THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MAY 1, 18Gi. "Raftsman's Journal Office." on Sec ond Floor of Graham's New Brick jBuilding, on xaarKet street. r AAu itm f .tat nf n an rari liPM H.rft UrOTTI Tit ravine ones; but we have a few who are tardy ir indifferent in this respect. " Atex rafting" the names of good subscribers only will be retained on our list, and orders for new subscriptions will J : r . S U ...... ... . ti A r i.i- roftinff" the lave to be accompanied by th" Cash. Omitted. By an oversight, the name of James B. Graham was omitted from the list of contributors to the Belief Fund, by the person who furnished it. Mr. Graham has subscribed :$500.00. We may republish the list hereafter . n A hovi) noun i been re- r r !.,... .1,1 guested to state, mat uie v,....v. will present the nag, wnicn mey nave procur- d. to the "Washington Cadets," this (Wed neadav) aftJvaoon, at 2 o'clock, in front of .the armory on 2d street Flag raising. On last Thursday evening, the Washington Cadets, of this place raised a pole on the top of the tower ot the new Court House, and run up the Stars and Stripes. Thus, they have flung their banner to tho Jbreeze ; and "long may it wave o'er the land ut the free, and the home of the brave. " Cestre Hill (jrCAEDS. 1 his company, we have been informed, has filled up its ranks, and now musters 80 men, who are ready to anarch on short notice. We presume, the "Guards" will bo one of the tallest volunteer companies in the service, as its men arc with 4 or 5 exceptions, 6 feet and over in height. STRAWS SUOW WUICU WAT TUE WINDS BLOW. It is reported, that quite a number of strong sympathisers with the Southern traitors are ctill in our midst. . If this be so, they should - be earefnl how they express their sentiments, or be prepared to take up their abode with their friends, as the Pennsylvania Legislature at its last session passed an act defining trea son in this State. CiBwrssviLLE in the Field. On last Thurs day our neighbors in Curwensville, commenc ed the forming of a new military company, and already they number upwards of 80 men, M-ho are ready to march at any time they may be called upon. This is quick work; nnd our Curwensville friends deserve great credit for their patriotic devotion to the Union, and their promptness in auswering to the call ol the President for men to prevent the capitol being usurped by traitors. ; Biblk Societt. At an annual meeting of the Clearfield county Bible Society, leld in .the Borough of Cleat field, on the first day of iFebruary 1801, the following olficers were chosen to serve during the ensuing year viz : President, Hon. G. K. Barrett; Vice Presi dent, John F. Weaver; Secretary, George W. Jvheem ? Treasurer, G. P. Guelich. Mana gers ; Dr. M. Woods, Henry E. Snyder, James Wrigley, Jonathan Boynton, J. B. McE sally, Edwin Cooper. Mr. G. P. Guelich, then of fered an amend was postponed and the 2-ociet The Militia. The .irmy JtegUUr for 1861, makes an abstract of the Militia force cf th country. The entire enrolled militia ot the States and Territories amounts to about three and a half millions. The Jiiilitia of tho Free States, foots up; 2,33C 81C, Iowa, Kansas and Oregon not included whicji have probably -w.vuu more, making ine totai iorce in me free States. 2,536,816. The Militia in the Southern Confederate States is 378,68;! of the Border Slave States 004,721 making in all in the Slave States, 983,416. Excess of mili tia n Kfko Mfit.a I .-i.'iS alfl. nr noarlr flir. I ... .... , ,....01.... o. . . times the number of that of the Slave States. Bible Meeting. The next regular monthly concert of the Clearfield county Biblo society, will be held in tho Baptist church, in the Bor ough of Clearfield, on Sunday evening the loth of June uext, when a Sermon will be preached, and a collection taken up for the benefit of the cause. AH other congregations are respectfully invited to attend, and join in .a common efiort for a good eause. The regular quarterly meeting of said eoci- ty, will be held in the Court-house on Mon day evening, Juue the 27th at 7 o'clock, be ing Monday evening of court week, wnen the Hon. Samuel Linn is expected to deliver an address. A general attendance is requested. At that time an amendment to the constitu tion proposed at a former meeting by G. P. Guelich Esq., viz : That tho field of opera tiontor the Clearfield county Biblo society uII be confined to the Borough of Clearfield and Lawrence township especially ; but to sell Bibles as usual throughout the counly," will bo discussed and voted upon. . , . G. 11. Barrett, Pres't. Speech or S. A. Docclas. Senator Doug las made a speech at Columbus. Ohio, on April, -3d., iQ which he said it was useless to waste time in discussing the cau&es of the civil war all that we had now to consider was our du ty a citizens, and that duty was to stand by iheflag, md to defend the Capital of the na tion. The question was, would the people permit traitors to destroy the constitutional ly elected Government, or would thev sud- Ires rebellion i Tbis was a great eotnmer question. ShaU we have anettv oassnort ystem b,ch would require of every citizen who wished to crosa a State lin sur.h a nr- " is now given in tbe South to a negro S)ail our baaA k rhniAri rder. if w ;h rari Khn ,,m.: of tterce he suhipet tn KB-,iiiai ditaiinn i it 0. . . . J no time now i,,r imin.ti w mt. of ""7 to the defense of the Government to e reesiabliahment of tbe Union. Speaking ot G ' fw ' " acott the command of the Southern ar h.a a Scott' "ply wai that for fifty years jo aevoted his life to the defense of tho flag ij"'1 C0.UDtrFt nd so long as God pcriaittLCi 2 1.;0 he would stand by it against all nts' eTen though Virginia, hit CAilve l4e, were among them , . , . ..:, i .ii.i, I up me iapuoi ana an me puonc ouiidingi,4 is iioi ntnowu now mawy iiearneia men nave l " 1"ll""uc. ment tO the Constitution, Which I '.,. .... ' u ',,.., r..ns.'l I II. Wanle. confeet. kiiiici man; (iciuiiucn " louiuiu voiuntcerea uieir services uown the river, but f " until the next regular meeting, the hands of the Secessionists. This alterna- 0 ,f th . A.Montgomery, U. ... ... . .u we will venture to say that the number does Jacob Kuntx, utirnrd. tive is now entirely unnecessary, owing to the J T. ..,i r . i. o-.n Joan Carlile. "gton he met on the streef a Virginia gentle- in a weed's notice." The ""n vho Mir.n rt..t.m,. ,r. ryimm;iin. . cTerrivheta in tho South. mj w 1 j " i iiiaa u rw noil- i m -r TT- " ' ----- w-w - -w . CLIPPINGS AND E.G2IBEI.IXGS tXIligh the military fovcr, iu this place. H7Made-soiue gardens, during thu ia$t week. . Cp-Busy -our farmers. That's right, raiso all you ctv 3-Warm and! springlike-the -A-eat-hcr, for several days. Ool, this morning. E7"The price of a conveyance by carriage from Baltimore to York, J.., is $60 I r. rrT1 1 . . - , . ,J ur j."s rcjHfi me ourmng oj ucd. iuu walader's residence is said to be incorrect. tt?To be closed Boston harbor, against the ahipoient ot any article for tho aid and comfort of 4 he rebels. '.'..'.. OWas captured Gen. Harney, by the Virginia troops at Harper's Ferry, whilst on his way to Washington. 1 . "Discovered gold mines of a fabulous extent, in the Istuuth oi Tehuantepec. That storv wont lake insf. now. - . --..v.-. ....... 3 be,ng armud aH(l fitted out as lne p,0neer tor tnu coast guard service KTho destruction of property at Norfolk, including the ship Pennsylvania, amounts to over twenty-seven millions. KBaltimore money is 10 per cent below par in that city, while Pennsylvania money is exchanged for gold and silver at par. tt"The War Department has resolved only to make promotions from the ranks ot the vol unteers to till vacancies in the arm)'. EFTbe Adjutant General's report shows that 124 full companies had arrived at llarns- burg on Friday last, and were received into me service. U-llie son oi Major l,eorge M. inman.oi adiniT, has been unpointed from the King- Read gold Artillery to a second lieutenancy in the regular army. ' BVolunteers coutinue to entor the arse nal, at St. Louis under the President's procla mation. There are now about 3000 troops there undergoing vigorous drilling. K7"Xhe advices from Houston, Texas, say that the troops encamped near Indianola have been compelled to take that place aud fortify themselves, and are awaiting the arrival of 600 others. v rX7"Jefrerson Davis has resigned the Presi dency for the time to the Vice President, for the purpose of .co-operating with the army of rebels. lie is reported to be very jealous of Beauregard. CC7The Bait :in are says that the spe cial election was a mere form. There was no opposition to the State Kights ticket, and on ly about 8,500 to 'J.OOO votes wea-o cast all on one side. 05The marines at the Washington Navy Yard, whose term of service had lately expir ed, are re-enlisting with the patriotic decla ration that this is no time to abandon the Government. C7"Judge II ays, with a party of Texas troops ami two pieces of artillery, were fortify ing themselves with cotton bales and sand bags on Dog fsld, arid expected to bo at tacked by the Federal forces. C7The number of United States troops left in Texas is about one thousand. They are abundantly supplied with provisions and means of transportation, rhe numlier in the vicinity of Indianola is about five hundred. 1X3" cl-rk who has been emploj-ed in a wholesale house in Baltimore, reports that all the wholesale stores have lxen shut up, and such of the .clerks as are Northern men by birth are ordered to enlist. Many are esca ping the city. tt7"Beforc the citv was perfectly safe, it was , the intention of the Government to have blown perfect safety of tho city. at llarrisburg on the 2Gth. via Chambersburg. They were required to take the test oath and take up arms, or be imprisoned. Some of them took the oath when compelled, and then escaped, while others escaped without. They were mostly from 1 airfax county. (T7"The Hiaggold Artillery of Reading, Pa., were detailed tor duty on t riday , and pro ceeded down the Potomac to the vicinity of Alexandria, where thev destroyed several heavy embankments and the material of sev- eral batteries. This gallant corps Is winning golden opinions among the people and army nllif,.iac iraf harml 1 ri Mile I l. ITIF'A Virginian arrived at Harrisburg on the 2Gth, wbo was formerly an offieer of the Federal House of Representatives, and a Breckinridge Democrat. He brought the ti- ile-deeds of his estate wtih mm, but expects that his property, worth $90,000, will be con fiscated. He reports that every man is com pelled to serve tho Stato or leave. CETThe Capitol building has been converted into one vast store-house, where provisions, anus and ammunition are stored, lue uov ernment is supplying the people with flour at $7 per bbl., while it is selling at Baltimore at the rate of $lz per bbl. 1 lie Uoverntnent has a stocK ofo'J.uuu narreis on nana, wnicn mey dispose or at tno price naoea ana onjy oy a single barrel to families, ia crder to keep down speculation. KyA letter from Peneacola says that Major Toombs is iu command of Fort Pickens, with, it is snpposed, 500 men. The fort was again reinforced on Monday night, with 100 men. The steamer Illinoit, with troops from New York, had arrived, and it was Itelieved had landed a large force on Santa Rosa Island, for lhe purpose of erecting batteries to pre- vent the march of any Confederal troops lan ded above Fort Pickens. QSThe steamer C. T. Ilillman, from St. Louis, bound to Nashville, Tenn., was aban- I doned by the officers and crew when opposite Cairo, Illinois. The deserted steamer was boarded by Capt. Scott, in the steamer Swal low, who tuiind on board 1000 kegs of powder, and a large quantity of other contraband goods. It is supposed that the captain and crew of the Ilillman deeerted hr for fear of tho con sequences if caught by the troops at this point. War Feeling: in New Orleans. A dis patch to the North American, from New Or leans, dated on the 24th says -4Tha war fe ver here is raging intensely, as it is also in all I rarI8 of the State, and in Alabama, Mississsip- P'. Texas, Georgia, and other cities ami towns in the Confederate Statrs. Indeed, po exten- are the preparations for the coniing and ineritable conflict, that everything in the way business is lost sight of, and thousands are arraoziiig their personal effects in anticipation w - ..... . J J I the uorst. In this city the ardor and en- thusiasui baa never been exceed, and twen- ty-flve thousand men coiid be mustered into from this point alone, same feeling exists and her sons, to a mao, mil do or die in detenee ol una mey believe to be their rights. The dispatches from the North represent that body as a unit ngainst the Sonth : but tho South, in the day of battle, will be found equally so for never was there greater unanimity iu a-cause than ia tho conflict that is about to be undertaken. I Latest froniWashington. It is stated, by the best authority, that Lord Lyons, tho a British minister, sent a special , , . . ' . - to detain the steamer Persia at New messenger York until full dispatches eould be forwarded by turn to the home government. Lord Ly ona is advised, to proffer to the United States Government, for the suppression of the slave State rebellion, arms, and amunition, and troops from England, and Canada. By, the Persia be sent out orders for three hundred thousand stand of the improved Minnie mus ket, and for a vast number of the celebrated rifled cannon. Orders in future are not to be filled in England for the rebel government for arms, or amunition, or ships-of war. Indescribable consternation, has spread through Virginia because of the arrival here of the famous General Lane and Captain Mont gomery, of Kansas. They, have with them neatly two hundred of the desperadoes of the civil wars of that territory. They are to act as an independent corps of scouts for danger ous and lorlorn service It is stated that Hon. J. M. Mason, late U S. Senator from Virginia, has been arrested at Perry ville, Md.,by order of Ioj. Gen. Patter son. Mr. Mason was in Philadelphia several days since, but his arrest is contradicted. It is believed that an English and French fleet will be sent to the Southern ports at an early day, to co-operate with the United States fleet in the Uockade of the Sece3sion pt.rts. I louis napoleon uas joinea witn victoria to suppress the Slave-State rebellion. It is sta- ted that his offers of service to President Lin coin are now on their way to Washington. It is reported, that the Rebels bave conclu ded that it ia impossible for them to capture fort Pickens, and that many of the soldiers are leaving. It will rejoice tho friends of the Secretary of War to learn that he is in the best of health, and acting in concert with Lieut. Gen. Scott. ... . , . Issued, it is reported, to ral of Canada, to offer to Orders "have been the Governor-General the United States men and arms. The President has issued a proclamation, declaring the ports in North Carolina and Virginia as blockaded. Late advices state that there were 13,000 troops at Washington and 8,000 more in tho vicinity. The Maryland Senate lias refused to pass an act of secession From the llarrisburg Patriot & Union. Clearfifli County. Although Clearfield county has not yet sent a company, it has been ascertained that 350 of her men, who were down the river on raits, instead of returning home, enJisled iu -companies formed along the river. Four hundred men ate now enrolled in the county, and a regiment will be comple ted within a few days. Walter Barrett, Esq., son of Judge Barrett, has arrived for the pur pose of tendering the services of the Regiment to the Governor. We hope tho Clearfield boys will bave a chance to show their valor. If they are all like our young friend Barrett, they will make their mark. Our llarrisburg contemporary has been sold in ihe publication of tho above paragraph. It not exceed one-half of the 350, as stated. As to the 400 now ready, we believe that to be a fact ; but, tho individual above named, we have been requested to state, has no authori ty to tender their services, as he holds no po sition, as an officer, in either ol the companies. Some of the companies have tendered their services, and are accepted, and the rest are getting ready. A Card to tub Suffering. The Rev, William Cosgrove, while laboring as a miss onary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, w&ew all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned I puj'siciuu rcniuiii in iue grei citjr in .jciiuu. i 'pi.:. .. . .j i t r I 1 - - - i. & . i l i I xuia iujif v uua vuicu gicut uuui uci 9 nny nuioaui- 1 ering from Consumption, Bronchitis, bora lhroat. Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others. I will send this rccipe,which I bave brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address Rev. Wm. Cosgkovk. Jr eb.ii -Jm 4 6'J t ulton Avenue, Brooklyn, A. 1 . The female organization is often as frail as that of a tender flower. Many of the sex enter into marriage relations without being able to undergo the labors and trials of maternity. In this coun try thousand of young and beautiful women are sacrificed every year from this cause alone. Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters will save ina ny of this class from an untimely grave. This medicine has been used with great benefit by im mepse numbers of people throughout the repub lic, and the proprietors have received gratetul commendations from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be found to be very pleasant to the taete, even as a beverage and prompt and powerful in its e fleet aa a medicine. It infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that women who use it are ena bled to go through with labors which would, without it. be certain to prostrate them. Sold by all druggists. MARRIED: At the residence of the brides mother, Mrs. Wrigglesworth, by Rev. Robert Armor, Mr. David W. Shivery, of Hall Moon, Centre Co., to Miss Sauaii E. Moore, of Pennville. DIED: At Curwensville, of Apoplexy, Ignatius Thompson, Esq., in the 77th year of his age. The deceased was born in Huntingdon county in 1784, and settled on tbe Ridges in 1810. He was one of tho earliest settlers of our county, and contributed as muah, perhaps, towards its improvement as any person in itjlle was re markable, through life, for an novating cheer fulness of disposition, a kindly manner which naraly an otiunce could cnange tie manifest ed a childlike docility towards all, an htimcle opinion of himself. he was always animated with a fund of bope, which upheld him ih ma ny a trying hour during the last year of his life, having had previous attacks of tbe dis ease which terminated in his death. And this firm and abiding confidence in a merciful God, became bis solace and strength as be felt the I. J...l, II 1 . uj'iuiFawu ifi (team, no nni at, iivueab mau, a virtuous good citizen, and died without hav ing a known enemy, and was at peace himself with all mankind. cox. .TLOUENCE White and Florence Liquid, just JL' received and for sale at HAKTSW1CK7. AL A RGE ASSORT E Ji T of colored paints dry and ground in oil, in 1 pound cans, just received and for sale at HARTS WICK'S. PURE WHITE. LEAD, warranted, ground . in oil. in 2i and 124 pound cans, just receiv d and for saJo at HARTS WICK'S. FUr. KJiew Millport, Clearfield eo., Pa. Mar2tt-p. VATED: .?erson diS A B00 m chance wil? be givin. Apply to George Tate, about one and a half mile southeast of Clearfield Borough. March 20, 18fi0. DR. JEFFERSON LITZ, having located at G ra bainton, Clearfield county. Pa., will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care. He mar at all times be found at hi of fice or at the resdence of Dr. B. F.Akely.when not professionally engaged. March 13, 1861. THE BODTJGGER. fTUIIS wonderful article, just patented, is some 1 thing entirety new. and never before offered to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Full par ticulars sent free. Address SHAW A CLARK, March f, ISol-ly. Biddeford, Maine. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with a certain promisory note given by me to Samuel Se- uring. dated July Jd, 1857, sad calling for Twenty dollars, as I will not pay the same, never bavin? received value therefor. SAMUEL BR1CKLEY. Aew Washington. March 27, 1361-p. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jane Wilson.'late of Chest township, Clearfield county, a., aecensed, navmsr been tr ranted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re- quired to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them uuiy aumeuticatod tor settlement. D. J C ATI! CART, of Knox tp.. March 20, I861-6t. Administrator. CHAIRS !! CHAIRS !!! CHAIRS !!!!! ft (1W TS TTTP TtWf Tfl -DTTV tt it The undersigned has now on hand, at bis Furni ture Rooms on Market St.. Clearfield. Pa., a short distance west of Litz's foundry, a large stock of .i"5t manutactured out or the best materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu siness makes him feel confident that his chairs are made in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase-chairs should call at once and get them while they can be bad at the lowest rates. el !, IStil. JOUi IKUUTaiAN. STIRRING TIMES IN PHILADEL PHIA ! Tremendous IZxcitenifttt anion the M(ist,t ;!.' EXCITING FOOTRACE let ween the. Philadelphia Police and a notorious Former aud eoiniler;uer. Jme Burhanan Cross !!!!! Cross Recaptured '.'.'.'.! It seems to bo tho general opin- ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of frank Shorts trench-cult ik-ots. that bo woald not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missmjr bis custom: hut would an nounce to all Brecktnriiie, Douglas, Lineolii and Belt men, and women and children in Clearfield, 1 nd Sinnemahoning in particular, that he is pre- pmcu iu luiuiau iucuj nuu AJtruia. cuuca uuu , al ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, sewed r pee ked, (and as he is a short fellow) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange. and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat est manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed. Wea ver A Co s store. FRANK SHORT. N. B. Findings for sale. A-us.'2'J, ISfiO. LIST OF RETAILERS of Foreign and Do mestic Merchandise, in the County of Clear field, for 1861, subject to the payment of License. NAMES. RESIDENCE. CLASS. TOPAV. John Robison Beccaria town'p 14 $7 00 AVro. R. Dickinson " " 00 00 Jeremiah Cooper " Mary & Catharine Wright Co. " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Groom. Dicaty A Co. Lionel W. Weld " Samuel Hegarty " Charles J. Puaejr John Kobison it I F'i..?Jr,l?y' Bell township, it (C oggs township, 4. l Brady township, s. T. Hoover ' 00 00 on 00 00 00 " 14 " It " " 14 " " 13 " " 13 Bradford town'p, 14 ' 14 Reuben H. Moore, 1 hos. Montgomery, Daniel Goodlandcr, r . K. Arnold, 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 . 7 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 7 00 7 00 25 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 5 00 Samuel Arnold, Matthew Forcee, Edward Williams, Wm Albert, i Burnside town'p 14 14 It 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 9 14 14 14 8 11 12 14 II 14 E. McMasters, James MuMurray, 1 atoli in & Sens, Wm. Huntr, Cliest towmship ( .4 Clearfield Buro' James Cu'ry, Reed A Weaver. Moore A EtzweSler, Kichard alossop, Graham A. Bovntnn Win V Irwin ' ... . 1 (j( xvratzer & oOnS Merrell & Bierler, J. G. Hartswick, " Ieonard, Finney Si Co Bankers " r rancis Coudriet. Covineton tp P. T. Hesarty. ' John Barmov. " alentine Huffman e. " ' Curwensv. Boro Ed. A. Irwin, J. & J. F. Irwin. 15 00 12 50 7 00 15 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 12 50 A. Montgomery, H. Patton. Hippie 1 Co John D. Thompson. . J. Stephen Graff, conf. 8 J. P. Stiner, Decatur township, 14 Drum,Lippeneott A Co. ' " 14 Bowman l'erks. 11 James Irwin, Augustus Lecontc, Win. F. Humphrey, Ellis Irwin & Son, A. B. Shaw. Thomas II. Forcee. Holt. Wilson & Holt, Girard township, 14 13 u Goshen town'p, 14 " 13 Graham town'p, II " 4 12 Fox & Souder, Guelich town'p, 14 14 14 14 14 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tfO 00 00 00 00 J. A. Hegarty. Phoenix Lumber Co. P. Sneeringer fc Co. David Tyler, Hiram Woodward, Wm. Brady, David McGechan, Swan A Hartshorn, Wm. B. Hegarty, William Sankey, R. J. Haynes, James Forrest. John Broomall, Wright & Co., J. L. Curby, J. Ferguson, conf J. C. Brenner, Fowler t Jones, S warts & Bowers, J. C. Brenner, Russell McMurrar. Huston town'p 14 Jordan township 14 " - 14 Karthaus tivn'p, 14 14 Lawrence town'p. 14 Lumber-cityBoro'14 " - 14 .1 14 u . g Morris township, 14 14 " 14 " "14 New Washington 14 Penn township, 14 " " 8 Union townshsp, 14 - 14 Woodward twn'p, 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 John Flegal. w. v . Anderson, c. Dan. E Brubaker. 00 00 00 00 00 Jobn Sheescr, It. 0. McCann, . Thomas Henderson. 14 " 14 " 14 Jade Wbitcomb & Son, " John M. Chase, " 00 DISTILLER. M. Steinkirchner Morris township 6 5 00 PATENT MEDICINES Ed. Williams Bradford town'p Clearfield Boro' 11 i' Curwensville Boro' 11 u Graham town'p Morris township 00 00 00 00 00 00 C.D.Watson Woods & Barrett E. A. Irvin A. Montgomery Thomas U Forcee J. C. Brenner 00 KERTACBAXT. Ed. Goodwin Curwensville Boro 4 5 00 TNOTICE An anneal will be held on Tuesday the 7th day of May, at the Commissioners' Office in Clearfield Borough, when and where all who feel themselves aggrieved by the above appraise- uxub, u ai-Msua 11 mey boo proper. ELLIS K. UVEKHWU, April 3, 1861. Mercantilo Appraider. -HARTSWICIvS DRUG & VARIETY S T O 11 K , MARKET STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL. The Hndersigned will have constantly on hard a well seletd stoak of Drugs. Chemicals. Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco and Segnrs, Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti cles, which he will disposo of cheap for cash. - lie invites the public to call and examine iiis stock 6f goods before purchasing elsewhere. " Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Med icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea sonable rates. J. Q. II ARTSWICK. Clearfield, Pa. December 12, 1800. FALL 1 THE FIRST ARRIVAL OK ( WINTER I I860. I860 Fall andWinterGoods, . AT THE OLD STAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO., Marltt St., 2 doors North of thr. Court House, WHERE they are just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods suit ed to tpe wants of the community, for the Fall and Winter Trade, which they offer in large or small quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine for yourselves. Their assortment of DRY UOODS AND NOTIONS is very large ami complete, embracing almost ev ery articl bf'.A of fashion and service. Especial attention s been paid to the selection of LA- IHbs DhiSSs GOODS, which are ofevcry variety 1X16 v7 '?tesl stJ,-' ,"' i,e,al"e L laldi' i i .ich, c-cotoh and Domestic timirhams, l'rints. I Swisses, Cambric. Jmlhants, figured and l'lain 5obb.inetts' Veil Bilie, Irish Linen and Cloth?, Black and Fancy Casslmercs, Sattinots, Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe. Ticking. Crash, Dia per, Bleached and Unbleached Muslinsand Drills, Red, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, Linseys, Ac. Also, a largo stock ot Ladies and Uentlc men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of the very latest fashion. ecptl'J IT AST, WEST, NORTH, AND SOUTH, the people are notified of a T... ,.1 , A n,,!rn1 P fl n A,l l CSll AlTlVal 01 ItOO(IS, . AT THE CHEAP CAS IT STORE. Just receiving and opening, a large and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of - PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS,. of the latest and mostapprored styles ; alwagrea variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps Bonnets and Shawls, BOOTS ASK SHOES, A GREAT VARIETT, HARDWARE, QTJEENSWARE, Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints, GROCKKIES, BEST QUALITY", FISH, BACO.N AMI FLOUR, Carpets and Oil Cloths ; all - of which will be sold at the lowest ;ash or ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to call. Wir. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 18G0. N. B. AH kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. N EAV. FIRM AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEERED F. IBVIN. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril tbey enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter tbe business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm ef John it J F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in general that they have received from the hast and opened at tbe old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEEXS WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to tbe wants of the community and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes. Hats and Cape, of the latest styles and best quality, all of wnicn they intend to sell at reasonable rates Also, an extensive stock of tbe most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in atiu examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feci confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you can procure tuera eiscwnere. wive us a trial. JOHN IRVIN. May 30, 1S50. JERRED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to tho old firm are re quested to call and settle. may 30 NSONVILLE RIGHT SIDE UP!! Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT SWAN AND HARTSHORN'S, At their Old Stand in Ansonville. The subscribers havejust returned from tho east with a large and well selected assortment of FALL ASD GOO AVINTEB D S, consisting of a general variety of the very best CLOTHS, CASSIMERS3, SATTINETS, Ac, and a large lot of Hats, Capsoots and Shoes, for men and boys, for winter wear. Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and children, together with a good stock of Bonnets and Shawls. They hare also a good assortment of Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Painti, Oils, Fish, Baeon, Flour, Carpets, Ac., Ac, Ac Tbey also keep always on hand a great variety of USEFUL 'NOTIONS, such as are wanted ia every family. The above named articles, and everything else in their line, will be sold eheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Give them a trial. SWAN A HARTSHORN. Ansonville, Pa., October 24. 1SC0. CARPET6. Drugget, Carpet chain. Bags and Bag. ging, curled Hair, Ac, at tbe store of ; sept IV Reed, Weaver A Co. A LARGE stock of Queensware, Earthen and X Stone Ware of all kinds Also, Cedar and Willow Ware at Reko. Weaver A Co's. BEST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the new store of Graham, Roystox A Co. A LARGE and splendid stock of Dress Trim mings, Belts, Head dresses, Netts, Plumes. 4-c. at the store of Kd Wcaveh A Co. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law. Indiana. T. . Professional business promptly attendee to. DO. CROUCH, Phtsicias, Curwensville, Clear . field countj, Penn'a. May H. DR. II. R. BRYANT. Lnthersburg. raT tenders his professional services to the public in cen tral. Luthersburg. October 13, lS.'.y "I" J. CHAN'S. Attorney at Law and Real Estate 1 J, Agent, Clearfield, Pa Office ailjoininz his residence, on Second stjeet. May IR. T7ILLIAM A. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. f T Clearfield. Pa. Office. oni door nnrlh of h Post Office, on Second street. Sept. I . OBERT J. WALLTcE7A7tora7irw7"(Vd District Attorney.) Clearfield. Pa. Office in Shaw's new row. Market street. May 2fi. yifALTKR BARRETT, Attorney at Law, CI I f field, Pa. Office the same that was foruv ear- erly occupied by Jlon. u. R Barrett srpta'rtO HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clcar . field. Pa, Office in Graham s Row. one door east of the 'RafUman's Journal' office. Nov 10. 771RANK .SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shoo 1" on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed and Weaver's Store.) Clearfield, Pa.. May 4, lHi'J. M. A. FRANK. Justice of the Peace. Market st.. Clearfield. Pa. Businc entrusted to hi care will receive prompt attention. Collection made and money remitted Apr27'5J. "IT7TLLIAM F. I RW IN, MarkeTstreet, Clearfield, f V Pa., Dealer ; 11 Foreign aud Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queciuwaje, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer 4f all kind of Cabinet-ware, Market street. CUarfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO.Ma. DR. WM. CAMTBELL, offers Lis professional services to the citizens of Morris aud adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning iu Kylertown, Clearfield county. May U.lbiy. HF. NAl'G LE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Vntehs, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Shaw's new row, Market street, oppose tho liaftt man's Journal office, Clearfield, P. Nov. 10. JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. . Ph. Practice in Clearfield Mid adj.ning counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of Jauves B. Graham. Nov. 10. RICHARD MOSSOP. Dealer ia Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal OJfice, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LARRIMElt A TEsr, Attorneys at Law, Clear field. Pa. Will and promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1856. " JA8. H. LARRIMEK. ISUAEL TEST. THOMAS J. A WILLIAM M. M'CULLOUG II, Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. P. Office on Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossop's store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. JOHN RUSSEL A CO.. Tamiers and CurrbTr Pennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowestcajh prices. Hides of all kinds taken in exchange Julyl5-54. JOHN HUIDEKOPEICivsTEngSflcer and Land Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citizens of Clearfield county. All business en trusted to him will be rromntlr and faithfullv ex- acuted. lie can be found at tbe banking honof Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 2t, 1359. DR. M. WOODS, tender? his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office of L. J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that was recent ly occupied by Hon.G R Barrett, where be can be found unless absent on piofessional business. DENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers bis pro fessional services to the Ladiceand Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon tha teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner. Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. REMOVAL. The undergigned would inform bis friend and customers that he has remov ed his VENIT1AN ULI.ND MAX II FACTO R from No. 211 Arch Street, to No. 1 Z6 North Second Street, above Arch, where he will be hap py to see bis old eustomers and the Public in gen eral. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN. N. B. Old Blinds repaired and returned. Philadelphia. March 27, 18(il-4t. I PROVISION. AND GROCERY STORE. . The undersigned keeps constautl on hand at his store room in PhilipsburfCentr.ycounty. a full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li quors of all kinds. Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms Give him a call, and try hia articles. Imar2lj ROBERT LLOYD. F LOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; LIQUORS OP VARIOUS KINDS, Tobaeco, Segars, Ac, FOR SALE LOW FOR CASH, In the basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by Feb. 27, lS61-tf. O. B. MERRELL. 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC N E XV S. CHARLES HOLES A CO., beg leave to inform thaciti-te- sof Clearfield and vicinity, that tbey will re main for a short time yet, in this place with their car. for the purpose of affording all persors a chance to get a first class Photograph or Ambro type of themselves or family, from a Miniature to Life size. Ambrotypes ami Daguerreotypes cop ied on short notice. Having bad several years experience, in the eastern cities, they feel confi dent that they can please all who may give them a call. Pictures taken equally as well in cloudy a in clear weather. tPriee, 25 cents and up wards Clearfield. March 13. 18tl. PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY A Ijump Chimney that trill not Break Thi great invention commends itself to every one using Coal Oils JiMmps. It gives more light, requires less cleaning and will not break by the boat or cold, falling, or any ordinary usage. For sale by Storekeepers generally throughout the U. S, and tbe Canadas, and Wholesale by the Manufacturers and Patentee. HORNING A HUMPHREY. No. 321. X. Second Street, PbiUd'a. N. B. A large and superior stock of Coal Oil Lamps, always on hand, at prices defyiug coinpe tition. Also, the Portland Coal Oil. at Manufac turers price. March 13. Ib61-4t. , rrUIE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY sill be X opened for the reception of uumla (male and female) on Monday, August 20th- Term, per ses sion 01 eleven weeKs: Orthography, Reading. Writing, Primary Arith metic and GeoirraphT. 2.ou Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. $3.00 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Book Keeping, . S1.00 Latin aud Greek languages, so.uw To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wih to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. Ko pupit reeoivod for less than half a session and no deduction except for protracted sickness. Tuition to ba paid at the close of the term. fmay30 C. B. SANDFORD, Principal. CHEESE ! A large lot of superior Cheese, for sale by WM. F. IRWIN Clearfield, Pa. AFRESH stock of Groceries of all kinds, just received by Rtco. Weaver A Co. ; A LARGE stock of Men's and Boy's clothing, just received by Reed, Weaver A Co. r t '