Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 28, 1860, Image 3

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CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 28, 1860.
Notics. The person who borrowed at this
office book entitled " Proverbs of all Nat ions,'
is requested to return it soon.
PARSED. We learn that Gov. Packer has
pardoned John Leonard, who was convicted
in the Court of Centre county, at February
term, 1858, for passing counterfeit money,
lie had been sentenced to seven and a half
ears imprisonment In the Eastern Penitentia
ry, on three indictments, and has served out
nearly three years of his time.
A Mistake. A few weeks sinco we receiv
ed a notico of the marriage of Mr. Wm. Ste
vens of Karlhans to Miss Wilhelmina Stewart
ol Snow Shoe. Wo are now informed that Mr.
Stevens is not married, but is still in a state
r single blessedness, and that there is no lady
of the name given. If we can ascertain who
acnt hs the notice we will give him the benefit
of a paragraph that others may possibly think
equally as good a joke as his.
The ScAti-EL. This 'cutting' quarterly pub
lication is again on onr table, and contains the
usual variety of interesting and instructive ar
ticles ; several of which relate to some of the
deteriorating practices and habits of the hu
man family. The 'Scalpel' is not a medical
work, but is designed for the general reader;
to instruct those who peruse its pages in all
things that relate to health, conilort, happi
ness, and the elevation of society. Terms, $1
a year in advance. Address, "Scalpel" No. 1
Yescy Street, Astor House, New York.
The WEATnEtt. "I never, in all my life, ex
perienced such weather," was the remark that
everybody made during the past half dozen
days. On last Thursday a little snow fell ; on
Friday we had rain, which continued falling
until about midnight ; then it "blew, snew and
friz on Saturday hard freezing set in and
continued over Sunday, the Susquehanna be
ing "tied up"' by the intense culd ; on Mon
day it moderated ; in the evening snow began
to fall, but soon turned Into sleet, and on yes
terday there were several inches of slush on the
pavements and streets and "such a time' as
the ferninines, and everybody else had, in get
ling along, "nobody ever did see."
Clear ri eld Cor xtt Bask. This institution
Is to go into operation this week, the notes
having been procured rom the Auditor Gen
eral, by whom they are countersigned. The
notes, in our opinion, are really beautiful.
The vignette of the V's represent a raft, with
the hand "poling it off" the bank of the
stream.. A woman and child are also seated
on tho raft, alongside of the shanty. The
vignette on the X's is a forest scene men cut
ling down trees, and a saw-mill in the dis
tance. This bank is one of the soundest in
the State, as Stato, stock has been deposited
with the Auditor General for tho whole amount
of notes that will be issued, less 5 per cent.,
as provided bylaw.
Ma. Editor : The other evening I over
"heard, unintentionally as a matter of course, a
"large and respectable meeting' taking ac
tion in regard to tho building of a new school
honse in Lawrence district, when it was unan
imously "Rttolvtd, That all school houses
nbttuld in future be built of cast iron entirely
the walls, the roof, the floor. &c, with metal
lightning rods and cast-iron cat holes so as
to be free from all danger of conflagrations or
the depredations of incendiaries." A motion
nns also carried to have the resolution pub--lithed,
and as it is a good thing, worthy the
consideration of all law-abiding citizens, and
the Secretary may neglect to send it in time,
1 have taken it upon myself to do So. . "
.Respectfully yours, Goggles.
Godet's Lady's Book. The January num
her for 161, of this great favorite with the la-
-dies, is already on our table. The number be
fore us is a splendid one. It contains three
Steel engravings a "Title plate," "J nst like
Mamma," and a magnificent double-sized col
ored Fashion plate and a large number of
fine wood engravings. Every lady should sub
scribe for Godey, as its pages are especially
devoted to her improvement in that which is
useful and instructive.. Terms, One copy one
year, $3 ; Two copies, $5 ; Three copies, $G ;
Five copies one year, and one to tho getter up
of the club, $10. Address, L. A. Godey, 323
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B. The December number has not reach
d us j will Mr. Godey please forward it ?
Centre Cocsty. A man named LewisS her
nian, who had been an object of terror and a
larm to the citizens of Stone Valley, was ar
rested on the 17th on a charge of perpetrating
some depredations on tho beegarden of a resi
dent of Pin fimrp. Wlipn th nnrfv whn nr.
rested him forced an entrance into the house.
ne could not he discovered, until his wire was
requested to remove her chair from lefore the
Are, when a piece of carpet was lifted, a trap
door discovered, and on lifting it, Sherman
'was found snugly ensconced for 'safekeep
ing." lie is now in tho Bellefonte jail. ,.
-Ihdiaxa Colstt. Two horses were stolen
irom Mr. Robert Philips of Centre township,
on the night of the 15ih Nor. .... Samuel
Shaffer, son of James Shaffer, of Rayne town
bip, aged about 13 years, fell from a foot-log
into the Big Mahoning creek on the 3d Nov.,
and was drowned A little daughter of
Samuel II. Thompson of East Mahoning waa
recently relieved of a cherry seed which she
got in her ear about 3 years ago. In blowing
horn, the seed was forced partly out; a beal
ng ensued, by which the seed was discharged.
Lascastek CocTr-The trial of Francis
v ilson and Gilmore Hull, for kidnapping a
colored man named John Brown, some months
go, took place at Lancaster last week. They
fere convictedw and sentenced to five years
"chintheptisonoftheco'nnty. '
Mirrt.tw rArw t - ti - ' ...
V, Vi vca.-o ,jce, a citizen or
D,mmn nd captain of a canal boat,
s drowned on tho 16th whilst having bis
Havre JeGthrUgh tbe ffom
CyMceta Congress, on next Monday.
DFroze over the river, on Sunday last.
DDidn't amount to much the bank scare.
rjy-Subsiding the secession howl, in this
place, i A i . .,'"''
KyTreacherons the pavements. Shouldn't
trip up ladies' heels.
Printed to order business cards, at the
Raftsman's Journal office. x
EyOn a "bust" the Bank of Commerce at
Erie. .There is little hope of it reviving.
rUArrested a man named Birch, in Phila
delphia, charged with having three wives. 'In
satiate archer, would not one suffice 7"
ffF"In a bad fix Michigan editor. Hedun
ncd a subscriber for his subscription ; he re
fused to pay and threatened to flog the editor
if ho stopped the paper.
CyLouisiana refuses to join the conspiracy
against the Union, and checks tho scheme ma
terially from the influence of her geographical
position and of her being a Cottou State.
K7"Amusing to see the "tug" argument
between a "squatter" sovereign andgthe "Pro
viso" man. Their heels wouldn't stick to the
ground, so they tried navigation lengthwise.
rj7"Noticed by the Philadelphia papets,the
death of Ilenry K. Strong, a prominent politi
cian of this State. He died suddenly on Wed
nesday last, at the age of sixty-three years.
Kyissned an address Bishop Odenheimer
of New Jersey, calling upon the churches in
his diocese, to take up collections on Thanks
giving Day for the benefit of the sufferers in
K7" Tho American and United States Express
Companies in New York have kindly offered
to forward, free of charge, to the Kansas suf
ferers, all contributions in money or clothing
iutended for their use.
CC?"Tho Worcester (Mass.) Spy says : "The
infant found on Cushman's door-step in Elling
ton, a few days since, is to be named Stephen
A.Douglas, for the reason that the little suck
er was in search of his mother.
jjrA. dwarf pear tree in the garden of Em
mor Elton, of West Chester, has borne three
crops of fruit the present season. The first
crop were of full size, tho second crop about
half size, and tho third crop the size of the
hedge pear.
rX"The Delaware Gazelle having said that
the Democratic party had made this govern
ment what it is, Prentice replies, acknowledg
ing it, and says : "If you want to know just
what it is, read the expositions of, the Corode
K7Asserted that Indian corn produces a
clear fluid, which burns without odor, without
smoke, and is inexpensive, affording a good
light, in an ordinary kerosene lamp, for half a
cent an hour. The corn oil is clear and color
less as water.
mThe majority against allowing the color
ed people the right ot suffrage in New York, is
over ono hundred and twelve thousand votes .
New York is a Republican State, and this vote
should forever stop the Iving accusation thatthe
Republicans are in favor of "negro equality."
CEP"Says Prentice, "if the people of South
Carolina want to secede, let them by all means.
Let them go to England, or Russia, or Spain,
or Cuba, or Mexico, or wherever they please.
But they can't be allowed to tako the ir territo
ry with them ; we shall want that for a better
and more loyal population."
. X7"In a most singular attitude the Cover
nor of Georgia. He closes his disunion mcs
sage by saying : "The argument is exhausted,
and we now stand on our arms." We have
heard of men standing on their heads, or on
one leg, but neve on their arms. The Gov
ernor of Georgia has our sympathy.
E7"A11 parties had a merry time of it in Ba
favia, New York, a few evenings since. The
Democracy had provided themselves with an a-
bundant outfit for "Salt River,' and, under the
general direction of the hard workers of the
partv. formed in line, and were escorted by
the Wide Awakes towards that famous bourne.
It was a very funny affair; and all parties were
exceedingly jolly.
Europe. The steamer Palestine, with one
day later European intelligence, arrived at
Portland, Nov. Zli Her latest dates are ot
the 9th inst. The King of Sardinia had en
tered Naples on the 7th inst., in company with
Garibaldi. Great festivities took place on the
occasion. - It is said that the dissolution of
the Pope's army is positive, and that be will
have only a guard of 3,000 men left to him.
The British Legion at Naples were dwindling
away on account of the disgraceful conduct
ol its members.. There was a rumor that a
treaty of peace with China had been signed at
Tcin-tsin. but it was doubted. The Prince of
Wales had not arrived, but two vessels, sup
posed to be the Hero and Ariadne, wcro seen
off Portland on the 8th inst. There was but
little inquiry for breadstufls at weak prices.
The steamer Africa, with dates via Queens
town Nov. 11, arrived atN. Y. port on tho
23d. The Prince of Wales squadron had not
yet arrived. Victor Emanuel had issued a
proclamation nccepting the sovereign author
ity of the Two Sicilies. The investiture of
Gaeta on the land side continued, and it is
said that the departure of Francis II. was im
minent. The Neapolitan army is reported to
be reduced to 20,000 men, with few officers to
command them, and negotiations have been
commenced for the evacuation of the fortress
of Gaeta. Garibaldi left Naples on the 0th
inst. for his home at the Island of Caprera.
Breadstufls steady, but quiet.
A curious fugitive slave case has just come to
light in New York city. John Thomas, a col
ored man, recently owned by a Mr. Winter of
Louisville, Ky., was sent by his master to an
agent in Evansville, Ind., by whom he was
shipped as a steward on a boat plying np and
down the Ohio, bis wages inuring to the bene-,
fit of Winter. John Thomas, tiring of his
task, betook himself to Canada, and thence
came to New York, where he engaged with
Mr. Vail, in Broadway, as porter, serving him
for some months. On Monday night, by some
unexplained means, John Thomas was taken
to the Grand Jury room in Chambers street,
by some unknown personage. He managed
to let Mr. Vail know his whereabouts, and. on
Tuesday that gentleman saw him there in the
custody of some one, who exhibited a power
of attorney from Winter to recover and return
the fugacious John Thomas. Mr. Vail on
the 20th got a writ of habeas corpus, which
Marshal Rynders the next day responded to
by producing in court tha body of a John
Thomas, colored man. This J. T., however,
was another person, who bad been in jail as a
witness in a murder case since March last.
The Judge decided that the writ was satisfied.
Meanwhile, Mr. Winter's John Thomas is pro-
bablv far on his way to Louisville. But the
fact remains that a man has been kidnapped
in the streets of, New York, confined in a
United States court-room, and carried oat of
the State without the knowledge or connivance
of United States Marshals, Deputies, Com
niissioners, District-Attorneys, or Judges.
N. B At the. latest advices, the man was in
custody, at Richmond, Va., awajtjnz the arri
val of his late master, from Kentucky.
Will the South complain of a violation ot
the fugitive slave law in this instance ?
New York The official vote stands thns
Lincoln, 361,903; Fusion, 312,920 ; Lincolns,
majority 48,977;
Maryland the official ,ote fools up:
Breckinridge, 42,511 , Bell, 41,785 ; Douglas,
5,953 ; Lincoln, 2,895.
iLLiifOts The official. vote" is as follows:
Lincoln; H2.545 ; Douglas, 160,549 : Bell, 4,
846 ; Breckinridge, 2,272.
Maine The official figures are civen thns
Lincoln, 67,393 ; Douglas, 27,269 ; Breckin
ridge, t,tuy; Bell, 1,758.
, Kentickt The, official vote foots up thus ;
isen, O4,do ; Breckinridge, 35,tiZ3 ; uougias,
24.023 ; Lincoln, 2,600.
Indiana The official vote is as follows:
Lincoln, 107,031 ; Douglas, 85,531 ; Breckin
ridge, 11,235 ; Bell, 5,003.
Garibaldi has resigned his dictatorship into
the hands of Victor Emanuel, and gone home
to his rude farm on the little inland of Capre
ra. After uniting Sicily and Naples,with their
nine millions of people, to the Italian King
dora, the liberator returns to the simplicity
of his peaceful seclusion, refusing both wealth
and titles, enriched in nothing but glory, and
the mingled admiration and affection of the
world. If history records any whero the life
of a hero more disinterested, more brave,
more faithful, ondowed with more substantial
magnanimity or a more sublime simplicity of
character, we do not know it. Italy may well
look upon him with pride and gratitude, but h
belongs to humanity even more than be be
longs to her.
The progress or the secsslon movement
meets with an obstacle in the fact that Texas
cannot call a State Convention, as her Lcgis
latnra dops not meet for fifteen months
Therefore Texas cannot go out of the Union
at present. Uov. Houston will not call an ex
tra session for the mirDOse of secession
Senator Wigfall, it is said, will retain his seat
in the United States Senate, should he re
sign, as it was reported that he would do, Gov
Houston would fill his place With a Union man
Common sense rules tne masgof the people. what
ever the misnamed and misanthrope philosophers
may say to the contrary, Show thein a good thing;
let its merits be clearly demonstrated, and they
will not hesitate to Rive it their most cordial pa
tronage. The musses have already ratified the
judgment of a physician, concerning the virtues
of llostetter's Bitters, OS may be seen by the im
mense quantities of this medicine which are annu
ally sold in every section of the land. It is now
recognized as greatly superior to all other reme
dies yet neviseu tor diseases ot tne digestive or
gans.'such as diarrhoea dysentery, (lvspcpsia- and
the various fevers that arise from derangement of
those porttons of the system, llostetter's name is
rapidly becoming a household word, from Maine
to Texas, fram tho shores of the Atlantie to the
Pacific. Try the article and be satisfied. Sold by
all druggists in the world. Seo advertisement
in another column
On Nor. 15th, 1860, by the Rev. John Mc
Auley, Dr. J. Miller Roas to Miss Mart II.
Ferguson, daughter of Hon. John Ferguson,
all of Lumber-City.
UTTER ! BUTTER ! A large quantity
or r irkin Uutter, lor sale at the store or
Nov. 21, 1860. WM. F.IRWIN.
TISSOLUTION. The partnership hereto
mJ fore existing between the undersigned, was
dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of
November, ixou. Htuttuti w.urr.
TTOTICI2. The partnership heretofore extst-
J. 1 inz between the subscribers trading under the
firm of Cummings A Mahaffey, is this day dissolv
ed by mutual consent Ibe books of the late firm
arc in the hands of Robert MahafTey for settle
ment. JOHN M. CUMMINU3. .
New-Washington, Nov. 5, 18G0-nU,3tp
The books of the late firm of Cummings A Ma
hafTey have been placed in the hands of William
Feath. Esq., of New-Washington, for settlement
All persons having accounts in said books are ear
nestly requested to call at once and settle the same.
. .M a- , 7.1 il ' . . Ml S
a lau ii re lo compir wua iuis request, win iucur
costs. fnovH-3tJ R. MAHAFFEY.
The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaw's Row, in the room recently
oecupied by II. F. Nsugle as a Jewelry Store, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, ffc, for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of the old fashions, if they prefer it. "By
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex
pects to secure a liberal share of patronage.
Jan. 18.1860. WM. RADEBAUGII.
Russell MeMurray
Old Customers, and others,
to his Largo and well selected Stock of
nil nnb Winter (Ofoobs,
He also continues to deal in
Lumber of all kinds,
In any way to suit customers. The highest
market price will be paid for ail
kinds of grain.
Come and see for yourselves.
' New Washington, November 1, 1860-6m.
1860. S or
Fall and Winter Goods,
Market St., 2 doors North of the Court House,
WHERE they are just opening an unusually
laree and well selected stock of eoods suit
ed to the wants of the community, for the Fall and
Winter Trade, which they efier in large or small
quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call and
examine lor yourselves, i neir assortment or
is very large and eamplete, embracing almost ev
ery articl bsta of fashion and service. Espeoial
attention as been paid to the selection of LA
DIES' DRifiSS GOODS, which are of every variety
and the very latest styles ; Silks, Delaines, Plaids,
C' burgs, Merinos, ' Poplins, Alpacas, Cashmeres,
1 ".Inch, Scotch asd Domestic Ginghams, Prints,
Swisses, Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain
Bobbinetts, Veil Baize, Irish Linen and Cloths,
Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Sattinets, Tweeds,
Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Dia
ler, tfleached and Unbieacned Jluslmsand Uruis,
ted, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, LJnscys,
Ac. Also', a large stock of Ladles' and Gentle
men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che
nilles, iJiacK and Lran wiota, capes or the very
latest I asn ion. sepii-j
AC1 i assortment vi .aaies , ueaus-
inen's end ehildren's Gloves and Hosiery, at
cuntn Reeo. Weaver Co a.
amine and reduce the large stock of Dress
Woods, just received at MOSSOP'S.
of Administration on the estate of F
Berthot, late of Frenchviil. ClnftrfinM ronntf. Pa
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said e state are reques
ted to make immediate payment; and those hav
ing claims will present them duly authenticated
for settlement. . .7 ELIZABETH BERTHOT,
Oct 24, 18B0-6tp. - - Administrators.
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield oo.
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of
fice of James Wriglcy, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan
tial bibles can be had as low as 25 cents apiece,
and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also in
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the
Society. Signed by order of the Executive Cdffl
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. President.
the subscribers have started the Chair-making
business at their residence in Lawrence tp.,
i mile from Philip Antes1 eaw-raill on the west side
of the river, where they keep constantly on hand
All descriptions of Chairs, Srtters.- Boston
Seat Chairs, front the romntoii Windsor up
to the very latest style of Parlor Chairs.
Tbe subscribers having an elegant water-power
by which they do their Boring, Sawing, Turning,
Ac, they are enabled to sell every style of chairs
at reduced prices. The public is respectfully in
vited to call and examine for themselves. All
work warranted either new work or repairing.
Jan. 4, I860. WM. M'CULLOUGII & SON.
PHIA ! Tremendous Excitemrut among tlie
Masses EXCITING FOOTRACE between the
Philadelphia Police and a notorious Vorger and
counterfeiter. James Buchanan Cross Cross
Recaptured !!!.'.' It scorns to be the general opin
ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of
Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he would
not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
put out at missing his custom; hut would an
nounce to all Brccluirulge, Douglas, Lincoln and
Bell mm, and women and children in Clearfield,
and Sinneruahoning in particular, that he is pre
pared to furnish them with Boots, Shoes and Gai
ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, sewed or peg
ged, (and as he is a short fellow) on short notice. ;
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange,
and cash not refused. Repairing dono in the neat
est manner and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Wea
ver t Co s store. . FRANK SHORT.
N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, I860.
Drug and Variety Store.
A A Eastern cities, and opened at their NEW
west of Third, the most extensive assortment of
Drugs, Varnishes, Perfumery, Toilet articles,
Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Cutlery, - Miscellaneous
Paints, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy
Oils, Seears, Blank books ' Articles, Ac,
ever offered to the public in this section of country.
His Drugs and Chemicals, of which he has
an extensive assortment, nave neen seiectea wiin
especial reference to their quality and freshness.
Extra Logwood, chipped a ground ; Indigo, Mad
der, Annatto, Cochineal. bol. tin, Ued .anders Uopal
coach-black for leather.Japan for dying, Map, Mas
tic, White Damar, White Spirit k Flowing Varnish.
Cavendish, best; Natural Leaf, Rough a Ready.
Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the
Harem, tobacco; Rappe k Scotch snuff; El phaeton,
HenryClay, Punch, La china, El mone, Ac.Segars.
Ledgers, Day-books, Receipt and Note Books,
Diaries, Ladies and Office Portfolios, Blank parch
ment and paper deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all
legal blanks; foolscap, letter, note, business and
drawinz paper, envelopes, ready reference files;
Annear s i. Arnold's writing fluid; Ink, black, blue
k carmine.steei pens pen noiaera. paperclips. mu
cilage, and all other articles in the stationary line.
His stock of Oils and Paints will consist of Lin
seed Oil, Coal Oil, Tanner's Oil, Turpentine, Red
and White lead, dry and gronnd in oil ; Spanish
brown,Vcnitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre. Lamp
black. Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer
ican Vermillion, Paris Green ; Ultramarine and
Prussian Blue, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel
low and green. Carmine, Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt;
Drop, lake and black; Emery, Glue ; Gums, Copal,
Damar and Shellac; Indian red, Litharge, Orange
mineral, Pumice and Rotten stone; Rose pink, A
merican and English; Rosin, Scarlet, (or Persian
red.) Terre de Sienna, Turkey Umber, Verdigris,
Blue and White Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, copperas,
Borax, Putty and Putty knives, Glass of all sizes
and qualities, Looking-glass plates, etc., etc , etc.
Hair brushes, American, French k English, with
Ivory, Shell. PearLBnffalo, Satin-wood, Rose-wood
and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush
. 1 1 . i 1 . n' u i. u .. .. i::.,. .
vs, 1111 uiuiucs icqiu urusuca, laitvuguuauuvo,
Shaving brushes, American, English and French,
with Russia bristles . Badger's hair; Flesh brush
es: Comb brushes a cleaners; Tortoise shell Tuck
combs, Tortoise shell. Plain and Fancy and India
rubber Long combs; Shell, Buffalo, Horn and In
dia rubber puff-side combs; India rubber Dress
ing combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles; English toilet
combs with handles; Bonnet combs; Ivory and
Gutta Percha fine tooth combs ; Pocket combs, all
styles; American, French and German Cologne
a Lavender waters; Lu bin's, Taylor's, Wright's,
Mangenet k Conway's extracts for the handker
chief, and a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Co
caine, Barry s Tricopherous, Lyon's Cathairon,
Eau, Lustral. Bears, Maccassar, Antigua. Rose and
Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomades and Fhilocoora,
American and French, all styles and prices : cold
cream. Toilet powder, Rouge balls, Lilly White,
Puff boxes, china and paper; Smelling salts, Balm
of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav
ing compound of all sizes ; Military soap, Honey
soap. Chrystaline k Floating soaps, Ottoman, Yan
kee, Gallagher, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac.
Gents' steel frame morocco and cuff portmonies,
Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoise
shell. Velvet and Morocco portmonies; Ladies'
crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads : La
dies' cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivo-
rv . velvet and papier-mache, ivory a pearl memo
randum tablets ; fine English morocco pocket wal
lets; morocoo and ealf pocKet-books, with straps
and clasps ; bill books k Banker's cases, with lock
and kev : nla.nsinn drinkin? CUDS : medical clas
ses, with and without drops ; fishing tackle ; Chap
man k Emerson's rasor strops ; cigar cases ; crnmb
brushes: shoe brushes, with and without handles;
horn brushes, all qualities ; print a varnish brush
es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; counter and
marking brushes; white-wash k scrubbing brush
es ; fancy-colored dusting brushes, Ac. iticn pearl
inlaid papier-mache toilet oases, work boxes and
writing desks; Rosewood and Mahogony writing
desks: Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid
gloves, neck-ties, collars, cravats and canes; La
dies' Kid, Taffeta silk and Kid finished gauntlets,
and Lysle thread gauntlets; Black and Silk web
suspenders, frenoh striped gum suspenders, ' rich
embroidered suspenders, Guiots new style French
suspenders, Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored
border and cambric handkerchiefs. Ladies' Linen
handkerchiefs in ereat variety: Sun-shade tans,
circular French fans, canton feather fans of great
variety ; fine canton palm fans with ivory paint
ed handles; black and mourning fans; Hair pins
English k French, ifO. Also, ratent Medicines oi
every variety. All of which will be sold at the
lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn
ished with Drugs, Medioines and Surgical mstru
ments, at the most reasonable rates for Cash. -
Physician's prescriptions eareruliy corapounaea
Clear field, Pa. -uno 20th, 1860. '
CHEESE ! A large lot of superior Cheese,
for sale by WM. k IRWIN, Clearfield. Ta.
& REWARD will be paid for a State inns
fiA ket. which belonged to the ' Clearfield
Guards," if returned to Gen. J. II Larri nicr.
Oct 24, 1860. Brigade Inspector.
(formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub
scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his
old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu
siness in Marietta that no pains will be spared
for their accommodation and comfort.
Feb. 22, 1860-ly. ABNER M MICIIAEL.
of Administration, on the estate of Jacob
Fisher, late of Woodward township, Clearfield co,
Pa, decd,.having been granted to the undersign
ed, all persons indebted to said estate are request
ed to make immediate payment, and those hav
ing claim will present them properly authenti
cated for settlement. JOSEPH FISCl'S,
Oct 24, 18606tp. Administrator.
The undersigned having entered into partnership
in the Foundry Business, nuder the name and
style of Robison & Denmark, respectfully an
nounce to the public that they have constantly on
hand, or will make to order, Stoves, Plows, and
all other Castings commonly nsed in the country,
which they will sell at the lowest rates for cos A,
or exchange on the most advantageous terms for
old metal, or approved country produce.
February 1,1860. D.J.DENMARK.
struction upon the Piano, Melodcon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Terms For pupils under six years old, $5.00,
for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old, ? 1 0.00. for seventy-two
lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the
balance at the end of the quarter.
Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils.
Studiei alone. 3.00 per term.
Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's.
Oct. 1, 18C0. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher.
the people arc notified of a
Fresh Arrival of Goods,
Just receiving and opening, a large and well
selected assortment of Fair and Winter Good.
of almost every description, Staplo and Fancy ; .
beautiful assortment of
of the latest and mostapproved styles ; alsoagrea
variety of useful Notions, a large assortment of
Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps
Bonnets and Shawls,
Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints,
Carpets and Oil Cloths ;
all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or
ready-pay prices. All are respeotfully invited to
call. - ' Ww. F.IRWIN.
Clearfield, Ta., September 28, 1860.
N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country
produce taken in exchange for goods.
The undersigned give notice that on tho 13th A
pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan
tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter
the business will be conducted by them jointly un
der the name and firm of John & J F. Irvin.
They inform their customers and tbe public in
genoral that they have received from the East and
opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of
specially adapted to the wants of the community,
and will sell the same' at the lowest cash prices.
Also, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats
and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all
of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates.
Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable
at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to
purchase. Call in an2 examine our stock before
you purchase your goods, and we feel confident
that we can supply you with all kinds of goods,
at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you
can procure them elsewhere. Give us a trial.
May 30, 1SG0. JERRED F. IRVIN.
N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re
quested to call and settle. may 30
Fresh. Arrival of Goods,
At their Old Stand in Ansonville.
The subscribers havejust returned from the east
with a large and well selected assortment of
G 0 O D S,
consisting of a general variety of the very best
and a large lot of Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes;
for men and boys, for wintor wear.
Also, a variety of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
children, together with a good stock of
Bonnets and Shawls.
They have also a good assortment of Hardware,
Qaeensware, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Fish, Bacon, Flour, Carpets, Ac., Ac, Ac.
They also keep always bn hand a great variety of
such as are wanted ib every family. The above
named articles, and everything else in their line,
will be sold cheap for cash, Or exchanged for ap
proved country prod ace. Give them a trial. :
tAnsonviile7Pa., October 24, I860.
A Benevolent Institution established by spe
cial endowment, for the relief of the sick and Dis
tressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic dis
eases, and especially for the cure of diseases of the
Sexual Organs. Medical, advice given gratis, by
the acting burgeon, to an wno apply by ictter.witn
a description of their condition,, (age, occupation,
habits of life, Ac.,) and in eases of extreme pover
ty, medioines furnished free of charge. Valuable
reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of
tbe sexual organs, ana on tne ivew Kemeaies em
ployed in tbe Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in
sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or
three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Ad.
dress, Dr. J. Seillin Hongbton. Acting Surgeon,
Howard Association, Noc 2 South Ninth bt., Phil
adelphia, Pa. By order efMhe Directors.
tZKA v. tttAUO.wtL.ij. rresiaeni. .
Geo.Faircbild.See. Oct 21, 1860-ly.
B. WOODS. Attornev at T.w. Tnt;n r.
. Professional business promptly attended to.
R. B. F. AKELY, Grahamton, Clearfield coun
ty, 1'enna. April 1.
O. CROUCH, Phtsiciah, Curwensville, Clear
. field connty, Penn'a. May 14.
DR. II. R. BRVANT, Luthersburg, Ta.. tenders
his professional services to the public in cn
erab. Luthersburg, October 13, 185
LJ. CHANS. Attornev at Law and Real Estate
. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office adjoining his
residence, on Second street. May 16.
'VIifJAI.A0VAU'A. Attorney at Lw,
T) l,carfie,d' p- Ofiiee, one door north of the
l ost Office, oh Second street. Sept. I .
OBERT J WALLACE. Attorney .t Law. (and
District Attorney.) Clearfield, P. Office ia
fchaw snew row, Market street. May 26.
AL7.E BAI1KTT' Attorney at Law, Clear.
field, Pa Office tbe same that was formerly
occupied by Hon. . li Barrett. s.-pti CO
RL CHER SWOONS, Attorney at IawTcW
. field. I a. Offiot in Graham's Row. one door
east of the 'Raftsman's Journal' office. Nov 10.
T7RANK SHORT. Boot and Shoe-mnker. SW
? on Second street, (nearly opposite Kced and'
w caver s Store.) Clearfield, Pa. May 4, ISi'J.
MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, MsrketTT,
. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to bis
care will receive prompt attention. Collection
made and money remitted Apr27'6.
AV1? IA,M F- RrCIearfield,
J a '.. .er ,n foreign and Domestic Mer
chand1So. Hardware, QueenSware, Groceries, and
family articlcsgenerally. Nov. 10.
JOHN U FELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds ot
?i Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Tm
lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a beprse. AprlO.'i'J.
JOSHUA S. JOIINSnN,CabiBet Maker, Market
street. Clearfield, P.1. He Will aUo attend fu
nerals with a hearse, when called on ; and make
coffins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10.
H- WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
services to the cititens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denninsr in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 11,1 8&.
AB. SHAW. FhawFville, Clearfield county, P"
. Dealer in Dry Goods; Groceries. Hardware,
yueensware, Ac, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan
ges for Lumber or apprbved cdiintry produce.
HF. NAUGLE. Watoh and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in
Mian s new row, Market street, opposite the Rafts
man s Journal office, ClcArflold, Pa. Nov. 10.
JBM'EALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining
the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
LACKSMITHIXG.-Shunkweiler A Orr.thank
ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a
continuance of a share of public patronage in their
line of business. Shop on Third st. Nov. 10.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do"
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1856.
L Attorneys at Law, Clearfield. Pa. Office on
Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossop's
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar
ed with promptness and accuracy. - Feb. 13.
JOHN RUSSEL A CO.. Tanners and Curriers.
Pcnnville. Clearfield Co , Pa. Keep consta ntl y
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at tbe lowesteafih prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchange. JuIyl5-54.
T01IN HUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land
J Surveyor, offers his professional services to the
citizens of Clearfield county. All business en
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
ecuted. Ho can be found at the banking houso of
Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, ISitf.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional seri
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
Li.J.crana, tsq. Umco, tha same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can
be found unless absenton piofessional business.
ENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers his pro
fcssional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All Operations upon tbe
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw! New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
OUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all of his time to operations inDen
tistry. Those desiring his services will find him at
his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all
times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un
less notified otherwise in the town papers the week
before. All work warranted to be satisfactory.
Bills of Exchange, Njtcs and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, oh Second street, in the
rob g lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd.
jaes t. leoxard. ::::::::: d. a. fissey.
wu a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. risNKT.
Clearfield County, Pa. The subscriber begs leave
to inform his old customers and the public gene
rally that he has recently taken tbe above well
known stand; .and that he has entirely refitted and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants of the entire travelling community.
HIS TABLE will always be provrded with every
luxury the markets and surrounding country will
afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi
cest wines and liquors. HIS STABLES, which
are the best and most commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will always be in charge of
careful and attentive hostlers. In short, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all the comforts and conveniences the weary
traveller could desire. WM. A. MASON.
Curwensville, June 2, 1858.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on ''his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
maybe wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre. Din .
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Cora
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. He wit'
also repair furniture and chairs, in good style
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice, and easy terms. Now is the time to buy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing
in my line of business at tbe cheapest cash rates.
Walk in and examine tbe articles on hand, an
judge for yourselves, of the quality aad finish. .
uouniry produce recti vu in payment.
April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELICH.
N. B Coffins'made to order on short notice, aro
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priate acoompanyments. when desired. - J. G.
LARUE stock of Queens ware. Earthen and'
Stone Ware of all kinds. Also, Cedar and
Willow Ware, at Reep, WrAvcn A Co's.
r i