THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD,' PA., JAN. 3D, ISCl. "Tsociett. The meeting of the Cotintj Riblc Society held during last Court week at fh- office ol Jas. Wrigley, Esq., was adjourned W meet in the Methodist church next Friday remnz 1st Feb'y. Election of officers and S business will be brought before the Meet- ing. . - - roiNTT Finances. We lay before onr read r. to-day the statement or the Receipts and v" gnditures ol Clearfield County during the Vt vcar, from which it appears that its entire Silities are $11,104 82; amount due county flom all sources, $7,888 10; making the appa rlTt indebtedness of the county, $3,216 72. - fincacH Dedication. By Divine permission the new 31. E. church on the River, 3 miles a love tho mouth of Chest creek, will be dedica ted to the worship of Almighty God, on Sun dar Feb. 10th. The services of Rev. Thomas Barnhart and Rev. Ilenry Wilson are expected; Public worship to commence about 10 o'clock A.M. AH are invited. E. W. Kirbt, Pastor. Entertainment. The ladies composing the sewing Society of the M. E. Church in this place, will expose the articles they have man ufactnred(with refreshments, confectjjws, &c.) to sale, on Thursday evening the 7th February, 1861, in the Church. The public are respect fully invited to participate in the entertain mtnt. The proceeds are designed to assist in the erection of a new church edifice as the Jots are already purchased for that purpose. The tickets ol admission will be ten cents.' To commence at half past six o'clock. NiwLodgb or I.O.c O.F. On Thursday last, Jan. 24th, New Washington Lodge No. 66T of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was regularly organized at New Washington, in this county, tinder direction of D. D. G. M. John McGaugTiey, of Clearfield borough. The officers of tbe new lodge are t James Savage, S. G.; John Rose, V. G. Adam Breth, Trea surer ; James Dowler, Sec'y ; Edward Smith, Ast. Sec'y. Upwards 6T fcfty brethren were Present, a procession was Tottned and marehed to the public s'ch6ol htynse, where a short ad dress was Gciiverea by J . i. uii:e, r.sq. " A meetiwg.iof the Executive Committee of the Clearfield AgtScsltural Society was held at their office in Clearfield Borough, on Satur day the 26th January, Richard Shaw, John McGaughey, Josiah R. Reed, atid G. R. Bar rett being present. ' On teiolton, lion. Richard Shaw was elected chairraari. The resignation of Isaac Johnston as Treasurer, having been re ceived and accepted, it was " ' -n Rtsolced, That James Wrff ley be and he is hereby elected Treasurer ' of the CleavSeld County Agricutural Society for the present year in the room of Isaac Johnston resigned. t Resolved, tThat Jonathan Boynton, Gqn. John Pattori and F. G. Jtfiller, be and they are hereby invited to meet with the Execu tive Committee, at all of their special meet ings, and to take part in tbe preperations for the next Fair. . . : Resolved, That Mrs. Rachael Reed be and she is hereby made an Honorary life member r the Society, and the President and Secre tary are authorized to present her with a cer tificate of the same. D. F. Etzweilkrcc.; CLIPPINGS AND SCRI BBLINGS. CyBiiij oar citizens, filling their Ice houses. . Cgrjereey Shore aDd Money are applying for Bourns in the river at their place's respectively. -"Indicated the thermometer, at Montpelier. Vt., on Monday a-week, forty degrees below aero; I'retty cool, that. . , - tyilas sailed the TJ. States steamer Brook lyn, from Norfolk, with two companies of troops to re-enforce Fort Pickens at Pensacola . -J i- JjDenies the statement the New York World, that there are a much greater number than usual of persons in that city out of employment. 7 I3F"An officer ct Fort Sumter called, the other day, and subscribed for the Charleston Meretry, to be mailed to the Fort for the next three months. "Arrested a man without hands, at Wheel ing, Vireiuia. charged with stealing horses in the State of Pennsy lrania and selling them in that city. fe"Mr. Case, of Indiana, of the Committee on Territories, will report a bill to Congress appro priating $00,000 for the relief of the sufferers in Kansas. : j . -: --.- - -' -t I'Stated that the Catawba Indians have of fered their services to South Oarolina as a milita ry company, and Gov. Pickens has accepted them. Pit allies! XjsrTublished by Harper's Weekly, portraits of a31 the seceding South Carolina members of 'Congress. They are not as well executed as they ought to be. ' - .. l3P"Announces-the Pittsburg Evening Chron icle, the gratifying intelligance that all the prin cipal rolling mills in that vicinity are in opera tion, and doing a large business. . ' ' r?"Dow. Jr., says that the reason man was made 'after everything else was, if he had been created 'first, he would have annoyed the Almighty with -ena less suggestions or improvement. rirThe Governor of Georgia, at the head of 700 .crate troops on the 24th January, seized the uni ted States Arsenal at Augusta. The garrison was graciously allowed to depart for the North. P"A eave, two thousand feet deep, has recent- iy oeen explored near an Domingo, on the Tehu autepeo route. It has at some tiuie been inhabi ted, as several broken jars hare been found in it. tlfSeems to be doomed the United States Troa ury. It is said that defalcations have been dis- covered in several southern and western states, and that special agents have been dispatched to inves gate matters. ... . ONo less than 30,000 bales of cotton passed 'through Worcester last week, toward Lowell and Lawrence, crowding the freight cars on tbe vari--ouj railroads. All this cotton came from Mem phis, Tennessee, by railroad. tyStill coming to light defalcations among ihe Democratic officials, whoso reign is fortunately nearlj at an end. The latest detected is the Post master at Milwaukie, who is a defaulter to the a monnt of four thousand dollars. F?A train of ears on the Virginia and Tennes- Kailroed reached Lynchburg, Virginia, n tfee 10th, having been detained in the moan tains three and a half days in the snow, which is reported to bo 20 to 40 inches deep in the vicinity of Shawsville. RTGen. Ilenningsen, the notorious Pro-Slavery filibuster, who is an Englishman by birth, is now "J Montgomery," Alabama, and The Marl of that place expresses the hope that he will have a com-n-wion in the army of the Southern Oonfederacy. . RTIt is said that the withdrawal of the seced-eflg-Senatora will be accepted on their resignation aames stricsen from the roll of theSen i : hia will prevent them from coming back to 'eiaim their seaU jn order to obstruct legislation. , "In, 'pursuit of knowledge under'difficulties' aa Committee on Resolutions of the late Union ttting in our town.'WCWjWJ Republic; , iTobably the eouisit knowledge could have wn easily obtaine4 had the astute' editor of the 0"'Wrai-the Disunion organ in this place n on the aforesaid Committee. - It looks now as If the proposition of Mr. Ad m8, or that of Mr. Rice, might be adopted by Jngress. . Mr. Adama' provides, by constitu tional amendment, against any future interfe "nco with slavery io the States, without tbe "nsentof the States whereia the institution tV'f nd after the admission of Kansas, to flttit New Mexico, with or without slavery, M her people may elect; Mr. Rice's proposi ioo, if we are BQt mjgtajjen differs from Mr. AaanuMn this, that all tbe territory outside. -Kansas shall be admitted as two States; . SUMMARY OF NEWS. Ex-SKCRirr.RY Tuompson Axu The Misbi.Vu Bonus. It 1 nid that the ex-Secretary fs a larmed at the prospect of being made liable for the value of ull the missing Indian trust fund bonds., He was the legal custodian of this property, gave a receipt to bis predecessor in office, Mr. McClelland, for them, and they are charged up against him on the books of the Government.' Whona pnbiicofb'cer is charged with the keeping of public property he must account for it, and no person has been more stern and firm in enforcing this accountability than Mr. Thompson. Many a poor devil ia the Indian service, the wagon-road expeditions, and other branches under the Interior Depart ment, has felt the severity of. this "inflexible Administration officer" of "J. B'."" The loss of money, by. a public officer, be it accidental or otherwise, even if stolen from-him, or from the Sub-Treasury in his charge, will not relieve him, and no power but Congress, in such event, can balance his account. Let Mr. Thompson's account be settled, and if the Government can make out a case of gross negligence on his part, ho will be clearly liable Xor the los9 of the bonds; and if report speak truly of his large fortune, it will not be much inconvenience for him to pay the amount. -. Secession asd Political Ecosomt. The Louisville, (Ky.,) Journal says : "A dis tinguished gentleman, just from Charleston, informs us that a fearful reign of terror pre vails there. The secession authorities, know ing exactly what atl the rich men, merchants and persons engaged in business of every kind, severally have in bank, and what means of other kinds they are supposed to have at their command, continually levy upon them accord ingly, no man daring to resist the levy, inas much as a wild and infuriated mob is ready to execute vengeance upon every man deemed refractory. Our informant says that the deep est alarm go hand in hand, and that all the railroads and other roads leading from South Carolina are thronged with persons escaping from the Status, as if they felt that a rain of fire and brimstone was already falling upon it. If South Carolina be but left to herself a little longer, the spirit of rebellion and revolu tion will perish within her borders like a rat in an exhausted receiver." ' t What it would do ? A prominent NcwEng iand member of Congress went round among his Republican associates in the House on the 22d, to ascertain how far they were willing to concede to the South and make concessions to appease the secessionists. Eighty-tour of those present declared against the Crittenden-Powell slave code, or any proposition establishing slavery in the constitution that will make it more pro-slavery than it is now. Many of them gave it .as their opinion that concessions and guarantees to slavery, extorted from the North under the menace of secession, would utterly demoralize thegovernmentand work its speedy ruin, as it would intoduce the Mexican system -of politics into this country, and establish a precedent for a party fairly beaten at tbe poils to revolt and secede, unless the victorious ma jority succumbed and incorporated into the constitution the platform of the beaten faction, which would yield to the minority the right to rule. A Lady Falls Dead is iter Parlok. About three o'clock, on Sabbath afternoon, January JOth, Mrs. Melinda King.wife of John M. King of Johnstown, while in her usual health and spirits, fell and expired in an instant. While seated jn her parlor, surrounded by her chil dren, who had just returned from Sabbath School, and were exhibiting to her their books, tickets, &c. she suddenly arose from her chair, and falling forward, expired instantly, without a word, a moan, or a struggle. Assistance was Immediately called in; and the aid of three physicians speedily obtained, who applied res toratives and employed such means as were within their power; but their efforts were un availingshe was dead! Up to this moment she had been tn good health, and had attended church in the forenoon of that day. She was alxnit thirtyfive years old, and, leaves to the care of her bereaved husband four small chil dren, the oldest of whom is only about ten years. Seizure: of Arms for the Soutu, rs New York. The .New York Tribune says that on the22d, Mr. Police Superintendent Kennedy seized thirty-eight cases of muskets oa board the steamship Monticelio, bound for Montgom ery, Alabama, via Savannah. Each case con tained two dozen muskets. Tho contraband weapons were sent off at once to the arsenal in Seventh avenue. The people on tha v.'uarf said that three hundred of these cases were ship ped to Richmond the other day on the steam ship Koanoke. It is very clear that, in spite of the explicit charge of Judge Smalley, there are commercial houses in the city so lost to all regard for law and patriotic feeling, as to continue the nefarious business of supplying the traitors with arms and munitions of war regardless of consequences. Blockading the Mississippi River. A bat tery of guns was recently planted near Vicks burg, Mississippi, to intercept all steamboats bailing Irora the Free States. It was at first stated that this had been done by order of the Governor, but this is now denied. Quite a number of boats have been stopped. The Louisville Journal is informed by a respecta ble Kentuckian, direct from Ticksburg, that the object of the batteries is to obtain posses ion of the steamer Silver Wave, from Pitts burgh, upon which it was said that United States ordnance was tQ be transported to the South. It was very probably the purpose ol Mr. Floyd, in ordering the shipment of the guns from Pittsburgh, to permit them thus to fall into the hands of the Mississippians. John B. Floyd Indicted Startmno Disclo sures.' On Friday last. Jan. 25th, the Grand Jury of the District of Columbia presented si Secretary J. B. Floyd for office, and conspiracy to defraud tbe Government. Thompson, late Secretary of the Interior, Drinkard, chief clerk of the War Department, and other high Government officials, were ex amined before tbe jury, and upon their testi mony, and facts derived from the House Com mittee in regard to the stolen bonds, that pre sentment was made. Startling disclosures of the- most villainous fiauds are spoken of, and the fact is very evident that the Secession movement was nothing but an attempt to scut tle the ship after robbing it. : Kansas Admission Bill. Tho bill to ad mit Kansas passed the U. S. Senate on the 21st inst., by a vote of SG yeas to 10 nays, but with an amendment hitched on establishing a judicial district, intended toembarrace and de lay the bill. The correspondent of the Phila delphia Press says this amendment was effect ed through the incessant efforts of Senator Fitch, of Indiana, with the aid of Senators Bigler, Pugh, John R. Thomson, and Latham. Tbe object of the amendment is said to be the anxiety of the Senators from Indiana to in duce Mr. Buchanan to appoint the celebrated Judge Pettit United States Judge lor life in tbe State of Kansas, prior to the close of bis administration. .' ""' Why He Did Not Act. Gov. ilicks, of Ma- I ry land, informed the committee who waited upon him in reference to convening lii Legis lature, from information on wnicn ne reuea, and which was derived from sources not acces sible to the people of the State, be was convin ced that the Legislature; ifconvened, wouia as once declare in favor of the Southern Mates, and send as ambassadors to those States gentle men who have been prominent in urging the call 9k the Legislature. - 'That immediately on mis I declaration being made, the city of Washing ton would be taken by a body ol 8,000 men,now organized Jor. that purpose. That, civil war would be caused by this step, and would thus be brought about by convening theLegislature. Duty on Sugar. There is, under the exist ing tariff, a duty of 24 per centum on foreign sugar. This makes the Northern . consumer apparently pay two centa a pound more for sugar than if the duty was removed.' 'For ten years past this duty has amounted to oveT $5, 000,000 per annum on the average.' In 1857, it amounted to $12,000,000. If Louisiana follows the lead of her Senators, and declares herself out of tbe Union, - it is probable that Congress will immediately pass an act repeal ing all duties on imported sugars. These du ties, levied for the protection of that State, are very' onerous, and their repeal would be bailed with joy by the great body of the Free States and especially by tbe Northwest. . The Military Forck of Pennsylvania is about three hundred and fifty-five thousand men, of which nineteen thousand are uniform ed volunteers. The arms of the State are all in the possession of volunteer companies, and comrpise 22,030 muskets, &c, 4706 rifles. &c. , 2809 cavalry swords and sabres, 3147 pistols, &c, 69 pieces of ordnance, being 'six pound bronze cannon. There are only about forty two hundred of these small arms of the im proved pattern, the others are old flint locks, good for nothing now. This does not present a very flattering picture of the efficiency of the militia, if suddenly called upon for service. : A Boat Fired Into. The. battery on the beach at Sullivan's Island fired into a boat from Fort Sumter on Monday night, January 21st.' Three men were in it and as it approach ed the beach with muffled oars the sentry hail ed them and warned them off. Failing to obey, the sentry fired his musket into the boat when it turned round and went away. Soon after the sentry heard a noise like the hauling up of a boat at Sumter. One man is said to be wounded badly. The object was supposed to be desertion, but some say that it was a despe rate effort to run the gauntlet of the sentries and spike tho guns of the battery. ; The Special Committee's Report. The House Special Committee on the President's Message will report two bills at the first oppor tunity, one to authorize the President to em ploy the whole naval and military power of the Government, including volunteers and militia, to protect the public property, and the other authorizing him to suspend ports of entry at his discretion. This latter measure would have the effect of compelling the .South to procure their supplies of foreign merchandise in cities where the Customs regulations and Revenue laws are properly enforced. It would not inter fere with the domestic trade. . : Fort Pickens. It is apprehended in Wash ington that if Fort Pickens, at Pensacola, be taken by the Rebels, privateers will be imme diately fitted out to prey- upon the commerce of the North. Mr. Buchanan instead of send ing reinforcements to the Commander of the small force there has sent instructions substan tially directing him to surrender in case of an attack.' If Pensacola should fail completely into the hands of the Rebels it will become a most convenient place of refuge for pirates, and no American merchant vessel will be sale in the Gulf without the convoy of a man of-war. New York. Gov. Morgan, in transmitting to the Legislature tbe resolution of Virginia, relative to a Conference of all tbe States by Commissioners at Washington, on the 4th of February, recommends that four Commission ers should be appointed by tho Legislature to meet and confer with the Commissioners of Virginia and all other States, whether slave holding or non-slavaholding, who have been invited by the General Assembly of the Old Dominion to join in a final effort to avert so dire a calamity as the permanent dissolution of the American Union. Ohio. The Senate has passed tho bill intro duced by Mr. bchleich (a Democrat) to arm the State efficiently. It authorizes the organ ization of fifteen regiments of troops in the State, not to exceed six thousand men : and after prescribing that they shall be sober, and uniform according to regulations, they shall be entitled f 5vi doilara each per annum for armory expenses. An appropriation of thirty thousand dollars annually at the outside would be required to carry out the law. It will prob ably pass the House. The New-Orleans Post Office. Six or seven hundred bags of newspapers were accu mulated at the New-Orleans Post Office on the 12th, which had been lying there for several weeks, under the pretext that there was not sufficient c!er!iicil force to assort and forward them.' An order has been issued directing their immediate distribution, and demanding an explanation of this shameful detention. Mr. Slidell's men are too much engaged with secesion to regard their public duties. Mr. Slidell osf the President. In the course of the recent debate on Mr. Holt's nom ination, Mr. Slidell charged the President with deliberate deception auI perOdy in tbe gross est and most oflensive terms, and alleged that six Senators stood ready to prove that they conferred with him personally, before his mes sage, concerning the South Carolina Commis sioners, and the nllitioT it contained were shamefully false, ne said otherthings equally hard to bear. - .- , Prepayment of Postage. The Post-office Department announces . that postage , must be fullv prepaid by stamps on ali letters or pack ages addressed to Governors, Heads of Depart ment, and Members of the Legislature of this and other States, in default of which they will be sent to the Dead Letter office, Washington, D.G. Persons will save themselves and the department some annoyance by conforming to this order. Mail Cut Off. The mail between Charles ton and Pcrnandina, Florida, has been cut off, because the steamers on that route were with drawn and appropriated to purposes hostile to the Covcrnnient. 'Florida is beginning to feel the benefits of secession, which , her leaders promised would follow so rapidly. Rhode Island. The Legislature of Rhode Island has repealed the Personal Liberty Bill of that State. The vote in the Senate, on the motion to repeal, was yeas 21, nays 9: in tbe House, yeas 49, nays 18. Mr. Editor: In the Revised Penal Code, Chap. V.. See. 64, will be found the following: "If any Cashier of an Bank of this Common- monwealth shall engage dirccy or indirectly in the purchase or sale of stock, or any other profes sion, occupation or calling, other than that of his duty as cashier, he shall be guilty of a misdemea nor, ana being tnereot convicted, shall be senten ced to pay a fine not cxveediagjice ncndr&i dollars.' Those who think that banking is such an easy and lucrative business, may not be aware that it, like every other profession or calling, has its in- convemeeces. it may oe, and no doubt is, pleas ant to stand behind a counter and hand out the shiners to those who may comply with the rigid by-laws of tbe institution, but when we see that a man is strictly prohibited from engaging in any othr business," 'directly or indirectly," the posi tion loses part of its pleasantness. To be a cash ier of a bank, involves a great responsibility. while it completely ties a man s hands, holding him to his duties as an officer, and preventing him under a penalty of five hnndrH dollars 'from engaging or being engaged in any other business. It should, under soch restrictions be,, not only pleasant, but 7-..W vrr As it is BOisible that this ia not always the case, ought not this restriction be somewhat j modified? - 1 .' v Jc.vrcs. '' ' REPEAL OF THE KIDNAPPING LAW. : Petitions for the repeal of a couple sections of the Revised Penal Code being in circulation in this county, we below print those sections in full, so that every one may know what is asked to be repealed. One of the sectioos, it will be seen, is designed .to prevent tbe kid napping of free negroes; the other prohibits the selling of slaves in Pennsylvania. ! Section 96. If any person or persons shall, by-force or violence, take and carry away, or cause to be taken or carried away, or shall, by fraud or false pretence, entice or cause to bo enticed, or shall attempt so to take carry, a ay or entice, any free negro or mulatto from any part of this Commonwealth, to any other place whatsoever out of this Commonwealth, with a design and intention of selling and dis posing of, or of causing to be sold, or of keep ing and detaining, or of canning to be kept and detained, such free negro or mulatto, as a slave or servant for lile, or for any terra what soever, every such person or persons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, one half whereof shall be paid to the person or persons who shall prosecute for the same, and the oth er half to this Commonwealth, and to under go an imprisonment, by separate or solitary confinement at labor, not exceeding twelve years ; if any person or persons shall hereafter knowingly sell, transfer or assign, or shall Knowingly purchase, take a transfer or assign ment of any free negro or mulatto for the purpose of fraudulently removing, exporting or carrying such ree negro or mulatto out of this State, with the design or intent; by fraud or false pretences, of making him or her a slave or servant for lile, or for any term what soever, every person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, oua half whereof shall be paid to the person or persons who shall prosecute for the same, and the other half to this Commonwealth, and at the discretion of the court, to undergo an impris onment, by separate or solitary confinement at labor not exceeding twelve years; no judge of any of. the courts of this Commonwealth, nor any alderman or justice of the peace of said Commonwealth, shall have jurisdiction or take cognisance of the case of any fugitive rrom labor, from any of the U nited States or territories, under any act of Congress, nor snail any such judge, alderman or justice of the peace of this Commonwealth, issue or grant any certificate or warrant of removal of any such lugitive from labor, under any-act of Congress ; and if any alderman or justice of the peace of this Commonwealth shall take cognizance or jurisdiction of the case of any such fugitive, or shall grant or .issue any cer tificate or warrant of removal as aforesaid, then, and in either case, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and shall, on conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay at the discretion of the court, any sum not exceedinz one thousand dollars, the one half to the jiarty prosecuting for the same, and the other halt to the use of this Common wealth ; if any person or persons claiming any negro or mulatto, as a fugitive from ser vitude or labor, shall under any pretence of authority whatsoever, violently and tumultu onsly seize upon and carry away to any place, or attempt to seize and carry away in a riot ous. violent, tumultuous and unreasonable manner, aud so as to disturb or endanger the public peace, any negro or mulatto, within this Commonwealth, either with or without tbe intention of taking such negro or mulatto before any district or circuit judge, tbe person or persons so offending against the peace of this Commonwealth, 6hall be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fins not exceeding one thousand dollars, and further, to be imprison ed in the county jail, for any period at the discretion of the court, not exceeding three months. .' Section 97. All sales that shall hereafter be made within this State, of any fugitive from service or labcr, who. at the time of such sale shall be within the limits of this State, shall be utterly null and void ; and it any person, under color or pretence of any sueh sale or sales, shall seize, arrest, or by intimidation, seduction or fraud, shall remove or cause to be removed from this State, any such fugitive thus sold, or attempted to be sold, the person so offending' shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars, one-bait thereof to the use of the Commonwealth, and the other half to the use of the party suing for the same. The peculiarites of the female constitution an the various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand an occasional recourse to stimulants. It is important, however, that these shall be of a harmless nature, and at the same time accomplish the desired end. Hostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters is the very article. Its effects in all eases of debility are almost magical. It restores the tone of the digestive organs, infuses freh vitality into the whole system, and gives that cheerfulness to the temperament, which is the moet valuable of feminine attractions The proprietors feel flatter ed from the faet that many of the most prominent medical gentleman in the Union have bestowed encomiums upon the Bitters, the virtues of which they have frequently tested and acknowledged. There are numerous counterfeits offered for sale, all of which are destitute of merit, and positive ly injurious to the system. .-. .. DIED: On the 24th January, of typhoid fever, Johs Weld, Jr., of Beccaria township, in the 46th year of his age. . On 24th January, of diptheria, Samuel, son of Samuel and Eliza Schaffner, of Lawrence township, in tbe 7th year of his age. On the 28th, Mary, daughter of tbe same parents, aged 4 years, 3 months and 3 days. - On the 28tb, John Dillon, Sr., of Beccaria township; at an' advanced age. ; In Lawrence township, on the 10th inst., of diptheria Lorenzo Dow, son of Win. and Al bina Mapes aged 3 years C months & 26 days. On the 25th, Caeser Potter, (colored) of Bradford township, at an advanced age. FLOUR A good article for sale at the store of janlS . WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. BUTTER A large quantity, of Firkin and Roll, at the store of .WM. F. IRWIN. S ALT a good article, and very cheap at tbe store of WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfield,. SAMUEL II. PLEASANTS, BARBER AND II AIR-DRESSER, has opened a shop in the basement of the Clearfield llouse, and solicits a share of public patronage. Dee. 12, 1860. T Y R O N E CITY BOTE L, TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY, PA. " ; v A; P. OWENS, Proprietor. ; i Also Oysters, Wholesale and Retail. decl9 i 1 OOK HERE, GENTLEMEN ! WAGON JLf SHOP AHEAD !!!! The subscriber thankful for past favors, takes this method of informing his old customers and the publio in general, that he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue to manufacture Wagons of every description, to order, of good material and in a workmanlike mannerr Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Urain cradles, Ac, made o"h short notice, in superior style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms. June 29, 18$9.n r, WILLIAM R. BROWN. HARTSWICK'S DRUG & VARIETY S T O R Ky MARKET STREET, NEARLY OPTOS1TE JAlL. , The undersigned will have constantly on httr4 a well selected stoak of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tobacco and Se gars', Stationary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy arti cles, which be will dispose of cheap for cash. He invites tbe pablfc to call and exntnine his stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drags, Med icines, and Surgical Instruments, at tbe most rea sonable rates. J. G. UART3WICK. Clearfield, Pa. December 12, 190. ; FALL) 1860. THE FIRST ARRIVAL ( WINTER vf ' (. I860; Fall and Winter Goods, AT TnE OLD STAND OF REED, WEAVER & CO., Marltt St., 2 doors North of the Court House, WHERE taey are just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods suit ed to the wants of tbecomtosntty. for the Fall and Winter Trade, which they offer in largo or small quantities on the wost reasonable terms. Call and examine for yourselves. Their assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS is very large and enplete, embracing almost ev ery article bfttfc of fashion and service. Especial attention s been paid to the s-kretioa of LA DIES DRiSS GOODS, which are of eveTy variety and the very latest styles ; Silks, Delaines, Plaids, C'Vargs, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas1, Cashmeres, 1 s)nch, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Swisses. Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain Bobbinetts, Veil Raise. Irish Linen and Cloth?, Black and Fancy Cassimeres. Sattinets, Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Taking. Crash. Dia per, Bleached and unbleached Masllnsand Drills, Red, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, Linseys, Ac. Also, a large stock f Ladies' awi Gentle men's Shawls, Double and Single Stella! and Che nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of tbe very latest fashion. 1 ptl9 . rAST, WEST, JVORTJI, AND SOUTJI, A- . ' Uthe people are notified f a Fresh Arrival of Goods, : AT THE r CHEAP CASH STORE. i Just receiving and opening, a large and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter Good?, of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS, of the latest and mostapproved styles ; alsoagrea variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, Hats "and Caps Bonnets and Shawls, BOOTS AND 8IIOES, A GREAT TARIETT, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints, GROCERIES, BEST QUALITY,' FISH, BACON ASD FLOCK, . Carpets and Oil Cloths ; all ot wnich will be sold at tbe lowest sash or ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to call. Wjf . F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 1860. N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEBRED F. IRVIN. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A- pril tncy enterod into partnership in tbe mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly nn der the name and firm of John A J. F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in general that they have received from tbe East and opened at tbe old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to the wants of the community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats and Cans, of the latest styles and best quality, all of wnicu taev intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call ia a&u examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you can procure them elsewhere. -Give us a trial. . JOHN IRVIN. May 30, 1860. - JERKED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call and settle. may 30 NSONVILLE RIGIIT SIDE UP!! Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT SWAN AND HARTSHORN'S, ; At their Old Stand in Ansonviile. The subscribers havejust returned from tbe east with a large and well selected assortment of I'AT-li AN I) W I X T E It GOODS consisting of a general varioty of the very best CLOTHS, CASSIMERSS, SATTINETS, Ac., and a large lot of Hat3, Caps, Boots and Shoes, for men and boys, for winter wear. Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and ; children, together with a good stock of , Bonnets and Shawls. They have also a good assortment of Hardware, Queensware, Dmgs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, : Fish, Bacon, Flour,' Carpets, Ac, Ac, Ae. Taey also keep always on hand a great variety of : USEFUL NOTIONS, y such as are wanted in every family. - The above named articles, and everything else in their line, will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Give them a trial. . : 5 v. SWAN A HARTSHORN. Ansonviile, Pa.', October 21, 1860. CARPETS. Drugget, Carpet chain, Bags and Bag ging, curled Hair, Ac, at the store of . septia ; t ft ' i- 14EED, WEAVER A Co. I LARGE stock of Queensware, Earthen a Stone Ware of all kinds. Also. Cedar a Willow Ware at . ' ."' Reed, Weaver A Co'a FLOUR A lot of the best quality, for sale low atthe store of WM. F. IRWIN. Also, Hamsand Shoulders, Mackerel and Herring BEST Philadelphia Sugar -Cured Ifamsst the new store of , Gbasax, Rotstox A Co HEESE ! A Iartre lof of sacerior Cheese. CHEESE, A choice lot of N. t. Cheese, for sale at the store of WM. F IRWIN. IlTNGKRICri SrT" W nolesale Grocers, No. 43 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa., invite country merchants to their extensive stock of gevds1 in store' and solicit their custom. . Pri ces moderate'. ... September26,lSG0-lyp. ' RIEGEL, BAIRD& CO.. IMPORTERS and Jobbers in Dry Goods, N. 47 North Third Street, rkftadefpbia, Pa Spt.2'M-lyp. FXTER SIEGER", . - B-B-JCRTIX. J&ttfB ftiYJCcri, West, . s. nsTaa. , W.-BVAiRl, " JOSIAH B1KGU , ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration n the Estate of Isaac Eng land, late of Morris township, deceswecf, hating been granted to the undersigned, nil persons fn-' debted to said estate are required to make imme diate payment, and those having cTafms against the same will present fhem dnly authenticated for settlement. J" AMES HUGHES, January 16, lS6f. ' Administrator. BKLLEFONTE iff ARTJLE WORKS ! The undersigned addpts this method of in lorming tte public and the patrons of the late Srm of S. A. Gibson A Co.. fhnrt he designs car rying on the MAKBL-E BUSINESS in Belle fonte. In all its various brum-he, and will bold himself always in readiness to Inrnish Umu whs call upon him. with all kinds of demrtery Wort, of the latest classical designs, and superior work manship, such as Mounmenli. Box Tomb. Cra' die Tomhs, Spires. QMishx. Grecian Tomls, Tii hle Tombs, llead Stones, Carved. Srnfpttrrd or Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be had at any other establishment in the country. Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits an increase of patronage. WM. G All AG AN. iiellefonte, l'a., -March 23. liSotf-tl. ATBH'S CATHARTIC Are yon rtik, ftef.le, an.! coniilniuiiiK? Jftt 4c.v outer ortlof, wlrhr yotJT Kytm tle TWtri. ftri jrorw ittaftiga comiHrtUt . 3hea flnl tout are often tu pri-lmi to Krrious it I urn. . oie tit of iekti irrwji(ii(t pn you, aud ahoulj be artrt bjr ft timely ne of the rigfit rriu ely. Take Ayrr's l'.TN, an J cleanse itt the iff he rn, purify tk Moixl, atul Wt Uw Uiii.U iuuv vrf neok tructvtl in brafth ln. They sZnrftArttr ff f?frfct ct tfcw Body ww tlfeoreua ee Wftjr. Stn-ii tbe-nyiMm froo tUe oiwlrucuoM wlurh tnnka diswwj. A cnlif ipffTnt omwfi-rw. i Ihn bcwTy, aiW ot utrtrcfir If tiiitiirn? fnnctinrt. The?, if nt relieved, rrttrt upon tliMiwlvt and the Bill-rounding organs, rw rtnriiiff gfwrul aggravation, . minVi-iiig, and di-iuw. While in tlri rmilitioii, opprrwwd by th derancrlrtrnln, take Ayer'n riffs, and e h dfrectly lliry iracore tho nntiiral nrthm nt tfar wrulni. ami with it the buoyant f.-eliiiC of hualtb aiiir. Wlwl w friw aud isirfnt In thix trivial aud ciuiti'n corny! lint, in uitv trtfo in ttrtttrf of the doe-Mtted and danRoniiPt dwtmirprrR T7i iniin purgative rffuct expels thmn. Cansml by hhirilir rtnrtme tiona and deratisiii'i'mt of 11ms uatitral function of tho body, thoy are-rapidly, and many of Iheiii auraf v, core f by tho sauio iii"ans. Nono who know lln virttto f thv-i I'illn, will tiPKlwt to employ tlinm wlicil nutTerta; from the dirdera tlmy curt. SUti-iunt from Iradin pliyaiilana in oraa "f Hie prinHiial citice, aud fiviu other well known public prr ons. From a Trip-irJiig Mwehattt .Sf. tsmit, FW:4, 1VS. I)n. Atr.n: Yonr flit are the param of ii that ta proat in modfcino. Tlioy havo cirI -in fittte dii)chtr of ulceroti aorea ujion hor hand and fo-t llrat bad ruvd im-iir.thl fur yratra. Ilor mthr has liwii Ion; grhrv ouxly afflicted with Idotche and pimpUt on liur akin and In her hair. After our child wai cured, alio also tru-d your fills, and they liaro cured h-r. ASA JIOUGRIIWE. As a Family Phjitc: From Or. K. II" (Atrtivriylit, Xiew Oifc-anr. Tonr Pills are the prinre of purge. Their f tceilnt ' qnalitit-s surpass any cathartic wo Mata. They ara mild, hut vary certain and enVotual in h.r action on the howela. which makes them iuvaluablo to u In tUo daily treatment of d'neaso. Headache, Slekllradaclie, Foul Si'oniach. Vm Dr. J:liv ii d Boyd, DaUimnre. Dear lino. Atkm : I cannot anawer yon vW complaints I have ears I with your fills hotter than to ht all that tea rrr tr&tt With a purytiliv lunlicitte. 1 plnce great depen dence on an rIT' Ctiml ratlmrtic in my daily crmteat with dlmaso, and helieviusr at t do that yoiir fills afford aa the best we havo, I of course v.-Uim them highly. Prrrnnimo. Pa-, Slav 1, 1955. Ph. J. C Arr.R. 5lr: I hava Uen repeatedly cured '1 the worst hotdarlm any hody ran hare by a dnae or two of your fill. It seems to arue from a foul stonutti. which they claana at once. Vura with great ieject, F.n. VT. rRETttT, CTrrfc of Shunter cTbrana. Bilious Disorders Liver C'omplallrtev From Dr. tfiwdore lirll, of Xtm York C.ljf. . N""t only are your Pills admirably adapted to Ibeie f r pus n an x:ri'eut, Uit I find their twnencinl eftSritV epen tho Ijver very marked indeed. They have' in ' irty prao tico proved iiioro effectual for (ho cure of tilings om plninl than any one, remedy 1 can mention.. I sincersly rejoice that we have at leuth a purgativs which is wor thy the coufiduueo of llio profession and the pei'plo. IKP11TIE!T Or Till iHTERtolt, M nahiugton, P. C, 7-Ui reli., 1850.- Pm : I have uied your l'illa in luy general and llbapital practice ever since yon made lhetu,atulcanmt hesitate to Buy they are the beat rutlmrtic we employ. Tfteir regu lating action on tho liver In quick and decided, conse quently they are au admirable remedy fir derangement of that organ. Imh-ed, I havo seldom round a caae of bUiuu ditnisr. so nbaliunle that it did not readily yield to thoiu. iraterually juura, AlAJNZU JJALI. M. Jttgsi'ciau of Hit Miti int UiayituK Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms , ' V out Dr. J. 6'. Ore fit, nf Chicago. Totir 1'ilU have had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them in esteem aa olio of the beat fttierfeiits I havo ever found. Their alterative effect npotl the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when trivet) hi sriiall doses tor bilious djtentert aud duirrhcca. Tiiuir atar-coating makes them very acceptable an J courcuicut fur the ue of women aud children.- Dyapplfi Imparity T the- Blood. , From Htv. J. V. Iitues I'mUht of Adcent C'AiweA, JiuiLn. I)r. ATE? I bare used your fills Willi extraordinary tiiccwa fa Biy family ami nniDUg those I am called lo wit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion aud purify the tdood, they are tho very beat reuiely I have ever Iuiowh, aud I can counk'iiHy recommend them tn lay friends. - Yours, J. Y.-I1TM1;:. ,. Was.4W, Wyoming-Co., X. TaQcUSl, P555. Dean Sir: ! aia using your C.Hharlic fills in my prac tice, and find tliem an excellent pnrgHltve to cleanse the system aud F'triff W fiinuhilii of the. Wnerf; JOHN a-MEACHAM, ; Cons tfrmtton. Con tlrcikeMrSapprcssIarr, Itlteuinntlsm, Uout, Neuralgia. Drop ay, Paralysis, Kits, etc. From Dr. J. F. Vaughn, MiintwX Cn'. " - Too mncti cannot be said of your VMs for Ihe rura Cosureties. If other of otii" fraternity ISave Smtid them as efficacious no I bare, they should join nia iu proclaim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer front that complaint, which, althonglt bail enough In itself, ia the progenitor of otlrcrs" that are wor.e. I believe ens ft'rrnes to originnto In theTiVerbtit your Pills affect thai organ ami cure the disease.' FmtH Mrs. E. Slttirt, llittician ond 3Htfirifet fiitton. .. I find one or two large doses of your fills, takeu at the proer time, are excellent promotives of tha unlttrul triit. litm when wholly or partially Niipprosset, and also vary effectual to ttrovxe the sfottuivh aad exiirt terms. They are bo much the liest physic we have that I recuttiment no oilier to my patients --,.... From Hit. Bev. Dr. fjio.rj. o the toftndU Epis. ftotli. Tt tasxi IIotR. Kavannali, Oa, Jan. . fe56. U-iKORro Sm: I should be niirateful fcir llu enf yonr fklll lias brought me ir I did not report my ease to ymi. A odd settled In my limbs and hrowffftt wr eacro ciating t,r''7c )', which ended In chronic rhmmn tixm. ' Notwithstanding I had the bast of ptiy mViana. tlie diwnae. grow worse and worse, until bv the arvirw or yonr ex-eileut ayent in IlaUiuiora, Ir. Macaeetle, I tried yar I'ilU. 1 heir effects were slow, but sura. Ity frseveriag in the nse of them, I am now entirely well, Skhati! Chaif.ii, Baton Konge, Iju, 5 Deo. j.t&S. Pa. Aier: I have baan entirely cured, by yonr Pills, cf Rheumatic G.-ut - a iMtiuhll disease that had afflicted tne ft r year. . - YINCKNT SUPKIU seT Most of tbe TMH In market, roitalii ilefcurr, hiih. although . valuable remedy in skilful hnn.U, 1 dangvrous In a public pill, from (be frfaJhjl eonse nuences that frequently fbltuw Its iucauttcrft oae. Tliesa contatn no niereury or mineral enbstaBue wbaftvar. . Pried 25 cents per Box, or" 5 Doxea for $1. -Prepared by Sr. J. C AYZ3L & CO., Lotrtll, Kau. Soli C. I. Watson. Clearfield : E. A. Irvin. CnrWensville: Kami ArrioW. IlfarVjrfl': TUtjl Chase. AnscnvQla: J. C, finnmr. MorriAale: C. f..Fottt, Pailipsburg, dealers elsewhere,. !a??-.j aj.JiTiaa.ry 3, 1801-1 j. .wi:. ,"VJ 1 'f: