Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 08, 1861, Image 3
1 u f . ,. I ; :: , . . THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 8, 1861. "Raftsman's Journal Office." on Sec ond Floor, of Graham's New Brick Bailding op Jfl-aricet street. - Look Oct. Most of our subscribers are prompt navine ones; but we have a few who are tardy or indifferent in this respect. "After rafting" the nmP) of irood subscribers only will be retained on our lisC and orders for new subscriptions will have to be accompanied by the Cash. Cohtistjed. We haTe been requested to state, that the list of civil causes set down for trial at June Term, has been continued by the members of the Bar. The distracted state of the country and general depression of busi ness being the cause. Volunteers ! Volunteers ! ! A new com pany is now organizing at this place, which already numbers 50 men. Volunteers suffi cient to fill up the ranks are wanted without delay. Application to be made to Z. C. Mc Cnllough or L. K. Merrell. Clearfield Rifles. This company, met at Goshen School House on Monday the 6th, for the purpose of filling np their ranks. They muster 67 men now, good and true. During the day much enthusiasm prevailed, and ad dresses were delivered by E. R. Livergood and Maj. J. B. Ileisey. , A correspondent says, the Maj. appeared before the crowd, with fife i i hand, and addressed them in a very patri otic manner Long may the "Clearfield Ri fles" wave. v Disgraceful. lcsterday about noon, a most disgraceful scene occurred on Water street, in this place. A German and his wife were going up the river, and got into a dis pute. After some words the man gave the woman quite a number of blows on the back and shoulders with a heavy club; and finally, struck her in the face with it and made her nosebleed. Such a fiend should be severely dealt with. We know his name, and will give it to the public, if he ever engages in such brutal conduct again. Ventilation. In stormy weather the wind invariably drive through. stovw pipes in hou ses the most disagreeable and noxious gases. To take these into the lungs must at least in some degree prove injurious to the system. Ventilation at such times is therefore highly important, and should by no means bo over looked. While the atmosphere in your rooms is warm let it be pure and healthy, and the blocd which is in a great measure influenced ly the air, will preserve a healthy tone and conduce to the vigor of the whole animal sys tem. Let not so important a particular be overlooked. Departure of Volunteers. Captain Lo rair.e"s company, the "Washington Cadets," which have been quartered here for about two weeks, left yesterday afternoon for Harris- linrtr Tim mnn ivprp all in trrtrr finiritfl- "' . .. - - -. . - -- o -1 Nearly our entire population accompanied the soldiers out of town, and cheered them enthu siastically on taking their final departure. The soldiers, before marching.were addressed in an appropriate manner by Ex-Senator Big-It-r and II. B. Swoope, Esq. The Bible Socie ty presented each man belonging to the com pany with a copy of the New Testament. The good will of the entire community is with them. The "Wild Cat District." On Thursday the 2nd May, a company numbering over 300 volunteers, arrived at Ilarrisburg. which was made up of men from Cameron, MKean, Jef ferson and Elk counties. Tbey wore red shirts, and their hats and caps were each sur mounted with a fox tail, emblamatical of their backwoods home. Each man had with him his rifle, with whose use they are familiar. If the service permitted, they could do terrible execution against an enemy. They also bore in their ranks an immense pair of buck-horns, which attracted much attention, and elicited numerous cheers. Success to the "Wild Cat District" boys. They are now at Camp Curtin. For the Raftsman's Journal. Mr. Editor : As raising the emblem of the Union is all the rage now, perhaps it will be interesting to you to know that Secessionists are fast disappearing. I attended the raising cf the "Stars and Stripes" at Wheatland cor ner, in Guelich tp. on Thursday the 25th. A , large number of persons were in attendance, and several patriotic Union speeches were made, which, with the "Flag of tho Union," and the "Ladies," were enthusiastically cheer ed! till the welkin rung with the shouts of free men. The "Home Guard" have waited upon wv eral persons, suspected to treasonable senti ments, and persuaded them to hoist the "Stars Stripes." The Guards say they have good nooe for traitors, viz : a hempen collar, which does not need starch. More anon. Yours truly, Yorick. Xiao Presentation. On last Wednesday wternoon, May 1st, a large number of our cit ies, male and female, old and young, as embled in front of the armory ol the " Wash- ,Dgton Cadets," to witness the presentation of a flag to said company, by the ladies of our ' Borough. Rev. J. MV Galloway opened the exercises with a prayer appropriate to the oc casion. The lion. G.R.Barrett then made an excellent preliminary speech ; after which, Miss Sophie McLeod, on the part of the ladies, presented the flag with a very neat and appro priate address. Wm. A. Wallace, Esq., res ponded, in a proper manner, on behalf of the Cadets; who received their standard with three tearty cheers ; after which the band played e "Star Spangled Banner." The exercises cr closed with a benediction by the Rev. r- McLeod. Both citizens and soldiers then tMay el1 P,ea80il wlth the ceremonies of In the evening, the "Cadets" partook of an Jcellent supper, which the fair donors of the bad aiao prepared. . We are assured, that e recipient8 of these favors, will ever hold br!a " 0f c,earfield grateful remem-o-efiJor tr,'kindnes shown , them on'this IOD CLIPPINGS AND ECHI22LIXG3 DSArrivcd Mhj. Anderson, at Washington. KRecognized the new Kingdom of Italy, by Portugal. EP"RnIe the day Bad whiskey and bad temper, in Baltimore. . jrjT'IntelHgence from Missouri is, that she will adhere to the Union. , , G-There are 1,300 men in Fort Monroe, and 650 in Fort McHenry. - ttFami lies, driven from Virginia, pass through Georgetown, daily, i ' . fXThe report that no more troops are wan ted at Washington, is in correct. tt"The Union feeling is still strong in Bal timore, but supprssed by the mob. CFour regiments of troops have been rais ed in St. Louis, for the Presideut. K7"Was notified Rev. Mr. White, to leave Virginia, on Sunday while in bis pulpit. 0"Forwarding of troops will not cease nn til 50,000 men have reached Washington. ivbearched the trunks and. valises o travelers, on passing into the Southern con federacy. Western Virginia, "it is said, bas already enrolled 2,600 men for the service of the Uni ted states. ffFTo be increased the French army The National Guards are to be re-constructed on a grand scale. . OCaptnred five forts in Cochin China by the French and Spanish troops, alter an ob stinate resistance. . , ' KF"Discontinued the daily States and Un ton, at Washington, for want of support. It advocated secession. K"Scouts returned from North Carolina report that the military spirit is thoroughly aroused in that Mate. K7Gen. Thomas Power, of Beaver co., Pa has entered the ranks of Col. C.M.Clay's company, at Washington. KThe Austrian army is uneasy, and the Emperor is disposed to enter Italy with 200, 000 men before the Kingdom is consolidated. KF"Twenly-five thousand Minnie rifles have been purchased in Canada for the U. S. Gov ernment, and it is said, more can be obtained rX7"The Italian government would not act against Rome as a conqueror, and it was hoped that the antagonism of the church would cease "Singular that all the men who return from the east say, that there is more sympa thy exhibited for the secessionists in this place, than any where they have been. E7Judge Campbell of the U. S. Supreme Court, who resides in Alabama, has sent in his resignation. He is a Unionist, but feels bound to adhere to the fortunes of his State. (X7""The Steamer Lioness, commissioned as a privateer by the Secession leaders in Balti more, was captured by a U. S. vessel in Ches apeak Bay. She has been delivered over to the proper authorities. fXEx-Gov. Wise says, "Virginia will have Fort Monroe if it costs the lives of 10,000 of her sons to get it." The losing of 10,000 lives is an easy matter ; but, the taking of the Fort may be more difficult. n t . . a . i A ULK iV.llSISU. A cuiicipuuuruii "I IIUS us, that a pole over eighty feet long, was raised by the citizens ol Osceola on the 1st of May. and a flag 8 feet by 12, wrought by the hands of the patiiotic ladies of that place, was flung to the breeze amid the plaudits of those as sembled, and the firing of a military salute. Several appropriate speeches were made on the occasion, and special mention is made of Mr. Daniel P.Bible, of Philipsburg, as the oratory of the day. His speech is highly spo ken of. At the close of the meeting, 12 per sons volunteered their services, in the cause of freedom. Great enthusiasm was manifest ed by all present. Seizure of Flour. It was announced that the Government had seized at various times quantities ot flour. Prior to its doing so, the price had risen to $20, per barrel. The whole amount taken was 30,000 barrels, all of which was destined for the New-York market, and for which regular prices were paid. This the Government is now selling in small or large lots, as suits purchasers, and the poor of Washington are blessing tht Administration for lowering the rates of that necessary. Other provisions are scarce, and hotel tables are worse than those set in third-class boarding-house in Chatham street. Rolling stock has been sent from the Pennsylvania Central Road, jirith which to supply the road from Washington to Annapolis, and Thomas A. Scott, Superintendent of that road, is there to manage the transportation of troops. Avenged his Moth er. The Louisville Dem ocrat of the 21st, says : A man named Peter Smith was shot yesterday morning, on the Jef fersonville ferry boat, by his illegitimate son, Francis Marion Smith. The young man states that the former had seduced his mother forty years ago, and brought her to a career of pros titution. He states that bis mother, on her death bed, about a year ago, told him of these facts, and told him to avenge her. The young man first stabbed him, aud then shot him in the back of the head, the ball coming out a bove the eye, literally blowing his brains out. Ho died immadiately. Peter Smith was well known as a wine grower, and resided near Utica, Indiana, and is connected by marriage with respectable families in this city. He was highly respected by a large circle of friends. Charleston. A soldier discharged from service, who had gone into Fort Moultrie tho day alter Maj. Anderson left it, and who ser ved under Captain Haven's during the scigc of Fort Sumter, says that the round shot from Sumters barbette guns were the most destruc tive to Fort Moultile that they were fired with great accuracy that at times the scene in the Fort was terrible and that between 300 and 400 were killed, and a large number woun ded. The killed were thrown into boxes aud hurried in the Potter's Field after night. He says hundreds of families have yet to learn the truth ; who are informed that their friends are still on Sullivan's Island. He also states that .there were 150 killed and wounded on Morris Island. The American Flag Displayed. The Star Spangled Banner was raised with great de monstrations at the Post Office and Custom House m Baltimore, on Wednesday the 1st of May. A large crowd had assembled to wit ness the flag raising. A new flag staff bad been ordered to be erected, by the new offi cials, over the portico, and at a quarter to 1 o'clock. Cant. Frazer, a veteran sea-captain of Fells, Point, drew op ttefflag; and asjit spread to the breeze was greeted with tremen dous applause, the waving of hats, and cheers for the Union. The crowd then joined in singing the "Star Spangled Banner." Twiggs, after sacrificing his honor ai'd bis conscience, has been contemptuously thrown aside with a commission of Brigadier General, which Davis knew he could not accept. He has sank too low for scorn. His degradation can excite no feeling but pity; I Latest from Washington. " Washington, Saturday, May 4, 1861. From the President to the lowest official, all are busy with preparations for the approach ing movement. . Special agents are dispatch ed from all the organizing departments to the several Navy-Yards and army posts, who are directed forthwith and speedily to place all things in perfect order. The President has determined upon active, instant, decisive, and comprehensive action. The time has arrived when, in accordance with the doctrine announced in his Inaugural, the President will proceed to repossess the pro perty of the United States. Seventy thousand volunteers, . twenty-five thousand regulars, and eighteen thousand na val force, aie shortly to proceed upon this im portant mission, and their march, truly the march ot mighty armies, will not falter until he whose right it isto rule shall be recogni zed from one end of the land to the other. Gen. Scott telegraphed for Gen. Butler to leave Annapolis and come here and all day long he has been closeted with the Comman der-in-Chief, receiving detailed information and instruction concerning his future move ments. It is also decided to approach and occupy Baltimore. The army of occupation will move in four columns ; one from Perryville, one from Ilarrisburg, one from Annapolis, and one from Washington. Of course, no opposi tion is anticipated," though no possible success ful impediment could be placed in their way Cairo, 111., May 5. A gentleman from Cin cinnati sent a dispatch to Col. Prentiss sta tirg that "Gen. Pillow had several steamers ready at Memphis, and intended to attack Cairo." Col. Prentiss replied, "Let him come he will learn to dig a ditch on the right side. I am ready."- Wheeling, May 5. An immense Union meeting was held here yesterday. Able speeches were made urging resistance to the Secession ordinance, and favoring a division of the State. . , - . Washington, May 6. Thirty cars, contain ing about 1800 troop's, were sent to the Relay House, yesterday. They have established a camp on Mr. Luckett's and Talbot's farms. Their arrival caused much surprise ; as even the telegraph operator did not know of their coming, until a guard entered the office and took possession. It is said that the troops have cut down the telegraph poles on the lines west of Relay, so. as to prevent communication between Balti more and Harper's Ferry. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is held, to prevent the forwarding of supplies to Seces sion troops in Virginia. It is also reported that the road fioni Wheeling will be taken pos session of for the same purpose. Harbisburg, May 6. Some anxiety has been manifested, to show the object of the meeting of the Governors of some six States, at Cleveland. The object was the discussion of the present aspect of affairs, and the more completely to consolidate their forces for the purpose of giving the National Administra tion the itioat etiicient possible powerful aid. Two hundred and eighty-three companies have offered their services to the Governor of Pa., who were not accepted under the former requisition. Among the names we find the 'Washington Cadets," and "Raftsmen Ran gers." A Card to the Suffering. The Rov. William Cosgmve, while Inborirj as a miss onary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other moans had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo. 1'hia recipe has cured great numbers who were suf ering from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sora Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, which X nave brought home witb me, to all who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. Wji. Coscrovk. I CD..i-iiu 4w 1 u;Uu A vcnua,lrooklyu,. 1 . The f male organization is often as frail as that of a tender flower. Many of the sex enter into marriage relations without being able to undergo the labors and trials of maternity. In this coun try thousand of younf? and beautiful women are sacrificed every year from this cause alone. Hoa- tetter s Celebrated Monineh isitters will save ma ny of this class from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great benefit by im mense numbers of people throughout the repub lic, and the proprietors have received grateful commendations from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be found to be very pleasant to the tsste, even as a beveracre. and prompt and powerful in its effect as a medicine. It infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so tbat women who use it aro ena bled to fro through with labors which would. without it. be certain to prostrate them. Sold by all druggists. - " MARRIED: On April 4th, by M. A. Frank Esq., Mr. James Morrison, of Goshen tp., to Miss Eliza liaooKs, of Lentre county. COUNTY COMMITTEE. The following County Executive Committee bas been appointed by the President of the last Coun ty Convention, who was authorized to constitute it: Clearfield. Chairman, John Irvin, Joseph A. Caldwell, David S. Moore, Charles M. Ooff, Joseph. II. Arnold, Arthur Bell, S. C. Patchen, Aaron H. Pearce, John Thompson, jr. Martin O. Stirk, Jacob Gibson, John W. Wright, John G. Cain, John M. Chase, -Daniel Ayers, John Beish, William Hoover, P. A. Gaulin, John Spackman, Thomas Graham,' John B. Hewitt, ' Allen Mitchell, Frank McGarvey, Samuel Kirk, Wm. Campbell, Samuel Sebring, Dan. E. Erubaker, A. W. Heath, Jo'hn M. Katen, ' Curwensville Borough. Pike township. Penn township. Bloom township, Brady township. Bell township. Burnside township. Chest township Jordan township. Knox township. Ferguson township. Becoaria township. Ouelioh township. Woodward township. r Decatur township. Boggs township. Bradrord township. Covington township. Girard township. Goshen township. Huston township. Lawrence township. Karttaaus township. Lumber-city Boro'. Morris township. New Washington. Union township. Fox township. ' v ; Graham township. fTILOUR AND BACON a prime lot, just re- April 10.- GBAnAX: Boynton A Co's PRIME LOT of frosh Drugs just received and opened at - " HARTS WICK'S. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. Tho un dersigned, residing in Woodward township, has on hand a twenty-five horse power engine and boilers which he will dispose of. Any person in want of an engine, would do well to examine this one before purchasing elsewhere. The price will bo low and the terms easy, lie bas also on hand an excellent Shingle machine which ho will sell on easy terms. ' JOHN M. CHASE. : Woodward tp., April 17. lS(il-2mp. eriunrsG times in piiiladel tlllA ! Tremendous Excitement among tJi EXCITING FOOT RACE between the. 1 htladeljihia Police and a notorious Forger and rnnnterjeiter. Joint Buchanan Cross !!!.'.' Cros, Recaptured !!!!.' It seems to be the general onin ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of rrunit cnort 3 Jtrench-calt lioots, that he would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missins his custom; but would an nounce to all Breckinridge, Douglas, Lincoln and BcJl mm, and women and chi ldren in Clearfield and Sinnemahoning in particular, that he is pre pared to furnish them with Boots. Shoes and Gai ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, .ewed or peg ged, (and as he is a short fellow) on short notiee. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat est manner and charges moderate, nt th Short bhoe thop on Second Street, opposite Keed, We ver k uo s store. Jr KAJNK S1HJKT. N1B. Findings for sale. ' Aug. 29, 18("0. NEW DRUG STORE. the subscribers have onen'jd a full and com. i lete assortment ot D II li i M in the new brick uildine of Dr. Woods, on the corner of Locust ana Cherry streets, in the Borough of Clearfield where they will at all times be hannv to accom modate any person who may desire articlesin their line, ibe business will be confined strictly to a ua.jt aj..u rnMUKirinw iiUSi..NES5, and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always be iouna ana consulted in ino "urug store," when not absent on professional business. A separate room ior consultation is aitacnca to the Store where patients may be examined privately. Lverj article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, und sold at greatly reauceu prices, x errns bring strictly will en able them to offer inducements in the way of prices. rnysicians will be supplied as a small percent age overcost and carriage. The; r orders are solici ted. Every article sold will bo pure and of the best quality. WOODS & BAltllETT. Clearfield, Pa.. February 13, 1861-tf. rtlS HIS OWN HOOK! ."OIIN GUELICH CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes to inform his old friend3 and customers, tbat he is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business on 'h is own hook," at his old shop on Market Street, nearly opposite the (iold Jew Store," where he keeps on band, and is prepared to manufacture to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that maybe wanted in this section of country ; con sisting of bofas, JUoungcs, Mauogony and Common Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. He wil also repair furniture and chairs, in good stylo cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no tice, and easy terms. Sovr is the time to buy at reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing in my line oi ousiness at me cu japest cash rates Walk in and examine the articles on hand, aai judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish. ' . 1 1 4 vumiiry pruuuee receiveu in payment. April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELICH. N B Coffins made to order on short notice, aw funerals attended with a neat hoarse, and appro priate nccompanyments. when desired. J. G. Q 1 AAA REWARD ! ! Wiil be paid for an y V-LjVVV meat cine ltut will Jixcel COLBERT'S BALM IN GILEAD!!!! For the Quick cure of Headache, Toothache Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Pain ia the side, Back or stomach, Painters Cholic, or Cramp, Frosted Feet or Ears, Burns, Fresh Cuts, sprains. Bruises, Diarrhoea, and Sore Throat, and all similar com plaints. - Toothache cured in ten minutes. Earache cur ed in five minutes. Headache cured in ten min utes. Burns cured from smarting in two minutes .Neuralgia pains cured in five minutes. Cholic cured in ten minutes. Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved in five minutes iuu cases have been cured by one Agent, in a single day! EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED Try it! Try it ! ! Try it ! ! ! Try it!!!! Price 25 and 50 cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Agents, and one wanted in every town, also lew good traveling A gents. All orders and communications should be addressed C. S. COLBERT & CO.. 123 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Health and happiness to the sons and daugh ters of nfllietion. These things we prove on the spot and before your eyes. only bring on your cases. l'hilaaclphia. May J, IKbl.-bin. IMPORTANT CHAN GEOF LOCATION GRAHAM, BOYNTON & CO., Desire to inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have removed tieir store to tho NEW BRICK BUILDING recently erected by James B Graham. Esq.. on Market street, Clearfield, where they will be pleas ed to accommodate an who may tavor them with a call. Their stock consists ot a general assort ment of the very best Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD-WARE. CUTLERY, QUEENS-WARE. CEDAR & WILLOW WARE. BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, DRUGS, PALNTS, AC. AC. Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Vestings, Muslins, Ticiing.Checls, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De Isime. Cash msres. Silks. Plaids, Shawls, Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc. Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters, Misses and Childrens Shoes ; Mens', Boys', and Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large selection of useful notions, among which are Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy Soaps, Pens aud Pen-holders, Combs, Jre, together with many other useful notions, all of which will, be sold low for Cah, or in exchange for approved country produce. As their stock is entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta geous terms, they feel confident that they can sell cods to the advantage of the buyer. Step m and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the new store is the place Mar 27. 1S81. .GRAHAM. BOYNTON A CO. DO YOU WANT WniSKERSl DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE?,: DO YOU WANT A1 MUSTACHE ? BELLINGHAM'S CELEBRATED STIMULATING OSGOENT. FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAIR. The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above justly celebrated and world renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT is prepared by Dr. C. P. Bcllingham, an eminent physician of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Mttntache.. in from 3 io 6 weeks. This article is the only one of the kind nsed by the French, and in London and Paris it is in uni versal use. It is a beautiful, economical, sooth ing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure baldness, and cause to spring npin place of tne Daia spots a fine growtn ot new hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn red or towy hair dark, and restore gray bair no its original color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The 'Unguent " is an indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for any consideration be without it. ibe subscribers are the only Agents lor tho ar ticle in the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists and Dealers ; or a box of the Unguent" (warranted to have the desired enect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct). securely packod, on receipt of price and postage, Si. 18. Apply to or address - - - ' HORACE L- HEGEMAN A CO., Druggists.Ac; reb."27-6m. ?t William Street, New-York. HARTSWICK'S : DRUG & VARIETY S T O HE,. MARKET STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL. The undersigned will have constantly on hard a well selected gtook of Drugs. Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco and Segars, Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti cles, which he will dispose of cheap fur oath. He invites the public to call and exajuine his stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Med icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea sonable rates. J. G. HARTSWICK. Clearfield, Pa. December 12, I860. FALL THE FIRST ARRIVAL OK t WINTER 1860. 1860 Fall and Winter Goods, AT THE OLD STAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO., JMarket St., 2 doors jVorti of the Court House, WHERE they are just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods suit ed to the wants of the community, for the Fall and Winter Trade, which they offer in large or small quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine for yourselves. Their assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS is very large and complete, embracing almost ev ery article bttt of fashion and service. Especial attention ts been paid to the selection of LA DIES' DRiiSS GOODS, which are of every variety and the very latest styles ; Silks, Delaines, Plaids, C'Vurgs, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas, Casbmeres, 1 ach, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Swisses, Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain Bobbinetts, Veil Baize, Irish Linen and Cloth?, Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Sattinots, Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Dia per, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Drills, Red, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, Linseys, Ac. Also, a largo stock of Ladies' and Gentle men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of the very latest fashion. eeptia I7 AST, WEST, NORTH, AND SOUTH - the people are notified of a Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just receiving and opening, a large and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter Good. of almost every-description, Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS, of the latest and mostapproved styles ; alsoagrca variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps Bonnets and Shawls, BOOTS AND SHOES, A GREAT VAItlETT, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Drugs and Med icines, Oils and Paints, GROCERIES, BEST QUALITY, FISH, BACON ASD 1'LOCR, Carpets and Oil Cloths ; all of which will be sold at the lowest sash or ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to call. Ww. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 1860. N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. IV EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JERRED F. IRVIN. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tilo business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in gencr:tl that they have received from the East and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to the wants of the community. and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING. at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in anil examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we teel connaent that we can supply you with all kinds of goods. at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial. May 30, 1860. JERRED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call and settle. may 30 NSONVILLE RIGHT SIDE UP!! Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT SWAN AND HARTSHORN'S, At their Old Stand in Ansonville. The subscribers havejust returned from the east with a large and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER Gr 0 0 D S , consisting of a general variety of the very best CLOTHS, CASSIMERSS, SATTINETS, Ac, and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, for men and boys, for winter wear. Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and children, together with a good stock of Bonnets and Shawls. They have also a good assortment of Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac. They also keep always on hand a great variety of USEFUL NOTIONS, . such as are wanted in every family. The above named articles, and everything else in their line, will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produoe. ' Give them a trial. SWAN A HARTSHORN. Ansonville, Pa., October 24, 1S60. THE BODUGGEB. THIS wonderful article, just patented, is some , thing cnttrely new, and never before ofTored to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Full par ticulars sent free. Address bJIAW A ULAKK, March 6, 1861-ly. Biddeford, Maine. TWENTY-FIVE ntTNDRED ACRES OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALE, extending to th mouth of the Moshannoa. . An eligable property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of Decl5 tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa" PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law. Indiana, Pa. . Professional business promptly attended to. DO. CROUCH, rHYSiriA5,Curwensvllle, Clear . field county, Penn'a. . . May 14. H. R. BRYANT. Luthcrsburc. Pa., tender! his professional services to the publie in gen eral. Luthersbarg, October 13, i X J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real EsU nReni, nearne id. 1'a. a . n. V Office adjoining his May 16. residence, on Second street ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, f f v ICfl Clearfield. Pa. Offi one door north of the Post Office, on Second street. Sept. I. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. (n4 District Attorney.) Clearfield, Ta. Office in Shaw's new row, Market street. May 25. ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear field, Pa. Office the same that was formerly occupied by Hon. G. It Barrett. eepti 60 HBUCIIER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear . field, Pa. Office inGraham's Row. one door east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10. IRANK SHORT. Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop ? on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed and Weaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 18iS. MA. FRANK. Justice of the Peace, Market L, . Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. ColFections made and money remitted Apr27'59. WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield. Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer or all kinds o( Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. WM. CAMPBELL, flerg his professional services to the citizens of Morris and attain ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown. Clearfield county. May 11,1853. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts man s Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10. JB M'ENALL . Fa. Practic ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. ices in Clearfield and adioininir counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few door west of JournilOJper, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. IARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1S56. JAS. H. LABKlMEIt. ISKAEL TEST. THOMAS J. A WILLIAM M. M CULLOUGH, Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. Office on Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossop'a store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feo. 13. JOHN RUSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Currier. Pennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest each prices. Hides of all kinds taken in exchange JuIyl5-54. JOHN HUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land t) Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield county. AH business en trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex ecuted. He can be found at the banking house of Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, 1859. DR. M. WOODS, tender? his professional servi ces to the citizsns of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite tho office of L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that was recent ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where he can be found unless absent on piofcssional business. ENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner Offico in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. J. G, HARTSWICK, CIAN AND SURGEON, CLEARFIELD, PEXS'A I960. P H Y S MAY30. PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constantl on hand at his store room in Philipsburg fCcntreycounty, a full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Kicc, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; alt of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his articles. lmar?lj ROBERT LLOYD. . TVEW STOKE. The subscriber has opened a il new store at Williamsvillc, Clearfield county, ?a., where he will keep constantly on hand a gen eral assortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCE RIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. which he will sell for cash, or exchange for Timber, Boards, Shin gles, Grain, Country Produce. A". He will be pleased to have all who wish to purchase any of the above articles to give him a call. JAMES E. WATSON. Williamsvillc, April 3d, 1861-3m. B AN KING AND COLLECTION OFFICE op LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., ; CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD" COUNTY, PA. f Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the roog lately occupied by w. A. Wallace, Ead. JAMES T. LEONARD. ZtllZZZ'Z D. A. FI3SKT. wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. fin vet. JpiLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; LIQUORS OF VARIOUS KINDS, Tobacco, Segars, Ac, FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by Feb. 27, 1861-tf. O. B. MERRELL. CHAIRS !! CHAIRS !!! CHAIRS !!!!! NOW TS TITE TIME TO BUY " T! The undersigned has now on hand, at bis Firni- ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a thort distance west of Litx's foundry, a largo stock of . CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS . manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu siness makes him feel confident that his ebairs aro made in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs shonJd call at once and get them while they can be had at the lowest rates. , i!CD 11. 1S61. JUU.f IXWli THE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will b opened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday, August 20th. Terms, per ses sion of eleven weeks : ' Orthography, Reading, Writing, 1'rimary Arith metic and Geography, $2.50 Hisher Arithmetic, t-ngiisa urammar, Geogra phy and History. $3,00 - . . X- i . . . . Algebra, ueomeiry, .-aiurai rciiosopny. ana Book Keeping, $4,00 Latin and ureeK languages, ?,on To students desirous of acquirinc a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session and no deduction except lor protractei ficknass. .Tuition to be paid at the clone of tha term may30 C. B. SANPFORD. rnncipul. t i ir