t 5 I THE JOTJENAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 20, 18G1. Removal. On tho 1st of April, the "Raftsman's Journal'' office will bo removed to the second Bto ry of Graham's new brick building, on Market street, nearly opposite the "Mansion House." Look Out. Most of our subscribers are prompt navineoncs; bat we have a few who are tardy or indifferent in this respect. "After rafting" the names of good subscribers only will be retained ,n our list, and order3 for new subscriptions will have to be accompanied by the Cash. Fotnd. The body of a man found in the river at Muncy is identified as that ot Wesley Toner, who was lost at the Rolling Stone in this county, on the 11th of December last. Stage-driver Drowned. From a private letter wc learn, that several weeks ago, a stage driver, stage and horses were lost in crossing the Missouri River, 7 miles above Nebraska city. The drivers name, it is thought was Williams, and that he formerly lived in Cur wensville in this county. ' A. M. Hills desires to notify his friends and patrons that he will be in his office in Clear field, (opposite the Clearfield House,) until after the June Court, with the exception of the second weelt in May. ' Persons desiring his services ..will; do well to call, before that time. s ' February 27th, 18G1-Ct. Rolling Stone. We have been Informed that the Rolling Stone below Salt Lick and just at the head of -Birch Point, wan blasted out one day last week.' Our raftsmen, no doubt, will bo glad to' learn 'of this removal, as it will afford them a good, landing at Birch Point, immediately above Butter milk tails. Ix trouble. -We incidentally learn that, one day last week, several boys of our Bor ough amused themselves by breaking in the glass at the Town Hall wifh stones and sticks. Tha school directors being informed of the fact, had them '-invited" to Justice Fortcr's office. After a hearing, they gave bail for good behavior. We hope this will be a warn ing to others. . ., ' Godet for April. This much admired Magazine lies on our table. . It contains a steel engraving colored fashion plate, which shows the true colors that will be wom by the ladies an assortment of Spring dresses, Bonnets and Headdresses Embroidery, Drawing les sons, Model Cottages," &c. The Apriljn timber is one of the finest specimens of the art ever presented to . the public, and, wc hope, our lady readers will appreciate the effort ofGodey in their behalf, by subscribing for it without delay. Price, $3 a year. Eoroicii Finances. The settlement of the Borough fathers, made on the 14th insl., shows the financial condition of our Borough, thus Balance against Borough for 1839, $322 21 1 " " " ' ASSETS. Due on old accounts, : : Due tor planking. Dun from old collectors, : Duo from present collector, LIABILITIES. Balance dne R. Mitchell, Outstanding orders, 1853, Outstanding orders, 1857, ,-. Outstanding orders, 1858, Outstanding orders, 1859, ; Outstanding orders, I860, Macadamizing 2d street, Macadamizing Market street, Balance against borough, 08 41 34 63 1 1 H71 G 07 r 42 ' 1 5G 32 88 44 39 1 385 40 221 47 20 03 . 519 05 Total, : : : : : $712 22 712 22 The Recext Electioxs. We have beard a great deal about reaction in the North against t!e Republican party. We have been told that if Hie election were now to be held, there wculd be an overwhelming majority jgainst Mr. Lincoln. Elections have boen recently held inN. Hampshire andN. York, and the re turns have been received in sufficient quanti ties io enable us to ascertain the general result. I:; New Hampshire the vote is about the same m usual. The State goes strongly Republi can. In 13G towns the Republican candidate f r Governor has about 5000 majority. The Republicans have elected to the Legislature !! members, and the Democrats 50. It will he remembered that Xew Hampshire was an ..I I T , . t ' . . , . . . win iseiuucruuc oiuie, anu me last oi iSew England to leave that party. In New York an election has just taken place for township officers. A table has been carefully made up ' t!ie result in thirty-eight counties. The li-pnltiicans have gained over last year. The lr.res are as follows: In 18G0, Republicans All others 229. In 18G1, Republicans -') Allothers2l5. Where is the "reaction V Cors roRTUE South. The Brandon (Miss.) fcpv'Mcan, in speaking of the success of Ma Jr Hawkins who went to Illinois to set corn ,nr persons who were likely to starve, holds the f'l'llHVino' l.lnirii:lo-f uFrnm hi lutttn- t i.,ll r cj - - - " 'ev.en th:if thn rifirfn nf SnrinfieM !. 'iwne of Lincoln, have contributed one thou bushels of corn, and that much more will '"-'contributed to relieve the distress of the poor in this section. How humiliating to ev MisMssippian, to know that, after cursing anJ denouncing the peopie of the North as "r citizens have been in the habit of denoun cir:; them, we are compelled to turn around and beg them for bread, and they in turn are Og to kiil us with kindness, by treating our agent with the greatest respect, and not only j" ing him more than ho asked for, but pay- 6 iue sacks to put it in. It certainly w h$ "j ir Tery humiliating position, and ard I Maj Ilaw,kins abused for going there ui U-ggin2 corn ; but we say he has done m 'i4 ,ho,,san(ls of starving children, wid t0 V Tha:s, will bless him for his efforts Son t,iem ,rom Per'shing with hunger. ic narrow-minded, contemptible dema 1 1"' sa tJlat citizens of Illinois give n ,.beea"8e they fear us, and wish to get e )0d terms with us again. We believe ,'n j""e actuated by purely Christian motives, 'ran k they have Purer an(l better hearts wose who make such charges." J'nni " are ,ookn "P- On the 4th of ij ptbe ational Fa8t 'as observed ; the ebruary the Peace Convention met .n""in tiae 5 the 4th a March "Old Abe" that nnUgUrated : and son,e People expect "avs. .uk" Adranstration the 4th of July TiBe h thirt?-four stars of the Union rc citre rn,on,0U8ly around one common CLIPPINGS AND SCRIIELTXGS GP-Almost ail impossible combination -Dol- lars and sense. K?"The Empire Spring, at Saratoga, has been sold for StUU.UUU. 05IIeight of .bliss sitting on a bed-rail and scratching ones-self. rr?Thc Legislature of Delaware lias refused to renew any lottery grants. K7-The Old Easrle gold mine in Vi lately yielded 1,020 in one week. KFA lady sometimes gets as much intoxi- caica at ner glass as a toper does at his. n7There is no truth in the report that Miss Lane was married before leaving Washington. KF" Wine called Valerio, two thousand years old, has been dug out of the ruins of Fompei. DThe fellow who got intoxicated with de light, has been turned out of the temperance society. lijfuov. (jurtm has signed the bills com muting the tonnago tax on the Pennsylvania liailroad. KJ"The people of the seceding States stamp on the U. b. laws and put U. o. stamps on their letters. CP"The bankers of Charleston have taken 1,500,000 of the $15,000,000 loan advertized by the Confederate States. ttThe Shakers of Canterbury, N. II., have just executed an order for 500 cans of their famous apple sauco for Java. r7-The Fowler defalcation at New York was decided against the Government. The securities are therefore released. C?-Deliglitful the weather. 'Come, gen- tic spring, ethereal mildness come," but take care you dont get frost-bitten. DT"A little boy in Vermont, who swallowed a cent last summer, is dying slowly of copper poison. Ills legs have become useless ' KF-What if the worst fate befall South Car olina. Charleston Courier. Why then the worst will have come to the worst. , EF"Tlie New York Times professes not to know what south Carolina is aiming at." She has talked for some time of aiming at Fort Sumter. KF"Tbe governmental property in Texas, which has by the treacherv. of General Twigs, been surrenderded to the State, amounts to 1,300,000. k CCF"An Alabama paper says that the seces sionisis are looiiing to see what will turn up x'ernaps tneir own eyes will turn up when they do see. ' flF'Later advices from India say that bank rates there had advanced to eleven per cent 1 he monetary crisis was ascribed to recent opluir. speculation. n-Don't pack the canary bird and the cat together, and object very decisively to the looking glasses being steadied with coal scut tles or smoothingirons. , Q"The Rev. John neck, the pastor of the Smithsbnrg (Washington county, Maryland) Lutheran Church, died at his residence in that town, on Monday the 12th. IIF"The Frankfort Commercial raises the name of Mr. Crittenden at the head of its col umns as the people's candidate for Congress from the eight Kentucky district. KF"Four years ago Col. Benton said that the close of Mr. Buchanan's Administration would witness a dismembered Union, a Union disintegrated by traitors in the Cabinet. IIT-It is said that Old Abe Euchered the Baltimoreans ; but, the facts are, that he saw their "hand" and merely said" pass." The Baltimoreans then gave him the ''deal." ' GTor the hrst time in many years the President's mansion has j-oung children in it adomestic institution which ought to en courage the President to keep the peace. ; CP'Coa! Oil is said to be a sure destroyer of ben bugs. Apply plentifully with a small brush or feather in the places where they do most congregate. The cure is cflectual and perma nent. H7Amoiig the articles sent to Paris from China are said to be seventy-five nieces of fnr tor the t rench impress : also, some beautiful Loral, and a Pearl Necklace of unparalleled beauty. uspurgeon someiimes comes out w;:n a good thing: "Brethren," ho said, "if God had referred the ark to a committee on naval affairs, it's my opinion it wouldn't have been built yet." EFThc Postmasters of the Border States complain ot the reception of letters from the oouin wiin the postage unpaid. Thev ara prepaid only by the bogus stamps of the new confederacy. KF"The Cincinnati Press says that Gov. Floyd fulfilled one of the old prophecies with a slight vanation. He didn't turn the Gov ernment arms into hooks, but he hooked the Government amis. KP"A woman named Anderson died lately in Scotland, 83 years old, who never saw a toll-gate, (though she resided within two miles of one,) nor yet the sea, or a ship, or railroad, or steam engine in her life. KFGaribaldi is still at Caprera, from which retreat the extremists are trying to entice him. It is said that Ausfohi, bv means ofher secret agenta, is endeavoring to urge Garibaldi not to wait for Italy to recruit and reorganize its strength. A Card to tub Suffcrixg. The Bev. William Cosgrove, while laboring a.s a miss onary in Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means had tailed, by a recipe obtained from a learned pb3'sieian residing in the great city of .Jeddo. This recipe has cured jreat numbers who were suf ering from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sora Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others. I will send this recipe. which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address Bev. t m. Cosgrove, Fcb.27-3m 43J Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn.N.Y. Chills A.vn Fever ! Chills and Fever!! One of the greatest remedies that has ever been laid be fore the public, foricver and Ague, and which have received the highest encomiums from the press and the people, is Dr. J. llostetter's Stomach Bitters. Who would endure the tortures arising from this terrible disease, when it can be so easily cured : Hho would nave sleepless nights, burn ing fevers and chills, alternately, when a remedy can be obtained for a mere tritle ? And jet how many famines linger out a painful existence un der this deadly blight, and do nothing but gulp down Quinine, until it becomes as common as their daily meals, and yet they are not relieved. None but the foolish and weak would hesitate to procure these valuable Bitters, and save themselves intense agony. Sold by druggists and dealers generally ev erywhere. See advertisement in another column. MARRIED? On Sunday the I7th, by Rev. J. Clary, Mr. P.A.Owens of Lawrence township, to Miss Sot-iit Barger of Bradtoid township. DIED: On Saturday the lCth instant. Mrs. Eliza- betu Kadebach, of Lawrence township, in the 3d year of her age. Ou Mbnday tiro 18th inst., of consumption, Hannah A., wife of Richard Shaw, jr., of Law rence f p., in the 33d year of her age. On Monday the 12th inst., William, son of Casper Leypoldt, of Clearfled Borough, aged 1 year, 4 mon tin and II days. FORT PICKENS. : DANGEIt OP A COLLISION. The Brooklyn Waiting for the Event. Washington, March 17, 1SG1. The latest information from Fort Pickins is, (altho contradictory) that that fortress is in vested with thirteen full batteries, includinj Forts Barrancas and McRae, all of which com ma nd Pickins and the offing. Ifthis should prove to be correct, the Brooklyn and Sabine can not land the troops and supplies they have on board or have any further communication with the shore,without having a fight ; in fact, according to the dispatches received, a mo mentary collision is apprehended. The ves sels laying oil Fort Pickins have 500 Govern ment troops and marines aboard, which Sec Holt had ordered to be landed at the first signs of a hostile movement,but were not landed bo- cause assurances Were given that no attack was meditated, and to satisfy the Peace Con vention. The Government, however, has no intention of abandoning Fort Pickins, and, in all probability, will hId it at all hazards. FORT SUMTER. It is reported that the Cabinet have made a final decision in regard to Fort Sumter, and that the matter of its evacuation now rests with Mr. Lincoln." The withdrawal of Maj. Anderson and his men is likely to be trouble some, as it is said that Gen. Beauregard, the commander of the seceders, will refuse to per mit the evacuation unless Maj. Anderson's band will surrender as prisoners of war. This is supposed to be a mistake : but the peacea ble removal will be perplexing to say the least the revolutionists having the control of the inlet to the harbor of Charleston. THE BODUGGER. THIS wonderful article, just patented, is some thing entirely new, and never before offered to agents, who are wanted everywhere, run par ticulars sent free. Address SHAW A CBABK, .March b, lrol-ly. . Uiddcford. Maine. LOST. The undersigned, on Monday, the 25th February, lost a dark morocco pass-book. containing the list of retailers of Clearlield coun ty for ISO I, on tho road trom James Forrests to El lis Irwin's through Clearfield borough. . The find er will be suitably rewarded by leaving the book at this office or returning it to the owner in Go shen tp ' feb27 , ELLIS R. LI VE1UJO0D. 4 DMIMSTUATOKS' JSOTICE. Letters -TJL of Administration on the Estate of John Peter Kidcr, late of Covington township, dee'd., having neen grunted to tne undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, at his residence in Covington town' p. reu. 1301-ocp. JUAti lUULlt,A(lm r. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters Testa nieutary on tho Estate of Greenwood Bell, late of Bell township. Clearfield county. 1'a.. de ceased, havinsr been irranted to the undersiamod. all persons indebted to said estate are ranuired to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ABTI1UK HELL. DAVID BELL, Bell tp.,J Feb. 27, 1301-Gtp. Executori. AI1MIMSTRATOKS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration on theEstatcof Josenh Cad5 walladei, late of Bradford township, dee d, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment, and those having claims atr.iinst the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. M. ADAMS. Clearfield, Feb. 20, lS61-6r. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testa mentary on the Estate of John Weld, Jr.", late of Beecaria township, Clearfield county. Pa.. deceased, having been granted to the uudersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are requir ed to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. 'llit'JMOitE WELD, February 6, ISCl-Otp. Executor. i!i'isTin'mn votiit ' r of Administration tie. hoiiin oi on the Estate of George Dillon, late of Beecaria tp.. Clearfield co., Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. THEODORE WELD, February 6, 1SGI-21 Administrator. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters Testa mentary on tho Estate of John Dillon, late of Beecaria township,- Clearfield county, Penu'a, deceased, having been grunted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted to said estate are requir ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. JAJ1KS Jl. HrJGAKTY, of Beecaria, JAMES A. I1EGABTY, of Guelich. February G, 1861-Ctp. Executors. JjlLOUR! BACON!! GROCERIES!!!! PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS ; LIQUORS OP VARIOUS KINDS, . Tobacco, Segars, Ac., FOB SALE LOW FOB CASH, In tho basement of Merrell A Bigler's building by Feb. 27, lSGl-tf. O. B. MEBBELL. A ITDITOK'S NOTICE The undersigned, having been appointed, by tho Orphans' court of Clearfield county, to settle and adjust the account of Josiah Evans, Administrator of theEs tate of Asher Cochran, late of Penn township, said county, dec d, will attend to the duties of said ap pointment at his omce in Clearhold, on Saturday the 23d day of March, 1851. at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, waea and where all persons interested may attend if they eo proper. J. McCULLOUGH, February 19tb, 1861 . Auditor. I PHOTOGRAPHIC S E W S. CHARLES HOLES fe CO., beg leave to inform the citi ze s of Clearfield and vicinity, that they will re main for a short time yet, in this place with their car, tor tue purpose of anording all persons a chance to get a first class Photograph or Aiabro- type ot menisci ves or lamiiy, iroin a .Miniature to Life sise. Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes cop ied on short notice. Having had several years experience, in the eastern cities, they feel confi dent that they can please oil who may give them a call. Pictures taken equally as well in cloudy as in clear weather. 55?Prioo. 25 cents and up wards. Clearfield. March 13, 1881. LOOK HERE, GENTLEMEN ! WAGON SHOP AHEAD'.!!! The subscriber thankful for past favors, takes this method of informing his old customers and the publio in general, that he has removed his shop from tho Foundry to the shop formerly occupied by Georgo V . Orr, on Sec ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue to manufacture W agons of every description, to order, of good material and in a workmanlike manner. Also. Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain cradles, c., made on short notice, in superior nyie, and of the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms. June 23. ISJ. WILLI Ail JJiLU'.VN 4 LARGE ASSORTMENT of colored Faints, in J 1 lb. canB, ground in oil Also, dry paints of all kind, for tale at HARTSWTCK'S. Ql ft (f II RAYMOND'S PATENT SEW plU.UU !! ING MACHINE FOB TEN DOL- LiAlttj, will Fell, Gather, or do any kind of fami ly sewing and so simple that any lady can learn to operate on it in half an hour. It will make one thousand stitches in a minute, and for its su periority in every respect, it took the First Pre mium at the Maine .State Fair over all other Sew ing Machines. A large number have been sold and are now in use in this borough (Brookville) anu vicinity, and are pronounced the simplest and ui-Mi macnine ever invented superior to most of the high priced sewinsr machines. The undersigned having purchased the Right from the Patentee, to sell these machines in the counties of Jclicrson. Clearfield. Elk, and Forest. are now ready to fill orders for the same in the a bove district. Orders for machines will be filled in the order of their reception. Persous wishing machines should send in their orders immediate ly, as we hare over 30 machines already ordered in advance of our supply. Townsh ip ngh ts for sale. All applications for machines or township rights oy letter or otherwise, should bo addressed to A. B. M LAIN & CO.. Aug. l5.1SiiO-tf. Brookville, Jefferson co..Pa. dy I11S OWN HOOK! JOHN UCELICII CABINET MAKER. Tho subscriber wishes to inform his old friends and customers, that he is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business. on ''his own hook," at his old shop on Market Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture to order, every description of Cnbrnet-Ware, that mii j uu muicu minis section oi country; con sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common bureaus, riting and W ash !tauds; Centre, Via ing and Kreaktast Tables: Mahogany and Com mon Bedsteads ; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. Ho wil also repair lurniture and chairs, in good stvle cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no tice, and easy terms Now is the time to buy at reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thin? in uijr iino oi ousiness at me cneapest casn rates. Walk in and examine the articles on hand, ant judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish. country produce received in payment. , April 13, IS33 : JOHN GUELICH. N. B Coffins made to order on short notice, anf funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro priate aceornpanyments, wuen desired. J. ii. NEW -DRUG STORE. The subscribers have opened a full and com plete assortment of I K V t & in the new brick building of Dr. Uoods. on the corner of Locust and Cherrv streets, in the Borough of Clearfield, where they will at all times be happy to accom modate any person whomay desire articles in their lino. The business will be confined strictly to a DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION BUSINESS, aud no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always be found and consulted in tho "Drug etore, when not absent on professional business. A separate room lor consultation is attached to rue fctore, where patients may be examined privately. . Every article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on band, and sold at greatly reduced pi ices.- 1 erms bet nsr strictly Vasfi. will en able them to oner inducements in the way of prices. l'nysicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcost and carriage. Their orders are solici ted. ' Every article sold will be pure and of the best quality. WOODS & BARRETT. Llearueld, l a., Jrebruary IS, l&ol-tf. KOOK THAT EVERY FARMER, ME- CUANIC AND BUSINESS MAN WANTS. Just publixhed, the Totpttslitp and Local L-ltcs of t'cii n xyl rtn i ta. Compuett from tlie. Acts ot A-tsem-blyhy William T-. IIn'iiss. Esq.. and published by idtvard V . James, V est Chester, renn et. This work' contains over 400 pages of closely printed matter, and will be sold by subscription. it teaches the duties ot Justices of the Peace, with forms for the transaction ot their business. It teaches the duties of Constables with all the necessary forms, appertaining to the office. it contains tne duties ot Supervisors ot every County and Township in the State- It contains the mode of proceduro for the layinrr out and o- pening of public aud private roads, of vacating and altering roads, the building of bridges, Ac. it contains tho Common School Law.with expla nations, decisions and directions, together with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Contracts. Certificates, Ac., Ac. This department of the work was compiled at Harrisburg by Samuel P. Bates, Deputy Supcrin- tenaant, and is alone worth the price of the vol ume to any one interested in Common Schools. . Iteontains the duties of Township Auditors. It contains the laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contains the laws in relation to Strays, Mules and Swino. It contains the laws relative to Fences and Fence Viewers. It contains the laws relative to Game Hunting, Trout and Deer. It contains the Elec tion Laws, with all the necessary forms. It con tains the Naturalization Laws, with all the ne cessary Forms for Application, etc., etc. It contains a large number of Legal Forms. which are used in the every day transactions of business, such as Acknowledgments, Affidavits. Ar ticles of Agreements and Contracts, Partnership, Apprentices, Assignments, Attestations, Bills of Exchange and Proinisorv Notes, Bonds. Bills of Sale, Checks, Covenants, Deeds. Deposition. Duo Bills and Produce Notes. Landlord and Tenant, Leases, Letters of Attorney, Alarrlazc, Mortgages, Receipts and Releases. The work is bound in Law sheep, and will bo sold to subscribers at 1 25 per copy, payable on delivery of the work. The work h.i3 passed tho revision of many of the best Law yers in the Stato and has received their unquali fied approbation, as a reliable band book of refer- enr-e upon all subjects upon which it treats. The whole is arranged in such a manner as to present a plain, coucise and explicit statement of the du ties of all Township Officers, as may be readily un derstood by any one. 1 his County will be thor oughly canvassed for tho work, and thesupportof mo citizens is respectiuiiy solicited. R. J. WALLACE. Esq., is General Agent for Clearfield county. P. S. Good canvassers want ed in all parts of this county for tho above work, to wuoni a liberal compensation will be given. Applications, which must be made at an early date, addressed to the General Agent at Clearfield will receive prompt attention. Dec. 12,. BUTTER A largo quantity, of Roll, at the store of WM. F. of Firkin and IRWIN. S ALT a good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfiebf. OOPER'S GEijATINE, a good article, for sale Vy at Jan:JUj jiAKlswiChs. FRESH etooii of -Groceries of all kinds, just XjL received by ' -. Reei, Weaver A Co.. A LARGE stock of .Men's and Boy's clothing, just received by keep. Weaver & (Jo. B LANKS of all kinds, and Foolscap and Letter paper, for sale at HARTSWICK'S. F LOUR. sale at -A lot of good flour on hand and for JHEKR.ELL &, DIG LEU )00TS and Shoes of every kind, for Ladies, wcntlcuicn and clii dren, at sept!9 Reed, Weaver A Co's. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies', Gentle- men's and children's Gloves and Hosiery, at tl9 Reed, Weaver A Co s; septl9 rf YOUNG LADIES WANTED, to es- O" amine and reduce the large stock of Dress Goods, just received at MUfcSOP'S. SAM II J AMU EE II. PLEASANTS, BARBER AND AIR-DRESSER, has opened a shop in the basement of tho Clearlield House, and solicits a share of public patronage. Dec. 12, 1800. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALE, extending to the mouth of the Moshannon. An eligable property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of II. BUCHER SWOOPE. Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law: Clearfield, Pa JJANKING AND COLLECTION OFFICE LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Colleotionsmade.and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the roog lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd. " JAMJiS T. LEONARD. '. i : l '. 1 D. A. FIN5ET. wn A. WALLACE. : i . X. c. nsxtY- , UARTSAVICK'S DRUG & VARIETY s t o ii i : , MARKET STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL. The undersigned will have constantly on hard a well selected stook of Drugs. Cbcmiealj. Dyc- Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco and Segars, Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti cles, which he will dispose of cheap for ca?h. He invites the publio to call and examine bis stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Med icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea sonable rates. J. G. IIARTSWICK. Clearfield. Pa. December 12, 1S60. FA IX THE FIRST ARRIVAL ( WINTER 18GO, of 1BUU. Fall and Winter Goods, AT THE OLD STAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO., JLirlct St., 2 doors North of the. Court House, "V'JT'IIERE they are just opening an unusually T large and well selected stock of goods suit ed to the wants of thecomiaunitv. tor the rail and Winter Trade, which they tfi'er in large or small quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call aud examine lor j'ourselves. Their assortment of DRV GOODS AN D MOTIONS is very large aud e&mfilctc, embracing almost ev ery article bt? of fashion and service. Especial attention is been paid to the selection of LA DIES' DKiSS GOODS, which arc of every variety and the very latest styles ; Silks, Delaines, Plaids C'Vurgs, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas, Cashmeres 1 .Vich, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Swisses, Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain Bobbinetts, Veil Baize. Irish Liuen and Cloths, Black and rancy Cassiniere. Sattinots, Tweeds. Corduroys. Hickory Stripe. Ticking. Crash. Dia per, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Drills, Red, Grey, White aud Canton Flannel, Linseys, Ac. Also, a largo stock of Ladies' and Gentle men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of the very latest fashion. septl'J 7 AST, WEST, NORTH, AN O SOUTH, .the people aro notified of a Fresh Arrival of Goods, ' ' AT THE CIIEAP CASH STORE. Just receiving and opening, a large and well- selected assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. of almost every description. Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of I'RINTS AND DRESS GOODS, of the latest and mostapproved styles ; also a grea variety of useful Notions, a largo assortment of Beady-made Clothing, Hats and Caps Bonnets and Shawls, BOOTS ANU SHOES, A GREAT VARIETY, HARDWARE, QTJEENSWARE, Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints, GROCERIES, BEST QCALITV, FISH, BACON AXD FLOt R, , Carpets and Oil Cloths ; all of which will bo sold at the lowest casu or ready-pay prices. All arc respectfully invited to call. Wm. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., September 2G, 1SS0. N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. EW FIRM AND XEW GOODS! JOHN & JEERED F. IEVIff. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm of John & J t . Irvin. Thev iuform their customers and the nublic in general that they have received from the East and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS- WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to the wants ot the Community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a largo assortment of Boots. Shoes. Hal: and Caps, of the latest st3-Ies and best quality, all ot which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call In and examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we tcel confident that wc can supply you with all kinds of goods. at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial. JOHN IKY1.V May CO, 1SG0. JER11ED F. IBVIN. .N. ii. 1'ersous indebted to the old orui are re quested to call and settle. may ol) NSONVILI.E RIGHT SIDE UI !! Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT SWAN AND HARTSHORN'S, At their Old Stand in Ansonville. .The subscribers havejust returned from the east with a large and well selected assortment of FALL AND "SV I NT T E II 6 0 0 D S, consisting of a general variety of the very best CLOTHS, CASSIMERSS, SATTINETS, Ac, and a lar6 lot of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, for men ahd boys, for winter wear. Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and children, together with a good stock of Bonnets and Shawls. They have also a good assortment of Hardware, Quccnswarc, Drugs, Medicines, Taints, Oils, Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac They also keep always on hand a great variety of USEFUL NOTIONS, such as are wanted in every family. The above named articles, and everything elso in their line, will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Give them a trial. SWAN A HARTSHORN. Ansonville, Pa., October 21, 1SG0. - CARPETS. Drugget. Carpet chain, Bags and Bag ging, curled Hair, Ac, at the store of septl'J Reed, Weaver A Co. 4 LARGE stock of Queensware. Earthen and Xjl Stone W are of all kinds. Also, Cedar and Willow Ware at Reed. Weaver A Co's. BEST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the new store of Graham. Bovktos A Co. 4 LARGE aud fplcndid stock of Dress Trim- jML mings. Belts, Head dresses, Netts, Plumes, d-c. at the toro ox Kee Weavlr A Co, PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. HIT. WOODS, Aitotirey at Law. Indiana. P . Professional business promptly attendee to. DO. CROUCH. Pnv9iCiAS,Crwcngvine,Clear . field county, Penn'a. May 14. DR. II. R. BRYANT, I.uthersburg. Pa., tenders his professional services to the publio in gen eral. Luthcrsburg, October 1 J, 13i'J I J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate J. Agent, Clearfield. Pa. Office adjoining his residence, on Second street. May Id. WlbUAM A. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Ta. Office, one door north of th Post Office, on Second street. Sept. J. ROBERT J. V7,LACk7 Atu7re ,ViH,H w. (and District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in Shaw s new row, Market street. 3f av 26. WALT,Ef BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clea i T field, I a. Uffiee the same that was former ear ly occupied ny lion. U. 11 Barrett. septi'iiO M; BUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear. field. Pa. Office inGrohatiullow. one tlatir cast of the -Raftsman's Journ;fl' office. Now lti "I71RANK SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop, J1 on Second street, (noarly opposite Reed and Weaver's Store.) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, 1S59. "I T A. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market i-VJ-. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to hi care will receive urouint ntfontinn (tit..t;..n made and money remitted Apr27'59. -TITILLIAM F.IRW IN. Marketstrect. Clearfield, i Pa., Dealer in F cbnndise, Hardware, Quccuswarc, Groceries and luuiuj anicies generally. Nov. 10. TORN GUELICH. Manufaeturer t,f alt k;,,.t t t) Cabinet-ware. Market strcut ( ln-,rf,..i.i r. He also makes to order Coffins, on short m.iim .! attends funerals w ith a bearue. AnrlO.VJ WM. CAMPBELL, ofler his Professional services to the citizens of Morris and nd inin- ing townships. Residence with J. D. Deniiin" iu Kylertown, Clearfield county. . Mayll.lsjtf. HF NAUG I.E. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer iu Watches. Jewrl Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite the K.-ifu-man Journal cfliee, Clearfield. Pa. Nov in JB M'ENALLY, Attorney nt Law. Clf . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and ad learfield. id inininrv counties. Office in new hrirfc .l.iit;..n .i;;..:2 the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10 T3 ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do- r-. "...t liruci-rics. i lour, uaeon. .innnrs It I ... ... . . . .. .uarKrr street, a lew doors wesi oi joumil UUi-ce,, Clearfield. Pa. A T,r-7 Apr I AR RIMER t TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clcur J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care iu Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1S56 JAS. U. LARRIMBR. ISRAEL TEST. milOMAS J. A WILLIAM M. M CULLOUGU, L Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. Office on Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossnn's store. Deeds antl other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. F-h 13 JOHN RUSSEL &, CO.. Tanners and Curriers, Pennville. Clearfield Co , Pa. Kcepconstantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, whi-h they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hide of all kinds taken in exchange .lnivi.i.'.j rOIJN HUIDEKOPKRrCi7iTEnginta"ndLand Surveyor, offers his professional services to tha citizens of Clearfield county. All hn trusted to hiia will be prommlv and f.iiihfnllv ; acuted. He CAD be found Ht the hft nit imp hmu nf Leonard, Finney & Co. Sept. 21, isia. DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional ser ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vieini rvi. ty- Residence on fcecond street, opposite the office of T T "I 1 i . u.j. vraos,r.sq. vmoc. tne same that was rennt. ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can be found unless absent on professional business. DENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fessional services f o the Lad ies an I Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon tha teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements be is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best Office in Shaw's New Bow, Clearfield. Sep. 15. : MM HE TRIBUNE FOR 1861. PEOSPEC- ? JL T US. The XXth Vo'ujiic of the Wecklv Tri- bunc commenced with the issue of Sept. I. Dur ing the past year The Tribune has been obliged to devote quite a large proportion of its space to pol itics, but, we shall soon bo able to foreiro Political discissions almost entirely, for months if not for 3-ears, and devote nearly all our columns to sub jects of less intense, but more abiding, interest. A- mong these, wc mean to pa v especial atrention in I. Education. The whole subject of Education. both Popular and General, will be discussed in our columns throughout the yr iMi, and wo hope to elicit in that discussion some of the nro- fuundest thinkers and the ablest instructors in our country. It Is at once our hope and our resolve that the cause of Education shall receive an im petus from the exertions of The Tribune in its be half during the year ISGI. II. Agriculture. Wc have been compelled to restrict our elucidations of this great intere.-t throughout lS:'0.and shall endeavor to atone there for in 18(51. Whatever discovery, deduction, de monstration, is calculated to render the reward of labor devoted to cultivation more ample or inoro certain, shall receive prompt and full attention. III. Manufactures, Ac. We hail every in vention or enterprise whereby American Capital and Labor are attracted to and ai vanlageou.-ly employed in any department of Manufacturing or Mechanical Industry as a real contribution to tho Public Weal, insuring ampler, steadier, more con venient, more rem uncrating markets to the Farm er, with fuller employment and better wages tu the Laborer. The progress of Mining, Iron-Making, Steel-Makiiifr, Cloth-Weavinsr, Ac. in our country and the world; shall bo watched and repor- leu oy us wmt nu caruesi ami nciive sympathy. IV. Forfign Affairs. We em ploy the best cor respondents in London, Paris, Turin. Berlin, and other European Capitols, to transmit us early and accurate advices of the great changes there silent ly but certainly preparing. In spite of the ure s- sure of Domestic Politics, our News from the Old World is now varied and ample; but we shall have to render it more perfect during the event ful year just before us. V. Homb News. We employ regular paid cor- respondents in California, at the Isthmus of Da- rien, in the Rocky Mountain gold region, or wher ever else they seem requisite. From the more ac cessible portions of our own country, wc derive our information mainly from the multifarious cor respondents of the Associated Press, from oar ex. changes, and the occasional letters of Intelligent friends, vve aim to print the cheapest general newspaper, with the fullest and most anthentin summary of useful Intelligence, that is anywhere afforded. Hoping to '-make each day a critic on the last," and print a better and better paper from year to year, as enr means arc ftcadily enlarged through the generous co-operation of our many well-wishers, we solicit, and shall labor to d serve, a continuance of public favor. Terms: Dally Tribune (.111 issues Per annum) Semi-Weekly, (104 issues per annum) 5.1 Weekly, (52 issues per annum.) S3 To Clubs Semi-Weekly: Two copies for S5 ; FiveforSll 2-; Ten copiesto one aJdrei.sfor 520: and any number at the latter rate. For a club of Twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of lorty. we send lheDaily lnuune gratis one year. Weekly: Three copies for S5; Eight conies for S10 ; and any larger number at the rate of SI 2u each per auuum, the paper to bo addressed tt each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty conies to one address for $20. wtth meextrato him who sends us tho clubs. For each club of One Hundred, The Daily Tribune will be sent gratis for one year. When drafts can be procured it is much safer than to remit Bank Bill. The name of the Post OfEco and State should in all cases be plainly written- Payment always in advance. Address., THE TRIBUNE, No. 154. Nassau Street. New York. FLOUR A good srtict e tor !&!e at the stor of F. IRWIN. Clearfield.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers