:THS-iltAFT THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., OCTOBER 3, 18C0. - Great on Free Speech our Democratic friends; but they will mnizle their speakers. Esthcsiastio the 'Democrats,' on Tuesday evening. Tho demonstration on Wednesday, however, knocked the crow out of their roos ter, a little. . . - qVker, ain't it? catching "suckers and alligators" by moonlight, in Clearfield. Won der if they don't uso "Dark Lanterns" in Ve faango, for that purpose. We are indebted to Mrs. Win. Bard of Cur wensvilltf lor a basket of very large and most excellent apples. ' We tender Mrs. B. our thanks for her acceptable present. Mrs. Nathaniel Rishel, of Lawrence town ship, made us a present a few days since of a plate of honey, and Nat. a bucket of tomatoes, for all of w hich they will please accept our thanks. - .... . Lost a red tassel, the spear of a flag, and a red pepper, by some one whilst stealing peaches at James Irwin's last Tuesday night, after the Democratic meeting in Clearfield. Tbe articles are at this office, where the own er can procure them by "proving property." Pocket Book Lost aki Poind. On last Monday, Mr. Isaac Goss lost a pocket book, containing $125 in money, and several hun dred dollars in notes, and other valuable pa pers. Several hems afterwards the pocket book, with all its contents, was found by Mr. Jacob Moore, who returned it to Mr. Goss. Dangerous Sport. On last Saturday fore noon, whilst attending the parade of the Ciearfield Rifle Company at Goshen school house, a young man name'd Richard Shaflner said in sport that he would shoot Elliott Sul 'fridge. Jl accordingly put a charge of powder una a paper wad in the gun and -fired, when the wad struck Mr. Sulfridge on the lg, in flicting a severe wound. . HOW THEY THEAT THEM. Democratic love for Germans is beautifully "portrayed In the following paragraph from tbe Lexington (Mo.) Express,' & Democratic pro slavery paper, existing by tho patronage of the National Administiation. We commend 'this item to the Germans of Pennsylvania : "An ffpbolstcrer rosidingjn this city, ofthe name of Thurneck, voted the Union ticket, and openly, with many other Germans, avow- ..,1 I : . .1 ... : it . . - . uia uuicriiniiaiiun to vote ior liucoin in November. As it had been generally under stood that the German population of Lexing ton were all Democrats, the indignation of the party was at once roused agaiiibtjthis man; an attempt was made to chastise him for pre suming to exercise the rights of a freeman. The individual who undertook the task found that task a more difficult one than he had anticipated, and came off second best in tbe rencontre. A few nights after an attempt was made to burn him and his wife and children, by setting fire to the combustible materials, such as shucks, straw, alcohol, etc., stored in his collar. Those attempts proving ineffectu al to drive .him off, inflammatory handbills were printed and circulated in this county and Jackson, calling on tho people to assem ble in Lexington, declaring "the peace of the community in imminent peril." This is the way the Democrats use the Ger mans if they dare to bo for liberty and justice. This account, be it remembered, is not frani a Republican paper, but from one of their one organs. The account given by Mr. Thur , neck himself shows a more infamous proceed ing on the part of the mob than is given even here. From this same town the Democrats aho lately drove a German who was going to start a Republicaa paper., Last Wednesday, one ot the largest political meetings ever convened in llarnsburg was held by the friends of the Republican can didates. Over 2-3,000 were assembled. Judge Dock, an old and constant Democrat, and an uncle ot U. S. Senator Bigler, acted as Pres ident. He said the choice for the Presidency as now narrowua down to the election of Abraham Lincoln by the people, or the haz ard of an election in the House or Senate, and he could not hesitate any longer to sup port Lincoln; Hon. Frank Blair made a most eloquent and telling speech. At the same time Brant's large hall was crowded with Ger mans, where Carl Shuns spoke for nearly two hours. C. A. Snyder, Esq.. presided and sev eral prominent democrats were officers. There was a very large torch light procession of N'ide-Awakes on horseback and on foot. From the present indications old Dauphin will give Curt in from 1,500 to 2,000 majority. Garabaldi washes his own shirts when oc casion requires. After the battle of Melaz 7.0, finding his shirt dirty and soiled from his personal struggles, he took it oft, washed it in the brook hard by, and hung it up on the bush es, ate his lunch of bread, fruit and water, smoked his cigar bare-backed, and, wrapt in thought, sat apparently contemplating the drying of his garment ; thus in the field of dan ger or bivonac, sharing the hardships with tho humblest of his followers. Directly his shirt was dry, he went on board tho Tukeri, former ly Vcloce, lying in the bay on tho western side of the peninsula, and personally directed heT fire on the fortress and retiring masses. Bi.ooDTniRSTi.vEss of SiAVEBY. We have often spoken of the tyranny of slavery. In the following statement it will be seen that innocent "blood 3s to ha spattered over its dark mantle: The St. Louis Mo. Express says, H. A. Marsh, formerly of that city, has been sentenced to be hnng at Camden, Arkansas, ti i rc"iann8 ' Aw York Tribune, which in -that region is considered an incendiary publi cation. The citizens of St. Louis, at the in stance of tfce wife of the wretched man, got up a strong petition in his favor. What would -Mr. i aney, who is now on his way North, say, t JfiOU,d besot,'ea,ed forhi treasonable .ploMings against the Union 7 b,t,ClvB DCLA V" NGROEs.-The Al bany, N. 1., Evening Jm-nai ...... ... gentleman who was atthe Douglas reception 2 l?t one If the v orm, on that occasion, IZir at they behwed quite as attnV;. Kea " wen' and receed as much .u, aa any otner Club on the ground." John Falk, of Guyan, Ohio, was one nizht foMho8t? a7rrcd Was in th0 d- The "arch tfcsna j00 revca,cdth presence of a rat. Jo !na:?' mrmg three feet in lemrth. It ""patched without damage. . : j POSTER'S PLATFORMS. Ilenry D. Foster has beconio very obstinntc in regard to his platforms. lie will neither declare himself in favor of Douglas or Breck jnridge, nor wui ue recognise any organiza tion but that which clings to tho fortunes of James Buchanan. This fact is claimed by the Breckinridge men as an endorsement Of 'their" candidate. The convention which nominated Foster also endorsed a , platform, and it is dn that which he now stands. We append a res olution : "Resolved, that we regard tho domestic and loreign policy or President Buchanan as cmi nently patriotic, pure, conservative and just. and we look upon the success which has crown ed his labors, as the best and proudest vindi cation oi the propriety and wisdom of his Ad ministration." Henry D. Foster endorses this resolution, and the friends ot Douglas s upport him for him at the same sucn endorsement, claiming time as the peculiar friend and advocate of tho Lame Giant. This is a part ofthe consistency of that portion of the Democratic party. It is a part of the sincerity which they profess for me sanctity or their principles and the purity or their leader. On the other hand, neither the Breckinridge or Douglas nominating con vention endorsed James Buchanan. : They passed him by in silence, leaving it for a Penn S3 Ivan la .convention to pour the oil on these waters, endorse all the wrongs of. Buchanan, nominate 1 oster, and then compel both divi sions of their organization to swallow him at a gulp. The endorsement of progressive free trade the principle of openiug our ports to the commerce of the world is another favorite of the Cincinnati ptatform, and that principle was also endorsed by the Convention nomina ting i oster, and is advocated and proclaimed by his friends, as the doctrine of the Demo cratic party. It is the doctrine on which James K.. Polk was elected . The doc rine on . .V aoctnne on es the policy of his which James Buchanan bases administration, and the doctrine which holds that portion of the Democratic party together whn anntr t Im tlnt inn nf Ifcinrtr T Pnrtr . Henry D. Poster stands, by his endorse- ment of the platform of the convention which r,rth ---,.-i!-- nominated him, in these positions . He endorses the domestic policy of James Jiuchanan as eminently patriotic and pure. That policy consisted in establishing the most offensive political tests prostituting the power ot the .xecutive In personal nartizan contests making all other interests subservi ent to the interests of slavery destroying the labor of the land by sacrificing tho revenue laws, and Increasing the burdens of the gov ernment to many millions of dollars. II. He endorses the foreign policy of James uucnanan s jldminislration That policy refused the protection of our uug io ine auopiea citizen, bound by the so lemnity of an oath to maintain the character of that nag in every part of the world refu sing such adopted citizen the right to visit Europe under penalty of being impressed into me service or a King whom he bad renoun ced. That loreign policy consisted also in plotting for the fclave trade, and secret nego tiation with the French Emperor for the estab lishment of universal free trade. These policies, foreign and domestic, endor sed by the convention which nominated Hen ry D. Foster, constitute the platform of Hen ry D. Foster. - He endorsed the opposition to protecting labor as enunciated by a Democratic majority in the Senate ofthe United States, represent ing the views and the policy ofthe administra tion of James Buchanan. Ho sustains the non-intervention principles of James Buchanan, in regard to the rights of foreign adopted "citizens while absent from the United States. . . ; If these principles do not constitute the platform on which Ilenry D. Foster stands, we should be pleased to know what principles do form such a platform ?Harrisbnrgh Tel. DIED: ' On Friday the 28th Sept.. of Diphtheria. Johh. son pf Thomas Palmer of Lawrence township, a- gca o year9 ana z months. On Friday, the 2Sth Sept., an infant child of bamuel Ambrose of Lawrence township, about ft weeks of age. On Friday night, 2Sth Sept., Mrs Er-iza Welch. consort of Geo. Welch, dee'd, of Pike township, aged 52 years and 5 days. On Saturday the 29th, Mrs. Catuari.nb Reeo, wife of Hamilton Reed of Lawrence township, a ged about 3d years. - On Saturday morning, 29th Sept.. Mrs Eliza beth Hokl, wife of John W. Hoel of Curwensville. aged 43 years, 6 months and 9 days.. , On Saturday, 29th Sept., Mrs. Axxa PaiCB of Pike township, aged 84 years. STIRRING TIMES I N PHILADEL PHI A ! Trtmendon.1 IZxcitemient anions? the Msr exciting foot race the Philattetphiu Police and a notorious Forger and comitrrfeiter. Jam Jiuchanan Cross !.'!!.' Cross Recaptured !!!! ! It seems to be tho general opin ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of frank Aborts trench-calt iioots, that he would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missing his custom : nut would an nouncetoall Breckinridge, Douglas, Lincoln and Jietl men, and women and children in Clearfield, and iMnncmahonmg in particular, that he is pre pared to furnish them with Roots, Shoes andGai ters ot any style or pattern, stiched, sewed or peg' ged, (and as he is a short fellow) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange, and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat est manner and charges moderate, at the Short fchoe Miop on Second Street, opposite Reed. Wea ver & Co's store. FRANK SHORT. N. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 29, ISfiO. IAST, WEST, NORTH, AND SOUTH, ' the people are notified of a Fresh Arrival of Goods, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just receiving and opening, a large and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, of almost every description, Staple and Fancy ; beautiful assortment of PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS, of the latest and mostapproved styles ; also a grea variety or usoful Notions, a large assortment of Ready-made Clothing, . Hats and Caps, BONNETS AND SHAWLS, BOOTS AND SHOES, A GREAT VARIETY, HARDWARE, QTJEENSWAEE, Drugs and Medicines, Oils and Paints, GROCERIES, BEST QUALITY, FISH, BACOX ASD rXOCB, , . Carpets and Oil Cloths ; ; all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready-pay prices. All are respectfully invited to call. W. F.IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., September 26, 1860. N. B. All kinds of grain and approved country produce taken in exchange for goods. THE CAR IN TOWN ! Everybody who wants a good Ambrotyp", Daguerreotype, Melainotype or any other kind of Likenesses, should at once call at Charley Hole's oar, at the Clearfield House, in Clearfield Borough, where they can get them taken at prioes ranging front 25 pents to S5. : . , - Sept. 19, J360-4t-pd. FLOUR ! FLOUR !!-The undersigned hav mz made arrimriiiiinfi niih n ian manu facturing establishment to supply him with Flour, he gives notice to the nnM; that he i nr.r.nr.j to furnish all who want a good article, at the very lowest price, in as largo or small quantities as j MOW ha A : 1 r . . . . . uvtircu. ue aiso keeps on hand constant ly liquors of all kinds vhinl. . will ell rl..il Bale or retail. tas ii iat.ph - yrojneUyPaJnly llth. 1859. ' : ... " ftjE V STONE WARE MANUFACTORY x IN CLEARFIELD, PA. j. uo undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that h linn m m t t r. rl triA m a i it fncture of Stone-Ware in the Boroueh of Clear- uu uisi nc is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milt IS aI4 1 a. 1 - u - Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prioes, than they can be v-iauwnere. lie solicits a share of patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. ; Clettrfleld, Pn.. Mvy 25, 1859-ly. . I T 'AND FOR SALE. The subscriber offers I -B-i.f0 8.ale hif farm in Boggs township, one mile wesiot tne lilde Ball Tavern, containing 150 a-' cre, 80 acres of which are cleared, and the bal ance well timbered with good pine. There are erected thereon a good house and frame barn, all new, with a thriving young orchard bearing graft ed fruit, a never-failing snrino-of rnitor a.nrl n stream of water, sufficient to drive a saw-mill, run- mug lurougu u. Terms, reasonable. Apply to the subscriber residing on the premises. Oi. ocpt-o-o.p. FETEK GEARIIARD. GRIST AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. ' -he undersigned will sell at private sale his grist and saw mill on Little Clearfield creek, in Aew Millport, Clearfield county, Pa. The grist Ca be run by either steam or water, or by both at the same time. The machinery is all good. The location is one of the best In the count v. Th saw mill is in good running order and capable of sawing 4000 feet every 12 hours. There is also a dwelling house with the property. For terms, which will be moderate, apply to the subscriber, residing in New Millport Augia, isoo-.m. MARTIN 0. ST IRK. RROKE OUT IN A N EW PLACE -IM- J3 portNT nottpf to tup t? uipunm . NOTICE TO THE RAGGED!!! The undersigned ;neu nuving openeu a . tailoring lis- in Shaw's Row, in the room recently If. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Store, an- tablishmcnt occupied by '"T" "VTV"n.S "e - w-, ri., ivi uia viu cusium- ers, and as many new ones as may give him a call, after the latest and most approved styles, or ufter any of the old fashions, if thev nrafer it n doing his work in a neat and substantial manner, and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex pects to secure a liberal share of patronage. .an. is.ieou. nil. UADISJJAUUU. AJiU AT PUBLIC SALE. The subscri- JLJ ber will oner at nublio sale at his rnoidpnn.n in i'enn townshin. on the 24th of 10th month nt being 4th of the week, the following described tracts or pieces of land : 1st. A farm of ninetv- six acres, lying in said township about 3 of-a mile from Pennville, adjoining lands of Wm. F. John son, Joseph Davis, Thomas Wain and others; tbe improvements are a two story frame house, nearly new, with cellar and kitchen and excellent foun tain of running water at the door, a lor fcarn. or chard, and about sixty acres cleared and under goouience; tbe balance well timbered. 2nd. A lot of timber land, adjoining the above tract, of 22 acres, containing an inexhaustable quarry of Limestone of very superior quality. The above will be sold together or separately to suit purcha sers. Sule to commence at 1 o'clock. Terms made easy to purchasers. ANDREW MOORE. Grampian Hills, 9 mo. 20th, T860-4t. Onc HIS OWN ITOOKI-J0IIN ODELICH CABINET MAKER. The snbserihflr wiha to inform his old friends and customers, that he is now carrying on the Cabinet.Making business, on "his own hook," at his old 'shon on Market Street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that maybe wanted in this section of countrv : con sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common Bureaus, Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahogany and Com mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, io , Ac. He wil also repair furniture and chairs, in pood stvla cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no tice. and easy terms Now is the time to buy at reasonable prices, as I intend to sell evcrv thin? in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates Walk in and examine the articles on hand, and judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish. vwuihij jiruuoco receireu in payment. April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELICH. N B Coffins made to order on short notice, ant funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro lnui.e accompanymenis, wnen Oesired. J . a. FALL THE FIRST ARRIVAL ( WINTER 1860. 1860. Fall aiid Winter Goods, REED, WEAVER & CO., Market St., 2 doors North ofthe. Court House, WHERE they arc just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods suit ed to the wants of the community, for the Fall and Winter Trade, which they offer in large or small quantities on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine for yourselves. Their assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS is very large and complete, embracing almost ev ery articla beta of fashion and service. Especial attention is been paid to the selection of LA DIES' DRt;SS GOODS, which are of every variety aim ine very latest styles; fciIRs, JJelaines, Plaids, C'Vurgs, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas, Cashmeres, I: ncb, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams, Prints, Swisses, Cambrics, Brilliants, Figured and Plain iDDinetts, Veil Baize, Irish Linen and Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimeres. Sattinets, Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking. Crash. Dia per, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins and Drills, Red, Grey, White and Canton Flannel, Ltneys, tc. Also, a large stock of Ladies' and Gentle men's Shawls, Double and Single Stellas and Che nilles, Black and Drab Cloth, Capes of the very latest fashion. septl9 N EW FIRM AND N E W GOODS! JOHN & JEERED F. IRVI2T. The undersigned give notice that on the 13th A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm of John & J. F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in general that they have received from the East and opennd at the old stand, a largo and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, AC, fcC, specially adapted to the wants of tbe community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in and examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we ca.n supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you 1 1 . i i .... . . . cau piucuro lucin eiaewnere. uive us a trial. JOHN IRVIN. May 30, I860. ' JERRED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re quested to call and settle. may 30 A LARGE and splendid stock of DreSs" Trim mings, Belts, Head .dresses, Nctta, Plumes, J-C. at the store of Keep, Weaver A Co. A SPLENDID assortment of Ladies', Gentle men's and children's Gloves and Hosiery, at 5Ptl9 ' - Reep, Weaver A Co s. BOOTS and Shoes of eyery kind, for Ladies, Gentlemen and ohjtdren. alj ' Bppn jtEEP, weaver a Co's. CARPETS. Drugget, Carpet chain, Bags apd Bag. ging, curled Hair, Ac, at the store of gepua Reed, Weaver A Co. A LARGE stock of Me's and Boy's clothing, jatt re$eiyed by . jjeeo; eater A Co. JA'ES 'ONE PRICE FANCY FUR "TJLASTFRIr ti. v -v v , -J STORE 1-JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch P 7d m77n "u n?? u Street between 7th A 8th Streets, Philadelphia, would iLrm Se r,abH?Th f C,'Y !ft (late of 818 Market street,) Importer, Manufactu CkilieriwrX? ?nnt t0 ,d? rer of, and Dealer in all kinds of FANCY FURS, of any description in wTk. ? l 0,rame?,i a Il.ving removed to my New Store, 713 Arch St., whitewWng turde andrWre?gaSedpeDtirl,n-tb0 Mnufac on r?asonble term! " iure anil SMiIe of anrv Fum k ah:i or. . with the -'One Price Principle," I have marked at aw un est possinr.i? rnirvc ; u -vuuie pront, l would solicit a visit from those want nr l :u t . ... . a "'0,,"r cwucr jjauioa or vmidrens' ward the order to my address money accompany ing to insure a satisfactory compliance with their Wishes. Philftfl..lnhi.. An M'lMo.il- - r ""-ft vv-'a. TVEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AND NEW PRICES. IN CJLEARFIF.r.n The nndersijfned. desire to inform the citisens of ciearneld and surrounding vicinity, that they nave recently purchased in the Eastern cities a large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods, on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by m. Y. Irwin.) Their stock copsists ot a general assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestio ..wa uit i u hi mnpn in rriA r 1 1 ir m it nrrJ?0 GROCERIES, HARD-WARE. CUTLERY. QUEENS-WARE. CEDAR 4 WILLOW WARE, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, DRUGS, PAINTS, AC, &C. Their stoc't of Dry Goods consists in part of such as ClotJi, Caxsimere, Satinets, Tweeds, VeMinga, Mitslttu, Ticiing.CkecJks. Caicocs. Chintzes, Iringiams, Canton and Wool Flanjirls, Da d"??; CaA""-, Sill. Plaids, Smwls, Brilliants. Hosiery, Glove, etc.. etc.. Also, a great variety of Ladies' rtnnta nri Misses and Childrens Shoes; Mens', Boys', and louths' Boots, Shoes, HaU and Caps, with a large selection of useful notions, among which are 1 Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fanrv to .?wSS7k P'kotde? Co"' to,et1hw.wit1h maDy othcr useful notions, all of which will be sold low for Cash, or in exchanee nge ior approveu country produce. As their st entirely new, and purchased on tho most adi geous terms, they feel confident that they ca ock is vanta- 6v-ij iv iuo uuvuniage oi me uuyer. step in J. OSCAR LORAIXB. j Charts wick it a. Drug and Variety Store. LORAINE&CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE Eastern cities, and ooened at their NKW STOREROOM on MARKET STREET, two doors west of Third, the most extensive assortment of Drugs, Varnishes, Perfumery, Toilet articles. Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Cutlery, Miscellaneous Paints, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy Oils, Segars, Blank books Articles, Ac, ev er offered to the public in this section of country. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS : Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which thev have an extensive assortment, have been selected with especial reference to their quality and freshness. DYE-STUFFS & VARNISHES Extra Logwood, chipped A ground ; Indigo, Mad der.Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red Sanders. Copal coach-black for leather Japan for dying, Map, Mas tic, White Damar, White Spirit fc Flowing Varnish. TOBACCO AND SEGARS : ! Cavendish, best; Natural Leaf, Rough A Ready, Lady twist, Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the Harem, tobacco; Rappe A Scotch snuff; El phaeton, HenryClay, Punch, La china, El monc, Ac, Segars. B LANK-BOOKS & STATIONERY : Ledgers, Day-books, Receipt and Note Books, Diaries, Ladies and Office Portfolios, Blank parch ment and paper deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all legal blanks; Foolscap, letter, note, business and drawing paper, envelopes, ready reference files; Annear s a Arnold's writing fluid ; Ink, black, blue A carmine. steel pens a pen holders, paperclips, mu cilage, and all othcr articles in the stationary line. ' OILS AND PAINTS : Their stock of Oils and Paints will eonsist of Lin seed Oil. Coal Oil, Tanner's Oil, Turpentine, Red and White lead, dry and ground in oil ; Spanish brown, Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre, Lamp black, Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer ican Vermillion, Paris Green ; Ultramarine and Prussian Bide, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel low and green, Carmine, Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt; Drop, lake and black ; Emery, Glue ; Gums, Copal, Damar and Shellac; Indian red, Litharge, Orange mineral, Pumice and Rotten stone; Rose pink. A merican and English; Rosin, Scarlet, (or Persian red.) Terre de Sienna, Turkey Umber, Verdigris, Blue and White -Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, copperas, Borax, Putty and Putty knives, Glas3 of all sizes and qualities, Looking-glass plates, etc., etc , etc. TOILET & FANCY ARTICLES, &C : Hairbrushes, American, French A English, with Ivory;Shell, rcarLBuffalo, Satin-wood, Rose-wood and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush es, Hat brushes : Teeth brushes, various qualities ; Shaving brushes, American, English and French, who ivussia onsues naager snair; flesh brush es; Comb brushes a cleaners; Tortoise shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell. Plain and Fancy and India rubber Long combs; Shell, Buffalo, Horn and In dia rubber puff-side combs; India rubber Dress ing combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ; English toilet combs with handles; Bonnet combs ; Ivory and Guttapercha fine tooth combs; Pocket combs, all styles; American, French and German Cologne a Lavender waters; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenet A Conway's extracts for the handker chief, and a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Co caine, Barry's Tricopherous, Lyon's Cathairon. Eau. Lustral. Bears, Maccassar, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomades and Philocoom, American and French, all styles and prices ; cold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge balls, Lilly White, Puff boxes, china and paper ; Smelling salts, Balm of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav ing compound of all sizes; Military soap, Honey soap. Chrystaline a Floating soaps, Ottoman, Yan kee, Gallagher, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES : Gents' steel frame morocco and euff portmonies, Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoise shell. Velvet and Morocco portmonies; Ladies' crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads: La dies' cabasand morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivo ry ; velvet and papier-mache, ivory A pearl memo randum tablets ; fine English morocco nocket wal lets; morocco and calf pocitet-books, with straps and clasps ; bill books A Banker's cases, with lock and key; collapsion drinking cups : medical glas ses, with and without drops ; fishing tackle ; Chap man k Emerson's razor strops ; cigar cases ; crumb brushes; shoe brushes, with and without handles ; born brushes, all qualities ; print A varnish brush es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; counter and marking brushes; white-wash A scrubbing brush es ; fancy-colored dusting brushes, Ao. Rich pearl inlaid papier-mache toilet cases, work boxes and writing desks ; Rosewood and Mahogony writing desks; Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid gloves, neck-ties, collars, cravats and canes ; La dies' Kid, Taffeta silk and Kid finished gauntlets, and Lyale thread gauntlets ; Clack and Silk web suspenders, french striped gum suspenders, rich embroidered suspenders, Guiots new style French suspenders. -Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored border and cambric handkerchiefs. Ladies' Linen handkerchiefs in great variety; Sun-shade tans, circular French fans, canton feather fans of great variety ; fine canton palm fans with ivory a paint ed handles ; black and mourning fans ; Hair pins English k French, Vc. Also, Patent Medicines of every variety. AH of which will be sold at the lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn ished with Drugs, Medicines and Surgical instru ments, at tbe most reasonable rates for Cash. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded eiear field. Pa., June 20th, 1860. HARDWARE of every kind, knives and forks, spoons, butts and sore ws, locks, files, nails, cow bells, broad and hand, mill and oross cut saws at REED, WEAVER, A CP'S. CALL and examine the Patent air tight glass and stone Jars. They are just tbe thing you waBt: For sale by' '' Reed, Wr aver A Co.. in .. ,n8PSCUon or mJ selection of those goods, satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every desired essential. RTPersons at a distance, who -u ii inconvenient to call personally, need only name the article, they wish, together with the price, and instruction fnr nu e-amine ior yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the new store is the place. Feb. 22. 1S60. GRAHAM, BOVNTON CO. i April i. iojft. K rVkorn I i . VVVI Uttk. I TO THE TRAVELING Pl'BLlC.-The undersizned havintr takan thn T i, m Hotel, situate in the town of Luthersburg. Clear field county, respectfully solicits a share of pat ronage. The house has been re-fittri ! i furnished, and no pains or expense Will be spared to render guests comfortable. Charges moderate. may23 WILLIAM REED. MPORTAt ANNOUNCEMEN T ! ! A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quecnsware Groceries, and all othor articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in Uie county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW FORCEE. EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS t PATTON, HIPPLE & CO. The subscribers have purchased tbe stock of mer chandize lately owned bv John Patton. in Cur wensville. and have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, which will be sold low. Please call and examine our stock. We respectfully ask a share of public patronage The books of John Patton, hat also been transferred and will be settled by us. II. D. PATTON," E. A. HIPPLE, may 10, 1860. f DANIEL FAUST. riillE UNION RIGHT SIDE. UP Since JL the subscribers have started the Chair-making business at their residence in Lawrence tp., i miie irom l ninp Antes saw-miiion the west side ofthe river, where they keep constantly on hand All drscrii'hons 6f Chairs. &ettces. Boston. ROCKING CHAIRS. RUSH BOTTOMS A SPRING Seat Chairs, from the conitAoti Windsor up to the very latest style of Pdrllir Chairs. Tbe slibscrlbcFs having an elegant water-power by which they do their Boring, Sawing, Turning. Ac, they arc enabled to sell every style of chairs at reduced prices The nubile is respectfully in vited to call and examine for themselves. All work warranted either new work or repairing. Jan. 4. 1860. ' WM. M CULLOUQH A SON. KEEP UP THE EXCITEMENT. Re movals always cause excitement, and since the great excitement abeist the removal of the Court House has subsided, the community gener ally have become somewhat excited upon hearing ! mat unariy atson n as determined to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But the latest cause of excitement is the fact that I have remov ed my Saddler Shop from my old stand opposite the Court House to my new shop on Market street, nearly opposite the jail, where all who may favor me wun a can can oe supplied witn Fartdles, Sin gle Harness, Double. Harness, Tug Harness, Bri dles, Collars, Whips, Halters. Housings, Breech- banns, otte straps, and in Tact every article in the line of Saddling and Harness making. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore bvstowed I solicit a continuance of the same and a call from as many new customers as can make it suit. Aug. 29, '59. GEORGE W. RHEEM. N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS!! II. L.. HENDERSON A CO.. Have just received and opened at the old stand of Lewis Smith, in Bethlehem, an extensive and well selected assortment of the most fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Staple and Fancy. The stock consists in part of rrints ana jJrcss woods or the latest styles, togeth er with Hardware, Quecnsware, Groceries, Drugs, Medicines, Fish, Tobacco, Segars, Hats and Caps. Bonnets and Khawls, Boots and Shoes, and a large : varieij ot useiui motions and such articles as are usually kept in a country store. All goods will bo sold cheap for cash. Give us a call and see for yourselves, before you buy elsewhere. may Zl, ISB0. H. L. HENDERSON A CO. Theun- rming the' T OOK HERE ! LOOK HERE !! JLJ dersigned take this method of inform public generally that they have entered into co partnership in the Blacksmithing business, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by Ja cob Shunkweiler, on Third street, in the borough of Clearfield, where they will be pleased to see their old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient, to give them a call.. Bring on your hoes, your spades, and picks, Your log chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse and mare, No three-year old, shall then go bare. Your spears we'll work up then just right, To pruning hooks for every hight, Your swords too, shall then be wrought To plough-shares such as Cam ne'er bought. J. SHUNKWEILER, Dec 6, 1853. GEORGE W. ORR. QRAIIAMTOJI STILL AHEAD! THOMAS H. FORCEE Has opened, at the old stand of Jas B.Graham, In Grahamton, A LARGE A SPLENDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods which he Will soil at ' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOB CASH ! He will keep constantly on hand, the best article of WHEAT, FEED, BACON, SALT, Fish, Shingles, Boards, &c. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, and all other articles for buildings, furnished at a small advance on cost and carriage. TAKE NOTICE, SOME OF OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Mens' Calf Shoes, : : : : : : SI 00 per pair. Mens Calf Gaiters, i : : : : : 2 45 per pair Mens' best Kip Monroes, : : : : 1 50 per pair. Womens' calf Shoes, :::::! 19 per pair. Childrens' morocco Shoes, from 25 to 81 per pair. Best Madder colored Prints, at 5i to 12J cts a yd. Best Wool Challies, : Best Lawns, : : : : Best Bleached Muslins, Best Brown Muslins, : Teas, : : ; : : Sugar, : : : : : Molasses, : : : : : : 12 to 25 cts a yd. : 5i to 121 cts a yd : 61 to 12 cts a yd. : " 6f to 11 cts a yd. : 60 to 75 cts a lb. : 9 tol21 cts'a lb. : 44 to 95 cts a gal Dealers will find it greatly to their advantage t,o call bsfore purchasing elscwht$e.; fune, 2,0.. , ' 1 171 LOOR Oil Cloth, oil cloth for carriage top-, U . b.'?,?.'?ih in Piece d patterns, on hand at Ui a oornor .tore. Curw'y. July o. ZJT YOUNG LADIES WANTED, to ea tJJ amiire and reduce the large Ftock of Dreu Goods, just roceivod at MOSSOP'S. I3RKY HOUSE, FRONT ST., MARIETTA. (formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of hia old friends, and assures all rivermen baTing bu siness in Marietta that no" pains will be spared for their accommodation ana comfort. Feb. 22. 1860-ly. ABNER M MICIIAEL. DANIEL GOODLANDER. BOOT A SIIOK Maker, keena constantly on hand for aula at his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county. Pa. BOOTS A SHOES, SOLE 4 UPPER LEATHER, Kip and Calf Sfe inn iVrcnrh ind AmrnVan-1 and a variety of Linings, Bindings, Shoe Peg, Nails and. Thread, Boot Webbing. Blacking, 4"0. ; in fact, everything usually kept in a shoe-finding establishment. lie has also Flour, Sngar, Coffu, lea, Rice, Soda, Syrup, Tobacco, Segafl, Nails. Ulass, Ae., all of which can be had cheap for cah. Luthersburg. November 2, 1859-1 yp L!K,.I1ERE' GENTLEMEN 1-WAGON SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful for past favors, takes this method of informing his old customers and the ptiMle in general, that he has removed his shop from" the Foundrv f the shop formerly occftped by George W. Orr,"on Sec ond street, Clearfield. Pa., whete he will continue to manufacture Wagons or etefy description, to order, of good material and in a worktnanliko manner. Also, M'heelbarrows, Harrows, Grain cradles, Ac, made on short notice, in fuprior style, and ef the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable t-rro. June 29. 1859. WILLIAM R. PROW N . UNITED STATES HOTEL, Philipsiurg. Centre county. Pa. The undersigned would respectfully inform the traveling public that he has recently purchased the above named Hotel, which he has remodeled and furnished with new beds, Ac, and is now prepared to accommodate ail customers in the best manner possible. His bouse is pleasantly located, and therefore a desirable stopping place. His table will at all times be sup plied with the best in the market, and his bar will be filled with the best liquors In this section of , country, ire would especially Invite his Clear field county friends to give bint a call as they pass along, being fully persuaded that he can ren der satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. - - - THUS.- ROBINS. rhillpsburg, May 9th, 1S0O. - - l fi in !! RAYMOND'S PATENT SEW OIU.UU II ING MACHINE FOR TEN DOL LARS, will Fell, Gather, or do any kind of fami ly sewing and so simple that any lad v can learn td operate on it in half an houf. -It'will make one thousand stitches in a minute, and for its su periority in every respect, It took the First Pre raium at the Maine State" Fair ovor all Other Sew ing Machines. A large number have been sold and are now in use in this borough (Crookville) and vicinity, and are pronounced the simplest and bestmachino ever invented superior to most ot the high priced sowing machines. The undersigned having purchased the Right from the. Patentee, to sell these machines In the counties of Jefferson. Clearfield. Elk, and Forest, are now ready to fill orders for the same in the a bove district. Orders for machines will be filled in the order of their reception. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders immediate ly, as we have over 30 machines already ordered in advanceof our supply. Township rights for sale. All applications for machines or township rights by letter or otherwise, should be addressed to A. B. M LAIN A CO., Aug. 1 5, 1 SflO-tf . Brook ville, Jefferson co.. Pa. SELLS CHEAP FOR CASIlj RICHARD M OS SOP, , DEALER I FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, SiC, MARKET STREET, CLEARflElD, f It COAT.-OIL, r LAX SEED-OIL, PAIMT8.r IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscr's. IF you want fine ground Zinc, goto Mossor's. IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, ge to Mossor's. IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossor's. CLOTnS, CASSIMERES, TWERPS, AC. IF you want superior Cloths, go to . Mossor's. IF you want Fancy Cassimeres, go to Mossor's. IF you want Black Cassimeres, go to Mossor's. IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto Mossor's. IF you want superior Cassinets, go to Mossor's. IF you want superior Sattinets, go to Messop a. ALPACAS, DKLAIMES, CHINTZ, AC. IF you want fashionablo Bonnets, go to Mossor's. IF you want Calicoes, new styles, gi to Mossor . IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mossop'a. IF you want good French Chintz, go to Mossor's. IF you want French Ginghams, go to Mossor't. IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mossor's. IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to Mossor's. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTH1SO, ACi IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop'a. TF you want fashionable Coats, go to Mossor's it you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossor's. IF you want fashionable Nock ties. go to Mossor'a. IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop'a! IF you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossor's' it you want fashionable Boots, go to Mos.nor'a IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossor's. IF you want Boys' Coats A Pants, go to Mossor's! IF you want Children's Shoes, go to Mossor'a! MCSLISS, HAXDKF.ncniKFS, AC. IF you want good brown Muslin, go te Mossor's. IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mossor's. IF you want good colored Muslins, go to Mossor's IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossor'f, IF you want fashionable Uand'ks. goto Mossor's. IF you want cotton Uandkerchiefs.goto Mossor's. IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mossor's. IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossor's IF you want UmbrellasAParasols, go to Mossor's. IF you want a superior Clock, go to Mossor's. IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to Mossor's. IF you want Table Oil Cloths, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Floor Oil Cloth, go to Mossor's. IF you want new Scheol Books, go to Mossor's. 15 AILS, HARDWARE, rAPKR, AC. IF you want Nails and Spikes, go to Mossor's. IF you want Hard wareof all kinds.gotn Mossor's. IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossor's. IF you want a good Hay Fork, go to Mossor's. IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossor's. IF you want Willow Baskets, goto. Mossoi-'.s. IF you want a good Buggy Whip, go to Mossor's. IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossor's. IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mnssop'j. IF you want Manilla hempcords.go to Mossor's. IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossor 'P. IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, eo to Mossor's IP . J o :, c. 5L ' ? . juu maul goou CSWUIIII oaws, go UJ AIOSSOP 8. IF you want Powder, Lead A Shot. go to Mossor's. IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossor's. IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossor's. IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossor'a. FLOUR, BACOS, TEA, SOGAR, AC. IF you want good Extra Flcwr, go to Mossor's. IF you want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossor's. IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossor's. IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossor's. IF you want excellent Dried Beef, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to Mossor's. IF you want superiorWhiteSugar.goto Mossor'a. IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to Mossor's. IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossor's. IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossor's IF you want good Y'oung Hyson, go to Mossor's. IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go t Mossor'a. IF you want excellent Rice, go to Mossor's. IF you want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossor'a. IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossor's. IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossor's. IF you want good Tallow Candles, go to Mossor's. IF yon want good fresh Mackerel, go to Mossor'a. IF yon want good fresh Herring, go to Mossor'a. IF you want superior White Fish, go to Mossor's. IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to Mosaor'n. IF you wat fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossor's. IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossor's. IF you want Oranges and Lemons, goto Mossor'a IF you want old Monongahela, go to Mossor's. IF yoa want Port Wine, superior, go ta Mossor's. IF you want " for Medical use, go to Mossos. IF yo waat M " Sacramental Bogota Mos-sor'a, IF yon want good Cherry Brandy goto Mftssor IF yoa want good Sweet Wise. e to- Mossop'.' Cleargeld. Pa.. April 27, 1859. . . AFRESH rtoek of Groceries of all '.r., Jn7t received bf , ... JVW