?5 24 I a, S;l m m '."ft 5: ? lit if Among politicians the proportion of "the elect" is very small. .;.." . . .' " v - There, John, that's twice you've come and for got that Lard." "La, mother, it was so greasy that it slipped my mind.", An afflicted husband was returning from the fu neral of hia wife when a friend asked him how he was. ."Well," said he pathetically, "I think I feel the better of that little walk." : r- - Ifewton'a nephew wasa clergyman. When he had performed the marriage ceremony for a cou ple, he always refused tne iee, saying : ; ''Go your ways, poor devils, 1 have done you mischief enough already." On the 17th ult., a band of a dozen men In Aus tin, Texas, took from the hands of the Sheriff a prisoner on trial for murder, and killed him, firing thirteen bullets into his body from revolvers. The murdered man's name was Taney, and it is proba ble that he was insane. Two of the assassins were arrested at once. ' TERMS OF THE JOURNAL : The Raftswas's Jocbsal is published on Wed nesday at $1.50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, ?2j00 will be charged. Advebtisemests will be inserted at 51,00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For very additional insertion 25 cents will becharg- k. 1 1 A V 1 el. A deduction win oe maao 10 yeariy auver tigers. . '," ' No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ..1 , ' 14Lnv ' COUNT Y DIRECTOR V. Pres't Judge lion. Samuel Linn, Bellcfonte. ' Ai'te. Judges Hon. Wm. L. Moor, Clearfield. 1 , Hon. Benj'n. Bonsall, Luthersburg Sheriff. . . .. Fred'k G. Miller, . Clearfield Fro'thonotary, John L. Cuttle, ,s . Reg. A Rec. . James Wrigley, . " District Att'y, Robert J.Wallace, . " Treasurer. . . leo. B. Ooodlander, l Co. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, . ' . Glen Hope Commiss'n'rs, George Earhard, . . NewMillport. ; ' v llliam McUracken, Lumber City, Mm. .Merrell, . Aaron C. Tate, , . Isaac W. Graham, J. B. Shaw, . . George Richards, . Auditors Coroner. Clearfield. Clearfield. ' .Clearfield. Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. Toirii.sh.tps. Names of P.O. Nanus of P.M Beccaria, Bell, - Boggs, - -Bradford, Brad y, Burnside, Glen Hope, Bower, - - - - - Chest, - - - - - Cush, - - - - - - Ostend. - - - - - Clearfield Bridge, - - Woodland, - - - - Luthersburg, -: - - Trontville. - - - Jefferson Line, -. - NewWashington J. M. Cummings " . . - liurnside, - - Jas. McMurray. Clearfield, - Clearfield, - - - Ch as. D. Watson. Covington, Frenchville, - F. Condriet. - " - - - Karthaus, - - J. F.W. Schnarr Curwensville Curwensville, - - Samuel Way. Decatur, - Philipsbure, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson. ' - Marron. - - - - Edra. Williams El am Rakestfaw Mary Elder. Thos.A. M'Gbee, J. W Campbell. Lewis Smith. P.B.Miller. Edw'd. Williams A L. Schnell. Jacob Kuctz. John Hoover. Fox, Girard, - Goshen, -Graham, -Huston, - Jordan, -Karthaus. Knox, -Lawrence, Morris, - - Penn, - Pike. -' - - -: . - . Union, - . Woodward, liellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. Lcconte's Mills, - Bald Hills, - - Shawsville, - - Graham ton,- - - Tyler, - - - - Pennfield, - - - Ansonville, - - - Salt Lick, - New Millport, - . - Breckenridge, - - Kylertown, - - - Morrisdale, - - Lumber City.t - - Grampian Hills, - Curwensville, - - Bloomingville, - Rockton, - - - Jeffries, - C Micnot. - William Carr. - A. B. Shaw. - Jas. B. Graham. - David Tyler. ' - II. Woodward. - Eliza Chase. Geo. Ileckadorn - I). E. Mokel. . - J.W.Thompson. - Jas. Thompson. - Jas. McClelland. - W W.Wright. - A. C. Moore, - - Samuel Way. " - Michnel Wise. . - Wm.F. Jphnson. '- Thos Henderson J. A. Hecarty. Smith's Mills, I This Post Offico will do for Chest township Will answer for Ferguson township. ... . R AFTING STOVES AND FIXTURES, for sale at the store of Wm. IRVIN. Curwensv DRUGS AND MEDICINES, "an assortment, at the "cheap corner store"' of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 24. ROOKING AND PARLOR STOVEsT for sale at the "cheap corner store" of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 21. BAR IRON, Spring. Shear, American, Eng lish blister and cast Steel, at the cheap cor ner store of - Wm. Ib vis. Curwrtisvile. NEW ROODS VERYCIIEAP.usTr ccived and for sale low at the "chcapcsteoi : acr," Curwensville, by J011N PATTON. tTf YOUNG LAD lEiTwAN TED , toex fJJ amine and redncc the large stock of Dress uooas, just received at MUfeMJr'S. Kf -YOUNG MEN WANTED, to whom con JJ ttant employment will bo given, to buy goods at low prices tor casn, at - MUbbUi" t. A LARGE LOT of new Prints, Delaines, Plaids, , "Ac. Also n fine selection of Cashmeres, Eng lish and French Merinos, and all stylos of Ladicd' dress goods, at the ,:corncr store" of Wm. Irviu, i n uurwensriiJo. . . fceptembor 2i. "OLASTERING. The subscriber havinzlo X eated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would lntorm tne pubuctnat ne is prepared to do work in the above lino, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done la a neat man ner, and on reascnabl tcnutf. April 7, 1353. ; EDWIN COOPER. EJT WARD, Manufacturer and Dea'er in Straw .JL Ooods. os. 10J, jqj and 107, North Second Street. Philadelphia. liavincr inst rpppii-pf? i,n r Spring Stock, which comprises a large and desira- oie assortment ot an kinds or btraw and Lace doods. Uur stock of 1 lowers and Ruches is una sually large this season, and we would invito vour special attention to that department Please call and examine them before making your pur- cnases. ' leo. zy-4t. U.WARD. F RANKLJN MILLIARD ROOM.-The undersigned informs the public that he has fitted up a Billiard Room,up-stairs in Dr. Lorain's .Building on Market street, Clearfield. Pa., for tho accommodation of all rho may wish to indulgo in this delightful and scientific recreation. . His table is of the latest and best pattern, and all the appliances are of a similar character. No atten tion will bo spared to insure the comfort and plea- ureoi customers. ItUiiJiUT SMIXH. Clearfield, December 21, 1359. ...:; J DANIEL GOODLANDER, BOOT & SHOE Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale at his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa, BOOTS & SHOES. SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, Kip. and Calf Skins, (French and American';) and a variety of Linings, Bindings, Shoe Pegs, Nails and Thread, Boot Webbing, Blacking, Vc ; in fact, everything usually kept in a shoo-finding establishment. He has also Flour, Sugar, Cofee, Tea, Kice, -Soda, Syrup, Tobaeco, " Segar s, Nails, Glass, Ac, all of which can bo had cheap for cash, Luthersburg. November 2, 1859-lyp. --.- BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co , hereby gives notice that their books, name ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wrigley, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun day Schools at very cheap rates. Verysubstan' tial bibles can be had as low. as 25 cents apiece, and testaments a low as 61 cents apiece. . , . -, . The people of tho county generally are also in vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of tho fcociety? : Signed by order of Hie Executive Com mlttee.. ALEX. McLEOD, President. . PERRY HOUSE, FRONT ST., MARIETTA, (formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu siness in .Marietta that no pains will be spared for their accommodation and comfort. ' Feb. 22. 18C0-ly. ABNER M MICHAEL.' T5AY YOUR STOCK The books of the Ty- js. rone and Uearneld ilailroad Company have been placed in my hands for settlement and col lection. 1 Persons in Clearfield and Centre counties owing balances upon their stock subscribed, will save costs by calling and arranging them by pay ment, or by settling them by note. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Clearfield, Pa., May 1, ISfiO 2m. PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Centre county, a full stock of Flour. Hams, Shoulders Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li quors of all kinds. Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Ac; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his articles. Jmar21J ROBERT LLOYD. NEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY IN CLEARFIELD, PA. , The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that he has commenced tho manu facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear field, and thst ho is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks, Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Clearfield, Pa., Mcy 25, 1859-ly. MORE LAGER! NEW FIRM! The under signed would announce to the public that they have entered into co-partnership in the Brew ery business, at the Brewery formerly occupied by Hessenthalcr & liout, in the Borough of Clear field, where they are prepared to supply their friends with the very best Lagek that can be man ufactured, in all quantities, cheap for cash. The business will bo conducted hereafter uucr the name of Hessenthaler & Liepoldt. ' JACOB HESSENTHALER, may2 CASPER LIEPOLDT. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL ! . The National Conventions-. , , Are drawing very near, .And what I now will tell you. ' " ' ,1 know your hearts will cheer. . Joe Gwinner now is with you, i And sells as cheap a lot " Ot Goods, as ever yet have been To Clearfield county brought. ,; Of Cashmeres he has a quantity, '. , Black. Fancy Satinets, Also plain Flannel Coverlets, Together with Blan-kets. A quantity of Stocking Yarn. You'll find that he does keep ; Likewise you'll find his prices Are truly very cheap. N. B. The market price paid in cash for wool. OR TINWARE OF ALL MERRELL T7 M? TO For Japaned-Warc, For Brittania-Ware, For Hard-Ware, For Hollow-Ware, KINDS GO & BIGLER'S gO tO MKRELL A BlGLEB'S. go to Merbell A Bigler's go to Merrell A Bigleb's. gOtoiHERRELL ABlGLElt'8 JAPASXED WARE. For fancy waiters, go to Mebbei.l A Eigleb's. For fancy deed boxes, go to Merrell A Bigleb's. r or good dust pans, go to Mbkb ell A Bigler's For neat molasses cups.go to Merrell A BiGLEars. For good foot tubs, go to Merrell A Bigler's or superior Ianthorns,eo to Merrell A Bigler's or water coolers, go to -Merbell A Bigler's For chamber buckets, go to Merrell A Bigleb's 8TOVES, STOVE FIXTURES, AC For stoves of all kinds, go toMERRKLL A Bigler's For farmers' boilers, go to Merrell A Bigleb's For good stove-pipe, go to Merrell A Bigleb's. for summer furnaces, go to Merrell A Bigleb's For large iron kettles, go to Merrell A Bigleb's ror conee roasters, go to Mebrell A Bigler's For stove brushes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. rot German blacklead.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For stove collars, . eoto Merrell A Binrs-n's For Rafting stoves, go to Merrell A Bigleb's! MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For superior coal oil, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For fancy coal oil lamps, iro to Merrell A Eiirlpr'a For old dominion coffee-pots to Merrell A Bigler's. tor laney gas cnandaliers.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good dinner bells, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good grain cradles, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior ploughs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For sido hill ploughs. go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good road scrapers, go to Merrell A Bigler's! For superior sand screens, so to Merrell A JiiVWo For good platform scales, go to Merrell A Btgler's. For good counter scales, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior hay scales, so to Merrell A Dialer's! t or patent milk pans, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good clover liullcrs, go to Merrell & Bigler's. For fancy lamp shades, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good spelter and zinc, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior fruit cans, go to Merrell A Bigler's! For good house-spouting, goto Merrell A Bigler's. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS. For bar iron of all Kinds, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior cast steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good nailsand spikes, go to Merrell A Bigler's For good English steel, ' go to Merrell A Bigler's For neat smoothing irons, go to Merrell A Bigler's For- good spring steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or superior door locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. I or American blisterstcel, go to Merrell A Bigler's For iron axles and files, go to Merrell A Bigler's hor superior pump chains.go to Merrell A Bigler's F or all pump fixtures. go to Merrell A Bigler's I or good buggy springs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. "r uulls ?na n'nges, &c go to -Merrell A Bigler's superior orass Kettles, go to Merrell A Bi-Mcr's tor good mastin kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's! 1 or nea.'est waffle irons, trn tn Mxrmii . it;. ,!... ror good sausasc cutters, r-n t(ipn-ii initio,',. For good sausage stuffers, go to Merrell Bigler's tor superior coffee mills, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior porch feet, go to Merrell A Bigler's lor shovel plough wings, go to Merrell A Kigler's I or good horse shoe nails, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or superior hotel lamps, go to Merrell A Bigler's For barn door hinges. go to Merrell A Bigler's' For superior gate hinges, go to Merrell A Bigler's i or superior jack chains, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or long handled shovels, go to Merrell A Bigler's For spades and hay forks, go to Merrell A Bigler's! or hoe3 and iron ra kes, go to Merrell A Bigler's For ferrels of all sizes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. t or superior brass cocks, go to Merrell A Bigler's For Brass candle sticks, go to Merrell A Bigler's For brass snuffers k locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's' For superior lard lamps, go to Merrell A Bigler's! tor good lemon squcezers.go to Merrell A Bi"ler"s For good cork (screws, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or egg codlcrs k. beaters, go to Merrell A Bigler's ior good bread toasters, . go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior flesh forks, go to Merrell A Bigler's! For. good basting spoons, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good twino boxes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. i-or neat spring balances, go to Merrell A Bigler's I or good corn grinders, go to Merrell & Bigler's. For good corn shelters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. r or patent saw gumers, go to Merrel 1 A Bi gler 's For superior castors, go to Merrell A Bigler 8. Country produce, oldrajtal, brass and copper taken in exchange. v - . Clearfield, June 8, 1859 TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSE IT ED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1858 and 1859.'- . . -. - -,, c ,v. ,. . : NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly; passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 1815, entitled "An act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac, the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield county, will be exposed to public sale, or outcry, for the taxes dne and nnrnid th ot the Court How in the Borotisrh of Clearfield, on tie bieeoiul Monday of June, 1S00 : - -BECCARIA. TOWTTRTTT'P. Acres. Per. Warrantees & Owners!: Tax. "". ' Herman JIauvt Co. 102 162 162 330 206 328 215 74 Z21 U6 . Jacob Krug, ' $2190 116 John Gibson, ' 21 90 -91 Jeremiah Marshall, 12 79 116 Peter Getz, , 21 90 153 Martin Fauty, ,44 59 125 t Jacob Fautz, jr. ; i 39 95 153 ; GeorgeMusser, !v - 41 01 73 ; Kobl. Wilson, 28 99 32 . Thos. Wilson, .:. JO 00 - H . .Vathiaa Barton, '. 49 0 4ii 16 01 12 80 10 3C 58 7 SO 08 86 94 1 CS 15 6 433.153 David Barton, . ,60 18 433 153 Edward Hand, : ; 60 18 356 ' 69 Emanuel Reigert, 48 0 108. George Mocre, 14 5 ji. jtVcii'ng. 166 82 John Funk, . $32 86 100 ' Frederick Hnbley, 17 68 Thomas Weston. 151 50 Thomas Ketland, 24 14 162 116 Abraham Witmer, 25 9 162 .116 Michael Musser, 25 V G. L. Reed if Co. 426 56 William Miller, A.B. Reed's Estate. 100 James McMurtrie, 80 ; Thos. Mnrgatory, 80 Magnes Miller, . John Patchin. 410 - 96 John Brady, 210 ; Wm. Brady, ' 279 4 E. Blair, S. W. Ktasgy. 22 Brown & Boynton, : Jas. IJockciiberry. 205 Brown & Brynton, Jllrraham Bevers. 247 146 Jacob Krug, 43 C Same for '50 & '57, 88 8 1). G. JVivlinsr. Ill 37 Wm. Brown, 19 62 Wm. Dowder. 140 Wm. Brown, 10 68 James Gallagher. 20 Fred'k Ilernman, 92 Wm. Hammond. 234 Herman Winner, 14 2 Caleb Copenhafer. ' ' 55 108 F. Gloninger, 4 17 R. J. Wallace. 8 16 Thos. Billington, CI John Cooper. . 5o 102 Sarah Billington, 11 99 David Younkin. 50 Campbell & Turner, 8 10 Same for '56 & '57, 6 Hvgfi R. Jordan. 100 John Shank, - 3 05 Gill $ Bralton. 71 80 John Ketland, : 11 56 8 V Feter WhitesUles, 1 124 Jacob Mussersruith, 22 01 oo 50 win. Bailsman, 2 39 98 140 Michael Fanlz, 17 3 200 G. W. Caldwell, 12 20 George D. Morgan & Co l'cter Miller, 10 25 43 John Mailer. - 27 07 140 Frederick llublcy, 13 ".i 80 John Bailsman, 4 59 o John Witmer, 57 47 61 Ircdcrick Ilauman 10 59 !)6 John Beam, 33 40 40 Jacob Musscrsmith, 22 37 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 31 11 114 Thomas Billington, 43 18 Thomas Billington, 24 39 40-John Witmer, 70 50 40 Henry Witmer, 70 50 112 Wm. Wilson, 40 80 40 Herman Witmer, 29 15 W in. Brown, 44 3. 70 Sarah Billington. 9; 1'hilip Mysencope, 41 0; 50 John Mysencope, 2'i 5'. BELL TOWNSHIP. ' Ac. Ter. Warrantees. Ac. Tax Gro. Oakley o6B 1000 Henry Beck, 60 83 42?6 1000 Henry Beck, 60 83 James C Thompson. 500 Henry Beck, S3 38 John P. Hoyt. Ibl 113 John Nicholson, 10 81 tv m. Brady. 177 81 John Nicholson. 11 89 A. B. Reed's estate. 59041000 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 88 5900 1000 . Nicklin A Griffith. 60 87 5907 1000 ' f Nicklin A Griffith, 60 8S ovisnuo Nicklin AGriffith, 6(5 5)7 5919 993 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 81 Arthur JJetl. oo xenjainin oioos,.. 'i G. L. Reed. Nicklin A Griffith, 53 53 -oiicKun & urimtn, 'is 37 Nicklin A Griffith, 17 54 58 153 58 2(5 325 30 189 12o 175 244 138 399 399 2.'il 165 251 6 23' 150 No. 4239 3565 3565 5909 5910 5911 5913 5915 920 350 2G3 10U 767 5921 1100 500 Nicklin AGriffith, 6 07 Nicklin A Griffith, 46 71 Tvictlin A Griffith, 66 9 89 208 78; 234 James McGhce, 439 135 Joseph Boon, 140 David Bell. 249 Frampton Bell, 100 Barnhart Henry, 100 ' Moses Miller, 75 Jon'a. Sherman, 50 Michael Fheestey 100 London Joseph, BOGGS TOWNSHIP, i'er. Warrantees, &c. James Dixon. John Thomas, Lumadne J- Turner. John Thomas, George Bowersox. JohuIIall, Hunter 4- Brinkerhoff. 76 Joseph Drinker. . S. Uria n. 408 ; 76 II. S. Drinker, f Cram, Blake Per ley, ; 41 Malam McDonald, ; 41 John Bycrs. Thomas Reed. , John Montgomery, W. A. Albert 4- Bro. Geo. Hootman, Eli Hootman, George W. Gearhart. Walter Stewart, John Madle. Hannah Stewart, George D Morgan d- Co. 61 John Montgomery, 146 Richard Th omas. Fisher $ Powell. 90 Barbara Snyder, 39 26 4 16 10 10 5 5 5 Tax. S6 14 82 4 54 14 29 0; 429 129 100 132 70 80 100 153 t5 119 75 80 30 56 56 7 U 40 20 4 64 John E. Shaw, Josiah W. Smith. Thomas Smith, BRADFORD TOWNSHIP Ac. '. Per. Warrantees. &c. A. P. Bargcr. 35 John Campbell, John Porter. Blair McLanahan, E. 4- Win. F. Irwin. 17 Polly McLanahan, IJ-'w. Hitchena. 52 Francis West, Matthew Forcee. Mathias Slay maker John Wooldridge.. Wm. Sansoni, 1 John W. Turner. Wm. Bingham, . 'John Cowdcr. ' James Duncan, . Abr. Lansberry, Same for 1855-7 liehemiah Means, John Stewart. . Paul Cox, Hall & Buck, . ! Jos. & W. Sansom, V. B. Holt,,. Wm. Graham, jr. John Graham, jr. M. Boggs' Heirs, 11 6 6 4 80 13 80 59 205 102 , 250 437 200 1 48 ; C0 5 100 100 159 100 150 85 85 46 14 GO Tax. $8 50 15 95 13 31 10 82 2 25 3 51 4 65 11 84 3 44 9 13 2 52 o 5 8 3 3 , 3 07 7C 37 38 SO 30 43 - BRADY TOWNSHIP. No. ' Ac. Per. Warrantees. Ac. - Tax: ''"'" ' Geo.' if Calvin Baity: -71 102 ' 34 Roberts A Fox, $9 13 M. L Roberts. .. 5G32"' 8S Joseph Ferron, 8 18 50 . Samuel Ambrews, 4 77 J. Beatcs Estate. . -1434 363 David Kennedy, John W. Kewphfr 1 56S2 86 Joseph Ferron Tilton Reynolds. 58771 ' . 5879 5SS1 f 906' 58S6 J , 34 59 4 CO nenry Wycoff, 112 40 1431 157 195 v77 135 135 501 102 161 331 100 25 56S1 5681 213 3009 305 323 No. 5602 100 5603 214 5604 336 79 180 114 25 180 300 474 100 3S3 203 76 150 204 374 29.3 165 .147 410 303 303 ' 290 105 ; 311 " 293 421 111 100 115 310 100 150 150 '.Tnxenh TinJe. David Kennedy. 8 13 llohert Ross- ; Casper Stiver. 6 17 .Tnsenh ifrfure. Joseph Ferron, 12 S David Whitmer. 't Joseph Ferron, 12 89 M. Le us' heirs. Christian Sower, 60 43 Georsre Munn : Roberts A Fox, 2 90 Ann Kennedy, 15 47 Same for 1856-7 " 13 34 John Dunlap, I 31 53 Geo. A. Weaver, 5 70 Isaac Bover. 1 23 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Ter. Warrantees, Ac. Tax. r John Patchin. John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, John Mailer, Abraham Witmer, Casper Shaffer, ji.' Georgo Graff, , Samuel Roberts, Daniel Witmer. . John Hubley, Mathias Young, ' Wm Bausman, Mary Roberts, John Tressler, John Cummings,, Martin Mailer, John Burge, John Burcb, -Mary Jenkins, John Tressler, Casper Shaffer. Horace. Patchin. John Jones, ; James Chapman, Benjamin Trasus.ll, . J. Backhouse,' . .1 , John Irvin'' s estate. ' Townscnd Sjiackman. 33 23 liebccca Urown, ' James GaJLagher. Mary Crawford, Shejjey Prestley. Christian'Stake. Joseph Mitchell. Henry Musser, Valentine King. Henry Musser, Frederick Kuhn, 33 33 James Thompson, 4 66 John Ryan, 12 23 Same for 1656-7, 17 93 Ebcn McMasters, 12 23 Same for 1856-7 ' -17 98 S10 79 16 92 33 74 9 03 19 52 11 97 1 14 13 91 3D 18 51 23 9 91 44 77 21 84 8 04 14 84 25 24 37 13 31 22 10 33 40 30 44 16 40 00 40 00 33 23 13 91 39 34 40 ii 10 95 4 66 5 33 400 Samuel Hambleton, 29 16 90 Jacob Cox, 6 56 250 Casper Haines, 26 51 800 Joseph Harrison, 41 37 . Same for 1S56-7, . 40 20 100 Samuel Kav, 12 97 50 John Weston, ' 3 25 150 Wm. Wooldridge, 23 15 Same for 1856-7, 25 13 75 Daniel Philips, 4 88 195 George Goss, .14 22 6 Abraham Goss, ' 4 05 100 Jonathan Kepbart, ' 7 29 ' FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. : ; " Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, $20 92 John Patchin. 433 153 Daniel Turner, 20 92 A. Moore. 108 Mathias Slough, 7 83 Charles Houston. 433 153 George Ross, 80 90 100 Albert Biship, 2 85 74 Lewis Jordan, : 6 86 50 Hiram Passmore, 2 14 100 Benj. Hartshorn, . 4 28 No. 4200 GOO 4182 990 4271 495 !71 495 4241 937 4238 947 4242 298 1531 20 1535 COO 4399 372 4398 216 4400 CHEST TOWNSHIP, Ac. Per. Tax. Warrantees, &c. John Patchin. . 311 153 Benjamin Youug, $28 S4 HM1 1 f3 John Unvri S'l 813 153 Josiah Haynes, 29 01 433 153 Thomas Hamilton, 37 05 433 153 MartinWorthington,37 05 398 153 William Wilson, 31 08 19-j John Witmer, 416 80 James Page, Drinker 4- Clarke. 433 153 William Cook, Daniel Gorman. 316 143 llenry Ferrel, James Thompson. 31 Henry Pole, . Armstrong&Garnell, 7 John Irvin's estate. ----- 190 164 Christian Kohrer, 19 43 85 54 40 10 100 80 29 14 25 18 433 153 John Brenneraan, 23 00 40 OS 150 Adam Hagy, 6 Jl 100 Wyatt Kitchen, 5 70 200 Isaac Bloom, 5 70 150 Barrett Brown, 2 85 82 Bvers&Montgomery,4 00 150 William Decker, 6 41 100 Jefferson Jordan, 4 28 23 John Ilollis, 1 71 433 Isaac Kirk & Co., 47 48 100 John McPherron, 2 85 63 John Patton, 2 67 200 John Port, . 11 40 200 John Swan, ; 11 40 100 James White, - 4 99 100 George Mullen, 9 56 140 Fulton, 9 98 108 Jonathan Kephart, . 9 23 FOX TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax Henri Lorain's estate. ' James Wilson. S13 54 James Wilson, 20 11 Z.Preston. James Wilson, 10 1 J. C. French . Jas.Wilson, E. part, 10 17 IT. S. Land Co. James Wilson, 63 83 James Wilson, 64 52 James Wilson, '24 43 James Wilson, .. 1 64 James Wilson, 49 20 Spencer & Spiler, James Wilson, 14 84 Wm.H Gordon. James Wilson, 14 07 Daniel Oyster's estate 4 1 James Wilson, " 81 Alexander Vial. 4340 188 -James Wilson, ' 12 25 Rudolph IL Evans. 4272 425 James Wilson, ; 12 65 4183 990 James Wilson. 19 33 106 Benj. Davenport, 5 80 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax Anson G. Phelps. 5."5C1100 George Mead, $13 93 5371 1083 Georgo Mead, 14 23 5357 1000 George Mead, 13 5360 1100 George Mead, 14 5364 1066 " George Mead, 14 5365 752 George Mead, 9 89 5362 1003 George Mead, 13 30 5353 1013 George Mead, 13 81 5375 1083 George Mead, - 14 30 5:i01 1100 George Mead, . 14 52 5363 1100 George Mead, 14 52 5372 1100 Geonre Mead. 14 52 5354 10US Georsre Mead, 13 30 5359 1000 George Mead, 13 19 5379 641 George Mead, 12 41 A. iV J. S packman. 1S90 367 45 MorrisAStewart,bal3 25 Thos. H. Fulton & Co. 1888 543 Morris A Stewart, 5 61 1923 509 Morris A Stewart, 7 33 1929 70 Morris A Stewart, 1 33 1930 225 Morris A Stewart, 4 53 1886 729 Morris A Stewart, 22 41 1917 314 - Morris A Stew art. 3 17 1916 406 Morris A Stewart, 5 61 3650 226 Morris A Stewart, 9 26 18S7 762 Morris A Stewart, 21 86 1. 4- W. Murray. Morris Stewart, 5 53 Reed 4 Weaver. 503 100 Morris Stewart, 13 40 JVicho'as Ronssolet. 115 16 Morris Stewart, ; 2 78 Anderson Murray. '. 114 Morris Stewart, 4 79 Francis Coudriet. 254 120 Morris Stewart, .15 17 11. Cr U. Smith. 18SS 150 1921 1913 1913 1890 5355 5360 1929 3047 3643 1837 1S86 Georjre Mead, 4 563 George Mead, 5 Smith & Oraham. 204 Morris Stewart, Peter Ltimm: -117 Morris Stewart, 47 Morris Stewart. 97 103 Morris Stewart, J. P. Kelson. 50 Morris Stewart. 1 00 92 49 8 20 1 83 72 5 21 Eld ridge, Merrell iV Thompson. 5352 798 5376 1100 5353 1100 5355 1100 George Mead. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 12 49 17 22 17 22 17 22 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, A-c. Tax. Anson G. Phelps. "George Mead, S22 01 George Meal, 29 65 George Mea l, 30 12 George Mead, 30 12 , Georgo Meal, ; 30 12 ' George Mead, ; ; 30 12 George Mead, . 23 48 GeorscoMead, - 13 21 ; George Mead, 27 33 Georsre Mead, "" 8 83 Fredericia Karthaus 1S93 578 Morris A Stewart, "42 20 1899 890 . Morris A Stewart, 61 96 1902 889 Morris A Stewart, 61 SI 1942 545 Morris A Stewart, 39 78 Peter Lamm. 1S92 200 Morris A Stewart, 21. V O. Smith. 5307 250' Georsre Mead, Eldridsc, Merrell iV Thompson 5370 1100 George Mead, 5377 1100 George Mead, No. 57631083 5773 1100 0774 1100 5408 1100 5410 1100 5309 1043 5373 483 5407 1000 5404 325 1936 1926 1933 1923 No. 653 900 12 73 13 23 an i 39 12 5313 a.; 14 5315 1000 5316 1000 5317 1059 5H18 1099 5319 1099 5320 1 100 5321 1008 5322 1100 5323 1100 5325 623 5323 1100 5331 1100 5289 330 5290 4S8 5291 1100 103 Morris Stewart, 2 22 2j6 Morris Stewart, 3 94 148 154 Morris Stewart, 2 89 Same for 1856-7, 3 86 409 Irvin Powell, bal. 5 36 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax, Anson. It. Phelps. 109 274 J. Graham, John Thomas, Reuben Haines, , Same for 1856-7. Charles Hall, Thomas Duncanson, C. J. Allpoi t, George Stiver, 8 41 36 42 25 48 51 04 10 58 8 68 7 80 1 43 100 135 . 120 25 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax". . - John B. Otto. 56731041 Moore Delaney,$102 05 5671 1041' Moore Delaney, 102 05 5675 1041' Moore Delaney, 102 05 5006 990 Wm. Powers, , 97 02 5067 877 Wm. Towers, 85 93 Henry Lorain's estate. ' ' 5672 347. 27 Moore Delaney, 26 03 4263 990 James Wilson, 22 83 4264 990 ' James Wilson, 22 83 4199 990 James Wilson, . 22 83 Fitch V Boynton. 375 E. Shoemaker, 31 77 101 E. Shoemaker' 8 20 17. S Laud Co. 4235 986 James Wilson, 77 13 4225 990 James Wilson, 77 35 4229 963 123 James Wilson, 4230 507 James Wilson, W. K. David. 5061 1113 Wm. Powers, II. Th a iter If Z. Siswn. 4902 100 Wilhelm Willink, 5063 293 Wm. Powers, Wm. Ii. Gordon. 4225 250 James AVilson, 4236 500 James Wilson, 4902 4236 4225 5672 5670 5077 200 195 420 490 740 347 500 500 75 41 39.62 27 73 8 4S 21 31 21 19 42 40 19 60 12 15 J. Q Kidder, David Caldwell, Wilhelm Willink, 41 29 43 78 65 14 29 37 42 40 42 40 James Wilson, James W ilson, 27 Moore Delaney, Moore Delaney, Moore Delaney, JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Fer. Warrantees A Owners John W. Wright. 153 EbenezerBreiibara,S8 89 tj -1 t. - r c 433 ,153 Richard Martin, 433 . 150 Thomas Martin. Kobert Martin, Benjamin Young, Same for 18-36-7 .' David McKeehan. David Brown, 5 02 Ac. 100 433 150 Tax. CO 42 GO 42 27 29 19 67 22 55 29 i 200 274 120 200 300 Edward 4 James Gilligan- Daniel Smith, I 2j John Cooper. . Adam Kuhn, 46 57 Samuel Jordan, 9 15 Wm. Wilson, 31 00 Same for '56 & '57,30 00 John Patchin, 46 53 Same lor '50 & '57,45 00 KARTHAUS TOWJiSniP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Anson It Phelps. Tax. 417 241 123 408 353 203 210 51 10i5 49 167 46 262 78 97 67 203 433 433 198 404 211 202 300 241 5325 1903 1834 ) 1915 ( 1922 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Per. ' Warrantees, &c. Tax. Georsre D. Morgan & Co 124 Thomas P. Cope, 67 62 47 John Drinker. 33 35 John Skyron, 20 51 137 Richard Thomas. 56 40 137 Jacob'Downing, 49 49 154 Hugh Ely, 23 12 70 Henry Drinker, 29 00 24 Benjamin Wilson, 7 04 115 Joseph Hambleton, 14 73 41 John Skyron, " 6 75 133 Thomas P. Cope, 24 35 Wm. Montgomory, 6 31 .1 Joseph Sanson, - 36 13 John Cannon, 10 74 ' Thomas Edn.ondson, ' 13 36 107 George Graff, 9 26 61 Wm. Sanson, 2S 71 v : Bigler 4r Wright. GO John Anderson, 00 Gilbert VaugU $ Fitch $ Boynton. Joseph Harrison, James McGirk's estate. 891 159 Thomas Billington,' 51 03 Peter Owens. - . Charles Risk, Ed. Wooldridge? - Patrick Moore, -J. W. Smith. Marv McLanalran, Thomas Stewardson, 43 John McGirk. ' 22 William Evans, 33 23 466 Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 202 200 176 : George Mead, S9 79 George Mead, 14 83 George Mead,. 16 57 George Mead, 16 57 60 George Mead, 17 54 George Mead, IS 24 George Mead, . 13 21 George Mead, -' 20 99 George Mead,' , 19 16 George Mead, . 20 99 George Mead, 20 99 George Mead, 11 84 George Mead, 20 99 George Mead, 20 99 Amos B. Merrell. George Mead, 25 99 George Mead, 33 43 George Mead, SO 63 Peter Jiider. George Mead, 12 40 E. Irwin cV Son. Morris Stewart, 10 92 Thomas Graham. 300 Morris Stewart, Richard Shato iV Son. 18 60 S 76 $42 42 17 18 i27 32 55 tJL 25 69 24 58 80 11 71 14 74 . ,R. Coplin, John & David Gearhart. 220 - Jacob Downinc. 30 05 James Albert. Y 37 49 Joseph Sansom, .; : 5 13 76 99 William Sansom." 9 30 v. A."B. Lone. 300 Casper Haines. ., V 2187 D. Ji Pruner Sr Co. ' 90 i EJiz. & J. Harrison. '39 98 124 156 Morris Stewart, Matthew I'orcee. 1923 333 Morris Stewart, 34 86 Eldridjre. Merrell A- Thomvson. 53211100 George Mead. 24 89 5320 1100 George Mead, 24 89 5327 1100 , George Mead, 24 89 5329 1100 , George Mead, 24 89 5330 1100 George Mead, 24 S3 300 Mapcs Livergood 13 50 Same for 1856-7, 8 73 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. , Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. Fitch, Boynton Wright. George M'Lanahan, $47 10 " - Sam' I Lansberry. -George Moore, . - : . 9 16 . Ed. Albert $ Bro. 31 John Fry, jr. , ". 4 99 ; Same for 1856-7. : ' 2 46 Wm. Drinker's heirs. "John Fry, jr. 20 85 J. P. Nelson $xCo. Reuben Haines, 12 54 Jacob King, 34 72 George Wetzel, " . 41 88 John Cook. - JacoU Wetzell, 64 42 Hippie, French & Co. -, Joseph Simmons, 46 45 ' John Cook. , . .' v Reuben Haines,. 27 70 Reuben Haines,- -28 55 P. Ogden. . ,. .. William H. West, 3 25 . Daniel W. Bradley. 436 114 Robert Shaw, : . 53 19 431 114HymanGratz, 52 64 40 T. Forcee, ' 1 71 145 - T. Cope, 8 71 Ac. 438 100. 103 800 139 300 896 382 228. 234 100 5409 1100 George Mead. 5411 1100 George Mead, 5412 747 George Mead, 5413 1043 . Georgo Mead, 5400 1100 George Mead, 5414 1100 George Mead, 5405 167 27 George Mead, Frcdertca Karthaus. 600 Morris Stewart, 773 Morris Stewart, 110 1 507 Morris Stewart. 69 05 200 Morris Stewart. Patton V Irvin. 555 120 Wm. Smith, 503 133 Wm. Smith. 573 120 Wm. Smith, Ireorge vanx. 95 Morris Stewart, Henry Yothers. Charles Willink, E. McGarvett. Charles Willink, - Charles Willink, Arnold Custer, KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Cram, Blake, if Perley. 48 Reuben Ilsines, 50 Luke Morris, 153 Joseph llilliard, 153 Robert Gray, 41 John Bringhurst, 153 Sarah Ward, 153 (Jeorge Eddy, 153 Moore Wharton, 153 George Ashton. John Patchin. 153 Israel Morris, 153 Benj. Poultney, 153 Martin Pierric, John Boyd, Peter Loast, Wm. Johnson, J'ltci q- Jjoynton. Isabella Jordan. Thomas Jordan, Wilson Hoover. 80 Silas Wilcot, Wm. Brown. : Silas AVileot, Daniel Bailsman. Geo. Mary M'Corm'k.lS 90 23 40 1900 1901 1943 1093 1429 1430 3552 1944 513 1097 100 S5o 59 5412 398 Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 3 433 433 433 133 ;:o 200 200 433 72 197 200 200 153 $20 S5 20 85 14 15 19 79 20 85 20 85 3 19 80 5 26 85 34 65 35 7 36 11 23 46 3 80 6 13 1 33 11 35 Tax. 66 04 65 89 65 77 65 76 f-5 60 65 77 65 73 65 77 65 73 47 93 47 21 47 93 29 01 15 65 15 65 59 24 4 63 9 03 15 65 , Wm. Hoover. 153 Francis Johnson, - George Slate. John Houston, Wm. ir J. Huff. Blair M'Lanahan, J. P Nclvn 4- Co. James Wilson, . 90 Robert Morris, 122 Wm. Morris, J. A. Crairford. Simon Gratx, Henry Lorain's Estate. George Wetiel, Wm. Werti. Christian Werti, David Lauck, Edward Pe. Is $ Co. Jesse Yarnell, : - . School for 1856-7. Geo- D. Morsran V Co 41 Wm. Drinker, 92 II. S. Drinker, 63 Richard Thomas 140 John Read, ' Michael Souder 141 Patrick Hay, ' E. L. Burton. 16 Robert Glenn, W. H. Robertson. John Best. Snyder if Large. Francis Johnon, Javnes B. Graham. John Taylor, John Nicholson, J. J. Lingle James Smith, Same for 1856-7, Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, Swart z if Bower. Francis Johnson Joseph Dippard: Blair M'Lanahan, Henry Crammond. Casper ShaffDfr, George Gates. George Gates, Wm. Stewart, 139 R.lt. Saaith, John Barron, Same for 1856-7, 153 Robert Rainey, J. Farlow, Joseph Potter, PENN TOWTTSTTTtj No. Acres. Ter. Warrantees 6wnr tytuia'Hlfigler. 100 400 170 105 100 90 223 403 206 327 373 421 282 - 407 143 379 360 170 40 183 6t) 100 244 231 50 50 125 438 407 203 433 100 95 irt 5S tin 21 Si I 'h I : f- jo r 3301 v mi ; 2JX 72 01 25 1 J II i 4S5 I IN 43 (a ; 21 r so oj r 11 1: f 10 a t 5922 5!3fi 5937 5935 5933 5951 5959 5904 5953 5025 5952 5954 5962 14 14 1100 220 200 110 400 946 146 93 133 674 10V3 1000 1099 515 xvicKiin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith. Nicklin Griffith n si H IS n 23 7S fi C4 I 'A 45 i TO J5 CJ 35 TO tt 425 14 83 30 168 75 120 600 20!) 100 90 No. Same for 1356-7, WTm. IT. Robertson, 11 34 50 70 12 51 6 25 5292 11 00 5291 lloo 5295 lloo 5293 5299 5600 5301 lloo lloo lloo lloo 5302 lloo 5303 lloo 5304 lloo 5305 5.'506 5307 530S 5309 5310 lloo lloo lloo lloo lloo lloo 5311 lloo 5312 looo 2003 51 163 60 : Isaac Thompson, Isaac Thompson, Isaac Thompson, Thompson Egleman, 11 92 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax. Anson G. Phelps. George Mead, $15 63 Ceorge Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 Georgo Mead, 15 63 Georgo Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 03 : George Mead, . 15 68 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead. 5 09 George Mead, 2 34 Georgo Mead, 2 31 George Mead, 2 34 Solomon Kline. Roberts Fox, 117 TTV7. , 1 m niram utgier. Wm. Montgomery, 27 15 12 42 Wm Bovd M. Nichols. 1995 77 Roberts Fox, 6 77 Fitch if Boynton. - S21 ' Hugh Jordan, 29 61 413 John Read, 52 03 George. Wilson. - 94 109 Marj Martin, 3 75 Eldndge, Merrell lr Tltompson. 5293 1100 -George Mead. . 13 43 5296 1100 George Mead, 5297 1100 George Mead, 2003 1995 90 Robert Mitchell, 490 E. Irwin Son: I 97 : J. M. Nichols, 337 G. D. Goodfellow MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, J o. . R II. Lo rig, Trustee. 433 153 Thomas Morris, 433 153 Wm. Morris, . 433 153 Samuel Meredith, 433 153 Wm. Miller, 279 153 Hetty Morri3. 433 153 Thos. Fitiimmons, 433 153 Georgo Clymer, 433 153 Robert Grav. 433 153 Pat Moore, 433 153 Mary Morris, 433 153 Masnes Miller. 433 153 Nalbro Frazer. W, H. Sjinderson. 437 144 Francis Johnson, 200 150 John Nicholson. 4 IS 43 13 43 8 66 40 79 - 2 93 2 16 Tax. S45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 29 61 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 53 12 24 43 Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith, Ni-klin Griffith. Ntcltlin Griffith, John Nicholson. !) 1 William Hepburn. Cochran Tract. 3 If Wm. Bigler, J 3 Greenwood BeJJ. 12 M Patrick ilcgart v.. 3 to TIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Acres. Per. Wwrantewi Owwri. T.. Jaaites- ITovki ns. 64 Jshn NicbsJsfro, 41 J-sVi Xiif)wa, 64 Jnni Nicholson, 64 Jean 3frh.lson. Miller, DuBbis if Co. 30 Robert Fox. A. B Reed's estate. S. Blwdt; Nick Ira. Groffithv Nicklim Griffith Nicklin GuiiStb, Wt'liam McCrea. . John Nicholson, Fit eli if Boynfmt. Thomas Jordas-, John Xicholsony John Nicholson, James Wjigon, James Wilson, .Benjamin Johnson, 24 John Nicholson, Daniel Hartsock, John P. Uoyt, R. Z. MeXaul, K. Z. McNnuI, John Nicholson, Daniel Bailey. WTm. S. Roberts, Same for 1S57. II. Leech John Patton, 7 S6 UNION TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Warrantees Owners, Ju 'J.W.Hav's. 200 Roberts Fox, G art I and Inrin. 350 Roberts Fox, 50 Henry Bailey, 50 David Woolmer, .WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Warrantees Gwnors George D. Morgan Co. 5733 1020 5735 819 5774 6S3 5775 820 35S2 799 1429 70 5923 206 5931 206 5926 129 5776 281) 145 571 600 5778 200 4259 990 4262 990 153 5777 1020 50 23 374 370 5779 331 450 - 470 300 No. 1990 35S7 S35i TS 67 23 r 27 II SLtT 3 91 n is 11 1: 11 : 4 a 15 29 43 T ( 25 41 31 81 9 U 53 ir I is T4 9 45 II M 15 OT 13 27 7 51 e si $23 ii J3 U 5 70 ft Tl Tax. 231 233 05 335 436 100 57 119 193 433 433 237 210 215 436 433 216 436 334 216 433 41 33 3.3 433 100 433 456 53 427 410 240 230 314 433 153 140 48" 443 100 200 93 121 00 100 18 215 200 300 64 Pisot Shaw 82 Benjamin Wilson, 43 George Baker, 151 Benjamin Wilson, 145 " John McCahen. Richard Athcrton, Mary Connelly, James McGhee if Co. Christian Stake, Mathias Voting, Christian Hager, George Musser, -Thomas Yedler, Daniel Offley, ' George Baker, jr. Timothy Paxton, John Burge, John Musser, jr. Joseph Ashbridge, Pigot Shaw, Sebastian Graff. Thomas Edmondson, S.PShoff. . Mary Connell, Dr. D. Iloutz. Philip Loast, Jacob R. Howell, William Johnson, George Beckham, Bigler if Reed. John Vaught. J Jonathan Walls, Joseph Best. Robert McGhee, John Patchen. John Cannon, Dr. James Locke. Henry Drinker, Wm. Drinker, J. Whiteside.. William Sheaff, William. B. Hegarty. George Meek Henry Ijorain. ' " Israel Wheelan. Robert J. Wallace. & Peter Henry, Hugh Ralston, J. Wolf. R. McGhee. Wright if Merges. 77 Samuel Fmlen, Wm. B. Alexander if Co. Roland Fvana Turlaho 6 Mt. P. prk Road Co OU John McCahan, i John Lampblack, William Albert if Bro. Eli Hootman, William Wilson, Lisle McCuUy, 157 Philip Diffendcrfer, 5 Thomas Ncal, Daniel Fulkerson, Same for 1856-7 John Morran. Same for 18S6-7. 143 121 122 153 153 43 75 145 153 153 145 42 73 153 153 153 63 153 159 30 120 27 153 $24 94 23 3T 34 00 36 43 IS 19 0 13 M 20 ST 46 it 49 91 25 63 22 79 23 49 47 23 49 S3 S3 ii 47 a 36 11 23 31 47 34 3 TS 49 53 45 8i an 10 U 15 M 19 43 Ml 1 49 1 j lb if 11 1 I 2 83 J15 lit! 49 22 1011 10 i 15 6 8 11 2JJ 14 15 30 a Treasurer GEO. B. GOODLANDER, Trenj r'B Office, Clearfield, March J5. t 'r t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers