Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 19, 1860, Image 3

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Raftsman's mirnal.
i ""-2'?v-:
' CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 19, 1860.
r We hear a great deal said just now about
concessions being made to the South.' Demo
cratic journals and politician! declare tbat the
Republicans must recede, (from what, does net
dearly appear,) and that the Northern States
must repeal certain laws, or there is no hope
for a continuance of the Union. In their sub
serrient zeal for the South, those who dictate
these terms, having once turned their backs to
their own section, aeeni to forget that some
thing mar be dne from those who are engaged
in oTerturning the United States Government,
with a view of forming a Southern Confedera
cy, based solely upon Negro Slavery. When
it comes to making concessions, it is not to be
apected that they will all come from one
aide., The freemen of the North, whilst they
are ready to extend all just and constitutional
guarantees to the people of the South, should
require , the enactment and, enforcement of
such laws by the Southern States as will pro
toct our citizens when traveling through, or
transacting business in those States; the re
peal of all laws preventing, the circulation of
Northern newspapers, or any others calculated
to interfere with the rights of the citizens of
the North ; and a guarantee that full freedom
of speech and of the press shall hereafter be
allowed in all the Slaveholding States of the
Union. '- Until our Southern brethren manifest
a willingness to make these just concessions,
and show a fraternal and tolerant spirit to tho
people of the North, they cannot reasonably
expect that their demands will be received
with much favor by the latter. We believe
there are many persons in the South who feel
the necessity of "doing onto others as they
would be done by," but through fear of bring
ing upon themselves the vengeance of the ul
tra Disunionists, shrink from an expression of
their opinions. Occasionally, however, there
Is a brave man who steps forward and exhibits
the right sort of temper. lion. John 51. Botts,
of Virginia, for instance, in a speech at Rich
mond, on the 5th inst., having alluded to the
so-callod Personal Liberty Bills, said : If a
proper and judicious system be adopted, if
" reason can be substituted for bulleyism and
" threats, and persuasion for crimination and
" recrimination, there will be no great difficul-
ty in having these obnoxious laws of the
' North repealed." ' Further on in bis speech
he remarks tbat " The North has aggressed,
and so, too, has the South .'" And then again,
after suggesting that .the fugitive slave law
should be relieved by Congress of the features
so odious to the North, and making it a felony
of the highest grade to rescue or attempt to
rescue a fugitive in the custody of an officer,
he says he is opposed to any discrimination
'being made between one State and another,
' because when yon do so, you destroy the e
quality of the States, to which you are
pledged, and for which you are clamoring."
What a strong contrast there is between this
language of a honest-minded Southern man,
aud tbat of cringing doughfaces at the North,
who are ever ready to give all and ask noth
ing ! If the Northern States have Acts which
are clearly unconstitutional, they ought to re
peal them, not because the South demands it,
but In order to put themselves right. IT, how
ever, it comes to making concessions involv
ing vital, constitutional principles, and which
would amount to little less than proffering re
wards for turbulence and giving bounties for
treason, then more is asked than will ever be
granted so long as patriotism-and valor have
not been entirely extinguished among our peo
ple.; If our Southern brethren generally, and
some at . the North, too, would pursue the
course Mr. Botts has taken, and . advocate, as
he does, the " enforcing of the law, fairly and
'Impartially, and simultaneously in the North
and in the South," it would do much to
wards adjusting differences, and until such a
disposition is manifested, all talk is vain and
but illy calculated to restore peace and har
mony between the two sections. .,:,.
We Told Yod So! It is the exultant boast
of Democratic politicians that they knew if
Lincoln was elected the South would secede,
ami that Ibey told the people so ! We are
new well satisfied that they did know ! , Tbat
knowledge made them accessories before the
fact, and by encouraging, instead of denoun
cing those who threatened Disunion during
the campaign, they are' in the eyes of the law
at guilty as the principals. We believe the
plot to. break up the Union was perfected long
before the Republicans had nominated their
candidate, and that the course pursued by the
Southern ' Delegates at Charleston and after
wards at Baltimore was the initiatory step to
the present secession movement ; unless, per
haps, Cobb's policy to bankrupt the Treasury,
was directed to the same purpose. We can
readily conjecture, with .these facts fully de
veloped, bow the Democratic leaders knew
that the South would dissolve the Union !
'In an exchange we find the following.:
Sylvester Potter suspended business at Bea
ver 'Foudi, Ct., on Saturday. ' Liabilities 75
cents ; assets a dog and wheelbarrow.", "," ',' "..
To.wbtcb the Democratic editors will of
course add Jut. what wo predicted ; we
knew It-woold.come to this if the people per
flated iu voting for Lincoln."
The Chicago TW&ttae, of a late date says :
A gentleman of Chicago, directed from New
Orleans, where he has been spending a short
time for commercial purposes, tells us that we
of the North can form no adequate idea of the
blind, unreasoning passion and insensate fury
by which the people of that city and the ex
treme South are animated. They are for in
stant and unconditional dissolution of the U
nion, at any price, and at all hazards. Tbey
want no compromises, no concession, no bar
gains, no amendments cf the Constitution.
Tbey are for a Southern Confederacy noth
ing less. There is, he tells us, a conservative
class, but they are borne along with the crowd,
and dare not yet lift a voice in remonstrance
against the extreme measures upon which the
populace are bent ; nor do tbey hope that any
thing like reason will ' again rule the hour un
til some fatal act is committed which will sep
arate the Cotton States from the Union, and
prehaps plunge tho country into civil war.
Of course, in the midst of excitement like
that which reigns in New-Orleans, no North
ern man unless untrue to his principles, or un
der the protection of powerful friends, is safe.
To be suspected of Republicanism is the sig
nal of warning ; to be convicted of it is to bo
driven off. The movable police force is the
mob, under the name of vigilence committees,
and these the better class of citizens are pow
erless to restrain. There is, in fact, through
out all the Cotton States an undisguised Reign
or terror. ine M. Charles Hotel is the cen
ter of the excitement. . That house is the com
mon resort of the most violent of the fanatics,
who between their cups and their cursings a
niuse themselves with hunting up, insulting,
and driving off Northern men because they
are Northern men. When our friend left the
city; the ruffians had made a clean sweep, and
that caravansary was without a resident of
any of the Free States within its walls. They
had all been compelled to leave some to quit
the city and their business, others to look up
more decent quarters, where violence and
ruffianism are not the rule. One evening, m
the reading-room of tbat establishment, the
crowd was assembled as usual,' and as usual
the Abolitionists were the theme. Becoming
excited, one man, said to be wealthy and in
fluential, pulled out bis pocket book and said,
"Here aie $5,000, which I will subscribe to a
fund to procure the assassination of Lincoln
and Hamlin. Who'll swell the pile" In
ten minutes, or less more than $40,000 had
been offered for this infamous purpose, and
the names of the subscribers taken down.
The witness of this transaction is far from be-
lievinjr that this was mcro gasconade. Wo
are told 'father that masters of vessels and
steamboats, if suspected of Free-Soil procliv
ities, are not safe. Only a few days ago, a
captain and the clerk of a river steamer were
taken off their boat and forced, by threats of
hanging, to make their way North by the most
expeditious route. It was said they had voted
for Lincoln. Every day ship-captains are sub
jected to wanton abuse and threats of violence,
not because tbey are suspected of believing
that buying and selling men is not pure De
mocracy, and the highest evidence of Chris
tianity. New-Orleans is certainly a miniaturo
Pandemonium. . .
; Gen. Jackson's Prediction. A copy of a
private letter, written by . Gen. Jackson on
May 1st, 1833, to the Rev. A.J. Crawford,
looking to the present distracted state of af
fairs, was read by Mr. Sumner in the U. S.
Senate on the 10th inst. It is as follows :
"I have had a laborious task here, but nulli
fication is dead, and' its actors and courtiers
will only be remembered by tho people to be
execrated "for their wicked designs to sever
and destroy the only good Government on the
globe, and that prosperity and happiness we
enjoy over every other portion of the world.
Hainan's gallows ought to be the fate of all
such ambitious men who , would involve the
countiy in civil war, : and all the evils in its
train, tbat they might reign and ride on its
whirlwinds, and direct the storm.' The free
people ot the United States havo spoken and
consigned these wicked demagogues to their
proper doom. Take care of your nullifiers
you have among you. Let them meet tho in
dignant frowns of every man who loves his
country. The Tariff it is now well known was
a mere pretext. Its burthens were on your
coarse woolens by the Law of July, 1832,
coarse woolens were reduced to 5 per cent, for
tho benefit of tho South. Mr. Clay's bill takes
it up, aud closes it with woolens at 50 per
cent., reduces it gradually down to 20 per
cent., and there it is to remain, aud Mr. Cat
houn and all the nullifiers agree to the princi
ple. The cash duty and home valuation will
be equal to fifteen per cent, more, and after
the year 1842 you will pay on coarse woolens
thirty-five per cent. If this is not protection,
I cannot understand. Therefore the Tariff was
only the pretext, and disunion and a Southern
Confederacy the real object. The next pretext
will be the negro or the Slavery question."
Andeew Jackson.
Howell Cobb, on the th inst., resigned his
position as Secretary of the U. S. Treasury,
and has gone home to devote his talents to the
Disunion revolution in Georgia.. So the ef
fort ot Mr. Buchanan to preserve his Cabinet
to the end of his terra has failed. When Cobb
took hold of the Treasury, thero was a surplus
of $20,000,000 in it. Now he leaves, it ex
hanstcd, and the Nation $60,000,000 deeper in
debt than when he became Secretary. Wha
a commentary upon Democratic rule!, It is
certainly high time that a new party' with new
principles and new men, should take the reins
of government out of tho hands of those who
have brought the country to the verge of ruin
and dissolution. : -
: The arsenal at Charleston contains 70,000
stand of arms, sent there during the past
summer. They have ' been placed under the
care of the citizen soldiery, and a few day
since : when the commanding officer at - Fort
Moultrie sent for several boxes of light arms
they were taken from the men he had sent for
them, and the latter were t taken before the
Mayor and reprimanded. ,
Gen. Cass has resigned bis post as Secreta
ry of State. Ho took side with those who
were urging the President to order a larger
force to Fort Moultrie, at Charleston, which is
now guarded: by only 65 men. ; Mr. Bucban
an's obstinacy in refusing this just demand, so
disgusted the venerable Secretary that he ten
dered his resignation at once.
; It is said that evidence exists to prove that
a secret organization was formed in the South,
with the object of secession, prior to tho Mex
ican war, and that the managers looked to
Gen. Quitman to head it at the proper time,1
'President Buchanan has appointed Friday,
Jan. 4th, as a day of fasting,- humiliation and
prayer.- His course is making every day one
of ''humiliation," at least.
Dec. 10. A memorial from Thaddeus Hy
att, praying for relief for the Kansas sufferers,
was presented, in the Senate, by Mr. Sumner,
and referred to the Committee on Territories.
The homestead bill, as it came from the House,
was taken up and passed on first reading. In
the course of the debate on Mr. Powell's reso
lution, Mr. Latham said California will remain
with the Union, no matter what occurs the
Pacific railroad is the great desideratum of her
people. In the House, the question of excu
sing Mr. Hawkins, of Florida, from the Union
committee, being under consideration, Mr.
Sickles made the startling announcement that
New York city, in the event of a dissolution
of the Union, would secede, become an inde
pendent State; and open her port to free trade.
Mr. Sherman reported a bill for tho rebel of
the Treasury. " It authorizes the President to
issue treasury notes, to an amount not exceed
ing $10,000,000, and of denominations not less
than $50, bearing 6 per cent, interest. .
Dec. 11. Mr. Bigleb, having obtained the
floor in the Senate," said it was too truly appa
rent that we had fallen upon evil times. . The
whole social, political and commercial system
is seriously disordered commerce,' trade and
finance arc deranged the banks have ceased
to redeem their notes in specie, and the trea
sury of the .United States is unable to meet Its
current demands. A general gloom is spread
over the whole country. We hear 'of Legisla
tures being assembled and conventions of peo
ple being ordered to consider whether our re
lations are to be continued or not. I Ins is a
sad picture. It seems to me that it is the part
of patriotism and duty to look it fair in the
face. My own impressions at first were Tbat
the less said the better. I have changed that
impression. I believe that the times require
the public men the select men of the nation
here should come up to the great question.
For one, he was prepared to separate himself
as far as possible from past prejudices and par
ty allegiance, and consider tho condition of
the country in a spirit of devotion to its inter
ests. He heartily endorsed the position of
the Senator from Connecticut, a friend of the
President elect, who had come forward boldly
for the Constitution, the Union, the equality
of States, and justice among the citizens of the
United States. The South had received his
co-operation long and cordially for her rights.
He had zealously contended that her cause
was our cause, and whose cause to some extent
has been embraced by a million and a half of
Northern men. A war upon their feelings,
well calculated to alienate them, had been kept
up in Congress. Doctrines are held to some
extent Irconsistcnt with the . equality of the
States.' For example, the exclusion of the
owners of slaves from the Territories. But is
Disuniou a remedy ? Is that the best and
wisest of all alternatives left ? Is o more fatal
step could be taken for the State he represent
ed. Let the South ask redress if denied, let
two-thirds of the States call a convention. It
is certainly worth an effort to see this Govern
ment maintain its dignity and influence in the
world. If you want a permanent peace you
must strike at the disease. Northern men
must put down the abolition feeling, and give
the South her rights, while the South must act
just towards the North on the Tariff question.
Manufacturers and miners believed the Demo
cratic party prejudicial to their protection, and
therefore bad gone over to the Republicans.
No man is justified in saying that Pennsylva
nia will adhere to the doctrines of the Repub
lican party. But because of a party triumph,
is the country to be torn by the violence of
riots and mobs, and business to be deranged 1
lie would do all : in bis pownr to adjust these
differences; nor was he entirely despondent.
He predicted that the Republican party will
never gain another victory.
Mr. Iverson followed with an ultra Disunion
speech, which he finished out by saying, you
may tinker the Constitution, you may propose
concessions, yon may suggest legislation, yon
may present additional Constitutional guaran
tees, you may attempt by all these means to
stay the storm tbat now rages, and to prevent
the people from marching on to deliverance
and liberty ; but, Sir, tho words "too late,"
will ring out here to-day, and will be reitera
ted from mountain to valley, of all the South
to the North, sounding the death-knell of. the
After a short running debate betwecnMessrs
Iverson and Pugh, ; ' ' Vi
: Mr. Docglas, of 111., arose and said : I did
not propose to enter into this discussion at the
present time,furtherthan to remark in response
to the charge made against my section oi
the country in regard to the non-execution of
the Fugitive Slave Law. That law, like many
others, is not always enforced in all cases.
suppose there never was a statute law tbat was
not sometime violated with impunity, or not
enforced with as much' fidelity as it ought to
be. ; I suppose the" Fugitive Slave Law is en
forced with as much - fidelity as that in regard
to the African slave-trade. But,Sir, I confess
it is not enforced as faithfully as I wish it was,
or as it ought to be. While I make this dec
larationr, I am compelled to say that nine-tenths
of the complaints on that subject are unfoun
ded. Where there is sectional strife and ex
citement there seems to be a proneness on the
part of the newspaper press, in both sections,
to collect and give every fact which would In
flame the passions and prejudices of one sec
tion against the other. ' In that way, partial
and unfair statements of facts are given,which
make each section act under an apprehension
as to the other. Now, Sir, as far as Illinois Is
concerned, I am prepared to say that in nine
teen cases out of twenty where a fugitive slave
enters Illinois, he is arrested and returned
without any judicial process whatever. ' Those
portions of the State which border on the
Kentucky and Missouri lines are in harmony
with their neighbors on the other side, and s
fugitive slave is returned as regularly as a sto
len horse, bo in nineteen cases out of twen
ty where the fugitive Is returned the newspa
pers do not notice the fact, and even the rec
ordsof the court have no notice of it." In
cases where there is an arrest, as a matter ot
course, be is-returned if he turns out to bo a
fugitive, and there is no excitement.' But,
perhaps, in the twentieth case, the country
where the public sentiment is more excited,
and once iu a while a rescue is made, then the
newspapers are filled with the horrors of that
rescue. And the one case of the rescue is
paraded by the newspaper press of the whole
country, and although an exceptional case, it
is represented as evidence of the general char
acter. - I recollect one instance of that kind
occurred in my own State, and that instance I
have ' noticed in more than twenty Southern
newspapers within the last two months paraded
as evidence of our infidelity in the enforcement
of the law: And the newspapers tell us of the
rescue by the Abolitionists, but there the tale
stops.' And then the comments are made an
to how they can live together with such treat
ment. The tale, so far, is true. But it is not
all told. If tbey had wished to tell it fairly,
they should have recorded , the further fact
that' the United States Marshal appeared at
Ottawa and arrested tf.e "rescuers, and took
them to Chicago, where.in default of bail, they
were remanded to prison until the 1st of Oc
tober, when they were tried, found guilty, and
sentenced by a Republican Judge of the Uni
ted States Court to the penalties of the law.
That is the balance of the tale. . If it had been
told, it could never have been used as fuel for
this sectional excitement. These cases have
occurred frequently in our North-Western
country,and it is eeluou that a rescue is utaqe
where the penalties of tho law are not inflict-
ed upon the rescuers, v Ana inen civu suns arc
brought tonarfor the slave and not only the-
damage, but smart-money granted. . I think,
therefore, there is mile ground oi compiaim,
so far as the section oi ine .couniry in wuicu
I live is concerned ; and yet I know, tint the
Southern people are induced to believe' that
if a slave gets into tho North he is gona, for
ever. '; They are made to think so . because the
cases of actual returns are never "published,
and only the ezceptional cases of rescue come
to the knowledge of the people. I wish we
could have a list of the fugitive slaves that are
returned, and. of the number rescued, and I
venture tho assertion, that Southern gentle
men would be amazed at the udelity . wuu
which that law- has-been Executed. i I believe
if we could have a record ot the cases, they
would be ashamed to bring'npthat subject as
one of the causes to justify the .dissolution of
the Union." I have 'no apology to make for
the Personal Liberty bills. I think' them all
a violation of the' spirit of the Constitution,
and I think they ought to be repealed at once,
and think our Northern people ought to repeal
them as a duty to themselves not upon any
demand of the Southern people, but to put
ourselves in the right. The State I have the
honor to represent never passed any such law.
I wish there was no cause of complaint of any
other State. While we hear of Personal Lib
erty bills presented as cause of disunion, we
are told, and, so far as I know, the statement
is true, that in no one case have these bills
been the cause of depriving a master of tho
return of his slave. " These bills generally ex
ist in that part of the country where fugitives
never come, yet it so happens that there is the
greatest excitement on this question. Just
in proportions : as you recede from the line
which divides the Free from the Slave States,
those of us who live upon the borders can
live in peace with each other. There never
was a time when niy friend from Missouri
(Mr. Green) and mvself could not have settled
this question by referring It to two justices of
the peace on each side of the river, with pow
er to choose a third, and we agree to abide by
the award. 1 But when you go North to Ver
mont, where the scarcely ever flaw a slave,
and would not kn jw how one looked, they are
disturbed about the wrongs of the slave. " And
when you get down South to Georgia and Al
abama, where they never lose any slaves, they
are disturbed by the outrages of these bills
and then non-enforcement of the Fugitive
Slave law, just m propoition as they have
no interest in it and don't know what they are
talking about. ' Laughter in the galeries.
Now, Sir, as between Illinois and Kentucky,
we should have no difficulty in settling the
question. So, in fact, between all the border
States, who know : the evils of which they
com lain, and the proper remedy, if they
could be permitted to decide this question
I assure you the Union would last forever.
It this Union is to bo severed, it is npon the
ground that the two extremes, so far from each
other that they do not understand the evils of
the question, are acting under misapprehen
sion toward each other, and hence doing injus
tice to each other. But I will not go into a
discussion of the subject. My object in aris
ing was to sustain my friend from Ohio in his
declarations, as far as our North-Western
country is concerned, that the Fugitive Slave
law is executed with as much fidelity as most
of the laws upon the statute-books. I would
be willing to leave the question to Judge Mc
Lean, whether he ever knew a Jury who refus
ed to find a verdict, where the facts would per
mit of a verdict. Judge McLean, Republican
as he is, has executed the Fugitive Slave law
with entire fidelity, so far as I know. There
may be instances where a fugitive slave runs
awayi and is never found. There are instan
ces where horses are stolen, and we never find
them. But! am speaking of the complaints
which arise from the non-execution of the
law. BIy object is not to create Irritation, but
to soothe the excited state of feeling, in order
that we may discuss this question in proper
temper, and upon its merits. My purpose is
to meet this question fairly: , Let us ascertain
precisely the , points in dispute, and lay aside
all sectional feeling and party strife, and see if
we cannot agree on a line of policy . which
will secure equal rights, equal protection, and
equal justice, to every State, and the citizens
of every State, In this Union.
1 Despotism and Democracy. Although ev
ery body in South Carolina appears to be in
favor of Secession,' in the abstract, the bliss
of unanimity is denied to ber when she comes
to reduce her abstraction to practice. Two
parties are developingtbemselves there. One
contends for equality of rights, the other
strives after autocratical power. . One is in
favor of lodging power in the . hands of the
people, the other in favor of concentrating it
iu the hands of a Dictator or in those of a
'constitutional monarchy." On the Military
Bill, pending in the legislature, to appiopriate
$400,000 to arm the State7the two parties have
come to loggerheads. ' Ono says that the vol
unteers should elect their own officers ; the
other maintains that the officers should be ap
pointed by the Governor. The latter party
hope to elect a Governor out of their own
ranks, in which case . he" (the Governor) will
take all of them that there is room for into
his .staff. Then the autocrats will have almost
absolute power, and doubtless rule with a high
hand. ' This expluins the struggle in the legis
lature over the election : of Governor. The
autocrats have pitched upon their man and
adhere to him, tenaciously. It is a matter of
life and death with them. If they fail to elect
him, one of the grand objects of secession
will be lost. There is a strong party in all the
Southern States in favor of establishing a
monarchy, or a strong government, equivalent
to it. If secession should bo successfully ac
complished, the aristocrats - will at once lead
off with a scheme todeprivo the people of all
power and lodge it in ono of themselves. ;
' The Committee or Thirtx-Tubee. The fol
lowing Is the "Union committee" appointed
in the nouse by Speaker Pennington : J
Thomas Corwin, Ohio, Chairman ;' C F. Ad
ams, Mass.; James Humphrey, New York ; J.
H. Campbell, Pa.; O. S. Ferry, Conn.,' C. Rob
inson, R. 1.; M. W. Tappan, N. II. ; J. L. N.
Stratton, N. J.; . J. S. Morrill, Vermont ; W.
M. Dunn, Indiana ; Wm. Kellogg, III.; F. H.
Morse, Maine; Wm. A. Howard, Michigan ; C.
C. Washburn, Wisconsin j S. R. Curtis, Iowa ;
Wm. AVindora, Minnesota 16 Republicans. -
John S. Millson, Virginia; W. Winslow, N.
C; W. W. Boyce, S. C. ; P. E. Love, Geor
gia; W. G. Whiteley, Delaware : F. M. Bris
tow,!Ky.;' Miles Taylor,- Louisiana; Reuben
Davis, Miss.; G. S. Houston, Ala.; John S.
Phelps, Missouri ; Albert Rust," Ark.; Geo. S.
Hawkins, Fla.; A. J. Hamilton, Texas :' J. C.
Burch, Cal.;' L. Stout, Oreeon-15 Democrats.
. II. Winter Davis, Maryland ; T.JA. R. Nel
son, Tennessee 2 Americans. ; ' ;
It is known positively at Washington that
Gen. Scott sent an 'official communication to
the war department over a month ago, advis
Ing the re-enforcement of the Charleston forts,
but no notice was taken of it. The President
was afraid of the responsibility, and Secretary
X loya was disinclined. , .. .' t ,',':,.
' The wife of.Major Anderson, commanding
Fort Moultrie, waited on the President a tew
days aeo, and remonstrated that be had tdaced
her husband where he uiu3t be murdered or
disgraced.. - - - --'
tost? ADvisiisEMEirrs.
-Afivertisinentstt i n large type, cuts, or out of usual
styl will be charged double price for syaceoccupied.
to the mouth of the Moshannon. An eligabla
property; on reasonable terms. ! Inquire of -.
; Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfield, Pa
A P. OWENS, Proprietor.
Also Otsters, Wholesale and Retail. dec!9
STRAY STEER. Came trespassing on the
premises of the subscriber in Burnside town
ship, about the 1st of August last, a Red Steer with
white back, supposed to be three years old. " The
owner is requested to come forward, prove proper
ty, pay charges and take him away, or be will bo
sold according to law.
Dec 19, I860. ' " JOHN RORABAUGU.
CAUTION. The public are cautioned against
purchasing note given by the undersigned
on or about the middle of June list, payable six
months after date, to Eliza M'Mullin, calling for
Fifty Dollars, as no value has been received lor
the same, and will not be paid unless compelled
by due course of law., , JOHN GREGORY.
Jordan tp., Dec -18, 1860-Stp. ' '" ' :
' : : ' STAPLE a 'i
of overy description, tL :
Just received at Irvin's Corner Store,
decl9 ;.- Ccrwensville, Pa.
1 ; . 5 For salo low at retail.
And by the coil, at a small advance on oost,
i i.
At Irvin's Corner Store.'
: Selling low at "Irvin's Corner Store. ' .
N E W L O T 6 F G O O D
For sale veut low, at Irvin's Corner Store.
A quantity at the Corner Store.
SHERIFF'S SALES By virtue of sundry
writs of Venditioni Exponas, humcd out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield coun
ty, and to me directed,' the re will ' be exposed t
.public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough
of Clearfield, on MU&UAY THE 14TH DAY OF
JANUARY. 1861, the following described Real
tgtate, to wit : . ;
A certain tract of land situate in Decatur town
ship, Clearfield county, Pa., and Rubh township.
Centre co., fa., oounaed ty land late ot ti reen, now
of John Crane, lands late of David Kophart, now
of D. I. Pruner Jfc Co., lands late of Benser'a estate,
now D. I. Pruner A Co., thence from spruce, a cor
ner of this survey, south 21 deg west 150 perches
(crossing Moshannon creek) to a black oak, thenoe
south Tl deg. cast 181 per. to Service-berry, thence
north oi or ho deg. east i b perches to bpanish-oak,
thenco north (or south) Sj deg. east, 13S perches to
white oak, thence north 19 deg. east (or north 69
deg. west) 56 per. to maple, thence north 20 deg.
west 66 per. to white oak; thence north 69 deg w.
54 per. to maple, thence north 25 deg. we?t 34 per.
to cucumber, thence north 60 deg. east 50 per. to
Lin wood, thence north 35 deg. west 37 perches to
Pine, thence north 53 deg. west 72 perches (cross
ing Moshannon creek) to hemlock on line of land
now of John Crane, and being supposed to contain
400 acres, more or less, and being surveyed in the
name of Thomas Winters, which by sundry, con
veyances became legally vested in Thomas Mays,
who conveyed the same to David I. Pruner, hav
ing thereon erected nine dwelling houses, twostore
rooms, saw mill, blacksmith shop, brick yard, and
other out buildings, and 30 or 40 acres cleared
thereon. Also, all defendants interest of, in and
to all tbat certain tract of land situate in Decatur
township, Clearfield county, Pa., surveyed on war
rant granted to Joseph Harrison, containing 395
acres and allowance, and being unseated or tim
ber land. Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David I. Pruner.
Also A certain tract of land situate in Becearia
township, Clearfield county. Pa., beginning at an
old sugar corner, G ill & Bulloe, thence by residue
south 60 per. to a sugar, thence south 3 deg. east
203 per. to a post, thence by Henry Byer west 222"
per. to post, thence south 5 per. to post, thence by
, and Jacob Musser Smith west 296 and 6-10
per. to a post, thence by Jacob Musser Smith and
A. K. Wright north 56 deg. east 307 p. to a birch,
thence, north 25 deg. west 18 per to post, thence
by lands of Robert & Henry Whiteside north 73
deg. east 2S1 per, to place of beginning, contain
ing acres, more or less Also a tract situate
in Guclich tewnship, Clearfield county, Pa.; boun
ded by lands of George Beyer, George Hegarty, J.
II. Morgan, Darlington A Co., Lile McCulley, Mo
ses Robison, and John L. M'Culley, containing 320
acres, more or less, one two story frame d welling
house 23 by 36 feet, two tenant bouses, bank barn
40 by 70 feet, saw mill 25 by 50 feet with one run
of burrs attached thereto, large bearing orchard
of choice fruit, and a bout "3D acres cleared there
on. Seixed, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Abraham Beyer A Asa Beyer.
! Also Two certain tracts of land situate in Gne
lich township, Clearfield county, Pa., one begin
ning at a white pine corner of H. Hegarty, thence
by sanio north 47 deg. east 180 perches to post,
thence south 43 deg. east 112 perches to large pine,
thenco south 47 deg. west 180 perches to post, thence
north 43 deg. west 102 perches to beginning, con
taining 118 aores and 133 perches, being part of a
larsor survey in name of John Lumpblack. The
other, beginning at a white pin, tbnce by land
late the estate of J. A. Philips north 42 J. west 106
perob.es to post, theBoe east 125 1-10 porch m tu a
tipanisU oak, thence by land of Rawl Co. south
27 7-10 perches, and south 47 deg. west 73. perches
to beginning, containing 33 acres and allowance,
being same premises surveyed 17th December
183&, oa which are 80 acres cleared, with dwelling
bouse and log barn thereon erected. Seiaed,- ta
ken in execution, and to.be sold as the property of
G. P. G. fc W. K. Matteuaad A. Byes, T. T, -
'Also A certain tract of land situated in Bell
township, CloarScld county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows, vitt beginning at a white pine and corner
of land of John Patcben. thenco by said lands and
land of G. L. Reed nwtk 40 degree weat 3&5 per
ches to a pine corner, the ace by same lands north
50 deg. east 136 perches to, a augav corner thence
by same land and lands of John Patchen south 40
deg. east 365 per. to a white piae corner, thence
by lands of T, A. M'Gheo A Co., and others, south
50 deg. west 136 perches to place of beginning,
containing 291 acres 56 perches, and allowance,
warranted to Nicklin A-Grifflth. known as No. 5909.
5910. and 5913, with saw mill and small log aotts
thereon erected.' Seixed, taicen in execution, and
to be sold as the property of J.Xi. A J as. Thomas.
Also Defendant's interest in a certain tract of
land situate in Ferguson township, Clearfield co,
Pa., bounded and described as follows ; beginning
at a hemlocK corner, thence by Benj. Gibb's sur
vey south 50 dee. west 230 perches to a post, thence
south 40 deg. east 160 perches to a post and line of
Cornelius Tubb s land, and thence along line made
between them north 50 deg. east 230 perches to a
post, and thence by John lrissler survey north 40
dee. west 160 perches to place of beginninc. con
taining 316 aores, more or less, being the northwest
corner in name of Matthias Barton, with about 25
acres cleared, and log house and log barn erected
thereon.' Seized, taicen in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Silas White. . - .
Also Ihe uudivided one fourth part and in
terest of John Taggert of two certain tracts or Ii-a
containing each 433 acres 153perthM: on. ,;,,'
veyed on warrant of Ebeneier Brenhatn n V.
rant dated 16th January, 1793, and tho other ,
cju pa warrant 10 David liarton, dated l?ih !
narv. I7U.1 k;r, K. .. : ' U11J
John Taggart, with Solomon 1 oxer and nth trstV
said land situate in Chest township, Clearu m
county, Pa., the within land being woodland a ,
unimproved : no inquisition held. Seiied tik
i.ntexcution' andto 8014 the prenv?f
John Taggart 1 ' 01
Also A certain tract of land situate in Era!
township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded bv laT
of D. Bailey, McGar, Joseph Dale and others con?
taining sixty-two acres, and fifty acres cleared
with orchard. Also, a tract situate in bracfy to
Clearfield co., containing fifty-seven acre, bound
ed by lands of Joseph Dile, Philip Kriner, Good
lander, Leonard, and others, with fifty acres cl
ed, h ouse, barn and orchard thereon. Seized t
Ken in execution, and to be sold as the Dron.rt
of John P. Dalo.' " pertJ
. Also A certain tract of land situate in Lw
rence township, Clearfield connty, Pa., containing
274 acres, bounded by the Susquehanna river
Reeds. Spaceman, Mitchell, and F ullerton. with i
frame house, frame barn, saw mill, and other out
buildings thereon, with two orchards and about
seventy acres cleared thereon. Seized, taxen ia
execution, and to be sold as tho property of Phil,
lip An tes. -, ,
Also A certain tract of land situate in Borr.
township, Clearfield connty, Pi, bounded on th
north by lands of A. Stone estate, on the east bv
land of Samuel Powell, on the south by the Kno
turnpike, and on the west by lauds of Stono' Es
tate, with a small frame bouse erected thercv
Seized, taken in execution, and to be cold as tu
property.of Henry Southard A Isaac frtitbard.
Also A certain tract of laud situate in Coving,
ton township, Clearfield county, Pa . bi Minted a
follows, viz : on the north by the road leain5 from
Clearfield to Frenchville, on the south, ea,t, and
west by lands of Francis Coudriet, having the'ron
erected a planic dwelling house. Seized, taen
in execution, and to be sold as tho property of
Renaud A Tibront.
Also Defendant's interest of. in, and to a cer
tain tract of land situate in Boggs towDship. Clear
field county. Pa , bounded by lands of Kichsrd
Waple, James M. Shaw and others, containing h.)
acres, more or less,- the above described land be
in unimproved. Seized, taKcn in execution, and
to be sold as the property of John E. Sha w
Also A certain troct f land situate iu M rri
township, Clearfield county, Pa., containicg !32
cres, bounded by lands of John Brown, Iiaac Eng
land. James Krise and others, with a log house
log barn, and about 50 acres cleared. Seized, ta
aeu in execution, and to be sold as the property
of Abraham Brown. -, , .
Also By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias,
the following Real Estate, viz :
All the interest of deceased of, in, and to all
those certain premises situate in the town of
Lumber City, to wit : three certain lots of land
in said borough fronting south on the street lead
ing up and down the river, being the public roid,
bounded in the north by a 30-foot street; east by
lot now owned by Jasou Kirs ; and west by street
leading up th e hill from the bridge ; having there
on erected a large two story frame tavern house,
barn, and other out buildings, being the premie
Known as the" Davis Tavern llouso. Alo, in con
nection therewith, two lots, situate in the r ear of
property now occupied by Jos. L. Kirby, bounded
east bystreet leading up the bill from the bridge,
south by a 30-foot street, west by land of S. Moore,
and north by land of James Arthurs, having the
spring connected with tavern house thereon. Al
so, two certain other lots situate in Lu mbr Citv
aforesaid, bounded as follows : ou the south tV
public road and Main street. leading up and dow'a
the river ; on the west by lots of David and I ic
KirK ; north by 30-foot street, and east by lots of
George Williams, Known in the plan of said tow r.
as lou No. ten (10) and eleven (II.) Al.-:o, to
certain lots situate in the borough of Lumber City
aforesaid, lying in the rear of tavern house pr-ip-erty,
fronting south on 30-foot street,west on street
leading up the hill from the bridge, north by land
of Jameg Arthurs, and east by lots bought from
Worrell. Also, all those certain premises situate
in Ferguson township, Clearfield county, sow in
occupancy of Thomas Robinson, bounded cor:iier
ly by the Lumber City and Glen Hope turupis..
and adjoining lauds of Thomas B. Davis, Jainj
Arthurs, John Ferguson and others, containing
about acres, having about 15 acres of cleared
land, with log house and log barn thereon. Seiz
ed. taken in execution. and to be sold as the proper
ty of Branson Davis. administrator of the estate of
Thomas C. Davis, deceased.
' Also A certain piece of land situate in Law
rence township, Clearfield ceunty; Pa., beginning
at a post, thence by laud of Philip Antes north
151 deg. east 12 9-10 perches to public road, thence
along said road north 61 deg. west 11 penei,
Dorth 87t deg., west 5 6-10 perches to corner,
thence by lands of Jacob Hoover, sonth oue de
west 1 1 1-5 perches to white oak. thence aiour
said Hoover s land south 61 deg. east 13 5-10 per
ches to place of beginning, containing oue acra
and twenty-four perches, having thereon ei'eited
a two story frame . house. Seized, taken in exe
cution, and to be sold as the property of John M.
Adams, administrator of Joseph Lagle decease,
and George J. Lagle.
Also By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, tb
following Heal Estate, viz :
AH that certain tractor piece of land situate ia
Becearia township, Clearfield county. Pa., known
as the one fourth part of the tract called tiio
Springfield tract, bounded as follows, viz : begin
ning at a dogwood on the line of the land belong
ing to the estate of Jonathan Pusey, dceoa?3.
thence by the same north 39 deg. west 175 perclie-
to a hemlock, thence by lands belonging to Jo!.::
Cooper the three following courses, to wit : noni
51 deg. east 120 perches to a maple ; south 39 d-
east 175 perches to a pine ; south 51 deg. west l .'f
perches to the place of beginning, containing l'l"
acres and 129 perches and allowance, being pari
of same land bought by said John Cooper from.
Nathaniel Richardson and wife, together with the
hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as tho property of
Leonard Gibbon.
; One third of the purchase money mnst invaria
bly bo paid at the time the property is knocked
down, or it will be re-sold ; and the balance be
fore the deed is acknowledged.
i F. G. MILLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office. Clear Geld, Dec 17. I860.
CAUTION. The public are hereby cautioned
against purchasing or intermeddling with i
Hay Horse in the possession of Wm. W. Wiloon of
Chest township, a3th same is loft with him oa
loan and subject to our order only. -
- A. H. 1'KIKCR & ERO.
. Chest township, December 12, 186ft itp.
The Undersigned will sell at private sale hii
grist and saw mill on Little Clearfield creek H
Aew Millport, Clearfield county, Pa. The grt-t
mill oan be run by either stoam or water, or '--y
both at the same time. The machinery is all g'o u
Tho location is one of the best in the county '
saw mill is in good running order and capable
sawing 40tX feet every 12 hours. There is a!o
dwelling hou.se with the property.' For tern:;,
which wHl be Kiode-rto. np-ply to the sabscr'.bt.
residing is New Mvlrpert
. Aug. 15, 1860-3a. MARTIN 0. STIEg
JLl SHOP AHEAD '.!'.! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of inform'ns
his old customers and the public in general, t&a:
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly coupied by George W. Orr, on See,
ond street, ClearSfc. Pa., whew he will continue
to manufacture Tags. of every description. t
order, of good material and, ia a workmn1'.'1
masnea. Alsa, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grajo
cradles, Ac, made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every
kiad done with dispatch, ami reasonable terrc
Jane 29. 1859. "WILLIAM R. BROWN
The undersigned having opened a Ta!orinj f
tablishment in Shaw's Kow, in the room recent'
occupied by II. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to m'
GWtJ, Pantaloons, Vests, 4 c, for his old cosh
ers, and as many r.ew ones as may give hiai a .
after the latest and most approved styles, or i'r
anv of tha nld faobtona. if thev prefer it
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner.
and promptly fulfillinc his engagements, t
pects to secure a liberal hare of patronag
Jn. 19,l6G. WM.RADKB.UdH.