Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 30, 1861, Image 1

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    BY S. B. SOW,
YOL. 7.-N0. 22.
Good news from home, good news for mo,
Hare come across the deep bine sea.
From friends that I have left in tears,
From friends that I've not seen for years : ,
Oood news f
And since we've parted long ago,
My life has been a scene of woe
Hut now a joyful hour has come,
For I have heard good news from home :
Good news
" No father near to gnide me now;
'o mother's tear to soothe my brow ; .. ,
'o sister's voice falls on my ear ;
2o brother smiles to give me cheer :
. Good news !
But though I wander far away,
My heart is full of joy to-day.
Fur friends across the ocean's foam.
Have sent to me good news from home :
Good news !
"When shall I see that cottage door, .
Where I've spent years of joy before ;
'Twas there I knew no grief nor care,
My heart was always happy there :
... Good news !
Though I may never see it more
Nor stand upon my native shore ; .
Where e'er on earth I chance to roam;
My heart will be with those at home :
Good news !
Some years ago in the city of New Orleans,
Gastonliolt.a money-broker of reputed wealth,
aat in his private office, awaiting the presence
of his young cashier, Charles Lewis, air
Holt had told Charles that he wished to see
him at eight o'clock in the evening ; and the
clock was striking that hoar when Charles
entered the office.
"You wished to see me, Mr. Holt 7" remark
ed Charles a manly and handsome youth of
twenty-three and speaking with a coldness
that would have startled the proud broker at
any other time.
"Tike a seat sir," said Gaston Holt ; "I
have something ot great importance to say to
you." - .
It cannot be of more importance than
what I have to say to him." thought Charles,
as he sat down facing his employer, who was a
tall, hard-featured man ot over fifty years of
Gaston Holt gazed at the young man for
some time in stern silence, and was evidently
puzzled how to begin his conversation. At
length he said :
"Mr. Lewis, yon have been in my employ
nearly three months, I think?" - .
"Yon are right sir,' replied Charles.
If you were discharged, Mr. Lewis, yon
would find it very difficult to be engaged else
where." Very true, Mr. Holt; New Orleans is
crowded with applicants for all kinds of em
ployment." l'ou are also' largely indebted to me, Mr.
Lewis, for mney advanced."
I am indebted to you, Mr. Holt. I was
much indebted to others when I entered your
office ; but at your earnest solicitation I allow
ed you to assume those debts debts I Incur
red by becoming security for those whom I
thought, not only honest, but personal friends.
I am very grateful to you for your kindness."
l'ou admit that yon are very grateful?"
said Ga? ton Holt, quickly.
"Prove that gratitude, Mr. Lewis. To give
you a chance to prove it, I have desired this
interview," continued Holt.
I trust my industry and ability," began
Charles, much astonished at the sudden pale
ness that swept over Mr. Holt's dark counte
nance. "I know I know, of course," cried Mr.
Holt, springing up, and pacing the floor. But
I demand a stronger proof; I demand a sacrifice.
Young man I am informed that you are about
to marry."
Charles flushed crimson, but remained si
lent; while Mr. Holt, having worked himself
Into a passion, resumed :
"At least I know that yon and Olivia San
cini the Italian's daughter, have plighted your
"That is true, Mr. nolt. The matter is
wholly her's and mine," said Charles rising,
in his turn, and drawing himself very erect.
"I see no reason lor its introduction here.sir!"
"I will give you a reason, Charles Lewis,"
said Mr. Holt, in a slow, deep tone. "1 love
Olivia Sancini.''
"You f What !" cried Cbarles.starting back.
I was not aware that yon had ever seen her."
"1 on know it now, CbarJes Lewis! And
now I demand that yon shall immediately re
linquish, and forever, all pursuit of her band.
Come, she is only a frnitman's daughter ; and
a young man of appearance and fine prospects
can surely make a higher match, than to wed
tbe daughter of Jerome Sancini."
"I might make the same remark to Mr.
Gaston Holt," retorted Charles, with stinging
contempt, and speaking falsely; 5for Olivia
Sancini is worthy of the noblest. You de
mand too much, Mr. Holt.'. You insult me by
making such a proposal !"
"I tell you, young man, my heart is set up
on making her my wife," exclaimed Mr. Holt.
"Beware how you stand in my way ! I am a
"itter enemy, Mr. Lewis. I saved yonr repu
tation in assuming your debts: remember
"I havo not forgotten it, Mr. Holt my rep
utation as a business man, but not as an honest
"Jan. Were I to live a thousand years, I
would never place my honesty in jeopardy."
"l'ou refuse 7 Yon assume a high crest to
Mr. Lewis 1" cried Gaston Holt, bitterly,
al clenching his hand. "I will discharge
0; I will strip you and your mother of ev
'7 dollar yon have. I will crush you to the
n" with a load of debt. Young man, tbe
flotor is a slave a soul-tIave to his creditor."
"I owe you, Mr. Holt, this amount," said
paries, drawing forth a pocket-book, and
punting out upon the table a roll of bank-
iiis. "There is what I owe you! Give me
receipt in lull and take
. IlOW came von with thin tnnnov ? r-T.
. . -WMlUt, II
- -icu .ur. uoit, as lie summed up
the a-
--, ana gave the desired receipt. -
tooth na11 ,egacy left to me Dv mv mother's
cin " 1,6 remarlted, as he seenred the re
rPt. "And now, Mr. Holt, I am out of your
Graf t n1 T0,aDtari,yf out f yuf service.
Mode is not due to a man who pretends
tuerositv tn a;n .oin.t.
cried v" ,ra,t Jour name, Charles Lewjsj"
od 1Io,t" ra dangerous sneiny ;
Wr, i,my life ! henceI"rth and foreyer I am
IwJ,"? warned in time," replied Charles
Jon n J?g hU COAt OTr bl broad breast. "Had
"not desired an interview with me this
evening, I would have demanded it of you
Gaston Holt. 1 meant to place certain papers
accidently in my possession, in your hands
but since you are to be mv enemy, 1 would be
a simpleton to throw away the weapons chance
has given me."
"What do you mean, young man 7"
"I mean Gaston Holt," replied Charles
"that I bare discovered that I have been toil
ing for a ftfrger. This day I discovered it
I intended to give you the only proofs of your
guilt, that you might destroy them ; and so
having proved my gratitude lor supposed
kindness, would have ceased to be your debtor
and cashier at the same moment. I shall re
tain those proofs ; I have them in my pocket
now, I will not use them against you uuless
Shall have cause to suspect you are determined
to continue the dishonorable practice, or
unless "
"Unless what 7" said Mr. Holt, livid and
. "Unless yon presume to think of Olivia
Sancini," replied Charles, as he turned to
leave' the office.
"Take this with you !" cried Gaston Holt
springing at him, and striving to plunge a dirk
into bis.bosoin.
But Charles was strong and vigilant, ne
caught the descending hand of tbe infuriated
man, and with a powerful wrench, hurled him
upon tbe floor.
"Assassin arid forger i ran shall hear from
me to'-rriofrow," Said Charles, as the disarm
ed vilJian glared at him from the floor.
Then turning, he slowly departed.
"If he lives till daylight, I shall be ruined!'
exclaimed Gaston Holt, springing up in dia
may, and rapidly following Charles. He soon
overtook him In the street, and, as Charles
faced him, whispered :
"Be merciful, young man ! Give mo three
days to close up my affairs, and then I will
leave New Orleans forever."
ne begged so pitifully ,and seemed so heart
crushing, that Charles consented, only stipula
ting that the rascal should leave the country
"I will! I swear I will !" said Holt.
They parted Charles going toward his
home, in the upper part of the city, while
Holt hurried elsewhere in search of Jerome
Sancini, the father of Olivia. He soon found
him in his favorite drinking saloon and taking
him aside, said :
"You have work to do, Jerome."
. "Yes! What is it, senor?" asked Jerome
-a swarthy, evil-browed fellow, whom no one
would suspect to be the father of so lovely
and amiable a girl as the fair Olivia.
You are about to lose a large sum of mon
ey, my friend Jerome. I promised you a cer
tain amount in case I became the husband of
Olivia. You know Olivia is not your child 7"
"You and I know only it, senor," replied
Jerome. ,
"Why else 7 She does not suspect. She
cannot. She was so young when I stole her
from her parents in Italy, that she knows noth
ing of her origin."
"Her father is in New Orleans."
"Ah ! can he suspect 7"
"Not yet Jerome. But 1 wish her to be my
wile before the rich Italian leaves for Cuba
You sold me the secret of her birth for a good
round sum, and you shall have thrice as much
when I am her husband. Suppose you should
go to her father and tell him 7"
"Tell him!" cried Jerome. "The old man
woum uirK me on the spot, lie is a magazine
of gunpowder, that old man. He wronged
me yonder in Italy, and I've had a good long
revengeof him. Tell him! my wife might,
if she met him. for she has grown very pious
of late."
'Well there is work to be done in haste
Yon know Charles Lewis 7"
"Of course Olivia's love."
"Unless you put him out of tbe waVj I shall
never have a chance to give you any more
money, Jerome."
"So-so I I understand," said Jerome. setting
his teeth hard. "So you know, Senor Holt ?
Last night I had occasion to stop Olivia ; she
was very impertinent, you see, and Charles
Lewis saw it saw me slap her ears ; not hard ;
oh, no! and he threatened to pound me if I
ever dared to touch her again. You see he
suspects Olivia is not my child. My wife has
a tongue entirely too lone, and she esteems
that young fellow."
I have said enough, Jerome," continued
Holt, placing a roll of bills in the desperado's
hand. "If he lives three days I must leave
America, and you "
"You shall not leave, Senor. I will attend
to this little business."
After much more villainous discourse, the
pair separated, and Gaston nolt returned to
his oflice.
It was after midnight when he stole forth
into the street, muttering :
I must secure those papers; he said he
had them with him. He never lies. I know
the room in which he sleeps ; it is easy of ac
cess. He will keep those papers on his per
son, or conceal them in his room. In either
case, if Jerome does for him, the pnpers may
be found and so ruin me; and I think I had
better trust my own hand rather than Jerome's.
At all events, I will try for the papers at least
look about for I am in agonies of dread."
He hdrried on until he paused before the
modest residence of Charles Lewis.
The darkness and stillness of the hour, and
tho open window of the young man's room,
tempted him. He easily scaled the little fence
before the house, and gained a noiseless en
trance into the room. It was by no means
the first time Gaston Holt had found himself
in so dangerous a situation ; and having taken
off his shoes before he scaled tbe fence, he
began to advance step by step into the apart
ment, with which he was quite familiar from
former visits of feigned friendship. He paus
ed and listened very intently, but heard no
breathing, and knowing the position of the
desk in which Charles kept his private papers,
slowly groped bis way thither. He reached
it, when a slight noise attracted his attention
toward tbe window and as he glanced that way
he saw that some dark body had dropped into
tbe room as noiselessly as a cat. Filled with
terror, he sank to the floor and glided be
hind the bed, so that he stood between it
and the wall. The next five minutes was a
eriod of-horror to him, for he could neither
ee nor hear anything. He wondered that he
could not bear tbe breathing of tbe sleeping
Charles ; and suddenly conceiving that the
bed was vacant, he swept his hand softly over
it. The bed was vacant.
"No doubt he or some one. saw roe enter,and
is after me," tbonght he, as aa icy sweat be
gan to pour from bis face and bosom.
lie waited and listened. The suspense was
a horror. Again he heard a slight noise ; and
by its nearness, he knew tbe intruder was not
far from him.
Gaston Holt unscathed a heavy knife, acd
cautiously retreated, hoping to pass around
tbe head of the bed.and thence to the window,
whence to escape.
When he reached thtv.head of the bed, he
found it close to the wall, he could retreat no
farther!' Listening intently, he detected a
soft, gliding noise, as if a mass of clothing
was being pushed toward him by hair-breadths.
Pausing no longer, he sprang over tbe bed,
and rushed for the "window. His hand and
foot were upon the sill, when the intruder
sprang upon him, and plunged a blade at bis
tbroat, but merely wounded him in the shoulder.
Gaston Holt turned upon his unknown ene
my with a savage curse, and struck back swift
and fierce. There was a deep groan ; and
Gaston Holt bounded into the yard, leaped
over the fence not forgetting to secure his
shoes ere he fled like the wind. At the nest
corner he paused and listened, ne heard no
He is finished !" he muttered, after a few
minutes of contemplation ; and then, congrat
ulating himself that he had escaped so well,
hurried to bis home, entered unperceived by
bis servants, and went to sleep, muttering :
"If I had tbe papers now, I should be per
fectly happy. . But.I shall be summoned there
early in the morning, and will have excellent
opportunities for search. On the whole, I
think I will go there early unsummoned, and
be the first to see it."
He bad been asleep less than an hour when
his door was broken into by a squad of police,
and an officer Slapped him on the shoulder,
saying : "I arrest you for the murder of Je
rome Sancini, in the house of Charles Lewis !"
Ah! then it was Jerome!" cried Holt in
dismay, and swooned with terror.
It appeared that Charles had been detained
downtown nntil almost morning ; and when
he entered the room; he found Jerome lying
on the floor, nearly dead from a terrible gasb
on his breast.
Knowing he was dying, Jerome confessed
all, and that he had stolen there to assassinate
Charles, although he had agreed with Holt to
defer the deed till next night.
II is confession restored Olivia to the bosom
of her happy father, whence she was afterwards
taken for life by Charles Lewis.
Jerome Sancini died where he fell; and
Gaston Holt is still serving under the inexo
able decree of law, having been condemned
to bard labor.
New Lake Discovered ih Minnesota.. A
private ltter from the venerable chaplain at
Fort liipley, Rev. E. G. Gear, to C. W. Wool
eyj Esq., gives the particulars of the discovery
of a beautiful lake, hitherto entirely unknown
to white men, although only six miles distant
from the Fort, We are permitted to make
the following extracts from tbe letter: "The
first time the existence of the lake was an
nounced in the . fort, was in the early part of
the fall, or the latter part of summer, by a
man in the vicinity who goes by, the name of
Lying Jack, but nobody believed him. The
hike is from two to three miles in width, and
more than twelve miles long, and has a margin
of rare beauty, of fine sand and pebbles, and
broad enongh, from the position I occupied,
as far as tbe view extended, to accommodate
a carriage, it is surroundea witti aarR, aenso
forest of pines and other timber, with high
land opposite to the position from which I Raw
it. From that point, only a part of the lake
is seen ; for it turns around . a headland, and
glances off in another direction. It is said
that there is another lake about half the size,
below it, and connected with it by a strait ;
and that both of them discharge their water
into Long Prairie river, and thence into the
Crow Wing. The solitude and beauty of tho
scenery, and the dense dark forest that environ
it, I will leave you to imagine, for I have no
time to describe them. The indiaus call it
Big Fish Lake. It, no doubt, contains a great
abundance and variety of fish, and Lying Jack
affirms from personal knowledge, that White
Fish are among the number. Dr. Wall found
the skeleton of aMuskalonge on the shore,
that indicated the largest size of that prince
of fishes. If the United States hold together,
the Colonel intends to build a large boat in the
spring, on his own plan, and rig it with sails ;
and it will be a famous place for resort for the
inmates of the garrison, for picnics and fish
ing." St. Paul Pioneer.'
FRicirrrri. Oppression in Mississippi. The
Secessionists of South Carolina and Missis
sippi are particularly anxious to keep the world
from knowing some things that are going on in
those States, lesterday, a gentleman, for
merly a member of the Kentucky Legislature,
stated that be was just starting for Mississippi
to endeavor to.relieve his brotherin thatState.
The brother had written him that a tax was
imposed upon every slave owner in the State of
twelve dollars for each negro ; that, unless the
tax should be paid witmn a few days, the negro
property was to be confiscated to the public
use ; mat his own negro tax amounted to 51,-
500, which he had no means whatever of paying,
and that hundreds of slave proprietors were hur
rying their slaves out of the State to escape the
intolerable oppression. He moreover wrote
that this was known to be only the beginning
of a terrible system of taxation, and added the
expression of his perfect conviction that the
people would not stand it that within thirty
days they would rise up in their wrath and
their strength and crush the oppressors be
neath their feet. Louisville Journal, Jan. 7.
Expensive Patriotism. non.' Wm. Aiken,
of South Carolina, must have a lively appre
ciation of the beauties of secession. He is a
wealthv man, one of the most wealthy in the
State. All his interests are lor peace ; but he
has been compelled to contribute tbe neat sum
of $40,000 toward the cest of the revolution
in Carolina, under pain of the confiscation of
his estate, should be refuse. This system of
forced loans has been extensively carried out
in the rebel Stafe, not only by large assess
ments upon men of wealth, but by actual seiz
ure of goods and provisions, private property,
&e., for the maintenance of the troops.
When we add tp this the constant drunken
violence of the. rabble militia,. their insults to
citizens, andithe degradations. tiiese "gallant
defenders"' oonuJi, we can saTefy anticipate
a reactionary movement at an early day.
fr?"A bill forbidding the. publication in the
newspapers of fortune-telling advertisements
has been reported in our Mate Legislature.
On the 22d Jan., the Report of the Commit
tee oi mirty-three being under consideration
in me u. s. House of Representatives,
Mr. Clemens. rDemocrat.i nf Vinrinta
he thanked God that he was permitted, after a
long sickness, to take his stand upon that floor
in renovated health, at a time when his servi
ces might prove most valuable to his constit
uents. He would not now speak in passion
it would not befit the solemn and portentous
issues of the hour. We are in the midst of
great .events. It miitht be that we are in the
dying days of the Republic, and he would not
mereiore utter, even in a whisper, one word
which might tend to bring down the impend
ing avaiancne upon the quiet homes of the
people. He would, at the same time, speak as
a Southern man, identified with all the inter
ests of the South. He would speak as a West
ern Virginian, and as the custodian of those
who were not old enough to know the nerils to
which they were exposed, by those who were.
now naing on tne crest ot the popular wave,
but who were, nevertheless, destined to sink
into the very trough of the sea to a depth so
unfathomable that not a bubble would ever rise
to mark the spot where they went so ignomini-
ousiy aown. Well might those who had inau
gurated the revolution which is now stalking
over the land, cry out with uplifted hands for
peace, and deprecate the effusion of blood. It
was the inventor of the guillotine who was the
first victim, and the day was not far off when
they would find among their own people those
who would have to rely upon the magnanimity
of that population whom they. had most cruel
ly outraged and deceived. He had not tho
heart to enter into a detail of the arguments,
or to express the indignant emotions, which
rose to his lips for utterance. But before God.
and in bis inmost conscience, he believed that
Slavery would be crucified should this unhap
py controversy end m a dismemberment of tbe
Union. If not crucified, it will carry the death
rattle in its throat. It remained to be seen
whether treason could be carried out with the
same facility with which it had been plotted.
There is a holy courage among the minority of
every iatate, that might for a time be over
whelmed. Lazarus was not dead, but slept ;
and ere long the stone would be rolled away
from the month of the tomb, and they would
witness all the glories of a resurrection. It
would not be forgotten that among the clans
of Scotland beacon fires nsed to be lit by con
certed signals from crag to crag, in living vol
umes of flame, yet expiring even in its own
fierceness and sinking into ashes as the faggots
which fed them were consumed. To such a
picture as that might be likened a rebellion
sucb as political leaders sometimes excite for
a brief hour; but the. fires of rebellion burnt
out with the faggots, and all was cold and dark
again. I here was a striking contrast between
such a movement, between ucb a rebellion as
he alluded to, and the uprising of the masses
of the people in vindication of violated rights
as great a difference as there was between
Snug, tbe joiner, and Bottom, the weaver, who
'could roar you as fierce as a lion, or coo you
as gv;ntlT as a sucking dove." One was the
stage trick of a political harlequin, the other
was a living reality the one was a livid and
fitful flame, the other was a prairie on fire,
finding in every step of its progress food for
its all-ravening maw. In the preyent emergen
cy, before this political conspiracy, it might
bo that he would stand alone with his col
league (Mr.Milson.) Let it be so. He sought
no office. His political race was nearlv volun
tarily run. History would record the proceed
ings of this turbulent period, and time the
gentle but infallible arbiter of all things earth
ly would decide the truth'. Upon that be
would take his stand. We live in an age of
political paradoxes. Broad, expansive love of
country has become a diseased sentimentality.
Patriotism has bcome a starving birdling,
clinging with unfledged wings around the nest
of twigs where it was born. A statesman must
now not only narrow his mind and give up to
party what was meant for mankind, but he
must recede as submissively as a blind horse
in a bark-mill to every perverted opinion that
sits, whip in hand, on the revolving shalt, at
the end of which he is harnessed. To be a
diamond of the first water be must stand in'tbe
Senate nouse of his country, and in the face
of a forbearing people, glory like Toombs in
being a traitor and a rebel, lie must solemn
ly proclaim the death of the nation to which
he had sworn allegiance, and with the grave
stolidity of an undertaker invite its citizens to
their own funeral. He must dwarf and pro
vincialize, his patriotism to the State oft whose
local passions he thrives, to the county where
he practices at court, or to the city where he
flaunts in all the meretricious dignity of a
Doge of Venice. He can not only take an oath
to support the Constitution of the United
States, but he can enter with honor into a con
spiracy to overthrow it. He can, under the
sanctity of the same oath, advise the seizure
of forts and arsenals, dockyards and ships, and
money, belonging to the Union, whose officer
he is, and find a most loyal and convenient re
treat in State authority and State allegiance.
He was ready to laugh in their faces if they
only told him that, before the time when he
was "muling and puking in his nurse's arms,"
there lived a very obscure person named
George Washington who, before ho died, be
came eminent by perpetrating the immortal
joke of advising the people of the United
States that it was of infinite moment that they
should properly estimate the immense value of
their national Union that they should cherish
a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment
to it that they should watch its preservation
with jealous anxiety, discountenance whatever
might suggest a suspicion that it con Id in any
event be abandoned, and indignantly frown
down the first dawning attempt to alienate any
portion of the country from the rest, or to en
feeble the sacred ties which linked together its
various parts. Washington saw into the fu
ture, and discovered that disastrous period in
our history against which be warned his coun
trymen when he told them to "beware of geo
graphical parties.". Theso extreme parties
North and South have at last met. Their dif
ferences have been created and carried on by
systematic perversions of each others aims
and bjects. : In the North it bad been repre
sented that the Sonth desired and intended to
monopolize with slave labor all the public
lancU, and, to- djrlve therefrom, freelabojr; to
convert every Free State into common ground
for the recapture of colored persons as slaves
wbo were free, and to put the Federal Gov
ernment, in all its departments, under the con
trol of a slave oligarchy. These and all other
stratagems that could be resorted to to arouse
antagonistic feelings, were wielded with tuibu
lent passions. As they planted, so they reap
ed. Now that victory bad been won by the Re
publican party, ard Government must be ad
ministered upon a national policy, tbe fissures
in the ground occupied by them became
apparent, and hence there would necessarily
be a large defection in its ranks among the
more ultra of its adherents, who were as a
general thing, ideal, speculative and not prac
tical men. Out of actual power a party was
apt to be radical. Vest it. with power, and it
became conservative. This was the ordeal
through which the Republican, like all other
parties, was now passing, and he hoped for
the peace of the country, and the triumph of
practical rather than ideal policy and meas
ures. ' Herein consisted the almost insupera
ble difficulties of coming to any feasible ad
justment upon the existing discontents. Tbe
bulk of politicians, North and South, were
bound by a past record and past professions.
They were, in fact, thinking all the while
"what Mrs. Grundy would say." The people
themselves understood tbe cause of tbe diffi
culty, and if they but once interfered, the
country would bu saved. What was the diffi
culty now 7 He appealed whether It was not
that in the hands of ultras North and South
thejslareholderhai been used as a shuttledore,
who, for purposes utterly dissimilar, had been
banded from South Carolina to Massachusetts,
and from Massachusetts back again to South
Carolina, until now the last point of endu
ranc had been reached. Every violent word
uttered North had been sent South, and the
South had responded in the same spirit.
After describing the exultation of the ultra
Abolitionists over a dissolution of the Union.
Mr. Clemens gave statistics of population and
Slavery in the Border States and the Gulf
States, foi the purpose of showing, as he said,
that there was an irreversible law of popula
tion governing the question, and that the
South wanted population and capital rather
than territory. If secession were allowed to
be carried out, he would show them a South
em Confederacy from which every man would
turn back afinchted and pale, because it
would be on tbe bloody haud that his rights
of property would have to depend. Slavery
cannot expand rapid! v, either within the U-
nion or without the L nion, so long as slaves
remained at their present high prices. Tbe
only mode by which Slavery could ever ex
pand was to reduce the price, and have a new
source of supply. That was, in fact, the real
design of the coast .Slates. Mr. Clemens, in
proof of this, referred to all the Southern
Conventions of late years, and cited the admis
sions ot Messrs. Miles, Bonham, McRay, and
Crawford, in the House to show that tbe ob
ject was the reopening of tho slave-trade.
Suppose, said he, that they do not get, out of
the U nion, this equality which they now claim 7
That is a little problem in tbe rule of three
which will be ciphered out if these events are
much longer pending. Tho border Slave
States might as well be prepared first as last
for the realization of the truth. But where
was Slavery to expand 7 If the South left the
Union' she would never get as much of the
pesent territory as he could grasp in his hand.
A war of thirty years would never get it back,
nor could there ever be extorted from the
North a treaty civincr the same guarantees to
Slavery that it now had. Where was Slavery
o expand 7 Not the Central America, for
England exercised sovereignty over half of
her domain. Not to Mexico, lor England had
caused the abolition of Shivery there also.
Their retiring confederates ought not to for
get the event of 1834, when George Thomp
son, the English Abolitionist, was sent to en
lighten tbe dead conscience of the American
people. In this connection he cited a letter
from Thompson to Murrell of Tennessee, in
which was this sentence : "The dissolution
of the Union is the object to be kept steadily
in view." In the event of a Southern Con
federacy there will be, beside the African
slave-trade, other elements of discord and ag
itation. Slavery was tbe great ruling interest i
ot the extreme Mates, while the other States
had other interests which could not bo light
ly abandoned. It would be for lbe interest of
the Coast States to have free trade in manu
factured goods ; but how would that operate
on the mechanical and manufacturing indus
try of Missouri, Kentucky Virginia, Mary
land, and Delaware? There would be, there
fore, in the proposed Union, an antagonism
quite as great as there ever has been in this.
But if manufactories were to be protected and
encouragad in the border Slave States, their
white population would increase so fast that
they would be but nominally Slave States,
and would finally become Free States. He
appealed, to the North to guarantee by con
stitutional enactments the principle secured
by the decision of the Supremo Court in the
Dred Scott case. Let us feel, be said, that we
have a country to save instead of a geograph
ical section to represent. Let us act as men
and not as partisans, and the old Constitution,
now in the very trough of the sea, with bat
tered masts and sails, will weather the storm.
Mr. Lucas (Dem., III.) made some retort to
this, and there were appearances of some ang
ry feeling, which, however, did not eventuate
in anything serious.
. Mr. Martin (Dem.,Va.) during Mr. Clemens'
remarks, excitedly expressed the hope that
the member would not be allowed to continue
his traitorous remarks.
Calls for "Order" were loudly made, . and
there was much conf usion, but it soon subsided.
Georgia Commerce. The Savannah Repub
lican, of tbe 16th, says : Savannah is present
ing a busy appearance at this particular time,
at least so far as the carrying trade is con
cerned, having to do the work of both Charles
ton and herself. The arrivals of vessels ex
ceed those of almost any former period, and we
are informed that 26 were cleared at the Cus
tom House yesterday. Tbe business of the Cen
traf Railroad is also pressing upon the Com
pany, and taxing every wheel that can be put
in motion. Tbe present high price of cotton,
and the uncertainties of tbe future have induced
planters and merchants to throw every bale
into market, and convert it into cash forthwith.
A well-informed corrspondent of tbe Louis
ville Journal writes from Frankfort, Kentucky,
giving warning that there are in existence
through the State a large number of secret so-
ciotieSjWhose avowed object it is to precipitate
tne Mate into secession. Mr. Breckinridge,
tbe writer affirms, is known to be in favor of
Kentucky's seceding from the Union before
the 4tb of March next.: -
The present dissatisfaction and discontent
in the South does not arise from the fact that
the North has passed personal liberty bills, or
that the Fugitive Slave Iww is not faithfully
executed ; neither does is arise from an ap
prehension that the North proposes to inter
fere with slavery in the States where it exists.
The treasonable purposes of Sonth Carolina
are not of recent origin, fit tbe recent Con
vention of that State, leadhrg. members mads
use of tbe following language- in tbe debate
on the passage ot the ordinance f secession :
Mr. Parker "Mr. President : It appears
to me with great deference to- the opinion
that have been expressed, that tbe pnblio
mind is fully made up to the great occasion
that now awaits us. It it no spasmodic effort
that has come tuddenly upon us : but it has been
gradually culminating for a long strit of years,
until, at last, it has come to that point uhen ir
may say the matter is entirely right.
Mr. Ijtglis "Mr.President : If there is any
gentleman present who wishes to debate thin
matter, ol course, .this body will hear him ;
but, as to delay, for tbe purpose of a discus
sion, I, for one, am opposed to it. As my
friend (Mr. Parkor) has said 'Most of us her
had this matter under consideration for the last
twenty years, and, J presume, we had by this
time, arrived at a decision upon the subject.' "
Mr. Keitt Sir, we are performing a great
act, which involves not only the stirring pres
ent, but embraces the whole great future for.
ages to come. I have been engaged in this
great movement ever since I entered political life.
1 am content with what has been done to-day,
and content with what will take place to-morrow.
We have carried the body cf this Union
to Its last resting place, and now we drop the
flag over its grave. After that is done, I am
ready to adjourn and leave-the remaining cer
emonies for to-morrow.-
"Mr. Rhett. The setttssion dp South Caro
lina is not an event of a day. It irnot anything
produced by Mr. Lincoln's election, or by non
execution of the Fugitive Slave law. It ha
been a matter which has been gathering head for
thirty years. Tho election of Lincoln and
Hamlin was the last straw on the back of the
camel. But it was not the onfy one. The
back was nearly broken before. Tbe point
upon which I now differ from my friend is
this : He says he thought it expedient for us
to put this great question before the world
upon this bimple matter of wrongs on the
question of slavery, and that Question turned
upon tbe Fugitive Slave law. Now, in re
gard to the Fugitive Slave law, I myself doubt
its unconstitutionality, and 1 doubted it on
the floor of the Senate, when I was a member
of that body. Tbe States acting tn their sov
ereign capacity should be responsible for tbe
rendition ot fugitive slaves. This was our
best security.'
Such sentiments, expressing the opinions of
leading representative men in the Sxuth Caro
lina movement, ought to satisfy, it seems to
us any reasonable man of tbe motives and pur
poses of the traitors who are now doing all
they can to break up the Uniou.
Gen. Wool and JIr. Lincoln. According
to a correspondent of The Newark Merenry,
who writes from Springfield, Mr. Lincoln re
ceived a letter from Gen. Wool a few days ago,
saying to him that he (Gon. Woof? was com
mander ol the eastern division of the United
States army, and as the times were threatening,
he desired Mr. Lincoln to say what forces
he desired at the Capital on the 4th of March.
and they should be on hand. Mr. Lincoln (adds
this correspondent) said to me, "I never saw
Gen. Wool, but it was a most comforting letter
and Iwrote to him in reply : As you and Gon.
Scott are as well and better acquainted with
the nature and extent of the dangers, and the
necessary means to meet them, I take pleasure
in committing all that to your discretion,'
and so the matter rests."
During the debate on tho nomirtafion of Mr.
Holt, Mr. Crittenden is said to have taken tbe
ground that as Kentncky is now a Central
State, enjoying all the prosperity Consequent
upon the present Union and form of Govern
ment, she would never consent to its breaking
np and the formation of a Southern Confeder
acy, of which she would be a Border State,
exposed to all tbe dangers and fosses of such
a position. He took the position that the U
nion must be preserved at all hazards, either
by peaceable means or by force, and that
force used against the lawless citizens of a
Government is not coercion of a State. The
speech, being entirely unexpected, created
great sensation among the Senators.
A Warning to Eccher Platers. A young
man of Milwaukie, who is very fond of the
daughter of a "pillar," in one of the popular
churches, was taking tea at tbe house of bis
adored a few evenings ' since, and bad some
fruit-cake offered him. Being somewhat con
fused on account of his situation, as the cake
was held out, he cried out, "I pass." The
father hearing him, and having pfayed some in
his younger days, was horror struck at the
young man's infatuation of the game, and
thought be would teach him a lesson, and spoke
bluntly. "You pass, do yon 7 Then 1 order
you up, and there's the door." Tbe young
man sloped instanter. -
Jcdge Smallet. The Jtrdge Smalley, of
New York, wbo bas with true devotion to tba
Constitution, charged the Grand Jury that any
one who now sells arms or ammunition to the
South is guilty ot treason, iff not, as some sup
pose.a "Black Republican" Judge, but a Judge
of the U. S. District Court, and a Democrat.
He was chairman of the Detffocratic National
Committee from 1856 tol860 and chairman of
the Committee of Arrangeme'itfs at the Demo
cratic National Convention? which met at
Charleston in 1860.
A fellow, one evening recently, went into
store at Troy, N. Y., and requested to have
his cap filled with molasses, as it was for s
wagor; when the full cap was banded to him, he
complained that it was musty ; when the gro
cer went to smelt it, the thief dashed it in his
face rendering him blind, and then robbed the
till of six dollars.
The singular manner in which Georgia ha
seceded preserving the postal and revenue
laws, and retaining the officers of the United
States is thought to be inspired by an in
genious calculation that trade will be drawn
from Charleston to Savannah, between which
cities strong jealousy and rivalry have always