Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 05, 1860, Image 3

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Covet. The January Term of our Courts
commences on the second Monday, the 14th
day. . That will be a good time for our friend
to call and pay np
We are Indebted to our young friend Henry
C. Carter, formerly of this place, but now a
resident of Missouri, for several late papcri
printed in that State Union papers at that.
Thasksoitijso Dat was generally olwefved'
in our Borough. Divino services were held in!
the Episcopalian, Lutheran, and Presbyterian1
churches, and many of the places of business
were closed. ' ' -'., ;
Broke an Ahm. Mrs. Win. Hofganf, of thisX" 8n ed,tr- , ' -A ... .
Borough, whilst coming out of the ndnfe orr
I nit Friday morning, slipped on the steps and
fell, breaking one of her arms between the
wrist and elbow. . : ,. : :
J Fkogbess. A protracted meeting has
been in progress at the Lutheran church in
this place since last Thursday evening. , The
resident pastor has been assisted in his labors
by the Uev. Lloyd Knight of Ilollidaysburg.
Oca Kailroad. We understand that the
extensive trestle-work to connect the Tyrone
& Clearfield Kailroad with the Pennsylvania
Road at Tyrone, is being pushed rapidly for
ward. As soon as it is completed the work of
laying the track to Philipsburg will be com
menced and urged on vigorously. -
CottRECTioM. In our notice of tho opening
of tho Clearfield County Bmk last week, a
mistake was made in stating that State stock
bad been deposited for the wholearuonnt of
notes issued, less 5 per cent., &c. The re
verse is the case, the amount of notes being
b per cent, less than the amount of stock de
posited with the Auditor General. '
That "Stranoe ArrAia." If it will Jn the
feast gratify "A," tho correspondent of the
Clearfield Republican, wo have no objection to
tell him that we received from Mr. Moore him
self our information corcerntng the horse left
at his house in Karthans township. And we
will add that we can see no great ditlercnce in
he material facts as set forth in his conimuni
ration, and as stated in our Him the week pre
tious. We are not aware that there is any
flung particularly offensive in what we siid
unless "A" does not like our allusion to the
suspicion tli.il it was stolen protertv. As he
"conversed" with the stranger, and found him
la very intelligent man," and a "perfect gen
tleman," perhaps he gained some information
not known to others, which induces "A" to
look upon him so favorably. "A fellow feel
ing," it is said, "makes ns wondrous kind, in
deed," sometimes.
Legislative News. As the time is rapidly
approaching when our State Legislature meets
and At this session will be an important one.
ihose who wish; to keep themselves posted in
rrgard to the doings of that body should pro
cure a paper from the State capital, as it is
entirely out of the question for country papers
to give more of the proceedings than such
parts as have a local interest, and a mere ref
erence to matters of a general nature. There
is no paper that gives as full and correct re
port its the Uarrishurg Ttlegraph, which is,
anide from this, a spirited and ably conducted
sheet, giving early and accurate foreign and
domestic news, and iolitical intelligence. It
is published daily at $4 per annum, and is sent
twice a week during the session of tho Legis
liiture and once a week the balance of the
yvar, at the following rates : Single copy $'2 j
seven copies $12; or ten copies for $15.
Attempt to Break Jail. Between II and
12 o'clock on Monday night, the attention of
Mr. George Richards, keeper of tho jail in
this place, was attracted by an unusual noise
in that part of the prison in which John Cath
cart, under sentence of death for the murder
of his wife, and John Stodard, for breach of
ne peace, were connnea, and upon entering
found that they had forced open the iron door
of their cell with a couple of iron bars which
they had pried off the wall, and then, heating
tfce bars in the stove fire, had nearly burned
through two of the heavy oak planks with
which tbe rooms are lined. After putting out
the fire, the jailor handcuffed them and kept
a strict watch till morning, when the room was
repaired, and means adopted to prevent the
escape of the prisoners. The jail is a misera
ble concern, and it is only surprising that the
jailor can manage to keep prisoners in it at
all, without the assistance of watchmen.
A Scvere Case of Diphtheria Cubed.
Tlie St. Louis, Missouri, Republican, of tbe
.-'la Nov., relates that Felix Scully, 27 years
age, was conveyed to the City Hospital,
while suffering from a violent attack of diph
theria. The disease yielded readily to the lo-
application of a strong solution of nitrate
' ilver, mild mercurial cathartics with qui
"me and a blister to the nape of the neck.
the Uth, the man, thinkiug ho was beyond
nger, left his bed undressed and walked,
tn bare feet, on a cold nncarpeted floor, for
? "our, until lorced by bis nurse to bed. Du
int? t,lt! foIltiwing night the symptoms became
' ,f0sely aggravated, the tonsils were again
covered with a thick coating, and the breath
nS became difficult. The same treatment was
ported to and continued until the evening of
e lath, when he was fonnd to be on the verge
,'"cal'1n, and his whole appearance indi
ied that life could not be prolonged more
siui 'ew moments. Medicine had failed,
me only hope a shadowy one was to o
Cn 'ndpipe below the larynx. This Dr.
Jo did as soon as the instruments and ap
ti Cou,d be 6ot ready. In the opera
he was ably assisted by Drs. Hodgen and
tbs a??n: Wnen ne opening was made Into
windpipe, there was an immense gush of
Irin"18' Wixc,i wilh 8nrcd of the false mem
Urr chwas b,OCKingP the trachia and
th A 8l,ver tul wa t once placed in
hLtpeo,n through which tho muens and
tn i? -'jnued to escaoc, until no the. in-
? I recovery j, pUced, beyond a doubtf
. I t rn ; 1 mmm .
IS ttaArf r w . 'V.
--. uti wan in Montreal wuo neia
Jieot richt.for mibifur nauMi' -rmL nf,
. has soli out for'?W0.0U, , . "u:i y,
QNot necessarily mad a dentist, because
he shows his teeth. ? ' ,
: OThe difference a hunter bags his game ;
a coquette tacks hers.
CMotto for an antl-temperance associa
tion A littl.o more grape." " .
CS'Asserts-ia wag, that all the Secession
shriekers belong to the Derno-crazy.
KFThe democrats have not elected a single
member to the Minnesota Legislature.
' KStill 'prevails much excitement at the
Secession headquarters in this Borough.
EFTact some people think that a piano is
more necessary is a family than meat and po
tatoes. J .' ; '. ' ; :: " ." ;
OBelicves Slobkins, in humbugging peo
plo out of their dollars ; as it is neither beg
ging nor stealing. '
C7"Provoking to dream that you are worth
a million of dollars and upon waking up find
iksooia ior ?oi,uuu mo lyroire aim uuck
Haven Kailroad, at the Philadelphia Exchange
on the 28th November.
K7"Gone over an' independent Methodist
Church in Louisville, Kentucky, to the Epis
copalians, church and all. 7 X1 1 ..."
ttGives notice the Governor of Virginia,
that nine Bell and six Breckinridge electors
were chosen by that State.
. nSure remedyextravagant expenditures,
for hard times and a tight money market. If
that's so, keep the 'shiners' moving. .
r fXF"Threaten some persons in South Caro
lina, to tar and feather Mrn Breckinridge if he
comes there to make Union speeches.
K?From a town in Mississippi of only tour
hundred inhabitants, twenty-five persons were
sent to tne lunatic assy l una in one year
OKemember if you would talk much,you
should particularly endeavor to talk well : be
always speaks too much who speaks ill.
" CPDecIare a number of Southern clerks at
Washington, that they will not hold office un
der Lincoln. We should think they wouldn't
CF"South Carolina is still enrolling minute
men.- Prentice says, "Such minute men will
never effect anything unless they have sixty
seconds apiece."
D7"A Democratic paper says the kej' note of
Kepublican music isdar-kev. An exchange
retorts that the key note of 'Democratic' mu
sic is "whis-key
E7""Thinks it probable Dr. Lankaster o
England, that the cessation of the plague in
Europe may be owing to the introduction of
the potato as an article of food.
KTrcvailing diphtheria, in Steubenville
Ohio. Since the 1st of January, 1860, about
two hundred children have died, and probably
one-fourth that number of adults.
K7"A writer asks through the Farmer's De
partment of the Dollar Nexcspupcr if any one
can inform a poor man ol the best way to sla
a little nursery. Certainly get married.
EF"A romantic French chemist burned the
body ot his friend, extracted from it the iron
that was contained in the blood, and had it
made into a finger ring, which he wore iu
memory of his friend.
CT7"ADr. G. W. Graham,, of Philadelphia,
after refusing to attend a poor man unless he
was first paid $2-3 in advance, added cireless
ness and administered an overdose of nior
phinc, causing the poor man's death, a few
days since.
C7"A train of cars were thrown off the track
and precipitated into the Lehigh river, by the
breaking of a rail, on the 2!)th Nov. Mrs. Far
ron and sister of Beaver Meadow, two Misses
.Smith of Mauch Chunk, and Robert Nichols,
the conductor, were drowned
CEPThe Williamsport Daily Timet speaks of
their new Court house thus : "The dome looks
very well, but Miss Justice has the appearance
of a badly scared woman in her night drcss.and
reminds one of the pictures of a runaway slave,
sometimes seen in a Southern advertisement.
25Trobably the oldest member of the Ma
sonic order in tne united states, at least in
New England, isEbenezer Mower, a member
ol tho Morning Star Lodge ot V orcester. lie
is now over one hundred years of age, was in
mated r ebruary 18, 101, and has thus been a
Mason nearly sixty-seven years
ttProgressing the revolution in Mexico,
and is evidently approaching a erisis. AH par
ties were preparing for a change of govern
ment. Miramon's declaration of his inability
I to defend the capital created considerable ex-
r : ... 'I' i . i . i .i l t
biiciuciji. a ne luak accounts staie iuai me
Constitutionalists had captured Tacubaya and
Guadalajara. It was believed that the capital
would surrender without a struggle.
K?""Kich the idea that exists among the
Southern slaves, that the Kepublican party are
all "negroes." How did they get that idea
Not from Kepublican speakers or papers ; as
they have none there. Who, then, is respon
sible for the excitement in the South 1 What
party advocates Secession ? Is it the Repub
lican party? Will every intelligent, peacea
ble, Union-loving citizen answer these ques
tions for himself, and decide who arc the crea
tors of the present agitation.
The West Tennesssee Whis estimates the
loss suffered by the South in tho depreciation
ot Slave property, owing to the current agita
tion, principally occasioned by the Secession
ists, at $75,000,000. It says the difference in
the value of slave property, between sales
made last spring, either in Tennessee or else
where, is "certainly not less that 25 per cent.,
some say 33, some say, 50 per cent." The
Vhiz remarks that this loss is more than suffi
cient to cover the value of every fugitive slave
escaped since the organization of the govern
ment and yet the Secessionists have been
excusing their mad policy, principally by talk
ing ot the loss of slaves by night to free soil.
Europe. The City of Baltimore arrived at
New York on the 27th, with advices to the
17th Nov. The Piedmontese were still push-
ng on the siege of Gaeta with vigor. . Francis
I. has with him between 13,000 and 15,000
troops, and refuses to leave. 1 Gen. Bosco had
gone to Gaeta to take command of the Koyal
troops. Garibaldi has received the appoint
ment of General in the Sardinian army. His
farewell address to his army is published. He
urges the countrymen to be watchful, and hold
themselves in readiness for great events next
Spring, when he expects to see an Italian ar
my of 1,000,000 men. The new Italian army
to comprise il7 regiments ot infantry,
cavaln, and artillery, and 54 battalions of
Bersiglieri. . '
The drabia.vhich left Liverpool on the 17th,
andQueenstown on the 18th, arrived at Hali-
ax on Tuesday evening. The Prince of Wales
had reached England. The fleet had been de
tained by bad weather, and had only a week's
provisions left. The latest advices report bu
siness at London as nearly suspended, in con
sequence of the high rate of money. Cotton
has declined on all descriptions. There was a
rumor that the Duke of Newcastle would re-
eive the order of the Garter from her Majesty,
vacancy . havins been created by the death
of the Duke of Richmond. The Empress
Eugenie arrived in London on the 14th inst.,
and remained there two days in the strictest
incognito.' She will make a visit to Scotland,
ia fLehopo of 'repairing; her iirpaiiidlieaith. J
i. I .. J -i'-i - - I '-- - i ' " ' "
Jl Goon Ose. Bloomfield precinct, Scott
county, Illinois, is a strong Democratic place
I here are about 40 Democrats and 3 liepubli
cans. 1 be Judges in that precinct, at the
late election, were all Democrats. Two Dem
ocratic Clerks were appointed and neither of
them could write. Two more were appointed
ana they, too, were unable to write. At thi
juncture of affairs, Jim Brown, a leading Dem
ocrat, known as "Timber Jim," went shouting
through the crowd, is there a ry Kepublican
here 1" His Democratic friends desired to
know what he wanted of a Kepublican.-
"Why," said Jim, "d n it all, I want to find
some Doay that can write, so that we can go
on with this election I" Scott Co.. III., Aic
Terrible .Tragedy. The Fort Wayne
Indian, Times says thay a most terrible trag
edy ocenrred in Adams county, in that State
a few days previous. A woman about to churn
butter, threw some boiling water in the churn
into which one of the children had, unnoticed
by the mother, placed an infant, which was
instantly scalded to death. In her frenzy the
mother seized a chair and inflicted a death
blow upon the little girl. After realizing
what she had done, she threw herself into the
well, and was drowned.
The nse of Dr. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters for
Dyspepsia., Flatulence. Heaviness of the Stomach
or any other like affection, is second to none in A
mcrica or abroad. To be able to slate confident
ly that tho Bitters" are a certain cure for dya
pepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a
source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes all mor
bid matter from the stomach, purines the blood
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system
giving it that tone and energy so indispensable
lor tne restoration of bealtn. ine numerous ac
knowledgments of its superior excellence and ben
eficial results, have assured the proprietors that i
cannot but prove a great cure to the afflicted, and
impart vitality to the thorough system.' See
advertisement in another column.
At Fnsevville, on November 27th, b John
G. Cain, Esq., Mr. James II. Coooax and Miss
Naomi Alexander, both of Woodward tp.
J JL. deed Keen, caver fc to.
mJ ply of the?e invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting
of Pain Citrer; Restorati ve, a great cure for colds
and cough ; and Anti-Bilious Piusic. They have
been thoroughly tested in this community, and
are highly approved. Ikytiieu.
TVOTICE Tbe partnership heretofore exist
il ing between the subscribers trading under the
firm ot Cumniings Mahnffey, is this day dissolv
ed by mutual consent Tbe books of tbe late firm
are in the hands of Ilobort Mahaffey fur settle
mcnt. JOHN M. CUMMIN(3S.
New-Washington, Nov. 5, lS60-nH,3tp
The books of the late firm of Cummings & Ma
haffey hare been placed in the hands of William
l-eutli, .bsq., of Aew-H ashincrton, for settlement
All persons baring accounts in said books are ear
nestly requested to call at once and settle the same,
A iauure to comply witu tnis request will incur
costs. I novl4-3t) R. MAHAFFEY.
Tho undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es-
taousnmcnt in fcaws now, in tbe room recently
occupied by H. F. Naugle as sl Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, l'mttalooiix. Vests. c, for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones as may give bim a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, it tbey prefer it. Uy
doing ins work in a neat and substantial manner
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, ho ex
pects to secure a liberal share of patronage."
-Jan. IS, lil). WM. RADEBAUtJII.
Kussell McMurray
Old Customers, and others,
to his Larce and well selected Stock of
all nnb'JBirihr (Boobs,
He also continues to deal in
' Lumber of all kinds,
In any way to suit customers. The highest
market price will be paid for all
kinds of grain.
Come and see for yourselves.
New Washington, November 1, 18G0-Gm.
LARS, will Fell, Gather, or do any kind of fami
ly sewing and so simple that any lady can loam
to operate on it in naif an hour. It will make
one thousand stitches in a minute, and tor its su
periority in every respect, it took the First Pre
mium at the Maine State Fair over all other Sew
ing Machines. A large number have been sold
and are now in use in this borough (Brookville)
and vicinity, and are pronounced the simplest and
best machine ever invented superior to most ot
the high priced sewing machines.
The undersigned having purchased the Kight
from the Patentee, to sell these machines in tho
counties of Jefferson. Clearfield, Elk, and Forest
are now ready to fill orders for the same in the a
bove district. Orders for machines will be filled
in the order of their reception. Persons wishing
machines should send in their orders immediate
ly, as we have over SO machines already ordered
in advance of our supply. Township rights for sale.
Ail applications tor machines or township rights
by letter or otherwise, should be addressed to
A. 15. iH JliAIJM & tU.,
Aug.l5,lS60-tf. Brookville, Jefferson co.. Pa.
mencment of the Seventh Volume. The Pub
lishers of The Atlantic Monthly have pleasure in
announcing that the new volume, to commence
with the number for January, 1861. will contain
features of remarkable interest and attractiveness.
Among these, may be named, a New Novel, by
Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin," and "The Minister's Wooing."
A IS ew Xv orel, by Chas. Keade, author of -Chris
tie Johnstone," "Peg Wellington." etc., eto.
New btories, by Miss Harriet Prescott. author of
"The Amber Gods," and "Sir Rohan's Ghoat."
A new Romance, by the author of "Charles Au-
chester," and "Counterparts."
Also, contributions in Prose and Poetry, by Hen
ry V. Liongtellow, isatbamel Hawthorne, UUver
Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell, Ralph
Waldo Emerson, John G, Whittier, Bayard Tay
lor, Edwin P. Whipple, Henry Giles. Riohard B.
Kimball, George S. Hillard, Rose Terry, Rev. Dr.
Bellows, Mrs. Fannie Keiuble, Chariot E. Norton,
Winthrop Sargent, T. W. Higginson, J. T. Tow
bridge, and other distinguished writers.
Terms S3 per annum, or 25 cents a number.
Upon the receipt of the subscription prloo, the
publishers will mail the work to any part of tho
Jnited h tales, prepaid, subscription may begin
with either the first, or any subsequent number.
Tbe postage of the -Atlantic' is Thirty-six cents a
year, if prepaid. H'The pages of the 'Atlantio' are
sterootypeu, ana dock numbers can bosuppneu.
Clubbing Arrangements. subscribers to - pay
their own postage. Two copies for $5;. Five cop
ies for 510 f Eleven copies for 329. Address,. ' .
Nov. ' 235 W-aihieton' Street, Bofton.
amine- and reduce the lame etoek of Uress
of Administration on the estate of Francis
Jberthot, late of Frenchville, Clearfield county, Pa,
deceased, having been granted to the unJorsign
J alJ ?erson8 indebted to said e state are reques
ter io make immediate payment, and those nav
ing claims will present them duly authenticated
tur aeiueinent.""' - L.1 A A BlSTil BEKTI10T,
Oct 24, 1860.6tp. Administrators
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co
herebv ?ivps notice that their hooka, n.inin
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
nte oi james uriglcy, liegistcr and .Recorder a
weurncia., ine books are or various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very eheap rates. Very substan
nut uiuics can De bad as low as cents apiece.
uu testaments as low as b cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
society. r signed by order of the Executive Com
muree. Al.liA. McLEOD. President
JL the subscribers have started the Chair-ma
kins business at their residence in Lawrenco tn.;
i mile from Philip Antes' saw-raillon the west side
oi tne river, where they Keep constantly on hand
All descriptions of Chairs. Setters, ' Boston.
eat Chairs, from, the common Windsor up
to the veru latest stvfe of Parlor Chairs.
Tbe subscribers -having an elegant water-power
oy wnicu mey do tueir Boring, cawing, lurning,
&o., they are enabled to sell every style of chairs
at reduced prices. The public is respectfully in
vited to call and examine for themselves. AH
work warranted cither new work or repairing.
Jan. 4, 1800. WM. M CULLOUGU & SON.
3 PHI A ! Tremendous Excite mr-ut among tlis
Masses.':.' EXCITING FOOT RACE between the
Philadelphia Police and a notorious Porter and
counterfeiter. James B uchanan Cross Crosi
Recaptured !.'!.': It seems to be the general opin
ion in Clearfield, that if . Cross had worn a pair of
r rank shorts Ircnch-calf Boots, that be would
not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
pnt out at missing bis custom; but would an
nounce to all Breckinridge, Douglas, Uuculi and
Bell mm, and women and children in Clearfield,
and Sinncmahoning in particular, that be is pre
pared to furnish them with Boots, Shoes and Wai
ters ot any ptyleor pattern, stiched, sewed or peg
ged, (and as he is a snort teilow) on short notice.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange,
and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat
est manner and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Wea
ver A Co s store. FRANK SHORT.
N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29,1850.;
Drug and Variety Store.
Eastern cities, and opened at their NEW
west of Third, tho most extensive assortment of
Drugs, Varnishrs, Perfumery, Toilet articles
Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Cutlery, Miscellaneous
PainU, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy
Oils, Segars, - Blank books Articles, Ac,
ever offered to the public in this section of country.
His DruS and Chemicals, of. which ho has
on extensive assortment, have beon selected with
especial reference to their quality and freshness
Extra Loswood, chipped a srrouml : Indio, Mad-
der.Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin. Red Sanders Copal
coach-black for leatherjapan for dying, Map, Mas
tic, Vi bite Damar, V hue spirit A i lowing arnish.
Cavendish, best: Natural Leaf, Rouh a Ready,
Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the
Harem, tobacco; Rappe A Scotch snuff; EI phaeton,
HenryClay, Punch, Lachina, El monc, &c. Scgar.
Ledprcrs, Dav-books, Receipt and Note Books,
Diaries, Ladies and Office Portfolios, Blank parch
merit and paper deeds, Bouds, Mortgages, and all
local blanks; Foolscap, letter, note, business and
drawing paper, envelopes, ready reference files;
Anncar s a Arnold's writing fluid ; Ink, black, blue
a carmine,.steel pens a pen holders, paper clip?, mu
cilage, and all other articles in the stationary lino.
His stockof Oils and Paints will eonsi.st of Lin
seed Oil, Coal Oil, Tanner's Oil, Turpentine, Red
and White lead, dry and ground in oil ; Spanish
brown, Venitian red.Yellow and Stone ochre, Lain p
blrfck. Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer
ican Vermillion, Paris Green; Ultramarine and
Prussian Blue, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel
low and green. Carmine, Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt;
Drop, lake and black ; Emery, Glue : Gums, Conal.
Damar and Shellac; Indian red, Litharge, Orange
mineral, "umice ana uottcn stone; Uose pink, A-
merican and tngusu; iiosm, scarlet, (or Persian
red,) Terre de Sienna, Turkey Umber, Verdizris.
Blue and White Vitriol,' Whiting, Zinc, copperas.
Borax, Putty and Putty knives, Glass of all sizes
and qualities, Looking-glass plates, cto.s eto,, eto.
Hair brushes, American, French A English, with
Ivory, Shell. Poarl, Buffalo, Satin-wood, Rose-wood
and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush
es, Hat brushes : Teeth brushes, various qualities ;
Shaving brushes, American, English and French,
with ilussia bristles fc Uadger s hair ; llesa brush
es; uomb crushes a cleaners; Tortoise shellluck
combs, Tortoise shell, Plain and Fancy and India
rubber Long combs; shell, Bunalo, Horn and In
dia rubber puff-side combs; India rubber Dress
ing combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ; English toilet
combs with handles; Bonnet combs; Ivory and
Gutta Percha fine tooth combs ; Pocket combs, all
styles; American, .trench and German Cologne
Lavender watersr Iubin s, iaylor's, Wright s.
Mangenct a Conway's extracts for the handker
chief, and a great variety of styles; Burnett's Co
caine, 15arry s Xricopherous, Lyon s Catuairon.
Eau. Lustral. Bears, Maccassar, Antigua, Rose and
Coral Uil ; iieef marrow, romades and Philocooin.
American and French,- all styles and prices ; cold
cream, Toilet powder, Rouge balls, . Lilly White,
Puff boxes, china and paper : Smelling salts, Balm
of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav-
ng compound or all siaes: Military soap. Honey
soap, Chrystaline k Floating soaps, Ottoman, Yan
kee, Gallagher, Transparent and Castile soaps, A.
Gents' steel frame morocco and cuff portmonies,
Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoise
shell. Velvet and Morocco portmonies; Ladies'
crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads : La
dies' cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivo
ry ; velvet and papier-mache, ivory k pearl memo
randum tablets ; fine English morocco pocket wal
lets; morocco and calf pocsiet-books, with straps
and clasps ; bill books a Banker's cases, with lock
and key : eollaosion drinking cups : med ioal glas
ses, with and without drops; fishing tackle; Chap
man a Emerson's rasor strops; cigar oases; crumb
brushes ; shoe brushes, with and without bandies ;
horn brushes, all qualities ; print a varnish brush
es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; counter and
marking brushes; white-wash a scrubbing brush
es ; fancy-colored dusting brushes. Ac. Rich pearl
inlaid papier-mache toilet eases, work boxes and
writing desks; Rosewood and Mahogony writing
desks; Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid
gloves, neck-ties, collars, cravats and canes; La
dies' Kid, Taffeta silk and Kid finished gauntlets,
and Lysle thread gauntlets ; Black and Silk web
suspenders, frenoh striped gum suspenders, ' rich
embroidered suspenders, Guiots new style French
uspenders. Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored
border and oambrio handkerchiefs. Ladies' Linen
handkerchiefs in great, variety : Sun-shade tans,
circular French fans, canton feather fans of great
vanetv : fine canton nalm fans with ivory A paint
ed handles; black and mourning fans; Hair pins 1
English French, ij-o. Also, Patent .Medicines or
very variety. All or whicn win oe soia ai me
lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn
ished with Drugs, Medioines and Surgical instru
mente. at the most reasonable rates for Cash.
Physician's prescriptions carefully ccninoupaed
C trcrjidd ?' lM 20UM6C0:-- ' J ' 1
CHEESE I A large lot ef superior Cheese,
for sale by WM. k IRWIN, Clearfiold. Pa. j
to 1 REWARD w'll be paid far a State s;
X ket. which belonged to- the "Clearfield
G uards," if returned t Gen. J. II Laryi mer
g-C, PAlCUlN,
Oct 21, I860. Brigade Iwcpectcf.
(formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub
scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of bis
old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu
siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared
for their accommodation and comfort
Feb. 22. 1860-ly. ABNER M'MICHAEL
of Administration, on the estate of Jacob
Fisher, late of Woodward township, Clearfield co,
Pa,-doe'd, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and lho$e hav
ing claims will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement. JOSEPH FISCL'S,
Pet 24, 1860-6tp. . Administrator.
The undersigned having entered into partnership
in the Foundry Business, under the name and
style of Robison fc Denmark, respectfully an
nounce to the public that they have conntantly on
hand, or will inako to order, Stoves, Plows, and
all other Castings commonly used in the country,
which they will sell at the lowest rates for fash,
or exchange on the most advantageous terms for
old metal, or approved country produce.
February 1.1S60. D.J.DENMARK.
struction upon the Piano, Mulodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Terms For pupils under six years old. 5,00,
for seventy two lessons of one half hour each '.
for all pupils over 6ix years old, $ 1 0,00. for seven
ty-two lessons of one honr each; upon Piano, Me-
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
- payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the
balance at the end of the quarter. ;
-Vocal music free to alf Instrumental pupils.
Studied alone. $3.00 per term.
. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's.
Oct. 1. 18C0. E. A. P. RYNDER. Toacher.
- the people are notified of a
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
Just receiving and opening, a largo and well-
selected assortment of Fall and Winter Goody
of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ;
beautiful assortment of
of the latest and mostapproved styles ; alsoagrca
variety of useful Notions,, a large assortment of
Ready-made Clothing,' Hats and Caps
Bonnets and Shawls,
Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints,
Carpets and Oil Cloths ;
an oi wnicu win dc sold at ine lowest sash or
ready-pay prices. All arc respectfully invited to
call. Ww. F.IRWIN.
Clearfield, Pa., September 2G, 1S60.
N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country
produce taken in exchange for goods.
The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A
pril they entered into partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
the business will be conducted bv them jointly un
der the name and firm of John it J. F. Irvin.
They inform their customers and the public in
general that they have received from the East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially adapted to the wants of the community
ana win sen ine same at tne lowest cash prices.
St 1 . . r. . ...
.Aiso, a large assortment oi uoots, shoes. Hats
and Caps, of tbe latest styles and best oualitv. all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to
purchase. Call in anu examine our stock before
you purchase your goods, and we feel confident
that we can supply you with all kinds of goods.
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as vou
can procure mem ciscwnere. Hire us a trial.
May 30, 1SC0. JERRED F. IRVIN.
N. B. Persons indebted to tho old firm are re
quested to call and settle. may SO
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
At their Old Stand in Ansonville.
The subscribers havejust returned from the cast
with a large and well scleoted assortment of
consisting of a general variety of the very best
and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boot and Shoes.
j for men and boys, for winter wear.
Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
children, together with a good stock of
Bonnets and Shawls.
They have also a good assortment of Hardware,
Queehsware, Drugs, Medicines Paints, Oils,
Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, 4c, Ac., Ao. ,
They also keep always on hand a great variety of
such as are wanted in every family. The above
named articles, and everything else in their line,
will be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for ap
proved country produce. Give them a trial.
Ansonville, Pa.j October 21, 1860.
A Benevolent Institution established bv spe
cial endowment, for tbe relief of the sick and Dis
tressed, afflicted with indent and Epidemic dis
eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the
Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by
the acting Surgeon, to all who apply by lettcr.with
a description of their condition, (age, occupation,
habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme pover
ty, medioines furnished freeof charge. Valuable
reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of
the sexual organs, and on the New Remedies em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in
sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or
three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad
dress, Dr. J. Seillin Houghton, Acting Surgeon,
Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth St., Phi
adelphia, Pa. By order of tbe Directors.
r EZRA, D. tlEARTWELL, President.
Geo. Fairchild, too- Oct 21, 1860-ly.
HB. WOODS, AUoracy at Law Indiana. Pa.
t Pfo&sironal bueinck promptly attende i u.
DR. B. F. AKELY; Grahamtda; Clearfield couc.
ty, fenn'a. April 1.
DO. CROUCH, PhvsiciAs, Curwensville, Clctr
. field "county, rehh'a." May 14.
R- BRYANT, Juthersbiwrg, Pa., tenders
professional services to the public in g-n-
!- Lutbersburg, October 13, lx)J
T J. CRN. AtTorncrat La-V aiti? Real Epf.lte
Agent. CloarGol.l. Pa
Once adjoining his
May IS.
residence, e- Second etrfcef.
AVrIA,A' WALLACE, Attornev t Law,
Clearfield, Pa. Omce. one dtu.r W.rth f tt,
Poi-t Office, on Seeoa street!
Sept. I.
, District Attorney.) Wrarfield, Pa. ' Office in
Shaw s new row, Market atrcet- Mav 26,
AVAaL7E? BA"ETT' Attorney" t Law, Clr
tr field, la. Office the name tbit was formerly
occupied by Hon. G. R Barrett. w-ptiY.0
. field, Pa. Office in Graham s Row. o'ae door
east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10.
T.IRANK SHORT. Boot and Shoe maker. Shop,
: on Second street, (nearly oppoMte Reed aui
Wearer's Store,) Clearfiold, Pa. May 4, 1869.
T A. FRANK, Justice of tbe Peaco', Market et ,
-TJ- Clearfield, Pa. Business" entrusted to his
care will receive prompt attention'.' Collections
maao and money remittod Apr27'$o,
J i, v,rea,,er ln Pore'sn and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queeuswaro, Groceries: and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
TOIIN GFELICH. Manufacturer of all kind ot
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa
Jle also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO.'jJl.
JOSUUA S. J01INSON,"cabinot Maker, Market
street. Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fa
nerals with a hearse, when called on ; and make
coffins to order, on short notice. ov in
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his prcfy.,ional
services to the citizens of Morris and "adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Donnine in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1 ; 1 S5y.
AB. SHAW, Shawsville, ClearfieldTounty, Pa"
. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware!
Queensware Ac, sells cheap for Cash, or exehan
ges tor Lumber or approved country produce.
HF. NAUGLE. Watch and Clock MHkerTa"nd
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Jte. Room in
Mnwinewrow, Market street, opposite the Rafts-
unriiai omce, nearneiu, i'a. Nov.
JBM'E,ALLY, Attorney nt Law. Clearfield.
. l a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoinii
counties. Office
in new hriclf nl.lii;..n
the residence of James B. Grahani. Nov. 19.
BLA CKSMITH ING .-Sh u nk weilcr .t Orr, thank
ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a.
continuance of a share of public patronage in' their
line of business. Shop ou Third st. Nov! 10.
RICHARfTkoSSOP, Dealer "ii Foreign ondDo
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour.. Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, ou Market street, a few doors
west Of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa, Apr27.
T ARIJE11 TEIt7o7neys"at Law; Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all leal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August C. 1S56.
-L Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. Office on
31arket street, directly oppocite Richard Moasop
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar
ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13.
TOIIN RI SSF.L A CO.. Tanners and Carriers.
O I ennville, Clearfield Co, Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange Julyij-54.
JOHN IIUIDEKOPERaEngiueer and Land
tl Surveyor, offers his professional services to the
citizens of Clearfield county. All busfr.css en
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
ocutcd. He can be found at the banldng houso of
Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, 18.39.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his pfofessiVhVlrTi
ccs to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinitv.
Residence on Second street, opposite the ofiic
L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that was roc
ce of
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can
be found unless absenton professional business.
ENTAL CARD. A. M. SMITH, offers hi nm.
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
ot Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon tho
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements be is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best m'aftner.
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
TOUR TEETH !DR. A. M.' HILLS. desires to
announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all of hislime to operation's inDen-tish-y.
Those desiring his services will find him at
bis office, adjoining his residence, at nearlv all
times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un
less notified otherwise in the town papersihe week
oeiore. ah worn warranted to be satislactory.
Bills of Exchanee, Notes and DrafU Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made.nd proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
roo3 lately eccupied by W. A. WaLace, Esd.
james i.tsoSAUD. : : : : : :.; : ; n. .v. fis-net.
wk a. Wallace, r ::::::: : :! a'. cV fisset.
Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave
to intorm bis old customers and the public gene
rally that he has recently taken tbe above well
known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling community.
HIS TABLE-will' always be provriieiLwith every
luxury the markets and, suritoundiitg.country will
afford. HIS BAR will be svpplied with, the choi
cest wines and liquors. HIS SJTABLES, which
are the best and. most commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will always be in charge of
careful and attentive hostlers In.short, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all tbe comforts and conveniences the weary
traveller could desire. WMl A. MASON.
Curwensville, June 2, 1S58.
ON ins own. nooK r jcirN0 gcelich
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on "his own hook." at hi old short' on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jefwtore,'' where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared tq manufacture
to order, every description or Cabinet-Ware, that
maybe wanted in this scction'of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac Ac. He wil
also repair furniture and chairs, in rood style
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice. and aey terms- iNow ;s the time to bay at
reasonable prices, as I intend' to sell every thing
in ray line of business at the," cheapest cash rates.
Walk in and examine tbe articles on hand, and
judge for yourselves, of the quality and Cniih.
Country produce received In pavment.
April 13, 1855 - . ; yQU?? GVELICH,
N. B Coffins road to order on short notice, ana
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
prima accoppanyments. when desired. J. t.
A LARGE stock of Queensware, Earthen and
Stone Ware-tf all "kinds. Also. Cedrand
HilIowiNare at , Reed. Weaver A Co'?-
v i
I i