Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 27, 1861, Image 3

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    THE ukwmm
Johs Troctham, of our town, advertises
that he baa a large stock of Chairs to dispose
of at low prices for cash. -
Rkv. Mr. Rcstax will preach in tho Bap
tist chnrch in Clearfield Borough on Sunday,
the 8d of March, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon. "All are Invited to attend. .
Tow.S9nip and Local Laws. A number, of
copies of this popular work have been receiv
ed and are now for Bale at Dr. Hartswlck's
Drng and Variety Storo, Clearfleld, Pa.
Flocr, Bacox, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars,
-Sec, are oflercd to buyers at low rates for cash
by O. B. MerreM, on Second street, Clearfleld,
Pa., as will bo seen by
an advertisement in
another column of this paper.
The weather has moderated much within
a few days, and the snow has been rapidly dis
appearing. The water in the River has, how
ever, not been much affected, bat if the at
mosphere becomes a litlle warmer, we may
expecta rise in a week or ten days.
A. M. Hills desires to notify his friends and
patToss that lie will be in his office in Clear
field, (opposite the Clearfield IIousc,) until
after the June Court, with the exception of
the second week iu May. Persons desiring
his services will do well to call before that
time. February 27th, 18Gl-2t.
Coxckrt. The Washington Cadets' Saxe
Horn Band, under the directiou of J. F.'llow
bothani of Philadelphia, will give a concert at
Clearfield, on Monday evening next, March 4,
at the Odd-Fellows new Hall in Graham's row,
commencing at 7 o'clock, P. M. Tickets of
admission will bo 25 cts ; Family tickets $1,
On Tuesday evening ttte 5lh, a concert will
be given at Luthcrsburg.
ID'fTHERiA. Elisha Covert, a resident of (Ji
rard township, has lost within a month no less
than six children by Diptheria. He was liv
ing in a very sniali house, in straightened cir
cumstances, and when his family took sick the
neighbors were afraid to stay there on account
-of the virulence of the disease. Destitution
and lack of attention no doubt had much to do
with tho frightful mortality that ensued.
BoRocan Election. At the New Washing
ton borough election on tho 15th February,
the following persons wero elected : Constable,
Geo. Horton; Judge, Russell M 'Murray ; In
spectors, Sam'l Sebring, Henry Neff, Sr.; As
sessor, Reuben Nieman ; Ass't Assessors, Ja
cob Neff, Joseph M'Murray ; School Directors,
Philip B. Neff, S. Sebiing, Henry Neff; Poor
Overseers, Jacob Neff, Samuel M'Cune. Bur
gess, Jos. H. Breth ; Council,' Jacob A. Breth,
Henry D Rose, Henry Neff, J. M. Cnmmings,
John Z. Junod ; Auditor, James M. Rose.
Washington's Birth Oat1 .The 22d was
celebrated in this place ojr. the Washington
Cadets, who, preceded by their martial and
brass bands," paraded through the streets in
the afternoon, and in the evening had ft sup
per at the Clearfleld House. During the course
of the evening a number of fights took place,
which to say-the least of them, were disgrace
ful, and those who were engaged Ju them
should have been put to jail. We do not pre
tend to sy upon whom the blame should be
placed, but we hope we may never hear of a
recurrence of such disreputable conduct.
John Cathcart, incarcerated in the county
Jail in this Borough, under sentence of death
for the murder of his wife last summer, and
who was tqiave bees executed on the 12th of
April next, -committed suicide on Ust Sabbath
night, by hanging himself in his cell with a
pocket handkerchief. It seems he had placed
the handkerchief around one of the iron bars
which run across the pluik lining of the cell
and then tied it around his neck. In order to
prevent himself using his hands, he had tied
them together and passed them over one of
his legs to that he stood astraddle of them. In
order to strangle himself he had to draw up
his feet to keep them cfT the floor, or rather,
oerhaps, he had to lean forward in a stooping
posture to accomplish nis tearful purpose.
The .following is a copy of the verdict of the
coroner's jury :
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Clearfield County, ss.
An inquisition indented and taken at Clear-
acid, in said County, this the 2th day of Feb
ruary, A. D. 18G1, before me, M.A.Frank,
t.sq., one of the Justices of the Peace in and
lor said county, in the jail j( said county, up
on the view of the bod3 of John Cathcart then
and there lying dead, upon the solemn oaths
an l athrmations of A. K. Wright, L. R. Mer-
rtll, II. H. Morrow, Isaac Johnson, Wm. R
irown and Y m. Kartcbaugh ot said county,
"no being sworn and affirmed to inquire on
the part of the Commonwealth, when, where,
how, and after what manner the said John
Cathcart came to his death, do say, upon their
faths and aflirmations that the said Johq Cath
cart not having fhe fear of God before his
'jjea ca ifce 4aj' cf the taking of this inquisi
tion, beicg 4 prisoner in the jail at Clearfield,
jJn the county aforesaid, and then and thre
..raprisoncd in a cell therein and fastened to
the floor thereof, in said cell of the jail afore-
7?' ,0,n the ni2bt of th 24th of February, A.
18G1, with a certain cotton handkerchief,
then and there had and held in his hands and
one end thereof put about his neck by him
and tied about a bar of iron upon the wall ot
"id cell, with the handkerchief aforesald,vol
ntanly and feloniously and of his malice a
lorethought, hanged and suffocated ; and so
-e jurors aforesaid npon their oaths and affir
mations aforesoid do say that the said John
Vathcart then and there in manner and form
atoresaid, feloniously, voluntarily and of his
wahce aforethought, himself did kill, strangle
nawurder against the peace and dignity ot
J&e Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
aBt witness "whereof, as well the eaid Justice
-sine Jurors aforesaid, have hereto pot their
nanus and . seals on the day and year and at
l"e place above mentioned. 1 1
t " ' M. A. Frank, seal.
a. K. Wright, is. Wm.Radebacohis.I
iVy.'1""'! ".I Isaac Johnson, ls.
Morrow, jL3. Wm. R. Brow.v, jls.
Cp-Spring-Uke th; weather.
"Disappearing fast the snow;
K7Coining on the raiting season.
KJohn Nicolay," of Illinois, has been ap
pointed" private secretary during the presiden
tial term of Mr. Lincoln. , .
05A machine which will make 100,000
slate pencils a day has been invented by a
Hartford, Ct., mechanic. "
DValue the friendship of hitn who stands
by you in tho storm; swarms of insects will
surround you ia the sunshine.
' KThe Legislature ot Ohio has passed a
bill prohibiting intermarriage or illicit inter
course between persons of white and those of
negro blood.
CE?-The first State election will be held, in
New Hampshire on the 12th of . March, in
Connecticut on the 1st of April, and in Rhode
Island on the Sd of April.
KPPleasure like quicksilver, is bright and
shy. If we strive to grasp it, it still eludes
us, and still glitters. We perhaps seize it at
last, and find it rank poison.
C7"Eve did not know as much as her daugh
ters of the present day. nad they been in her
place, inslead of being deceived by, tboy
would have deceived the devil.
DPeter Dexter Tiffany, ono of the wealh
iest citizens of St. Louis committed suicide
on tho 14th iustant. He was supposed to be
worth about a miliion of dollars.
DAt Charleston, S. C a white woman
named llertzer, cortvicted of causing the death
of a slave by severe bipping,.has been fined
$500, and imprisoned eighteen months.
DThe returns of the State election in Mis
souri for a Convention, shows that the Stato
has gone overwhelmingly for the Union candi
dates. Not ten Secessionists are elected.
DTho family of Mr. Bawlby, of the Len
don Times, whose head and career as a news
paper correspondent was cut off ty the;Cbi
nese, received $100,000 indemnity for his loss.
rUNew Hampshire will be tho firs.t to vote
for members of Congress nnder the Adminis
tration of Mr. Lincoln, the election taking
place there on Tuesday, tho 12lh of March
EF"A duel was fought in Georgia, on the
8th inst., between Edward Hart, editor of the
Tallahassee (Fla.) Sentinel, and a gentleman
named Coleman, in which both parties were
killed. .
K7"Mnch has been said about feats of
strength but it is an actual fact that a few
days ago a man of but ordinary statnre knock
ed down an elephant. The performer was an
K7"Joseph Yeazie, of Providence, says he
is willing to subscribe 1000, if nineteen oth
ers will subscribe a like sum, to mke a begin
ning in the experiment of raising cotton in
Central America.
4 K7"It is ascertained that ex-Secretarj Floyd
sold nearly all tho means of transportation for
five companies of troops at Fort Randall, on
the Upper Missouri, so as to prevent their use
at this time by the government.
'E7"Abotit ninety speeches have been deliv
ered in the House at Washington on tho cri
sis, and nearly two-thirds of them by the Re
publicans. There are still on hand at least e
nongh to make the even hundred.
tE7"Mr. Mcrryman Lathrop says when he
came on the steamer to California; they kept
the chickens in the hatch way, the beef in the
buU works near the steerage, and when they
ran out of eggs the ship "lay too." ,
K"A captain of a rifle company out West,
was guilty of an unheard of barbarity on one
very cold day, recently. Ila actually march
ed his men to tho very brink of the canal, and
then coolly commanded them to "fall in."
tT7"01d Fort Kearney, in Nebraska, was ta
ken possession of on the night of the I8th, by
the secessionists, who mounted tho Palmetto
flag. The Union men however, mustered im
mediately and retook the fort, tearing down
the secession flag and hoisting the stars and
Mr. Lincoln's Character. The Charles
ton, S. C, Mercury, in noticing Mr. Lincoln's
epeech at Indianapolis, aud intimating that
the next Administration will insist upon hold
ing the Federal forts, says : Lincoln is a cool
man ; an able man ; a determined man ; a man
not of words, but of action, who says what he
means and means what he says ; an earnest
man withal, and no politician.
'Stimulating Oxgcent." Such is the title
of a brilliantly compounded preparation (ori
ginating with the famous Dr. Bellingham, of
London) for improving tho growth, and beau
tifyinz the condition of the human hair. We
learn that Messrs. Horace L. liegeman & Co
of New York, have obtained the entire agen
cy for the American continent, and we there
fore invite attention to their "Stimulating"
announcement in another column.
Mcrderous Attack. Mr. Van Wyck of
New-York went to visit Preston King, on Capi-:
tol Hill, on Thursday night, 2lst inst. , and on
returning home, at lOJ, was assailed by three
rufliaus. One of them stabbed at him on the
risrht side, but he was saved bv the blade of
the knife striking against a memorandum-book
iu his breast-pocket. Almost simultaneously
he was struck at on the left side, and then drew
his pistol aud shot down the second assailant.
The third then knocked him down with a blud
geon or other weapon, and the party escaped.
Mr. Van Wyck was stunned with the blow, but
contrived to get to the National Hotel. His
hand is badly cut, and he has been ill all day,
at times quite waodering in his mind.
On the 21st inst., Mr P.; .v of Massnchu setts,
from the Committee of the House of Represen
tatives to whom was referred the President's
Message of Januwry 8, reported concerning the
Uuited States Navy. It appears that there
are now in commission, in various parts of the
world, 48 vessels; that 28 are unfit for service,
and not to be repaired under several weeks, or
even months' lime ; that the entire naval force
available for the defense of the Atlantic coast
at the time this Committee was appointed con
sisted of the steamer Brooklyn, of 25 guns,
and the store-ship Relief, of two guua ; the for
mer being unable, by reason of her draft, to
enter Charlestou liamor wun saieiy, ana me
lattet being under orders for the African coast.
Under these circumstances, the Committee
refer with much severity to the extraordinary
disposition of our naval force, by which it was
kept out of the way in a manner which would
be injudicious at any time, but which nowclear
iv showed hopeless imbecility or a deliberate
conspiracy to give the country into the hands
of traitors. The report next takes up the mat
ter of resignationsiby traitorous naval officers,
sets forth io plain terms the name and offense
of eaph of these, and places In a clear light tho
extraordinary conduct qf the Secretary of the
Navy in accepting the resignations, conclu
ding by recommending the passage of a resolu
tion of censure upon that Cabinet ofheer.
Frank Blair says the Secessionists al ways at
tack etopty forts and fnil sub-treasuries. , .
j ' - 31 U. LINCOLN... . ". I ; 1.
Special Correspondence of the New York Times.
Harrisbcro, Feb. 238 A. M.
Abraham Liacoln, the President elect of the
United States, is safe in the capital of the na
tion". By the admirable arrangement of Gen.
Scott, the country has been spared tho lasting
disgrace which would have been fastened up
on it indelibly had Mr. Lincoln been murdered
on his journey thither, as he would have been
had he followed the programme as announced
in the papers, and gone by the Northern Cen
tral Railroad to Baltimore.
On Friday night, alter he had retired, Mr.
Lincoln was aroused and inlormed that a stran
ger desired to see him on a matter of life or
death. He declined to admit him unless he
gave his name, which he at once did. : Such
prestige did the name carry that while Mr. Lin
coln was yet disrobed he granted an interview
to the caller. A conversation elicited the fact
that an organized body of men had determined
that Mr. Lincoln should not be inaugurated,
and that he should never leave the city of Bal
timore alive, if, Indeed, he ever entered it.
The list of the names of the conspirators
.presented a most astonishing array of persons
high in Southern confidence, and some whose
fame is not in this country alone. Statesmen
laid the plan, bankers endorsed it, and adven
turers were to carry it into effect. As they
understood Mr. Lincoln was to leave Harris
burg at nine o'clock this morning by special
traiurthe idea was, if possible, to throw the
cars from the road at some point where they
could rush down a steep embankment and de
stroy iu a moment the lives of all on board.
In case of the failure of this project, their plan
was to surround the carriage on tho way from
depot to depot in Baltimore, and assassinate
him with daggers or pistol shot. - , -
So authentic was the source from which the
information was obtained, that Mr. Lincoln,
alter counseling his friends, was compelled to
make arrangements which would enable him
to subvert the plans of his enemies.
Mr. Lincoln did not want to yield, and Col.
Sumner actually ciied with indignation ; but
Mrs. Lincoln, seconded by Mr. Judd and Mr.
Lincoln's original informant, insisted upon it,
and at nine o'clock Mr. Lincoln left on a spe
cial train. He wore a Scotch plaid cap and a
very long military cloak, so that ho was entire
ly unrecognisable. Accompanied by Super
intendent Lewis and one friend, he started,
while all the town, with the exception of Mrs.
Lincoln, Col. Sumner, Mr. Judd and two re
porters who where sworn fo sccresy, supposed
him to be asleep.
The telegraph wires were put beyond reach
of any one who might desire to use them.
At one o'clock the fact was whispered from
one to another, and it soon became the theme
of most excited conversation. Many thought
it a very injudicious move, while others re
garded it as a stroke of great merit.
Messrs. Seward and Washburne, to whom
the information had been imparted confiden
tially, met Mr. Lincoln at the cars, and attend
ed him to Willard's hotel. Not a little sensa
tion prevailed throughout the city as soon as
it became known that he had arrived in the
oarly train, and for a time the report was dis
credited. About 10 o'clock, Mr. Lincoln, ac
companied by Mr. Seward, went to the White
House and quite surprised Mr. Buchanan, who
had not heard of his arrival. The Cabinet
were in session, and he was introduced to
them. Senator Bigler ot Pa., and Represen
tative John Cochrane of NY Y., who happened
to be at tho White House, were also inti oduced
to the President elect. He afterwards called
on Gen. Scott, who was absent ; however, in
the afternoon tho old hero visited him, and
was highly pleased. In the evening he was
called upon by Mr. Buchauan and Cabinet, the
Peace Congress, and the elite, and fashion of
the National metropolis. Old Abo has made
a good impression upon all.
The closing years of life are often rendered
wretched by uilmeuts which are trifling in them
selves and easily curod if taken in timo. Affec
tion of tho liver, stomach, and other organs con
cerned in digestion, are the most frequent. They
naturally mane the suffejer nervous, irritable and
eorrsplHininjr. end relatives and friends are forced
to bear tho brunt of .thejr ill-humor. The u.e of
Ilostettcr s I elebrated stomach Aimers will prove
an efficient remedy of this evil. It will not only
strengthen the whole physical organization, but
entirely cure tue mopt obstinate cases ot Indiges
tion, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Liver complaint.
The first physicians in the country are loud in
their praise of this preparation. Another recom
mendation of the Ditters ia that it is so palatable
to the taste that it may be used even as a bever
age. 1 Sold by druggists everywhero
A Card to the Suffering. The Rev. William
Cosgrove. while laboring as a miss onary in Japan,
was cured of Consumption, when all other means
had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned
physician residing ia tho great city of Jed Jo.
This rceipn has cured great numbors who were suf
ering from Consumption, Bronchitis, Sora Throat,
Coughs ad Colds, and th debility and nervous
depression caused by these disorders. Desirous
of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, which
I have brought homo with me, to all who need it,
free of chargo. Addrp.ss Rev. Wm. Cosoisove.
Feb.27-3m 43!) Fulton A venue, Brooklyn, N.Y.
On Tuesday tho 14th, by Wm. Feath, Esq.,
Mr. Frederick Zimmerman to Miss Rebecca
Rorabai cii, all of Burnside township.
In Union tp.,on the 21st inst, by II. White
side, Esq., Mr. Edward Wriggle of Clarion
county, and Miss E. Harley of Union tp.
On Sunday morning the 17th instant, John
Peter Rider, of Karthaus township, aged 81
years, 1 mouth and 28 days.
TURNPIKE ROAD CO. Notice is hercbj
given to the Stockholders in this road, that an e
leution will be held at the house of Thomas Rob
ins, in 1'hilipsburg, on tho first Monday of March
next, between the hours of two and five o'clock.
P, M., to elect managers for the ensuinsr year.
E. F. LLOYD. Secretary,
rhilipsburg. February 8, 1861-febl3-3t.
The undersigned takes this inuthod of inform
ing tho public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Ware in tho Borough of Clear
field,' and thst ho is now prepared to supply all
who may want them with Milk and Cream CrockB,
Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be
bought elsewhere, lie solicits a share of patron-
aze. AitttDUttiCK LEITZIUEH.
Clearfield, Pa., My 25, 1859-ly.
mentary on the Estate of John Dillon, late
of Beccaria township, Clearfield county, Penn'a,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are requir
ed to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
JA.MfcS 11. HbUARTY, of Beccaria,
JAMES A. HEUARTY, of Guelich.
Febrnary 6, 1861-6tp. Executors.
IIEESE ! A large lot of superior Cheese,
for sale by WM. F. IRWIN Clearfield, Pa. -
UTTER A large quantity, of Firkin and
Roll, at the store of WM. P. IRWIN.
S ALT a good article, and very ctetp atu
store cf W.M. F. IRWLV, Clearteld.
LOOKING -GLASS PLATES, an assortment, for
saleat Decl2 HARTSWICK'S.
BLANKS of all kinds, and Foolscap and Letter
paper, for sale at HARTSWICK'S.
BOOTS and Shoes of every kind,
Gentlemen and ehi'drcn. at
for Ladies,
Reed, Weaver & Co's..
ASPLF.NDID assortment of Ladies', Gentle
men's and children's Gloves and Hosiery, at
septia Reed, Weaver & Co's.
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Fancy China-ware
and other articles, suitable for Christmas
Presents, for sale at HARTSWICK'S.
A LARGE ASSORTMENT of colored Paints, in
1 lb. cans, ground in oil. Also, dry paints of
all kinds, for sale at .. HARTSWICK'S.
CALL and examine tho Patent air tight glass
and stone Jars. They are just the thing you
want. For sale by Reed, Weaver & Co.
LARGE STOCK of Varnishes Copal, Coach,
White Damar, Whito Spirit, Flowiug, Japan
Dryer, and Black Varnish for Leather, fcc. for
saleat lDecl2j HARTSWICK'S.
mentary on the Estate of John Weld, Jr.,
late of Reccaria township, Clearfield county. Pa.,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are requir
ed to make 'immediate payment, aud those nav
ing claims against the same will present them
properly autheuticated for settlement.
February 6, lS61-6tp. . Executor.
of Administration de bonis von on the Estate
of George Dillon, late of Beccaria tp., Clearfield
CO., Pa., deceased, having Keen granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against tho same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
February 6, 1861-2t . Administrator.
of Administration on the Estate of John
Young, late of Burnside township, Clearfield co.,
Pa., deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re
quired to make immediate payment ' and those
having claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
February 6. 1861-6tp. Administrator.
JLi SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop trom the foundry to the
shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Ulearuem, i'a., wnere ne wm continue
to manufacture Wazon3 of every description, to
order, of cood material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, Ac, made on short notice, in superior
stylo, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms
June 29. 1S59. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave
to inform his old customers and the public gene
rally that he has recently taken the above well-
known stand, and that he has entirely renttod and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling community.
HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every
luxurv the markets and eurroutidiuz country will
afford. niS BAR will be supplied with tha choi
cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which
are the best and most commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will always be in charge of
careful and attentive hostlers. In short, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all the comforts and oonveniences'the weary
traveller could desiro. - 1VJ1. A. iVLAbO.
Curwensville, June 2, 1858.
Graham's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which wo in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es. to be had at NAUGLE'S.
The American Lever of different qualities, can
be had at NALGLE S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va. Jett, Carbuncle, Uarnett, Upal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Torcclain paintings. Ac,
or sinzle pieces at jNAuGLL Sj.
Plain gold Breast pins, Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings,
children s ear drops and rings at I AUiiLlvn.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
. Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at JN AlULh h.
A fine assortment of cold Jinger rings of differ
cnt styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, oq hand at rn AUG Lb S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-piooes, from 1,25
to la dollars at JsAtULb fc.
Old Gold and Silver will bo taken in exchange
torproousat JNALULfa a.
All goods warranted as represented, or tho mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, tako them to riALGLh'S.
Just publUhf-d, the Township and Local fjaws of
fennsmvaiim, KJotnpuea from the Acts oj Assem
bly bij Willi am T. Haines. Esq., awl published by
i.dwa.rd l' James, West Chester, JPenu'a.
This work contains over 400 pages of closely
printed matter, and will bo sold by subscription.
It te:iches tho duties of Justices of tho Peace,
with forms for tho transaction of their business.
It teaches the duties of Constables with all the
necessary forms, appertaining to the office..
It contains tho duties of Supervisors of every
County and Township in tho State- It contains
the mode of procedure for the laying out and o
peningof public aud private roads, of vacating
and altering roads, the building of bridges, Ac
It contains tho Comlbon School Law,with expla
nations, decisions and directions, together with
fortn3 for Deeds, Bonds, Contracts. Certificates, Ac,
Ac. . Thi3 department of tho work was compiled at
llarrisburg by Samuel P. Bates, Deputy Superin
tendant, and is alone worth the price of the vol
ume to any one interested in Common Schools.
It contains the duties of Township Auditors. It
contains the laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It
contains the duties of Assessors. It contains the
laws in relation to Strays, Mules and Swine. It
contains tho laws relative to Fences and Fence
Viewers. It contains the laws relative to Game
Hunting, Trout and Deer. It contains the Elec
tion Laws, with all tho necessary forms. It con
tains the Naturalization Laws, with all tho ne
cessary Forms for Application, etc., etc.
It . contains a large number of Legal Forms.
which are used in the every day transactions of
business, such as Acknowledgments, Affidavits, Ar
ticles of Agroementa and Contracts, Partnership,
Apprentices, Assignments, Attestations, Bills of
Exchange and Promisory Notes, Bonds. Bills of
Sale, Checks, Covenants, Deeds, Deposition, Duo
Bills and Produce Notes, Landlord and Tenant,
Leases, Letters of Attorney. Marriage, Mortgages,
Receipts and Releases. The work is bound in Law
sheep, and will be sold to subscribers at SI 25 per
copy, payable on delivery of the work. The work
has passed tho revision of many of the best Law
yers in the State and has received their unquali
fied approbation, as a reliable hand book of refer
ence upon all subjects upon which it treats. The
whole is arranged in such a manner as to present
a plain, concise and explicit statement of the da
ties of all Township Officers, aa may ba readily un
derstood by any ono. This County will be thor
oughly canvassed for the work, and the support of
the citizens is respectfully solicited.
R. J. WALLACE, Esq., is General Agent for
Clearfield county. 1 P. S. Good canvassers want
ed in all parts of this county for the above work,
to whom a liberal compensation will be given.
Appljcations, which must be made at an early
date, addressed to the General Agent at Clearfield
... . .. v It 4 4.
win receive prompt attention. uec. n.-w.
AFRESH Btock of Groceries of all kinds, just
"received by " Reed, Weaver A Co.
A LARGE saci cf Jien's
Eoy a clotkicg,
XjL j'J?t received by-, Rzzd, Weaver & Co.
S T O II K ,
The undersigned will have constantly on hard
a well selected stook of Drags, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco and Segars,
Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti
cles, which he will dispose of choap for cash.
Ho invite3 the public to call and examine his
stock of goods before purchasing elsewhero.
"Country Physicians furnished with Drugs, Med
icines, and Surgical Instruments, at the most rea
sonable rates. J. O. HARTSWICK.
Clearfield, Ta. December 12, 1S60.
I860. j
of j 1SGO.
Fall and Winter Goods,
Market St., 2 doors North of the Court House,
"VIIERE tue nr0 jus' PD'n3 an unusually
T T largo and well seleoted stock of goods suit
ed to the wants of the community, for the Fall and
Winter Trade, which they offer in large or small
quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call and
examine for yourselves. Their assortment of
is very largo and omplcto, embracing almost ev
ery articla btt of fashion and service. E.'pccial
attention Vas been paid to tho selection of LA
DIES' DRriSS GOODS, which are of every variety
and the very latest styles ; Silks, Delaines, Plaids,
C'Wurgs, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas, Cadhmeree,
1 '.lach, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints,
Swisses, Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain
BobUinetta, Veil Baize, Irieh Linen and Cloth.,
Black and Fancy Ca.ssimeres, Sattiuots, Tweeds,
Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Dia
per,Bleacbed and Unbleached .Muslins and Drills,
Rod, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, Linseys,
Ac Also, a large stook of Ladies' and Gentle
men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che
nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of the very
latest fashion. eeptl9
. . the peoplo are notified of a
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
- Just receiving and opening, a large and well
selected assortment of Fall and Winter Good?,
of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ;
beautiful assortment- of
of the latest and mostapprovod styles ; alsoagrea
variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of
Ready-made Clothing, Hat? and Caps
Bonnets and " Shawls,
Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints,
Carpets and Oil Cloths ;
all of whieh will be sold at the lowest cash or
ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to
call. . jc.iuuia.
Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 1860.
N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country
produce taken in exchange for goods,.
The undersigned give notico that on tho 13th A
pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
tho business will be conducted by them jointly un
der the name and firm ot John X J t. lrvm.
They inform their customers and tho public in
zenerul that they have received from the Jaat and
opened at tho old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially adapted to tho wants of the community,
aud will sell the same at the lowest cash price.
Also, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes. Hats
and Caps, of tho latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to snit the times. Now is the time to
iurvun3t;. van 111 ruu oAaujiuo uur n i u u rv uoiurc
you purchase your goods, and wo feel confident
that wo can -eupply you with all kinds of goods,
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial.
May 3(1, 1SG0. JERRED F. IRVIN.
N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re
quested to call and settle. may CO
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
At their Old Stand in Ansonvillo.
The subscribers havejust returned from tho east
with a large and well Delected assortment of
G O 0 D S,.
consisting of a general variety of the very best
and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
for men and boys, for winter wear.
Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
children, together with a good stock of
Bonnets and Shawls.
They have also a good assortment of Hardware,
Queensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fish, Baoon, Flour, Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ac
They also keep always on band a great variety of
such as are wanted in every family. The above
named articles, and everything else in their line,
will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Give them a trial.
Ansonvillo, Ta., Otober 21, 1860.
CARPETS. Drugget, Carpet chain, Bags and Bag
ging, curled Hair, Ac,' at the storo of
. aeptl'J Keep, Weavek A Co.
A LARGE stock of Queensware, Earthen and
Stone Ware of all kinds. Also, Cedar and
VilJoware at . Reed, Weaver A Co's.
EST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Ilams at the
new store or ukaham, uoy;tox a Co.
A LARGE and .:ple.di4 stock of Dress Triis
zniegs, B::s, 3be$ $rs,Ntie, Fltinee. t e.
at tie store cf - Ksed H'EAVta A Ce
B. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Ta
, Professional business promptly attended t.
R. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Claarfield occa-
ly, renn. a. . April 1.
0. CROUCH, Phvbiciar, Curwensville, Clear
, field county, Penn'a. ; .. May 14.
DR. H. R. BRYANT, Luthersbnrg Pa., feeder
his professional services to the public in gen
eral. Luthersburg, October 13, 159
LJ. CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real Estate
. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. . OGLeo adjoining his
residence, on Second street. .MayJ.
"II7ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law,
Clearfield, Pa. Office, one door north of tho
I out Office, on Secotid street. Sept. 1.
OBERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. aod
District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Offic ia
Shaw snew row, Market Street. May 25.
"VI 7 ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law, Clear
1 field, Pa. Office the same that was formerly
occupied by Hon. G. R Bartctt. eeptS'60
RI CHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clear
. field. Pa. OfEcc in Graham's Row. one door
east of the Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10.
"171 RANK SHORT. Boot and Shoe-roakcr. Shop.
.1; on Second streot, (nearly opposite Rood aud
Weaver's Store,) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, IS5.
MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market et ,
. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to his
care will receive prompt attention. Collections
made and money remitted Apr2769.
WILLIAM t I KW IN, Market street, Clearfield.
M J a., Denier iu Foreign and Domestio Mer
chandise, Hardware, Quecntsware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. yOT. in.
TOHNGUELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds of
tf Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfleld, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notico. and
attends funerals w ith a hcarso. AprICt,'5.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, oftera his professional
services to tho citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence wyh J. D. Dennin" in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 11,1851).
HF. NAI GLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Rooui L?
Shaw anewrow.Marketstreet, opnositetho Rafu
man's Journal office, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10.
JBM'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield.
. Ph. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
the residenco of James B. Graham. Nov 10
LACKSMITHING.-Shunkweiler A Orr, thank-
ful for Past favors, would rAinu(rnUo -
tinuance of a Eharo of public patronage in their
5 of business. Shop on Third st. Nov. 10. '
1 ICHARD MOSSOr, Dealer in Foreign and Do-
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacoo,
Liquors, Ac Room, on Market street, a few dooss
west of Journal Ojfi.ce, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Lw.Clpa7
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their oarc ia Clear
field and adjoining couuties. Attgu&t 6, lj6.
A Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. Office on
Market Btrctt, directly opposite Richard Mossop
store. Deeds and other legal instrumentrprepar
ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13.
JOHN RUSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Curriers,
Tennville, Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowestoash prices. Jlidfj
of all kinds taken in exchange. Julyli-ii.
JOHN UUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land
Surveyor, offers his professional services t tho
citizens of Clearfield county. All business en
trusted to him will bo promptly and faithfully ex
ecuted. He can be found at tho banking boue of
Leonard, Finney A Co. - fiept 21, 1809.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citiiens of Clearfield and viciuity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L.J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that was. recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he caa
be found unlpss abscnton professional business.
ENTAL CARD. . M. SMITH, offers his pro
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all tho late improvements he is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchanee on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
rooS lately occupied by V . A. t allace, Esd.
jamks t. LE05ABD. ::::::::: D. a. rjs.iEr.
wit a. Wallace. ; ; ::::::.': a. c. .tijcxet;
I opened for the reception pf pupils (male and
female) on Monday, August 2Qth. Terms, per ses
sion of eleven weeks:
Orthography, Readipg, Writing, Primary Arith
metic and lieoirraphv, ?2.iW
Higher Arithmetic, English Granimar, Geogra
phy and History. 33,00
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and
Book Keeping. 41,00 ,
Latin and Greek languages, 6,00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wi-h to qualify them
selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable
advantages. No pupil received for less than half
a sessiou and no deductiou except for protracted
sickuttss. Tuition to be paid at the close of the
term. may-IO C. B. S5ANDFORD, Principal.
PHI A I TremouloiLs Ezcitcmeut among th$
Ma!!! EXCITIJTG FOOT RACE between. th
Phdadctphict Police and a notorious J'orsrer and
counterfeiter. James Bieianan Cross .'!.'.' '. Cross
Kecaptcred It seems to be the general opin
ion In Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair f
Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he would
not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
put out at missinir his custom; nut would an
nounce to all Breckinridge, Douglas, Lincoln and
BM nun, and women and children iu Clearfield,
and Sinnemahoning in particular, that he is pre
pared to famish them with Boots. Shoes and Gai
ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, tewed or vez-
ged. (and as he is a short fellow) on short notice
All Kinds 01 country produce taken in exchange.
and cash not refused. Repairing done in the neat
est manner and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoo Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Wea
ver uo s store. FRANK SHORT.
N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, 180.
CABINET MAKER. The Subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he-
is now carrying on the Cabinet Makinz business,
on ''his own hook," at his old shop on Market
btreet, nearly opposite the "old Jew fetore, where
ho keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, eyery description of Cabinet-Ware; that
may be wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, LonngeSvMahogony and Com moo
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
iiir and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany, and Coin
mon Bedstead; Sewing Stands, Ac, ic He wit '
also recair' farniture and ebairs, 1 a rood stvle
oljeap for cash. Houe fainting done on short no
tice, and easy terms Npw is the time to bay at
reasonable prices, as 1 intend to sell every thing
in ray line of business, at tho cheapest cash rate.
Walk in and examine the articles on band,, and
uago ior yourselves, we quainy ana, finish.
Country prod uce receiyed in payment.
April 13, 1859 JOHN JGLELICH. ;
N. B CoCcs caietd ordtr onhflrtrtie
fjcerkls aerd.d w;th-a teiL6rT.i.cti apr.
priate ascccipacyrsectj.wbeo desired". J. fj V-