the -mm tbbo in I; I , fit 'i U-,1 1 18 8 8 !1 iff J CLEABFIELD,MAY2g,1861. Many a poor author sets s luxurious table for his readers, who daily rises hungry nora bis own. . .' . " ' Youth and the lark hare their song ;s i for the morning; ago and the nightingale theirs for the evening. Wrinkled silk may be rendered nearly as beautiful as when new, by sponging it on the surface with a weak solution of gum arable or white glue, then ironing it on the wrong side. Knowledge can not bo acquire d without pains and application. It is troublesome, and like deep digging for pure water; but when you come to the springs, they rise op and meet you. - Tears shed oyer the grave of an infant, is fomething short of ingratitude to heaven, for removing while yet poor and innocent, a be ing from the sorrows of this world to the joys of another. - Thx Zouaves and the Pbesident. The in terview of some of Ellsworth's Zouaves with President Lincoln is described by those who witnessed it to have been one of the most a musing incidents possible. They saluted him as familiarly as though bo had been a brother Jake or Jloso. Uello ! old cock V was the salutation given ; "Say, Gov'ner, can't you gire ns fellers something to do V cried anoth er ; "for God's sake, uncle Abe, let ns go at once and clean out Alexandria," said a third. Another vowed and protested that "the boys ain't hevin' a d d bit of fun jest fairly rust in' out, doin'nothin' butdrill. One of them was particularly down on a secession flag that was visible across the Potomac from their encamp ment : "Say, Gov'ner," says he, "won't yer let a cove go over, and jest pull the d d stick tip?" Quite a number of them were very anxious to be permitted to make a foray down the river, and capture any Virginia craft that might be afloat. "Now, old Abe, tell you wot ; jest yon or old Scott say the word, and we'll go down and take them d d secession schooners, and sick 'em deeper'n hell !" Mr. Lincoln was so much amused at their odd ex pressions, and free and easy manners, that he Laughed nntil the tears ran down his cheeks. MPUBLIC LS C0T7JTTY C03O5ITTEE. The following County Executive Committee has been appointed by the President of the last Coun ty Convention, who was authorized to constitute it: A. U. rinney, vtearuciu. vuatimau, John Inrin. Curwensville Borough Joseth A. Caldwell. Pike township. David S. Moore, renn townsoip. Charles M. Ooff, Joseph R- Arnold, Arthur Bell, E. C. Patchen, Aaron II. Pearce, John Thompson, jr. Martin O. Stirk, Jacob Gibson, John W. Wright, John O. Cain, John M. Chase, Daniel Ayers, John Beish, William Hoover, P. A. Gaulin, John Speckman, Thomas Graham, John B. Hewitt, Allen Mitchell, Frank MoGarvey, Samuel Kirk, Wb. Campbell, Bamuel Sebring, Dan. E. Brubaker, A. W. Heath, John M. Katen, Bloom township, Brady township. Bell township. Bumsid township. Chest township Jordan township. Knox township. Ferguson township. Beccaria township. Guelich township. Woodward township. Decatur township. Boggs township. Bradrord township. Covington township. Girard township. Goshen township. Huston township. Lawrence township. Karthaus township. Lamber-city Boro . Morris township. New Washington. Union township. Fox township. Graham township. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Jocrsal is published on Wed nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, $2,00 will be charged. Advertisembsts will be inserted at $1,00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no rarer will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher p. . iw vt . COUNTY DIRECTORY. Prea't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bellefonte. As'te Judges Hon. Win. L. Moore, Clearfield. Hon.Benj'n. Bonsall, Luthersberg. Sheriff. . . . Fred k G. Miller, . Clearfield Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle, . . Reg. A Rec. . James Wrigley, . . " Diatritt Att'y, Robert J. Wallace, . M Treasurer. . .Geo. B. Goodlander, " Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, . . Glen Hope. Commiss'n'rs, William McCracken, Lumber City Wm. Merrell, Clearfield. S. C. Thompson, Isaac W. Graham, J. B. Shaw, . . . B. C Bowman. . George Richards, . Morrisdale. . Clearfield. Clearfield. Auditors. Coroner. LIST OF POST OFFICES. Townships. Names of P.O. Names of P. M Beoearia, - - Glen Hope, - Elam Rakestraw Bell, Bower, Mary Elder - Chest, - Cush, - - - - - Ostnd, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - Woodland, - - - Luthersburg, - - Troutville, - -Jefferson Line, - - New Washington - Burnside, - ' - Clearfield, - - - Frenchville, - Karthaus, - - Thos.A. M'Ghee - J.W Campbell. M - Lewis Smith. - P. B. Miller. Boggs, -Bradford, Brady, - Edw'd. Williams - R. II. Moore. - Jacob Kunts. . John Hoover. Burnside, . . Clearfield, Covington, - J. M. Cummings - Jas. McMurray - M. A. Frank - F. Coudriet. - J. F.W. Sohnarr Curwensville Curwensville, - Samuel Way. Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson, - Alarron, - Edm. Williams Fox, Ilellen Poet Office, Elk county, Pa. Girard, - - Leconte's Mills, C. Mignct, Bald Hills, - - William Carr - A. B. Shaw. Goshen, - - Shawsville, -Graham, - - Grahamton, Huston, - - Tyler, - - ... Pennfield, -Jordan,' - - Ansonville, -Karthaus, Salt Lick, -Knox, - - - New Millport, Lawrence, Breckonridge, Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - Jaa. B. Graham - David Tyler. - n. Woodward. - Eliza Chase. . Geo. Heckadorn . D. E. Mokel - J.W.Thompson Jas. Thompson ... iiornsdale, - - -Penn, - - - Lumber City.t - - u .... Grampian Hills, --Pike, - - - - Curwensville, - "- ;- Bloomingville, - Union, - - - Rockton, - - - -Woodward, Jeffries, - - - - .... Smith's Mills, - . - 4 This Post Office will do for - Jaa. McClelland - W W. Wright. - A. C. Moore, - Samuel Way. - Michael Wise. - Wm. F. Johnson - Thos Henderson . J. A. Heearty. Chest township Will answer for Ferguson township. OOK HERE, GENTLEMEN '.WAGON JLi 8U0P AHEAD!!'.! The subscriber thankful for cast favors, takes this method of informing , kis old customers and the publie in general, that lie has removed his shop from the foundry to the hop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec ond street. Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue to manufacture Wazons of every description, to order, of rood material and in a workmanlike manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain radles, fto., made on short notice, in superior style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatoh. and on reasonable terms, June ZV. IBM. WILLIAM it. lKUtVl. "DURE WniTE LEAD, warranted, ground JL . in oil, in M and lit pound cans, just receiv ad and for sale at HART3 WICK'S. ' F LOUR AND BACON a prime lot, just re ceived and for sale low for cash, at April 16. Grahax, BorToir A Co s. examine the Patent air tight glass I ; and stone Jars , They are just the thing you want. For sale by Heed, Weaver & Co. - A LARGE STOCK of Varnishes Copal, Coach, White Damar, White Spirit, Flowiug. Japan Dryer, and Block Varnish for Leather, Ac, for sale at DeolZ JIAKTSWIUK'O. HYDE HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PEJN'A. o T ACp tit Ann I L'THTf 3. v . VOUtJVJ. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in au respects a first class house. February 6, 1861. T YKONE CITY HOTEL, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. A. P. OWENS, Proprietor. Also OrsiEBS, Wholesale and Retail. decl9 N EW FIRM AD SEW GOODS! PATTON, HIPPLE & CO. The subscribers have purchased the stock of mer chandize lately owned by John Patton, in Cur- wensrille, and have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, which will be sold low. Please call and examine our stock. We respectfully ask a share of public patronage. The books of John Patton, hare also been transferred and will be settled by ns. 11. D. PATTON, E. A. HIPPLE, may 10, 1S60. DANIEL FAUST. EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! H. L. HENDERSON & CO., Have just received and opened at the old stand of Lewis Smith, in Bethlehem, an extensive and well selected assortment of the most fashionable Fall and ."Winter Goods, Staple and Fancy. The stock consists in part of Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, togeth er with Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Fish, Tobacco, Segars, Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, and a large variety of useful Notions and such articles as are usually kept in a country store. All goods will be sold cheap for cash. Give us a call and see for yourselves, before you buy elsewhere. All the a bove will be sold cheap for cash or exchanged for approved country produce and lumber. Oct 24, 1SC0. H. L. HENDERSON & CO. JMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW FORCEE. TUST RECEIVED AT J NAUGLE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. Graham's Row, Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be bad at JN AHiLlvfc. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE S. Fine setU of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La va, Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings, Ac, or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Breast pins, Lar drops, Hoop bar rings, children's eardrops and rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment or cold linger rings of ditler ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at JNAUULlvb. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25 to 15 dollars at JNAUUJLE'S Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange for goods at JSAuULL fe. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take them to JNAbULh. Russell McMurray RESPECTFULLY INVITES TME ATTEN TION OF HIS Old Customers, and others, to his Large and well selected Stock of Ml anb Winter (Boobs, WHICH nE OFFERS VERY LOW FOR OA S H . He also continues to deal in Lumber of all kinds, la any way to suit eustomers. The highest market price will be paid for all ;" kinds of grain. Come and see for yourselves. New Washington, November 1, 1860-6m. mHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. C e m- JL mencment of the Seventh Volume. The Pub Iisbersof The Atlantic Monthly have pleasure in announcing that the new volume, to commence with the number for January, 1861. will contain features of remarkable interest and attractiveness. Among these, may be named, a New Novel, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher atowe, author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and "The Minister's Wooing." A New Novel, by Chas. Reade, author of -Chris-. tie Johnstone,' "Peg Wothneton," etc.. etc New Stories, by Miss Harriet Prescott, author of "The Amber Gods," and "bir ttohan s tihost." A new Romance, by the author of "Charles Au chester." and "Counterparts." Also, contributions in Prose and Poetry, by Hen ry W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes. James Russell Lowell, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John G. Whittier, Bayard Tay lor, bdwin 1. Whipple, Henry Giles, iuchard u Kimball. Georee S. Hillard. Rose Terrv. Rev. Dr Bellows, Mrs. Fannie Kemble, Charlet E. Norton, Winthrop Sargent, T. W. Higginson, J. T. Tow bridge, and other distinguished writers. . Terms S3 per annum, or 25 cents a number. Upon the receipt of the subscription price, the publishers will mail the work to any part of the United States, prepaid. Subscriptions may begin with either the first, or any subsequent number. The postage of the -Atlantic' Is Thirty-six cents a year, if prepaid. TfThe pages of the'Atlantio' are stereotyped, and back numbers can be supplied. Clubbing Arrangements. Subscribers to pay their own postage. Two copies for $5 ; Five cop ies for $10 : Eleven copies for $20. Address, S I - TICKNOR FIELDS, : - ; Kenr. 28. - 135 Waihingteti Street, Boston. . ylALL and NEW BREWERY MORE LAGER. The subscribers would respectfully inform the Tavern keepers and others that they have re cently started a new Brewery in the Borough of Clearfield, and that they are now prepared to fur nish Beer on the most accommodating terms. They have employed an experienced Brewer, from the east, and they feel confident that they can supply a superior article of beer. Gire them a trial and judge for yourselves. June 20, '60 CHAKLES S W. BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE ! IM PORTANT NOTICE TO THE RAGGED!!! The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es tablishment in Shaw's Row, in the room recently occupied by H. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an nounces that he is now ready and willing to make Coats, Pantaloon-s, Vests, if-c, for his old custom ers, and as many new ones as may give him a will, after the latest and most approved styles, or after any of the old fashions, if they prefer it. By doing his work in a neat and substantial manner, and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex pects to secure a liberal share of patronage. Jan. 13, 1860. WM. RADEBAUGII. BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co. hereby gives notice that their books, name ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece. The people of the county generally are also in vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. President. JOHN ODELL, UPHOLSTERER AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER, Located at A. II. Shaw's Mills, one mile. East of Clearfield Boro" Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining counties, that he is at all times prepar ed to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mattress, suitable for Cabins on liajts, which can be lolded in small compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also trims Carriages, makes repairs to all kinds of carriage trimming and Up holsterv. and makes cords or Masons tracing lines. of any thickness or length. Country produco, corn husks, or cash taken in exchange for work. Orders left with any of the merchants of Clear field Boro'. will be promptly attended to. jan'j-bt K P UP THE EXCITEMENT Re vals always cause excitement, and since the great excitement about the removal of the Court House has subsided, the community gener ally have become somewhat excited upon hearing that Charly Vatson has determined to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement i3 the fact that I have lemov ed my Saddler Shop from mv old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market street, nearlv opposite the jail, where all who may tavor me with a call can be supplied with Saddles, Sin gle Harness, Dotille Harness, Tug Harness, Bri dles, Vollars, Whips, diallers. Housings, urcccn- bands. Side Straps, and intact every article in tne line of saddling and Harness making, i nanxiui for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from as many new customers as can make it suit. Aug. 2U,o9. yjiuutit w. n.JJ.tJd. "TOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia JLJL A Benevolent Institution established by spe cial endowment, for tho relief of the sick and IMs tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic dis eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter.witn a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, 4c.,) and in cases of extreme pover ty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the bexual organs, and on tne Acw Uemedies em ploved in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad dress, Dr. J. Seillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, JSo. 2 bouth JSinth bt., l'hil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. r.ivA U. 11 1. Alii Y X.L.JL, l resident. Geo. Fairchild, Sec. Oct 21, 1350-ly. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTER S. The proprietors and Manufacturers of llostette 's Celebrated Stomach Bitters can appeal with perfect confidence to phy sicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a reputation here tofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will 8 peak more powerfully than volumes of bare asser tion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters for the last year a mounted to over a half-million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is ev ident that during the coming year the consump tion will reach near one million bottles. This im mense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal propertiescontained in the pre paration, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all ca ses of stomachic derangements and the diseases re sulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popu larity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trumpeting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be a3 enduring as time itself Hosteller's Stomach Bitters have proved a God send to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their vic tims by hundreds. To be able to state confident ly that the 'Bitters' are a certain cure for the Dys pepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all mor bid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys tem, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvena ting generally. We have evidence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffer ing from stomach derangements and general de bility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain pe riods when their cares are so harrassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mo ther and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she bo young, is apt to for get her own health in the extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period for maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the ener gies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibili ties. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bit ters to all other invigorators that receive the en dorsement of physicians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particular ly referred above, to wit : sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, in digestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or de rangements of the stomach, superanuated inval ids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bit ters a trial. Caution. We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Hostetter's Celebrated Stom-ach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters:' blown on the side of the bottle. and stamped on the metallic cap covering the oork, and observe thatour autograph signature is on the label. "Prepared and sold by Hosteller Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., and sola by an aruggists, grocers and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada. South America, and Germ any. Agents Geo.W.Rheem and CD. Watson, Clear field ; John Patton, Curwensville : 1). Tyler, Hus ton : F. K. Arnold. Luthersburg. Oct 24, '60. T OOKING-GLASS PLATES, an assortment, for I 4 sale at ; Heeizj :; JIAKXSWICK'S. ED. A. IRVINS' G O L U M N. Irvin's Corner Store, CURWENSVILLE, PA. N EW SPRING GOODS!! Just received at the "Cornar Store" - a complete stock of NEW SPUING GOODS. Customers will find 1 The assortment varied, and the prices reasonable. Curwensville, April 10, 1S61. jjRAIN, FLOUR, BACON, AND FTSH, for sale low for cash, At the "corner store" in Curwensville. TAPLE SPRING GOODS, AT LOW PRICES, At Irvin's "corner store," Curwensville. NEW LOT OF GOOD BUFFALO ROBES, For sale vebt low, at Irvin's Corner Store. JJEANS AND DRIED APPLES, A quantity at the Corner Store. Jadiea will find at the Corner Store a complete assortment of Dress Goods of all descriptions, such as Tartan Plaids, various styles; Persian Twills, Printed Cashmeres, All Wool and Printed Delaines (in variety,) Plain (all wool) Delaines and Merinos, all col ors, Debege, Coburgs, &c, in variety. Qn hand a large stock of Mens' 'and Boys Clothing, of all descriptions. Seal-skin, Bea ver and Cass overcoats. Geats'Shawls. Fine Dress cloth and Cassimere business Coats, Pants, and Vests ; over shirts, over-alls, un der clothing, &c, &c, a complete stock. groceries, a large stock on hand, (selling low,) by the quantity or retail, call and see them, and satisfy yourselves. Qents dress Hats, and staple Hats and Caps ot all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all descrip tions selling now lower than ever. "Donnets of all descriptions and the newest styles, at Irvin's Corner Store. T adies' Gloves, Gauntlets, Xubias, and JLi new style Wool Hoods, in great variety. Cloths, Doeskin Cassimeres, Fancy Cassi- meres and Vestings, in great variety. TufFalo Robes of all sizes and prices, and Sleigh-bells, Whips, &c, at the corner. TAOTJBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, Sad- dlery, Sole and Upper Leather, at the corner "VTE W WORLD and Noble Cook-Stoves, and Nino plate Stoves for sale, very cheap. QRINDSTONES of the best quality, and fix tuies, for sale at the "corner store." -glGHT-DAr and 21-hour Clocks, of all si zes, styles, and prices, at the corner store. n UM COATS, Pants and Boots, a large as- sortment, for sale at Irvin's corner store. TVTAILS, Glass, Paints, Oils, &c, &c, for sale very low by the quantity or at retail. QUSTOMERS are invited to call and exam ine our goods, as wo are satisfied that an ex animation of goods and prices will induce persons to buy. E. A. IRVIN. Curwensville, Pa., October 17, 1860. ?f YOUNG LADIES WANTED, to ex fJJ amine and reduce the large stock of Dress Uoods, just received at MOSSOP'S. s ALT a good article, and very cheap at the store oi win. x ikh la, Clearfield. ITIOR SALE. A good two-horse wagon with . box, for sale very low. Apply to Georgo W. Rex, New Millport, Clearfield co., Pa. Mar20-p. ARPETS. Drugget, Carpet chain, Bags and Bag- gmg, ouriea iiair, o., at tne store or scptl9 1 Reed, Weaver & Co. A LARGE stock of Oueenowarn EartfiAn anA Stone Ware of all kinds. Also, Cedar and willow Ware at Reed, weaver & Go's. B EST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the new store or Graham. Botnton A Co. A LARGE and splendid stock of Dress Trim- mings, Belts, Head dresses, Netts, Plumes, do at tne store oi ueed Weaver A Co. F LOUR. A lot of good flour on hand and for sale at MKKKKLL & BIGLEK'S TTJLOUR A good article for sale at the storeof JL' IJanie WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. . A 31. HILLS, DENTIST. rroper attention w JTM.m to the teeth in aiw?S prvjjci iiuic will OxZ mi i rjr-v crv one. in nnint nf health, camfort. and gS? rCE? convenience. - be found at his office, on the corner of 1 ront and Main sts. when no notice to the contrary annears in the oarers. All operations in the line of his profession performed in tne latest ana most approved styles, ana guar anteed for one year against all natural failures. Clearfield, Pa., October 10th, 1S60. DR.LITCII'S 31 EDICINES. Afresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting of fain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough ; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Trt them. PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the public that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ncr, and on reasonable terms. April 7. 185S. EDWIN COOPER. TO THE TRAVELING PUltLIC The undersigned havin; taken tho Luthersburg Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg, Clear field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat ronage. The house has been re-fitted and newly furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate. may23 WILLIAM IvEbL). NEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY IN CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that he has commenced the manu facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear field, and thst ho is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks, Jugs, Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be bought elsewhere, lie solicits a share ot patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Clearfield, Pa., Muy 25, 1859-ly. CLEARFIELD 3IUSIC SCHOOL For in struction upon tho Piano, Melodoon and Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils under six years old, $5,00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six years old, 10,00. for seventy-two lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils. Studied alone, S3. 00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1,1860. E. A. P. KYNDER. Teacher. BOGGS TP. FA R.MS FOR SALE. One containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log bouse 22 by 25, plank house 16 by 18, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings thereon. Large springand spring-house con venient to house. The land is well watered and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well timbered. This land has a log house and stable thereon. For terms apply to October 13. L. J. CRAN3, Clearfield. RICHARD MOSSOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &C, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. COAL-OIL, PLAXSEED-OIL, PAINTS, AC. IF you want ground White Lead,' go to Mosscps. IF you want fine ground Zinc, goto Mossop's. IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop's IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossop's. cloths, cassimeres, tweeds, AC. IF you want puperior Cloths, go to Mossop's IF you want Fancy Cassimeies, go to Mossop's. IF you want Black Casjimeres, goto Mossop's. IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto Mossop's. IF you want superior Cassinets, go to Mossop's. IF you want superior Sattinets, go to Mossop's. ALPACAS. DELAIMES, CHINTZ, AC. IF you want fashionable Bonnets, go to Mossop's IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's. IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mossop's. IF you want good French Chintz, go to Mossop's. IF you want French Ginghams, go to Mossop's. IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mussop's IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to Mossop's. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, AC. IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Coats, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Neck ties. go toJMossop's. IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's IF you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Boots, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossop's. IF you want Boys' Coats A Pants, go to Mossop's IF you want Children's Shoes, go to Mossop's. MCSLIXS, UANnKF.RCHlEKS, AC. IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good colored Muslins, go to Mossop's. IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Hand'ks. goto Mossop's. IF you want cotton liandkerchiefs,goto Mossop's, IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mossop's. IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossop's IF you want UmbrellasAParasols, go to Mossop's, IF you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to Mossop's. IF you want Table Oil Cloths, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Floor Oil Cljth, go to Mossop's. IF you want new School Books, go to Mossop's. MAILS, HARDWARE, PAPER, AC. IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's. IF you want llardwareof allkinds.goto Mossop's -IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossop's. IF you want a good Hay Fork, go lo Mossop's IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossop's. IF you want Willow Baskets, goto Mossop's. IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossop's. IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's. IF you want ManillaA hempcords.goto Mossop's. IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's. IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to Mossop's. IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to Mossop's. IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossop's. IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossop's. IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's. FLOUR, BACON, TEA, SUGAR, AC. IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's. IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossop's. IF you want excellent Dried Beef, go to Mossop's IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to Mossop's. IF you want superiorWhiteSugar.goto Mossop's IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to Mossop's IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossop's IF you want good Young Hyon, go to Mossop's. IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop's. IF you want excellent Rice, go to Mossop's. IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossop's. IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossop's. IF you want Adamantine Candles, go to Mossop's IF you want good Tallow Candles, go to Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop's IF you want superior White Fish, go to Mossop's. ip you want Molasses, all kinds, go to Mossop's. IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossop's. IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to : Mossop's, IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's . IF you want old Monongahela, go to Mossop's IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to 31ossop's. IF you want " for Medical use, go to Mossop's. IF you want " " Sacramental use. go to Mossop's. IF you want good Cherry Brandy goto Mossop's. IF you want good Sweet Wine, go to Mossop's. Clearfield. Pa., April 27, 1859. LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes Brandy, Port and Sherry Wine, Nectar Whiskey and Holland Gin at , HARTSWICK'S. BOOTS and Shoes of every kind, for Ladies Gentlemen and children, at ptt9 Reed, Wbate 4 Co's. . CHEESE, A lot choice of N. T Chi , sale at the store of WM. P IR vv- w IUNGKR1CH & SMITH, WholesaleT"" No. 43 North Third Street, Philadelphirp invite country Merchants to their extensive V of goods in store, and solicit their custoa p cea moderate. September 2d, lSKO-lyp RIEGEL, BAIRD & CO., IMPORTERS Jobbers in Dry Goods, No. 47 North TiJ Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept.23 'GO-lv , PETER SIEGER- t - J? JACOB RIEGEL, ' m. K.KV1V JXO. WEST, H. S. riSTE ' JOSIAH lUKGcr WW. S. BAIRD, CLEARFIELD DOUSE, CLFRFmT PA. The subscriber having purchased tiT' furniture and interest from H. H. Morrow, in-! House, is now prepared for the reception of tri sient and permanent boarders. Every dcps t! ment connected with his establishment will U. conducted second to none in the countv. Ije . pectfully solicits a share of public patronmre July 11, lS6U.-y. GEO. X. CULBtfcx B' ELLEFONTE MARBLE Works ' The undersigned adopts this method V forming the public and the pRtrons of the V firm of S. A.Gibson A Co.. thaNhe dtsienj ryingonthe 3IARBLE BUSINESS in LN fonte, in all its various branches, and will ho'-' himself always in readiness to furnish those t" call upon him. with all kinds of Ctineury v' of the latest classical designs, and superior w& v' manship, such as Monument. Box Tom!,t, die Tomb, Spire. Ubrlisi, Grecian Tom!.$ 1 He Tombs, Head Stones, Carved. Sculpt urii i'r Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they cm U had at any other establishment in the country Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicit! an increase of patronage. WM. GAHUa-' Bellefonte, Pa., March 23, !Sj9-tf, AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the peedjr cure of the following comUthita SerofnUand Scrofulous AfTei t Iong.,ch as Tumor, Ulcers, Sore, Kruptinn Pimples, Pustule, Itlotchcg, lioll Illniua, anU all Skin Diseaccs. ' Oakland, Intl., 6th Junt, W9. J. C. Ana A Co. Gents : I feul it my duty to ac knowledge what your SaraiariiJa lias dune lur Having inherited a Scrofnluua infection, I bar iuf!.-l from it in various wayi for years. Sumetime it bant out in Ulcers on mv hatula and urun; i4mvtioiM it turned inwnrd md distressed me at the stomach, tw Tear ago it broke out ou my liettd ami roiered mr lup and ears with one sore. wbicU.was t.h.fl and loatbtoiu beyond description. I tried many indieinci and urtrai physicians, but without much relief from any tiling. a fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was iricj to read iu the Ciospel Mesaenger that yon had prepared an alterative (SareaiiariUn), for I knew from vour renuuv tiou that any thing you made must be good. I tutu Cinciunatiandgot it, and utI it till it cured me. 1 took it, as you advise, in small doses cf a teatpoonful om a month, and used almost three bottles. New and bail'ar skin soon began to form under the cab, which afar a while fell oft. My skiu is now clear, and I know by n.jr feelings that the disearo Las goua from my cyttem. Yon cau well believe that I feel what I nm saying when I ttil you, that I hold you to be one of the apoetiea of ike aje, and remain ever gratefully. Yours. ALFKKD B. TAI.LET. St. Antliony'a Fire. Rose or Kryalnelai, Tetter and Salt Itlieum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore lyes, lJropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes from Salem, N'. Y-, 12 Sept., 1SS9, that ho has cured an inveterate tu at Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by tt persevering use of our arsiiBnrilla, and also a daugrrou Malignant Erysipelas by lrge doee of the aaute; aavt be cures the common Eruptions by it conxtautly. Bronchoctle, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon Sloan of Project, Texas, writes s " Three bot tles of your Sanuiparilla cured me from a GiAhrt a Lid eons swelling on the neck, which 1 had su3erd ftoia over two years." Leucorrlicea or "Wliltrs, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Channiug, of New York City, writes ; I most cheerfully comply with the request of yotir ant ia saying I have found your Sumiparilla a must excellent altera tire in the numerous complaint for width we employ such a remedy, but eechtlly in F'.malt Diuajts of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 have cured many inetr ate cases of Leucorrhoea by it, and some where tn com plaint was caused by ulceration of the utrrus. Th nlc ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my kuowl edgo eqimM it for tliese female derniieeuienU." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, " A dan fteroua ovarian tumor on oue of the females iti my family, which had defied all the remedies we could 'oy. h at length been completely cured by your Kxtrr.. t c'Sr aparilla. Our jhytci.m thought nothing lu eM.-ps-tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial f yx:r Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. After taking your remedy ti'lit weeks no symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Orli:n. 2.r.tu Aug.-.t, UJJ. Da. J. C. Avta: Sir, I cheerfully comply with thn r- 3uest of your agent, and report to you some of the sCttU have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have found itt effects truly wonderful in the cure of Vrnertal and i!tr curial Ihstaff. One of my patients had Syphilitic nlw in bis throat, which were consuming his palate an : :: top or his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla. steadily tnrftn, cured him iu five weeks. Another was attacked by - -ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration bad eaten away a considerable part of if, so tha I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. but it yielded to my administration of your Sarsairilla: the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman w ho had been treated for the same disorder by mercury wan sufferic; from this poison in her bones. They had become o sen sitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered ex cruciating pain in her joints and bones, bbt, o cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its formula, w hich your agent gave mo. that this Preparation from your Inboratoiy must be a ft" remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable rnulti with it hare not surprised me. fraternally yours, G. V. LARI M KB, M. D- Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. iNDtPEKDENCE, Preston Co., Va., 6th July. 1K-K-Da. J. C. Ater: Sir, 1 have beeu atlllcted with a paia ful chronic lilitumaltsm for a loag time, which bnfiti-d the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all lb remedies I could find, until I tried your Sar-.wparilla. On bottle cured me iu two weeks, and restored my general health so much that I id far better titan before 1 attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. FKtAM. Jules T. Getchell, or St. Louis, writes: ."I have !" afflicted for years with an affection of the Zrrer. bi"h destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every U.rt, failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken-down maa for some years from no other cause titan dcravgemmt f the Livtr. My beloved pastor, the I5ev. Mr. Kpy, adiei ine to try your Sarsaparilla, because he said he lice ton, and any thing you made was worth trying. ly the bless ing of God it hat cured Die, and has so pi.iified my bloc" as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. TU best that can be said of yon is uot half good enough." Srhtrrns, Cancer Tumor, Enlargement Ulceration, Carle and .Exfoliation or the Bonti, A great variety of cases have been reported to ns w'er cures of these formidable complaints have resulted frn the nse of this remedy, but our space here will not admit them. Same f them may be found in our American Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased U furnish gratia to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart DUease, Fits, Epllep- y, MelaneUoly, Neuralgia Many remarkable cures of these affections have I made by the alterative power of this medicine It tlw lates the vital functions into vigorous action, and Un overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond i reach. Such a remedy has long beeu required by ne cessities of the people, and we arc confident that thai " do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Toil THE RAPID CV&E OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarsne Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Coif ainption, and for the ltellef Of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stage of the Disease This Is a remedy so universally known to sun" B? other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, tiuu is useless her to publish the evidence of its Tlr',!'fclrI.!r unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and wonderful cures of pulmouary disease, "" tfc known throughout the civilized nations of tbt Tew are the communities, or even families, among who have not some personal experience rf lbt some living trophy in their midst of its victory "" subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat an M" At all know the dreadful fatality of these dir" as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we rcru do more than to assure them that it has now ail j fcT tues that it did have when making the res won so strongly upon the confidence of mankino. Prepared j Dr. J. C. ATES & CO., LoveU. M Sold by C. D. Watson, Clearfield ; E. A. In Curwensville; Sam'l Arnold, Luthersburg, JW Chase, Ansonville; J. C. Brenner, M0"1"' . K. Foster, Pbilipibarg, and dealers else-ner Lowell, Mam., January 28, 18ol-ly.