Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 05, 1861, Image 3

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"Raftsman's Journal Office," on Sec
ond Floor of Graham's New Brick
Building, on Market Street.
sNOTICE. The members of the "Clear
ri. Ji ...... AUV'ftUWB -
. P Ali'nf loaintinn . And all Oth-
field Relief Association." and all o
.;tiiena of Clearfield, are earnestly requested
AJ t a iioowitinv uf
meet at the Town II all, on this evening, (Wednos.
jay June 5th) to take measures for the payment
cf the Recruiting expenses for the military service.
Lost. On Sabbath last, either going to or
from the grave-yard, a small gold breast-pin
belonging to a lady. .. The finder will confer a
favor by leaving it at the Journal office.
Court Continued. An agreement having
been entered into by the members of the Bar,
to continue all the criminal and oivil business,
r-neither the Grand or Traverse juries will be
required to attend. Parties bound over, will
have to appear and renew tneir recognizances
and Constables make their returns as usual.
fJnDET's Ladt's Book. The June number
pT this excellent monthly reached us in time
put the notice was forgotten in tho excite
went of the times. We presume, the Book"
has lost none of its interest by this delay, as it
is still the great favorite of the ladies through
out the land, and is increasing in popularity
every day.
A Rex Off. On last Saturday, four horses
attached to a wagon belonging to Mr. Hugh
GalUhcr of Indiana county, became frighten
ed whilst standing in the street in this place
and ran away. After running around several
aquares at the top of their speed, they were
brought to a halt by coming in contaot with a
tree, having during their perambulations sue
cceded in breaking the hind axle of the wagon
and tearing the gears considerable.
Important to Teachers. It is officially an
nounced by the head of tho School Depart
merit that "County Superintendents are in
it rue ted to grant no certificates after the first
Monday in June, 1861. without an e-xamina
tion into the theory as well as the practice o
teaching ; and to mark the proficiency in both
in the certificate, according to the same scale
(from one to five) with other branches," Por
ficiency in the theory is to be tested by exami
nation ; and skill in the practice by observa
tjon in the school room,
Raftsmen Hangers. We publish-below the
resolutions passed by the 'Kaftsmen Rangers,
at Camp Curtin, with a lull list of too names
of the officers and members of the company
appended thereto. This company was form
ed in Curwcnsville, on the first call fur volun
teers, and at once proceeded to Camp Curtin.
Last week .they were received into the regu
Ur service on the 3 years requisition, and will
probably bo sent to the oamp at Cbarubersburg
At a meeting ol the Haftsrncn Rangers, held
May 80th 1861, tho following preamble and
resolutions were adopted without a dissenting
voice: Whereas, we deem it but justice to
those having authority over us, as well as to
ourselves, to correct erroneous impressions
f our situation in Camp Curtin, and desire to
present to our friends a true statement of our
condition as a company, jiieretare, be it
1st, TUat the rations supplied to this Camp
are in great quantity and excellent in quality ;
and, that as soldiers, our expectations of camp
comforts are more than realised ; and we here
by tender our thanks to the commanding of
fice-of the camp, and those acting under his
immediate ' supervision, lor the ellorts they
have made, and are now making in our behalf.
2nd, That we are fully satisfied from assu
r.inccs given us, that Gov. Curtin and those
acting in connection with him, are making ev
ery reasonable effort to have us fully equip
ped, and well armed, ad soon aa it is in their
power to do so.
3rd, That our. thanks aro due to Gen. John
l'atton, and to others uf our citizens, for tho
active interest they have taken in our welfare,
a well as to the Ladies in Ilarrisburg, whose
attentions to us have been marked, and whose
rallies, were the list not too long, we would
gladly mention.
4th, That we hereby express onr contempt
for the former members of our company, who
left U8 between two days ; and take this oppor
tunity or informing them that their places are
supplied with men, who know and appreciate
the duties they owe to their manhood and to
their country. W ith this notice thev pass
from our thoughts, and we corn mend them to
the consideration of the citizen of Curwcns
ville. 5th, That we enter upon our duties as sol
diers, with a full sense of the responsibility of
me solemn oatu we nave taken ; and as men
who are enlisted for a term not exceeding three
years or during the war. We pledge ourselves
to Gght in defence of our flag, until its scarry
lolds float proudly from every fortress and. city
in the confederate States.
'jth, That a copy of theso resolutions be
sent to the "Raftsman's Journa," and "Clear
field Republican," lor publication.
KtwARD A. ' Ievis, Captain.
W.- R. Hartshorn, 1st Lieutenant.
Jaucs M. Welxh, 2d Lieutenant.
ra. Addleman,
John P. Bard,
R J. Bard,
Cortes Bloom,
Ehos Bloom,
Isaiah Bloom,
Zach Bailev,
lilies C.Billis"
- M. Clark,
Arthur Conner, '
A. J. Cupples,
51. Curry,
I'm. Conklin,
; U. Chatham,
JVm. S. Cummings,
John II. Coulter,
Abraham Carson,
Manning Dunn,
A- II. Frant,
(sracl Freeze, X
! SI. Glenn,
fortoo Granger.
1'pwu Hoover,
v n. Haney,
Jan.es ITenry,
Js. K. Henry,
fhn W. HasiJt
Lorenzo D. Hile,
?'!. Hall,
''"""a Honitter,
James nm, . . '
frl Holcomb, I
- Kratzer, . .
? Kratrer! '
John Lemon.
S. Frost Littlefield,
John Moyer,
Peter C. McKee,
R. G. McCracken,
Geo. W. McDonald,
N. A. McCloskey,
Davjd McCulIough,
Isaiah McDonald,
Ephraira Morrow,
A. J. Montony3,
Samuel Mortimer,
Charles II. McCrnm,
Hiram McCjenahan,
C. P. Mason,
John II. Norn's,
R. B. Pettingill,
Peter Pifer,
James F. Ross,
Samuel Reed, -R.
J. Rex, . ; '
John Rish, '
Alex. Robertson,
Thomas Riley,
Porter Smith,
Wm. II. Spencer,
Philander Smith,
Jos, G. Spencer,
D- E. Straux,
Daniel Shaver,
Joseph Shirk,
' George P. Scott,
Peter Spargo,
T. J. Thompson,
George W.Taylor,
Wm. T. Wilson,
John II. Wilson,
D. F. WilHartjs.
Thanks. Capt. J. Shopc ol the Centre Hill
Guards, (which met at Williams Grove on
Saturday the 31st.) hereby tenders the thanks
of his company to James E. Watson, for the
excellent dinner which was prepared for them
on the occasion. Jim is a gentleman, and
a clever fellow ; and, we have no doubt, en
tertained his guests in a creditable manner.
'lprnr.r.iRT Th hmi Fdurnvrt Tiofnr
J-J V . v - -' . V A-' w a, j
5th of May, in. the absence of the family, and
robbed of clothing and jewelry to the amount
of thirty Dollars. And, on tho night of the
8th, the house of IT. B. Wright was entered
through the window, and a valuable watch,
hat, and other articles were taken ; amount
ing to the value of fifty Dollars.
Ageiccltubal Society. All persons desi
ring the continned success of our Agricultural
Society, will please take notice that a meet
ing of the Society will be held in Clearfield
on Tuesday evening ol court week, being the
18th day of June. The managers, and Vice
Presidents, arc particularly requested to at
tend, as arrangements will be made for hold
ing the next annual Fair. By order of the
President. D. F. Etzweiler, Sec'y.
Dr. Bort. We would apprise our readers
of the fact that this celebrated Physician will
visit this place and remain from the 12th to
the IGth of Jnne. Dr. Bort, by close attention
to the details of his profession has won for
himself a reputation second to none in his line
Thousands of certificates of the must aston
ishing cures are in his possession, bearing ev
idence of his superior skill in the treatment
of all diseases of the eye, ear, and lungs, and
other diseases iucident to the human frame
Many persons who are suffering, hesitate to
apply, fearful that they may not be confiding
in a thorough practitioner. None need lor a
moment hesitate to repose the utmost conn
dence in the skill of Dr, Bort, whose long and
successful practice, is a positive guarantee
that he fully understands the character of the
ninny diseases which afllict humanity, and is
able by his system to relieve and cure the
most complicated as well as cases of the long
est standing. Men of the highest respectabil
ity have been under hs treatment, and where
others have failed to aiionl them relief, he has
almost invariably proved eminently success
ful. Sufferers will therefore, not hesitate to
call upon him, and altera careful examination
(free of charge,) will undertake your case
with a certainty of success.
A Massachusetts Woman bTnrrpED And
Flogged. On slive plantations woman are re
garded 4s chattels when bought and sold,aud
as animals when flogged. Th unstere dt-cen
cies which paganism observed in its better
days, are there set aside. A chapter in Mr.
Olmsted s last book on the bouth, shows how
he was accidentally witness eta scene, one of
the constant necessities of plantations, but set
dom encountered by travelers a woman strip
ped and flogged, tveaie never surprised n
hearing cf an' brutality or barbarism toward
the slave woman, nor need we now be astonish
ed at similar violence offered to the free white
womeu by Southern mobs, inspired by the
Montgomery leaders. e consider it, there
fore, no. subject for special wonder or indigna
tion to learn, as we do, through the Syracuse
Journal, nn jjie authority ot Dr. Martin .Mc
Queen, a native of Boston, of such an instance
Dr. McQueen was forced to quit Min Antonio.
Texas, for his loyalty to the Union. The dav
before he came away, he saw a woman from
Boston, Massachusetts, stripped naked in the
public streets, tarred and feathered, and rode
on a rail around the public square, with a Se
cession flag on each side, a crowd conducting
the orgies. 1 he same week Charles Sanborn
of Haverhill, Massachusetts, and Francis Kid
der of Lawrence, Massachusetts, were hanged
by a mob. The crime of the three was attach
ment to the Union.
The Battists. On Wednesday Afay 29th
the great Baptist denomination of the North
declared their sentiments, in Convention, in'
reference to the present conflict between our
Government and the disunion conspirators.
The declaration is from the pen of the. Rev.
Dr. Williams of N. Y. city, and is drawn up
with all the care and elegance for which "that
gentleman is so distinguished. Perhaps it
was its very smoothness which caused some of
the leading ministers m the Convention to de
mand a more explicit condemnation of the
guilt of treason against the Government as the
true expression ot the sentiments of Northern
Baptists, thus demonstrating that they mean
all that the document sets forth, and not a few
of them would have gone much further. The
report and resolutions were heartily adopted,
and the President of the United States imme
diately apprized of the fact, that, if the South
ern Baptists had forsaken him in the hour of
trial, i he Baptists of the North a body exten
ding its branches throughout New-England,
New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania and the
great West, embracing in its communion vast
wealth and influence, as well as great nworal
and Christian strength wjll stand by him un
til the rebellion has been rooted out.
Something NEw.--Tiie caputre and impris
onment of hostages is nothing new, certainly;
but the rebels have discovered an original way
of managing it. Ordinarily a belligerent par
ty thinks it necessary to lake its prisoners from
the eneiqy's country ; the Secessionists, how
ever, with tho valorousdjscretion which marks
so many of their acts, are sei?ing their own
citizens and making prisoners of them. Thus
we daily bear that the Virginians have cap
tured other Virginians, and are holding them
till they see what the U. States will do with the
rebel cavalry caught the qther day in Alexan
dria. This is an eminently safe proceeding,
and commends itselt to the Southern spldjers.
'! Picayune Butler." Some idea of the
stuff published in the rebel newspapers and
palmed upon their ignorent readers as genuine,
may be had by the following clipped from the
New Orleans Picayune, one of the most noted
papers in the South : "All the New England
troqps now jn Washington city are negroes,
excepting three or four drummer boys. Gen
eral B. F. Butler, who commands them, is a
native of Liberia. Our elderly readers must
recollect "Old Ben," tho barber, who kept his
shop for so many years, in Poydras street, and
then emigrated to Africa, with a small com
petency. This General Buth2r cf .Lowell, is
his son.
AoRicrLTCRAL prospects in Europe aro not
favorable. A London paper says : "All agri
cultural reports, except those from the South
of England, are most gloom v. : The trees are
loaded with blossoms, but the cold nights and. I
tho blighting northeasterly winds prevent the
blos3oms from Betting." In France, too, there
are the same complaints. The yne growers;
uiivip:ue & yaw, vintage.
lie Latest News.
Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail
Washington, June 3. On the 1st, whilst
company B 2d Cavalry, of the New York 28th
were recoiTnoitering within 300 yardsof Fairfax
Court House, they were fired on by two" of a
picket guard ; one of whom they took prison
er and the other escaped. The dragoons then
charged the village from the north side, and
were fired on from the Union hotel, formerly
kept by Jas. Jackson, who murdered Ells
worth. The man firing on them was instant
ly shot. down. The dragoons then charged
through the principal streeSs of the village
and were fired upon from many houses, and
by platoons from behind fences. Having pass
ed to the end of the village, they wheeled
about and instantly charged back, and were
then met by two considerable detachments of
rebels with a field piece. Turning again, they
cut a third detachment in the rear and left
the village, bringing with them five prisoners
and killing, throughout the engagement, twen
ty-seven rebels. Two of tho dragoons were
killed and two are missing. Quarter-master
Cary was wounded in the foot, and Lieut
Tompkins had two horses shot under him
During the night word came to the camp, tha
the two missing men had been captured by the
rebels, and were tobe hanged the next morn
morning. Company B was instantly summon
ed from their quarters, and mounting, rode
up to the Court House, and having ascertained
the location of their imprisoned comrades
made a dash through the village, rescued the
two men, and brought them in triumph to the
camp at daybreak.
The Acqua Creek fight coufirmed. The par
ticularsare: On Friday 1st, the Freeborn and
Pawnee engaged the batteries at this point
the vessels retiring alter a two hours fight
On Saturday the attack was resumed and last
ed about six hours. The reUela, who it is es
timated were 2000 strong, had repaired the
beach battery during the night, and for some
time their firing was brisk ; but the Freeborn
loding three shells in succession within the
battery, greatly diminished their fire. ;A11
the rebel guns were silenced save one, which
was fired at intervals of 20 minutes. As the
rebels' fire ceased they applied the torch to
the railroad depot and wharf, which were con
sumed. They then fled, fearing the landing
of troops from the vessels. Quite a number
of bodies were curried, away in wagons. The
Freeborn received two shots ?wd the Pawnee
eight; but the damage Is small. Not a man
was hint on the vessels.
About 12 o'clock last night a squad o.f rebel
cavalry made a dash at the outposts of the
28th, and fired upon them. The regiment inv
mediate turned out, and sent scouts in pursuit
The outposts of the 2Sth returned the fire, but
with what effect is not known as the night was
dark. The rebels done no damage,
Cincinnati, June 2. Two cfilunns o.f troops
from Gralton surprised 2000 rebels at Phil-
Iippi,Ya.., yesterday, having marched all night
in a rain, and routed them, killing 15,, and
captured a large lot of arms, horses, ammuni
tion, provisions and camp equipage. The sur
prise was complete.. Col. Kelly of the Feder
al forces was mortally wounded and has since
died. Several others were slishtlv hurt.
Ciiambeksburg, J tine 3. A fracas occurred
here last night, in which a colored keeper of
a grog shop was shot dead by an officer of a
Pittsburg company. The officer has left.
The preparations making,' indicate a for
ward piovement soon, on narper's Ferrv.
The rebel ranks are diminishing last Ly deser
tion auu email pox, at the f erry. ; . ,
Fortress Monroe, June 2. Col. Bartlett
in an unfortunate expedition to the Rip-Raps,
tell from the parapet breaking his clavicle and
receiving internal injuries. Th unfortunate1
situation of Col. Bartlett excites the deepest
sympathy. -
Baltimore, June 8. Governor Hicks this
morning demanded and received the muskets
of the Baltimore Cifv Guards 159 in number
and had, them conveyed to Fort M'Henry.
Chicago, June 3.--Senator Doivglas died at
9 o'clock and 10 minutes this morning. His
remains will he taken from here, on Wednes
day, t,o Washington City,
Sam nou9TON for SECE3siON.-t--Gen. Hous
ton has felt himself moved to declare himself
a Rebel. His speech is published. The sharps
ness of his repeated thrusts at his political
enemies in Texas much lessens the violence of
his denunciations of the Administration. He
very clearly informs the South that they have
brought this trouble upon themselves, but savs
that.now they are in, they must endeavor to
w in, He does not seem so sanguine of victorv
as many of his brethren in treason ; indeed, it
is easy to detect the mournful tone of one who
think3 he is more likely to die than conquer.
The following is a sample of tho numerous let
ters constantly receiving for lloetetter's Stomach
Bitters: Caxaxdaoba. Jnlv 13. 1859.
Messrs. Jlostelter & Smith Pittsbure. Pa:
Gents: As we nre strangers. I herewith enclose
you twcnty-cightdollars for four dozen Hostetter's
Stomach bitters, which plense forward via Michi
gan Southern Kailroad, Toledo, Ohjo. and Clay
ton Station. I have purchased several dozen bot
tles at Toledo this Summer, but the sale is on the
increase so much that I wish to open a direct trade
with you. I wa3 induced to try your Bitters by
my physician, for the Liver Complaint, and ro-
ceivedsuch material p.id that I have recommend
ed it to others and hve sold about two dozen per
week for some time. I have all kinds of medi
cine in my store, but there is none that I can so
cheerfully and truthfully recommend as your Bit
ters, for I know they havo helped mebovondmv
expectation. Yours respectfully, PniLO Wilson
n;e oi may, ai tne ausanehanna
House, by Rev. J. M. Galloway, Mr. Edward
Hammond, of Brownsville Maine, to Miss Re
becca Red of Howardville. Centre Co.
On the 9th of. May, bv Rev. J. S. Lee. Mr.
Henry A. Wright and Miss Sarah E. Smith
of Beccaria Township.
On the 2nd, of June, by Wm McKeo Esq.,
Mr. Robert Rea, to Miss Mary J. Cook.' all
of Jordan Township. ,
In Gnlich Township, May 17th, Mrs. Marga
ret T. wife of Lisle M'Cully, in the 69th year,
if her age. " ''
On Friday the 31st, George D. Lanich, of
this Borough, aged.0 years, 8 months, apd'27j
days. . .. . , T . . : ' " -' I
CAUTIO,N.--All persons are hereby caution
ed against receiving or trading for certain
two promissory Motes given by the subscribers,
to Andrew Clear of Decatur township, dated the
15th April. Each celling for $22,10, as we have
received no value for the same, and will not pay
themnnlesscompelled bylaw HENRY GLF.SUN,
Kylertown, May 29, 1361-3tp. SAM'L CRAMF.lt.
DEAD OR ALIVE. Was lost in the vicini
ty of PhHipsburg, about the 1st of December
last- a very large black Hound, having red feet,
long black cars, short turn-up nose, a red spot
over each eye, and a moveable lump, about the
size of a chestnut, on the top of hi& head. Five
dollars wiU be paid for any information of where
abouts-cither dead or alive. D. E. PENDLETON,
May22,lS61-3tp. Smith's Mills. Clearfield ca, Pa
TVOTICE. Books will be opened for subscrip
x tions to the stock of the ".Madera tsndzeCom
pany" on Thursday June 13th, at Madera. Per
sons desirous of taking stock in said company-
can have the opportunity of doing so, at the time
ana place designated. cxAjiuEL SHU,
Madera, May 29, 1861-1 tp. Commissioners.
V CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that h
is now carrying on tho Cabinet Making business
on ''his own hook." at his aid shoo on Markc
Street, nearly opposite tho "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on band, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
may ha wanted in this section of country i own
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogany and Co.mmon
Jurenus, Writing and Wash stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewintr Stands. &c. 4c. He wil
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style
cneap iorcasu. House -Fainting done on short no
tice, and easy terms- Now is the time to buv a
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thin?
iu jujt iiuu ui uusmess ai uio cneapest cosn rates.
Walk in and examine the articles on hand, and
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
Country produce received in payment.
April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELICII.
N B Coffins made to order on short notice, auf
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate accompany menu, wiien desired. . J.G
The subscribers have opened a full and coin
plete assortment of D K U tl S in the new brick
building of D. Woods, on the corner of Locus
and Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield
where they will at all times be happy to accom
modate any person who may desire articles in their
line. The business will be confined strictly to a
and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction
Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always bo
tound and consulted in tho "Drugstore," when
not absent on professional business. A separate
room for consultation is attached to the More
where patients may be examined privately.
Every article usually found in such an estab
lishmcnt will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly
reduced prices. , Trrms being strictly Cash will en
able them tooncr inducements in the way of prices
Physicians will be supplied at a small percent
age o'vercost and carriage. Their orders are solici
ted. Every article sold will be pure and of the
hest quality. W WHS DARRE1 T.
Clearfield, Ta.. February 13, lH61-tf,
TEGISTER.'S NOTICE. Notice is here-
jlly by given, that the following accounts have
been examined and passed by me. and remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection ot heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
interested, and will be presented to the next Or-.
phans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the 1 hirer iUonaay or June, 1801,
tor continuation an.(i allowance :
Tee account of Jesse Button and Mary L. Kelly,
Administrators of all and singular the goods and
chottfcls, rights and credits, which were of James
ol Kelly, late of Ulen Hope, Clearfield county Pa.
The Testamentary account of Anges M. Gill.
Fxecuior of the last will and Testament of Qeargc
Gill, late of the Township of Bradford, in tho
county of Clearfield, deceased.
ihe final account of Joseph Lines, Admimstra
to.r of all and singular the goods and chattels,
rights and credits, whi'ih were of William M.
Brisben, late csf tho Township o.f Brady in tho
county ot uiearh.eld, deceased.
Ihe account of uillinm rcath, Administrator
of the Estata of Simon Stewart, late o.f Linn coun
ty Iowa.deceased.
Final account of Joseph Patterson and John
Patterson, Administrators of all and singular the
goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were
of Abraham High, late of Lawrence township,
Cicarlieia county, deceased.
JAMES WlituLEY, Register.
Clearfield, Pa.. May 15, 1SG1.
Clearfield county Bank, May 6th, 1861.
assets, liabilities
Capital Stocks paid in
524,900 00
Notes in circulation.
5s $12.6(10 1
" "Ap1 66121.200
21,030 00
53 97
8,510 16
Due Banks of this State
" " not of "
Due Depositors
Total aui't ol Liabilities,
S55.657 31 )
thisbeingtliegrcatest am't J
Dividends declared (none)
Gold.' Si 303 00 1
Sitvor - 585 89 ? 4.953 S9
Notes and Bills discount
Pers'l Propt held by Bank
Real estate " " (none)
19,361 33
223 19
1 " taken for debts (none)
Undivided profits, (none)
Pa. State stock (par value.
21,358 75
4,933 91
3.185 00
ol7 00
. 764 75
309 49
Due from Banks Ac, '
Notes of other Banks
Checks Drafts Ac!, "
Expenses plates Ac,,
Loss and expenses
Interest and 'exchange
Liabilities of Directors as
1,113 IS
principal Dr. S3.500 00
Liabilities of Directors as
endorser ' 4 0.55 97
Liabilities of stock, holder?'
as endorser 8,525 97
Liabilities of stock holders
principal 4,000 CO -i c ?.
..;-' 555,657 31 $55,657 31
. The above statement is correct to the best of mv
knowledo'nd belief. J. B. GRAHAM, Cashier.
oworn ana subscribed before me this 18th May
1361. . ' JOHN L. CUTTLE, Proth'y. .
Desire to inform the citizens of Clearfield and
vicinity, that they have removed thejr s.tore to the
recently erected by James B -Graham, Esq.. on
Market street, Clearfield, where they will be pleas
ed to accommodate all who may favor them with
a call. Their stock consists ot a general assort
ment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their stoc'i of Dry Goods consists in part of such as
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets. Tweeds, Vesting,
Iditslins, Ticking, Checks. Calicoes, Chi tit zes,
Ginghams, Canton anA Wool Flannels, De
Lames, Cashmeres, Silis. Plaids, Shatols,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc..
Also, a, groat variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters,
Misses and Childrens Shoes : Mens'. Bovs'. and
-TToiiths Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large
selection ot usetul notions, among which are
Ferfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy
Soaps, Pens and Pen-holders, Combs, Ire, .
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new, ana purchased on tne most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell
goods, to the advantage of the buyer. "; Step in
ana examine lor yourselves, oetore purchasing
elsewhere. Remember the new store 13 the place :
Mar. 27. 18C1. "GRAHAM, BOrNTON k CO J
S T O 11 K ,
The undersigned will have constantly on hard
a well selected stook of Drugs, Chemicals. Dye
Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnkihes, 't obacco and Segars,
Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti
cles, which he will dispose o.f cheap fjr cash.
He invites the public' to call and exnjnino his
stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Physicians furnished with Drugs. Med
icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea
sonable rates. J. G. HARTSWICK.
Clearfield, Pa. December 12, 1SC0.
01 AAA REWAUD !! Will be paid for any
OljUUU - Medicine that irill Excel
For the Quick cure of Headache. Toothache,
Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Pain in the side, Back
or stomach. Painters Cholic. or Cramp, Frosted
Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, sprains. Bruues,
Diarrhoja, and Sore Throat, and all similar com
plaints. Toothache cure! in ten minutes. Earache cur
ed in five luiputcs. Headache cured in ten min
utes. Purns cured from smarting in two minutes.
Neuralgia pains cured in five, minutes. Cholic
cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in ten
minutes., Sore throat relieved in five minutes
100 discs have been cured bv one Agent, in a
Try it ! Try it ! ! Try it ! ! ! Try it '. ! ! ! Price
25 and 50 cts. per Bottle.
A liberal discount made to Agents, and one
wanted in every town, also tew good traveling A
gents. All orders and communications should
be addressed C. S. COLBERT CO.j ,
123 S. 4th St., Philadelphia.
Health and happiness to the sons and daugh
ters of affliction. Those things we prove on the
spot and before your eyes. only bring on yourcuses.
Philadelphia, May I, 1861 .-6111.
the people aro notified of a
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
Just receiving and opening, a large and well
selected assortment of Fall and Winter Good?
of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ;
beautiful assortment of
of- the latest and mostapproved styles ; alsoagrea
variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of
Beady-made Clothing, Hats and Caps
Bonnets and Shawls,
Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints,
Carpets and Oil Cloths ;
all of which will be sold at the lowest sah or
ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to
call. Wm. F. IRWIN.
Clearfield, Pa., September 26, I860.
N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country
produce taken in exchange for goods.
The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A
pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
the business will be conducted by them jointly un
der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvin.
They inform their customers and the public in
general that they have received from the East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock ci
specially adapted to the wants of the community,
and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices.
Also, a larpre assortment of Roots. Shoes. Hats
and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to suit the t:mcs. Now is the tintc to
purchase. Call in and examine our stock before
you purchase your gpods, and we feel confident
tnat we can supply you with all Rinds or goods,
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
can procure thcra elsewhere. Jive us a trial.
JUilM 1KV1N.
May 30, 1S00. JERRED F. IRVIX.
N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re
quested to call and settle. ' may 30
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
At their Old Stand in Ansonville.
The subscribers havejust returned from the cast
with a large and well selected assortment of
consisting of a general variety of the very , best
and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boot? and Shoes,
for men and boys, for winter wear.
Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
children, together with a good stock of
Bonnets and Shawls,
They havo also a good assortment of Hardware,
Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac.
They asq keep always on hand a great variety of
such as are wanted in every family. ; The above
named articles, and everything else in their line,
will bo sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Give them a trial.
Ansonville, Ta., October 24, I860.
alHIS wonderful article, just patented, is some
thing entirely new. and never before offered
to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Fall par
ticulars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK,
March 6, 186I-ly. . Biddeford, llaine.
to tbe".oth.oJC' the Moshannon. An "eligible
propertyon reasonable terms. Inquire pf
Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Fa
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of colored paints
dry and srround in oil. in 1 nniind cans, iust
received and for salo at HARTSWICK S.
FLORENCE White and Florence Liquid, iuet
"leceiTed and for at HARTSWICK'g.'
O. CROUCH, Physici an-, Curwcnsville. Clear
, field connty, renn'a. May 14.
I J. CRANS, Attorner at Lw and Real Estate
J. Agent, Clearfield. Pa. Office adjoining L is
residence, on Second tret. War 16.
"AI VILLI AM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of the
Post Office, on Second street. Sept. 1.
ROBERT WALLACE, Attorney at Law. (and
District Attorney.) ClcarfielJj Ta. ('Eke ia
Shaw's new rtw, Market street May 2t.
"tJALTKR BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clear-
V field, Pa. Office the same that w.K formerly
occupied by Hon. G. R Barrett. fcpto'60
HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Oar
Held, Pa. 02:ct inl.irahsui's Row. our- dovr
cast of the 'Raftsman's Journal" otaco. Nov 10.
IRANK SHORT. Boot nnd Shne-nakcr. Shop
on Second street, (hearlv opposite Peel and
Weaver's Store.) Clearfield. Pa. May 4.
MA. FRANK, Justice or the Pu.vce. Market St.,
. Clearfield. Pa. Business entrusted to hit
care will receive prompt attention. Collection
made and money remitted Apr27'59.
"1T7TLLIAM V. IRWIN. Market street. Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queensware. Grocerie?. and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
TOHN Gl'ELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds .t
J Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order CotTin.s. on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Ajt10.'."'J.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL,' offers his professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. I. Denning in
Kylertown. Cleariield county. May 11. Ib5'..
HF.NALGLE, Watch and Clouk Maker, and
. dealer in Watcher, Jewelry. Ac. Room in
Shaw's new row, Market street, opuo.sitc th'e Hafts
man's Journal cilice, ClcarCelJ, Pa. Nov. 10.
JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. ClonrfioU.
. Pn. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
tho residence of James B. Graham. Nor. 10.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer ia Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods. Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door
west of Journal OJfice, Clearfield, Pa. AprT.
IARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Iaw.Clear
k field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all leal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August C. 1 si."G.
I Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. office on
Market street, directly opposite Richard Mos.jop'j
store. Deeds and other legal instf uuients ppar
ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13.
JOHN RUSSEL A CO., Tanners and Curriers.
Pcnnville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hard an cxccdlcnt assortment of letitncr, which
they offer for sale at the lowestcash prices, ilidea
of all kinds taken in exchange. Julvl5-51.
DR. JEFFERSON LITZ. havin- located at Gra
hamton. Clearfield county. Pa., will attend
promptly to nil professional business entrusted t'
liis care. He may at all times he found at his of
fice or at the resdence of J. B. Walters, when pvt
professionally engaged. March 13. l&fil,
JOHN IIUIDEKOPER. Civil Engineer and Lard
eJ Surveyor, offers his professional services to the
citizens of Clearfield county. All business eu
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
acutcd. He can be found at the banking house f
Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, 1859.
DR, M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces ta the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that wad recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can
be found nnless absent on piofesional business.
DENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pared to make artifioi.il teeth in the best manner .
Office in Shaw's New Row, ClearSeld. Sep. 15.
Tho undersigned keeps constautl on hand
at his store room in PhilipburR Centreycounty. a
full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. Als, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; all
of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his
articles. Imar211 - ROBERT LLOYD.
1VEW STORE The subscriber has opened a
il new store at Williamsvillc, Clearfield county,
Pa., where he will keep constant! v on hand a gen
eral assortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCE
RIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. which he will sell
for cash, or exchange for Timber, Boards. Shin
gles, (J rain. Country Produce. Ac. He will be
pleased to have all who wish to purchase miy of
the ahoyc articles to give him a call.
Williamsville. April 3d, 18il-Cm.
Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly 01 hand. Office, rn Second street, iu the
roog lately occupied by v . A. auace, L.sl.
james t. Leonard. ::::::::: d. a. fisney.
wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: A. c. fisskv.
Tobacco, Segirs, Ac,
In the basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by
Feb. 27, lSGl-tf. 0. B. MERRELL.
The undersigned has now on hand, at his Furni
ture Booms on Market St., Clearfield. Ta , a i-hort
distance west of Litx's foundry, a large stack of
manufactured out of the bejt materials, finished
in a very superior manner, and which he will sell
LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu
siness make's him feel confident that his chairs are
made in a substantial and woikmnlike manner,
and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing
to purchase chairs should call at once and get
them while they can be had at the lowest rates.
Feb 27. 1861. JQHNTROKTMAN.
opened for the reception of pupils (male and
female) on Monday. August 20 th- Terms, per ses
sion of eleven weeks:
OrthographyReading, Writing, Primary Arith
metic and Geography,' S2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and History." ' S3,'
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and
BookKeepinir.' " , S4.00
Latin and Greek languages, $5,00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify them
selves or teachers, this institution offers desirable ;
advantages'. JJo pupil received for tess than half
a seafion and no deduction except for protraMed
sickness. Tuition to be paid at the clone of thti
terra. m7 C. B. SANBFORP. Principal.