Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, September 05, 1860, Image 3

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"We understand tbat one of the school bou
ses in Penn township was destroyed by fire
Robbery. -Last Wednesday night, during
the absence of the family, the house of Mr.
Henry W. Parks in this borough was entered
and robbed of about $10 in money. A o clue
to the perpetratoreJeendiscoTered.
Mas MM- Ih, of our toW"' wUl pleaSS
accept our thanks for a basket of excellent ap-
fcjes she sent us a few days since.
Our thanks are also due to Mr. John S. Ho t,
of Lawrence township, for a bushel of very
pood apples which he presented us one day
last week.
Oil Compast. The stockholders of the
Susquehanna Oil Company met on Saturday
the 1st of Sept., I860, at the house of John
Keiter in Covington township, and organized
by electing the following officers : John Kei
ter, President; John Gilliland and Lorenz
llartlein, Vice Presidents : J. C. McCloskey,
Trcr-surer ; and J. W. Potter, Secretary. J.
K. Boak, Wm. S. S-inkey and F. F. Coudrict
were elected managers of said company, with
power to collect stock and proceed immedi
ately to work. One hundred dollars were paid
In, and the managers employed John Briel to
go to Clarion, or some other point in the oil
region, to purchase tools, and employ some
experienced hand to take charge of the work.
Mr. Briel is aow on his way, and as soon as he
returns the company will commence operations.
American Tract Society Pennsylvania
Br ascii .The quarterly report of II. N. Tliis
uell.the superintendent of this Branch, em
bodies the details oi the personal labors, sales,
and grants of 91 colporteurs on this field ;
showing that in the quarter ending June 1, in
cluding sales at the depository, they circulated
over 11,400 worth of publications, addressed
U77 public meetings, made 42.211 family vis
its, united in prayer or held religious conver
sation with 27.31G of those families, 5,924 of
which, embracing nearly 00,000 souls, habitu
ally neglect the house of God on the Sabbath,
cud 2:S19 of them had no Bible.
One colporteur, who has labored fourteen
yeais, had visited nearly every family in Blair
and Huntingdon coui tics, and many ol them
repeatedly ; and in this time had furnished
Them by sale with 112,000 volumes, or 14,000
worth, and distributed gratuitously 7,000,000
piges. His ciiculation had annually increas
ed, a id the last quarter it exceeded any quar
ter since he began his work.
Another, who had visited C84 families, and
conversed and prayed with 2SG of them during
the quarter, relates an account of the conver
sion of an intelligent gentleman by the bless
ing of God on the reading of the' American
Another, describing the destitution of his
field, says religions books would never go into
sonic parts of it unless carried by the colpor
teur. Persons had shown him tracts and books
vhich he sold them three or four years ago,
which had been the means of their conveision.
Some had been active in promoting Sabbath
schools. Seven colporteurs, during their connection
with the Society, report the organization of
120 schools. Many other cheering facts might
be enumerated, if our limits would permit.
During the months of May, June, and July the
committee have commissioned 120 colporteurs,
including 74 students, to prosecute this work
in twenty-three states.
Will not all who appreciate the gospel as the
means of salvation give this work their pray
ers and eflicient cooperation !
A correspondent, writing from Erath Coun
ty. Texas, under date of Aug. 2J., says :
Foul murders, killing, and fighting, are en
tircly of too frequent occurrence in this part
of the country. I would to Heaven we had
less of it. Ever since last February we have
been in one continued state of excitement, ow
ing to the war, the murders, the ravages, and
the slaughter of women and children by the
neighl oting savages. But their most intense
hostility has been directed to our live stock ;
hundreds and I may say thousands of horses
have been killed or carried oil by them ; and
such has been the apathy of people at a dist
ance, that they have seemed to regard the ac
counts as our delusive stoiies. It is true that
our Governor ordered out Minutemen, Han
gers, and a Regiment of Cavalry, but they
were so slow getting along, and so badly offi
cered, that they have done little or no good,
many of the officers of the regiment seeming
to regard the whole affair as either visionary,
useless, or as an electioneering scheme.
And, as the thing has gone off", it has proved
an effectual call for all the grand villains and
horse-thicives to gather in for their share of
the booty. As the vultures gather around a
carcass, or as the wolves follow in the wake of
Buffaloes, so the rogues have come here.
White men have come in and taken the pla
ces of the fierce Cammanches and the prowl
ing Caddos. But the ire and indignation of
the more hardy and honest portion has been
aroused. Some of those fair-skinned savages
have been caught. One in this county has
' been hung, and I hear that several in Tarrant
have shared the same fate (1 can't say wheth
r it be true or not) ; but a very respectable
Vigilance Committee, consisting of citizens of
this county and Bosque, have spent nearly a
week in investigating the case of the principal
' rogue, Tucker by name. This Tucker they
have turned over to the civil authorities, he
having made a clean confession of the whole
thing. The examination of the others has
been deterred until they can send for more
persons. i have no doubt but that the thing
will go on lively now lor some time. But we
jiere are only acting on the little rogues
There are some bier rogues nn near the Indi
ans under the guise of Indian traders who re
ceive these hundreds and thousands ofhor
es and run them off to Missouri and Kansas
ana dispose of them. These are the iellows
e want to get hold of.
A Paris COITPRrinnrlftit cava ftiaf fha nnnnfii
on of England to the admission of Spain as
"vpau i. unci iiaoj l u i tuo tco-
nt, put a stop to the movement. The ground
tho British objection to Spain is that she Is
DOtorinn. .lvu: . j ...Jr..
" "uncus or the Great Powers.
DSusrg'.istive of two in a bed and "spoon
fashion" the nights lately.
D5"Fast youths are now called young gen
tlemen of accelerated gait.
DGT'The completed census shows that Cin
cinnati has a population of 158,801.
EfGen. Sam Houston lias withdrawn his
name as a candidate lor the Presidency.
KF"Modest the young lady who thinks that
legs should bo called "abdominal supporters."
D3A strict observer of. etiquette the lady
who, being unable to go to church one Sun
day, sent her card.
fF"When a Democrat begins to blow, just
ask him to define his position, and see how
quick he will dry up.
K7"0rr, of South Carolina, is in favor of a
dissolution of the Union. "Or" always was a
disjunctive conjunction.
Cp"The Postmaster at Iowa City, Illinois,
appears to be a defaulter to the amount of one
hundred thousand dollars.
KTThc ladies of a congregation of a fash
ionable preacher in London are subscribing a
fund to procure him a divorce.
D"An exchange says that the Virginians
who chopped down tho Republican pole lately
must have been troubled with the pole evil.
rt"The Bible speaks of a man clothing him
self in curses as with a garment. We guess
the Disunionists will appear in bran new suits
after the election.
r7A. It. Itoss, the engineer who superin
tended the erection of the Victoria Bridge,
Canada, has became insane, and is now the in
mate of an asylum.
LET" Why is Stephen A. Douglas like a little
boy who dislikes to learn the learn the alpha
bet ? Because he is afraid of the Abe he
sees. (A. B. C's.)
C-Col. Forbes, who obtained considerable
notoriety by his connection with the Harper's
Ferry raid, has turned up in Sicily, where he
is in high command under Garabaldi.
KF"The artesian well at Columbus, Ohio, is
2,020 feet deep, Licking only twenty feet of
being half a mile. 'Twould be a spring, in
deed, to letch water from such a depth.
C?"The President of the United States has
issued his proclamation for the public sale of
300,000 acres of public lauds in Iowa, embra
cing some of the best agricultural lands in the
CTTThc yield of wheat is so large in some
localities of Minesota that owners of threshing
machines are offering to thrash out the prod
uct of some fields for the excess over thirty
bushels per acre.
ln ry A Breckinridge speaker, not a hundred
miles from Clearfield, the otherday complain
ed of the sniallness of the audience. The au
dience, on the tolher hand, complained of the
smallness of the speaker.
ET'The Louisville Journal, commenting up
on the result of the Kentucky election, says
that "politically, Mr. Breckinridge is as dead
as if he had lived before the flood, and had
not been admitted to the Aik."
!T7From the south we hear of terrible
storms in Louisiana and Alabama. The Mobile
and Xew Orleans papers are burdened with
the details. In Mobile, especially, the loss of
life was great, and the amount of damage done
very extensive.
CSTiie census takers have discovered a
number of antiquated individuals in various
parts of the country. Among others a deputy
mars, al in Cherokee county, Ga., found a
white man who had attained the respectable
age of ICG years.
C"A physician named l'riedlander died at
his residence in Chicago, 111., last week, after
a most distressing illness, caused, as believed,
from being bitten in the face hy a fly that had
brought poison communicated from the car
cass of a poisoned dog.
XT'-A Boston jeweller, short time since, bor
rowed money of all his most intimate friends,
and as a token of gratitude lor their kindness,
took their watches for gratuitous cleaning
and repair, and then ran off with both their
time and money.
TunsoNS afflicted with the Fever an Ague
should not spare cither time, trouble or expense,
to procure bit IIostktt::ii's Ci-.I-ebuatbd Bittf.hs,
whose beneficent effects upon tho system has been
clearly proved to those who have Jbcen rtrieken
down in a short spr.ee of time by this dreadful
cuisc, whose 'cheek:? ore wan and meagre, and
wliosc nights are sleepless ana restless, aim wuosc
eyes are di tj and sunken, w it h death staring them
in the face, this compound must prove a blessing,
snatching them as it were from the month of the
grave. None can know its true value until they
have tested it. When all others have failed, these
Litters have restored the sufferers to pristine
bealtfi. Their popularity in all the estern and
Southern parts should introduce them to all fami
lies "'Sold by druggists and dealers generally
everywhere. See advertisement.
On Thursday evening, Aug. 23d., at the res
idence of the bride's mother in Mount Pleas
ant, by liev. T. Van Scoyoc, Mr. William
Lightnek, and Clarissa Davis, both of Bec-
caria Tn., Clearfield County.
On the 20th day of Aug., in Chest township
byllev. A. S. Tozer, Mr. Wm. Kodgers, to
Miss jANi; Davis, both of Jefferson county, ra.
ftfT HEVAH1).-The above reward will be
!?! 1 tn nnv nprsnn who will (rive informa-
tion that will lead to the detection of tho person
- -. A r.nna u.l,n Iniiirpfl nnrl flpjilrnvpd. on SundaV
VI J 'V.. JIUIO H " .'J ' v " r i
a rttli BDvfrnl fruit Ami ghjirla trees in
front of the let of the undersigned in Clearfield
. - .... 1 1 r r rr T I I r t T
Borough. augCT-pl J. O. wiuijmulli.
T VI.PHTnWV TlflTF.f Tim nndersioTi
cd takes thisinethod of informing his friends
anu me puoiic in general xnai ne uns ag:un iu&eii
hn Tiiihtii hump in Kvlertnwn. Clearfield countV.
known as tho "Kyler House," and that he is now
nrpnnrerl to neeoinmoilft.te Travellers nna oiuers
.l, i qv rriro Viimnpnll lip will KriflTfl n() flftpn-
tion to make guests corutortable ana render gen
erui saiisiiicuoji. uwvu.
Kylcrtown, Pa-August 23, 186t)-3t.
PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell
bv war of Public Outcry, at his residence in
Woodward township, Clearfield county, on Wed
nesday, September l'J. 1860. the following descri6-
ed personal property, to wit : 4 good Horses, -i
sot of Harness, a head of Young Cattle, 1 Cow (fit
for beef,) 1 strong 2-horse Wagon. 1 new Spring
Wagon, 5 tors of Hay, and 300 bushels of Oats.
Terms of Sale : A credit of Six months will bo
given on all articles sold, except the oats, which
will oe sold tor casn. tnio to commence at ju o
clock, a. ra.
3 PHI A ! Tremendous Jixciteniettt among the
71 f. PYrTTTNB FOOT TtAfiE hetii'teu llie.
P,i7,i,nlm Vnlirj: fiuA a. notorious l'orser and
counterfeiter, James Jiuchatian Cross !.'.'!! Cross
"' Tt. seems to be the ireneral onin-
ion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of
Frank chorl 8 irencn-cau jjoois, iubi uc nuuw
not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much
ot Tniucino- his custom : hut would an
nounce to all Drecluiiridge, Douglas, Lincoln ami
Bell nun, and women ana cniureu m icuiucm,
r,,i Ktnna.nntirmin'r in nartieular. that he is pro-
pared to furnish them with Boots, Shoe9 and Gai
ters ot any style or pattern, suoncu, roweu yt,-
ged, (ana as ne is a snori ieuowj uu uun Uunv-o.
a n t in,i of pnnntrv rroduce taken in exchange
and cash not refused Repairing done in the neat
est manner and charges moderate, at the Short
Shoe Shop on Second btroet, opposite Reed, Wea-
TBI a til B BlUtB. " "
K. B. Findings for sale. Aug. 2'J,18oO.
PAY UP ! PAY UP All persons indebted
to the undersigned on Judgments, Kotes,
Book Accounts, Lands, or otherwise, are notified
to make payment without delay, and save costs
Ho will be found at all times at the store of Jra
hani, Boynton & Co., in Clearfield borough, whero
he keeps his books. ' JAJ1ES B. GltAHAM.
Clearfield. Pa, July 18, I860.
The undersigned will sell at private sale. his
grist and saw mill on Littlo Clearfield creek, in
New Millport, Clearfield county, Pa. Tho grist
mill can be run by either steam or water, or by
both at the same time. The machinery is all good.
The location is one of the best in the county. The
saw mill is in good running order and capable of
sawing 4000 feet every 12 hours. There is also a
dwelling house with the Dronertv. Por terms.
which will be moderate, apply to the subscriber,
residing in New Millport
AUg. 13, ISoU-orn. A 14 LI A U. &X1UK.
opened for the reception of pupils (male and
female) on Monday, August 20th. Terms, per ses-j
sion of eleven weeks:
Orthography, lleadinjr. Writing, Primary Arith
metic and tieography, S2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar Geogra
phy and History. S3,00
Algebra, Geometry, .Natural l'hilosopny, and
Book Keeping, S4.00
.Latin and Greek languages, 6,0(1
To students desirous of acquiring -a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify them-
elves for teachers, this institution offers desirable
advantages. No pupil receivod for less than half
session and no deduction excepjt for protracted
sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the
term. fmaySOl C. B. SAXDFORD, Principal.
an order of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield
county, there will be exposed to public sale, at the
house ot Isaac Uioom, in the Uorough ot Cur wens
ville, on Saturday the Sti ilay of S'plemhrr, A.D .
18G0. at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following described
Heal Estate, to wit : That certain plantation or
tract of land, situate (on the public road leading
from Clearfield to New Washington) in Pike town
ship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the north
by land belonging to the estate ot John !:. Curry,
deceased, on the east by land of Fitch & Beynton,
on the west hy lands of Wm. A. Bloom and Win.
'ex, and on the south by land of Geo. W. Curry,
containing two hundred and fiiteen acres, more
or less, having erected thereon a largo two-story
frame (L) house, weather-boarded and painted,
with cellar, a large double log barn, grain-house.
dry-house, wagon-shed, and about one hundred a-
cros of cleared land, with alarge bearing orchard,
and a never failing sprmg.of water thereon, late
the estate of Richard Curry, deceased.
TERMS: Ten per cent on day ot sale, one bait
at confirmation of sale, and the balance in one
ear with interest, to be secured by bond and
lortgage. WM. HEX,
Aug. S, 1S50. Adm'r of R. Curry, dee'd.
TION. Whereas, by an act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
entitled "An act to regulate tho General Election
within this Commonwealth," it is enjoined on the
heriffs of the several counties to give public no
tice of such election, the places where to be held,
:md the officers to beelccted ; TilEnF.FonE, I. FRED
ERICK G. mlLLER. High Sherifl'of Clearfield co.,
to herrbii give luthlte notice to the Electors ot the
county of Clearfield, that a GENERAL ELECTION
will bo held on tho Second Tuesday of October
next, (being the NIXT1I day of the month.)
at the several election districts in said county, at
which time and place the qualified voters will vote
For One person for Governor of this Common
wealth :
For One person to represent the counties of Clear
field. Jefferson, JL. Ik. Mckean, jfcorrest, Liar
ion, .Venango, ami Warren, in the House of
Representatives of the U. State3 ;
For Two persons to represent the counties of Clear
field, Jcttcrson. tiK ana iucivean in tne House
of Representatives of this Commonwealth ;
For One person for the office of Commissioner of
Clearfield county ;
For One person for the ofnee of Auditor of Clear
ticld county.
The electors of the'eounty of Clearfield will take
notice that the said General Election will be held
at the following places :
At the house ot t-naiuil JYi. Mnitn lor me town
ship of IJecearia.
At the house ot Asepii J.ins, lor tue townsuip
of Boll.
At the house of James Elooiu, Sr , for the town
ship of Rloom
At tho house ot lidward Albert lor tne townsnip
of Uoggs
At the house of William Hoover for tho town-
hip of Rradford.
.... irf a r r 1 1 .
At the public house ot n. v . ioore, ior israuy
At the house ot John loung tor tne xownsnip
of Rurnside.
At the school house near Simon Rorabaugh s, for
the township of Chest.
At the Court House tor the L.orougu oi e,icar-
At the house of Jacob Maurer for the township
of Covington
At th3 house of Isaac Bloom, jr., for the Borough
of Curwensville.
At Centre school house for tho township of I'e-
At the house of Thomas B Davis, for the town
ship of Ferguson.
At the house ot John x. liunuy ior ine town
ship of Fox.
At Congress ilnl school nouse lor tue townsuip
of Girard.
At the public school house for the township ot
At the house of Jacob II ubler for the township
of Graham.
At the school house in Jancsville. for the town
ship of G uelich
At the house ot Jesse Vinson ior tuo lownsnip
of Huston.
At tho school house in Ansonville for the town
ship of Jordan.
At the house of B. D. Hall & Co., for tho town
ship of Karthaus.
At the lurKey Hill scnooi nouse ior mc iowu-
shin of Knox.
At the court tiousc in ine lorouu oi vicarucm
fnr r.nwrenee townshin .
., , it - . t r ni
At fhe nublic school house lor the Xorougn oi
Lumber Citv.
At the house formerly occupied by inos. ivyier,
fnr Morris townshio.
Atthonublio school house lor the Xorougn ot
w Washington.
At the house of fcamucl fc-nuth lor the townsnip
of Penn.
At the house of Isaac Bloom, jr , in the uoro oi
Curwensville. for Pike township.
At the house of R. Y . Moore for the township
of Union.
At the house of John Whiteside Ior the town
ship of Woodward.
all rtcrsons. except Justices of the I'eaoe, whoshall
hold anv office or appointment of trust, under the
government of the United States or of this State,
or of anv lncorporateu uisinci, wneiuer a com
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer
or a"ent.who is or shall oe empioyea unaer ine le
gislative, Executive or Judicial Departments ot
this State or of the United States, or any city or in
corporated district, and a!sothat every member of
.r. 1 . j OA- ... T ! . 1 .. .. T 1,
vongress ana oi me iruuu utii.u.uic, ui "i
common or select council of any city, or commis
sioner of any incorporated district, are by law in
capable of holding or exercising, at the same
time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspec
tor. or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth ;
and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of
any such election, shall bo eligible to any office
voted for.
And the Return Judges of the respective dis
tricts aforesaid are requested to meet at the Court
Ifouse, in the Borough of Clearfield, on the First
Friday next after the said Second Tuesday of Oc
tober, then and there to do those things required
cf them by law.
GIVEN under my hand and seal, at Clearfield.this
2'Jth day of August, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and
of the Independence of the United States the
eighty-fourth. F. G. MILLER. Shoriff.
AILS, GLASS, Oils, Paints, Ac., to be had at
the most reasonable prices, at the store ol
BLANK SUMMONS' for sale at the Variety
Store of Loiuike & Co, Clearfield, Pa.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned
against meddling with a dark sorrel Horse
now in possession of Martin Hockenberry of
Chest township, Clearfield county, as the game
belongs to me, and left with him on loan.
CAUTION. Al! persons arecautioned against
purchasing or taking an assignment of a note
given to Aaron Owens, dated same time last fall,
uu caning ior 14 or Srlb. The said note was
giucn for a windmill, and as I have received no
value for the same I will not pay it, unless com
pelled by a due course of law.
Aug115, lS00-3tp. DAVID SPENCER.
mentary on the Estate of James White, late
of Karthaus township, Clearfield co., Pa , deceas
ed, having been granted to the undersigned re
siding in said township, ail persons indebted to
said estate are required to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against the same
will present thein duly authenticated for settle
August 15. 18oO-Gtp. Executors.
J PAL CHURCH. Notice is hereby eiven that
in the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfielu- coun
ty, on the 23th day of June, A. D. 1S00. applica
tion wns made to the said court to grant a Charter
of Incorporation to the Methodist Society, or con
gregation, at Clearfield Borough, under the name
of the ' Clearfield Methodist Episcopal Church,"
and if no sufficient reason is shown to the contra
ry, tho said application or petition will bo grant
ed by the said Court. JOHN L. CUTTLE,
August 22. 18G0. Prothonotary.
The undersigned having opened a Tailoring Es
tablishment in Shaws Row, in the room recently
occupied by II. F. Naugle as a Jewelry Storo, an
nounces that he is now ready and willing to make
Coats, Pmitaloons, Vests, iVc, for his old custom
ers, and as many new ones a3 may give him a call,
after the latest and most approved styles, or after
any of tho old fashions, if they prefer it. By
doing his work in a neat and substantial manner,
and promptly fulfilling his engagements, he ex
pects to seeurc a liberal share of patronage.
Jan. 18 131.0. WM. RADEBAUGII.
REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is here
by given, that the following accounts have
been examined ami passed by me, arid remain filed
of record in this office for the inspection ot heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way
interested, and will be presented to the next i'r-
phans' Court of Clearfield county, to he hehf at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the Fourth Monday of September,
lboO, for conlirmation and allowance :
The account of Geo. Jacob Yoas, Administrator
of the estate of Gcorga G inter, late of Brady town
ship, Ciearfield county, deceased.
JAMES WRlGLtii , Register.
Clearfield. Pa.. August 22, 1800.
Street b tween 7th & Sth Mreets, Philadelphia,
(late of 81H Market street.) Importer. Manufaetu-
Having removed to my New Storo, 71S Arch St.,
and being now engaged entirely in the Manufac
ture and Sale of Fancy Furs, which, in accordance
with the "One Price Principle,-' I have marked at
the lowest rossniLE prices consistent with rea
sonable profit, I would solicit a visit from those in
wantot i- urs tor either LiaUics or Chilurcns' wear,
and an inspection of my selection of those goods,
satisfied, as I am, of my ability to please in every
desired essential. "Persons at a distance, who
may find it inconvenient to call personally, need
only name the article, they wish, together with
the price, and instructions for sending, nua tor
ward thcorderto my address money accompany
ing to insure a satisfactory compliance with their
wishes. Philadelphia. Aug. 2Z, lSnll-ora.
J ,the Honorable SAMUEL LINN, Esquire,
President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
the twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the
counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the
Honorable Wrilliam L. Moore and Benjamin Bon-
sall. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have
issued their precept, to me directed, tor the hold
ing of a Court of Common Plea.s, Orphans' Court,
Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Oyer & Termi
ner, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear
field, in and for Clearfield co., on the Fourth Mon
day, the 24th day of SEPTEMBER next, in the
Methodist En. church in said borough,!
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and
for said countyof Clearheld, to appearin tiieirown
proper persons with their Rolls. Kccords, Inquisi
tions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to
do those things which to their offices, and in their
behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnes
ses are requested to be then and there attending,
and not to depart without leave, at their peril.
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 22d day
of August in tha year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty and tho eighty-second
year of American Independence.
(commencing on 4th Monday, the 2lth day.)
grand jrnons.
Bell township Adam Breth.
Brady township Sam'l Arnold, Harrison Pass
more, Joseph Arnold, Frederick Shaffer, Joseph
Rishel, Frederick Wingert.
Burnside township Stephen Brothers.
Chest township Calvin Stevens.
Covington township William Schnarrs
Curwensville borough Daniel Faust.
Decatur township James Parsons, Jon'a Kep
hart. Philip Reese. Andrew Gcarhart.
Graham township James F. Shoopo.
Huston township Austin Brown.
Lawrence township John Dougherty, jr.
Lumber-city borough Wm. V. Wright.
Morris township DanTl Beams, Jona Rothrock.
New-Washington borough Samuel Sebring.
Pike township Abraham Snyder.
Woodward township Joseph Fiscus.
Beccaria. township Jos. W. Lull, J. H. Hegarty.
Bell township Wm.T. Gilbert, J. W. Campbell.
Boggs tp. I. Southard, II. Waple, Tho. Waple.
Brady township George W Long, Joab Ogden,
Geo. Jacob Yoas. Levi Draucker, Jas. C. Barrett,
Henry Hoover, Geo. Morgan. 1). Goodlanuer.
Bradford township Jeromo Robison.
Burnside township Frederick Sheppard, John
Rorabaugh, Philip Neff.
Chest township Josiah W. Lamburn, Jon'a Fry.
Clearfield borough Lattimer R. Merrell.
Curwensville boro' Jacob Faust, Abr. Gates.
Decatur township Isaac Goss.
Fox township James Blair.
Girard township Peter Lamm, Edward Wool
dridge, Adams Spackman.
Goshen township Lewis Irwin.
Guelich township Jones Rollin.
Jordan tp P. Bloom, Jos. M'Ncal, Jos. Dewalt.
Karthaus tp George Heckadon, David Haines.
Knox township John Jackson.
Lawrence tp O.Conklin, A. II. Reed, RossReed.
Morris township William L. Merrell.
New-Washington borough Joseph A. Breth.
Penn township D. S. Sharp. Joseph Newcomer
Pike tp G. B. Dale, G. B. Caldwell, J. Bloom, sr
Union township David Horn.
Bell townshin John Orr.
Boggs township Thomas Bears, George Turner.
Brady township Jack. Long, Jercmian lvriner
Bradford township John Dale, A. H. Lucas,
Georsre W. Gearhart.
T.urnsido townshin C. C. Mitchell, John Mc-
Cullough. Eben McMasters.
Chest townshin Daniel Gorman, S. McEwcn.
Clearfield borough Jefferson Litz, Henry Sny
der, Win. Radebaugh.
Covington township John M. Reiter.
Ferguson township Geo. Straw, P M'Crackcn
Goshen township Robert Bumgardner.
Graham tw'p Martin V. French, Isaac Kylar
Guelich township James A. Hegarty.
Lawrence township George Guelich.
Lumber-city boro' John Broomall, John Fer
truson. Jesse Snencer.
Morris tp W . Deviney, Jos.Dcnning, Ed. Perks
Pike townshin Joseph M. Snencer. Jacob Ritter
Union township John Brubaker, Benjamin F-.
Uarley, Levi Dressier.
Woodward township Christian Shoff.
A FEW fine brown and white Leghorn and Jtng-
J-. lish Dunstable hat, at E. A. IRVIN'b cor-
Cnrwensville, July 9.
amine and reduce the large stock of Dress
Goods, just received at MOSSOP'S.
4 DMlVlSTRlTnnS'Vn rn.r t ... ,
ZM. of Administration on the est.it rr Thrms
Owens, late of Lumber-citv Boron.h n arfitl.I
county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the
unaersignea residing in said Borough, all per
sons indebted to said estate are reqnesiei to make
immediate payment, and those ha ving claims will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
August 8. 1860-6t. Administrators.
IN THE ORPHANS' COURT of Clearfield co.
In the matter of the estates of Samuel Spencer,
Joseph Spencer, Hannah and Nancy Spencer, and
John Harlow Fisher, decM. And now, April 17th
A. L. 1SO0, citation awarded by the court upon
heirs, executors and administrtor3of above dece
dents, to show cause why specific performance of
contracts for sale of real estate made bv them in
their life time shall not be decreed. June 20th,
1S60. citations returned, and on motion of R. J.
Wallace, Esq., attorney for applicant, T. J. Me-
Cullough. Esq., appointed commissioner to take
testimony. JAMES WHIG LEY, Clerk.
In pursuance of above commission, and tome
directed, testimony in the above matter will be
taken at my office in Clearfield, on Thursday the
12th of September, when and where all persons in
terested may attend. T. J. M'CULLUUGH.
August i lbdO. Commissioner.
MUSIC MISS L. A. P. RYNDER. would an
nounce that on Wednesday, Sept. Sth. she
will open, in Clearfield, a school for tho study of
Vocal ind Instrumental Music. Desiring to make
the school a permanency, she promises to remain
as long as she receives a generous patronage.
Miss R. desires to call attention particularly to
the fact that whereas ordinary teachers give from
twenty-four to thirty lessons, of one hours length,
for ten dollars, she will give sixty lessons of the
same length, and twelve review lessons, to the
whole class, for the same price. Each lesson is di
vided into two pat ts. Theoretical and Practical.
Receiving double the amount ot instruction, pa
rents have a right to expect the pupils progress
also doubled, and, if the rules of the school are
strictly followed, she pledges herself not to dis
appoint them.
Ikxt Looks Richardson or Grobc, for Piano.
Curtiss or Converse, for Guitar.
Bassini, Cooke, or Lablaehe. for Voice.
TERMS Ten dollars per Quarter of seventy-
two lessous, for either Piano, Guitar or Melodeou
Vocal musi'j free to every pupil studying instru
mental music.
Rev. J. 1). Stewart. Messrs. P. Snceringer. Isaac
N. Berlin, T. B. Iltims, Wm. Irvine. E. L. Study,
Dr. Win. B. Roberts, and all others who have pa
tronized me, can he relerred to. Aug. la. lbbo.
BLE REAL ESTATE Bv virtue of an order
of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, the un
dersigned trustee, nnpointed ny tne sani court.
will expose to public saleAm the Fourth Monday,
the, 2 Uh day of September. 1S00, at Clearfield, the
Real 1-state ot William -Uoyer, aeccused, as lol
lows, to wit :
Purpart No. 1. All that tract of land conveyed
to Win Moyer, deceased, by Josiah W. Smith, by
fdeed dated May 0th. 1S."1, described as follows:
Beginning at a white oak corner, thence south by
the John Donaldson survey 157i perches to corner
of Wm. Shippey's purchase, thence by the same
westllli perches to a white pine, thence north
157J perches to a post, thsnce east by George Har
rison survey 11 1 perches to the place of begin
ning, containingono hundredand nine acres, more
or less, and being the north east quarter of the
James Milligan survey.
Purport No. 2. Comprising all that tract or piece
of land conveyed to said Wm. Moyer, deceased.
from John Martin by deed dated June oth. a. u.
18j5. and bounded by lands ot alentmc 1 legal,
Thomas C. Cochran and others, beginning at a
white oak on the north west corner of the tract,
thence south one hundred and fifty-four perches
to corner of land of Valentine Flegal, thence east
by line of said land one hundred and eighteen
perches to a post, thence along line of Thomas Col
buru's land north one hundred and fifty-four per
ches to the old line, thence west by Franee s
one hundred and eighteen perches to the place of
beginning, containing one hundred and seven a-
eres, more or less, and being out of the north west
corner of John Donaldson survey.
TERMS : One half cash and the residue in one
year with interest. J. R. REED,
August 8. 13J0. Trustee.
It is a fact that, at some period, every mem
ber of the human family is subject to disease or
disturbance of the bodily functions ; but, with the
aid of a good tonic and the exercise of plain com
mon sense, they may be able so to regulate the sys
tem as to secure permanent health. In order to ac
complish this desired object, the true" eoursc to pur
sue is certainly that which will produce a natural
state of things at the least hazard of vital strength
and life. For this purpose, Dr. liostetter has in
troduced to this country a preparation bearing his
name, which is not a new medicine, but one that
has been tried for years, giving satisfaction to all
who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully
upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them
to a healthy and vigorous action, and thus, by
the simple process of strengthening nature, ena
ble the svstem to triumph over disease.
For the cure of Dyspepsia, indigestion, .Nausea,
Flatulency. Loss of Appetite, or Bilious complaints,
arising from a morbid inaction of the Stomach or
Bowels, producingCramps.Dysentary,Cholie,Chol
era Morbus, Ac, these Bitters have no equal.
Diarrhoea, dvsenterv or flux, so generally con
tracted by new settlers, and causod principally by
the change of water and diet, will be speedily reg
ulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspep
.. ,- , t i i i .
sia, a disease wnicu is proouoiy more prevaieui,
m all its various forms, than any other, and tne
cause of which mav always be attributed to de
rangements ot tne digestive organs, can ue tureu
without fail by using 110STETIER S STOMACH
BITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For
this disease every physician will recommend Bit
ters of some kind : then w hy not use an article
known to be infallible ? All nations have their
Bitters, as a preventive of disease and strengthen
er of the system in general; and among them all
there is not to be tound a more neauny people
than the Germans. from whom this preparation em
anated, based upon scientific experiments which
have tended to prove the value oi mis great pre
naration in the scale of medical science.
Fever and Ague. This trying and provoking
disease, which fixes its relentless erasp on the bo
dy of man. reducing him to a mere shadow in a
short time, and rendering him physically and men
tally useless, can be driven from the body by the
Further, none of the above-stated diseases can be
contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bit
ters are used as per directions. And as mey nei
ther create nausea nor offend the palate, and ren
der unnecessary anv change of diet or interrup
tion of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep
and healty digestion, and the complaint is remo
ved as speedily as is consistent with the produc
tion of a thoiougu ana permanent cure.
For Persons in Advanced rears, who are sutler-
inr from an enfeebled consitution and infirm body.
these Bitters are Invaluable as a restorative of
strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to be
appreciated. And 10 amoinerwuue nursing ineso
Bitters are indispensable, especially where the mo
ther's nourishment is inadequate to the demands
of the child, consequently her strength must yield,
and here it is wnere a gooa ionic, sueu .i uusicw
ter's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart tempo
rary strn-rth and vigor to the system. Ladies
all means trv this remedy for all ca
B9 of debility, and. before . o doing, should ask
their physician, who, it he is acquainted wun me
virtue of the Stomach Bitters, will recommend
Un!r ,,so tn 11 eases of weakness
Caution. We caution the publie against using
any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask
for liostetter' s Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and see
that each bottle has the words "ur. J . liostetter
Stomach Bitters"' blown on the side of tho bottle
n,l Rtnmned on the metalliccapcovering the cork
and observe that our autograph signature is on the
label. Usr Prepared and sold by liostetter Cr 2nittt
Pittsburg. Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers.
and dealers generally throughout the United
States, Canada, teoutb. America, ana uermany.
Agents Geo.W.Rheem and C.D.Watson, Clear
field ; John Patton, Curwensville ; D. Tyler. Hus
ton : F. K. Arnold. Luthersburg. - Sept24,'59.
EST Philadelphia Sugar-Cured Hams at the
new store ot ghaham, uotstos & vo.
The undersigned keeps constantly on hand
at his store room in Philipsburg. Ccntro county, a
full stock of Flour, Ham?. Shoulders Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar. Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Scgars, Snuff. Ac.; all
of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and trv hia
articles. Imar21j ROBERT LLOYD.
PA. The subscriber having purchased tha
furniture and interest from II. H. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sient and permanent boarders. 4 Every depart
ment connected - with his establishment will be
conducted second to none in tho county. Ro res
pectfully solicits a share of publif! patronage.
Inly il, lStSO.-y. GEO. N. COLBl R.V.
1 LOU R ! FLO UR ! ! The undersigned ha
ing made arrangements with a largo manu
facturing establishment to supply bim with Flour,
he gives notice to the public .that ho is prepared
to furnish all who want a good aiticlc. at the very
lowest price, in as large or small quantities as
my be desired. He also keeps on hand constant
ly liquors of all kinds, which he will sell whole
sale or retail. JAS. II. GALER.
Tyrone City, Pa , July 11th. 1S59
The undersigned takes this method of inform
ing the public that he has commenced the manu
facture of Stone-Waro in tho Borough of Clear
field, and thst bo is now prepared to supply all
who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks,
Jugs. Jars. Ac, at lower prices, than they can ba
bought else where. He solicits a share of pntron
Clearfield, Pa., Mvy 23, lSiO-ly.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on "his own hook," at his old shop on Market
Street, nearly opposite tho '-old Jew Store," whera
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every description of Cabinet-Ware, that
my bo wanted in this section of country ; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus, Writingland Wash Stands'; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables : Mahogany and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. He wil'
also repair furniture and chairs, in good stylo
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice. and easy terms Now is the time to buy at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thing
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rate.
Walk in and examine the articles on hand, aui
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
Country produce received in pavment.
April 13, IS j'J JOHN GUELICH.
N. B Coffins made to order on short notice, an
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
priato accompanyments, when desired. J. G-.
Druii and Variety Store.
Eastern cities, and opened at their NEW
west of l'hird. the most extensive assortment of
Drugs, Varnishes, Perfumery, Toilet articles,
Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Cutlery, Miscellaneous
Paints, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy
Oils, Segars, Blank books Articles, Ac,
ever offered to the public in this section of country.
Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which they have
an extensive assortment, have been selected with
especial reference to their quality, and freshness.
Extra Logwood. chipped A ground ; Indigo. Mad-
der.Annatto, Cochineal. Sol. tin. Red Sanders. Copal
coach-black for leather.Japan for dying, Map, Mas
tic, White Dainar, AVhite Spirit k Flowing Varnish.
Cavendish, best; Natural Leaf, Rough A Ready.
Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the
Harem, tobacco; Rappe A Scotch snuff; El phaeton,
HenryClay, Fundi, La china, LI mono, Ac. hcgaM.
Ledgers, Day books. Receipt and Note Books,
Diaries, Ladies and Office Portfolios. Blank parch
ment and paper deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all
legal blanks; loolscap, letter, noic. business and
drawing paper, envelopes, ready reference files;
Anuear sa Arnold s writing fluid ; ink, t.iack, blue
A carmine.steel pens A pen holders, paper clips, mu
cilage, and all other articles in the stationary line.
Their stock of Oils and Paints will eonsist of Lin
seed Oil, Coal Oil, Tanner's Oil, Turpentine, Red
and White lead, dry and ground in oil ; Spanish
brown, Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre, Lamp
black, Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer
ican ermilhon, Fans Green; Lltrainanne and
Prussian Blue, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel
low and green. Carmine, Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt;
Drop, lake and black; Emery, Olue; Gums, Copal,
Damar anil Shellac ; Indian red, Litharge, Orange
mineral, Pumice and Rotten stone; Rose pink, A-
mencan and Lnglish; Kosin, .scarlet, (or Fersian
red.) Terro de Sienna. Turkey Umber, Verdigris,
Blue and White itriol. Whiting, Zinc, copperas.
Borax, Putty and Putty knives, Glass of all sizes
and qualities, Looking-glass plates, etc., etc , etc.
Hairbrushes, American, French English, with
Ivory, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Satin-wood, Rose-wood
and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush
es, Hat brushes : Teeth brushes, various qualities ;'
Shaving brushes, American, English and French,
with Russia bristlest Badger 3 hair; ilesh brush
es; Comb orusnes A cleaners ; torioise sneu i uck.
combs, Tortoise shell. Plain and Fancy and India
rubber Long combs; fchell, UuHaio, Horn and In
dia rubber puff-side combs; India rubber Dress
ing combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles; English toilet
combs with handles; Bonnet combs ; Ivory and
Gutta Percha fine tooth combs ; Pocket combs, all
styles; American, French and German Cologne
A Lavender waters; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's,
Manenet A Conway's extracts for the handker
chief, and a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Co
caine, Barry s Tricophcrous, Lyon's Cathairon,
Eau. Lustral. Bears, Maccassar, Antigua, nose and
Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomades and Philocoom,
American and French, all styles and prices; cold
cream. Toilet powder, Rouge balls, Lilly White,
Puff boxes, china and paper; Smelling salts. Balm
of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav
ing compound of all sizes ; Military soap, Honey
soap. Chrystaline A Floating soaps, Ottoman, Yan
kee, wallagher, A ranspareni and castne soaps, a.c.
Gents' steel frame morocco and cuff portrnonic.,
Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoiso
olioll Velvet and Morocco portmonies ; Ladie'
crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads: La-
dies' cabas and morocco saicneis, mjch, penn, no
ry ; velvet and papier-mache, ivory A pearl memo
randum tablets ; fine English morocco pocket wal
lets; morocco and calf pocKet-books, with straps
and clasps ; bill books Banker's cases, with lock
and key; collapsion drinking cups ! medical glas
ses, with and without drops ; fishing tackle ; Chap
man a Emerson's razor strops; cigar cases; crumb
brushes ; shoe brushes, with and without handles ;
horn brushes, all qualities ; print A varnish brush
es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; counter and
marking brushes; white-wash A scrubbing brush
es; fancy-colored dusting brushes. Ac. Rich pearl
inlaid papier-mache toilet cases, work boxes and
writing desks ; Rosewood and Mahogony writing
desks; Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid
gloves, neck-ties, collars, cravats and canes ; La
dies' Kid, Taffeta silk and Kid finished gauntlets,
and Lysle thread gauntlets; Black and Mlkweb
suspenders, french striped gum suspenders, -rich
embroidered suspenders, Guiotsnew style French
suspenders. Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored
border and cambric handkerchiefs. Ladies Unea
handkerchiefs in great variety; Sun-shade tans,
circular French fans, canton feather fans of great
variety ; fine canton palm fans with ivory A paint
ed handles; black and mourning fans; Hair pins
English A French, c. ' Also, Patent Medicines of
every variety. All of which will be sold at the
lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn
ished with Drugs, Medicines and Surgical instru
ments, at the most reasonable rates for Cash.- '
Physician's prescriptions carefully eompoundel
Clearfield, Pa., June 20th. 1S6(J.
i :
. - .