Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 01, 1860, Image 3

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CLEAKr;ELD;?A:, AUGUST, 1,1860.
Home Tall Oats. Mr.' Robert Owens, of
Lawrence township, sent to our office some
oat stalks that are six feet one Inch in length
tacads .bout 15 inches. lie has a couple a
cres ol the "same sort."n
Clearfield Covnrt Ba" At a mcet
W of tho stockholders , of this institution,
held In Clearfield borough on last Saturday,
James T. Leonard, James B. Graham, Jona
than Bojnton, Richard Shaw,' G. V. Reed, W.
A. Wallace and Win. Porter were elected Di
rectors of the Bank. - , .
Look On There are in circulation in this
Vicinity orders on the Crawfordsville, ; Logan s
jxrrU and Xurthtrn Indiana R. R. Co., got up
!n the shape of bank bills; which may be good
noogb at homo, bnt are regarded as utterly
worthless here, and will not pass at the coun
ter of the Banking House. .
Mb. S. M. Bailet, of Lawrence township,
we are informed, on Tuesday of last week,
mowed 2 acres of grass in 7 J hours. Who
can beat that? " .:
Mr. Baily has a fine prospect of good cab
bagesome of the leaves are now 2 foct in
length and 14 to 1G inchs wide. ,
Neat' ArrAiR. We are indebted to Mr.
Frederick Leltzingcr, of this place, for a flow
vrurn, made of stone-clay, of beautiful form,
and finished in a neat and tasteful manner.
Persons wanting anything or this kind, should
by all means call npon Mr. Leitzingcr, who la
tte of the best workmen,. in his line of busi
ness, that the country affords. II is stone and
crockery ware ar justly regarded as being of
rcry superior quality. -
Li'scoLjf and CfnriJi CLm. Last Wednes
day evening, a number of the friends of Lin
coln, 'Hamlin and Cartin assembled at the
Town Tiall in this Borough to take steps to-M-ards
farming a Club. Dr. M. Woods was
chosen President; L. K. McCullongh and G.
B. Hoover, Vice Presidents; and S. B.'Row
and Cornelius Owens, Secretaries. A Consti
tution was adopted and signed; and alter the
transaction of some other business, the meet
ing adjourned till Friday evening.
On Friday evening, tho Club reassembled
and elected the following permanent officers:
President Joseph B. McEnally, Esq. -
Vice Presidents L. K. McCullongh, Oliver
Conklin, A. G.llpyt, N. Kishel, Isaac Thomp
son, S. J. Row. " y
Corresponding Secretary S. B. Row.
Recording Secretary Geo. W. Rhcem.
Treasurer A. C. Finney.
On taking tho chair, tho President delivered
a neat and appropriate speech. The Club ad
journed to meet on Friday evening,' 3d instJ
The Club alreadv numbers 35 members.
The Tomato as Food. Dr. Bennett, a pro
fessor of some celebrity, considers the tomato
an invaluable article of diet, and ascribes to
it various importaut medical propensities.
First : that the tomato is one of the most pow
erful apperientjs of the liver and other organs,
where calomel f indicated"; it is probably one
of the most effective and least harmful reme
dial agents known to the profession. Second :
that a chemical extract will be obtained from
it that will supersede the use of calomel in the
-cure of disease. - Third: that he has success
fully treated diarrhoea with this octiclc alone.
Fourth: that when used as an article of diet t
is an almost sovereign remedy tor dyspepsia
and indigestion. Filth : that it should be con
htantly used for daily food either cooked or
raw, or in the form of catsup, as it is the most
healthy article now in asn. i i
estimated, by those who may be assumed to be
posted on the snlji-ct, that there are scattered
in various parts of the world, 42,912,601 Lu
therans. Of these, there are in Sweden, 3.
000,000; in Norway, 1,500,000; in Denmark,
the Faroe Islands, Jutland and Greenland, 2,
000,000; in France, 500,000 ; in Protestant
Germany, 25,000,000 ; in Prussia, 5,000,000 ;
in Austria, Hungary, Bohemia and Moravia,
1,500.000; in Poland and Russia,-2,500,000 ;
in the United States. 1,000,000; in West In
dia Islands, 100,000; in Brazil, 100,000 ; in
South American States, 50,000 ; f n New Sonth
Wales. 3,014 ; in Nova Scotia, 4,057 ; in Hol
land, 600,000 ; " in England. 40,000 ; in Italy,
.'00; In Tnrkey in Europe, 15,000.
By the steamer City of Washington, which
arrived on Saturday, we get the intelligence
hst a proclamation had been issued by Gari
baldi against the Bourbon, in which he pro
claims himself a Royalist, but prefers Victor
EmanneljWho. he says, will lead them against
Austria. At Naples there had been a collision
between the troops and tho people, in conse
quence of popular manifestations in favor of
some refugees who had disembarked at that
I'lacc. The Ministry had been 'dismissed and
a new Cabinet formed. Affairs in Syria aro
looking blacker and blacker. The British
government has received intelligence of tho
massacre of 500 Christians at Damascus. - A
ong tho killed whs the Dutch Consul. Tho
American Consul was wounded.'' '
Jndge Terry has been acquitted ol tho charge
r murdering Senator Broderick in a duel,
ine witnesses to establish tho jrjiiit of Terry
WCr?, un 11T way from San Francisco in a
small boat, but being delayed, did not reach
h Cojirt House till the case went to the jury.
On the opening of court the District Attorney
annonnced that his witnesses bad not made
their appearance. The case went to the jury
without a word of test imn .v,
ciiargo of Judge Hardy, a verdict of acquittal
Was rend ore,
( Methodism Great BBrrAur An English
piper .ays: "Weslcyan Methodism is one of
ins i wonders of the age and of the world. Tho
culf"! of, lU membership during the past ec
dr j year was fifteen thousand lour hun
urea and sixty-nine full members, and twenty
n Don8nt ven hundred and forty-six re
wain on trial. The candidates for the minis
vr T?ro Dnmera than in anv former
am0. . 8ioDary collections for the year
C"Increasing Col. Curtiu prospects.
? ttFDitto the Journal subscription list.
7 ; I
'"- DSPleasant the weather, for several d ivs.
- DSGoing up Mr. Graham sjiew buihling.
- TIDecreased-tho population of Ireland,
tS3,500 Since Ib6I. ; ' ; v
fI?"HMised most of the grain and hay, in
this section of country. r .
; CGot shipwrecked the chap who tried to
cross the street gutter on a plank. '
GLikely to find himself bitten the man
who marries a lady for her fine teeth.
ET'A hot place Nashville, Tenn.' On tho
19th July, the mercury was up to 106 in the
E?"Bill, lend me five dollars." "You're
mistaken in your man, sir ; I am not a Jive dol
lar Bill."
C7"Announces the San Francisco Golden
Era, the marriage of Mrs. Burdell Cunning
bam, in that city.
CP""W hat's in a dress?" asks a popular
writer, sometimes a great deal, and some
times precious little.
. KRun a foot-race two men ont tiTest, to
see which was the fastest. One was th sher
iff, the other was a thief.
C5"A woman who abuses her husband won't
let anybody else do it. . It is too great a luxu
ry to oo shared with another.
CPJustice Howe, of Auburn, sent one O
Brien to the Penitentiary for stealing an um
brella worth about one dollar, j
K7Significant fact that Lincoln and Ham
un nave eacn pouea me nignest votes ever
polled in their respective States.
E7Asserts Mr. Douglas' Chicago organ,
that old A tin will havi tn rtrfiw in hia hnrni '
Douglas draws his in with a straw.
K7A thousand dollar carriage, made thirty
years ago, at Middletown, forien. Jackson to
ndo in, was recently nold for S 16,50.
KF"In town last week Evans R. Brady. He
is trying to find the way to the Legislature
it s a hard road to travel, Colonel.
K7Exciting the newspaper war down town,
on Iiie8day. bo on with your kicking, gen
tlemen ; it's fun for the spectators.
C7The last new wrinkle is '-cable punch,"
at which intemperate youths take a 'loug pull,
a strong pun, and a pun altogether."
Uji roublesome the double-headed elec
toral ticket of the Democracy. It requires a
great deal ot explanation. A-hem 1
07-In Europe, the people take off their hats
to great men. In America, great men lift their
hats to the people before an election !
KJ"Died Joseph Gales, one of the editors
of the National Intelligencer at Washington, on
the 21st July, in the oth year of his age.
Dillon. Brenton Halliburton, Chief Justice
of ova bcotia, better known in this country
as 'Sam Slick,' died at Halifax, ou the 16th ol
CEF"Must be scarce Breckinridge men, in
Minnesota. A paper announces the discovery
of one Brock ite, and says 'that makes three in
0-Captured a beaver a young lady inRul's
county, recently, and also the man who car
ried, it about on his head. Young ladies are
given to such tricks.
CT-Was born Garibaldi, on July 4th. 1307
So says and Exchange. Garibaldi is an old
boy, (553 years), or our neighbor has made a
mistake in the figures.
G?Remarks some wag, that tho only bor
rowed article he over returned promptly, was
a kiss from a pretty girl's lips. Ol course he
returned it on tho spot.
CT-Arrested B. R. Hall, at Lebanon, for
attempting to obtain money on a forged check
on the Lebanon Bank. " He was formerly con
nected with one of the Beilefonte papers.
E7Caughl four counterfeiters, at Park-
ersburg, Va., recently, by the Cincinnati de
tective police. In their possession were found
$40,000, plates and other fixtures for their bu
(XPrince Frederic William, heir to tho
Prussian crown, has assumed the. duties of
Grand Master over all the Masonic Lodges of
the kingdom, in succession to General Sclasin
ky, deceased.
tX7"Stated by an English paper, that "Gen
eral Dred Scott commands the United States
Army." We don't wonder at the mistake, as
they have good reason to "Dred" old Lundy's
Lane over there.
rXP""OiIers for sale Richard II. Fennergast
of New Orleans, a very fine horse and buggy.
Price $750, payable when Douglas is elected
President ot the United States. Would like
(0 make that purchase.
K7"Take place general elections, on the
1st Moiid.n' in August in the following States
Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and
Texasj in Tennessee on the 1st Thursday, and
in North Carolina on the 2nd Thursday.
; K7oome on rats the Johnstowners. One
hundred and fift', caught at one of the stables
alive and kept for the occasion, were killed in
the public square on the 21st July by a dog
and ferret, lhe boys had some rare sport.
CT7An old man in Sodus, New Jersey, w ho
is owing a physician a bill of thirty dollars, and
unable to pay it, has deeded to the doctor his
body for dissection after his demise. Tho
deed has been accepted, and a receipt given
by the physician.
CC7"lt is said that the peach crop of Louisi
ana this year will- be so large that the New Or
leans market will be overrun, and it is propos
ed to ship by express peaches to the North,
where they will arrive several weeks in ad
vance of the season.
K7""Arc drilled the Chicago Zouaves, with
bricks in their knapsacks, to inure them to
the hardships of war; bnt nre not allowed to
partake of liquor. Herein their practice differs
trom most companies. Tho generality of mi
litiamen are drilled with bricks in their hats.
E5"Parson Brovvnlow says that the Rev. Dr.
Daily, recently deposed from the Presidency
ot Uioomington College, Indiana, and at the
same time expelled from the Methodist church
for drunkenness and adultery, has been nomi
nated for Congress by the Democrats of tno
Madison District of Indiana.
Heated Wind Storm. A heated wind 6torm
passed over a portion of Kansas on the 7th
ult., which proved nearly as destructive to
animal 11 to as the recent tornadoes that visitod
with such terrible effect, portions of Iowa.
me wind arose about nan past iu o ciocr a.
tn., and continued until 3 o'clock in the after-
uoon. At one o'clock the mercury rose to
1194 deg. and continued so for about an hour,
and then gradually began to decrease. The
effect can scarcelr bo imagined. The wind
blew a gale," carrying with it a salty, sulphur
ous smell. Two men in attempting to cr6ss
the country from Iola to "Ilurabolt (distance
eight miles,) were overtaken and perished.
There were three others at Uumbolt, who were
caught out with teams, which perished, tho
men alone surviving, and are now in a tair
way to recover. There was scarcely a chicken
left in the country. Hogs and cattle fell in
their tracks and suffocated. Various reasons
and conjectures as to its cause are given, but
1! unsatisfactory. Chic, Journal,
County Convention.
The members of the People's Party of Cloar-
neid county are requested to meet in convention
At the Town Hall in Clearfield,
at 1 O'clock P. M.. for tho mirtiose of nomina
ting a County ticket, takinz action in regard
to Congressional and Representative candi
dates, and transacting such other business as
may be deemed necessary. According to the
plan of organization adopted last year, every
member ot the party can attend as a delegate,
and have a voice, in DroDortion to the num
ber ot votes hia district polled for our candi
dates at the last election. It is booed that
every district will be represented.- -
ay order of the County Committee,
tn. McBride, Cunvensvillc,Chairman.
Vt m. M. bmiley, Beccaria township. .
Jacob Snyder,
Bell township.
George Leech,
David Adams,
Wm. Hoover,
J. R. Arnold,
John Mahaffey,
Jon'a Westover,
S. B. Row,
John Reiter,
Jacob Gearhart,
Edmund Williams,
A. W. Heath,
Ed. Wooldridge,
John Sankey,
Jas. E. Watson,
John G. Cain,
John B. Hewitt,
John Swan,
Ed. McGarvey,
Martin O. Stirk,
James Forrest,
Bloom township.
Boggs township.
Bradford township.
Brady township.
Burnside township.
Chest township.
Clearfield borough.
Covington township.
Decatur township.
Ferguson township.
Fox township.
Girard township.
Goshen township.
Graham township.
Guelich township.
Huston township.
Jordan township.
Karthaus township.
Knox township.
Laurence township.
Lumber-city borough.
bamnel Kirk,
Wm. Campbell, m.d. .Morris township.
Samnel Sebring,
New Washington.
Penn township.
Pike township.
Union township.
Woodward township.
David S. Moore.
Jos. A. Caldwell,
John Brubakcr,
Isaac Goss,-
The following Committees of Vigilance were
appointed for the various election districts :
Beccaria Lyonel W . Weld.John W. Wright.
John L. McCully. Edward P. Fulkerson.
Bdl John Bell, Wilson McCracken,Thomas
Orr, Jacob Snyder of Jac, Samuel T. Hoover,
Hugh 1'oIIock, John t. Lee.
Bloom Andrew Kumer, H. C. Leech, Chas.
Cleaver, Silas Munn, T. H. Bailey, Chas. G oil.
Boggs Geo. W ilson, Jr., John Bish, David
Adams, Jr.. John Blair, Wm. Wilson, Peter
Bradford Daniel Graham, William Albert,
Johu Peters, Isaac S. thirty.
Brady Keuben II. Moore, Alex. Shea.Tho.
Montgomery, Isaac Mcllenry, John Carlisle,
IV m. Keed.
Buinside Jackson Patchin, Eb. McMnsters,
Jesse Ilutton. Robt. Michael, Jno. Rorabausrb.
Chest A. II. Peirce, David Michael, James
Dowler, B. G. McMasters, Wm. McGarvey.
Wm. Westover.
Clearfield Boro. Robt. Mitchell, Jr.,Reuben
Spackman, G. W. Rhceni, W. R. Brown, M.
A. Frank.
Covington P. A. Gaulin, John Barmoy.
Joab Ridef.
Curwensciile E. A. Irvin, D. O. Crouch,
Johnirvin, James Brown, Wm. Ten Eyck,
Decatur-Joseph Goss.Daniel Albert. Daniel
rerguson Jacob Gibson, Ltuuer Barrett,
George W. Davis, Charles McMasters.
tax E. C. Lyman, A. W. Heath.
Girard Alexander Murray, Adam Spack
man.. James Leonard. Jr., Alexander Irwin.
Goshen Lewis Irwin, Thomas Graham, T
II. Spence.
Graham B. F. Akely,John M. Katen.James
r.Ne!son,John Animcrman,P. M. Wollislagle
Guelich Wm. A. Niviing, J. W. Scott, G.
W- McCully, W. S. Wells, Robert Graham.
Huston William Hewitt, Julius Lamm,
Oscar Allen, Warren Bliss.
Jordan Thomas Thompson, J. Glenn Wil
liams, Isaac Haines: John McNcal.
Karthaus Joseph Yothers, Joseph Rub'ey,
r rank JHcuarvey, llhum JJndgen.
Knox John L.Jiex, D. J. Cathcart, Wil
liam McKee.
Lawrence W. L. Antes, W. P. Fulton,Cor
nelius Owens, A. T. Schry ver.Isaac Thompson
L. K. McCullongh, Oliver Conklin.
jnmocr viiy James rerguson, Harrison
Soencer. John W. Hazlett, George II. Lytic.
Morris T. G. Snyder, J. Davis. G. D. Hess,
Jacob Mock, J. C- Brenner. Benj. Spackman
Xew Washington John L. Allison, William
k eath, John 11. Byers.
Penn John Russell, fAbraham C. Moore,
1 no , aln, Jacob Donghman. 31. S. Spencer
Fike Johnson Holden. Beni. Hartshorn,
John W. McNanl, lidw. M. Curry, Milton Mc-
Clure, B.F.Dale, Robt. Neeper, Porter Smith.
union D. h. Brubakcr. David Dressier,
H. B. Bailey, J. B. Clowser.
" oothcard Samuel Hegartv.Joseph Fiscus,
James Stott. .
Announcement of Candidates.
tT"Wc are authorized to announce David
Ad rnis.Sr., of Boggs township, as a candidate
for County Commissioner, subject to the deci
sion of the People's County Convention.
D5e arc requested to announce Alex'r
Murray, of Girard township, as a candidate for
County Commissioner, subject to the choice
of the People's County Convention.
KTWe are requested to announce that Ed.
McGarvey, Esq., will be supported in the Peo
ple's Convention for the office of Auditor.
Every Si-mmeb the demand for Hostetter's Cele
brated Stomach Hitters inui eases. It id found to be
the only certain preservation of bodily strength,
during a period when the atmosphere is calcula
ted to induoe a feeling of lassitude and indiges
tion. The worst cases of Diarrhoea and Dysentery
give way octorc its potent influence. Innumera
ble persons, who aro now alive and well, must
thank the discoverer of this preparation that they
have not been swept away, in the harvest of death
The Bitters is recommended by the best physicians
in the land. This is the best evidonce of its real
value, because as a general thing, they will not
speak a word in favor of advertised preparations.
They have been compelled to acknowledge the
claims of the Bitters upon the community., Sold
Dy an uruggisis.
-i i in. - .
On the 1st July, by Wm. A. Reed. Esa-.
Mr. Richard R. Bowls to Miss Edith A. Jor
dan, both of Woodward township.
On Thursday, July 20th, bv D. S. Moore,
Esq., Mr. Wm. Henry, son of Thos. Henry,
Esq., "of Ferguson township, to Miss Martha
P. Garrtsox, of Lumber City, Clearfield Co.
On Sunday night.July 29th, in this Borough,
of diphtheria, Lewis W., son of A. M. and
Caroline F. Smith, aged 5 years, 2 months
and 23 days. ,
On the 16th July, at the parsonage connec
ted with the Little Valley church, Mifflin Co.,
Pa., of pulmonary consumption, Rev. S. M.
Cooper, in the 46th year of his age. He was
tornieriy pastor ot tno Jfresbytenan church
in Clearfield Borough.
SHAWL TAKEN A red shawl, silk fringe,
was taken from tb parlor of the "Mansion
House," Clearfield, on the niirbt of the 25th July.
The person who has it is requested to return i&
immedUtely-; DAVID JOHN'ON..
riillE CAMP-MEETING onXew Wasfcing-
'on circuit will be held on land lying close to
,me iiiver, near the residence f John F.Lee, Eq
ana win commence on Friday. 17th of August.
preachers and people are invited to attend.
uucKstering will not be allowed.
J"1? ' E.W.KI11BT.
aiter aate, tor the sum of thirty dollars, as I have
received no valuo for the same and will not pay it
miujiuueu oj aue course 01 law.
Boggg tp., July J 1, 1360. JOHN BEISH
PA V UP ! PITY UP ! All persons indebted
to the undersigned on Judgments, Notes,
Book Accounts. Lands, or otherwise, are notified
to make payment without delay, and save costs
lie will be found at all times at the store of Gra
ham, Boynton & Co., in Clearfield borough, where
he keeps his books. " JAMES B. UKAIIAM.
Clearfield. Pa, July 18, ISfiO. - -
CAUTION. All persons aro hereby caution
ed against meddling with the following prop
erty now in the hands of Jehn Wallace, of Chest
township, Clearfield county : one two-year bull,
three milk cows, one cooking stove and two pigs,
as the same belong we. being bought at Consta
ble's sale, and left with him on loan only.
July, 11, 1660. ANTHONY M OAKVEY.
SHOP AHEAD!!!! The subscriber thankful
for past favors, takes this method of informing
his old customers and the public in general, that
he has removed his shop from the Foundry to the
shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec
ond street, Clearfield, Pa., where he will continue
to manufacture Wagons of every description, to
order, of good material and in a workmanlike
manner. Also, Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain
cradles, ie.. made on short notice, in superior
style, and of the best stock. .Repairing of every
kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable terms.
June 29, 1S59. WILLIAM E. BROWN.
The undersigned adopts this method of in
forming the public and the patrons of the late
firm of S. A.Gibson fc Co.. that be designs car
rying on the MARBLE BUSINESS in Belle
fonte, in all its various branches, and will hold
himself always in readiness to furnish thoo who
call upon him. with all kinds of Cemetery WorL;
of the latest classical designs, and superior work
manship, such as Monument!. Box Tomb'!. Cra
dle Tomhs, S litres. Obrlixi. Grecian Tombs. Ta
ble Tombs, Head Stones, Carved, iimlptirretl or
I lam, as cheap, if not cheaper, than thev can be
had at any other establishment in the countrv.
Thankful for past favors, the undersigned solicits
an increase of patronage. WM. GAHAGAJ.
Uelletonte, fa., ilareu 23, 185Mf. ,
undersigned take pleasure in announcing to
the citizens)f Ansonville and vicinity that they
have entered into partnership in the mercantile
business, under the name of fewan 6 Hartshorn
ana tnat tney have just received and opened out
a scock oi seasonable (.roods, embracing everything
usuany Kept m a country store, wnicu tuey will
aispose oi on tne most advantageous terms te pur
cnuscrs. I hey solicit a share of patronace. trust
ing that they will be able to render satisfaction to
buyers. HENRY SWAN.
The books of Cbasc & Swan, and those of Henrv
wan, are in tne nanus oj ti. fcwan lor collection
All persons indebted are re quested to call and set-
tic, as it is desirable to nave the old accounts
sqnarcd. ruar23, '60. J
KJ Centre county, I'a. The undersigned would
respectfully inform the traveling public that he
nas recently purchased the above named Hotel
wnicn ue nas reinoaeiea ana iurmsnea with new
... , r . . . . .
beds. Ac. and is now prepared to accommodate all
customers in the best manner possible. His house
is pleasantly located, and therefore a desirable
.topping place. Ilia table will at all times be sup
plied witn tne nest in the market, and his bar will
be filled iT'th the best liquors in this section of
country. He wOnld especially invite his Clear
field county friends to give him a- call as they
pass along, being fully persuaded .at he can ren
der satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their custom. THOS. ROBINS
Philipsburg. May" 9tb, ISflG. .
aJ having fitted up a shop a few doors 3st of
the -Old Jew Store," on Market street, desires to
inform the community at larerp. that he keeps on
hand a variety of CABINET WORK, at bis
shop, and that he ssanufactures to order, (of su
perior finish.) every description of Household and
Kitchen furuitore, among which are Centre, and
Dining Tables; Mahogony and Common Bureaus;
common ana Jrancy Bedsteads, stands, bafes, Cup
boards. Sofas. Lounres. Ac, which he is detemiin
ed to dispose of at as cheap rates, for cash, as thev
can bo purchased at any other establishment of
the sort in the county. .Persons wishing to buy
turniture are invited to come to nis shop'and ex
amine his articles, and judge for themselves of its
quality and finish, before purchasing elsewhere,
as he feels confident that he tan suit them in price
ana quality. i,iuntry vrottttre will be taken in
payment for furniture. .November 10, 185S.
N- 15. He is also prepared to make COFFINS to
order ou the shortest notice, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon. J. S. J.
M-i t LRRY. Brown, the leader of the Insur
rection, found guilty of Murder and Treason in
. I rr- n , , ...
ine, 'itsr aesrree. ane aoove nanieu -insurrection
caused a great deal of gas to be let off by leading
politicians and the political press of this great
country, and in fact, tho majority of the people of
an parties, were more or less excited on reading
the first account of the insurrection somo of the
papers trying to make political capital out of the
ail air and others making light of the matter. But
if it had been an Italian strike for Freedom a
gainst their lawful sovereign, led on bv Magzin:ii
or Garibaldi, the Press of this country, with but
one exception, would call meetings and pass reso
lutions and solicit subscriptions to aid them in
their so called patriotic work ; bnt amidst all this
inconsistency there is one man that is not the least
interested in the fate of Brown or his companions,
and that one is Frank Short of the Short Shoe
Shop on Second street, where he will be found at
all times ready nnd willing to wait upon persons
calling ou him for anvthius in the Boot, Shoe or
Gaiter lino. Thankful for past favors he only asks
a continuance of the same, and will sell as cheap
for cash or hides as any other man in the county.
November a. ittaa. jfiiANK. SHORT.
The undersigned, desire to inform .the citizens of
Clearfield and surrounding vicinity.- that they
have recently purchased in the Eastern cities a
large and well selected stock of seasonable Goods,
which they have opened in the well-known Room
on Market street, Clearfield, (formerlvoccuoied bv
Wm. F. Irwin.) Their stock consists ot a general
assortment of the very best Foreign and Domestic
Their sloe's of Dry Goods consists in part of sach as
Cloths. Cassimeres, Satinets. Tweeds, Vestings,
Muslins, Tirki ng-, Chccjl:s. Calicoes, Chintzes, .
Ging-Jtams, Canton and Wool Flannels, De .
laines, Caslime.rts.Silks. Plaids, Shawls,
Brilliants, Hosiery, Gloves, etc.. etc..
Also, a great variety of Ladies' Boots and Gaiters,
Misses and Children? Shoes; Mens', Boys', and
Youths' Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, with a large
selection of useful notions, amonc which are
Perfumery, Cloth and JJair Brushes, Fmcy :
Soaps. Pens and Pen-holders, Combs. A-c. t
together with many other useful notions, all of
which will be sold low, for Cash, or in exchange
for approved country produce. As their stock is
entirely new. and purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, they leel confident that they can sell
goods to the advantage of the buyer. Step in
and examine for yourselves, before purchasing
elsewhere. Remember the new store is the place.
Feb. 22. I860.- GRAHAM. BOYNTON A CO.
BACON. A quantity of good bacon on hand
and for sale at the store of -
may 30. . REED, WEAVER A CO.
HAM, Sides and Sbonlders, for sale at the ptore
of WM. F. IRWIN, Clearfield.
iJAUTION. The public aro cautioned against
purchasing a note given by me about the 5th
June, liHO. made navable to R. ITnttnn r.a onr
, V w .
to call and examine the laigest .ortment of veil
made Tin-ware to be found fu the State which
we art prepared to ell at T,otrer Priets 'than in
ferior goods are geuerallv sold tor.
Sign of the Large Coffee Pot
Mar:14:"59 "m. 723 Market et. Philadelphia.
The undersigned keeps conctautly On hand
at his tore room in Fhilipsburg. Centre county, a
full stock of Flour. Hams. Shoulders Sides, Cof
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds. Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Ac; all
of which he offers to purchasers on the mo?t ad
vantageous terms. Give him a call, and trr his
articles. jmar21 ROBERT LLOYD.
TTiLOUR! FLOUR!! The undersigned hav
M- ing made arrangements with a lame manu
facturing establishment to supply him with Flour,
ne gitcs notice to the public that he is prepared
to furnish all who want a good article, at the very
lowest prico, in as large or small quantities as
iny be desired. He also keeps on hand constant
ly liquors oi an amds, which he will sell whole
sale or retail. JAS. II. GALER.
Tyrone City, Ta , July 11th. 1859
undersigned informs the public that he has
fitted up a Billiard Room, up-stairs in Dr. Lorain's
Building on Market street, Clearfield, I'a.. for the
accommodation of all who may wish to indulge
in this delightful and scientific recreation. His
tahle is of the latest and best pattern, and all the
appliances are of a similar character. No atten
tion will be spared to insure the comfort and nlea
sure of customers. ROBERT SMITH.
Clearfield, December 21, 1859.
CABINET MAKER. The subscriber wishes
to inform his old friends and customers, that he
is now carryinff on the Cabinet Makins business.
on ' his own hook," at his old shop on Market
street, nearly opposite the ,;oId Jew Store," where
he keeps on hand, and is prepared to manufacture
to order, every deicriotion of Cabinet-Ware, that
may be wanted in this section of country; con
sisting of Sofas, Lounges, Mahogony and Common
Bureaus. Writing and Wash Stands; Centre, Din
ing and Breakfast Tables: Mahosanv and Com
mon Bedsteads; Sewing Stands, Ac, Ac. He wil
also repair furniture and chairs, in irood stvle
cheap for cash. House Painting done on short no
tice, and easy terms Now is the time to buv at
reasonable prices, as I intend to sell every thinr
in my line of business at the cheapest cafh rates
Walk in and examine the articles "on hand, out
judge for yourselves, of the quality and finish.
country produce received in payment. .
April 13, 1339 JOHN GUELICH.
N B Coffins made to order on short notice, am
funerals attended with a neat hearse, and appro
pnaie accompanymenis. wnen desired. J. G.
Drug and Variety Store.
Eastern cities, and opened at their 'EV
west of Third, the most extensive assortment of
Drugs, Varnishes, Perfumery, Toilet articles.
Medicines. Dye Stuffs, Cutlery, Miscellaneous
Paints, Tobacco, Stationary, and Fancy
Oils, Segars, Blank books Articles, Ac,
ever offered to the publio in this section of country.
" Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which they have
an extensive assortment, have been selected with
especial reference to their quality and freshness
Extra Logwood, chipped 4 ground; Indigo, Mad
der.Annatto. Cochineal. Sol. tin, Red Sanders Copal
coach-black for leather.Japan for dying, Map, Mas
tic, White Damar, White Spirit 4 Flowing Varnish.
Cavendish, best; Natural Leaf, Rough a Ready.
Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the
Harem, tobacco; Rappe k. Scotch snuff; EI phaeton,
HenryClay, Punch, La china, El mono, Ac, Segars.
Ledgers, Day books.. Receipt and Note Books,
Diaries, Ladies and Office Portfolios, Blank parch
ment and paper deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all
legal blanks; Foolscap, letter, note, business and
drawing paper, envelopes, ready reference files;
Anneara Arnold's writing fluid; Ink, black, blue
k carmine. steel pens k pea holders, paper clips, mu
cilage, and all other articles in the stationary line.
Their stock of Oils and Paints wili sonsist of Lin
seed Oil, Coal Oil, Tanner's Oil, Turpentine, lied
and White lead, dry and ground in oil ; Spanish
brown,Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre, Lamp
black, Black lead, Ivory, black, Chinese and Amer
ican Vermillion, Paris Green; Ultramarine and
Prussian Blue, dry and ground in oil; Chrome yel
low and green, Curinine. Chalk of all kinds, Cobalt;
Drop, lake and black; Eraery, Glue; Gums, Copal,
Damar and Shellac; Indian red. Litharge. Oranire
mineral, Pumice and Rotten stone; Rose pink, A
inerican and English; Rosin, Searlet, (or Persian
red.) Terre de Vienna. Turkey Umber, Verdigris,
Blue and While ilriol, Whiting. Zinc, copperas,
Borax, Putty and Putty knives, Glass of all sizes
and qualities, Looking-glass plates, etc, etc , etc
Hair brushes, American. French A English, with
Ivory, Shell. Pearl, Buffalo. Satin-wood, Rose-wood
and ornamental backs, all qualities; Cloth brush
es, Bat brushes : Teeth brushes, various qualities ;
Shaving brushes, American, English and French,
with Russia bristles Badger's hair ; Fleh brushes-'
Comb crushes k cleaners: Tortoise shell Tuck
combs, TortoUo shell. Plain and Fancy and India
rubber JLong combs; fehell, Jiutlalo, Horn and Lnr
dia rubber puff-side combs ; India rubber Dress
ing combs, 4 to 8 inches, all stvles : Knclish toilet
combs with handles; Bonnet combs; Ivory and
GnttaPcrcha fine tooth combs; Pocket combs, all
styles; Aioerioan, French and German Cologne
4 Lavender waters ; Lubin's. Taylor's, Wright's.
Mangenet 4 Conway?s extracts for the handker
chief, and a great variety of styles ; Burnett's Co
caine. Barrv's Tricooherous. Lvon'a Cathairnn.
Baa. Lustral. Bears, Maccassar, Antigua. Rose and
Coral Oil ; Reef marrow, Pomades and Plulocoom,
American and French, all styles and prices : cold
cream. Toilet powder, Rouge balls, Lilly White,
I'un boxes, china and paper ; Smelling salts, Bairn
of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, charcoal ; Shav
ing compound of all sizes ; Military soap, Honey
soap. Chrystaline 4 Floating soaps, Ottoman. Yan
kee, Gallagher, Iiacsparent and Castile soaps, Ac.
Gents' steel frame morocco and caff portmonies.
Ladies' silk lined Papier-mache, inlaid Tortoise
shell. Velvet and Morocco portmonies: Ladies'
crotchet purses, embroidered wsth steel beads: La
dies' cabas and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivo
ry ; velvet ana papier-mache, ivory 4 pearl memo
randum tablets ; fine English morocco pocket wa)
lets; moroceo and calf pocuct-books. with straws
and clasps ; bill books 4 Banker's eases, with lock
and key; collapsion drinking cups : medical glas
ses, with and without drops; fishing tackle; Chap
man 4 Emerson's rasor strops; cigar cases; crnmb
brushes; shoe brushes, with and without handles;
horu brushes, all qualities ; print 4 varnish brush
es, tin and copper bound ; sash tools; counter and
marking brushes; white-wash 4 scrubbing brush -
fancy-colored dusting brushes. fce. Kich pearl
inlaid papier-mache toiiet cases, work boxes and
writing desks ; Rosewood and Mahogony writing
desks; Chessmen and chessboards; Gents' Kid
erloves, neck-ties, collars, cravats and canes : La
dies' Kid, Taffeta, silk and Kid finished gauntlet.,
and Lysle thread gauntlets ; Black and Silk web
suspenders, french striped gam suspender,, rich
embroidered suspenders, Gaiotsnew style French
uspenders. Gents' linen handkerchiefs, colored
border and cambric handkerchiefs. Ladies' Linen
handkerchiefs in great variety; Sun-shade ians,
lrcular .trench fans, canton feather fans of (treat
variety; fino canton palm fans with ivory 4 paint
ed nannies; Dlaca and mourning tans ; Hairpins
English 4 French, Vc Also, Patent Medicines of
every variety. All of which will be sold at th
lowest CASH prices. Country Physicians furn
ished with Drugs, Medicines and Surgical instru
ments, at the most reasonable rates for Cask.
Physician's prescriptions earefolly. compounded
Clearfield, Pit., Jnna 2etH; I860:
BLANK SUMMONS for sale at the Variety
Store of LoftAisB 4 Co. Clearfield, Pa.
FLOOR A lot of the bestqualitv, for sale low
at the store of" . WM.'F. IRWIN.
Yl60. Hams and Shoulders, Mackerel and Herring.
MINERAL WATER If von want "lev
Cold and Sparkling Mineral Water," cat: aV
I s rai rut Sr Go's Jirj-a- uf0. aa they have receat
ly pat up a splendid four tain. July IS.
, A complete, ont and out, stock of
jus received aud selling low bv
Curwensvi'.Ie, JuW9. E A. IRVIN.
PC. PURVIANCE has just returned from
Pittsburg, where ho has bccu.Arnbrotyping
for seteral months, and has opened a Gallerv on
second street, above tho Post-office. Be invites
attention to his pictures, casts, and prices. Give
him a call. Clearfield. June 6, lfiGO.
dersigned offers at private sale, seven and a
half nores of ground in Beccaria township, at th
mouth of Wbitmoro run, on big Clearfield creek,
having a two-story frame houic. 2rt by.3 feet in
dimensions, storo house IS by W feet., Stable and
other out-buildings thereon. For terms applv t
the undersigned, near Ansonville.
July If, 1830.-2m.-pd. J0TTN SWAN.
DISSOLUTION The partnership entered
into on the 28th day of May, ISOO.in the Mer
chandizing aud Lumbering business, at Graham
ton, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent, bv
Matth ew lorcee retiring from the firm. Thomas
H. Forcee will continue to carry on the busioeM
as heretofore, and will collect and pav all claims
of said firm. M. A T. 11. 1'ORCEE.
Grahatnton. Juno 35. lS5i-juIy4.
XJl of Administration on tho Ertato of Samuel
Stroup, late of Ferguson township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, havia 'cen granted to the un-,
dersigned residing in Knox township, all per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to mak
immediate payment, and tho.? having claims -gainst
the same will present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
June 1.1, ISriO-Ctp. GEO. ERHARD Adm'r.
Maker, keep constantly on hand for sale at
hi shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county. Pa,
Kip and Calf Skins. (French and American;
and a variety of Linine-, Bindings, Shoe PrgB.
Nails and Thread, Boot Webbing. Blackinjr, &-c. ;
in fact, everything usually kept in a thoe-findrBg
establishment. He has al.o Flour, Siifrar, Coffee,
Tea, Rice, Soda, Syrup, Tobacco. Sogars, Nail,
Glass. Ac, all of which can bo had cheap forcah.'
Luthcrsburg. November 2, l59-lyp.
an order of the Orphans' Conrt of Clearfield
county, Pa there will be exposed to public sale,
on Saturday the 11th day of August, 1S0. at 2 o'
clock P. M.. at the house of David S. Plotner. in
the Borough of New Washington, the following
described property, to wit: Ail that certain pieo
of land, situate in Chost township, Clearfield co..
Pa., bounded by lands of.Simon Rorabaugh, John
11. Beyers, Solomon and Andrew Tozcr,. land lata
of Moses Pearce and others ; .containing 82 acres,
late the estate of Thomas Wilson, deceased.
Terms One half cash, lhe balance in ono rear
with interest. . . WILLIAM FEATII.'l"
July Id, 1860. HENRY H. HURD, ) l x r
TF you want ground White Lead, go to Mosscr's.
IF you want fine ground Zinc,' go to Mos,or"a.
IF you want Pure Flax-seed Oil, go to Motor's.
IF you want superior Coal Oil go to Mossor's.-
IF you want superior Cloths, go to Mossor'a.
IF you want Fancy Cassimeres, go to Mossor's.
IF you want Black Casiineres. go to Mossop's.
IF you want plain A fancy Tweeds, go to Mossop's
IP you want superior Cassinets, go to Mossor'a.
IF you want superior Sattinets, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want fashionable Roncctsi goto Mo's'sor'S.
IF you want Calicoes, new styles, go to Mossop's.
IF you want new fancy DeLaineg, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good French Chintz, .goto Mossops.
IF you want French Ginghams, go to Mos sop's.
IF you want Domestic GingUani. go to Mo.ssop's.
IF you want first rate Alpacas, go to .Mossop's.
IF you want a good Undershirt, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Coa.ts,. go to. Mossop's.
IF you want l'athiouable Punts. g- to Mossop's.
IF you want fashionable Neck ties.go to Mossop's!
IF yoy want fashionable Vests, go to Mossop's
IF you wftiit fashionable Hats, go to Ms.sop's.
IF you want fasiiionaMe Boots, go to M.ssop'b-.
IF you want fashionable Shoes, go to Mossop".
IF you want Boys' Coats A Pants, go tj Mvssvj-'t.
IF you want Children's Shoes, go to . Mossop's.
IF you want good brown Muslin, go to Mo.ssof's.
IF you want good White Muslin, go to Mos.cpra.
IF you want good colored Muslins, go to Mossop's.
IF you want silk Handkerchiefs, go to Jlossor'r.
IF you want fashionable Hand'ks, goto Mossop's.
I F you want cotton Handkerchiefs. go to M 'jianr's
IF you want Linen Table cloths, go to Mhssor's
IF you want cotton Table cloths, go to Mfrssoy's
IF you want Umbrellas A Parasols, goto M'ossop's.
IF you want a superior Clock, go to Moip's.
IF you want Fancy Carpet Sacks, ge to Mosop'j.
IF you want Table Oil Cloths, go to v Mossop's.
IF you want good Floor Oil CLnh, go to Mossop'j".
IF you want new School Books, go to Mossop's.
atls, rr.ir.pwAKE, PArEit. 'c.
IF you want Nails ana SpikRR. go to Mosror's.
IF you wnct Hardwareof nil Srind goto "tfnssrp's .
IF you want a good Grass ScvtLr, go to Mossop's.
it you want a gooa Jiay rors. go io .mossop s.
IF yon want a good Buggy Whip, go" to Mossor's.
IF yqu want Tobacco and Cigars: go to'Mossor's.
IF you want Fancy Wall Paper, eo to .Mossop's.
IF you want ManillaA hemp cords, go to Mossop's.
II' you want Palm or Fancy Soap, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Shoe Lists and Pegs, go to Mossor's.
IF you want good Saw-mill Saws, go to. Mossop's.
IFyou want Powder, Lead A Shot, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Shoe Blacking, go. to Mjssop'b.
IF yon wont good Stove Blaking.go to Mossop's.
IF you want superior Black Ink, go to Mi33op's.
IF you want a Smoothing Iron, go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Extra Flour, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want Extra Family Flour, go to Mossop'.
IF you want good smoked Hams, go to Mossop .
IFyou want Sides or Shoulders, go to Mos-sop7.
IF you want excellent Dried Beet", goto Mossop's
IF you want good Brown Sugar,. go to Mossop'f.
IFyou want euperiorWhitebugar. goto Alossop'
IF you want the best Rio Coffee, go to Mossop's
IF you want Extract of CotTe, go to" Mossop'f.
IF you want good Imperial Tea. go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Black Tea, go to . Mossop's
IF you want good Young Hyson, go to Mossop V.
IF you want coarse or fine Salt, go to Mossop's.
IF you want excellent Rice, go to Mossop' .
IF you want fresh prouni Spices, go to Myssop's.
IF you want superior Candies, go to Mossop'f.
IF you want Adamantine Candles, goto Mossop's .
IF you want good Tallow Candles, goto Mossop's.
IF you wont good frefh Mackerel, gi to Mossop's.
IF you want good fresh Herring, go to Mossop'b
IF you want superior White Fish, go to Mossop5.
IF you want Molasses, all kinds, go to Mossop's.
IF you want fine Dried Peaches, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want fine Dried Apples, go to Mossop's.
IF you want Oranges and Lemons, go to Mossop's.
IF you want old Mocongahela. go to Mossop's.
IF you want Port Wine, superior, go to Mossop's.
IF yon want for Medical use. go to Mossop'h
IF you want u Sacramental nse.go to Mossop's.
IF you want good Cherry IJrandy goto Mossop'a.
IF vou want good Sweet Wice. go to Mossop's.
Clearfield. Fa.. April 27. 1859.
THE FAR3I in Jordan towship noccupied by
John Kiliou, being acres. 6 of which aie
clearad ac'd under good fence, and having a houf
and barn thereon erected, for sale. Apply to
June IS, IS??: L. J. C'RAN?, Ch-ainyU
ir you want a gooa .Manure rors, go to .Mossop ..
IF you want good Garden Spades, go to Mossop's.
I F you want Willow Baskets, eo to MossovV.
i -