Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 20, 1861, Image 4
A dor ii counted mad when be won't "take something to drink," and a man insane when he taiea too nonch. An exchange gives as a reason why Mr. Bu chanan should never get married, that be would be apt to shirk the "responsibilities. From the fact that during the sack of the imperial palace at Fekia, the ladles' flippers found br the soldiers were all of respectable aire, it is inferred that crippled feet have gone oat of fashion with the upper-ten of China. A curious case was tried recently at Read ing. Twenty-one years ago a woman had a warrant Uaced for the arrest of a man who she stated waabe lather or a child wnicr: ma previously added to the population of Berks county. Before the warrant wa served he es caped and went to Ohio, where he subsequent ly married and made himself a "man of mean." Last summer he returned, on a vis it, and as soon as he arrived, the old warrant waa served upon him. lie was absent ou the trial of the case, but waa represented by coun sel. The woman, however, was present, and the infant, twenty-one years of age, was also in the Court room. Both plaintiff and defen dant now have families. re doclt if a simi lar case was ever tried in this or any other country. The man was convicted. TEK-MS OF THE JOI RXAL. ti.. v . r.rc. i 'k jrji'RSAL is rublisbed on Wed nesday at Sl.S0per annum in advance. If not i ,..a .( th hecinriinirof the Tear, $2.00 will be ADVERTifiKVESTS will be inserted at 1 1 ,00 per I iquareof 12 lite for three or lees insertions, tor every additional insertion 2-5 centa will be charg . d. A deduction will be made to yearly adver i i tisers. v .K..nr.r;vn tiVrn for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of COUNTY DIRECTORY. x.. T.., Ut.n Samuel Linn, Eellefonte. A t.Jud?es Hon. Win- L. Moore, Clearfield. Hon.Leni'n. Bonsall. Luthertbarg. Clearfield Sheriff. . . . Fred k G. Miller, ProthonoUry, John L. Cuttle, . - Reg. & liec. . James Wrigley, - - " District Att'y, Robert J. Wallace, . " Treasurer.. . Geo. V Goodlander, " r.r. KurTPrr.r If. R. Wrisbt. - - Glen Hope. Commissars. William McCracken, Lumber City. Wm. Merrell, Clearfield. S. C. Thompson, Isaac W. Graham, J. U. Fbaw, . . 1J. C Bowman. . . George Richards, . Morrisdaie. . Clearfield. , Clearfield. Auditors. Coroner. LIST OF POST OFFICES. Tnuu,hir. "Nam of P.O. Nanus of P.M. Bemaria. - - Glen Hope. - - Elam Rakestraw Bell, Bower, - - - Chest, - - - " - - - Cash, - - - - Ostend. - - - Marv Elder. - Thos.A. M Ghee, - J. W Campbell. - Lewis smith. . P. B. Miller. Bogjrs, - Bradford, Brady, - Cleax&eld Bridge Woodland, - Edw'd. Williams - R. H. Moore. . Jacob Kuntz. . John Hoover. - J. M. Camming!. - Jas McMurray. Luthersburg, -Troutville, - - ' ... Jefferson Line, -Burnside, - NewWashington ... Burnside, Clearfield, - Clearfield, - -Covington, - Frenehville, - . Chas. D. Watson. - F. Coudriet. - J. F.W. Schnarr jvartnaug, Cnrwensville Curwensville, - - Samuel Way. Decatur. - Philipsburg, Centre county. la. Ferguson, Fox, - -Uirard, - Marron. - - - - Ldin. Williams. - Hellen Po? t OfUce, Elk eounty, Pa. - Leconte's Muls, - C. Mignot. Bald Hills, - - William Carr. Goshen, - - Shawsville, - -Graham, - - Grahamton.- -Huston, - - Tyler, - - - . ... Pennfield, - -Jordan, - - Ansonville, - -Karthaus, - Salt Lick, - -Knox. - - - New Millport, Lawrence, - Breckenridge, -Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - " ... Morrisdale. - -Penn, - - - Lumber City.f -. .... Grampian Hills, Pike, . - - - Curwensville, - " .... Bloomingville, -Union, - - - Rock ton, - - -Woodward, Jeffries. . - - - A. B. Shaw. . Jas. B. Graham - David Tyler. - H. Woodward. Eliza Chase. - Geo. Heckadorn - D. E. Mokel. . J. W. Thompson. - Jas. 1 hotnpwD - Jas. McClelland. . W W. Wright. - A. C. Moore, - Samuel 'W'ay. - Michael Wise. - Wm. F.Johnson. - Thos Henderson - Smith's Mills. - J. A. Hegarty. 4 This Post OSee will do for Chest township. "Will answer for Ferguson township. J. G.IIARTSWICK, CIAN AND SURG CLEAKVIELn, PESJl'A P M Y S MAY3Q. EON, lfeeo fllllE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will be X opened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday, August Jijia. j. trms. per bcb tian nf eleven weeks : ' Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arith metic and Geography, Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. $3,00 -Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Book Keeping, .&') I .at in and Greek lanzuazes, 6,00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough FTnfliiih Kducation. and w ho wish to oualify them' selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a. aefmon and no deduction except for protracted aickness. Tuition to be pai 1 at the cloe of the term. maySO C. B. SANDFORD, Principal. FLEMING HOTEL, (FORMERLY KNOWN AS TJJ E GOOD INTENT,) CURWENSV 1 LLE, Clearfield County, Pa. Tho subscriber heg3 leave to inform his old customers and the public gene rally that he has recently taken tho above well- known stand, and that he has entirely renttea and refurnished it in a style adapted to the age:and the wants of tne entire travelling community. HIS TABLE will always ba provrded with every luxury the markets and surrounding country will afford, illb J5AK will be supplied with the choi cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which are the best and most commodious on tho road within a day's travel, will always be in charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In short, every department of his establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and conveniences the weary traveller could desire. W 31. A. MAbUN . Curwensville, June 2,J 353. TTEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NEW 11 PRICES, IN CLEARFIELD. The undersigned, desire to inform the citizens of Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a large and well eelected stock of seasonable Goods, which they have'opencd in the well-known Room on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by Wm. F, Irwin.) Their stock consists of a general assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARD-WARE. CUTLERY, QUEENS-WARE, CEDAR & WILLOW WARE, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, DRUGS, PAINTS, AC, AC. Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as Cloth, Cassimeres, fiattut, Tweed, Vestiiigs, Jlfuslin, TieJLin.Cltecit, C'iicufs,Ciintzr.s, ' Gitikain, Canton and Wool l-7annrls, D ' liuis. Cash m.rrs. Sill. Plaids, Shawls, ' Brilliants. Jlosifrti, (Hoofs, etc.. etc. Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters, Misses and Children Shoes; Mens', Boys', and Youths' Boots, Shoes, HaU and Caps, with a large selection at useful notions, among which are Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy ftoaps, Pen and Pen-holder. Combs, ire, together with many other useful notions, all o which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange for approved country produce. As their stock is ntircly new, and purchased on the most advanta geous terms, they feci confident that they can sell good to the advantage of the buyer. Step in and examine for yourselves, before purchasing Isewhere. Remember the new store is the place Feb. 22. mo. . GRAHAM. BOYNTON i CO. JIKESK ! A large lot of superior Che?e, for lle by wj-- WW Clearfield, l'a. ALL and examine the Patent air tight glass and rtone Jan. They are jc-t the thin; yoa wct. For sale by Keep, Weaves t Co. A LARGE STOCK of Varniihe Copal, Coach, White batoir. White Spirit, Flowing. Japan JUrver, and Black Varnish for Leather. Ac. for sale at DecT2j II ARTSWICK S. H YDE riOUSE, It IDG WAY, PE.VX'A. S. J. OSGX)D. PROPRIETOR. Tb I J Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations- and is in all reipeeta a Srstcias hoafe. February 6, lSdl. Tv RONE CITY n O T E L, TTB.OSE, E LA 111 COUNTY, PA. A. P. OWEXS, Proprietor. Otstebs, Wholesale and Retail. dee!9 JEW riK.H AD SEW GOODS! PATTOIJ", HIPPLE & CO. The subscribers fcaTe purcha.-ied the stock of mer chandize lately owned by John Patton. in Cur- wensrille. and have just added a fresh supply of &CAS01 AII. GvoDS, which will be sold low. Please call and examine oar stock. We respectfully ak a share of public patronage. The books of John Fatton, have alio been transferred and will be settled by us. 11 1). PATTON, E. A. HIPPLE. may 10, IsoO. IANIEL FAUaT. EW FALL AD WINTER GOODS! H. L. HENDERSON 4 CO., Have just received and opened at the old stand of Lewis Smith, in Bethlehem, an extensive and well selected assortment of the most fashionable Fall and Winter Goods, Staple and Fancy. The stock consists in part of Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, togeth er with Hardware, Queecsware, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Fish, Tobacco, Segars, Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, and a large varieij of useful Notions and such articles as are usually kept in a country store. All goods will be sold cheap for cash. Give us a call and see for yourselves, before yoa buy elsewhere. All the a- bove will be sold cheap for cash or exchanged for approved country produce and lumbjr. Oct 21, ISoO. H. L. HENDERSON A CO. J MPORTAST ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, j consisting of Diy Goods, Hardware, Queensware i Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will . dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels eertaia that they will buy from him. jyl I MATTHEW FORCEE. JUST RECEIVED AT ?ta!& NAUGLE'S jfeS.ty. CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, f frNnG; Graham's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac., to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be hal at - A id !. . The AmericanLever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La va, Jctt, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saic, Oold Stone .Mosaic, i'orcelain painting, &c, or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. I'lain jrold IJreaat pins, tar drops, Hoop tar rings, children's eardrops and rings at NAUG LE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt stud?, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in bis line, on hand at AAUUl,h .1. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 to 15 dollars at JNALUUfc'fc. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange for goods at NAUG LE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If rou wish your watches put in gooti repair and warranted, take them to NALGLL . Russell McMurrav RESPECTFULLY INVITES TME ATTEN TION OF HIS Old Customers, and others, to his Large and well selected Stock of Ml flnb Itfinier (Boobs, WHICH HE OFFERS VERY LOW FOPv C A S II . He also continues to deal in Lumber of all kinds, In any way to snit customers. The highest market price will bo paid for all . kinds of grain. Come and seo for yourselves. New Washington, November 1, 18G0-Gm. rflllE ATLANTIC MONTHLY C m- X mencment of the Seventh Volume. The Pub lisbcrs of The Atlantic Monthly have pleasure in announcing that the now volume, to commenco with the number for January, 1861, will contain features of remarkable interest and attractiveness. Among these, may be named, a New Novel, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." and "Tho Minister's Wooing." A New Novel, by Chas. Reade, author of -Chris tie Johnstone," ;'Peg Woffington." etc., etc. New Stories, by Miss Harriet Prescott, author of "Tho Amber Gods," and "Sir Rohaa'g Ghost." A new Romance, by the author of ''Charles Au choKtcr," and "Counterparts." Also, contributions in Prose and Poetry, by Hen ry W. Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Ruxsell Lowell, Ralph Waldo Eniereon, John G. Whittier, Bayard Tay lor, hdwin 1. Whipple, Henry Gil. Richard B Kimball, George S. Millard. Rose Terry, Rev. Dr Bellows, Mrs. Fannie Keinble, Cbarlet E. Norton, Wintbrop Sargent, T. W. Higginson, J. T. Tow bridge, and other distinguished writers. Tekms S3 per annum, or 25 cents a number. Upon the receipt of the subscription prico, the publishers will mail the work to any part of tho United States, prepaid. Subscriptions may begin with either the first, or any Hubnequent number. Tho postage of the -Atlantic' is Thirty-six cents a year, if prepaid. 1The pages of the 'Atlantic' are stereotyped, and back numbers can be supplied. Clubbing Arrangements. Subscribers to pay their own postage. Two copies for $5 ; Five cop ies for 10 : Eleven copies for S20. Address, TICKNOR fc FIELDS, Vor. 23. 135 Washington Street, Boston. JEW BREWERY MORE LAGER. The subscribers would respectfully inform the Tavern keepers and others that thev hare re- ten tlr started anew Erewervin the Borough of Clearfield, and that they are now prepared to far nih Beer on the most accommodating terms. They have employed an experienced Brewer, from the east, and they feel confident that they can supply a superior article of beer. Give them a trial and judge for yourselves. June 20. CO CHARLES HALT A CO. BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE ! IM PORTANT NOTICE TO THE RAGGED!!! The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es tablishment in Sbaws Row, in the room recently occupied by H. F. Nacgle as a Jewelry Store, an nounces that he is now reaay an-i wining to make Coats, Prrntaloon. Vests, Vc-, for his old custom ers, and as cany new ones as may give him a call, after the latest and most approved styles, or after any of the old fashions, if they prefer it. By doing his work in a neat and substantial manner, and nromrtlv falfillirg his ecaernents. he ex pects to secure a liberal share of patronase. Jan. 13.1500. i 21. nADtcALijii. BIBLES. The EibJe Society of Clearfield co. hereby gives notice that their books, name ly. Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the cf fee of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various siies and a dapted to snpply either private individuals or Sun day Schools atFery cheap rates. Very substan tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as 6i cents apiece. The people of the eounty generally are also in vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. Presi lent. TOI1N ODELL, UPHOLSTERER AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER. Lodtcd at A. H. half's Mills, on tnih Kat of CUnrfid-l Boro Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining counties, that he is at all times prepar ed to manufacture, at the shortest notice. Hair Iiu;k, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mattress, suitable for Cabin oh Rafts, which can be folded in small compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure; and very cheap. He also trims Carriages, makes repairs to all kinds of carriage trimming and Up holstery, and makes coris or Masons tracing lines, of any thickness or length. Country produce, eorn husks, or cash taken in exchange for work. Orders left with any of the merchants of Clear field Boro will be promptly attended to. jan'J-6t EXCITLMEN T. Re ovals always cause excitement, and since Court House has subsided, the community gener ally have become somewhat excited upon hearing that Charly Watson has determined to pull up stakes anl'reiuove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement is the iact that I have iemov ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market street, nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor me with a call can be supplied with Saddles, Sin gle Haruess, Double Harness, Tnsr llxnuss. Bri dles, Vollars. Whips, Halters, lio'isitigs, Ifreeeti- batuxs, owe titraps. and in lact every article in tne line of Saddiinzand Harness making. ihahKlul for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed I solicit a continuance of the game and a call from as manv new customers s can make rt suit. Aug. 29, '59. GEORGE W . RUEEM. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. A Benevolent Institution established by spe cial endowment, for the relief of the sick acd Dis tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic dis eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter.with a description ot their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ae.,) and in cases of extreme pover ty, medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual organs, ana on the Jew Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad dress. Dr. J. Seillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth St., Phil adelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Geo. Fairchild, Sec. Oct 24, ISSO-ly. HOSTETTER'S B I T T E K S. T STOMAC II The proprietors and Manufacturers of Ilostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters can appeal with perfect confidence to phy sicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a reputation here tofore unknown. A few facts upon thi3 point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare asser tion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter s Stomach Bitters for the last yeara- mounted to over a half-million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is ev ident that during the coming year the consump tion will reach near one million bottles, ibis im rnense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the pre paration. and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the'article is best known. who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all ca ses of stomachic derangements and the diseases re suiting therefrom. This is not a temporary popu larity, obtained by extraordinary etiortsin the way of trumpeting the qualities ot the .bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a God send to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their vic tims by hundreds. Xo be able to state confident ly that the 'Bitters' are a certain cure for the Dys pepsia and like diseases, is to tho proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all mor bid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous syS' tern, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for tho restoration ot health, it operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly Y'ersons may use the Bitters daily ns per directions on the bottle, and they will End it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort decliniug years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to tie bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvena ting generally. W e have evidence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffer ing from stomach derangements and general de biiity; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merit3 of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain pe riods when their cares are so harrassing that many of them sink under the trial. 1 he relation of mo ther and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially it she be young, is apt to for get hcrown health in the extreme anxiety forher inf. 'int. Should the period lor maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the ener gies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibili ties. Nursing mothers generally preter the Bit ters to all other invigorators that receive the en dorsement of physicians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particular ly referred above, to wit : sunerers irom lever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, in digestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or de rangements of the stomach,' guperanuated inval ids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bit ters a trial. Caution. We caution tho public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask lor Hostetter $ ieieoraieii utomacii Hitters, ana see that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Uostetter's Stomach Bitters ' blown on the side of the bottle and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. JjPreparcd and sold by Hostetter If Smith. Pittsburg, Pa., and sold by all druggiate, grocers and dealers generally throughout the United States. Canada. South America, and Germany. Agents Geo. W. Rheew and C. D. Wat, n, Clear field : John Patton, Curwensville ; D. Tyler, Hus ton : F. K. Arnold. Luthersburg. Oct 24, '60 T OOKING-GLASS PLATES, an assortment, for 4 ealcat Dccl2J HARTSWICK'S -w-i -r-x i T "Ti TT T "XT CI 7 Jbi JJ. . A. it V 1 O C O L JJ M N Irrin's Corner Store, CURWENSVILLE, FA. NEW STOCK OF STAPLE . WINTER GOODS, of very description, Just received at Irvin's Corner Store, dec!9 Ccbwessville, Pa. JAFT ROPE, OF ALL SIZES, For sale low at retail, And by the coil, at a small advance on cost, At Irvin's Corner Store. NEW ASSORTMENT OF WINTER CLOTHING, Selling low at "Irvin's Corner Store.'' A NEW LOT OF GOOD BUFFALO ROBES, For sale tebt low, at Irvin's Corner Store. JJEANS AND DRIED APPLES, A quantity at the Corner Store. Jadies will find at the Corner Store a complete assortment of Dress Goods of all descriptions, such as Tartan Plaids, various styles; Persian Twills, Printed Cashmeres, All Wool and Printed Delaines (in variety,) Plain (all wool) Delaines and iferinos, all col ors, Debege, Coburgs, &c, in variety. Qn hand a large slock of Mens' and Boys' Clothing, of all descriptions. Seal-skin, Bea ver and Cass overcoats. Gents' Shawls. Fine nrACB 1 1- t n till PietimnFa hne!naeo f n.ito Pants, and Vests ; over shirts, over-alls, un der clothing, &c, &c, a complete stock. A large lot of School Books, embracing all the standard works used in our public schools, for sale at the 'corner store.' Directors and Teachers will find both books and prices to suit them. Call and examine them. groceries, a large stock on hand, (selling low,) Ly the quantity or retail, call and see them, and satisfy yourselves. lents' dress Ilats, and staple Uats and Caps of all kinds. Boots and Shoes of all descrip tions selling now lower than ever. "Donnets of all descriptions and the newest styles, at Irvin's Corner Store T) eversible, Waterloo, Broche, Plaid, and other Shawls, a complete assortment. T adies' Gloves, Gauntlets, Nubias, and L1 new style Wool Iloods, in great variety. Cloths, Doeskin Cassimeres, Fancy Cassi- meres and Vestings, in great variety. Tufialo Hobes of all sizes and prices, and Sleigh-bells, Whips, &c, at the corner. TROUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, Sad- XJ dlery, Sole and Upper Leather, at the corner "VTEW WORLD and Noble Cook-Stoves, and Nine plate Stoves for sale, very cheap. QjRINDSTONES'of the best quality, and fix tuies, for sale at the "corner store." gIGIlT-DAY and 21-hour Clocks, of all si zes, styles', and prices, at the corner store. TV fANILLA ROPES, of all sizes, Single and Hi. Double Pulley blocks, for salo at the corner. ri Uil COATS, Pants and Boats, a large as- U sortment, for sale at Irvin's corner store. JROAD AXES, a variety, Mann's and Love land's chopping and rafting axes, at the corner TVTAILS, Glass, Paints, Oils, &c, &c, for sale 1 very low by the quantity or at retail. QUSTOMERS are invited to call and exam iue our goods, as we are satisfied that an ex animation of goods and prices will induce persons to buy. E. A. IRVIN. Curwensville, Pa., October 17, 1860. A M.TIILLS. DENTIST. Proper attention to to the teeth in rrrr time, will tea great arSystaaee to ev- -:rt err one, in point of Ji health, camfort, and rnnrrnienct. rw lIilUinltrlT ?-WWrTT 1 Ur be found at his See, ' ' " " w-v- . I i i on the corner oi rront z&sss rid Main sts. when no Si'j nnti to the contrary appears in the iarers. All operations in the line of his profession performed in tne latest ana most approvea sines, ana guar anteed for one year against all natural failures. -Clearfield, Pa.. October 10th, ISoO. PERKY HOUSE, FRONT ST., MARIETTA, -f,irmpr! tprt hvMra. Clements.l The sub scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of hi3 old friends, ana assures an nvermn navies Bu siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared for their accommodation and comfort. Feb. 22. 18t0-ly. ABNER M MICHAEL. DK.LITCII'S MEDICINES. Afresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting of Pain Curer; Restorative, a greatcure for colds and cough ; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They hare been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Tsr thes. PLASTERING. The subscriber baring lo eted himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, acd on reasonable terms. April 7. 1S53. EDWIN COOPER. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC The undersigned having taken the Luthersburg Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg, Clear field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat ronage. The house has been re-fitted and newly furnished, and no pains or expense will be spared to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate. mav23 WILLIAM REED. TEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY 11 IN CLEARFIELD, PA. . The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that he has commenced the manu facture of Stone-Ware in.the Borough of Clear field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks, Jugs.. Jars, ic, at lower prices, than they can be bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Clearfield. Pa., Mey 25, ls59-ly. CLE ARFIELD MUSIC SCIIOOL For in struction upon the1 Piano, Melodeon and Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils under six years old, S5:00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six years old, S10.00. for seventy-two lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music free to alf Instrumental pupils. Studiel alone. S3.00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1,1 s60. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher. BOGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. One containing 12t acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log house 22 by 26, plank house 16 by 1. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings thereon. Large sprinand spring-bouse con venient to house. The land is well watered and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well timbered. This land has a log bouse and stable thereon. For terms apply to Oc tober 13. L. J. CRAN5. Clearfield. RICHARD INI OS SOI?, DEALER 15 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &C. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. COAL-OIL, FLAXSKEO-OIL, PAI2tTS,4C. IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscp's. IF you want line ground Zinc, goto Mossop's. IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop's IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossop's. CLOTnS, CASSIKERES, TWEEOS, AC. IF you want superior Cloths, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Cassimeies, go to Mossop's. IF you want Black Cassimeres, go to Mossop's. IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto Mossop's. IF you want superior Cassinets, goto Mossop's. IF you want superior Sattinets, go to Mossop's. ALPACAS. DELAIMES, CHINTZ, AC. IFou want fahionabic Bonnets, go to Mossop's, IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's. IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mossop's. IF you want good French Chintz, go to Mossop's. IF you want French Ginghams, go to Mossop's. IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mossop's IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to Mossop's. BOOTS, "SHOES, HATS, CLOTHISO, AC. IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Coats, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Neck ties.go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's IF you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Boots, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossop's. IF you want Boys' Coats & Pants, go to Mossop's. IF yoa want Children's Shoes, go to Mossop's. MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's. IF you want good colored Muslins, goto Mossop's. IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop's. IF you want fashionable Hand ks. goto Mossop's IF you want cotton Handkerchiefs. go to Mossop's, IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mossop's, IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossop's IF you want UinbrcllasA Parasols, go to Mossop's, IF you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks) go to Mossop's. IF you want Table Oil Cloths-o to Mossop's. IF you want good Floor Oil CI jth, go to Mossop's. IF you want new School Books, go to Mossop's. SAILS, HARDWARE, PAPER, AC IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's. IF you want Hardwareof all kinds. go to Mossop's. IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossop's. IF you want a good Hay Fork, go to Mossop's IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossop's. IF you want Willow Baskets, goto Mossop's. IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossop's. IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossop's. IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's. IF you want Manilla hemp cords.go to Mossop's. IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's. IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to Mossop's. IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossop's. IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossop's. IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's. FLOCR, BACOS, TEA, 8CGAR, AC. IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop's. IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's. IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossop's. IF you want excellent Dried Beef, goto Mossop's IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to Mossop's. IF you want superiorWhiteSugar.goto Mossop's. IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to Mossop's IF you want Extract of Coflee, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's. IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossop's IF you want good Young Hyson, go to Mossop's. IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop's. IF you want excellent Ric. go to Mossop's. IF you want fresh ground Spice3, go to Mossop's. IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossop's. IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's IF you want good TallowCandles,goto Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mossop's. IF you want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop's IF you want superior White Fish, go to Mossop's. IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to . Mossop's. IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossop's. IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossop's, IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's. IF you want old Monongahela, go to Mo'ssop's IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's. IF you want " for Medical use, go to Mossop's. IF you want " " Sacramental use.go to Mossop's. ip you warn gooa nerry Brandy goto Mossop's IF you want good Sweet Wine, go to Mossop's. ciearnela, fa., April 27, 1359. CHEESE, A lotehoke BfN.-T.Ckew.fr sale at the store of WM. F IRWIS IUNGER1CH 4 SMITH, Whoi.! G No. 43 North Third Street. Philadelphu P.' invite country merchants to their extenir itok of goods in store, and solicit their ertoa. "p. ces moderate. September 26, 1 5Q-1 Tt " RIEGEL. BAIRDft CO., IMPORTERS ,el Jobbers in Dry Goods. No. 47 Nerth TvJ Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SpL25 '0-Itj. PETER SIEGER, JACOB RIEGEL, JNO. WEST, WSf. 3. BAIRP, ERTIS. 8. rilTCi. J0?IAH Ellsil. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIeLi PA. The subscriber baring purchased tb furniture and interest from H. H.Morrow, iniai House, is now prepared for the recer tion of tr;. sient and permanent boarders. Every detri ment connected with his establishment wi;; tt conducted second to none in the county. He r.. peetfully solicits a share of public patronage July 11, ISoQ.-y. GEO. N. CULBCp.'y. BELLErONTE MARBLE WORKS:-. The undersigned adopts this method of FaT forming the public and thepatroEsof tht firm of S. A. Gibson A Co.. that he d ... rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in De!j fonte, in all its varion3 branches, acd w'Ji fc0j himself always in readiness to furnish those call upon him. with all kinds of Cfwtrry of the latest classical designs, and saperivr wo-k' Clanship, such as Monument. Box Ton(s. CrX. die TomLf, Smres. Obelisls. Grecian Tomis, Ta. hie Tombs. Jlead Stones. Carved. SlptmrrJ Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can u had at any other establishment in the conr.trr Thankful for past favors, the undersiroed soiiciu an increase of patronage. WM. GAHAG Bellefonte. Pa.. March 23. 1859-tf. AYEE'S ' Sarsaparilla TOR PURIFYLNG THE BLOOD. And f'r th pre!y enro vt tbe f-'lUmin; minp'iui.r. Scrofnla and Srrofuloui AfTrrt loni. nt h as Tumors. L'lrera, Sorea, ErnptU, Piinplra, Pustules, lilotthm, Doll LUaiu, and all SkJja Diseases. ' OituM), IiiJ- Ua Jnrit, . J. C. Axes Co. Cnu: 1 fcrl it u;r dut; u knowledge bst your t-ar ;.-ari' la I.u Vtim 'ivt listing iuherilfd a crifuluj inf--eli. ii. I lune lc-4 from it in various vays fT vars. S-nwtitucs it Uirt out in L leers on my hati-U uwl amis; fe-iwtiuw. ;t turut-d iuvard and dirl me hi the n-iali.. T. years ago it treks out on in v IieaJ aiJ fun rrl to, aud ears witu cue nr. which a iui.f,.; an. I lumiw-ns beyoud description. 1 trird biar.y luf-Ji.ir. asj svtrral physicians, but without much relief f.-vui w. y thi::g. itu-t, tbe disorder grew worse. At Irugtls 1 tu njx-vi to read iu tbe liusprl Mrr.--iig-r lliht you lia4 (rr(ra an alterative (Sntirii:, f.-r I ki;.w frjtu Ti.r rrint tion that any thin yuu mailn irnut tw gi.i. brut t Cincinnati and got it, aud ttt-d it till it cur. J n. tok it, as you adriie. in nuall d,wes of a tapo i.'dI o'rr a mouth, and ued altuust three UKlli-s. New an4 .niYr skin aucm lgan to tna under the sob, al.kti fr a while fell ol My tkin is now cWr, and I knuw ly n.r frt;liu that tbe disease lias goue from my Mtrm. Von cau writ txrliere thai I frc! what I am wimj wl,?o I It 1 you, that I hiId yuu to lie vue of the apu:!c of Ue g?, and remain ever gratefully. Yuur. ALfitLUB. T.'.LLKT. St. Anthony's Fire. Itsit or Erysipelas, Tetter and Salt Jtltenni, Scald llco l, Uingworin, Sore Kj es, Dropsy. Dr. Kohert M. Preble writes fntn Salpin, N- T, IC Ii Bert-, lSs9. that be lias enrfd an inveterate case uf Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering nse of our Sanwparilla. and mij a dnerw Malignant Erysipelas lv lanre do- of tbe same ; ) s he cures tbe common Eruptions Ly it conittontly. Bronthectlt, Goitre or Swelled Bfeelc. Zebulon Ploan of Prtct, Texas, writ : Three but tles of yoor SannriHa eurwd me from a timi'rt a hi J eoua swelling on tbe neck, whk-li I Lad suffered fivui over two years." Lrnrorrlirs or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Cteriiie Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Clianiiinc, of New Turk City, writ. ; I most cheerfully cotnr'y with tbe recjnewt of ytr aret In saying I have fuund your Sarnauarilla a rot exrrileut alterative in the nnnierops complaints for whirk we employ such a remedy, but especially in fVemle of tbe Scrofulous diathesis. I have rniwl many inveter ate eases of Leucorrhaea by it, and some where )) run plaint was caused by tdcerutvm of the nfTt. Tb nitr ation Itself was sthju cored. Nothing within my koueW edge equals it for tliese fftnal demng-nienu." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala-, writf, " A din gemus ovarian tumor on one of tlie ft-mnlt- lu Riy duiiiiy. which had defied all the remedies we eonlu emfilov- bu at length been completely cured by yr Kktract cf Ssr saparilla. Our physician tlmnlit nothing bnt xti-ps-tion could afford re'lief, but he advised tbe trial if eur Sarsiipnrilla as the last resort lwfore cutting, an-l it proved effectual. .After taking your remedy ehjbl li UO symptom of the dtsearte remains. Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Nrw Ohm:. 2i;ik Atigtut. 159. Da. J. G ATEH : Sir, I cheerfully comply wiih tl.- re quest of ymir agent, and report to von some of tbe rfiru I have realized with yur Siirsaparill. I have cured with it, in my t.rni-tire, most f the mm plaints for which it N recommended, and hare t nnd t' effects truly wonderful iu the cine .f IVertI ud AVr curial T)texse. One .f my patient had Syj hiliile vrm In his throat, which were consuming his palMe and the top of bis mouth. Your arsnpariKa, Muadiiy tVeu, cured hitn iu five weeks. Another was attMrkrd by m. oudary symptoms in bis nose, aud the i:brtku Ij.i I eaten away a coiisidernblo art of il. so Ilia' I be!v t-' disorder would coon reaeb bis brain aud kiii bim. Hut U yielded to niy adininiKtraiiou of your Siinmparii'a: th ulcers healed, aud be is well again, not of our. wilLci:! some disfiguration to his fice. A woman who tad been treated for the saute Uitorder by meicury wa stiffvia from this peison iu her boun. They bail lieronie o Po sitive to the weather that on a U.tuip day tJie mfVre.1 cruciatin pain in her j-.-itiln aiid bonis, f-be, to. as cured entirely by your earMipai ilia iu a few werk. I know from its formula, wi;u-h your aeut gave roe. tht this Preparation front your laboratory mnat If crrat remeily; Consequently, lbeo truly reuiarkabla rrrullS with it have not surptined me. Fraternally yours, G. V. I.AUIMtl!, M. P. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. lNIPtM.:Nrr, 1'ret.toii Cv, Ye.. Cth July, l'.S. Dn. 3. C. A vta: !-ir, 1 have been altlicte.1 with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, w bb-h balHed ihe skill of pbysicintK. and stuck to me in spite of all it remedies I could find, nntil I tried your ?anaparilla. n bottle cured me in two weeks, and n-t ued my reurl beallh so much that I act fur liettr thau tM-f(.re 1 wsi attacked. 1 think it a wonderful medicine. J.lKtAM. Jules Y. Getcbell. of St. IxittiK. writes: "I have la f!!icted for years with an offrttim the Zrrer. winck destroyed my health. 1 tried every thing, and every tl n t failed to relieve me; and 1 have been a broken-down m for some years from no other cauie than ttn-avgrmmt f Vie Lirer. My beloved piuitor, tbe Hev. Mr. Kspy, adid me to try yonr Sarsaparilla, because be said be krew yoa, and any thing you made was worth try iug. l!y tbe Liene iug of God it lias cured me, and has so purified my bled as to make a new man of me. I feel young again, tut best that can be said of you is not half good notih." Schlrrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, l lccratioii, Carles aud Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of cases have been reported to tts w hers cures of these formidable complaints have resulted frm the nse of this remedy, but our (.pace here will not admit them. Some nf them may be found in our American Almanac, which tbe agents below named are pleased ! furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits. Kpllep ay, Jllelanc lioly, Aeuralria Many remarkable tores f thee aflectiotis Iists 1-ein made br tbe slterative power of thi mrlkiii. Jt siio: lates tlie vital functions into rigorous action, and tsu overcomes disorders which would 1 supposed beyond U reach. Such a remedy has long been required by the reSfitie of the eiple, and we are rotiCdrut thai this si!' do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral TOR THE BAVID CVRE OF Cough, Colds, Influenza, Honrscuess! Croup, Uronchitia, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Kellrf of Consumptive Patients it advanced Stage. or tlie Disease. This Is a remedy so vuiiversally known to sn' other for the cure of throat and lung comj lei:.' is useless here to publish the evidence of iis vh ' unrivalled excellence for coughs and cold, nni wonlerfitl enres of nulmonarr di-HM, b-iv . . . 'a i.nAn .i...!...... ik. ... i.f the eai to. Pew are tbe communities, or even fntnilif. nnion ' .nun u tiio liijiiiti ,imii .... .... communities, or even fntnilif. ".n,PD5J,,. ot some personal experience of i r,''V',b trridiy in their midst of its .i. lory ' iacerous disorders of the threat ami , wno nave not t some living trr-i As all knovr the drea-lful fatality or these disnnh-r, ' as they k;uow, too, the effects of Ibis remedy. "7 do more than to assure them that it has m sli i" toes that it did have when making tbe cure '"-" won so etrougly upon the confid, nco or inanknia. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Sold by C. D. Watson, Clearfield ; E. A. I '.; Curwensville; Sam'l Arnold, Luthersburg; t" Chase. Ansonville; J. C. Brenner, Morrisdsl. i E. Foster, Philipsburg, and dealers elsewhere. Lowell, Mass., January 2.1, 1961 -ly.