Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, May 09, 1860, Image 1

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BY S. B. E0.
YOL. G.--JVO. 37.
- t
You look to the future, on above, , . ,
I only look to the past; - j
Ton are dreaming your first dream or love,
And I have dreamed my last.
You atch for feet that ore yet to tread
"With yours on tho shining track ;
I hear but the echoes, dull and dread,
- Of feet that come not back.
Ton are passing up the flowery slope
That I left so long ago-;
Tour rainbows shine thro' the drops of nope,
And mine through the drops of woe.
Kight glides in its visions sweet away,
And at morn you live tha o'er ;
Prom my dreams by night and by day,
I have waked to dream no more.
You are reaching forth with a spirit glad,
To the hopes that are still untried ; ,
I am burying the hopes I had,
That slipped from my arms and died.
I pray that the ble?sedest things there be,
On thy future may descend ;
But. alas, for mine ! it were well for me,
If I made a peaceful end !
Mr. Edge was late at breakfast that was
not an unusual occurrence and he was a lit
tle disposed to be cross which was likewise
nothing new. So he retired behind his news
paper, and devoured his eggs and toast with
out vouchsafing any reply, save unsocial mon
osyllables to the gentle remarks of the fresh
looking little lady opposite to wit: Mrs.
Edge. But she was gathering together for the
grand final onslaught, and when at length Mr.
Edge had got down to the last paragraph, a ad
laid aside the reading sheet it came.
'Dear, didn't you say you were going to
leave me a hundred dollars for my furs to-day ?"
What furs V (Rather shortly it was spo
ken.) "Those new sable, dear ; my old affairs are
getting (shockingly shabby, and I really think
"Oh r-..-.w! what's the use of being so ex
travagant I haven't any money just now to
Jay out in useless follies. The old furs are
good enough for any sensible woman to wear."
Mrs. Edge, good, meek little soul that she
was, relapsed into obedient silence ; she only
sighed A soft, inward sigh, and presently be
gan on a new tack. .
"Ilenrv, will you go with me to my aunt's
to night?"
"Can't you go alone ?"
"Alone ? ilow would it look V Mrs. Edge's
temper for she had one though it didn't very
often parade itself was fairly roused. "You
are so neglectful of those little attentions you
used to pay mo once you never walk with
me, nor pick up my handkerchief, nor notice
my dress, as you did once." -i ' .
"Well, a fellow can't be forever waiting up
on the women, can he ?" growled Mr. Edge.
You could be polite enough to Miss Watcis
last night, when you never thought to ask me
if I wanted anything, though you knew per
fectly well that I had a headache. I don't
believe you care so much as you used to do !"
And Mrs. Edge looked extremely pretty,
with tears in her blue eyes and a quiver on
the round rosy lips.
"Pshaw !" said the -husband peevishly.
"Now don't be silly Maria !"
"And in the stage yesterday, you never
asked me if I was warm enough, or put my
shawl round me, while Mr. Brown was so very
affectionate to Aswifel 'It was mortifying
enough, ilenry it was indeed !"
"I didn't know women uere such fools,"
aid Mr. Edge sternly, as he drew on his over
coat to escape the tempest which he saw ra
pidly impending. "Am I the sort of a man
to make a ninny of myself doing tho polite to
any female creature 7 Did you ever know me
to be conscious whether a woman had a shawl
r a swallow-tailed coat 7"
Maria eclipsed the blue eyes behind a little
pocket handkerchief, and Ilenry, the savage,
banged the door loud enough to give Betty
in the kitchen a nervous start.
"Raining again ! I do believe we are going
to have a second edition of the deluge," said
Mr. Edge to himself that evening as be en
sconsed his six feet of iniquity in the south
west corner of a car at the City Hall. "Go
ahead, conductor, can't you 1 What are you
waiting for? Don't you sec we're full, and
its dark Iready V .
In one minute, sir," said the conductor, as
he helped a little woman with a basket" on
board. "Now, sir, move up a bit if you
Mr. Edge was exceedingly comfortable,
didn't want to move up, but the light of the
lamp, just ignited, falling full on the pearly
. forehead and shining golded bair of the new
coraer,he altered his mind and he did move up.
What lovely eyes !" quoth he mentally, as
he bestowed a Bingle acknowledging smile.
"Heal violet blue ! the very color I admire
most. Bless me I what business has an old
married man like me thinking about eyes ?
What would Maria say, the jealous little minx !
Thereshe's drawn a confounded veil over
ber face, and the light is as dim as a tallow
dip, but those were pretty eyes !"
The fair possessor of the blue eyes shivered
slightly and drew ber mantilla closer rouud
her shoulders. - . -
"Are you cold, Miss ? Pray, honor mc by
wearing my shawl. I don't need it at all my
self." " .
She did not refuse she mnrraured some
faint apology for troubling him, but it was
not a refusal. ..
"No trouble not a bit!" said he,: with
alacrity arranging it on the taper shoulders ;
and then as the young lady handed her fare to
the conductor, he said to himself, "what a
lender, lovely little hand ! If there's any
thing I admire in a woman it's a pretty hand !
Wonder what kind of mouth . she's got T , It
roust be delightful if it corresponds .with the
hair and eyes Plaguo take that veil 1"
But "plague," whoever that mystical pow
er may be, did not take possession of tho pro
voking Veil, so Mr. Edge's cariosity about
tho mouth of the blue-eyed damsel remained
"Have you room enough Miss V I fear you
are crowded. Pray, sit a little closer to me."
"Thank you sir," was the soft reply ,coming
from behind the veil, as Mr. Edge rapturous
ly reflected "Like an angel from the gloom
of a dark cloud." And his heart gave a loud
thump as the pretty shoulder touched his own
naggy overcoat 'n a nestling sort of a way.
"Decidedly this is getting rather romantic,"
thought he j and then, with an audible whis
per, "What would Maria say ?" ; .
Tho rest of that long, dark, rainy ride was
delicious with that shoulder against his own
How gallantly he jumped up to pull the strap
for her by some favoring freak of fortune,
if happened to bo at t'.e very street where he
intended to stop. And under all circumstan
ces we can hardly blame him, when the car
stopped so suddenly that she caught instinc
tively at his band for support, for the squeeze
he gave the plump snowy palm. Any man in
his senses would have done the same it was
such an inviting little lilly ! ;
Out into the rain and darkness our two pil
grims sailed, scarcely more than able to steer
their course by the glimmering reflection of
the street lamp on tho streaming pavements.
"Allow me to carry your basket, Miss, as
long as our paths lie in the same dircctiou."
said Mr. Edge courteously, relieving her of
the burden as he spoke. "And and may-be
you'd find less difficulty in walking if you'd
just take my arm !"
Well, wasn't it delightful. Mr. Edge for
got the wet streets and the pitchy darkness
he began to feel a little nervous, and wish that
the lovely incognita wouldn't hold on quite so
tight. Suppose Maria should be at tho win
dow on the lookout for him, as sho often was,
how would she interpret matters ! Ho couldn't
make her believo that he only wanted to be
polite to a fair traveller ! Besides his sweep
ing declarations of the morning she would
be sure to recall them.
As ho stopped at the right number and turn
ed round to bid the blue-eyes a regretful a
dleu, he was astounded to see her run lightly
up the steps to enter likewise ! Gracious Ap
pollo ! he burst into a chilly perspiration at
the idea of Maria's horror !
"I think you have made a mistake, Miss,"
stammered he, "this can't be your house?"
But it was too late sho was already in tho
brilliant lighted hall, and turning round threw
off her dripping habiliments, and made him a
low courtesy.
Very much obliged to you for your polite
ness, sir !"
"Why, it's my wijej"
"And happy to see that you haven't forgot
ten all your gallantry towards the ladies,"
pursued the merciless little puss, her blue
eyes (they were pretty !) all in a dance with
suppressed roguery.
Edge looked fiom the ceiling to the floor in
vain search for a loop-hole of retreat j but the
search was unavailing.
Well," said he in the most sheepish of all
tones "it's the first time I ever was polite to a
woman in the cars and hang me if it shan't be
the last."
"You see dear," said the ecstatic little lady,
"I was somewhat belated didn't expect to be
delayed so long, and hadn't 'any idea I should
meet with so much attention in the cars, and
from my own husband too! Goodness gra
cious, how aunt Priscilla will enjoy tho joke !"
r "If you tell that old harpy," said Edge, in
an accent of desperation, "I never shall hoar
tho last of it."
"Very probably," said Maria provokingly.
. "Now look here, darling, said Mr. Edge
coaxingly, "yon uon'i say anything, will you ?
A fellow don't want to be laughed at by all
the world I I say, Maria, you shall have the
prettiest furs in New York if you'll only keep
quiet you shall on my honor."
' The terms were satisfactory, and Maria ca
pitulated who wouldn't? And that fa the
way she got those splendid furs that filled tho
hearts of all the female friends with envy j and
perhaps it was what made Mr. Edges such a
scrupulously courteous husband ever after.
Not Quite A Secoxd Daniel. One of the
judges of a court in New Orleans recently de
cided that a husband was not responsible for
the debts of his young wife. It appears that
she had a passion it is known in places out
sido of New Orleans for silk-dresses. Ac
cordingly, during a two days' shopping, she
purchased a couple of dresses for which the
shop-keepor charged 645. These figures, it
must be confessed, are a little steep; but on
the other hand it must be taken into account
how extremely pretty the young wife would
look when prettily ensconced in the rich attire.
Nevertheless, the young husband, who was a
clerk on a salary of some $2,000, does'not ap
pear to have appreciated the purchase, and ac
cordingly refused to pay the silky bill. The
shop-keeper in time brought a suit, but failed
to recover a cent. The judges ruled that the
purchase was extravagant, and therefore that
the husband was riot liable for the debt. The
shop-keeper appears to havo been the only
suflercr, for he not only lost his $645 worth of
silk, but had to pay a round bill of costs for the
suit. We fancy that hereafter the shop-keepers
in tho Crescent city will keep their eyes
open, and not trust wives, even if they aro
young and pretty. It is highly dangerous to
the profit and loss account.
The story runs that a gentleman iiving at
St. Joseph's Island, out West, was engaged to
be married to a iretty French girl, and the
banns were published in th6 Catholic Church
on a certain Sunday. The next day a Yankee
made a bet of $100, with a friend, that he
would marry the girl himself. The money
was placed in the hand of a third party ; the
Yankee then called upon the young lady and
mado a proposition of marriage. She told
him that her intended had already given her
$40 to buy clothes, but that she didn't liko
him very well. At this her new suitor handed
her a liko amount, and then placing forty dol
lars more with it, remarked : "There's his
forty dollars, and I'll go forty better." The
young lady could resist no longer, and taking
tho money, returned the amount given her by
her first lover, and married his competitor
within an hour, well satisfied with the bargain.
Tho bet was won, and in the course of a month
the St. Joseph Islander married tho sister of
his first flnancee.
, The Oil Region Remaekable Discovery
Tho other day we met a gentleman , who
owns a tract of land in Venango county, and
who recently visited that region for the pur
pose of prospecting for oil. In one locality,
after penetrating only ten feet, he strucK a
rich vein of "flaxseed oil," and in another lo
cality the surface indications of "New Orleans
Molasses" were regarded as unmistakable.
He is about sinking a well in the saccharine
district, and expects to strike a vein of "Bos
ton Syrup" at the depth of about thirty feet.
Great excitement prevailed, and intelligent
grocers anticipated an immediate decline in
tho price of "treacle."
" Who'is that with Miss Flint," said a wag
to'his companion. "Ob, that is a spark which
sbe has struck,"
The life and Times of Gen. Sam Dale, tbe
Mississippi Partizan, has-recently been issued
from the press, under the editorship of Hon.
J. F. II. Claiboirrne, of Mississippi. It is a
most interesting work, full of startling inci
dents, with a running commentary on men
and things of the day in which the partizan
lived. - . .
Below we give his impression of men and
things about Washington such as existed
there in his day and generation.
" About this time I resolved to visit Wash
ington City, to attend to my claim for a
large amount duo me for corn and other
supplies, furnished to tho troops in the ser
vice of the United States at various times,
and on tho expedition, to Fort Dale, in But
ler county. On arriving I put up at Brown's
hotel, and next day went to the quarters of
the Alabama delegation. The third day,
Col. William R. King, of the Senate, brought
me word that President Jackson desired to
see me. " Tell Dale," said he to Col. King.
" that if I had as little to do as ho has, I
should have seen him before now." The
General was walking in the lawn in front
of his mansion as we approached. IIo ad
vanced and grasped me warmly by the hand :
" No introduction is needed '." said the Col
onel. '
Oh, no," said the General, shaking my
hand again, " I shall never forget Sam Dale."
We walked up into the reception room,
and I was introduced to Col. Benton and five
or six other distinguished men. They were
all very civil, and invited me to visit them.
They were talking " Nullification?' the en
grossing subject at that period, and the
President turning to me, said, " Gen. Dale,
if this thing goes on our country will.be
like a bag of meal with both ends open.
Pick it up in the middle or otherwise, and it
will run out. I must tie tho bag and save
the country." The company now took leave,
but when I rose to retire with Col. King,
the General detained me, and directed his
servant to refuse all visitors until 'one
o'clock. He talked over our campaigns,
and then of the business that brought me to
Washington. lie then said, " Sam, you have
been true to your country, but you have made
one mistake in life ; you are now old and soli
tary, and without a bosom lriend or family to
comfort you. God called mine away. But all
I have achieved fame, power, everything
I would exchange if she could be restored to
me for a moment." "
The iron man trembled with emotion, and
for some time covered his face with his hands,
and tears dropped on his knee. I was deeply
affected myself. He took two or three turns
across the room, and then abruptly said
"Dale, they. are trying me herej.you witness
it ; but, by the God of heaven, I will upheld
the laws." : -
I understood him to be referring to nullifi
cation again, his mind having evidently recur
red to it, and I expressed the hope that things
would go right.
" They shall go 'right, sir," he exclaimed
passionately, shivering his pipe upon the table.
He calmed down efter this, and showed me
his collection of pipes, many of a most costly
and curious kind sent to him from every
quarter, his propensity for smoking being
well known. " These," said he, " will do to
look at. I still smoke my corn-cob, Sam, as
you and I have often dono together; it is the
sweetest and best pipe."
When I rose to take leave, he pressed mo
to accept a room there. " I can talk to you
at night ; in the day I am beset." I declined
on the plea of business, but dined with him
several times, always no matter what dig
nitaries were present sitting at his right
hand. IIo ato very sparingly, only taking a
single glass of wine, though his table was
magnificent. When we parted for the last
time, he said: " My friend, farewell ; we
shall see each other no more let us meet in
1 could only answer him with tears, for I
felt that we should meet no more on earth.
Tho Alabama delegation each, invited me
to a formal dinner, and introduced me very
generally to the members. Mr. Calhonn
wa3 particularly kind. It was from him
that I first received tho assurance that the
nullification trouble would bo settled. He
was a man of simple manners, very plain in
his attire, of tho most moral habits, intel
lectual, something of an enthusiast, and, if
personally ambitious, equally ambitions for
the glory of - his country. His stylo of
speaking was . peculiar fluent, often . vehe
ment, but wholly without ornament; he
rarely used a figure of speech ; his gestures
wero few and simple, but he spoke with his
eyes they were full of concentrated fire, and
looked you through ; he was earnest in every
thing. He found his way very soon to my
heart, and I then and now deeply regret the
dissensions sowed by intriguers between him
3nd Gen. Jackson. -
When I visited Colonel Benton, at 5 o'clock
in tho evening, I was conducted to him in a
room where he was surrounded by his children
and their school books. He was teaching them
himself. That very day ho had presented an
elaborate report to the Senate, the result of
laborious research, and had pronounced a pow
erful speech yet, there he was, with French
and Spanish grammars, globes, and slate and
pencil, instructing his children in the rudi
ments. He employed no teacher. The next
morning I was strolling, at sunrise, in the
Capitol grounds, when, whom should I see,
but tho Colonel and his little ones. Shaking
me by the hand, he said, " These aro my pick
aninnies, General my only treasures. I
bring them every morning among the flowers,
sir s is teaches them to love God love, sir."
I was struck with the sentiment, and with the
labor this great man performed: and yet he
never seemed to bo fatigued, ne was not a
man of conciliatory manner, and seemed to be
always braced for an attack. He Bpoke with
a sort of . snarl a protracted sneer upon his
face but with great emphasis and vigor. His
manner towards his opponents, and especially
Lis looks, were absolutely insulting ; but it was
well known that he was ready to stand up to
whatever he said or did. It was wonderful
how he and Mr. Clay avoided personal colli
sion; they, hated each other mortally at one
period ; they spoke very harsh and cutting
things in debate ; both were proud, ambitious,
obstinate and imperative ; both were fearless
of consequences, and though habitually iras
cible and impetuousjerfectly collected In mo
ments of emergency. " . .' ' ' " "
They differed on almost every point, and only
agreed cordially on one both bated Mr. Cal
houn. As an orator, Mr. Clay never had his
equal in Congress. I would liken him, from
what I have heard, to Mr. Pitt. 'No single
speech that consummate orator and statesmen
ever made produced the impression made by
Sheridan in his celebrated oration on the im
peachment of Warren Hastings; no speech of
Mr. Clay's may be compared with the great
oration of Mr. Webster in reply to Mr.Hayne;
but lor a series of parliamentary speeches and
parliamentary triumphs, no British orator may
be compared with Pitt, and no American with
Clay. To a very high order of intellect, they
both united a bold temperanent, indomitable
resolution, the faculty of command the high
est faculty of all. Mr. Webster, with brilliant
genius,with a wit less studied, if not so spark
ling as Mr. Sheridan, and with oratorical gifts
not surpassed in ancient or modern times, was
of a convivial, not .of a resolute temperament
and was deficient in nerve and firmness. The
want of these was felt throughout his career,
and enabled others to succeed when he should
have triumphed. As a companion, especially
after ' dinner, he was most delightful; at
other times he was saturnine and repulsive.
Mr. Clay was haughty, and only cordial to his
friends. Colonel Benton was stiff with every
Mr. Calhoun was affable and conciliating, and
never failod to attract the young. But for
grace of manner, for the just medium of dtg
nity and affability, and for the capacity of in
fluencing men, no one of these great men, not
all of them together, may be compared with
Gen. Jackson. The untutored savage regard
ed him as a sort of avenging deity ; the rough
backwoodsman followed him with fearless con
fidence, the theories of politicians and juris
consuls fell beore his intuitive prcceptions ;
systems and statesmen were extinguished to
gether ; no measure and no man survived his
opposition and the verdict of mankind awards
him precedence over all. He had faults, but
they were lost in the lustre of his character ;
he was too arbitrary and passionate, and too
apt to embrace the cause of his friends without
inquiring into its justice. But there were faults
incidental, perhaps, to his frontier life and
military training, and to the injustice he had
experienced from his opponents.
I saw Blair, of the Globe, Amos Kendall, and
Col. Joe Gales, of the National Intelligencer.
Blair had the hardest face I ever inspected.
The late Gen. Glasscock, of Augusta, one of
the noblest men that ever lived, told me that
a mess of Georgia and Kentucky members,
dining " together . one day, ordered an oyster
supper for thirty, to bo paid for by the mess
that produced for the occasion, the ugliest
man from their respective States. The even
ing came, and the company assembled, and
Georgia presented a a fellow, not naturally
uglj but who had the knack of throwing his
features all on one side. " Kentucky was in a
peck of trouble. Their man, whom they had
cooped up for a week, was so hopelessly
drunk that he could not' stand on his legs.
At the last moment, a happy thought occurred
to Albert G. Haws, lie jumped into a hack
and drove to the Globe office, and brought
Blair as an invited guest. Just as he entered,
looking his prettiest, Haws sung out, " Blair,
look as Nature made you, and the oysters are
ov,rs .'" -felt
is hardly necessary to add that Georgia
paid for the oysters.
The first time I saw Blair, about 11 o'clock
at night, he was writing an editorial on his
knee. He read it to Col. King and myself.
It was a thundoring attack on Mr. Calhoun
what is called a " slasher" for something that
bad been said that morning in tho Senate.
Col. King begged him to soften it. " No,",
said Blair, let it tear his insides out." With
all this concealed fire, he was a man of singu
lar mildness of . manners. -He invited me to
an elegant dinner at his splendid mansion,
crowded with distinguished guests. He enter
tained liberally and without affectation, and I
was charmed with the beauty and the kindness
of his fascinating wife. c
Amos Kendall, of whom I had heard so
much, as the champion of the Democracy, I
found a little, stooped-up man, cadaverous as
a corpse, rather, taciturn, unpretending in
manner, but .of most wonderful resources and
talent. ,
Cel. Joe Gales is a John Bull, they tell me,
by birth aud in . sentiment, and ho has the
hearty look of one. But if so, how came the
Bulls to burn his office during the war ? The
Intelligencer, I well remember, stood up man
fully for the country, and often have I and my
comrades, in 1813-'14, when hungry and des
ponding, and beset with dangers, been cheer
ed up by a stray fragment of this paper. Col.
Gales shook me eordially by the hand, and
invited me to dine with him. Being compel
led to decline, he insisted on my taking a
drink 'out of his canteen the very best old
rye I ever tasted. The same evening he sent
a dozen to my quarters large, honest, square
sided, high-shouldered bottles, that we rarely
see now-a-days.
The printers at Washington all live in a
princely style; spacious dwellings, paintings,
statuary, Parisian furniture, sumptuous tables,
choice wines! Nothing in the metropolis as
tonished me so much. A printer In the South
usually lives in a little box of a house, not big
enough for furniture ; his pictures and statues
are his wife and children ; his office is a mere
shanty ,stuck full of glue.paste, and all sorts of
traps ; ho works in his coat-sleeves, with the
assistance, sometimes, of a ragged, turbulent,
dare devil of a boy ; ho toils night and day,
often never paid, and half-starved, making
great men out of small subjects,' and often re
ceives for it abnse and ingratitude ; the most
generous fellows in the world ready to give
you the half they have,' thougtr they seldom
get much to give. 1 In Washington, they drink
Port, Madeira, and Old Rye ; with us,' they
seldom got higher than rot-gut!" '
' -Thk Tide Tcbning. The famous Faonch
Lamoriciere has gone to Rome to take part
with the Pope against "aggression." This
we look upon as a most significant fact. ' If
all the dissatisfied chiefs of France fall off
into sides after this fashion, Napoleon may
begin to count his days. ".The Legitimists are
in high hope, and the little court of tbe exiles
at Claremout, in England, is beginning to fill
with anxious nobles who see the tide turning.
1 No other men aro so intolerant as those
who have just reformed, just as no other roads
are so rough as those that have just been men
ded. - ' ' '"" " - " ""
Let a youth, who stands at the bar with a
glass of liquor in his hand, consider which he
had better throw away, the liquor or himself.
Were it not for the aerial envelope which
surrounds our earth, all parts of its surface
would probably become as c,old as night, by
radiation into space, as the polar regions are
during six months' absence of the sun. The
mode in which the atmosphere retains the heat
and increases the temperature of the earth's
surface may be illustrated by an experiment
originally made by Saussure. This physicist
lined a cubical wooden-box with blackened
cork, and, after placing within it a thermome
ter, closely covered it with a top of two panes
of glass, separated from each other by a thin
stratum of air. When this box was exposed
to the perpendicular rays of the sun, tho ther
mometer indicated a temperature within the
box above that of boiling water. The same ex
periment was repeated at theCape of GoodHope,
by Sir John Herschel. with a similar result,
which was rendered, however, more impressive
by employing tho heat thus accumulated in
cooking the viands of a festive dinner. The
explanation of the result thus produced is not
difficult, when we understand that a body heat
ed to different degrees of intensity gives off
rays of different quality. Thus, if an iron-ball
be suspended in free space, and heated to the
temperature of boiling water, it emits rays of
dark heat, of little penetrating power,' which
are intercepted by glass. As the body is heat
ed to a higher degree, the penetrating power
of the rays increases, and, finally, when tho
temperature of the ball reaches that of a glow
ing or white heat, it emits rays which readily
penetrate glass and other transparent substan
ces. The heat which comes from the sun, con
sists principally of rays of high intensity and
great penetrating power. They readily pass
through glass, are absorbed by the blackened
surface of the cork, and as this substance is a
bad conductor of heat, its temperature is soon
elevated, and it in turn radiates heat ; but the
rays which it gives oil' are of a different char
acter from those which it receives. They are
nonluminous, and have little penetrating pow
er; they cannot pass through the glass, and
are retained within the box, and thus give rise
to the accumulation of the heat. The limit of
the increase of temperature will be attained
when the radiation from the cork is of such an
intensity that it can pass through the glass,
and the cooling from this source becomes just
enual to the heating from the sun. The at
mosphere which surrounds the earth produces
a similar effect. It transmits the rays from the
sun, and heats the earth beneath, which in its
turn emits rays that do not readily penetrate
the air, but give rise to an accumulation of
heat at the surlace. Tbe resistance of the
transmission of heat of low intensity depends
upon the quantity of vapor contained in the
atmosphere, and perhaps also pn the density
of the air.- The radiation of the earth, there
fore, differs very much on different nights and
In different localities. In very dry places, as,
for example, in the African deserts and our
own western plains, the heat of the day is ex
cessive, and the night commcnsnrably cool.
Colonel Emory states, in his Report of the
Mexican Boundary Survey, that, in some
cases, on the arid plains, there was a difference
of 69 degrees between the temperature of the
day and that of the night. Indeed, the air is
so permeable to heat, even of low intensities,
in this region, that a very remarkable differ
ence was observed on some occasions when the
camp-ground was chosen in a gorge between
two steep hills. Tl.e Inter radiation between
tho hills prevented in a measure the usual
diminution of temperature, and the thermo
meter in such a situation stood several degrees
higher than on the open plain. Prof. Henry.
Pleasing Everybody. Heaven help the man
who imagines he can dodge "enemies by try
ing to please everybody! If such an individ
ual ever succeeded,we should like to know it.
Not that we believe in a man's going through
the world trying to find beams to knock his
head against disputing every man's opinions
fighting and elbowing and crowding all who
differ from him. That again is another ex
treme. Other people have a right to their o
pinions so have you don't fall into the error
of supposing they will respect you less for
maintaining it, or respect you more for turning
your coat everyday to match the color of
theirs. Wear your own colors, spite of wind
or weather, storm or sunshine. It costs the
vascillatingand irresolute ten times the trouble
to wind, and shuffle, and twist, that it does
honest, manly independence to stand its
ground. Take what time you please to make
up your mind; but having made it up, stick
to it.
As Mr. Eaton, of Rockport, Ohio, was plow
ing in his field, not long ago, he turned up
the skeletons of three persons. Two of these
had' all double teeth and all sonnd. The
skeletons lay near together, only a loot below
the surface. About a year since, near the
same spot, another was plowed up. The affair
is mysterious, and excites the people among
whom it occurred.
Another Mortara boy affair has disgraced
the order of tho Jesuits. They have seized
upon a youth eleven years old in Rome, made
him join the order, and transfer all his proper
ty, which was very large, to the fraternity,
and the Pope refuses to do justice to the
frantic mother.
" Perhaps Brother Johnathan does carry
his hands in his pockets," said a drawling
Yankee in dispute with an Englishman, " but
the difference between him and John Bull is,
that Brother Jonathan has his hands in his
own pockets, while John Bull has bis in some
bodv else's." , - : r .' . - r -. ;..-
'' According to Dr Forbes " Winslow, there
are in London 16,000 children trained to crime ;
5,000 receivers of stolen goods ; 15,000 gam
blers; 25,000 beggars;' 30,000 drunkards;
180,000 habitual gin-drinkers ; 1 50,000 persons
subsisting on profligacy ; 50,000 thieves.
A boy being praised for his quickness of ro
ply, a gentleman observed: " When children
are so very keen, they generally become stupid
as they advance in years." . The lad immedi
ately replied : " What a very, keen boy you
must have been." '. ' , " '.; " I.
Acnt E was trying to persuade little Eddy
to retire at ; sundown, using as an argument
mill, me lime cuicKeaa wcuk w luuan ai hhi
time. "Yes,' says Eddy ; but the old hen
goes witn tueni." Aunty triea no arguments
with hiin. , - : , ;
We ought not. to judge a man, by his great
qualities, but by the use he makes of them.
Tbe Republicans of Maryland who are far
more select than numerous in that State, un
dertook to hold a Convention in Baltimore, on
tho 25th April, to appoint Delegates to Chi
cago. The event appears to have excited the
indignation of that respectable class of folks,
of whom Baltimore is so prolific, generally
called ,"the Roughs," and with that respect
for the fights of others and for their own free
dom so characteristic of tho class, they de
termined that "the Black Republicans." should
not have a good time in their dominion, but
that they "would put them through." Accor
dingly, under the lead of Ras. Levy, their
chief, they appeared, at tho place of meeting,
upset the President's table, knocked several
of the Republicans down, and tore up their
papers and documents. The Convention rath
er hastily adjourned, and had a by no means
complimentary escort along the streets, being
compelled to hurry their steps a good deal by
their attentive friends, and being refused the
use of the Hall in the afternoon, met at a prir
vate office, and completed their list of dele
gates with Francis P. Blair and Judge William
L. Marshall at their head. We note these
transactions as evidence of Southern respect
for freedom of opirion and of speech. Hero
are a set ot men, who in the exercise of. legal
and constitutional rights, recognized and ad
mitted in every parchment which has profess
ed to set out the fundamental civil and politi
cal privileges of freemen since the day of tho
date of the Declaration of Independence
peaceably assemble, with no sedition purpose,
but simply to co-operate in measures intended
to prevent the extension of slavery, which
they believo to be a curse,over free soil. And
yet they are mobbed, beaten, pursued and
dispersed by a set of fellows who richly do
servo the penitentiary, if not the gallows
who have been at once the terror and disgrace
of the city which bears with them and these
exploits are looked upon with complacency by
"the solid men" of Baltimore, engaged in
"the cotton trade and sugar line," and. sore
footed on the score of their business with tho
South! The papers, such as the Sun, which
have been loudly protesting against the "blood
tubs," 'plug uglies" and all that genua, nd
have not ceased their efforts ntil they hav
substituted one set of political rowdiea lor
another, calling that reform which was. mere
ly a change for partizan purposes, after faintly
protesting against the violence of the rowdy
mob on the 26th, set in with much, greater
gusto to denounce and find fault with, the Re
publicans for daring to meet at Baltimore at
all. They evidently consider that Levy and
his "roughs" did a good work, and while for
shame's sake assuming a thin veil of respect
for propriety, still are disposed to pat them on
the back forheir valorous achievement iu the
cause of democracy and slavery I
"I Dos t Care if I no." In olden time, before
the Maine laws were invented. Wing kept the Fl
tel sit Middle Granville, anT from his well stocked
bar furnished "accommodation to man and beast."
He was a good landlord, but terribly deaf. Fiph,
the village painter, was afflicted in the same way.
One day they were sitting by themselves in the
bar-room. Wing was behind the counter waiting
for the next customer; while Fish was lounging
before the fire with a thirsty look, casting sheep'
eyes occasionally at Wing's, decanters, and. wish
ing devoutly that eeinobody would come in and
treat. A traveler from the South, on his way to
Brandon, stepped in to inquire the distance. Go
ing np to the counter he said :
"Can you tell me. sir, how far it is to Brandon ?"
'Brandy !"' gays the ready landlord, jumping up,
"yes. sir, I think I have some," at the same timo
handing down a decanter of the precious 1 iquid.
"You misunderstand me." says the stranger ;
I asked how far it was to Brandon ?"
They call it pretty good brandy," says Wing ;
"will you take sugar with it ?" reaching, as. ho
epoke, for the bowl and todJvftick.
The despairing traveler turned to Fish.
"The landlord," said he, "seems to bo deaf; will
you tell me how far it is to. Brandon V
"Thank you," said Fish, 'I don't earc if. I do,
take a drink with you !"
The stranger treated and fled.
Is the Woklu a Mistake ? One of the aadVtest
mistakes which the good people have made. is. hi
supposing the world tc be a mistake To, t&eso
people and their number is not small the aaxth
is but a theatre of pain and sickness, sorrow and
death. Joy is illusive, pleasure a cheat, la-ughter
a mockery, and happiness a thing impossible, and
not even to bo looked for on this side of the grave..
The performance of all duty is the "taking up' of
what they call "a cross." They are actually afraid,
to be happy, under an overshadowing imj'res&ioil.
that they have no right to be happy in tbis life.
They believs there is something. inU'.insica.lly bad
in the world that they inhabit and in aJI the joy
that proceeds from it. They have an idea that
tbe moral evil which afliieta the-human race ha
"struck in." To them life is a trial severe ua- .
relenting, perpetual. All that seems, good, aodX'
graceful and glorious in tie world, is a. hollow
Fljain, f, r the deception of tho y,nwaryand theru
in of the unwise.
About three months ago, a young woman, wn.
married in New York city. Go'ng with hw hus
band to Philadelphia on a wedding trip, he pawn-,
ed or sold all her clothes, except a single suit..
They then extended their tour to Bostou ; thee
the rapacious man sold his wife's last female gar
ment, and compelled her to put on male attire. It
is not considered the tbi in the last named ciljt
for women to appear as men. and she wits a.rnesiut
as soon as she showed herself in the street. Itwai
through this arrest that th estrange story came oui..
On Monday, April 30th, a building in Otagv
N. J.. oecnpied by Jonathan Hobs, was destroyed
by fire, and, horrible to relate, Mrs. Hobs and bar
three children perished in the flumes, ajidaaoUiar
child, 10 years of age, the daughter of Patrick
Burke, was so badly burned that she died in, about
two hours after. - Hobs used the lower story of the.
building as a blacksmith shop, and it u said, that
he set fire to a pile of shavings near the doorway,
and then locked the door and ran away.. Oflicar
were at once dispatched in pursuit of him-
The gay Zonave, De Riviere, whoe name j'.J?
this time a household word in several amUi.
has become pious, made overtures to his. lawful
wife in Brussels, Europe, and immured himself in,
a Philadelphia monastery, there to stay during a,
year of probation, fixed by her. Sbe purpose. to.
spend a twelvemonth in a convent, then to return,
to his bosom. She is a wise woman, and, does welL
to accustom herself to mortification befpro renew--.
ing her relations with the too gallant oaptpin.
Rochester, N. Y., Is a cheerful city for an cvoa
ing promenade. A gentleman ajad. his wife
walking quietly along on Sunday night, when, a
piece of wood was flung at the lady. The husb&niV.
turned about to expostulate, and was immediaio.tyv
pounded nearly to death by the "roughs." :
The friends of General Sam Houston assemblM
at the battle-field of San Jacinto, on the 21st of
Inrll anrl tlisH nmnimlMl "ThaGld Hero" fO
the Presidency. The meeting was large.