish was complied with, so that he might look out from his window once more, upon that city which had loved and honored him so long. One of his friends expressed a doubt as to the ease of his position, when he simply replied, "he is comfortable." In his dying moments he faint ly articulated "Death, death, death," and his great soul bad passed away. District Jcdoes. The United States Dis trict Judges are not all sound or true men, and the story is current in Washington city, that a few of them are even tainted with treas on. One or two have refused to .administer the new oath of allegiance as imposed by Con gress, while others in administering tho oath, leave out the woids, to "boar truo allegiance to the United States," the same traitors alleging that there are no United States in existence, and therefore such an oath would be false and illegal. This extra official declaration should be tested, and the result reported to the Pres ident for his immediate action. Traitors In the army traitors in the navy and traitors on the bencheu. When are they to be banished T When, are they to be punished ? So lar as the Government is concerned, the plaua of tiie campaigu are property concealed. The -Latest-XewsJ i:i Received by TuesdayEvening's Mail. Washington, June it. A special dispatch from Washington reports tho arrival, of the steamer Mount Vernon from Fortress Monroe. Tho passengers report that the. entire town of. Evansport,"eleven miles above Acquia Creek, was in flames. The property in the town is principally owned by Union men. This town consists of a saw mill that suspended opera tions long since, an unoccupied dwelling and a few shanties, the population comprising somewhat less .than . a .dozen negroes. We have a report of a skirmish having occurred at Hampton last night, between a picket of Col.Duryes' regiment of Zouaves, and a par ty of rebels. The pickets were driven in, when the Zouaves made a dash at the rebels, capturing 100 tnuskefs. : The enemy fled be fore any prisoners could be secured. Austria, while dissatisfied with and protest ing against the appointment of Mr. Burlin gamo on the ground of the speeches made by him in Congress on the raising of the grade of the Sardiuian mission, gives equally warm as-, surances of her interest in tho welfare of tho Lrnion, and her determination togive no coun tenance to tho rebels who are disturbing our peace and prosperity. The Union sentiment is gaining ground rap idly in tho neighborhood of Fortress Monroe. The steamer Quaker City, while on recon noisanco on Friday, when near Cape Henry threw a shell into an aid frame building. A bout thirty armed men ran out, mounted their horses which were concealed in a thicket, and scampered off. France, it is said, is open and above board in her expression of friendship to the Feder al Government, and in her determination to support the nation as it is in every proper way It is given out here, on apparently the best authority, that the late dispatches from Eu rope are of the most favorable tenor. Washington. June 10. General McDowell's command w ill fully occupy the attention of tho rebels at Manassas Junction, ' while-the three columns are enclosing Harper's Ferry. This advance will not have beeu made a mo ment too soon. Maryland has been left to her own devices too long. A messenger from Gov. Hicks has been hero warning the Ad ministration of the perils that menance tho Capital from the disloyal province of which he is nominally the Chief Magistrate. He represented the ease with which the enemy at Harper's Ferry could assail Washington through Frederick City and Baltimore, with the aid which they would bo sure to receive at both places, and begged the Government to beware of" an inroad that might cut off com munication with the North, and transform i half converted State into an open rebel. Maryland was -the vulnerable spot through which they intended to deal Washington and the country a terrible blow, and this week is the time at which that blow was to have been struck. It is said that 10.000 men will be on the march in time to co-operate in the movement Harper's Ferry will fall in season to emphasize the, action of the Wheeling Convention, which meets on Tuesday. Fifteen delegates are to represent Eastern Virginia and the valley. The 2nd Michigan regiment arrived here early this morning. Several of the members report mat in the neighborhood of Baltimore stone? were thrown at them, when shots were fired at the rioters and one was killed. A Question for the Briti-su Cabinet. Sun- pose the four millions of blacks in the South ern Ktates fake advantage of the present crisis -r. i a 'general rising against their masters, stealing their property, their funds, their pub lic buildings, &c, afrer the manner of the se cessionists; proclaiming the right of revolu tion, and their intention of founding s black republic will the British government treat them as "belligerents" We pause for a re ply, and expect to wait for it a long time. The following is a pamplc of tho numerous let. ters constantly receiving tor Hostetter's Stomach Bitters: Caxanoaoca. July 13, ISol). Messrs. Ilostettr.r iV Smith Pittsbur;, Pa: Gents: As wo are strangers. I herewith enclose yon twenty-eight dollars for four dozen Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which please forward via Michi gan Southern Railroad. Toledo. Ohio, and Clay ton Station. I have purchased several dozen bot tles at Toledo this Summer, but the sale is on tho increase so much that I wish to open a direct trade with you. I was induced to try your Bitters by my physician, for the Liver Complaint, and re ceived such material aid that I have recommend ed it to others and hve sold about two dozen per week for some time. I have all kinds of medi cine in my store, but there is none that I can so cheerfully and truthfully recommend as your Bit ters, for I know they have helped me boyond my expectation. Yours ro spcctfully, Tuilo Wilson X MARRIED: On May SOth, by Wm. Forter, Esq., Mr. C R. Maci-mber of Lawrence tp, to Miss Carrie Ross of Clearfield Borough. At Rural Cabin, June 6th,. by Rev- II. Moore, Mr. Daniel S. Kephart, to Miss Lc cinda Parsons, both of Decatur tp. June the 8th, by Wm. McKee, Mr. George Spanolee, to Miss Nancy Bloom, both of Woodward tp. DIED: At Black Earth, Dane co. Wisconsin, on the 30th day of May last, Mary, wife of George Baty, formerly of this co. LOOK OUT!! A lot of State arms still be ing in the hands of different persons in this county, I hereby, request that tho same be imme diately delivered up or suits will be brought for their recovery. They can be left with Captain J. Dowler, at New 'Washington, or Captain T.J. McCullough in Clearfield Borough. S. C. PATCHEN, May 22, 1S61. Brigade Inspector. FOK SALE. A good two-horse wagon with box, for sale very low. Apply to George W. Hex, New Millport, Clearfield co., Pa. Mar20-p."'( HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Pa . Professional businoss promptly attended to. c IIEESE! A large lot of superior Cheese. for sale by WM. F. IRWIN Clearfield, Pa. B EST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the new storo ot U rah am, Boykton t Co. niLOUll. A lot of good flour on hand and for V sale at MERRELL fc BIGLER'S. F LOUR A good article for tale t the atoreof fjaniej i- mv. tlearaeia. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against receiving or trading for certain two promissory Notes given by the subscribers, to Andrew Clear of Decatur township, dated the 15th April. Eaoh celling fur 22,50, as we have recaived no value for the same, and will not pay them unless compelled by law HENRY (1LESON, Kylertown. May 29. 18ftl-3tp. SAM'L CRAMER. TEAD OR ALIVE Was lost in the vicini- ty of Philipsbprg. about the 1st of December last, a very large black ilonnd, Laving red feet, long black ears, short turn-up nose, a red spot oyer each eye, and a moveable lump, about the Eize of a chestnut, on tbe top of his head. Five dollars will be paid for anv information of vrhcrc-abouts-either dead or alive. D. E. PENDLETON, May 22,186 l-3tp. Smith's Mills. Clearfield co , Pa. TYTOTICE. Books will be opened for subscrip X 1 tions to the stock of the "Madera Bridge Com pany" on Thursday June 13th, at Madera. Per sons desirous of taking stock in said company, can-have the opportunity of doing so, at the time and place designated. . SAMUEL SilOFF, W. B. ALEXANDER. JAMES 11 EG ARTY, SAM'L HENDERSON, JOHN BEYER, CIIA'S J. PUSEY, HENRY HEGARTY, Madera. May 29, 1361-1 tp. Commissioners.- ON HIS OWN TIOOK! JOIIN GCELICII CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes to inform -his old friends and customers, that he is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business, on "his own hook," at his old shot on Market "street, nearly opposite tho "old Jew Store," where he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that maybe wanted in thi3 section of country ; con sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common T 11'-:.: , ,,r , . . . , s. . . - uurcaus, n nung ana wasn manas; uemre, 17 in ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com mon Bedsteads; Sewice Stands, Ac Ac. He wil also repair furniture and chairs, in good style cheap for cash. House Painting done onshort no tice, and easy terms. Now is tho time to buy at reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thins r , ft . . i i . r . in inj iino 01 Dusmess ar me cheapest casn rates. Walk in and examine the articles on hand, an jiulgc for yourselves, of tho quality ond finish. Country produce received in payment. April 13. 1859 JOIIN GUELTCH N. IJ Coffins made to order on short notice, anr funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro priate accompanyments. when desired. J. NEW DRUG STORE. The subscribers have opened a full and com plete assortment ot ) It U ii a in too new brick building of Dr. Woods, on tbe corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield whore they will at all times be happy to accom modate any person whomay desiro articles in their lino. The business will be confined strictly to a DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION BL-'SUNEoS, and no pains will bo spared to render satisfaction Dr. M. Wood3, the junior partner, may always be found and consulted in tho '-Drug ctore," wben not absent on professional business. A separate room for consultation is attached to the is to re where patients may b examined privately. Evory articlo usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced prices. 1 rrms being strictly Cash will en able them to oiler inducements in the way of prices. l'bysicians will be supplied at a small porcnt age overcoat and oarriage. Their orders are solici ted. Every article sold will be pure and of the best quality. WOODS & BAHKE1X. Clearfield, Pa.. February 13. 1861-tf. 13EGISTEK'S KOTICE. Notice is here A by given, that the following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in tbe Borough of Clearhelu, commencing on the Third Monday of June, lttol. for continuation and allowance : Tee account of Jesse Button and Mary L. Kelly, Administrators ot all and singular tbe goods and chettels, rights and credits, which were of James M Kelly, late of Glen Hope, Clearfield county Pa. The Testamentary account of Anges M. Gill, Fxecutor of the last will and Testament of George Gill, late of the lownship of Bradford, in tho county ot Clearfield, deceased. The final account of Joseph Lines, Administra tor of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of William M. Briaben, late of the Township of Brady in tho county of Clearfield, deceased. The account of William Feath, Administrator of the Batata of Simon Stewart, late of Linn coun ty Iowa, deceased. Final account of Joseph Patterson and John Patterson, Administrators of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Abraham High, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, deceased. - JAMES W RIG LEV, Register. Clearfield. Pa., May 15, 1881. CJEJII ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Clearfield county Bank, May 6th, 1S01. ASSETS. I.I AISll-tTlES. Capital Stocks paid in t24,yM 00 Kotes in circulation. - 6s?12.rt00J " 10s 8,480 ( 21,030 00 :i An.16 ,'Cl 21.200 Duo Banks of this Stato 53 97 " not of ' Due Depositors 8.510 16 Total anrt of Liabilities. $35,657 SI this beinz the srreatest am't Dividends declared (none) Gold Si 36S 00 I Silver 5S5 89 ( ? 4.003 fi') Notes and Bills discount 19,361 3:5 223 19 PersT Propt held bv Bank Ileal estate " (nouol '; " taken for debts fnone) Undivided profits, (none) Pa. Stato stock (par value, $25,300) Duo from Banks Ac- 21.358 75 4,!KS3 VI 3.185 00 , 517 00 764 75 SO'J Notes of other Banks Checks Drafts Ac, Expenses plates Ac, Loss and expenses Interest and exchange Liabilities of Directors as 1,113 18 principal Dr. 3.500 00 Liabilities of Directors as endorser 4 055 07 Liabilities of stock holders as endorser 8.525 97 Liabilities of stock holders principal 4,000 00 555,657 31 $55,657 31 The above statement is correct to th heat of mv knowledge and belief. J. B. GKAIIAM, Cashier. oworn and subscribed before me this 18th May 1361. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Proth'y. JMPO RT ANT CIIANGE OF LOCATION! GltAIIAM, BOYNTON A CO., Desire to inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have removed their store to the NEW BRICK BUILDING recently erected by James B Graham, Eso.. on .Market street, Clearfield, where tbey will be pleas ed to accommodate all who may tavor them with a call. Their stock consists ot a general assort ment of the very best Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARD-WARE. CUTLERY, QUEENtVWABE, CEDAR A WILLOW WARE. BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, DRUGS, PAINTS, AC, AC. Thcirstock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets. Tweeds, Vesting, Muslins, Tiding, Checks. Calicoes. Chintzes, Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De Laines, Cashmeres, Sills, Plaids, Shawls, Brilliants. Ilosieru. Gloves, etc.. r.tc. Also, a ereat variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters. Misses and Childrens Shoes; Mens', Boys', and Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large selection of useful notions, amonir which are Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy . Soaps, Pens and Pun-holders. Combs, Ifc, - together with many other uneful notions, all of which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange for approved country produce. As their stock is entirely new, and purchased on-the most advanta geous term 8, they feel confident that they can sell goods to the . advantage, of the buyer. Step in ana examine for yourselves, before purcnasing. elsewhere. Remember tbe new store is the place?' Mar 27, 1SSI. GRAHAM, BOYNTON i CO. HARTSWICK'S DRUG & VARIETY S T O HE, MARKET STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL. The undersigned will h:iveconstantly on kar.d a well selected stook of Drugs. Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco end Segars, Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti cles, which ho will disjiose of cheap for cash. He invites the public td call and cxnmino his stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Med icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea sonable rates. J. G. II ARTS WICK. Cloarfiold, Pa. December 12, 1SC0. Ql AAA REWARD !! 1VW be paid for ny OljUUU Medio ns that will I'zccl , COLBERT'S BALM IN GILEAD !!!! For the Quick cure of Headache, Toothache, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Pniu in the side, Back or stomach, Painters Cholic, or Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, sprains. Bruises, Diarrhoea, and Soro Throat, aud all similar com plaints. Toothache ou red in ten minutes. Earacho cur ed in five minutes.- Headache cured iu ten min utes. Burns cured from smarting in two minutes. Neuralgia pains cured in five minutes. Cholic cured iu ten -minutes. Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in fivo minutes 100 Cases have been cured bv ono Agent, in a single dav! EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. Try it ! Try it ! ! Try it ! ! '. Try it ! ! ! ! Price 25 and 50 cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Agents, and ono wauted in every town, also tew good traveling A gents. Ail orders and coimnunications should be addressed C. S. COLBERT A CO.. 123 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. Health and happiness to tho sons and daugh ters of affliction. These things wo prove on tbe spot and before vour eyes, only bring on your cases. Philadelphia, May 1, ISlil.-Cm. FAST, WEST, NORTH, AND SOUTH, tho people arc notified of a Fresh Arrival of Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just receiving and opening, a largo and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter Good? of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS, of the latest and mostapproved styles ; also a grea variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of Roady-made Clothing, Hats and Caps Bonnets and Shawls, BOOTS AND SHOES, A GREAT VARIETT, HARDWARE, QTJEENSWAEE, Drugs and Mediaines, Oils and Paints, GROCEUIES, BEST (JUALITV, FISnyRACO AND FLOL'U, Carpets and-Oil-Cloths ; all of which will bo sold at the lowest -zaen or ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to call. ' Wm.F.IRWIX. Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 1800. N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEERED F. IEVI2T. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril they enterod into pytnership in the mercan tile business in Curweusville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der tho namo and firm of John A J F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in eenenil that thev hive received from the East and opened at tho old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to tho wants of the community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a larjre assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, of tho latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stoeH of tbe most fashionable READ-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit tho times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in huC examine our ttock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds ot goods. at as low prices and on ns reasonable terms as you can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial. JU11.M fit VIA. May 3, I860. JERKED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call and settle. may 30 NSONVILLE RIGHT SIDE IP Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT SWAN AND HARTSHORN'S, At their Old. Stand in Ansonvillo. The subscribers havejust returned from the east with a large and woll selected assortment of FALL ASD WINTER G 0 0 D S consisting of a general variety of the very best CLOTHS, CASSIMERSS, SATTINETS, Ac, and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, for men and boys, for winter wear. Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and children, together with a good stock of Bonnets and Shawls. They have also a good assortment of Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac. They also keep always on hand a great variety of USEFUL NOTIONS, such as arc wanted in every family. The above named articles, and everything else in their line, Will bo sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Give them a trial. SWAN A HARTSHORN. Ansonville, Pa., October 24, 1S60. THE BODUGGER. rilHIS wonderful article, just patented, is sorae- I thing entirely new. and never before offered to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Full par ticulars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK, March b, ibiil-ly. Jliddeford, Maine. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALE, extending to the mouth of the Moshannon. An disable property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of. - . II. BUCJIER SWOOPE.' Deol9-tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa A LARGE ASSORTMENT of colored paints dry and ground in oil, in 1 pound cans, just received and for sate at HARTSWICK'S. FLORENCE White and Fiareooe Liauid. just received and for sale at HARTSWICK'e. PHOFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CAEBS. O. CROUCH, pHVSiriAN,Curwcnvillc,Clr- fiold county, Tonn'a. May 1 I J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Knt F.stat J. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining hu residence, on Second strf ct. May IP "7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorucy t Lw. V Clenrfield, Pa. Office, one door north cf iL Post Ofice, on Second street. . Srpt 1. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. fcd District Attorney.) Olearfkld, Pa. Onice in Shaw'a new row, Mrket street. - May 2fi. T17 ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law Ckar- field, Ta. OC00 the same that was formerly occupied by Hon. G. R Barrett. scptj'i-3 HBUCHEll SWOOPE.lorTeTat Law.C'.far . field, Pa. Ofi!c in Graham T R 3f, ore dior east of tho 'Raftsman's J onrnal' oC-ce. Nov 10. FRANK SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop on Second street, tnearlv opposite Reed and Yv caver's Store.) Clearfield, P"a. May 4, lSJS- T A- FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market si.. JX. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. Collection! made ond money remitted Apr27"i'J. "1T7ILLIAM F. IRWIN, Market 'treet. Clearfield. Y Pa.. Dealer iu Foreigu and Domestic Mer chandise: Hardware, Queensware. Groceri. ud family articles generally. Nor. 10. JOHN Gl'ELICII. Manufacturer of all kind- -t Cabinet-ware, Maiket street, ClcarSeid, P. He also makes to order Ct-Gins. on short notice, nnd attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,"at). DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers hii professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoiu ing townships. Residence wilh J. D. Denning iu Kylertown, Clenrfield county. May 11, ISi'j. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Malrcr, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac Hoom in Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite fh llaf'ts mau's Journal cflicc. Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10. JB M'ENALLY, Attorney nt Law. ClenrCeld. . Ph. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. Nor. 1. r) ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and IX i roestie Dry Goods, Groceries. Fkur, Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Rom, on Market streM, a few d-jori west of Joitnttl Office , Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LARRIMER A TEsT, Attorneys at Law. Clear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all leg.tl and other business entrusted to their care in Clenr field and adjoining counties. August t, liii'J. JAS. II. LARKIXER. ISUAKL TEST. mUOMAS J. A WILLIAM M. M'CULLOUGH, I Attorneys at LawK Clearfield. Pa. Of&ce ot. Market 8trcet, directly opposite Richard Mosaop's store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. JOIIN RUSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Curriers. Pennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. KeepcousUutly on hand an excellent assortment of leatiier, which they offer for sale at the lowest cush- prices. Hides of all kiuds taken in exchange Julyl DR. JEFFERSON LITZ. having located at Gra hamton. Clearfield" county. Pa., will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted ti his care. He may at all times bo fohnd at his of fice Or at tiie res'd'ence of J. B. Walters, when nut professionally engaged. March 13. 1861 . JOHN IIUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land ?J Surveyor, offers his professional services to tho citizens of Clearfield county. All business en trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully n acuted. He can be foundat the banking hou.e of Leonard, Finney A Co! Sept. 21, 183'J. DR. M. WOODS, tenders hirprofcssional servi ces to the citizens of-ClearficM and vicinity. Residence on Second street, bppoite'the office of L.J. Crans, Esq. Office, the-same that was recenl ly occupied by Hon. i R. Barrett, where Lectin be found unless absenton piofessional business. DENTAL CARD: A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All optr-at ions upon tha teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements ho L pr pared to make crtificial teeth in the bet manner. Office ia Shaw's' New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 16. - J. CJ,. IIARTSWICK, . CIAN AND SURGEON, CLEARF!ELI,rEX.N''A'- 1 P H Y S MAVjO. I PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constant! on hand at his store room iu Philipsbiir Cprstreyeounty, a full stock of Flou-r. llaiui Shoulders; fc'Je, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac AIj, Li quors of all kinds, Tobacc, Segars, Snuff, Ac; alt of which he offers to purchaser on tho most ad vantageous terms. Give him a cali. and try hi artie'les. mar2ll ROBERT LLOYD. "jVTEW STORE. The subscriber has opcnel ; ll new storo at Williamsville, Clearfiel liuuuty, ?a., where ho will keep constant! v on h.ind a gen eral assortment of DltY-tiOODS, GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, which bo i!l tell for cash, or exchange for Timber, Boards, Shin gles, Grain, Country Produce. Ad Ho will be pleased to have aa hiio wish to purchase any i the above articles to give him c-ill. JAMES E. WATSON. Williamsville. April 3d. lol-oii. jgANKlNti AND COLLECTION OFFICE LEONARD, FINNE1" & CO. CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange. Notes nnd Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collectionsinrule. and proceed j promptly remitted. Exchange on tho Cities con stantly on hand. Offico, on Sororrd street, in tha roo S lately occupied ly V. . A. alluce, l-.sd. James t. leovakd. ::::'::::: d. a. nrr. wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. fi.ixey. JpiLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES I!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; LIQUORS OP VARIOUS KINDS, Tobacco, Segars, Ac, FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Merrell fc Eiglcr-'s building by Feb. 27. 18H-tf. K B. MEKRELL. CHAIRS !! CHAIRS I.!. CHAIRS!!:!', fl OW IS THE TIME TO EUY !! !! Tho undersigned has now on hand, at his Furni ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Litz's foundry,, a largo stock wf CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a very superior, manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His long experience iu the bu siness makes him feel confident that his chairs an mado in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will Btand tho test of trial. Terson? wishing to purchase chairs should call at once and get them while they can bo had at the lowest rates. Feb 27. JOHN TROUTMAN. TIIE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will b nnened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday. August 2uta. Terms, per ses sion of eleven weeks : Orthosraphy, Reading, v riting, Primary Arrth: metio and Geography, S2.&H Higher Arithmetio, English Giaiiiiuur, Geogra phy and History. 2,00 , - Alcrebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Baok Keeping, S4.00 Latin- and UreeK languages, oo.ov To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil receivad for less than halt a session and no deduotion except for protracted, sickness. Tuition to bo paid at the cloe of tho terra. my30 C. B. bAM'rUl'D, t rincipul. I!' ' i ' f TT