Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 01, 1860, Image 1

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    "-V. ' ' - ' rm
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VOL, 6.-JVO. 49.
1 ' ' . . ' . ' " ' . ' .
Not to the man of dollars.
, Not to the man of deeds,
' r Kot to the man of cunning,
Not to the man of creed;
Not for the on whose passion
. Is for a world's renown,
. Not in a form of fashion.
Cometh a blessing down.
Not unto land's expansion,
Not to the miser's chest,
, Not to the princely mansion, -Not
to the blaxoned crest,
Not to the sordid worldling,
:- Not to the knavish clown,
Not to the naughty tyrant,
Cometh a blessing down.
Not to the lolly blinded.
Not to the steeped in shame,
Not to the carnal-minded,
Not to unholy fame ;
Not in neglect of duty.
Not in the monarch's crown,"
Not at the smile of beauty,
" Cometh a blessing down..
Bat to the one whose spirit
' Yearns for the' great and good ;
I nto the one whose storehouse
YieMeth the hungry food ; :
Unto the one who labors.
1 Fearless of foe or frown ;
Unto the kindly hearted.
Cometh a blessing down. ,
l":;" A DILEMMA,
Cr, how I first met my Wife.
There was always a mystery hanging about
a certain way that Morgan had, and in which
lie was always joined heartily by his wife my
own cousin, May Stevens that had been a
. way that troubled my curiosity much, until
the one eventful evening that it was satisfied
. by hearing the reason why.
" All that long sentence without telling what
that way was. or bow he was joined in it by May.
It was simply this: that every time a word
was tpokeii that led to the period when
Charley Morgan first met my cousin May, they
would both laugh very heartily, but would al
ways refose to tell at what they laughed.
, This was certainly very provoking, and I had
' little hesitation iu telling them so not once,
but many times at which they laughed more
heartily than ever, and always ended by kiss
ing each other and looking very affectionate.
' I determined to have a solution of the mat
ter, if for no other reason than that it worried
me. I am but a woman, and having pleaded
to the possession of curiosity, I see no reason
"? why that foibbi of my sex should elicit no
charity ,and no reason why sometimes it should
not be indulged. - With this resolution, I set
forth one evening, when we three, Morgan,
May and myself, were drawn up lie fore the
lire and fairly settled for a talk. There was
. no use mincing matters, was my first idea, and
, with this thought I dashed boldly in with "Mr.
Morgan," I usually called him Charley, but I
was desirous of showing him that I was really
in earnest "Mr. Morgan, why do you always
laugh and look at May when the subject of
your first meeting with her is spoken of "
This, 1 was sure was a single question 5 and
yet, instead of answering it in a simple way,
they went back, both of them, on the old
plan and laughed as though the words I had
just spoken were the very best joke in the
world. I could do nothing, of course, but
look grave and solemn, which, in a lew mo
ments brought them both round to looking
the same way, and then May spoke to me se
riously, and said : .
"Cousin Jane, yon take our laughing much
more earnestly than I thought you would. It
is only a little memory between Charley and
me that brings the laugh ; to us it is a droll
remembrance, but, perhaps, in telling it, there
would be nothing to amuse any one."
This explanation brought back ray good hu
mor in an instant, and, with a smile, I said :
"Now, May, this is really unkind of you ;
or so long have you excited my curiosity
that, even were the story not worth telling,
you should tell it."
"Well, cousin Jane shall have that story,
May, and I will tell it myself to her."
;, "At this declaration I was surprised to see
May flush up to a bright red, and break out
father vehemently with :
"Now,Charley that is really too bad ! You
shall not do it, sir. If cousin Jane is to have
the story 1 will tell her myself." And then
after a pause, she said, "When we are alone."
"You shall do no such a thing, Madam May,"
was Charley's lacghing response, as he got up
and kissed May directly in the mouth, just in
time to stop a torrent of words that in another
minute, would have poured out, "You shall
do no such a , thing. This time 1 shall have
my way, and cousin Jane shall not have her
curiosity excited any more without being sat
isfied." I saw there was to be a discussion on that
point, but I knew that. In some way, Charley
was sure to come off victor ; so, merely say
ing that I would be back in a few moments,
i slipped out of the room, and walked about
the garden until I felt sure the point was set
tled, when I went back, and found Charley
and May looking as happy as birds, and laugh
ing the old laugh, as usual. As I entered,
Charley drew up in the rocking-chair, and af
ter seeing me-safcly deposited in its depths,
said :
"Now, cousin Jane, I shall tell you the story
.about how I first met my wife :
"It is just five years ago this summer, that
I was granted exemption for one month from
foj desk, and went down with my chum, Hor
ace Hyatt, to ins lather's in old Monmouth,
the garden of that unjustly abused State, New
.Jersey. I should never have forgotten that
-visit, even though I had not "there met with
. an adventure that bad its influence on the
whole future of my life.. I should remember
Mloi the real true hospitality of the Hyatt's ;
or the solid, id-titne comfort of the farm,
-.and the quiet way in which, within a couple of
.days after my arrival, I was put Into posses
sion of it, and made to feel that it all belong
ed to me, to do just what I pleased with.
There were plenty of horses, and we rode ;
Jhere were plenty of fish, and we fished
plenty of wood-cock, jaxui , wo shot. All this
anaii be spoken with a proviso. I say we by
which, let it be understood, I do not mean
ilorace'a two sisters, Carrie and Nettie, as
having participated in all these sports. They
jode, to be sure and charmingly they did it,
ney fished, . and, I am oblighed to confess,
Jere much Inckier than their guest. But they
ia aothoot, though I shall not exult over
ineir lack of this accomplishment they were,
k IF"11 enoan without It, I am lure I
"nan excite no jealousy by declaring that, with
one exception, which I shall not mention here
Carrie and Nettie Hyatt were the two most
charming girls I had ever seen, and I was just
hesitating as to which of them 1 should lall
desperately in love with.when my calculations
were all disturbed by an accident for so
suppose I must call it though really seeming
like a special Providence. What this was,
shall tell in the best way I know how.
"For some days after my arrival at the farm
my curiosity had been much excited by the
young ladies upon a once schoolfellow of thei
own, May Stevens by name, who was, accord
ing to their highly-colored account, the most
perfect thing in the shape of a woman, then
living. 1 tried to persuade myselt that noth
ing in that line could surpass Carrie and Net
tie; but still the reception of this May Ste
vens haunted me, and came like a shadow a
cross my new born passion. 1 formed, at
last, an imaginary May Stevens ; and do what
I would, the figure was with me. At last I was
worked into an agony of curiosity, and tremb
led with some great purpose, which should
bring before me the object of my thoughts
and of the sisters' continual conversation. In
what this would have ended it is impossible
for me all this time to say had I not heard, one
morning, as I entered the breakfast room, the
startling words troin JNettie :
"Ana so sue is coming at last. lm so
glad !"
"vvnetuer it. was that the tram of my
thoughts was upon that point at the same mo
ment, or what, I cannot say; but I knew di
rectly the whole matter. 1 saw Carrie with an
open letter in her hand, and coupling it with
Nettie's words, I knew that the hitherto only
heard of May Stevens was about to become a
reality. I had no need to ask questions. All
the information was proffered. May Steven
the iuicomparable May was to spend a month
at Hyatt's, and they were to expect her at any
moment though, as the letter read,she might
not be down for a week to come. A week
it was an age, a century ; and I was in a flutter
of excitement. My long standing passion, of
nearly two weeks duration,f or .Nettie and Car
rie, was forgotten in an instant, and my whole
mind was absorbed in making the best figure
possible before this new queen. With this
idea, I began to look into my wardrobe.
had come down with sufficient clothes to an
swer all ordinary purposes, including, of
course, Nettie and Carrie ; but the new god
dess was certainly worthy of a new rig on my
part, and certainly should have it. This reso
lution was made within fifteen minutes after
hearing the announcement of her intended
coming ; and before two hours had gone by.
I was whizzing on my wav to town, to car
ry out that resolve. Mv choicest morsels of
wardrobe should le offered on the shrine of
May Stevens.
"I had absented myself on the plea of a
BiirMen memory of business neglected, and
faithfully promised Nettie and Carrie that the
next day should see me down again at Hyatt's
to stay out the month that May Stevens, the
wonderful, was about to pass with them.
"The rackingyof brain that day, to create a
grand ensemble of costume something be
yond all criticism, that should at the first
glance strike the beholder silent with admira
tion was indeed terrible. The labor of wri
ting 'Paradise Lost' was nothing to it. It was
early in the day when I arrived at my city
rooms, and, for six hours, I dressed and re
drossed,compared, selected an 1 selected; and,
at the ei.d of that time, I had laid out those
portions of my wearable goods in which I had
decided to make my flr.st appearance before
May Stevens. It wanted still several hours to
sunset, having got safely through the great ob
ject of my visit, I thought it would not be a
bad idea for me to take the last train and ro
turn the same night to Hatt's instead of
waiting over until morning. No sooner said
than done. I packed my habiliments, and
away I went. Whizzing and puffing over aft
uninteresting road is provocative of bleep; so
I found it when the shades of evening fell, for
to the best of my recollection, I was in the
very midst of a dream, in which May Stevens,
attired in book muslin and pale blue satin, sat
on a purple cloud and admiringly inquired who
my tailor was ! Just as I was about to inform
her, there came a crash, and for a moment I
was not entirely certain whether it was the
cloud that had exploded, or myself had torn
some portions of my apparel that was over
strained. It required but a moment to awaken
me to the fact that both presumptions were
wrong. It was our train the C.26 that had
run off the track, smashing things generally,
and spilling the contents of several baggage
cars along the road, to say nothing of fright
ening half a hundred passengers into a con
dition bordering on lunacy. This was a pret
ty state of things, and to mate it still worse,
I was exactly eight miles from my destination,
though, as it afterwards proved, not a mile
from the next village, where, as I heard it
canvassed, a tavern, supper and beds could be
had. I was disposed to make myself agreea
ble, and, accordingly, rendered all the assist
ance in my power to the unprotected females,
for which I got my reward on arriving at the
haven of refuge the promised tavern by
being informed that such a thing as a bed for
the night was au impossible idea, and I with
some twenty more of the male gender, must
be content with chairs, while the beds were
appropriated to the gentler sex. Slightly dis
gusted, I swallowed my supper, and looked
out upon the night. It was a beautiful moon
light, and verging on to ten o'clock. By Jove
I would walk over to Hyatt's. No sooner
said than done. Giving ray carpet-bag into
the hands of the landlord, with the most em
phatic charges for its safety and punctual de
livery at Hyatt's next morning, at any ex
pense, I set forth. Eight miles is a trifle ; and
just as my watch marked the quarter alter
midnight, I marched up the lane that led to
the house. They were early folks at the farm
early to bed, and early up. I walked round
the house trying each door and window for au
entrance,but each and every one was fastened.
It was of no consequence ; my bedroom win
dow looked out upon the roof of the piazza ;
I would not disturb the house by knocking ; a
bit of climbing would do the business, and
should the window be fastened, I would tap
and awaken Horace, who .was my room-mate
and bed-fellow. That thing was executed as
soon as thought of, and my hands on the win
dow, which yielded, and I stood in my own
room. By the moonlight which streamed in
I saw that the bed was occupied, and by the
heavy breathing 1 knew that Horace was in a
deep sleep. I would not therefore, awaken
him, but save the story of my mishap for the
following day. With this resolution,! slipped
quietly into bed and in three minutes was ob
"What onght I to have dreamed that night
uui i snail not anticipate. I lay facing the
windows as the sun peeped ud above the dis
tant hills, and scattered the grey mists of the
morning. Aly bed-fellow was breathing heav
ny, but it was broad daylight and there was
no more sleep in me, so I determined that
Horace should wake up and hear my story of
iue rauroaa Dreakdown. 1 turned quickly and
gave me sieeper a sudden shake. As rapidly
as ray own motion, my bed-fellow, who bad
iaia witn nis back towards me, sprung into
sitting position. There are such surprises, as
vwinoui a terror, absolutely deprive us of the
power of speech until the brain has time to
act and reason. Such surprises do not gene
rate screams and faints. They are expressed
oy open-mouthed and silent wonder. This
was the case with myself and my bed-fellow,
as we sat upright and stared. Right by my
side, with her face within two feet of my own,
sat a young woman, not more fhan seventeen,
wun great, dark hazel eyes, and such great
masses of brown curls, tucked away under the
neatest little night-cap that ever was. She
had gathered the bed-clothes, with a spasmod
ic jerk, up about her throat, and with the most
rigid, astonished look, as though doubting
whether she was sleeping or waking, gazed
sieaaiiy m my eyes. Memory serves a man
but little in like cases; but, ff my memory
serves me rignt, it was l who first spoke,
blurted out with t
"How came yon here ?"
Ihe figure stared still in speechless aston
ishment, but in a moment, as though awaken
ed from its stupefaction, spoke :
"Are you Charles Morgan ?"
"Yes." was my rather subdued answer.
"Well, then, Mr. Morgan," said the figure,
by this time speaking as calmly, and with
quite as much dignity as though in the drawing
room, "I am May Stevens, and I was put in
this room, after an unexpected arrival. Hor
ace had gone over to a neighbor's, a few miles
oft, betore I got here, and was not to return
until to-day. lhat is how I was put in this
So here I was, sitting face to face with this
May Stevens, that mythical lady, for tho first
meeting wun wnom I had intended to get up
sucn a superlative toilet. A nice style of in
troductlon, and a nice style of toilet! "And
she she by this time was as cold as the 31st
of December, and sat looking me right in the
eye, as I made some scrambling explanation
of my being found in that extraordinary posi
tion, it was a lame explanation, wonderfully
mixed up with irrelevant matter, and stam
mered and stuttered through in a way that
should have disgusted any sensible person
She seemed to be seriously pondering during
the recital, and at its end, looking at mc as
though asking the most simple question in the
worm, said :
"What's to be done ?"
"Let me jump out of the window, as I came
in," said J in a sickly tone of voice; for the
thought came to me that to achieve this end I
must make some desperate display of myself
m a style of costume which I deprecated.
She relieved me instantly with :
"Ao, that will not do, there are people
moving about, and you will be seen."
It was my turn now to stammer out :
"What's to be done ?" For I saw that little
hazel-eyed girl was superior to me in presence
of mind and energy of action. She did not
wait long to answer my question.
"lou must lie still here while I ret up.
When I have left the room, you can rise.
dress, and go away at the first opportunity,"
was her response, delivered in a quiet, business-like
manner. j
And so I did, under May Stevens' command.
I buried my intruding head in the bed-clothes
and kept it well covered until I heard the re
treating footsteps upon the stairs, which was
but a few minutes, though it seemed an age ;
and then with a desperate bound I sprung from
the bed, and turned the key on tho departed
one. It was the qnickest dressing I ever
made, and I will venture to say that no man
ever sneaked out of his own apartment more
stealthily than I did.
lhat morning we met May Stevens and I
at the breakfast table I in the character of
the newly-arrived that morning and we were
formally introduced, during the ceremony of
which we astounded every one present, and
planted a thorn of wonder in the sides of Net
tie and Carrie by bursting simultaneously into
a hearty laugh, which we have never failed to
repeat whenever the memory of our first meet
ing comes up."
"And now, cousin Jane, you have the whole
story of bow I first met my wife."
Nearly a hundred years ago, Dr. LInd sug
gested to Captain Kennedy fhat thirst might
be quenched at sea by dipping the clothing in
to salt water and putting it on without wring
ing. Subsequently, the Captain, on being cast
away had an opportunity of making the exper-
ment. v itn great difficulty he succeeded m
pursuading a part of the men to follow his ex
ample, and they all survived ; while the men
who refused and drank salt water became de-
irious and died. In addition to putting on
the clothes while wet, night and morning, they
may be wetted while on, two or three times
during the day. Captain K. goes on to say,
After these operations we uniformly found
that the violent drout went off, and the parch
ed tongue was cured in a few minutes after ba
thing and washing ourclothes, while we found
ourselves as much refreshed as if we had re
ceived some actual nourishment." The bare
possibility of the statement makes it a human-
ty for any paper to give it a wide publicity,
since there are not many readers in a hundred
who may not go to sea and get shipwrecked.
"Bridget," bring me the castor oil, the ba
by is sick." '
"It's all gone, marm, not a drop left."
"All gone ! why, we have not opened the
"Sure you have had it every day, and I've
seen you use it myself on your salad."
"Why, you don't say we have been useing
castor oil every day during the salad season."
"Sure you have."
"But did you not see the bottle was labeled
castor oil ?' "
"Sure and I did, marm: anddid'nt I put it
into the castor every day I"
Douglas, in his letter of acceptance, eulogi
zes the Compromises of 1850. Johnson, his
associate, speaks of those Compromises s
base surrender."
Many wars have occurred in Asia between
the Druses and Christians of Mount Lebanon,
bnt the present struggle is unparalleled in the
history of these people for its horrible atroci
ties. A Ueyrout correspondent of The Lon
don Daily News, in a letter dated June 21st,
writes as follows :
"W ould that I had better news wherewith
to open my letter ; but the latest intelligence
we have here is of the fall of Jahleh, a large
Christian town of ten thousand inhabitants.
Into the hands of those blood-thirsty hordes of
uruse3 who have invested the town for six
days. The Christians fought bravely, but were
outnumbered ; and. of the Turkish troops sent
to assist them, half halted some miles short of
the place, and the remainder took part against
them. But full details are not known yet.
"As the Austrian steamer to Trieste was
leaving this on the 16th June, a boat-load of
men wearmg,not blood-stained, but blood-saturated
garments, arrived from Tyre. These
individuals, only thirty-four in number, were
all that remained of the Christian male popu
lation of Hasbeiya, a village at the foot of
Mount Hermon, which, a week before, could
muster nearly two thousand fighting men.
These poor creatures were the first to bring to
Beyrout detailed and true accounts of the
bloodthirsty ruffianism of their Druse enemies,
and of the fearful treachery of the local Turk
ish authorities. The tale I give you is taken
from the very words of the men themselves, ex
amined separately by a first-rateArabic scholar.
"Hasbeiya is a beautiful village at the foot
of Hermon, and close to the source of the Jor
dan. It contains, or did before the massacre,
a population of 5,000 Christian souls, chiefly
of the Greek 'orthodox' church. To Protest
ant Chrfstecdom, Hasbeiya should be a place
of the utmost possible interest, for it was here
that the preaching of evangelical truth had
borne more fruit than anywhere else in Syria.
The Protestants numbered in this village up
ward of 200; they had a native pastor
and a regular church edifice of their
own the latter having been built chiefly by
their own contributions. Of that Protestant
community, which a fortnight ago was full of
spiritual as well as material life, two men now
live to tell the tale of their butchery ; while of
their 4,000 Greek fellow Christians, but S3
men have survived, and the fate of their wives
and children Is worse than uncertain.
"The village was attacked bv an overwhelm
ing body of Druses on Saturday, the 2d June.
The Christians armed to repel them, and for
two days held their own, on the third driving
back the enemy. Hitherto the commander of
the Turkish troops had stood aloof, although
as was the case at Sidon, at Deir-el Kamar,
and at Basheiya he had troops enough at his
command to repel and defeat the Druses, had
he so wished. When he saw that the Chris
tians were gaining the day he called them
back, and in the name of the Sultan ordered
them to retire within the seraglio (a large
building covering nearly an acre of ground,
and containing a residence of the commander,
as we'll as the barrack), and to gjve up their
arms, as he, the local representative of the
Government, would conduct them safe to Da
mascus, where they would -be better than in
Hasbeiya while the civil war lasted. The
Christians obeyed him, returned, gave up their
arms, which were immediately packed up and
sent toward Damascus, but with so absurdly
small an escort, that the Druses took posses
sion of both the muskets and the mules that
carried them within an hour of their leaving
the place, ihe Christians asked again and a-
gain to be sent wun tneir I ami lies as promis
ed to Damascus. For nearly a week they were
put off with some pretext or other, until, on
the sixth day, after their being disarmed (dur
ing which time the Turkish soldiers had pre
vented any of them from leaving the precincts
of the seraglio), two Druse sheiks of great in
fluence arrived, and had a conference of sev
eral hours with the Turkish commander of the
troops. No sooner was this conference ended
than the Christians observed that the harem,
(wives, women, and children), as well as the
property of the commander, was removed from
the seraglio, and that the Turkish soldiers also
removed their baggage outside. Suspecting
treachery, many of the Christians tried to es
cape from the place, but were prevented by
the bayonets of the troops, while their women
and children were ordered, and compelled to
remove to the large upper chambers of the
buildings, the men being forced to remain be
low. By this time it was known that many
hundreds of armed Druses were close to the
town. . Tho troops had hardly made the afore
said arrangements when the Druses were ad
mitted into the seraglio, and rushed like hun
gry tigers upon tho unarmed crowd in tho
court-yard. No man was spared. In ten min
utes the very stones were inch deep in human
blood. No butchery ever known in history e-
qualed this in ferocity and cowardice. In half
an hour upward of a thousand strong men were
hacked to death. Some few tried again to es
cape, but were driven back by the bayonets of
the Turkish soldiers (regular troops,not Bashi
Bazouks), and the Druses had their revel of
blood undisturbed ; mothers, wives, daughters,
and young children witnessing from above the
massacre of their relatives.
I could enter into more details, but sicken
at the task. Would to heaven that it were a
fable or a dream ? In the slaughter, some few
hid in out-of-the-way chambers others escap
ed notice from being heaped over by the dead,
and these by God's mercy managed in the
night to escape, wandered down to the coast,
where one Ali Bey, a Metauli chief, protected
them, and so to Tyre, where they took ship to
Beyrout, and arrived here on Saturday eve
ning, the lGth June. Of the fate ot the women
and children nothing is yet certain, but, from
what is known of the Turkish soldiers, it is
feared that the fate of the former will be one
worse than death.' Of the Protestant commu
nity, not a man escaped, but more than one of
the Greek Christian refugees leave witness
how they met their fate, exhorting others to
turn to the Savior,
and to pray to Him in
their last hours."
Tav patriot John Adams, it is said, was de
signed for a shoemaker, like his father. One
day Deacon Adams, his parent, gave him some
uppers to cut out by a pattern that had a
three-cornered hole in it, by which it bung
upon a nail, and it was found that he bad fol
lowed the pattern exactly, triangular bole
and alt. The Deacon, upon seeing this, de
clared that John wasn't fit to be a shoemaker,
and put him to learning. The old patriot
would have made a good printer, in an office
where the role ia to "follow copy."
The able and eloquent speech of Mr. Clay,
the fearless champion of Freedom and Free
Labor recently delivered at Louisville, Ken
tucky, is published at length. It presents the
principles and practice of the Republican par
ty in a plain and most favorable contrast with
those of the double-headed Democratic party.
Mr. Clay very properly scouts the clamors of
disunion, and rebukes the foolish and traitor
ous schemes of those who make tbem. The
following description of "Honest Abe" will
show that the speech was primarily intended
for a Kentucky audience, but as the almanac
makers say, it will answer for sny latitude t
"Now, Gentlemen, a few more words with
regard to "Honest Old Abe,' and I will let you
off. Voices 'Go on,' 'Hurrah for Bell, and
Good.' lie was born down here, gentlemen,
In nardin county, Kentucky. He belonged to
that class that a great many think it won't do
to make Presidents of, but that I think will
do. He was what we call in the mountains a
"one-gallows, baro-l'ootd boy," and he went
into tho free btate of Illinois, where every
man is looked upon according to his merit,
where they don't ask who he is descended
from ; whether his grandfather was a Knight
or a sheep stealer it made no difference. A
Voice "How about a nigger thief?'" Or
whether he was a nigger thief, or the dog that
guards the nigger, and takes the bread out of
his own mouth to do it. He split rails. Yes,
sirs, he took his maul and split tails. He had
more sense than that. Laughter and ap
plause. When the public did not sufficiently
educate him, which they do there and which
we do devilish little of here, he educated
himself, and then, in consequence of his fidel
ity, they made him a Captain ; not a militia
Captain not one of those captains who wear
gaudy clothes and fine epaulettes, and whose
principal business it is to go round the streets
drinking whisky and run ground nights dis
turbing quiet people, and going to bed with
their boots on, Laughter, but they made
him captain of a flat-boat, and he went to New
Orleans and came back and banded the pro
ceeds of bis trip to his employers. At about
the age of 2'J he studied some law and he rose
to be one of the first lawyers in the State of
Illinois, and when the Little Giant, the Cap
tain of the Pro-slavery Democracy at that
time, took the field in defence of the exten
sion of Slavery as against Free Labor, of all
the men of Illinois this 'one gallows bare
footed boy' was taken up to meet him.
A Bystander "And he got badly beaten."
Mr. Clay. ho, Sir, he did not. lie got
the popular majority over Douglas, however
much you may deny it. lou tricked him out
of being Senator, but you can't trick him but
of being President. Well, there was Demo
crat in the mountains and he said he had no
notion of this thing, that he had split rails
once and he ought to be splitting them yet.
I know that idea prevails in Kentucky, but he
met this ehampion of the minority, and what
do you think is the result? n e took the
speeches of both of them and sent them over
the country as electioneering documents
And what do you Democrats do 1 You go a-
way into some cellar and read them and then
burn the book, lest any one else should see
them. Is not that a glorious state of things ?
Does it not inspire manliness and confidence
in the bosom of any man to know shat really a
man can have an open field and a fair fight,
and then the devil take the hindermost ? If
you want this equal manliness for yourselves
go for Abraham Lincoln in 18G0, and let us
take possession of the Government. Voices,
"Hurrah for Lincoln and hurrah for Bell. I
am much obliged to you for your kind atten
tion, and I now bid you a most respectful
good night. I hope to meet you shottly at
the polls, helping to inaugurate "Honest Old
Abe." Mr. Clay then retired, and the im
mense crowd dispersed.
Keen Satire. At a ball one evening, a
plain country gentleman had engaged a pretty
coquette for the next dance, but a gallant cap
tain coming along persuaded the lady to a
bandon her previous engagement in favor of
himself. The plain yeoman, overhearing all
that had passed, with a rigid indifference mov
ed toward a card table and sat down to play a
game of whist. The captain, in a few minutes
afterward, stepped up to the lady to excuse
himself, as he was engaged to another he had
forgotten. The coquette,much chagrined, ap
proached the whist table, in hopes to secure
her first partner, and said : "I believe, SIr.JB.,
it is time to take our positions." The old
fashioned suitor, in act of dividing a pack for
the next dealer, courteously replied, "No,
madam, I mean to keep my position, when
ladies shuffle, 1 cut."
The Oldest Inhabitant. There resides at
Rising Sun, Indiana, the oldest man probably
in the United States. The name of this ven
erable personage is Solomon Pangborn, who
says he was born in the city of New York, in
a small town of five or six hundred houses, in
1725. He is consequently 13-5 years old.
Shortly after his birth his father purchased a
farm on the Mohawk river, not far from Fort
Johnson, whither he removed. The old gen
tleman resides with relatives who are in com
fortable circumstances. He complains that
for the last year or two his health has been
much impaired, and that he is so old medicine
fails to improve his condition, as it might in a
younger person.
TcRPEXTijfE for Snake Bites. Henry Jen
nings, of Masontown, Pa, knows of the appli-
cation of turpentine to the bite of the copper
head and rattlesnake having been followed by
speedy cures. A lady of his acquaintance,
who was bitten by a rattlesnake, was cured by
it, as also was a man who had been bitten by a
copperhead. The turpentine should be put In
a bottle, and the mouth being placed over the
spot, the liqnid is brought directly in contact
with the wound by inverting the bottle, and
should be held there until relief is obtained.
A complete alleviation of pain has been known
to ensue in less than a quarter of an hour.
The London Times notices the fact that a
journeyman printer, a very steady, upright,
and deserving old man, has recently become
the possessor of $200,000 by the deeease of an
ancle in Australia. Ha had been employed
in the office where he was working at the time
he ; received the news - of his accession to
wealth, for more than forty years, without in
Mary Foster, a blind girl, of Bennett's Cor
ners, rew York, recently eloped yrQ. Mr.
Perkins, a cripple. v ' '
The 'Baltimore Patriot gives the following
brief statement of the views ot the different
Presidential candidates on the great questions
at issue before tho country :
"They all profess to be agreed' upon one
point, and that is to execute the Federal Gov
ernment, upon the basie of the Constitution
and the laws. But there is a vast difference
between the candidates as to what the Consti
tution means, and what ought to be the laws,
so that there is, after all, a wide latitude for
choice. If we take, for instance, the question
of slave labor in the Territories, we fiud no two
are agreed, and as this is tho queslicn that baa
just divided the Democratic party, and kept
the Opposition to that old party asunder, it
will be proper to recur briefly to the opinions
of the several candidates thereupon. Col.
Bell's position on this question, as ascertained
from his Congressional record, is in favor of
the right of the slaveholder, under the Consti
tution, to settle in the Territories with his
slaves, and against the intervention by Con
gress with that right, except so far as to pro
tect him in the exercise of his rights, if assail
ed. Mr. Lincoln denies the right of the slave
holder, under the Constitution, to settle in the
Territories with his slaves, and Is avowedly in
favor of Congressional intervention to exclude
Slavery from the Territories. Judge Douglas
concedes the right of the slaveholder, under
tho Constitution, to carry his" slaves into the -Territories,
but is opposed' to Congressional
intervention with that right in 'any way what
ever, leaving it to the disposition 'of the sov
ereign people of the Territories: Mr. Breck
inridge claims the constitutional'rlgbt'of the
slaveholder to carry his slaves into any Terri
tory ot the Union, and there to hold tbem; in
spite of any Territorial legislation to the con
trary, and is m favor of protecting this right
now, by the direct intervention of Congress
through tbe enactment of a Slave Code. On
the question of the admission of new Slave
States, we find all the candidates are agreed.
They all appear to be ready to yield to the de
cision of the sovereign people of a new State,
whether they will have Slavery or not. arid to
admit the new States, either with or without
the institution, so that the Government is Re
publican. The difference of opinion- of the
candidates upon the subject of the tariff Is rad
ical. Col. Bell and Mr. Lincoln are still
Whigs upon-thispoint, and ape for the enact
ment of a tarffl-sumcient to carry on the Gov
ernment economically, and at the same time
to encourage American1 Industry. Judge
Douglas and Mr. Breckinridge are one on thil
subject, and are in favor of low duties and ex-,
travagant expenditure, and against protecting"
American manufactures, through the agency of
a tariff. They remain Democrafrjon this point."
Breckinridge r. Breckutrdoe. In his
late letter accepting the nomination of tbeSe-ccders-for
the Presidency, Mr. Breckinridge,
speaking for himself and his associates, uses
the following language
"They bold the di-ctrine of non-Intervention
by Congress or by a Territorial Legislature,
either to establish or prohibit slavery; but
they assert (fortified by the highest judicial
tribunal in the Union) the plain duty of the
Federal Government, in all its departments,
to secure, when necessary, te the citizens of
all the States the enjoyment of their property
in the common Territories, as everywhere etso
within its jurisdiction." The only logical an
swer to this would seem to be to claim sove
reign power for the Territories, or to deny
that the Constitution recognizes property in
the services of negro slaves, or to deny that
such property can exist."
In a speech which the same individual de
livered at Lexington, in 1856, after ho had
been elected Vice President of the U. States,
he thus endorsed "Squatter Sovereignty :"
"Upon the distressing question of domestic
slavery, their (the Democratic party's) posi
tion is clear. The whole power of the Dem
ocratic organization is pledged to the follow
ing propositions : That Congress shall not
intervene upon that subject in the States, in
the Territories, or In the District of Colum
bia ; that the people of each Territory shall
determine the question for themselves, with
out discrimination on account of the allow
ance or prohibition of slavery."
Judging by these extracts, it is pretty cer
tain that consistency is not one of the Vico
President's prominent qualities. He wheels
about with a facility that at once entitles him
to a leadership in the ranks of the Democracy.
Death of Joseph Gales. A great light has
gone out. A long and useful life devoted to
the service of the country is ended. Joseph
Gales, the venerable senior editor of the Na
tional Intelligencer is dead. For years hi
name has been associated everywhere in the
country with the strictest political integrity,
the soundest conservatism and nationality,
and unsparing devotion to the public interests.
He died at Washington late on Saturday, 21st
July. His days were long and be had not lived
in vain. His life was full of usefulness, and
his death will leave a vacancy that it will bo
difficult to fill.
now to go it. Go it strong in your praise
of the absent some of it will be sure to get
around. Go it strong when taking up contri
butions for a charitable purpose. It will pay.
Go it strong when yon make love to a pretty
widow. More people have erred by too little
than too much in this particular. Go it strong
when you make a public speech. Nine people
out of ten never take any allusion unless it
cuts like a short-bandied whip or a cudgel.
Go it strong when you advertise. Business
is like architecture its best supporters are
full columns.
. The servant of a Prussian officer once met
a crony, who Inquired of him bow he got a
long with his fiery master. "Oh.excellently !'
answered the servant ; "we live on very friend
ly terms ; every morning we beat each otber'a
coats ; the only difference is he takes bis off
to be beaten." : . . . - - .
No rain has fallen in New Mexico thlst year,
and the crops are almost entirely destroyed.
There has never been such a scarcity of pro
visions and forage in that country as at pres
ent. . s
The English astronomers estimate the length
of the tail of the comet which was visible in
July at about twenty-two million mile.
Wheat stalks six feet three inches la lgtb
now plenty in Arooatook, Maine.
- A