Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 08, 1860, Image 3

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AppBAB-a number of new advertisements,
in to-day's paper. Read them.
CouBT.-The September Term of our Court
commences on the Fourth Monday.
Tnf ;WeathR. The weaiher has been ex
cecdly warm in this region during . the past
week. The mercury raised to 95 in the shade,
on yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon.
Liveht StabCT. We understand that A. M.
Smith and J. S. Johnson are about starting
a livery stable in this place, and that they
have now several horses and vehicles for hire.
CtKAuriVLD Bask. The Directors of the
Clearfield County Bank, met on Saturday eve
ning, Angust4th, In this Borough, and elec
ted lion. Richard Shaw, President, and James
B. Grahani, Esq., Cashier.
Camp-Meetiko". The camp-meeting of the
Clearfield and Curwensville circuit of the M.
E. Church will commence on Fiiday, August
2Uh, on Air. Thomas Reed's ground, the same
place where it was held last year.
Eahlt Apples. We were the recipient, a
few days since, of a number of early apples, a
present from Mrs. Radebangh of this Borough.
They were of large size, beautiful appearance,
and palatablo taste. Mrs. R. will please ac
cept our thanks. - - ' -
Large Bear Killed. Oo Tuesday evening,
2nd instant, whilst Thomas Nivling, of Gue
lich township, was watching a deer lick on
Moahannon creek, a large black bear approach
ed the lick, when Mr. N. shot him. The "var
mint" was one of extraordinary size.
Oats tallest. Mr. John W. Tate, of Law
rence township, loft at our office, yesterday,
a number of stalks of the tallest oats we have
seen. One stalk measured 6 feet 10 Inches
aifa the head 17 inches. Mr. T. says he has
three acres, much of which is nearly as high
as the sample brought to the office.
Mass Meeting and Fole Raising. Te
friends of Lincoln, Hamlin and4Curtin will
hold a Mass Meeting in Philipsburg, Centre
county, Pa., on Saturday the 18tli day of Au
gust, 1860. A pole will also be raised at the
the same time and place. Hon. A. G. Curtin
Col. V. VT. Brown, J. II. Stover, Esq., Maj
J. S. Brisbin, and others, vrlll address the
meeting. All persons opposed to the present
Administration, and who are in favor of the e
lection pf Lincoln, Hamlin and Curtio, are in
vited toVttend. Come one, come all !
Distressing- Affair. We are pained to
learn that on Wednesday, August 1st, Mr
James White, an old and respected citizen
of Karthaus township, committed suicide by
cutting his throat with a razor, lie had gone
to the barn, and there committed the rash
-act, but succeeded in returning to the house,
where he remained several minutes before his
condition was discovered. He then said to his
fam ly that they should not censure him, as he
had done the deed whilst laboring under great
;pain. He was placed in bed, and Dr. Camp
bell, of Snow Shoe, sent for, but the wind
pipe being severed, all human aid proved un
availing, and he died ia the afternoon. He
:inade a will, dividing his property equally a
inong his heirs. Mr. White was about 60
years of age, and his family deserves the pity
and sympathy of the community.
A Woman Shot. On Saturday evening, A
gust 4th, at about 5 o'clockJohn Cathcart of
-Knox township, shot his wife with a gun. It
teems ho came homo under the influence of
liquor, but what was the direct cause of his
committing the deed does toot appear clearly.
lie alleges that he did it accidentally. As
there are a number of contradictory reports in
circulation, we withhold the expression ot any
opinion in regard to the matter. The woman
died at about 11 o'clock the same evenicg
Dr. retzer was called in and extracted the
bullet before she expired. A coroner's jury
was held and a verdict rendered that Mrs
cathcart died from the eflects of a gun-shot
wound inflicted by fcer husband. . Cathcart
was brought to town on Monday and lodged
in jail, ne is a son of Archibald Cathcart.
His wife was a daughter of Lyman Miles.
Indian Burying Ground. Mr. E. H. Spen
cer, vt Grampian Ililja, writes us that whilst
he was recently hunting and fishing along
Curry's Run in that section of our county, af
ter emerging from a thick growth of under
brush ,he came upon a beautful piece of ground,
girded on tbreo sides by hills and on the other
by the Run, the spot embracing perhaps an
acre. The absenco of any but tall trees, at
tracted his attention, and upon a close exami
nation of the ground, he discovered numer
ous mounds, almost sunken to a level with
the earth. The thought struck Mr. Spencer
that if had been a burying place of the Indians
at tome remote period. With nothing but a
sharp stick in his hands, he commenced dig
King and, soon removed the earth to the
depth of about two feet, when bo found Inu
merallc j-raall stones, of different sizes and
shapes, laid in with great career On removing
these he came upon the skeleton of on Indian,
,He gathered from the grave the Indian's im
plements of war, which consisted of a stone
hatchet, a quiver of arrow heads, tho wood
having long since decayed, and a piece of what
he supposed to have been the red-mao'a bow.
Gcrritt Smith is out against Lincoln. He
btl? en avery Wtter letter, denouncing
npporter of the Fugitive Slave Law,
f k tbst no true abolitionist can up.
port mm. 1q this he repeats the movement of
rnnnSW , he mad ua11 experiment at
r3 2S. or,9overnor against the- Republican
rit ih Ytst ,n sPit0 of luo well-established
Md w utrriU Smith 18 D0t a Republican
ESn 5".hi" power to the defeat of Repnb
aorrII d,Jate3 w see constantly in the De-
cao or gr03S 6,andcr that be
oaoof tbe Republican leaders. - ' '
Resolved,' That we,; the delegate! repreueuta
tires of tbe .Republican electors of the I'uituti
States in Convention assembled, in the discharge
of the duty we owe to oar constituents and our
country, unite in the lollowing declarations :
1st That the history of the nation during the
last four years has established the propriety and
necessity of the organization and perpetuity of tbe
Kepublicaa party, and that tbe oauses which called
iC into existence are permanent in their nature,
and now more than ever before, demand its peace
ful and constitutional triumph. i.
2d That the maintainance of the Federal Con
stitution is essential to the preservation of our
republican institutions, and shall be preserved.
3d That to the Union of the States this nation
owes its unprecedented increase in population, its
surprising development of material resources, its
rapid augmentation of wealth, its happiness at
home and its honor abroad; and we hold in abhor
rence all schemes for disunion, come from what
ever source they may. And we congratulate the
country that no Republican member of Congress
has uttered or countenanced a threat of disunion
so often made by Democratic members of Congress
Without rebuke, and with applause from their po
litical associates. And we denounce thoso threats
ot disunion in case of a popular overthrow of their
ascendancy, as denying the vital principles of a
free government, and as an avowal of contempla
ted treason, which It is the imperative duty of an
indignant people strongly to rebuke and forever
4th That tbe maintainance inviolate of the
rights of the States, and especially the rights of
each State to order and control its own domestic
institutions according to its own judgment exclu
sively, is essential to that balance of power on
which the perfection and endurance ot her politi
cal faith depends. And we denounce the lawless
invasion by an armed force, of any State or Terri
tory no matter under what pretext, as among the
gravest of crimes.
5th That the present Dcmociatio Administra
tion has so fur exceeded our worst apprehensions
in its measureles subserviency to the exactions of
a sectional interest, as is especially evident in its
desperate exertions to force tho infamous Lecomp
ton constitution upon the protesting people of
Kansas in construing the personal relation be
tween master and servant to involve an unquali
fied property in persons in its attempts at the en
forcement, everywhere on land and sea, through
the intervention of Congress and the Federal
Courts ot the extreme pretensions of a purely local
inUrest, and its general and unvarying abuse of
the power entrusted to it by a confiding people.
6th That the people justly view with alarm tho
reckless extravagance which ptevades every de
partment of tho federal, government. That a re
turn to rigid economy and accountability is indis
pensable to arrest the system of plunder of the
public treasury by favored partizaus; while, tbe
present startling developments of fraud and cor
ruption at the Federal metropolis show that an
entire change of administration is imperatively
7th That the new dogma that the Constitution,
of its own force, carries slavery into any or all of
the territories of the United States, is a dangerous
political heresy, at variance with the explicit pro
visions of that instrument itself, with its extempo
raneous exposition, and with legislative and ju
dicial precedent, is revolutionary in its tendencies
and subversive of the peace and harmony of the
8th That the normal condition of all the terri
tory of the United States, is that of freedom.
ILat as our republican fathers,, when they had
soousneu slavery m all our national territory or
dained that no person should be deprived of life,
liberty and property, without due process of law
it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever
such legislation is necessary, to maintain this pro
vision of the Constitution against all attempts to
violate it; and we deny the authority of Congress,
of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals,
to give legal exis:ence to slavery in any territory
of tho United States.
8th That we brand the recent rc-opening of
the Afrioan slave trade, nnder the cover of our
national ling, aided by prevcrsions of judicial
power, as a crime against humanity, a burning
shame to our country and age; and we call upon
Congress to take prompt and efficient measures
for the total end final suppression of tbatexe
orable traffic
. 10th That in the recent vetoes, by their gov
ernors, of the acts of the legislatures of Kansas
and Nebraska, prohibiting slavery in those terri
tories, we find a practical illustration of the boast
ed democratic principle of non-intervention and
popular sovereignty in tho Kansas and Nebraska
bill, and a denunciation of tho deception and
fraud involved therein.
Hth That Kansas should, of right, be immedi
ately admitted as a State under the Constitution
recently formed and adopted by her people, and
accepted by the House of Representatives.
12th That while providing revenue for tho sup
port of the general government by duties upon im
ports, a sound policy requires such an adjustment
of these imposts as to encour ige the development
oi ia inausinai interests oi toe whole country,
ana we commend mat policy of national exchan
ge which secures to the working men liberal wa
ges, agriculture renumeraticg prices, to mechanics
ana manuiaeiurers an aaequate reward for their
skill, labor and enterprise, and to tho nation com
mercial prosperity and independence.
13th That we protest against anv sale aliena
tion to ethers, of the public lands held by actual
settlers and against any view of the free homestead
policy wbicn rega. d6 the settlers as paupers or sup
pliants for public bounty. And we demand the
passage by L-ongressof the cimpleteand satisfacto
ry nomesieaa measure, wnscn has already passed
the House.
14th That the National Republican party is op
posed io any cnange ia our naturalization-laws,
or asy State legislation bv which rights of nitizen-
ehip hitherto accorded to emigrants from foreign
landsshall be abridged or impaired, and in favor
of giving a full and efficient protection to the
rights of all classes of citizens, whether native or
naturalised, both at homo and abroad.
15th That appropriations by Congress for river
ana naroor improvements of a national character
required lor the accommodation and security of an
existing commerce are autnorizea Dy the constitu
tion and justified by an obligation of the govern
ment to protect tho lives and property of the citi
16th That a railroad to the Pacific ocean is im-
peritively demanded by the interest of tho whole
oountry; that tho Federal Government ought to
rcnuer lmmeaiate and emcient aid in its construc
tion, and that as a preliminary thereto a daily
overland mail should be promptly established.
I7th Finally, having thus set forth our distinc
tive principles and views, we invite the co-ODera-
tion of all citizens, however differing on other
questions, who substantially agree with us in their
auirmauocs ana support.
The Douglas men of Dautdiin countv. Pa..
have nominated a clean out and out Douglas
local ticket, and refused to fuse with any oth
er party in the Presidential election.
Omitted our item column. Couldn'thelp it
EveX THOSE who are in the eniovment nf nr.
feet health frequently need to have recourse to
tonics as preventives ot disease. We aro never too
well armored against the assaults of "the ills that
flesh is heir to." Such an invirorator thev my
find in II os tetter's Bitters a medicine that cannot
be taken regularly without giving vitality and e
lastioity to tbe system At this season, particular
ly, the strongest man is not proof azainst the ma
laria, in certain sections of tho country. In all
cases of fever and ague, the Bitters is more potent
than any amount of quinine, whilst tho most dan-
gerons eases of bilious fever yield to its wonderful
properties. Those who have tried the medicine
will never use another, for any of tbe ailments
which the Hostetter Bitters profess to subdue. To
those who have not made the experiment, we cor
dially recommend an early application to the Bit
ters, whenever they are stricken by diseases of tbe
digestive organs. Sold by druggists and dealers
generally, everywhere See advertisement in
anotner column.
On the 2d day of August, at tbe steam mill.
by F. F. Coudriet, Esq., Mr. Levi Leard and
Miss MaboaketBar.be, both of Girard town-
nip. ; , .. - . -..
. .. DIED: '. ,' "... -
In this borough, August 6th, of -diptbem,
ORR est W., sou of A. M. and Garotiflo F.
Smith, agd 3 year and 4 months.
rriHE CAMP-MEETING on New Washing
- .Xon Clruit will be held on laud lvingclose to
the KlVer. near the resirlanra nf .Tohn P T.e Kxrt
uu y,jua commence on JBriaay. ltn ot August
Preachers and people are invited to attend.
Huckstering will not be allowed.
juijlS E. W. KlItBY.
JAY UP PUY UP i All persons indebted
A to the undersigned on Judgments, Notes,
xowt accounts, Jands. or otherwise, are notified
to make navment without Hl a v. and afLVA nnRfjci
He will be found at all times at tbe store of Gra
ham, Boynton & Co.,in Clearfield borough, where
ue seeps nis ooolcs. JAilES C. u It A HAM.
Clearflcld. Pa, Jnly 13, 18S0.
STRAY STEER. Came trespassing on the
premises of the subscriber in Lawrence town
ship, on the 17th of July, a black and white-spotted
Steer, supposed to be rising four years of age.
The owner is requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take him away or he
will be sold according to law.
Aug. 1, 1300. W. STEWART REED.
The undersigned. adopts this method of in
torming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A.Gibson A Co.. that he designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himeelf always in readiness to furnish those who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery Work,
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as Monuments, Box Tombs, Cra
dle Tombs, Spires, Obelisix, Grecian Tombs, Ta
ble Tombs, Head Stones, Carved. Sculptured or
Plain, as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be
had at any other establishment in the country.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase of patronage. WM. GAIIAGAN.
Bellefonte, Pa.. March 23, 1859-tf.
1 undcrsignod take pleasure in announcing to
the citizens of Ansonville and vicinity that they
have entered into partnership in the mercantile
business, under the name of Swan V Hartshorn,
and that they have just received and opened out
a stock of Seasonable Goods, embracing everything
usually kept in a country store, which they will
dispose of on the most advantageous terms to pur
chasers. They solicit a share of patronage, trust
ing that they will be able to render satisfaction to
buyers. HENRY SWAN.
The books of Chase V Swan, and those of Henry
Swan, are in the hands of H. Swan for collection.
All persons indebted are re quested to call and set
tle, as it is desirable to have the old accounts
squared. mar23, 'CO.
Centre county, Pa. The undersigned would
respectfully inform the traveling public that ho i
has recently purchased the above named Hotel,
which he has remodeled and furnished with new
beds, &c, and is now prepared to accommodate all
customers in the best manner possible His house
is pleasantly located, and therefore a desirablo
stopping place His table will at all times be sup
plied with the best in the market, and his bar will
be filled with the best liquors in this seotion of
country. Ho would especially invito his Clear
field county friends to give him a call as they
pass along, being fully persuaded that he can ren
der satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their custom. TUOS. ROBINS.
Philipsburg. May 9:h. I860.
A. A body of Valuablo Timber Laud, situate in
Pike tp., Clearfield co., Pa., on tho Little Clear
field Creek, about three and a half miles from Cur
wensville, containing over Five Hundred acres,
having thereon an old Saw-mili and Log house,
not in repair, known as the '-Johnson land," will
be sold at publio outcry, in the town of Curwens
ville, on Tuesday the Fourth day of September
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. TERMS OF SALE as or
dered by the Court Ten per centum to be paid
when tbe property is struck down, Two-fifths on
tbe confirmation of sale,' and the residue in one
year thereafter, with interest, to be necured by
bond and mortgage on the premises.
Persons wishing to'ezaioins the above premises
will plcaso call upon Mr. 8. Long, in the imme
diate neignbornood ot tne land, who will show
them the property. - C. OL YER,
Committee of Benjamin John
Ang. 1,1860. son, a Lunatic.
J having fitted up a shop a few doors east of
tne '-Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform t.Hfl rm m n T i tv at Inrrro tKnf V a Irnani nn
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at bis'
snop. ana mat ne manulactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furniture, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables ; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
Common and Fancy Bedsteads, Stands, Safes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounges. Ac, which he i3 determin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as thev
can be purchased at any other establishment of
tne sort in the county. Persons wishing, to buy
furniture are invited to come to his shop and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quanty and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he ean suit thm in price
and quality. Country produce will be taken in
payment for furniture. November 10, 1858.
N- B. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
FERRY Brown, the leader of the Insur
rection, found guilty of Murder and Treason in
tne rust aegree. lhe above named insurrection
caused a great deal of gas to be let off by leading
politicians and the political press of this great
country, and in fact, the majority of the people of
an parties, were more or less excited on reading
the first account of the insurrection some of the
papers trying to make political capital out of the
affair and others making light of the matter. But
it it had been an Italian strike for Freedom a
gainst their lawful sovereign, led on bv Maszinni
or Garibaldi, the Press of this country, with but
one extopuon, wouiu can meetings and pass reso
lutions and solicit subscriptions to aid them in
their so called patriotio work ; but amidst all this
inconsistency there is one man that is not the least
interested in the fate of Brown or his companions,
and that one is Frank Short of the Short Shoe
Shop on Second street, where he will be found at
all times ready and willing to wait upon persons
calling on him for anything in the Boot, Shoe or
Gaiter line. Thankful for past favors he only asks
a continuance of tho same, and will sell as cheap
for cash or hides as any other man in the county.
November 9, 1859. FRANK SHORT.
The undersigned, desire to inform the citizens of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity, that they
have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have'opened in the well-known Room
on Market street, Clearfield, (formerly occupied by
Wm. F. Irwin.) Their stock consists ot a general
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their stock of Dry Goods consists in part of such as
Cloths, Casimeres, Satinets, Tweeds, Vestings,
Muslins, Ttcl-ing,Checs. Calicoes, Chintzes,
Ginghams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De
Laines, Cashmeres, Silts. Plaids, Shawls, ,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc.
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters.
Misses and Childrens Shoes; Mens', Boys', and
xoutns noots, cnoes, lists and Caps, with a large
seieotion of useful notions, amonir which are
Perfumery, Cloth and Hair Brushes, Fancy
Soaps, Pens and PnJulders. Combs. 6rc.
together with many other useful notions, all of
whioh will be sold low for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new, and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they feel confident that they ean sell
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in j
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere. Remember the new Store is the plaoe.
Feb. 22. 1860. ; - GRAHAM, BOYNTON i CO. I
BACON. A quantity of good bacon on hand
and for sale at the store of
may 30,' . REED, WEAVER A CO.
HAM, Sides and Shoulders, for sale at the store
of WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield.
j eamine th Uigest assortment ot well
made Tin-ware to be fou-nd in the State, which
we are prepared to sell at Lower Prices than in
terior goods are generally sold for.
, Bign of the Large Coffee Pot,
Mar:U: 50-Sm. 723 Market st. Philadelphia.
-"- The undersigned keeps constantly on hand
at hia store room in Philipsburg, Centre eounty, a
full stock of Flour, Hams, Shoulders Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, &c. Also, Li
quors of all kinds, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Ac; all
of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his
articles. Imar21 ROBERT LLOYD.
jOLOUR ! FLOUR !! The undersigned hav
ing made arrangements with a large bianu-
lacturing establishment to supply him with Flour,
uo B notice to tne public that he is prepared
to furnish all who want a good article at the very
.,..... jjnua, in as large or email quantities as
my be desired. He also keeps on hand constant-
i.y liquors oi an Kinds, which he will sell whole-
sa e or retail. JAS. II. GALER.
Tyrone City, Pa , July 11th. 1359.
undersigned informs tho publio that he has
fitted up a Billiard Room.up-stairs in Dr. Lorain's
Building on Market street, Clearfiold, Pa., for tho
accommodation of all who may wish to indulge
in this delightful and scientific recreation. Hia
taoie is of the latest and best pattern, and all the
appliances are of a similar character. No atten
tion will be spared to insure the comfort and lea-
sure oi customers. ROBERT SMITH.
uiearneid, December 21, 1859.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to lniorm nis old friends and customers, that he
is now carrying on the Cabinet Making business,
on "nis own hook." at his old shon on Mrkt
street, nearly opposite the "old Jew Store," where
w Store," where
I to manufacture
binet-Ware, that
no &eeps on nana, and is prepared
to order, every description of Cab
may bo wanted in this section of country : con-
Biaiiug vi ooias, lounges, iiauogony and iJommon
; ..." , c or t ... .
xureaus, writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahosanv and Com
nion Bedsteads; Sowing Stands, 4c, io. He wil
also repair turniture and chairs, in r-noH aivl
cheap for cash. House Paintiner done onshort no
tice. and easv terms. Now is tho tim tn Imi
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thin
in my line of business at the cheapest cash rates
Walk in and examine the articles on band, nni
juage ior yourselves, of the quality and finish.
vuuuiijr prouuue received in payment.
April 13, 1859 JOHN GUELTCH
N B Coffins mad to order on short notice, ant
iunerais attended with a neat hearse, and appro
pnaie accompanymeuts. wneu desired. J. ti.
Drug and Variety Store.
Eastern cities, and opened at their NEW
west of Third, the most extensive assortment of
Drugs, Varnishes, Perfumery, Toilet articles.
Aieaicines. wye&tuns, Cutlery, Miscellaneous
Paints, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy
Oils, Segars, Blank books Articles, Ac,
ever offered to the public in this section of country.
Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which they have
an extensive assortment, have been selected with
especial reference to their quality and freshness
Extra Log wood, chipped Aground ; Indigo, Mad
der, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin. Red Sanders Copal
cuacn-uiac&ior ieainer,japan ior dying, Map, elas
tic, White Damar, White Spirit k Flowing Varnish.
Cavendish, best; Natural Leaf, Rough a Ready,
Lady twist, Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the
Harem, tobacco; Rappe 4 Scotch snuff; El phaeton,
iienryclay, runen, La oftica, t,i monc, Ac, Segars.
Lodgers, Day-books, Receipt and Note Books,
Diaries, Ladies and'Office Portfolios, Blank parch
ment and paper deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all
legal wants; foolscap, letter, note, business and
drawing paper, envelopes, ready reference files:
Anncar s a Arnold's writing fluid ; Ink, black, blue
a carmme,6teel pons a pen holders, paper clips, mu
cilage, and all other articles in the stationary line.
Their stock of Oils and Paints will eonsist of Lin
seed Oil, Coal Oil, Tanners Oil, Turpentine, Red
and White lead, dry and ground in oil ; Spanish
brown.Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre.Lamn-
blaok, Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer
ican Vermillion, raris Green; Ultramarine and
Prussian Blue, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel
low and green, Carmine, Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt;
Drop, lake and black ; Emery, Glue ; Gums, Copal,
Damar and Shellac ; Indian red, Litharge, Orange
mineral, Pumice and Rotten stone; Roee pink, A
merican and English ; Rosin, Scarlet, (or Persian
red,) Terre de Sienna, Turkey Umber, Verdigris,
Blue and Whito itriol, Whiting, Zino, copperas,
Borax, Putty and Putty kuives, Glass of all sizes
and qualities, Looking-glass plates, etc, etc , etc
Hairbrushes, American, French A English, with
Ivory, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Satin-wood, Kose-wood
and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush
es, Hat brushes : Teeth brushes, various dualities:
Shaving brushes, American, English and French,
with Russia bristles a Badger's hair ; Flesh brush
es; Comb brushes A cloaner3. Tortoise shell Tuck
combs, Tortoise shell. Plain and Fancy and India
rubber LongcOmbs; Shell, Buffalo, Horn and In
dia rubber puff-side combs; India rubber Dress
ing combs, 4 to S inches, all styles ; English toilet
combs with handles; Bonnet combs; Ivory and
Guttapercha tine tooth combs; Pocket combs, all
styles; American, .trench and German Cologne
t Lavender waters; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's,
Mangenet A Conway's extracts for tho handker
chief, and a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Co
caine, Barry's Trioophcrouj, Lyon's Cathairon,
Eau, Lustral, Bears, Maccassar,-Antigua, Hose and
Coral Oil; Beef marrow, Pomades and Philocoom,
American and French, all styles and prices: cold
cream, Toilet powder, Rouge balls, Lilly White,
Puff boxes, china and paper ; Smelling salts, Balm
of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav
ing compound of all sites ; Military soap. Honev
soap, Chrystaline a Floating soaps, Ottoman, Yan-
nee,uaiiaguer, .transparent and Uastile soaps, Ao.
Gents' steel frame morocco and cuff portinonies.
Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoise
shell. Velvet and Morocco portmonios : Ladies-
crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads : La
dies' cabusand morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivo
ry ; velvet and papier-mache, ivory a pearl memo
randum tablets ; fine English morocco pocket wal
lets; morocco and calf poccet-books, with straps
and clasps ; bill books A Banker's cases, with lock
and key: collapsion drinking cups : medical elas
ses, with and without drops; fishing tackle; Chap
man a Emerson's razor strops ; cigar cases ; crumb
brushes ; shoe brushes, with and without handles ;
horn brushes, all qualitios ; print A varnish brush
es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; eounter and
marking brushes; white-wash a scrubbing brush
es ; fancy-colored dusting brushes. Ac. Rich pearl
inlaid papier-mache toilet cases, work boxes and
writing desks; Rosewood and Mahogony writing
desks ; Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid
gloves, neck-ties, eollars, cravats and canes : La
dies' Kid, Taffeta silk and Kid finished gauntlets,
and Lysle thread gauntlets ; Black and Silk web
suspenders, frenoh striped gum suspenders, rich
embroidered suspenders, Guiota new style French
suspenders, Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored
border and cambric handkerchiefs.- Ladios' Linen
handkerchiefs in great variety; Snn-shade tans,
circular French fans, canton feather fans of great
variety ; fine canton palm fans with ivory A paint
ed handles; black and mourning fans; Hair pins
lingnsh a i-rench, dc Also, .Patent Medicines ox
every variety. All of which will be sold at the
lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn
ished with Drugs, Medioines and Surginal instru
ments, at the moot reasonable rates for Cash.
Physioian s prescriptions carefully compounded
Clearfield, Pa., June 20th, 1860.
BLANK SUMMONS' for sale at the Variety
atore of Loraise & Co. Clearfield, Pa.
TJILOTJR A lot of the best quality, for sale low
- w iu 8ro oi wi. IUwIN
ylso. Hams and Shoulders, Mackerel and Herring
lll.Ti.KAL WATUK.-If you waat "Icy
XI A uold and parklln Mineral Water," call at
Ijtraine Cr Co l l)rx tore. as they have recent
ly put up a epienaia iountam. July 18.
SHAWL TAKEN A red shawl, silk fringe,
was taken from tha parlor of the "Mansion
House," Clearfield, on the night of the 25th July.
The person who has it is requested to return it
immediately. DAVID JOHNSON.
A complete, out and out, stock of
jns received and selling low by
Curwensville, July 9. E A. IRVIX.
PC. PURVIANCE has just returnod from
Pittsburg, where he has been Ambrotyping
for several months, and has opened a Gallery on
Second street, above the Post-office, lie invites
attention to his pictures, cases, and prices. Give
him a call. Clearfield. June 6, 1860.
dersigned offers at private sale, seven and a
half acres of ground in Beocaria township, at the
month of VThitmore run, on big Clearfield creek,
having a two-story frame house. 20 by 35 feet in
dimensions, store house Id by 26 feet,stable and
other out-buildings thereon. For terms apply to
the undersigned, near Ansonville.
July 11, lS50.-2m.-pd. JOHN SWAN.
Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale at
his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa,
Kip and Calf Skins, (French and American;)
and a variety of Linings, Bindings, Shoe Pegs,
pans ana i oread, Uoot w ebbing, lilackmg, i-c
n faet everything usually.kept in a shoe-finding
establishment, lie has also Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Toa B-ice, Soda, Syrup, Tobacco, Segars, Nails,
Glass, io., all of which can bo had chean for cash
i r .. u i -v i m . rt.
I uumnrauurg. .ovemocr 2, iaaa-iyp.
SHOP AHEAD!!!! TVV ubscriber thtnkful
for past favors, takes thisWcthod of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
I snop lormerly occupied by George W . Orr, on bee
ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture Wagons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also. Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, 4c, made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best Btock. Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms.
June 29, 1353. WILLIAM R. BROWN.
an order of the Orphans Court of Clearfield
county, Pa thero will bo oxposed to public sale,
on Saturday the 11th day of August. 1860, at 2 o'
clock P. M., at the house of David S. Plotner. in
the Borough of New Washington, the following
described property, to wit: All that certain piece
of land, situate iu Chest township, Cloarfield co.,
Pa., bounded by lands of Simon Rorabaush, John
H. Beyers, Solomon and Andrew Tozer. land late
of Moses Pearce and others; containing "82 acres,
late tne estate of 1 nomas Wilson, deceased.
.terms One half cash, the balance in one year
with interest. W1L.L.1A31 f fc.Vlll,
July 10, 1860. - HENRY H. HUKD,
IF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscp'S
IF you want fine ground Zinc, go to Mossop'a
IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Mossop's
IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossop's
cloths, cassimeres. tweeds. AC.
IF you want superior Cloths, go to Mossop's
IF you want Fancy Cassimeies, go to Mossop'b
IF you want Black Cassimeres, go to Mossop's.
IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, goto Mossop's
IF you want superior Cassinets, go to Mossop's.
I it you want superior oattinets, go to aiossop s.
IF you want fashionable Bonnets, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want new fancy DeLaines, go to Mossop's.
lb you want good French Chintz, go to Mossop's
IF you want French Ginghams, co to Mossop's
IF you want Domestic Ginghams, go to Mossop's
lif you want first rate Alpacas, go to Mossop's
IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop's.
it you want fashionable Uoats, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Pants, go to Mossop's
IF you want fashionable Neck ties. go to Mossop's
IF you want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's
IF you want fashionable Hats, go to Mossop's
It you want tasbionable Hoots, go to Mossop's.
it you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossop's
IF you want Boys' Coats & Pants, eo to Mossop'a.
Air you want Children s shoes, go to Mossop's
IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mossop's
le you want good White Muslin, go to Mossop's
IF you want good colored Muslins, go to Mossop's.
IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Hand'ks, go to Mo3sop's.
lr you want cotton lianukercniels,goto JVIossop's
IF you want Linen Table oloths, go to Mossop's
IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mossop's
IF you want UmbrellasAParasols, goto Mossop's
it you want a superior Clock, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Table Oil Cloths, iro to . Mossop's.
IF you want good Floor Oil Cloth, go to Mossop's.
IF you want new School Books, go to Mdssop's.
IF you want Nails ana Spikes, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Hard ware of all kinds, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Grass Scythe, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Kay Fork, go to Mossoprs.
IF you want a good Manure Fork, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good G arden Spades, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Willow Baskets, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a good Luggy V hip, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Tobacco and Cigars, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Manilla hemp cords, go to Mossop s.
IF you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Shoe Lasts and Pegs, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to Mossop's.
IF you-want Powder, Lead A Shot, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Stove Blacking, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mossop's.
IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's.
IF you want.Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mossop's.
IF you want excellent Dried Beef, goto Mossop's
IF you want good Brown Sugar, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superiorWhiteSugar, goto Mossop's
IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to Mossop's
IF you want Extract of Coffee, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want good Imperial Tea, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Black Tea, go to Mossop's
IF you want good Young Hyion, go to Mossop's.
IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop'a.
IF you want excellent Rice, go to Mossop's.
IF von want fresh ground Spices, go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's
IF you want good Tallow Candles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good tresh Mackerel, go to Mossop a.
IF yon want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop's
IF you want superior White Fish, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want molasses, all Kinds, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossop'b,
IF you want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Oranges and Lemons, goto Mossop's.
IF you want old Monongahela, go to .. Mossop's.
IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's.
IF you want " for Medical use, go to Mossop'a.
IF you want v " Sacramental use.go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Cherry Brandy goto Mossop's.
IF yon want good Sweet Wine, go to Mossop's.
Clearfield. Pa., April 27. 1859.
TUB FARM in Jordan towsbip noccupied by
John Kilion, being 50 aores, 35 of which are
cleared and under good fenee, and having a house
and barn thereon erected, for sale. Apply to
June 15, 1859. L. J. CRANS, Clearflcld
HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Tm.
. Professional business promptly attended to.
DR. B. F. AKELY, Graham t,on, Clearfield eoca
ty.Penn'a. April 1.
DO. CROUCH, ruTSiAJilCttrwonsvilL,Clear
. field county, Penn'a. , May 14.
DR. H. R. BRYANT, Luthersburg, Pa., tenders
his professional services to the public in gen-ertI-
. Luthersburg, October 13, 1S5
I J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate
l. Agent, Clearfield. Pa. Once adjoining hia
residence, on Second street. May 1.
WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
pV rS loaifieV' P 0Cio on. doox north of th
I ost Office, on Second street. Sept. 1.
TJOBERT J WALLACE. Attorney at Law. (and
j District Attorney.) Clearfield. P. rim A i
Shaw's new row. Market srreet
1 . . . ' "
May M.
TT M11 PR 6r?'tt?rnerr ftt Clear
JUL. field, Pa. OEct in Graham's Row. one door
east of the Raftsman's Journal' ofike. Nov 10.
171 RANK SHORT, Boot and Shoe-maker. Shop
? on Second street, (nearly opposite Reed and
caver's Store,) Cloarfield, Pa. May 4, 1859.
MA. FRANK, Justice of the Peace, Market at ,
. Clearfield, Pa. Business entrusted to bis
care will receive prompt attention. Collections
made and money remitted Apr27'59
WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Markt.tret, Clearfield,
' P-. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family artioles generally. Xov. 10.
JOHN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware,. Market street, Clearfield, P.
lie also makes to order Coffins, antkrt nr.i
attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO.'5D.
JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market
street, Clearfield, Pa. He will also attend fu
nerals with a hearse, when c.aMnA nn a-A mob.
coffins to order, on short notice. ' Nov. 10
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 11,18
A B. SHAW, Shawsville, Clearfield county, P ,
. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware.
Queensware, Ac, sells cheap for Cash, or exchan
ges for Lumber or approved country produce.
TT F.NAUGLE, Watch and Cloek Maker, and
JL. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ao. Room in
Shaw's new row, Market streot, oppositethe Rafts
man's Journal cfiice, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10.
JR il'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield.
. P. Practices in Clearfield and ari;nin!
counties. Offioe in new brick addition, adjoining
the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
BLACKSMITHING.-Shunkweiler A Orr, thank
ful for past favors, would respectfully oiieit .
continuance of a share of public catronar in thi.
line of business. Shop on Third st Not. 10
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon.
Liquors, Ao. Reora, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal Office, Clearfield. Pa, Apr27.
LARRIMER A TL'ST, Attornoys at Law, Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care In Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856.
qiHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGII, Attorney at Law
J and Notary Public, Clearfield, Pa. OfiSoe on
Market street, directly opposite Richard Mossop'a
store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar
ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13.
JOHN RTJSSEL A CO., Tanners and Carriers.
Pennville. Clearfield Co ,Pa. Keep constantly
on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which
they offer for sale at the lowestcash prices. Hides
of all kinds taken in exchango. JuIyl5-54.
TORN HUIDEKOPER, Civil Engineer and Land
. . arveyr. offers his professional services to the
citizens of Clearfield county. All business en
trusted to him will be promptly and faithfully ex
ecuted. He can be found at the banking house of
Leonard, Finney A Co. Sept. 21, 1S59.
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L.J. Crans.Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R. Barrett, where he can
be found unless absent on professional business.
DENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers his pro
fessional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen
of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the
teeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being
familiar with all the late improvements he is pre
pored to make artificial teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15.
YOUR TEETH ! DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to
announce to his friends and patrons, that he
is now devoting all of his time to operations in Den
tistry. Thosedesiring his services will fiodhim at
his office, adjoining his residence, at nearly all
times, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, un
less notified otherwise in the town papers the week
oeiore. Ail wora warranted to be eatistastory.
Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Ofiice, on Second street, in th
roog lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd.
james t. leoahd. :::::::::. a. risxir.
wm a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. fixnkt.
containing 12 acres 85 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 25. plank house IS
by 18, log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large epringand spring-house con
venient to house. Tbe land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There ia
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a voun? or
chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing DO a
ores 10 cleared and nnder fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log bouse and stable
thereon. . For terms apply to '
uotober 13. L. J. UKA.NS, ClearfUid.
BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co
hereby gives notice that their books, name
ly, Biblea and Testaments, are deposited in tha of
fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at
Clearfield. Tbe books are of various sizes and a-
dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun
day Schools t vpn f'honn rifoi Vri tnKitm
tial bibles can be Lad as low &j 25 cent apiece.
J a j. . . j
nnu testaments as low as rj cents apiece.
The people of the county generally are also la
vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they
may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of tbe
Society. Signed by order or the Executive Com
mittee. ALEX. McLEOD. President. '
Clearfield County, Ta. The subscriber begs leave
to inform his old customers and the publia gene
rally that he has recently taken tbe above well-
known stand, and that he has entirely refitted and
refurnished it in a style adapted to the age. and
the wants or the entire travelling community,
HIS TABLE will always be provided with every
luxury the merkete and surrounding country wlil
afford. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choi
cest wines and liquors. HIS STAELES, which
are the best and roost commodious on the road
within a day's travel, will always be in charge ef
careful and attentive hostlers. In abort, every
department of his establishment will be supplied
with all tho comforts and conveniences Lhe weary
traveller eould desire. WM. A. MASON.-
Curwensville, June 2, 1853.'
TIT AILS, GLASS, Oils, Paint., Ao . to be had at
J. the most reasonable rrieee. a tbenWe of
Feb. 29.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
mir townships. Residn i t n-; i
i: ' .!
: t