A ' s. b. now, etiitor ad proprietor. CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 20, 1861. - ;; I TOLD YOU SO. There arc men in every, community who consider it the very acme of wisdom to use the cant, threadbare expression 'I told you so' whenever an event happens which a crude o pinion of theirs, fonn.led on no sufficient data, may have predicted. It is a species of self glorification, harmless in itself, but some times irritating to men of mature judgment who are accustomed to reason lrom cause to eflectand weigh well every step they intend to take. Although in ninety-niue instances such either fall short of or overshoot the mark, should one accidental shot drive the center it makes them, in their own estimation, deposi tories of all the wisdom and sagacity of the age. Such a lucky circumstance dilates the gdal to the massive proportions of the mam moth. Such men arc occasionally officious intermeddlers, but their meddling being caus ed by the union of a weak intellect with a kind disposition, the offence is generally over looked, and the merited rebuke rarely admin istered. It is unfortnnatc in these latter times, when the political elements are trou bled and it. requires "clear heads, energetic minds, and hearts Oiled with forbearance and patriotism to keep the ship of State in its pro per channel, that this class should have so many imitators; and still more unfortunate, that these, imitators would rather see fire and sword desolate 'the land than - that thej', as prophets, should be without honor in their own country. These men, raised from the slongh of politics to some minor positions in their party, have adopted unguarded or intem perate expressions of their leaders as the rev elations of the oraclo. Like eggs floating upon the bosom of a stream, they are driven along the enrrent of time ; and while they boast of their facility to swim, tbey seem unaware that they lack the weight which gives value, and that they are but exposing the rottenness the corruption within. Their names figured in some long array ot officers at a township meet ing, and they were at once seized with the idea that a discerning public had discovered in them some latent talent. Tbey must seize the helm if Charybdis and Scylla arc to be avoided. They are Solons, in self-conceit. They havo an ambition to govern, but not a resemblance of those traits which marked the great Athenian can be found in them. It would be a herculean task to convince them that they are mere machines operated on, and used for a purpose, by men behind the scene. When time and prudent and lenient measures of the government shall have dispelled the cloud which now overshadows ns,will each cry out "I told you so." or will their vanity bo gratified in exclaiming "wc knew you would back down ?", THE SOCTHEBX CONFEDERACY. TllQ pCOplo composing the so-called Southern Confedera cy, will soon realize, if they have uot already, the cost and inconvenience which must result from a separate organization. Their govern ment will, of necessity, bo au expensive one, a fact which wiii bo fully realized when the tax-collecipr makes bis call on those who are able to pay. This will do more to dispel the delusion which prevails in the South than any reasoning which can at present, be offered for their consideration. Direct taxes always car ry, with them powerful arguments; arid ap peals to the pocket have generally more effect than those made to the understanding. The productions of the North which they hare so long used, and with which they cannot , now dispense, must reach them at greatly increas ed rates ; and while they are thus taxing them selves to maintain an expensive bauble, the northern capital upon which they have here tofore relied, in the shapepf extended credits, will be withdrawn, and the seeming wealth of the cotton lords will vanish as the "baseless fabric of a dream.-' The Home Sqladroh. Most of the vessels composing the Home Squadron, were at New York last week, and are ready for immediate service The list comprises 2o' vessels, car rying 190 guns and 2,757 men. This is the largest naval forco ever concentrated in one squadron since the organization of the United States Navy. It consists of more ships than the ChaDnel fleet of England. It is obvious (hat important naval movements arc in con temptation by the Government. Georgia In the Georgia Convention, an ordinance is pressed which requires ail Feder al officers in that State, except those in the mail service, to resign within ten days after knowledge of the passage of the act, under pain of forfeiting all their property, both real and personal. If no one comes forward, for the sake of half the money, to play informer, Grand Juries are to set the business right. Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, has been ap pointed Minister to Spain ; Jacob F. Halder raan of Pa., as Minister Resident at Stock holm; and Elijah llamlin of Maim:, as Com missioner under the Reciprocity Treaty with Great Britain. Usited States Sexator. The Hon. Pavid Wilmot was elected United States Senator, on Thursday the 14th March, .in the place of the XJon. Simon Cameron, FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Washington CitV, March 15, 18G1. Hear Sir: The crowd of office-seekers in this city continues large. The various de partsments are invaded from the hour of opeu ing until they close. Senators, Representa tives and other men of influence are kept constantly on the run by the ''patriots" who are willing to serve their country in some of ficial position. Quite a number of appoint ments have already been made, but the bulk of them are yet undisposed of. There will, however, be a general clearing out of the Au gean stables, though a few of the indispensa ble clerks will be retained. It is really as tonishing to find, since Mr. Lincoln's inaugu ration, how large a number of Republicans there are in this city ; but when we consider that their living depends almost entirely on their politics, it is perhaps not so surprising after all. Indeed, it isquite possible, if Breck inridge had succeeded, that many of them would still be Democrats. There also seems to be quito a rush of applicants from the Bor der Slave States, and there will be no trouble to get Southern men to fill the offices. The new Administration starts put under very unfavorable circumstances. Mr. Bu chanan, having brought the country to the verge of ruin and rent the Union in twain, hands the affairs "of the Nation over to his successor in a distracted condition, without placing at his disposal the means necessary to met the emergency. The Republican House passed a bill giviug the President the neces sary power, but the Democratic Senate re fused to concur, and so tied Mr. Lincoln:s hands. Had the bill been passed and become a law. Fort Sumter and other military posts might have been relieved. As it is, this seems almost impossible. Something how ever must soon be done, as it is said Sumter has no more provisions : than will keep them for 15 or 20 days. The Cabinet have formal ly decided upon the withdrawal of Major An derson, and opproved Gen. Scott's opinion to that effect. No orders, however, have as yet been issued for the evacuation. This will doubtless have a good effect on the Border Slave . States indeed it is thought that it would blow secession "higher than a kite" in those States. And after all, what benefit can the Government derive from keeping that fortress, or the Seceding States gain by its abandonment There is, in the opinion of men of all parties, nothing involved in it but a point of honor. The Baltimore Sim, an ul tra Southern paper with Secession proclivi ties, regards it in this light. In an article this morning, it says: 'The evacuation of Fort Sumter is, of it self, absolutely nothing. It certainly estab lishes no "peace policy ;" and, if not accom panied by the evacuation of all other forts in the Confederate States and the withdrawal of all United States troops therefrom, it is sim ply in itself a strategic movement, and clearly indicates the probabilities ot war. As there are some who will not like such an opinion, we can only counsel them to get a better one out of the fact if they can. Major Anderson is said to be almost out of provisions ; to re inforce him, it is believed, would cost a great expenditure of treasure and life ; and the mere possession of Fort Sumter could be of no ser vice to the government in a war with the Con federate States. It requires no military skill to determine this. Consequently, the evacu ation of Fort Sumter the point of honor out of the question, and an empty one in this case has no less strategic merit than that attrib uted to Major Anderson in its occupation. How the Sun can make it appear that this movement "clearly indicates the probabili ties of war," is more than 1 can conceive. It is doubtless mistaken in this supposition, as it is if it conjectures that '-'all other ports in the Confederate States" will also be evacua ted. Whilst Fort Sumter may be abandoued, (and it is reported that Gen. Scott regards its possession of little importance.) Fort Pick ens will be better garrisoned and supplied with provisions, and will be held at all hazards I heard a leading Democrat, one who was high in the confidence of Mr. Buchanan's Ad ministration, say that had the "old public functionary" done his duty and garrisoned the forts at the proper time, there would have been none of this trouble and Secession would have been crushed in the bud ; but that, un der existing circumstances, an evacuation of Fort Sumter was the only thing that could now bo done. Notwithstanding the predictions, and prob ably the wishes, of our Democratic friends to the contrary, the Cabinet of Mr. Lincoln work together well and get along smoothly. They all display much administrative ability, and receive the commendation of all who have had an opportunity of judging of their merits. Our Member of Congress, Hon. John Pat ton, is looked upon as an active, eflicient man, and is making many warm friends. The pre vailing opinion in regard to him is well ex pressed by the editor of the Fayette Pa.) Patriot, who writes from here, uuder date of March 8th, as follows: "We recently mado the acquaintance of lion, joiin i attos. the new member of con gress from the "Wild cat District" of this State. His constituency have certainly been fortunate in selecting him as their Represen tative. He is a very worthy and estimable gentleman, and will undoubtedly prove a very useful Member." It is almost impossible to get a sight of Mr. Lincoln. He is constantly engaged at the great task which has fallen to his lot, and it is said by those who have seen Lira within a day or two, that he looks wearied and care worn, which is not at all surprising when the circumstances by which he is surrounded are all taken into consideration. Yours, s.b.r. Starvation in Mississippi. That the re ports of starvation in Mississippi were not un founded, is proved by the following remarka ble statement lrom The Brandon (Miss.) Re publican: "Major Hawkins is now on his way to the Western States to buy corn, as agent for his friends and neighbors. He showed us a list of those who bad requested him to pur chase for them, and also a list of those who were iu a destitute condition and compelled to ask the citizens of the Western States, through him, to give them corn to .keep them and their families from starving. The two lists compri sed 279 names," STJMMAKY OF NEWS. . Texas. The Galveston Civilian of the 11th inst, says that the surrender of Fort Brown was agreed upon quietly between the Texas Commissioners and Capt. Hill on the 6th. The Actrt says that Fort Brown will be given up as soon as transportation can be found for the Federal troops the latter to take to their port of destination two light batteries of artil lery. The steamer Daniel Webster was still oft'Brazos, waiting to take the Federal troops. Other vessels will probably be dispatched to take the remainder. The Texan troops at Brazos are represented to be fortifying the island so as to make it impregnable. Bon Mc Culluch arrived at Mew Orleans, March 14, from Texa? en route for Montgomery. He re ports that Gov; Houston left Austin to avoid further communicaion with the Convention. If Gov. Houston refuses to take an oath to support the newConstitution he will be deposed. The kew. Tariff. Regulations for the new tariff, which will take efi'ect on the 1st of April, now engage the attention of the Treas ury. As the whole system is to be radically changed, the instructions must bo prepared with care and precision. . It is of great impor tance that all the appointments of Appraisers at the principal ports should be made from among men of experience, ability, and integ rity, otherwise conflicts may occur which will seriously embarrass the operation of the law. Much of its success will depend upon the first start. Union men w ill be selected for the Southern offices, except where the Republi can element is distinctly established and rec ognized.. This was the case in the competi tion for the Louisville Post-Office, where Mr. Speed was appointed over Mr. Helm, Repub lican, who is Mr. Lincoln's brother-in-law. -U. S. Supreme Court. Two important ca ses were decided by the United States Su preme Court on the 11th, one of which has been pending in the Court for a long series of years, and has been sufficiently well knowu to the general public as the "Gaines' case." A decision has at last been rendered in favor of Mrs. Gain ts, and the Court has given such directions as will place her in possession of all the property of Daniel Clark, in New Orleans and Baltimore. The other case is that of Kentucky against Ohio, which is de cided adversely to Kentucky. It was held that while it was the duty, of a State to sur render fugitive slaves on proper proof, Con gress could not compel State officers to do their duty. The mandamus was, therefore, refused. The Albany and New-Jersey Bridge cases were postponed until the next term. Southern Army. Great exertions have been made over the whole South, in the true as well as in the truant States, to obtain re cruits. For the Southern army, four or ' five weeks since 174 men were enlisted at Mem phis, Tennessee. The most absurd promises were made to them. They were to be quar tered in the first hotels, and to live like prin ces During the journey the treatment they received induced 74 of them to desert, and 100 only were brought to Charleston. These, then, with the rest of the "regular army," aro suffering, and complaining most bitterly of the deception which has been practiced toward them." They are now on the island, badly clad, with not even straw beds to sleep upon, with scanty food served out to them in very small rations, and, in all respects, are treated more as slaves than freemen. Br the Thousand Tons. One hundred and fifty men have been for a long time past, and are yet, busily engaged at the Watervliet ar senal, as we learn from the Troy Times, ma king gun carriages, preparing caps, cartridg es, &c. Thousands of tons of war material have been sent oflf from that station to Fort Pickens, Jefferson, Tortugas, and other forti fications. Shell, canister and grape shot are being sent off to a fabulous extent, and heavy gun carriages to mount the forts have also been quite plentifully sent away. The south ern forts have never been fully mounted be fore, but they are now in a fair way of receiv ing a supply of ammunition sufficient to exter minate the country in the section to which the material is sent. Southern Tariff. The tariff trouble of the Rebel States bids fair to undermine their sham Union. The correspondent of The Bal timore .Imcriean says: "The tariff (and here is a bone of contention for the future of the Confederacy as well as the present) excites no little of public attention. Georgia must have a tariff so must Louisiania, and so must Ala bama. AU these are manufacturing Stales, and must havo protection. South Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, and Florida will not agree to it. The fight will be conducted on the same broad principles as In the olden time. It will rack the new Confederacy as it did the old and there will come another Secession." Virginia. The Staunton Spectator express es the conviction, in which many of our Southern exchanges concur, that if the people of the Secceding States had been allowed fair ly to vote upon the question of ratifying or rejecting the ordinance of secession, they would have been rejected in every State ex cept South Carolina. Wherever the people have had a fair opportunity of being heard, and of calmly considering their action, they have declared strongly in favor of the preser vation of the Union. Negroes Recognized as Persons. The fol lowing is an extract from the Montgomery cor respondence of The Charleston Mercury ; "On account of the small size of the future House of Rcpresentatsves of the Confederate States under the old apportionment, it is not unlike ly that it will be altered so as to afford a larger and more efficient body. It is to be hoped that a full representation will be piven to negroes as persons, which would partially remedy the evil of too small a house." , Mrs. Gaines's Claimv The Supreme Court decided unanimously on the 14th, in favor of the claim of Mrs. Gaines to the large estate which has been in controversy for many years in Louisiana. Although tho act of Secession provided fhat the legal rights of parties to suits pending before this tribunal should not be affected by it, some mode will probably be found for evading the decree, which involves several millions of dollars. John Brown's Gijost. A Charleston corre spondent of The Richmond Dispatch says : "Dr. Maddux of Richmond is here, and has with him the skeletons of two of tho martyrs that that wicked man Wise, of your State, had hung at Harper's Ferry." The Mercury man should look sharp to Dr. Maddux, and not per mit him to introduce such incendiary documents into that patriotic city. Southern Order For Books. One of the largest firms in Washington, which has done a great deal of Government work, has an order for S40,000 worth of blank book3, forms, &c. from the Southern Confederacy. Part of the order has been fulfilled. For the most part, it seems to be but a reprint of the old books of this Government. Tennessee. The Nashville Banner savs that two revolutionary pensioners are still living in Tennessee : Peter Bashaw of Davidson County, who will be 98 years of age on the 31st of this month, and Benjam in Campbell of Lincoln, who is about 100.' The latter has a son 73 years old- Kentucky. -The ITopkinsville Press, one of the first papers in Kentucky to advocate Mr. Breckinridge, now advises him to resign his seat in the Senate, and make a place for the re-election of the Hon. John J. Crittenden. PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. prepared for the "raftsman's journal." Lycoming County. On Monday evening the 12th a Mr. Marner found a small box on the bank of the river opposite the mouth of Pine Creek, which, on opening, was found to contain the dead 'body of an iufant. He immediately called upon the proper officers to hold an in quest, but on repairing to the spot, it was found that the corpse had fallen to pieces. Every thing about it, even the sheet it was entirely decayed, and those present decided that nothing could be revealed by an inquest and therefore, none was held. It was impossi ble, such was the state of .the body, to tell anvthing further about it, than that it was tho dead body of a child. .'. . . A man named John Fritz, supposed .to be from William sport was killed on the New York and Erie Railroad, at Big Flats, last week. He attempt ed to get on board a train while it was in mo tion, but missed his footing and was horribly 'crushed by the wheels passing over him. . . . Some time last Summer, a gold watch belong ing to a member of Mr. Gould's family (Elijah, we believed) disappeared from the possession of William Gould and was not heard of until a few days ago. By some means a boy, resid ing near Linden, got the witch and sold it for fiftv cents. After that it passed through sev eral hands, in trades, until some dispute arose about it. Mr. E. Gould traced it into the hands of a man at Uniontown, and, after des cribing the watch, it was handed to Mr. G. ; but was again demanded, and a legal demon stration made for its recovery. As the cars were starting. Mr Gould handed back the watch, and when the cars were in motion, he seized the man, hauled him aboaid the train and brought him to Williamsport, where he was put in charge of a constable. Seeing that he was in a tight place, the holder of the watch returned it to Mr. Gould and was then permitted to go where he chose. Clarion County. The mail bag was stolen on the Gth, at Red Bank, by a driver named Henry Moss, and the money letters abstracted therefrom. Moss, after his arrest, confessed that he had been engaged in the business for some time, and that he had stolen a large a mount of money and drafts. He was taken to Pittsburgh for trial in the United States Court. It is reported that he was unhappy in his mar ital relations, and feeling that he had not a future of pleasure, resolved to abandon his preaent employment and return to his home in Maine, where, he is respectably connec ted; but on the low wages of a stage driver he found it impossible to procure the means to accomplish his design. Then it was, we suppose, that driven to desperatien by hjs un happy situation, and determined by some means to obtain what he desired, threw aside his integrity and violated his country's laws. It is a short, sad romance of real life, and offers a warning to all. .... On the 11th of March, William Delo, of Walnut bend, on the Allegheny river, found the body of an unkown boy, supposed to be 15 years of age, lying in tho water, drowned. lie had on a barred cassimere coat, pants of the same material, a cotton velvet vest,"hickory shirt,'?stogy boots and grey socks. A jury was empannelled and rendered a verdict-ot accidental drowning. . . . A hew trial had been granted to Shotwell the murderer of Lewis. York County. The grocery store of Mr. Chrislain Mundorff, situated on tho Susque hanna and Tide Wate: Canal, in Lower Chanceford township, this county, was de stroyed by. Gro on Wednesday last Gth inst., with all its contents On Tuesday night the 12th fire was discovered on one of lhe rew lumber rafts of Mr. J. Smith Wisner, landed on the shore of Wrightsviile that day, which partially destroyed some eight or ten layers of the boards ol a platform. The fire origin ated on the spot where the raftmen's cabin had been Mr. Gohn of Wrightsviile, has two ancient relics a bible and overcoat. The book is 100 years old, and the overcoat 54. The coat was his father's wedding garment, is of blue cloth, swallow-Iail cut, both long and sharp in its narrative. . . . . Jacob Liep hart of Lower Windsor township, was sud denly stricken down by death, whilst at work in his barn. He was in usual health when he left the house. Seedy Seceders Scrambling for Office. The N. Y. limes, March 13th, says : "Wheth er or no it be true that black sheep are gree dier than white ones, is still a subject of dis pute. But the wild scramble now going on at Montgomery lor every phantom ollice created by his Dictatorship Davis, shows conclusively that the lust for office down there has already attained a . development that dwindles into insignificance even the greed of the hungry hordes which now besiege Washington. Great numbers of office-seekers have flocked to the new capital within the last month from South Carolina, Georgia and Louisiaua. But, un fortunately, there are found to be far more applicants for place than there are either pla ces or spare cash; and the disappointed lire eaters wander about the muddy streets of the village," care-worn, disconsolate - and mad. The other day, some unchivalric wag posted an advertisement in the Post-office of the Confederate Capital, announcing that "twenty five competent accountants" were "wanted by the Executive at No. 10 Government Uuild ing" the Treasury Office of the new Gov ernment. The whole of the inhabitants of the village, and all the office seeker3 within its gates, were immediately thrown into the great est commotion. Everybody rushed to the barber's to get shaved, everybody hastily donned clean shirt collars, and all the little negroes in town were quickly set to work pol ishing boots and shoes. In less than hilt an hour an immense array of nicely-dres?ed Fire eaters were congregated at the doors of the "Government Building," anxious to see Conn, or Davis, "or any other man," privately, for a few moments. For two hours the process ion kept streaming up the steps of the build ing, vainly attempting to gain access to No. 10. Finally it was officially announced to the panting, hungry beagles, that the advertise ment was a hoax, and that no "competent ac countants" were wanted. The clean-shaved gentry, however, immediately had an invita tion extended to them to enlist in the regu lar army of the Confederated States, which magnaninSons offer scattered the host of ap plicants as rapidly as the first invitation had gathered them. Duties on Southern Imports. The tariff act of the Southern Confederacy is to go into operation on the 1st of May. It levies duties as follows : "Distilled spirits, wines, manufactured to bacco and glass, 25 per cent ; fancy articles generally, 20 per cent ; malt liquors, earthen ware, iron, copper, wood, cottons, hemp, flx, and substantial manufactures, 15 per cent; coal, drugn, jewelry, woolens, and iron rails, 10 per cent ; ice, $2 per tun ; sailing vessels, steamers, munitions of war, arms, works of art, traders' tools, beef, pork, flour, corn, and cof fee free." -.',;. The Charleston correspondent of The Rich mond Dispclch says : Are you aware that Gov. Brown of Georgia, the lion. Wm. L. Yancey, the Hon. Mr. Benjamin, the Hon. Mr. Wig fall, and most of the leading men in the Se cession movement, everywhere, are Carolini ans ?" . E7Charlcs Francis Adams, it is said, is to succeed Mr. Dallas at the Court of St. James. TRAGEDY IN JUNIATA C0UNIY. Henry Aucker, an old citizen ot Juniata county was brutally murdered by two ruffians who entered the house for tho pnrpose of rob bing him. Mr. A. was seventy years of age, and reputed to be wealthy. The Juniata Sen tinel gives the following particulars of the murder : "Between seven and eight o'clock, Saturday evening, two men came; to the bouse and asked for admission. There were, at the time, three persons In the honse, Mr. Aucker, an old lady who acted as housekeeper, and a grand daughter of Mr. Aucker, aged about fourteen years. Mr. Aucker and the old lady had retired. When the two men knocked at the door, the girl went to her grand-father and told him that two men desired admission into the house. Mr. Aucker told the girl to admit them. As soon as they entered, one sat on the wood-box near the stove, and the other sat on a chair near the door at which they entered. They then inquired of the girl who were in the house,, who told them, but said they were both in bed. They then told her that they whished to see Mr. Aucker, who got up and came into the room. After conversing with them on various topics for about fifteen min utes, he asked them what they wanted. The large man told him that they wanted his mon ey. Mr. A. told them that there was uot $10 about the house, and that they might search if they desired to. He then got up and went to the door leading to his bed room, over which hung his rifle. He opened the door and reach ed for bis gun, and as aoon as he got it in his possession, the tall man went up to him and shot him with a pistol through the arm, near "the elbow. Failing to prostrate bim with the pistol, he drew from under his garments a hatchet, and s'ruck him three times on the head, which caused him to fall on the floor in an insensible condition. The ruffians, as if alarmed at their owe work, immediately fled, w ithout making any search f or what they came after. The liltle girl ran at once to the near est neighbor's and gave the alarm, and soon the whole neighborhood was apprised of the atrocious murder. Mr. Aueker died in about an hour and a half alter receiving the injury, without being able to speak a word. The next morning a man upon observing tho : tracks leading from the house, immediately said that one of the men was John Lovering. Suspi cion immediately rested upon hini and a man named Zimmerman, and men started off 'in pursuit of them. Zimmerman, was arrested but at once proved his innocence and was dis charged. Lovering and a man named Samuel Howder had left Zimmerman's residence a bout six o'clock on Saturday evening. How der was arrested iu M'Allisterville about six o'clock on Sunday evening, and said he had left Zimmerman's in compauy with Lovering the evening previous to hunt roots. It was supposed that Lovering, if iu the country, was at the house of Peter Varner, in the Shade Gap of the Shade Mountain, about four miles north of M'Allisterville. About eight o'clock a party of men, armed to the teeth, proceed ed to the house of Varner, which they imme diately surrounded. On inquiring of Varner whether Lovering was in the house, he said he was about somewhere. Some of them entered he house and after searching, found Lovering crouched under the bed. A loaded pistol was found in his possession. - : Alter the capture of Lovering, Howard turn ed State's evideuce against him, and related substantially the above ;icta. The little girl who was at Ancker's at the time the deed-was committed, was brought into the office of the Justice where some twenty-five persons were4 congregated, and she at once recognized Lov ering as the man who had shot her grandfath er, although she swore he had whiskers when he committed the act. Varner then sworo that he had shaved Lovering on Sunday mor ning. Both Lovering and "Howard were then remanded to jail to answer to the charge of murder. . A Curious Affair. We presume either that the following story is a hoax, outright, or that that the alleged performer of miracles is some very clever Anderson or Blitz, but give it as condensed from the Cincinnati Times : A story is told by the Ranchero, of Corpus Christi, Texas, of a new Saint, or performer of miracles, who has made his appearance dear Camargo, who is doing all manner ol wonderful things. Great excitement has been occasioned in Mexico and Western Texas on account of his mysterious revel tions. He is alledged to possess the power to feed thous ands with two or three tortillas (little cakes,) each one getting all he can eat. It is also al leged that he cures all diseases incident to the flesh ; restores sight to the bliud, and tells Laziirus to take up his bed and walk. We do -not desire to be thought blasphemous, but the wonderful tales of this Prophet or Apostle or Saint, or whatever designation may bo adapt ed to his mysterious capacity, very closely resemble the history and fate of the Nazarene, who gave light and civilization and moral health to a regenerated world. The Ranchero continues its story, seriously (apochryphal as ir may appear.) and winds up as follows: "No one can tell his name, or where he came from. He says that he will be killed in Mexico, and requests that his mur derer may not be punished. He claims he is sent on a special mission to the Mexican peo ple, and that he shall perform many wonder ful things, and make many disclosures ere he closes his career. Apparently but sixteen or seventeen years of age, he has a great beard, of patriarchal length, and as an evidence that he is no imposter, it is reported that General Vidaurri had him cleanly shaven, and then told him if he was really a man of God, as he professed, to cause his beaid to reappear upon his face. The Saint requested his interroga tor to turn his back for a few moments, which he did, and after making a prayer and going through some mj'sterious ceremony, presto ! his face was covered with beard the same as before. Thus the story goes, and if not true, certain it is that the Mexicans of this and tho adjoining counties are swarming thither in large numbers, and some Americans are pre paring to go. U. S. Senate. In spite of the opposition of the Pro-Slavery Senators, the following res olution, offered by Mr. Fessenden of Maine and amended by Mr. Clark of New Hampshire, was passed on the 14th by the United States Senate, by a vote of 24 to 10 : Whereas, The seat occupied by Messrs. Brown and Davis or Mississippi, Mallory of Florida. Clay of Alabama, Toombs of Georgia, and Benjamin of Louisiana, as members of the Senate, haye become vacant ; therefore Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to omit their names respectively from the roll. "Dixie's Land." Who does not know 'Dix ie ?" Who don't love "Dixie ?" Wc hear it on every corner, and drummed on every piano forte -and even the boys in the street sing, "I wish I was in Dixie." The name 'Dixie' is an old long-time name for the negro idea of Heaven that is, a place where there is no work, plenty possum, pig meat, sweet potatoes, hogs, hominy and mo lasses, all ready for eating. The idea has been embodied in a song tinder tho title of "Dixie's Land." CF"Ripe Strawberries were on sale at Now Orleans on the 1st inst. At Raleigh, N. C, on the Gth, the peach trees weie in full bloom, garden peas in flower, and cabbage plants quite largo enough to transplant. Sam Houston. Governor Houston is nn doubtedly preparing to resist the oligarch! uiioiiipouuu iu i -jA'ii y lurcw oi arms submission to the tieonln n .i nut .,.. . I . ... n ou iniiissiQj, in fact, but a deliberate fraud, involving rent submission, but not a real one ; as tim" was not given for half the counties in the State to know that it had been even nominal ly submitted. The total vote for its accen tance was not one-third of the popular vote ot the State. Houston is organizing a volunteer army quietly, bnt rapidly, to resist its enforce ment. The lawful .Legislature of tbe State meets very shortly, and if his intended veto of the ordinance is sustained, as it undoubtedly will be. by a constitutional number of its nn-m. bers, he will at once call his volunteers into the field. As a military leader he is more than a match for all .the disunion Gentnlj and Colonels in Texas. The embarrasnu-M in bis way is the fact that the disunionists Imvu possession . of all the Government arms and munitions in the State, and ho will have t.. contend against their so superior armament with no other weapons and munitions than in brother farmers individually possess. He has well nigh two-thirds of the people of the Statu siding with him foi the Union, and will even tually establish its authority throughout tlio State. Invasion of The North. Some of the fire eaters seem really to entertain the idea of a:i invasion of the North. A Charleston corres pondent of The Richmond Dispatch writes: The project which I hinted at yesterday of an invading army, I find is now liie order of tli day, and that the battle ground will be chang ed from South Carolina to another locality not ten thousand niilles from you, Is in my j'i1g. ment a fixed fact. If I were to predict, that in sixty days the City of Washington would fa razed so that a plow share should be run over the place where now Lincoln nervously rest, and that magnificent monument of fomu-r greatness, the Capital, would be blown sky high, I might not in such a prediction be a f.ilsu propliet. I, like many a Southern man, h.tve a few cents invested in that other monument begun years ago to the memory of Georgu Washington, which monument, if left to Uiaclc Kepublicans keeping, I hope to se rent in twain from top to bottom. Some of your sub mission readers may call this vandalism! It matters not with me what they call it; that monument will never be allowed to stsnd on Black Republican soil, and you ma' take that as another pre iiction. It you will look to The Courier of the date of the 8th inst., you will see my invading plot hinted at there. "Th? Southern heart is fired" now, and that fire wilt not be easily quenched, nor will it be, I fear, unless it be quenched in blood. NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. Ad vcrtisrntftitssrt tn targe type, rut, or out of usual style will be charged double price for spaccoccupitd. trators' and Executory' notices, SI, 50, eaeh ; and all other transient Notices a: the sanio ra'eg ITOK SALE. A good two-horse wngnn with box, for sale very low. Apply to lieorpe V. Hex, New Millport, Clearfield co., I'a. M.irJ'i.p. WASTED A person to dig coal. A gool chance will be given. Apply to (ie..r: Tatov about one and a half, miles outh-Ft of Clearfield Jiorough. . March 20, IStij. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter of Administration on the I-'dtate of Janr Wilaon, late of Chest township, Clearfield con: ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re quired to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them duly autheuticated for settlement. I). J. CAT11CAKT, of Knox tp.. March 20. 18CI-Ct. Administrator. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against buying or in any way meddling with the following property, now in possession o; Benjamin F Kline, in Decatur twp., to wit: "no Iron-gray Horse, one Iron-gray Stud Hor?e. lii ness for two horses, one 2-horse wagon waoi. . also one Iron-gray Mare, in possession of 1) 1' Kline, in Decatur tp . as the above propi rty be longs to me and is only left with the Klines loan and subject to my order, or hy tnv njent i' D. Kline. CATIIAUING KLINK. Decatur tp.. March 16. 1861 pd. DK. JEFFERSOX LITZ, having loaatcd at Jra hamton. Clearfield county, l'a., will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care.' He nay at all times be found at his of fice or at the res Jence of Dr. li. F. Akelv.when not professionally engaged. M.irch'l3, lS'il. CAUTION. The public are hereby cautioned against harboring or tr:' sting iny two minor children. Aquill and Jane Wain, as I am deter mined to pa no dobts of theircontracting from this date. IS VIAII.WAIA'. Grampian Hills.Mnrch 1. lS6!-ml.3-3t. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautin tioned against harboring or trusting uiv s' John D. Glasgow, as I will pay no debts of hi contracting from and after thUdate. Ami any person or persons so harboring him must ahideihe consequences. JAMES GLASGOW. Home, March 4, lSGl-ml3-3tp. PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY. .4 Lamp ChinDuy that trill not Break Tin's great invention commends itself to every one uginjr Coal Oils Lamps. It gives more light.. requires less cleaning and will not break by the Leat rr cold, falling, or any ordinary usage. Forsalelv Storekeepers generally throughout the U. S.. and the Canadas. and Wholesale by the Manufacturers and Patentee. HORNING & HITMt'HKEY. No. 321, N. Second Street, l'hilad'a. NB. A large and superior stock of Coal "1 Lamps, always on hand, at prices defying compe tition. Also, the Portland Coal Oil. at Manufac turers price. March 13. !Siil-4t. CHAIRS !! CHAIRS!!! CHAIRS!!"! JSOW IS THE TIME TO BUY !! !! The undersigned has now on hand, at his Furni ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield. Pa., a short distance west of Lits foundry, a large stock of CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His long experience in the bu siness makes him feel confident that his chair3 ar mado in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial. rcr?on wishing to purchase chairs should call at once and get them while they can be had at the lowest rates Feb 27, 1S51. - JOHN TROUTMAV STIRRING TIMES IN PHILADEL PHIA I Tremendous Erntevteut amons th Masses EXCITING FOOTRACE hetwten tk Philadelphia Police and a notorious Forger ana counterfeiters James Euckcruan Cross Cross Recaptured It seems to be the general opin ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a P1'0, Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he wooia not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not nincn put out at missing his custom; but would an nounce to all Breckinridge, Douglas, Lincoln a Bell mrn, and women and children in Clearfieia, and Sinnemahoning in particular, that he IP'." pared to furnish them with Boots. Shoes anl wai ters ot any stvlo or pattern, stiched, sowed or ren' ged. (and as he is a short fellow) on short totw All kinds of country produce taken in excuang and cash not refused. Repairing done m the ne est manner and charges -moderate, ''" Shoe Shop on Second Street. rP?SI,f.,?ItJrtT ver A Co's store. i'KANk s?i N. B. Finding? f"r Fftle. Avs.2V.Lf- secession majority of the convention adopting the State's ordinance of secession was elected by not a third of the vote of the St-it i. 1 (If i 3 To insnre attention, the CASH mut accompa ny notioes, as follows: All Cautions with SI; Strays, SI; Auditors' noiiaes. G1.50: Adminis.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers