if BY S. B. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1861. VOL. 7.-NO. 28. "I BISK TO SEEK THE LIGHT." 1 saw a little blade of grass. Just peeping from the sod, Aud asked tt why it sought to pais Beyond its parent clod ! It seemed to raise its head, .Ail sparkling, fresh and bright. And wondering at the question, said, "I rise to seek the light." . 1 asked the eagle why his wing To ceaseless flight was given, As if he spurned each eartly thing, And knew no home but heaven ! -lie answered, as he fixed his gaze, Undaxzled at the sight, I'pon the Sun's meridian blaze, "I rise to seek the Light.'1 I asked my soul. What means this thirst For something yet beyond ? What means this eagerness to burst Jr'roin every earthly bond ? -It answers, and I Xeel it glow . With fires more warm, more bright, -All is too dull, too dark below, 1 rise to seek the Light." THE DETECTIVE'S STORY. In one oi oar Western cities a forgery to a large amount bad been effected, and the per petrator had escaped with the spoils. The place of his concealment was not certainly known, but he was supposed to be secreted in New York city. In the city where the crime ihad been committed X held a .situation as lieu tenant of police, and in obedience to orders I proceeded to New York in search of the for ger. It was ruv first evening in town, and as d was sitting within the Iriendly wall of the St. Nicholas, wrapped in a cloud of tobacco smoke, and a fine specimen of the latest style of false whiskers and tnnstache, 1 saw enter a very dear friend, from whom two years before I had parted in California. As he passed he glanced at me, but did not recognize roe. I was glad f it, for, it assured me that my false whiskers would be a valuable aid to me aa a disguise in the search which on the next day I intended 1o Commence. My friend lighted a cigar, and seated himself somo distance from me. As I couldn't allow the opportunity of speaking to him pass by, I went towards him and said : "Good evening, Mr. Markham." "Good evening, sir," ho replied, at the same time looking at mo as it endeavoring to recall my countenance. "When did you return from El Dorado I" 1 asked of him. "A week ago ; but really you have the ad vantage over me, inasmuch as you are acquaint ed with my name,whilo I don't recognize you.' "Is that the case 1" "It is, sir." "Don't you remember mo 7" "No sir, I do not," he replied. "Can I speak with you one moment in pri vate ?" I asked. "Certainly," was the answer, and arising, ha accompanied me to my room. When the door was closed, I said : "Do you not recollect me f" "I cannot," was the reply. Taking off my whiskers and moustache, and peaking in a natural tone, for I before used a liinguised voice, I asked: "Does that refresh your memory ?" '"Harry Evans, by all that's powerful !" he exclaimed, as he grasped my hand and shook it until I feared that when he should release it my fingers would drop oil. "But n hat is the meaning of all this ; where did you come from, and what are you up to that you must disguise yourself so that your friends don't know yon 7" On a promise of secrecy, and in a few words, I told him what business I had before me. When I ended, he cried out : "By Jove. Harry, of all the men in the ciiy you are the one I am most delighted to see ; for thure is a little matter which is precisely in your line that I want attended tor" I assured him that nothing would afford mo more pleasure than to serve him in any way which might be in my power. Having order ed some champagne and fresh cigars, he told me of the work which he had for me to do, and 1 will repeat the story as nearly as possi ble in his own words : "It was just a week since I arrived here, with good health and plenty of money a com bination of circumstances which I considered particularly fortnnate and last night the trouble happened which I want you to see right. During the evening, having nothing better to do, I strolled into Barton's to wit ness him in one of his inimitable performan ces. Next to me was seated a lady who was neatly but rather showily dressed, and who appeared to be unaccompanied by any one. Moreover, she was exceedingly handsome, and having by some chance entered into a conver sation with her, I found her also very interest ing. What started our acquaintance I cannot remember, although I think it arose from some remark she had made to me but at any rate she was quite agreeable. When the per formance was about half through she suddenly complained of feeling faint, and asked me if I would accompany her where 6he could get somo fresh air. I did so, and it appeared to revive her; but after a few minutes she ap peared to grow worse, and speaking to a small boy who was standing near, she asked him to call aearrisje. Up to the present time I had elt a slight suspicion fhat all was not, perhaps, as it should be. ' It had been 'but the shadow of an ideawhich her fast 'request dissipated, knd therefore I assisted her into a carriage. But no sooner was she in than she fell almost upon the floor.' Of coarse I jumped in to hold fcer upon her seal. ' Hardly was I in before the door was closed, the driver sprung to bis ox, and o9 we went.. I was about ordering niuj to stop, as I had no intention of riding with him, When the lady, who appeared to di vine my thoughts grasped me by the arm, and "claimed : 'My dear sir, do not leave me, I f ym ; I am very unwell, and if you will ont ride with me home you will oblige me very much ; It is not far and vou can instantly return to the the theatre.' What could I do ? 1 as in for it, and determined to take it quietlybesides, thought I, it may turn out to e a romantic adventure; arjd'you will soon se that it did, and that the romance raifjer acceded the pleasantness of the thing. So I eniained seated by her side, supporting her i ,,ow,y revived. Although she had with he d5stance was but short, and not iinstanding I was rather enjoying myself, 8eemed t me that we were never to 'P, although the horses had been going for 1 y 1 tirae al the t0P of thef aped. In fact mw 8eTeral "mes thought that they most bo rl ? away with U9- Bu t last,-after ri nR almost baH' an hour at a break -neck pace, we halted. By this time she was again so unwell that I was absolutely obliged to lift tier out of the carriage and carry her up the steps. Hero she besought me to come in, that she might thank me for my kindness, as suring me that she should never forget it. Accordingly I ordered the driver to wait and in I went. We passed through a hall in which the gas burned dimly, and into the par lor likewise but little lighted, but, as well as I .could see, quite nicely furnished. The mo ment we entered the room she appeared to re vive, and closing the door, and taking ofi ber bonnet and cloak, she requested mo to be seated ; I did so upon a lounge near at hand, and presently she came and seated herself at my side. She thanked me over and over a gain, and requested my card, which I gave her. She appeared completely recovered from her late illness, which she was quite subject to, and I have since come very much to the same conclusion. She had expected to meet her husband at the theatre, and did not know why ho had not been there. He was a lawyer, and perhaps his business had detained him. Thus passed a quarter of an hour. At the end of that time I beard steps coming along the hall ; they stopped at the parlor door, and the knob was turned, but the door would not yield. Then a heavy voice exclaimed, 'Open this door!' This was followed by a strong kick. At the same timo the lady cried out, My God ! it is my husband the door is lock ed ; bo is terribly jealous ho will kill you ;' and fell fainting into my arms. What a posi tion for a modest man ! Before I could think twice, open bursts the door with a tremend ous crash, and a man frantic with ragu rushed into the room. For a moment he looked at us without speaking ; then, with aloud oath sprung to the table, opened the drawer, and seizing a pair, of pistols pointed them at my head, crying out as he did so 'Villain ! I have found you. You shall die !' The wife sprung from my arms, and seized the barrel of a pis tol with each hand. 'Would you commit murder ? lie is innocent !' she cried out, but he swore with an awful oath that if I moved he would kill me. Had I only bad my revolv er with me and I generally carry it he would, perhaps, have come off second best ; but I had that day sent it to be repaired, and therefoie, luckily for him, 1 was unarmed. At length his ferocity melted beneath the tears and protestations of his wife, and the matter was finally adjusted by my leaving my watch and all my money which was about three humbjed dollars as a pledge tout I would call the next day and settle the affair, he at the same time giving me his noto for the a mount, and threatening to blow my brains out if I retired with out so doing. Altei it was done he walked down to the carriage with me, for it was still waiting, and trot in after me, still keeping the pistols in his hands. When we had ridden some ten minutes the carriage stopped, and I was ordered to get out. I did so, as he possessed a most potent 'persuader,' and the hack drove off and left me in an un known part of the city. Of course I have been unablo to find the bouse, and so my money is lost, without you can help me find it ; but I will give them the credit of having played the game excellently." When my friend bad finished I burst into a loud laugh. I could not help it, the whole af fair was so rich and amusing ; but I promised to assist him as far as I was able. "Have you mentioned the affair to any one ?" I asked him. "No, you are the first. I thooght that it would be useless, as I had no satisfactory proof of the transaction, for, of course, the note is worthless, even if I could find tLe lion.e, which is perfectly impossible, as I have not the fain test idea of its locality." "Should you know the woman if you should see her again ?" "Yes, among a thousmd." "And the man, could you recognize him ?" "I think I could." I asked bim to give me a description of h im and he did so. I could have hugged him in my joy, for here was the very man I was in search of, and I could, by finding him, kill two birds with one stone, and instead of being to my friend a losing business, it would pay well, as a reward of one thousand dollars had been offered me by the person whose name had been forged if I should arrest the criminal, and I promised Markham one half of it, in case I was successful, for having put tne on the light track. The next day I commenced, but for two days nothing of consequence was done. On the sec ond evening, however, the prospect brighten ed. Markham and myself were leisurely pro menading Brodway, and talking of nothing in particular, when grasping uie by the arm, he suddenly exclaimed : "Do you see it 1" Yes," said I mechanically, but without having the faintest idea what be meant. "That's the one," he continued, I could tell it anywhere." "What is the one?" I asked. 'That pink bonnet ahead," ho replied, "and 'tis the same cloak, too." In truth, about twenty feet before as was a lady wearing a pink bonnet, and walking along unaccompanied by a gentleman. I instantly knew' to what he relerred, and my pleasure was as great as bis. "But are you perfectly certain that it Is the one 7" MThat I am ; but see, she has stopped at that' window, and we shall have a look at ber face ; yes, I knew I was right," ho uoiiiiuued as the lady in question, looking in at the store window, gave us a good view of her counte nance. I instantly requested MarkLam to leave me lest she should chance to see hint aud to re cognize bim, which would completely Bpoil the pjan of operations,' the principal points of which I had already marked oat for myself. 1 promised that if he would do so I would run the game to cover, and be should bo in at the death' Accordingly he turned upon his heel, and in a few minutes was put pi sjght. As soon as he was gone I walked forward briskly, till 1 had reached the pink bonnet. I continu ed behind her long enough to impress myself with the appearance of her attire, and then passing her, I walked swiftly on until I was about three or four rods ahead of her, when I stopped in the doorway of a stoic, and appear ed to be intently examining the articles through the side window. As she came to wards roe I obtained a lair view of her lace, which was very handsome, and when she pass ed, I dropped behind and followed her at a reasonable distance, until 8he stopped at a con fectioner's. Observing opposite an apotheca ry's, a sudden thought came to me, following which, I hurried ever and purchased a bottle of strong spirits of ammonia, resolving that if, while in my presence, she should meet with a fainting turn, she should meet with a most powerful and perhaps not very agreeable re vival. After leaving the confectioner's she kept on until she reached Ordway's which she entered, I following. Just within the outer door I designedly placed my foot upon the skirt of her dress. Rip went the sticlies, ana my first stroke was struck. I apologized tre inendously, and assisted her in its restoration When it was done she inquired if I would do her a little favor. "A thousand if you wish me," I answered. "Would you be so very kind as to purchase for me my ticket 7" at the same time putting her hand into her pocket. Suddenly, bow ever, she withdrew it, with the exclamation, "Heavens! I have lost my port-monnaie ; what ouau x uu i ' x csiii 1 1 u i j oui j v jvui iwp said I, "but that shall not prevent you from dha II I Ha 971 id nm tuttlu nnralt 4 rf mtiw mCO attending the performance," and hastening to the ofbee I purchased two tickets, and return ing to ber, placed one in her hand. She was very sorry to put me to so much trouble was a thousand times obliged, and hoped 1 would not consider it unlady-like In her to receive a ticket from me, a stranger ; but she had so set her mind upon the performance that really she could not stay away. All these thanks and protestations ended by accompanying her into the hall and seating myself at her side She was so pretty, so fascinating, and played her part so well, that I did not wonder that Markham bad been taken in, and I verily be lieve that had I not been forewarned, I should have shared the same fate. As it was, how ever, I was prepared for whatever might turn up, and appeared as unsuspecting as possible. All went oil according to my expectation. The ill turn and carnage were strictly en regie When I had placed her in it, I begged her to excuse me a moment while I returned for my gloves, which I pretended to have dropped. Beckoning to me a boy of some dozen years, who looked as if he might be trusted, I asked him : "Would you like to earn five dollars ?" "Certainly," was the reply. I said to bim : "At the door is a hack which I shall get into. As soon as I do so, jump on beLind, and ride till I get out. Notice the number of the bouse which I shall enter, and then run for a couple of policemen ; tell them in fifteen minutes to enter it, pass through the hall into the second door, npon the right band side. Don't let the driver know that you are on. Call to-morrow at ten, at the St. Nicho las, and I will pay you. Do you understand 7" "les, sir." "Iiepeat what I have told you." He did it correctly. I entered the carriage and went through precisely the same course that Markham bad done. All in good time came the knock at the door, and my lady tried to faint, but did not quite succeed, for laying her back on the sofa, I poured about half a spoonful of the ammonia Jnto her iose. I knew that it was rather cruel, but I conld not resist the temptation to pay her off a little. Quick as lightning she sprang to ber feet,gasp ing and strangling, while at the same instant open flew the door and the enraged husband entered. The pistols were duly drawn forth and pointed at me, while the wife, instead of imploring for my life, was busily engaged in endeavoring to get breath, lor the ammonia nearly killed her. I saw that my game was safe, that the forger stood before me, and when his first burst of well counterfeited pas sion was at its hight, pulling off my whiskers and drawing out my revolver, I coolly inform ed him that he was my prisoner. The moment he recognized me, "a change came over the spirit of his dreams." He dropped bis pistol and sank speechless into a chair. In a few minutes the policemen entered, and I explain ed the case. The prisoners were taken care of, and afterwards paid the penalty of their crimes. Markbam recovered his watch and a portion of his money, but would not accept the five hundred which I had promised hiui, ai. 1 v-u have often since then congratulated each other that there was so favorable a ter mination to our "shaking." The pea-nut is cultivated in Georgia, Alaba man, North Carolina, &c. It is planted in ridges about three feet apart, u me vine stands up about a foot in perpendicular hight. The stems 6hoot out in all directions from it for about fifteen inches around. These run ners have joints about an inch and a half n part ; and at each joint a strong root strikes down into the ground about two inches deep; at the end of this root the pea-pod is formed, and comes to maturity. Some farmers cover these lateral vines with earth, while others leave them bare all the lime. It is not agreed which is the better mode. When ripe, one bunch of vines will have from one to two quarts of peas. One acre will produce from thirty-five to fifty bushels of peas. There has recently been presented to the museum of tho Medical College, Mobile, Ala., a beautiful specimen of the lace-wood tree. The peculiarity of it is in the fibrous nature of the bark, wbich is about the eighth of an inch thick. From this bark has been dissected more than twenty coats of apparently real crape or lace most of them large enough to serve as a small handkerchief. It can be washed and ironed like ordinary muslin. The tree is a native of tho West Indies, and is very rare. Generals Scott and Wool were, during the inauguration on the 4th, on foot in full uniform at the head of two batteries in the Capitol grounds, ready in case of an emergency to set an example of patriotism and duty to their subordinates. When tojd of the character of Mr. Lincoln's inaugural, which he could not hear, Gen. Scott exclaimed, "Thank God, we have a Goveiuiuent." The Republicans have al length a majority In the United States Senate. Their total number is 29, and that of the opposition is 24. This gives them for the first timo the control of the organisation and the arrangement of the Committees. For so much, at least, the country has reason to thank tho Secessionists. Kellcy's Island, in Lake Erie, is all a vine yard. The principal grape is the Catawba, wbich yields admirable wine. An acre. n full bearing will produce 7,000 lbs. of grapes. worth $455, at 6 J cents per pound. New Counterfeits on the Mutual Bank, Cas tleton, Vt.,of the denomination of five dol lars, are in eircnlatioh. C0L0BAD0 NEVADA DAKOTA. The bills organizing the Territories of Colo rado, Nevada, and Dakota, passed both Houses of Congress before its adjournment, and were signed by the President. This increases the numbei of the Territories ot the United States to seven, including the previously existing ones of Washington, Nebraska, Utah, and New Mexico. In the N. Y. Tribune we find the following description of the new ones : The first of these Territories, Colorado, in cludes parts of Kansas, Nebraska, and Eastern Utah. Its boundaries run as follows : Begin ning at a point where the 102d degree of West longitude from Greenwich crosses the 37th parallel of North latitude, thence north along said 102d parallel to where it intersects the 41st degree of North latitude, thence west a long said line to the 109th degree of West Ion gitude, thence south along said line to the. 3th degree of North latitude, thence oast a long the 37th degree of North latitude to the place of beginning. The Territory contains about 100,000 square miles, and at thia time has a population of some 25,000 persons. The Rocky Mountains divide the Territory into two parts, westward from them flowing a large number of rivers, tributary to the Cojorado, and eastward others equally numerous and large, tributary to the Arkansas and South Fork Platte Rivers. It includes the famous mining region, Pike's Peak, rich in gold and other metals, cut off by deserts from the more fertile Western States, but destined to bo the home of advancing civilization, and to give up its treasures at the summous of en lightened toil. Nevada is taken from Western Utah and Cal ifornia. Its boundaries are as follows : Begin ning at the point of intersection of the 42d de gree of North latitude with the 39th degree of longitude west from Washington ; thence run ning south on the line of this 116th degree West longitude, until it intersects the north ern boundary of tbe Territory of New-Mexico; thence due west to the dividing ridge separa ting the waters of Carson Valley from those that now into the Pacific; thence on this di viding ridge northwardly to the 41st degree North latitude ; thence due north to the south ern boundary line of the State of Oregon ; thenco due east to tho place of beginning. That portion of the Territory within the pres ent limits of the State of California is not to be included within Nevada, until the State of California shall assent to the same by an act irrevocable without the consent of the United States. The Territory includes the lovely Carson Valley, the memory of whose beauty lingers with the traveler in his journey through arid plains and over rugged mountains, and whose wondrous fertility, even under the ru dest cultivation, shows what may be expected there when intelligent mdustry has free course. Great mineral wealth, especially ot silver, in which it is richer than any other part of the world, and unlimited capacity for the raising of agricultural products, will combine at an early day to transform this region into a rich and populous State. In general terms, Dakota lies between lat. 42 d. 30 m. and 49 d. north, and long. 96 d. 30 m. and 103 d. west. It is bounded on the north by British America, east by the States of Minnesota and Iowa, south and west by Ne braska. Its length from north to south is 450 miles, its average breadth is about 200 miles, and it has an area of 70,000 square miles. It was lormerly a part of the territory of Minne sota, Lui was detached when that became a State. The Indians belonging to the Yank ton, Sissiton, and Sioux tribes are numerous, and live chiefly by the chase. The territory includes open, grassy plains, high-rolling prai ries, a great number of lakes and ponds, and very numerous valuable rivers. The climate of the south is mild ; that of the north severe, though less so than might be expected from its high latitude. The land is well timbered, and the valleys are highly productive. Coal abounds in some parts, and other minerals add wealth to tho region. Tho game is plentiful, and of groat value for its furs. The eager thirst for the precious metals, which has opened these far Western regions to the white man, already modified by the dis' covery that the labor necessary to obtain the metal will yield more satisfactory returns when expended in tilling the soil and developing tne natural resources of the country, will soon exert only its proper influence ; then the natu ral vigor of free labor, assisted by the intelli gently fostering care of an enlightened Govern m.cr.t, vrU soon redeem these noble territories from their wildness, and legitimately extend by so much the real area of Freedom Minority Presidents. In 1824, the candi dates for the Presidency were Adams, Jack son, Clay, and Crawford. Mr. Adams, who was in a minority of 141,420, and who had much less than half of the popular vote, was elected by the House of Representatives. In 1844, Mr. Polk was elected by the people, and was in a minority of 24,119. In 1848, General Taylor was elected. He was in a minority of 151,708. In 1856, Mr. Buchanan was elected. He was in a minority of 377,629. In 1860, Mr. Lincoln was elected. He was in a minor ity of 946.950. So much has been said about Mr. Lincoln being a minority President that it is taken for granted that none of his prede cessors were chosen in the same way. Three cases of poltical importance will soon be before the United States Supreme Court. These are an appeal from the Territorial Court of Kansas on a decision as to the right of the people of a Territory to exclude slavery there from ; the controversy between Governor Ma goffin, of Kentucky, and Gov. Donnison, of Ohio, and the Lemmon case, from New York. Col. Lay, one of Gen. Scott's Aids, has re signed his commission. He belongedto the General's military family, and was familiar with all his confidential correspondence. He is a son-in-law of Judge Campbell of Virginia. Tbo act was not altogether unexpected. A warning. The following notice appear ed on the west end of a country meeting-house : Anybody sticking bills against this church, will be prosecuted according to law or any other nuisance." He who like an owl, shuts himself np from society and daylight, must expect to be hunt ed, and hooted at like the owl, whenever he chances to appear. It is estimated that there are now in Canada forty-flve thousand fugitive slaves from the United States. - "BLACK STBAP." Some ludicrous things happen in real life inings mat everybody can laugh at, save tnoso who are their victims ; for we take it, that to make a good joke, to give it point and eflect some one must suffer that there must be a sting to produce a ludicrous grimace. Wo neard a story in point recently, which is lit erally true, and our readers shall have it for their edification. Out in Erie, Pennsylvania, there resides a young lawyer, son of a Supreme Judge, who is devoted to a line of practice not set down in the Books such as gunning, fishing, and having a "good time" generally. Not long ago, he, in company with another young gen tleman, started on a gunning and fishing ex cursion to a thinly settled part of Pennsylva nia, on the lino of the Sunbury & Erie Rail road. The poiut at which they domiciled was a station on the road where a German bad o pened a store for the purpose of supplying the laborers on the work with "dry goods and gro ceries," principally the latter. Here they en joyed themselves for a few days in a free and easy manner. One morning they arose before the sun, intending to proceed upon an excur sion some distance into the woods to try their luck, when the following conversation took place between them. Said the young gentle man, who was the son of a well known propri etor of a hotel in Erie, to his companion : "I have a bottle of prime Jamaica Rum, a first-rate article, and I thiuk it would be a good idea to try it this morning. Suppose w go to the 'store' and make some black strap. " Now, reader, 'black strap" is a favorite New England drink, and is composed of rum and molasses. Tho J udge's son demurred not to the suggestion, and, with the bottle, they repaired to the grocery. The assistant in charge of this establishment was a Teuton of not very remarkable brilliancy, but of very accommodating disposition. As soon as they entered, the descendant of Boniface asked : "Have you any first-rate molasses 7" "Yaw." "Well take these three glasses and fill them each about half full of the best you have." Yaw," repeated Teuton ; and suiting the action to the word, bo went into a dark room and in a few moments returned with the glas ses each containing the required amount. The Jamaica Kura was poured in not in homocpa tnlc doses was vigorously stirred, in the dim light of early dawn, and the youthful offspring of the keeper of a house of public entertain ment gulped bis down with one null. It tast ed queer, and his stomach evinced a disposi tion to rebel against it, but he preserved a smooth countenance. How does it go V asked the limb of the law. "Bully !" gasped bis friend. This assurance was enough, and another glass was swallowed. Teuton followed suit and down went bis mixture. By this time the two disciples of Nimrod artd Izaak Walton were on the outside of the store shouting New York !" No man who ever "went down to the 6ea in ships" cast up accounts more vigorously than did these two concoctors of "black strap The German was of stronger stomach, and he, grasping the bottom of his vest with both hands, rushed after bis friends ejaculating "Mine Gott !" at every step. The gentlemen Irom trie were, in a few rniifutes, entirely pros trated. Completely exhausted, they stretched themselves on the counter, while "the Teuton rushed two miles across the country for a phy sician, feeling convinced that all had been poisoned. The doctor came and after exam ining the glasses, burst into a laugh. He dis covered that the German had tapped the wrong barrel, and instead of drawing molasses, had partly filled the glasses with cheap whale oil of the nastiest kind. There was no danger to life, but the emetic was powerful, and, the hunters took the first train for home, looking as pale as ghosts, and as destitute of all mus cular vigor as Mark Tapley was after a six months' residence in the American Eden. The Judge's son gives it as his opirion that "striking ile" may be a lucky thing in a gen eral way, but striking it in mistake for mo lasses Is intolerable and not to be borne ; while his companion, whose ability to keep a hotel has lately been doubted, declares that the next time be concocts black strap" he will be sure of his ingredients. A very conservative and eenial minister of Louisville, meetinc one of his vounir friends in the street, looked with some curiosity upon what struck him as a blue rose on the hat of his friend, and inquired what it meant. Sir,' said the young blood, that is the blue cock ade.' Cockade,' echoed the minister, 'cock ade !' 'Yes. Sir. blue cockade. That's all right, ain't it, Sir V 'Yes,' sail the minister, all right ; all right on the goose.' The young man nas noi onen seen since. Kit Carson, the famous hunter, guide and mountaineer, is living at Taos, New Mexico, as Indians Agent to the Utah tribe of Indians. His salary amounts to $1,500 per annum. Kit is quite a wealthy man ; bis property is estima ted at about $6,000. He keeps fifty or sixty cows, five hundred head of sheep, and several horses and ponies. He married a Mexican wo man, with whom he lives quite resignedly. Lobsters are so stupid that when they are left on dry land by a receding tide they have not sufficient instinct to crawl back into the water, bat always wait lor the return of the tide. Several lobsters were thrown a few feet above the sea by a landslide in England, and although the water came within five feet of their noses, they remained waiting for the wa ter to come to them until they died. A Northern Slav State. The late cen sus has developed the fact that New Jersey is still a slave State, the "peculiar institution" on her soil never yet having been abolished, although it has nearly died out under what Daniel Webster would call the "laws of God." The population of New Jersey is 644,080 whites, 24,936 free colored and eight slaves. Capt. Hill has refused the demand of the Texas commissioners for the surrender of Fort Brown, at Brownsville, or the public property under his command. Capt. Hill bad sent to Ringgold Barracks for reinforcements to re take tbo property of the Government on Bra zos Island. A collision was considered im minent. There is a tree near Williams College, Mass achusetts, so situated that its roots extend into three states, namely : Vermont,, Massachu setts and New York. D0K0S OF SOU THEE !T AFBICA. Strange tales are told of the countries and the tribes lying south of the Shoa. In one place are remnants of a traditional Christian ity, whero the people do not work on tbe Sab bath, and where they observe tbe festivals ot Michael, George and Gabriel. At another is a lake with five islands, tenanted by monks, who are the possessors of certain ancient Ethi opic books, worth, perhaps, a fortune to hierol ogists and eastern critics. But tbe strangest of all are the stories told of the Dokos, who live among the moist, warm, bamboo woods to the south of Katla and Susa. Only four feet high, of dark olive color, savage and naked, they have neither houses nor temples, neither fire nor ordinary human food. They live only on ants, mice and serpents, diversified by a lew roots and fruits. They let their nails grow long, like talons, tho better to dig for ants, and the more easily to tear to pieces their fa vorite snakes. They do not marry, but live the indiscriminate lives of animals, multiply ing very rapidly and with very little maternal instinct. The mother nurses her child for only a short time, accustoming it to eat ants aDd serpents as soon as possible; and when it can help itself it wanders away where it will, and the mother thinks no more about it. The Dokos are Invaluable as slaves, and are taken in large numbers. Tho slave-hunters bold op bright-colored clothes as soon as they come to the moist, warm, bamboo woods where these human monkeys live ; and the poor Dokos cannot resist the attractions otlerod by such superior people. They crowd round them, and are taken in thousands. In slavery, they are docile, attached, obedient, with few wants, and excellent health. They have only one fault a love for ants, mice and serpents, and a habit of spaaking to Yer with their heads ou the ground, and their heels in the air. Yer la their idea of a superior power, to whom tbey talk in this comical posture when they are dispirited or angry, or tired of ants and snakes, and longing for unknown- food. The Dokos seem to come nearest of all people yet discover ed to that terrible cousin of humanity the ape. A horrid Pyramid of Snakes. A traveler in South America writes: In the savannahs of Izacubo, in Guiana, 1 saw the moat terrible spectacle that can be seen ; and although it is not uncommon to the inhabitants, no traveler has ever mentioned it. We were ten men on horseback, two of whom took the lead, in or der to sound the tiASOfA a'hili T rxrnti rr. t to skirt the great forest. One ot the blacks Who formed the vanguard returned t fnl lop, and called to me. "Here, sir, come and see tbe serpents in a pile." lie pointed out to me something elevated m the middle of the savannah orswamn. which looked lit hnn. die of arms. One ot my company then said, , "This is certainly one of the assemblages of oerpeuis wnicn neap inemseives on eacU other after a violent tempest; I have heard of these, but have never seen any ; let us proceed cau tiously and not go too near." We were with in twentr paces of it : the terror of our hnni prevented our nearer approach, to which none ntic iMiiiucu. vu a suuiien ine pyra mid mass became agitated horriblo hUini . o - - j issued from it. Thousands of serpents rolled spirally on each other, shot forth out of tbe circle their hideons heads, and ircsentAd their flery eyes to us. I own 1 was the first to draw back ; but when I saw this formidable phalanx remaining at its nost. ami annoiriniF to bo more disposed to defend itself than to mute us, i roae arouna in order of battle, which faced the enemy on every side. I then sought what could be the design of this nu merous assemblage, and I concluded that this species of serpents dreaded some enemy which ruizht be tho creat scrnpnt. or nrmm . and that they re-united themselves after see ing mis enemy, in oraer to resist in a mass. FtAX Instead or Cotton. Recent experi ence has practically demonstrated that flax, excellently adapted for manufacturing pur poses, can be supplied in any quantity at two cents a pound less than cotton. It grows readily in the ncfrthern and western States. and in Ohio has heretofore been cultivated mainly Tor the seed, the fibre being consider ed of little or no value. Mixed with cotton or wool, or both, a durable, cheap and soft fabric can be manufactured, wbich would soon come into general use, and supersede the goods wbich are now made of cotton exclu sively. England is seriously directing her at tention to the growth of cotton in various parts of the globe, and if we extend the cul ture of flax, not many years will be required to establish an entire independence of tbe plant wnicn, uname to endure the prosperity of the last decade, has set up to control the policv of the government, and failing in that domi nation, to destroy the Union. By tbe time the southern confederacy has paid the neualtv of its rashness, and shall be prepared to return to allegiance, enterprise and ingenuity will probably have developed resources wbich may displace cotton as a necessity in manufactures. The Position of the Democracy. When the bill was before Congress the other day, to build seven war steamers, Mr. Garnett. a promi nent Democratic Member, offered this amend ment "that said ships shall not be used to exe cute tbe Federal latet" and ihirtv-eighl Demo craticMembers of Congress actually voted for It. At dinner at Erie, some centlcmen offrrrf Mr. Lincoln some wine, and rather forced it upon him. Mr. Lincoln replied: I hm lived fifty years without the use of any liquor, and I do not think it worth while to change my habits now." A medical journal says that single'wonieD have the headache more than saarried ones. That may be ; but don't married men have tbe headache oftener than aingle ones J When you kiss a wily and beautiful coquette you "put an enemy to your mouth to steal away yonr brains." Young gents will please take notice, and act accordingly. In a circular recently published by Messrs. Dafonr & Co., of Lyons, France, it is stated that America takes 200,000,000 francs worth of silk from Europe annually. The Legislature of New York has annronri- ated $50,000 for the aid of the starving people of Kansas. Wisconsin voted $5,000 for the same benevolent purpose. A. family which applied to a charitable soci ety at Newburyport for aid, keeps 17 cats ! f. I: r r I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers