Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 30, 1861, Image 2
VMS r; I 5: it-: 4' If' Up- ii 1 I! 8. B. BOW, EDITOR AMD PBOPWKTOR. ; CLEARFIELD. PA.. JAN. 30, 1861. I ' MB.BIGLEIL'SPBOPOSITION. Senator Bigler of Pennsylvania has of late heen very active at Washington in urging so called Union "propositions" and making bim elf generally prominent in the "compromise" line. His last exploit consists in getting np a series of . amendments to the Constitution, which propose not only to subvert the princi ples of that instrument, but they disarm it of its only defense, that they may get the oppor tuuity to overthrow it. The Constitution pro vides for its own amendment, and the clause cootaining'that provision can no more be right fully' set 8side than any other section ; and when the. people accepted it, it was with the condition that it should be amended only in a certain way and in 'accordance with certain prescribed forms, essential in themselves to guard against hasty measures that might be determined upon in the sudden heat of some public passion.' -In the face of this, Mr. Big ler proposes to submit to a vote of the people certain amendments to the Constitutionals regarding; first, the constitutional requirement of the action o'f two-thirds of both Houses ot Congress; and, secondly, submitting the ques tion to a vote of the people on the 12th of February, a date so early that it is manifestly impossible' that all could hear that such a vote is to be taken. . This feature alone of Mr. Big ler's proposition is enough to entitle it to the speediest condemnation, more especially when it is recollected how fearful the. Democratic politicians were during the late Presidential campaign lest the Kepublicans, if successful, fcho'rild attempt to pervert or destroy the Con ttitution. ,In order, however, that the propo eitioo may be fully understood, we will state what else It embraces. - It divides the territo ry by a line on the parallel oi 36 deg. 30 min. .North of that line, slavery is prohibited. In all territory now belonging to or that may be acquired by, the United States south of 36 30, slavery is established, whether the people wish it or not. It denies to Congress the power to abolish slavery "in places where it has exclu sive jurisdiction" within the Slave States, or in the District of Columbia, so long as it ex ists in Virginia or Maryland. It provides that the; United States shall pay the owner for fu gitive slaves when not recovered,' and then to recover the amount, with interest and dama ges, from the county in which the rescue was tnad ; the county to indemnify itself by sue kig and recovering the sum from the wrong doere.' It takes away from Congress the pow er to prohibit the domestic slave trade ; pro vides that the President shall.be elected for six years, and cot be eligible for re-election ; prohibits Congressional interference with Sla very in the States; and, finally, amends the Constitution by providing that it shall never be' so amended as to destroy the effect of that provision which secures to' the slaveholders the right to couut their slave property in rep resentation. . Of all the "compromises" which kave yet been offered to appease the fire-eaters of the South, this ono we regard as the most clinging, irregular, aud hazardous. In estab lishing Slavery, by constitutional amendment, . in the territory now belonging to, or that may hereafter be acquired, south of 30 30, the Slave Power would have the strongest sort of induce ments to attempt the acquisition of Mexico, Central America and Cuba, either by conquest Or by purchase, whichever would be deemed easiest, in order to gel a preponderance in tho Federal Government. . This once accomplish f, they would, in all probabilityrdemand that the same policy that prevailed in half ot the country should of right prevail in the whole of it. We cannot, then, look upon a proposi tion like Mr. Bigler't as being anything else than dangerous -to tho peace and permanency of the Union ; and, if Mr. B. supposes that it will prove generally acceptable, he has most wofully miscalculated the intelligence and for bearance of the people of the North. Before he can reasonably expect to make much of an impression on tho tmnds of the masses, he must' also look to the intorests of the Free States, and divest himself ot that intense par tizan feeling and prejudice, which induce him to view the election of Mr. Lincoln as the cause of tho present troubles, and which be displayed 111 his first speech In the Senate this winter when be uttered ' the taunting asser tion that ."the Republican party will never gain another victory." - t - . - "JUDGE YE BETWEEN US." The immaculate editor- of the Republican, the organ of the Breckinridgo Democracy in this place, has for several weeks been trying to create the impression that we have studious ly endeavored to conceaUbe fact of there being a formidable conspiracy in the South, having for its object the dissolution of the Union and the destruction of the United States Govern ment. This imputation, to say the least of It, is false. An examination of our files, ever since tbe rebellion broke out in that section of the country where, as Locofoco editors have often declared, the Republican party has: no supporters, will show that we bavo not only kept our readers fully posted upon the doings of the traitors, but that we have published, to the exclusion of most of our usual miscellane ous matter, articles from Southern papers, on both sides of the question the threats of lead ing Secessionists, and the sentiments of con servative," Union-loving men in the South the opinions of such patriots as Jackson, Jef ferson, Clay and Webster, against Disunion and abstracts of speeches of Democrats like Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois,' Joseph Lane of Oregon, William Biglor of Pennsylvania, and Sherrard Clemens of"Virginia,.as well as those of prom inent Republicans, on the present national crisis. In short, we think our readers will bear us out in the remark that we have in no way attempted to disguise the danger of the unhallowed plot to break up the Union, but that we have, timo and again, expressed our conviction that such was tbe deliberate pur pose of the Breckinridge leaders in the rebel lious States, and that we have always con demned their course and cause. The editor of tho Republican, having im pugned our loyalty and set himself up as a cen sor of our conduct, can certainly have no ob jeetion to an investigation of his own. " How, then, we ask, bas he acted in the particular matter ot which he falsely accuses us? Has he informed the public of the full extent of the secession scheme ? Has he exposed the com plicity of such conspirators as Cobb, and Floyd, and Thompson, and Toombs, Iverson, Wigfali; Davis, Slidell, Yulee, Keitt, Rhett, Yancey, and other prominent members of his own par ty 7 Has he told bow muskets and other mu nitions of war were sent, by order of the Sec retary t War, to Charleston and other points South, and placed in charge of the conspira tors, who are now using them against the Fed eral Government Has he stood lip steadily for the maintainance of tho Constitution, the preservation of the Union, and the, enforce ment of all the Laws 1 Has Ae inserted in bis columns a single speech, letter, or article, cos- demnixc the Disunionion movement ? Has he given the opinions of any of the great states men, who, in the purer days of the Republic. denounced all who were base enough to strike at its permanency 1 Has he published any of the numerous Union letters and speeches that have appeared within the past two months in nearly every other paper in the -North speech of Mr. Bigler alone excepted ? Has he over printed a word commendatory of Major Anderson's brave acts, of President Buchanan for determining to sustain that gallant officer, or of other men who have attempted to stay the tide of rebellion 1 On the other hand, bas be not given partial accounts and one-sided statements ot current events Has he not been a stickler for "Southern Rights" and an open advocate of tho "Divine origin" of Ne gro Slavery J Has be not been constantly pat ting tbe DUunionists on the back, in common with the leaders of his party, and, in effect, saying : -"(jo ahead, brave lads; make the North back down, and we, the Democracy, will stand by you to the last 1" Has he not, by advocating tho right of secession and opposing a proper protection of tho forts and other pub lic property in the rebel States, been encoura ging and countenancing tho traitors who are now doing all they can to overturn the Nation al Government 7 And, finally, we will also in quire, bas be not, instead of standing up for them, spoken derisively of loyal Union men in the South, and applied to them opprobrious epithets? Why, in the very article in which the Republican reiterates the misrepresentation we have exposed, and in which it is intimated that we have not treated tho ''secession hub bub in ClearBeld" w'th becoming gravity, wil be found the-following paragraph : "Tbe editor of the Journal seems to have a leiiow-feeling for Governor Hicks, of Marv land. It is true he has a right to select his own backers, but it seems strantre that Black Republican should select one of the leaders of the Baltimore Plug-Uglies.' Now, if he sends for Winter Davia and ex.Mavnr 1 Col.TIaix, our State Senator, delivered a pointed speech on tbe 11th inst., on the ques- . tiou of Personal Liberty Bills and the Right of Secession. ' lie showed that the' 96th section of the Revised Penal Code is constitutional, and framed in conformity with the decision of the Suprcm Cmii of tb United States. In regard to secession', be advocates tho Jackson doctrine of 'ernhing out Disunion wherever its bead be raised," and takos deaided ground iu favor of tnsintaifiiBf th Constitution, pre serving the Union, and enforcing the Laws. ' ' - m mm , -- -. . Calculations show that instead of the South .wabfiflf roem for expansion, she has as much rrlactlva soil, within the several States of ift; (Ktfon as would, give employment to ifrff'tpf million of negroes whilst the whole ir population now aniouata to but oar mil ji4m.it: In TiXn alone there are tbree hundred i4Vupn tif acres of land i which cotton cau fc c'vifitaled. Swan, he will have the captain and both lieu tenants of the Baltimore 'Rip Raps' and 'Plug U gncs' to nelp liini in his time of need." Gov. nicks, as is well known, has thus far successfully resisted every effort to drag his State into the vortex of Disunion. He has been an impassable barrier to the full consum mation. of the conspirators' plot, which em braced the seizure of the Natioual Capitol Whilst, probably, every truo patriot in the whole land thanks Gov. Hicks for the position be bas taken, it will not at all "seem strange that the editor of the Clearfield Republican stiould display the most vindictive paitizan prejudice, and derisively speak of the Gover nor of Maryland as a "Plug-Ugly" and "Rip. Rap." "It js true he has a right to select bis own backers,", and if he prefers Cobb, Floyd Yancey, Toombs and other traitors, he is wel come to his company.- We prefer men who. are loyal to the Union and the Constitution ; and we hopo never to be so wrapped up in par ty, and so utterly destituto of gratitude, that we cannot, in an emergency like the present give our approval to a man; no matter what his politics may be, who resists Disunion as firmly as Gov. flicks has resisted it. .Leaving the reading public to Judge between our neighbor and ourself, as to which has been the most impartial and truthful chronicler of current events, we will only add, that if the Democracy pf this county are satisfied, with the , statemcpti bcuiU -forth, they are more easily pleased than we are willing to believe.' THE CASE FAIBLY STATED. In the House, at Washington, on the 23d January, tbe Report of the Committee of Thirty-three being under consideration, . Me. Ethebidge, of Tennessee, said that in a contest like-this which now agitates the country, he must not be found taking sides against bis country; though, unfortunately or all, it mattered not upon which side a man arrayed himself, tbe crime of treason was. sure o be charged against him. He, however, would avoid no responsibility of that sort ; he would speak openly and frankly, seeking neith er to avoid censure or to elicit commendation, and as far as he alluded to facts, would ad vance nothing . but wLat was strengthened by truth.' If a jury of twelve honest men hav ing no motives to subserve but the interests of the country could be found to try the pending issues; he could submit the cause to them without argument and have a prompt and unanimous verdict on all the questions. Un fortunately, however, they would not get a disinterested jury in that House ; and the peo ple were silly enough to trust their cause and appeal to the justice of this tribunal for the settlement of a question of the gravest impor tance to themselves and posterity. The In terests of thirty millions of people were invol ved in this quarrel; and here they had 236 members, who, we are told, would not or could not interfere to stay this tide of revolution, because they had been elected without a ref erence to the present issues, -and that, there fore, there was no hope for this free people. Had it come to this, that these gentlemen whom he saw around him, could not meet the question in a spirit of patriotism ? Could their constituents see tbem, before they threw on their gowns in the morning, and see tbem af terward come into that hall, with a stiffening of the backbone, ready to compromise nothing or conciliate nothing, they would scorn the hazard of Intrusting in such hands their glori ous and priceless treasures of peace and liber ty. They were told that they, forsooth, held the destinies of the country in their hands; as well might 300 backmen of New York city, in Convention assembled, assert that they held these destinies in their hands. He protested against the idea that if they did not now de cide the Issues which distracted the country, the country must go to ruin, and public liber ty would be overthrown. He demanded de lay for the men, women and children of the country. If they did not adjourn the quarrel to the people, on that floor it could never be settled, and they ' would bo responsible for whatever evils might follow. Berore he would see them overturn the temple ot liberty, and crush out the last hopes ot the people and bury them beneath the rums, he would move an adjournment of the quarrel from them to the people. Revolution, sard Mr. Etheridge, is threatening to subvert the institutions of the country a revolution the most unauthorized, the most unjustifiable and unpardonable that the world has ever looked upon a revolution of the most fearful consequences to the whole land; and yet they calmly looked on at the impending min the precipitators threatened. He would meet the issue raised by these pre cipitators fairly and frankly, and show the madness and folly of attempting to subvcit the Government under which uotn sections had derived so many blessings. Itisaremark able fact that this revolution is not carried on with reference to anything in the past, but solely with reference to some dangers to be apprehended in the future. He would make one exception the personal liberty bills which existed in some of the Northern SUtts. That was one cause of complaint. There was op position to the execution of the fugitive slave law. That was another. They charge that it was intended to exclude African Sla very from the Territories'. That was another. That the respective sections were not homoge neous, and hated each other, and that some of the Free States were for negro equality. As to tho first count In the indictment.ne confess ed that personal liberty bills did exist. That was the only charge that could be sustained. The balance of the allegations were made with reference to things which never happen ed, and which never could have happened, had the seceding States remained in the Union, and had their Representatives not staid at home. Then it was due to truth to say that tbe personal liberty bills would soon be swept off the statute books of all the Free States, as they had been in Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. To be sure, one was still retained in Vermont, where, he was assured, a fugitive slave had not teen seen for forty years, and which was as inac cessible to a slive as was the Kingdom of South Carolina to him at that moment. But, then, the South bad never appealed to the North to repeal these personal liberty bills; and though he lived within a day's ride of three Free States, he had never known of a slave escaping from his District. He had known of one passing through the District of his friend from Kentucky into Illinois, where he was arrested by the people and returned to the owner. And yet it was said the North would not execute the fugitive slave law. But what was the fact ? The present Executive, in his last message, says, "The fugitive slave law bas been executed in every contested case that bad arisen." And they knew it was soj But if it were not, would that be an excuse for dissolving the Union 1 Would they have law and order, would they respect the Consti tution, and live in feeling of brotherhood with their fellow countrymen ? They would do nothing of the kind. Tennessee and Ken tucky are border States, and they would have to bear the burden of the battle and protect the States all down to the Gulf, from whence a slave had to travel over six hundred miles to find sanctuary in a Free State. Then there was no fault with the fugitive slave law, which a United States Commissioner, appointed to carry out that law, a resident of the present Kingdom of South Carolina, had assured him was as stringent as human ingenuity could make it. He knew the Northern people were opposed to the slave trade. . They always had been and always would bo. They knew noth ing whatever of Slavery except what they heard from others ; arid yet the strongest pro- slavery man South was the Yankee who went . . 1 j : 3 ... : 1. - 1 - aown mere una raarneu a wmuw nun a planta tion well stocked with negroes. But they could no more hope to make , the Northern people pro-slavery than they could expect a hungry politician to run away from a fat office. He did not believe they wished to abolish slavery, as had been asserted ; and standing there, before that crowded audience, he avow ed that there was not a man in the House who wished to abolish Slavery in the States, or who imagined they had the right to attempt it. fCrie8 from the Republican benches : "not J one, not one !" No party had ever risen in tbe country, which had given such strong and solemn guarantees to respect slavory within the States as had the Republican ; but this fact was suppressed by the politicians and newspapers and the opposite doctrine dissemi nated: The party had done what no other party bad formally done it had denounced, in the severest and strongest terms, that such raids as that of John Brown into Virginia were the gravest of all crimes. 7 It was a matter of history that Pennsylvania was the first to vin dicate the outraged laws, and that her citizens arrested the followers of Brown and brought them back to Virginia for punishment, ne said the people North and South did not hate each other more than the Whigs and Demo crats used to hate each other. - Would they love one another more after they were sepera- ted 1 And the Ohio river, which was dry one half of the year and frozen over the other, would be the only barrier to keep these bos tile sections apart ! A separation would lead to feuds and contests as bloody and protracted as was the war between the houses of York and Lancaster. .They hate each other! If their constituents could see how the Freesoil ers of the North and the Radicals of the South lived bere together, they would not believe a word of it. They only., hate each other, when the "ins" have to give way to the "outs," when the army of officeholders take up their bag and baggage and make way for their trium phant successors. He was willing to make any sacrifice to save the country. He would even accept James Buchanan for another term, and allow the "Old . Public Functionary" to administer the Government for four years more. He said he was willing to lend -his sanction to anything that would heal these dif ficulties. But failing in all, he would go home and would there meet Disunion with a torch in one hand and a sword in tbe other; and so help him God, so long as tbe Stars and Stripes floated over him and his State, be would never yield to disunion. It had been charged that the North wished to give equali ity in every respect to the negro. He did not believe this, but a separation would not change any opinion on this subject. To show how unfounded was this charge, he noticed that at the last election, the people of New York refused, by a majority of twenty to one, to extend universal sutfrage to the negro. Up to 1831 free negroes had fho privilege of suf frage over certain white men in Tennessee. Who assisted in making the constitution of that State ? Andrew Jackson ! and before it was amended the old hero was twice elected President of the United States. Political equality as to white and ' blacks also existed in North Carolina twenty years ago, but does not now. He asserted, -what was matter of history, that every solitary act of the Consti tution was ordained after public discussion, and was voted for by statesmen of tbe South, and either passed by them or received the sanction and approval of their States ; and the very policy under which Lincoln stiould be inaugurated was the very policy of the Demo cratic party of the South, and which they gave to the country, and demanded and re ceived their approval. Tho House knew that when the Government was ordained, when the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed, that our Western boundary was tbe Mississip pi River, and that from that very day, at the instance of the South, at the instance of slave holders, the area of the Government had been enlarged and expanded. Every foot of soil that had been acquired at the instance of the South, the North, with its numerical pow er and strength overshadowing the South, has willingly yielded. Florida and Louisiana had !een thus purchased at the instanco of the South. Florida had been purchased at a cost of $5,000,000, and at a cost of $50,000,000 more to remove the savages, millions more to to build fortifications and towns along the deep to gnard Southern commerce.' And after all this, little Florida, with less than half the population he represented, goes out of the Union, with the fortifications, with the pub lic lands, with untold millions, and, worse than all, ; carries with her the prestige of tbe unity of these States. Little Florida secedes, which could not at this moment protect her self from the alligators without the aid of the Federal troops laughter this very Florida, purchased at the instance of the South, with Northern money and' Northern blood. He then noticed the annexation of Texas, also at the Instance of the South, and paid a eulogy to Gov. Houston of that State. In 1850 the South demanded a Fugitive Slave law. They had got that. They first demanded the Mis souri Compromise. They got it. They then demanded its repeal. They got that. They had demanded nothing which they had not got. But now they demand that Slavery should be protected in every inch of tbe Territories of the United States. But that question was de cided against tbem, in a most unmistakable manner, at the ballot box ; and even the Sou thern States themselves had pronounced a gainst that demand. The Government had been in operation nearly eighty years, and up to this time no Member of Congress had even so much as introduced a bill to protect Slavery in the Territories. But now they proposed to dissolve tbe Union because a vast majority Sf the people had leplied to their demand for protection of slaves in the Territories that all they should ever have was non-intervention. And that was all they ever would obtain One disunionist said that he wanted protection for Slavery for the purpose of expansion, that Slavery was increasing, and that in fifty years they would have twenty millions of negroes, and consequently they must have room to ex pand. But the truth was that they needed no expansion, and it they did even, they could not get it. But, as he said before, Congress should adjourn the quarrel to the people, and if they failed to do so, in less than eighteen months it will adjourn itself. He, for one, was not afraid to trust the people, and that ap peal must be made. In answer to Mr. Val landigham, he said that, so persistent had been the misrepresentations of men throughout the Union with regard to Northern men and the principles of the Republican party, that the people ol the South were willing to believe a lie and be damned. It was a matter of his tory that a few weeks ago a gentleman (Col. Memminger) proclaimed from the steps of tbe Capitol oi Milledgeville to gentlemen.lawyers, doctors, shoitboys, and everybody that stood around, that nannibal Hamlin, or,as he is call ed there, "Cannibal" Hamlin, was a mulatto ; that the North had elected an Abolitionist to be President, and a mulatto to be Vice-President. Mb. Leake (Dem., Va.) asked whether Mr. Etheridge was speaking on the side of the North or on the side of the South. Mb. Etheridge I am speaking on that side which has too few representatives on the floor I am speaking on tbe side of my country. Ap plause. Already in the South bold men, ed ucated men, chivalrous men, were drilling and disciplining the military forces. Men were excited with all the pomp and circumstance of war. Men believed that Lincoln and his cohorts were going to tbe South to apply the tprch to towns, and . hamlets, and dwellings, and these things arose from Southern misap prehensions of Northern men. To allay this, to stop the fide ot revolution he would vote for the Crittenden propositions. He would vote for the proposition he bad submitted him self, he would vote for the report of the gen tleman from Ohio, he would vote for anything that was of any value, that bad any principle, and that would relieve the public mind from the apprehensions which beset it. He hoped Congress would effect something to stay the tide of revolution ; but if nothing could be done, as he said before, he would go before the people, and throw himself into the "dead ly imminent breach,'' and would resist tho wave of disunion to the last. And if tbe worst came to the worst ; if bis State should be dragged to tbe brink of the fearful precipice, and be made an unwilling ..victim, it would be only at tbe last moment of his country's ruin. And now, in advance, be washed his .hands clear of tbe shame and of the crime that will attach to those who would overthrow . public liberty, and raise a despotism on -its ruins. Wherever the flag of his country floated, there would he go, and he would cling to it in this, the dark hour of her. peril, with all the sacred trust and confidence of au enthusiast clinging to his God. 'Applause.. : ... 4 ; ITEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. Advertisements set targs type, cHts,orout of usual style will be charged doueprieeforpaeeoeeuptea. FLOUR. A lot of g'ood flour on hand and for gftleat MEKRELL A BIGLEK S. COOPER'S GEtiATINE, a good article, for sale at Jan30 HARTSWTCK.'fr. FOUND A carpet sack on the Janeivill road which the owner can have by describing the uroDertv and paying the advertisement. P Jan 25,1861. GEORGE WILSON RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR A.D. 1860. G bo, B. QooDLASDER, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account with said county from the 7th day of January, 1S&0, to the Jth day f January, 1861 : DEBTOR. To amount from Collectors for 180 and previous yeaw. including percentage, $7126 71 To amontfrom Unseated Lands, for -1858 and 1S5, - . . W 33 T amount from Com mission era boos, 1 CREDIT. By Flection- expenses, $1667 39 By Commonwealth C03ts7 y If 04 55 By Jurors wages, . 3710 77 By Assessors wages, ,1? a, ' By Commissi bcts wages,- - 355 81 By Jail fees. 369 W By Protaoaotnry fees, , 2i6 l By Di&trici Att'y fees, 228 09 By Printing contract, . 2M 00 By Tipstaff and Court crier, 179 9t By Repairs t pablrc twildings, 183 21 By Boarding furor, 106-00 By Refund!., 195 61 By Agricultural, .100 60 By Western Penitentiary, 113 ? . By Counsel fee, 50 00 By Constable rtttrs, : 113 6 , By Road views, ' 162 00 By Wild Cat and Foxes. 100 48- , By Justice fees, " 5? 82 , . By Commissioners' clerk, 152 00 By Auditors wages, 10 (H By AuditingProt'y,Reg.Ree.ac. lb 00 By Interest on orders, . : . ; . .. . M 50 By Coroners' Inquests, 87 3i By Auditors' clerk, . , 42 0O By Sheriff's fees. , ', . '200 00 . . . By Dockets, stationary k postsg, 61 13 " By Survey of Bloom township, ; 13 W ; By Fuel contract, 58 75 By Court House con't, on acc't. 1579 14 ' - ' ' By Miscellaneous orders, : 5 5H By Exonerations to collectors, . 330 3- ; By Percentage to collectors, , . 31 9U ? By Treasurers p. ct. on receiving 182 02 , . By Treasurers p.ct. on paying out 177 67 Balance due Treasurer, . , 372 01 Total amount, SI 2506 87 $12506 87 Amount of State, County and Militia tax dae from ; - collectors for 1860 and previous year For the year 1847. Tow'p- Collectors names. County. State. Militia Jordan, James Rea, jr., 205,51 , . 92,11 For 1S48. . . Bell, . R. Wetiell, y .00.00 00,00 6.00 Jordan, 11. Swan, 00.00 1 Oo.oo ' 4,10 Penn, A. Spence, 00.00 00,00 17,50 For 1849. Jordan. . Wm. Wiley, ,00,00 00,00 25.00 Penn, : - .Tbos. Fenton, 00,00 00 00 32,50 ' , For 1850. Bell, " J Sunderlin, 00.00 00.00 6,00 Penn, J. Davis, , 00.00 00,00 30,50 . . For 1351. Burnside, S.Young. ' 30,01 00.00 16.23 Jordan, D. Williams, 3,15 - 8,29 7,00 ' - ' For 1852.- - - Fox, . J. I. Bundy. . 1.00 00,00 00,00 For 1853.. . , Decatur, D. Kephart, . 00.00 18.17 . 19,50 Pike, J.Caldwell." ' 00,00 4,72 7,54 , For 1354. Chest, S. J.Tozer, ' ' 45.85 52.20 15.50 Jordan, J.Patterson, ' 00,00- - T.42 9.83 Pike, T. R. M'CIure, " 2,02 00,0 0 17,85 ' ' For 1855.- Covington, J. Barmoy, 00,00 10,94 19,08 For 1853. Decatur, G. Kephart, 63,89-111,59 20,62 For 1857. Curwensv. Z M'Naul, 00.00: 00.00 14.38 Ferguson, J. Straw. 33.00 6.41 00,00 Goshen, E.R. Livergood, 12.81 ' 12,05 4.35 Jordan, Wm. Williams, 9,41 23,9t 00,00 For 1853. Covington, J. lteiter, 00,00 00.00 10,00 Clenrfield, 11. J. Wallace, 31,95 56.32 00,00 Decatur, A. Baughman, 10,69 51,52 00.00 Ferguson, G. . Williams, 00.00 5.02 00,00 Fox, D. N. Heath, 5.00 00.00 Ort,00 Lawrence: II . Orr, 115,12 7.59 00.00 Penn, R.Danvers, 110,29 45,85 24,50 For 1859. Decatur, D. Goss. 16,95 6.41 00,00 Fox, . J. iM'Clellan, 2 86 4.30 Jordan, J. M'Xeal, 5,11 10,84 22.50 Karthaus. 11. Yothers, 18,SC 41.44 11.36 Woodward, S. Whiteside. ' 17.S0 00.00 00,00 For I860. ' Bcccaria, IT. Whiteside, 290.27 130.68 23,78 Bell, J. Campbell, 153,18 108,46 36.10 .Bogjrs, nm. Wilson, Bradford, J. Cowder. Brady, F. Wingert, Burnside, J. Sunderlin, Chest, . J. Thompson, Covington, J. Rcnaut, Clearfield, II. E Snyder, Curwensv. J.Evans, -Ferguson, J. Straw, Fox. J. Mulkins, Girard, J. Spackman, Goshen, J Sankey . Graham, J. P. Nelson, Huston, J. Bundy, Jordan, P. Bloom, . Knox, M. O. Stirk, Lawrence, M. Nichols, Lumber-C.J.Ferguson, Morris, J. Denning, N Washing R. Neiman. Penn, T. Wain, Pike, II. llile, , Union, D. Brubaker, Woodward. S. Henderson, 155.68 65.13 20,80 32.57 46.71 38,00 595,50 268,60 79.33 72.39 119.46 45.12 27,79 99.16 41,32 2,29 47,27 26,12 131,24 74.58 21,43 6,35 71,51 28,50 109.93 ' 78.75 17.70 36,55 : 15.25 8,65 77,20 54.23 16,15 ; 49,36 35.96 8,97 146,83 64,89 .11.25 73,33 56.81 19.00 74.11 5.1,85 21.37 ' 70.63 42,36 14,74 206,70 215.27 ' 50.82 75.01 46.94 7.60 239,72 108,33 39,42 24,50 29.48 14,72 187,36 86.70 17,57 274.46 143,99 . 15,42 13,63 31,51 14,25 131.58 70,05 23,27 Agg am'tdnc from Col. $4101,73 2746,701012,74 Aggregate aiu't due county from Col's, 51101,73 Aggregate ain't due from unseated lands, 2703.15 .Aggregate ain't due " judgm'ts. notes, c. 1083,22 Outstanding county orders, 1232.78 . Court House contract orders, - 9500.00 Due County Treasurer, 372,04 Indebtedness of county, 3216,72 Total amount, S11104.82 $11104,82 Geo. B. Goodlander, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in account with the different townships for Road Fund, for the years 1353 and 1359. -, DEBTOR.. To balance due tow'ps, last settlement, .5 30,12 Tq amount received from unseated lands, 8058,66 CREDIT. 1 ' Names of tps. Am't pd. tps. Bal. due tp. Beccaria, Bell, . , Boggs, ' ; . Bradford, ; ... Brady. . . . Burnside, . .V Chest, " "! Covington, ' " Clearfield, ' Decatur. . Ferguson, .-. fox, - j. ... Girard, Goshen, Graham, .' Huston, , Jordan, . ; Karthaus, ' .- Knox, - -' Lawrence, ; Morris, , Penn, . s - . pike. ; ; ' Union, ' " . ' ' Woodward, "J Balance doe tps. Total, i . i . . 477.28 1 : 443,00 . ,126,53 68.07 . 460i44 254,91 ' 233,73 112,12' $00.00 ' 27,16 00,00 12,08 . 3.9S 00.00 62.63 66,54 00.00 3,41 ' 329.00 24.39 : 31,73 2.07 : 249.60 00,00 165,00 55,85 200,00 9,06 176,68 15.14 1620.23 257,68 67,21 ; 7,96 161,84 - 59,49 , 294.55 y 85 00 105,64 ; 00,00 724,60 26,36 143,00 . . 22,44 104,42 '75.22 ", . 250,04 461,23 817,88 8088,78 1.42 00,00 $817,88- $8088,78 Geo. B. Goodlander, Esq Treasurer of CleartleU County, In account with the different townA for School Fand, for the years 1S5S and 18ia P DEBTOR. To balance due tow'ps, last settlement. 5 13, , To amount reeejved from nnseated lands, (r Z Am'tpd tps. $279.23 237.43 127.40 78,79 37! ,73 271.38 214.83 230,03 9 472,44 .31.25 1 ; ; 51.55 x 68.32 254.91 - - 230.41 -633.11 - 89.23 8.2t . 314.93 229.20 527.92 157.02 206.06 259.88 466.76 2671,60 Karnes of tps. Beccaria, Bell, Bogjf, Bradford, Brady. Burnside, Chest, Covington. Clearfield, Decatur, Ferguson,, , Fox, Girard. - Go.hen, - Graham, . . llnston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Tenn, Pike, Union, Woodward," Balance due tps. Bal. due tpg' $363,S6 178.48 52.C5 31.01 24.14 107.16 81.01. 111.37 291. Total, $3433,92 75.72 22. 3.6J" 27,15 ' 00,00 . 470.63 4,37 266.54 1S2.75 29.11 402.81 77.27 57.77 62.76 53,06 ' ?4S3.93 $2671,6 Vim, the Qom,mi!sioner of Clearfield cont"v & Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, fcafiW exami. -j l - . 11 i . , 'fl ed the accounts of G. B. Goodlander! Een t " torerof the County of Clearfield, for the year i D. 1860, do certify that we find the account 'of Geo. B. Goodlander. as fallows: The ambnnt dae from all sotffces to be Seven thonV'and Eight hun dred and Eightyefght dollars and Ten cent (7838,10). We also find the amount of ouUtand' ing orders to be Ten thorag.tft Seven hundred and Thirtytwo dollars and Srrctr-eight cent (510732.78), or which NinethontfinJ F)e bftiW dollars are on Court House contract, the l.aiance due the Treasurer, Three hundred ad Seventr two dollars and Four cents. ($372.04). Whntu our nanus mis inn uay or January. A. D. Attest, Wm. S WILLIAM MERRELL. wm. Mccracken. BitiDLET, , SAM'L C. THOMPSOX . Clerk..' . Commi?ioneri. We, the Auditors of Clearfield county, haTirjr examined theaecountsef Geo. B. Goodlander, Etn -Treasurer of said county, for tbe yeaT A. D.' 1S5 do report that tbe aceovnts are as above rtattd! The amount due tbe Road Fnnd by tbe Treasurer is Eight hundred aad Seventeen dfifars and Eighty-eight cents, (3 17.83). The anoantot outstan ding orders is Ten thousand Sevsn hundred nd Thirty-two dollars and Seventy-eight cl, (510732 78), of which Nine thousand Five hundred oollars are on court house contract Witness our handi this 12th day of January, A. D. 1361. Attest. Ws.S. Bbadlct. CItrk. J. W. GRA1JAM. J. B. SHAW, B C.liOWMAX. AsJItors. Pni LIPSBUUG AND WATERFORDR. KOAD. A meeting of the stot-JiholJcri of tbe Phil ipsbnrg and Waterford Railroad Company will be held at the office of said company, in th Borough of Clearfield. Clearfield county. Pa . on. Monday tbe 13th day of March, A. I. ISol, be tween tbe hours of 12 and 2 o'clock. P. M , of tail day. for the purpose ol electing One Prcsidcr.t and Twelve Directors, to serve until t ie second Mon day of Jannary, 13ft2. A foil attendance is re-' quested. L. J. CRASS. SreUry. Clearfield, Jannary 21, 1361. H OS TETTER'S STOM ACIl BITTERS The. proprietors an Manufacturers of lloaittlrr's Celebrated Stonartr Bitters can appeal with perfect confidence to ph sicians and citizens generally of tbe United StateV because the article has attuned a repntation here tofore unknown. A few fact upon tbi point wiii speak more powerfully than volumes of bare asser tion or blazoning puffery. Tbe cousamptibn of Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters for tbe lit yesra mounted to over a half-million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it i ev ident that during the coming year the consump tion will reach near one million bottles. This im mense amount could never have been sold bat for the rare medicinal properties contained in the pre paration, and the sanction of tbe most prominent phyeioians in those sections of tbe country where the article is best known, who not only recummeud the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at al!: times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all c sesof stomachic derangements and tbe di$en- re sulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popu larity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in tbe way of trumpeting tbe qualities of the Bitters, but a solid egtimatioji of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself - Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a God send to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their vic tims by hundreds. To be able to state confident ly that the 'Bitters' are a certain cure fortheDji pepia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all mor bid matter from the stomach, puriies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys tem, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores ihera to a condition essential to the healthy discbarge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily ai per directions on the bottlo, and they will find it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvena ting generally. We have evidence of thousand; of aged men and women who have, experienced' the benefit of using this preparation while suffer ing from stomach derangement and general de--bility; acting under the advice of physiciani -they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits cf this article. A fe words to the- gentler sex. There are certain pe riods when their cares are so harras.stng ihat man or them sink under the trial. The relation of mo ther and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to for get her own health in the extreme anxiety forber infant. Should the period for maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. , Here, then, ii a necessity for a stimulant to recuperate tbe ener gies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibili ties. Nursing mothers generally prefer the En ters to all other invigorators that receive be dorsement of physicians, beoause it is agreeM to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength.. All those persons, to whona we nave particular ly referred above, to wit : sufferers from fever acJ ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, in digestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or df rangements of the stomach, sprnated inval ids, persons of sedentary ocoupatk, and noriinf mothers, will consult tkeir own physical welft't by giving to Hostetter'a Clbratedi Stomach li ters a trial. - . Caution. We cautren tke pblc against nj:&f any of the many imitation or counterfeits, but -- for Hostetttr's Celebrated Stmaeh Bitters, and ? that each bottle haa tke wods "Dr. J. Hustetttrr Stomach Bitterr Mown, on the side of the anil atamrtojt A.m fcY t A1 U..n.i..inff theCt nl ... 1. .r. it on t3 label. , EyPreparei ad sold by UastrtterirS" 1'ituonrg, i'a ana sola by all Urugg". g. , and dealers generally throughout the fa' States, Cauada. South America, and Germany Agents Ge.V.Rheein and C. I). Wat, a. ' ' field ; John Pattan, Curwensville ; D. Tyler. Haf ton: K." Arnold. Lathersburg. OctW ADMINISTRATORS' XOTICE.-Lei of Administration, on the Estate of Jacob i-r pery, late of Woodwaadi township, deceased , n ne Wa granted te tbe undersigned, all P'"r indebted' to said estate are required to ma diate payment, aad those baviJgctainisS y tbe same wilt present tbem duly autheBt-."111 settlement. . UEtf. W. M'CCLi- January IS, 1361 -6tp. . . Adiuinua-; TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED CV OF LAND AT PRIVATE SAlX,tet, to the mouth of tbe Mosbannon. An property; on reasonable terras. Inquire of 3 - II. BUCHER SW00PE- Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfi.eW'1